The BBC and the Guardian et al have rather short memories. They have smeared Zac Goldsmith as having run a racist campaign, never mind that his complaint was addressing Khan’s association with extremists, nowt to do with ‘race’, and yet as soon as Khan is elected the first thing the BBC tells us that is noteworthy about Khan’s new found elevation is that…
Mr Khan is the city’s first Muslim mayor
Why is that now so important and yet just hours before they were attacking Goldsmith for being ‘racist’ for questioning Khan’s links to Islamist extremists? As always the Muslim extremist gets a bye from the BBC in the alleged interests of community cohesion.
Khan himself thought his religion was an important factor that needed to be addressed….
Electing Muslim mayor would ‘say something about our confidence as a city’, says prospective Labour candidate Sadiq Khan
Alibhai Brown laughably has the same opinion..
The very fact of a Muslim being in this high office could do more to combat radicalisation than any number of government strategies
Experience tells us the opposite and when Khan has demonstrated a pattern of behaviour that links him inextricably to people who have views that are dangerously close to the Islamist and terrorist narrative you have to ask questions…unfortunately the BBC and Guardian think not and would prefer to brush it all under the carpet and play the race card to silence the critics and win the election for a ‘Muslim’.
Harry’s Place suggests it is entirely legitimate to ask those questions…
In short, Sadiq Khan’s extravagant recent claim that “I have spent my whole life fighting extremism” is entirely false. On the contrary, he has supported extremists, he has aligned with extremists, he has shared their platforms, he has circulated petitions advancing their arguments and interests, he has euphemised their blood-curdling incitement as mere “flowery words”, and he has repeatedly used his position as a human rights advocate and an MP to lend extremists’ arguments a spurious legitimacy.
I assume Khan and Brown are racists for having raised the matter of his religion as a factor in this election?
What else has the good Muslim Mr Khan said that might be of interest to the BBC’s ever-vigilant thought police?
The BBC somehow managed to avoid altogether Khan’s labelling of Muslims who don’t adhere to the terrorist narrative about foreign policy and Western culture as ‘uncle toms’….imagine if that had been a UKIP potential Mayor of London…or even a complete unknown Ukipper from some backwater who said the word ‘negro’…..well you don’t have to imagine because we know exactly what the BBC would do…hang them out to dry and set them up for a campaign of vitriloic smears and insults for months on end. If you’re the Labour, Muslim, candidate to be mayor of London though, you get a free pass on highly offensive, toxic, racist and dangerous language.
Whilst the BBC failed to hold Khan to account for calling moderate Muslims ‘uncle toms’ LBC tackled the problem…or did they?…
Yes. its Newsnight’s appendage, James O’Brien, he of the kangaroo court and Nigel Farage, not so much a journalist as a lying, sensationalist spinner of smears and malevolent mischief. Note how he doesn’t actually take Khan to task about his hate speech but instead sympathises and suggests this is an attack on Khan just like all those other dog-whistle racist attacks on Khan that highlight his association with people with very unpleasant views and ideas.
O’Brien, as good a journalist as ever, the honesty, integrity and professionalism shines through. Just what is it that attracts the Guardian’s Katz to this piece of work?
And what of Mr Suliman Ghani, one of Khan’s platform sharing Islamist cronies? The man the BBC and the Guardian insist is a Tory?
Seems someone was lying…
A ‘brilliant victory’ for one Jeremy Corbyn? Not the words of a Tory voter I might suggest, though the BBC has been convinced, quite easily I imagine, by his lies…
London mayor row: Cleric feels ‘betrayed’ by Conservatives
As has the Guardian…
London mayor: Goldsmith embarrassed as ‘repellent’ imam’s Tory links emerge
Those ‘links’ are entirely spurious and inconsequential. The photo with Goldsmith is obviously a meeting in the street and not evidence of indepth collaboration between the two…unlike with Khan who repeatedly joined forces with Ghani on the same campaigns.
