Sadiq Khan is ‘Looking forward to being a mayor of the great city of London’….His priority he says, as that Muslim Mayor of London, will be to take on the Islamist extremists. He staged his coronation in the Christian Southwark Cathedral….the BBC interpets that as a show of unity and tolerance…you could also interpret it as a display of Muslim dominance … ala Hagia Sofia or Temple Mount.
The BBC thinks that asking questions about Khan’s promise to tackle extremism in light of his close associations with said extremists is racist.
The BBC is uncritically peddling Labour’s, and the Emir of London’s, narrative…..Labour was caught being anti-Semitic so now they try to paint the Tories as Islamophobic…and the BBC is there to put the smear in for them.
Just one suggested topic for the open thread…I’m sure there are many, many more….the floor is yours…..
Really? Sadiq Khan is the new London Mayor? You would think a world class media organisation like the BBC might have covered this momentous event in some detail. All I could find was a mere 14 stories about the same story…..
Elections: Labour’s Sadiq Khan elected London mayor
Sadiq Kahn is London’s first Muslim Mayor
My name is Sadiq Khan and I’m the Mayor
London mayor: The Sadiq Khan story
Profile: Sadiq Khan
Sadiq Khan: Deeply Humbled by Victory
Kahn heads to first day in office
London Mayoral election: How Sadiq Khan won
Sadiq Khan Sworn in as new London Mayor
Team Khan – who could be joining Sadiq Khan in City hall?
Sadiq Khan elected Mayor: Global figures react on Twitter
What’s next for Londons New Mayor
Newshour: Sadiq Khan begins term as new London Mayor
Elections: Labour’s Sadiq Khan promises a ‘better’ London
All very balanced and impartial I’m sure.
Perhaps they are just ensuring they stay free from Muslim terror attacks! I wonder if the new mayor’s appointment has taken the heat off the capital and where the next ‘outrage’ may occur instead.
Observing events from afar, it seemed to me Ukip getting seven seats was a candidate for the top story of the campaign. Or perhaps the unexpected setback for the SNP as the Scots regain their sanity? But I confess, while, like everyone else, I knew what the result would be in the London Mayoralty contest I was totally surprised by the BBC and related media going orgasmic about it.
This is the only thing that matters apparently! I got it wrong. I was thinking Britain! Not Wonderland!
I’m so not sorry I can’t be there to celebrate. O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
And I won’t be chortling in my joy.
An article from someone who really knows, not the Leftoid smearers or Al Beeb …
“It is as racist to ask these questions, and to have this conversation, as it was when Londoners questioned the white, non-Muslim former Labour mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, about his links to Islamists, or when the press question the white, non-Muslim Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, and the maverick white politician George Galloway over their ties to extremists.
In other words it’s not racist at all, as Atma Singh—Labour’s own South-Asian Affairs advisor to a former mayor of London—points out. To imply that it is, and to hold Sadiq Khan to a lesser standard than his white colleagues merely because he is a brown Muslim, is the very bigotry of low expectations that fuels identity politics even further. Alongside the environment, extremism is one of the most pressing issues of our day. Of course it will come up in an election campaign.
And in deference to the seriousness of the subject, and the lives lost over it, what came up about Khan’s alleged links to extremists is pertinent. Those questions needed to be asked. I cannot emphasize enough that I write as a liberal, who voted for a Liberal Democrat in this race, and not as a conservative. ”
Hat tip to link from Guido.
Now he is in power we will undoubtedly see him rewarding his cronies with plum jobs and making sure he greases the right palms for his next campaign. The politics of London will closely resemble those of the sub continent with corruption running rife. Of course the mighty , fearless BBC , will keep it all quiet because they believe it would be racist to point out the levels of corruption which will now engulf the capital. Instead we will have to rely on Guido and Breitbart to tell us the truth about how dirty Kahn’s mayorality becomes.
Thats all fine. And many Muslims will go along with it for now. However, when Muslims are a majority, we wont have those principles anymore. It will be sharia all the way, or else.
Frankly, I don’t see any real hope for Western civilisation to survive past 50 years or so in the future, unless we have a civil war and win. The victor simply does what victors do in civil wars.
