Wonder did you watch Diane Abbott on with Andrew Marr yesterday? If this was Labour’s idea of damage limitation it didn’t exactly work out and I felt that Marr did a decent job in challenging her evasive answers. Thoughts?
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Diane Abbot said it was just about a dozen in the Labour Party who had said such offensive things. However, it does seem that more of Jeremy’s supporters are being outed.
Guido draws attention to another friend of Corbyn Ilyas Aziz, who supports the resettlement idea, and also refers to Jews as ‘filth’, and mentions Jews taking blood from Gaza. The Nazi essence of Labour is being uncovered bit by bit.
Ilyas Azis, Labour politician shares this post with Muslim Youth. There you are. See the Muslim connection Mr Marr.
Two hours after Guido posted about Ilyas Aziz, he was suspended from Labour.
And now another re-locater of Israelis is outed by Guido. Salim Mulla outed. Also posted a video blaming the Israeli’s for the Sandy Hook shooting. Why are Labour putting these politicians up for election?
Any more questions Mr Marr?
I must have missed the report from the Labour Conference where re-location was accepted as Party Policy.
Well done Guido – despite thousands poured into it the BBC are not keeping abreast of the news.
Half a dozen bloggers keep scooping a £4Bpa, 20,000 strong ‘news’ organisation over and over again.
It’s like they don’t got looking because they are afraid of what they will find.
Not exactly the editorial integrity one might expect from an envy of the world.
And yet another Labour Councillor outed and suspended: I wonder if there is anything linking them like origins, ethnicity, religion or something?
Soon there will be no Mus!im Labour Councillors left standing:
“Soon there will be no Mus!im Labour Councillors left standing”
Where are the police?
Why have there been no arrests?
More to the point, Muslims have no place in a Judeao-Christian society. They do not fit in with the mores of society. Are the cause of huge disarray and mistrust within society. They are also responsible for terrorism, and the ensuing deaths and injuries. Their females are a blot on the public space and eye.
Moreover, apart from jobs in the public sector or media, given to them, they are unemployed or unemployable.
Muslims should therefore be relocated back to Islamic countries, in exchange for Christians being persecuted and murdered in Muslim countries. Fair is fair.
As for glorying in the blood of Infidels, Muslims have no equal.
Muslims have to hate Jews as the koran, sira & hadiths are full of Jew hatred. Genocide of Jews, is what Muhammad did, and he was the perfect man, the man every believer must emulate.
So why all this hatred of Muslims, when all they are doing is to practice their faith? Why are they being forced to recant the central tenets of their faith, and the example of Mohammed – the perfect man, in a tolerant society?
Either we accept Muslims in Britain as people who follow Islam, and thus allow them to practice their faith as they see it. Or we don’t allow Muslims to live in Britain.
We cant have it both ways.
“Either we accept Muslims in Britain as people who follow Islam, and thus allow them to practice their faith as they see it. Or we don’t allow Muslims to live in Britain”
And that sums up the problem the entire world must understand and at some point deal with. Great statement NCBBC. Anyone saying that there are ‘moderate Muslims’ or saying ‘the vast majority of Muslims’ are simply lying, delusional or have no idea what Islam is and always will be. Muhammad the rapist butcherer created an instruction that can never change and in fact has mechanisms in place to violently protect the very words he wrote. The question should be “are Muslims prepared to denounce their Prophet Muhammad and Allah himself for the good of the host country they are living in. Clearly this is a ridiculous statement as societies change and Allah is eternal.
Muslims are not allowed to coexist with the infidels. Its conversation and domination. Muslims must live by the laws set out by Muhammad and as soon as the Kafir come into conflict with those instructions it’s all out war. It has its own word for christ sake! Jihad.
Islam at best is a dormant virus that is deadly and ready to take over everything when unchecked. At worst….. Ask the Yazidis
Arthur Scargill gave a speech in Manchester yesterday. Why anyone would give this Communist who wrecked his own industry, destroying the jobs of his members while viewing them as canon fodder any credence is anyones guess!
