Here’s a new Open Thread to start the week. And the BBC Today programme on Radio 4 starts the week with a leftwing vengeance. In just 45 minutes we had the following political memes;
- The evil John Wittingdale is out to destroy the BBC. An excitable speech by Peter Kominsky at the BAFTA TV awards is hyped up by the luvvies to suggest apocalypse now for our “National Treasure” which is “the envy of the world” apparently. I was on BBC5 Live discussing this last night and at least told them to stop whingeing.
- There is no “weekend effect” in our NHS Hospitals. Researchers from Oxford University have “proven” that its as safe to die in the NHS than during the week. I am sure the Junior Doctors will enjoy this “research”
- There will be war across Europe should the UK leave the EU.
- It’s time to crack down on tax havens controlled by Britain.
This is sustained unrelenting left wing pro EU propaganda masquerading as public service broadcasting. As I said last night, IF the BBC is as wonderful and popular and loved as it claims to be, let it stand aside from the £3.5 annual tax extortion and compete freely. It won’t because it is too scared.
Can’t help but smile at this one…
BBC reporters in N Korea “insulted the country’s diginity” and “spoke ill of the system and the leadership of the country”
Get used to it Kim. It’s what the BBC do here at home all the bloody time. Only the EU and the arabs get a free pass on that.
This morning on Radio 4 Today program there is an attack on the UK military, and whether it is legal to kill a terrorist using a drone, or any other military technology (you really couldn’t make this stuff up!)
After a hostile interview with a drone operator, they moved to another interviewee and claimed that any intelligence supplied to a foreign country which resulted in the death of an enemy combatant or terrorist was also murder, and then went on to claim that any use of military hardware supplied by the UK to a foreign country such as Saudi which was used and resulted in the death of a terrorist was also murder!
They moaned that the criteria of decision of who was & was not a legitimate target was secret, for obvious operational reason, and they moaned that British born (or with Labour given citizenship) were being killed in Syria by British drones !
Perhaps they should give some of the Radio 4 interviewers a fact finding mission in Pakistan, to live as non Muslims do there, to spend some time with the people in prison awaiting the death sentence for false allegations of blasphemy, and then ask them why they think it’s so good that it should be brought to this country.
‘They moaned that the criteria of decision of who was & was not a legitimate target was secret’
Matters of legitimate, deadly, national security. And they demand to know.
‘Due to the volume of records in the accounting system, we estimate that to undertake this would
take more than two and a half days and under section 12 of the Act, we are allowed to refuse to
handle the request if it would exceed the appropriate limit’
How much the luvvies get away with toasting each other, and they can blow it off with impunity based on using their own estimates of their own rules.
‘our subsidiaries (including BBC Studios & Post Production Ltd, UKTV, BBC Global News Ltd (formerly World News Ltd) and BBC Worldwide Ltd), as well as the charities BBC Media Action (formerly BBC World Service Trust) and BBC Children in Need, are not subject to the Act.’
And, of course…
“I would like to know how much money you spend on social media (Facebook and Twitter) for advertising. I would like to know your annual budget and also how much you spend per individual post.
(For example how much you spend per promoted tweet or every promoted post on Facebook).”
The information you have requested is excluded from the Act because it is held for the purposes of ‘journalism, art or literature.’ The BBC is therefore not obliged to provide this information to you and will not be doing so on this occasion.
Purposes of journalism, art or literature for…. how much the BBC blows on advertising itself.
Their little secrets.
Truly… unique.
“Iain Duncan Smith: Germany had UK-EU renegotiation veto”
Don’t people get it yet? The Germans rule Europe. What they failed to do with tanks and planes they have achieved with treaties. Orders vill be obeyed at all times und no exceptions.
If we leave the EU there will be turmoil throughout Europe. Our international status will be gravely damaged. There has been a strong suggestion that war could be on the horizon. They’re not quite sure where, but… Our economy will tank, businesses will collapse, there will be mass unemployment and millions more immigrants will come here. Blimey, why don’t they tell us all labrador puppies will be drowned?
If any of this is remotely true, surely Dave knew this well before he started his (so called) re-negotiations. Why would he have told us that he would lead the Brexit campaign if he thought all these catastrophic horrors were waiting for us? Surely not just to get a few months delay on certain benefits for the families of recent migrants; hardly worth it.
Some of the Remainiacs arguments are becoming desperate and dangerous. Dodgy Dave has invoked the words of Churchill and, deplorably, the millions of war graves. I think his “arguments” are despicable and degrade the debate.
Vote remain.
Save a labrador…
Everyone’s pointing and laughing at Dave for his fear-mongering that war will be the result from Brexit. And so they should.
But he is also upping the ante considerably … is he positioning the Government to ignore a LEAVE vote? How could the Government act to Leave if they really thought it would lead to war? Hmm….
From across the pond come a couple of lessons in Leftist manipulation of the ‘news’
1. Facebook employees prioritising Leftist flavoured reports and censoring stories of interest to the Right
‘Facebook workers routinely suppressed news stories of interest to conservative readers from the social network’s influential “trending” news section, according to a former journalist who worked on the project.’
‘Several former Facebook “news curators,” as they were known internally, also told Gizmodo that they were instructed to artificially “inject” selected stories into the trending news module, even if they weren’t popular enough to warrant inclusion—or in some cases weren’t trending at all.’
Ring any bells, BBC-wise?
‘In other words, Facebook’s news section operates like a traditional newsroom, reflecting the biases of its workers and the institutional imperatives of the corporation.’
2. A Leftist adminstration’s cynical and easy duping of dim but Leftist-minded young journos
Never heard of Ben Rhodes? Think Alastair Campbell
“All these newspapers used to have foreign bureaus,” he said. “Now they don’t. They call us to explain to them what’s happening in Moscow and Cairo. Most of the outlets are reporting on world events from Washington. The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing.”
