It’s amazing, or not…..Labour’s mayoral candidate for London, Sadiq Khan, has called Muslims who don’t agree with conservative or extremist Muslim views ‘Uncle Toms’….and the BBC has ignored this massive ‘racist’ insult that Khan seems to think that ‘moderate Muslims’ are more like hated native informers than anything else….though the BBC does spend a good deal of time not only defending Khan but also his less than moderate sidekick...Suliman Ghani… light of the recent murder of an Ahmadi shopkeeper this might be of interest…
Ahmadi shopkeepers face financial ruin after clerics demanded a boycott of their shops.
Imam Suliman Gani, of the TIC, admitted he personally pleaded with the owner of the Lahore Halal Meat in Tooting not to sell his business to an Ahmadi man.
He said: “Since the Qadianis are routinely deceptive about their religion, there was a potential risk of Muslims being offered meat that wasn’t necessarily halal.
Ironically...from 2010…
In his first interview about the hate campaign being waged against the Ahmadiyya community in south London, Tooting MP and shadow Justice Secretary, Sadiq Khan, talks to Omar Oakes about what has happened and what he is doing to stop it escalating.
Is there a hate campaign going on against the Ahmadiyya community?
“If you read the [Ahmadiyya’s allegations of hate crime] dossier, it’s not just in Wandsworth, but in Walsall, in Birmingham, in other parts of the country, there is clearly a campaign to incite hatred against this group of people. Whether that crosses the criminal threshold, that is for the police.”
That’s why Khan is so happy to share a platform so many times with Suliman Ghani?!!??
Khan….a two-faced, lying, dishonest little weasel?…..does seem so.
Khan is in good company though as he peddles the same line that the nasty little outfit MPACUK do...
‘Uncle Tom’ and ‘House Muslim’ are not racist labels – they are political ones. Only an Uncle Tom would say otherwise.
Not a word from the BBC about a senior Labour politician attacking Muslims who may want to support the government in their fight against radicalisation and terrorism. Kind of raises a few questions about Mr Khan, his loyalties and what he really believes doesn’t it? Then again it was the same with Warsi…at least she had the grace to resign….ironically Khan thought she was right to resign….so very principled…Sayeeda Warsi was right to resign over Gaza.…which again must raise a few questions, this time about his position on Israel, Jews and anti-Semitism….even more ironically in the first part of the video interview above he tells us of his concern that extremists will exploit the war in Gaza and use it to say there is a war on Muslims…..and then he goes on to do just that himself in his support for Warsi…..’ David Cameron has been silent while the Israeli government’s actions in Gaza have led to death, suffering and hardship. His and other ministers’ failure to criticise Israel directly is startling.’
Khan though really is in good company, not just with Warsi but with the Guardian as well, as today it has set out deliberately and with determination to undermine the Government’s anti-terrorist/radicalisation programme and conversely aims to incite Muslims to become radicalised and join the ranks of the terrorists. Not sure how the editor of the Guardian stays out of prison.
Government hid fact it paid for 2012 Olympics film aimed at Muslims
Look who has already picked up on this story…
Report exposing
@ukhomeoffice covert funding of independent organisations targeting Muslims. … via@UK_CAGE
The Guardian reports with great excitement and indignation that the government produced films and material to counter radical Muslims’ propaganda that the Olympic Games in 2012 were unIslamic because they occurred during Ramadan. You might think that was a sensible proactive measure to counter the terrorists’ message that was intended to drive a wedge between Muslims and the UK but the Guardian thinks otherwise and its use of language, imagery and provocative tone and narrative is intended to not only draw attention to, but to counter the government’s message, a message that the Guardian labels as sinsiter ‘black propaganda’, butthe Guardian also intends to create anger and dissent amongst Muslims who read the story…and then of course pass it on to other Muslims.
The Guardian has not one, but three reports on this….here’s another two..
The British government has already forgotten the great dangers of propaganda
As titles go, the Research Information and Communication Unit (Ricu) seems bland enough to go unnoticed and innocuous not to raise alarm should it come to attention. The truth, however, seems less benign.
Revelations by the Guardian indicate that the Ricu, the Home Office’s “strategic communications” agency, has been involved in covertly supporting grassroots Muslim organisations in order to propagate “counter-narratives” designed to combat extremism.
So ‘less benign’……just sinister then?
The Guardian adopts the Muslism extremist narrative to counter Prevent and all it entails…
Revelations that the British government has been engaging in a substantial propaganda campaign aimed at influencing the “hearts and minds” of British Muslims and the wider public is of serious concern, as is the disturbing news that deception is involved. The unit’s covert support of ostensibly independent grassroots Muslim organisations and information campaigns is a classic example of so-called black propaganda, whereby greater persuasiveness is sought by disguising the source of a message which, if known, may damage its credibility.
And the Guardian continues down that route pushing the usual terrorist narrative, as does the BBC, about foreign affairs, the Jews, Iraq being the caue of radicalisation…no mention of the real cause….Muslims wanting to impose Islam upon the world….
The entire emphasis on countering narratives and extremism eclipses the myriad reasons why so many Muslims are deeply critical of the government. The problem is defined solely in terms of “extremist narratives” and prevents critical reflection on what “we” might be doing and the political context. Anger over western foreign policy and recent wars, plus the ongoing Israel-Palestinian conflict, are major sources of discontent and dissent, and not only among British Muslims. Here, those involved in government strategy must consider whether they have sufficiently come to terms with the political context, and its role in creating the extremism and radicalisation now being targeted by the government.
Then this as well…
Revealed: UK’s covert propaganda bid to stop Muslims joining Isis
The UK government has embarked on a series of clandestine propaganda campaigns intended to bring about “attitudinal and behavioural change” among young British Muslims as part of a counter-radicalisation programme.
In a sign of mounting anxiety across Whitehall over the persuasiveness of Islamic State’s online propaganda, a secretive Home Office unit has developed a discreet multimillion pound counter-messaging operation that it says privately is running at “industrial pace and scale”.
[This] will dismay some Muslims and may undermine confidence in the Prevent counter-radicalisation programme, which already faces widespread criticism.
You have to ask why a government message that counters the propaganda put out by extremist Muslims should be ‘“ highly unlikely to have any credibility among these [Muslim] audiences” and that disclosure of the government’s role would have a “negative impact on the narrative.”
Why would young Muslims be opposed to a message that preaches non-violence and cohesion?
Why is it that any Muslim group that joins in with the government is seen as Khan’s ‘Uncle Toms’…
The programme risked undermining, rather than amplifying, the work of Muslim civil society if it appeared that groups had been co-opted to a government agenda.
She said: “The community groups are in a double bind; if they don’t disclose government support and it’s revealed, they lose trust. If they do disclose it, they lose trust.
I’m sorry…we have to rely on the ‘work of Muslim civil society’ to counter Islamic extremism on its own! Total rubbish…..That’ll be the mainstream Muslim community that reinforces the radicals’ message about Muslims under siege, marginalised and discriminated against…as of course does the BBC. How on earth are they in any shape or form countering, or even showing the slightest interest in countering, the ‘extremists’ message?
The Guardian has set out to not only sabotage the government programme but to create anger, dissent and radicalisation as a counter to it.
The Guardian is fueling the fire and doing what it can to recruit Muslims to the Islamist terrorist cause.
I would suggest lifting Rusbridger [who started all this] and Viner, stick them in the back of a Chinook and drop them off in the Syrian desert from where they can make their own way home with the help of their many friends out there. Maybe that will open their eyes and make them realise this isn’t a fun little game.
Not one usually keen on citing BBC watertight oversight, but as many media commentators have ‘reported’ what he is ‘alleged’ to have said, I popped over to the BBC site to see if their analysis is factual or errs on the interpretative.
If it has been mentioned it is still not obvious, on home, news or even politics pages.
However the home page does direct one to President Obam’s hilarious new retirement video, so all good.
Islam is in perpetual war with all infidels regardless of what the idiots in the MSM do. Submission, domination, conversation and death are some of the genuine pillars of Islam. The traitorous bast@rds at the Al Beeb and Al Guardian are encouraging more followers of the death cult to become proper/good Muslims and undertake jihad against the Kafir.
