Here’s a new Open Thread to start the week. And the BBC Today programme on Radio 4 starts the week with a leftwing vengeance. In just 45 minutes we had the following political memes;
- The evil John Wittingdale is out to destroy the BBC. An excitable speech by Peter Kominsky at the BAFTA TV awards is hyped up by the luvvies to suggest apocalypse now for our “National Treasure” which is “the envy of the world” apparently. I was on BBC5 Live discussing this last night and at least told them to stop whingeing.
- There is no “weekend effect” in our NHS Hospitals. Researchers from Oxford University have “proven” that its as safe to die in the NHS than during the week. I am sure the Junior Doctors will enjoy this “research”
- There will be war across Europe should the UK leave the EU.
- It’s time to crack down on tax havens controlled by Britain.
This is sustained unrelenting left wing pro EU propaganda masquerading as public service broadcasting. As I said last night, IF the BBC is as wonderful and popular and loved as it claims to be, let it stand aside from the £3.5 annual tax extortion and compete freely. It won’t because it is too scared.
Cameron came across as desperate before, with this he just looks plain silly. The comments have nailed him.
Yes, the comments seem the Jaw Jaw that Churchill suggested was preferable to the War War Messrs Cameron and Blair indulged in so ineptly.
I thought about voting to leave and the sky fell on my head. BBc stating peace in Europe “over the past few years”. And there was me thinking generally since 1945.
Surely the Remainers are now well into the realms of the ridiculous. Only a few months ago Cameron and Osborne were assuring us that if the deal wasn’t right they would head up the leave campaign. They managed to get virtually nothing in the deal but they are telling us that if we Leave there will be terrible economic consequences and we run the risk of war. From where have these revelations suddenly come to them from? They must think that we are the most stupid electorate in the world if they think we won’t treat their bogus threats with anything other than disdain. I am sure that the ever more ludicrous claims by the Remainers are driving thousands of those who are undecided to vote Leave.
I posted a very similar comment in the daily mail. It didn’t appear of course.
If BREXIT was going to lead to the collapse of civilization as we know it, you would think there would be greater interest in, say, the German media. Of the various current affairrs programmes on ZDF/ARD only Presseklub last Sunday has discussed BREXIT. On the panel of journalists was an Independent correspondent and the London correspondent of a German newspaper who thought BBC Radio 4’s Today programme had a BREXIT bias!!!!!! because “Nigel Farage was on all the time”
Even with this level of EU fervour the participants seemed rather well disposed to the BREXIt position. “If the Brits walk out, we would be left alone with the Club Med countries, what a catastrophe!”. “At least the British have an open democracy, it’s a bit of a slanging match, but at least everyone knows where they stand. EU is governement by backroom deal.” The rise of AfD, UKIP, FN etc. means that the hacks in Germany are having to take anti-EU sentiments more seriously. The gloss has definitely come off the “European Project”. Merkel’s Madness and the emiseration of Southern Europe are very hard to explain away The whole project was essentially folly. The Great Visionaries of the Project thought they would build the walls and roof, the Euro, Schengen, EU parliament, etc. of the European House and its foundations would magically appear, a demos and a functioning state.
Cameron’s comments are so unhinged he just looks an idiot.
Let’s remind ourselves of the conflicts the EU has averted
The Yugoslav civil war
Armenia–Azerbaijan conflict
Russian incursion in Georgia
Russian invasion of Eastern Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea
I didn’t think I could despise anyone as much as Bliar but it turns out that in Camoron I actually can.
If Britain staying in the EU was really that important, you might have thought his fellow EU leaders would have given Cameron a decent deal, instead of treating him like something you find on the sole of your shoe.
Bringing in our war dead as part of his tawdry political campaign is just beneath contempt. Like most of us, I have relatives who lie in those beautifully tended war cemetaries. How dare David Cameron use their sacrifice to advance his cheap brand of politics? The man is an utter swine.
The trouble is that he is either totally ignorant of History or lying! We have been attacked by almost every Country in Europe, three times by France and twice by Germany, only Belgium and Switzerland have stayed away from the party. And we have had to bail all of them out at a huge cost in lives and money. Let’s see, what School did Camerloon attend….Eton, part time? I do hope he is not on any Awards Board.
DWBuxton: ‘totally ignorant of History’
Very early in his premiership, on a trip to the US, Mr Cameron described Britain as being the ‘junior partner’ in 1940, in the allied fight against the Axis powers. This was diplomatically suave, no doubt, but it was also both historically illiterate (Pearl Harbor was attacked on 7 December 1941) and politically contemptible.
The peoples of many allied nations fought in places far from home. Australians served in North Africa, for example, and West African troops fought the Japanese in south-east Asia. But only one country can be meaningfully said to have fought throughout the war, in all theatres, from 1 September 1939 to 2 September 1945. And it wasn’t Cameron’s imagined senior partner.
I don’t expect all Prime Ministers to have double starred firsts in history. But a basic grasp of the country’s history, and of how we’ve reached the present day in geopolitical and diplomatic terms, is always welcome. (The same might also be applied, of course, to the BBC.)
Perhaps he was just using the modern leftie version of ‘history’, taught in state-schools, in which nothing happened between slavery and the holocaust.
And when they cover the Nazis they don’t do the interesting bits about Hitler.
The BBC R4 WatO played a clip of Cameron’s speech about Churchill trying to keep France fighting and getting help from the Americans. My recollection is that it was the other way around. Churchill warned in the US about the danger of a coming conflict during his visits there in the 1930s. (I seem to recall there was a measure of support for Hitler in the US, partly due to growing opposition to Communism from turn of the century, but also possibly because of large number of German immigrants to be kept placated.) Then, after the fall of France, Churchill provided refuge for Charles de Gaulle and the means and encouragement for de Gaulle to mobilise resistance in France.
It is a long time since I partially read Churchill’s history of WW2, so can anyone help me out on that? Just tried a search of The Churchill Society & via Google also ended up on the BBCs History web-site. Neither provided quick answers.
Has Cameron’s speech writer got things around the wrong way?
I just heard that in June the Met Office will state that if we leave the EU the Sun will no longer shine on the UK and that we will be left in permanent darkness, crops will subsequently die, the population will starve and pestilence will rule. But to be seen as unbiased, due to the mortality rate of 1 in every 5 person dying of pestilence there will be less pressure on housing and school places.
Perhaps Allah will come to our aid ……………
People living in Manchester have no concept of “the Sun” other than as a newspaper, so will no be perturbed by this at all!
Asad Ahmed presenting BBC London news headlines his bulletin with an item gleaned from Twitter – frankly if we wanted to know what was trending on Twitter then we would be on Twitter, we wouldn’t be tuning into a BBC broadcast. Anyway apparently there has been a “racist” reaction to the new London Mayor. The news here seems to be that Islam has become a race. Now if our somewhat adenoidal Asad (I hope the poor chap doesn’t have a cold developing there) had said ‘Islamopho… (whatever)’ then that would perhaps be a more appropriate use of words. Afterall isn’t this Twitter storm about concerns or fears of a muslim Mayor – possibly based on the outcome of the election of the last London muslim mayor Lutfur Rahman of Tower Hamlets ? A quick run down of his Wiki bio headings makes the point:
1 Earlier life
2 Councillor and council leader
3 Tower Hamlets Borough Mayoral elections
4 Tower Hamlets First
5 Channel 4 Dispatches documentary
6 Allegations of financial irregularities in electioneering
7 Vanity office spending
8 Attempted disposal of Henry Moore sculpture
9 Association with criminals
10 Panorama documentary
11 Fall from office
The BBC World Service is broadcasting an emotional and sympathetic report from the Southern Turkish town of Kilis which has been under rocket attack from Syria. Both reporter and local residents are highly agitated.
Perhaps the BBC should dispatch Mishal Husain to impress on those there that it is a matter of little consequence. After all Google News provides newspaper headlines such as “Cross border attack leaves one dead”. (Mishal has previously called out the Zionist Entity for making a fuss over hundreds of rockets launched from Gaza, causing few deaths, perhaps because of air raid precautions by the alarmist Zionists)
Breaking News email just arrived:
BBC reporter detained in North Korea
BBC correspondent Rupert Wingfield-Hayes detained in North Korea and to be expelled from country over reporting
For more details, see the BBC News website
Well that just broke the irony meter.
In the UK the trusted and transparent national media monopoly expedites folk in a similar fashion, also for asking questions the ruling cadre doesn’t like and can’t answer.
Meanwhile, in Israel, Australia, etc, BBC Editorial of Integrity is indulged by hosts who actually practice what the BBC breaches.
….practice what the BBC breaches.
The BBC breaches as much as it preaches.
Rupert Wingfield-Hayes detained in North Korea
Pity they didn’t shove him in a cell and throw the key away. Actually, if they knew he was a slick anti-Israel propagandist, like virtually all BBC political reporters, they would have welcomed him with open arms and given him a job in their state media.
Expelled from North Korea? Don’t they have a Teresa May there to prevent expulsion of undesirables?
Right! And ‘human rights’ lawyers to defend him and BBC lookalike media to push his case far and wide until he gets a home and benefits for life for himself and his family.
Not only did these idiots get themselves arrested and deported but by (as I saw on news 24) trying to question their minders, on camera, about the dear leader, they may have caused the minders and their families death or long imprisonment by their BBC “the worlds a theme park” type of reportage from a totalitarian state.