Ghani claims he was invited to be a Tory councillor…but again that is a lie…he turned up at a open event that was intended to increase Muslim participation in politics…he claims he was personally invited but provides no evidence and indeed there is no photo of him as a guest at the event which was one for all and sundry in the Muslim community to turn up to with no regard to political afffiliation.
Ghani puts this forward as evidence of his association with the Tories and that he supposedly campaigned for Dan Watkins in the general election….unfortunately the event was in November 2015 and Ghani, as noted above, had already expressed his admiration for Jeremy Corbyn in September….and of course the election was in May. I guess he is lying about his ‘Tory’ proclivities.
However…we can see what many would describe as evidence of his anti-Semitism…….
Is it anti-Semitic to ask whether Israel has the right to exist?
Why would a Pakistani Muslim be against Jewish Israel and yet have no similar thoughts about the legitimacy of a Muslim state built on land stolen from India by Muslims after having driven out millions of Sikhs and Hindus from their land? Right of return anyone?
He is in very good company in the Labour Party just now.
Shame the BBC doesn’t do its job and rather than exposing people with dangerous and unpleasant naratives that have a damaging influence on society the BBC covers up for them and instead attacks those who would dare to expose them such as Goldsmith.
As suggested many times on this site it is the BBC that is one of the great dangers to democracy and civil society, it is the BBC that is extremist…the BBC that advocates open borders and the destruction of the nation state, the BBC that cheerleads mass, uncontrolled immigration regardless of the real consequences, the BBC that supports and excuses terrorism and cheers on ISIS as they destroy the national borders, the BBC that excuses and hides sexual abuse and rape by Muslims, the BBC that excuses and hides Muslim attempts to subvert society and impose their religion upon it as with the MCB’s Trojan Horse plot, the BBC that works to delegitimise Israel and helps to spread anti-Semitism around the world and even excuses murder of Jews because of what Israel did in Gaza.
The BBC is unfit for purpose, a law unto itself with no-one able to control its extremist impulses. It does more harm than good spreading division, hatred and war in its wake.
At last! BBC diversity managers have something in the election news they can celebrate. “The first muslim to be elected mayor of a major western european capital”
A bit clucky as headlines go, but it’ll do. Of course even though we knew it was inevitable and we had to eat our gruel now along comes the BBC to tell we are going to have to like, enjoy and celebrate it. And woe betide any naysayer. Woe, woe and thrice woe.
Winning speech with something about ‘hope’. A real pound shop Obama. And we know how well that hopey thing went in the States.
Khan is something of a flip-flop opportunist. “Close to many different labour leaders – Blair, Brown, Miliband, now Corbyn… he began his campaign close to Corbyn but has distanced himself” – Admits BBC stalwart John Pienaar. So who knows what his political credentials actually are? How fitting in this era of identity politics that we have such a political cipher as winner – his only known characteristic his religious identity, which we are reassured is not particularly radical anyway. “He’s the son of a bus driver” as though that were a sure sign of non-extremism. I guess Khan’s lucky the Tories didn’t put up a similarly moderate muslim daughter of an omnibus conductor who would presumably have trumped him in this battle in the identity arena.
Since all the Tories could find to put up against him was another posh boy with a greenie background there’s little real achievement in this for Labour. The pair had mirror unrealistic promises of housing policies – sorry generation rent, despite the big-sounding promises the new mayor will not be gifting you cheap housing or indeed cheap transport. The iron laws of supply and demand ain’t going to suddenly cease in a city of rapid inward immigration to allow the new incumbent to defy gravity.
It does seem to be a (hardly stellar) mandate from the people the BBC feels it has the editorial integrity to get behind.
The BBC Today Programme had its two-woman attack squad on duty this morning pushing its Islamist and Left agendas. After the Khan eulogies we had the Defence Minister being interviewed. Michael Fallon was castigated for refusing to say he had no concerns for London now that the slippery Khan is elected Mayor.
Mr Fallon has every reason to be concerned. Apart from Khan’s obnoxious anti-British anti-Western ex-brother in law we have other dubious Khan associates such as Suliman Ghani referred to above.
