Before I hit the sack, and before a new weekend thread starts, a big Congratulations to UKIP for its beginning .
A beginning in Wales, for its first seats in the Assembly. Onwards and upwards .
Item this morning on Today at around 8.35 re: Marseilles “known for its diversity” and “in which Jews, Muslims, Christians and Atheists have rubbed along for years” some interesting omissions and ever with the BBC. Main point…a synagogoue is being sold to a “conservative” muslim group to convert to a mosque, because the Jews have prospered and moved to the wealthier districts (including Tel Aviv due to rising antisemitism but that wasn`t mentioned) then lots of stuff about the diversity of the city and its population of Jews and Muslims….spot the missing groups?
Spokesman for the mosque said that ramadan is coming and they need “10,000 places” for muslims to pray…. was that mats or mosques…who knows? no one asked him.
To be fair there was a note of caution as one of the youth workers, Salim, explained that muslim youths were made to feel unwelcome in the wealthier suburbs and the different cultural groups only met in the commercial area as those groups appeared to be moving into single group districts….the parrallel with middle eastern cities wasn`t mentioned nor the words “self selecting ghettoisation”…the absolute antithesis of the “melting pot” of “diversity” that Marseilles was being presented as.
And, of course no mention of the 38.5 % share of the vote for the Front National in the second phase of the last presidential elections.
Interesting reading for British leftists who may think that the mass migration of muslims will help them to win elections.
Perhaps they`ve realised already….the difficulties in voting yesterday in Barnet suggest they might have.
I really think there is no such thing as “diversity”, only a series of ghettoes in which different cultures live side by side, with as little contact with each other as possible, punctuated only by riots and occasional terrorist outrages which have nothing to do with islam.
How can I fully express my thanks to the progressives who decided that this was the way forward for boring old white, stable and coherent European societies?
I think the phenomenon you are describing is “multi culturalism” which increasingly, it appears is not an “end state” since we already lived in a diverse multicutural, multi ethnic, environment in Europe with years of conflict behind us, but some decided it wasn`t “multicultural” or “multiethnic” enough…. so thought it best to add in more cultures and ethnic groups to create cities on the …ahem…”successful” model of the middle east. Cities like Beirut, Aleppo and Homs spring to mind as examples of the new model for European cities.
“Diversity” used to mean “variety”, it`s less clear that it means this now.
Now it is often used to describe areas where there are few white people i.e. areas that have a “variety” of people, that doesn`t include many white people. It seems to be used more as a racial than a cultural term….but sometimes the qualifier “culturally diverse” is used to avoid discussing the non existent concept of “race”.
Despite BBC denials . It of no surprise to learn that the SAUDIS are behind many of the atrocities across Europe as they directly sponsor ISIS and are largely responsible for Islamic Fundamentalists posing as ‘refugees’ and the home grown terrorist that are sponsored by the BBC apologists, which in turn is sponsored by SAUDI money in return for BBC ‘programming’. Reading from The Times (April 1st 2016) SAUDIS lead the foreign ISIS recruits (according to a cache of 4,600 documents leaked by a Syrian deserter).
This is being studied in Washington . This is now a 28 page damning report that and has blown a hole in the US/Saudi Alliance that has been ‘in place’ since the days of president Roosevelt himself (ironically to ensure oil supplies to the US in exchange for middle-east security in the region). . It appears that the Saudie’s sought to present itself as a bulwark against terrorism in the middle-east. At the same time it has ‘gone backwards’ in promoting its own brand of Muslim fundamentalism (Wahhabism) supposably aimed at countering the growing influence of IRAN (and its Oil) as its sworn Muslim foe in the Arab region. The Saudis princes (and Bin Laden was a wealthy exiled Saudi Prince himself) are jointly guilty of promoting and sponsoring world-wide terrorism across the world. The BBC would not tell you that without contortions. The BBC promotes Saudi Islam because the EU PROMOTES ISLAM and the BBC receives SAUDI money to do so.
We now know that the OBHAMA administration did know of the SAUDI connection to 9/11 – but the FBI and CIA were prevented from taking any action (as the SAUDIS would have pulled $75 billion out of the US economy, or so they said), it was never made public at the time. Even though it was obvious that (the 9/11 terrorist attack) and the Saudi’s knew ‘both the time and place of the attack’. There is now a clear case for 9/11 victims families to make a legal claim against the US government for the ‘cover-up’ that went on immediately afterwards.
There is now no doubt that the SAUDIS knew of the attack but never alerted the US authorities (according to Michael Burleigh writing in The Times). Since this major disclosure of facts the US is now ‘rebooting’ its middle-east accord and ridding itself of Saudi sponsorship and political ‘crony’ influence. They (Saudi) have $75 Billion as ‘investment’ but its not all rosy for the SAUDIS back home. Since the oil crash (which they also sponsored) they have failed to tip America into crisis as ‘Shale Oil’ is replacing ‘Saudi Oil” and the Oil price has collapsed world wide.
The Saudis are mired in a bloody war with Yemen and locked in a civil war with Syrian troops which it is losing and the ‘sphere of influence’ (which includes the BBC and the EU) can only ‘influence’ more street fighters but they have to be paid in petro-dollars. I can happily report that SAUDI has had to ask for a 10 $billion dollar (multiple world bank) loan to finance its generous ‘Welfare state’, (so beloved of the BBC type) as its budget deficit is set to reach 19% of its gross national output and this is the first time they have been in urgent ‘debt relief’ for 25 years. Having to ask for ‘Tax’ from its citizens is unthinkable as it could cause a riot. It has for the past 25 years simply supplied BBC lifestyle benefits . Now ‘austerity’ bites back. There is a gulf developing between America and Saudi and we can be sure the the EU will welcome the SAUDIS ‘friend-in-need’ and the Islamic atrocities will be ‘airbrushed out’ of any UK and euroepan public resentment (by using legal means by preventing any protest of Islamisation). We can be sure that the EU will seek to ‘profit’ where America seeks victim damages from 9/11.The EU meanwhile proposes ‘further integration’ towards Islam.
If America finally evicts the Saudis then the EU gets the SAUDI so called ‘investment’ and the terror threat increases (for the rest of Europe). The BBC is already in receipt of major SAUDI ‘investment’ in its Salford Quay HQ in Manchester and in (so called) TV and -[world service] ‘programming’ measures on its ‘Worldwide services’ arm. This is entirely legal (as its outside the UK). That this is in breach of its UK BBC Charter (but that does not seem apply to BBC Worldwide joint ventures). The BBC delights in ‘endorsing Islam’ as having a multiple peaceful purpose and is not a threat in Europe. The UK is also listed in the documents as having been heavily ‘influenced’ by the UK broadcast media (think BBC) which appears not to condemn islamic extremists but apologises for them.
Briefing notes: (from The Times Opinion 23rd April 2016 but reprinted here due to paywall) 9/11 secrets that could turn Saudis into Pariahs
*(Michael Burleigh is author of ‘ Blood and Rage’ A Cultural History of terrorism which makes the charge). You may need to Google excerpts from that piece (or see Daily Mail report below which makes the key points from the article).
Try: Victims of 9/11 families accuse Obama of ‘siding with Saudi Arabia’ by refusing to declassify 28 pages of report that ‘shows Gulf nation backed atrocity’ as they threaten to pull $750 billion in US assets
Either way, how can we allow the BBC to be sponsored in this way?
When the recent visit of OBHAMA (to the UK) was asked why he did not release the 28 page security document condemning the SAUDI’s involvement (as having prior knowledge of the attack). He replied ‘It’s complicated’…. That leaves it to the next US president to cut-off the US security to the Saudi ‘royals’ from any more political influence (or US security) they have enjoyed for the past 25 years.
What do you bet that the BBC will just ‘carry-on’ as if nothing has happened. The EU will ‘engage’ with terrorism but never condone it. The refugee crisis will overwhelm our own security and (if we stay in the EU) the dirty little war the Saudis are sponsoring will continue (even in debt) as the EU will (of course) try to bail them out with our own (UK£) money. And the BBC will never let you know what is IN that 28 page document (without its own interpretation) for it may lead to questions of how this was allowed to happen and who are the real perpetrators of this crime. If the US publishes the document (which it will eventually) it leaves the BBC with a difficult choice. Do they investigate the victims of 9/11 (and breach EU protocol) or condemn the US for making accusations against the Muslims (and continue to broadcast the merits of an Islamic Europe). And then the EU need the Saudi Arabs money to plug a refugee crisis swamping Europe…. They will seek financial ‘protection’ (from within the EU and BBC types) from those nasty ‘Americans’ who blame them for the Islamic attacks across the globe.
The next president has a lot of cleaning up to do. Trump is the man to do it.
Ok, I am endeavouring to understand but require some guidance from the clever folk at Biasedbbc.
BHS has a £571 million pound deficit. The people who ran it before it gained the deficit are evil, dastardly people who should cough up the short fall themselves. The BBC will use every news item, its services on Radio 5 live and all manner of comedy programs to constantly hammer home the wicked nature of capitalists who allow this to happen.
Pitchforks and lanterns can be collected at your local B and Q.
Meanwhile, the BBC pension deficit stands at a staggering, mind blowing £2 billion quid. Yes, I did say £2 billion quid. In order to merely fund the annual short fall it has to steal money from the program makers budget. Last year it filched £740 million from me and you to fund its absurd, impossible to justify pensions.
Alan Yentob’s pension pot is over £6 million, and the BBC still pay him nearly half a million a year – you’d think he could afford his own pension like a worker on minimum wage, wouldn’t you?
Ok, so, I don’t understand. How can we get this information out to the millions who watch the BBC believing it to be fair and impartial?
I am not totally sure about this but I remember the previous pension schemes used as ‘personal expenditure’ by Captain Bob Maxwell who managed to rob the pension fund of the DAILY MIRROR. Captain Bob (as he was known a left winger for Labour) had a similarly colorful lifestyle ‘money-no-object’ on yachts not dissimilar to the owner of BHS. Both seemed to have made a packet out of Labour policies.
And then the former BRITISH RAIL pension fund was at the time the largest pension fund in the whole of the UK (or was it the world). This was quietly plundered by Gordon Brown to fund his many ‘social engineering’ projects that managed to pluck money ‘out of thin air’ during his BUDGETS under Labour. (The BR money pot is much reduced). Pension funds have been called TOXIC by money pundits. They are now usually saddled with the remains of a failing company. It goes bust and the UK has to finance the staff who will get very little back.. The BHS is such a (hollowed out) company – sold for £1 and its no surprise that the BBC pension fund is perhaps the largest left in place. Only the EU now has bigger pension funds (for bureaucrats only).
Good news about the BBC pension deficit. The key of course is to ensure that we the tax payers/license fee payers don’t get stung for bailing out the scheme . If Mr Whittingdale has any sense he would use the pension deficit to beat the over mighty corporation with. For instance he could insist that all BBC commercial earnings are used to fill the deficit for as long as it takes. As all of us who worked in the private sector know well , your pension is not a guaranteed fact, and I see no reason why the BBC employees should be even further feather bedded by expecting the tax payer to pick up the tab for their Pension fund managers incompetence.
As more companies like BHS and Tata may increase the call on the Pension Protection Fund, the PPF increases its levy on the continuing funds to make up their shortfall, adding to the burden on the BBC fund.
Soon only the public sector will have defined benefit (final / average salary) schemes!
The Labour party is in opposition to an unpopular (according to the BBC anyway) Tory scum government that is divided and entertaining us all with mindless in fighting. So Labour ought to be winning in elections you might think. Laura Kuensberg said ‘a party looking to win the next general election should be winning hundreds of seats.’
In Scotland, Labour lost almost 10% of its vote whilst the Tories have gained 8%
In Wales Labour lost 8% of its vote whilst UKIP stripped Labour of seats with a gain of over 12%
In England Labour lost 26 seats whilst UKIP and the Tories gained a whopping 29 seats between them.
So what does Laura Kuenssberg make of this catastrophe? ‘ …. Labour is seeming to cling on rather than make progress,’ ‘labour has averted a disaster,’ ‘his (Corbyn’s) supporters are breathing a big sigh of relief’
No they are not Laura. Labour started from a grim base after the disastrous Ed Miliband period and it just became worse. This was a tanking, no matter what sympathetic, judiciously chosen words you find for the Labour Party.
BTW, Laura, Michael Foot won over 1,000 local election seats between 1980- 83 and no, he didn’t ‘avert’ a disaster either.
If only Andy Burnham had followed the BBC’s coverage. Had he done so he might not be scampering out of labour’s front benches to become Mayor of Manchester. Man the life boats!
Only Labour Islington cabbages would reckon on a pretty boy Scouser with too much mascara would be a suitable candidate for the Mayor of Manchester-as opposed to , say a Mancunian who knew enough about Heysel and Hillsborough not to risk the tearproof…and who wasn`t dragging countless geriatric coffins as baggage from the nearby Mid-Staffs mortuary.
Yep-should be fun.
Looks like Fireman Sam, but much less fun…calling Elvis indeed….
Anyone know if Rastafarian locks was a fashionable look in the 20’s ? Peaky Blinders last night had a Jamaican/Irish priest complete with said locks and a hint of Windies patoir, to conduct a marriage ceremony. I just looked on with bemusement because I find it hard to believe that this was factually correct – in the same way that the Merlin series had a mixed race Guinevere. Excellent dramas are soured in the name of diversity. At this rate I can imagine in 100 years that Winston Churchill will be portrayed by a very porky Asian (no apologies for the term ‘pork’) !!
Yes the rewriting of history through drama is absolutely disgusting and the terrifying thing is thta young people will know no better!