‘In the spring of last year, legions of arms-control experts began popping up at think tanks and on social media, and then became key sources for hundreds of often-clueless reporters. “We created an echo chamber,” he admitted, when I asked him to explain the onslaught of freshly minted experts cheerleading for the deal. “They were saying things that validated what we had given them to say.”’
H/T : Three Martini Lunch at Ricochet
There’s a Have Your Say on Facebook bias.
It could be going better for the Beeb. No wonder they try to ration HYS these days.
Top rated comment:
Cameron’s speech yesterday was…well, difficult to find words to describe it! You couldn’t make it up, could you, but he did!!!! Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought we were on the winning side in Agincourt, WWII and so on? And don’t we have a statue somewhere to the chap who did so well at Trafalgar?
Cameron’s obviously been reading too many BbC “history re-written” articles. And how many more dead people are they going to exhume to tell us they would vote remain? Does he really think the voters of this Great Country are going to be taken in by all this? And it’s strange that we don’t hear much from Europeans about how they feel about this referendum; I think many of them agree with Brexit but somehow have been gagged.
And this has 6 more weeks to run!! Give me a break – and I thought the Scottish Referendum was bad in the final few weeks. Bet we ain’t seen nothing yet!
Ha ha ! Yes he’s been watching Horrible Histories ,BBCs attempt at rewriting history and brainwashing the young has clearly rubbed off on Dave. I don’t let my kids watch that rubbish,I want them to be proud of our history,the history of The British Isles.
Surprised Mishal Husain not invited on to juggle the numbers on her Acceptable Death-o-meter, too.
On the Newswatch site it said, in response to the families of terrorist being given a platform by the BBC, ‘One can only imagine the uproar there would have been in Britain had the BBC broadcast a similar item featuring the mother of any one of the 7/7 bombers.’
One doesn’t have to imagine. BBC Newswatch forgets that the horrible Victoria Derbyshire, invited along, to her show, the brother of one of the killers of Lee Rigby, Michael Adelojabo and invited him to tell the world how badly treated his murderous brother had been.
But it continues. This morning the BBC’s activists were wringing their hands, at the behest of Harriet Harman, about the abuse of the human rights of ISIL murderers (poor dears). Apparently she objects to these monsters being vapourised in an effort to get them to desist from raping, shooting and beheading people.
From the BBC, I wouldn’t have expected anything else.
A man attacks an innocent member of the public and hacks his head off in broad daylight. He is subsequently sentenced to life in prison and we give airtime to his brother to claim “Islamophobia”.
I am sickened by our media.
Newsh*te last night, discussing the EU referendum – and for the remain side, the views of ….Tracey Emin?? Why on earth would anyone be interested in her vote. She couldn’t even be bothered to make her bed. And all of a sudden she is sounding sensible, thoughtful and intellectual. Get lost.
On the subject of war legality – it occurred to me that if the ‘elite’ can’t flood the west with the immigrants they so desire, then maybe making war against these countries illegal will allow that indirectly? Maybe I’m just too cynical.
Great comments on the HYS on the FB article. As if any sensible person hadn’t realised that they have a left wing bias! Posts about Islam, Britain First, England first or whatever are removed. In my experience anyway. Not the illegal sale of weapons in Libya though.
Dunno if any of my esteemed colleagues have watched the Spectator debate on leaving the EU. Quite interesting, if one can get over the lack of camera work. The chair, Andrew Neil, saves a humorous audience question for last: Should Britain leave the Eurovision song contest?
At 1:36:40 minutes in, Neil turns to Liz Kendall, who is adamant that Britain should stay in. Neil then asks her why Israel is allowed to be part of Eurovision to which she replies, “I don’t know and I don’t care,” to which Neil responds, “Very well, let’s not go there.”
I assume Kendall simply meant that she enjoys Eurovision and has no interest in the politics of who is in or out of the contest. But why would Neil introduce an irrelevant, loaded question at the light-hearted end of the debate, especially since to answer it would require a separate debate on the politics of the Middle East?
I am finding the comments espoused from Cameron’s mouth largely offensive to my intelligence. I’m sure I’m not alone. For example, this is our leader whose first duty in government is to protect its people.
Cameron then, says that if we leave the EU, the peace to our country could be threatened and that war could break out.
So, Mr Cameron, not forgetting your first duty, why then did you make us have a referendum if you think there could be a war if Brexit occurs? Are you Mr Cameron that stupid and negligent, or do you take us, the little people without importance, for fools?
Please answer.
Race and Faith: The Deafening Silence by Trevor Phillips. Downloadable as a pdf on Civitas Looks like it is worth a read, in view of Phillips recent change of heart regarding the glories of multiclturalism and diversity. Better late than never I guess, even though said change of heart is about 20 years too late.
From the DM article, he says:
‘Rome may not yet be in flames, but I think I can smell smouldering whilst we hum to the music of liberal self-delusion.’
‘Squeamishness about addressing diversity risks allowing our country to sleepwalk to a catastrophe that will set community against community … and undermine the democracy that has served this country so well for so long.’
Yes Golightly, I listened intently to radio 4 programme where Phillips was interviewed by Dominic Lawson. My memory isn’t what it used to be, but I think it was called something like ‘crossing the road’..
It was one of the best interviews I have ever heard, Phillips broke down and cried over his mistakes. I admire him for his candour.
I will indeed buy the book. Thank you Golightly.
Bavarian man advertising Ali Bongo’s Old Snack Bar – with a knife
At least that’s a head line the BBC might be contemplating when they eventually get around to putting out the story
‘A KNIFEMAN screaming “Allahu Akbar” has killed one and injured several passengers after he went on a bloody rampage at a train station in Grafing near Munich.’