Ghani is part of the Islamic Network which among its other feats, holds Muslim hardliner speaking events at UK universities (why oh why does the Government do nothing about this?)
One such event was at Aston University. The Birmingham Mail said of Ghani:
”Ghani has been on television describing homosexuality as ‘unnatural’, opposes abortion and has described women as ‘subservient’ to men, claiming they should never become leaders.”
The police and security services need to be vary wary when working and exchanging information with Mayor Khan. It will go straight to the Islamists looking to set up the London Caliphate.
Oh how I wish that Mr Fallon had not been politically correct. I wish he had just said, ‘Yes, this is a man who stood on a platform with Muslim extremists, yes he has apologised. But apologies come cheap. It will be his actions that will show whether he has understood the error of his ways. But until then, the government will have to be very cautious dealing with a mayor who has identified himself with extremists’. What would the BBC have done if that had been Mr Fallon’s reply? I suppose hound the man until he had resigned and ensured that he had never worked again. Mind if his name is ‘Ken Livingstone’ it will all be forgotten in a few hours.
Here is an interesting thought. The next time that there is an election for the mayor of London, there will also be a general election. By then will the people of London, and elsewhere, be so sick of the Labour Mayor of London, that they turn away from Labour in their droves.
I think you may be right. It could turn out to be a blessing in disguise.
Forget the BBC. If the press gets wind of corruption, cronyism, lies, patronage, bribery, funds disappearing, dodgy friends, dodgy appointments, etc etc, it will emerge eventually. His image has been scrubbed clean on the surface but questions remain. He has been given enough rope to hang himself and I suspect that certain groups will have very high expectations.
Remember that Obama was greeted with euphoria in 2009. Not looking so special now.
There there are immigration and terrorism – who knows what will happen over the next four years.
London will be protected to a large extent and, for practical purposes, its “population” includes a huge influx of commuters during the day, and visitors from further afield, not just those who live there. Birmingham, Bradford, Dewsbury, Oldham etc are the real tinder boxes and, IMO, will be the first to kick off – unless of course places like Denmark and Austria beat them to it. Tension is mounting and leopards don’t change their spots, in spite of what the diversity industry would have us believe.
The line that has come out in the BBC and Guardian has been pursued by the Government. Basically, that a Muslim Mayor in London will combat radicalisation and reduce support for extremists. It rests on the mistaken belief that Muslims are peaceful with a desire to integrate, and that terrorists are not really Muslims. Add to this the other myth, that radicalisation occurs among excluded and alienated Muslims.
The solution: empower Muslims, give them high positions in Universities, in the Police, in the BBC (even as Head of Religious Broadcasting) and ensure that one is elected Mayor of London. I suggest that Khan’s victory was desired by Cameron who may have been delighted when Goldsmith emerged as a loser.
Apart from empowering Muslims like Khan, to assist in the Muslim desire to integrate our Government will pursue a hard line policy of stamping down on any objections to sharia, or criticism of Islamisation, and Muslim immigration. Hence the persecution of Tommy Robinson, destruction of the EDL and the disinformation about Pegida.
The media, as seen in this election, will attack any hint that a non Muslim election candidate is employing dog whistle (very waycist) arguments against Muslim candidates, although their victories will nevertheless be celebrated as a triumph for the Muslim community
Associated with the elections but not Khan, Emily Nomates showed her bBC bias. While describing the con win of Peterborough council, she said this was due to boundary changes. Cannot remember her exact words, but the drift was ‘the cons would not have won it but for deliberate boundary changes that helped the cons’. So the independent Boundary commission operates at the behest of the Conservative party.
The police and security services need to be vary wary when working and exchanging information with Mayor Khan. It will go straight to the Islamists looking to set up the London Caliphate.
They need to be vary of the Her majesty’s loyal opposition. For loyal to the UK and the Crown, they most certainly are not.
Couldn’t agree more NCBBC. We all know that the traitor Corbyn who couldn’t bring himself to sing the National Anthem is now a Privy Councillor and has some rights about security briefings. However I have no idea how extensive these rights are and whether Corbyn can be excluded from really sensitive information. Lets hope so.