As to the history of ‘locks’, among Windies not until the 1970s, so this was a total anachronism
When reggae music gained popularity and mainstream acceptance in the 1970s, the locks (often called “dreads”) became a notable fashion statement; they were worn by prominent authors, actors, athletes and rappers, and were even portrayed as part of gang culture in such movies as Marked for Death.
Not familiar with Peaky Blinders, the scene you describe has a fatal BBC inevitability to it though, they must have a ‘shoe horning inappropriate anamolous ethnic references into drama’ department, was the wedding one of those boring old hat male-female jobs by any chance?
” Roman accounts stated that the Celts wore their hair ‘like snakes’.”
Bit of cultural appropriation eh.
Pity the Celts couldn’t go round and put the above good lady right.
BBC ‘drama’ is just a vehicle to try and wash brains Goebbels style, any drama is just incidental, secondary to the message, and thats why it’s just so bloody boring. Cuurent affairs is much the same, we know exactly what line any BBC presenter is going to take on any major news topic before they open their mouths, regardless of who is speaking because they all follow the same script, there are no personalities anymore.
“we know exactly what line any BBC presenter is going to take on any major news topic before they open their mouths, regardless of who is speaking because they all follow the same script”
and that can be said, and many have, of the Beboids like Jerrod etc. who come on here spewing their hate and bile. You know it will be whatever they are told to by their BBC bosses, as they appear to be able to think for themselves.
Anyone know if Rastafarian locks was a fashionable look in the 20’s ?
Well, if they were they would not have been called ‘Rastafarian locks’ as the Rastafarian religion wasn’t invented/formulated until the 1930s. The wearing of dreadlocks by followers did not emerge until the 1950s, maybe the late 1940s. See
I see the boat whose name Boaty MacBoatface was voted by the public is to be re-named after a phony naturalist aged 90 who has produced endless neo pornographic documentaries highlighting animal predation and violence which titillate the kind of people who enjoy dog fights. His supporters may claim his rubbish is educational representing the natural behaviour of wild animals who, for the most part engage in much more interesting though less dramatic activities than tearing each other apart. Goodness knows how many of his documentaries were faked, as he did with his phony snow film. But the old phony supports climate change propaganda and lends his unscientific opinion to the BBC’s departure from science, when he is not supporting weird campaigns to cull members of the human race.
I believe he was quite good in the 1950s, when he presented “Zoo Quest”. The aim of that programme was straightforward: go to Africa and capture interesting animals for zoos in Britain. No need to fake any scenes about anthropomorphic little animals behaving just like us, only in fur coats.
Of course, back then, Africa was administered by European states, with the result that there was law and order, no poaching, and hence abundant wildlife, so taking a few elephants or rhinos back home to stock zoos was not a problem. It is the last 50 years of African “independence” which has led to plagues, famines, habitat destruction and mass poaching. African wildlife was not threatened by European zoo collectors, but it will be wiped out by the Africans themselves. Isn’t progress great?
Yes, he was ‘of his time’ in the early years of broadcasting, and to us kids growing up in the 50’s with only one channel on a black and white tele it was a window on the world of other lands. It was either watching baby turtles hurtling towards the sea after birth, or the antics of Johnny Morris in Animal Magic ! Then of course there was Armand & Michaela Dennis the other wildlife documentary makers, and Hans & Lotte Hass showing us a world under the sea. Its easy to decry what seems outmoded now, but to us as kids it was as far removed as it could be from our Grandparents and their magic lanterns and Victorian travel books !!!!
A man with an interest in promoting the animal worlds will to the survival of the fittest combined with notions around culling species to increase living space for other species?
Sounds terrifying if applied to culling humans….. Where have I heard that before?
Population Matters of which Attenborough is a member. You will find their members are regular block contributors to BBC HYS whenever, food, health, world economics, crop up for discussion. They always draw attention to the fact which, so they claim, everyone has missed – there are too many of us for the planet to survive.
Not sure about naming a boat after him, but the series Life On Earth (circa 1979), for me still ranks as the best natural history series I have seen and an example of when the Beeb use to make some great TV.
OK all points taken. I do remember being impressed by his documentaries at a time when TV was in its infancy. I am calling into question a set of beliefs about our understanding of wild animals which was projected in his early series unchallenged largely because of his superior craftsmanship in filming and editing wild life.
My view of election coverage. Liebour are holding up well if you compare it to the elections in (whichever it was) Bad news in Scotland for Liebour but Corebin wasn’t involved in the campaign, so it’s OK.
I was sorting through some files to tidy up when I can across the transcript to this. The words are strikingly appropriate to today’s politics even after 40+ years. Seems as if they also apply the BBC office politics as well. So, I went out and got a link to share
Exactly right, whoever said earlier on that we know what the BBC News line is on any given topic. Switched on BBC1 News at One out of curiosity to see whether my visionary powers were still world-class. They surpassed my expectations!
Headlines, in order of BBC importance:
1. SNP victory in Scotland (no mention of Conservative gains)
2. Labour surpassed expectations (BBC subtext: Yay!)
3. Conservative vote down (Double Yay!)
Local South-East News:
1. Labour victory in Crawley (BBC subtext: Great Stuff!)
2. Labour hold in Hastings (Go Labour!)
3. An Independent representing residents in Oxted wins a seat (Great!) For first time in BBC coverage I think, fair enough.
4. Tunbridge Wells count about to start. Reporter Ian Palmer actually reflects this overwhelmingly Conservative area by putting the Labour position in perspective and alluding to national troubles.
The BBC seem awful pleased at Corbyn Ladens stella performance…swigging a tin whilst looking for a Jewess to beat up on Brick Lane.
Who`s going to tell them that even MICHAEL FOOT did better in his first year than Mogodon Man Corbyn?
Not me-let them think they`re on their way to the toppermost of the poppermost…only to find they self-destruct as soon as they light their anti-Semitic fuse.
We all know now who the nasty, institutionally racist party are-it`s those national socialists who presume to want to go international instead.
I much prefer RRS Sir David Attenborough to Boaty McBoatface although the name chosen is a bit of a mouthful.
Why not just ‘Attenborough’?
It would then include both brothers and as the first major film role for Richard was ‘In Which We Serve’ it would be even more fitting as a tribute to both all ocean sailing naturalists and all seamen, past & present, as well as both brothers.
So a celeb sciency guy, is the basis for naming, does that show respect for the Scientific Method?
..Maybe the boat will also be taking ‘short cuts’ in it’s science, like the way BBC fakery studio shots are needed for wildlife ‘reality’ shows.
Well said StewGreen. The BBC has a store of celebrity sciency people who may excel in presentation but add little to our overall scientific knowledge.
The boat should have been named the MacFrackeryEmmaThomson, given the amount of time the BBC devote to her scientific statements
All this controversy over the name of a boat ! That’ll teach any organisation in the future to be wary of committing anything of gravitas to the vagaries of a competition winner – they should have just named the bloody ship and be damned after the event !
#bbcEverydayDeception on my BBC homepage
News section first item : Cologne sex attack charge dismissed “The victim not able to say with certainty in court that either man was involved in the assaults on her” They made that acquittal a news priority,when they didn’t make the initial event one.
Big Photo : “The woman who defied 200 nazis” : SJW tickbox, but hardly news priority to anyone else
Box marked : From Our Correspondents
“US election: How Trump defied all predictions Katty Kay” : em not everyones .. just SJW’s hopes
“Will Bernie Sanders’ enthusiasm be curbed? Anthony Zurcher”
try the substitution test ..would they ever say “Will Trump’s’ enthusiasm be curbed?” ? No of course not
just up “‘Positive stories’ for the Green Party – Natalie Bennett BBC News Channel”
..See the trick of spinning a headline by putting a quote rather than a fact in it.
The item actually contains no positive news for the Greens.
Unbelievable! The BBC have Livingstone in their studio to discuss the elections. I never saw them invite Nick Griffin in to do the same – ever! Griffin has obnoxious racist views – so does Livingstone.
Earlier they have Flab-bot on as well (who was also later interviewed on Sky). So one dyed-in-the-wool and unrepentant anti-semite and one died-in-the-wool and unrepentant anti-white racist. And why are they welcomed so happily on the BBC? Because they are Labour and hate the two races that the BBC also hate. They are disgusting.
The BBC have Livingstone in their studio to discuss the elections.
Demon, I’ve noticed that when one of the BBC’s favourites is in disgrace (as Livingstone currently is because of his obsessive anti-Semitism) they reward him by plonking him in some programme or other. It’s the BBC’s slick way of expressing solidarity with its advance guard on the subversive far left.
It’s also evidence that the BBC has no reservation at all about Livingstone’s hatred of Jews.
I should add that Andrew Neill appears to be the only political reporter at the BBC with enough old-fashioned guts to take on a swine like Livingstone.
Racist Red Ken has much to say about the creation of Israel. He is going to return big time in the Socialist Islamic Labour Party.
Some well informed comments in this piece from Guido
Strange that!
Krishnan Guru Murthy pointing out that Sadiq Khan was a Muslim-and this was a joyous moment of telling the world that we`re truly great to vote him in, in London.
The Tory interviewed saw it as irrelevant, but Krishnan, his Scottish Muslim Lefty and his Yankee Commie(both women of course) saw this as a celebration re Muslim acceptance.
Yet when Zac Goldsmith told us all that Sadiq Khan was a Muslim-well, that was racist, and unworthy of the Tories…how DARE we consider his being a Muslim?
See?…golden rule?…that Lefties and Lefties alone decide what, who and how things are presented to the plebs…and the pliant Tories lose again, for being nice boys at nannys knee once again.
Culture wars long lost to the Lefty scum…and we`ll be needing our Robinsons ,and tougher to begin to reclaim the narrative from these Commie Kapos, as employed by the braodshits and the Channel 4 Beeboid creeps like Guru Murthy.
Khan -like Livingston and Corbyn Laden-are long known terrorist friendly, Jew baiting lowlifes…and need calling out, not indulging or humouring.
That said-to hear the LibLeft creeps claiming THIS as a vindication of the Left…well, let`s tell them they`re correct…as the rest of us go on to vote UKIP and bin the Left forever in 2020.
Yes and the funniest thing is the BBC shirt lifters who frequent this site think this is great. Sadiq is not a fan of transgenderenders you bloody fools you will be rounded up in a few years and locked away.The Mosques will dominate the sky lines and you will be asking us lot to help you take back the country
The Tories look finished ChrisH. They are trying to appease the liberal media when the fact is (besides the delusional, suicidal manics who vote Al Labour, Lib Dhimmi’s..) the public are moving away from those arse maggots infesting Al Beebistan. The Tories have had their chance to prove they are the party to protect the people that put the great into Britain, but they have blown it big time.
The Islamification of British continues. The lies, deceit, misdirection, threats and fascist control of the debates by the left continue. People have had enough and because of how relentless, and unremorseful the left are in forcing their warped views on the normally apathetic majority, more people will realise they have to vote Ukip to get the only change that’s good for Britain.
The major political parties think British men and women are finished. They think we do not count for shit. Impressing the media (who brainwash the sheep), and winning support of big business (who threaten the workers who put them there and treat them like pondlife…see EU referendum) is all that matters. We are everything that’s important. We decide our own future. We vote out. We vote Ukip. We win back our country.
The BBC might have a sound legal reason for casting ethnic actors in historical roles. Discrimination: your rights [GOV.UK] (I’ve copied only the relevant portions) 1. Types of discrimination (‘protected characteristics’)
* race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin
You’re protected from discrimination:
*at work
Action against discrimination
You can do something voluntarily to help people with a protected characteristic. This is called ‘positive action’.
Taking positive action is legal if people with a protected characteristic:
*are under-represented in an activity or type of work
When lawyers attempt to defend the BBC (or any other media) from a suit by an actor who was rejected for a part solely because of skin colour they will probably rely on: Some forms of discrimination are only allowed if they’re needed for the way the organisation works, eg:
a Roman Catholic school restricting applications for admission of pupils to Catholics only
employing only women in a health centre for Muslim womenbut will it apply to actors?
One wonders why the health centre had to be for Muslim women and not just women in general?
My (Jewish) mother worked as a teacher at several Australian Protestant private schools. I’m sure she was extremely competent but at least part of the reason was to avoid charges of discrimination. At least sixty years ago those schools would never have hired a Catholic.
I agree that white actors have been cast in ethnic roles for years, due in part to a lack of suitable ethnics who were in the industry at the time – particularly as the film above was released in 1956, – an era when the same ethnic faces would be seen in minor roles time after time if a Chinaman, (Burt Kwouk was always the ‘go to’ Chinaman) , Indian or African was needed. And of course India swallows up its own for their Bollywood industry.
I’m only surprised they didn’t go the whole hog and cast a black actor in the role of Henry VI while they were at it! This particular actress is currently starring in Undercover on the Beeb, and one columnist has described her as “hamming it up for all she’s worth” – so clearly not in the league of the likes of Judi Dench then ! Evidently the factual rule book has been torn up and thrown away to keep ethnic minority actors in work. Oh, I cant wait to see the nominations list at the Oscars next year.
Ah, dear. One of the most memorable scenes from any adaptation of Shakespeare, for me, was from Julie Taymor’s ‘Titus’, where Harry Lennix played Aaron the Moor, and gave me goosebumps with this monologue:
But I feel Okonedo isn’t right at all for the part of nasty, shit-stirring Margaret. Too wet, and too black.
Ditto with the BBC & SNP. If it had been a Conservative Government in Holyrood since 2009, the news today would have been “Conservatives lose majority.” all day long. For the SNP today there was hardly a mention of the new minority governing the SNP will have to face, until the 10pm news on R4 coupled it to ‘their win’.
‘Politics dead’ on the Al Beeb webshite is shit spraying propaganda statements everywhere!
The devious, lying bast@rds tell us.. with no hint of bias..