Sequential R2 news reports on this story:
German man shouts ‘Alluh Akbar’ as stabs people on train
German man shouts ‘God is Great’ as stabs people on train
German man with history of mental illness stabs people on train.
So the religious element has progressively been decreased and removed, for the listeners benefit.
‘So the religious element has progressively been decreased and removed…’
Be patient, just before the item disappears completely the BBC will surely pare the headline down to ‘Bavarian man advertising Ali Bongo’s Old Snack Bar – with a knife’
The newly anointed Mayor of London stands up for the global Ummah:
“This isn’t just about me. It’s about my friends, my family and everyone who comes from a background similar to mine, anywhere in the world”.
and, with just a hint of menace to boot:
“Mr Khan also warned that Mr Trump’s “ignorant” views of Islam “could make both our countries less safe”.”
Now there’s a surprise. Not.
What a jolly jape on Toady this morning.
An examiner has put the childrens’ exam on the web before the exam. Ho ho. Thereby stitching up the government’s policies. Ha ha ha. Let’s have a nice chatty cosy interview with the NUT general secretary. “Well, we don’t believe in tests (because the last thing we want is teacher accountability for results), so now we should definitely scrap them”. “Thank you, Christine Blower”
Thus went the tone of ‘coverage’ about this deliberate act of wanton sabotage by a presumed education professional.
Nicky Morgan might well be one can short of a six pack but the disgusting biased BBC clearly see this sabotage as a triumph. The pathetic little shits.
Heard this piece of crap.
Let me get this right.
1. The NUT and the BBC don`t want our kids tested-only shows how thick they are in comparison to other countries, only shows how dumbed-down education got under Labours Dark Age(1997-2010), only shows how low-grade bore most of the NUTs socialist ciphers and shoe horns actually are….can they find their way to the cake stall being about all they know re geography, if it`s a wet break, that`ll be global warming, send for Bono…
2. So when the tests are sabotaged by a Labour activist or Green Gollum-then the unwanted tests become wanted-standards and breaches of security, who can we trust, won`t somebody PLEASE think of the children?
And the Tories are shit-true enough, but it was Pearsons CPG Group who actually were compromised…not the useless Morgans fault.
But the BBC would have you think it is, because they`re ALWAYS looking for a rumble…and the NUT are on speed dial…presumably free cakes on offer at breaktime at the BBC too.
3. Oh for the happy days of competence when Ed Balls cancelled the SATS for 13 year olds , because he`d confused his arse with his elbow in a brewery…unilaterally, sine die…but the BBC didn`t moan about HIS Balls-Ups, his inept messing and pooping all over the nations kids…for he was Labour you see….
Piss OFF Toady, never happy…and Blower needs removing from the outlet pipe from where she sucks all the sewage…
The BBC is happy to explain away this morning’s murder and mayhem at a railway station near Munich as nothing to worry about – just a touch a ‘mental illness’.
Germany knife attacker ‘had psychological and drug problems’
A man who killed a commuter and injured three others in a knife attack at a railway station near Munich suffered from psychological problems and drug addiction, state officials say. The man attacked four people shortly before 05:00 (03:00 GMT) on Tuesday at Grafing station. One of the victims died of his wounds in hospital. A 27-year-old German man was eventually overpowered by police and arrested. Some witnesses said he shouted “Allahu akbar” (“God is great” in Arabic). But a spokesman for Bavaria state’s interior ministry said that “so far we have no evidence for an Islamist motive”.
Phew. For a moment I was worried.
Whenever I read ‘Psychological and drug problems’ in this sort of context it makes me think of the ‘move along, nothing to see here’ instruction.
Lets be fair Obi…..they really do have a point…
Anyone who follows islam must be mentally ill….there can never be any other explanation…
Now Manchester Police apologise for mistakenly advertising Ali Bongo’s Old Snack Bar during a terrorism exercise
“Greater Manchester Police criticised for ‘Muslim terrorist’ in mock blast”
It’s not too often you see the words ‘muslim’ and ‘terrorist’ in the same sentence on bbc.con these days let alone as a adjective and noun. But alas it’s only criticism of the police for their naughty racial stereotyping. Although a dark subject, couldn’t avoid a wry smile when I saw the drill – they were just trying to make it realistic? Don’t they all shout Aluha Akhbar when they are just about to murder the innocent?
I well remember Met Deputy Assistant Commissioner Brian Paddick on 7/7/05 telling the press that they must not use “islam” and “terrorism” in the same sentence. They hadn’t even finished finding all the body parts, and the whitewash had started.
Paddick later went on to a successful career not being elected as Mayor of London and flashing his arse on “I’m a Celebrity, Get me out of Here” before becoming a LibDem peer. He of course read PPE at Oxford.
Someone please tell me we are not doomed as a nation.
I’d like to, but we all know you are.
An interesting piece of the Daily Politics, hosted by JoCo in the absence of Brillo Pad.
They had some sort of boffin from the University of East Anglia (the bullshitters who brought you man made global warming and “hide the decline”) and another Dutch fellow, purporting to show research which proved that old, ill educated and bitter people supported Brexit because they were xenophobic scum, whereas young, educated, well groomed people with exciting careers supported Remain, because they embraced change and laughter and had sexy foreign girlfriends.
I paraphrase, but feel I have captured the tone of the piece. I am only hoping that there are more ill educated, cranky xenophobes out there than the BBC will ever realise come 23rd June.
Good summary. Ever notice the HYS comments on the referendum: remainers usually depend on argument by caricature, castigating opponents as racists, xenophobes and stupidly senile.
