Kindertransport 1938-1940 saved the lives of thousands of Jewish children from Germany to escape impending genocide. The BBC told us today, survivors of Kindertransport are lobbying the government to admit 3,000 unaccompanied Syrian children in Europe….the government is trying to admit refugees direct from Syrian refugee camps in the Middle East.
Some of the older children from the Kindertransport spent a period of internment in the Isle of Man as “friendly enemy aliens” before release into military service or other contributions to the British war effort.
Will there be a similar “vetting” process in 2016?
What are the parallels with the current situation? Will all the children be from the Christian and Yazidi communities….the most vulnerable groups facing genocide? Or to avoid discrimination will some of the perpetrator groups children be admitted too. ( the analogy with Kindertransport is stark…..were some needy children of Nazis on the Kindertransport?)
In the 30s and 40s the children were housed by Jewish, Quaker and other Christian support networks. Given the recent record of social services departments in Rotherham and Rochdale in “child safeguarding” will the Syrian children be safe?
What parallel is there between children in peaceful EU countries in 2016 and children in Nazi Germany in 1938-1940?
Questions the BBC decided not to consider in their lobbying……sorry, news broadcast this morning on Today
I heard that too, another group of self destructive Jews who the BBC paints as knowing everything there is to know about persecution, when in fact they know next to nothing.
The refugee treaty involves the state trying to persecute, or allowing others to persecute certain groups. This is manifestly not the case of someone in Calais.
The problem is with too many bleeding heart MPs on the Tory side as well, who will vote against the government.
These MPs should be named & shamed so that voters might know who they are and elect an alternative who has a spine, and cares about this country.
I don’t think ‘he’s being paid to have shown himself as a wimp’ . He is just ambitious and looking for his next job in the EU or UNESCO. As per Blair and Kinnock, he does not give a toss for his country. That’s why he has not closed down Al Beeb.
He thinks more of foreign children than his own vulnerable children …………….
And you dont think being rewarded with a sine cure is ‘payment’ for dirty deeds done? Plenty of after dinner speeches too no doubt when he leaves office!
True, the BBC start with an unqualifed assumption that ALL these children are undoubtedly genuine refugees under the age of 18 with no families waiting in the wings to join them later, and then proceed unquestioningly from there. There is NO investigation whatsoever into any of these children’s true histories. It is pure, unadulterated propaganda which is incredibly dangerous because it is aimed at having us drop our guard against an enemy which is implacably out to destroy us.
Soft bleeding-heart liberals in this country see these as children, helpless and in dire need. The Islamic communities from which these children came, do not. According to their previous “carers” They are now old enough to marry and fight in their wars Many of them will have had military training and have been extensively brainwashed to come here and hide as sleepers… so why are we opening ourselves up to danger from junior terrorists?
The BBC are being grossly negligent in their duty of care, and deeply irresponsible in the way that they are reporting this.
The Kindertransport children also had to be ‘sponsored’ – £50 per child, paid for by either the Jewish community, the Quakers or other kind people. £50 in those days was a lot of money – over £2,000 in today’s money according to moneysorter’s website. Today the government will provide benefits for these children. I have also read somewhere that once the children are allowed in, then their families are allowed to come too? Can someone correct me? I hope I am wrong on that one otherwise what better way to get a family into the UK than send a child (and as long as they don’t speak English it won’t matter if they are a few years over) .
While a Jewish man was pleading on the BBC, that Muslim children be granted asylum in Britain, I couldn’t help thinking that Jews were facing attacks in Britain by Muslims. What will the future be for the next generation of Jews, when Muslims outnumber the natives. I don’t think this gentle Jewish man has thought things through. Or if he has, has he considered that Britain would no longer be Britain. Is he concerned, or does he know it.
ARe you speaking of Alfred Dubs? Far from ‘gentle’ the 83year old has shown a ruthless disrespect for democracy and determination to push his ammendment through in the face of opposition of the mass of native Brits and even some of immigrant descent.
What is the motive of the large numbers of Jews who want to see Muslim immigration to Europe? Its bizarre!
Zionists who want to make Europe an uncomfortable place to be Jewish and drive Jews back to Israel?
Zionists who wish to disperse them from Israels neigbouring countries and weaken their ability to attack?
I only came across Alfred Dubs, if thats who he is, on the BBC, while having my morning cornflakes. BBC news is mainly sob stories of one sort or another. In this case they were showing little girls and a couple of boys, in Europe, who apparently have to fend for themselves in the Calais Jungle. How these girls and boys, managed to get to Europe from as far away as Afghanistan, was not discussed. Were they escorted there, then let lose for the cameras? It sure seems that way to me. There is no way a little girl could, or for that matter, would do such a thing. Its quite likely that Mum, or an aunt was not far away.
In any case, dumbo Cameron, in pursuit of support from the BBC, gave in. The other matter is that many of these boys look 18 years old, and some look like 50 years old. Never mind.
Thanks for the info on the blighter. Many Jewish bigots hate Christianity far more then they hate Islam. This is doctrinal. I have no angst with that, so long as they don’t attempt to flood the West with Muslims
“The Jewish community in Scotland is keen to promote Scotland as an attractive place for Jewish people to live, but for this to be successful, Scottish society, and in particular political leaders, must ensure that Scotland continues to be a safe and welcoming place for Jewish people to practise their religion and culture, and, very importantly, that it is seen as such by people elsewhere in the UK and worldwide.”
The third ‘commitment’ – “Opposing all forms of hate crime, and in particular racism and religious hatred, including antisemitism, sectarianism, and anti-Muslim hatred.”
Surely, it would be a safer place to live for Jews if they didn’t concentrate so much on protecting the muzzies? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The tiny numbers of Jews in Scotland, 6,448, shouldn’t even have a ‘manifesto for the Scottish parliament’!
They should accept what Scottish people want.
In fact there is very little in that ‘manifesto’ that is to the benefit of ethnic Scots!
And why on earth should people have to ‘respect’ religion? Eek!
And I notice in this section they refer to male genital mutilation as well as Kosher meat!
So Scots should respect these cruel archaic practices?
To hell with that!
Why blame Zionists? I am a Zionist and proud to be one. It may surprise Aefen to hear that I also do not want to see Britain neutered on the alter of multiculturalism, or see British Jews made so uncomfortable that they choose to leave. This is not a zionist problem it is a problem of dyed in the wool leftists,who are both Jews and non Jews. Leftists in Israel are undermining Israeli society just as surely as they are damaging Britain here with their bleeding hearts and their heads stuck firmly up their backsides, who in the case of the UK are unable or unwilling to see the damage unchecked and unvetted muslim migration from the Middle East is bringing to European society. Jewish children saved in the 30s by a kindertransport do not thereby become an authority on what is best to do with today’s Muslim children who are in Calais. If there is a case for bringing refugees to Britain then it should be the Yazidis and Syrian and Iraqi Christians who have been dreadfully treated and forced from their homes in the Middle East.
There’s a Have Your Say on Donald Trump. It’s going the way these things usually do nowadays. With the usual suspects who believe that saying “bigot” wins the argument surely beginning to realise that it doesn’t.
The highest voted comments are all supporting trump and thrashing the BBC and the politically correct delusional fantasy believing lefties. What a refreshing change.
The Today team on BBC Radio 4 this morning was showing its anguish at Trump’s ongoing success. They are now hoping for divine intervention, “something” to turn up that will change the course of events. Perhaps they think a Trump enterprise has been providing a safe haven for child rapists for the last 40 years. Surely a scandal like that would bring about the downfall of any organisation.
Another crappy little anti-Trump propaganda piece from the bowels of the BBC, especially this:
If there was a defining moment of the Indiana campaign, it was Mr Cruz’s fruitless attempt to reason [my emphasis] with a group of pro-Trump supporters on Sunday.
Every argument he advanced was rebuffed. Every bit of evidence of Trump malfeasance was denied. Mr Cruz was shouting in the wind.
I enjoyed this comment:
191. Posted by soundchaser7
on 4 May 2016 09:36
The BBC reporting on Trump has been pretty desperate stuff, perhaps the title of this piece should have been, ‘We smeared, we lied, we lost’
Looking at the comments so far, this ‘HYS’ is going to once again shine the light on the ‘so-called’ ‘balanced’ way the BBC conducts itself in any political capacity.
Wall to wall coverage of Leicester City on every BBC outlet continuing today.
What are they trying to mask?
Is it the anti-Jewish Labour row which I doubt will do Corbyn much harm or Gerry Adams’ racist Tweet?
The anti-semitism has been going for years with the Beeb ignoring it, and even now incapable of detecting or mentioning that it is because so many Muslims are now in the Labour Party. This group is not expected to maintain the democratic standards that others have to. Any prejudice is pandered to or simply ignored like Rotherham.
The Adams Tweet has not been met with the usual hysteria of the liberal lynch mob on the BBC news website which any anti-IRA politician would have to face. No trending here, even now that Adams has declared himself ‘not white’ as his identification with black Americans deepens.
Well said Framer..” the anti semitism has been going on for years with the Beeb ignoring it”
Nick Cohen wrote a book about the phenomenon…in “What`s Left” in 2007, that`s nine years ago!
He and Howard Jacobson have also been writing newspaper items about the underlying anti semitic nature of the phenomenon of the lefts one eyed view of the Israel-Palestinian dispute for years…..
…..yet suddenly, out of a clear blue sky comes Labours very own “hate – gate”
BBC incompetence ….or bias?
What rubbish. Jews are heavily ‘over represented’ in the media and that includes at the BBC, given what a tiny proportion of the population they are. Why would they be ‘anti semitic’ against themselves? And why would the BBC, if ‘anti Semitic’ choose to employ so many ?
The issue the BBC has is that they are also very pro Muslim, and nobody can pretend that Israel has treated Muslim Arab Palestinians especially well.
I sat and watched a bit of RT news yesterday…. Bearing in mind that the network is fundamentally pro russian in its` content of course… However, it had a ot of news including video footage of various atrocities being carried out in Syria and the rest of the middle east in general which was not even reported on either BBC or SKY… Instead there were official press releases of what John Kerry had to say which didn`t amount to much apart from more false platitudes regarding the apparent lack of a cease fire and a complete lack of a mention of Al Nusra car bombs in Alawhite held enclaves in Syria…..
Personally, I will now be using RT news along with BBC and SKY to get a better viewpoint on what is actually going on in the region due to this kind of mainstream news censorship currently on offer here in the UK…. The RT news networks use of far prettier female presenters of course has nothing to do with it!!!!
Funny you should mention RT. My wife (am I still allowed to call her that?) was watching it a couple of days ago and told me that someone from RT was interviewing people in Birmingham about “refugees” from Syria. Every person interviewed (or reported by RT) said something along the lines of “charity begins at home”. No surprises there. However, the reason she told me about it was that the interviewer was told to stop filming by, as far as she could make out, a member of Birmingham council who turned up at the scene. My wife isn’t a free speech zealot but she was appalled. She said it was the sort of thing she expected from China or Russia.
Apart from anything else, does a council even have the power to do that? If so, why?
It was originally proposed about 20 Syrians were to be resettled in Birmingham. New-build housing was supplied FOC, thus leap-frogging a massive waiting list for housing. Now it appears to be closer to 250 newcomers and some of the “Syrians” have names (and appearances) more common in parts of Egypt. All of this, expertly choreographed, by Muslim councillors of the parish. They do have form for this sort of behaviour. Urban renewal grants for whole streets of houses, both council & privately-owned, to be totally renovated and just happened to contain assorted members of their own families. I expect to see a twinning bid with Karachi, in the near future , as my old home city is looking more and more like it with each passing year.
RT is international in its outlook, and gives real news of importance. The BBC is merely a loudspeaker for leftys to shout their propaganda. RT reporters can be seen in dangerous environments. BBC journos are too important and well paid for that sort of thing.
I’m surprised anyone is taken in by RT. Nothing much except the graphics has changed since Soviet times. The Soviet techniques, repetiton of brazen lies, straight denial of the truth and hysterical denounciations of those who challenge the lies are all there. Although the loony conspiracy theorists are a novelty. They may well just be the old western Marxist-Lennist “intelligensia” who have given up writing pamphlets for 10 people to enjoy big-time media fame. The idea that the average Soviet citizen was “reading between the lines” of Soviet propaganda to discern the truth is fanciful in the extreme.
The ever-reliable Scott Gronmark has a fine piece on his former employer’s (he is ex-BBC) addiction to all things EU.
It’s the few brave souls who, like Mr Gronmark, escaped the BBC madhouse with their sanity intact and who tell us how bad things are inside the organisation that make our clownish, BBC-loving trolls (who know nothing about the BBC) look so hollow and foolish.
Yes, excellent observation. Many a true word is said in jest:
The comedian Lee Hurst recently tweeted the following: ”The BBC appears to have cameras that can find a child in a crowd of thousands of young men, but not on BBC premises.”
However, jokes are always better when as short and sweet as possible. I’d omit appears to have cameras that.
True. Let’s not forget Robin Aitkin ex BBC man himself and his marvelous expose of the BBC elite ‘Can we Trust the BBC’ (answer obviously is No!). The thing is – none can ‘question’ the BBC management – whilst in working at the BBC HQ on what constitutes ‘News and Opinion’. Aitkin’s book was a revelation (to me) on what actually goes on at the BBC over a long period is not far short of corruption of the entire reporting process… Here is Robin Aitkin (Aitkin worked for the BBC for the 25 years). on the BBC dislike of America (excepting Obhama as demi god).
GCooper – thank you so much for linking that; what a superb article.
I thought this quote was an absolute gem (amongst many):
“Watching BBC coverage of current events sometime feels like getting reports from a parallel universe in which everything looks much like it does in our world, but in which all the conclusions are the diametric opposite of those which a rational, sensible human being would draw: the EU and the BBC both seem certain that the only way to solve a problem is to do even more of what caused it in the first place.”
Did anyone catch Laura Kuenssberg’s performance on the DP at lunchtime? Her disapproval of Cameron’s justifiable attack on Corbyn was barely concealed. She was angry to the point of saying that Corbyn’s response to the attack was ‘valiant’. A disgrace.
It didn’t take her long to show her colours. When she was at ITV you would never have known…but now she’s got her feet under the table, safe in the groupthink at the BBC, anything goes.
Ms Keunssberg is of course a BBC person through and through – check out her CV.
I’m afraid even at ITV she struggled to conceal her distaste of the “right”, making her an absolute shoo in for the BBC position when you add in the present BBC equality mania.
I saw that bit about their equality targets – needing to achieve 50% of minorities, front of camera (ethnic, gender, transgender, gay etc), by 2020.
The unions will not be happy. If they’re going to hit the 50% equality target, they are going to have to start sacking some of those ethnic, gender, transgender, gay presenters they’ve got.
The white British heterosexual male/female will be an endangered species in the media by 2020; and the odds are getting shorter at there being a hijab reading the news long before that date.
When they were talking about taking in the 3,000 children refugees in France to the safety of the U.K. (read England) why didn’t Jo Corbyn ask if the virtue signallers if these children could then bring in their parents (and eventually the rest of the family, uncle Mohammed Cobbley and all)
Also, on pmq’s, why didn’t Jeremy Coburn point out to call me Dave that it was pmq’s and not leader of the Labour Party questions.
I heard Laura Kuenssberg tetchily defend Jeremy Corbyn with the ‘valiant’ nonsense. But the truth is that most people who heard her offer that desperate defence would have also seen the exchange between Corbyn and David Cameron and make up their own minds.
When Andrew Neil was crushing the poor Labour nonentity by pressing him on why Corbyn can’t distance himself from the mindless racist Hamas terrorists, Laura also jumped in with the heckle ‘he doesn’t approve.’
She is oddly silent when people attack the Prime Minister. Anyone know why?
Looks like our PM has caved in . He is very weak.
He doesn’t have to look after them. There are major problems in getting foster parents for our own children , let alone the tidal wave that will follow . Once they are in, they will suddenly make connections with their extended families – then the rest of the families will ‘wont in’.
Is the rest of the EU so bad at taking care of its people that they have to come here ? Vote to leave the EU
The worst ‘eva’ Tory Prime Minister that this nation has had the misfortune to elect .
A big uptick to your post Taffman, lot of questions here, I have the answer to the first question, any celebrities who said we should allow all of the refugees in, they should have to take at least 10 families each as they can afford it.
No excuses accepted. I would pay good money to see these celebs faces drop to the floor like Thompson, Cumberbatch, etc.
The other statements raise more questions, but alas no answers. More children will be pushed into trying to get into the country, this will mean more child refugees not more. This will result in more child abuse and more deaths.
Your views on extended families following into the country is a bit cynical, but probably very true.
On another subject, I have only just caught up, belatedly, with bBBC a radio programme called How I Changed My Mind where Dominic Lawson talks to Trevor Phillips. Trevor Phillips breaks down and openly cries. He explains how for many years he got multiculturalism badly wrong. He also talks about how members of the liberal left now ignore him.
Interestingly and topically he also goes to state that the odious Ken Livingston called him a Nazi for changing his opinions on multiculturalism.
Not bias as such. But what does the BBC do with all our money? On Bank Holiday Monday, Mr D and I thought we would watch some tv. Mr D (as usual) had the tv zapper and and he scrolled down the choices on Freeview we had to go for the best that was available. Not the snooker – our interest in that waned some years ago. So New Tricks it was then – on Drama or some such like – but 20 years old if a day. What does the BBC do with our money?
I too watched New Tricks on Drama, but I can’t agree that there was no bias.
I’ve never seen the programme before, because it was never convenient to watch it. I had high hopes, especially as George Cole was the guest star – obviously he’d be the criminal but I thought it would be interesting to see how the plot played out.
In the event the crimes all sprang from George’s past as a National Service officer in Kenya during the Mau Mau Emergency when his troops massacred some Kikuyu tribesmen. It was interesting that in this BBC script the police team had no problem in believing that an historic CIA document was 100% accurate and totally trustworthy. The police team couldn’t come up with any evidence to charge him for either the historic or modern crimes, so they leaked the details to the press and he was ruined. The programme might have been made years ago but it ticked all the boxes for the BBC’s current obsessions (except transgender).
I don’t think I’ll make the effort to watch another episode.
I’m not a watcher of much TV drama but I seem to recall that when New Tricks began it was quite good. Then the darlings in the BBC’s drama department got to work on it and the plotlines became increasingly obsessed with the Guardianistas’ usual race/gender/colonialism obsessions.
I believe I read somewhere that one of the stars left in disgust, citing, among other things, the bastardisation of the series’ storylines.
But, as I keep saying, BBC drama is no longer there to entertain. It is there to make sure we proles have ‘correct thought’ about every subject.