“More criticism for Zac Goldsmith’s mayoral campaign, which attempted to link Labour rival Sadiq Khan to Islamic extremists (but it’s the truth. It is 100% true and Al Beeb should have been letting the public know this fact to make up their own minds about our jihadi loving Khan)
The former Cabinet minister Ken Clarke said on the BBC’s Any Questions:
I think it was a mistake (telling the truth is a mistake now Ken?..). Trying to accuse him of being a supporter of extremist Islamist views was slightly eccentric (but 100% true) and I can’t think how Zac got persuaded to do that (because it’s the truth). It probably had a counter-productive effect (anything to do with the way Al Beeb reporting this by any chance?).”
“Mr Clarke went on to question who was responsible for what he described as “a rather distasteful exchange” (but utterly true)
So there you have it folks. Saying the truth about Islam is a taboo. If you do you’re on your own…. Like Trump in the US. Does anyone actually still believe the establishment give even a flying fuck about what we think and what’s good for us?
Ken Clarke would have talked for the whole programme, had Ritula allowed him to. The Welsh Windbag is going to have a serious rival there when Clarke is done with the Commons.
The other panelists were far too accommodating and should have told him to shut up and let someone else get an edge in wordways .
The BBC very much approve of Labour. Hence the obvious bias
Can the BBC explain why Labour decided upon a Muslim candidate for the election of Mayor? Why not a Christian candidate?
Did a Muslim candidate have a better chance of winning?
Or was the political drive of Labour to have a Muslim Mayor more important?
Labour were perhaps guaranteed to win against Goldmith. Did Labour seize the opportunity to create a Muslim Mayor? And if so, why?
There is I hear a vacancy for Mayor in the Pakistan capital of Islamabad. As a British Christian, I am sure to have equal footing with a local rival and indeed be supported by their national broadcaster.
The question I would like to see asked is why did Dave throw this election by choosing a natural born loser like Goldsmith in the first place? Apart from the ludicrous Rees-Mogg was there a candidate less likely to appeal to London’s effnik/Leftie electorate?
Is Dave, as has been playfully suggested, a Labour plant?
“why did Dave throw this election by choosing a natural born loser like Goldsmith in the first place?”
And who, being Jewish, was sure to lose the small, but perhaps not entirely insignificant well off Conservative Muslim voters to Khan.
And there are many well off Muslim in London.
It was my first thought that the choice of Zac was a planned loss.
But it doesntt mean Cameron is a Labour mole, it could be to give Corbyn a small boost because it suit Conservatives to have him as Labour leader.
Cameron has got the Muslim Mayor he wanted. His policy is to empower Muslims in order to buy off radicalization which, he believes will happen when they feel alienated and excluded. A wrong headed policy, but popular with the BBC . I suggest he wanted Zac to lose. Now watch out for the Muslim appointment throughout London. And remember, the cops have been the first throughout Europe to collaborate with the victors
I do think Cameron is smugly stupid and without any clear motivation or convictions. Being stupid makes him extremely vulnerable and liable to follow fashionable trends, all in the belief that being ‘loved’ as a leader is the greatest height he can aspire to.
Of course, this would make him a lefty by rights, and it’s only because he’s a rich toff that he joined the Tory party – simply because that’s what rich toffs do.
It’s not entirely his fault though, the electorate who voted for him presumably also thought a leader who everyone would love was the key quality that was needed. A real triumph of style over substance. And now we are here…
After a bitterly disappointing day at the polls yesterday the BBC is in full cry this morning as the mayoral election has produced a result far more to their liking. Breathless delight and wall to wall sycophantic coverage on Khan’s win has replaced yesterday’s gloom and doom. While Labours PR and communications wing doesn’t miss the opportunity to stick the boot into the nasty party.
‘Steve Hilton: Goldsmith’s campaign ‘brought back the Nasty Party label’
Using a BBC Standard Operating Procedure there to get their message across – it’s not us that thinks the Tories are the nasty party – we’re just the innocent BBC impartially reporting what others are saying!
‘John Pienaar says there has been a backlash against the campaign fought by the Conservative Zac Goldsmith.’
The ‘backlash’ involves the Tory party questioning their losing campaign – which of course never happens when a political party loses an election.
More of those champagne bottles ‘strewn around broadcasting house’ this AM!
Steve thinking about it , it is no great loss London was lost ages ago it resembles downtown Karachi these days I travel through every morning and I really do feel I am the only white English speaking person around. The real people are sitting in the shires shaking their heads. It will be interesting to watch London now. If everybody votes to stay in Europe I think we will have to hoist the white flag mate
Sadly, I think you could be right. Britons need to wake up now, shake off their political apathy, and vote any anti-British career politician out of office. The country is being stolen from under our noses. If Khan is re-elected, or another Muslim in his place, the capital is definitely finished and the fight will move to the shires. The BBC has played a blinder in using propaganda to hoodwink so many.
I think that we shall see this repeated in other English cities and large towns as time goes on, there will be increasing “British flight” to the outer suburbs and the country and the “ethnics” in those places will be anything but a minority due to that and their birth rate.
The non-British and Muslim constituencies within these places will grow and they are going to vote for their own; expect more and more “BAME” mayors, councillors, MPs etc – not a terribly pleasant future for us, our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
There are a huge number of British who don’t seem to want to save themselves – look at Rotherham FFS!
If the organized, decades long rape of a town’s female children by a dangerous and predatory ethno-religious minority, which resides within it (who were protected by a local government which had also been infiltrated by that very minority); if the electorate of that place STILL vote for the same party to control the council and return the same MP – then such people are f****d and deserve what they get.
Guaranteed that London will now experience unprecedented corruption and nepotism. We can be sure that our National Broadcaster will not investigate or report it.
Oh they will report it alright. It will be under the headline “racist white man is accused of islamaphobia with baseless accusation of corruption in London…..
We will then have paragraph after paragraph of how this is all Islamaphobia, with several utterly biased expert witnesses to put this issue to bed….
There will be an at best glancing reference to the fact there are epic increase in the numbers of fraud,corruption cases all linked to our life hating ROPer friends and that 100s have already been charged… But of course thats not the agenda we should be hearing, let’s once again propagate that it’s all down to the evil racist white mans racism
I have to write it out in full to believe it . London, the Capital City of England has a Muslim Mayor called Khan. I am speechless. The BBC is in party mode. They obviously haven’t read Koran nor the finer points of Sharia that Uncle Sadiq holds so dear.
Naga Munchrugger has had a make-up explosion in honour of brother Khan winning . She trys to talk to the weather bloke about the weather ditties that we all know and cannot even get ‘ red sky in the morning shepherds warning’ correct they really are thick as pig shit these auto cue / sofa people.
Finally caught Thursday’s Question Time. From 7:40 minutes in on the following clip, they start to discuss Labour and Corbyn. From 12:00 minutes in, there’s this exchange between a bright blonde and a dumb Labour MP:
Isabel Oakeshott from the Daily Mail put this reasonable question to the PeeCee Lisa Nandy:
I just want to ask, are you happy with a Labour leader who calls Hamas and Hezbollah “his friends.”
Even before Isabel has finished the sentence, Lisa starts to shake her head in disgust:
Isabel please, please, that’s such a disgraceful thing to say
This response is accompanied by boos from the audience, evidently directed against Isabel, and not against Lisa.
Isabel: That’s what he called them. That’s what he called them.
Well, quite. That is the disgraceful thing.
Lisa: As a political commentator you would have been watching Prime Minister’s Questions…
Isabel: That’s what he called them.
Lisa: …when he said very clearly that anyone who expresses anti-Semitism is no friend of mine.
Very clearly?? I watched that, and he only came up with his denial under relentless pressure from Cameron. Corbyn the hypocrite cannot even remain true to his Islamic terrorist friends.
Lisa: Please, these are important issues…
Isabel: Those were his exact words.
Lisa: …and people’s lives. Stop playing politics with people’s lives.
People’s lives are very much at stake here – Jewish lives in Israel and elsewhere under constant threat from Hamas and Hezbollah, who have murdered hundreds of Jews, most of them civilians. This would not even enter Lisa’s tiny mind. The fact that Islamic terrorist scum are invited to Britain and befriended by the Labour ‘leader’ is obviously an indictment of Corbyn and the party.
I’m wondering whether Corbyn will now usher Shah the Nazi and Livingscum and others of the motley anti-Semitic crew back into the party. And there is a bigger question here. Will Labour eventually get to the point where all pretence is dropped and Islamic terrorist supporters are simply welcomed into the party, especially if they are Muslims, eventually taking over the party from within?
I guess the fact that a radical Muslim is now Labour Mayor of London goes some way towards answering my question.
In a rougher but more honest time, Corbyn would have been strung up from the nearest lamppost.
So how did R4 greet the London Mayoral result this morning? An honest report may have said “London voters seem to have been prepared to overlook Sadiq Khan’s controversial links to Islamic extremists. . .” What did the BBC in fact say? “Zak Goldsmith ran a controversial campaign which sought to link Sadiq Khan to Isalmic extremists.” i.e. anyone not knowing better would understand that Zak made it all up. So perhaps in the BBC’s mind Zak personally faked all those photographs of Sadiq consorting with hate preachers and other assorted terrorist supporters.
Radio 4 were incredibly partisan this morning, it was almost like listening to a Labour Apparatchik in the interviewers seat. There was no pretence as to impartiality at all.
This is just the BBC being the BBC. Saddick’s victory was bound to be hailed as a triumph of our great tolerant, vibrant multicultural capital city. Only a North Korean TV announcement could be more clichee ridden and triumphalist. London has been described as Londonistan with good reason for decades. That Saddick has an overwhelming personal endorsement of 1.3 million votes in London is not surprising as there must be at least 1.3 million Muslims in London. The rest of Europe, except for Merkel et al., are not going to be dumbstruck with admiration at this Muslim first; it is simply a further indication of the rapid, ongoing islamification of Europe.
The BBC really are going to town on what they describe as a disgraceful campaign by Zac Goldsmith smearing Sadiq Khan as a supporter of Islamic terrorism.
No examination of these allegations is undertaken, just a platform for Labour whingers and suggestions that some Tories have expressed disquiet, but other than the ‘problematic’ Saeeda Warsi they fail to produce any one else.
Given the very serious allegations about anti Semitism and Racism and terrorism in the Labour party, and the very limited coverage, this is exactly what was suggested the BBC would do with any allegation against the Tories.
It does have to be said that the Tories are their own worst enemies having failed to even do the slightest things to bring the BBC to heel.
He really is a gutless cretin. Would he ever go to Pakistan and tell them there were too many brown muslim faces there? Apparently, it is only our white, Christian civilzation which deserves to be colonized. What a spineless tool that man is.
Still, cheer up, it’s not as if a muslim with links to radical islamists would ever get elected as Mayor of London is it?
In my opinion, the gradual demise of the more superstitious aspects of Christianity has been a good thing – like accepting that Santa Clause doesn’t exist. I do not appreciate it being replaced by what is probably the most backward, intolerant, violent and downright silly religions in the world – if it is a religion that is. We should have grown out of this nonsense.
On the positive side, at least Christians have faces.
Grant/Maria whilst I agree that Christianity like many religions supports a stifling overburden of hypocrisy I think it is worth remembering that
1 Much of our law and culture have come from the “Judeo/Christian tradition.
2 Whilst in the past many people have used their Christian identity as camouflage for wrong doing and greed the basic tenets of the ten commandments and general Christian teaching do not seem such a bad set of principles to live ones life by (and yes I have broken some of them but I am not telling you which ones)
I know that there used to be a lot of guilt associated with Christianity but is that really such a bad price to pay, when in comparison Christianity appears to have been replaced by a society which appears to have shifting moral values, where pornography, hedonism/partying, drinking and mindless celebrity worship seem to have replaced a set of what I agree are archaic values but these seem to have kept our society stable for many generations. Christianity generally appears to be forgiving unlike another religion which appears to be much talked about at the moment,
As I am sure you recognise. We have a population that are totally focused on individual rights at the expense of the good of society. They ignore what is happening in the world around them, as long as they get whatever is their fix. This includes ignoring their politicians, how their media is run and how it manipulates everything with a pc narrative.
All this time the society which provided them with the very freedoms they value is being sold down the river and may well be replaced with something very much nastier.
I suppose I am just getting old but it does occur to me that we may well have been just a little hasty in ditching our past at the expense of our future,
Anyway heres to a good year to all and a happy christmas – Dont forget to put your stockings out kids at Christmas cos thats when Jesus comes down the chimney. It used to be a bloke called Santa but I think they crucified him last Easter!!!!!!
Don`t blame the nation for despising Christianity, if they`re happy enough to equate “The Church” with “what Jesus said and intended”.
The REAL Christians of this parish-and indeed all others we link with-know full well that the milksop pretenses and diluted bull from Pope Francis up to Jimmy Page( and in Gods upside down kingdom, THAT is the order of things!)-are a homeopathetic dilution and mockery of what Jesus Himself said and did-let alone wished for His future brand and badge holders of the franchise.
We are without excuse for not knowing either the Bible we were gifted thanks to the Jews…nor the Koran that we are currently having to study to make sense of the Special Needs madness of the psychotic death cult of Islam at its extremes…but we`d rather know the %playmaker status of a Mata, or the last time that Sadiq Khan voted against Corbyn.
“Some people won`t be told you know, they`ll have to learn the hard way”…Book of Blood and Chocolate 1989!
Our choice-but any Christian who knows the Bible knows the imperative to NOT vote to stay in the EU…God loves His nation state borders you see…and if they choose to follow the ignoramuses like Cormac Murphy O Connor and his EU flag(based on the stars around the Virgin Marys Catholic crown, by the way)-then they`re in deep trouble…no point giving Christians the scriptures if they choose to ignore them.
