The BBC really has given up all semblance of balance and impartiality on the EU as it bombards us with ‘news’ and interprets it as showing Brexit as a risk and fails somehow to be equally alert to the dangers of staying and being engulfed in a Euro state that is surely on the cards. The slow down in employment we are told has many causes but the one the BBC likes the best is the looming referendum….never mind that Osborne’s ‘living wage’ was predicted to cost over 60,0000 jobs and oh yes…employment in the US is also slowing…hadn’t realised they were holding a referendum on EU membership as well. Alternatively they slip in programmes that are supposedly a history of the EU and yet seem always to show us how wonderful the EU is and how badly off we would all be if it had never existed.
Today we had an allegorical tale of Rome and the Pax Romana, which of course we are supposed to look upon in wonder and think if only we had a similar empire where everyone was the same and lived under one rule, with one set of laws and one currency. Apparently the Barbarians all wanted to be civilised Romans and cooperated willingly in their own subjugation. It was one big happy family as people lived across Europe with multiple identities and yet rubbed along famously together.
Lesson to take from that? Submit to Pax Europa and you may give up a few freedoms but you’ll be happy in your servitude…after all what didn’t the Romans do for us?
Next week more of the same as the BBC heads off to Estonia to show what being outside on the fringes of Europe could be like...’How a tiny nation has lived with conquest and constant tension on Europe’s edge’… doubt it won’t be good…but you know what….Europe and open borders bring such joy….Join Europe and you can forget about your woes, your conquests, your constant tensions……and you will find out in this impartial and balanced programme ‘why Europeans are such an extraordinary mix of languages, cultures, and migrations.’ In other words it’s the usual BBC anti-nation state spiel that insists there is no such thing as a unique British or English or Scottish identity…you’re all really just European…so stay in the EU.
I guess that’s why we have a large statue of Boadicea and celebrate her battles against the loveable Romans…..she too just wanted to be a Roman….just didn’t know how to express it very well.
News headline: June 24th. 2016.
Germany invades France and World War 3 begins.
Page 2.
World trade collapses.
Page 3.
UK citizens not allowed to travel to any Country in the world as the UK is isolated.
Page 4.
Manchester police apologise after suicide bomber who killed hundreds in shopping centre said allahu akbar. Nothing to do with Islam, the religion of peace.
Page 5.
….add your own apocalypse as predicted and widely publicised by the bbc.
LOL ! Germany invading France will not lead to WW3. The UK, USA, and Russia will do nothing ! And rightly so !
I put this in the Open Thread but fits better as Page 5 of Emmanuel’s News headlines.
Cameron “The fish in the rivers will all die and the rivers turned into blood. Frogs will come into the houses, bedrooms and beds of all who voted for Brexit. And the heads of all Brexiteers and their children will be covered in lice and maggots. Wild beasts will roam through their houses. Their livestock will all be diseased.
The land will be covered with dusts and boils will break out on the faces of the families of all those who voted for freedom. This will be accompanied by thunderstorms of hail and fire because of global warming which is all caused by Brexiteers. The first-born in each Brexit House will be killed. This will all take place in the week following a Brexit vote.”
Just heard this nugget from Laura K on BBC News (paraphrasing slightly): “Yes, there may have been some effect on wages but those problems could be dwarfed if we leave the EU”. Seriously? At least try and pretend to be neutral.
I want the BBC to tell us who in MI6 briefed Cameron that if we vote “Leave” Merkel will reissue Fuhrer Directive 16.
I want the BBC to tell us who in MI6 briefed Cameron that if we vote “Leave” Merkel will reissue Fuhrer Directive 16.
I think the beebyanka is on rather soggy ground, holding up the Pax Romana as an ideal to follow. The Roman Empire was beset by external peoples who all seemed to want to be on the inside, although, when they got there, they weren’t always in a huge hurry to “assimilate”. There is a tradition that an assortment of barbarians crossed the Rhine on the 31st of December, 406; there must be something about the Rhine that attracts anti-social marauders at New Year. In 410, the Visigoths sacked Rome and, in case the Visigoths had missed anything, the Vandals sacked Rome again, in 455. The Visigoths proceeded to take over the former Roman provinces in Iberia and the Vandals set themselves up in the province of Africa (modern Tunisia).