RJ, you must have either been at a different time or different channel because the one I watched wasn’t the one with George Cole. So many repeats saves the BBC making any new programmes.
For real bias, try the Room 101 with Charles Dance. To much cheering from the audience he suggested George Osborne was put forward for room 101. The reasons given were just plain nasty, but it didn’t stop lots more whooping from the audience and George was then Frank Skinners choice to go in. I expect the BBC would claim it was their guest’s choice and therefore doesn’t have to be unbiased.
There is nothing to watch on BBC TV because £1 billion a year from the licence fee goes to prop up the staff pension fund.
Yes they don’t mention that often. That’s the reason for the cuts and the non-making of any good programmes. Only repeatz are shown or format spin-offs (Strictly, Bake-off etc).
That or the raiding of the archives and the restitching of TOTP (less Savile) which fills most of BBC4.
My ‘repeat’ hate is Escape to the Country; they are currently showing editions from 2012 where house prices have no relevance to today’s market. They need to expand more on these little ‘jollies’ that apparently take a week to film and yet only 3 properties hit the screen in a 45 minute show. I don’t know whether the participants pay for themselves on these little short break outings, but they seem like a nice freebie trip (paid for by me) to another part of the Country regardless of whether they are interested in a property or not. And why not create a programme on those that have ACTUALLY bought and moved in to one of these properties, there must be a few in all the years that E tt C has been aired.
A bit late, I know, but I would like to take you back to Question Time Extra Time, last Thursday and in particular to a call from ‘Pam’ in Wales who rang in, in response to the Hillsborough discussion.
Pam rang to complain that the Sun hadn’t had the decency to apologise for their coverage of the Hillsborough disaster, saying:
‘It was disgraceful that there’s not word of sorry (sic)…remorse from the Sun, the paper. Not an apology…absolutely disgusting…Not a mention, not a word of remorse, you know, unbelievable.’
It was a languid and rambling call, with lots of opportunity for Fatty Nolan, who was in the chair, to intervene and challenge, but no! he was more inclined to set her off again, asking if because of that would she not buy the paper (never) and what would she call for the Sun to do now? (Pam said that she hoped that the families are going to sue them).
Now this is all well and good, but for the fact that, contrary to what ‘Pam’ told the world, the Sun;
– On 7 July 2004, printed a front page apology saying that “committed the most terrible mistake in its history” by publishing the story;
– On 13th September 2012, printed another front page apology with the headline, ‘The REAL Truth’;
– On the 26th April 2016, printed another apology reiterating its earlier errors.
– and Kelvin McKenzie, the Editor responsible personally apologised in 2011, 2012 and after the inquests verdicts last week.
My gripe with Nolan is that he, as a supposed journalist, reads newspapers you would think. He would be up to speed wouldn’t he? He would certainly know that the Sun has repeatedly apologised. So why did this, often brusque handler of callers, not offer ‘Pam’ the REAL Truth, so to speak?
The thing is, for the BBC (as Victoria Derbyshire helpfully told us a few weeks back) perceptions are everything. So here, Nolan went along with the lie and failed in his responsibility to let the facts see the light of day, reinforcing a left wing perception of the Sun, that the BBC was only to happy to convey.
Nolan, if you listen to the recording, had all the time in the world to put Pam right. But of course the all powerful BBC have issues with their upstart of a competitor, News International. Remembering that the BBC used TV Taxpayer money to object to the purchase of Sky, any opportunity to kick them is obviously welcomed. Even if it means another nail in the coffin of the BBC’s integrity.
Yes your quite right Number 88 but i think the BBC and thier staffs `handling` of kids is much more shameful !!! " alt="a> " />
“Pam rang to complain that the Sun hadn’t had the decency to apologise for their coverage of the Hillsborough disaster, saying:
‘It was disgraceful that there’s not word of sorry…’”
Not quite; “I think what’s disgraceful is that there’s not word of sorry, of remorse from the Sun, the paper. Not an apology, not a mention, absolutely disgusting.”
Yes, a minor quibble, but one I highlight to point out that she was talking in the present tense. Because what she was referring to was The Sun’s failure to put the Hillsborough verdict on it’s front page the previous day.
If you remember, this came up on Question Time. So, despite your attempts at character assassination (“languid and rambling”, “set her off again”), she made a perfectly valid & accurate point.
Telepathic are you? Or perhaps you’re ‘Pam’. Where did she mention the ‘front page’? She didn’t. Where did she talk about coverage of the inquest? She spoke of ‘Hillsborough’. And even if she was speaking in the present tense, Nolan could have pointed to the three full pages of coverage in the Sun and the Sun’s repeat apology, and McKenzie’s mea culpa, published that day.
The Sun was damned if it did – damned if it didn’t. You can’t even buy the Sun newspaper in Liverpool anyway, so does it really matter?
I really don’t like the self-pity constantly spewed out from that city. Self-pity City – I had never heard of this label until after the court judgement and suddenly some “Scouser” spokesperson comes out with it in retaliation against all those who imposed that label upon them. So how come I had never heard of the term?
How did Sue Johnston miraculously recover her broad Scouse accent? Like Sheena Easton rediscovering her indecipherable Scottish accent to appease the locals, it seems almost too unlikely and patronising to the hilt!
I’m a Forest fan and I’m sure if it was Forest fans who had died we wouldn’t have blamed everyone but our own hooligans and swept the guilt under the carpet. I’m still angry about Hillsborough but for the wrong reasons.
We have to keep in mind that the judgement wasn’t in favour of the “fans” but that the “fans” were found not guilty of any part in the disaster. Which is basically the same as saying the stampeding cows at the back of the queue were in no way responsible for the deaths of the cows at the front.
Worth knowing how the EU army works, and how they are governed by the democratic will of the people.
By golly, I feel safe with this guy in charge of our defence.
Perhaps I am revealing a bias against military men who talk like robots.
Speaking like a robot? I’m guessing that that officer is a Dutch national. If I could speak & pronounce Dutch as well as he does English (I suspect he may have been using a teleprompter) I would be even happier than I am right now!
When I studied in Amsterdam long ago I worked damned hard on my pronunciation of Dutch.
My aside about speaking like a robot was not based on his Dutch accent but on years of watching comedy shows with German, English (Dad’s Army types) and Americans speaking like robots. Its a familiar comic routine.
More seriously was the command structure, based on unelected politicians
Sorry, GWF, that bit wasn’t obvious from your original post.
Wouldn’t disagree with the comedy aspect but I’ve heard it in reality in English from Americans (if that isn’t an oxymoron) during Afghanistan and Gulf 2. Some of the US Forces’ spokesmen that were on BBC R4 accounting for the day’s developments were so robotic that, as a layman, I was wondering if it was safe to allow them anywhere near guns and bullets and grenades.
The explanation is “a concerted campaign to vote down the video.” It’s actually because it just isn’t funny. As critics have predicted, anybody who doesn’t like this film will be branded as a sexist who is just hating on women, when the reason is that it just isn’t any good, it certainly looks from the trailer that it is going to be a stinker anyway.
The latest tear jerking, hand wringing worries (moral blackmail) about the children in refugee camps will have a devastating impact on our nation. Denmark has discovered that an astonishing 72 % of these claimants are in fact over the age of 18!
Surely we all acknowledge that allowing hoards of hairy arsed young Arabs into our country would be catastrophic. We’ve all seen what happened in Cologne, Copenhagen, Brussels, Paris, etc. You name it we’ve seen it. We are led by spineless politicians, crying crocodile tears, while we live with the consequences of their weakness and virtue signalling.
Here is the link. Its s not as high as your read it, as they werent all examined, but of course given that the PeeCee danes are reluctant to conduct intensive and intimate examinination, obviously many more adults will have got through unexamined.
Read past the sensationalist headline and you will find that there were 818 “unaccompanied minors” seeking asylum. Of those, 282 were considered “questionable”. 72% of the “questionable cases” were deduced to be above the age of 18.
Yes Zero but youre not allowing for the fact that of the unexamined “children” some will also have been over eighteen since they will have been given the benefit of the doubt.
Nor are we told on what basis some are thought ‘suspicious’ . It could be appearance or it may be that their story didnt hang together e.g revealing that they remembered some historical incident in their country a young child would not have or inconsistencies about years they started school for example. If examination i not based on physical appearance then many older men who had worked out a good story may hhave avoided it.
I recall a young girl my daughter swam with whose family were refugees previously in France. I always believed she was two or three years older than claimed and saw an inconsistency when her mother told me the year they left France. This girl spoke fluent French which would have been impossible had she actually left at two years old.
“Yes Zero but youre not allowing for the fact that of the unexamined “children” some will also have been over eighteen since they will have been given the benefit of the doubt.”
Quibble all you like. Jeff’s claim that; “72 % of these claimants are in fact over the age of 18!” is still bollocks.
Zero , Why do you waste your time on this site ?
Why don’t you just set up an “I Love 🙂 Al Beeb” site for yourself, Jerod , Marvin and Scot etc ?
Or an “I love paying my Telly Tax” site ?
I am sure you will have many ‘followers’ and ‘hits ‘
Go for it !
I’ll post on it and I’ll even advertise this on it ………………..
zero, you are partially correct. Not fully correct because if you had read the whole article as carefully as you read the part that you try to use to dismiss Jeff’s less-than 100% precise language, you would have seen this:
” According to UNICEF, the births of nearly 230 million children under the age of five worldwide, or around one in three, have never been recorded, meaning that they cannot document their age and, in many cases, do not even know their exact age.
Danish People’s Party MP Peter Skaarup said that his party would push for the coming government to conduct more age examinations on unaccompanied minors, arguing that they are lying about their age.
“When you discover that there are so many who are cheating, then we should be testing more of them. It should also have a consequence on their chances of being granted asylum,” he told MetroXpress. ”
By all means contribute here to add balance, zero, or add alternative or contradictory views and challenge and debate others, but before you claim that something posted by another is b*ll*cks or a lie, make sure that your post holds up. Perhaps a moderation of your language while pointing out the strict maths and the entirely logical extrapolation might gain you greater respect.
Can’t get past the first 20 seconds of Lyce Doucet’s vomit-inducing video here which I imagine is supposed to bring us around to DC’s view that we should take more ‘children’ from ‘Europe’. Or is that adolescent males from Calais? If they are so desperate and endangered then apply for asylum in France, without moving an inch, where they will find they are pretty safe. The whole situation is outrageous, and of course backed up by the wonderful BBC. What’s the betting that one of the questions on QT will be ‘should we be taking more vulnerable migrant children from Europe…’
Is it Camerons view that 3,000 unaccompanied child refugees already in Europe (“made it to Europe” in BBC speak) need to come to the UK?
That 3,000… a suspiciously nice round figure….already in Europe, so not in immediate danger……could it be a quota? being imposed by the real government of this country in Berlin, Brussels or Strasbourg or wherever they are?
Could it be a quota, not being mentioned in the run up to the referendum.
Is Camerons arm being twisted in the background hence his ever changing stance on this issue?
I`d like to hear that question on QT or directly put to Cameron….3,000 is a very round number.
I suspect the word ‘children’ is used rather than the legal term ‘minors’ because it conjures up images of helpless infants wandering around the Jungle camp, rather than strapping 17 year old men. It’s been pointed out before that organisations use the term ‘children’ when they want minors to appear younger, (ie in this case to promote immigration) but ‘young people’, ‘teenagers’, ‘adolescents’ etc when they want them to appear older, eg, with regards to sexual activity. You always hear for example of ‘teenage mothers’ but never ‘child mothers’. When the age of homosexual consent was lowered to 16 for example I do not recall it being described as allowing homosexual activity with children.
Not even ‘young people’ but ‘young men and women’ to emphasise their ‘maturity’.
And this isnt just in sexual context, even primary schoolchildren are now ‘students’
How long before they want votes for twelve year olds?
And of course Anders Breiviks victims were all ‘children’ despite being students in their late teens and early twenties (a demographic similar to the alleged ‘;child migrants’ I believe)
Doucet must be reponsible for more smashed TVs than anybody else. Her agenda is so bloody obvious and her very poor reporting skills make anything she covers poor stuff. Add to that her lack of a clear voice ( I am being kind here ) and she is just not up to the job. Mind you so very few of the BBC’s staff are these days.
She seemed incapable of asking the right questions but this is a trait shared by all the PC reporting staff of our world class broadcaster. If the BBC was a private company these people would not last five minutes.
Well that Lincolnshire interviewer is unlikely to get a job with the BBC or get advancement if already there: he actually asked questions about UKIP policy and wasn’t trying to smear Farage, or constantly interrupt him, in the way that BBC and Sky interviewers do.
Funny isn`t it?
After all the scorn and abuse aimed at Trump…it seems now that the liberal medias fear is that-by his nomination-this lets Hillary Clinton in with a free run.
You`d think that the liberal media would LIKE that, wouldn`t you?
But no-they continue to obsess about Trump…which tells you that the liberal elite are bricking it, in fear of the little people going rogue and not voting for Clinton.
Now Trump keeps getting referred to as a “billionaire property developer mogul”
What are the words we use for Clinton?,,,is she a millionaire, billionaire-and(unlike Trump)….we` know she`s not earned a dollar, created a job that wasn`t paid for by her beloved Joe the Plumbers…
Clinton will get pasting….
The msm and BBC in particular are looking more and more stupid in the way they portrayed and continue to portray Trump as a cartoon character. The BBC are really letting us all down by not actually doing some proper analysis on Trump. I imagine most people would be interested in knowing more about the man, not just watching and listening to carefully edited clips (again repeated on the BBC 6pm news tonight) and being told jokes about his hair.
Englands Dreaming,
The proof of your point is to be found at the bottom of every BBC article about Trump where there is a list of previous stories. When the titles are listed together their childishness and amateurism shines through. As you say, the BBC is letting us all down and embarrassing the UK.
England and Chris you have both made some really good points. The BBC displays the normal lefty kneejerk reaction of playing the man rather than his policies. I suspect that this is because some of the things he has said actually made sense.
Despite not particularly liking Trump (too brash for me) I found ( particularly on R4) all the smart arse lefty comments even more irritating. I guess you need to live in North London and know your wines to appreciate them.
Unfortunately vapid politicians like Dave (egged on by Aunty) have been unable to contain their excitement all being in an extreme hurry to grab a seat on the “Right On Express” stopping at all destinations including Gender equalityville, Migrant metropilis and Benefits Lake. Unfortunately Commonsenseville has been permanently deleted from all BBC timetables.
The Telegraph mentioned that if Trump is elected Daves comments referring to Trump as “Divisive, Stupid and wrong ” May well mean backfire on him meaning that the idiot may well have to apologise to Trump.
It would be nice to think that next time Dave opens his mouth he comes out with something sensible rather than trying to please Aunty. However I am sure having to abase hims What a fine statesman we have as a leader
Lets hope Trump is not vindictive. If we leave the EU, we wont survive unless we have America’s support. We wont even be able to join organisations if America is displeased with England. Our armed forces cannot function without America. Goodbye Falkands. Ditto our intelligence services. And if Trump is really displeased, he might kick us out of the Security Council and hand the seat over to Germany – the defeated nation of WWII. Germans would be really pleased with that.
One doesn’t insult a possible candidate for president of a global superpower that has no equal. If Cameron has UK’s interest at heart, he should apologise to Trump. And if he cant, should resign asap.
The runes do not look good for The Moron wrt. to the US Election. Which party polled over 4,000,000 votes after being called “fruitcakes and nutcases” by The Moron?
I don’t think Trump will turn his back on us . Most US people have a soft spot and respect for Great Britain.
Its the UK media and their ‘left wing indoctrinated ‘ reporters that hate him . If he does get to be the US President he will be well informed by his advisers.
Don’t forget, Trump’s mother was Scottish, and he is proud of his roots. He has even come to realise that the SNP are a bunch of two faced socialist jerks.
England and Chris you have both made some really good points. The BBC displays the normal lefty kneejerk reaction of playing the man rather than his policies. I suspect that this is because some of the things he has said actually made sense.
Despite not particularly liking Trump (too brash for me) I found ( particularly on R4) all the smart arse lefty comments even more irritating. I guess you need to live in North London and know your wines to appreciate them.
Unfortunately vapid politicians like Dave (egged on by Aunty) have been unable to contain their excitement all being in an extreme hurry to grab a seat on the “Right On Express” stopping at all destinations including Gender equalityville, Migrant metropilis and Benefits Lake. Unfortunately Commonsenseville has been permanently deleted from all BBC timetables.
The Telegraph mentioned that if Trump is elected Daves comments referring to Trump as “Divisive, Stupid and wrong ” May well mean backfire on him meaning that the idiot may well have to apologise to Trump.
It would be nice to think that next time Dave opens his mouth he comes out with something sensible rather than trying to please Aunty. However I am sure having to abase hims What a fine statesman we have as a leader
England and Chris you have both made some really good points. The BBC displays the normal lefty kneejerk reaction of playing the man rather than his policies. I suspect that this is because some of the things he has said actually made sense.
Despite not particularly liking Trump (too brash for me) I found ( particularly on R4) all the smart arse lefty comments even more irritating. I guess you need to live in North London and know your wines to appreciate them.
Unfortunately vapid politicians like Dave (egged on by Aunty) have been unable to contain their excitement all being in an extreme hurry to grab a seat on the “Right On Express” stopping at all destinations including Gender equalityville, Migrant metropilis and Benefits Lake. Unfortunately Commonsenseville has been permanently deleted from all BBC timetables.
The Telegraph mentioned that if Trump is elected Daves comments referring to Trump as “Divisive, Stupid and wrong ” May well mean backfire on him meaning that the idiot may well have to apologise to Trump.
It would be nice to think that next time Dave opens his mouth he comes out with something sensible rather than trying to please Aunty. However I am sure having to abase hims What a fine statesman we have as a leader
England and Chris you have both made some really good points. The BBC displays the normal lefty kneejerk reaction of playing the man rather than his policies. I suspect that this is because some of the things he has said actually made sense.
Despite not particularly liking Trump (too brash for me) I found ( particularly on R4) all the smart arse lefty comments even more irritating. I guess you need to live in North London and know your wines to appreciate them.
Unfortunately vapid politicians like Dave (egged on by Aunty) have been unable to contain their excitement all being in an extreme hurry to grab a seat on the “Right On Express” stopping at all destinations including Gender equalityville, Migrant metropilis and Benefits Lake. Unfortunately Commonsenseville has been permanently deleted from all BBC timetables.
The Telegraph mentioned that if Trump is elected Daves comments referring to Trump as “Divisive, Stupid and wrong ” May well mean backfire on him meaning that the idiot may well have to apologise to Trump.