Khan is a different proposition as an elected executive Mayor who controls the police in London, at least to some degree if not operationally. Perhaps he can be excluded selectively too but this may be more difficult than with Corbyn.
The truth is we are all whistling in the dark on these matters because we don’t know the detail of how the security system works.
My bigger concern with Khan is that he will pursue policies that ease the way to yet more islamicisation of London. The press will need to watch him like a hawk. The BBC will not do this because it is a Left/Islam apologist organisation.
Fantastic post again Alan! No doubt you will have the Al mujahideen Beeb jihadi brigade all over this post with a fine tooth comb to see if a comma is out of place so that they can once again try and move the debate away from the truth. The truth that we have a huge section of the establishment that are so desperate and fanatical about the inclusion and acceptance of Islam, that they will lie, cheat, discredit, force through hand picked voices to champion their chosen narrative….to hide the truth about Islam and it’s followers from the British public.
Sadiq Khan is a terrorist sympathiser because Islam mandates all Muslims to act the way of IS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Al Shababb… Sadiq Khan will say that he doesn’t support sharia law, the banning of homosexuality, jihad against the infidels, occupation and domination of kafir lands… But it’s in the Koran. If he didn’t follow the instructions of Muhammad then he isn’t Muslim! Sadiq Khan cannot pick and choose what he can follow from the Koran because if he does, it’s an eternity in hellfire.
I have to put the record straight here. I do not blame Sadiq Khan for what has happened nor think he is a bad person for being true to his beliefs. Islam hasn’t changed for thousands of years and the bast@rds that let them into our country knew that. Sadiq Khan, IS, Al Qaeda are following their death cult rape junky religion to the letter and just being good Muslims. If that is how the want to live their lives then that is their choice. Who are we to impose our way of life on them. Let them live in the dark ages in their own Islamic hell holes. Who I do blame are our own traitorous, devious, lying bast@rds at the Al Beeb, Al Guardian, Al Labour, Lib Dhimmi’s… Who all have access to the unchangeable facts of Islam and what it has to do to the Kafir, yet our traitors still relentlessly champion Islams inclusion, acceptance, and are actively trying to increase Islams power and influence in a kafir state. We are fucked people if this continues and the traitors are the ones to blame.
The BBC smear and try and damage anyone who criticises Islam. Look at how Lisa Nandy from Al Labour reacted to Isabel Oakeshott when she asked a genuine question about Corbyn saying good Muslim killers named hamas and hezbollah are his friends! Because this question was difficult to honestly answer, out came the standard lefts response of contempt and false outcry at a ‘racist’ or ‘gutter political’ question. It wasn’t! It was a question at the heart of a leader of a political parties integrity. Dimbledead should have made the devious, lying cretin to answer the question! But of course they are all in it together
Great post again Alan. Let’s wait for the relentless use of ‘its just racism’ being used to shut down any criticism of Sadiq Khans term in office.
Fi Amanullah!
Not being picky TTP, but
Islam hasn’t changed for thousands of years…
In fact it’s only been around sice the 7th century. I’m sure the BBC for one would like us to believe otherwise, though.
Good post Tothepoint.
London is lost.
Watch all the important council places being awarded to our enrichers who will then award homes and contracts to their people.
Watch white flight continue out of London.
How can so many people not see what is going on.
Is virtue signalling so important to them that they ignore reason?
Do these feminists actually support FGM and all the misogyny that Islam promotes.
Do all the gays and the miscellaneous genders support being launched off tower blocks.
It would seem so.
Our honourable leaders are to blame together with the msm. Only UKIP is saying what is so obvious yet few are listening.
When the backlash comes it will be bloody and violent and all because of our swishy washy, look at me, how nice I am, leaders.
Completely agree Emmanuel Goldstein, as I suspect most posters on here will also.
The British public are too lazy in thought and apathetic in action to consider such things.
A reaction may come but by then it will be too late.
The bBBC has to take most of the blame for the ruination of Britain.