Incompetent fools, playing at journalism.
I wonder if it’s possible to launch an appeal against the bbc reporter’s deportation on the ground that it breaches our human rights; we don’t want them back?
Perhaps Roger Harrabin could report from North Korea on that country’s approach to global warming.
I learned about the myth of the weekend effect, with further irony, over the weekend, in a room at a Premier Inn. The ironies just pile up, don’t they, Lenny?
Only it was via Sky, as the opportunity of live TV news was tempting, and the Bbc version is not really worth the soiling oneself with.
They had on a Junior Doctor spokeswoman who was very easy on the eye, and indeed was as thrilled with the new ‘research’ as Lord Hall Hall is about polls he commissions.
However, try as the black hostess and white male house eunuch might, her responses to near all questions was she didn’t know as she was not on the BMA executive so ask them. Rather raising the question on why she was invited on in the first place.
The Paper Review was equally intriguing. A black lady writer who confessed to having been indulged with a five week spa retreat to lose weight redeemed herself somewhat by pointing out that vast sums spent in policing personal behaviour in controlled conditions can quickly be undone when released and returning to zero personal discipline.
However the clearly artistic Sun sports editor was well up for swallowing a sausage filled with water, as was the house eunuch.
This latter also had no opinion on In or Out, but proceeded to make the case for In..
A bright future as a BBC independent expert awaits.
And I returned home to a tv with no live BBC and, of course, to stay legal, a long dormant disconnected Sky dish on the wall. By choice
Media awards ceremonies should be assiduously avoided – masturbation is not a happy spectator sport – so imagine my dismay whilst watching the BBC News Channel last night when news anchor Maxine Croxall (her of the superlatively flattering mug shot) breathlessly breaks into the news with the snippet that ‘the BBC has two awards so far…’ and gets back on track with the exclamation ‘Really good news, there’.
This morning lanky lightweight Dan Walker (more Malborough College than Marlboro Man) and Loulou wrinkle your nose and tip the wink Minchin inform us that the BBC swept the board or somesuch and some luvvie used the occasion to bum up his paymaster – the BBC
I’m reminded of an old episode of Just a Minute with Kenneth Williams. (Whatever went wrong with Radio 4?) The subject was ‘blowing your own trumpet’ . He began with the caution that it was an inappropriate personal trait but then in a classic shift in vocal tone of which he was the true master he excitedly declared ‘Personally, I like doin’ it!’
Its what the BBC DESERVE for continually Kissing the Tories Asses for the past 6 years+
Seems a common sentiment on there. No examples, of course.
Why the Tories will NEVER end the licence fee, and NEVER make the BBC stand on its own two feet:
A £2 Billion deficit in the pension scheme which would have to be picked up by the government should the BBC move to subscription.
I think the readers on this board all realise that under Cameron, the only real interest the Tories have is personal enrichment, and the preservation of their family wealth. Any increase in government spending for what ever reason will be strongly resisted.
They can do what they like with the licence fee
One thing us certain……I will NEVER pay one penny to the scumbag bbc
Me neither but I am fearful that they’ll adopt the German method of funding state propaganda by putting a charge on Council Tax so we have to pay whether we like it out not. I think that normal sane people know the sodding bbc should be either sold off or closed down but we’re not ruled by normal sane people.
I agree with the view that Today has this morning plumbed new depths of bias. The running order was entirely anti-government other than Cameron’s preposterous speech about Brexit starting a European war.
Meanwhile at 8.45 the sanctimonious Yvette Saintly Cooper is given an unchallenged interview on letting in Muslim “children” who are already in Europe. A good poke in the eye for the nasty Tories.
So Mrs Balls is taking in 101 now?
Hope they arrived off the Dalmatian Coast.
May take a while as she still seems stuck on the first.
Sure the BBC brought that up.
At 8.50 the final insult to balanced coverage is Nick Robinson’s bullying attempt to wreck his interview with Penny Mordaunt of Leave. Constant interruptions and sneering contempt for her views. She stood her ground well and had the guts to openly disagree with Cameron without the fawning accompanying comment that many give, about how wonderful a PM he is.
I agree with all of the previous comments about this morning’s Today programme, but you are right that Nick Robinson’s interview with Penny Mordant was an all time low. The better the point she started to make, the faster he cut in to talk over her. It was vile and unmannerly. But ultimately it showed up Nick Robinson as a low grade bully. If you can’t beat them, talk over them.
Baftas and BBc win lots of awards for what is at best a load of rubbish. Doing a bit of baking & Z list celebs “dance” around a bit. Morning sloths are heavily pushing the Komisnsky defence of keeping the BBc and Channel 4 as they are. If they shut the BBc down tomorrow I wouldn’t miss them for a second.
Yes, you and I wouldn’t miss it, but the luvies would miss the huge salaries, fees, expenses, etc.. Such self-interested claptrap should be called out. But obviously the BBC isn’t going to do that!
I have just watched Herr Cameron’s speech on Sky News. The only thing he is missing is his handlebar moustache as he invokes memories of war in Europe, Spitfires, Merlin engines etc etc. The only person of ethnic minority in the woodpile is that the tyrant of Europe still exists, only this time he is not known as AH he is call EU.
If this was meant to be a rousing speech the only thing I have in my mind is of a lame duck Conservative Prime Minister who has, of late, made more u-turns than a broken satnav. Why would anyone believe him? He has no credentials.
Bring out the Boris at 11 AM.
Cameron is lying to his own people. I am ashamed that this shallow individual is our Prime Minister. The nearest thing that our region has to Hitler today is Erdogan of Turkey. A racist Islamist militarising warmonger who is set on undermining Europe. Yes the bungling EU led by Fuhrer Merkel pays him 3 billion euros a year in blackmail money and allows 75 million Turks to enter Europe. Security? Reducing risk of war? Forget it!
Didn’t a wise man say that if you pay Danegeld, you never get rid of the Dane? Seems it works with Turks too.
Listening to Cameron he really doesn’t have a handle on his history.
It was precisely because nations were united that the first world war happened. Treaty after treaty meant nations came to others aid.
It was almost exclusively the whole of Europe against Germany whose only allies were Austria/Hungary Bulgaria, and Turkey (ottoman at the time).
If it hadn’t been for the close alliances then WW1 might not have developed into the bloodbath it later became.
In WWII the same happened again with the whole of Europe against Germany.
Perhaps Camerons speech should have specifically named German aggression as the catalyst for past European conflicts, unless of course he was going back pre last century when Napoleonic France was the threat, or maybe he was thinking back to the Elizabethans and believes a second Spanish Armada is on the cards !
Missed out the ad for a BBC programme discussing European Identity…..”What do you think of when hear the word `European`?”.
It seems the correct answer is that it is “unity and diversity” that has formed “European identity”.
As David Vance mentioned at the top of the page he was on Nolan R5Live last night
and spoke about the extraordinary outburst by Peter Kominsky at the BAFTA TV awards
16:40 Steve Hewitt makes a good logical points : The BBC bods in PR hype mode are talking about extreme scenarios which aren’t going to happen e.g. The idea that the gov will order the BBC about Saturday schedules. So he said Peter Kosminsky’s being over the top at the BAFTA was part of that PR. However the gov had played a trick by dictating the budget cuts first then making the reorganisation plans the second phase. (The might explain the aggressive BBC PR tricks now)
24:30 Phil Harding -versus- David Vance ……… Vance asked Nolan what’s the BBC output percentage in terms of all media ..Nolan responded by just ending the interview ( 31:00 )
The Bishop’s plea to his free market opponent in this BBC funding debate not to ‘bite the hand that feeds’ was surely textbook irony of the very highest order?
That raving Bishop is a complete Guardian reader, isn’t he ? Literally taking over and shouting over everyone else, then saying 10 mins later “I can’t get a word in edgeways” when actually he was just staying silent deliberately cos the caller-in was putting a viewpoint he agreed with.
Thank you! I was annoyed the way I was cut off at the end. Harding talked crap,
An example of Phil Harding talking crap on last night’s Nolan:
“It’s the public’s BBC, not the government’s or Whittingdale’s”.
No. It is not the public’s BBC, if indeed it ever was. The BBC is its own BBC. A self-perpetuating echo-chamber where only right-thinking people are accorded credibility. Well done David Vance for again battling it out within the walls of The Corporation.
I am livid with this traitorous turncoat Cameron, eagerly supported by the BBC cos it furthers their aims. How dare he blackmail us with this stance, and is it my memory or have the BBC changed the title from ‘Brexit could cause war in Europe’, to ‘Brexit could endanger peace’?
On a different matter – why is the death of an Australian producer headline radio news? I am getting pretty fed up with Radio 2, but Radio 4 not an option from what I read on here!
Just wait… week it will be the threat if alien invasion being rolled out
Oh wait…..alien invasion……hasnt that happened already?
I don’t think they’ll wait a week! At the moment if feels like a daily bashing into submission – I think that is the plan of Remain. I have always voted Conservative, and to my shame voted this bastard in again. I am disgusted with him and will think seriously about voting for them – their only hope for getting my vote is Boris. I vote UKIP for locals, but could be persuaded for nationals.