It’s difficult to imagine how I could agree more with this NCBBC. And you don’t have to wait until the population of the UK as whole is arithmetically a Muslim majority (though the disparity in birth rates between Muslim and non-Muslim groups means that that is ultimately inevitable even without immigration). The proportion of Muslims in many cities affords this community a lot of democratic influence already and whilst non-Muslims will tend to vote according to a range of political and idealogical motivations, it’s fair to assume that Muslim candidates will far more effectively influence their own closed communities and so attract a far higher proportion of ‘their’ vote. These communities are also much more disciplined in terms of group action. None of the voter apathy and laissez-faire attitudes that exist in the wider population.
Tightly integrated into the ideology of Islam and set out explicitly in the Qur’an is the commandment to dominate, displace, convert and overthrow non-Muslim faiths. The nation state and democracy means nothing to a Muslim other than a mechanism to achieve influence. Once that influence is achieved it’s a one way street and a progressive tightening of the noose around the metaphorical necks of the infidel.
We are complicit in standing by whilst this happens, slowly witnessing our own destruction. It is truly depressing.
100% agree, very well put. Apathy is definitely a major problem in the UK & especially amongst those who have been fed on a diet of complacency, and yielding to the calculated stream of rubbish TV and elitist controlled information via the Media-BBC.
soyelcaminodelfuturo wrote and a progressive tightening of the noose around the metaphorical necks of the infidel.
Too well put. I can almost feel the noose. Its not a good feeling. So who is going to be our Churchill. Or dol we have to be in slavery till we have our Moses.
I just don’t understand how stupid our politicians can be. not to see the catastrophe we are heading towards.
I take it you are being ironic …We all knew the Beeb would be “orgasmic ” as you put it. Champagne bottles lining the corridors of the BBC headquarters?Oops perhaps not ,very unislamic.
Fits in with the beebs diversity quotas, though don’t expect those very well paid taxpayer funded jobs a la Lord Hall to open up to diversity any time soon.
Cue David Cameron speech , couldn’t be a better result for the country ,Zac ?who he ? blah blah blah blah.
The BBC Khans at least will be so proud.
Since the 80s Britain has been sleepwalking into the Islamification of society with a relentless ratcheting of the grip of Islamists free to nurture their craft. UK centric Islamism has progressively evolved through a combination of apathy, lack of awareness, lack of understanding, a misplaced, post-colonial sense that Britain is somehow not like other places, appeasement, desire for Saudi investment, white man’s guilt, political correctness, weakness, naivety, uncontrolled immigration, socialist dogma, a disconnect in the security services focused on a northern Irish terrorist threat and a determination to gaze enthusiastically at the ceiling.
What a depressing picture. London truly is a multicultural haven for Wahhabi terror promotors in their various offices, the ones with the domed roofs. Thankfully at last we have a London mayor who truly understands the nature of the threat. Someone with the knowledge, experience and cultural understanding of Islamic extremists – and let’s not forget, the connections too. In Sadiq Khan London finally has a fox able to reach out into the depths of the hen-house and genuinely make a tangible difference.
The reality is that he will do it with the explicit backing of the establishment. He’ll do it with impunity, under the guise of tackling inequality and racism head on. We will be presented with a veneer of positive action being taken to finally address the issues of radicalism through the establishment of strategic working groups and similar quango bullshit moves, bringing more Muslims into positions of influence in the state apparatus. And all the while he will be lauded by Al Beeb for doing it. Happy fcuking days.
The BAFTAs, oh dear. What a lefty lovey fest that was. If ever there was ammunition needed for clipping the BBC’s wings, they obliged in droves. An orgy of back-slapping and incestuous self-promotion.
Eastenders wins again – is that the most depressing show on TV? No wonder they have all those help line numbers available in case, or because it’s likely, one just feels a tad suicidal after watching it.
Is the British Academy a sub-division of the BBC? It seems like it. Lenny Henry was a predictable as the theme music for Wimbledon – same sh1t, different year. He’s like a stuck record and still confusing diversity with talent and ability.
Lenny Henry’s journey from amusing comedian on Tiswas and Three Of A Kind to professional race hustler is a depressing parable of our times.
At least the lead in the BBC biopic of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson is a no brainer, with Sir Len of course playing all roles like Alec Guniness in Kind Hearts and Coronets.
