Self loathing, the hallmark of many BBC leftists, has been nicely exposed in this story.
A range of British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) television departments, programmes, and radio stations are currently offering highly desirable, paid internships, but white people are prohibited from applying.
Creative Access – an organisation, registered as a charity, which offers placements at “many of the UK’s top media organisations” – has listed a number of BBC placements on its website, demanding applicants are only from “Black, Asian and non-white minority ethnic backgrounds”.
As the Breibart article states, the head of Creative Access is … yes, a Parliamentary candidate for the Labour Party, while one of the organisation’s board members is Baroness McDonagh, the former General Secretary of the Labour Party.
Labour. BBC. Hatred of our overwhelmingly White population.
I’ll be on Russia Today at 8pm to discuss this story. The BBC are playing mute on it.
Katie Hopkins discussed it on LBC as did Nick Ferrari this morning.
I think a point that should be raised is that while its supposed to help ‘disadvantaged’ people by no means are all BAMEs “disadvantaged” and what this means is not that well connected ethnic British people wont STILL get to work at the BBC, but that ordinary ethnic British people, who have no connections are being excluded, whil d middle class affluent BAMEs, perhaps a son of a doctor who has been to private school even, can get a leg up!
Another important point is that its NOT about ‘race’ or ‘skin colour’ since white Polish people for example ARE eligible. This is direct discrimination against ethnic British people alone! Where do Irish people stand I wonder? And if Scotland became independent do ethnic Scots then count as an ‘ethnic minority’ like Poles?
This is from a current work experience advert; “At the BBC we aim to connect with all our audiences, including our underserved audiences, using different methods to inform the quality and direction of our programmes. We also aim to advance equal opportunities to diversify and develop our workforce and would therefore welcome interest from applicants who are from female and/ or culturally diverse backgrounds.”
Reading between the lines it is hinting that ethnics, who are visibly ethnic will get preference.
The BBC are different to you and I; they have more ‘unique’ exemptions.
I listened to the LBC interview too.
Apparently its in the Equalities Act ,Harriet Harmans brainchild swan song, and applies to under represented groups and it can’t be a job advert so they have dressed it up as internships,with a healthy payment from tax payers .
I was incensed because poor white kids are also unrepresented in the media and have little hope of getting into the BBC hive.This is another obstacle for them to struggle against .Try telling them about their white privilege.
The applicants don’t even have to have any sort of qualifications .Its sickening really given that black and minority groups make up only a small percentage of the population.
What you should remembr is that while this is absolutely infuriating its been going on for YEARS, it certainly not unique to the BBC, but happens in all kinds of desirable public sector areas.
Try googling ‘ethnic minority opportunities’. You will be surprised what is thrown up. Jobs I have foudn excluding native Britons include:
Museum trainees
Environmental health trainees
Town planning trainees
I cannot imagine this being tolerated anywhere but Northern Europe (the Swedes are milk sops as we are), but does anyone think the French, the Italian, the Russians, the Poles would tolerate discrimination against their own native people?
They would take to the streets.
The fire service
And many more. The police service of course is notorious
Creating a fair society where it is what you can do – not who you know is a good thing. As someone who has pushed to achieve in life from a far from privilege background, I am serious uncomfortable with the BBC offering up jobs just based on skin colour. That is bad for society and the BBC in getting the best talent.
The BBC in this instance is being decisive to the society it serves.
I remember this same subject 2-3 years ago. The bBC has been using this ‘training’ dodge to get around the equalities act for some time. They go there for ‘training’, so when the substantive jobs are advertise, they are seen as relevant applicants as, surprise surprise, they already have relevant knowledge and experience.
I have no problem with internships being opened up to disadvantaged kids from all backgrounds including disadvantaged poor white boys who I seem to remember have overtaken all other minorities at the bottom of the pile.
My family are white working class from the north of England, my eldest son was the first from our families to go to university, and he went to Manchester university to study English Literature, six years ago.
He was considering a career in journalism at the time and we talked about him enrolling in a BBC journalism course, in the end he never did and after he graduated he got a job working for a publisher.
The shocking thing is, we had no idea that he would have been denied an internship at the BBC because of the colour of his skin, in my eyes this is discrimination pure and simple.
I suspect the Tories and Brexiteers are grossly under-represented at the BBC. I look forward to seeing some trainee posts being offered to them……………
Tories would be welcome provided they are Globalists.
Evan Davies is far right and notoriously walked past a picket line duringa strike at the BBC, but when it comes to immigration and ‘diversity’ he’s fully on message. Well he would be wouldnt he?
What’s an “Albert”?
Allegedly! – From “Sources say”!!