Deepjoy….this morning the BBC were once again trying to use a bit of emotional blackmail to keep the borders flung wide open as the Today programme spun a tale of thousands of desperate migrants dying and being lost or buried in unnamed graves across the Mediterranean. We had the sad tale of an Afghan who couldn’t find his family and had to sell his home in Afghanistan to fund a search for them [So he had a house which he kept…no doubt intending to use it as a holiday home to go back to occasionallywhilst allowing his extended family to live there whilst he sent home the handouts to them he was given by the gullible Europeans….Most of Afghanistan is safe, as is much of Iraq….why do we allow ‘refugees’ from these countries to come here, especially as so many ‘desperate’ Iraqis head back home to Iraq when they don’t like the weather or the handouts aren’t big enough?]
And now we have another tale of some Afghans infiltrating into Europe via the ‘refugee’ route [so often denied by the BBC] only this time intending to carry out extensive terrorist attacks across Europe….including the UK.
Interesting the brevity of the BBC report compared to the far more informative Telegraph one.
Nothing from the BBC like this for instance…
The two men were described as “human bombs” by a centre-Right politician, Roberto Calderoli of the Northern League.
“We now have human bombs here at home, bombs that are in danger of exploding in our homes and in our piazzas,” he said in reaction to the arrests.
He blamed the centre-Left government of Matteo Renzi for “allowing in hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants without the slightest controls, without knowing who they are, where they come from, how they paid for their journeys.
“Now we find that we have terrorists at home, welcomed into our migrant reception centres.”
The BBC in a dangerous denial whilst spinning relentless lies about the benefits and necessity for all these people to come to Europe whilst avoiding mention of the very obvious dangers, and not just those of terrorism.
I am afraid Aunty is incapable of using any sort of joined up thinking as soon as trigger words such as asylum seeker/children are used. Any attempt at journalistic acumen just goes straight down the pan. Even though the majority of these “asylum seekers” are males of military age and many are from Africa and other safe countries. However Aunty knows with confidence that we must help them all even if many of them wish us ill and will screw the system.
As for the children – How many are over 18 (something else which Aunty does not like to discuss) Its easier to just suggest the questioners lack compassion – and do you know what – these days I probably do.
I guess BEEb is unable to admit they were wrong and guilty of misrepresentation (as in the case of Aylun Kurdi) case, as one question leads to another and probably quite rightly, people would ask what else have we been lied to about. And down comes the pack of cards.