In a way the devious bast@rds that are trying everything in their power to create victims out of being a blood thirsty warlord ROPer are doing us all a favour because Islams war with the Kafir never went away and was always going to happen. The traitors at Al Beeb and Al Guardian are actually bringing the true purpose of Islam to the surface for everyone to see before it is too late, and although the lefts real motive was to destroy our way of life they are actually going to save it… And ensure the public realise that it was those on the left that was actively involved in trying to destroy us all along
Agree Tothepoint-but let us just consider the horrendous effect a Muslim London Mayor will have upon one of the world’s greatest cities-it will quickly become Londonstan, as in fact it almost is now, & with all the terrible implications that will follow. Worth mentioning a book written by Melanie Phillips called Londonstan well worth a read-on Kindle also.
“Revelations that the British government has been engaging in a substantial propaganda campaign aimed at influencing the “hearts and minds” of British Muslims and the wider public is of serious concern, as is the disturbing news that deception is involved. “
The Guardian uses the same nuanced meaning of ‘British’ as the BBC, (there’s a surprise!). British government means ‘not of us’ while British Muslims is taken to mean ‘of us’, although being a people following an alien culture essentially unknown to this country up to 50 years ago, (apart from the cake baker that King Richard brought back with him of course).
[Remove ‘British’ from the quote and see how ‘government’ becomes ‘our government’ and ‘Muslims’ become ‘alien Muslims’. Subtle propaganda, not.]
That is a good point I think. The undermining of the traditional meaning of words is a BBC speciality. They have their own lexicon of ‘banned’ words and ‘reword’ introductions to placate any suggestion of a ‘link’ to the (racial tension) news they are supposed to report on with impartiality. As JimS (above) has pointed out you cannot be impartial when (the secret service) are effectively at war with Islamic ‘radicalisation’ when EU laws prohibit ‘discrimination’, ‘race’ and ‘gender’ issues which (as they cannot be allowed) cannot be addressed due to ‘discrimination’, ‘race’ and ‘gender’ issues existing. The BBC tread the plank of their own pandering to minority groups they call ‘British’ despite having no British values (or beliefs..). Its a peculiar British ‘elite’ perversion that gives the BBC a right to continue buggering up the English language usage – the BBC historic archives pioneered multiculturalism through a national soviet style propaganda war effort which is still very much active. So a UK terrorist immigrant (under these BBC guidelines) becomes a British ‘freedom fighter working abroad’ can be returned ‘home’ to be repatriated to his ‘home’ country of origin. That would be the UK. The EU prevents us from sending him anywhere else. The fact that he can state he is proud to be British, is an indicator that the BBC use of the word is widespread amongst those fundamentalists who would blow the country up and make it a slave to Islam, Europe or both. So being British is only a ‘temporary’ solution. The ‘final solution’ would be direct eradication of the English (nee British) which is well on plan to becoming a reality.
This sort of thing , along with bombs, tens of thousands of rapes of White and Infidel women, decapitating soldiers of the Crown even in Britain, , terrorist cells by the thousands, are going to get more and more prevalent.
That is the reality when one allows Muslims into one’s house.
This in essence is the worldview of liberalism. This is the key to much of its madness. And so they pick up the snake, and are bitten and die, wondering why their worldview which seemed so right, proved to be so wrong. And we die with them. For the farmer has carried the snake home, made a nest for it, and filled his home and the homes of his neighbors with snakes. And it may be hard to know where the farmer began and where the snake ended.
Whats going to happen when the snakes start to set the political and social agenda in your house?
Well put-And yet the Media/BBC revel in pushing this Muslim woman who won a Bake Off Comp now giving her a Travel Cooking programme-like many no doubt I find this obdquiousness to this despotic Islamic ideology nauseating. Quite likely with over 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, the Western Christian World will never defeat terrorist groups lke Daesh, they have a never ending stream of recruits to chose from to exstend their aims of destroying Western civilisation-recall what Gadhaffi said when alive, that within 50 yrs or sooner Islam would rule in Europe, with the help of the original aims of the EU, to subjugate & enslave all people of member states into one state. What hazerdous times we are living in.
I have never watched the Bake Off progs yet it was obvious even to me that she was going to win it, she was probably set up to win it before she even entered, the BBC must have searched the country to find a Muslim contestant.
Instead of spending billions each year on security, billions on trying to integrate Muslims, neither of which can ever succeed, why not ban Islam? And banish Muslims from the West. This will not only save money, but hundreds of us will be alive each year instead of being blown apart.
We can also all travel by air without the humiliating security measures which never existed till idiot politicians decided it would be a brilliant idea to import Muslims by the millions.
Can we banish Muslims and Islam? I think we can, as the UK is not a republic.
The EU is not pro Islamic or pro anything it is a soviet style Communist block. But Islam has a unique following that has been encouraged to ‘flourish’ in the EU despite national complaints in each country. The EU wants ‘Turkey’ on board. It will do anything to do that as it defines ‘Turkey’ as a moderate country with a cheap and willing workforce for geriatric Europeans. In keeping with the long term, the EU will proscribe the ‘final solution’ which will be full EU integration banning all religions by 2030 in all member states. If we are still in the EU by then, civil war will have broken out and Europe will be in chaos. The political correctness will be imposed in true former soviet style and efficiency. The EU is run by a politburo of twelve men in secret, they have no religion, and any conflict can be denied. All religions are incompatible with Engels, Marx and Stalin. That is why Islam was chosen for ‘promotion’ to the EU table. It is a stepping stone. Islamic cultures think this an ‘opportunity’ to win over an old foe. The Saudis think of it as an ‘investment’ in the future of the EU. But the Arabs have been conned like the rest of us. There is no future in the EU.
The only problem the 12 face is Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam has all the power, and the power over Europe. When he says jump, all 12 will jump.
While radical solutions are clearly needed, there are difficulties here anyway with deciding who is a Muslim. I think they would suddenly all claim conversion to Christianity!
Rather than banning Muslims, I think the west should take it upon itself to help Muslims, to free them from the shackles of this poisonous ideology. This would give the sufferers of Islam a huge improvement in their quality of life, and reduce the burden on our culture of Islamic beliefs and practices. Westerners should be encouraged to think of Muslims as people to be pitied (rather than simply resented or hated), as they have been brainwashed and we should use the resources of our superior culture to de-program them.
The key element, I believe, must be clear, factual education about Islam, taken from Islam’s original sources (Koran and Hadith) for clarity. This should begin in schools – for all children – and they should learn about the life of Mohammed and the history of Islam.
Instead of the nonsense phrase ‘Islamophobia’ we should be thinking of it as ‘Islamo-knowledge’. I cannot conceive of any normal person learning simple facts about Islam not being – at the very least – concerned about what they learn.
Knowing and discussing the truth about Islam should be regarded positively, instead of being a criminal offence!
There would be an important role for the BBC here – one it would be keen to undertake I’m sure.
Yes an excellent idea. Disabusing people of such a poisonous indoctrination seems to be within the Enlightenment spirit of Europe, banning is not. The first people here to convince that it is a philanthropic move are those on the left who seem completely unaware of the idea of spiritual freedom.
Get a grip the pair of you. The time has LONG passed.
This country isn’t some re-education camp.
I’d agree this is not an optimal solution – but then that solution is really long gone – minimise settlement from incompatible cultures in the first place.
But we can only try and think of a way forward that will cause the least damage.
However, whichever approach is eventually taken (assuming something is ever done) will require the indigenous population to understand Islam. Otherwise we will just carry on as we are, with non-Muslims afraid to speak for fear of violence and imprisonment. When people understand Islam, rather than believe the well-intentioned [probably] lies from the government, there will be support for some type of action.
The education is for Muslims and non-Muslims equally. As people understand Islam, there will be decreasing support for changes to accommodate them, and more Muslims will renounce their faith (as many Muslims have a very weak understanding of Islam). This would slowly reduce the problem over several decades. I think this would involve the least amount of violence from Muslims and will get public support.