It’s a disgrace that neither of the Two Ronnies received a knighthood.
Henry always was a third rater. He appears to have been drifting around looking for something to do for the last few years, attracting ridiculous praise for relatively little. Probably couldn’t bake a cake either.
I believe Ronnie Corbett had been nominated for a knighthood but was unaware of it. Certainly if they can be awarded posthumously they should be in this case.
I didnt watch the BAFTAs but see on the Beeb website for their piece on the awards they use a pic of Bake Off’s Mary Berry and this year’s winner Nadiya picking up a gong. I believe Bake Off has been nominated for the last five years.
Has any previous Bake Off winner gone to the BAFTA’s?
Over on the Spectator I came across some posts referring to the term “Khanate” which was used to define certain Muslim ruled territories in Central Asia.
According to wiki the “Khanate of Khiva” lasted until 1920 when it was Sovietised.
“Khanate of Londonistan” has a certain exotic ring about it.
Let’s just hope that Sovietisation isn’t the force that ends it!
And the new Mayor is the Devil Inkhanate.
Just after 7 this morning, Miss Shouty on Toady interviewing a learned medical professor regarding weekend hospital working. He says the figures on which Hunt based his extra deaths case were flawed, but you would need to be very wide awake to hear the little piece in mitigation that this was in part due to the mis-recording of admissions, not manipulation of figures. Miss Shouty loved this, of course.
Next up, about 7.10 some fellow-travelling Beeboib Lord telling us that 80% of views/listeners love Al Beeb and don’t want it changed. No mention there that this was based on one of the most biased Al Beeb polls since Soviet dictators regularly won 110% of the popular vote!
If the weekend death figures are untrue, as the doctors would have us believe, why don’t they reduce the number of doctors during the week to the same levels as the weekend. Big money saving opportunity there.
At least now they are going to talk again about the new contract, which is not about the money, and they will discuss the sticking point, Saturday pay rates.
Well that is what Jeremy Hunt wants to do to a point, spread them out a bit so every day is the same.
Its not so simple though because they ARE also stretched in the week, they do need more doctors.
this is what happens when you have uncontrolled population growth due to open borders!
Monday, 9th May 2016, 08.00. Is it me, fellow travellers on this forum, is it me? (Heavy sigh with head in hands)
More bias on BBC4’s ‘Silk Road’ programme last night with Dr Sam Willis. He mentioned how Islam preserved Graeco-Roman culture during the dark ages and then gave it back to the west via its conquest of most of Europe. Apparently the term ‘Renaissance’ (or rebirth) to describe the rediscovery of Graeco-Roman culture in the west is wrong, because it wasn’t ‘ours’ to rediscover – it belonged to Islam! It’s like me losing my wallet and a few years later somebody hands it back to me after keeping it, and then tells me it was never ‘mine’ because he’s just given it to me!
“It’s like me losing my wallet…”
Not quite. More like having your wallet nicked in a brutal mugging and then being handed it back by the mugger when you finally emerge from hospital.
And the luvvies et al want to preserve , nay expand, this purveyor of tripe.
Didn’t see it, but presumably Dr Sam omitted to discuss why Islam did not use the Graeco-Roman culture to develop as the West then did. Why has Islam been stuck in the Middle Ages? Or is it the Dark Ages?
Oh, must be on next week’s program!
Probably the fault of white imperialism or Crusaders or Israel or something.
The BBC reaction to Cameron pointing out that Sadiq Khan had shared a platform with IS supporter Suliman Gani NINE times was a master class in spin. In the blink of an eye a fatally damning story of Khan’s strong links to a fan of the Paris mass-murder became yet another revelation of unacceptable Islamophobia.
The hypocrisy of the BBC is truly staggering. If Zac had ever shared a platform with a BNP honcho the weeping and wailing from Beeb journos would have been like a re-run of KIm Il Jungs funeral. Good piece on that bias at:
Donald Trump says that he will make an exception for Khan, if he wishes to visit the USA. Good on several points
1, He is still very much on board on stopping Muslim entry to the USA.