Apart from hard core remainers,i think this nonsense threat stuff is doing them absolutely no favours… fact i believe the opposite is true
And personally,i know NOBODY who is a remainiac……everyone i have asked is brexit
Well I am glad to hear that, but I do know some remainers. Some who are not so passionate about ‘politics’, who are scared of change, who are sitting on the fence and can’t be bothered to rock the boat. Sad when it is so important.
An even better reason to vote leave
This is the monster in the wings if we seal our fate by voting remain
Yes I have met remainers and they don’t know why but they just feel they should stay.One even said he is ambivalent and wouldn’t mind if we left but will still vote stay. My hope is enough people who are ambivalent wont bother to vote. If I mention sovereignty they look at me as if I am mad.
My own family and friends all intend to vote leave.
Ooops Sir Mark Rylance’s speech at the BAFTAs exposes the snobbery of the glitterati, he waxes long on the splendid popular culture of the nation. But apparently an essential aspect of that is that it should be enjoyed “without having to watch commercials”.
Luvvies taking Sky &ITV’s shilling are really slumming it aren’t they?
Yeah, you’ll struggle to find a bigger set of hypocrites than gilt-edged, pampered, self-indulgent media and entertainment luvvies. How many awards ceremonies do these f*ckwits give themselves every year? They seem to be interminable, both here and across the pond. They really like to reward themselves for their ‘hard work’ don’t they? And that’s all these award ceremonies ever are, isn’t it? A massive circle-jerk amongst like-minded regressive morons who think their ability to get in front of a camera wearing a clown outfit or (in the case of the p*sspoor media) deliver regressive propaganda to the nation as if it were even remotely morally or intellectually defensible, somehow entitles them to lecture and harangue the ordinary public incessantly. Amazingly, they get given prizes for such public displays of absolute idiocy.
Mind you, DiCaprio deserved an Oscar for best comedy for when he last got up in front the UN to inform a grateful Assembly of his latest scientific findings on something he calls ‘climate change’. What a fantastic performance!
I noticed that Hugh Bonneville was there last night. It must have given him a real buzz.
Apparently Hugh is light Years ahead of other actors, in his new play at the Chichester Theatre, its all about freedom of information or some such guff.
The BBC is the envy of the World according to the luvvies who get paid by it/us.
As has been stated often on this very site, that being the case they would have no problem getting subscriptions, hand over fist, but they go deaf when anyone mentions charging a subscription fee and actually giving people a choice, they just start blustering on about not wanting advertising, and ignore the point that if the beeb is as good as they say it is, they wouldn’t need to rely on advertising revenue.
I love asking BBC advocates if they think it is fair to criminalise people, a large proportion of whom are single Mothers, over the TV licence, no one has ever given me a straight answer to justify that, because they can’t justify it.
There is no finer sport than seeing ‘liberals’ twisting themselves in knots, as they try to justify an unjust tax.
Just an aside to your accurate comments, linking ‘Sir’ to snobbery.
I once attended a Buckingham Palace investiture. The number of high level gongs (CBE and above) for the public sector to people for doing their jobs outweighed the private sector by about 6 to 1, a figure which seems to recur checking subsequent honours lists.
Anyway at the investiture there was a procession of the usual jobsworths winning honours for turning up for work. Then, suddenly, a man won an award ‘for services to the meat industry’. There was an audible titter of condescending laughter. A butcher. A butcher ! Winning an honour! Gosh! How quaint!
No, you snobby, condescending tosspots! Someone in the private sector being rewarded for building a successful business out of his own efforts. Like ITV or Sky. Not some luvvies winning awards and wealth out of a £5bn bBBC goody bag paid for, irrespective of ability to pay, by the plebs.
Just an aside to your accurate comments, linking ‘Sir’ to snobbery.
I once attended a Buckingham Palace investiture. The number of high level gongs (CBE and above) for the public sector to people for doing their jobs outweighed the private sector by about 6 to 1, a figure which seems to recur checking subsequent honours lists.
Anyway at the investiture there was a procession of the usual jobsworths winning honours for turning up for work. Then, suddenly, a man won an award ‘for services to the meat industry’. There was an audible titter of condescending laughter. A butcher. A butcher ! Winning an honour! Gosh! How quaint!
No, you snobby, condescending tosspots! Someone in the private sector being rewarded for building a successful business out of his own efforts. Like ITV or Sky. Not some luvvies winning awards and wealth out of a £5bn bBBC goody bag paid for, irrespective of ability to pay, by the plebs.
I hear Graham Norton managed to shoe horn an anti Trump joke in to the BAFTA proceedings.
How very beeb of him.
Smear, what smear? The Jew was defeated.
For the record, because it comes up, often. Zac (Zec in the poster) is not Jewish. Not by Jewish law (non Jewish mother); not by conversion; not by education; not by self-identification; not by practise. He isn’t a proforma member of any Jewish community. He seems to be genuinely pro Israel perhaps because his sister Jemima Goldsmith (formerly Mrs. Imran Khan) is anti. That doesn’t make him Jewish. It only proves he isn’t a fool.
BTW anyone know what the bottom line means?
Point well made deegee. But as Orwell commented ‘Ignorance is strength’. Jews are hated, Jews are the cause of all problems, say the left and these savages. The terrible fact about our present time is that the truth does not matter.
The BBC can confirm this.
The bottom line on that banner says “lead by PML (N)” which is the Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz), I`m not sure if the “Nawaz” refers to Nawaz Sharifs name or the term “helper of the poor”.
Nawaz Sharif is the current PM in Pakistan.
I would guess the names are of candidates or local party leaders in Multan City.
If you google the term PML(N) there are several news stories and a facebook page for the PML (N).
No I think you’re wrong embolden,
The bottom line on that banner says “Pakistanis can be as racist as they like and there’s nothing you can do about it because the media is controlled by tree-hugging, Guardian reading, left-wing idiots at the BBC.”
I thought it said “Get 10% off your next Balti and a free dose of the shits”.
Posted this last night but it definitely needs to be repeated, as its now lost from the front of the BBC news web site.
Great news for the BBC. Trump is going to increase the US minimum wage with “an increase of some magnitude”. Moreover, he is going to increase taxes on the rich: “For the wealthy I think frankly it is going to go up and, you know what, it really should go up”.
So the BBC must be cock a hoop. Just what they want from the Labour party never mind the stupid, evil Republicans. Ring the bells, haul out the champagne, this will be the main news on the triumphant BBC!
Erm no.
Buried deep in world news: “US election: Trump in apparent reverse on taxes for rich” is as excited as the BBC can get. And, any reference to Trump saying the minimum wage going up with ‘some magnitude’? Well, there is a begrudging mention I suppose, ‘He also apparently reversed his position on the minimum wage.’
I’m sure if Hillary Clinton farted in the face of an octogenarian priest whilst simultaneously slapping a disabled child with a machete she would get more positive news on the BBC than Trump will for anything he does or says.
Does anyone wake up early from time to time wondering why the hell a European country would welcome the mass influx of people belonging to a foul, crackpot cult which was nothing remotely positive to offer?
Why would anyone with half a brain want to turn the clock back several hundred years? It’s not like there’s a shortage of Muslim counties already.
I can’t get my head around why so many people seem to be in favour, including many who wouldn’t normally welcome any increase in religious observance. I think packages of Saudi cash are being handed out, masses of it. There’s no other explanation.
It’s like some weird dream but the reality is going to end very badly indeed.
People should hang for what they’ve done.
Couldn’t agree more. I have some middle aged relatives who say quite openly that they couldn’t care less if we have a Muslim PM. They see Muslims are being more or less like us. I try to tell them that this ain’t so and that those who follow Islam are highly combustible and put their religion, with all its barbaric and odious practises ,before anything else. But they just won’t have it and insist that there is nothing to fear from having more and more Muslims in this country . They seem not to be worried about the likelihood that in their children’s lifetime there will be a Muslim majority in the UK. Then I realise that old buffers like me can’t compete with the 24/7 propaganda , distortions and lies that the BBC pumps out.
Frightening, isn’t it. They’ve fallen for the propaganda churned out daily by the likes of the BBC that our beliefs and history are to be condemned; that alien views and beliefs are of higher value than ours and must not be criticised. Therefore we should not to defend our way of life and our history.
It is naïve at best, but many people do think this way, because trouble has not come their way yet. Their complacency is a danger to the rest of us.
Cameron has said that he looks forward to the day that the UK has its first muslim PM. With London getting its first muslim mayor that day has just got closer, as there is a likelihood that Khan may end up as leader of the labour party.
Guess they could not avoid a mention, but who the BBC ‘analyses’ this further may be interesting in light of us all being safer with no restrictions on borders ‘n all… apparently.
At least we are in no danger of war.
Love the way the BBC web site reports this …
‘Some witnesses said he shouted “Allahu akbar” (“God is great” in Arabic) but the motive for the attack is unclear.’
Unclear to whom?
‘after attacks on European capitals and travel strikes put customers off from flying’
So how is that economic and security thing working out again, Angela?
I do wonder if in history any other nation has invited in those who despise it and want to crush it.
Worse, that those people who detest us and our way of life have full access to housing, schools, hospitals and dentists. They stand in the same places in the queues as the rest of us.
Be interesting to see what historians make of it in years to come.
I suspect the future historians for the UK will say: and the kaffirs were finally overwhelmed and driven out in 2035, freeing the country of our wondrous Islam.
The Trojans?
Possibly, except the Trojans arrived hidden in a gift of a wooden horse.