In the Eastern Roman Empire, the emperor Valens did a “Merkel”, by allowing large numbers of Goths into the empire. They repaid the kindness by slaughtering him and his army at Adrianople in 378. Allowing large-scale settlement of outsiders wasn’t new in the Roman Empire, since it had been going on at least since Nero’s time, but it’s likely that it was easier and more advantageous to settle newcomers in the earlier centuries, when newly annexed provinces did have a habit of being rather depopulated.
Another famous Merkel of antiquity, mentioned by Bede, was Vortigern, who invited Angles and Saxons to settle in Britain. The first arrivals, we are told, were mercenaries, employed to defend Britain against ‘the enemy” (the Picts, apparently), but these aggressive young men soon saw fit to send for their extended families to join them. The original “Night of the Long Knives”, according to Nennius, was one of the ways in which the Saxons supplanted the Britons. (Whether the doomed Britons greeted the Saxons with goofy grins and “Refugees Welcome” banners is not recorded.)
I should have added that the Romans were quite big on building walls at their frontiers, too.
Hadrian must have been a racist and Islamophobe for building a wall.
Not only that, but he caused Global Warming, too, since we now know that it is provoked by islamophobia: .
Since no rational person can possibly continue, any longer, to deny the obvious causation between islamophobia and global warming, I think a complaint to the beebyanka is in order. I want to know why this vital information has, to the best of my knowledge, been deliberately withheld from the Great British public, by the British public broadcaster.
Are these the standards we licence-payers are now supposed to accept?
Excellent post, Owen. And of course, the Romans had difficulty with the Germanic tribes north of the Rhine, where those pesky Anglo-Saxons come from. (Arminius aka Herman The German gave them a good seeing to at the Teutoberger Wald in 9 AD).
Seems like the Pax Romana wasn’t very paxful.
Apart from willful misinterpretation of history, the BBC continues to peddle lies about America and Brexit. In the guise of ‘explaining’ Obama’s disgraceful comments when in the UK, the left wing lapdog Sopel tells us
“On trade, the Americans think that Britain will be seriously disadvantaged if it finds itself alone in the world having to negotiate a trade treaty with the US. As the president said – controversially – when he was in London, Britain would be at the back of the queue for any future deal.”
Sopel continues to push something that has been debunked. There is no queue. The only delay has been caused by the EU’s terminally slow negotiating of trade deals with anyone. You don’t need a trade deal to trade. All worth a mention but ignored by Sopel.
Meanwhile in the Same article Sopel tells us that there is no organised attempt to debunk Brexit by the American establishment, aided by Cameron and no doubt the Foreign Office and diplomatic corps. Don’t anyone believe that! The Remain camp is one organised conspiracy to scare. Every day we have new elite figures coming on the airwaves to warn us plebs to watch out. This morning its Manningham-Buller. Yesterday it was a gang of US Defense Secretaries and Secretaries of State. Spontaneous this ain’t.
The stupid liberal media ( has any time been as stupid as ours? ) seems to want to ignore the latest EU lunacy. Fining those countries which refuse to take Merkel’s mistakes some enormous sum north of 200.000 euros per person. It aint going to happen. It will force Hungary, Poland and the others to choose. Leave the EU at once or give in.
And it shows up the EU fior what it really is. A German dominated political system that bears no relation to our concept of democracy.
\The establishment and the liberal media is complicit in deliberately trying to force us in England to accept their distortions and their lies.
“The stupid liberal media ( has any time been as stupid as ours? )”
Yes Dave S there has, the 1930s…. and the subject was the same….appeasing German plans for the order of Europe.
Then it was the German governments desire to re-order the demographics of Europe by removing populations.
Now it is the German Governments intent to re order the demographics of Europe by importing populations.
History repeated as tragedy then as farce. I think we`re at the tragedy phase.