Yep…..not forgetting Emma darling Thomson….Dumbprick Cabbagepatch….and all the other middle-class, lefty creatures that open their well-fed mouths before feeble brain realises what has come out….doh…..
To be fair Bob did offer to take a family of 6 into his home. Unfortunately the mother of the family felt that the hygiene standards in the house were dangerously low . Worse, in off guarded moment, she was heard discussing how appalled she was at Bob’s personal hygiene but felt that it would be rude to point out that he looked and smelt like a tramp. I know we are not supposed to make personal attacks on this site , but he does swear and rant at the Brits and demands money with menaces. So I think it fair to say what I think about the Irish clown in return.
Just a thought after “news where you are” in London last night. If you recall, in his 8 (?) years as mayor, AFAIAA Boris didn’t get one positive news item devoted to him from the local BBC: literally not one. I think I can safely predict that our new mayor will not get one unfavourable mention from Riz and the team while he is in (or out of) office. Certainly his idea to allow consecutive bus journeys undertaken within an hour to be charged only once was greeted with acclaim by the vox poperati. To be fair though one vox popper asked where the money (some £30 million apparently) is coming from. Khan’s response was a burble about “efficiency savings” yadda yadda yadda which more than satisfied the BBC’s intrepid reporters.
Boris was target no 1 for BBC London news once he took over from their hero Ken and it got even worse in the run up to and during the olympics. Not one positive story just constant negativity. I can still remember when Boris got re-elected in 2012 the bile and vitriol in both livingstones and the green harridan Jenny Jones defeat speeches. It was unreal. The amount of crap he had to put up with at the london assembly from Labour and the limp dicks was off the scale.
Although seeing and hearing Boris in the past few days he’s like a man reborn.
Well they have there new Obama now and its all positivity and smiley faces and 2009 again. Hes going to save us all. Lets see how they handle(coverup) the screwups that will eventually come. I personally know people who are saying he’s going to be a good mayor and he’s barely been in the job, mind you they are labour through and through. That peace prize is in the bag.
Yes, poor old Boris. On his first day as Mayor some Labour luvvie presented him with a cycling helmet. Obviously a mayor could not be seen to be flouting the Nanny State so openly as to cycle without a magic plastic hat.
BBc mid day news reports on Gordon “touch of doom” Brown wading into the EU debate. I particularly likes the way he drew attention to the maximum working week. In one job I was told to sign an opt out or I wouldn’t have a job. In another job I had an argument with a “manager” who was forcing us to work flat rate (minimum wage) overtime told me it didn’t apply to us. Yea thanks for that EU made a big difference to my working life…Not!
Well , Gangly Gordon is not the brightest kid on the block is he, re Gold sale, pensions fucked, i could go on, i cannot for the life of me ‘get’ firms and institutions that pay this gargoyle a shed load to speak……their judgement is surely suspect?…Same with Blair’s customers…..imbeciles all.
He also discovered a new WW2 D Day landing beach. Obama beach. Gerald Celente has suggested that we shouldn’t call these psychopaths politicians. Instead we should refer to them as psychopathic sob s. I think he’s correct; calling them politicians bestows a validity that they don’t deserve.
Having just watched Daily Politics, I was amused at the overly defensive reaction of Brillo and JoCo ‘who doth protest too much’, when the maker of the film out today called Brexit at Leicester Square, stated that the reason for making the film was to counter the pro EU propaganda arm called the bBBC.
He also accused Benn of being an establishment figure. He further stated it was a class war of the working people against the establishment and rich.
Yes, that part of the programme was a joy to watch. I’ve seen the same reaction to use of the phrsse “Lügenpresse” amongst Brillo’s Teutonic counterparts. Apparently, to criticise those sections of the media that force their public to pay for their own cretinization is “anti-democratic” because “neo-nazi elements” are trying to undermine the press, “essential to the proper functioning of a free and open society”. It is frightening to realise that BBC/ZDF/ARD non-entities really do think thst they are the ultimate arbiters of what is true and false, what is good and bad.
I think I was listening to BBC 5Live when I was shocked to hear Notts County had beaten Liverpool 3-2 last week, only to discover they were reporting on the result between Notts County Ladies and Liverpool Ladies FC.
Why are the BBC refraining from calling the women’s football teams by their official names?
I know this is a late posting but having woken up at 3 in the morning last Thursday night, I wondered how the local election results were doing and went to the BBC website as neither the Daily Mail nor the Telegraph could really give me any facts. Well neither could the BBC but ‘live’ information was given as brief items on a time line. Scrolling down around 3 a.m. 9 out of 14 pieces of information started ‘Labour……’ and out of the other 5 the word ‘Labour’ also featured in the brief item. Those posting these snippets could not obviously consider that anything was worth reporting other than from a Labour stand point.
Although I applaud Trevor Phillips (ex Chair /present Chair of various bodies, today’s essay in the D/Mail) for his detailed reports of immigration and its current impact, I find it ironic that comments about Britain “has always been open and welcoming to immigrants”, are made by those landing on these shores since the 1950’s. Well they would say that wouldn’t they? but have no idea what the indigenous population felt about it. Welcomed by the elected Government of the day, but rarely by those living outside the rarefied atmosphere of Westminster, who saw a massed influx gradually infiltrating their way of life. However, am I allowed to say that I cant EVER remember a time when immigration hasn’t caused a storm of protest – so where all this ‘welcoming’ is coming from is beyond me. I DO remember a time though, when B & B’s and Rooms to Let properties had signs with “No Blacks or Irish”, admittedly not a time to be proud of, but it does fly in the face of column inches reporting an opposing attitude.
Yes, I find it ironic that those immigrants from 60 years ago who created an uneasy tension amongst the populace, are now rallying against further immigration , and are getting a taste of what it was like for us when they first arrived.
Many of those people had similar values to the host population and eventually we did assimilate I think ?Many of my friends are from the West Indian community and they are very worried about the deluge of migrants because most of them do not live in well off leafy suburbs. its nothing like it was in the 50s that was more of a trickle and people were hard working.They were invited to help Britain recover from the war.
One friend has lived in Tower Hamlets for 30years and is appalled by what went on with the mayor and Bengali community. Corrupt electoral practices and bribes.
Since Blairs government any semblance of control went out the window.
They were invited for the same reason the Eastern Europeans et al are welcomed now: a source of labour cheaper than the indigenous work force; and to break up the homogeneity of Britain’s population so that as its “diversity” increased it would be easier to control.
I dont think its true to say that the original 1950s West Indian immigrants were either ‘invited’ or wanted
“to break up the homogeneity of Britain’s population”.
There was a demand for cheap labour and the feeling existed that after the war and the use of Commonwealth troops, that to exclude these wannabes would be a ‘colour bar’ that was not in the post war spirit. It was in the context of there being no existing immigration controls on Commonwealth citizens, basically because there hadnt been a need for them.
In search of my daily dose of adrenalin I looked at the Grauniad’s online version this morning. I couldn’t find any reference to yesterday’s immigration bombshell. Nothing, nada from the online version of Al Beeb’s print sister.
Move along there, nothing to see, just look at how badly the Tories are treating our fraternal comrades at Al Beeb!
But who are these abusers preying on under-18s? Fortunately the BBC provides some “police data” that reveals in the Warwickshire and West Mercia Police areas “When the identity of the perpetrator was known, 90% were white, 7% Asian and 2% black”. And the BBC directs us to a report by Telford and Wrekin Council that states:
“Despite a number of high profile cases in various parts of the country (including
Telford) which involved the prosecution of Asian men of predominantly British-
Pakistani heritage, we want to make it clear that there is no standard profile for the
perpetrators of this crime. We recognise that “Operation Chalice” was purely about
the criminal behaviour of a few individuals and the people who commit this crime
may be of any age, nationality, race, faith or gender. Perpetrators do not necessarily
fit the stereotype of a dirty old man in a rain coat – many sexual offenders are part of
every community and class.”
Oh, but wait. Further down the page the BBC reports the words of Telford pastor Rev Keith Osmund-Smith:
“We see the same vehicles, containing the same men. They are looking out for the girls and they are there for one thing.
There have been occasions where pastors have stopped girls getting into the cars.”
“He said the men they saw approaching under-age girls were mainly of British Pakistani heritage “but not exclusively so”.
He said the pastors had been working with elders from the Muslim community who were trying to address the behaviour of a minority of young men. Imams at both mosques and elders are as upset and distressed as any other community would be.”
And so it continues, and all the while the BBC, the Police and local Councils do their best to obfuscate and downplay the inescapable facts. The majority of abusers who hang around in cars outside under-18’s nights in Telford are Muslims and the majority of young girls abused by these perpetrators are white and non-Muslim.
It appears that the BBC have played down the fact that the street pastors are overwhelmingly recruited from Christian churches and that their work is supported by prayer and non patrol volunteers from those churches.
Street pastors “have stopped the girls getting into the cars”….well done folks, may God go with you.
How many of the cars are being identified on ANPR cameras or stopped and searched by the police, or drivers receiving home visits as in kerb crawling cases?
Yes, having read through the item posted by Mr.Golightly I see that one religions adherents get a mention,
“Imams at both mosques and elders are as upset and distressed as any other community would be.”
But the good Reverend Keith Osmund -Smith is not identified as a Christian minister of religion nor is his church mentioned.
Probably 30 to 50 thousand young White girls have been systematically and brutally gang raped by Pakistani Muslims. The worst part is, that this was happening with complicity of the authorities, from the Cabinet office down.
What this amounts to is a gargantuan war crime, with no parallel in history. It should be investigated in public by a war crimes tribunal, and charges brought against all involved.
As for the Pakistani. If one assumes each girl was servicing 10 men, we have 300,000 to 500,000 Pakistani Muslims. This means that the entire Pakistani community, apart from very small children, knew of the ongoing war crimes. Almost certainly all the imams knew of it.
In a sane world, this should lead to the banishment of the entire Pakistani community, for engaging in act of war against Britain.
In a sane world there should be trials for war crimes. And if we lived in a banana republic with a military dictator the chances are that he would bomb the police and council HQs who facilitated these crimes followed by mass executions of the criminals.
I was quite disgusted at Tim Farron’s demand for an apology from Cameron at the perceived “racism” of the Conservative’s Mayoral campaign during PQT – and Cameron’s evasive reply. Andrew Neil then went on to ask the, as ever slimy, Hilary Benn why Corbyn hadn’t pursued this line of questioning. It would seem that in the parallel universe of the BBC this absurdity is actually justified. But when is Cameron, or for that matter anyone on the Tory side going to have the balls to say that telling the truth doesn’t require an apology? The Tories under Cameron really are a bunch of spineless PR men.