This would be a major humanitarian issue, perhaps even starting the process of the eventual disappearance of Islam throughout the civilised world.
The alternative, surely, is to just wait until civil strife takes over, with large scale movement of refugees out of ‘Muslim’ areas and effective civil breakdown.
Yes, then it really will be too late.
‘Well-intentioned [probably] lies from the government’? Oh dear boy. Play around with your hand-wringing solution that requires the majority of this population to bend over backwards to understand something they have no interest in and no need to engage with, all you like, but it’s rather silly. Heh, actually rather cute.
Look, you’ve got me being all patronizing. That’s a new side to me on here. You’re very young, aren’t you?
And I’m only 39. Now that makes it REALLY patronizing. It’s just that I don’t want to consider the alternative to youthful idealism…
I kid, I kid.
Every school should get copies of Mohammed’s Believe It or Else.
“apart from the cake baker that King Richard brought back with him of course”
How long before the BBC does a documentary about Muslim cake bakers to prove that England was a vibrant multi-racial society in the Middle Ages?
Don’t encourage them. They’ll devote a whole series to the way in which the angry, disaffected 12th Century youth of Western Europe were “radicalised” by massive cake-deprivation and went off to fight in modern day Syria and “Palestine”, in a blatant attempt to wrest the secrets of cake from the rightful owners. Jeremy Bowen will tell us how the great Arab baker, Mis’r Qip-al-Ing, was tortured for his secrets, leaving a powerful sense of injustice that has persisted to this very day.
The Grauniad will then pick up on that and say that it’s obvious that “Bakewell Tart” is nothing more than a disparaging way to refer to the four-year-old ninety-fifth wife of the prophet. The offending confectionery should, therefore, be banned immediately and all muslims worldwide should receive well-merited reparations. Guido will discover that Sadiq Khan has already been a platform speaker at fifteen rallies campaigning for the abolition of all cake other than the One True Cake. Between mouthfuls, Diane Abbott insists that this cake talk is a smear, since that is all that’s left, once she has been within fifty yards of any gateau.
I shouldn’t raise the subject of Islam and bakery! I mean, how long will it be before hot cross buns are banned as offensive to the ROP? Not to mention croissants, which I’ve read were invented because the crescent shape celebrated a great Christian victory against Islam.
The entire emphasis on countering narratives and extremism eclipses the myriad reasons why so many Muslims are deeply critical of the government. The problem is defined solely in terms of “extremist narratives” and prevents critical reflection on what “we” might be doing and the political context. Anger over western foreign policy and recent wars, plus the ongoing Israel-Palestinian conflict, are major sources of discontent and dissent, and not only among British Muslims.
Brings to mind:
My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
John F. Kennedy
Which won’t work for Muslims in this country because their religion comes first.
Muslims either killed or drove out the Jews from all Muslim countries. Then they started with the Christians. Christians are now virtually eliminated from the ME.
Muslims therefore have had to come to Europe, where there still is an abundant supply of Jews and Christians.
In the manner prescribed by that most perfect of men, Mohammed, Muslims have started on Jews first. Christians have to wait for their turn.
Meanwhile, that despotic zionist Israel maintains a liberal democracy, under attack from all round, where some 20% of the population who are Arabs, have voting rights, and can even elect Arab MPs, who then denounce Israel for being racist.
As always with your posts Alan, it’s ‘make stuff up’, and repeat ad infinitum.
‘Sadiq Khan, has called Muslims who don’t agree with conservative or extremist Muslim views ‘Uncle Toms’. No, he didn’t. And how you get from that to ‘a senior Labour politician attacking Muslims who may want to support the government in their fight against radicalisation and terrorism’ is beyond me. Well, not really beyond me. He’s a Muslim. That’s good enough for you.
‘the BBC does spend a good deal of time not only defending Khan’ – the article you linked to doesn’t do that. Please substantiate that charge.
’ David Cameron has been silent while the Israeli government’s actions in Gaza have led to death, suffering and hardship. His and other ministers’ failure to criticise Israel directly is startling.’
How is this exploiting the war in Gaza and using it to say there is a war on Muslims’??? There is a simple explanation for this of course. Your repeated failure at the basics of English comprehension. Please do take that GCSE course or run your post past someone else before publishing.
I’m not very interested in your criticisms of the Guardian but to say the article ‘aims to incite Muslims to become radicalised and join the ranks of the terrorists’ is either a very extreme view, or again, a failure of basic English comprehension.
‘And the Guardian continues down that route pushing the usual terrorist narrative, as does the BBC, about …the Jews being the cause of radicalisation’.
A pretty serious allegation. Please do point to the evidence of the BBC stating that the Jews are the cause of Muslim radicalisation. It should be easy for you. It won’t be forthcoming though I know.
‘You have to ask why a government message that counters the propaganda put out by extremist Muslims should be ‘“ highly unlikely to have any credibility among these [Muslim] audiences”. Why would young Muslims be opposed to a message that preaches non-violence and cohesion?’
If you don’t know why young Muslim men might feel that way about a message from government, then you don’t know why. But you’ve gone from them not giving a message from government any credibility because of who its coming from, to them rejecting the substance. Another English comprehension fail Alan.
There is a space and a demand for a public forum to hold the BBC to account. Unfortunately, this isn’t it.
If you don’t know why young Muslim men might feel that way about a message from government, then you don’t know why.
So the government, amongst whom PM David Cameron keeps telling us Islam is ‘The religion of peace’, has the audacity to embark on a de-radicalisation programme, and you get all pissy because ‘young muslim men’ might get all upset?
Are you fucking serious?
You and your leftie Islamic-terrorist-apologists won’t wake up until you find your arses on the wrong end of a mushroom cloud.
By which time it will be much, much too late.
To be fair, johnny, I get upset at the government talking about cracking down on far right ‘extremism’, while claiming that only those who share their values (which the Govt doesn’t actually value) – like free speech (!) – are kosher. A Prime Minister who was on record, along with Merkel, in 2010 saying that State Multiculturalism had failed, yet makes a speech in 2015 saying that, ‘over generations, we have built something extraordinary in Britain – a successful multi-racial, multi-faith democracy. It’s open, diverse, welcoming…’
If I wouldn’t trust them, or pay any heed to their message and efforts to speak to me, then I can certainly see how young muzzies wouldn’t.
Anyway, biasedbbc and all that. Have yet to see anything on the BBC site about Khan’s 2009 admission that he engages with the more extreme elements of putt-putt moon god worship, not just the milquetoasts who integrate; but it’s all over every other media site.
Now there’s bias. Undeniable bias by omission.
‘Bias by Omission’ should be part of a new BBC logo, printed in bold under an artist’s impression of George Orwell’s Memory Hole.
As far as most of the population of England, or for that matter Europe is concerned, young Muslim men and women can piss off to their beloved Islamic country of choice. They have no allegiance to the West, as Islam makes it impossible for them to do so. In fact they hate us, and take offence no matter what one tries to do for them. All they have is to harm the West, one way or other.
Hi johnnythefish,
Thanks for the reply. I think you’ve misunderstood though.
The Guardian article is about community groups and film -makers being used clandestinely by government to target a young Muslim ‘Prevent’ audience. Rights or wrongs of that aside, one of the reasons given by these groups – Breakthrough Media Network, for keeping their funding etc hidden is because they don’t think the state/government would be likely to ‘have any credibility among these audiences’ (Muslims, particularly males, aged 15 to 39 in schools and universities).
Now, it seems reasonable to me that Breakthrough may have a point there, and I suspect it could be true of any school and university audience of male, Muslim or otherwise that they may be less willing to lsiten if the message is being delivered by the state. From the article, one former minister said it would be “naive” to suggest the government could openly communicate its counter-radicalisation messages.
The group have produced films such as ‘The Truth about Isis’ and ‘Help for Syria’ (providing advice and guidance for anyone who wants to raise money and aid for Syria and to reduce the desire to travel to the region) or a film about the 2010 Olympics with the message that’s it’s not unislamic to take part.