If Christians were truly worthy of persecution-they`d have been so long ago…as it is, they`re more use alive to Islam and the Left than if they were killed as in China or Pakistan( to name but two places, where being a Christian is not merely a personal preference).
You`ll be seeing many more “real Christians” before too long-and they`ll NOT be Dianne Louise Jordan, Aled Jones, Harry Secombe Jnr or f***in Steve Chalk…got that?
I’m not disputing the cultural importance of our Judeo Christian heritage and have nothing whatsoever against its traditions. I’m just saying that, speaking purely personally, I can’t accept the supernatural side of it. I can’t make myself believe in something which, to me, is impossible.
In any case, and I don’t think you’re suggesting this, it shouldn’t be necessary to feign belief in such things or keep them on life support artificially, solely to keep Islam at bay. Islam doesn’t belong here and I don’t want to share this country with people who live according to its primitive and, in many instances, objectionable rules.
My apologies Maria – I did somewhat misconstrue what you said about Christianity namely because I paid too much attention to what I thought you said rather than what you actually said.
As a general point though I think there is more than an element of truth in my comments. And in addition the BBC has led the charge to emasculate Christianity and make it more PC acceptable.
Many figures in the Christianity such as Welby and the pope instead of standing up for their own religion seem keener to stand up for Islam in a somewhat futile attempt to appease the MSM monster. So all the talk is always about helping children and refugees which mostly consist of twenty something, generally muslim male economic migrants. What happened to the Christians in the countries such as Iraq know one wants to talk about.
What these virtue signallers do not seem to grasp is that the MSM monster will never be satisfied.
And is incapable of employing common sense with compassion at the same time.
I suppose the bottom line is – if these wet bastards can not be bothered to look after their own people why should anybody else.
Just like all these other liberal types most church leaders seem more than willing to help hasten the demise of their own culture not show true leadership. What a bloody shower!
Maria, Grant, We must draw a distinction between women in countries where they are enslaved by these clothes and women in western countries who are backed by feminists who see it as a matter of choice. In the UK the garment is a uniform that provides extra rights, protection and privilege. You dress like this and the cops kneel before you, you can push to the front of queues and plonk your children on the bus seats marked for disabled and elderly passengers. Any objections – the race card. This is the uniform of the conquerors.
Ahmen to that – bloody sublime – Would love to see him interviewed by “Vinegar” Jo Coburn or perhaps even more amusing by “Skelator” Evan Davis – we can but hope!
Any Questions last night was hosted by Ritula Shah. Any Answers, currently on R4 as I write, is being hosted by Anita Anand.
Both, whatever else they may have in common (such as being there to ‘rub our noses in diversity’) are utterly useless at their jobs, largely because they are apparently incapable of controlling their rampant biases.
Ms Shah allowed the superannuated windbag Kenneth Clarke to bluster and talk both down and across anyone with opposing views on the subject of Brexit (one of whom, unlike Clarke is a successful economist). Ms Anand, in her introduction, couldn’t help but bring up Zac Goldsmith’s doomed campaign, quoting the irrelevant opinions of Goldsmith’s intellectually challenged sister, who has criticised her brother for having dared tell the truth about Sadiq Khan’s past.
So, it’s business as usual at the BBC today, no doubt with an extra spring in the comrades’ step as they look forward to London’s continued slide to Third World status. Expect even less self-restraint from the Corporation over the coming months – assuming such a thing is actually possible.
Pat is another Lefty of old who has long seen the light-like so many of us here, as well as the likes of Peter Hitchens and Melanie Phillips.
These are true heroes to me-Pat scripts this one brilliantly, and I find that the worse things get, the better Pat Condells talks become.
Hope he knows that thousands, if not tens, hundreds of them are foursquare behind his every word-and, he`s an atheist-but very much Gods atheist for the days to come.
Keep `em coming Mr Condell-a nation in exile listens to you much as the Free French used to listen to De Gaulle…
Agree entirely Steve.
Don`t blame them at all, seeing as they`ve had absolutely no teaching on any alternative to Lennon, Marley, Gandhi, Mandela, Obama.
And plenty warnings re Thatcher, Trump, Farage.
Poor sods at “yuni” are thick, entitled, arrogant and thick again-you have to repeat it twice.
Look at the junior doctors!…one James Robertson Justice would have binned the 99%, and trained the few remaining into the likes of Baarnard or Henry Marsh.
Hell-even Kenneth Williams or a decent Eastenders researcher into medical sub plots would do a better job than Bill Nye the fuckin` Science Guy-who`s pretty much been their sole font of science teaching in schools these last thirty years.
Only one thing though-my student rebellions were NOT about making the toffs paying their taxes-we wanted the government GONE…not a job to snoop in transparent recycling bins from a wrongly-categorised battery for the EU…but todays Eurozombies under 30 are happily letting themselves be fitted for their brownshirts from Europal…and THAT is THEIR fault.
What`s the point of an Orwell online if you`d rather listen to Martin Freeman for your voting steerages?
Liverpool FC is encouraging 100,000 fans without tickets to go to the Europa League final. That worked well at Hillsborough, didn’t it?
Somehow they’ve managed to get their image (probably involving frizzy hair and a moustache) on a visible part of the victim totem pole. This is quite an achievement for white males without being gay or putting on a frock, although a woman with frizzy hair and a moustache would qualify regardless.
Being disabled wouldn’t qualify you automatically either – you could be a squaddie and deserving no attention whatsoever.
Ordinary working class whites (the sort who don’t steal hub caps) are at the bottom, below ground level and therefore invisible.
Just about says everything you need to know about the ghastly BBC and why it should be disbanded immediately…They’re now stinking racists, as ever following their beloved Labour parties lead.
Take some solace that this discriminatory employment policy reduces the chances of finding the best person for the job, even a blundering behomoth like the BBC can only carry so many incompetents so this may actually be a positive step towards speeding up its demise.
You can do something voluntarily to help people with a protected characteristic. This is called ‘positive action’.
Taking positive action is legal if people with a protected characteristic:
* are at a disadvantage
* have particular needs
* are under-represented in an activity or type of work
BBC Director of News Memo to Head of Newsroom
Was impressed by the sourness of Kate Silverton’s expression every time she mentioned Zac Goldsmith on the Saturday evening news. She certainly looks as if she knows how to suck dry a sour lemon! But I wonder if we’re going quite far enough? Perhaps she could turn her head to one side and spit every time his name crops up? And might I suggest prefacing his name with ‘Racist Tory scum’ every time it is mentioned? I think it fair and balanced in the circumstances. In addition, I fear we are showing just a little too much of her hair. Perhaps a hijab or something equally decorous? And I see no reason why any obviously good news should not be echoed with ‘Allah be praised!’ or some such appropriate formulation. Keep up the good work!
Enjoy Kate’s ‘sucking a lemon face’ while you can. Once the BBC dress code for female presenters is brought properly up to date (assuming they will be allowed on air in the future) she will be peering at you through a letterbox.
Has anyone heard a cogent argument from those celebrating Khan’s victory as to why it is important or significant that he is a Muslim? This fact seems to trump all else and the arguments I have heard all sound like celebration of another piece of the jigsaw falling into place. Is there an agenda here?
Dunno, Steve.
Inverted ‘racism’ by the BBC and others? (Except that Muslim isn’t a race but is a religion.)
I remember when Lewis Hamilton got his F1 drive at McLaren. It was reported by the BBC that he was BLACK. (Actually, strictly, ‘brown’ ie mixed race.) There was no mention of the fact that he had been talent-spotted exceptionally early or mentored and tutored specifically for the job by Ron Dennis. No acknowledgement of the support of his family. No mention of his past racing successes. No mention of his obvious ability. No. He was the first BLACK driver in modern F1. He was BLACK and he would be racing in Formula One.
I was so sickened by it I started turning the radio off.
Sadiq Khan slots into the establishment jigsaw following the BBC ‘bake off’ final. Nadia did it for Kahn and so did Cameron by promoting that Green bozo europhile Zac gobsworth. The involvement of Cameron in choosing ZAC bogsworth was the main reason he lost by mentioning that the word ‘Islam and Terrorism’ in the same sentence. Most of us are aware of the link but it cannot be made public knowledge as it is PC. Most of the Tower Hamlet voters were under the impression they were voting for BBC Bake off (again). Khan is planning to open hundreds of new bakeries across the capital. Every child will be taught the recipe, to observe the ingredients and worship the baker.
They are like a swarm of locusts. It seems to be beyond progressives to realise that if you swamp London with half of Mogadishu and Lagos, then you effectively turn our capital city into a clone of Somalia or Nigeria. It’s easier to criticize Zac Goldsmith for telling the truth about Sadiq Khan I suppose.
Those poor people. It was oppression by the hideously white race marshals that made them steal the water. This shows how difficult it is to assimilate into civilised society. These criminals know full well that fresh drinking water comes out of the tap but they can’t help themselves join in the feeding frenzy.
One thing I would bet my house on, the progressive lefty @rseholes who want to flood the country with these people live nowhere near Deptford or any other enriched area. They do not live the dream, how selfless of them.
Creative Access – an organisation, registered as a charity, which offers placements at “many of the UK’s top media organisations” – has listed a number of BBC placements on its website, demanding applicants are only from “Black, Asian and non-white minority ethnic backgrounds”.
The website’s list of opportunities shows that all but four of the positions currently available are for jobs at the publicly-funded BBC, and Creative Access is funded by the British tax payer despite its charity status.
What could BBC Radio 3 have been thinking!!?. Broadcasting the “islamophobic” opera Die Entführung aus der Serail from New York (Jewish conspiracy?) on the very day Pasha Saddick gains power over London. Western woman hostages threatened with torture or death unless they submit to the lusts of Pasha Selim and his harem overseer Osmin. Nothing has changed much in 300 years then. At least one of the captured women Blondchen is plucky enough to resist Islamic subjugation and proclaim “I an an English woman and freedom is my birthright”. Obviously not sentiments shared by the Tosser-in- Chief Camerloon and his sidekick Hippie Hilton.
You probably missed it as it was hidden in London Region News.
It does raise quite a few questions.
* The first is whether it is true. Why specifically Livingstone whose Jew hatred was well documented before the Hitler was a Zionist fallacy?
* Why solely Livingstone in a period when the Labour Party from Corbyn down has been involved in the scandal?
* Is there any evidence that Jews and only Jews changed their voting preferences in those seats?
* Is it a ‘dog whistle’ attempt to paint the Jews as having too much political power?
* On the other hand, is it an acknowledgement that pandering to supposed Muslim prejudices can have an electoral cost in addition to an electoral benefit?
It’s a matter of arithmetic. There must be ten times as many muslims as Jews. All Labour is concerned with are the numbers of votes. Muslims trump Jews.
Creative Access. A charity who trustees are : MR ADRIAN BOTT, MR AMIT SHAH, MR MICHAEL FOSTER.
Sadly if this is charity, then it has nothing to do with charity and more to do with the failed American practice of ‘bussing’ in racial stereotypes that the BBC currently approve of to reach his euro target. This is Lord Hall’s signature tune. He calls it diversity, but the PRESS AD will always go into The Guardian I expect and nowhere else.
A lovely ‘white’ lady became Masterchef last night (richly deserved), sadly she isn’t the right shade to warrant having a show of her own. Perhaps if she’s able to bake a wonky 3 tier lemon drizzle cake without any decoration whatsoever ……………….
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Before I hit the sack, and before a new weekend thread starts, a big Congratulations to UKIP for its beginning .
A beginning in Wales, for its first seats in the Assembly. Onwards and upwards .
Item this morning on Today at around 8.35 re: Marseilles “known for its diversity” and “in which Jews, Muslims, Christians and Atheists have rubbed along for years” some interesting omissions and ever with the BBC. Main point…a synagogoue is being sold to a “conservative” muslim group to convert to a mosque, because the Jews have prospered and moved to the wealthier districts (including Tel Aviv due to rising antisemitism but that wasn`t mentioned) then lots of stuff about the diversity of the city and its population of Jews and Muslims….spot the missing groups?
Spokesman for the mosque said that ramadan is coming and they need “10,000 places” for muslims to pray…. was that mats or mosques…who knows? no one asked him.
To be fair there was a note of caution as one of the youth workers, Salim, explained that muslim youths were made to feel unwelcome in the wealthier suburbs and the different cultural groups only met in the commercial area as those groups appeared to be moving into single group districts….the parrallel with middle eastern cities wasn`t mentioned nor the words “self selecting ghettoisation”…the absolute antithesis of the “melting pot” of “diversity” that Marseilles was being presented as.
And, of course no mention of the 38.5 % share of the vote for the Front National in the second phase of the last presidential elections.
This link is in French…Droite = right, Gauche = left……
Interesting reading for British leftists who may think that the mass migration of muslims will help them to win elections.
Perhaps they`ve realised already….the difficulties in voting yesterday in Barnet suggest they might have.
Error above.. it was the French regional elections…not the Presidential.
“Marseilles “known for its diversity” and “in which Jews, Muslims, Christians and Atheists have rubbed along for years””
Marseille battles image as France’s murder capital
I really think there is no such thing as “diversity”, only a series of ghettoes in which different cultures live side by side, with as little contact with each other as possible, punctuated only by riots and occasional terrorist outrages which have nothing to do with islam.
How can I fully express my thanks to the progressives who decided that this was the way forward for boring old white, stable and coherent European societies?
I think the phenomenon you are describing is “multi culturalism” which increasingly, it appears is not an “end state” since we already lived in a diverse multicutural, multi ethnic, environment in Europe with years of conflict behind us, but some decided it wasn`t “multicultural” or “multiethnic” enough…. so thought it best to add in more cultures and ethnic groups to create cities on the …ahem…”successful” model of the middle east. Cities like Beirut, Aleppo and Homs spring to mind as examples of the new model for European cities.