It would be nice to think that next time Dave opens his mouth he comes out with something sensible rather than trying to please Aunty. However I am sure having to abase hims What a fine statesman we have as a leader
Trumps a twerp alright in so many ways…but a suitable emetic for the constipated, poisoned US political system.
Simple really-if Jon Snow and Kirsty Wark hate you and all you stand for-we need you high up the political food chain…and POTUS is as good as it gets.
Trump is just the symptom of how rancid it`s all got, and he`s not milked the public purse or let US Embassy staff get lynched in Libya, as his opponent `s done.
Excellent point ChrisH. I don’t particularly like Mr Trump, but I can see that he is acting as a strong emetic for the poisons in the political system of the US (and by extension, the west in general). Cometh the hour, cometh the man. Things have gone too far for a relatively moderate, intelligent and cultured president – someone similar to the late Ronald Reagan, for example – to stand a chance.
You mean they had an ulterior motive for paying her half a million dollars to deliver a speech? Isn’t that just the going rate for the job? Obviously, if they had just given her half a million, that would have been a bribe. But if she spends an hour boring the arse off any banker unlucky enough to be ordered to attend, that is just grandy and dandy.
chrisH, The unspoken fear(?) yesterday – either that or the BBC political journalists hadn’t worked it out yet although one got close in my hearing on WatO – is that Trump is likely to have some strong appeal to swing voters and Democrat supporters. The young journo (sounded young) on WatO listed all those in the GOP who would NOT vote for Trump. He failed to make the connection with those outside the GOP who MAY vote for Trump.
I remember that the GW Bush re-election was due in large measure to Democrats disliking Kerry, especially ‘working class’ Catholics who did not trust him on abortion. The British mainstream media completely overlooked the support that GWB received from Democratic majority States and constantly, even to this day, attribute his re-election to ‘ the Christian fundamentalist ‘Right’ ‘ of the Republican Party.
Ohio is an important State to watch. If they go for Trump in November, phew!
Here’s something that the BBC don’t cover. I found it on Sky’s online News.
Sky have done some foot-slogging investigation into the names and addresses on the recently leaked IS memory stick. What they found destroys the BBC/Left lie that the Islamic murderers were from deprived backgrounds who had been not given an opportunity for employment and advancement in a career.
Deprivation is NOT a motive.
And, many if not the majority were from refugee ‘backgrounds’.
Dima Izzedin of Syria accused her employer of bias in favor of Bashar al-Assad’s regime in its reporting on the bloody war in her home country. After eight years at BBC she announced she will no longer continue, reports The New Arab on Tuesday.
Anyone know more about this? Presumably Miss Izzedin was OK with the BBC’s Israel coverage.
deegee, that’s bizarre. The BBC I have been hearing for the last five years has been totally anti-Assad even to the point of to this day attributing to him chemical attacks on (opponents &) civilians despite two UN investigations, I think, finding the charges unfounded.
Assad is of the left. Putin’s man. Of course the BBC would go easy on him.
It’s interesting that in Dover Sentry’s post, above, he refers to the footslogging that Sky have done with the ISIL papers. The BBC have completely ignored this including the revelation from the papers this week that Assad and ISIL had been co-operating, specifically in the taking of Palmyra. Assad’s people were also passing intelligence to ISIL warning them of impending attacks and bombing raids, enabling ISIL to evacuate and regroup in good time.
If you are making a programme about modern masculinity, clearly the go to guy is a transvestite potter. I mean, it’s so obvious, how can there be any debate?
If Quentin Crisp were still alive, the BBC would make him their Rugby League correspondent. Why not? They made a muslim head of religious programming. Anything’s possible!
I had to chuckle when I saw that Grayson Perry programme advertised. It’s so predictable! It seems obvious to me that Mr Perry is only liked by the BBC because he drags up. He throws pots as well but these don’t seem to me to be much different to many others being made by lots of ceramic artists. I suspect the BBC like him because unlike Danny La Rue, Lily Savage etc, his drag is not an ‘act’ but part of his ‘gender identity’ or some such twaddle. If he didn’t dress in womens’ frocks would anybody actually notice him??
Grayson Perry is a third-rate artist and a self-opinionated mediocrity. A couple of years ago he very publicly criticised his contemporaries, most of whom are far better artists, for doing all of the things that he himself is guilty of. Total hypocrite. I have no idea if his proclivity for dressing up as a little girl is part of his “gender identity”, but he is certainly a self-publicist of the most obnoxious variety – and of course a darling of the BBC.
Oh bring back the days when men and women were clearly defined. Jack Palance, Gregory Peck, Burt Lancaster, Steve McQueen (the actor for those in doubt); and Ava Gardener, Doris Day, et al; ok there will be those that will say that half of Hollywood was bent but we had our illusions, and at least they portrayed on screen what men and women were all about. (David Beckham and his poncey hairstyles with hairbands and girly plaits have a lot to answer for).
In his favour though-he did say that he would never take the piss out of Islam in one of his overpriced pisspots or vases-because he was spineless shill who rather liked his head to stay on his shoulders.
Of course-I use artistic license in the quote-but we artists can do this can`t we Gray?
A rare thing to admit you`re a gutless lefty who`ll shaft the Christians but won`t dare go for Muslims…and he did say it in so many words.
The Yellow Badge of The Gutless Easy Rebel…but, in admitting it-he`s ensured that all those who WON`T say as much are even more chinless, and keep their wifes ovaries in their scrotal sacs…for fear of not being a liberal scarecrow for Dorothys causes…
Apparently there has been violence on the Gaza border as Israelis were attacking Palestinians who retaliated, so said Jeremy Bowen. Then in passing we were told about a suicide bomber who killed himself last week on a bus and a young girl who was badly burnt in the incident. I don’t remember hearing about that last week on the BBC. So why was it Palestinians ‘retaliating’ today with the implication that Israel initiated the violence? Why was the violence on the Gaza boarder and was it the IDF or civilians involved? Jeremy could only show us Jerusalem and some of that footage that was several days old.
I saw that report and the newsreader’s introduction followed a similar line. Israeli jets attack Gaza and Hamas responds. Every time I hear this order of events on the BBC, I feel a strange compulsion to sense check it.
Strangely enough other news sites report that ISraeli Aircraft are responding to mortar attacks on IDF positions coming out of Gaza and that they did so after they sent stern warnings to Hamas via intermediaries to cease firing.
Another I noticed in Bowen’s report was his comment that Israel seized Jerusalem in 1967. Strangely enough he failed to mention why.
Front page Al Beeb News Website, dateline 04/05/16 22.22 pm, one is faced with a picture of eight salty looking dudes, so called ‘men’ over the pensioner phone scam.
Oh thank you Angela, more of this lovely enrichment coming to our shores any time soon.
”Commander Dean Haydon, head of the Met’s counter-terrorism command, said he was pleased with the sentences given to the gang members.” (‘Counter – terrorism’, interesting)
“Had we not arrested them and put them before the courts, the group may have gone on to defraud many more victims across the UK.”
Are we not allowed to check why theses useful members of society are even here in this country?
Not surprisingly, comments not allowed.
I am just hearing history being rewritten on BBC local news for Humberside. Apparently last time there was an election for the Police Commissioner turnout was low because it was a cold day in November. As I remember turnout in the Hull area was high, people voting who would not normally vote, but people were united in the fact that they did not want John Prescott to win.
This being the BBC, it is surprising they allowed a cold day to be reported in November, but propping up their fave climate Rapporteur’s crumbling reputation must have swung a dispensation.
Hillarious. It also had a spokesperson from the Huddersfield Pakistan Community Alliance (HPCA) saying how great it is.
Problem is this is a total scam. There is no such thing. It has no facebook followers but has a facebook page?, no twitter communication but has a twitter account?, a totally stockphoto’d web page which is clearly unused by anybody. Under the projects tab it has pictures of people at events, but no information on said events. Same for every tab. Just stock photos.
The only question is why. And why present a spokesperson from this organisation, there seems to be no interaction between it and the muslim community it claims to represent.
I have noticed this many times on the BBC, but also ITV. They bring on spokespeople for a muslim organisation, eg Muslim Youth Community of halifax. You check online, it’s 3 brothers from their parents house. Yet it gets to air its views to possibly millions of people. WTF!
Just miles away from where the 7/7 bombers did their worst…let`s show tomorrows Islamic State and Caliphate prospects where we keep the ammo, how we train our soldiers and how we`re thick enough to open the depots to show how supine and thick we are.
Sorry lads-until you show me the head of an IS fighter, or backed the need to deep clean Islam from this culture like C Diff from St James hospital-your being a “Muslim” will always trump your “British ” protestations…for(to be fair) the Islam nutters will take your heads off as apostates before they try for ours.
The BBC gulls and useful idiots can piss off-they`re only adding to our problems with every false flag…usually a black shariah one, if not a white flag of surrender.
1) False Flag / Lies
2) Islamic State
3) White Flag / French
4) Rainbow
5) EU
6) ‘Palestinian’
7) Eire (when waived by men wearing balaclavas)
8) Any socialist republic
9) Argentina
10) South Africa
Lovely day yesterday. After spending much out working the fields and the evening in the company of family, I settled down early to enjoy a well earned sleep.
Up again and before heading off a short while over coffee reviewing the overnights. And while most slumber they seem dominated by Flokkers either making irony-free snarks about other posters’ employment, or congratulating each other like BBC News RTing BBC Pop Up RTing BBC Magazine RTing a one degree of separation third party ‘observation’ on Twitter.
Nice of the BBC to give the murderers terrorist ideology a little propaganda by publicising their “reasoning” for murdering Lee Rigby in the street in Woolwich at the end of that report.
Guess the rules are different if the grieving mother gets a Peerage.
I was angry when I read the last sentence of the report, which did not have to be added to a piece where a mother expressed her grief.
‘Adebolajo and Adebowale claimed they murdered her son in revenge for British forces killing Muslims abroad.’
I submit that someone in the BBC network of Jihadist/ Trots decided that their side of the case should be included, and maybe someone up the chain of command authorised it.
Until you posted that, I didn’t know the Greenwich council leader, Chris Roberts had tried hard to block a memorial to Lee Rigby.
His reasons were:
He condemned “political, extremist, or well-meaning” people he believes are seeking to promote themselves in the aftermath of the tragedy.
He said: “One of the saddest side effects of the tragic death of Drummer Rigby has been the attempt by so many organisations, whether political, extremist or well meaning in their intent, to seek to promote their own organisations on the back of this awful murder.”
“For some, it seems to be an opportunity to promote their group and to publicise their own activities.”
“We say again to these groups, we do not want you here.”
Ok, but can anyone say if a councillor dared object to Stephen Lawrence’s plaque for these reasons?
Anyone else surprised by the virtual diasappearance of the the EU referendum from the morning news on Today?
Another feature is the comparative lack of opinion polling reports compared say with the General Election or the Scots referendum. Have they learned the lesson about poor reliability…..or are they hearing an unpalatable and difficult to spin message?
Embolden…I agree that the lack of polling news is noticeable, especially on our broadcasting service? (What service?) I’m sure it’s because they got things so badly wrong in 2015.
I have been following Guido’s daily EU reports and yesterday some poll he quoted had it 50/50.
Unfortunately what I don’t fully understand are the betting figures below it. Never have done; I know 50/1 is a long shot at winning a race whereas 4/1 has a better chance of winning, but when the numbers go the other way…afraid I’m lost.
Finally…any fellow contributors who are pro-UK unity and Brexit lovers, please have a thought for us in the northern lands on this momentous day for the probable demise of democracy courtesy of La Sturgeon and her gang!
You are welcome. One of the things which really offends me about the Scottish National Socialists is the way they have stirred up anti-English feeling, which in turn has stirred up anti-Scottish feeling in England, where before there was none to speak of.
The Conservatives are just idiots, who think giving greater powers to the National Socialists will somehow appease them. If you put David Cameron in a wing collar and Homburg hat, it turns out he’s the spitting image of Neville Chamberlain. Spineless little wimp.
A white Briton attacked by a foreigner? Why did he ever think it would be a priority for our useless PC plod? Now if he had been a muslim, that would have been a different matter.
Now I’m more cynical and more sceptical than most. But being a hardened MEN observer and hater, this story is not what it purports to be. The ‘victim’ appears to be in a photo shoot! There is a story here. Not the one that’s being told, but the publicity may be a motive. If I were a cop I would be a little dubious.
Like night following day, after the triumph of Hillsborough, the SJWs push for an inquiry into the Battle of Orgreave. Almost needless to say the BBC joins in the “struggle for justice”. On Today this morning a very sympathetic and sensitive Robinson interviewed both a veteran of the battle (a peaceful picket no doubt) and Gareth Peirce, the solicitor who represented many of the miners on trial in 1985 and was involved in drafting the submission for an inquiry to Theresa May.
Consider: here’s a police force being investigated to death for either incompetence (at Hillsborough) or (if Gareth and friends get their way) actually helping the elected government of the day defeat forces aimed at its overthrow (at Orgreave and elsewhere). OTOH the same police force is left virtually untouched when Moslems men of Pakistani ethnicity rape 1,400 girls in Rotherham. I may be wrong here but I don’t think Gareth’s conscience has been moved much by that atrocity: well not enough to demand “justice” for those raped. Mind you, if she does give a moment of her valuable time to thinking about that, I suspect that she would view the perps as the “real victims” deserving of “justice” (and handsome financial compensation, of course).
But there again, as has become customary where Moslems or any favoured constituency (eg Labour) are involved, the BBC has all but buried that crime together BTW with the Staffs NHS deaths under Labour’s watch. At the same time a constant at W1A is the continuous implication (generally through the egregious and dishonest “some say” technique) that Mrs Thatcher is guilty for everything “controversial” (another favourite BBC marker); either indirectly (eg at Hillsborough) or directly (eg at Orgreave).
I raised the ‘let’s hype Orgreave’ campaign the other day – to a less than rousing reception from certain quarters, it must be said. To my mind, it was entirely predictable that the SWP crowd would attempt to add that to the train of ‘failings’ on the part of the S. Yorkshire Plod and just as predictable that the BBC would be first in line with the whitewash bucket.
Umm.. are we still allowed to say ‘whitewash’, incidentally?
As for stories not covered (or buried like Captain Kidd’s treasure) there have been several surrounding the EU that have been given ‘the treatment’ by the Corporation this week: the EU ‘army’, the 250,000 Euro fine per head, to be imposed by Emperor Juncker on any recalcitrant nation that refuses to obey his orders, the newly spread welcome mat for millions of Turks….
No doubt some BBC stooge like Zero will be able to find mention of them on the Isle or Barra web page, or a fleeting reference in the introduction to The Daily Service, but coverage in relation to their true import? Not a chance!
If the BBC’s ‘news’ were any more corrupt there would be a queue of wannabe Mafiosa begging for lessons outside Bush House.
Do you remember the good old days when the BBC used to have a couple of guests on the Today programme from OPPOSING sides of the argument?
Where a campaign is to the BBC liking, those days are long gone.
BTW: If we are to have an inquiry into Orgreave and as some from the far left would have it, the miners strike, it needs to be a full inquiry that would include an investigation into the miners themselves, their intimation and killing of mineworkers who wanted to work, the strike leadership and their political objectives and the Soviet Union’s funding of the attempt to bring down an elected government (again).
Indeed. A proper look at the involvement of Libya and the Soviet Union wouldn’t come amiss either. Though in the unlikely event of them doing any such thing, I suppose they’d put the team from More or Less on the case – and we all know how that would work out, don’t we?
Why, don’t you know, Umbongo – it’s the quarter-century exorcism of establishment demons, when the generation that was aware and angry at the time is now too old to do owt. Roll up, roll up.
BBC not yet (if ever) reporting on the 125mph chase and subsequent shoot out involving ‘British’ people smugglers on a French Motorway out of Belgium. One dead two seriously injured.
I would wage that FL03WMF ain’t registered to a Smith or Jones and to which ‘community’ of London, Bradford, Leicester etc its registered in? Just as likely potential terrorists as people smugglers….
Thanks, Geoff. The French police opened fire on the fleeing vehicle killing one occupant and injuring two other occupants.
Can you imagine the howls of BBC/Left anguish if the police here had done the same??
Anyone watched the Silk Road series episode one? I did so hoping that we would get a a journey taking in the rich history of the Silk Road and its modern developments and most importantly be free from BBC message pushing. Sadly I was , I suppose inevitably, disappointed. Perhaps I am becoming paranoid and have begun to see ‘messages/propaganda’ when there isn’t any . Of course its true that China was centuries ahead of Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire and that all manner of ideas that proved to be crucial to the development of European civilisation stemmed from China. It is also true that the various Muslim communities along the Silk Road had ideas and skills that Europeans didn’t have in the Middle Ages. We all know this. But I felt that I was being ‘positioned’ so that I could accept that all civilisations flourish and decline and that the West had passed its zenith with China and Islam ready once again to take the ball and run with it. As I say I may be a victim of my own paranoia but after years of trying to resist BBC anti western , anti white, anti British , liberal left , pro Muslim propaganda this is what I have been reduced to!! The BBC is damaging my mental health can it be shut down on medical grounds?
Doublethinker, you are not alone. My main gripe with the episode was the usual depiction of nineteenth century western academics (in this case the Anglo-Hungarian Sir Auriel Stein) as looters and thieves pillaging a nation’s treasures rather than trying to preserve artifacts that might otherwise have been destroyed. The truth may lie somewhere between the two positions but there was no attempt to put forward a position other than an anti-western one.
“The Jewish lobby cannot admit that the “anti-Semitism” is largely driven by the same Muslims which Jewish organizations have so assiduously conspired to flood into the country.
At the same time the Labour Party cannot admit that it will have eventually to choose between the Muslim mass vote on which it increasingly depends and on Jewish financial clout and media influence which is indispensable if it is to carry on as a mass party.” F.C. Begbie
Hi folks, it’s been a while. Just thought I’d pop back in to notify you all of this hugely important, finger-on-the-pulse and vital report from the BBC’s primary news source:
Good to see that the Guardian is ‘busy’ forensically analysing the vile anti-Semitic racism that is rife within the disgusting and fascist Liebour Party like it is all too eager to do with racism involving right-wing parties. In fact, could you all imagine the response from the BBC/Guardian/Independent/Channel Snore if a Tory or Ukipper made anti-Semitic or Islamaphobic remarks? It would be hand bags at dawn and sandals ready to march. The BBC and the entire Left are avoiding the elephant in the room…. the real source of anti-Semitism…. a source that good ol’ Shami will no doubt avoid focusing on in her ‘inquiry’.