The Manchester Evening Lies however, always as far Left as it’s possible to go, is always prepared to accept any Left wing idiocy, no matter who utters it.
Scargill attacked Corbyn in his speech, claiming that his current problems originate from his 180 degree turn around on EU membership. He claimed that Corbyn came to the leadership on the premise of Brexit, and that other Labour members now see him as badly wounded.
“Mr Scargill then took aim at Mr Corbyn, ‘a friend for 20-odd years’, criticising him for supporting Britain’s continued EU membership.
“Nothing prepared me for Jeremy Corbyn saying that Britain should stay in the EU,” he added.
“I am disgusted in the way he has come out in favour of Britain remaining a member.
“He was elected as party leader on a programme that was committed to coming out of Europe.
“It’s time we recognised decisions like this represent the ultimate betrayal.
“And it’s one of the reasons why people who want to attack Jeremy and undermine him are having a field day.
“If he had said ‘we will come out of the EU and go back into the world’, he would have had support from all sections of Labour and trade union movement.”
Mr Scargill said the Labour leader should also have ‘stood firm’ over the scrapping of Trident – and pledged to use the cash saved to prop up the NHS – instead of ‘compromising’.
The M.E.N have contacted Jeremy Corbyn’s office and are awaiting a response
With friends like Arthur, you don’t need enemies !
Bloody hell. Does that mean that, as a UKIP supporter who wants OUT of the EUSSR, I now have to side with Scargill?
He’s undergine a ‘road to Damascus’ .
He’s undergone a ‘road to Damascus’ .
Marr did not too badly, but like so many on the liberal left, he believes that there is a moral distinction between anti semitism and anti -Zionism and this allows rabid anti-semites to camouflages their views as anti Zionism rather than anti semitism. To make matters worse the liberal left , notably the BBC and the Guardian , cannot distinguish between criticism of Israeli government, which is of course entirely legitimate , and views which are anti Zionist and therefore well on the way towards antisemitism. This toleration of anti semitism and anti Zionism dressed up as legitimate criticism of Israeli policy , by Labour and their media chums , has allowed the likes of Corbyn to befriend Hamas et al so creating a fertile manure heap in which all sorts of anti semites can thrive in the UK. I’m sure that if you are a Muslim viewing the BBC day in day out you believe that antisemitism is widely accepted and practised across the whole of UK. Indeed it has become ‘fashionable’ amongst’ the chattering classes to hold anti Israeli views and applaud the Palestinian extremists . A couple of years ago an otherwise sensible middle aged chap said that he thought the Israeli response to rocket attacks was over the top. I replied that if some group was firing rockets at British cities and killing civilians , I would demand that the UK government took them out immediately and if that cost some civilian lives amongst their hosts so be it. He didn’t speak to me much after that.
Martin Luther King knew perfect;y well that anti-semitism would disguise itself as anti-Zionism
“Israel’s right to exist as a state in security is incontestable.”
“When people criticize Zionists they mean Jews, you are talking anti-Semitism,”
“I can say with absolute certainty that Martin abhorred anti-Semitism in all its forms, including anti-Zionism,”—Clarence B. Jones, personal attorney and close adviser to Martin Luther King Jr.
“Martin… warned repeatedly that anti-Semitism would soon be disguised as anti-Zionism.”—Clarence B. Jones, personal attorney and close adviser to Martin Luther King Jr.
“Peace for Israel means security, and we must stand with all our might to protect its right to exist, its territorial integrity. I see Israel as one of the great outposts of democracy in the world, and a marvelous example of what can be done, how desert land can be transformed into an oasis of brotherhood and democracy. Peace for Israel means security and that security must be a reality.”
Can Muslims tell us in which Muslim country Jews, Christians or Hindus, can live in peace and practice their faith without being persecuted or murdered?
Muslims really have no place in a non-Muslim society, as they are obliged by Islam to turn a civilised society into an Islamic hell hole.
