Trumpy McTrumpface…The man who gets so many of the public’s votes and yet the Establishment won’t let him win…they hope. The BBC certainly does its level best to undermine him in the eyes of whom-ever reads or watches their schmutter.
On Wednesday we had Peter Allen leading the anti-Trump mocking and jeering, lots of laughter and eye-rolling all round at the mention of his name. Just odd how Trump gets castigated for his policy of controlling US borders and ‘torturing’ terrorists for information and yet someone like Corbyn with his cabal of fellow plotters and schemers can hold extremely toxic and violent views and associate with people who fully intend to kill every Jew they can lay their hands on and yet not just be almost ignored by the BBC but actively defended by them, and the terrorists who the BBC doesn’t want to see tortured, are also defended and excused despite wanting to murder as many people as possible to further their polictical aims….Ken Livingstone has only recently defended the 7/7 terrorists and ISIS as merely ‘angry’ young men pushed to fight the hated Western enemy.
Trump is the problem for the BBC. Trump is the enemy not the anti-Semitic Marxists in league with the Islamists and terrorists.
Here Mark Mardell, in his measured show of BBC impartiality, thinks Trump might have a chance of winning..or does he really? Is this not just another chance to sneer and libel Trump? Mardell starts his piece with a tale of Trump’s ‘racism’ and stupidity as Trump dared to question the sainted Obama’s birthplace…as Obama refused to reveal his birth certificate for a long time and much of his past is so murky perhaps it is only natural to question such things….you can’t get into the US now if you don’t have a biometric passport even of your own passport is otherwise entirely legal….and yet Mardell thinks no one should question whether Obama fulfills the strict criteria to be President of the US itself? Marell’s conclusion?..
The high roller, the booster, the snake oil salesman is the trickster of US national myth and there is a not-so-sneaking admiration for a flash clever clown who pulls down the establishment’s pants.
It was the sort of toxic stew of conspiracy theory and casual racism of which any sensible politician would steer well clear.
Trump, by his first political act, declared himself not a sensible politician, deliberately courting controversy by staging a hit-and-run on the facts.
Or it could have been a legitimate question that you can be sure Mardell would be asking about Trump if the same circumstances arose.
Mardell coninues his drawn out sneer..
The high roller, the booster, the snake oil salesman is the trickster of US national myth and there is a not-so-sneaking admiration for a flash clever clown who pulls down the establishment’s pants.
Fairly obvious what the Obama poodle Mardell thinks of Trump….which he repeats to be sure you get the message….odd how the BBC though is otherwise pretty unconcerned about Clinton who gets a pass from Mardell….
The assumption is that, faced with a clear choice, the US people will plump for one who is not a clown.
That may be the case. But Hillary Clinton has a battle on her hands, not against a man, but a mood.
It’s not just Mardell muck-spreading the anti-Trump poison….no prizes for guessing who another offender is….Justin Webb, who slips the leash and takes the hated Mail’s tainted gold ala Mehdi Hasan, in order to be able to say what he likes about Trump without let or hindrance from the BBC’s rather loose rules on impartiality…loose unless you are doing a programme on the Met. Office.
Webb tells us that it looks like Clinton has sealed the deal…
Come the November presidential poll, she will face a man so barmy, so extreme, so utterly unpresidential, that she can’t lose. A dunce who is not even amiable. Donald Trump is going to gift Hillary Clinton the White House.
Of course the whole premise of the piece is supposedly to run by us the possibility that Trump might over-turn the political wisdom and the Liberal’s deepest wishes and win the Presidency…but Webb manages to slot in a good number of insults on route…which you might suspect was the real reason to do the piece.
Webb tells us…
Let’s be blunt about the task Trump faces. He is massively unpopular. A Washington Post/ABC News poll last month found 67 per cent of likely voters had an unfavourable opinion of him.
What he doesn’t say is that Clinton is nearly as unpopular…he does say…
And in certain key groups, Hispanics, women, the young, he is off the scale — properly detested, even feared.
Again that is somewhat exaggerated…Trump won a resounding victory in Nevada despite it having a high percentage of Latinos…many who voted for Trump…the Left of course hated that victory and have spent much time and effort to try and explain that away. Webb just ignores it. As for women and the young….Clinton is ahead with women but they are neck and neck with the young….so not sure how Webb comes up with this final effort to do down Trump…the same casual and blatantly false smear they used against UKIP…
Perhaps the greatest oddness of Trump is that his core supporters are a fading and old-fashioned constituency — angry white people — but his politics are uber-modern.