BBC Costing The Earth managed to do a new episode The Sun King of China lionising Huang Ming, he employs 3000 people in solar research
Maybe someone can listen and check if the prog mentioned the giant failing Chinese solar corps Hanergy and Yingli Green Energy Holding who employ much more people
(news for Yingli from 1 hour ago Yingli Green Says It Probably Can’t Repay Debts Due Thursday )
“Unprofitable since 2011, Yingli has breached its debt covenants for more than a year and has been kept alive by state-backed institutions led by the China Development Bank”
“Hi stew, no mention of fails or how small solar PV is in china, did ( rightfully ) push solar hot water & mentioned it’s use in cooling” ….. saveenergy May 11, 2016 3:16 pm
Interesting comparison Leha – as Canada’s CBC Network is found actively ‘copying’ the BBC in terms of liberal misuse of public media and getting into debt. From Video (above) almost identical copy-kat misuse of public funding ($1.1 billion) and complaining about (modest) budget cuts. How very much like the BBC that is. The BBC has free access to £3.8 billion TV license cash and despite obvious and persistent abuses it demands more. I am comparing BBC annual TV license fee (uncut) to the CBC subsidy (cut by $1.1 million dollars) in which the Canadian Dollar is about half (0.5383) to that of the pound. That makes (approx) a BBC annual subsidy (if you convert into Dollars) of $7.2 Billion Canadian Dollars, seven times larger than CBC. It is an obscene amount of money as the BBC loses the same amount each year and still wants more.
Of course Cameron will say yes, they deserve it. No they don’t. No they don’t. No they don’t.
‘This shows the BBC at its worst — using its dominant position to sledge rivals needlessly. It’s like something out of North Korea.’ One of Pesto’s colleagues
the useful idiot on Daily politics……….he with the plastic boxes and coloured balls………..was sent to Norwich yesterday.
His mission appeared to be finding a street where there was an even split Leave/Remain vote……………he duly pointed out
that Southwards on this Street was REMAIN…………he duly headed that way……… why didnt he turn North…….
A guest on Radio Devon this morning, Dr. David Brockington, an American who is a Politics lecturer at Plymouth University (frequent contributor) was asked about voting patterns for Devon and Cornwall in the coming referendum. Apparently both counties, especially the rural parts, are for leaving. This was not viewed as necessarily a ‘good thing’ as Cornwall has had a lot of European funding. Never once was he asked the source of all this EU giveaway cash. All was not lost though as just before 8 we had an interview with Boris, touring the area in his battle bus, on fine form.
Yesterday there was another kerfuffle about SATS. The teaching union’s and left wing activists have for months been agitating against the Government’s attempts to improve the quality of education in this country – in particular the their attempts to measure progress on the part of schools.
For weeks the BBC have been focussing on stressed kiddies and their stressed parents and their stressed teachers. This culminated in the attempted sabotage of yesterday’s SATS exercise.
Compare and contrast, as they say, what the Government had to say, with the BBC’s reporting of the events yesterday:
This, in the Common’s, was the Education Secretary Nick Gibb’s account of what happened; ‘Clearly, in this system (of privileged advanced access to the SATS exercise to markers and their supervisors), it is essential that people in positions of trust can be relied on to act appropriately. Unfortunately, in this case, it appears that one person could not, and leaked the key stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test to a journalist.
In response to, ‘A source from the Department of Education, blaming a rouge marker for leaking the test’, this was the BBC Robert Piggot’s take. Reporting on Five Live, he said; ‘There’s been a lot of problems for the tests for primary children, so it comes at a very embarrassing time, so the Government’s very keen to place distance between the idea that it has messed up again, if you like, and to insert this idea of it being actually deliberate by somebody trying to sabotage the tests.
See what they did there? See what they’re suggesting?
According to ‘the World’s most trusted broadcaster’, the interrogation of the computer systems (by an external provider, Pearson) shewed that someone accessed the test, and it is known that it was then passed to a journalist is an, ‘INSERTION’.
If anyone is ‘inserting’ anything in the mind of the public, it is the BBC, a BBC who have always been the willing recipient and conduit of stories and obstructiveness from the teaching unions, pressure groups and opponents of government reform.
Once again, more evidence of unacceptable and very serious bias on the part of an organisation that has lost all integrity. This report should be the subject of an apology and retraction.
So refreshing to see a young lad who could cash his PC chips in with the cretins-but chooses to stick to the truth and to reason.
Great guy-must be SO hard to put up with “fellow students” who need a good slap-yet he does so with humour and the right amount of contempt.
Ta Katie H.
Never seen a wobbly blancmange in fatigues before…..boy, does she wobble?
Absolutely agree! Respect, in an Ali G way! Nice to see this young man see through the shit of PC madness. Hope the BBC doesn’t take him on though….uh oh.
I love the expression on the face of the (non-fat/ugly) woman at the beginning of the video!
Hats off to the young gentleman presenting the video. Obviously very insightful and coherent with it.
Brilliant, but it is not over until the fat lady sings ! Glad we didn’t have to wait for that. I don’t who the guy is, but he should be a role model for young blacks or I should say any young people . His style reminds me a bit of Pat Condell with swearing !
Oh do watch this!
Recommended higher up this thread-the brief kamikaze cameo by Martin Durkin re his new film “Brexit-the Movie”.
This guy did “The Great Global Warming Swindle”…he did that marvellous two-parter that followed the death of Margaret Thatcher which is set in stone as THE last word on her achievements…and now THIS!
The guy is a one man guerilla war veteran in all areas that the BBC so prize-and his howling down, mockery and ridicule is a joy to behold…boy does he get under the collective skin of the BBC and its pliant privileged poodles like Hillary Benn.
Durkin is a prince among mae-only a few minutes at 1.25-and until then is exactly all the mindless gossip and slurry in the ball pool that the Beeb dares to call political analysis-the Mighty Martin stuffs them up their own blowholes as far as he`s able to, in only five minutes.
Only hope he gets the credit where he`s due…he`s truly great-as if Christopher Booker himself had been issued with a cine camera…enjoy
Fuck the BBC propaganda arms…one bloody octopus we`ve GOT to kill-and Martin`s bagged three arms and points us to the suckers we`ll be wanting next.
” A bureaucratic class war against the privileged elite like you lot sat around here”….might as well be Moses calling!
Just looked at the EXPRESS on that film and it will be available to the rest of us tomorrow (Thursday).
‘Brexit: The Movie, which opens tonight with a glitzy premiere in Leicester Square, obliterates pro-EU myths and reveals how accountability across the continent has been eroded. The feature-length film, which is the brainchild of documentary maker Martin Durkin, will be made available FREE OF CHARGE online from tomorrow…
I shall be looking out for it. But it is the young voters who need to see this… and we need to pass this on to those that ‘waiver’ to see what the EU is doing and why it matters to them. A lot of kids bought up with the BBC seem to think the EU has kept the peace for 40 years (accepting what is about to happen with a careless shrug). That is the same (BBC) lie repeated by Cameron, it is leading us into war with Russia and total abandonment of our commitment to NATO and our own (UK) Armed services. The EU army will mean that we have no border security whatsoever. And America is moving away from aiding Europe. We will have lost our country to EU extremists and our country will be no more. There will be no UK future from then on. They will have surrendered (through ignorance) and it will be their loss, they will regret it for the rest of their lives, they will have no family (currently being debated in te EU – there is to be no concept of family (due to LGBTQXYZ wins) and there will be further degradation of Europeans culture (as in former UK) and adoption of Islamic customs – all at the same time, imposed top down. No vote after 23rd June. The last free vote to avoid a war.
Can’t see this on the BBC website, wonder why. I look forward to seeing how many of my favourite stars are raking it in, courtesy of our taxes. I particularly enjoy knowing that stars such as Prof Brian Cox, and that minx who used to present Springwatch, get flown to all corners of the earth to show us a grain of sand, or a drop of water, courtesy of our taxes.
Don’t forget, most of the highest-paid Beboids are not officially employed by the BBC, they are self-classed as limited companies (or something) in order to avoid tax. They are clearly employed by the BBC but this tax-loophole will be used so these multi-millionaire Beboids won’t have to declare their earnings.
It’s a win-win for the Beboids and a lose-lose for us BBC Poll-tax payers.
This quote from the former Head of BBC TV News came to mind when I started navigating this site.
Rather than swim in the sanity pool of like-minded folk, as I was hoping, I found myself mired in a swamp of bias-deniers who shriek “Tory Press” despite Damian Thompson’s out-and-out admission of “hands up we’re guilty”.
I used to enjoy the ITV news until I could stomach Laura Kuenssberg’s sneering bias no more and dipped my toe back in the BBC shallow end. Imagine my subsequent disappointment!
I’ve had a crack at listing some of my least favourite champaign socialists whose roles would suggest a requirement for balance that is sadly lacking:
1st (equal) – Evan Davis and David Dimbleby
3rd – Laura Kuenssberg
4th Andrew Marr
5th Huw Edwards
6th Andrew Neil
I feel sure I have missed out quite a few names – hopefully some of you will jog my memory. Would be interested in alternative rankings?
You’d have to include all the professional ‘international’ hand wringers and wailing boo-hooers like Lyse Ducet, Barbara Plett and the queen of comedy, Orla Guerin. Not withstanding their atrocious accents, on a scale of one to ten they would score zero for impartiality.
This just popped into my head – whatever happened with Camilla Batmanjellyfish and the myriad unanswered questions about her ‘charity’ and the millions our inept government gave her? Is the phrase ‘quietly forgotten about’ apt, or would ‘brushed under the carpet’ (which she was probably wearing) be more appropriate?
If we win (brexit) I think I’m going to run down the hard shoulder of the M6 naked with a sausage up my bum!! (see Katie Hopkins if you don’t get that!)
It seems that Cameron might have had a point about the risk of war if we vote to leave. According to today’s DT Merkel has announced that she’s increasing the size of the Wehrmacht.
Such is their conceit that they cannot help themselves. An in joke elite term that probably had them laughing at us- of course.
It was the ex Czech president , I think, who has said that the elites of the EU have declared war on us. Cameron is just another one of the bodysnatched.
Whatever happens in June this is not over not by a long way.
When elites declare war on the people it never ends well.
Oh hell-I agree with Arthur Scargill-on both counts, but the EU is the one for me.
AND he`s disgusted with Jeremy Corbyn as I am-he cites betrayal of Labour, I`d cite the reflex anti-Semitism from Red Scrote.