Eammuel Goldstein, and you may add about the so called men of Rotherham who re-elected Labour despite the war crimes committed under their watch. I am not damning the parents of the victims who tried their best to protect the young, I am referring more broadly to the cowardly Northern men who stand idly by.
The British public are too lazy in thought and apathetic in action to consider such things.
I think a major reason is they have been wilfully misled by the BBC and its selective coverage of Middle Eastern history. For example, how many BBC viewers will believe the Crusades were an unprovoked attack on Islam which had been peacefully co-existing in the Middle East with other races and religions since before Christ?
Now I`m no expert, but was its Sadiq Khan who Blairs LABOUR PARTY bugged in his frequent trips to Belmarsh or wherever, whenever he was “advising or representing “the likes of Begg or Qatada.
Wasn`t he basically the Labour MP for hire to Islam-as opposed to the muslim lawyer Imrran Khan, who made the slippery transition from Stephen Lawrence to Shabina Begum , leaving only one slimy slug trail in his wake?
This lot are “all in this together”-and that the BBC choose to slip and slide over “alleged” or “suspected”…”end user” or
” supply chain” is neither here nor there…its a bucket brigade that will hold a chopped head, and limited bleeding.
This pigpen of Islamist shills are using their notion called Taqqiyya or such-and even the laziest BBC reporter could care to inform us of this Islamic pillar in all their ruminations on whether Lynton Crosby or “Baroness” Warsi are responsible for letting Khan get voted in.
Don`t the Right even THINK of buying postal votes, like the Left does?….we needed Sir James Goldsmith, and all we got was a headless sperm of his with an Eton boater…Forrest Gump without the luck, when (sadly) sometimes we need a Lieut Calley…tragically, we`ve gone so far down this creepy road, that I had to say this.
One year to the day when we voted Careworn and the Tories in-and the eejit prodigal son we got is pissing it all up the wall, and hoping we`ll eat his pigswill until June 24th at least….
Anybody able to tell me how Khans bitchslaps over Tory “dirty tactics” makes the BBCs headline news on Radio 2/4 at 9am this morning?
Labour won-end of.
Only reason to drag out the Muslim grievance shroud is surely only to absolve Corbyn Laden of his anti-Semitism-because compared to Khan, he`s probably only a Jew-baiter, and not the full blown Jew-hater of Khans fellow backers re Jihad Central behind his faith positions.
Fuck Off BBC-I`ve never heard a triumphant election winner be given extra time to shaft the losers as well…
Dear chrisH.
Having read around the story above re why the BBC would choose to raise the Islamophobic banner over the “analysis” of why Khan won in London…well, the simple reason is that it then
a) implies that this was a victory for CorbynLads worldview-and if only we`d all buy into his world, well we`d see electoral success and a pat on the bottom from the imam.
b) warns all the rest of us from mentioning Islam and Muslim notions or ulterior motives again, should we get so trashed in the elections as poor Zac Goldsmith did.
c) puffs the victory up as a triumph for the hard left and Islam-as opposed to merely sliding through the remains of Goldsmiths career, seeing as he self-detonated on the launchpad.
So the story for the BBC is they`d prefer to think it all a triumph for the multiculti suicide pact between Illiberal Labour and Liberal Islam( or vice versa-do we care?)-as opposed to a suicide self-immolation by the greenest weakest privileged toff to ever put on a Tory vest.
And-even though he was a headless sperm of a blowback-Selwyn Porritt -Nice Butt-Dhimmi?…he STILL got about 1/3 of vote share I think…so if even HE can get that…it`s not as bad for the Real Right as we`d think.
Great post as ever chrisH….love you..Zero!
The BBC today programme coverage of this event plumbed new depths today…’s like listening to the propaganda put out by an occupier to cow the populace into docility.
The “analysis” consisted of a discussion between David Lammy, a friend of Khans and some labour councillor who had “worked closely” with Khan at Wandsworth council.