Webb slips in Cameron’s insult…
David Cameron will have to work hard to patch things up with Trump after saying the tycoon’s suggested ban on Muslims was ‘divisive, stupid and wrong’ — and that if Trump ‘came to visit our country he’d unite us all against him’.
Webb also comes up with this..
And Trump, with his hugely resourced campaign and outrageous populist pledges, could swing them his way.
‘Hugely resourced campaign’? Trump funds his own campaign at the moment with added small donations from supporters not other billionaires…he has, and these are BBC figures, so Webb should know, $25 million, whilst Clinton has $125 million. Spot the difference? And yet Webb is suggesting Trump is buying the election with a river of money and oh yes, those ‘outrageous popular pledges’....outrageous? To Webb and his ilk maybe.
How about this ‘outrageous’ smear?…
Add a dash of Trump’s xenophobia and he’s in business.
Trump isn’t racist….he hasn’t based his policies upon race but on numbers and security.
And if he won?
But if he won, what then?
Again, the conventional wisdom might well be wrong. He is portrayed as a dictator. A megalomaniac. A man who has taken over a political party for his own crazed purposes.
All of which might be true.
Ah yes…all those insults might be true suggests Webb….but where is his, or Mardell’s, similar character assassination of Clintn? Conspicuous by its abscence.
“The man who gets so many of the public’s votes and yet the Establishment won’t let him win…”
Samuel Johnson:
“The peers have but to OPPOSE a candidate, to ensure him success…”
The Who:
“I’ll tip my hat to the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I’ll get on my knees and pray
We don’t get fooled again
Don’t get fooled again
No, no!
Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss”
Now that London’s Muslims, faggots and queers, have elected a shady Muslim, with ties to Islamic fanatics, our only hope is Trump as the president of America.
UK and Europe are now primed for takeover by Islam. Gone is Christendom. Two thousand years after inventing the greatest civilisation in history, its gone. Gone, because the people we handed the powers to safeguard us, went and imported tens of millions of people into Europe whose wish to kill us. The very ones who have been slaughtering Christians in Muslim countries, and have done their best to destroy Christendom for the last 1400 years. How stunningly stupid and ignorant does one have to be.
Only the President of the USA can turn this tide of invaders. Only he has the power to order Turkey to take back all Arab Muslims, or else a regime change . No bribes either. Turkish military is not very happy with Erdogan anyway. All it requires is a message from the POTUS. Ditto Pakistan, Afghanistan, Morocco, etc.
As I sit here, I wonder if winning WWII was worth it, if all it leads to is an Islamic UK.
Men of England who cannot unite against the invaders who are raping thousands of their children are indicative of a defeated nation
A commentator on German PI blog
# 13 Bavaria Pride (06 May 2016 23:22)
Translated via Google.
What has become of the Anglo-Saxons? The total roof damage!
It does not matter whether a country Winner or loser power of WW2 is -. Western European countries ruin all self-GB, France, Germany, Scandinavia … everywhere the same cultural Marxist, defeatist bullshit.
A madness!
The Charlemagne Prize 1999 – Anthony (Tony) Charles Lynton Blair.
This is the man who is responsible for importing millions of Muslims into Britain, thus signing the death knell of the UK, and possibly Europe.
Pray for a Trump victory. A Saudi controlled Hillary will be the end of Europe.
Too desperate.
D4, D4, D4.
Unfortunately, it does sound like that.
Look at the situation we are in. GWB set us on the offensive path against Islam, though denying that we were doing so ( Hence “this has nothing to do with Islam” etc from ALL Western leaders). But since Hussain Obama came to power, almost all America troops have left Iraq and Afghanistan. There are none in Libya. The consequence of the failure of American leadership (POTUS essentially) in this war, is that Western troops are in retreat everywhere. This also has the consequence, that the forces of Islam, are on the offensive. Russia has had to step in, just to protect its Home front.
On our Home front, that is Europe, we are again on the defensive. Almost all troops in Britain, France, Italy and Germany, are on home security detail. This is a military defeat, as we’ve handed the tactical advantage to Islam. They can pick and choose what, when, where, how, and how much.
This has to stop. We have to go on the offensive asap, as a first step. Only the POTUS has the power to do this. All other matters will follow as a consequence – like not handing the chief of MI5 and MI6 to a Muslim, which will delight the BBC no end.
All hail Trump, saviour of the universe!
A little porky from Cameron when he spoke against what he described as Trump’s call to ban Muslims from the US. Trump specifically said he would ban them until Isis was sorted out. This is different to what Cameron and his friends in Left Unity and the People’s Assembly have said when they portrayed it as a permanent ban.
Why can’t Cameron employ advisers from his Conservative party instead of taking his ‘facts’ from the loony left? They might have told him that a similar ban operated under Carter during the Iran crisis.