2. He is smart enough to make exceptions to the rule.
#1. It will send a signal to the Western world, that it is OK to stop the immigration of people who are doctrinally obliged to destroy Western civilisation – first by force when possible, and by any other way if not. Islam tried force for 1200 years but did not succeed. So its Hijra.
What a dam cheek to hold his coronation, (so called), in a Christian Cathederal. Should never have been tolerated. By virtue of being a practising follower of the teachings of Islam, he is by definition an extremist, what else can such a person be called? No such thing as a Moderate Muslim, if that’s what he is trying to show, Islam would not allow such a deviation from its teachings. Like many thousands in this nation, are all appalled that a Muslim has gained the seat of London Mayor, however as is claimed that over 1.5 Muslims live in London its not surprising the vote went his way- undemocratic I hear the goodies shout if no Muslim would be allowed to stand for such a post-our democracy is now a joke-to have any chance of not being totally subjugated & enslaved into the jaws of what will become a communist state, (hence Merkel’s future design for the EU) Britain must leave the EU.
Now here is a coincidence, or is it just a sign of things to come.
The Lords Prayer is banned from our cinemas yet Ramadan is advertised on buses in our cities London and Leicester on the day after Sadiq Khan (a man of Leicester) is made Mayor of London.
It’s racist against the Christian race. And before anyone tells me that Christianity is not a race, it is as much a race as Islam.
Allah is the one God for the heathens; the Christian God is a trinity. The bus message is offensive, but then Christian leaders are so far up Allah’s arse in the Interfaith appeasing clubs they would not know.
GWF, Demon
Quite right, it is a case religious discrimination but what I found interesting about this was the fact that the opponents to the Lords Prayer being advertised in the cinemas were the white liberals in society. The muslim groups showed no objection and were on the whole supportive of the idea.
The white liberals were fearful of people taking offence. I am white and non religious but I wouldn’t have been bothered about this 30 second advert in the cinema.
Similar cases of this pertain to a nurse not allowed to wear a Christian cross for reasons of hygiene and Health and Safety yet a Muslim nurse is allowed to wear a hijab which would have a greater chance of contamination.
Religious discrimination needs greater scrutiny.
> Now here is a coincidence, or is it just a sign of things to come.
I’m going to say “coincidence”. Mainly because I’m not a paranoid conspiracy theorist.
> The Lords Prayer is banned from our cinemas
Well, the private commercial organisation that compiles adverts for display in the country’s three largest chains has a long-standing policy to refuse any religious and political advertising. The completely different organisation which accepts advertising for display on buses does not.
But hey. Why not compare two completely different things and suggest that there’s some sort of conspiracy afoot? It will keep the halfwits amused until the next opportunity they have to blame everybody else for their social inadequacies, at the very least.
Hello, Jerrod. Got an answer for me yet? Are you going to be an equal opportunities poster with your insults/slanderings and call Trevor Phillips an ‘obsessed little bigot’ and a ‘prejudiced little worm’ for what he said about Islam?
P.S. Been waiting for your answer for over 3 weeks now….
I think you’ve been no platformed.
Hello Jerrod,
I don’t want to divert you from your theological reflections, but I have an additional matter to raise.
Did you discover whether Lemon Drizzle cake is toxic to Royal Corgis?
There are racists everywhere and some are saying that the cake from the Bake off winner might harm our Royal canines.
Do comment please.
Wasting your time, he gets a little stirring down below when he thinks he can post some oh so clever retorts in a confrontational way using his ‘superior’ moral standing.
However he will never confront such questions as you have posed, or his take on BBC bias, he’s just another one of those pathetic SJW’s.
Thank you, as ever, for telling me what I think, Geoff.
Bear in mind that you’re the supposed towering intellect that thinks that something must be immoral if you’re unable to explain it to your kids. And thinks the BBC is committing fraud by not broadcasting the Strictly results show live.
Poor, stupid Geoff. If your wife and kids weren’t the fictional creations of a man too lonely and stupid to socialise with real people, I’d feel sorry for them.
And I should respect parenting and marriage guidance advice from someone who will probably never marry a woman or father a kid without a turkey baster ?
And you have the audacity to call me stupid?
One further thing, the BBC is fraudulent with the Strictly Sunday show because they have NEVER admitted that it is a recorded show, fraudulent by omission…
> the BBC is fraudulent with the Strictly Sunday show because they have NEVER admitted that it is a recorded show
Not true in the slightest. Geoff, the liar, as usual.
