Jeremy Paxman had some negative things to say about the EU in an article in the Radio Times…he has been forced to withdraw it in light of the BBC’s determination to remain absolutely neutral in the EU referendum debate, no, really.
Never mind that Nick Robinson recruited Churchill for the Remain campaign and was allowed to falsely claim that Churchill was the father of the EU or that we have been relentlessly drip fed pro-EU material by the BBC. Do they really think an article by Paxo in the Radio Times will swing the vote? They obviously have little faith in their own arguments.
Jeremy Paxman WITHDRAWS article critical of European Union from next issue of Radio Times ‘after pressure from BBC’
Jeremy Paxman has withdrawn an article criticising the EU from the next issue of the Radio Times under pressure from the BBC, it has been claimed.
It is understood the outspoken journalist and presenter’s views raised concerns with broadcast bosses ahead of a documentary set to air later this month.
He will appear on Paxman in Brussels on May 19, described by the BBC as ‘an impartial look at the fundamentals of what actually goes on between the UK and the EU’.
Although the article is not thought to have called for Britain to leave Brussels, the organisation fears his words will damage his neutrality, according to The Sunday Times.
The paper claims the article sees the former Newsnight presenter ‘express doubts’ about the EU, its procedures and the loss of British sovereignty, and that the 65-year-old was ‘unhappy’ with proposed changes to his work asked for by a senior BBC executive.
The BBC said….
‘Our coverage of the EU referendum is fair and balanced so that across the campaign period audiences are given clear and impartial information about both sides of the argument.’
But that’s just not true…from very inaccurate reports of what Cameron ‘achieved’ in his negotiations with the EU to highly misleading reports on trade and tariffs in coutnires such as Norway, Canada and Switzerland…and we are constantly treated to little snippets of pro-EU comment casually slipped into the mix…such as Brexit being risky for the economy…but no similar comments at all about the risk of staying inside the EU.
That went well for the BBC high command then.
You know, the one that doesn’t interfere with editorial.
Remember ‘ if the referendum goes wrong ‘ said to Norman Tebbit , by Nick Robinson .
The irony Is all of these attempts to control a remain narrative are backfiring because their duplicity is leaking out in sound bites.Most people get their news from sound bites not reading articles in the RT or Guardian.