It had it all….London will be “safer” with a Muslim mayor…..oh yeah….like all those safe cities with Muslim mayors across the Levant, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Sadiq Khan is “the most powerful Muslim politician in Europe”
Lammy huffing and puffing that we shouldn’t be linking Khan with any mention of “extremism” and, breathtakingly “if Britain ever elects a Prime Minister of colour it wil be because of what Sadiq Khan has done”
And every “Bangladeshi in the east end will stand a little taller today” because of Sadiqs election.
In short…..hooray for the Muslim, Pakistani mayor of London but you’re a racist dog whistler if you mention he’s a Muslim Pakistani and your name is Zac.
“Sadiq Khan is “the most powerful Muslim politician in Europe””
So where does that leave Turkey and that wonderful upholder of democracy and free speech Erdogan?
Have the BBC produced any programmes on what is going on there?
Would they have the balls to, even if they thought it might be an idea?
And every “Bangladeshi in the east end will stand a little taller today” because of Sadiqs election.
What a great quote.
I wonder if that includes those who go round beating white people up whilst shouting ‘Get out of our Bangladeshi area’.
If any criticism of Khan is racist, then surely any criticism of Goldsmith is anti-semitic.
Those anti-semites at the BBC and Labour Party never give up do they.
‘May allah allow him to govern with sharia and taqqiyya.”
Bloody hell, it looks like Jose Mourinho has had a love child by Gene Pitney.
Mohammad Schofield.
Cant understand it – site trolls dont seem very interested in directly commentating on Khans “Uncle Tom ” comment
They confuse me (I am easily confused) They seem to have an opinion on most of us on this site including our poor grammar and our obviously wayciiiist take on all things, yet they dont appear to have an opinion on certain subjects such as
The murder of Asad Shah
Cologne sexual abuse
The Rotherham scandal
I wonder why?
Sadiq Khan is an Uncle Tom. If he doesn’t call on London Muslims to engage in Jihad against the Kafir, he’s nothing but a soft Paki puppet.
How could such an evil man be Mayor of one of the major cities in the world ? It defies belief !
Heh heh. Yiiiis. 😉
I’m a conservative voter who didnt vote for Zac because he is not a conservative, like most of the current leadership .but doesn’t mean I’m glad Khan got elected .Im very troubled by it.As a jew I know there is casual antisemitism everywhere .I don’t need to be lectured by the bullying BBC on how I should treat the mayor.
However he being a socialist ,the city will soon be bankrupt and run down leading to him falling off his pedestal.It always happens when the socialists are running things. The BEEB will have more difficulty covering that up because when people start feeling it and get hit in the pockets their attitude will change.
I cannot listen to any news organisations today and even LBC are warning “we need to be very careful what we say “regarding Khans links to extremists. during a phone in. You couldn’t make it up.
It is very worrying when someone like Khan can become Mayor of a major city. Expect the anti-semitism to increase, aided and abetted by the racist BBC .
Problem is when the economic wheels come off because of socialist pipe dream policies, & services get cut or abandoned, the blame will not stop at the Labour administration of London but blamed on ‘government cuts’. This has been an intentional tactic of Labour councils since 2010, & the problem is it works brilliantly to persuade non-thinking people to take a stance against a Conservative government. One of the problems with devolving power, it arms the opposition if they choose to Tory-bash above providing basic services.
Yes, what they call ‘Washington Monument Syndrome’ in the States. Whenever there are ‘cuts’ the vested interests start saying ‘Oh my God! We’re going to have to shut the Washington Monument’. Over here they shut a few libraries or cut meals on wheels or rubbish collections. Councillors’ enormous expenses are never cut, however, nor the bloated salaries paid to jumped-up town clerks, the huge pensions paid to the unionised staff, or grants made to highly politicised ‘local organisations’.
The BBC, of course, is always on hand to help push the bandwagon along.
London is MY city.
For the sake of London, I hope Khan does a good job. In fact, I hope he does a great job.
