The BBC seems determined to play down the role Corbyn has in the entry of people with extreme views into positions of power in the Labour Party and his lack of enthusiasm for tackling the anti-Semites.
The BBC has finally caught up with events as Labour suspends various members, all Muslim, for their views about Israel but although finally printing the story it gives excuse upon excuse for Corbyn.
The first line in this report is this quote from an MP which is interpreted as evidence of a plot against Corbyn…. the headline of the report gives away the BBC’s approach...’Anti-Semitism row bolsters Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour foes’.…
“There is a lot more in this anti-Semitism issue – a lot more. And the people we will take out are all close to Corbyn.”
Is that a plot or the justified reaction of Labour MPs to people making extremely racist comments with the expectation that they will be removed from the Party…given that Corbyn himself, and McDonnell, have said as much?
The BBC confirm’s their interpretation of this as a plot to get rid of Corbyn..
There is no suggestion that this particular MP was involved – and equally no suggestion that the shock felt by long standing Labour Party members at anti-Semitic comments by newer recruits is synthetic.
But for those opposed to Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership, the week could hardly have gone better.
No suggestion this MP was involved? Involved in what? Clearly the BBC is suggesting a coup is under way…exploiting anti-Semitism as a lever.
The BBC continues its defence of Corbyn telling us it’s not really much of a problem and that’s why Corbyn is just a bit slow to react…..
There is a consensus that anti-Semitism in the Labour Party is not widespread.
That contributed to Jeremy Corbyn’s unfortunate “crisis? What crisis?,” comments which suggested to some that he wasn’t serious enough about tackling a small but highly toxic problem before it became a big and highly toxic problem.
Ken Livingstone’s remarks on Hitler and Zionism were a bonus.
So much like Islamic terrorism…the beliefs and values that drive anti-Semitism are just held by a tiny minority of people who pervert the real ideology…trouble is that’s not true…as Nick Cohen points out…
The Labour party does not have a “problem with antisemitism” it can isolate and treat, like a patient asking a doctor for a course of antibiotics. The party and much of the wider liberal-left have a chronic condition.
It just appears to me that they face interlocking difficulties that are close to insoluble.
They must first pay the political price of confronting supporters from immigrant communities, which Labour MPs from all wings of the party have failed to do for decades.
While Ken Livingstone was forcing startled historians to explain that Adolf Hitler was not a Zionist, I was in Naz Shah’s Bradford. A politician who wants to win there cannot afford to be reasonable, I discovered. He or she cannot deplore the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and say that the Israelis and Palestinians should have their own states. They have to engage in extremist rhetoric of the “sweep all the Jews out” variety or risk their opponents denouncing them as “Zionists”.
The BBC astonishingly but not unusually prints this nonsense…
‘Not about religion’
Mr Aziz said politicians needed to be careful when commenting on the Middle East, but added: “The thing you have got to try and appreciate is that if a particular government – whether it’s the Israeli government, whether it’s the British government – if the government is actually doing something wrong they should be criticised.
“But not the population itself, it’s got nothing to do with them, it’s got nothing to do with the religion.”
Trouble is it’s all about religion. Why is it that a Pakistani living in the UK is at all concerned about what goes on in the far off Middle East? The only reason is because he is a Muslim and the people he is criticising are Jews…if they were Muslim he wouldn’t give a damn what they did or why they were there….what are his views on Jordan, or Saudi Arabia or Bahrain, or Qatar or Brunei or Malaysia or even Pakistan? Curiously he doesn’t seem to have any views.
Shame the BBC continues to hide the truth. Once again the Guardian asks that difficult question that should be on everyone’s lips…
Hidden among the current controversy on antisemitism is an issue so big and so difficult that it is barely addressed.
How, in diverse societies, is it possible to live peacefully alongside minorities whose views and political commitments we disagree with?
Naturally this being the Guardian the real problem is the Jews, sorry, Zionists…whilst Muslims are ‘too often left to be condemned by prejudiced treatment.’
But this is the big question that needs to be asked. Just don’t expect the BBC to ask it, it’s what they’ve spent years covering up and trying to avoid talking about..hence we get Muslim driving schools and cake bakers to show just ‘how like us’ they all are when the truth is far, far from that in reality….as Nick Cohen told us.