“Diversity” used to mean “variety”, it`s less clear that it means this now.
Now it is often used to describe areas where there are few white people i.e. areas that have a “variety” of people, that doesn`t include many white people. It seems to be used more as a racial than a cultural term….but sometimes the qualifier “culturally diverse” is used to avoid discussing the non existent concept of “race”.
Despite BBC denials . It of no surprise to learn that the SAUDIS are behind many of the atrocities across Europe as they directly sponsor ISIS and are largely responsible for Islamic Fundamentalists posing as ‘refugees’ and the home grown terrorist that are sponsored by the BBC apologists, which in turn is sponsored by SAUDI money in return for BBC ‘programming’. Reading from The Times (April 1st 2016) SAUDIS lead the foreign ISIS recruits (according to a cache of 4,600 documents leaked by a Syrian deserter).
This is being studied in Washington . This is now a 28 page damning report that and has blown a hole in the US/Saudi Alliance that has been ‘in place’ since the days of president Roosevelt himself (ironically to ensure oil supplies to the US in exchange for middle-east security in the region). . It appears that the Saudie’s sought to present itself as a bulwark against terrorism in the middle-east. At the same time it has ‘gone backwards’ in promoting its own brand of Muslim fundamentalism (Wahhabism) supposably aimed at countering the growing influence of IRAN (and its Oil) as its sworn Muslim foe in the Arab region. The Saudis princes (and Bin Laden was a wealthy exiled Saudi Prince himself) are jointly guilty of promoting and sponsoring world-wide terrorism across the world. The BBC would not tell you that without contortions. The BBC promotes Saudi Islam because the EU PROMOTES ISLAM and the BBC receives SAUDI money to do so.
We now know that the OBHAMA administration did know of the SAUDI connection to 9/11 – but the FBI and CIA were prevented from taking any action (as the SAUDIS would have pulled $75 billion out of the US economy, or so they said), it was never made public at the time. Even though it was obvious that (the 9/11 terrorist attack) and the Saudi’s knew ‘both the time and place of the attack’. There is now a clear case for 9/11 victims families to make a legal claim against the US government for the ‘cover-up’ that went on immediately afterwards.
There is now no doubt that the SAUDIS knew of the attack but never alerted the US authorities (according to Michael Burleigh writing in The Times). Since this major disclosure of facts the US is now ‘rebooting’ its middle-east accord and ridding itself of Saudi sponsorship and political ‘crony’ influence. They (Saudi) have $75 Billion as ‘investment’ but its not all rosy for the SAUDIS back home. Since the oil crash (which they also sponsored) they have failed to tip America into crisis as ‘Shale Oil’ is replacing ‘Saudi Oil” and the Oil price has collapsed world wide.
The Saudis are mired in a bloody war with Yemen and locked in a civil war with Syrian troops which it is losing and the ‘sphere of influence’ (which includes the BBC and the EU) can only ‘influence’ more street fighters but they have to be paid in petro-dollars. I can happily report that SAUDI has had to ask for a 10 $billion dollar (multiple world bank) loan to finance its generous ‘Welfare state’, (so beloved of the BBC type) as its budget deficit is set to reach 19% of its gross national output and this is the first time they have been in urgent ‘debt relief’ for 25 years. Having to ask for ‘Tax’ from its citizens is unthinkable as it could cause a riot. It has for the past 25 years simply supplied BBC lifestyle benefits . Now ‘austerity’ bites back. There is a gulf developing between America and Saudi and we can be sure the the EU will welcome the SAUDIS ‘friend-in-need’ and the Islamic atrocities will be ‘airbrushed out’ of any UK and euroepan public resentment (by using legal means by preventing any protest of Islamisation). We can be sure that the EU will seek to ‘profit’ where America seeks victim damages from 9/11.The EU meanwhile proposes ‘further integration’ towards Islam.
If America finally evicts the Saudis then the EU gets the SAUDI so called ‘investment’ and the terror threat increases (for the rest of Europe). The BBC is already in receipt of major SAUDI ‘investment’ in its Salford Quay HQ in Manchester and in (so called) TV and -[world service] ‘programming’ measures on its ‘Worldwide services’ arm. This is entirely legal (as its outside the UK). That this is in breach of its UK BBC Charter (but that does not seem apply to BBC Worldwide joint ventures). The BBC delights in ‘endorsing Islam’ as having a multiple peaceful purpose and is not a threat in Europe. The UK is also listed in the documents as having been heavily ‘influenced’ by the UK broadcast media (think BBC) which appears not to condemn islamic extremists but apologises for them.
I shall leave that up to you to figure out why.
Briefing notes: (from Times – 21st April 2016 – but reprinted here due to paywall):
Briefing notes: (from The Times Opinion 23rd April 2016 but reprinted here due to paywall)
9/11 secrets that could turn Saudis into Pariahs
*(Michael Burleigh is author of ‘ Blood and Rage’ A Cultural History of terrorism which makes the charge). You may need to Google excerpts from that piece (or see Daily Mail report below which makes the key points from the article).
Victims of 9/11 families accuse Obama of ‘siding with Saudi Arabia’ by refusing to declassify 28 pages of report that ‘shows Gulf nation backed atrocity’ as they threaten to pull $750 billion in US assets
Either way, how can we allow the BBC to be sponsored in this way?
When the recent visit of OBHAMA (to the UK) was asked why he did not release the 28 page security document condemning the SAUDI’s involvement (as having prior knowledge of the attack). He replied ‘It’s complicated’…. That leaves it to the next US president to cut-off the US security to the Saudi ‘royals’ from any more political influence (or US security) they have enjoyed for the past 25 years.
What do you bet that the BBC will just ‘carry-on’ as if nothing has happened. The EU will ‘engage’ with terrorism but never condone it. The refugee crisis will overwhelm our own security and (if we stay in the EU) the dirty little war the Saudis are sponsoring will continue (even in debt) as the EU will (of course) try to bail them out with our own (UK£) money. And the BBC will never let you know what is IN that 28 page document (without its own interpretation) for it may lead to questions of how this was allowed to happen and who are the real perpetrators of this crime. If the US publishes the document (which it will eventually) it leaves the BBC with a difficult choice. Do they investigate the victims of 9/11 (and breach EU protocol) or condemn the US for making accusations against the Muslims (and continue to broadcast the merits of an Islamic Europe). And then the EU need the Saudi Arabs money to plug a refugee crisis swamping Europe…. They will seek financial ‘protection’ (from within the EU and BBC types) from those nasty ‘Americans’ who blame them for the Islamic attacks across the globe.
The next president has a lot of cleaning up to do. Trump is the man to do it.
Emma Thompson has said something I agree with. I need to go and lie down.
Emma Thompson attacks young actors who ‘can’t act’ and only get cast due to social media following
If she said the sky was blue,I’d be nipping out to make sure
Ok, I am endeavouring to understand but require some guidance from the clever folk at Biasedbbc.
BHS has a £571 million pound deficit. The people who ran it before it gained the deficit are evil, dastardly people who should cough up the short fall themselves. The BBC will use every news item, its services on Radio 5 live and all manner of comedy programs to constantly hammer home the wicked nature of capitalists who allow this to happen.
Pitchforks and lanterns can be collected at your local B and Q.
Meanwhile, the BBC pension deficit stands at a staggering, mind blowing £2 billion quid. Yes, I did say £2 billion quid. In order to merely fund the annual short fall it has to steal money from the program makers budget. Last year it filched £740 million from me and you to fund its absurd, impossible to justify pensions.
Alan Yentob’s pension pot is over £6 million, and the BBC still pay him nearly half a million a year – you’d think he could afford his own pension like a worker on minimum wage, wouldn’t you?
Ok, so, I don’t understand. How can we get this information out to the millions who watch the BBC believing it to be fair and impartial?
If I may, the explanation is quite simple.
The BBC gets it about right. The BBC says so. That is all.
I am not totally sure about this but I remember the previous pension schemes used as ‘personal expenditure’ by Captain Bob Maxwell who managed to rob the pension fund of the DAILY MIRROR. Captain Bob (as he was known a left winger for Labour) had a similarly colorful lifestyle ‘money-no-object’ on yachts not dissimilar to the owner of BHS. Both seemed to have made a packet out of Labour policies.
And then the former BRITISH RAIL pension fund was at the time the largest pension fund in the whole of the UK (or was it the world). This was quietly plundered by Gordon Brown to fund his many ‘social engineering’ projects that managed to pluck money ‘out of thin air’ during his BUDGETS under Labour. (The BR money pot is much reduced). Pension funds have been called TOXIC by money pundits. They are now usually saddled with the remains of a failing company. It goes bust and the UK has to finance the staff who will get very little back.. The BHS is such a (hollowed out) company – sold for £1 and its no surprise that the BBC pension fund is perhaps the largest left in place. Only the EU now has bigger pension funds (for bureaucrats only).
You have forgotten the essential mantra:
Public sector good, private sector bad.
Good news about the BBC pension deficit. The key of course is to ensure that we the tax payers/license fee payers don’t get stung for bailing out the scheme . If Mr Whittingdale has any sense he would use the pension deficit to beat the over mighty corporation with. For instance he could insist that all BBC commercial earnings are used to fill the deficit for as long as it takes. As all of us who worked in the private sector know well , your pension is not a guaranteed fact, and I see no reason why the BBC employees should be even further feather bedded by expecting the tax payer to pick up the tab for their Pension fund managers incompetence.
As more companies like BHS and Tata may increase the call on the Pension Protection Fund, the PPF increases its levy on the continuing funds to make up their shortfall, adding to the burden on the BBC fund.
Soon only the public sector will have defined benefit (final / average salary) schemes!
The Labour party is in opposition to an unpopular (according to the BBC anyway) Tory scum government that is divided and entertaining us all with mindless in fighting. So Labour ought to be winning in elections you might think. Laura Kuensberg said ‘a party looking to win the next general election should be winning hundreds of seats.’
In Scotland, Labour lost almost 10% of its vote whilst the Tories have gained 8%
In Wales Labour lost 8% of its vote whilst UKIP stripped Labour of seats with a gain of over 12%
In England Labour lost 26 seats whilst UKIP and the Tories gained a whopping 29 seats between them.
So what does Laura Kuenssberg make of this catastrophe? ‘ …. Labour is seeming to cling on rather than make progress,’ ‘labour has averted a disaster,’ ‘his (Corbyn’s) supporters are breathing a big sigh of relief’
No they are not Laura. Labour started from a grim base after the disastrous Ed Miliband period and it just became worse. This was a tanking, no matter what sympathetic, judiciously chosen words you find for the Labour Party.
BTW, Laura, Michael Foot won over 1,000 local election seats between 1980- 83 and no, he didn’t ‘avert’ a disaster either.
If only Andy Burnham had followed the BBC’s coverage. Had he done so he might not be scampering out of labour’s front benches to become Mayor of Manchester. Man the life boats!
On the election show about 5 min ago they extrapolating the voting stats over the whole country with surprise Liebour in the lead by 1%.
You couldn’t make it up …oh the BBC have.
Only Labour Islington cabbages would reckon on a pretty boy Scouser with too much mascara would be a suitable candidate for the Mayor of Manchester-as opposed to , say a Mancunian who knew enough about Heysel and Hillsborough not to risk the tearproof…and who wasn`t dragging countless geriatric coffins as baggage from the nearby Mid-Staffs mortuary.
Yep-should be fun.
Looks like Fireman Sam, but much less fun…calling Elvis indeed….
Anyone know if Rastafarian locks was a fashionable look in the 20’s ? Peaky Blinders last night had a Jamaican/Irish priest complete with said locks and a hint of Windies patoir, to conduct a marriage ceremony. I just looked on with bemusement because I find it hard to believe that this was factually correct – in the same way that the Merlin series had a mixed race Guinevere. Excellent dramas are soured in the name of diversity. At this rate I can imagine in 100 years that Winston Churchill will be portrayed by a very porky Asian (no apologies for the term ‘pork’) !!
Yes the rewriting of history through drama is absolutely disgusting and the terrifying thing is thta young people will know no better!
As to the history of ‘locks’, among Windies not until the 1970s, so this was a total anachronism
Not familiar with Peaky Blinders, the scene you describe has a fatal BBC inevitability to it though, they must have a ‘shoe horning inappropriate anamolous ethnic references into drama’ department, was the wedding one of those boring old hat male-female jobs by any chance?
” Roman accounts stated that the Celts wore their hair ‘like snakes’.”
Bit of cultural appropriation eh.
Pity the Celts couldn’t go round and put the above good lady right.
BBC ‘drama’ is just a vehicle to try and wash brains Goebbels style, any drama is just incidental, secondary to the message, and thats why it’s just so bloody boring. Cuurent affairs is much the same, we know exactly what line any BBC presenter is going to take on any major news topic before they open their mouths, regardless of who is speaking because they all follow the same script, there are no personalities anymore.
“we know exactly what line any BBC presenter is going to take on any major news topic before they open their mouths, regardless of who is speaking because they all follow the same script”
and that can be said, and many have, of the Beboids like Jerrod etc. who come on here spewing their hate and bile. You know it will be whatever they are told to by their BBC bosses, as they appear to be able to think for themselves.
Bad error: “not to able to think for themselves”
Anyone know if Rastafarian locks was a fashionable look in the 20’s ?