I do so miss the wit and gentle comedy of Humphrey Lyttelton who was for many years the chair of I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue on Radio 4. What makes me reminisce was last Friday night ‘NEWS QUIZ’ (which under Sandy Tocksfig was the worst on record and then she left), and I had not listened to it since- until last night. And low and behold it was worse, despite a new chair (can’t remember his name) – the same BBC ‘in’ jokes the attacking Trump, Boris and Cameron – as if we have not heard it all before. I guess its the same formula each week. Buts its not funny, just rather sad that the BBC student audience think its funny – each week, the same crude jokes and innuendos. I won’t be listening again, where’s the grown ups?
Yes, News Quiz is really stunning in its blatant bias. Every week it starts with a long leftist rant. Its not even attempting to be funny. And we are forced to pay for this vitriolic propaganda!
Whenever I have the misfortune to hear it the main thought that occurs to me is why isn’t the supposedly Conservative Govt., with charter renewal in the in-tray, doing anything to restructure or rightsize the BBC?
One world order probably.
I stopped watching Have I Got News For You a while before the last general election for similar reasons.
Humph was unique. Jack Dee has turned out to be probably as good a replacement as the BBC would allow and had the sense not to try and mimic Humph. Imagine if the God-awful Stephen Fry, a national treasure apparently, had got the job. I have heard it said that Fry is what a stupid person thinks a clever person sounds like. Unfortunately, the terminally unfunny Susan Calman (she has a husband you know) has infiltrated ISIHAC and has removed far more comedy from the show than her 25% presence would suggest.
For lovers of real comedy, there are many CD versions of old ISIHAC shows available. A comparison with most modern BBC comedy is a depressing exercise. Marcus Brigstock, don’t make me laugh.
So we have ex-security chiefs stating that we would be worse off if we left the EU.
Security and Intelligence is NOT an EU competence.
The UK has an intelligence sharing agreement with the US, which no other country has. Its the EU that will suffer if the EU tried to disrupt intelligence sharing. However, the EU has no power to do so, as all European countries rely on the global intelligence gathering of the USA and UK . This includes Israeli intelligence ability. Israel cooperates with the US, as it has no alternative.
The heads of MI5 and MI6 are civil servants who do as they are told. They serve their political masters, whether it is to sex up a dodgy dossier, or stay in the EU. Isn’t it odd that the retired head of MI5, on the other hand, thinks we would be better off out. Amazing the freedom of thought that arrives with the pension.
Exactly. And they do what the CIA and US Int desires.
The US does not have much faith in some European countries. With Britain it is a different matter, as the INT agencies of both were melded through two world wars.
And the US would share intel with the UK because of the long partnership but would they share with an EU which included Turkey?
I’ve seen quite a few folk here in the past comparing aspects of life in modern Britain to Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, so it really does come as QUITE a surprise that someone hasn’t mentioned Airstrip One yet.
The US shares INT with many partners on a selective basis to suit its own ends. Have a read about the Five Eyes Int Alliance to see where the US places its real trust.
Steve Jones is correct. The Five Eyes principle, which goes back to the fight against Nazi Germany, is still the core of intelligence cooperation. No one would share so much as a horse racing tip with some of the clowns on the Continent – and for reasons that were all too apparent in recent events.
I agree with you and my post wasn’t meant as criticism. Given some of the characters who are working their way into western governments and institutions the dangerous moles are probably much closer to home. Justin Trudeau is one name that springs to mind.
Turkey did its best to prevent the deployment of US Third army in Gulf War I.
Curious that they don’t tell us about the obvious security threat of Norway, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the US, Japan and Singapore not being in the EU.
What they aren’t saying is that it is perfectly possible for two countries to cooperate whether or not they are inside the EU. If they really can’t see that (which I doubt), they should never have been given their jobs.
When you read that piece by Mardell it makes you wonder whether the BBC sees its job as reporting news or making it. And ‘Casual racism’ is a mantra very much favoured by the Left – what a giveaway (as if we needed it).
As for Webb, his piece in the Mail bears all the traits of BBC broadcasting – no balance and a deliberate withholding of inconvenient facts i.e. about Clinton.
Re Phillip_2 above.
Little known fact-Sandi Toksvig is loathed in Weymouth after comments she made twenty or so years ago.
Hope we`ll have a convention meeting in Weymouth to cite the fact that we went there, specifically to reward them for banning the useless bint…could double it with a weekend at Tolpuddle if you lot fancy it…
If I start off now, on my bike-see you mid-July.
God Bless the good town of Weymouth-any chance we could get a chain of towns where Lefty BBC spohges aren`t welcome?