Here’s the kicker…the BBC knows Corbyn’s a wrong’un and yet continues to smooth things over for him…
Pressure is also likely to mount on Jeremy Corbyn to distance himself not just from Ken Livingstone but from his own views.
The BBC itself is very reluctant to tackle Corbyn of his views and his ‘friendship’s’ with terrorists, his employment by the Isamist Iranian Press TV and his gathering together of all the looney-lefties he can drag out of the gutter to form his own little cabal of like-minded fellow travellers around himself.
Even the Guardian has raised doubts about Corbyn…from last August...Why is no one asking about Jeremy Corbyn’s worrying connections?…
Some of the things Corbyn is accused of are, to paraphrase George Orwell, still concerning even if the Daily Mail says so. For one thing, he is the chair of an organisation which a decade ago effectively supported attacks on British troops…. “by whatever means they find necessary, to secure such ends”.
Then there is Corbyn’s apparent proximity to antisemitism. While I genuinely believe that Corbyn does not have an antisemitic bone in his body, he does have a proclivity for sharing platforms with individuals who do; and his excuses for doing so do not stand up.
I believe [this] shows that the Labour party – and the left more generally – no longer takes antisemitism seriously.
As for the inquiry that the BBC keeps telling us that Corbyn has set up…Shami Chakrabarti is employed at the same firm as one Justine Thornton, otherwise known as Mrs Miliband and oh yes. there’s this about this man…Professor David Feldman, director of the Pears Institute for the Study of Anti-Semitism….
The man helping to lead Labour’s inquiry into antisemitism is a named supporter of a group which has dismissed allegations of Jew-hatred in the party as “baseless and disingenuous”.
Prof Feldman is a signatory to Independent Jewish Voices (IJV), a group of Jewish academics who are critical of British Jewish communal institutions.
On Sunday, IJV released a statement which expressed concern “at the proliferation in recent weeks of sweeping allegations of pervasive antisemitism within the Labour Party.”
It added: “Some of these allegations against individuals are, in our view, baseless and disingenuous; in other cases, ill-chosen language has been employed.”
IJV continued: “We are equally concerned, however, by the way in which such accusations are deployed politically – whether by the press, the Conservative Party, opponents of Corbyn’s leadership within Labour, or by those seeking to counter criticism of the actions of the Israeli government. The current climate is quickly coming to resemble a witch-hunt, in which statements and associations, some going back years, are being put under the microscope.”
IJV went on to express “dismay” that “anti-Arab racism or Islamophobia” were not receiving the same attention.
Doesn’t really fill you with confidence that the inquiry will be at all rigorous in taking Labour to task. Someone needs to, but it won’t be the BBC until someone like Guido does the spade work and forces the BBC to start reporting the bad news. Why is it that it is a relatively small blog on the internet that is making the running with the news and not the massively resourced BBC? Could it be that the BBC just isn’t interested in finding out about what’s in Corbyn’s closet? This is the BBC that trawls social media to find the ‘dirt’ on Israel or video of racists abusing blacks or Muslims but when it comes to anti-Semites they suddenly are not interested. How odd.
Andrew Marr, whilst interviewing Mark Regev on Sunday, stated………”There can’t be a single person in the country who thinks Jeremy Corbyn is anti-Semitic”
Thanks for speaking for me Andrew, only problem is, you got my views wrong, I believe he is very definitely anti-Semitic and very definitely an apologist for Islamic extremism.
Never mind, your employer is happy with you.
I’d qualify that observation. I’d say Corbyn is definitely anti-Semitic – but only towards those Jews who don’t subscribe to his imbecilic far-left views.
Certainly clarification on such an assertion seems worth asking of CECUTT.
Once their Touretttes meds have kicked in again to avoid risk of expediting, as those most concerned with substantiation of claims, maybe the resident Flokkers will share how their efforts in this regard fare?
Agreed. Let’s apply labour’s logic of who is, or is not, an anti-Semitic Nazi, as labour supporters have often applied it to UKIP. If one supports in any way, shape or form, for any dubious, rational, irrational, pragmatic or any other reason, anyone who has, at anytime, expressed any sympathy for Nazism, then they are indeed Nazis who have engaged in utterly unnacaptable, disgusting and inhumane racism of the worst kind, and should really be arrested.
Labour were screaming about UKIP being Nazis only after the last EU Parliament elections, when Farage had to accept one MEP who, long ago, but no longer supported anti-Semitism in the past, in order to qualify to run one of the Paliamentary groups.