It seems that the bright young things may be have been well educated in their shitty converted Polytechnics but are unable to put together anything resembling a cogent argument.
I wonder how the BBC would react if the boffin replaced the word ‘old’ or ‘older’ with BLACK?
Another interesting bit on Daily Politics: Tristram Hunt, discussing whether the House of Commons chamber should be redesigned, quoted Churchill saying, after the place was destroyed by the Germans, in answer to a suggestion that it should be rebuilt in a horseshoe shape, “Part of the reason we were at war with the Continent was because we were against horsehoe parliaments”. Quite so.
So the snivelling cowards which the Fascist Tony Lloyd has turned Greater Manchester Police into have apologised for using the words Allah Hu Akbar on an exercise in which they responded to a suicide bomber.
The BBC Fascists have made a great deal about the mock ‘offence’ they have taken on behalf of the Muslims. No one though seems to stop to ask, how many suicide bombers have there been over the past decade which have not been Muslims?
The comments on the Manchester Evening Lies site show how a normally passive readership are enormously pissed at the Fascists 65 in favour of shouting it with just two social justice warriors against!
And as if by magic, we have this. Right on cue.
Great point thoughtful
In the interests of diversity and equality, surely the biased BBC should be using their ‘investigative journalists’ and hiring some statistics wizard to review the ethnicity and religious persuasion of suicide bombers over the decade you mention. I think the results should be forwarded to the EHR Commission for their urgent action because I feel sure Anglo-Saxon Christians will be ‘significantly under-represented’.
But their journalists just trawl through socialist media and lazily re-print the ones they like. The factual reporting and stating of facts impartially is long gone – no actual journalism required – it’s all opinions.
According to most sources the mock bombing at the Trafford Centre went very well. There were over 800 civically minded volunteers who got up in the middle of the night to do their duty. Shouting “Allahu Akbar” does, of course, identify the sort of people that the authorities suspect are likely to be blowing up themselves and others in a shopping centre. We have to ask who else is it likely to be? A disgruntled Methodist? a pissed off Pentecostalist? Perhaps a member of the military wing of the Women’s Institute?.
Peace activist, (a self righteous royal pain in the arse) Dr Erinma Bell lodged a complaint saying, ” A terrorist can be anyone, we need to move on from stereotyping.”
Meanwhile back on planet earth…
It seems to me to be good advice that if you ever hear a nutter shouting “allah akbar” in a public place to get the hell out fast. If you find a policeman, however, do not tell him, as you will be arrested for a hate crime if you do.
Seems Mark Thompson’s new sinecure has got around to pondering research that refuses to get as moved on from as many would like.
Oh, and so his pain can be felt further amongst those at the old place…
Afghan ‘Islamists’ held in Italy (ie will be released soon, and supported ad infinitum) – described as having ‘humanitarian protection status’. So they don’t qualify for refugee status. You reap what you sow.
Poor Cliff. The bbc bulldog has got it’s teeth into this story and isn’t going to let go. The BBC ‘has learned’…
Plus he’s really into Christianity don’t you know. Pity the police/press weren’t as interested in the one or two sexual assaults recently! in Rotherham. Probably too busy compiling this humongous report for the prosecutor. Aren’t South Yorkshire Police getting a lot of press lately!
The bullying of Cliff by the cowards at the BBC and the British Police is disgusting. Cliff should go and live in a country which has no extradition treaty with the UK . There is no justice in the UK. It is the law of the jungle. It is sad to watch the death of one of the greatest countries in history. But the barbarians have won.
I agree. I felt so sorry for DLT too – for groping a boob 25+ years ago, and he still isn’t off the hook. Compare that with the Dragon (of Dragon’s Den) who had sex with a 13 year old and was acquitted on the basis that he truly thought she was 16. These headline cases just don’t make sense – makes you wonder who is running the show and what their agenda is (or do I need to ask!)
I think we know what the agenda is and it stinks !
Looby/Grant – Aunty having been caught with her drawers around her ankles, ignoring the Saville rumours over the years and even shelving the Panorama expose after his death, is acting in her normal default fashion to protect herself.
This involves throwing as much shit around at any potential “nonce celebrities” in order to distance herself from her responsibilities and to prove how deeply she really does care for the victims of these crimes (even if there is no real evidence). And so much the better if the potential transgressor is white, establishment and an avowed Christian.
The BBC was definately not so interested in the evil bastards involved in the Rotherham scandal. Going to great lengths to muddy the waters surrounding the religion of the culprits (even though this was extremely relevant to the case).
With regard to Cliff Richard. Any organisation with decent leadership would have called off the attack dogs at least until the lie of the land is clear. Unfortunately the BBC as well as being morally corrupt and fundamentally dishonest seems to lack common sense, but then again since it pretty much controls the airways and has huge financial resources at its disposal. Boring old natural justice never has to be one of its considerations.
I suppose in recent years it has also gained in confidence due to the inability of of our mainstream politicians to keep it in check and as for The boy “David” He really seems to be a believer.
God I really do hope with all my heart that Cliff Richard is innocent and hopefully with a decent libel lawyer on hand we might see a bit of BBC red blood on the wall.
I can just imagine it –
Little Lord Hall at the foot of the bed
Drops on his little hands, little white head
Shssst, Shsssst whisper who dares
Little Lord Hall is saying his prayers
God bless Evan I know thats right
And wasnt it fun in the bath tonight
The colds so cold, and the hots so hot
God bless Barrack I quite forgot
If I open my eyes just a little bit more
I can see Davids dressing gown on the door
It was once a beautiful blue and its not got a hood
God bless David and make her good
Mine has a hood and I lie in bed
And I pull the hood right over my head
And I shut my eyes and I curl up small
And Dear God please, can Cliff have broken the law!