Alan says as a result of this one view expressed by Breakthrough: ‘Why would young Muslims be opposed to a message that preaches non-violence and cohesion?’. I was simply pointing out that this sentence does not follow. They may be sceptical if the message comes from the state, without necessarily being opposed to the message itself – one of non-violence and cohesion. Presumably that’s why the companies are making the films etc because they think they can ‘influence conversations among young British Muslims” or as he Home Office Minister says: ‘All we’re trying to do is stop people becoming suicide bombers’.
This is all in the Guardian article by the way which Alan has linked to. So my point here was only a criticism of Alan’s lack of English comprehension. From that you have come to the conclusion that I am getting ‘all pissy because young muslim men might get all upset’ or that I am a ‘leftie Islamic-terrorist-apologist’. The phrase ‘Muslim loving leftard’ seems to be redefined here as any criticism or disagreement with Alan or regulars. I didn’t comment on these subjects. Please re-read what I wrote if you need to.
I know this may make you a little dizzy, but actually I don’t think Islam is a religion of peace. I hold it in contempt. And I have no time for apologists for Islamic terrorism.
So my point here was only a criticism of Alan’s lack of English comprehension. From that you have come to the conclusion that I am getting ‘all pissy because young muslim men might get all upset’ or that I am a ‘leftie Islamic-terrorist-apologist’. The phrase ‘Muslim loving leftard’ seems to be redefined here as any criticism or disagreement with Alan or regulars. I didn’t comment on these subjects.
Whilst you’re treating this as an exercise in verbal reasoning (which I’d normally applaud), I’m looking at the bigger picture and the Guardian’s track record as a supporter of multiculturalism (which has got us into this mess) and it’s employment of racist columnist Yasmin Alibhai-Brown.
So you think the entire Gurdian article is reasonable?
What about this?
As titles go, the Research Information and Communication Unit (Ricu) seems bland enough to go unnoticed and innocuous not to raise alarm should it come to attention. The truth, however, seems less benign.
Revelations by the Guardian indicate that the Ricu, the Home Office’s “strategic communications” agency, has been involved in covertly supporting grassroots Muslim organisations in order to propagate “counter-narratives” designed to combat extremism.
My view is the government should be doing everything in its powers to not only eliminate Islamism in this country but to break down the separatist ‘communities’ that have been encouraged to grow and grow in the name of multiculturalism.
However, I would like to believe you when you say I know this may make you a little dizzy, but actually I don’t think Islam is a religion of peace. I hold it in contempt. And I have no time for apologists for Islamic terrorism.
No, it doesn’t make me ‘dizzy’ – except in as much it’s the first time you’ve expressed a real opinion about the creeping threat of Islam. I hope you are being truthful because the danger with sitting on the wrong kind of fence is you end up with your arse in tatters.
Accusing me of something which I didnt say because you were ‘ looking at the bigger picture’ isn’t actually an excuse.
But that’s ok, it can be hard to accept when you’re wrong.
‘So you think the entire Gurdian article is reasonable?’ – Nope, didn’t say that, and it would appear you haven’t learned your lesson.
Excellent and thourogh fisking of Alan’s post Kikuchiyo. Exposing some the repetative shallow tropes this site employs on an almost daily basis.
Shame it won’t be be appreciated by most people here; but you deserve some applause.
To Zero the Hero ……. In my opinion you deserve a pause…..
Ooh, I see what you did there.
Very good Justin! I’m sure you’ll get the clap from somebody or other…
I avoid such things by not watching the VD show Zero ….. however I reciprocate the underlying sentiment of your post…
Correction ……….. WE deserve a pause….
“There is a space and a demand for a public forum to hold the BBC to account. Unfortunately, this isn’t it.”
Kikuchiyo, that is spot on! We have a vessel that I believed was in the interests of exposing bias which is even MORE biased than the BBC!!!
That in itself is takes some expertise. And it is a shame.
So what bias would you like to expose, Edward?
Are you talking about BBC bias or BiasedBBC bias?
You said:
There is a space and a demand for a public forum to hold the BBC to account
Is your memory failing you? Are you one of those elderly retired people who are always losing their glasses?
I didn’t say that! I was quoting Kikuchiyo, you numpty. Do you actually follow the threads, or just act on impulsive stupidity?
Dear oh dear, this really is hard work.
Kikuchiyo made a statement with which you agreed (..that is spot on!).
The statement was: There is a space and a demand for a public forum to hold the BBC to account. Unfortunately this isn’t it.
So I merely asked with what bias would you like to hold the BBC to account? Or is there a context of holding the BBC to account which has nothing at all to do with the raison d’ etre of this website – in which case I suggest you’re posting in the wrong place.
Right, now we’re getting somewhere!
I asked a perfectly reasonable question because my comment was about BiasedBBC bias – not BBC bias! Once again, you only seem to read bits of comments. If you go back and read the complete thread again you will understand why I asked you the question.
In answer to your question;
The BBC has for decades pushed the ideology of multiculturalism. I posted a lengthy comment some while back about the 1970’s “The Changes” kids TV series. I’m not going to go over it all over again.
The BBC is politically biased towards left wing politics. That is a fact. Do you still want evidence jonny or are you happy to let me have that one because it agrees with your own stupid views?
Eastenders was not created to compete with Coronation Street – it was created as a vessel to convey politically left wing messages to the masses. I realised this after just the first episode back in 1985!
Happy now?
Kikuchiyo’s comment with which you agreed appeared at the end of this post:
May 4, 2016 at 6:51 pm
Whilst in his post he was disagreeing with what Alan had read into the Guardian’s article, he did not link the comment There is a space and a demand for a public forum to hold the BBC to account. Unfortunately this isn’t it with any accusations of Biased BBC bias. It was standalone comment implying that this site is no good at holding the BBC to account.
Are you missing a logic module?
Your observations about BBC multiculti bias have been noted, and will be borne in mind when I read your future posts.
And don’t keep calling me stupid as it has a nasty habit of backfiring on you.
End of early evening session. Thank you and goodnight.
“It was standalone comment implying that this site is no good at holding the BBC to account.”
Exactly, that’s why I quoted the comment and claimed that this site has a bias all of its own.
How does that not make sense?
You might even meet a Muslim on that English comprehension course. At least it would keep you away from the keyboard for a while.
as for you Kikuchiyo ….. It is one thing to speak the language but another to actually comprehend its` content….
You might even meet a Muslim on that English comprehension course.
And maybe have to sit in a segregated classroom.
And good luck with this one:
Instructions from the association’s “Department of Theology” insist that it is “not permissible” for a woman to go more than 48 miles – deemed to be the equivalent of three days walk – without her husband or a close male relative.
It also stipulates that men must grow beards and advises women to cover their faces.
The rulings are contained in a question and answer section of the group’s site which offers offer “solutions and answers” to social, religious and financial matters from Sharia teaching, accompanied by the catchphrase: “Allah knows best.”
And that from a group with close ties to the Muslim Council of Britain.
Keep paying attention else when you finally do wake up you may not like what you see – unless you’re of an authoritarian mindset, that is. The rest of us, we notice things like court appearances by women in burkas, segregated audiences at Labour Party rallies and in our universities and already we don’t like what we see. No amount of insults and cheap jibes about ‘racism’ and ‘Islamophobia’ will stop us voicing our opposition to these primitive, backward practices that are creeping more and more into daily life in Britain. However, I would really be interested to learn why you are so willing to accept them.
Its called “Islamisation”.. the introduction and normalisation of Islamic modes of behaviour into a “multi cultural” society.
The lefties like it because it “rubs the rights nose in diversity”, gratifies their hatred of the society that has nurtured them, and gratifies the fundamental immaturity that lies at the heart of leftism….the rebellion, transgression against “bougeouis” norms, the casting off of personal responsibility, the spending of money taxed from others…..oh and the self destructive stupidity of the useful idiot, manipulated by the nascent totalitarianism of their leaders.
Its called “Islamisation”.. the introduction and normalisation of Islamic modes of behaviour into a “multi cultural” society.