Labour’s leadership have openly supported HAMAS, Hezbollah and other Islamic terrorist organisations who have, in turn, often openly called for a return of Hitler and the completion of the NAZI final solution.
According to such left wing logic, that has Corbyn et al bang to rights as fully fledged NAZI sympathisers. Hang them!
Superb post Alan.
This is nothing to do with political leaning or agenda. It’s a journalists duty and responsibility to the public to give them the facts of all the events they report especially those of such importance as this and ask ALL questions required to get those facts. This is meant to be the BBC for christ sake, who are supposedly free from interference and are from a position of impartiality so that they can ask ALL questions. Its utter bullshit!
The questions that need answering are these:
1: Why is Israel alone in the middle east being picked out for such a shamefully unsympathetic and deeply hostile critique of its policies when it’s the only democratic state? (because this question has been islamised for decades and has now seeped into political thinking)
2: Why, when there are so many middle eastern Islamic states banning, terrorising, persecuting and even carrying out ethic cleansing on minorities, are Israel alone aggressively demanded and judged to act in a way none of those Islamic countries would do?
3: Why alone are Israel being condemned for an occupation of land belonging to others when Pakistan and Bangladesh (whos hypocritical members of those communities are some of the most hostile to Israel) have and are still doing the same?
4: Why are ALL Muslims in a communities from over the world so fanatical about their love and protection of Palestinians and so fanatical about the utter destruction of Israel and the Jews? Why such a personal interest in a conflict so far away and so detached from 99% of Muslims lives?
The answer to each and every one of these questions is Islam. Is because Islam compells Muslims to fight together to protect Islamic interests. Is because Islam compells it’s brothers and sisters to undertake jihad to protect those interests. Its because Islam compells Muslims to dominate, convert, invade, subject all infidels to Allahs will. That there is only one religion. One instruction. To Islam what is happening in Israel is a test from Allah for Muslims to prove their faith.
That’s why those questions won’t be asked. That’s why every event carried out in the name of Islam (so said by the Muslims who carried them out, not me) is ignored, brushed over or pushed into the fantasist lefts narrative which is making everything so much worse
“4: Why are ALL Muslims in a communities from over the world so fanatical about their love and protection of Palestinians and so fanatical about the utter destruction of Israel and the Jews? ” – Yet they do not care enough for their Islamic brethren in “Palestine” to allow them into their own countries as refugees. Their ONLY answer is the destruction of Israel. It is NOT about helping Palestinians.
Good spot if you have seen BBC cover the three councillors -Ive not seen anything on BBC TV or radio
Fine post, Alan. Seems that Corbyn has failed miserably in his attempts to transform Labour into a party that unashamedly embraces Islamic terrorists, loathes Israel/Jews and despises Western civilisation. Those in the party who share his ideology will probably have to split and form their own Labour-heavy (if such a term can be used as the opposite of Labour-light) party. If they do so, will Corbyn follow them? He has demonstrated conclusively that he is no leader so his choice will be to follow them out or remain in as a fumbling, bumbling, hypocritical, mealy-mouthed ideologue, frustrated by his inability to influence people and alter the course of events in the slightest.
What’s a likely name for this new party, in the event that it is formed? The Britain Last Party?
A colleague on the Open Thread has stocked up with popcorn to watch unfolding events for the next week or so. I think I’ll do the same.
“Welcome to every BBC programme there is, Paul Flynn. So, for the benefit of our viewers, what is your expert view on the truth behind this right wing conspiracy driven by the Murdoch media?”
Hmmmmmmmmm, Just heard Andrew Marr mentioning in his interview with Mark Regev that Seumas Milne is against the existence of Israel:
This raises two obvious questions: Is Milne still ‘director of communications’ – in other words spin doctor – for Jeremy Corbyn? And if so, why has Corbyn not suspended him?
Well, perhaps he was just quietly shunted aside as Corbyn belatedly realised that Milne would not be good for Labour’s image.
Such an incestuous lot, these far lefties.
Shami Chakrabatty is tasked to investigate anti semitism in the Labour Party. The BBC will be on standby to deliver her conclusions that apart from handful of Labour supporters who have mistakenly made antisemitic comments the party is strongly committed to rooting out Islamophobia and if elected will make any form of Islamophobia illegal.