Thank you god for a lovely day
And what was the other I wanted to say
I said God bless Barrack, so what could it be?
Now I remember . Now God bless me!
Little Lord Hall at the foot of the bed
532 grand is filling his head
Shsssst, Shssst, whisper who dares
Little Lord Hall is saying his prayers!
Good night children!
Any of you on here old enough to remember the right old hoo haa when Jerry Lee Lewis brought his 13 year old bride who just happened to be his first cousin, and who he allegedly married bigamously, over here ??
I could be wrong on this but I seem to recall that Ronnie Biggs was kidnapped from South America and taken to Barbados assuming that there was indeed an extradition treaty with Britain. Alas, Biggs had to be returned to S.America as there was not one in place.
Of course,circumstances may have changed since then.
Sir Cliff has renounced his UK citizenship and chosen to be a Bajan instead. My wife tells me that it is very difficult to get Bajan citizenship without being closely related to a Bajan. How in hell she nows this I don’t know. But of course she is never, EVER wrong.
On the subject of Sir Cliff I have noticed that despite being an important item on the 10 o’clock news last night there is no mention of him on the bBBC website today. I find this to be a bit odd.
He must be getting desperate. He is using the Trump approach
Yes, Headline news on the bbc website for….telling the truth. And I don’t like him at all at the moment, but this is eavesdropping – the radio bulletin stated that the information was passed on to news outlets.
You couldn’t make this sh*t up… what else were they meant to say? ‘Merry Christmas’? This country is becoming an utter joke. The media are largely to blame and are completely a PC law unto themselves.
We’re now in a ridiculous situation where we are expected to apologise for offending Islamist terrorists, sorry I meant ‘Asian militants’… oh sorry I actually meant ‘freedom fighters’ and so on.
In all future security exercises Manchester Police will instruct ‘suicide bombers’ to say, ‘Make us a brew, yer daft ‘apeth’, to which victims will reply: ‘It’s allright chuck, it’s only R kid with R Mam’.
‘How immigration changed Boston, Lincolnshire’
Can the BBC now do a similar piece ‘How immigration changed Leicester/Rotherham’?
If the British don’t vote to leave the EU in June; it won’t matter, in the larger scheme of things, who is elected to govern domestically after that, Lab or Con; it will simply be rearranging the deckchairs on SS U.K.
This once mighty nation will be finished – it is simply not possible to even begin to reverse the ongoing damage being inflicted upon it, all the while we remain within the EU.
If the result is to remain, the EU will use that as a mandate to make our future governments (of whichever hue) accept all they want to impose upon our country – and our “leaders” will go along with it.
The EU will seek to punish Britain in the eyes of its other members, for the temerity of even having such a referendum – pour encourager les autres.
In the future I can see the pound being ditched for the Euro, as a condition of the City being allowed to continue more or less as it is.
I’m not a big fan of the mailonline articles usually heading straight for the comments as invariably they are a good source of entertainment. I’ve noticed recently that the top one or two comments regarding ‘controversial’ subjects have started to run against the grain of the site generally, they look as if they are being manipulated by guardian readers returning labour Hackney by-election postal voting type figures. I doubt whether the guardian readership could provide as many votes, any idea whats going on anyone?
waste of space presenters on North West tonight have super serious faces on (it must be serious), as they report on Policeman or was it an actor shouting for directions to Alan’s snackbar in the Trafford centre terrorism exercise. Yes the cult is complaining about “racial” stereotypes. Is this a racial issue anyway? Someone from the ramadumb association is on. I’ve had enough of this crap already the TV is now on Forces TV where I’ve just watched a documentary about Operation Bolo, much more interesting and I didn’t swear at the TV once.
Well I’ve just received my first batch of 800 Vote Leave leaflets for delivery this week. I’ll be out Friday afternoon and Sunday morning. Decided it was time to do instead of talking
Extraordinary to hear Tory Iain Duncan-Smith giving all the arguments against the EU on behalf of the indigenous working class of this country; and then Labour Alan Johnson telling them the EUrophile equivalent of: “you’ve never had it so good”. Tw@t!
AS, I wonder how many votes that statement by Labour & BBC ‘poster boy’ Alan Johnson will cost the Labour Party?
The Labour Party in the 21st Century – now the political Party of the rich.
Just coming to the end of the Channel 4 “News” tonight.
Wonder if there`s some kind of EU directive about whether or when a chain link of lefty grievances, imagined hurts, bandwagon gloopings and sheer malice actually SHOULD be able to describe itself as a “news programme”-seemed more like a load of liberal sausage and gristle to me with entrails from The Soviet era tacked on.
Utter crap-beginning to end, no news content knowingly used…just a chance to wring our noses into Krishans lavender pants, should that be wanted.
No-this was not news-just a wailing wall of a community notice board-as long as we notice whatever Crick, Snow or whoever manage to pass by way of stool,whatever snivel drivels emanate from their leaky orifices of guilt, pleasure and privilege.
At least the BBC did “Hillsborough”-what the hell has Channel 4 done for us lately…time to dig up Peter Woods in clinical depression, who-even now-“gives better news” -than speech-impeded Simeons, and “Common People” Greek poppetesses.
I gave up the God-awful Channel 4 “News” almost as long ago as the BBC version. As you say, it isn’t a news programme at all, but merely a vehicle for their latest diverse, leftie cause, with a few snippets of “news” thrown in for good measure.
And they take themselves so seriously. If it wasn’t so sickeningly common-purpose, it would be laughable.
I`ll say no more-but THIS is where we end up where Islamic self-abasement meets Green Eco-loonery in a hideously white East Coast “Yooney looney” den of guilt-riddled privilege, and too much time on their hands(before they get them cut off).