Ever since Labour foisted a Mayor on the capital city we have had, largely, failures in post. Livingstone had his attack on London Underground fares in his favour but not much else. Boris has been a greater disaster in that he promised much and delivered little, although for the over 60s he did provide free transport use. However, you had to fight to get it. That little first term Election pledge had to be applied for and struggled for before the travel pass was delivered to the door.
London deserves better than that of the past. Here’s to the future. Saddiq, you have got about two years to create a favourable impression as well as doing some good. Good luck!
The fundamental problem, as I see it anyway, is that there is more than one London just as there is more than one Bradford, more than one Oldham etc. I suppose you could say there always has been – East End/West End etc, but the multicultures that were imposed upon us when integration failed to work do not fill me with optimism.
You say you hope that he will do a great job. The question is, who for? For a great job to work for everybody there would have to be mutual tolerance and, more importantly, no minority, and certainly no minority based on an alien religion, should be attempting to spread its sectarian influence and dominate, and should not have a violent objection to a minority that is already well established. London is not theirs to dominate.
The Chinese diaspora has got it right. Jews, Hindus and Sikhs likewise. That’s about it as far as I can see.
Maria “You say you hope that he will do a great job. The question is, who for?”
I hope it will be for all Londoners & visitors to the capital irrespective of race, religion, position or wealth.
Good luck with that.
There are definately two Londons.I live in one part which has the largest sharia court in the UK. There are no equality laws practiced there.What is to be done about that ,where women are treated as half the worth of a man and told to stay in violent marriages.Are not Muslim women full citizens?
Ask the so called womens equality party what their policy is on sharia and they have none .They want to pretend they don’t need one .When the first Muslim mayor openly addresses these issues then I will respect him. We shall see.I won’t hold my breath.
Debs … definately don’t hold your breath! You’ll be holding it for years. Khan was questioned about whether he supported Sharia Law on the Today program by Humphries a few weeks back. He blathered on about Halal food being part of Sharia, etc.. Humphries disappointingly but predictably quickly gave up pressing him on the issue.
It really is an education even for me that the BBC drops womens rights, gay rights, racial equality (for Jews at least), so quickly in the desire for this so-called “multi-culturalism”.
How terrible bringing up Islam in relation to the election of London’s Mayor. Dog Whistle politics eh.
Think back to the BBC coverage of Romney and Mormonism. They never let up on it, even laboured the bit about Mormon underpants.
Here is one piece of BBC propaganda on Romney the would be Mormon President. Beware a Mormon could become the most powerful man in the world was the message.
See the comments refuting the BBC claims
Hit Google – BBC and Romney’s Mormon religion – and see how they went for it.
That’s an excellent find, G.W.F.
I fucking despise the BBC. So very, very deeply.
The so called British BC are beyond contempt. The Mormons have not beheaded anyone, and here is an Islamic mayor, whose religion is beheading, and persecuting all non-Muslims, is given a free pass. Khan hoimsel;f has stood in solidaroity with these fanatibvcs in Eng;and.
In a sane world that we inhabited a few short decades ago, none of them would have been given citizenship, or even permanent residence permit. They would be facing deportation.
You may not know this but Sadiq Khan is the son of a bus driver and seamstress and he grew up on a council estate.
I just thought I should mention that in case you haven’t been told it from the media for the last couple of minutes.
P.S. He is also a Muslim apparently.
Money talks and the good news is that there are more elections in four years time. So for what it’s worth London is now a no-go area for me, have done it and got the t-shirt as they say. It felt like entering a foreign country five years ago. There are plenty of other places in the UK for me to spend my hard-earned dosh (places that still feel British), and ones that don’t have a Muslim mayor (for now).
The hypocrisy of the far-Left BBC is beyond belief. They round on anyone with the slightest critique of extremist Islamic fascism and yet turn a blind eye to the horrific and open fascism of the Liebour filth. But, what else would you expect from a metro-trendy behemoth full to the brim with right-on Leftists who’ve never done a proper day’s work outside of the taxpayer-funded BBC. The BBC are the enemy of British patriotism and have done more than others to undermine the fabric of this nation. They really are disgusting. The TV License fee needs to be ended fast.