You see Shami has two basic principles governing the inquiry.
1. That RoPers are always victims of racism and hate speech.
2. That those spreading hate speech are white and far right.
As Labour is left, it cannot be blamed for anti semitism but it must double its efforts to combat Islamophobia.
Conservative Woman has Chakrabarti pretty well summed-up in respect of this appointment, as I remarked yesterday:
The fact that the organisation she led, ‘Liberty’, was once the home of prominent Labour politicians (Harman, Hewitt and Dromey) during the NCCL paedophile scandal, and played such a supine role in those revelations, more or less disqualifies her from being regarded as anything other than yet another Labour windbag.
“How, in diverse societies, is it possible to live peacefully alongside minorities whose views and political commitments we disagree with?”
A good question from the Guardian, and one which, ideologically, they cannot answer, because the truth is, it is not possible to live peacefully with people who oppose everything our society stands for.
By a combination of stupidity (the Conservatives) and malice (Labour) we have taken a stable and coherent society, and rent it asunder. We have imported people by the million who do not share our beliefs and values, and whose holy book enjoins them to conquer and enslave the unbeliever. And what, we are expected to believe that this ends happily? I don’t think so.
WOW! Rob in Cheshire, thank you for that incredibly succinct summary of the entire islamist problem in the West in general, and the UK in particular. I would have taken 5,000 words to write what you have summed up so well in 3 short paragraphs.
Thank you kind sir.
Dear Rob
Here is a little conundrum for libs.
Why all this hatred of Muslims, when all they are doing is to practice their faith by hating Jews? Why are they being forced to recant the central tenets of their faith, and the example of Mohammed. He hated Jews– the perfect man, in a tolerant society?
Either Libs accept Muslims in Britain as people who follow Islam, and thus allow them to practice their faith as they see it. Which mean killing Jews and Christians. Or don’t allow Muslims to live in Britain.
One cant have it both ways.
That is surely correct. How can we allow millions of muslims to settle in Britain, and yet expect them to abandon a central tenet of their faith? This is a problem for which leftists have no solution, and sadly for the rest of us, this is now a problem for which our society has no solution.
Comrade Corbyn’s enquiry will be a sham, no more than a damage limitation exercise to protect the party. We learn that Shami Chakrabarti’s inquiry will focus on not just on anti-Semitism in the Labour party, but on society as a whole and include Islamophobia and all forms of racism. Deflection and dilution to get them off the hook. What a surprise.
But where is the BBC in all this? Desperately trying to play the whole thing down. Never Have I felt so much contempt for this shabby, corrupt excuse for a broadcaster.
This is because the BBC is as overtly racist as the labour party. They also consider understandable, rational and entirely justified concern about Islamic terrorism, Islamic homophobia, Islamic mysogyny and Islamic child abuse to be a worse crime than the deranged hatred of Jews and white people which labour routinely engages in.
They falsely label such concerns about Islamist supremacism, Jihad and the cause to tuen the west into an extremely authoritarian Islamic monoculture, as a phobia. A phobia is an extreme irrational fear. Justified concerns about the Islamification of the West, is rational, logical common sense.
This RoPer Councillor uses the ‘taken out of context’ defence, but more seriously is his argument that he was commenting on the news coming out of Gaza at the time of the conflict.
And who distorted that news on every occasion, who put the blame on the IDS? Who singled out and highlighted photos of injured children – even pictures from another war – to turn opinion against israel, and who complained that not enough Israelis were being killed?
Yes. The every reliable anti Jew BBC.
And remember the HYS comments where Israel was compared to Nazis and rejections of this view were removed by the BBC moderators.
The BBC presented news of the Gaza conflict in such a way that it was considered normal to compare Israel with Nazi occupation.
link to Guido and the interview with a suspended Muslim Councillor
Agree. The BBC has been unashamedly pro Islam/anti Israel for the past 20 years or more and has moulded public opinion such that anti semitic views are now ‘acceptable’. It has given the nod to the likes of Corbyn and to Muslim extremists. It has campaigned relentlessly and dishonestly for mass immigration, multiculturalism and moral relativism. The BBC is getting exactly what it has campaigned for and it has so undermined British values that we may well be unable to resist the Islamisation of our country that is now well underway. I am sure that the BBC has done more damage to this country than any other institution in history . Without the connivance and support of the BBC, New Labour would never have been able to get away with its barmy policies of mass immigration/multiculturalism and the Muslim population of the UK would be much smaller and probably much more ready to integrate and be more amenable to Western values.