A friend works in the accounts team at the Guardian. They say it’s haemorrhaging cash and the management don’t have the first clue about business. With a bit of luck it will be gone within a decade.
Yet again they are showing the perennial picture of a black guy in a library without any context what so ever, but the most incredibly disingenuous reporting today is in the use of the Race laden term ‘Asian’.
The story is about British Universities slipping down the international league tables, hardly a surprise when all they seem to do is persecute students for minor infractions of political correctness, and forge data results!
Anyway, the BBC is reporting that several ‘Asian’ universities have joined the top few. They Laboured this as long as they could get away with before telling that the Universities were in fact in China Japan & Singapore !
We are constantly being bullied by the Fascists into accepting the term ‘Asian’ as a Euphemism for Pakistani to cover up their appalling criminality, and that the two are interchangeable. No other people benefit from this treatment except their favourite brown eyed boys.
There are far more Chinese in Asia than all the other peoples put together! If we are to ever believe in that meaningless word ‘racism’ then it must apply to everyone equally, and the use of the word Asian when it suits to disguise Pakistani behaviour is without doubt ‘racist’.
She does like to mention her wife doesn’t she? Perhaps she thinks that if she didn’t, people might not realise that she is a bulldyke. I think someone should tell her.
Clearly it’s her “catch phrase” although I thought that went out in the ’70’s (?) (Makes my skin crawl).
I seriously don’t give a toss about her sexual orientation. The main point is that she is genuinely, completely and utterly unfunny but for some reason, appears to be everywhere on so-called BBC comedy. They obviously love that kind of thing… “Sends out the right message… Like… Yuh know?”
Also what about that Reverend guy off the Communards on Saturday Live? Another unfunny tosser beloved by the BBC and no doubt paid handsomely by us…
“The main point is that she is genuinely, completely and utterly unfunny but for some reason, appears to be everywhere on so-called BBC comedy.”
As far as the BBC comedy commissars are concerned, that is a feature, not a bug. Comedians are selected by their commitment to progressive causes, not by archaic bourgois concepts such as a sense of humour or ability to make people laugh. It is called the Stewart Lee Doctrine, I believe. Mind you, even judged by those standards, I think everyone must agree that Marcus Brigstocke is shit.
I seriously don’t give a toss about her sexual orientation. The main point is that she is genuinely, completely and utterly unfunny but for some reason, appears to be everywhere on so-called BBC comedy. They obviously love that kind of thing… “Sends out the right message… Like… Yuh know?”
Also what about that Reverend guy off the Communards on Saturday Live? Another unfunny tosser beloved by the BBC and no doubt paid handsomely by us…
A good article confirming what we all know…. that the despicable and vile Left-wing betrayers have destroyed our capital and are hellbent on finishing off the rest of the UK and Europe.
Last week I had the misforutne but a necessary one of changing trains in London. Specifically arriving at Euston and using the Northern line.
Whatever London has become it is certainly no longer a civilised city. I had come from the Highlands and the contrast between the people of the far North and the inhabitants of London was so marked as to make me laugh out loud.
The Londoners of every colour and race look and act like techno zombies now. They seem able to walk and avoid each other whilst using their phones and tablets all the time. Perhaps they are evolving into a new type of urban creature.
But they look vacant and they never catch the eye. The way they live crowded upon each other is no way for a man to live . Money is no recompense for that life.
I remember a different London of years past. So i will avoid the place and am pleased that my offspring and their children seem to be of like mind.
It does not matter who is the mayor of that place. it is nothing much now to do with England or Scotland or Wales. It is on the way to a third world slum with the very rich in their enclaves and the rest wherever they can find shelter.
As long as they stay there I do not care.
Pity you didn’t visit one or two other cities along the way.
You’re always banging on like this, as if London were the only place affected. You clearly have a bee in your bonnet for reasons best known to yourself.
“and the rest wherever they can find shelter.” – just plain silly.
It a good article but why do the voters of London look as though they will vote for a Labour Mayor and elect so many Labour MPs? Is it down just to Labour handing out ‘voting rights’ to all comers during 97 to 2010 or are other factors at work? One factor that cannot be underestimated is the impact of the BBC propaganda for 20 or 30 years. I really believe that the state funded broadcaster has moulded the minds of a significant % of the indigenous population such that many of them just unthinkingly follow the liberal left line with no appreciation of where these policies will lead to.
I had this misfortune of catching the news on 5 Live today.
As usual the sports report followed and as usual they mention a sporting event that the BBC don’t have the tv rights for.
Rather than name check Sky or ITV for carrying live pictures (they are a public service and often plug commercial products on chat shows), you have to hear the patronising host say how excited they are about catching the live radio broadcast instead.
Ta Charlatans, a must-watch.
This is nearly all EXACTLY as it has panned out over the last twenty years.
So it is eerily prophetic, yet well within our memories…I myself had no time for James Goldsmith back them and voted Libertarian-Liberal in 97….but Sir James now looks like our Trump or Powell in hindsight.
For now we have David Mellors and his nephew Zac…now THAT is as good an indicator of how low true conservatism has gone, when the likes of these two represent the current face of the Tories all too often.
And when you add Patten, Brittan, Heath and the odious incompetent Major…they`re the scum of the cesspool in comparison.
Thank the Lord for Tebbit and Lawson, Lilley and Gove-time to do all we can to scupper the Remainiacs.
Well, it looks like David Cameron will get his wish and London will elect its first Muslim Mayor by a landslide. No one will be allowed to criticise him without being called a waycist or Islamophobic, and Cameron certainly won’t jeapordise his huge Saudi payout.
No wonder he’s looking to resign the Tory leadership as quickly as he possibly can !
You bet Donald is sure going to make a massive deal of a LONDON MUSLIM MAYOR.
Although still praying for a miracle that Khan does not get elected, but if he does TRUMP has got plenty ammunition on line for his congratulations speech:
“Mr Khan was filmed delivering a speech at the Global Peace and Unity festival in 2008 organised by the Islam Channel, which Ofcom found guilty of extremism both before and after the MP’s appearance.
During Mr Khan’s address, members of the audience were seen proudly flying the ‘flag of global jihad’.
One boy, who is also apparently wearing a jihadi headband, can be seen brandishing the flag at the camera and grinning.
The flag, displaying white Arabic script on a black background, is used by extremist groups including Al Qaeda and Boko Haram.
A spokesman for Mr Khan said that the banner was simply ‘a black flag with the Islamic statement of faith on it’, and that he was ‘not sure what the jihadi context [was]’.
However, a number of independent experts have confirmed to MailOnline that the flag is a recognised emblem of militant Islam.
‘It is definitely equated with global terrorism, for sure,’ said Kamal Alam, Research Analyst at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI).
‘It is totally shocking for a senior Labour MP to give a speech while that flag is being flown and nobody is challenging it.’
During his address, the Tooting MP spoke frequently in Arabic and praised Islamic finance, which forbids investing in ‘haram’ industries like alcohol production and pig farming, as well as charging interest.
‘Suddenly, Islamic finance isn’t such a bad thing [following the global financial crash],’ he said.
This will raise concerns about Mr Khan’s intentions for the City of London if he is elected Mayor.
Mr Khan’s speech was organised by the Islam Channel, a controversial Muslim satellite station that has been repeatedly penalised by Ofcom for promoting extremist ideals such as marital rape.”
Have just been listening to that Cunt Thornberry in a state of high moral indignation about the “divisive” campaign against Saddick. It really does beggar belief that anyone with a modicum of intelligence would think that pointing out Saddick’s association with big-bearded sponsors of mass murder should think this “divisive”. Just listening to the arch-buffoon Ken Clarke on “Any Questions? ” He too thinks, “accusing Saddick of Islamic extremism has stopped conservative Muslims from voting Zac”. The Hackney(ed) Hippo is on too!!. I must switch this crap off immediately.
Good to see our rock solid prime minister standing firm. He’s told us that he won’t be retracting his critical response concerning “The Donald’s” worries about Muslim immigration. I’m sure that there will be many at the Beeb and (of course) the Guardian applauding his dogged stance. However, I just wish he showed as much resolve about the rather substantial and important things. if it was about anything really essential, like reducing immigration to “the tens of thousands” or negotiating a new deal with Europe that will protect our borders, then Dave’s about as firm as an ice cream in a heatwave.
Nothing shows Cameron’s stupidity like his refusal to withdraw his insults to Trump. Trump has a very good chance of being elected and I am sure will remember these insults. I certainly would in his place.
PMs in this country are expected to possess wisdom and act cautiously .
Once more I would like to know where did Cameron come from and why was he allowed to take over the Tory party and bring it to the verge of ruin as is going to become clear over the next year or so.
I’m glad to see that the BBC is creating a new generation of entrepreneurs!
Following on from the BBC’s successful venture into computing, pre-millennium bug, it is now giving away free micro-computers to get the kids to kode. Eventually the wider public will be able to buy one but at the moment it is another of their technology programmes that is running behind schedule.
Fortunately some of our kids have identified a gap in the market and are putting them on eBay (£30!). Looks like a lot of micro Amstrads in the making!
Yeah the Telly Tubby (Yentobs and Co) BBC like to keep their noses stuck into computer technology with a £30 plug in board! (its not a computer) and its not going to awe the Raspberry Pi users (which are chiefly Dads rigging up kits with their kids for just £15 (the Raspberry Pi zero costs even less just £4). The BBC did have a ‘school product’ back into the 80’s made by Amstrad BBC MicroB (made then by Alan Sugar who made his millions by selling FreeView top boxes under license). The BBC Micro was a partial success at the time in schools (80’s) because the (desperate) Gov gave Schools ‘computer grants’ and the BBC saw and opportunity to gate crash in on that. But it was clearly ‘dated’ and not as good as other current models such as the (cheaper) Tandy TRS80 and the colorful Atari and the early (but expensive) Apple Mac all knocked spots off the (boring) old BBC Micro. And this was at a time when Sir Clive Sinclair was knocking out his own little computer the Sinclair ZX81 (with the same BASIC programming language and lots of games). For the BBC getting involved in ‘education’ is really a ‘spoiler’ for those already trying to create a computer industry when the ‘elites’ don’t fund (or understand) technology, they buy Microsoft (for education) and think ‘Linux’ is a luxury car. It is quite possible to build your own working computer for about £15 and plug in any keyboard or TV screen and make your own games and plug in gadgets. Its a good alternative to watching TV, and anyway the kids get far more information from YouTube practicals than BBC TV these days (My kids don’t watch TV any more, mainly because of the BBC TV prefer ‘drama’ to technical studies. But we (parents) remember were luck enough to have enjoyed Science programmes well before the 1980’s BBC changed into the (Idiot) mess it is today..
The Raspberry PI is a UK production (no BBC TV license required). And no need for a BBC ‘plug in’ to make (the BBC) feel ‘trendy’. There are plenty of ‘other’ gadgets for ‘grown up’ kids to play with. Linux is basically a free open source operating system that runs on the Raspberry Pi.
Interesting what the BBC feels is vital to email as soon as possible:
Breaking News
SNP claims ‘historic’ election victory
SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon claims “historic” victory in Holyrood election; Labour loses ground in Scotland but is faring better than predicted in English local elections
Nothing like passing on a good claim, eh? I wonder why it moved from single to double quotes, “historically’!
The ‘ps, Labour isn’t as pants as we’d feared’ bolt on smacks of a certain desperation, mind.
BBC Scottish election headline appears to ‘landslide’ before our very eyes this morning from “Historic” to probably not quite a majority, will the SNP perhaps form a coalition? Leaving this viewer with the sneaking suspicion that the BBC could be writing their headline narratives the night before. Feeling the pressure from the Cyber Nats are we, BBC? And the mirror image pressure in England from the Corbynistas results inevitably in a ‘not too bad’ .
In sports news I’m interested to hear “there was lots of fist pumping around here” for Liverpool and more revelations from ‘Fox News’ – Standing ovation from journos at Leicester press conference with champagne flowing. Our BBC guy is wistful: “I wish I’d been there!”
Gosh it’s easy to buy this lot. The BBC do have their favs…
Maybe what they need is a unique funding model that isolates their ideological campaigning and social engineering from any choices made by their customer base?
Here we go (again) then: Get ready for a one day “Heatwave” in a far off corner of Kent, which will be translated into the U.K. I do look forward to the same people telling us that in the north late next week they will be suffering from a “coldwave” as freezing temperatures (including frosts) and maybe some snow returns. And to think, someone from Radio 4 this week was telling us with conviction that it was time to put bedding plants out because frosts had been banished until after the summer. Numpty 1st class….a bit like all those at the BBC. What say you Jerrod or even Edward who I believe thinks he is a “Climate Scientist”.
We have had one decent day this year – today. Last week 30 miles North of London cars were covered in ice at 6.00 a.m. ,I drove past them. Today I read the Evening Standard ‘London will be hotter than the Algarve’ or something – so fucking what last week it was colder than the Arctic. It is called weather. Still at least I can feel all fuzzy and warm because the Country I love more than anything else now has a Mayor leading it’s capital city called Khan. We have Cameron and Jeremy transgender Clarkson skipping round Chipping Norton, Samcam the greenie spouting bollocks, Wee Jimmie Krankie ruling over the Scots (My Scottish grandparents must be spinning in their graves) and we voted for some Plaid Cumwry bird who has one braincell. Can’t wait for the Marr show on Sunday
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Kindertransport 1938-1940 saved the lives of thousands of Jewish children from Germany to escape impending genocide. The BBC told us today, survivors of Kindertransport are lobbying the government to admit 3,000 unaccompanied Syrian children in Europe….the government is trying to admit refugees direct from Syrian refugee camps in the Middle East.
Some of the older children from the Kindertransport spent a period of internment in the Isle of Man as “friendly enemy aliens” before release into military service or other contributions to the British war effort.
Will there be a similar “vetting” process in 2016?
What are the parallels with the current situation? Will all the children be from the Christian and Yazidi communities….the most vulnerable groups facing genocide? Or to avoid discrimination will some of the perpetrator groups children be admitted too. ( the analogy with Kindertransport is stark…..were some needy children of Nazis on the Kindertransport?)
In the 30s and 40s the children were housed by Jewish, Quaker and other Christian support networks. Given the recent record of social services departments in Rotherham and Rochdale in “child safeguarding” will the Syrian children be safe?
What parallel is there between children in peaceful EU countries in 2016 and children in Nazi Germany in 1938-1940?
Questions the BBC decided not to consider in their lobbying……sorry, news broadcast this morning on Today
I heard that too, another group of self destructive Jews who the BBC paints as knowing everything there is to know about persecution, when in fact they know next to nothing.
The refugee treaty involves the state trying to persecute, or allowing others to persecute certain groups. This is manifestly not the case of someone in Calais.
The problem is with too many bleeding heart MPs on the Tory side as well, who will vote against the government.
These MPs should be named & shamed so that voters might know who they are and elect an alternative who has a spine, and cares about this country.
This shows at lats how the MPs originally voted. proud to see mine voted with the Government.
What a turncoat Cameron is! I wonder what he’s beign paid to have shown himself up as a wimp.
I don’t think ‘he’s being paid to have shown himself as a wimp’ . He is just ambitious and looking for his next job in the EU or UNESCO. As per Blair and Kinnock, he does not give a toss for his country. That’s why he has not closed down Al Beeb.
He thinks more of foreign children than his own vulnerable children …………….
And you dont think being rewarded with a sine cure is ‘payment’ for dirty deeds done? Plenty of after dinner speeches too no doubt when he leaves office!
And that .
This shows at least how the MPs originally voted; proud to see mine voted with the Government.
What a turncoat Cameron is! I wonder what he’s beign paid to have shown himself up as a wimp.
True, the BBC start with an unqualifed assumption that ALL these children are undoubtedly genuine refugees under the age of 18 with no families waiting in the wings to join them later, and then proceed unquestioningly from there. There is NO investigation whatsoever into any of these children’s true histories. It is pure, unadulterated propaganda which is incredibly dangerous because it is aimed at having us drop our guard against an enemy which is implacably out to destroy us.
Soft bleeding-heart liberals in this country see these as children, helpless and in dire need. The Islamic communities from which these children came, do not. According to their previous “carers” They are now old enough to marry and fight in their wars Many of them will have had military training and have been extensively brainwashed to come here and hide as sleepers… so why are we opening ourselves up to danger from junior terrorists?
The BBC are being grossly negligent in their duty of care, and deeply irresponsible in the way that they are reporting this.
The Kindertransport children also had to be ‘sponsored’ – £50 per child, paid for by either the Jewish community, the Quakers or other kind people. £50 in those days was a lot of money – over £2,000 in today’s money according to moneysorter’s website. Today the government will provide benefits for these children. I have also read somewhere that once the children are allowed in, then their families are allowed to come too? Can someone correct me? I hope I am wrong on that one otherwise what better way to get a family into the UK than send a child (and as long as they don’t speak English it won’t matter if they are a few years over) .
While a Jewish man was pleading on the BBC, that Muslim children be granted asylum in Britain, I couldn’t help thinking that Jews were facing attacks in Britain by Muslims. What will the future be for the next generation of Jews, when Muslims outnumber the natives. I don’t think this gentle Jewish man has thought things through. Or if he has, has he considered that Britain would no longer be Britain. Is he concerned, or does he know it.
ARe you speaking of Alfred Dubs? Far from ‘gentle’ the 83year old has shown a ruthless disrespect for democracy and determination to push his ammendment through in the face of opposition of the mass of native Brits and even some of immigrant descent.
What is the motive of the large numbers of Jews who want to see Muslim immigration to Europe? Its bizarre!
Zionists who want to make Europe an uncomfortable place to be Jewish and drive Jews back to Israel?
Zionists who wish to disperse them from Israels neigbouring countries and weaken their ability to attack?
I only came across Alfred Dubs, if thats who he is, on the BBC, while having my morning cornflakes. BBC news is mainly sob stories of one sort or another. In this case they were showing little girls and a couple of boys, in Europe, who apparently have to fend for themselves in the Calais Jungle. How these girls and boys, managed to get to Europe from as far away as Afghanistan, was not discussed. Were they escorted there, then let lose for the cameras? It sure seems that way to me. There is no way a little girl could, or for that matter, would do such a thing. Its quite likely that Mum, or an aunt was not far away.
In any case, dumbo Cameron, in pursuit of support from the BBC, gave in. The other matter is that many of these boys look 18 years old, and some look like 50 years old. Never mind.
Thanks for the info on the blighter. Many Jewish bigots hate Christianity far more then they hate Islam. This is doctrinal. I have no angst with that, so long as they don’t attempt to flood the West with Muslims
>”What is the motive of the large numbers of Jews who want to see Muslim immigration to Europe? Its bizarre!”