In this case we opened the gates, gave them our homes, health care and education knowing full well that many, though not all, want Islam to rule the world.
Apart from BBC producers and Guardian writers everyone can see their aims as they don’t hide them.
The migrants for the most part just want a better life and who can blame them? The problem is that those who despise Britain and want to crush it are the ‘natives’, not the incomers. The enemy is within, in the form of cultural self-hatred and post-imperialistic guilt. Add to this the globalists who couldn’t care less who comes into the country as long as they get their dividends and can escape to their island paradises if required.
Er, I suspect myself and a few others in this Country would love to have a ‘better’ life in Australia, California, New Zealand etc etc, but its funny how we have to jump through so many legal hoops and years of waiting in order to fulfil that dream, and then have the possible outcome of being rejected. Do we position ourselves on that country’s border with running battles with authorities and live in self imposed squalor ? of course not, so why do the rest of the uncivilised world think they can lay siege to our Country ?
deleted dupilcate
Native Globalists both the greedy and guilt ridden brainwashed, but also descendants of earlier immigrants, with a ‘victim’ mentality.
“I do wonder if in history any other nation has invited in those who despise it and want to crush it.”
One interpretation of Gildas and Bede is that the Britons invited in the Angles and the Saxons. Aerfen and taffman can tell you how that turned out.
I delayed posting this, in the off chance that there was a saboteur in the BBC ranks.
Israel tank fire kills Gaza woman, medics say
BBCWatch demolishes the post for the multiple ‘Israel says’ for claims that are easily checkable, such as Hamas building cross border tunnels.
Here’s where the sabotage comes in. The BBC is quite aware of the tunnels. Even reported one recently. Perhaps aware of the suggestion in the headline that Israel goes around murdering women for no apparent reason he or she provided the link on the Mid East homepage (see screengrab) at least for a few hours before it disappearsed. Was this a slip or is there some anonymous BBC subeditor wanting to actually inform?

The last-first reporting is far too typical of the BBC but it does raise questions.
• Who was the anonymous other man ignored in the headline?
•What were they doing when they died?
•What was the target or was the unnamed ‘man’ the target?
There is a surplus of ‘Israel says’ which raises more questions.
•Is there any doubt the Palestinians were firing mortars?
•Is there any doubt Israel discovered yet another attack tunnel?
•Why didn’t the BBC check it out? Isn’t that what real journalists do?
You could point out that the death of the woman was also only an unchecked report although the Reuters photograph seems to confirm it. So what would have been wrong with Israel and Gaza exchange fire. Two casualties claimed. as a headline?

The ordinary blanket not a flag covering the body suggests she wasn’t Hamas but what about the other guy?
That’s Corbyn in white – beard and hair subtly dyed to give the authentic Arab look.
Thanks for the chuckle, johnnythefish. No doubt Corbyn would love to be there with his “friends.”
deegee, yes, I’ve noticed that the BBC does a lot of the ‘Israel says’ reporting, rather than doing some actual journalism and finding out the facts. You can almost hear the BBC sneer in those two words.
I listen tothe BBC less nd less these days – especially R4 – as every time I switch on some lefty agenda item is being promoted with the usual heavy splash of BBC’s own special brand of bias and panel of proxy opinion-formers.
So I’m guessing, given their track record, that someone, somewhere will already have made the link between the Alberta wildfire and ‘climate change’.
Thank God for the internet:
In 1971, more than half of Alberta’s boreal forest was deemed to be young, with about a third immature, five per cent mature and a small portion deemed “overmature”.
By 2011, that had changed to less than 10 per cent young, about a quarter immature, more than 40 per cent mature, and more than 20 per cent overmature.
“Before major wildfire suppression programs, boreal forests historically burned on an average cycle ranging from 50 to 200 years as a result of lightning and human-caused wildfires,” the panel found in a report released in 2012.
“Wildfire suppression has significantly reduced the area burned in Alberta’s boreal forest. However, due to reduced wildfire activity, forests of Alberta are ageing, which ultimately changes ecosystems and is beginning to increase the risk of large and potentially costly catastrophic wildfires.”
The panel reported that Alberta can expect more such dire situations due to humans living closer to the forest, and the aging of the Alberta forest….
Of course, the Fort McMurray fire is big news simply because so many people now live there, as a result of the oil sands revolution there. Only a few years ago, the place was no more than a small village.
Good news is that on the Sunday the fire didn’t spread..It didn’t grow like they thought it would…fingers crossed.
(numerous sources checked)
It’s being reported that it isn’t as bad has had been feared (and reported). As dramatic as it was most of the city was not affected – 90%.
Media hype got out of control again it seems.
Who’d a thunk it?
Lucky it wasn’t in a theatre.
I suppose you might have predicted it. The forest fires in Canada are adding to climate change according to some scientist on the Today programme this Monday morning. Apparently they are becoming more frequent (what was their frequency 1,000 years ago or even 10,000 years ago?). They are melting the permanent frost apparently so are having a major effect on climate change as well as all that carbon pouring into the atmosphere. As far as I am aware and can stand being corrected has anybody actually proved that carbon dioxide in the air CAUSES climate change?
Svante Arrhenius demonstrated the Greenhouse Effect in 1896.
We’ve moved on since 1896 Marvin.
Have you not heard of climate models – you know, the ones that have been proved hopelessly wrong?
Do you read scientific papers or do you stick with conspiracy theories on crank websites?
Click to access ar4-wg1-chapter8.pdf
Back with a bang. Sorely missed.
‘Conspiracy theories’.
Any luck with those models yet?
Have you read the paper yet? I’m looking forward to you refuting its contents.
What has your ‘paper’ got to do with my post on the wildfires in Alberta? Why are you unable to support the BBC’s argument that they’re due to ‘climate change’? This website is about BBC bias – how have you managed to miss that basic point?
But no, I haven’t read your paper as I’m sure it will be supporting the hypothesis upon which all those failed climate models are based and which the BBC peddles relentlessly, day in day out, throughout its programming spectrum (in line with its 28gate commitment).
Science it ain’t.
It is difficult not to wonder whether a parallel with modern climatology will arise. Like the economy, the climate is a deeply complex system that defies simple representation. Giant computer modelling systems have been developed to try and simulate its dynamics, but their reliability as forecasting tools is proving to be very weak.
Click to access Forecasting-3.pdf
Dr. Trenberth’s article was filled with extraordinary quotes, including:
” …none of the climate states in the models correspond even remotely to the current observed climate.
In particular, the state of the oceans, sea ice, and soil moisture has no relationship to the observed state at any recent time in any of the IPCC models.
Moreover, the starting climate state in several of the models may depart significantly from the real climate owing to model errors.”
In fact, the IPCC stated in their 2001 Third Assessment Report, under the heading of Balancing the need for finer scales and the need for ensembles:
“In sum, a strategy must recognise what is possible. In climate research and modelling, we should recognise that we are dealing with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore that the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.”
Just to add to my post above, the graphs show that the temperatures are not unprecedented and the total area burned by fires in Alberta has not increased over the last 40-odd years.
Funny how one independent researcher can unearth so much information without a £4 billion budget, whilst the world’s ‘most respected’, £4 billion poll tax-funded public broadcaster sits on its arse and lets eco-socialist alarmists spout their unscientific, unsubstantiated shite.
But then they’ve got their 28gate mates to keep happy.
The BBC is corrupt.
Will this be safe to watch or has the BBC found a way of subverting it?
How I long for a duffer in the BBC’s Swallows and Amazons
The picture looks OK:
The following extract is taken from a letter in the D/Mail today. Written by a 70 year old Muslim woman. The letter in its entirety makes for an interesting read…………
……”However liberal Mr Khan professes to be, he comes from a culture which would leave him no alternative but to obey the Muslim Council of Gt Britain and other Islamic factions. Is he prepared to fight for equal rights for gay people, for women to dress as they please and to marry whom they choose? I was born a Muslim and will always remain one, but people should not be afraid to voice concerns about Mr Khan having such a powerful position, particularly when Muslims are trying to gain more political footing in this country………….”
I wish B-BBC posters would recognise that you can’t consider Muslims as 1 group .
You must a least divide into #1 Practicing Muslims and #2 SECULAR Muslims
A lot of people in the world are like my friend who calls himself an ID-Card Muslim and drinks beer while laughing at politicians in his country who practice both Islam and Corruption.*
*(plenty of other religion politicians do that aswell)
There is no such thing as a “secular Muslim”.
By definition a Muslim is an adherent of Islam. Apostasy is punishable by death.
There are different sects within Islam but the mainstream majority are Sunnis.
Your “ID card Muslim” friend is fine provided he doesn`t come to the attention of a group or individual who sees it as their choice of jihad to correct the behaviour of Muslims in accordance with Sharia, and provided he keeps his forbidden, non Muslim behaviours well hidden if he ever goes on Haj.
In contrast Christians and Jews are not now subject to their respective religious law except by choice, or perhaps social and family convention.
Outside Islamic countries a born Muslim can be secular
You’re right right that in Islamic countries ..if your father is a Muslim, that makes you a Muslim ..period .. and there are some extraordinary measures.
We are all born Muslim, some of us just don’t know it.
That is why someone renouncing Christianity for Islam is said to ‘revert’.