But still-not since 1984, have I agreed with this decrepit lefty, Arthur.
Wonder where his wig went?…but, he`s OK on Europe.
The so-called Trident replacement is about replacing the submarines that carry the Trident missile. The UK has only one submarine builder and now that the hunter/killer submarine replacement programme (Astute Class) is coming to an end it makes sense to work on replacement of the SSBNs (Vanguard Class). Once that programme is complete it will be time to start on replacing the SSNs (Astute Class). By not ‘replacing Trident’ our submarine builder is left with no work so will either close or have to move into other work thereby losing the skills needed in future.
Rather like our nuclear power industry it is a case of ‘use it or lose it’. If we want UK-built submarines in the future we need a work programme now.
But then Scargill probably doesn’t care about the workers at Barrow or the UK specialist steel industry.
Dear God! Is there no end to the profligacy? Free tea & coffee for staff at Salford – fair enough you might think, but at a cost of £110 000 for just one year???
And this isn’t because it’s being served up by staff in a fancy coffee bar, it’s instant made by staff in their kitchen area.
FoI battle to reveal how BBC spent £110,000 on free tea and coffee for Salford staff in just one year
Here is a list of Servest Group directors if anyone wants to Google the individuals to see if they have any “interests” at the BBC. I would have bid for that contract too but I don’t recall it being tendered :/
Miss Claire-Jayne Jayne Green
Mr Andrew Sugars
Mr Dennis Christopher Zietsman
Mr Johan Andrew Venter
Mr Kenton James Fine
Mr Philip Henry Watts
Mr Phillip Morris
Mr Robert Legge
……in order to discover how Roman culture and identity flourished away from the Empire’s base. In the third episode of the series, she pieces together the life of an African Roman turned British statesman.
You bet your bippy she does. And what timing – this episode is the first following the London mayoral elections. Coincidence or magic? Wonder if she will have drawn any parallels ahead of the result? ‘Potential Muslim Mayor of London’ maybe? Nah, too opportunistic even for her and the Al-Beeb….
This will almost certainly cover a very interesting Roman Emperor Severus, who moved the capital from Rome to York, where the Egyptian Gods were worshiped – now there’s a great quiz question!
Severus was born in Leptis Magna in the Roman province of Africa. Leptis Magna (Arabic: لَبْدَة Labdah) Great Leptis, or simply Leptis, known as Lebda to modern-day residents of Libya, was a prominent city of the Roman Empire
Africa was the Southern Mediterranean coastal area, and NOT sub Saharan Africa.
Despite this the Social Justice Warriors have attempted to claim that Severus was Black, yet the statuary simply does not support this, showing a man with positively European facial characteristics.
I posted last night that I had complained about Newshite. I also complained to my MP but he is a remainer.
Can any one who watched it give me your opinions because I do not intend to let this lie with the usual crap response. In my opinion the film was a disgrace, the audience were a disgrace and Evan Davis was a disgrace.
I have complained before and have settled for the usual.
If anyone else saw it can you give me your thoughts on how I should proceed or just tell me to give up.
Wrote this earlier:
I’m just too exhausted by the bbc. Watching this news night pretence at a debate. Carefully selected audience as usual. The bias is just too great to detail. Why was the lefty economist given so much prattle time? Why does no one ever discuss that our job vacancies could be filled by advertising for specific numbers? Evan makes sure that the labour mp gets the opening and closing statement.
Absolute crap.
I think there were plenty of disgruntled people in the audience who were for controlling immigration, but they were either brushed over or not given enough time. It was the bias of speakers that I found so ridiculous. Why did the Labour Mp Remainer get to finish and start the debate? At least the UKIP councillor told them clearly what her voters thought – and Evan kindly pointed out to everyone that she was UKIP (= loony)
‘The rumour doing the rounds in Whitehall is that the bombshell report on active National Insurance numbers will be slipped out early tomorrow. Chris Grayling has been asked to make time for four or five statements, so it looks like Downing Street is planning a dumping day to bury as much bad news as possible. Will the embarrassing NI stats revealing the true level of immigration be released tomorrow? With a ‘major intervention’ then lined up by No. 10 for Friday to try to keep the figures off the front pages…’
Come Friday watch our ‘national treasure’ like a hawk – wearing magnifying glasses as spectacles!
So bent has this referendum campaign been that I am sure it would fail even the feeble UN inspections we impose on banana republics to ‘observe’ their election procedures.
Too blinkin right it will be. I am still yet to meet any Remainiacs in our village. Where do they exist? Poll of polls says 50/50, really! I don’t think so.
Or if a Brexit victory – too narrow to make such a huge decision over it. Best have a few more negotiations and another referendum in a couple of years. Boris and the Brexit Tories agree. Farage does not and is removed as leader of UKIP.
There is a lot going on behind the scenes here. To start with we have both Sky and the BBC now actively campaigning for the remain cause. We have the US banks, led by the evil Goldman Sachs (and ‘evil’ is a word I very rarely use) trying to buy the result they want and we also have the Cameron led quisling government distorting the rules on campaign funding with their £9 + million leaflet.
In the face of all this I am even less inclined than usual to listen to sneering remarks about corruption in other countries. From where I stand it would be pretty damn difficult to be more corrupt than the UK.
BBC4 just now, documentary about the Silk Road and very good in many ways, but all building up to the main point that we, in the West, owe everything to Islam. Not much mention of Chinese culture just wall-to-wall Islam. Relentless and so boringly predictable.
Bloody brilliant!
Tommy Robinson absolutely destroys the faux-Jesus creeper Cottingham-utterly tragic that Cottingham is able to cling to some church somewhere without getting sandblasted out of it.
And listen to the Godly Hindu Sanjay in after 27+minutes?…never heard a clearer rant from a Hindu who fears for his country even more than we do-and his scorn for the likes of Cottingham is blisteringly good.
Three Counties radio-as long as Tommy gets a berth there, and Iain Lee ends up in a hostel on his arse-then it`ll be just fine.
Luton-a place well worth watching…and our BBC shill squirms on as many liberal hooks as is possible.
Subhan Tommy Robinson…
Taxi for Jon Double Barrel!
What a great bunch of Luton voices…clearly the multiculti bus has stopped there and is going no further now.
The BBC bloke is well filleted at every turn, desperately seeking Derek Batey type limpdick types like Cottingham..but the researchers and filters all seem broken.
Give yourself some time to hear it all.
Just as well the United bus wasn`t carrying the Subhan Allah advert then eh?…next season should be fun!
These adverts should not be carried on London Buses or on any other buses, not because of any religious message, but because they are seeking charitable donations known as ‘Zakat’ one of the pillars of Islam.
To qualify as Zakat the donations can only be given to other Muslims. Can you imagine the Social Justice Warriors reaction if there was an advert on buses which asked for donations for a charity which only gave it out to Christians? There’s no way it would be allowed, so why should this be allowed?
What I want one of these overpaid chimps at the BBC to ask is why those of us who are offended by this are not afforded the same lightning response from the police and the DPP which is given to Muslims, homosexuals, wimmin and others with a complaint. Many will find this offensive. Isn’t that meant to be against the law, post-Blair?
I wish Tommy would slow down a bit. I wouldn’t want him to become as oily and patronising as the people he is often up against but I think he would reach more people if he sounded a little less angry. He’s more effective when he stays calm, as in the interview below.
Perish the thought that he should sound smooth and contrived, but I do think he has the potential to reach more people than he does.
A case of poor formal education masking high intelligence, I suspect.
Take your point Maria.
That said, Cottingham was a real provocation in that he is EXACTLY the kind of Kumbaya Jesus creep that appalls a true Christian.
But that sura 5.32/33 schism is a classic-and Tommy was right to be wise to this Muslim fortune cookie crap.
He did the necessary-true that he`s no David Holloway, but the good people of Luton like Sanjay were equally raging at the presumptions of Islamic Relief and the BBC.
Reckon Tommy know the Koran far more than most these days…and enough of us should know the Bible well enough so he doesn`t have to be expert in that as well, surely.
No surprise he gets pissed off-as great self taught autodidacts do.
The BBC prefer Joey Barton of course-but Tommy is the real thing, and we need to listen and even indulge his excesses.
I agree, it is a supremacist message to us kuffars, “we are taking over”. I find it offensive too, they are putting us on notice they know we are culturally too stupid to do anything about it.
However, the principle of freedom of speech is important and I think they should be allowed to carry these messages. The problem in our culture is that racism and cultural supremacism can only go one way of course.
But what about an advert featuring a line of 6 year old infants and the message “Which one will Mohammed marry today?”. Would that be allowed do you think?
Here is a photo of the Social Justice Warrior who caused all the issues with GMPCES photographed with Fascist Commissioner Tony Lloyd:
She’s apparently called Dr Erinma Bell and she’s yet again so famous she doesn’t even warrant an entry in Wikipedia, so I have no idea what her doctorate is for, presumably the most effective ways to make a right annoying twat of ones self.
Executive Director at Chrysalis supporting African & Migrant Families. Community Peace Activist with international experience. Prince II trained and able to deliver consultation on various models of peace-making, peace-building and peace-keeping. I am available as a guest speaker and/or to deliver projects, workshops and presentations on various models and ways of attaining peace and conflict resolution
As you might expect, she doesn’t actually have a doctorate:
In recognition of her outstanding achiements the degree of Doctor of Letters honoris causa was conferred upon Mrs Erinma Bell MBE DL at a congregation held on Tuesday 16th July 2013.
It’s a painful read, of how a professional offence taker rises from humble beginnings to be taken seriously.
Tony Lloyd used to be my MP.
A milksop and career crawler, albeit a pleasant bland taxi for hire.
Bouffant hairspray, fluttering around Labours arse since 1983.
Did nothing, achieved nothing-but plenty foreign jaunts after 1997 when he became under secretary for the wristbands, Chris Mullins deodorant sprays and Jack Straws mosquito net.
The ultimate schmmozy bag carrier…will be flagged up as a great Parliamentarian when he dies.
A weasel phrase for any dead MP who did nothing in a pointless life.
At least the likes of Amery, Churchill and Soames had blue-blooded dads who lit Churchills cigars…Lloyd is a wigstand for Kinnock, no more and no less….
“”Mr Trump had offered to make an “exception” for Mr Khan.
Mr Khan refused Mr Trump’s offer, saying the New York businessman’s views were “ignorant” and would make the UK and the US “less safe””
“”It’s a temporary ban. It hasn’t been called for yet,” Mr Trump said on Wednesday. “This is just a suggestion until we find out what’s going on.””