You can only admire the mind that sewed this headless corpse to a dumbell, and gave us THIS.
How long before this becomes a BBC series-an Oxbridge course and an A Level module then over here?..five years or ten?
Anjem Porritt has a nice ring to it eh?
What a load of guff. Islamophobia the dominant form of racism?? Where? Who says?
Absolute rubbish but some academics and progressives will love it.
Very interesting chrisH. I see that Ghassan Hage, the sinister-sounding Future Generation Professor has a book out:
“His most well-known work is White Nation: Fantasies of white supremacy in a multicultural society (Routledge 2000)”
Sounds like a must read.
BTW I like the notion of Hamid Harrabin.
Just about to start watching/enduring the Channel 4 mockumentary/documentary `Children on the Frontline` …… Expecting ………. more f**king gimmegrants!!!
0.o !!! First family is one being used as Human shields by thier father…… What a wonderful caring parental culture he obviously comes from…… nice to see he secured new accomodation in a deserted apartment from which the previous tenants had fled from following constant shelling by anti Assad militants led by the father….. I wonder if this might be the answer to our housing crisis??
See a house?? Better than your own? Want it? If you do simply heft a few grenades and riddle the exterior walls with bullets etc…. Then you go move in without even taking your old furniture from your previous hovel/residence… Also you won`t ruin the `feng-shui` either…..
What a great culture!!!
Yuk yuk Justin!
Hopefully his virgins that await him will not only look better than that fat old trout taking him for a traffic meter…but also one of them might be able to cut a suitable hole in his ski mask…poor sod looks like he`ll soon be having trouble breathing in that get up she`s sending him to school in.
Half nurse-half tablecloth….must be some Gaza TV superhero he`s dressed up as.
Oh piss off Huw Edwards!
Ten O Clock Jackanory tells me that Manchesters Drama Cops Division has said sorry for shouting out Allah Akhbar(and aren`t they all getting good at the authetic gutterals involved, lest we be offended) in Trafford Centre last night.
Thought this was the classic Muslim benediction-so you`d have thought that liberals would have appreciated the GMPs submission to Islams way of introducing themselves in a public concourse…but no.
Next story-some Fritz in Munich says something in Arabic, as he slashes around commuters-er, no-we`ll not be repeating what he said…who`s to say whether it was Allah Akhbar or Sallys Snack Bar…Huw won`t be telling us!
Biased scumsquits…do wonder if its the Muslim nutters who have the “drug and psychological problems”…or is it the pliant, cowed and supine BBC?…I`d be very surprised if the Munich plod and BBC shills aren`t shooting up together in the BBCs pimped up van by the loos at the local station?…all that comes from there is utter delusion…
You MAY have thought that they were shouting Seig Heil…sounded like sea gulls to the BBC though…ear trumpet and a wax candle course for all at the BBC?
The bBBC ‘news’ is scraping the bottom of the barrel in stirring up the ‘offended’.
Nigeria is ‘shocked’ after Cameron described them as corrupt. So am I. Only today I had an e-mail from the former Nigerian Defence Minister, who sounds like a very nice man, offering me a 10% share if I’ll help him get his fortune out of the country and into a Swiss bank.
Today, the main ‘news’ on bBBC Radio Merseyside is – not Hillsborough, for a change – that Muslim activists were offended when a Manchester Police training exercise started with a terrorist shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’. Their apologist said “a terrorist can be anyone” and “we need to move away from stereotypes”. Meanwhile, a German terrorist this morning shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ before killing people but the bBBC didn’t ask the Muslim activists if that was a stereotype.
Don`t you mean a stereo-tripe????
Ahh just turned on Evan Davis newsnight a QT style panel diiscussing migration in Boston Lincs. Not sure who the people are each side but clearly Evan (massive supporter of mass immigration) is giving way too much time to one of the supporters.
Just realised its Jonathon Portes Jewish American origin and advocating overpopulation of Britain!
I’m just too exhausted by the bbc. Watching this news night pretence at a debate. Carefully selected audience as usual. The bias is just too great to detail. Why was the lefty economist given so much prattle time? Why does no one ever discuss that our job vacancies could be filled by advertising for specific numbers? Evan makes sure that the labour mp gets the opening and closing statement.
Absolute crap.
“Oh piss off Huw Edwards! ……”
Still chuckling at your opening line, ChrisH , something I’ve often said out loud, and about Clive Myrie and Ben Brown.
“Why was the lefty economist given so much prattle time? ”
Yep that was Jonathon Portes wealthy champagne socialist immigrant.
I have lodged a formal complaint with the BBC and have e-mailed my MP.
Such pro EU/immigration bias cannot be allowed to stand.
The film, the audience and Evan Davis were a disgrace.
You might want to also let this website know. Monitoring the bias
Skewed audience IMO with a man insulting us saying we are a ‘mongrel nation’. On a show of hands harldy anyone was worried by migration levels so far, although many worried about the future.
Given the fury in Boston over immigration I simply cannot believe that a high proportion are happy.
Not sure the mouth breeder has really thought through the ‘mongrel nation’ claim if seeking to keep certain members of his team onside.
Inbred or mongrels? Can’t be both. I wish they’d make their minds up.
In any case, even mongrels have standards.
Reports coming in that:
“BBC’s #EUref Wembley debate as it stands won’t include Nigel Farage.”
See, for example:
UKIP won the 2014 European Parliament election, both in terms of MEPs and proportion of vote.
It would be outrageously biased of the BBC to exclude the leader of the winning Brexit party.
Mass complaints to BBC look likely.
Even if you don’t support UKIP, Farage or Brexit, this is utterly unacceptable in our so-called democracy.
Also see: Just THREE PERCENT Of The BBC’s EU Topic Guests Are Eurosceptic
BBC editorial integrity at its finest.