The labour party has been inherantly racist for many years. Openly and proudly racist, yet in denial as to the kind of racism. Alongside the increasing anti-Semitism which is prevalent amongst those who fully support NAZI sympethising HAMAS terrorists, there is a long standing support for overt racial discrimination within labour policy itself. They are so proud of this prejudicial racial discrimination that they even have the nerve to openly call it “positive” discrimination.
This is as far from the equality affirming dream of Dr Martin Luthor King Jnr as is support for racist “whites only” cards in guesthouses. In labour constituencies we are seeing “Muslim Only” cards in guesthouses, without a word of condemnation from labour politicians… We see the BBC also having such racist policies in it’s recruitment as it advertises openly for “non-whites”. This is a disgusting appeasement of racial prejudice, Our immigration policy imports hundreds of thousands of racists, and their racism is appeased as it is “cultural”. This should never be acceptable.
Racism is endemic in left wing politics and it NEEDS to be tackled and defeated as successfully as the anti-black racism pre 1970s.
With acknowledgements to Mel Brooks, The Producers
I see that faster than an Allah ackba, the bBC is upto its old tricks of reinventing racist bigots as:
A Lancashire councillor has claimed he is the victim of a “witch hunt” after being suspended from the Labour Party over his comments about Israel.
And somehow defending justice:
“What I was merely stating is that what the state of Israel is doing within Gaza can be made comparable to what happened to the European Jews in World War Two.
So to that end, would anybody like to tell me how would the bBC react if I asked this Pakistani racist bigot what he thought about:

Pakistani rapists in the UK
Pakistani Honour killings in the Uk
Pakistani suicide bombers in the UK.
You can bet your bottom Dinah, that you would be classed as a racist, ostracised and picked up by the old bill. Hang on the latter part is fact
So a man who tweeted about asking a Muslim woman to explain the terrorist attack in Brussels is vilified by the bBC and arrested by the PC thought police, yet a Pakistani racist bigot who did exactly the same with a Jew, is made to look a hero and also a victim. Yup that tells me all I want to know about the traitors within our midst who are more than happy to swallow what their Mullah upzips
Pounce – things in this country seem to be going the same way as Sweden if something is not done soon
A Danish journalist Jeppe Juhl recently made two very good points when talking about the tragedy of Sweden. He said that ” a countries treatment of their Jewish minority has always been a very safe litmus of how things stand” and also the politicians are so fixated on dealing with old style fascists that they are completely blind to the violent new fascist they are currently importing into their country.
Never mind antisemitism in a major political party lets talk about Leicester City instead – move along!
If you add into the mix a state broadcaster who is more than willing to collude, water down and cover up violence committed by these “imports” it would seem that we are definitely sleepwalking into disaster.
In addition there are a few very vocal and dangerously misguided apologists for these policies (we see their type here ) who the BBC are always more than willing to give a platform to. Unfortunately those (such as Farage ) who are unafraid to voice their concerns are dealt with swiftly, initially by shouting them down as waycists etc and if this doesnt work by sidelining them. It is interesting that the one politician who is most responsible for the upcoming EU election and is unafraid to tell the truth about migration has had very little coverage.
I am afraid that in effect the BBC has become a political party in its own right. And with its normal breathtaking arrogance considers itself the main moral arbiter in all controversial issues and is more than willing to act as if “people are the sheep and the TV is the shepherd”
I so bloody hate these manipulative traitors and all their works!!!!!
“A Danish journalist Jeppe Juhl recently made two very good points when talking about the tragedy of Sweden. He said that ” a countries treatment of their Jewish minority has always been a very safe litmus of how things stand”…”
Jeppe Juhl? Spokesman for the Jewish community in Denmark, Jeppe Juhl? Well, I am truly shocked, and schooled.
I kid, I kid. 😉
But any chance for a Dane to have a dig at Sweden. No love lost there.
You are probably right DDD however their geographical closeness must surely give the Danes some legitimate concerns. As we have seen in Europe the more you have there = the more you are going to have there and they do not respect borders only their own objectives.