The lefties like it because it “rubs the rights nose in diversity”, gratifies their hatred of the society that has nurtured them, and gratifies the fundamental immaturity that lies at the heart of leftism….the rebellion, transgression against “bougeouis” norms, the casting off of personal responsibility onto their parents and/or society in general, the spending of money taxed from others…..oh and the self destructive stupidity of the useful idiot, manipulated by the nascent totalitarianism of their leaders.
Turns out that nearly 45% of adults in this country pay no income tax.
If only it WAS ” no representation without taxation”-then we might get an electorate who had to consider the cost of stuff before voting along for it all.
One example this morning was some bloke called Miles along with some sexual health worker-both of who would like us to pay for their bareback sex free using some new alternative pill that prevents HIV, but allows for the personal choice of not needing the inconvenience of using a condom.
This just as we were eating out cornflakes and waiting for how the BBC would impartially tell us of Trumps latest landslide victory in Indiana…or was it just a dream?
Nick Robinson shilling and shaking down for that old Labour money tree-the 45% who contribute f***all to the nations economy…including our recreational sex clubbers, and the army of nannies and matrons who might have looked for nits and lice…but now dole out “conversations” and “empowerment” to the most cossetted lollards in the land instead.
Nick saw no problem-surely that`s what the State is for…so set about it Osborne!
Miles clearly confuses “sexual liberation” with “freedom from any need to pay for your jollies”…when on earth will the 55% begin to deal with the BBC and their fragrant, entitled perennial client base who take no responsibility any more-but plenty money and attention from non-self inflicted deviations, perversions and vices?
When the taxpayer is being milked and rimmed like this-then forgive the old school lingo….if they`re paying-fine…if its another Beeb grievance group getting up a head…steam or otherwise-then it`s time to deal with this crap from Radio 4.
“Turns out that nearly 45% of adults in this country pay no income tax… Nick Robinson shilling and shaking down for that old Labour money tree-the 45% who contribute f***all to the nations economy”
Yeah “f***all” apart from: National Insurance tax, Value Added tax, Corporation tax, Council tax, Business rate tax, Alcohol/Tobacco tax, Stamp Duty tax, Capital Gains tax, Inheritance tax, Insurance premium tax, Shares tax, Air Passenger tax, Betting/Gaming tax, Landfill tax, Petrol tax, Climate Change tax…
Got a job yet chrisH?
I noticed you left out mentioning the VAT on condoms Zero …. are you anticipating some kind of a climbdown (after the shafting i expect) or will you be pretending you have one on whilst using an elastic band instead….?
zero there is no betting/gaming tax. That was removed under Blair’s watch.
However, that’s a FACT, and as we know, you could actually be right in what you say because there are “facts” and then there are “facts”.
“Got a job yet chrisH?”
It isn’t just chrisH, is it? There are obviously lots of regulars here who don’t work. The EVIDENCE points to the FACT that there is a small group of people here who do not do much work or they are pensioners.
A fact is a piece of text pasted from a Wikipedia article… In the past a fact was something that could be objectively verified as real, according to the standards of proof demanded by logical positivism and scientific realism. The invention of The Internet made the external justification of facts using peer-reviewed research and education irrelevant, replacing them with a plethora of reliable, electronic means of verification.
I don’t get it. I read the article, but is it supposed to be sarcastic or not? 🙂
““Got a job yet chrisH?”
It isn’t just chrisH, is it? There are obviously lots of regulars here who don’t work.”
Giz a job.
There are obviously lots of regulars here who don’t work. The EVIDENCE points to the FACT that there is a small group of people here who do not do much work or they are pensioners.
Where is your evidence? Or are you trying to work some kind of mysterious settled science trick here.
You are the evidence itself johnny. You are always sitting around here posting comments, unless you are at work posting comments which means you are not doing much work – as I said.
You are always sitting around here posting comments….
And your evidence is?
And when are you going to get to your point?
I will never get to my point because you are the king of circular arguments.
Despite your admirable confession, the latter has no influence on your control of the former.
Edward, you said You are the evidence itself johnny. You are always sitting around here posting comments…
I asked for evidence (that I am always sat around etc.).
What’s ‘circular’ about that?
So, I’ll ask again: where are the stats to support your statement?
I don’t need stats. The proof is in every time I post a comment you reply to it, which gives me the impression you are always online. You need to get out more.
‘You need to get out more’
Irony alert of the day, as I wrap up for the week and head out to meet family and friends for an evening of beer, women and song.
I may even bump in to all the Flokkers who do the same at the weekend. Apparently.
That is, when not here all weekend posting about how many folk are here posting.
ps: ‘Proof’ based on an impression you’re given… pure class.
It doesn’t take long to work my way through a thread and make posts. I do that mostly at the beginning of the day and early evening, which is a long way from your ‘impression’. I could tell you where I’ve been and what I’ve been up to this week, but it would only make you jealous. Suffice to say going ‘on line’ takes up a very small amount of my time as I’ve got a large family circle and lots of great mates to keep me busy. So interesting though the internet is (like loads of sceptical ‘climate’ science and stuff) I don’t tend to spend much time on there.
I’m here all week Guest Who ;o)
johnnythefish I’m surprised you didn’t reply to any of my last comments on Climate Change Change
But then, by the time I had returned from a long weekend in Whitby on Wednseday, it had dropped off the website front page.
Edward, that is because it became clear in a previous discussion that you do not understand that man-made warming is still hypothetical – in fact many scientists are saying the hypothesis has been disproved by real world evidence i.e. no warming for 18+ years despite rising CO2 levels.
Until you open your mind and your eyes (as I did as a former global warming believer) – for example, get to grips with the corrupt IPCC process (The Delinquent Teenager by Donna La Framboise is a good place to start with that one) – you’ll continue along your science-free path of ignorance.
There again, for all I know, you could be an eco-socialist zealot.
So, Johnny, all of a sudden the stats have become a reliable source of information. No warming in the last 18 years. Why not look at the last 23 years, or the last 34 years or the last 57 years? Why does it have to be 18 years?
And since when did you rekindle your faith in those stats?
Here’s a video that might make things clearer for you…
Seem to have hit a nerve here Edward have I not?
Who knew that the trolls and munchkins here knew all our employment states?
No doubt you and zero are in anoraks on a park bench and flashing the pigeons.
Edward and Zero…plum duffers in need for serious counselling.
Don`t know if their role play has decided which of them is Steve Logan and which is Mick McManus…but look at one and the other-and all I see is Max Wall.
Come back scott-eddie and zero are the Lenny and Jerry of tag teams…imagine they`re both on the 7pm-7am curfews with their tags at least…tossers!
“Seem to have hit a nerve here Edward have I not?”
Don’t flatter yourself. I was quoting zero so perhaps you might direct that comment at him/her.
Interesting to get from EVIDENCE to FACTS to a choice of just two options with nothing in support.
Leaving the doing or not doing of work to one side, especially between the end benefits from public or private sector employment, it seems pretty likely that a pensioner has, and most in the country have done a lot more to see a pot put well in the shade by such Titans of public enrichment as Mark Byford or Alan Yentob.
Raising pensioners on a blog about the BBC is very… brave.
Do you have a problem with pensioners, Edward? And if so, why? A prisoner of your prejudices, perhaps?
And before anyone starts, no I am not one.
Aren`t you being a bit hypocritical zero??? Surely your not attemting to throw disdain upon chrisH with your assumption that he is unemployed are you? Not a very liberal viewpoint !!!!
Ta Justin!
It may not be much of a job-but sticking a big Green Asda finger in the direction of the clear aisles at the local Lidl(when not pushing the likes of zero and edward into a wide load parking bay) whilst keeping them out of the cat food aisle(when neither is deemed a fit person to own a cat) is-in my mind-a worthy community service job, and not to be mocked or knocked by the filthy rich one per cent…well filthy anyway.
My Big Green Finger is up at them now…but if I tell them that I`m pointing up at the moon, they`ll be happy enough.
That`s the cheese aisle you`ll be looking for lads…
All of which are paid by those who pay income tax as well, so what is your point?