Actually, you might have a point.
From their website:
“The Jewish community in Scotland is keen to promote Scotland as an attractive place for Jewish people to live, but for this to be successful, Scottish society, and in particular political leaders, must ensure that Scotland continues to be a safe and welcoming place for Jewish people to practise their religion and culture, and, very importantly, that it is seen as such by people elsewhere in the UK and worldwide.”
The third ‘commitment’ – “Opposing all forms of hate crime, and in particular racism and religious hatred, including antisemitism, sectarianism, and anti-Muslim hatred.”
Surely, it would be a safer place to live for Jews if they didn’t concentrate so much on protecting the muzzies? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The tiny numbers of Jews in Scotland, 6,448, shouldn’t even have a ‘manifesto for the Scottish parliament’!
They should accept what Scottish people want.
Aye, and most of them in Giffnock.
But let’s hope it’s merely Machiavellian deceit, as they’re hardly going to put as one of their commitments: ‘to drive the muslims out’.
No reason they have to mention them at all, or even produce a ‘manifesto’!
In fact there is very little in that ‘manifesto’ that is to the benefit of ethnic Scots!
And why on earth should people have to ‘respect’ religion? Eek!
And I notice in this section they refer to male genital mutilation as well as Kosher meat!
So Scots should respect these cruel archaic practices?
To hell with that!
Why blame Zionists? I am a Zionist and proud to be one. It may surprise Aefen to hear that I also do not want to see Britain neutered on the alter of multiculturalism, or see British Jews made so uncomfortable that they choose to leave. This is not a zionist problem it is a problem of dyed in the wool leftists,who are both Jews and non Jews. Leftists in Israel are undermining Israeli society just as surely as they are damaging Britain here with their bleeding hearts and their heads stuck firmly up their backsides, who in the case of the UK are unable or unwilling to see the damage unchecked and unvetted muslim migration from the Middle East is bringing to European society. Jewish children saved in the 30s by a kindertransport do not thereby become an authority on what is best to do with today’s Muslim children who are in Calais. If there is a case for bringing refugees to Britain then it should be the Yazidis and Syrian and Iraqi Christians who have been dreadfully treated and forced from their homes in the Middle East.
Excellent post Moise.
“I am a Zionist and proud to be one”
Are you religious, agnostic, or non-religious?
There’s a Have Your Say on Donald Trump. It’s going the way these things usually do nowadays. With the usual suspects who believe that saying “bigot” wins the argument surely beginning to realise that it doesn’t.
The highest voted comments are all supporting trump and thrashing the BBC and the politically correct delusional fantasy believing lefties. What a refreshing change.
Odd. It worked so well for Gordon Brown, too.
But then, that was a different time.
Cracking bit of ‘BBC English’ in the links to that story though!
Two of the suggested articles are :
How radical is Bernie Sanders?
28 February 2016
How extreme is Donald Trump?
2 March 2016
Ah yes. Did we ever think it would be the other way round?
How extreme is Donald Trump?
Compared to any average Muslim in Britain he is a mild and peaceful.
The Today team on BBC Radio 4 this morning was showing its anguish at Trump’s ongoing success. They are now hoping for divine intervention, “something” to turn up that will change the course of events. Perhaps they think a Trump enterprise has been providing a safe haven for child rapists for the last 40 years. Surely a scandal like that would bring about the downfall of any organisation.
Another crappy little anti-Trump propaganda piece from the bowels of the BBC, especially this:
If there was a defining moment of the Indiana campaign, it was Mr Cruz’s fruitless attempt to reason [my emphasis] with a group of pro-Trump supporters on Sunday.
Every argument he advanced was rebuffed. Every bit of evidence of Trump malfeasance was denied. Mr Cruz was shouting in the wind.
I enjoyed this comment:
191. Posted by soundchaser7
on 4 May 2016 09:36
The BBC reporting on Trump has been pretty desperate stuff, perhaps the title of this piece should have been, ‘We smeared, we lied, we lost’
Looking at the comments so far, this ‘HYS’ is going to once again shine the light on the ‘so-called’ ‘balanced’ way the BBC conducts itself in any political capacity.
A top-down shake up is needed.
Wall to wall coverage of Leicester City on every BBC outlet continuing today.
What are they trying to mask?
Is it the anti-Jewish Labour row which I doubt will do Corbyn much harm or Gerry Adams’ racist Tweet?
The anti-semitism has been going for years with the Beeb ignoring it, and even now incapable of detecting or mentioning that it is because so many Muslims are now in the Labour Party. This group is not expected to maintain the democratic standards that others have to. Any prejudice is pandered to or simply ignored like Rotherham.
The Adams Tweet has not been met with the usual hysteria of the liberal lynch mob on the BBC news website which any anti-IRA politician would have to face. No trending here, even now that Adams has declared himself ‘not white’ as his identification with black Americans deepens.
One thing they are desperately trying to hide is the decision of the EU to throw the doors open to millions of Turks.
Another is the decision of Emperor Juncker to ‘fine’ countries who do not meet the arbitrary quota of immigrants he has decided they must accommodate.
Hard to think why the BBC might be laying down smoke so furiously. Anyone would think there was a referendum on the horizon!
Well said Framer..” the anti semitism has been going on for years with the Beeb ignoring it”
Nick Cohen wrote a book about the phenomenon…in “What`s Left” in 2007, that`s nine years ago!
He and Howard Jacobson have also been writing newspaper items about the underlying anti semitic nature of the phenomenon of the lefts one eyed view of the Israel-Palestinian dispute for years…..
…..yet suddenly, out of a clear blue sky comes Labours very own “hate – gate”
BBC incompetence ….or bias?
What rubbish. Jews are heavily ‘over represented’ in the media and that includes at the BBC, given what a tiny proportion of the population they are. Why would they be ‘anti semitic’ against themselves? And why would the BBC, if ‘anti Semitic’ choose to employ so many ?
The issue the BBC has is that they are also very pro Muslim, and nobody can pretend that Israel has treated Muslim Arab Palestinians especially well.
I sat and watched a bit of RT news yesterday…. Bearing in mind that the network is fundamentally pro russian in its` content of course… However, it had a ot of news including video footage of various atrocities being carried out in Syria and the rest of the middle east in general which was not even reported on either BBC or SKY… Instead there were official press releases of what John Kerry had to say which didn`t amount to much apart from more false platitudes regarding the apparent lack of a cease fire and a complete lack of a mention of Al Nusra car bombs in Alawhite held enclaves in Syria…..
Personally, I will now be using RT news along with BBC and SKY to get a better viewpoint on what is actually going on in the region due to this kind of mainstream news censorship currently on offer here in the UK…. The RT news networks use of far prettier female presenters of course has nothing to do with it!!!!
Funny you should mention RT. My wife (am I still allowed to call her that?) was watching it a couple of days ago and told me that someone from RT was interviewing people in Birmingham about “refugees” from Syria. Every person interviewed (or reported by RT) said something along the lines of “charity begins at home”. No surprises there. However, the reason she told me about it was that the interviewer was told to stop filming by, as far as she could make out, a member of Birmingham council who turned up at the scene. My wife isn’t a free speech zealot but she was appalled. She said it was the sort of thing she expected from China or Russia.
Apart from anything else, does a council even have the power to do that? If so, why?
It was originally proposed about 20 Syrians were to be resettled in Birmingham. New-build housing was supplied FOC, thus leap-frogging a massive waiting list for housing. Now it appears to be closer to 250 newcomers and some of the “Syrians” have names (and appearances) more common in parts of Egypt. All of this, expertly choreographed, by Muslim councillors of the parish. They do have form for this sort of behaviour. Urban renewal grants for whole streets of houses, both council & privately-owned, to be totally renovated and just happened to contain assorted members of their own families. I expect to see a twinning bid with Karachi, in the near future , as my old home city is looking more and more like it with each passing year.
RT is international in its outlook, and gives real news of importance. The BBC is merely a loudspeaker for leftys to shout their propaganda. RT reporters can be seen in dangerous environments. BBC journos are too important and well paid for that sort of thing.
Hey, those hotel balconies can often be awfully close to the hoi polloi below, as they set about enriching lady journos from US networks.
I’m surprised anyone is taken in by RT. Nothing much except the graphics has changed since Soviet times. The Soviet techniques, repetiton of brazen lies, straight denial of the truth and hysterical denounciations of those who challenge the lies are all there. Although the loony conspiracy theorists are a novelty. They may well just be the old western Marxist-Lennist “intelligensia” who have given up writing pamphlets for 10 people to enjoy big-time media fame. The idea that the average Soviet citizen was “reading between the lines” of Soviet propaganda to discern the truth is fanciful in the extreme.
I’m reposting this as it was cruelly orphaned:
The ever-reliable Scott Gronmark has a fine piece on his former employer’s (he is ex-BBC) addiction to all things EU.
It’s the few brave souls who, like Mr Gronmark, escaped the BBC madhouse with their sanity intact and who tell us how bad things are inside the organisation that make our clownish, BBC-loving trolls (who know nothing about the BBC) look so hollow and foolish.
Please read the link, it is absolutely spot on.
For anyone who has the power to copy this to other blogs covering the BBC please do so. It des4erves the widest audience possible.
The link also contains a rather good joke by comedian Lee Hurst. (Read the joke and you’ll understand why Mr Hurst has not been on the BBC lately).
Yes, excellent observation. Many a true word is said in jest:
The comedian Lee Hurst recently tweeted the following: ”The BBC appears to have cameras that can find a child in a crowd of thousands of young men, but not on BBC premises.”
However, jokes are always better when as short and sweet as possible. I’d omit appears to have cameras that.
True. Let’s not forget Robin Aitkin ex BBC man himself and his marvelous expose of the BBC elite ‘Can we Trust the BBC’ (answer obviously is No!). The thing is – none can ‘question’ the BBC management – whilst in working at the BBC HQ on what constitutes ‘News and Opinion’. Aitkin’s book was a revelation (to me) on what actually goes on at the BBC over a long period is not far short of corruption of the entire reporting process… Here is Robin Aitkin (Aitkin worked for the BBC for the 25 years). on the BBC dislike of America (excepting Obhama as demi god).
Also Peter Sissons couldn’t be clearer on the nature of his former employer;
GCooper – thank you so much for linking that; what a superb article.
I thought this quote was an absolute gem (amongst many):
“Watching BBC coverage of current events sometime feels like getting reports from a parallel universe in which everything looks much like it does in our world, but in which all the conclusions are the diametric opposite of those which a rational, sensible human being would draw: the EU and the BBC both seem certain that the only way to solve a problem is to do even more of what caused it in the first place.”
As Cranmer states – very good Lee Hurst joke.
Thank you gentlemen. Mr Gronmark is always on my ‘must read’ list.
A fantastic article. Thank you for posting the link.
Did anyone catch Laura Kuenssberg’s performance on the DP at lunchtime? Her disapproval of Cameron’s justifiable attack on Corbyn was barely concealed. She was angry to the point of saying that Corbyn’s response to the attack was ‘valiant’. A disgrace.
It didn’t take her long to show her colours. When she was at ITV you would never have known…but now she’s got her feet under the table, safe in the groupthink at the BBC, anything goes.
Deeply troubling, but not unexpected.
Ms Keunssberg is of course a BBC person through and through – check out her CV.
I’m afraid even at ITV she struggled to conceal her distaste of the “right”, making her an absolute shoo in for the BBC position when you add in the present BBC equality mania.
I saw that bit about their equality targets – needing to achieve 50% of minorities, front of camera (ethnic, gender, transgender, gay etc), by 2020.
The unions will not be happy. If they’re going to hit the 50% equality target, they are going to have to start sacking some of those ethnic, gender, transgender, gay presenters they’ve got.
The white British heterosexual male/female will be an endangered species in the media by 2020; and the odds are getting shorter at there being a hijab reading the news long before that date.
When they were talking about taking in the 3,000 children refugees in France to the safety of the U.K. (read England) why didn’t Jo Corbyn ask if the virtue signallers if these children could then bring in their parents (and eventually the rest of the family, uncle Mohammed Cobbley and all)
Also, on pmq’s, why didn’t Jeremy Coburn point out to call me Dave that it was pmq’s and not leader of the Labour Party questions.
Thus proving that the BBC’s chief concern is not anti-Semitism in the Labour party, but rather how this might affect Labour votes.
I heard Laura Kuenssberg tetchily defend Jeremy Corbyn with the ‘valiant’ nonsense. But the truth is that most people who heard her offer that desperate defence would have also seen the exchange between Corbyn and David Cameron and make up their own minds.
When Andrew Neil was crushing the poor Labour nonentity by pressing him on why Corbyn can’t distance himself from the mindless racist Hamas terrorists, Laura also jumped in with the heckle ‘he doesn’t approve.’
She is oddly silent when people attack the Prime Minister. Anyone know why?
Looks like our PM has caved in . He is very weak.
He doesn’t have to look after them. There are major problems in getting foster parents for our own children , let alone the tidal wave that will follow . Once they are in, they will suddenly make connections with their extended families – then the rest of the families will ‘wont in’.
Is the rest of the EU so bad at taking care of its people that they have to come here ? Vote to leave the EU
The worst ‘eva’ Tory Prime Minister that this nation has had the misfortune to elect .
A big uptick to your post Taffman, lot of questions here, I have the answer to the first question, any celebrities who said we should allow all of the refugees in, they should have to take at least 10 families each as they can afford it.
No excuses accepted. I would pay good money to see these celebs faces drop to the floor like Thompson, Cumberbatch, etc.
The other statements raise more questions, but alas no answers. More children will be pushed into trying to get into the country, this will mean more child refugees not more. This will result in more child abuse and more deaths.
Your views on extended families following into the country is a bit cynical, but probably very true.
On another subject, I have only just caught up, belatedly, with bBBC a radio programme called How I Changed My Mind where Dominic Lawson talks to Trevor Phillips. Trevor Phillips breaks down and openly cries. He explains how for many years he got multiculturalism badly wrong. He also talks about how members of the liberal left now ignore him.
Interestingly and topically he also goes to state that the odious Ken Livingston called him a Nazi for changing his opinions on multiculturalism.
A really good programme for once, listen as soon as you get the time. Broadcast 27th April.Radio 4 at 8.45 pm
wronged ……Well spotted – excellent eye opener, symptomatic of our changing world, BREXIT, TRUMP, UKIP etc….
Not bias as such. But what does the BBC do with all our money? On Bank Holiday Monday, Mr D and I thought we would watch some tv. Mr D (as usual) had the tv zapper and and he scrolled down the choices on Freeview we had to go for the best that was available. Not the snooker – our interest in that waned some years ago. So New Tricks it was then – on Drama or some such like – but 20 years old if a day. What does the BBC do with our money?
I too watched New Tricks on Drama, but I can’t agree that there was no bias.
I’ve never seen the programme before, because it was never convenient to watch it. I had high hopes, especially as George Cole was the guest star – obviously he’d be the criminal but I thought it would be interesting to see how the plot played out.
In the event the crimes all sprang from George’s past as a National Service officer in Kenya during the Mau Mau Emergency when his troops massacred some Kikuyu tribesmen. It was interesting that in this BBC script the police team had no problem in believing that an historic CIA document was 100% accurate and totally trustworthy. The police team couldn’t come up with any evidence to charge him for either the historic or modern crimes, so they leaked the details to the press and he was ruined. The programme might have been made years ago but it ticked all the boxes for the BBC’s current obsessions (except transgender).
I don’t think I’ll make the effort to watch another episode.
I’m not a watcher of much TV drama but I seem to recall that when New Tricks began it was quite good. Then the darlings in the BBC’s drama department got to work on it and the plotlines became increasingly obsessed with the Guardianistas’ usual race/gender/colonialism obsessions.
I believe I read somewhere that one of the stars left in disgust, citing, among other things, the bastardisation of the series’ storylines.
But, as I keep saying, BBC drama is no longer there to entertain. It is there to make sure we proles have ‘correct thought’ about every subject.
RJ, you must have either been at a different time or different channel because the one I watched wasn’t the one with George Cole. So many repeats saves the BBC making any new programmes.
For real bias, try the Room 101 with Charles Dance. To much cheering from the audience he suggested George Osborne was put forward for room 101. The reasons given were just plain nasty, but it didn’t stop lots more whooping from the audience and George was then Frank Skinners choice to go in. I expect the BBC would claim it was their guest’s choice and therefore doesn’t have to be unbiased.
Drama were running back to back episodes so you’d have seen one before or after the one I watched.
There is nothing to watch on BBC TV because £1 billion a year from the licence fee goes to prop up the staff pension fund.
Yes they don’t mention that often. That’s the reason for the cuts and the non-making of any good programmes. Only repeatz are shown or format spin-offs (Strictly, Bake-off etc).
That or the raiding of the archives and the restitching of TOTP (less Savile) which fills most of BBC4.
BBC 4 (which probably supplies 70% or more of all I watch on the wretched BBC) has got dire lately – packed with repeats, as you say.
Value for money? Not in the least.
My ‘repeat’ hate is Escape to the Country; they are currently showing editions from 2012 where house prices have no relevance to today’s market. They need to expand more on these little ‘jollies’ that apparently take a week to film and yet only 3 properties hit the screen in a 45 minute show. I don’t know whether the participants pay for themselves on these little short break outings, but they seem like a nice freebie trip (paid for by me) to another part of the Country regardless of whether they are interested in a property or not. And why not create a programme on those that have ACTUALLY bought and moved in to one of these properties, there must be a few in all the years that E tt C has been aired.
Most of the ones I’ve seen they don’t actively seek to buy any of the properties anyway. Strikes me as an exercise in look how much money I’ve got.
A bit late, I know, but I would like to take you back to Question Time Extra Time, last Thursday and in particular to a call from ‘Pam’ in Wales who rang in, in response to the Hillsborough discussion.
Pam rang to complain that the Sun hadn’t had the decency to apologise for their coverage of the Hillsborough disaster, saying:
‘It was disgraceful that there’s not word of sorry (sic)…remorse from the Sun, the paper. Not an apology…absolutely disgusting…Not a mention, not a word of remorse, you know, unbelievable.’
It was a languid and rambling call, with lots of opportunity for Fatty Nolan, who was in the chair, to intervene and challenge, but no! he was more inclined to set her off again, asking if because of that would she not buy the paper (never) and what would she call for the Sun to do now? (Pam said that she hoped that the families are going to sue them).
Now this is all well and good, but for the fact that, contrary to what ‘Pam’ told the world, the Sun;
– On 7 July 2004, printed a front page apology saying that “committed the most terrible mistake in its history” by publishing the story;
– On 13th September 2012, printed another front page apology with the headline, ‘The REAL Truth’;
– On the 26th April 2016, printed another apology reiterating its earlier errors.