Well, if they were they would not have been called ‘Rastafarian locks’ as the Rastafarian religion wasn’t invented/formulated until the 1930s. The wearing of dreadlocks by followers did not emerge until the 1950s, maybe the late 1940s. See
I see the boat whose name Boaty MacBoatface was voted by the public is to be re-named after a phony naturalist aged 90 who has produced endless neo pornographic documentaries highlighting animal predation and violence which titillate the kind of people who enjoy dog fights. His supporters may claim his rubbish is educational representing the natural behaviour of wild animals who, for the most part engage in much more interesting though less dramatic activities than tearing each other apart. Goodness knows how many of his documentaries were faked, as he did with his phony snow film. But the old phony supports climate change propaganda and lends his unscientific opinion to the BBC’s departure from science, when he is not supporting weird campaigns to cull members of the human race.
I believe he was quite good in the 1950s, when he presented “Zoo Quest”. The aim of that programme was straightforward: go to Africa and capture interesting animals for zoos in Britain. No need to fake any scenes about anthropomorphic little animals behaving just like us, only in fur coats.
Of course, back then, Africa was administered by European states, with the result that there was law and order, no poaching, and hence abundant wildlife, so taking a few elephants or rhinos back home to stock zoos was not a problem. It is the last 50 years of African “independence” which has led to plagues, famines, habitat destruction and mass poaching. African wildlife was not threatened by European zoo collectors, but it will be wiped out by the Africans themselves. Isn’t progress great?
Yes, he was ‘of his time’ in the early years of broadcasting, and to us kids growing up in the 50’s with only one channel on a black and white tele it was a window on the world of other lands. It was either watching baby turtles hurtling towards the sea after birth, or the antics of Johnny Morris in Animal Magic ! Then of course there was Armand & Michaela Dennis the other wildlife documentary makers, and Hans & Lotte Hass showing us a world under the sea. Its easy to decry what seems outmoded now, but to us as kids it was as far removed as it could be from our Grandparents and their magic lanterns and Victorian travel books !!!!
A man with an interest in promoting the animal worlds will to the survival of the fittest combined with notions around culling species to increase living space for other species?
Sounds terrifying if applied to culling humans….. Where have I heard that before?
Population Matters of which Attenborough is a member. You will find their members are regular block contributors to BBC HYS whenever, food, health, world economics, crop up for discussion. They always draw attention to the fact which, so they claim, everyone has missed – there are too many of us for the planet to survive.
Not sure about naming a boat after him, but the series Life On Earth (circa 1979), for me still ranks as the best natural history series I have seen and an example of when the Beeb use to make some great TV.
OK all points taken. I do remember being impressed by his documentaries at a time when TV was in its infancy. I am calling into question a set of beliefs about our understanding of wild animals which was projected in his early series unchallenged largely because of his superior craftsmanship in filming and editing wild life.
My view of election coverage. Liebour are holding up well if you compare it to the elections in (whichever it was) Bad news in Scotland for Liebour but Corebin wasn’t involved in the campaign, so it’s OK.
I was sorting through some files to tidy up when I can across the transcript to this. The words are strikingly appropriate to today’s politics even after 40+ years. Seems as if they also apply the BBC office politics as well. So, I went out and got a link to share
Exactly right, whoever said earlier on that we know what the BBC News line is on any given topic. Switched on BBC1 News at One out of curiosity to see whether my visionary powers were still world-class. They surpassed my expectations!
Headlines, in order of BBC importance:
1. SNP victory in Scotland (no mention of Conservative gains)
2. Labour surpassed expectations (BBC subtext: Yay!)
3. Conservative vote down (Double Yay!)
Local South-East News:
1. Labour victory in Crawley (BBC subtext: Great Stuff!)
2. Labour hold in Hastings (Go Labour!)
3. An Independent representing residents in Oxted wins a seat (Great!) For first time in BBC coverage I think, fair enough.
4. Tunbridge Wells count about to start. Reporter Ian Palmer actually reflects this overwhelmingly Conservative area by putting the Labour position in perspective and alluding to national troubles.
The BBC seem awful pleased at Corbyn Ladens stella performance…swigging a tin whilst looking for a Jewess to beat up on Brick Lane.
Who`s going to tell them that even MICHAEL FOOT did better in his first year than Mogodon Man Corbyn?
Not me-let them think they`re on their way to the toppermost of the poppermost…only to find they self-destruct as soon as they light their anti-Semitic fuse.
We all know now who the nasty, institutionally racist party are-it`s those national socialists who presume to want to go international instead.
I much prefer RRS Sir David Attenborough to Boaty McBoatface although the name chosen is a bit of a mouthful.
Why not just ‘Attenborough’?
It would then include both brothers and as the first major film role for Richard was ‘In Which We Serve’ it would be even more fitting as a tribute to both all ocean sailing naturalists and all seamen, past & present, as well as both brothers.
Sir David McSmugGreenyFace
So a celeb sciency guy, is the basis for naming, does that show respect for the Scientific Method?
..Maybe the boat will also be taking ‘short cuts’ in it’s science, like the way BBC fakery studio shots are needed for wildlife ‘reality’ shows.
Well said StewGreen. The BBC has a store of celebrity sciency people who may excel in presentation but add little to our overall scientific knowledge.
The boat should have been named the MacFrackeryEmmaThomson, given the amount of time the BBC devote to her scientific statements
All this controversy over the name of a boat ! That’ll teach any organisation in the future to be wary of committing anything of gravitas to the vagaries of a competition winner – they should have just named the bloody ship and be damned after the event !
#bbcEverydayDeception on my BBC homepage
News section first item : Cologne sex attack charge dismissed “The victim not able to say with certainty in court that either man was involved in the assaults on her” They made that acquittal a news priority,when they didn’t make the initial event one.
Big Photo : “The woman who defied 200 nazis” : SJW tickbox, but hardly news priority to anyone else
Box marked : From Our Correspondents
“US election: How Trump defied all predictions Katty Kay” : em not everyones .. just SJW’s hopes
“Will Bernie Sanders’ enthusiasm be curbed? Anthony Zurcher”
try the substitution test ..would they ever say “Will Trump’s’ enthusiasm be curbed?” ? No of course not
“The victim not able to say with certainty in court that either man was involved in the assaults on her”
Is that because they all look the bloody same?
Fortunately feminists throughout Europe will be campaigning for a retrial. Won’t they?
just up “‘Positive stories’ for the Green Party – Natalie Bennett BBC News Channel”
..See the trick of spinning a headline by putting a quote rather than a fact in it.
The item actually contains no positive news for the Greens.
Unbelievable! The BBC have Livingstone in their studio to discuss the elections. I never saw them invite Nick Griffin in to do the same – ever! Griffin has obnoxious racist views – so does Livingstone.
Earlier they have Flab-bot on as well (who was also later interviewed on Sky). So one dyed-in-the-wool and unrepentant anti-semite and one died-in-the-wool and unrepentant anti-white racist. And why are they welcomed so happily on the BBC? Because they are Labour and hate the two races that the BBC also hate. They are disgusting.
The BBC have Livingstone in their studio to discuss the elections.
Demon, I’ve noticed that when one of the BBC’s favourites is in disgrace (as Livingstone currently is because of his obsessive anti-Semitism) they reward him by plonking him in some programme or other. It’s the BBC’s slick way of expressing solidarity with its advance guard on the subversive far left.
It’s also evidence that the BBC has no reservation at all about Livingstone’s hatred of Jews.
I should add that Andrew Neill appears to be the only political reporter at the BBC with enough old-fashioned guts to take on a swine like Livingstone.
Racist Red Ken has much to say about the creation of Israel. He is going to return big time in the Socialist Islamic Labour Party.
Some well informed comments in this piece from Guido
My name is Tim. I have gone four weeks, two days and eleven hours without watching a BBC News program.
Well done Tim, you are amongst friends. One day at a time, one day at a time.
Strange that!
Krishnan Guru Murthy pointing out that Sadiq Khan was a Muslim-and this was a joyous moment of telling the world that we`re truly great to vote him in, in London.
The Tory interviewed saw it as irrelevant, but Krishnan, his Scottish Muslim Lefty and his Yankee Commie(both women of course) saw this as a celebration re Muslim acceptance.
Yet when Zac Goldsmith told us all that Sadiq Khan was a Muslim-well, that was racist, and unworthy of the Tories…how DARE we consider his being a Muslim?
See?…golden rule?…that Lefties and Lefties alone decide what, who and how things are presented to the plebs…and the pliant Tories lose again, for being nice boys at nannys knee once again.
Culture wars long lost to the Lefty scum…and we`ll be needing our Robinsons ,and tougher to begin to reclaim the narrative from these Commie Kapos, as employed by the braodshits and the Channel 4 Beeboid creeps like Guru Murthy.
Khan -like Livingston and Corbyn Laden-are long known terrorist friendly, Jew baiting lowlifes…and need calling out, not indulging or humouring.
That said-to hear the LibLeft creeps claiming THIS as a vindication of the Left…well, let`s tell them they`re correct…as the rest of us go on to vote UKIP and bin the Left forever in 2020.
Goodby London, it was nice knowing you!
Yes and the funniest thing is the BBC shirt lifters who frequent this site think this is great. Sadiq is not a fan of transgenderenders you bloody fools you will be rounded up in a few years and locked away.The Mosques will dominate the sky lines and you will be asking us lot to help you take back the country
Locked away?
More like pick a roof….you’re leaving
The Tories look finished ChrisH. They are trying to appease the liberal media when the fact is (besides the delusional, suicidal manics who vote Al Labour, Lib Dhimmi’s..) the public are moving away from those arse maggots infesting Al Beebistan. The Tories have had their chance to prove they are the party to protect the people that put the great into Britain, but they have blown it big time.
The Islamification of British continues. The lies, deceit, misdirection, threats and fascist control of the debates by the left continue. People have had enough and because of how relentless, and unremorseful the left are in forcing their warped views on the normally apathetic majority, more people will realise they have to vote Ukip to get the only change that’s good for Britain.
The major political parties think British men and women are finished. They think we do not count for shit. Impressing the media (who brainwash the sheep), and winning support of big business (who threaten the workers who put them there and treat them like pondlife…see EU referendum) is all that matters. We are everything that’s important. We decide our own future. We vote out. We vote Ukip. We win back our country.
So the capital city of England is now Londistan. Things, can only get better.
Labour managed to hold on to Rotherham – (great news)
Here they are just after the result came in:
And here they are afterwards celebrating the victory:
More mangling of history as the BBC decides that in Shakespeare’s Henry VI Margaret of Anjou is / was actually Black!
The BBC might have a sound legal reason for casting ethnic actors in historical roles.
Discrimination: your rights [GOV.UK] (I’ve copied only the relevant portions)
1. Types of discrimination (‘protected characteristics’)
* race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin
You’re protected from discrimination:
*at work
Action against discrimination
You can do something voluntarily to help people with a protected characteristic. This is called ‘positive action’.
Taking positive action is legal if people with a protected characteristic:
*are under-represented in an activity or type of work
When lawyers attempt to defend the BBC (or any other media) from a suit by an actor who was rejected for a part solely because of skin colour they will probably rely on:
Some forms of discrimination are only allowed if they’re needed for the way the organisation works, eg:
a Roman Catholic school restricting applications for admission of pupils to Catholics only
employing only women in a health centre for Muslim women but will it apply to actors?
This might become a very interesting legal case.
Shakespearean black and ethnic minority actors ‘still only getting minor roles’ is worth a read.
It might be worth noting that casting white actors in ‘ethnic’historical roles has been going on for sometime.

One wonders why the health centre had to be for Muslim women and not just women in general?
My (Jewish) mother worked as a teacher at several Australian Protestant private schools. I’m sure she was extremely competent but at least part of the reason was to avoid charges of discrimination. At least sixty years ago those schools would never have hired a Catholic.
I agree that white actors have been cast in ethnic roles for years, due in part to a lack of suitable ethnics who were in the industry at the time – particularly as the film above was released in 1956, – an era when the same ethnic faces would be seen in minor roles time after time if a Chinaman, (Burt Kwouk was always the ‘go to’ Chinaman) , Indian or African was needed. And of course India swallows up its own for their Bollywood industry.
As Dick the Butcher says, in Henry VI: ‘The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers’.
I’m only surprised they didn’t go the whole hog and cast a black actor in the role of Henry VI while they were at it! This particular actress is currently starring in Undercover on the Beeb, and one columnist has described her as “hamming it up for all she’s worth” – so clearly not in the league of the likes of Judi Dench then ! Evidently the factual rule book has been torn up and thrown away to keep ethnic minority actors in work. Oh, I cant wait to see the nominations list at the Oscars next year.
Ah, dear. One of the most memorable scenes from any adaptation of Shakespeare, for me, was from Julie Taymor’s ‘Titus’, where Harry Lennix played Aaron the Moor, and gave me goosebumps with this monologue:
But I feel Okonedo isn’t right at all for the part of nasty, shit-stirring Margaret. Too wet, and too black.
Bit of a different take on liebore results between bbc and itv
See if you can tell which is which……
‘Labour hang on’
‘Worst performance electorally of a party with a new leader in British history’
Ditto with the BBC & SNP. If it had been a Conservative Government in Holyrood since 2009, the news today would have been “Conservatives lose majority.” all day long. For the SNP today there was hardly a mention of the new minority governing the SNP will have to face, until the 10pm news on R4 coupled it to ‘their win’.
‘Politics dead’ on the Al Beeb webshite is shit spraying propaganda statements everywhere!
The devious, lying bast@rds tell us.. with no hint of bias..
“More criticism for Zac Goldsmith’s mayoral campaign, which attempted to link Labour rival Sadiq Khan to Islamic extremists (but it’s the truth. It is 100% true and Al Beeb should have been letting the public know this fact to make up their own minds about our jihadi loving Khan)
The former Cabinet minister Ken Clarke said on the BBC’s Any Questions:
I think it was a mistake (telling the truth is a mistake now Ken?..). Trying to accuse him of being a supporter of extremist Islamist views was slightly eccentric (but 100% true) and I can’t think how Zac got persuaded to do that (because it’s the truth). It probably had a counter-productive effect (anything to do with the way Al Beeb reporting this by any chance?).”