Someone who lives entirely on benefits – earning no income for themselves – is not paying any tax at all. They are simply giving some of the money they were given back.
If I give you ten pounds and you then ‘give’ me two pounds back – am I supposed to then say “Well, thanks very much for your generosity – it’s clear you really do make a positive contribution to my finances”?
How the hell did zero get on here again?
Who left the catflap open?A thickfuk like yerself zero may not have noticed when I post and when I don`t.
Obviously you`re doing some kind of night shift of your own-the rest of us will be sleeping at the times YOU choose to post-maybe because we do something for a living, apart from trolling and trawling all night.
Hope matron sorts your meds out so you can affect a normal sleep pattern, so you can pretend to be as the rest of us here…until then , feel free to get out there and do something with what seems to be one empty life…you poor sod.
The cat crapped in…with respect to Mud!
‘Nick saw no problem-surely that`s what the State is for…so set about it Osborne…’
Does this mean that Toady, Humpty and Toenails have broadened their demand for ever-increasing largesse (paid for by the 55% who do pay income tax and all of the other taxes so kindly listed by our Leftoid trolls) from the NHS to every other (Al Beeb defined) ‘worthy’ cause?
Out from work-and the continuing “has Donald Trump” blown it crap on the BBC meets me at 5pm on PM?
After the polls got their arses caned last May over the Tories winning the election-after Corbyn-Ladens £3 voting fixup last Sept…after even the Leicester championship win on Monday last?…only the bone headed elephant hides of the liberal experts , commentariat and gobshite media and political clots would think that the US public have spoken…and they really want Hillary, but let Trump get this far to engage Sarah Montague or Jim Naughtie in polite aimless whimsies.
Don`t these oafs know yet that if Trump is only one of two candidates…then he has at least a 50/50 chance even if the thickies toss a coin?…and Trump seems to be a more “proactive choice” than random.
Not to the BBC though…
Still though-reckoned I`d heard a fine liberal daisy chain seamlessly linking from Costing the Earth yesterday( in praise of the vegan diet at the Bristol Food Fair)….via Orgreave getting linked now to Hillsborough by the BBC…via free weed for Germanys anal rape casualties being an option( other causes of pain are available)…via Lauries social worker telling me that people who choose to get married are conformists(boo…hate crime, capitalist running dogs etc)-through to migrant women who work in catering and get ignored( don`t ALL women and blokes who do the same get this too?…nah, racist migration deniers only perp the oppression)-and back to Clinton/Trump being described as a “Liar versus a Bore-when Hillary is both surely)…yet via a diversion into Lauries “flanneur” phase of snooping around Kings Cross in his wifes slippers, by way of ” dyadic, hyperphasic perambulations”.
An onanistic ouanquer de nos jours is Laurie…and the oaf concludes with a scripture from EP Thompson
“The enormous condescension of posterity”-sums up Radio 4s input since 1979, as afar as I can see.
An article that may be relevant here, relating to oppression of comedians and comediennes:
Poor, poor woman. I feel so sorry for her.
Lee Rigby dies and the killers live. It’s not right.
Bring back hanging, or in their case slowly stone them to death after a good beating and waterboarding
Those two killers look like a nightmare of the worst sort.
Kikuchiyo, your desperation to identify errors and discredit every one of Alan’s posts is bordering on the manic….I would say slightly in love with with him stalkerish behaviour. You are just an idiot who is so far up his own self righteous, delusional arse that he would never be able to know what day it was, never mind witness something so indisputable as Islams perpetual war on the infidels.
I don’t know where to begin with tearing apart your utterly shite post but I will begin with you once again trying to justify Al Beebs and Al Guardians stance on Islam. Clearly your cult is delusional, apologist, traitorous leftism, where all the problems of this world are caused by the people you utterly despise… us. The white Europeans who have given you the privilege of being able to spout the shit you do.
Let’s have a look at how your ‘muslims are the victims’ narrative, so loved by yourself and the lunatic left.
“Muslims are unhappy with foreign policy and the treatment of other Muslims by the West”.
The war in Iraq and Afghanistan is the line continually peddled by you and your fellow apologists. But is that true?
The 1998 United States embassy bombings in Nairobi where 214 people were killed including 12 Americans, 4000 others were wounded. al-Qaeda and Egyptian Islamic Jihad
1983 United States embassy bombing. 63 dead. Islamic Jihad Organization
1983 Kuwait bombings. 5 dead. Islamic Jihad Organization
1984 United States embassy annex bombing. 24 dead. Hezbollah
1985 El Descanso bombing. 18 dead. Islamic Jihad Organization
There are so many more. So many more all in the name of Islam. “Islamic Jihad Organization” gives it away. So is it the war on Iraq and Afghanistan that is radicalising Muslims…clearly not! So what is driving only Muslims and from all over the world to carry out terrorism? Delusionists like you say one thing (because you are too fucking ignorant and self important to read the Koran) yet every single Islamic warrior who carrys out the Islamic acts say another… They ALL say that it is in the name of Islam!!
Great post Tothepoint.
If I might add, I`m pretty fed up with the Islamic foreign policy which holds as a religious belief and revelation that our homeland is a “house of war” until we submit to Islam.
And that is why there were hundreds of thousands of rapes of White girls. It was open season on these girls. It was justified in Muslim eyes as they were engaging in war – dar ul harb, for allah
It is also a reason why the authorities and the BBC dare not raise, as that would question their own culpability in war crime.
NB: There is no statute of limitations on war crimes, and no exceptions, like being PM etc.
Great post Tothepoint
The two murderous thugs who decapitated Lee Rigby, openly said that there are many suras in the Koran that justify their act. But the BBC initially edited that out.
Such is the shameless and boundless evil of the BBC, that they tried to hide the very reason why the Muslim Jihadis, the enemies of Western civilisation, did what they did. Helping the enemy in time of war, as it murders your own soldiers, is an act of treason. In more sensible times that existed not that long ago, it would have lead to a short walk to the wall + a cigarette (Not withstanding health and safety reasons).
Well remember watching Sky TV (and then the Sun on its website) give us the full unedited version of what the two murdering bastards of Lee Rigby did say at the scene of their atrocity.
Full Arabic quotations of Sura 8/9..the Tahwid(Verse of the Sword)…which DOES give them their Islamic justification for killing the infidel like Rigby, like me and like you.
Just as well that it was available at that time, sure as hell the BBC wound never have shown it.
And they didn`t.
That was the end of any redemption for the BBC for me-and they`ve only got worse since that all-time low.
Hi Tothepoint,
I’m afraid you might have to be renamed ‘Missedthepoint’.
If you read my reply above to johnnythefish, hopefully it will dawn on you that I haven’t said anything that could be remotely considered to be apology for Islamic terrorism, or even leftist, and if I hate white Europeans then I must be self-loathing. I’ll admit its probably slightly more believable than your suggestion that I’m in love with Alan.
You say you don’t know where to begin with tearing apart my ‘utterly shite post’. It seems you didn’t have a start, middle or end in doing that. Putting quotes around statements I didn’t make and attacking an argument I didn’t make, doesn’t count.
You say that I am ‘too fucking ignorant…to read the Koran’. I would’ve guessed from your tone that you thought ignorance wasn’t really a barrier to reading the Koran, but actually I have. (Well, I got through the first few Surahs before I gave up. If you’ve read the Old testament, then you’ve got the basic gist.)
If your list of jihadi attacks were intended to make the point that our response to terrorism is not the cause of terrorism, or that our they wanted to kill us long before Iraq and Afghanistan, then I wouldn’t disagree. In fact, you could add the attack on the USS Cole in 2000 to your list, or independence for East Timor or the attacks on Charlie Hebdo or the Paris kosher supermarket.
Kikuchiyo –
“Apologist – a person who offers an argument in defence of something controversial”
That’s you. That’s what you are doing to Alan’s post. That’s what the Al Beeb and Al Guardian have been doing in defence of Islam for decades, though it’s going to delusional propaganda levels now. If you are not being an apologist then you are being a devious, Al Beeb stooge that’s clearly on this website to try and pick any fault you can in Alan’s posts to discredit what he is saying… Or you really do have a love – really hate infatuation with him.