The term “revert” stems from the Muslim belief that all people are born with a natural faith in God. According to Islam, children are born with an innate sense of submission to God, which is called the fitrah. Their parents may then raise them in a particular faith community, and they grow up to be Christians, Buddhists, etc.
The Prophet Muhammad once said: “No child is born except upon fitrah (i.e. as a Muslim). It is his parents who make him a Jew or a Christian or a polytheist” (Sahih Muslim).
Some people, then, see their embrace of Islam as a “return” back to this original, pure faith in our Creator.
Is there any such thing as a ‘non-binary’ Muslim, I wonder?
What is a “born Muslim”? There is no such thing….unless you believe in “fitrah” as quoted by JimS.
Islam is not a race. Islam didn’t exist for millennia before muhammed.
No one is “born Muslim”.
A “secular Muslim” is not a Muslim….there is no “secular” in Islam. The whole point of Islam is to re establish a religion, “cleansed” of compromises with the secular….focused entirely on muhammeds ” divine revelation” that is held to supersede all others and cannot be improved on.
Only 43.91% of Germans voted for the Nazis (extreme?) at their greatest strength and only about 10% became members of the party (practising?). Does it matter if the majority concede power and organisational leadership to the ‘practising’?
It is a very short step from ‘secular’ to Jihadi as the history of terrorism by British Muslims has shown.
Bias by omission on the One 0’Clock News today (R4). There was a report on an Italian project to identify migrants drowned at sea. Those involved wanted more help and money from other EU countries and said that they deserved to have similar cemeteries to the dead of the world wars. Well, that’s their view. But at no time did the reporter question this or raise the point that thousands of people, many of them innocent children, could have been saved if an Australian style policy of turn/intern on migrant boats was introduced. Instead it was just implied that this is some unstoppable tide that cannot, nay, should not, be controlled.
I’d be happy to pay for cemetries and memorials if they were placed at the ports of departure.
If Today, today was bad, Saturday wasn’t much better.
The bias in the handling of Khan’s election has been reported elsewhere, but it’s worth repeating how the interview (chat) with Khan’s Labour friends on Saturday was so noticeably different in its tone from the vicious hostility shown to Defence Secretary Fallon. Lammy and his Labour crony Tony Belton were given licence to get away with a master class of avoiding the question.
All of this followed an analysis by the BBC’s Ross Hawkins (he of the unusual and creative Leveson summaries) of the ‘Big picture of the overall results’ for Labour following, last week’s elections. Amazingly it was something that he managed to do WITHOUT ONCE mentioning Scotland. Quite a remarkable feat of reporting, even for him. He did though, in the five minutes allowed, manage to mention the Tories’ U- turn on academies (and tax credits and disability benefits…and refugees).
Then to hammer home the fact that things hadn’t been too bad for Labour after all, Today dispatched another of its controversial reporters, Matthew Price (of ‘by their tweets…’ fame), to Hastings to speak to the Labour leader of the council about Corbyn, as well as doing a vox pop with random member of the public. ALL of those the BBC chose to broadcast thought Jezza was the future and interestingly three times we heard that his difficulties were as a consequence of the media. Now call me suspicious, when one person says the media have got it in for someone I smile, but when three in the space of a few minutes say the same thing – I reckon that I’m being manipulated.
Putting aside other contibutions during the programme; the Ukrainan author and refugee, on to talk abut her latest book which features issues like social housing, disability benefits (again), the bedroom tax and offshore wealth management; the now obligatory ‘Thump-a-Trump’ piece and a lament for Scottish Labour from a sad sounding ‘Jim’ (that’ll be Labour’s Jim Naughtie, then!), the most startling piece was another interview about the progress and prospects for Corbyn, with James Schneider. James Schneider isn’t though a Labour spokesman, he is one of the leading lights in Momentum, the hard left ‘thuggish’ fringe organisation of which, according to the ‘Sun’, Schneider is ‘the enforcer’.
Having seen Khan (or Sadiq as Michel Hussain unguardedly called him) get away with rubbing shoulders with shady characters, the BBC have obviously been encouraged to invite the Marxists and Trots of Momentum to draw their chair up to the microphone. Troubling.
It is clear that since the election, the BBC – or more properly, the people that now infest the Corporation – are getting increasingly bold in their activism and their manipulative PR. It is biased, it is undemocratic, it is deeply depressing, but I am afraid that we will have to expect more of this.
Good post, 88.
The BBC makes no attempt to hide its bias any more, and simply treats with contempt anybody who doesn’t share its world view. Through its structure it is both poacher and gamekeeper and has a clever publicity/spin machine that maintains the myths about independence, impartiality and ‘quality’. We can only hope complacency and arrogance will prove its undoing.
#BBCWhitemansGuilt #Diversity .. Does <50% female headcount mean sexism ?
MediaShow had another long bit on BBC Race and sex targets
Now it’s set to 50/50 for women (both on and off air)
But something interesting has come up, bear with me :
We at BBBC know that equal opportunity is about treating people as individuals
NOT as the Liberal SJW’s do which is first classify the person by sex and race, cos that IS racist!
BBC More or Less explained about Simpson’s paradox : In practice that means that when you collect data and divide it by sex can make the institution look incredibly sexist. If it does, it will be championed and published of course.
BUT BUT In the end it turns out data collectors assumed that women and men had made the same kind of choices when they hadn’t . In their example the proportion of women choosing hard university classes was far higher than that’s why they were rejected more.
Back to the BBC : It is starting from the standpoint that less than 50% female headcount means sexism
But remember the BBC is full of engineers and women do not choose to become engineers so much.
The BBC could up female numbers by simply moving into businesses where their is a high female headcount eg if it bought an agency specialising in nursing and teachers of young children.
And voila the BBC has 60% female.
Or even trickier ..contract out all the engineering jobs, whilst at the same time bring cooking and cleaning jobs in house.
In part 2 I’ll show how the BBC may actually have played such a trick already
As I said all that matters is no discrimination against the individual and that is already covered by existing law.
Part 2 : Do you think the BBC is doing well in race targets ? Compared to other UK orgs.
But hang on the BBC has a whole set of divisions which are focused on overseas operations :
BBC World Service, World News, BBC World Wide Commercial. Of course they are chock full of ethnics, who else is going to speak the ethnic languages involved ? But the BBC see lumps all that race diversity into it’s overall headcount therefore making its main operations seem less white.
( Employ people for their skill not race/sex/religion but I think the BBC has overlooked that the age of non white races, of course they are not represented in careers yet , cos they are still largely at school)
Not just overseas operations. Through our TV-tax we fund the racist bBBC Asian Network ‘reflecting British Asian lifestyles’. That doesn’t seem to include Chinese and other Asians, though, and instead just panders to followers of the bBBC’s favourite religion.
Well actually is seems like a South Asian network covers Sikhs and Bollywood etc.
Though nowhere on its website does it say what its target audience is.
Isn’t Radio1-Extra – a code work for black radio ?
For bBBC read the Labour Party, they are one and the same. The Beeb is the propaganda arm of the Labour Party.
I heard from Fraser Nelson over the weekend that 4 times as many people read the bBBC website as read the whole of our national newspapers.
Labour used to chase the Jewish vote, now there are more Muslims they now chase the Muslim vote.
The Jewish vote is less important.
Just happened to be flicking through the channels the other night and came across BBC’s adaptation of Shakespeare (The Hollow Crown). I did not realize that the English Queen Margaret was black, even though I have lived in Stratford upon Avon most of my life. Last week a tribute to Shakespeare included a scene from Romeo and Juliet, and Romeo apparently was also black. I didn’t know that either. I must thank the BBC for enlightening me.
If we follow this to all throughlife situations, then what about pensioners? Women have a much higher average life expectancy so there will be more female pensioners than male.
How do we even that up? Does a certain number of female state-pensioners get put to sleep to even the numbers? Should they be paid smaller pensions to equal the payment to the sexes?
What about prisoners? There are lots more men in prison than women. Should a press-gang be sent around the streets to arrest random women and imprison them to ensure that the numbers incarcerated are equal?
The prison service/Ministry of Justice should be congratulated for exceeding the ‘BAME’ targets for prisoners.
15 minutes ago
On LBC this morning, Nick Ferrari had on someone from the sodding bbc trying to defend recent advert for employment with bbc but only non-whites need apply. The bbc man came across as one might expect; even throwing in the line ‘ I’m white and I don’t have a problem’ with what can only be seen as racial discrimination; he was arrogant, intolerant, inconsistent and full of unverifiable and irrelevant statistics to support his left-wing blather. How do these communists repeatedly get away with this kind of prejudice?
Just look at this website, little wonder there is outrage !!! If it was ‘whites only’ there would be umpteen bloody protest marches, Victoria Derbyshire debates and questions in parliament !
I wonder when this will hit the fan especially as the massive hypocrite Tony Lloyd is going on about how anti Semitism has no place in Manchester !
BBC R4 Mon-Fri w/c 9 May 2016, 1.45 to 2pm. A British History in weather. Anyone know if this was originally scheduled for this week? Do not recall hearing trails for it last week.
The BBC News website is quite a thing to behold – aside from what you might call ‘news’ we also get the feature:
“How a lesbian dating app attracted its first users” (is the BBC advertising here or just promoting, we wonder?)
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the world, the BBC bring us a feature on the ‘constant search for normality’.
Really, you ask? Yes, well, at a refugee camp in Greece (only ‘Syrians’ mentioned as refugees, mind you).