– and Kelvin McKenzie, the Editor responsible personally apologised in 2011, 2012 and after the inquests verdicts last week.
My gripe with Nolan is that he, as a supposed journalist, reads newspapers you would think. He would be up to speed wouldn’t he? He would certainly know that the Sun has repeatedly apologised. So why did this, often brusque handler of callers, not offer ‘Pam’ the REAL Truth, so to speak?
The thing is, for the BBC (as Victoria Derbyshire helpfully told us a few weeks back) perceptions are everything. So here, Nolan went along with the lie and failed in his responsibility to let the facts see the light of day, reinforcing a left wing perception of the Sun, that the BBC was only to happy to convey.
Nolan, if you listen to the recording, had all the time in the world to put Pam right. But of course the all powerful BBC have issues with their upstart of a competitor, News International. Remembering that the BBC used TV Taxpayer money to object to the purchase of Sky, any opportunity to kick them is obviously welcomed. Even if it means another nail in the coffin of the BBC’s integrity.
Nolan’s handling of this was shameful.
Listen: [2:11:00]
Yes your quite right Number 88 but i think the BBC and thier staffs `handling` of kids is much more shameful !!! " alt="a> " />
Number 88,
Superb post.
Thanks third.
Number 88,
“Pam rang to complain that the Sun hadn’t had the decency to apologise for their coverage of the Hillsborough disaster, saying:
‘It was disgraceful that there’s not word of sorry…’”
Not quite; “I think what’s disgraceful is that there’s not word of sorry, of remorse from the Sun, the paper. Not an apology, not a mention, absolutely disgusting.”
Yes, a minor quibble, but one I highlight to point out that she was talking in the present tense. Because what she was referring to was The Sun’s failure to put the Hillsborough verdict on it’s front page the previous day.
If you remember, this came up on Question Time. So, despite your attempts at character assassination (“languid and rambling”, “set her off again”), she made a perfectly valid & accurate point.
Good try, but complete bollocks.
Telepathic are you? Or perhaps you’re ‘Pam’. Where did she mention the ‘front page’? She didn’t. Where did she talk about coverage of the inquest? She spoke of ‘Hillsborough’. And even if she was speaking in the present tense, Nolan could have pointed to the three full pages of coverage in the Sun and the Sun’s repeat apology, and McKenzie’s mea culpa, published that day.
Excellent post Number 88!
The Sun was damned if it did – damned if it didn’t. You can’t even buy the Sun newspaper in Liverpool anyway, so does it really matter?
I really don’t like the self-pity constantly spewed out from that city. Self-pity City – I had never heard of this label until after the court judgement and suddenly some “Scouser” spokesperson comes out with it in retaliation against all those who imposed that label upon them. So how come I had never heard of the term?
How did Sue Johnston miraculously recover her broad Scouse accent? Like Sheena Easton rediscovering her indecipherable Scottish accent to appease the locals, it seems almost too unlikely and patronising to the hilt!
I’m a Forest fan and I’m sure if it was Forest fans who had died we wouldn’t have blamed everyone but our own hooligans and swept the guilt under the carpet. I’m still angry about Hillsborough but for the wrong reasons.
We have to keep in mind that the judgement wasn’t in favour of the “fans” but that the “fans” were found not guilty of any part in the disaster. Which is basically the same as saying the stampeding cows at the back of the queue were in no way responsible for the deaths of the cows at the front.
Worth knowing how the EU army works, and how they are governed by the democratic will of the people.
By golly, I feel safe with this guy in charge of our defence.
Perhaps I am revealing a bias against military men who talk like robots.
Thank goodness for NATO.
Total BS. The EU force is completely under the heel of NATO, and this means America.
GWF, useful insight to the progression of the EU.
Speaking like a robot? I’m guessing that that officer is a Dutch national. If I could speak & pronounce Dutch as well as he does English (I suspect he may have been using a teleprompter) I would be even happier than I am right now!
When I studied in Amsterdam long ago I worked damned hard on my pronunciation of Dutch.
My aside about speaking like a robot was not based on his Dutch accent but on years of watching comedy shows with German, English (Dad’s Army types) and Americans speaking like robots. Its a familiar comic routine.
More seriously was the command structure, based on unelected politicians
Is it true that the Dutch resistance asked people to pronounce the place name “Scheveningen” to identify German spies who always got it wrong?
wouldn`t work for Dutch speaking traitors presumably.
Is it true that the Dutch resistance asked people to pronounce the place name “Scheveningen” to identify German spies who always got it wrong?
wouldn`t work for Dutch speaking traitors presumably.
Is it true that the Dutch resistance asked people to pronounce the place name “Scheveningen” to identify German spies who always got it wrong?
wouldn`t work for Dutch speaking traitors presumably.
Is it true that the Dutch resistance asked people to pronounce the place name “Scheveningen” to identify German spies who always got it wrong?
wouldn`t work for Dutch speaking traitors presumably.
That is what I was told, and I had difficulty with it.
Sorry, GWF, that bit wasn’t obvious from your original post.
Wouldn’t disagree with the comedy aspect but I’ve heard it in reality in English from Americans (if that isn’t an oxymoron) during Afghanistan and Gulf 2. Some of the US Forces’ spokesmen that were on BBC R4 accounting for the day’s developments were so robotic that, as a layman, I was wondering if it was safe to allow them anywhere near guns and bullets and grenades.
Ghostbusters is most disliked trailer on YouTube:
The explanation is “a concerted campaign to vote down the video.” It’s actually because it just isn’t funny. As critics have predicted, anybody who doesn’t like this film will be branded as a sexist who is just hating on women, when the reason is that it just isn’t any good, it certainly looks from the trailer that it is going to be a stinker anyway.
The latest tear jerking, hand wringing worries (moral blackmail) about the children in refugee camps will have a devastating impact on our nation. Denmark has discovered that an astonishing 72 % of these claimants are in fact over the age of 18!
Surely we all acknowledge that allowing hoards of hairy arsed young Arabs into our country would be catastrophic. We’ve all seen what happened in Cologne, Copenhagen, Brussels, Paris, etc. You name it we’ve seen it. We are led by spineless politicians, crying crocodile tears, while we live with the consequences of their weakness and virtue signalling.
Here is the link. Its s not as high as your read it, as they werent all examined, but of course given that the PeeCee danes are reluctant to conduct intensive and intimate examinination, obviously many more adults will have got through unexamined.
“Denmark has discovered that an astonishing 72 % of these claimants are in fact over the age of 18!”
That would be ‘astonishing’ except for one small point; it’s bollocks.
Read past the sensationalist headline and you will find that there were 818 “unaccompanied minors” seeking asylum. Of those, 282 were considered “questionable”. 72% of the “questionable cases” were deduced to be above the age of 18.
Not 72% of all claimants.
One more lie bites the dust…
Yes Zero but youre not allowing for the fact that of the unexamined “children” some will also have been over eighteen since they will have been given the benefit of the doubt.
Nor are we told on what basis some are thought ‘suspicious’ . It could be appearance or it may be that their story didnt hang together e.g revealing that they remembered some historical incident in their country a young child would not have or inconsistencies about years they started school for example. If examination i not based on physical appearance then many older men who had worked out a good story may hhave avoided it.
I recall a young girl my daughter swam with whose family were refugees previously in France. I always believed she was two or three years older than claimed and saw an inconsistency when her mother told me the year they left France. This girl spoke fluent French which would have been impossible had she actually left at two years old.
“Yes Zero but youre not allowing for the fact that of the unexamined “children” some will also have been over eighteen since they will have been given the benefit of the doubt.”
Quibble all you like. Jeff’s claim that; “72 % of these claimants are in fact over the age of 18!” is still bollocks.
Zero , Why do you waste your time on this site ?
Why don’t you just set up an “I Love 🙂 Al Beeb” site for yourself, Jerod , Marvin and Scot etc ?
Or an “I love paying my Telly Tax” site ?
I am sure you will have many ‘followers’ and ‘hits ‘
Go for it !
I’ll post on it and I’ll even advertise this on it ………………..
zero, you are partially correct. Not fully correct because if you had read the whole article as carefully as you read the part that you try to use to dismiss Jeff’s less-than 100% precise language, you would have seen this:
” According to UNICEF, the births of nearly 230 million children under the age of five worldwide, or around one in three, have never been recorded, meaning that they cannot document their age and, in many cases, do not even know their exact age.
Danish People’s Party MP Peter Skaarup said that his party would push for the coming government to conduct more age examinations on unaccompanied minors, arguing that they are lying about their age.
“When you discover that there are so many who are cheating, then we should be testing more of them. It should also have a consequence on their chances of being granted asylum,” he told MetroXpress. ”
By all means contribute here to add balance, zero, or add alternative or contradictory views and challenge and debate others, but before you claim that something posted by another is b*ll*cks or a lie, make sure that your post holds up. Perhaps a moderation of your language while pointing out the strict maths and the entirely logical extrapolation might gain you greater respect.
And save me some time in posting this.
Can’t get past the first 20 seconds of Lyce Doucet’s vomit-inducing video here which I imagine is supposed to bring us around to DC’s view that we should take more ‘children’ from ‘Europe’. Or is that adolescent males from Calais? If they are so desperate and endangered then apply for asylum in France, without moving an inch, where they will find they are pretty safe. The whole situation is outrageous, and of course backed up by the wonderful BBC. What’s the betting that one of the questions on QT will be ‘should we be taking more vulnerable migrant children from Europe…’
Is it Camerons view that 3,000 unaccompanied child refugees already in Europe (“made it to Europe” in BBC speak) need to come to the UK?
That 3,000… a suspiciously nice round figure….already in Europe, so not in immediate danger……could it be a quota? being imposed by the real government of this country in Berlin, Brussels or Strasbourg or wherever they are?
Could it be a quota, not being mentioned in the run up to the referendum.
Is Camerons arm being twisted in the background hence his ever changing stance on this issue?
I`d like to hear that question on QT or directly put to Cameron….3,000 is a very round number.
I suspect the word ‘children’ is used rather than the legal term ‘minors’ because it conjures up images of helpless infants wandering around the Jungle camp, rather than strapping 17 year old men. It’s been pointed out before that organisations use the term ‘children’ when they want minors to appear younger, (ie in this case to promote immigration) but ‘young people’, ‘teenagers’, ‘adolescents’ etc when they want them to appear older, eg, with regards to sexual activity. You always hear for example of ‘teenage mothers’ but never ‘child mothers’. When the age of homosexual consent was lowered to 16 for example I do not recall it being described as allowing homosexual activity with children.
Not even ‘young people’ but ‘young men and women’ to emphasise their ‘maturity’.
And this isnt just in sexual context, even primary schoolchildren are now ‘students’
How long before they want votes for twelve year olds?
And of course Anders Breiviks victims were all ‘children’ despite being students in their late teens and early twenties (a demographic similar to the alleged ‘;child migrants’ I believe)
Doucet must be reponsible for more smashed TVs than anybody else. Her agenda is so bloody obvious and her very poor reporting skills make anything she covers poor stuff. Add to that her lack of a clear voice ( I am being kind here ) and she is just not up to the job. Mind you so very few of the BBC’s staff are these days.
She seemed incapable of asking the right questions but this is a trait shared by all the PC reporting staff of our world class broadcaster. If the BBC was a private company these people would not last five minutes.
Nigel not a great fan of the BBC – listen at 1 minute 15 seconds:
Well that Lincolnshire interviewer is unlikely to get a job with the BBC or get advancement if already there: he actually asked questions about UKIP policy and wasn’t trying to smear Farage, or constantly interrupt him, in the way that BBC and Sky interviewers do.
Excellent video Charlatans!
Funny isn`t it?
After all the scorn and abuse aimed at Trump…it seems now that the liberal medias fear is that-by his nomination-this lets Hillary Clinton in with a free run.
You`d think that the liberal media would LIKE that, wouldn`t you?
But no-they continue to obsess about Trump…which tells you that the liberal elite are bricking it, in fear of the little people going rogue and not voting for Clinton.
Now Trump keeps getting referred to as a “billionaire property developer mogul”
What are the words we use for Clinton?,,,is she a millionaire, billionaire-and(unlike Trump)….we` know she`s not earned a dollar, created a job that wasn`t paid for by her beloved Joe the Plumbers…
Clinton will get pasting….
The msm and BBC in particular are looking more and more stupid in the way they portrayed and continue to portray Trump as a cartoon character. The BBC are really letting us all down by not actually doing some proper analysis on Trump. I imagine most people would be interested in knowing more about the man, not just watching and listening to carefully edited clips (again repeated on the BBC 6pm news tonight) and being told jokes about his hair.
Englands Dreaming,
The proof of your point is to be found at the bottom of every BBC article about Trump where there is a list of previous stories. When the titles are listed together their childishness and amateurism shines through. As you say, the BBC is letting us all down and embarrassing the UK.
England and Chris you have both made some really good points. The BBC displays the normal lefty kneejerk reaction of playing the man rather than his policies. I suspect that this is because some of the things he has said actually made sense.
Despite not particularly liking Trump (too brash for me) I found ( particularly on R4) all the smart arse lefty comments even more irritating. I guess you need to live in North London and know your wines to appreciate them.
Unfortunately vapid politicians like Dave (egged on by Aunty) have been unable to contain their excitement all being in an extreme hurry to grab a seat on the “Right On Express” stopping at all destinations including Gender equalityville, Migrant metropilis and Benefits Lake. Unfortunately Commonsenseville has been permanently deleted from all BBC timetables.
The Telegraph mentioned that if Trump is elected Daves comments referring to Trump as “Divisive, Stupid and wrong ” May well mean backfire on him meaning that the idiot may well have to apologise to Trump.
It would be nice to think that next time Dave opens his mouth he comes out with something sensible rather than trying to please Aunty. However I am sure having to abase hims What a fine statesman we have as a leader
It would nice to think
Lets hope Trump is not vindictive. If we leave the EU, we wont survive unless we have America’s support. We wont even be able to join organisations if America is displeased with England. Our armed forces cannot function without America. Goodbye Falkands. Ditto our intelligence services. And if Trump is really displeased, he might kick us out of the Security Council and hand the seat over to Germany – the defeated nation of WWII. Germans would be really pleased with that.
One doesn’t insult a possible candidate for president of a global superpower that has no equal. If Cameron has UK’s interest at heart, he should apologise to Trump. And if he cant, should resign asap.
The runes do not look good for The Moron wrt. to the US Election. Which party polled over 4,000,000 votes after being called “fruitcakes and nutcases” by The Moron?
We’ll survive, with or without their support. We always have and we always will. Never forget the role the USA played in getting us into this mess.
England begs to no one.
I don’t think Trump will turn his back on us . Most US people have a soft spot and respect for Great Britain.
Its the UK media and their ‘left wing indoctrinated ‘ reporters that hate him . If he does get to be the US President he will be well informed by his advisers.
Don’t forget, Trump’s mother was Scottish, and he is proud of his roots. He has even come to realise that the SNP are a bunch of two faced socialist jerks.
How will Saint Nicola deal with the POTUS who she threatened to ban last year?
Same way she dealt with Obama, I presume: not on any meaningful level.
England and Chris you have both made some really good points. The BBC displays the normal lefty kneejerk reaction of playing the man rather than his policies. I suspect that this is because some of the things he has said actually made sense.
Despite not particularly liking Trump (too brash for me) I found ( particularly on R4) all the smart arse lefty comments even more irritating. I guess you need to live in North London and know your wines to appreciate them.
Unfortunately vapid politicians like Dave (egged on by Aunty) have been unable to contain their excitement all being in an extreme hurry to grab a seat on the “Right On Express” stopping at all destinations including Gender equalityville, Migrant metropilis and Benefits Lake. Unfortunately Commonsenseville has been permanently deleted from all BBC timetables.
The Telegraph mentioned that if Trump is elected Daves comments referring to Trump as “Divisive, Stupid and wrong ” May well mean backfire on him meaning that the idiot may well have to apologise to Trump.
It would be nice to think that next time Dave opens his mouth he comes out with something sensible rather than trying to please Aunty. However I am sure having to abase hims What a fine statesman we have as a leader
It would nice to think
England and Chris you have both made some really good points. The BBC displays the normal lefty kneejerk reaction of playing the man rather than his policies. I suspect that this is because some of the things he has said actually made sense.
Despite not particularly liking Trump (too brash for me) I found ( particularly on R4) all the smart arse lefty comments even more irritating. I guess you need to live in North London and know your wines to appreciate them.
Unfortunately vapid politicians like Dave (egged on by Aunty) have been unable to contain their excitement all being in an extreme hurry to grab a seat on the “Right On Express” stopping at all destinations including Gender equalityville, Migrant metropilis and Benefits Lake. Unfortunately Commonsenseville has been permanently deleted from all BBC timetables.
The Telegraph mentioned that if Trump is elected Daves comments referring to Trump as “Divisive, Stupid and wrong ” May well mean backfire on him meaning that the idiot may well have to apologise to Trump.
It would be nice to think that next time Dave opens his mouth he comes out with something sensible rather than trying to please Aunty. However I am sure having to abase hims What a fine statesman we have as a leader
It would nice to think
England and Chris you have both made some really good points. The BBC displays the normal lefty kneejerk reaction of playing the man rather than his policies. I suspect that this is because some of the things he has said actually made sense.
Despite not particularly liking Trump (too brash for me) I found ( particularly on R4) all the smart arse lefty comments even more irritating. I guess you need to live in North London and know your wines to appreciate them.
Unfortunately vapid politicians like Dave (egged on by Aunty) have been unable to contain their excitement all being in an extreme hurry to grab a seat on the “Right On Express” stopping at all destinations including Gender equalityville, Migrant metropilis and Benefits Lake. Unfortunately Commonsenseville has been permanently deleted from all BBC timetables.
The Telegraph mentioned that if Trump is elected Daves comments referring to Trump as “Divisive, Stupid and wrong ” May well mean backfire on him meaning that the idiot may well have to apologise to Trump.
It would be nice to think that next time Dave opens his mouth he comes out with something sensible rather than trying to please Aunty. However I am sure having to abase hims What a fine statesman we have as a leader
It would nice to think
Sorry all cock up on the posting front! think I better withdraw my job application to IBM!
Trumps a twerp alright in so many ways…but a suitable emetic for the constipated, poisoned US political system.
Simple really-if Jon Snow and Kirsty Wark hate you and all you stand for-we need you high up the political food chain…and POTUS is as good as it gets.
Trump is just the symptom of how rancid it`s all got, and he`s not milked the public purse or let US Embassy staff get lynched in Libya, as his opponent `s done.