“”Mr Trump has shifted positions in the past on a variety of issues only to change his stance days later”” (Please elaborate BBC. What’s a variety of issues? And days later? Have you made this up BBC?).
“”Mr Trump’s latest rhetorical swivel could be an olive branch to the speaker – and, perhaps, a fig leaf allowing Mr Ryan to eventually offer his support”” (Why the word ‘swivel’? Does it imply someone who is not in control of himself?).
“”Mr Trump has so far refused to release his tax records – a common practice among presidential nominees. Mrs Clinton has posted her past eight tax returns on her website”” ( No account from the Trump camp given. No mention that Clinton could be arrested).
“”It is disqualifying for a modern-day presidential nominee to refuse to release tax returns to the voters, especially one who has not been subject to public scrutiny in either military or public service,” Mr Romney said”” (The final sentence. Good ol’ BBC. Miss no opportunity to damn their antiChrist).
The overblown, bureaucratic and drain on the resources of Wales is a mess .
The money wasted on its AMs could be better spent on the health and education of the country .
The idea and concept of an assembly for Wales, like the EU was established by the ‘skin of its teeth’ .
Lets ask the people of Wales to vote to ‘keep or abolish’ the waste of money ……………………………
I post this statement as a true and patriotic Welsh and British citizen.
Listening to Radio Al Beeb Wales this morning they spent an ‘over the top’ amount of time hammering a division in the UKIP AMs than talking about Brexit .
I have come to the conclusion that Al Beeb hate UKIP more than Trump.
Division or not in UKIP , forget the ‘clouding’ , the vote is – ‘IN’ or ‘Out’ ?
My answer to Al Beeb is – ‘Out’
Have I missed something since I have been out of the country ?
Where have all the invading ‘migrants’ gone ?
Has the EU finally manage stop them, or has Al Beeb censored the reporting of the ‘desperate’ boat people because of the impending Brexit vote ?
Over to you posters – help me out ………..
“…Has the EU finally manage stop them, or has Al Beeb censored the reporting of the ‘desperate’ boat people because of the impending Brexit vote ?”
I think you answered your own question there. Of course, the BBC has ‘gone ghost’ on the so-called ‘migrant crisis’ as the Brexit vote looms – it’s just the State Propagandist doing what is expected of it: keeping quiet and hoping nobody asks any awkward questions. Having said that, the BBC are taking no chances. In recent weeks we’ve had a drip-drip trickle of non-stories about how the ‘migrant flow’ has ‘eased considerably’ and how the numbers are allegedly down now that Turkey has been bribed with EU taxpayer money (in the eye-watering billions), while several Eastern European nations seem to have miraculously rediscovered that if you police your international borders it might actually keep economic scroungers and cultural vandals out.
Don’t worry, though – the day after the referendum vote keeps the UK locked in its grim death spiral with the EU the BBC will be back to virtue signal on the ‘unfolding migrant crisis’, happy that in voting to remain, we might just have given away our last, best hope to escape the coming catastrophe slowly engulfing the rest of Europe…
In the upper-echelon BBC Politburo it’ll be Champers all round – job done!
AlBeeb has invented a new weather term to disguise ‘Bloody Cold’ for the forthcoming weekend, and that word is ‘Fresh’ .
It was ‘cooler’, but that verb has been over used, so its now ‘Fresh’
Where has our global warming gone ?
It could be down to 0 Deg C on Saturday . Will they report this as the ‘coldest day eva ‘ for a month of May ?
I still have the newspaper report on that and the similarity to that to the BBC is worrying. The TELEGRAPH reported; ‘Facebook suppresses conservative news, say former workers’. Facebook uses so called ‘news curators’ to create news feeds or ‘trending’ news. Another BBC loan-to-value practice was highlighted that stories were ‘injected’ into trending sections even though they were not popular. Former workers complain that ‘conservative news’ was shifted or blacklisted from ‘trending’. FaceBook denies all knowledge about its manipulation process. ‘ never tries to influence people on how to vote’, it told The Telegraph. Yeah right.
This story has been worth following (Beitbart is your best place). It has now reached the point where the US Senate is to investigate the revelations that Facebook has a strong Leftist bias. Who could ever have guessed…?
Meanwhile, buried in the detail of the story, has been a very revealing nugget. The BBC tried to claim that Faceboook’s preference for sourcing news from media giants like it and CNN was because they were ‘balanced’.
Of course, there is another and far more plausible, explanation, as BBBC readers will know!
Why am i not surprised, Khan is their new Obama. Its like 2000-08 again when Livingstone was in bed with the greens during his time there and caused so many problems yet zero criticism from the local beeb. There will be no hit squads waiting for Khan to balls up, no sad faces at the beginning of news reports it will be all positivity and isn’t Khan great.
BBC White paper? Surely some discrimination intended (and if not why not). Ban all White newspapers. There is no need for public explanations! Who needs to read newspapers when you have the BBC. What are the issues?… erh anyone? (The BBC are not available to comment on how they spend your money), ditto Victoria Derbyshire ‘TWIT’ (feed) golden globe award..
Around 7.45 this morning on Radio 4. Two clapped out war correspondents, one has written a play about her adventures, discuss how intoxicating is the perilous job of being a war correspondent, going to war torn lands, living it up in posh hotels and allowing their names to be added to whatever drivel the media want to publish. And neither shagged their ‘fixers’ apparently.
Then on to a discussion about the Whitewash paper about BBC reforms which they hope will make the trust more diverse; that is put Muslims on it.
A bash or two at Trump and the last item on the News refers to an auction of the gun which killed the ‘unarmed black teenager’, Martin Trayvon where George Zimmerman was acquitted in a ‘controversial not guilty verdict’. A new legal definition.
That is the BBC at its worse. The evidence in favour of an innocent verdict was over whelming and is only doubted by crazy leftists whose opinion is reflected in BBC News.
And this is the BBC a gutless Tory Minister wants to protect. If only I was a cartoonist I would do a cartoon of Whittingbum having his arse smacked by Aunty BBC in the role of a dominatrix to this sad excuse for a government minister
Totally agree. And just to add some evidence.
At about 6.45am on Toady (aka Pressure Group Whinge Radio) there was an interview with some Global pressure group person. She was given a free ride.
At about 7.15am there was an interview with someone from Greenpeace . She was given a free ride – unchallenged, no interruptions.
Then there was an interview with a male person (not high profile) from Leave. No prizes for guessing. Constant interruptions and harranging. The guy could hardly finish a sentence.
But no bias, of course. LOL.
David Cameron said cracking down on corruption was needed to “tackle extremism”. The prime minister made the comments at an anti-corruption summit in London that he is hosting. The summit is part of Mr Cameron’s attempt to lead a wider global effort to crack down on corruption. Foreign firms that own property in the UK must declare their assets publicly in a bid to stamp out money-laundering, the government has said. “The absolute key is having greater transparency. And you can see countries committing to exchanging more tax information, exchanging more ownership information and — in the case of the United Kingdom and some others — actually for the first time, having not just a beneficial ownership register — who owns what — but also making that public so it can be investigated by others,” Mr Cameron said.
John Kerry, US secretary of State, said corruption threatened countries because it fed crime and terrorism: “Corruption, writ large, is as much of an enemy because it destroys nation states as some of the extremists we’re fighting.”
Oh, so now I get it. ‘Nothing to do with Islam’, right?
Through the looking glass, people. Through the looking glass.
On the main UK Beeb website this morning we got an article saying the ONS where going to release their report on EU migrant numbers and how the official numbers do not tally with NI numbers. I was pleased the Beeb were covering this and on the ball as I had expected them not to mention it. Now the report is out and it shows that the numbers of EU workers is much much higher (but its ok because they are all apparently “short-term” workers whatever that might mean) the story has been buried under the referendum/ Politics section, though it is not really anything to do with the referendum.
The ONS story has been a fine example of the ‘good day to bury bad news’ principle in operation, just as several pundits predicted yesterday.
Cameron knew that the BBC would be obsessed with the Whittingdale plan and, in any case, would really rather not have to reveal another immigration scandal, so letting the news seep out like a bad smell this morning suited both the government and the BBC.
And that’s how we, the voters, are treated – as an inconvenience to be lied to and manipulated.
Sums it up in a nutshell. For the first time in my life I did not vote in the recent elections. Without any prompting from me, neither did my elderly mother. When I asked her why, she replied ” what is the point ? “.
So neither you nor your mum believe we would be in a different situation if Mr Milliband was PM.
We certainly would not be discussing the BBC bias on Brexit, would we.
Re the BBC report above on immigration. Every time someone points out that the recent EU imports have chipped in more than they have taken out I long to ask the person making the point should we therefore put adverts in newspapers all around Europe a parody of the WWI recruitment poster saying please come to the UK, our economy needs you.
Our Auf Widersehein Pet building workers also contributed to the German economy, but the vast majority came home long before their outs would exceed their ins to the system. Will the same happen with Romanians and Bulgarians? I think not.
Well , you have a point that Miliband would have hastened the decline, but the UK is still heading in the same direction under Cameron. Even Brexit can’t save us now, although I shall be voting for it. Time will tell , but I see very little hope for this country either way.
There is rarely a perfect option, but I would venture there are plenty of options that you consider worse than others.
In my ward / constituency I vote to try to avoid what I consider the the worst option, as my “natural” party is unlikely to prevail, but I do vote and therefore consider I have the right to put forward my four penny worth.
Grant, I can see your mother’s point. We had three candidates – Conservative, Labour and Green so I just wrote “UKIP” across the ballot paper – totally futile, I know, but it did make me feel better.
Yes, I spoilt my ballot paper, for the first time ever. Just wrote USELESS SHOWER on it. A complete waste of time I know, but no one can accuse me of not going to the trouble of voting.
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Has Sir Bob ‘very rich’ Geldof taken in any Syrian migrants yet?
He is so loved by the BBC. He’s edgy, bedraggled, swears like a yoof and made a record thirty years ago.
Will the BBC search for the truth? Bob’s announcement back in September was sincere after all.
Yep…..not forgetting Emma darling Thomson….Dumbprick Cabbagepatch….and all the other middle-class, lefty creatures that open their well-fed mouths before feeble brain realises what has come out….doh…..
Funny how they never seem to mention his Non Dom tax status too isn’t it ?
To be fair Bob did offer to take a family of 6 into his home. Unfortunately the mother of the family felt that the hygiene standards in the house were dangerously low . Worse, in off guarded moment, she was heard discussing how appalled she was at Bob’s personal hygiene but felt that it would be rude to point out that he looked and smelt like a tramp. I know we are not supposed to make personal attacks on this site , but he does swear and rant at the Brits and demands money with menaces. So I think it fair to say what I think about the Irish clown in return.