“Mr Clarke went on to question who was responsible for what he described as “a rather distasteful exchange” (but utterly true)
So there you have it folks. Saying the truth about Islam is a taboo. If you do you’re on your own…. Like Trump in the US. Does anyone actually still believe the establishment give even a flying fuck about what we think and what’s good for us?
Ken Clarke would have talked for the whole programme, had Ritula allowed him to. The Welsh Windbag is going to have a serious rival there when Clarke is done with the Commons.
The other panelists were far too accommodating and should have told him to shut up and let someone else get an edge in wordways .
The BBC very much approve of Labour. Hence the obvious bias
Can the BBC explain why Labour decided upon a Muslim candidate for the election of Mayor? Why not a Christian candidate?
Did a Muslim candidate have a better chance of winning?
Or was the political drive of Labour to have a Muslim Mayor more important?
Labour were perhaps guaranteed to win against Goldmith. Did Labour seize the opportunity to create a Muslim Mayor? And if so, why?
There is I hear a vacancy for Mayor in the Pakistan capital of Islamabad. As a British Christian, I am sure to have equal footing with a local rival and indeed be supported by their national broadcaster.
Fair is fair, after all.
The question I would like to see asked is why did Dave throw this election by choosing a natural born loser like Goldsmith in the first place? Apart from the ludicrous Rees-Mogg was there a candidate less likely to appeal to London’s effnik/Leftie electorate?
Is Dave, as has been playfully suggested, a Labour plant?
“why did Dave throw this election by choosing a natural born loser like Goldsmith in the first place?”
And who, being Jewish, was sure to lose the small, but perhaps not entirely insignificant well off Conservative Muslim voters to Khan.
And there are many well off Muslim in London.
It was my first thought that the choice of Zac was a planned loss.
But it doesntt mean Cameron is a Labour mole, it could be to give Corbyn a small boost because it suit Conservatives to have him as Labour leader.
Cameron has got the Muslim Mayor he wanted. His policy is to empower Muslims in order to buy off radicalization which, he believes will happen when they feel alienated and excluded. A wrong headed policy, but popular with the BBC . I suggest he wanted Zac to lose. Now watch out for the Muslim appointment throughout London. And remember, the cops have been the first throughout Europe to collaborate with the victors
‘Cameron has got the Muslim Mayor he wanted.’
Change that to Cameron has got the Mulim Mayor he deserves.
Dave is getting out and leaving a bucket full of probelms for his successor.
Cameron will be viewed by history as a spineless, liberal, lucky Prime Minister without conviction who achieved little of any long lasting worth.
I don’t think Cameron is a Labour Plant.
I do think Cameron is smugly stupid and without any clear motivation or convictions. Being stupid makes him extremely vulnerable and liable to follow fashionable trends, all in the belief that being ‘loved’ as a leader is the greatest height he can aspire to.
Of course, this would make him a lefty by rights, and it’s only because he’s a rich toff that he joined the Tory party – simply because that’s what rich toffs do.
It’s not entirely his fault though, the electorate who voted for him presumably also thought a leader who everyone would love was the key quality that was needed. A real triumph of style over substance. And now we are here…
After a bitterly disappointing day at the polls yesterday the BBC is in full cry this morning as the mayoral election has produced a result far more to their liking. Breathless delight and wall to wall sycophantic coverage on Khan’s win has replaced yesterday’s gloom and doom. While Labours PR and communications wing doesn’t miss the opportunity to stick the boot into the nasty party.
‘Steve Hilton: Goldsmith’s campaign ‘brought back the Nasty Party label’
Using a BBC Standard Operating Procedure there to get their message across – it’s not us that thinks the Tories are the nasty party – we’re just the innocent BBC impartially reporting what others are saying!
‘John Pienaar says there has been a backlash against the campaign fought by the Conservative Zac Goldsmith.’
The ‘backlash’ involves the Tory party questioning their losing campaign – which of course never happens when a political party loses an election.
More of those champagne bottles ‘strewn around broadcasting house’ this AM!
Labour’s Sadiq Khan elected London mayor.
There goes the neighbourhood.
The capital has fallen. This is a disaster for this country and shows where we are headed.
Steve thinking about it , it is no great loss London was lost ages ago it resembles downtown Karachi these days I travel through every morning and I really do feel I am the only white English speaking person around. The real people are sitting in the shires shaking their heads. It will be interesting to watch London now. If everybody votes to stay in Europe I think we will have to hoist the white flag mate
Sadly, I think you could be right. Britons need to wake up now, shake off their political apathy, and vote any anti-British career politician out of office. The country is being stolen from under our noses. If Khan is re-elected, or another Muslim in his place, the capital is definitely finished and the fight will move to the shires. The BBC has played a blinder in using propaganda to hoodwink so many.
agreed mate
I think that we shall see this repeated in other English cities and large towns as time goes on, there will be increasing “British flight” to the outer suburbs and the country and the “ethnics” in those places will be anything but a minority due to that and their birth rate.
The non-British and Muslim constituencies within these places will grow and they are going to vote for their own; expect more and more “BAME” mayors, councillors, MPs etc – not a terribly pleasant future for us, our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
There are a huge number of British who don’t seem to want to save themselves – look at Rotherham FFS!
If the organized, decades long rape of a town’s female children by a dangerous and predatory ethno-religious minority, which resides within it (who were protected by a local government which had also been infiltrated by that very minority); if the electorate of that place STILL vote for the same party to control the council and return the same MP – then such people are f****d and deserve what they get.
At least Constantinople put up a fight before it fell. London just passed without a whimper.
Guaranteed that London will now experience unprecedented corruption and nepotism. We can be sure that our National Broadcaster will not investigate or report it.
Oh they will report it alright. It will be under the headline “racist white man is accused of islamaphobia with baseless accusation of corruption in London…..
We will then have paragraph after paragraph of how this is all Islamaphobia, with several utterly biased expert witnesses to put this issue to bed….
There will be an at best glancing reference to the fact there are epic increase in the numbers of fraud,corruption cases all linked to our life hating ROPer friends and that 100s have already been charged… But of course thats not the agenda we should be hearing, let’s once again propagate that it’s all down to the evil racist white mans racism
I have to write it out in full to believe it . London, the Capital City of England has a Muslim Mayor called Khan. I am speechless. The BBC is in party mode. They obviously haven’t read Koran nor the finer points of Sharia that Uncle Sadiq holds so dear.
Naga Munchrugger has had a make-up explosion in honour of brother Khan winning . She trys to talk to the weather bloke about the weather ditties that we all know and cannot even get ‘ red sky in the morning shepherds warning’ correct they really are thick as pig shit these auto cue / sofa people.
Indeed they are, which is why they never grace our television screens in the morning, or rarely any time else.
Finally caught Thursday’s Question Time. From 7:40 minutes in on the following clip, they start to discuss Labour and Corbyn. From 12:00 minutes in, there’s this exchange between a bright blonde and a dumb Labour MP:
Isabel Oakeshott from the Daily Mail put this reasonable question to the PeeCee Lisa Nandy:
I just want to ask, are you happy with a Labour leader who calls Hamas and Hezbollah “his friends.”
Even before Isabel has finished the sentence, Lisa starts to shake her head in disgust:
Isabel please, please, that’s such a disgraceful thing to say
This response is accompanied by boos from the audience, evidently directed against Isabel, and not against Lisa.
Isabel: That’s what he called them. That’s what he called them.
Well, quite. That is the disgraceful thing.
Lisa: As a political commentator you would have been watching Prime Minister’s Questions…
Isabel: That’s what he called them.
Lisa: …when he said very clearly that anyone who expresses anti-Semitism is no friend of mine.
Very clearly?? I watched that, and he only came up with his denial under relentless pressure from Cameron. Corbyn the hypocrite cannot even remain true to his Islamic terrorist friends.
Lisa: Please, these are important issues…
Isabel: Those were his exact words.
Lisa: …and people’s lives. Stop playing politics with people’s lives.
People’s lives are very much at stake here – Jewish lives in Israel and elsewhere under constant threat from Hamas and Hezbollah, who have murdered hundreds of Jews, most of them civilians. This would not even enter Lisa’s tiny mind. The fact that Islamic terrorist scum are invited to Britain and befriended by the Labour ‘leader’ is obviously an indictment of Corbyn and the party.
I’m wondering whether Corbyn will now usher Shah the Nazi and Livingscum and others of the motley anti-Semitic crew back into the party. And there is a bigger question here. Will Labour eventually get to the point where all pretence is dropped and Islamic terrorist supporters are simply welcomed into the party, especially if they are Muslims, eventually taking over the party from within?
I guess the fact that a radical Muslim is now Labour Mayor of London goes some way towards answering my question.
In a rougher but more honest time, Corbyn would have been strung up from the nearest lamppost.
So how did R4 greet the London Mayoral result this morning? An honest report may have said “London voters seem to have been prepared to overlook Sadiq Khan’s controversial links to Islamic extremists. . .” What did the BBC in fact say? “Zak Goldsmith ran a controversial campaign which sought to link Sadiq Khan to Isalmic extremists.” i.e. anyone not knowing better would understand that Zak made it all up. So perhaps in the BBC’s mind Zak personally faked all those photographs of Sadiq consorting with hate preachers and other assorted terrorist supporters.
Radio 4 were incredibly partisan this morning, it was almost like listening to a Labour Apparatchik in the interviewers seat. There was no pretence as to impartiality at all.
This is just the BBC being the BBC. Saddick’s victory was bound to be hailed as a triumph of our great tolerant, vibrant multicultural capital city. Only a North Korean TV announcement could be more clichee ridden and triumphalist. London has been described as Londonistan with good reason for decades. That Saddick has an overwhelming personal endorsement of 1.3 million votes in London is not surprising as there must be at least 1.3 million Muslims in London. The rest of Europe, except for Merkel et al., are not going to be dumbstruck with admiration at this Muslim first; it is simply a further indication of the rapid, ongoing islamification of Europe.
A Muslim in charge of Britain’s capital city? The inmates truly are running the asylum.
The ‘white flight’ could be a tsunami now – estate agents must be rubbing their hands with glee !
The BBC really are going to town on what they describe as a disgraceful campaign by Zac Goldsmith smearing Sadiq Khan as a supporter of Islamic terrorism.
No examination of these allegations is undertaken, just a platform for Labour whingers and suggestions that some Tories have expressed disquiet, but other than the ‘problematic’ Saeeda Warsi they fail to produce any one else.
Given the very serious allegations about anti Semitism and Racism and terrorism in the Labour party, and the very limited coverage, this is exactly what was suggested the BBC would do with any allegation against the Tories.
It does have to be said that the Tories are their own worst enemies having failed to even do the slightest things to bring the BBC to heel.
Cameron won the election. Not for the Tories, but for Cameron’s policies
“Too many white Christian faces in Britain.”
And why shouldn’t there be, Prime Minister?
He really is a gutless cretin. Would he ever go to Pakistan and tell them there were too many brown muslim faces there? Apparently, it is only our white, Christian civilzation which deserves to be colonized. What a spineless tool that man is.
Still, cheer up, it’s not as if a muslim with links to radical islamists would ever get elected as Mayor of London is it?
I would say that there are not enough white christians ( and I am an atheist ). Cameron is a disgrace, a cowardly moron.
“Too many white Christian faces in Britain.”
In my opinion, the gradual demise of the more superstitious aspects of Christianity has been a good thing – like accepting that Santa Clause doesn’t exist. I do not appreciate it being replaced by what is probably the most backward, intolerant, violent and downright silly religions in the world – if it is a religion that is. We should have grown out of this nonsense.
On the positive side, at least Christians have faces.
Maria, I agree. Any religion or people that can treat women they way they are in that photo, disgust me .
Grant/Maria whilst I agree that Christianity like many religions supports a stifling overburden of hypocrisy I think it is worth remembering that
1 Much of our law and culture have come from the “Judeo/Christian tradition.
2 Whilst in the past many people have used their Christian identity as camouflage for wrong doing and greed the basic tenets of the ten commandments and general Christian teaching do not seem such a bad set of principles to live ones life by (and yes I have broken some of them but I am not telling you which ones)
I know that there used to be a lot of guilt associated with Christianity but is that really such a bad price to pay, when in comparison Christianity appears to have been replaced by a society which appears to have shifting moral values, where pornography, hedonism/partying, drinking and mindless celebrity worship seem to have replaced a set of what I agree are archaic values but these seem to have kept our society stable for many generations. Christianity generally appears to be forgiving unlike another religion which appears to be much talked about at the moment,
As I am sure you recognise. We have a population that are totally focused on individual rights at the expense of the good of society. They ignore what is happening in the world around them, as long as they get whatever is their fix. This includes ignoring their politicians, how their media is run and how it manipulates everything with a pc narrative.
All this time the society which provided them with the very freedoms they value is being sold down the river and may well be replaced with something very much nastier.
I suppose I am just getting old but it does occur to me that we may well have been just a little hasty in ditching our past at the expense of our future,
Anyway heres to a good year to all and a happy christmas – Dont forget to put your stockings out kids at Christmas cos thats when Jesus comes down the chimney. It used to be a bloke called Santa but I think they crucified him last Easter!!!!!!
Are you guys still allowed to say ‘Merry Christmas?!’
Funny thing is, I was watching Donald Trump at a recent rally and he said that Americans are going to say ‘Happy Christmas’ again. Very interesting.
Don`t blame the nation for despising Christianity, if they`re happy enough to equate “The Church” with “what Jesus said and intended”.