‘Despite the squalid conditions, the makeshift camp of Idomeni is witnessing something of a marriage phenomenon. In the past few days, a handful of couples have become engaged and the camp has become a wedding venue for the first time.’ Strictly old fashioned male-female relationships, I’m guessing.
‘The community even has a TV reporting team which regularly uploads videos to social networking sites.’ Seems the BBC are doing their bit to spread the word too.
“Life here is still tragic,” explained one woman from Damascus. “At least in Syria if you die, you die once. Here you die every day.” Setting aside the James Bond movie near references this is of course not strictly factual – but hey, the BBC is not here to bring us facts but to tell the refugees’ stories, right?
By the way, I was amused by the Radio 5 Nolan Show BBC licence fees discussion (as linked in above posts). The BBC trusty know as ‘Bishop’ expressed discomfort that people downloading BBC shows from i-player without a licence were benefiting without paying for the production of the shows. Now lets think for a moment about all the peoples of the world who benefit from BBC output without contributing.
“But life at Idomeni is also about survival and a constant search for normality”.
I thought everything that exists is now ‘normal’?
he BBC made a h9ige shindig when a Muslim boy Alan Kurdi, accidentally drowned in the Med sea. But did they show all these, who were deliberately slaughtered
There’s a beeboid (BBC4) ‘history’ programme on the Silk Road in 3 episodes. The perp is some ‘historian’ going by the name of Scam Willis. Here’s his website:
Now I reckon I have a pretty good idea of what you’re thinking, and of course you’re right.
To cut to the chase, last night I posted the following comment on his website. As nothing appeared immediately, I reposted it to get the message: “It looks as if you have already posted that that comment” or very similar. Right, so the comments are vetted first. I then immediately posted a short second comment. Same procedure. OK then, let’s wait. And …. nothing today, so far.
The comments speak for themselves. Here they are:
I’ve just been watching episode 2.
It seems you are at great pains to ‘big up’ the so-called achievements of islamic mathematics. Funny that no other religion ever gets treated in this fashion even though the greatest mathematicians were sons of Christian countries if not actually Christian themselves. Newton and Gauss were both. No one from the islamic world has ever come anywhere near their depth and volume of achievement.
At the same time you are at pains to belittle the Renaissance in which everything we had was apparently cribbed from the islamic world and falsely painted as ours, or words to that effect.
The word ‘algorithm’ may well have come from al khwarizmi but you gave the impression the notion was his too. Perhaps you’ve never heard of Euclid’s 2,300 year-old algorithm? Oh well.
You let that teacher’s claim (or was it from one of those nice children’s state-mandated, rote-learnt recitals) that al khwarizmi invented the decimal system—and exactly what was meant by that—go uncontested. Well, the Hindus might have something to say about that.
Algebra is an interesting one. I notice in your eulogy you omitted to mention that the islamics did it all in words, yet all the while the camera was rolling over some rather basic algebraic expressions on the kiddies’ whiteboard all written in Western-invented notation, no doubt for more state-mandated rote consumption. Anyone not knowing better might get the impression that the islamics invented the neat notation too, a notation which enabled the rapid development of algebra and mathematics in general in the West. Hmmm.
As for the islamics’ actual algebraic achievements, silence. Islamic apologists are always light on detail and you’re no exception. But then of necessity it’s always silence on that score except possibly to hype some solution to one (merely) particular equation or another — nothing of any general applicability. Now, Euclid solved the quadratic equation (albeit geometrically and as far as possible without recourse to complex numbers which had to wait another 1800 years or so to be discovered by mathematicians in 16th century, Christian Italy) and then all went quiet for, again, 1800 years when those same Italians finally solved the cubic. The islamics had about 800 years to do it yet didn’t, whereas the Christian, Renaissance Italians had about 200 and did and Christian achievements exploded in both depth and volume ever after. You missed that out.
The same goes for science.
It’s seems to me you have an agenda. But then it is an al beeb production so we know exactly what that is.
How you can put your name to such blatant propagandising and outright distortion of history, all the while keeping straight face, is ……..
I’ll leave you to fill in the blank there. That’s the way it’s done in your business isn’t it? Be creative! That’s history! You lot have been at it ever since Herodotus.
Above posted but not yet vetted. So I submitted the following too:
Haha! ‘Moderated’ comments. I should have guessed.
John Archer
Is that you from EU Referendum a while back ?
Mathematics has a long history of development in Greece, China, India and Mesopotamia.
To be fair, the Arabs did introduce the decimal number system and the concept of zero to Europe. But both these inventions were the product of Hindu mathematicians. The Arabs were the messengers rather then the originators of the message.
The one mathematician that the Arabs claim as their own is Al-Khwarizmi. But even in the field of Algebra, the Greeks and Hindus, several centuries prior to Al-Khwarizmi, were more advanced then he. For instance Al-Khwarizmi solved quadratics but these were developed by the Hindu mathematicians who gave general solutions rather then particular ones. Given the trade routes of the time, it is conceivable that Al-Khwarizmi got most of what he wrote from India. It is also conjectured that Al-Khwarizmi travelled to India to study Maths. Quite possible. In any case. The Greeks invented algebra, and more importantly, the way one does mathematics.
Given the primitive times, it is unlikely we will ever know the exact truth, but I find the Arab /muslim mentality of stealing other people’s ideas and claiming it as their own, very distasteful, though it seems to go with the general nature of Arab tribal society, where brigandage is considered a honourable profession. It is unfortunate that such a trait persists even to the modern era.
It is very difficult to really secure a factual history of ancient Mathematics. So much of it was tied to philosophy, music or even meditation. But if one had to mark one event, then it has to be Pythagoras’s theorem. In this one theorem, one moves from rhetoric to proof. As G.H.Hardy, one of 20th centuries greatest mathematicians put it, “All mathematics is but a footnote to Pythagoras”.
But sticking to what is germane to this thread, it is a fact that invention, and particularly invention in abstract thought, arises only in settled societies. This is plainly obvious, as a nomadic herder society, just does not have the resource or the time to sustain an individual’s indulgence in abstract thought. OTH, a settled society does and encourages individuals in this mode of activity. Thus all the great inventions of mankind arise only from settled societies and none from the nomadic tribal ones. Arabs who mere the first muslims, were right until the nineteenth century, essentially tribal nomadic societies. One sees this even now in wealthy Saudi Arabia, as rich Saudis play/pretend being nomads. Have Saudis, given all the wealth and as a consequence, free time that they have, invented anything of significance in the last few decades?
What is so disheartening is that by constant repetition of a lie, even Westerners have been duped into thinking of Arabs/muslims being the progenitors of a civilisation. The Arab muslims were conquerors of civilisations because they had Islam as a politico-religious ideology, which was ideally suited for warfare i.e. unity of an idea that they were destined to win, clear lines of command from allah down, and a divinely ordained distribution of booty coming to you, in case you fell in combat, even in paradise. Having conquered though, it was not long before the civilisation they conquered, died from atrophy, neglect and the inability to think freely in an Islamic society.
Even if we concede mathematics and science to the Muslims it all stopped with the Mongol Invasions in 1258. Even if it was borrowed, stolen, produced by Christians and Jews before then, nothing remains today.
I have heard two explanations for the almost total lack of science experiment in the Muslim world today. One is that. as is Muslim belief, Mohammed was the perfect man and example in all things and everyone who followed progressively less and all knowledge is contained in the Quran. There is no need for improvements and nothing more to be learned. Indeed, if something is discovered that contradicts what is written in the Qoran or practised by Mohammed it must be heresy.
The second is that traditional Muslim education is all rote learning. Children don’t learn analysis, problem solving or debate that is required to develop a scientific mindset.
Both explanations boil down to Islams culturally deep suspicion of “innovation”, combined with the dismissal of pre Islamic history.
They are building a similar system of obedience and belief by terror in North Korea, will this I wonder end up as a new religion like the muslim one?
Churchill ascribes degradation of Muslim countries to fatalism. “Insha allah” is the common thought of Muslims.
Excellent post NCBBC. Thank you.
I did teacher training a few years ago, and the training in university was very focussed on PC by all the lecturers. One in particular, would mention Islam positively in every lecture (NB this was a secondary science course, not history etc). The other students all nodded approvingly at each utterance (mostly they were far younger than me and only recent graduates themselves).
I remember, in particular, this lecturer eulogising at some length about the great scientific and cultural achievements of Islam. Even though I doubted this was true, I did not challenge him as I was not certain of my facts and I almost certainly would have failed the course if I had !
We cannot have teachers not following the proper line of thought can we?
I m in no doubt what you say is true Manchesterlad. Judging by the disgraceful statements I often hear from supposed ‘intelligent’ lecturers, there needs to be a closer examination as to their ability to communicate and how they support their views through evidence, based entirely on facts. Lecturers should, I feel, be part assessed by the very students they lecture to. Dismissals should follow for poor performers.
Some of the questions that should be asked to answer on questions of balance and bias,ability to engage and enthuse, trust, fairness, access and assistance.
Too many lecturers do too few hours but moan and bleat claiming the opposite. A bit like secondary school teachers, – not primary though (they really do put in the hours).
Lecturers should, I feel, be part assessed by the very students they lecture to. Dismissals should follow for poor performers.