You’re absolutely right, of course. I would think the Danes are understandably very, very tense about it. I was just making a wee joke. I love the Danes, and would hate to see them suffer.
“A Danish journalist Jeppe Juhl recently made two very good points when talking about the tragedy of Sweden. He said that ” a countries treatment of their Jewish minority has always been a very safe litmus of how things stand” and also the politicians are so fixated on dealing with old style fascists that they are completely blind to the violent new fascist they are currently importing into their country.”
So why do you think Sweden’s Zionist immigrant Barbara Lerner Spectre said:
“Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies [sic] that they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Jews will be resented because of our leading role.”
Whats going on? Why do Zionists want to import anti Semitic Muslim immigrants to Europe?
That’s ridiculous, Aerfen. That would mean since it’s now all gone tits-up, Jews would have to currently engage in some form of uber damage-limitation and denial, acting as if they are the true victims of European multiculturalism; not the bovine goy masses. And if anyone says different they are anti-semitic?! Ha, imagine how absurd that would be. I just can’t see it myself. You are one twisted individual.
But seriously, I don’t think Babs spoke for the world’s Jewry there. She might just have got a little carried away at a time when multiculturalism was a golden prospect, pushed by most creeds and cultures alike. Silly bint.
Plenty of other Jews are supportive of mass immigration – she’s hardly alone in this!
Why? Especially now that so many immigrants are Muslims.
Oh dear Aerfan you really are a believer are you not?
Fact= Sweden has cracked down on inward migration without documents. Maybe you should ask yourself why?
Fact = Rates of antisemitism have generally increased in Sweden. Despite the best efforts of the goverment not to admit this. Certain areas of Malmo and Stockholm such as Tentsa are now “no Go” areas for the police – If you really think this is all bull I suggest you don a keppah and go for a days stroll around there – even you might change your mind.
Sweden was always seen as a progressive country and I am sure this has always attracted people from many faiths who believe in the multicultural dream. Great in principle but does not work. Even in Sweden this is now definately dead and buried.
As for Barby Spectre – I could not give a toss really – You can always find someone who is so up there own arse they will always defend the indefensible even if it is cutting their own throats. She has spent so long spouting crap, that the thought she could be a cherleader for a policy that sows the seeds of destruction for a once great culture would not enter her closed mind.
I would hazard a guess that wherever she lives it is in an area that is not troubled by immigrants and if she does – well what can I say!
We have plenty of our own experts in the UK too. Most Rotherham social workers have degrees in social work do they not?
I dont expect to change your opinion Aarfen but I would suggest that if we had a more honest debate about these matters relying on facts not just testimony from self appointed experts protected by “shouting and pc think” we would find the results quite shocking
“I am afraid that in effect the BBC has become a political party in its own right.”
That is a very interesting observation with more than a grain of truth in it. Certainly, the BBC seems to represent something not-quite-Corbynista. Perhaps it’s a Frankensetin’s monster made up of the LibDem rump, the Greens and the Left of Bliar’s Labour?
And what I should have added is like all corrupt politicians on a “nice little earner” they expect us to pay for everything including the the dismantling of our own cultural integrity. And when it turns to shit who will they blame – “Of course the right wing backlash”
GCooper. This is an argument I want to develop. Basically the BBC – monolithic media – is emerging as a state within the state, and could break out of its shell and replace the state. It already controls the major political parties, collects taxes, imprisons those who fail to pay the tax, controls religious belief, has its own economic and foreign policy and actually negotiates with other states and organizations such as the EU..
It’s certainly an idea ‘with legs’.
One of the most troubling things about the BBC’s position (and one might draw a parallel here with the NHS) is that it has become more or less unassailable – certainly largely impervious to criticism from elected politicians. Despite Sir Bernard Ingham’s constant battles with the Corporation, even Margaret Thatcher was unwilling to tackle the BBC’s power and Blair was similarly pusillanimous, notwithstanding Campbell’s huffing and puffing.
In both cases, the BBC led the attack from the Left and got away with setting itself up as an unelected political force, possibly without equal in the country.
The foreign policy aspect is particularly intriguing. As any traveller who listens to the World Service knows only too well, what the Corporation broadcasts to the rest of the world is a very curious picture indeed of the country that it purports to represent.
How will Al Beeb report this in the morning ?
You beat me to it taffman – Absolutely scathing comments from the Chief Rabbi!