On FaceBook, BBC Pop Up (me neither) have decided to go to India to ask them what they think of Donald Trump.
Those they have found do not seem keen, by amazing chance.
Excellent point ChrisH. I don’t particularly like Mr Trump, but I can see that he is acting as a strong emetic for the poisons in the political system of the US (and by extension, the west in general). Cometh the hour, cometh the man. Things have gone too far for a relatively moderate, intelligent and cultured president – someone similar to the late Ronald Reagan, for example – to stand a chance.
Clinton is owned by Wall Street. She is the Wall Street candidate.
She’s the Goldman Sachs candidate, for sure.
You mean they had an ulterior motive for paying her half a million dollars to deliver a speech? Isn’t that just the going rate for the job? Obviously, if they had just given her half a million, that would have been a bribe. But if she spends an hour boring the arse off any banker unlucky enough to be ordered to attend, that is just grandy and dandy.
chrisH, The unspoken fear(?) yesterday – either that or the BBC political journalists hadn’t worked it out yet although one got close in my hearing on WatO – is that Trump is likely to have some strong appeal to swing voters and Democrat supporters. The young journo (sounded young) on WatO listed all those in the GOP who would NOT vote for Trump. He failed to make the connection with those outside the GOP who MAY vote for Trump.
I remember that the GW Bush re-election was due in large measure to Democrats disliking Kerry, especially ‘working class’ Catholics who did not trust him on abortion. The British mainstream media completely overlooked the support that GWB received from Democratic majority States and constantly, even to this day, attribute his re-election to ‘ the Christian fundamentalist ‘Right’ ‘ of the Republican Party.
Ohio is an important State to watch. If they go for Trump in November, phew!
Not for broadcast on BBC news outlets!
This is one of the best
Here’s something that the BBC don’t cover. I found it on Sky’s online News.
Sky have done some foot-slogging investigation into the names and addresses on the recently leaked IS memory stick. What they found destroys the BBC/Left lie that the Islamic murderers were from deprived backgrounds who had been not given an opportunity for employment and advancement in a career.
Deprivation is NOT a motive.
And, many if not the majority were from refugee ‘backgrounds’.
“”Over a number of weeks, Sky News knocked on the door of every address in the capital that we linked to the files””
“”Half of those are from London – with some linked to Islamic State’s most shocking crimes””
“”We also discovered some distinct themes; most who joined Islamic State were from immigrant or refugee backgrounds””
“”More surprisingly, perhaps, was that nearly all of the extremists we investigated were well-educated and gave up promising lives in the capital””
Let me think…. what else could be the motive? Something they’ve read for all their adult lives perhaps??
Veteran anchor resigns due to BBC’s Middle East bias
Anyone know more about this? Presumably Miss Izzedin was OK with the BBC’s Israel coverage.
deegee, that’s bizarre. The BBC I have been hearing for the last five years has been totally anti-Assad even to the point of to this day attributing to him chemical attacks on (opponents &) civilians despite two UN investigations, I think, finding the charges unfounded.
Assad is of the left. Putin’s man. Of course the BBC would go easy on him.
It’s interesting that in Dover Sentry’s post, above, he refers to the footslogging that Sky have done with the ISIL papers. The BBC have completely ignored this including the revelation from the papers this week that Assad and ISIL had been co-operating, specifically in the taking of Palmyra. Assad’s people were also passing intelligence to ISIL warning them of impending attacks and bombing raids, enabling ISIL to evacuate and regroup in good time.
This is a huge story. But not a word on the BBC.
Between the Guardian and the CH4, they have out BBCed the BBC with their new series:
Grayson Perry on What it is like to be a Man in the Modern World.
I gather next week it will be Roy Kean asking what it’s like to be a transvestite in the modern world.
Honestly, you can’t make it up because it is so insane.
If you are making a programme about modern masculinity, clearly the go to guy is a transvestite potter. I mean, it’s so obvious, how can there be any debate?
If Quentin Crisp were still alive, the BBC would make him their Rugby League correspondent. Why not? They made a muslim head of religious programming. Anything’s possible!
I had to chuckle when I saw that Grayson Perry programme advertised. It’s so predictable! It seems obvious to me that Mr Perry is only liked by the BBC because he drags up. He throws pots as well but these don’t seem to me to be much different to many others being made by lots of ceramic artists. I suspect the BBC like him because unlike Danny La Rue, Lily Savage etc, his drag is not an ‘act’ but part of his ‘gender identity’ or some such twaddle. If he didn’t dress in womens’ frocks would anybody actually notice him??
Grayson Perry is a third-rate artist and a self-opinionated mediocrity. A couple of years ago he very publicly criticised his contemporaries, most of whom are far better artists, for doing all of the things that he himself is guilty of. Total hypocrite. I have no idea if his proclivity for dressing up as a little girl is part of his “gender identity”, but he is certainly a self-publicist of the most obnoxious variety – and of course a darling of the BBC.
Oh bring back the days when men and women were clearly defined. Jack Palance, Gregory Peck, Burt Lancaster, Steve McQueen (the actor for those in doubt); and Ava Gardener, Doris Day, et al; ok there will be those that will say that half of Hollywood was bent but we had our illusions, and at least they portrayed on screen what men and women were all about. (David Beckham and his poncey hairstyles with hairbands and girly plaits have a lot to answer for).
In his favour though-he did say that he would never take the piss out of Islam in one of his overpriced pisspots or vases-because he was spineless shill who rather liked his head to stay on his shoulders.
Of course-I use artistic license in the quote-but we artists can do this can`t we Gray?
A rare thing to admit you`re a gutless lefty who`ll shaft the Christians but won`t dare go for Muslims…and he did say it in so many words.
The Yellow Badge of The Gutless Easy Rebel…but, in admitting it-he`s ensured that all those who WON`T say as much are even more chinless, and keep their wifes ovaries in their scrotal sacs…for fear of not being a liberal scarecrow for Dorothys causes…
Well he does call himself a sissy after all.
The correct course of action upon spotting someone like Grayson Perry in public is to point and laugh.
Apparently there has been violence on the Gaza border as Israelis were attacking Palestinians who retaliated, so said Jeremy Bowen. Then in passing we were told about a suicide bomber who killed himself last week on a bus and a young girl who was badly burnt in the incident. I don’t remember hearing about that last week on the BBC. So why was it Palestinians ‘retaliating’ today with the implication that Israel initiated the violence? Why was the violence on the Gaza boarder and was it the IDF or civilians involved? Jeremy could only show us Jerusalem and some of that footage that was several days old.
I saw that report and the newsreader’s introduction followed a similar line. Israeli jets attack Gaza and Hamas responds. Every time I hear this order of events on the BBC, I feel a strange compulsion to sense check it.
Strangely enough other news sites report that ISraeli Aircraft are responding to mortar attacks on IDF positions coming out of Gaza and that they did so after they sent stern warnings to Hamas via intermediaries to cease firing.
Another I noticed in Bowen’s report was his comment that Israel seized Jerusalem in 1967. Strangely enough he failed to mention why.
If you want to balance the BBCs coverage of Israel try
There is a daily news summary that often carries stories the Beeb doesn’t see fit to broadcast.
Just scroll down to find “your daily news broadcast from Israel in English”.
Front page Al Beeb News Website, dateline 04/05/16 22.22 pm, one is faced with a picture of eight salty looking dudes, so called ‘men’ over the pensioner phone scam.
Oh thank you Angela, more of this lovely enrichment coming to our shores any time soon.
”Commander Dean Haydon, head of the Met’s counter-terrorism command, said he was pleased with the sentences given to the gang members.” (‘Counter – terrorism’, interesting)
“Had we not arrested them and put them before the courts, the group may have gone on to defraud many more victims across the UK.”
Are we not allowed to check why theses useful members of society are even here in this country?
Not surprisingly, comments not allowed.
I am just hearing history being rewritten on BBC local news for Humberside. Apparently last time there was an election for the Police Commissioner turnout was low because it was a cold day in November. As I remember turnout in the Hull area was high, people voting who would not normally vote, but people were united in the fact that they did not want John Prescott to win.
This being the BBC, it is surprising they allowed a cold day to be reported in November, but propping up their fave climate Rapporteur’s crumbling reputation must have swung a dispensation.
If you want a good laugh from the clowns at BBC Look North this evening, watch this from 13 minutes:
I hope the army have thought this through….they are professionals after all. I wouldn’t want to be around when live ammunition is doled out.
Hillarious. It also had a spokesperson from the Huddersfield Pakistan Community Alliance (HPCA) saying how great it is.
Problem is this is a total scam. There is no such thing. It has no facebook followers but has a facebook page?, no twitter communication but has a twitter account?, a totally stockphoto’d web page which is clearly unused by anybody. Under the projects tab it has pictures of people at events, but no information on said events. Same for every tab. Just stock photos.
The only question is why. And why present a spokesperson from this organisation, there seems to be no interaction between it and the muslim community it claims to represent.
I have noticed this many times on the BBC, but also ITV. They bring on spokespeople for a muslim organisation, eg Muslim Youth Community of halifax. You check online, it’s 3 brothers from their parents house. Yet it gets to air its views to possibly millions of people. WTF!
I am sure our security services will be monitoring it and its source.
Or they wheel on Mo Ansar who is a confirmed liar and fraud.
Just miles away from where the 7/7 bombers did their worst…let`s show tomorrows Islamic State and Caliphate prospects where we keep the ammo, how we train our soldiers and how we`re thick enough to open the depots to show how supine and thick we are.
Sorry lads-until you show me the head of an IS fighter, or backed the need to deep clean Islam from this culture like C Diff from St James hospital-your being a “Muslim” will always trump your “British ” protestations…for(to be fair) the Islam nutters will take your heads off as apostates before they try for ours.
The BBC gulls and useful idiots can piss off-they`re only adding to our problems with every false flag…usually a black shariah one, if not a white flag of surrender.
To be fair to the BBC, their flag hierarchy is:
1) False Flag / Lies
2) Islamic State
3) White Flag / French
4) Rainbow
5) EU
6) ‘Palestinian’
7) Eire (when waived by men wearing balaclavas)
8) Any socialist republic
9) Argentina
10) South Africa
Lovely day yesterday. After spending much out working the fields and the evening in the company of family, I settled down early to enjoy a well earned sleep.
Up again and before heading off a short while over coffee reviewing the overnights. And while most slumber they seem dominated by Flokkers either making irony-free snarks about other posters’ employment, or congratulating each other like BBC News RTing BBC Pop Up RTing BBC Magazine RTing a one degree of separation third party ‘observation’ on Twitter.
It looks like another great day, too.
Hang your heads in shame you Labour councillors who objected to the placement of the plaque.
Poor, poor woman. I feel so sorry for her.
Lee Rigby dies and the killers live. It’s not right.
Bring back hanging, or in their case slowly stone them to death after a good beating and waterboarding.
There has to be some kind of deterrent to this religious Muslim mania.
Nice of the BBC to give the murderers terrorist ideology a little propaganda by publicising their “reasoning” for murdering Lee Rigby in the street in Woolwich at the end of that report.
Guess the rules are different if the grieving mother gets a Peerage.
wronged embolden
I was angry when I read the last sentence of the report, which did not have to be added to a piece where a mother expressed her grief.
‘Adebolajo and Adebowale claimed they murdered her son in revenge for British forces killing Muslims abroad.’
I submit that someone in the BBC network of Jihadist/ Trots decided that their side of the case should be included, and maybe someone up the chain of command authorised it.
Until you posted that, I didn’t know the Greenwich council leader, Chris Roberts had tried hard to block a memorial to Lee Rigby.
His reasons were:
He condemned “political, extremist, or well-meaning” people he believes are seeking to promote themselves in the aftermath of the tragedy.
He said: “One of the saddest side effects of the tragic death of Drummer Rigby has been the attempt by so many organisations, whether political, extremist or well meaning in their intent, to seek to promote their own organisations on the back of this awful murder.”
“For some, it seems to be an opportunity to promote their group and to publicise their own activities.”
“We say again to these groups, we do not want you here.”
Ok, but can anyone say if a councillor dared object to Stephen Lawrence’s plaque for these reasons?
To story continues……
I believe Chris Roberts is to be given an honour himself. Freedom of the City of Greenwich.
The news article below tells you all the hypocrisy you need to know.
If you want to see a quite obviously muslim man blame the jews for everything, while supporting an anti semetic muslim, labour mp from newport.
Read the comments on the South Wales Argus
Please add more
Anyone else surprised by the virtual diasappearance of the the EU referendum from the morning news on Today?
Another feature is the comparative lack of opinion polling reports compared say with the General Election or the Scots referendum. Have they learned the lesson about poor reliability…..or are they hearing an unpalatable and difficult to spin message?
or am I just missing the relevent slots?
Embolden…I agree that the lack of polling news is noticeable, especially on our broadcasting service? (What service?) I’m sure it’s because they got things so badly wrong in 2015.
I have been following Guido’s daily EU reports and yesterday some poll he quoted had it 50/50.
Unfortunately what I don’t fully understand are the betting figures below it. Never have done; I know 50/1 is a long shot at winning a race whereas 4/1 has a better chance of winning, but when the numbers go the other way…afraid I’m lost.
Finally…any fellow contributors who are pro-UK unity and Brexit lovers, please have a thought for us in the northern lands on this momentous day for the probable demise of democracy courtesy of La Sturgeon and her gang!
You have my deepest sympathy. How the Scots can bring themselves to vote for national socialism is beyond me.
Thanks Rob. Appreciated.
You are welcome. One of the things which really offends me about the Scottish National Socialists is the way they have stirred up anti-English feeling, which in turn has stirred up anti-Scottish feeling in England, where before there was none to speak of.
The Conservatives are just idiots, who think giving greater powers to the National Socialists will somehow appease them. If you put David Cameron in a wing collar and Homburg hat, it turns out he’s the spitting image of Neville Chamberlain. Spineless little wimp.
You should live here; you’d understand.
One more reason why we need to get out of the EU and why we need to get Labours anti white Racist hands off the Police.
“He sounded eastern European. He threw me to the ground before kicking me a few times.”
“He punched me in the stomach and in the face. I was terrified.
“I had no idea what was going on or why he was attacking me.
“He was so angry, but I couldn’t understand why, or what he was screaming at me.”
Enquiries are ongoing, but James said police have told him the investigation is ‘not a priority’.
A white Briton attacked by a foreigner? Why did he ever think it would be a priority for our useless PC plod? Now if he had been a muslim, that would have been a different matter.
Now I’m more cynical and more sceptical than most. But being a hardened MEN observer and hater, this story is not what it purports to be. The ‘victim’ appears to be in a photo shoot! There is a story here. Not the one that’s being told, but the publicity may be a motive. If I were a cop I would be a little dubious.
Like night following day, after the triumph of Hillsborough, the SJWs push for an inquiry into the Battle of Orgreave. Almost needless to say the BBC joins in the “struggle for justice”. On Today this morning a very sympathetic and sensitive Robinson interviewed both a veteran of the battle (a peaceful picket no doubt) and Gareth Peirce, the solicitor who represented many of the miners on trial in 1985 and was involved in drafting the submission for an inquiry to Theresa May.
Consider: here’s a police force being investigated to death for either incompetence (at Hillsborough) or (if Gareth and friends get their way) actually helping the elected government of the day defeat forces aimed at its overthrow (at Orgreave and elsewhere). OTOH the same police force is left virtually untouched when
Moslemsmen of Pakistani ethnicity rape 1,400 girls in Rotherham. I may be wrong here but I don’t think Gareth’s conscience has been moved much by that atrocity: well not enough to demand “justice” for those raped. Mind you, if she does give a moment of her valuable time to thinking about that, I suspect that she would view the perps as the “real victims” deserving of “justice” (and handsome financial compensation, of course).But there again, as has become customary where Moslems or any favoured constituency (eg Labour) are involved, the BBC has all but buried that crime together BTW with the Staffs NHS deaths under Labour’s watch. At the same time a constant at W1A is the continuous implication (generally through the egregious and dishonest “some say” technique) that Mrs Thatcher is guilty for everything “controversial” (another favourite BBC marker); either indirectly (eg at Hillsborough) or directly (eg at Orgreave).
I raised the ‘let’s hype Orgreave’ campaign the other day – to a less than rousing reception from certain quarters, it must be said. To my mind, it was entirely predictable that the SWP crowd would attempt to add that to the train of ‘failings’ on the part of the S. Yorkshire Plod and just as predictable that the BBC would be first in line with the whitewash bucket.
Umm.. are we still allowed to say ‘whitewash’, incidentally?
As for stories not covered (or buried like Captain Kidd’s treasure) there have been several surrounding the EU that have been given ‘the treatment’ by the Corporation this week: the EU ‘army’, the 250,000 Euro fine per head, to be imposed by Emperor Juncker on any recalcitrant nation that refuses to obey his orders, the newly spread welcome mat for millions of Turks….
No doubt some BBC stooge like Zero will be able to find mention of them on the Isle or Barra web page, or a fleeting reference in the introduction to The Daily Service, but coverage in relation to their true import? Not a chance!
If the BBC’s ‘news’ were any more corrupt there would be a queue of wannabe Mafiosa begging for lessons outside Bush House.
I heard that this morning.
Do you remember the good old days when the BBC used to have a couple of guests on the Today programme from OPPOSING sides of the argument?
Where a campaign is to the BBC liking, those days are long gone.
BTW: If we are to have an inquiry into Orgreave and as some from the far left would have it, the miners strike, it needs to be a full inquiry that would include an investigation into the miners themselves, their intimation and killing of mineworkers who wanted to work, the strike leadership and their political objectives and the Soviet Union’s funding of the attempt to bring down an elected government (again).
Indeed. A proper look at the involvement of Libya and the Soviet Union wouldn’t come amiss either. Though in the unlikely event of them doing any such thing, I suppose they’d put the team from More or Less on the case – and we all know how that would work out, don’t we?
Why, don’t you know, Umbongo – it’s the quarter-century exorcism of establishment demons, when the generation that was aware and angry at the time is now too old to do owt. Roll up, roll up.
BBC not yet (if ever) reporting on the 125mph chase and subsequent shoot out involving ‘British’ people smugglers on a French Motorway out of Belgium. One dead two seriously injured.
I would wage that FL03WMF ain’t registered to a Smith or Jones and to which ‘community’ of London, Bradford, Leicester etc its registered in? Just as likely potential terrorists as people smugglers….
Thanks, Geoff. The French police opened fire on the fleeing vehicle killing one occupant and injuring two other occupants.
Can you imagine the howls of BBC/Left anguish if the police here had done the same??