The REAL Christians of this parish-and indeed all others we link with-know full well that the milksop pretenses and diluted bull from Pope Francis up to Jimmy Page( and in Gods upside down kingdom, THAT is the order of things!)-are a homeopathetic dilution and mockery of what Jesus Himself said and did-let alone wished for His future brand and badge holders of the franchise.
We are without excuse for not knowing either the Bible we were gifted thanks to the Jews…nor the Koran that we are currently having to study to make sense of the Special Needs madness of the psychotic death cult of Islam at its extremes…but we`d rather know the %playmaker status of a Mata, or the last time that Sadiq Khan voted against Corbyn.
“Some people won`t be told you know, they`ll have to learn the hard way”…Book of Blood and Chocolate 1989!
Our choice-but any Christian who knows the Bible knows the imperative to NOT vote to stay in the EU…God loves His nation state borders you see…and if they choose to follow the ignoramuses like Cormac Murphy O Connor and his EU flag(based on the stars around the Virgin Marys Catholic crown, by the way)-then they`re in deep trouble…no point giving Christians the scriptures if they choose to ignore them.
If Christians were truly worthy of persecution-they`d have been so long ago…as it is, they`re more use alive to Islam and the Left than if they were killed as in China or Pakistan( to name but two places, where being a Christian is not merely a personal preference).
You`ll be seeing many more “real Christians” before too long-and they`ll NOT be Dianne Louise Jordan, Aled Jones, Harry Secombe Jnr or f***in Steve Chalk…got that?
I’m not disputing the cultural importance of our Judeo Christian heritage and have nothing whatsoever against its traditions. I’m just saying that, speaking purely personally, I can’t accept the supernatural side of it. I can’t make myself believe in something which, to me, is impossible.
In any case, and I don’t think you’re suggesting this, it shouldn’t be necessary to feign belief in such things or keep them on life support artificially, solely to keep Islam at bay. Islam doesn’t belong here and I don’t want to share this country with people who live according to its primitive and, in many instances, objectionable rules.
My apologies Maria – I did somewhat misconstrue what you said about Christianity namely because I paid too much attention to what I thought you said rather than what you actually said.
As a general point though I think there is more than an element of truth in my comments. And in addition the BBC has led the charge to emasculate Christianity and make it more PC acceptable.
Many figures in the Christianity such as Welby and the pope instead of standing up for their own religion seem keener to stand up for Islam in a somewhat futile attempt to appease the MSM monster. So all the talk is always about helping children and refugees which mostly consist of twenty something, generally muslim male economic migrants. What happened to the Christians in the countries such as Iraq know one wants to talk about.
What these virtue signallers do not seem to grasp is that the MSM monster will never be satisfied.
And is incapable of employing common sense with compassion at the same time.
I suppose the bottom line is – if these wet bastards can not be bothered to look after their own people why should anybody else.
Just like all these other liberal types most church leaders seem more than willing to help hasten the demise of their own culture not show true leadership. What a bloody shower!
Maria, Grant, We must draw a distinction between women in countries where they are enslaved by these clothes and women in western countries who are backed by feminists who see it as a matter of choice. In the UK the garment is a uniform that provides extra rights, protection and privilege. You dress like this and the cops kneel before you, you can push to the front of queues and plonk your children on the bus seats marked for disabled and elderly passengers. Any objections – the race card. This is the uniform of the conquerors.
“We must draw a distinction..”
Why? I think they’re a pain in the bum, either way.
If he didn’t exist, you would have to invent him ! Don’t expect him on the BBC any time soon !
I wish that, one day, Pat would tell us what he really thinks !
Well done sir. On behalf of everyone who already knows what is happening, and those that will soon enough, we salute you
Ahmen to that – bloody sublime – Would love to see him interviewed by “Vinegar” Jo Coburn or perhaps even more amusing by “Skelator” Evan Davis – we can but hope!
Any Questions last night was hosted by Ritula Shah. Any Answers, currently on R4 as I write, is being hosted by Anita Anand.
Both, whatever else they may have in common (such as being there to ‘rub our noses in diversity’) are utterly useless at their jobs, largely because they are apparently incapable of controlling their rampant biases.
Ms Shah allowed the superannuated windbag Kenneth Clarke to bluster and talk both down and across anyone with opposing views on the subject of Brexit (one of whom, unlike Clarke is a successful economist). Ms Anand, in her introduction, couldn’t help but bring up Zac Goldsmith’s doomed campaign, quoting the irrelevant opinions of Goldsmith’s intellectually challenged sister, who has criticised her brother for having dared tell the truth about Sadiq Khan’s past.
So, it’s business as usual at the BBC today, no doubt with an extra spring in the comrades’ step as they look forward to London’s continued slide to Third World status. Expect even less self-restraint from the Corporation over the coming months – assuming such a thing is actually possible.
I wish that, one day, Pat would tell us what he really thinks
Pat is another Lefty of old who has long seen the light-like so many of us here, as well as the likes of Peter Hitchens and Melanie Phillips.
These are true heroes to me-Pat scripts this one brilliantly, and I find that the worse things get, the better Pat Condells talks become.
Hope he knows that thousands, if not tens, hundreds of them are foursquare behind his every word-and, he`s an atheist-but very much Gods atheist for the days to come.
Keep `em coming Mr Condell-a nation in exile listens to you much as the Free French used to listen to De Gaulle…
The young can be forgiven for being drawn to the left of politics.
Agree entirely Steve.
Don`t blame them at all, seeing as they`ve had absolutely no teaching on any alternative to Lennon, Marley, Gandhi, Mandela, Obama.
And plenty warnings re Thatcher, Trump, Farage.
Poor sods at “yuni” are thick, entitled, arrogant and thick again-you have to repeat it twice.
Look at the junior doctors!…one James Robertson Justice would have binned the 99%, and trained the few remaining into the likes of Baarnard or Henry Marsh.
Hell-even Kenneth Williams or a decent Eastenders researcher into medical sub plots would do a better job than Bill Nye the fuckin` Science Guy-who`s pretty much been their sole font of science teaching in schools these last thirty years.
Only one thing though-my student rebellions were NOT about making the toffs paying their taxes-we wanted the government GONE…not a job to snoop in transparent recycling bins from a wrongly-categorised battery for the EU…but todays Eurozombies under 30 are happily letting themselves be fitted for their brownshirts from Europal…and THAT is THEIR fault.
What`s the point of an Orwell online if you`d rather listen to Martin Freeman for your voting steerages?
Liverpool FC is encouraging 100,000 fans without tickets to go to the Europa League final. That worked well at Hillsborough, didn’t it?
Yes, and Istanbul and Athens.
What exactly is the problem with Liverpudlians ??
Somehow they’ve managed to get their image (probably involving frizzy hair and a moustache) on a visible part of the victim totem pole. This is quite an achievement for white males without being gay or putting on a frock, although a woman with frizzy hair and a moustache would qualify regardless.
Being disabled wouldn’t qualify you automatically either – you could be a squaddie and deserving no attention whatsoever.
Ordinary working class whites (the sort who don’t steal hub caps) are at the bottom, below ground level and therefore invisible.
“Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions”
I’m not even going to comment on this story from Breitbart. There are no words that can express my contempt.
Just about says everything you need to know about the ghastly BBC and why it should be disbanded immediately…They’re now stinking racists, as ever following their beloved Labour parties lead.
Take some solace that this discriminatory employment policy reduces the chances of finding the best person for the job, even a blundering behomoth like the BBC can only carry so many incompetents so this may actually be a positive step towards speeding up its demise.
Is it legal?
Probably. The guidelines can be interpreted as encouraging reverse discrimination.
But also can be interpreted as just plain discrimination.
Let’s hope for the latter.
IIRC one of Red Jim Naughtie’s children got something like this at the BBC.
Just in time seemingly before the door clangs shut on nepotism by non – BAMEs
BBC Director of News Memo to Head of Newsroom
Was impressed by the sourness of Kate Silverton’s expression every time she mentioned Zac Goldsmith on the Saturday evening news. She certainly looks as if she knows how to suck dry a sour lemon! But I wonder if we’re going quite far enough? Perhaps she could turn her head to one side and spit every time his name crops up? And might I suggest prefacing his name with ‘Racist Tory scum’ every time it is mentioned? I think it fair and balanced in the circumstances. In addition, I fear we are showing just a little too much of her hair. Perhaps a hijab or something equally decorous? And I see no reason why any obviously good news should not be echoed with ‘Allah be praised!’ or some such appropriate formulation. Keep up the good work!
Enjoy Kate’s ‘sucking a lemon face’ while you can. Once the BBC dress code for female presenters is brought properly up to date (assuming they will be allowed on air in the future) she will be peering at you through a letterbox.
Has anyone heard a cogent argument from those celebrating Khan’s victory as to why it is important or significant that he is a Muslim? This fact seems to trump all else and the arguments I have heard all sound like celebration of another piece of the jigsaw falling into place. Is there an agenda here?
Dunno, Steve.
Inverted ‘racism’?
(Except that Muslim isn’t a race but is a religion.)
Dunno, Steve.
Inverted ‘racism’ by the BBC and others? (Except that Muslim isn’t a race but is a religion.)
I remember when Lewis Hamilton got his F1 drive at McLaren. It was reported by the BBC that he was BLACK. (Actually, strictly, ‘brown’ ie mixed race.) There was no mention of the fact that he had been talent-spotted exceptionally early or mentored and tutored specifically for the job by Ron Dennis. No acknowledgement of the support of his family. No mention of his past racing successes. No mention of his obvious ability. No. He was the first BLACK driver in modern F1. He was BLACK and he would be racing in Formula One.
I was so sickened by it I started turning the radio off.
Sadiq Khan slots into the establishment jigsaw following the BBC ‘bake off’ final. Nadia did it for Kahn and so did Cameron by promoting that Green bozo europhile Zac gobsworth. The involvement of Cameron in choosing ZAC bogsworth was the main reason he lost by mentioning that the word ‘Islam and Terrorism’ in the same sentence. Most of us are aware of the link but it cannot be made public knowledge as it is PC. Most of the Tower Hamlet voters were under the impression they were voting for BBC Bake off (again). Khan is planning to open hundreds of new bakeries across the capital. Every child will be taught the recipe, to observe the ingredients and worship the baker.
Will the baker be prosecuted for not baking gay wedding cakes?
Removed – already spotted by GCooper, above.
Muslim mayor? Better get used to lots more s**t like this:
They are like a swarm of locusts. It seems to be beyond progressives to realise that if you swamp London with half of Mogadishu and Lagos, then you effectively turn our capital city into a clone of Somalia or Nigeria. It’s easier to criticize Zac Goldsmith for telling the truth about Sadiq Khan I suppose.
Those poor people. It was oppression by the hideously white race marshals that made them steal the water. This shows how difficult it is to assimilate into civilised society. These criminals know full well that fresh drinking water comes out of the tap but they can’t help themselves join in the feeding frenzy.
One thing I would bet my house on, the progressive lefty @rseholes who want to flood the country with these people live nowhere near Deptford or any other enriched area. They do not live the dream, how selfless of them.
The sun has got his hat on, hip-hip-hip-hooray…
A range of British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) television departments, programmes, and radio stations are currently offering highly desirable, paid internships, but white people are prohibited from applying.
Creative Access – an organisation, registered as a charity, which offers placements at “many of the UK’s top media organisations” – has listed a number of BBC placements on its website, demanding applicants are only from “Black, Asian and non-white minority ethnic backgrounds”.
The website’s list of opportunities shows that all but four of the positions currently available are for jobs at the publicly-funded BBC, and Creative Access is funded by the British tax payer despite its charity status.
Watching the BBC’s news bulletin on BBC1 just now there isn’t much doubt what they think about the London mayoral election.
What could BBC Radio 3 have been thinking!!?. Broadcasting the “islamophobic” opera Die Entführung aus der Serail from New York (Jewish conspiracy?) on the very day Pasha Saddick gains power over London. Western woman hostages threatened with torture or death unless they submit to the lusts of Pasha Selim and his harem overseer Osmin. Nothing has changed much in 300 years then. At least one of the captured women Blondchen is plucky enough to resist Islamic subjugation and proclaim “I an an English woman and freedom is my birthright”. Obviously not sentiments shared by the Tosser-in- Chief Camerloon and his sidekick Hippie Hilton.
Especially interesting as a connection between the current elections and the current Jew Hatred scandals in Labour. Ken Livingstone blamed for Labour seat loss in Jewish area
You probably missed it as it was hidden in London Region News.
It does raise quite a few questions.
* The first is whether it is true. Why specifically Livingstone whose Jew hatred was well documented before the Hitler was a Zionist fallacy?
* Why solely Livingstone in a period when the Labour Party from Corbyn down has been involved in the scandal?
* Is there any evidence that Jews and only Jews changed their voting preferences in those seats?
* Is it a ‘dog whistle’ attempt to paint the Jews as having too much political power?
* On the other hand, is it an acknowledgement that pandering to supposed Muslim prejudices can have an electoral cost in addition to an electoral benefit?
It’s a matter of arithmetic. There must be ten times as many muslims as Jews. All Labour is concerned with are the numbers of votes. Muslims trump Jews.
Creative Access. A charity who trustees are : MR ADRIAN BOTT, MR AMIT SHAH, MR MICHAEL FOSTER.
Sadly if this is charity, then it has nothing to do with charity and more to do with the failed American practice of ‘bussing’ in racial stereotypes that the BBC currently approve of to reach his euro target. This is Lord Hall’s signature tune. He calls it diversity, but the PRESS AD will always go into The Guardian I expect and nowhere else.
A lovely ‘white’ lady became Masterchef last night (richly deserved), sadly she isn’t the right shade to warrant having a show of her own. Perhaps if she’s able to bake a wonky 3 tier lemon drizzle cake without any decoration whatsoever ……………….