2008, via
Best find a dictionary and look up “never”, Geoff. You’ll find it somewhere between “lying” and “twat”.
Once again, Geoff, you assume the rest of the world is as ignorant and stupid as you are. Thankfully, we’re not. Now trundle off to your fictional wife and admit to her that, even though you make her up to pretend you’re not a dysfunctional male with no connection to reality, she’s still more intelligent than you’ll ever be.
Not sure whether you post to get a reaction or not.
You can surmise, even fantasise all you want about me and mine, when in reality your manic posts reveal that you’re knowingly really the sad jealous fooker with absolutely no connection to real world reality and full of faux bollocks intelligence. The ‘real’ world is not the one you inhabit, try a move to Syria.
Seeing as you’re so candid tonight, do you think the BBC is biased, or are you going to avoid the question like the insufferable little prick you are?
So you’re going to try and change the subject because you haven’t got the balls to admit you’re wrong.
Poor, poor Geoff. Poor, stupid, lying Geoff.
More crucially, were pants on fire?
Maybe Chris Bryant could be brought in to comment?
8hrs sleep is the recommended amount. Any less and it shows.
johhnythefish: if you want to be responded to like an adult, have you ever considered acting like one? Or are you just going to continue to behave like a stupid six year old who’s been dropped on his head so many times he thinks blaming North Carolina’s bathroom laws on Muslims isn’t a completely fucking lunatic idea?
Thankyou for your myopic viewpoint Jerrod as usual another post attacking the man and not the argument……
Bless. Of course, attacking the man is OK when it’s a right wing moron doing the attacking, is it? Or are you just inexcusably detained every single time that your brain dead colleagues go on their usual attacks?
Biased BBC: you don’t have to be a moronic, hypocritical shitbag to post here, but you’ll stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not…
Is that all you have Jerrod??? Here fill out the form…….

Aw, diddums. So it’s okay to play the man, and not the argument, when you do it? What a pathetic excuse for a stupid hypocrite you are…
To Jerrod ….

Poor Justin – how terrible it must be, to be reduced to have to proving one’s own hypocrisy by means of somebody else’s graphics.
Lazy, stupid and hypocritical in one convenient package. David Vance will keep you around: he loves an idiot who’s so dense it makes him look like the clever one in the room.
I think you may have spelt “a” correctly by mistake.
Jerrod …… you may posses everything in the off-line world. We don’t care. You come to the Internet penniless, lacking the only thing of real value here: knowledge.
There’s a lot of sore thumbs in here – and then there’s you Jerrod.
Jerrod has thumbs …. just not opposable ones…..
“It is well, when judging a friend, to remember that he is judging you with the same godlike and superior impartiality.”
Jerrod, you seem very busy, but have you not had time to consider my request for information about the Lemon Drizzle cake?
I have another question for you. As you infer we at BBBC are a bunch of racists and bigots who are throw backs to the days when skin colour was not supposed to matter. Of course in your brave new diverse world it is all that matters. So please tell me if your BBC contacts can confirm whether people of black colour – eg. Diane Abbott – are actually enhanced or blacked up a little more for BBC TV appearances? It does seem that Diane Abbott is paler in reality to her appearance on TV. Please help Jerrod, as I know how important skin colour is in your multiculty world.
Muslim Police Chief Says ‘Offending Culture, Religion And Tradition’ Not Protected As Free Speech
Chief Inspector Umer Khan made the statement on social media this weekend, and was immediately questioned by alarmed free speech campaigners.
What he really wants is that Islam is not criticised. He is doing in this in a roundabout fashion, but that is the intent.
He is also proud of Islam? What for? For the rapes of tens of thousands of young girls in Britain. For the extermination of Christianity the ME? What exactly is he proud of in Islam? And if so, why isn’t he living in an Islamic country?
> “…why isn’t he living in an Islamic country?”
He is.
Sadly I can absolutely see precisely this kind of thought control being introduced across every public sector department in London now. Shutting down rationale debate in the name of preventing the offence of causing offence, which isn’t an actual offence defined by the judiciary. But it won’t be quietly slipped in under the radar. With the assumed mandate of a comfortable majority behind him the mayor’s office will trumpet his office’s victory for multiculturalism from the rooftops.