But who assesses the assessors? The assessors of the assessors will turn out to be Lefty infiltrators, and we will arrive at a much worse situation then we now have.
Thanks .
The Arabs were nomadic. One cannot invent a civilisation if one is nomadic, for the simple reason that there never is anytime to think anything but mere survival. One can also not carry anything that is useless, like books or equipment for investigating nature, as the tribe follows the herd.
This rule is almost universal. One just have to look at Laplanders, and other nomadic tribes, even now.
And while we are speaking of Mathematics
Sweden: Let’s Do The Math: Is There A Financial Benefit from Islamic Immigration?
What Arab Civilization?
This letter was sent to Carly Fiorina, CEO of Hewlett Packard Corporation, in response to a speech given by her on September 26, 2001.
It is worth noting that the writer is Peter BetBasoo, with his link
That is Ninevah, the highly civilised ancient city, where Jonah (the man who was swallowed by a fish), was sent. ISIS, the purest form of Islam, destroyed the tombs of Jonah, as well as much of Ninevah. Exactly what Peter BetBasoo says what Islam does. .
Excellent piece – should be compulsory material for ‘Religious Studies’ in the UK.
The BBC made a huge shindig when a Muslim boy, Alan Kurdi, accidentally drowned in the Med sea. But did they show all these, who were deliberately slaughtered
Is the Muslim mayor of London going to apologise for the rapes of tens of thousands of young girls by Pakistani Muslims, as part of their Jihad against the Kuffar?
Oh no. But he is proud if his religion? Why?
It’s a good question isn’t it? A religion founded by a paedophile, whose followers worship a stone. Who wouldn’t be proud of that?
He’s made a pledge to ensure affordable housing in the capital. Perhaps someone should tell him that if the various councils within the capital had not accommodated the likes of his 10 person family with 3 bedroomed council flats as soon as they stepped foot on these shores; and all the subsequent foreign landlords buying up all the cheap properties when they got here, then there may have been just the slightest chance that affordable property would be available today.
10 person family ???
You mean this family of 10, stepped of lorry or whatever, and were housed at our expense.
Well, his family arrived shortly before S Khan was born in 1970, and there are 8 kids plus the parents – yes, of course. The council were hardly going to send a housing invoice back to Pakistan were they. Don’t forget in the late 60’s, there was no social media, and most people were lucky to have a phone and fridge, so we only got to hear of these ‘influxes’ via newspapers and what they wanted to report on the box ! Unless you lived in the area where you could see first hand the immigrants getting first dibs on the housing waiting list, the population at large were largely unaware of the problem.
Very good point Brissles. Before the internet we were very ignorant, and of course at that stage immigrants were very much limited to the few areas where they first settled.
The important thing is an immigrant bus driver with 8 kids living in a council house is a net contributor to the economy.
I know it’s true because that’s what the BBC and Guardian keep telling us.
He! he! he! just seen the trailer for the Great British Sewing Bee, starting next week ………. and you don’t get 3 guesses – a very significant shot of yet another Nadya Hussein !!!! won’t be long before we get the first newsreader in a headscarf, mark my words. The Islamification is well under way folk !
The BBC won’t consider the job properly done until they can give us a burka-clad newsreader.
What! Well I refuse to be told what to do by a curtain.
The ultimate victory for diversity would be for the news to be read by a ‘trans’ person in a full burkha with one of those metal eyemasks. The only problem would be how to make it clear that it was a tranny inside.
I’m sure the Beeb will manage it though, in the same way they managed to get a black presenter on Radio Four who sounds sufficiently afro-Caribbean to make his skin colour obvious, whilst at the same time retaining good diction and clear speech.
And it won’t be long before that happens. The BBC is dangerously obsessive about the promotion of muslim and islamist imagery, beliefs and people, and to push it down our throats.
But I want a safe space when I watch television, I want to watch people like me, who think like me. I don’t want to be upset by watching things I think are harmful to my wellbeing and beliefs. I can’t avoid it at present because these images are embedded. Why can I not be treated like law students at Oxford University where they can leave the lecture when unpleasant crime is about to be discussed? I don’t get a similar warning from the BBC. Why do they not produce safe programmes for people like me?
Why am subjected to such dangerous treatment by the BBC, why are they endangering my mental health?
Yes I noticed that too, no less than 3 seperate shots of her in the preview. And why was Nadya Hussein interviewed by the BBC at the BAFTAS? What on earth was she doing there? Move over Malala Yousafzai the BBC has a new Muslim poster girl.
I wondert if, sorry I meant when this Muslim contestant wins the sewing bee whether she will be invited to sew a Hijab for The Queen?
The advantage of the full burkha (with Dame Edna Everage style gold eye mask,) is that that the BBC could use it to claim they had far more Muslim employees than they actually do. But they could just use the same person under the burkha and nobody would be the wiser! Different voices could be dubbed over the news to give the impression it was different people. Hell, you wouldn’t even need a person inside. An animatronic robot would work just as well and would save money!
Put Hugh Edwards in it. That way everybody wins.
Yes I truly hate the BBC but…I did see “Hillsborough” on BBC2 last night.
And -although I thought I knew what happened, based on my 1989 recollections-I found myself appalled at how the police stitched up the whole process from start to finish.
I found myself totally disgusted at how the victims of the dead and injured were treated by the police, the coroner, assorted ” Lords” appointed to preside over the enquiries-and would like to say here and now that I got so much wrong in my assumptions.
Of course the fans were no angels in all cases-but enough of them were, to mean that what the police did to cover up their ( probably understandable) panic and incompetencies with (unforgivable) efforts to trash the dead and their relatives was -well, just wrong and wrong again.
Doctoring PC reports is perverting the course of justice…and the 96 surely deserve to see some heads roll for this crime.
It`s a moving must-watch, and did what the BBC should be doing at all times-teasing out the truth, patiently building the evidence and letting me think for myself…and I`m ashamed and sorry to have made light of what happened back in 1989.
Yes, I know the likes of Burnham and agitprop warriors bent and twisted events-enough for me to hate their shroud waving, and mock their “concerns”-but the core truths are incontrovertible based on this clear and cogent programme.
The BBC at its best-only trouble is now that they`ll tack it onto Orgreave…only hope the 96 tell the BBC to fuck off and play politics elsewhere…but, as things stand: I learned a lot-and no little about my own willingness to pile in when I knew nothing like the makers and compilers of this documentary.
The funny thing is that Lord Taylor saw through it all, and seems to have got it exactly right in his inquiry. The mistake was then to allow an incompetent buffoon to conduct a rigged inquest, and attempt to roll back on what Taylor had said.
Lord Taylor was an outsider beholden to no-one in South Yorkshire. The coroner seems to have been a spineless little man in cahoots with the police. I wonder what they had on him?
“Of course the fans were no angels in all cases”
Glad you accept that because, according to my recollection, a lot of fans at that time were just plain vile, regardless of what the police did or didn’t do.
Has anyone noticed that when Muslims are arrested for terrorism and grooming the BBC uses the word ‘Asian’ but when they become Mayors we are all bombarded with the fact that they are Muslim?
It’s also noticeable that when it’s stuff the ‘government’ is up to the BBC doesn’t like, production and editorial are hand in glove to ensure the very worst is highlighted by the very limited pool of staggers-off and cooperative vox poppers the BBC can squeeze through the filter.
However on rare occasion Dave and crew deliver on narrative, the forays into third party land dry up PDQ in favour of respectful passing on of the bare facts.
That said, Laura K has been allowed ‘analysis’ here, perhaps on the basis that an EU vs. Tory PM juggle counts as balance.
Oh, and there are comments. Almost 3000 if not brought to a close soon.
3. Posted by Peter
6 hours ago
Cameron has completely lost it.
Guessing BBC Trending may not be so keen on running this story as it has others.
Oh, and this may hasten the trip into the memory hole…
46. Posted by flip mode
6 hours ago
Wow !
Another pro-Remain headline
Full of ‘Coulds, Ifs & Buts’.
But no solid evidence, as usual.
Give it a rest BBC
The BBC is not showing the best and most persuasive part of his Boris’ speech. They show Cameron laying it on thick but Boris is portrayed disrespectfully.
And I’ve just watched my local ITV Meridian who are even worse. It is a disgrace.
Vote to Leave then we can get rid of Cameron and his elitist clique too.
BBC editorial integrity obviously caused dilemmas as time constraints again intrude.
Guido has an interesting link to a report from the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. Guido points out the overwhelming self attested left wing nature of journalists in the UK but he didn’t give the figures which are interesting:
A little over half (53%) chose a position to the left of centre and 23% to the right of centre, with the remaining 23% in the centre.
So there are twice as many lefties as either right wing or centralist journalists in the uk.
Click to access Journalists%20in%20the%20UK.pdf
I wonder if they could carry out that research with in the BBC or CH4? Would be illuminating.
Science news is spoonfed to the media hence little proper criticsm
“Next, with 24 reporters, was ‘Technology and Science’, although the emphasis was heavily on technology. Only four journalists gave science as a specialism (0.6% of our total sample). Given the challenges of covering such a fast-moving and complex topic, and the importance of science in society – from climate change to cloning – it is something of an indictment of journalism in the UK that there are not more science journalists.”
However, says Connie St Louis*, Director of the Science Journalism MA at City University London
(* not the #1 reliable source in the world)
Notice how the BBC in the EU debate and on the mass immigration/refugee question subtly present older voters as a bit ‘stuck in their ways’ and not really ‘up with the times’ which is why they are anti-EU and anti- mass immigration/uncontrolled influx of refugees?