In case you get accused of racism, I’d just like to point out that a lot of Irish people agree with you.
He’s still waiting for Yvette Cooper’s team to vet the likely lads on MP’s expenses.
Just a thought after “news where you are” in London last night. If you recall, in his 8 (?) years as mayor, AFAIAA Boris didn’t get one positive news item devoted to him from the local BBC: literally not one. I think I can safely predict that our new mayor will not get one unfavourable mention from Riz and the team while he is in (or out of) office. Certainly his idea to allow consecutive bus journeys undertaken within an hour to be charged only once was greeted with acclaim by the vox poperati. To be fair though one vox popper asked where the money (some £30 million apparently) is coming from. Khan’s response was a burble about “efficiency savings” yadda yadda yadda which more than satisfied the BBC’s intrepid reporters.
Boris was target no 1 for BBC London news once he took over from their hero Ken and it got even worse in the run up to and during the olympics. Not one positive story just constant negativity. I can still remember when Boris got re-elected in 2012 the bile and vitriol in both livingstones and the green harridan Jenny Jones defeat speeches. It was unreal. The amount of crap he had to put up with at the london assembly from Labour and the limp dicks was off the scale.
Although seeing and hearing Boris in the past few days he’s like a man reborn.
Well they have there new Obama now and its all positivity and smiley faces and 2009 again. Hes going to save us all. Lets see how they handle(coverup) the screwups that will eventually come. I personally know people who are saying he’s going to be a good mayor and he’s barely been in the job, mind you they are labour through and through. That peace prize is in the bag.
Yes, poor old Boris. On his first day as Mayor some Labour luvvie presented him with a cycling helmet. Obviously a mayor could not be seen to be flouting the Nanny State so openly as to cycle without a magic plastic hat.
Wonder why the one eyed jock (has he been under brick since the general election? ) gets bigger billing than Boris and his bus.
Blatant bias
I still like Guido Fawkes terms for Mr Brown, Jonah the Prime Mentalist.
BBc mid day news reports on Gordon “touch of doom” Brown wading into the EU debate. I particularly likes the way he drew attention to the maximum working week. In one job I was told to sign an opt out or I wouldn’t have a job. In another job I had an argument with a “manager” who was forcing us to work flat rate (minimum wage) overtime told me it didn’t apply to us. Yea thanks for that EU made a big difference to my working life…Not!
Well , Gangly Gordon is not the brightest kid on the block is he, re Gold sale, pensions fucked, i could go on, i cannot for the life of me ‘get’ firms and institutions that pay this gargoyle a shed load to speak……their judgement is surely suspect?…Same with Blair’s customers…..imbeciles all.
But he abolished boom and bust!! It must be true because our impartial national broadcaster has never challenged him about it.
He also discovered a new WW2 D Day landing beach. Obama beach. Gerald Celente has suggested that we shouldn’t call these psychopaths politicians. Instead we should refer to them as psychopathic sob s. I think he’s correct; calling them politicians bestows a validity that they don’t deserve.
Having just watched Daily Politics, I was amused at the overly defensive reaction of Brillo and JoCo ‘who doth protest too much’, when the maker of the film out today called Brexit at Leicester Square, stated that the reason for making the film was to counter the pro EU propaganda arm called the bBBC.
He also accused Benn of being an establishment figure. He further stated it was a class war of the working people against the establishment and rich.
I don’t think he will be invited back.
Brilliant, absolutely brilliant.
Yes, that part of the programme was a joy to watch. I’ve seen the same reaction to use of the phrsse “Lügenpresse” amongst Brillo’s Teutonic counterparts. Apparently, to criticise those sections of the media that force their public to pay for their own cretinization is “anti-democratic” because “neo-nazi elements” are trying to undermine the press, “essential to the proper functioning of a free and open society”. It is frightening to realise that BBC/ZDF/ARD non-entities really do think thst they are the ultimate arbiters of what is true and false, what is good and bad.
Notice how Brillo and the punchable Coburn constantly talked over the film-maker. Ignorant bunch of tw@ts didn’t want to hear the truth.
Judging from comments today, it appears Brillo has blown his credentials with many over this.
Martin Durkin, the director of Brexit, also made a film called The Great Global Warming Swindle, so he must be very high on the BBC’s hit list.
Brillo tried to laugh off the observation that the BBC was the EU’s propaganda arm, but he was clearly unhappy at being ridiculed on his own program.
Today’s sports stories, in order of importance to the BBC:

Yes, women’s cricket is on everyone’s mind, I’m sure.
I think I was listening to BBC 5Live when I was shocked to hear Notts County had beaten Liverpool 3-2 last week, only to discover they were reporting on the result between Notts County Ladies and Liverpool Ladies FC.
Why are the BBC refraining from calling the women’s football teams by their official names?
I know this is a late posting but having woken up at 3 in the morning last Thursday night, I wondered how the local election results were doing and went to the BBC website as neither the Daily Mail nor the Telegraph could really give me any facts. Well neither could the BBC but ‘live’ information was given as brief items on a time line. Scrolling down around 3 a.m. 9 out of 14 pieces of information started ‘Labour……’ and out of the other 5 the word ‘Labour’ also featured in the brief item. Those posting these snippets could not obviously consider that anything was worth reporting other than from a Labour stand point.
Deborah I also had a few issues trying to find the election results. I’m still not sure who the Police commissioner.
And have we been told how postal votes went yet?
They were probably destroyed by lunchtime on Friday.
Although I applaud Trevor Phillips (ex Chair /present Chair of various bodies, today’s essay in the D/Mail) for his detailed reports of immigration and its current impact, I find it ironic that comments about Britain “has always been open and welcoming to immigrants”, are made by those landing on these shores since the 1950’s. Well they would say that wouldn’t they? but have no idea what the indigenous population felt about it. Welcomed by the elected Government of the day, but rarely by those living outside the rarefied atmosphere of Westminster, who saw a massed influx gradually infiltrating their way of life. However, am I allowed to say that I cant EVER remember a time when immigration hasn’t caused a storm of protest – so where all this ‘welcoming’ is coming from is beyond me. I DO remember a time though, when B & B’s and Rooms to Let properties had signs with “No Blacks or Irish”, admittedly not a time to be proud of, but it does fly in the face of column inches reporting an opposing attitude.
Yes, I find it ironic that those immigrants from 60 years ago who created an uneasy tension amongst the populace, are now rallying against further immigration , and are getting a taste of what it was like for us when they first arrived.
Many of those people had similar values to the host population and eventually we did assimilate I think ?Many of my friends are from the West Indian community and they are very worried about the deluge of migrants because most of them do not live in well off leafy suburbs. its nothing like it was in the 50s that was more of a trickle and people were hard working.They were invited to help Britain recover from the war.
One friend has lived in Tower Hamlets for 30years and is appalled by what went on with the mayor and Bengali community. Corrupt electoral practices and bribes.
Since Blairs government any semblance of control went out the window.
They were invited for the same reason the Eastern Europeans et al are welcomed now: a source of labour cheaper than the indigenous work force; and to break up the homogeneity of Britain’s population so that as its “diversity” increased it would be easier to control.
I dont think its true to say that the original 1950s West Indian immigrants were either ‘invited’ or wanted
“to break up the homogeneity of Britain’s population”.
There was a demand for cheap labour and the feeling existed that after the war and the use of Commonwealth troops, that to exclude these wannabes would be a ‘colour bar’ that was not in the post war spirit. It was in the context of there being no existing immigration controls on Commonwealth citizens, basically because there hadnt been a need for them.
What you think is true or not is irrelevant. They were invited and encouraged to come and therefore came.
In search of my daily dose of adrenalin I looked at the Grauniad’s online version this morning. I couldn’t find any reference to yesterday’s immigration bombshell. Nothing, nada from the online version of Al Beeb’s print sister.
Move along there, nothing to see, just look at how badly the Tories are treating our fraternal comrades at Al Beeb!
“Abusers ‘prey on under-18 nights’ in Telford, street pastors claim” is the headline on this BBC news item
But who are these abusers preying on under-18s? Fortunately the BBC provides some “police data” that reveals in the Warwickshire and West Mercia Police areas “When the identity of the perpetrator was known, 90% were white, 7% Asian and 2% black”. And the BBC directs us to a report by Telford and Wrekin Council that states:
“Despite a number of high profile cases in various parts of the country (including
Telford) which involved the prosecution of Asian men of predominantly British-
Pakistani heritage, we want to make it clear that there is no standard profile for the
perpetrators of this crime. We recognise that “Operation Chalice” was purely about
the criminal behaviour of a few individuals and the people who commit this crime
may be of any age, nationality, race, faith or gender. Perpetrators do not necessarily
fit the stereotype of a dirty old man in a rain coat – many sexual offenders are part of
every community and class.”
Oh, but wait. Further down the page the BBC reports the words of Telford pastor Rev Keith Osmund-Smith:
“We see the same vehicles, containing the same men. They are looking out for the girls and they are there for one thing.
There have been occasions where pastors have stopped girls getting into the cars.”
“He said the men they saw approaching under-age girls were mainly of British Pakistani heritage “but not exclusively so”.
He said the pastors had been working with elders from the Muslim community who were trying to address the behaviour of a minority of young men. Imams at both mosques and elders are as upset and distressed as any other community would be.”
And so it continues, and all the while the BBC, the Police and local Councils do their best to obfuscate and downplay the inescapable facts. The majority of abusers who hang around in cars outside under-18’s nights in Telford are Muslims and the majority of young girls abused by these perpetrators are white and non-Muslim.
Shame. Shame. Shame on you all.
It appears that the BBC have played down the fact that the street pastors are overwhelmingly recruited from Christian churches and that their work is supported by prayer and non patrol volunteers from those churches.
Street pastors “have stopped the girls getting into the cars”….well done folks, may God go with you.
How many of the cars are being identified on ANPR cameras or stopped and searched by the police, or drivers receiving home visits as in kerb crawling cases?
Yes, having read through the item posted by Mr.Golightly I see that one religions adherents get a mention,
“Imams at both mosques and elders are as upset and distressed as any other community would be.”
But the good Reverend Keith Osmund -Smith is not identified as a Christian minister of religion nor is his church mentioned.
Probably 30 to 50 thousand young White girls have been systematically and brutally gang raped by Pakistani Muslims. The worst part is, that this was happening with complicity of the authorities, from the Cabinet office down.