Alan’s a hundred % correct in what he has written. If you are so for ‘ensuring the truth is upheld’ then why have I never seen you on here criticising your employers? Those conniving, traitorous bast@rds are trying to destroy our way of life by continually withholding the truth about Islam. Islam will tear apart our way of life and destroy everything that makes us who we are.. White Europeans. Where are your agreements to those points of Alan’s post?.. Exactly! You are here with an alternative agenda and you are as complicit as the Al Beeb in allowing the death of our way of life to continue.
And one more point. You clearly haven’t read the Koran, or if you have, then you certainly haven’t understood it’s true meaning (must have skipped a few pages here and there in your contempt?). To suggest that reading the Bible will give you an idea of what the Koran is like is a complete lie and a dangerously inept description. The Koran is the final word of God/Allah. It is horrifically violent towards the infidels and explicitly states/mandates death, conversation and domination over them. It will never change for as long as Islam exists. The Bible is a collection of books describing the words of God whilst the Koran is the complete word of God from his final prophet.
The reason why Muhammad stated the Koran was needed was because the other religions have been hijacked by mans interpretation, which is clearly true as we seen the Christian and Jewish worlds as becoming secular and tolerant. Islamic cannot be tolerant (even thousands of years later). They can never allow the very instruction Muhammad set out all those year’s ago to change. That is true Islam. That’s why it’s death to anyone who tries to appose Islam. It is why the Al Beeb, Al Guardian are complicit in what is going to happen to our way of life by denying the truth about Islam. Why haven’t you posted about that instead of trying to pick fault with the truth Alan wrote?
Like you, Tothepoint, a lot of the regulars here seem to confuse the issue of the BBC’s relentless pushing of rose-tinted multiculturalism down our throats with the false belief that the BBC are promoters of Islam. Perhaps that is Alan’s fault here, but I wouldn’t put all the blame on him.
I couldn’t disagree more with that Statement Edward.
If you are aware that there is an issue with Islam, and that it’s ideology is in conflict with nearly all of the things we hold dear in this country, then you are complicit in the pain and suffering Islam will cause. It will happen. It is happening all over the world. The Al Beeb know this but are dedicated to distorting facts and misleading the public. They continual deny Islam is at fault and are actively trying to influence government policy and public opinion to encourage more Muslims to come here, even though the truth is that this will lead to even more social break down and suffering.
The Al Beeb and Al Guardian ARE promoters of Islam because to be neutral would mean reporting all the facts of what is happening around the whole world and why. The sole reason is because of Islam, because the Quran and hadiths instruct all Muslims to live the way Muslims are currently living in Islamic State.
Deluding yourself or ignoring the facts is just as bad as our ROPer friends walking around with banners saying “Islam for the West” or “Allah will kill you all”. ALL Muslims who carry out terrorist atrocities say it’s because of Islam. Its for Islam. Its because Muhammad instructed them to. This means that ITS BECAUSE OF ISLAM!
Al Beeb are willfully lying to the public every single time they say it’s nothing to do with Islam. That Islam is a peaceful, tolerant religion. That more Muslims should come here because there’s nothing wrong with it. That more Muslims should be championed on TV as moderates and just like us white Europeans. Its all a lie. A deadly, dangerous lie. The Al Beeb is promoting Islam because the only way to save our way of life and to stop all the suffering is to prevent Islam from spreading. To criticise Islam for the horrors it afflicts on billions… But the Al Beeb are too frightened to because of that horror or…. They just don’t care. Either way the Al Beeb are completely responsible for what is happening in the world right now
Attempting to blackmail me into agreeing with you by accusing me of being complicit in the pain and suffering Islam will cause isn’t going to succeed. All you have done there is reiterate my point that the BBC are portraying multiculturalism through rose-tinted glasses.
You’re accusing me of defending Islam either intentionally or unintentionally. I have made it quite clear here many times that I’m an atheist and an active secularist. I am sensitive to the slightest wiff of religious bias wherever that may be – the BBC, politics, society in general. Christians have much more in common with Islam than a non-religious person like myself, and I’m fully aware of how hurtful those words will be to Christians. However, it is a statement of fact.
If you can post a link to any BBC content that promotes Islam as a religion of peace, I would be happy to change my mind and also notify the National Secular Society with my findings.
“Islam is a religion which advocates peace and peace-making.”
BBC GCSE bitesize
Thanks JimS.
Now try finding content that isn’t taken from the national schools GCSE curriculum.
If disagreeing with Alan about anything is defined as ‘delusional, apologist, traitorous leftism’ then I am guilty on multiple counts.
‘To suggest that reading the Bible will give you an idea of what the Koran is like is a complete lie and a dangerously inept description. The Koran is the final word of God/Allah. ‘
If you think the Koran ‘is the final word of God/Allah’, I would’ve thought you’d be a bit more reluctant to criticise it (Ok, I’m being mischievous here!)
The Koran was plagarised from the previous texts of the Jews and Christians (Persian Maxims etc). Once you recognise the falsity of one, you recognise the falsity of them all.
‘The Bible is a collection of books describing the words of God whilst the Koran is the complete word of God from his final prophet.’
Not much of a distinction is it?
The fact that the BBC ignored what is a fantastically newsworthy story also shows that they don’t believe their own narrative about that vast majority of British Muslims being moderate. If they were why is the top Muslim population so contemptuous of them? That’s why they are keeping quiet. Good article about the Uncle Toms at the Beeb at:
Good point Alex
As to why the BBC downplays these stories who really knows?
At the best they are a bunch of overpaid. over educated, patronizing, up themselves arseholes living in some self perpetuating, North London bubble where the chardonnay is always chilled and the coffee is always ethical and of course where the conversation is always convivial and compassionate (especially when you are spending someone elses money). We see these twats here on a daily basis telling us how we should think and run our lives. Even at the expense of our culture and society going down the pan.
The other reason is very much darker and involves directed political media manipulation on a scale we can only guess at.
However this is all pretty acedemic as at the end of the day we will all be right royally F####D!
Am I bitter -course not!
Oaknash, I liked your words so I put some together. Hope you like it.
The Chardonnay is on the chill
Cos the taxpayer pays the bill
But the coffee is always ethical
And conversation always convivial
Compassion’s off the ration
As emoting is the fashion.
We always tell you what to do
Because we’re the superior crew!
But we will do what we like
So the rest of you can take a hike.
We’re the mighty BBC –
That we know you all agree.
We call ourselves a national treasure
Burying us would be your pleasure.
Aunty’s what you must call us
“All hail Aunty” is your chorus.
Freedom and decency we don’t like to see
We want rid of democracy.
We’re overpaid, so thank-you mugs,
We’re over-educated patronizing thugs.
We’re up our own arseholes (and often others)
Our immature brains stay in North London gutters.
But if you still retain a mind
You will see we love terrorists of every kind.
Proper Demon ! T S Eliot eat your heart out.!
Bet you cant do it in Haiku – Reckon even the Islington set might like it then !!!!!!
Islington Beboids
Drink Chardonnay all day long
Ethical coffee.
Your lords and masters
We are educated thugs
But Aunty knows best.
Up each other;’s bums
We’re emotion’ly crippled
But do as you’re told!
We are reds and greens
We mix ourselves till we’re brown
We hate true freedom
IRA are friends,
Like Hezbollah and Hamas
Hate Jews and UKIP.
Blimey Demon you have flabbered my gast!-and cheered me up no end – felt a bit pissed off this morning.
I suggest that if you add a verse or two about a gas meter or other domestic appliance and maybe even spice it up a bit with a bit pro lesbian prose then I reckon you could get a job as Carol Anne Duffeys ghost writer.
That was my attempt to rise to the haiku challenge.
Despite BBC denials . It of no surprise to learn that the SAUDIS are behind many of the atrocities across Europe as they directly sponsor ISIS and are largely responsible for Islamic Fundamentalists posing as ‘refugees’ and the home grown terrorist that are sponsored by the BBC apologists, which in turn is sponsored by SAUDI money in return for BBC ‘programming’. Reading from The Times (April 1st 2016) SAUDIS lead the foreign ISIS recruits (according to a cache of 4,600 documents leaked by a Syrian deserter).