According to my ancient I-Spy – ‘On the Motorway’ MF is London NE. Seems Dunkirk is possibly the new ‘Calais’ now.
Wait for the following BBC response:
Needless deaths? Could lives have been saved if we had Open Borders?
The story is ninth on the BBC Online News Webpage. And below a story about a footballer. On Sky it’s the lead story.
And no mention of a knife.
BBC sanitised News.
As a BBC online news item, it’s dropped from 9 to 12 in priority. It’s still headline with Sky online news.
Since 2001 the first two letters now indicate where the vehicle was registered, FL being Nottingham.
I must remember to keep it below 130km/h the next time I’m driving in France.
Anyone watched the Silk Road series episode one? I did so hoping that we would get a a journey taking in the rich history of the Silk Road and its modern developments and most importantly be free from BBC message pushing. Sadly I was , I suppose inevitably, disappointed. Perhaps I am becoming paranoid and have begun to see ‘messages/propaganda’ when there isn’t any . Of course its true that China was centuries ahead of Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire and that all manner of ideas that proved to be crucial to the development of European civilisation stemmed from China. It is also true that the various Muslim communities along the Silk Road had ideas and skills that Europeans didn’t have in the Middle Ages. We all know this. But I felt that I was being ‘positioned’ so that I could accept that all civilisations flourish and decline and that the West had passed its zenith with China and Islam ready once again to take the ball and run with it. As I say I may be a victim of my own paranoia but after years of trying to resist BBC anti western , anti white, anti British , liberal left , pro Muslim propaganda this is what I have been reduced to!! The BBC is damaging my mental health can it be shut down on medical grounds?
Doublethinker, you are not alone. My main gripe with the episode was the usual depiction of nineteenth century western academics (in this case the Anglo-Hungarian Sir Auriel Stein) as looters and thieves pillaging a nation’s treasures rather than trying to preserve artifacts that might otherwise have been destroyed. The truth may lie somewhere between the two positions but there was no attempt to put forward a position other than an anti-western one.
R4 Today reporting on the demise of the New Day newspaper had journalists on from 2 other newspapers. Can you guess which?
The BBC, reporting points of view from A to B.
Is the BBC right to assume anti-Semitism will cost Labour support in every constituency?
On the contrary. In many inner city areas it’s likely to gain them a lot of votes. Which is possibly why it came it when it did.
GC Cooper, Yes, and as a bonus they get an inquiry that tightens up on Islmophobia.
“The Jewish lobby cannot admit that the “anti-Semitism” is largely driven by the same Muslims which Jewish organizations have so assiduously conspired to flood into the country.
At the same time the Labour Party cannot admit that it will have eventually to choose between the Muslim mass vote on which it increasingly depends and on Jewish financial clout and media influence which is indispensable if it is to carry on as a mass party.” F.C. Begbie
So Chris Evans is a c&%t, business partner speaks out….Tell us something we don’t already know, I’ve never bought this ‘changed guy’ crap.
So why haven’t the BBC sacked this particular bully and where is he hiding the pictures?
Also never forget that Evans openly supported Ken Livingston for London mayor in 2000 and gave the campaign £100k.…
Just came across this fantastic spoof TRUMP youtube – had me in stitches:
Snap, I was about to post it. Hilarious.
Hi folks, it’s been a while. Just thought I’d pop back in to notify you all of this hugely important, finger-on-the-pulse and vital report from the BBC’s primary news source:
Good to see that the Guardian is ‘busy’ forensically analysing the vile anti-Semitic racism that is rife within the disgusting and fascist Liebour Party like it is all too eager to do with racism involving right-wing parties. In fact, could you all imagine the response from the BBC/Guardian/Independent/Channel Snore if a Tory or Ukipper made anti-Semitic or Islamaphobic remarks? It would be hand bags at dawn and sandals ready to march. The BBC and the entire Left are avoiding the elephant in the room…. the real source of anti-Semitism…. a source that good ol’ Shami will no doubt avoid focusing on in her ‘inquiry’.
A friend works in the accounts team at the Guardian. They say it’s haemorrhaging cash and the management don’t have the first clue about business. With a bit of luck it will be gone within a decade.
Yet again they are showing the perennial picture of a black guy in a library without any context what so ever, but the most incredibly disingenuous reporting today is in the use of the Race laden term ‘Asian’.
The story is about British Universities slipping down the international league tables, hardly a surprise when all they seem to do is persecute students for minor infractions of political correctness, and forge data results!
Anyway, the BBC is reporting that several ‘Asian’ universities have joined the top few. They Laboured this as long as they could get away with before telling that the Universities were in fact in China Japan & Singapore !
We are constantly being bullied by the Fascists into accepting the term ‘Asian’ as a Euphemism for Pakistani to cover up their appalling criminality, and that the two are interchangeable. No other people benefit from this treatment except their favourite brown eyed boys.
There are far more Chinese in Asia than all the other peoples put together! If we are to ever believe in that meaningless word ‘racism’ then it must apply to everyone equally, and the use of the word Asian when it suits to disguise Pakistani behaviour is without doubt ‘racist’.
Yep Susan Calman on the One Show manged to shoehorn a mention of ‘her wife’ into conversation….
Ironic how these fugly hairy arsed dykes all want to look like men
She does like to mention her wife doesn’t she? Perhaps she thinks that if she didn’t, people might not realise that she is a bulldyke. I think someone should tell her.
Clearly it’s her “catch phrase” although I thought that went out in the ’70’s (?) (Makes my skin crawl).
I seriously don’t give a toss about her sexual orientation. The main point is that she is genuinely, completely and utterly unfunny but for some reason, appears to be everywhere on so-called BBC comedy. They obviously love that kind of thing… “Sends out the right message… Like… Yuh know?”
Also what about that Reverend guy off the Communards on Saturday Live? Another unfunny tosser beloved by the BBC and no doubt paid handsomely by us…
“The main point is that she is genuinely, completely and utterly unfunny but for some reason, appears to be everywhere on so-called BBC comedy.”
As far as the BBC comedy commissars are concerned, that is a feature, not a bug. Comedians are selected by their commitment to progressive causes, not by archaic bourgois concepts such as a sense of humour or ability to make people laugh. It is called the Stewart Lee Doctrine, I believe. Mind you, even judged by those standards, I think everyone must agree that Marcus Brigstocke is shit.
I seriously don’t give a toss about her sexual orientation. The main point is that she is genuinely, completely and utterly unfunny but for some reason, appears to be everywhere on so-called BBC comedy. They obviously love that kind of thing… “Sends out the right message… Like… Yuh know?”
Also what about that Reverend guy off the Communards on Saturday Live? Another unfunny tosser beloved by the BBC and no doubt paid handsomely by us…
A good article confirming what we all know…. that the despicable and vile Left-wing betrayers have destroyed our capital and are hellbent on finishing off the rest of the UK and Europe.
Great article and very sad. It makes me worried for my children, and in turn theirs, if they have any.
Last week I had the misforutne but a necessary one of changing trains in London. Specifically arriving at Euston and using the Northern line.
Whatever London has become it is certainly no longer a civilised city. I had come from the Highlands and the contrast between the people of the far North and the inhabitants of London was so marked as to make me laugh out loud.
The Londoners of every colour and race look and act like techno zombies now. They seem able to walk and avoid each other whilst using their phones and tablets all the time. Perhaps they are evolving into a new type of urban creature.
But they look vacant and they never catch the eye. The way they live crowded upon each other is no way for a man to live . Money is no recompense for that life.
I remember a different London of years past. So i will avoid the place and am pleased that my offspring and their children seem to be of like mind.
It does not matter who is the mayor of that place. it is nothing much now to do with England or Scotland or Wales. It is on the way to a third world slum with the very rich in their enclaves and the rest wherever they can find shelter.
As long as they stay there I do not care.
Dave S – It now truly is “The Great Wen”.
Pity you didn’t visit one or two other cities along the way.
You’re always banging on like this, as if London were the only place affected. You clearly have a bee in your bonnet for reasons best known to yourself.
“and the rest wherever they can find shelter.” – just plain silly.
It a good article but why do the voters of London look as though they will vote for a Labour Mayor and elect so many Labour MPs? Is it down just to Labour handing out ‘voting rights’ to all comers during 97 to 2010 or are other factors at work? One factor that cannot be underestimated is the impact of the BBC propaganda for 20 or 30 years. I really believe that the state funded broadcaster has moulded the minds of a significant % of the indigenous population such that many of them just unthinkingly follow the liberal left line with no appreciation of where these policies will lead to.
I had this misfortune of catching the news on 5 Live today.
As usual the sports report followed and as usual they mention a sporting event that the BBC don’t have the tv rights for.
Rather than name check Sky or ITV for carrying live pictures (they are a public service and often plug commercial products on chat shows), you have to hear the patronising host say how excited they are about catching the live radio broadcast instead.
If you fancy a night out in Leicester Suare, Odeon Premiere of BREXIT the movie – latest version – still some tickets left:
You can buy tickets to the red carpet Premiere on the 11th May, and watch online for FREE from the 12th May- both at
In the meantime see this old 1997 TV programme about how they conned us about the EU:
Ta Charlatans, a must-watch.
This is nearly all EXACTLY as it has panned out over the last twenty years.
So it is eerily prophetic, yet well within our memories…I myself had no time for James Goldsmith back them and voted Libertarian-Liberal in 97….but Sir James now looks like our Trump or Powell in hindsight.
For now we have David Mellors and his nephew Zac…now THAT is as good an indicator of how low true conservatism has gone, when the likes of these two represent the current face of the Tories all too often.
And when you add Patten, Brittan, Heath and the odious incompetent Major…they`re the scum of the cesspool in comparison.
Thank the Lord for Tebbit and Lawson, Lilley and Gove-time to do all we can to scupper the Remainiacs.
Well, it looks like David Cameron will get his wish and London will elect its first Muslim Mayor by a landslide. No one will be allowed to criticise him without being called a waycist or Islamophobic, and Cameron certainly won’t jeapordise his huge Saudi payout.
No wonder he’s looking to resign the Tory leadership as quickly as he possibly can !
You bet Donald is sure going to make a massive deal of a LONDON MUSLIM MAYOR.
Although still praying for a miracle that Khan does not get elected, but if he does TRUMP has got plenty ammunition on line for his congratulations speech:
“Mr Khan was filmed delivering a speech at the Global Peace and Unity festival in 2008 organised by the Islam Channel, which Ofcom found guilty of extremism both before and after the MP’s appearance.
During Mr Khan’s address, members of the audience were seen proudly flying the ‘flag of global jihad’.
One boy, who is also apparently wearing a jihadi headband, can be seen brandishing the flag at the camera and grinning.
The flag, displaying white Arabic script on a black background, is used by extremist groups including Al Qaeda and Boko Haram.
A spokesman for Mr Khan said that the banner was simply ‘a black flag with the Islamic statement of faith on it’, and that he was ‘not sure what the jihadi context [was]’.
However, a number of independent experts have confirmed to MailOnline that the flag is a recognised emblem of militant Islam.
‘It is definitely equated with global terrorism, for sure,’ said Kamal Alam, Research Analyst at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI).
‘It is totally shocking for a senior Labour MP to give a speech while that flag is being flown and nobody is challenging it.’
During his address, the Tooting MP spoke frequently in Arabic and praised Islamic finance, which forbids investing in ‘haram’ industries like alcohol production and pig farming, as well as charging interest.
‘Suddenly, Islamic finance isn’t such a bad thing [following the global financial crash],’ he said.
This will raise concerns about Mr Khan’s intentions for the City of London if he is elected Mayor.
Mr Khan’s speech was organised by the Islam Channel, a controversial Muslim satellite station that has been repeatedly penalised by Ofcom for promoting extremist ideals such as marital rape.”
Have just been listening to that Cunt Thornberry in a state of high moral indignation about the “divisive” campaign against Saddick. It really does beggar belief that anyone with a modicum of intelligence would think that pointing out Saddick’s association with big-bearded sponsors of mass murder should think this “divisive”. Just listening to the arch-buffoon Ken Clarke on “Any Questions? ” He too thinks, “accusing Saddick of Islamic extremism has stopped conservative Muslims from voting Zac”. The Hackney(ed) Hippo is on too!!. I must switch this crap off immediately.
Corbyn’s found yet another way to pick up new voters..
D&C – Now that is funny!
I wonder if they’d ever use that photo with a similar caption on HIGNFY?
If you were being paid a quarter of a million quid to laugh at UKIP and the Conservatives, would you? I think we all know Ian Hislop’s answer.
Good to see our rock solid prime minister standing firm. He’s told us that he won’t be retracting his critical response concerning “The Donald’s” worries about Muslim immigration. I’m sure that there will be many at the Beeb and (of course) the Guardian applauding his dogged stance. However, I just wish he showed as much resolve about the rather substantial and important things. if it was about anything really essential, like reducing immigration to “the tens of thousands” or negotiating a new deal with Europe that will protect our borders, then Dave’s about as firm as an ice cream in a heatwave.
Nothing shows Cameron’s stupidity like his refusal to withdraw his insults to Trump. Trump has a very good chance of being elected and I am sure will remember these insults. I certainly would in his place.
PMs in this country are expected to possess wisdom and act cautiously .
Once more I would like to know where did Cameron come from and why was he allowed to take over the Tory party and bring it to the verge of ruin as is going to become clear over the next year or so.
It’s a good question. He just rose without a trace didn’t he?
He could hold hands with Sturgeon and stick their tongues out at Trump.
Pretty blatant advertising. Must be in breach of the Charter.
I’m glad to see that the BBC is creating a new generation of entrepreneurs!
Following on from the BBC’s successful venture into computing, pre-millennium bug, it is now giving away free micro-computers to get the kids to kode. Eventually the wider public will be able to buy one but at the moment it is another of their technology programmes that is running behind schedule.
Fortunately some of our kids have identified a gap in the market and are putting them on eBay (£30!). Looks like a lot of micro Amstrads in the making!
Yeah the Telly Tubby (Yentobs and Co) BBC like to keep their noses stuck into computer technology with a £30 plug in board! (its not a computer) and its not going to awe the Raspberry Pi users (which are chiefly Dads rigging up kits with their kids for just £15 (the Raspberry Pi zero costs even less just £4). The BBC did have a ‘school product’ back into the 80’s made by Amstrad BBC MicroB (made then by Alan Sugar who made his millions by selling FreeView top boxes under license). The BBC Micro was a partial success at the time in schools (80’s) because the (desperate) Gov gave Schools ‘computer grants’ and the BBC saw and opportunity to gate crash in on that. But it was clearly ‘dated’ and not as good as other current models such as the (cheaper) Tandy TRS80 and the colorful Atari and the early (but expensive) Apple Mac all knocked spots off the (boring) old BBC Micro. And this was at a time when Sir Clive Sinclair was knocking out his own little computer the Sinclair ZX81 (with the same BASIC programming language and lots of games). For the BBC getting involved in ‘education’ is really a ‘spoiler’ for those already trying to create a computer industry when the ‘elites’ don’t fund (or understand) technology, they buy Microsoft (for education) and think ‘Linux’ is a luxury car. It is quite possible to build your own working computer for about £15 and plug in any keyboard or TV screen and make your own games and plug in gadgets. Its a good alternative to watching TV, and anyway the kids get far more information from YouTube practicals than BBC TV these days (My kids don’t watch TV any more, mainly because of the BBC TV prefer ‘drama’ to technical studies. But we (parents) remember were luck enough to have enjoyed Science programmes well before the 1980’s BBC changed into the (Idiot) mess it is today..
The Raspberry PI is a UK production (no BBC TV license required). And no need for a BBC ‘plug in’ to make (the BBC) feel ‘trendy’. There are plenty of ‘other’ gadgets for ‘grown up’ kids to play with. Linux is basically a free open source operating system that runs on the Raspberry Pi.
Interesting what the BBC feels is vital to email as soon as possible:
Breaking News
SNP claims ‘historic’ election victory
SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon claims “historic” victory in Holyrood election; Labour loses ground in Scotland but is faring better than predicted in English local elections
Nothing like passing on a good claim, eh? I wonder why it moved from single to double quotes, “historically’!
The ‘ps, Labour isn’t as pants as we’d feared’ bolt on smacks of a certain desperation, mind.
Consensus is that Labour have performed badly or, as the BBC would put it, ‘better than expected’.
It’s the way they tell ’em.
As things here in the uk not really to the BBC’s taste today, on Facebook they appear to be going large on politics over the pond:
BBC News
His campaign in ways something of a joke, but Donald J. Trump has won the nomination with totally serious conviction.
Given BBC ‘News’ editorial integrity in all ways something of a partial joke, apt.
BBC Scottish election headline appears to ‘landslide’ before our very eyes this morning from “Historic” to probably not quite a majority, will the SNP perhaps form a coalition? Leaving this viewer with the sneaking suspicion that the BBC could be writing their headline narratives the night before. Feeling the pressure from the Cyber Nats are we, BBC? And the mirror image pressure in England from the Corbynistas results inevitably in a ‘not too bad’ .
In sports news I’m interested to hear “there was lots of fist pumping around here” for Liverpool and more revelations from ‘Fox News’ – Standing ovation from journos at Leicester press conference with champagne flowing. Our BBC guy is wistful: “I wish I’d been there!”
Gosh it’s easy to buy this lot. The BBC do have their favs…
Maybe what they need is a unique funding model that isolates their ideological campaigning and social engineering from any choices made by their customer base?
Here we go (again) then: Get ready for a one day “Heatwave” in a far off corner of Kent, which will be translated into the U.K. I do look forward to the same people telling us that in the north late next week they will be suffering from a “coldwave” as freezing temperatures (including frosts) and maybe some snow returns. And to think, someone from Radio 4 this week was telling us with conviction that it was time to put bedding plants out because frosts had been banished until after the summer. Numpty 1st class….a bit like all those at the BBC. What say you Jerrod or even Edward who I believe thinks he is a “Climate Scientist”.
We have had one decent day this year – today. Last week 30 miles North of London cars were covered in ice at 6.00 a.m. ,I drove past them. Today I read the Evening Standard ‘London will be hotter than the Algarve’ or something – so fucking what last week it was colder than the Arctic. It is called weather. Still at least I can feel all fuzzy and warm because the Country I love more than anything else now has a Mayor leading it’s capital city called Khan. We have Cameron and Jeremy transgender Clarkson skipping round Chipping Norton, Samcam the greenie spouting bollocks, Wee Jimmie Krankie ruling over the Scots (My Scottish grandparents must be spinning in their graves) and we voted for some Plaid Cumwry bird who has one braincell. Can’t wait for the Marr show on Sunday