There simply is no time or space to include informed, articulate debaters, so they deploy those who can be relied upon to toe the line or look stupid.
Sometimes both at the same time.
Happens everywhere.
I read the BBC Manchester Report on the apology for having a mock terrorist attack with the mock terrorist shouting “Allahu Akbar” . They seemed very happy from the way it was reported.
They then had the “experts” comment “Manchester peace activist Dr Erinma Bell criticised the use of a “Muslim terrorist”.
She said “a terrorist can be anyone” and “we need to move away from stereotypes”.
Then we had the Police backtrack “However, on reflection we acknowledge that it was unacceptable to use this religious phrase immediately before the mock suicide bombing, which so vocally linked this exercise with Islam. We recognise and apologise for the offence that this has caused.”
Last time I looked we haven’t had too many terrorist attacks from radical Puritan terrorists shouting that well known Roundhead Cavalry battle cry “Lord of Hosts Attack”.
The police need to prepare realistic scenarios for the public to react to. Unfortunately the majority of the attacks, as evidenced by ones in Paris have people shouting “Allahu Akbar”
In my view the only form of apology needs to be like this one from Monty Python.
It’s possible that ‘there is no such thing as bad publicity’ applies here.
Dr. Bell may be providing a wider service, facilitated by BBC Manchester. Albeit unintentionally.
All we need is a senior Rozzer of faith to say that certain narrow areas of representation are excluded when he’s on the case, and the job is done.
Gordon Brown has chosen the BBC for his latest message of wisdom to the nation:
All required now is his home bedecked with Union flags and a White Transit outside for the fun to really start.
Maybe some ‘analysis’ from a now untouchable Laura K? A ‘that’s more helpful’ from BBC Asian Network?
Every little bit helps.
Maybe best to not open a HYS, mind.
In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king. But the UK is not yet blind, though it is sight is sometimes impaired. Hopefully the referendum will restore its vision.
And what time is the mothership coming to collect that nutter?
What a load of sh1t
Straight from the “Tell It Often Enough” files.
I was subject to a rare chuckle this morning watching BBC Breakfast. Louise Carpetmuncher tried in vain to make a meal out of Herr Cameron’s comments regarding corruption – specifically in this case of Nigeria and Afghanistan. She tried to get a nibble out of Baroness Scotland but was left singularly anorexic when the lovely lady told her, in so many words, that they are corrupt and the league tables show that. I wish I could have posted a screenshot of the muncher’s face post slap on the mug by her elders.
The problem the BBC have is they can’t handle the truth – a commodity fast becoming rare.
It’s the same story with the aluha akhbar thing – however unpalatable it may be, it’s the truth.
Humphries on Today this morning had Boris Johnson as interviewee at around 08:15. The whole piece was appalling, I don’t think I’ve ever heard such an ‘interview’ it was more of an argument in which it was more or less impossible to follow any of the points Boris was allowed to make. It finished with me non the wiser and an opportunity lost.
People need to hear both sides of an argument and if the BBC is using aggression to blank one side, it is yet another form of bias.
I’m sure other readers heard this ‘interview’, perhaps you would like to share your thoughts?
JoCo always interrupts Brexiteers on the Daily Politics programme but rarely the Remainers.
Watched a bit of news**ite last night. Evan Davis in Boston. Extremely noticeable that the Remain speaker (some ex Labour junior minister jobsworth) was allowed to talk uninterrupted. Then Davis moved to Kwasi Kwarteng, a black Ghanian origin Tory brexiteer. Kwasi spoke calmy and rationally – when he could – as he could hardly get a word in as he was constantly interrupted, with the usual bBBC tactic of being asked the next question before he had time to answer the first.
I also heard the Humphries/Boris interview and it was the same pattern. If the bBBC don’t feel the answer given is helping their cause they just butt in and try and move onto some area they consider more fertile. Boris was well up to the tactics though, and gave a pretty calm and rational argument in favour of self-determination and the logical consequences of EU membership and immigration (i.e. there is jack all we can currently do about it).
It was appalling. Boris was hardly able to finish a sentence without Humphries talking over him, quoting spurious statistics and referencing accusations of “racism” from Twitter in order to attack him personally.
After listening to that, Boris Johnson went up about 100% in my estimation. (I`m not normally a fan).
He was subjected to constant interruptions but my take was that he stuck to making a highly detailed economic, legal and national sovereignty case for Brexit and repeatedly swatted away Humphreys like the annoying little tick that Johnson made clear he thought he was….but he did it with dogged, relentless charm, good humour and crushing detail. Humphreys was outclassed and made to sound increasingly desperate and yes….biased.
On several occasions Humphreys desperately tried to interrupt, then tried to turn it into a personal attack…even hinted at the big R word in reference to Boris`s comments about the part Kenyan Obama… but got steamrollered……repeatedly…Johnson at one point dismissed attacks on him as a “twit storm” LOL!
Two best moments….Humphreys…”we don`t need to go into all that detail”…Ha, ha, oh yes we effing well do matey! (my words not Boris`s, I hasten to add).
Other best moment… Johnson when challenged in his use of words “well John they`re your words, the ones you used when you put the question to me!”
Boris can obviously look after himself, but what’s really unhelpful to the listeners – people who are trying to make sense of the issues – is that if we don’t hear the arguments in a sensible balanced way when they have to be shouted over constant interruptions. How is this kind of interview helpful to anyone? Humphries should be sacked.
Fair comment, and I agree it is unhelpful to listeners who want to hear the arguments.
part of the problem here is that the BBC are clearly biased but on the EU they are biased in a way that helps the government…this may help them out in their charter review.