What this amounts to is a gargantuan war crime, with no parallel in history. It should be investigated in public by a war crimes tribunal, and charges brought against all involved.
As for the Pakistani. If one assumes each girl was servicing 10 men, we have 300,000 to 500,000 Pakistani Muslims. This means that the entire Pakistani community, apart from very small children, knew of the ongoing war crimes. Almost certainly all the imams knew of it.
In a sane world, this should lead to the banishment of the entire Pakistani community, for engaging in act of war against Britain.
In a sane world there should be trials for war crimes. And if we lived in a banana republic with a military dictator the chances are that he would bomb the police and council HQs who facilitated these crimes followed by mass executions of the criminals.
I was quite disgusted at Tim Farron’s demand for an apology from Cameron at the perceived “racism” of the Conservative’s Mayoral campaign during PQT – and Cameron’s evasive reply. Andrew Neil then went on to ask the, as ever slimy, Hilary Benn why Corbyn hadn’t pursued this line of questioning. It would seem that in the parallel universe of the BBC this absurdity is actually justified. But when is Cameron, or for that matter anyone on the Tory side going to have the balls to say that telling the truth doesn’t require an apology? The Tories under Cameron really are a bunch of spineless PR men.
BBC Costing The Earth managed to do a new episode The Sun King of China lionising Huang Ming, he employs 3000 people in solar research
Maybe someone can listen and check if the prog mentioned the giant failing Chinese solar corps Hanergy and Yingli Green Energy Holding who employ much more people
(news for Yingli from 1 hour ago Yingli Green Says It Probably Can’t Repay Debts Due Thursday )
“Unprofitable since 2011, Yingli has breached its debt covenants for more than a year and has been kept alive by state-backed institutions led by the China Development Bank”
“Hi stew, no mention of fails or how small solar PV is in china, did ( rightfully ) push solar hot water & mentioned it’s use in cooling” ….. saveenergy May 11, 2016 3:16 pm
We shall see what happens tomorrow Brian, we shall see…
Interesting comparison Leha – as Canada’s CBC Network is found actively ‘copying’ the BBC in terms of liberal misuse of public media and getting into debt. From Video (above) almost identical copy-kat misuse of public funding ($1.1 billion) and complaining about (modest) budget cuts. How very much like the BBC that is. The BBC has free access to £3.8 billion TV license cash and despite obvious and persistent abuses it demands more. I am comparing BBC annual TV license fee (uncut) to the CBC subsidy (cut by $1.1 million dollars) in which the Canadian Dollar is about half (0.5383) to that of the pound. That makes (approx) a BBC annual subsidy (if you convert into Dollars) of $7.2 Billion Canadian Dollars, seven times larger than CBC. It is an obscene amount of money as the BBC loses the same amount each year and still wants more.
Of course Cameron will say yes, they deserve it. No they don’t. No they don’t. No they don’t.
‘I love the BBC, but am not sure this qualifies as impartial journalism.’ Robert Peston
‘This shows the BBC at its worst — using its dominant position to sledge rivals needlessly. It’s like something out of North Korea.’ One of Pesto’s colleagues
the useful idiot on Daily politics……….he with the plastic boxes and coloured balls………..was sent to Norwich yesterday.
His mission appeared to be finding a street where there was an even split Leave/Remain vote……………he duly pointed out
that Southwards on this Street was REMAIN…………he duly headed that way……… why didnt he turn North…….
Or better still get his balls out………
A guest on Radio Devon this morning, Dr. David Brockington, an American who is a Politics lecturer at Plymouth University (frequent contributor) was asked about voting patterns for Devon and Cornwall in the coming referendum. Apparently both counties, especially the rural parts, are for leaving. This was not viewed as necessarily a ‘good thing’ as Cornwall has had a lot of European funding. Never once was he asked the source of all this EU giveaway cash. All was not lost though as just before 8 we had an interview with Boris, touring the area in his battle bus, on fine form.
Yesterday there was another kerfuffle about SATS. The teaching union’s and left wing activists have for months been agitating against the Government’s attempts to improve the quality of education in this country – in particular the their attempts to measure progress on the part of schools.
For weeks the BBC have been focussing on stressed kiddies and their stressed parents and their stressed teachers. This culminated in the attempted sabotage of yesterday’s SATS exercise.
Compare and contrast, as they say, what the Government had to say, with the BBC’s reporting of the events yesterday:
This, in the Common’s, was the Education Secretary Nick Gibb’s account of what happened; ‘Clearly, in this system (of privileged advanced access to the SATS exercise to markers and their supervisors), it is essential that people in positions of trust can be relied on to act appropriately. Unfortunately, in this case, it appears that one person could not, and leaked the key stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test to a journalist.
In response to, ‘A source from the Department of Education, blaming a rouge marker for leaking the test’, this was the BBC Robert Piggot’s take. Reporting on Five Live, he said; ‘There’s been a lot of problems for the tests for primary children, so it comes at a very embarrassing time, so the Government’s very keen to place distance between the idea that it has messed up again, if you like, and to insert this idea of it being actually deliberate by somebody trying to sabotage the tests.
See what they did there? See what they’re suggesting?
According to ‘the World’s most trusted broadcaster’, the interrogation of the computer systems (by an external provider, Pearson) shewed that someone accessed the test, and it is known that it was then passed to a journalist is an, ‘INSERTION’.
If anyone is ‘inserting’ anything in the mind of the public, it is the BBC, a BBC who have always been the willing recipient and conduit of stories and obstructiveness from the teaching unions, pressure groups and opponents of government reform.
Once again, more evidence of unacceptable and very serious bias on the part of an organisation that has lost all integrity. This report should be the subject of an apology and retraction.
Not BBC but its about Social Justice Warriors bullcrap. The guy in the video is spot on.
So refreshing to see a young lad who could cash his PC chips in with the cretins-but chooses to stick to the truth and to reason.
Great guy-must be SO hard to put up with “fellow students” who need a good slap-yet he does so with humour and the right amount of contempt.
Ta Katie H.
Never seen a wobbly blancmange in fatigues before…..boy, does she wobble?
Absolutely agree! Respect, in an Ali G way! Nice to see this young man see through the shit of PC madness. Hope the BBC doesn’t take him on though….uh oh.
I liked one comment (I paraphrase) – ‘Third-wave feminism is autism’ and Triggly Puff is the perfect example.
I love the expression on the face of the (non-fat/ugly) woman at the beginning of the video!
Hats off to the young gentleman presenting the video. Obviously very insightful and coherent with it.
Brilliant, but it is not over until the fat lady sings ! Glad we didn’t have to wait for that. I don’t who the guy is, but he should be a role model for young blacks or I should say any young people . His style reminds me a bit of Pat Condell with swearing !
0.0 it`s Trigglypuff … aka Cora Miriam, Cora Segal, or Cora Gales …….
What a top guy. Clever, articulate & genuine. Sadly, I can’t see him getting very far in this mad PC world.
Oh do watch this!
Recommended higher up this thread-the brief kamikaze cameo by Martin Durkin re his new film “Brexit-the Movie”.
This guy did “The Great Global Warming Swindle”…he did that marvellous two-parter that followed the death of Margaret Thatcher which is set in stone as THE last word on her achievements…and now THIS!
The guy is a one man guerilla war veteran in all areas that the BBC so prize-and his howling down, mockery and ridicule is a joy to behold…boy does he get under the collective skin of the BBC and its pliant privileged poodles like Hillary Benn.
Durkin is a prince among mae-only a few minutes at 1.25-and until then is exactly all the mindless gossip and slurry in the ball pool that the Beeb dares to call political analysis-the Mighty Martin stuffs them up their own blowholes as far as he`s able to, in only five minutes.
Only hope he gets the credit where he`s due…he`s truly great-as if Christopher Booker himself had been issued with a cine camera…enjoy
Fuck the BBC propaganda arms…one bloody octopus we`ve GOT to kill-and Martin`s bagged three arms and points us to the suckers we`ll be wanting next.
” A bureaucratic class war against the privileged elite like you lot sat around here”….might as well be Moses calling!
Just looked at the EXPRESS on that film and it will be available to the rest of us tomorrow (Thursday).
‘Brexit: The Movie, which opens tonight with a glitzy premiere in Leicester Square, obliterates pro-EU myths and reveals how accountability across the continent has been eroded. The feature-length film, which is the brainchild of documentary maker Martin Durkin, will be made available FREE OF CHARGE online from tomorrow…
See that here:!the-movie/c2sa
I shall be looking out for it. But it is the young voters who need to see this… and we need to pass this on to those that ‘waiver’ to see what the EU is doing and why it matters to them. A lot of kids bought up with the BBC seem to think the EU has kept the peace for 40 years (accepting what is about to happen with a careless shrug). That is the same (BBC) lie repeated by Cameron, it is leading us into war with Russia and total abandonment of our commitment to NATO and our own (UK) Armed services. The EU army will mean that we have no border security whatsoever. And America is moving away from aiding Europe. We will have lost our country to EU extremists and our country will be no more. There will be no UK future from then on. They will have surrendered (through ignorance) and it will be their loss, they will regret it for the rest of their lives, they will have no family (currently being debated in te EU – there is to be no concept of family (due to LGBTQXYZ wins) and there will be further degradation of Europeans culture (as in former UK) and adoption of Islamic customs – all at the same time, imposed top down. No vote after 23rd June. The last free vote to avoid a war.
Can’t see this on the BBC website, wonder why. I look forward to seeing how many of my favourite stars are raking it in, courtesy of our taxes. I particularly enjoy knowing that stars such as Prof Brian Cox, and that minx who used to present Springwatch, get flown to all corners of the earth to show us a grain of sand, or a drop of water, courtesy of our taxes.
Don’t forget, most of the highest-paid Beboids are not officially employed by the BBC, they are self-classed as limited companies (or something) in order to avoid tax. They are clearly employed by the BBC but this tax-loophole will be used so these multi-millionaire Beboids won’t have to declare their earnings.
It’s a win-win for the Beboids and a lose-lose for us BBC Poll-tax payers.
BBC executives and journalists have a special patronising smile for anyone who suggests they are biased towards the Left.
‘Look,’ they say pityingly, ‘the Left are always telling us we’re biased towards the Right. Bet you didn’t know that!’ End of discussion
This quote from the former Head of BBC TV News came to mind when I started navigating this site.
Rather than swim in the sanity pool of like-minded folk, as I was hoping, I found myself mired in a swamp of bias-deniers who shriek “Tory Press” despite Damian Thompson’s out-and-out admission of “hands up we’re guilty”.