Narrative Part A: if only they could learn some wisdom and enlightenment from the younger generations (hey kids, better talk to grandma).
Narrative Part B: These are the greedy Baby Boomers who have had it all – what do you expect?
Narrative Part C: They’ll all be dead and buried soon so our progressive new world can advance unhindered by their reactionary, racist, Islamophobic, homophobic, non-binary-o-phobic views.
This is certainly the party line from the remainiac media. Funnily enough, my personal experience suggests the opposite is true – that the mawkish ‘we’re safer in’ response comes from the elderly – the generation which, like Heath, fooled itself into believing that capitulating to foreign rule was ‘safer’ than retaining control over our own affairs.
“Narrative Part C: They’ll all be dead and buried soon…” Thought for some time now that the BBC has almost exclusively focused on the youth market when peddling it’s most insidious and perverse output, having long since given up on those who’ve been round the block . Bit like the difference in the way a used car salesman talks to a first time buyer compared to the person on their umpteenth motor.
No surprise-“Tomorrow Belonging To Me” being something akin to the torchsong of the New European Dream.
Dignitas in Zurich only a tram hop away…Recreation of the Gorbachev Theme Park of the EUSSR…binned by the Russians in 1991-picked up out of the bin by Kohl and Chirac in 1992, and forced on Europes people ever since.
Hope to God we shaft them on June 23rd-the alternative is hell.
Anyone think that Labour had a bad election? It’s a real surprise how little the “regular” Beboids have said since the weekend.
Clive Myrie manages to read off his idiot board that Labours results last week were “mixed”.
That`s one word for it Clive!
As in the Lib Dems winning a seat in Scotland last week, as in their being able to concentrate on the Big Issues, now they`re reduced to eight MPs…as in the Titanic was able to create a splendid Windsor soup on leaving Queenstown in 1912…yet we rather OVERLOOK that consomme that some regarded as a bisque…and the debate rages on somewhere surely.
The BBC-long lost cabbage patch ups for labour now since 1977…
The regular beeboids aren’t at all happy about Jeremy Corbyn, and long for the return of the Blair years. It hasn’t occurred to them that the seeming endless government spending was a house built on sand doomed to end in disaster. They were all well rewarded, and they didn’t care or stop to think about where the money was coming from.
“Brexit endangers expansion of the universe”-Cameroon. On a related matter, physicists have been searching for the missing Dark Matter which would explain said expansion. I believe they will find the bulk of it in a building just north of Oxford Circus…
George Osbourne : ” Brexit would mean the collapse of house prices” Well that’s the housing crisis solved then !!!!
For every person who votes Brexit, God will kill a kitten.
Cameron “The fish in the rivers will all die and the rivers turned into blood. Frogs will come into the houses, bedrooms and beds of all who voted for Brexit. And the heads of all Brexiteers and their children will be covered in lice and maggots. Wild beasts will roam through their houses. Their livestock will all be diseased.
The land will be covered with dusts and boils will break out on the faces of the families of all those who voted for freedom. This will be accompanied by thunderstorms of hail and fire because of global warming which is all caused by Brexiteers. The first-born in each Brexit House will be killed. This will all take place in the week following a Brexit vote.”
George Osbourne : ” Brexit would mean the collapse of house prices”
Well that’s the housing crisis solved then !!!!
You know, I’m beginning to think there is method in the madness that is coming from the Prime Minister, Mr David Cameron. That is, how to fix the problem of “Climate Change” for quite a few years. As we all know, it is man made (why is it always man made and never woman made?) Co2 that is producing “Global Warming” (yeah right) which is giving us so called “Climate Change”. Today our Prime Minister has stated that should we leave the E.U. that it would increase the chances of war. He didn’t say where or who with but war was definitely on the cards. It came to me over my morning cup of tea and Hobb Nobbs, that he knows that we know he is talking “bollocks” and that we would just ignore him. Clever thinking. So, as we are now going to vote “Leave”, it will mean a very good chance of war and as such, millions of “men” would perish and as a result it would definitely reduce “man made Co2” (as there are a lot less men) that is fuelling “Climate Change”. So, in a brilliant piece of “reverse psychology”, we vote out, have a war, reduce the human population, dramatically reduce “man made Co2” and in doing so, “save the planet”. Thanks Dave, out of Europe and save the planet, a win win situation, so long as I don’t get a missile where the sun don’t shine.
O/T apologies, but if Trump becomes President does that mean that he would ban Muslim Sadiq Khan entry into the USA.
I’d love to see that!
The US might ban anyone with connections to extremist organizations. Fortunately Khan is clean. Isn’t he?
D Trump has announced that Khan would be an exception.
Well now we really have been told, haven’t we. The former prime minister of Sweden has come out swinging at Brexit. He accused Boris of being “an apologist for Putin.” I heard Boris’s speech and at no time did he say anything that could be so completely misconstrued. Of course, the Remainiacs have form on this. I’ve heard both Cleggy (remember him?) and Hilary Benn say exactly the same thing to Nigel Farage. In footballing parlance it would be called playing the man and not the ball. And don’t you think that someone so involved in what has become the rape capital of Europe might be advised to keep his bloody mouth shut?
The utter insanity of Sweden’s immigration policy(?) has changed that once pleasant, safe and liberal country beyond all recognition. Crime in Sweden used to be negligible. Women were safe. It was one of Europe’s truly progressive nations.
Look at it now…
Sweden in a nutshell via Abba
So Long….
Under Attack…
And the new “Swedes” say “Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!” your “Money, Money, Money”. You Swedes are facing your “Waterloo”. And in Germany from Cologne “Happy New Year”
I don’t care a damn what any foreigners (politicians or not) think about our referendum or of either of the campaigns being waged over it here. It is for us to decide and they need to keep out and attend to the problems in their own countries – which in Sweden’s case are severe to put it mildly.
I think that the British take a dim view of foreigners poking their noses into a decision which is being taken solely domestically by the subjects of the U.K. I believe the “intervention” by the affirmative action POTUS, when he was here, did more harm than good to the Remainiac cause.
I heard Kominsky the luvvie on R4 tonight describe theTV tax as a subscription. He was not challenged on his deliberate misuse of words. It is a tax on owning a TV so it is not correct to to call it a subscription which implies choice. If I wish to watch TV I have to pay it. THe BBC gets the money even if I never watch it. Disgraceful special pleading .
I think that it is becoming clear that the Remainiacs are getting worried; the government have evidently booted into the long grass all other business apart from the referendum campaign.
The dispute with the junior doctors – back to the negotiating table; all state schools to be academies – scrapped and the “refugee children” – now to be allowed to come here.
They’re clearing the decks to concentrate on convincing us to vote to stay in the asylum, since they’ve discovered that not all of us share their view of the wonders of our continuing EU membership.
It is a lot harder than they thought it was going to be – as not all the sheeple are proving to be as malleable as expected.
Racist discrimination at the BBC
Katie Hopkins highlights jobs which discriminate against ethnic British people.
Discussing now on LBC
I would have presumed this was illegal.
Does the BBC have yet another unique exemption to deploy in defence?
BBC East Midlands Today brazenly does it yet again!
[@ 06:00 minutes]
Using the Premier League success of Leicester City FC to shoehorn in a story about how communities from around the world – now living in Leicester – are coming together in a cohesive mass of celebration whilst integrating into society at the same time.
This is blatant left-wing bullshit propaganda! This is the sort of bias the BBC is renowned for, and yet they still make the same mistakes, again and again. They take the people of the East Midlands for fools! They patronise us on a daily basis.
Whoever is responsible for this “news” story needs a slap across the face and told to WAKE UP to reality!
Right. They’re all pouring in to their local pubs to share in the joyous celebration. Oh wait.
I have mentioned several times on here in the past that all you need to do is watch a Leicester City home game on TV to realise how over-represented the minority white population is in the crowd – at a rough guess I’d say they comprise around 90%.
The same was true of the crowds that turned out to watch the Richard III re-interment procession – hideously white.
Eividence, if it were needed, that integration just ain’t happening.
Bullet-proof muslim monk
It’s beginning to look as though BBC London News are going to use their top daily headline to deliver a pro-Khan homily each morning.
This morning Asad Ahmad (I do worry that he has a cold – he’s sounding very nasal) delivers some tale at the level of gossip about Donald Trump ‘relaxing his bad on muslims… dah dee dah…..’
Well, he ain’t President. The ban ain’t in force. And anyway, an official mayoral visit ain’t what Trump was talking about anyway – it’s about immigration, stupid!
One wonders how long this can go on. Given national BBC news, let’s call them the grown ups (ha ha) are Soft Left then their regional news offices are…. what’s the word…? Far Left and Hard Left have been expunged from the lexicon – but you know what these kiddies are like. During the Livingstone Mayoralty BBC London practically acted as his unofficial PR Office. During the Blair years the BBC constantly attempted to nudge policy further Left.
I think this is how things will go in London. Khan is a bit of a blank page where policy is concerned. He’s ripe for the nudges and pushes the BBC will undoubtedly apply. Already they are dipping their man in Obama Juice – you know what I mean – if you oppose him you’re the ‘R’ word. He’s a bullet-proof muslim monk.