But…some people hearing the relentless pressure of BBC bias will smell a rat and will vote accordingly. At the end of the day this is a gut issue for many people….the facts….are rather thin on the ground….the remainiacs, cannot predict what the EU will be like in 2 years time any more that the leave campaign can predict the outcome of the disengagement talks.
But increasingly the penny is dropping that previous establishment consensus on the EEC and latterly the EU, the various treaty changes the`ever closer union` has been presented to us deceitfully…hence the opinion polls are so narrow…allegedly.
Michael White seemed to feel it was a genius interview on his Twitter feed.
That is the objective, not pompous, utterly impartial Michael White of… The Guardian.
That`s the next “twit storm” in the making.
Humphreys got owned and the mugs can`t even see it.
It’s the morning, it’s North West. The Trafford centre Alan’s Snackbar outrage rumbles on..and on…Manchester Police said it was unacceptable to link terrorism with islam…
Men behaving badly
Can’t help but note the glee with which BBC news presenters are talking about the ‘ugly scenes’ prior to a football match in London last night. No arrests, one or two minor injuries but ‘plenty of mobile phone footage’ – that’ll bump it up the news.
Apparently the fans were West Ham supporters – I believe they were heard shouting “Up you ‘ammers” and “C’mon you Irons!”
I’ve no proof of course – just their hostility toward the other team and the self-identifying shouts.
Still, this seems to be enough this morning for the BBC to tar soccer fans and indeed London fans.
By the way, who drives the Manchester United team bus…. Reg Varney?
Maybe if arrests are made those involved in violence may use the Munich Defence ie blame ‘psychological and drug problems’
‘A man who killed a commuter and injured three others in a knife attack at a railway station near Munich suffered from psychological problems and drug addiction, state officials say.’
Another line of defence 20 years down the line could be the now notorious Liverpool Pathway
Sorry Aslseelt. You are completely wrong about the West Ham incident.
I am sure a detailed public enquiry will reveal that in no way did the West Ham fans do anything wrong. The bottle throwing was clearly a preventable incident if the Police Commander on site had made different decisions and the fans were totally blameless.
“so called” West Ham incident surely.
They weren`t “men” either….how binary can the BBC get?
Since it`s a football story can we have a guarantee that the presence of any ethnic minority hooligans will be highlighted disproportionately to demonstrate successful intergration?
No Sluff you are wrong ,
I think you will find that it was only the Scousers who arrived without a ticket, amongst the West Ham crowd who were blameless of throwing bricks .
I stand corrected.
But I will point out that on the bBBC reporting of this, the first vox pop interview shown was a man with his 2 kids going to the match and immediately blaming the Police for not having an overhead helicopter and generally being inept, and how crushed and crowded it was. I don’t remember him actually criticising the yobs.
Such are the choices made by the bBBC news editors.
For God, harry and St George was it?
That Henry V speech?
We shall fight them on the beaches?
Who can forget Winstons finest hour?
“West Ham will be disappointed in the behaviour of their supporters, but it`s really not for me to say anything”
Man U captain, England leading lion on the shirt and captain , elder statesman of the game-St Wayne of Rooney.
In three sentences here you`ve seen the implosion and collapse of the Englishman and all he represents…Rooney might as well get his grannys bloomers on, sew some lace around the leg elastic and stand in for Allan Carr, whilst we beg John Terry to put Mrs Bridge down and come to the aid of the country in a few weeks time.
Doubtless Fag Ash Gladys of Stanley Park can do clever things with his ciggies as he does crochet with the liberal unicorns, our Wayne-what a fop!
>”A man who killed a commuter and injured three others in a knife attack at a railway station near Munich suffered from psychological problems and drug addiction, state officials say.”
They gave his name which was German, and as he was shouting Allahu Akhbar he must have been a convert like that German pilot who crashed his aeroplane on the way to Spain last year. Are the officials trying to say that people who convert to Islam “suffer from psychological problems”? Maybe they have a point.
BBC Today 8:45 moaning about domestic violence in Iran. There’s no mention of the Islamic law they follow making this completely legal, nor any discussion about why this would be a great thing for the British to follow as we move close to a Sharia compliant state.
One of the most amazing things was the outrage they seemed to have over divorce, when the man would in nearly all cases be given custody of the children. As opposed to the UK where at present the woman is nearly always given not only custody, but all of the possessions and her husbands future earnings as well !
Islam 4 UK, but only in a Disneyfied ‘safe’ version, for the Islington / Highgate / Hampstead set who don’t actually have to get too close to reality.
Brilliant interview handling by Boris on Today at 8.10 am. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone brush Humphries aside so effectively. My guess is that’s because Humphries’ heart isn’t really in the BBC pro-EU mantra. However Boris was very good at debunking the Remain lies.
Now you hear it, now you don’t.
Yesterday my mummy let me watch Aunty BBC news when I woke up early. A nasty man, dressed all in black and wearing a mask ran into a shopping centre, shouted “Allahu Akbar” and set off a firework in his underpants. Not surprisingly he fell over and died. Then there was a lot of bang, bang shooting noises, before the policemen arrived, and lot of people running around dead, and things. I thought it must be more nasty men shooting, but the nice BBC ladyman voiceover said it was just a one man show. Mummy said she thought the bangs might have been for a birthday celebration at Macdonalds.
Mummy let me watch the BBC news at lunchtime. Funny, but the man in black just seemed to wave his arms about, without saying anything before setting off his whizzbang. Later on a really nice man called Tony Lloyd came on to say it was Not A Good Thing for the man in black to shout “Allahu Akbar”, because it might upset some people, and Aunty BBC showed the film AGAIN, and this time you could hear him shouting “Allahu Akbar”. I think Mr Lloyd and Aunty may be friends, and they are wonderful, don’t you agree boys and girls ?