I used to enjoy the ITV news until I could stomach Laura Kuenssberg’s sneering bias no more and dipped my toe back in the BBC shallow end. Imagine my subsequent disappointment!
I’ve had a crack at listing some of my least favourite champaign socialists whose roles would suggest a requirement for balance that is sadly lacking:
1st (equal) – Evan Davis and David Dimbleby
3rd – Laura Kuenssberg
4th Andrew Marr
5th Huw Edwards
6th Andrew Neil
I feel sure I have missed out quite a few names – hopefully some of you will jog my memory. Would be interested in alternative rankings?
You’d have to include all the professional ‘international’ hand wringers and wailing boo-hooers like Lyse Ducet, Barbara Plett and the queen of comedy, Orla Guerin. Not withstanding their atrocious accents, on a scale of one to ten they would score zero for impartiality.
How can you have a list like that without Jeremy Bowen and Jon Donnison?
Add Mishail; the sneering Muslim – not enough Jews dead
This just popped into my head – whatever happened with Camilla Batmanjellyfish and the myriad unanswered questions about her ‘charity’ and the millions our inept government gave her? Is the phrase ‘quietly forgotten about’ apt, or would ‘brushed under the carpet’ (which she was probably wearing) be more appropriate?
I see Lloyds Bank, part of which WE, as taxpayers still own, has given a £20,000 loan to Remain.
Were we asked? Should we have been told?
And did the shareholders approve?
No polling is perfect as we all know but wouldn’t it be nice if the “probables” on this graph actually DO it!
If we win (brexit) I think I’m going to run down the hard shoulder of the M6 naked with a sausage up my bum!! (see Katie Hopkins if you don’t get that!)
O/T (sort of):
Britain has a “fundamental national interest” in keeping a “common purpose” in Europe to avoid future conflict.
Tuesday’s Telegraph reporting on THAT speech by Cameron.
Is he taking the piss because he thinks we don’t know?
It seems that Cameron might have had a point about the risk of war if we vote to leave. According to today’s DT Merkel has announced that she’s increasing the size of the Wehrmacht.
Germans have a bit of a history there !
Such is their conceit that they cannot help themselves. An in joke elite term that probably had them laughing at us- of course.
It was the ex Czech president , I think, who has said that the elites of the EU have declared war on us. Cameron is just another one of the bodysnatched.
Whatever happens in June this is not over not by a long way.
When elites declare war on the people it never ends well.
Oh hell-I agree with Arthur Scargill-on both counts, but the EU is the one for me.
AND he`s disgusted with Jeremy Corbyn as I am-he cites betrayal of Labour, I`d cite the reflex anti-Semitism from Red Scrote.
But still-not since 1984, have I agreed with this decrepit lefty, Arthur.
Wonder where his wig went?…but, he`s OK on Europe.
The so-called Trident replacement is about replacing the submarines that carry the Trident missile. The UK has only one submarine builder and now that the hunter/killer submarine replacement programme (Astute Class) is coming to an end it makes sense to work on replacement of the SSBNs (Vanguard Class). Once that programme is complete it will be time to start on replacing the SSNs (Astute Class). By not ‘replacing Trident’ our submarine builder is left with no work so will either close or have to move into other work thereby losing the skills needed in future.
Rather like our nuclear power industry it is a case of ‘use it or lose it’. If we want UK-built submarines in the future we need a work programme now.
But then Scargill probably doesn’t care about the workers at Barrow or the UK specialist steel industry.
Dear God! Is there no end to the profligacy? Free tea & coffee for staff at Salford – fair enough you might think, but at a cost of £110 000 for just one year???
And this isn’t because it’s being served up by staff in a fancy coffee bar, it’s instant made by staff in their kitchen area.
FoI battle to reveal how BBC spent £110,000 on free tea and coffee for Salford staff in just one year
Now lets look at who owns the catering company…(to buy off the shelf products???)
But this isn’t your regular tea and coffee, this is BBC tea and coffee…
The tea bags are a special blend of leaves from the EU and Syria hand stitched by disabled LGBTQ Muslims.
Actually its 8.5 Million pounds worth: Money not a problem at the cash strapped BBC!
Servest wins lucrative BBC catering contract
By Carina Perkins, 05-Mar-2014
Servest Group has won an £8.5m contract to provide catering to the BBC.
Here is a list of Servest Group directors if anyone wants to Google the individuals to see if they have any “interests” at the BBC. I would have bid for that contract too but I don’t recall it being tendered :/
Miss Claire-Jayne Jayne Green
Mr Andrew Sugars
Mr Dennis Christopher Zietsman
Mr Johan Andrew Venter
Mr Kenton James Fine
Mr Philip Henry Watts
Mr Phillip Morris
Mr Robert Legge
No milk allowed – hideously white, Creative Access would be absolutely disgusted
Nigerian Lager??
A massive FOI battle over… tea.
Lucky the BBC does not have a dodgy record on anything serious to worry about being exempted from the public having a right to know about.
And tonight’s history lesson from Mary Beard:
……in order to discover how Roman culture and identity flourished away from the Empire’s base. In the third episode of the series, she pieces together the life of an African Roman turned British statesman.
You bet your bippy she does. And what timing – this episode is the first following the London mayoral elections. Coincidence or magic? Wonder if she will have drawn any parallels ahead of the result? ‘Potential Muslim Mayor of London’ maybe? Nah, too opportunistic even for her and the Al-Beeb….
This will almost certainly cover a very interesting Roman Emperor Severus, who moved the capital from Rome to York, where the Egyptian Gods were worshiped – now there’s a great quiz question!
Severus was born in Leptis Magna in the Roman province of Africa. Leptis Magna (Arabic: لَبْدَة Labdah) Great Leptis, or simply Leptis, known as Lebda to modern-day residents of Libya, was a prominent city of the Roman Empire
Africa was the Southern Mediterranean coastal area, and NOT sub Saharan Africa.
Despite this the Social Justice Warriors have attempted to claim that Severus was Black, yet the statuary simply does not support this, showing a man with positively European facial characteristics.
I posted last night that I had complained about Newshite. I also complained to my MP but he is a remainer.
Can any one who watched it give me your opinions because I do not intend to let this lie with the usual crap response. In my opinion the film was a disgrace, the audience were a disgrace and Evan Davis was a disgrace.
I have complained before and have settled for the usual.
If anyone else saw it can you give me your thoughts on how I should proceed or just tell me to give up.
I have complained on the News watch website and I posted on here earlier (this morning) will have a look for it now
Wrote this earlier:
I’m just too exhausted by the bbc. Watching this news night pretence at a debate. Carefully selected audience as usual. The bias is just too great to detail. Why was the lefty economist given so much prattle time? Why does no one ever discuss that our job vacancies could be filled by advertising for specific numbers? Evan makes sure that the labour mp gets the opening and closing statement.
Absolute crap.
I think there were plenty of disgruntled people in the audience who were for controlling immigration, but they were either brushed over or not given enough time. It was the bias of speakers that I found so ridiculous. Why did the Labour Mp Remainer get to finish and start the debate? At least the UKIP councillor told them clearly what her voters thought – and Evan kindly pointed out to everyone that she was UKIP (= loony)
Heads up from Guido regarding the imminent release of NI numbers issued to immigrants compared with official figures:
‘The rumour doing the rounds in Whitehall is that the bombshell report on active National Insurance numbers will be slipped out early tomorrow. Chris Grayling has been asked to make time for four or five statements, so it looks like Downing Street is planning a dumping day to bury as much bad news as possible. Will the embarrassing NI stats revealing the true level of immigration be released tomorrow? With a ‘major intervention’ then lined up by No. 10 for Friday to try to keep the figures off the front pages…’
Come Friday watch our ‘national treasure’ like a hawk – wearing magnifying glasses as spectacles!
Yet further evidence of the dark role the BBC is playing on behalf of the remainiacs: figures from the Institute of Economic Affairs
“REVEALED: Just THREE PERCENT Of The BBC’s EU Topic Guests Are Eurosceptic”
So bent has this referendum campaign been that I am sure it would fail even the feeble UN inspections we impose on banana republics to ‘observe’ their election procedures.
And you can be sure the result will be rigged in one direction !
I really do fear that it will be.
GC, I suspect all the machinery is already in place. The giveaway will be the delay in the result. Expect it on sunday 26 th ! At the earliest !
Too blinkin right it will be. I am still yet to meet any Remainiacs in our village. Where do they exist? Poll of polls says 50/50, really! I don’t think so.
Wronged, The result will be delayed, “recount”, then “narrow win” for the remainers. That is what I would guess, but we shall see.
Or if a Brexit victory – too narrow to make such a huge decision over it. Best have a few more negotiations and another referendum in a couple of years. Boris and the Brexit Tories agree. Farage does not and is removed as leader of UKIP.
There is a lot going on behind the scenes here. To start with we have both Sky and the BBC now actively campaigning for the remain cause. We have the US banks, led by the evil Goldman Sachs (and ‘evil’ is a word I very rarely use) trying to buy the result they want and we also have the Cameron led quisling government distorting the rules on campaign funding with their £9 + million leaflet.
In the face of all this I am even less inclined than usual to listen to sneering remarks about corruption in other countries. From where I stand it would be pretty damn difficult to be more corrupt than the UK.
BBC4 just now, documentary about the Silk Road and very good in many ways, but all building up to the main point that we, in the West, owe everything to Islam. Not much mention of Chinese culture just wall-to-wall Islam. Relentless and so boringly predictable.
Bloody brilliant!
Tommy Robinson absolutely destroys the faux-Jesus creeper Cottingham-utterly tragic that Cottingham is able to cling to some church somewhere without getting sandblasted out of it.
And listen to the Godly Hindu Sanjay in after 27+minutes?…never heard a clearer rant from a Hindu who fears for his country even more than we do-and his scorn for the likes of Cottingham is blisteringly good.
Three Counties radio-as long as Tommy gets a berth there, and Iain Lee ends up in a hostel on his arse-then it`ll be just fine.
Luton-a place well worth watching…and our BBC shill squirms on as many liberal hooks as is possible.
Subhan Tommy Robinson…
Taxi for Jon Double Barrel!
What a great bunch of Luton voices…clearly the multiculti bus has stopped there and is going no further now.
The BBC bloke is well filleted at every turn, desperately seeking Derek Batey type limpdick types like Cottingham..but the researchers and filters all seem broken.
Give yourself some time to hear it all.
Just as well the United bus wasn`t carrying the Subhan Allah advert then eh?…next season should be fun!
These adverts should not be carried on London Buses or on any other buses, not because of any religious message, but because they are seeking charitable donations known as ‘Zakat’ one of the pillars of Islam.