Why doesn’t someone in authority or in the MSM have the guts to say: “People’s thoughts and comments on culture and religion, including yours, are none of your bloody business.”
That is how it used to be and I resent the fact that we are expected to change to accommodate people like him.
Here he is again (pretty sure it’s him):
Race row cop loses job battle
Cop checked files on killer brother
I find it extremely disturbing that, if I lived in Manchester, someone like that could have power over me.
Re Hyperlinks: you have to answer 3 quick questions to get the full newspaper articles.
The media insist on reporting ‘allahu ackbar’ as God is great. I’m no more an Islamic scholar than I am a TV licence holder but I believe the correct translation is – ‘allah is greater/greatest’ – and nothing to do with the generic ‘God’ which other religions use (as allah is the god of islam). So, again, it’s a supremacy thing.
You’ve been misinformed. The correct translation of “allahu ackbar” is:
“What I’m about to do has nothing to do with Islam.”
Cameron says so.
Dave warns of a bellum omnium contra omnes should we leave the EU.
Whensoever we should leave the EU is consequent to a time of war, where every man is the enemy of every man…there is no place for industry; because the fruit thereof is uncertain: and consequently no culture of the earth; no navigation, nor use of the commodities that may be imported by sea; no commodious building; no instruments of moving, and removing, such things as require much force; no knowledge of the face of the earth; no account of time; no arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. ( Apologies to Thomas Hobbes, Lev.143)
I am beginning to think that Cameron is clinically insane. Next he will be warning of WW3. I don’t suppose he has read Hobbes. Even if he tried he would not understand it. Cameron is a buffoon and a moron, but dangerous in his gutless way .
Obama to visit Hiroshima, White House say there will be no apology for the bombing.
But will the BBC take the view that it was wrong, more evidence of the evils of capitalist America?
Watch carefully.
I have thought hard and long over this. I was taught as a young student by one of the scientists responsible and have greater knowledge of the thinking that took place than any of the BBC snots who will be pontificating about this.
What was the purpose of the BBC’s reporting of Cameron’s gaffe?
Were they trying to create a diplomatic incident? Where they trying to destroy his ‘corruption conference’? Do they think corruption is a good thing?
I struggle to see the difference between ‘hacking’ private ‘phone messages and eavesdropping on conversations, but then I guess it depends on who is doing it, Evil Murdoch or Sainted Aunt. I have the feeling that after the first report they backed off a bit – they wanted to say that Cameron had accused the Heads’ of State rather than the countries that they represented – then it became a subtle move by Cameron to get some publicity for his campaign. Too late BBC, you’ve already shown that you occupy the gutter, wiping the grime off your face by spitting on the back of your hand still leaves you a street urchin.
Totally unconnected: Local authorities usually update the electoral roll in the autumn, mine has just sent out reminders re. the referendum but didn’t show the same concern over the elections the previous week. Is this a dictat from Fear Central or just a local initiative?
I suppose you could argue that Brown’s Gillian Duffy gaffe was reported (at least I think the BBC reported it).
Not sure it’s such a big deal anyway. Presumably Nigeria and Afghanistan are there for a reason.
I’m more concerned about what the BBC (and others) fail to report, rather than what they do.
I think it is the chattering classes default response – I dont think they can help themselves. We also had headline news at six that the queen said something to a police officer about the Chinese trade delegation -it wasnt even all that interesting. I dont think they care that much about about international relations to them its just gossip or mischief making.
They even did it to their own man Brown at a general election a couple of years ago when he referred to an elector as that “bigoted woman” So not a lot of thought given to consequences then either!
or how about `Views Shite`???
Scot is back as Jerrod…bless. I claim my 5 Euro.
Yes I caught that Bless
With the Eurovision Song Contest soon to be on our screens (not mine). I wonder if Cameron’s EU negotiations included us to actually win it this year to boost the Remain poll ratings.
I had exactly the same perverse thought and for that reason I’ve got a tenner e/w on the UK @ 70/1…
I presume when he says that he will take on muslim extremists….he means finding them a role in ruling London?