Marr has love-in with Khan today, continuing the BBC weekend of Labour Mayoral Festivities. Marr suggests there now needs to be an inquiry into racism in the Conservative Party to balance that into anti-semitism in the Labour Party. This suggestion entirely originated with Marr. It was not raised at all by Khan. Says a lot about Marr and BBC political bias.
Nice to see Grove wipe the deck with Marr on Brexit later in the ‘show’.
Can’t the BBC find someone better than Marr? He’s only good for in-house videos for the Labour Party.
Every BBC news report yesterday trumpeted the first Muslim Mayor of London and EU capital city headline. Al Beeb delighted with this win for multi-culturalism. Many callers to Any Answers objected to this, some because they didn’t think his religion should be mentioned and some just sick of the BBC’s triumphalism. On reflection I realised that the BBC’s headlines might make people think a bit more deeply about this … er, why if Islam has been around for 1,500 years, is this the first Muslim Mayor? Because Europe was fighting back Islam for centuries and after beating back the Ottomans finally in the 17th century, completely left Islam behind in developments in science, engineering, human rights etc., etc.. Islam would probably have just withered away if not for western oil money in the 20th century to the shieks. Name a successful Islamic country. Yes, I hope Khan is a good Mayor, but if he is, it will be inspite of his religion, not because of it.
The other line the BBC was keen to push was that Labour had “won London” in the elections, with implication that overall the elections not so bad for Labour. Hahahaha … we’ll see how it goes, but very evident to me that Labour is contracting to a hard-left core. It has the support of Islamists too … for now.
I notice Khan didn’t have the decency to button his shirt and wear a tie at Southwark Cathedral yesterday.
Perhaps this is why.
So much for multicultural respect.
I would suspect a deliberate slight.
Something BBC would have picked up on in other circumstances.
And BBC wonder why they are loathed.
What an unpleasant website that link got me to! Could I ask them how I can best barbeque my pork spare ribs this evening!
Ta for the link Tom!
Having read it, now know why the likes of Sadiq and Amhadidinnerjacket don`t wear them.
Reckon it`s because they prevent a good cut to the neck, and fibres of polyester might them prevent other kuffar beheadings getting a similarly good cut at the chopping mall, in turn.
That said our mad mullah on the desk when this opinion was offered seems not to have taken into account the Leslie Phillips cravat, or the Robin Day bow tie….let alone the variety of turkey neck coverings for the likes of Joan Collins or Hilda Ogden-peace be upon them all, may Ali preserve brave Sir Robin…yada, yada.
Once I get my nutjob Salaami freeview…will have to put on my Goodness Gracious Me accent and ask for a ruling on all of the above…until then we should all wear three ties at work if any Muslim is alongside us-one for God, one for the Holy Spirit and one for Jesus…might attempt the helicopter blade lift off if I`m put by the aircon…or at least try to create some wind turbine source of renewable energy for the grid…to charge my Salaami Piss TV as I watch it-or the Mo Show as I believe they call it !
It did cross my mind that Mayor Khan was a bit informal for his swearing in ceremony amongst the dhimmis at Southwark Cathedral, and now I know why. A necktie is a symbol of the cross apparently. This only conforms to me that islam is the most retarded “religion” in the world, and I include the Aztecs in that.
Once Muslims are in the majority in London – or any other city for that matter – it will be declared ‘A Muslim city’ by the BBC’s proxy narrative-formers – I mean, ‘guests’.
And we all know what that will mean.
but Sadiq Khan is the son of a bus driver and seamstress and he grew up on a council estate………
As I said elsewhere – his parents arrived from Pakistan and were accommodated in a 3 bed council flat in LONDON ! – I’m the daughter of a coal miner and Mum and Dad had to spend years waiting for a council house (which certainly wasn’t in the capital) , and we were all born here ! Immigrants, whether recent or historical have always had priority over the indigenous population, and people wonder why there is so much animosity. There is much bandying about of the “hard working ethic” that immigrants love to pronounce about themselves, but no mention about our prisons being two thirds occupied by foreigners.