I don’t agree that the white man hating Diane had a decent going over from ol’ useless. Anti-white Abbot is a lying, bigoted weirdo, who is actively trying to destroy the heritage and proud cultures of the white man so she should have been held to account for what is a clear and encouraged hatred towards a group of people within the Al Labour party. The treatment of Jews is GENUINE racism.
Diane clearly hates everything about white people and blames us for all of her (infinite) inadequacies. Marr should have exposed her for the lying, conniving hypocritic she is…but failed. The woman should have been destroyed as a person of influence and never seen or heard from again, and that was an opportunity. It was piss poor again from the Al Beeb
If Marr failed it was because he did not want to succeed. The BBC would have ripped her politically polar opposite to pieces. Red Andy needs to go back into the toy box. He’s made of rag.
Diane clearly hates everything about white people .
That just is not true. She loves White public schools for her children. She loves White universities for herself and her children. She loves to be an MP in an English parliament.
Thus apart from her words, her actions indicate that she loves White society. And we all know that actions speak louder etc
I thought Dina Abbot, on the Andrew Marr show and Ken Livingston on just about everything over the weekend, were absolutely brilliant.
Naz Shah had actually, (eventually!!!!) delivered a worthwhile apology which people accepted. Yes, I know we can challenge her genuine sentiments, but never the less she had put the matter to bed.
But thanks to the publicity junkie Ken, (Hitler was a Zionist) Livingston and the intellectually challenged Diane Abbot the story has been kept in the news. And quite right too. I had the impression the BBC were, for some reason, in a hurry to move it from centre place.
Keep giving these nutters airtime please.
Agree entirely.
Only hope Stoke Newingtons/Stamford Hill Jewish voters will use their clout to get this Corbyn saddle bag deselected.
The more we hear from the creepy left, the better for us…plenty kids will surely be looking up Ken as one of Ickes Illuminati Lizards, as long as he keeps appearing..should run with this circus now until July, they say.
McLusky referred to the mustard gas over the primeval swamps of Judenfreitown as “mood music”…imagine his ilk tootling on the recorder as the kiddies either followed Sir Nick Winton onto the Kindertransport…or were seduced by the paedo lefties onto the kinder transport that lulled the poor sods straight to Oswiecim Central.
Never again-we mean it.
For once I disagree with you.
Why would I like to see competent socialist in place of Corbyn?
I hope that Corbyn will continue to be leader of Labour till such time as a competent non-socialist party alternative to the Tories is in place.
Good point NCBBC.
Just returned from a “Remain” meeting-led by Labour MEPs and their party, Greens, Lib Dems and the kind of Tories you could imagine.
Incredibly thick beehive types-boos for Boris/Mail/Farage etc…and absolutely NO mention of the former principled Left position for leaving the EU, as set out by Benn, Crow, Foot or Shore to name only four.
No recollection of Kinnock and his Commission of 99, Mandelson, Ashton, Lisbon and who signed off on it.
The Left have truly got amnesia and are to be rolled up in a Persian carpet alongside Jenkins, Clegg and Heseltine.
It was the utter lack of history, principle or even political nous that bothered me-all we saw were public sector shills, church mice, quangos and retired hippies.
So NCBBC-whether Labour gets a “socialist” or not-they are banrupt of ideas, devoid of any purpose and might as well snuff themselves out with a Guardian whilst getting their opinions from Andy Hamilton or Charlotte Church.
Completely unelectable-Jew hating, halal-compliant , thick dopes who are either “for ” Derek Batey…or “for” Dave Gahan.
Not a working class chappie in sight-just a feather bedded elite, who`ve never left the classroom or council office-welfare winnies or dole dollopers…and no matter how shit the useless Tories are-Gove alone has more principle and intellect than that whole Labour movement, as far as I could tell.
Abbott’s favourite phrase seems to be “Andrew, Andrew, Andrew”. She used it with Marr, and she has also used it with Andrew Neil. Presumably she uses it to give herself time to think of the next bit of nonsense to be pronounced.
Abbott’s favourite phrase seems to be “Andrew, Andrew, Andrew”.
I was of the belief it was” Jeremy,Jeremy,Jeremy.” Well he was slipping her a length.