This is being studied in Washington . However a more serious charge on the 9/11 atrocity which is in a not very secret 28 page damning report that and has blown a hole in the US/Saudi Alliance that has been ‘in place’ since the days of president Roosevelt himself (ironically to ensure oil supplies to the US in exchange for middle-east security in the region). . It appears that the Saudie’s sought to present itself as a bulwark against terrorism in the middle-east. At the same time it has ‘gone backwards’ in promoting its own brand of Muslim fundamentalism (Wahhabism) supposably aimed at countering the growing influence of IRAN (and its Oil) as its sworn Muslim foe in the Arab region. The Saudis princes (and Bin-Laden was a wealthy exiled Saudi Prince himself) are jointly guilty of promoting and sponsoring world-wide terrorism across the world. The BBC would not tell you that without contortions. The BBC promotes Saudi Wahhabism Islam because the EU PROMOTES ISLAM and the BBC receives SAUDI money to do so.
We now know that the OBHAMA administration did know of the SAUDI connection to 9/11 – but the FBI and CIA were prevented from taking any action (as the SAUDIS would have pulled $75 billion out of the US economy, or so they said), it was never made public at the time. Even though it was obvious that (the 9/11 terrorist attack) and the Saudi’s knew ‘both the time and place of the attack’. There is now a clear case for 9/11 victims families to make a legal claim against the US government for the ‘cover-up’ that went on immediately afterwards.
There is now no doubt that the SAUDIS knew of the attack but never alerted the US authorities (according to Michael Burleigh writing in The Times). Since this major disclosure of facts the US is now ‘rebooting’ its middle-east accord and ridding itself of Saudi sponsorship and political ‘crony’ influence. They (Saudi) have $75 Billion as ‘investment’ but its not all rosy for the SAUDIS back home. Since the oil crash (which they also sponsored) they have failed to tip America into crisis as ‘Shale Oil’ is replacing ‘Saudi Oil” and the Oil price has collapsed world wide.
The Saudis are mired in a bloody war with Yemen and locked in a civil war with Syrian troops which it is losing and the ‘sphere of influence’ (which includes the BBC and the EU) can only ‘influence’ more street fighters but they have to be paid in petro-dollars. I can happily report that SAUDI has had to ask for a 10 $billion dollar (multiple world bank) loan to finance its generous ‘Welfare state’, (so beloved of the BBC type) as its budget deficit is set to reach 19% of its gross national output and this is the first time they have been in urgent ‘debt relief’ for 25 years. Having to ask for ‘Tax’ from its citizens is unthinkable as it could cause a riot. It has for the past 25 years simply supplied BBC lifestyle benefits . Now ‘austerity’ bites back. There is a gulf developing between America and Saudi and we can be sure the the EU will welcome the SAUDIS ‘friend-in-need’ and the Islamic atrocities will be ‘airbrushed out’ of any UK and euroepan public resentment (by using legal means by preventing any protest of Islamisation). We can be sure that the EU will seek to ‘profit’ where America seeks victim damages from 9/11.The EU meanwhile proposes ‘further integration’ towards Islam.
If America finally evicts the Saudis then the EU gets the SAUDI so called ‘investment’ and the terror threat increases (for the rest of Europe). The BBC is already in receipt of major SAUDI ‘investment’ in its Salford Quay HQ in Manchester and in (so called) TV and -[world service] ‘programming’ measures on its ‘Worldwide services’ arm. This is entirely legal (as its outside the UK). That this is in breach of its UK BBC Charter (but that does not seem apply to BBC Worldwide joint ventures). The BBC delights in ‘endorsing Islam’ as having a multiple peaceful purpose and is not a threat in Europe. The UK is also listed in the documents as having been heavily ‘influenced’ by the UK broadcast media (think BBC) which appears not to condemn islamic extremists but apologises for them.
I shall leave that up to you to figure out why.
Briefing notes: (from Times – 21st April 2016 – but reprinted here due to paywall):
Briefing notes: (from The Times Opinion 23rd April 2016 but reprinted here due to paywall)
9/11 secrets that could turn Saudis into Pariahs
*(Michael Burleigh is author of ‘ Blood and Rage’ A Cultural History of terrorism which makes the charge). You may need to Google excerpts from that piece (or see Daily Mail report below which makes the key points from the article).
Victims of 9/11 families accuse Obama of ‘siding with Saudi Arabia’ by refusing to declassify 28 pages of report that ‘shows Gulf nation backed atrocity’ as they threaten to pull $750 billion in US assets
Either way, how can we allow the BBC to be sponsored in this way?
When the recent visit of OBHAMA (to the UK) was asked why he did not release the 28 page security document condemning the SAUDI’s involvement (as having prior knowledge of the attack). He replied ‘It’s complicated’…. That leaves it to the next US president to cut-off the US security to the Saudi ‘royals’ from any more political influence (or US security) they have enjoyed for the past 25 years.
What do you bet that the BBC will just ‘carry-on’ as if nothing has happened. The EU will ‘engage’ with terrorism but never condone it. The refugee crisis will overwhelm our own security and (if we stay in the EU) the dirty little war the Saudis are sponsoring of terrorism will continue (even in petro-dollar debt) as the EU will (of course) try to bail them out with our own (UK) money and Euro. That the BBC will never let you know what is IN that 28 page document (without its own interpretation) for it may lead to questions of how this was allowed to happen and who are the real perpetrators of this crime. If the US publishes the document (which it will eventually) it leaves the BBC with a difficult choice. Do they investigate the victims of 9/11 (and breach EU protocol) or condemn the US for making accusations against the Muslims (and continue to broadcast the merits of an Islamic Europe). And then the EU need the Saudi Arabs money to plug a refugee crisis swamping Europe…. They will seek financial ‘protection’ (from within the EU and BBC types) from those nasty ‘Americans’ who blame them for the organised Islamic attacks across the globe.
The next president has a lot of cleaning up to do. Trump is the man to do it.
But we need to get out of the EU to clean up the BBC.
Sorry about the long post. It puts the BBC claims of ‘religious diversity’ into perspective and how the EU operates through the BBC and the ‘world service’ that is sponsored by Saudi to promote its welfare state.
Th Saudi are threatening to dump $75 bn or is it $750bn, of US Treasury bonds. That sort of money is pocket change for the US, which can print as many Treasury bonds it likes.
However America, under Trump, might see that sort of statement as a threat. America could well decide to do a regime change in SA, and put a more pliant regime in charge. It could do that without even firing a shot. Just indicating that the SA “royals” do not have American support, will cause the corrupt regime to fall.
Where will the obese Saudi brigand royals go? They are hated in the Arab world. They would be blocked from the Europe. I suppose N Korea is an option.
On a day when we have the first signs that the SNP vote has peaked and some semblance of sanity may come to Scottish politics albeit over the next decade , we have signs of left wing delusional madness in London. If Sadiq Khan does indeed gain some 45 per cent of the vote we can conclude that London is a different country. It’s the bastion of the metropolitan socialist vote that’s doesn’t give a monkeys about British values and culture. Equally it’s the home of Muslim machine politics where the ethnic block vote for labour distorts all.
As the Muslim mass immigration and high birthrate does it’s work , London will increasingly look like the first European Caliphate. No political party supporting non Muslims and Christian or post Enlightenment civilisation can hope to rule in our capital city.
Its not for nothing that Labour imported Muslims by the millions, knowing full well that they will vote Labour. This is gerrymandering, with treason on the side.
I left London as I couldn’t abide seeing London degenerate into a Karachi or worse.
Goodbye London, it was nice knowing you!
Even a Muslim doesn’t trust Khan, and thinks he is an Islamist.
There must be sweets being handed out in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh.
Its difficult to imagine a political elite as stunningly stupid as the one we’ve had for the last two decades.
It will take a major war to regain England.
God help us.