Wilson did it with his pipe. I-am Fat-bot does it because she is a patronizing, hypocritical monster…oh and a racist.
…Still £300+ and car to and from the studio.
PS Two more Labour councillors suspended…Its just a smear isn’t it Diane.
The story about her and Jeremy isn’t strictly true. He didn’t have sex with her but he did photograph her naked. What really happened was he asked her to lie in the corner with her legs apart.
She did as he asked and all he did was stand there with a camera. After a while she asked what was he doing? He replied “I’ve bought a brown leather sofa and I wondered if it would look ok with pink cushions”.
It is written on the ceiling of BBC studios above her supporting structure as a prompt. Apparently.
3 labour councillors suspended these past 5 hours (now just before 5pm) for their Anti-Semitic view and the bBC reports…..Nothing. Here is what the bBC doesn’t want you to know by claiming that these incidents of AS are simply smears . More like sneers at anybody who doesn’t follow a moon god.
Ah the bBC have got round to reporting the suspension of 2 (not 3) Labour councillors.
Labour suspends councillors over ‘relocate Israel’ comments
But for some very strange reason these vile racist bigots are reported as somehow…victims:
Mr Aziz said he did not write the 2014 post,
Among posts on Mr Aziz’s account, highlighted on the Guido Fawkes website, was a comment stating: “Jews and Muslims lived together in the Middle East, in peace pre 1948.
Nothing about how by 1948, nearly every Jew in the neighbourhood had been deported or killed bBC?
Blackburn with Darwen councillor Mr Mulla, reportedly described “Zionist Jews” as a “disgrace to humanity” in a social media post.

What do you mean reportedly bBC here’s the actual tweet:
But for some reason the bBC leave out these much more disturbing ones:

Instead the bBC allow a racist bigot to come out with this:
Mr Aziz said politicians needed to be careful when commenting on the Middle East, but added: “The thing you have got to try and appreciate is that if a particular government – whether it’s the Israeli government, whether it’s the British government – if the government is actually doing something wrong they should be criticised.
Here’s a little something else the bBC hasn’t reported about former Mayor Salim Mulla:
Lancashire Council of Mosques chair on £9k benefit theft charge
Mulla is also leading the attack on the Blackburn branch of Nandos for not being Halal enough!
The double standards shown by the Al mujahideen Beeb are horrific! Why no probing questions as to why UK councilors are so hostile to a sovereign state and all the same state??!! The illusion of Islam being peaceful, tolerant and integrated into our society (stop sniggering at the back) will be blown to hellfire if they did their fucking job and asked that simple question!! Muslims are only integrated with other Muslims. Showing compassion for or helping the infidel doesn’t send them to paradise. Its a warped, blood thirsty, death cult created by a maniac to keep butchers and rapists under control and eventually bring the entire world to its submission!
Ask the questions you are required by law to ask you devious, lying, traitorous scumbags!!
Diane Abbot can’t say anti-Semitic and always pronounces it ‘anti-Semetic’, to rhyme with ’emetic’, which is how I feel whenever I see her.
Shami’s inquiry washes whiter than white and will not find an anti semite.
Well, I never was much of a poet.
But the second in command of the Labour inquiry into all forms of racism, anti anything and Islamophobia is a man who is associated with a group that sees the charge of anti semitiism as without foundation.
Predicted BBC headline ‘No anti semitism in Labour’…. followed by ‘contributor of a report says there is no….’
Yes, and Conservative Woman isn’t exactly full of hope, either.
Good article GC isn`t it?
So how come we never hear such things verbalised on the mainstream media then?
“…received secular beautification in the media”
So, all good, especially with one, known for its vast experience with the inevitably satisfactory outcomes of inquiring into itself.
Sham? shouldn’t that be a ‘Shami’.
I wrote yesterday about the Marr interview but didn’t post it in the end. I thought that Marr did quite well against the insufferably condescending Abbott, but I added that he ultimately let them off the hook and better research would probably have been able to challenge the only 12 incidents claim. I see from Breitbart that 50 members have been suspended in the last two months.