To qualify as Zakat the donations can only be given to other Muslims. Can you imagine the Social Justice Warriors reaction if there was an advert on buses which asked for donations for a charity which only gave it out to Christians? There’s no way it would be allowed, so why should this be allowed?
What I want one of these overpaid chimps at the BBC to ask is why those of us who are offended by this are not afforded the same lightning response from the police and the DPP which is given to Muslims, homosexuals, wimmin and others with a complaint. Many will find this offensive. Isn’t that meant to be against the law, post-Blair?
It’s a bit insensitive of London transport to show these adverts, in the light of 7/7
I wish Tommy would slow down a bit. I wouldn’t want him to become as oily and patronising as the people he is often up against but I think he would reach more people if he sounded a little less angry. He’s more effective when he stays calm, as in the interview below.
Perish the thought that he should sound smooth and contrived, but I do think he has the potential to reach more people than he does.
A case of poor formal education masking high intelligence, I suspect.
Take your point Maria.
That said, Cottingham was a real provocation in that he is EXACTLY the kind of Kumbaya Jesus creep that appalls a true Christian.
But that sura 5.32/33 schism is a classic-and Tommy was right to be wise to this Muslim fortune cookie crap.
He did the necessary-true that he`s no David Holloway, but the good people of Luton like Sanjay were equally raging at the presumptions of Islamic Relief and the BBC.
Reckon Tommy know the Koran far more than most these days…and enough of us should know the Bible well enough so he doesn`t have to be expert in that as well, surely.
No surprise he gets pissed off-as great self taught autodidacts do.
The BBC prefer Joey Barton of course-but Tommy is the real thing, and we need to listen and even indulge his excesses.
Just a reminder. Islamic charities are not like Christian charities. A genuine Islamic charity is only for Muslims.
I simply cannot fathom how BBC journos still actually believe that Islam is the RoP.
Some people say it’s all part of the long term process. Chip away here, chip away there.
A tale of two buses 7/7 2005 – 2016
They are really rubbing our noses in it and the Government do nothing. Don’t think they would get away with this in New York !
I agree, it is a supremacist message to us kuffars, “we are taking over”. I find it offensive too, they are putting us on notice they know we are culturally too stupid to do anything about it.
However, the principle of freedom of speech is important and I think they should be allowed to carry these messages. The problem in our culture is that racism and cultural supremacism can only go one way of course.
But what about an advert featuring a line of 6 year old infants and the message “Which one will Mohammed marry today?”. Would that be allowed do you think?
Very interesting interview featuring Sargon of Akkad who is really finding his way under “progressive” skins at the moment and Tommy Robinson…
Here is a photo of the Social Justice Warrior who caused all the issues with GMPCES photographed with Fascist Commissioner Tony Lloyd:
She’s apparently called Dr Erinma Bell and she’s yet again so famous she doesn’t even warrant an entry in Wikipedia, so I have no idea what her doctorate is for, presumably the most effective ways to make a right annoying twat of ones self.
From her linkedin page:
Executive Director at Chrysalis supporting African & Migrant Families. Community Peace Activist with international experience. Prince II trained and able to deliver consultation on various models of peace-making, peace-building and peace-keeping. I am available as a guest speaker and/or to deliver projects, workshops and presentations on various models and ways of attaining peace and conflict resolution
As you might expect, she doesn’t actually have a doctorate:
In recognition of her outstanding achiements the degree of Doctor of Letters honoris causa was conferred upon Mrs Erinma Bell MBE DL at a congregation held on Tuesday 16th July 2013.
It’s a painful read, of how a professional offence taker rises from humble beginnings to be taken seriously.
Tony Lloyd used to be my MP.
A milksop and career crawler, albeit a pleasant bland taxi for hire.
Bouffant hairspray, fluttering around Labours arse since 1983.
Did nothing, achieved nothing-but plenty foreign jaunts after 1997 when he became under secretary for the wristbands, Chris Mullins deodorant sprays and Jack Straws mosquito net.
The ultimate schmmozy bag carrier…will be flagged up as a great Parliamentarian when he dies.
A weasel phrase for any dead MP who did nothing in a pointless life.
At least the likes of Amery, Churchill and Soames had blue-blooded dads who lit Churchills cigars…Lloyd is a wigstand for Kinnock, no more and no less….
I think you have captured the essence of the man.
BBC Online News:
“”US Election 2016: Donald Trump softens stance on Muslim ban””
“”Mr Trump had offered to make an “exception” for Mr Khan.
Mr Khan refused Mr Trump’s offer, saying the New York businessman’s views were “ignorant” and would make the UK and the US “less safe””
“”It’s a temporary ban. It hasn’t been called for yet,” Mr Trump said on Wednesday. “This is just a suggestion until we find out what’s going on.””
“”Mr Trump has shifted positions in the past on a variety of issues only to change his stance days later”” (Please elaborate BBC. What’s a variety of issues? And days later? Have you made this up BBC?).
“”Mr Trump’s latest rhetorical swivel could be an olive branch to the speaker – and, perhaps, a fig leaf allowing Mr Ryan to eventually offer his support”” (Why the word ‘swivel’? Does it imply someone who is not in control of himself?).
“”Mr Trump has so far refused to release his tax records – a common practice among presidential nominees. Mrs Clinton has posted her past eight tax returns on her website”” ( No account from the Trump camp given. No mention that Clinton could be arrested).
“”It is disqualifying for a modern-day presidential nominee to refuse to release tax returns to the voters, especially one who has not been subject to public scrutiny in either military or public service,” Mr Romney said”” (The final sentence. Good ol’ BBC. Miss no opportunity to damn their antiChrist).
Is the BBC biased? I rest my case, m’Lud.
The overblown, bureaucratic and drain on the resources of Wales is a mess .
The money wasted on its AMs could be better spent on the health and education of the country .
The idea and concept of an assembly for Wales, like the EU was established by the ‘skin of its teeth’ .
Lets ask the people of Wales to vote to ‘keep or abolish’ the waste of money ……………………………
I post this statement as a true and patriotic Welsh and British citizen.
How did the sainted Carwyn Jones get on today in the election of “First Minister”? Oh dear, how sad, never mind.
Another from the Kinnock “Welsh Windbag” school of politics.
Even the Western Mail (Mirror Group) had to admit that Farage gave him a hammering.
Mind you, between him and Wood, it’s Hobson’s Choice.
Listening to Radio Al Beeb Wales this morning they spent an ‘over the top’ amount of time hammering a division in the UKIP AMs than talking about Brexit .
I have come to the conclusion that Al Beeb hate UKIP more than Trump.
Division or not in UKIP , forget the ‘clouding’ , the vote is – ‘IN’ or ‘Out’ ?
My answer to Al Beeb is – ‘Out’
Have I missed something since I have been out of the country ?
Where have all the invading ‘migrants’ gone ?
Has the EU finally manage stop them, or has Al Beeb censored the reporting of the ‘desperate’ boat people because of the impending Brexit vote ?
Over to you posters – help me out ………..
“…Has the EU finally manage stop them, or has Al Beeb censored the reporting of the ‘desperate’ boat people because of the impending Brexit vote ?”
I think you answered your own question there. Of course, the BBC has ‘gone ghost’ on the so-called ‘migrant crisis’ as the Brexit vote looms – it’s just the State Propagandist doing what is expected of it: keeping quiet and hoping nobody asks any awkward questions. Having said that, the BBC are taking no chances. In recent weeks we’ve had a drip-drip trickle of non-stories about how the ‘migrant flow’ has ‘eased considerably’ and how the numbers are allegedly down now that Turkey has been bribed with EU taxpayer money (in the eye-watering billions), while several Eastern European nations seem to have miraculously rediscovered that if you police your international borders it might actually keep economic scroungers and cultural vandals out.
Don’t worry, though – the day after the referendum vote keeps the UK locked in its grim death spiral with the EU the BBC will be back to virtue signal on the ‘unfolding migrant crisis’, happy that in voting to remain, we might just have given away our last, best hope to escape the coming catastrophe slowly engulfing the rest of Europe…
In the upper-echelon BBC Politburo it’ll be Champers all round – job done!
Taffman and Obi ( good name for a pop group ! ),
Shrewd points and probably spot on . There is nothing that the BBC would not stoop to in their relentless agenda.
AlBeeb has invented a new weather term to disguise ‘Bloody Cold’ for the forthcoming weekend, and that word is ‘Fresh’ .
It was ‘cooler’, but that verb has been over used, so its now ‘Fresh’
Where has our global warming gone ?
It could be down to 0 Deg C on Saturday . Will they report this as the ‘coldest day eva ‘ for a month of May ?
The bbc raises irony…
Now, this is top irony…
BBC News
Does Facebook manipulate its Trending feed? #BBCShorts
In other news, remember folk posting what the BBC says BBC website viewers seem most keen on versus what the rest of the world really is?
Oh, and be sure to get in touch. It’s impartial.
I still have the newspaper report on that and the similarity to that to the BBC is worrying. The TELEGRAPH reported; ‘Facebook suppresses conservative news, say former workers’. Facebook uses so called ‘news curators’ to create news feeds or ‘trending’ news. Another BBC loan-to-value practice was highlighted that stories were ‘injected’ into trending sections even though they were not popular. Former workers complain that ‘conservative news’ was shifted or blacklisted from ‘trending’. FaceBook denies all knowledge about its manipulation process. ‘ never tries to influence people on how to vote’, it told The Telegraph. Yeah right.
This story has been worth following (Beitbart is your best place). It has now reached the point where the US Senate is to investigate the revelations that Facebook has a strong Leftist bias. Who could ever have guessed…?
Meanwhile, buried in the detail of the story, has been a very revealing nugget. The BBC tried to claim that Faceboook’s preference for sourcing news from media giants like it and CNN was because they were ‘balanced’.
Of course, there is another and far more plausible, explanation, as BBBC readers will know!
Researchers say. BBC passes on. The circle of life.
Happy Honeymoon!
Has BBC London News speed dial just suffered a malfuction?
What, suddenly no Green enviromental campaigners available for comment?
BBC London tv news slips out a bland one-liner this morning on this story:
Now, remind me, what was I predicting about BBC London becoming Khan’s quasi press office – just like they did for Livingstone?
Why am i not surprised, Khan is their new Obama. Its like 2000-08 again when Livingstone was in bed with the greens during his time there and caused so many problems yet zero criticism from the local beeb. There will be no hit squads waiting for Khan to balls up, no sad faces at the beginning of news reports it will be all positivity and isn’t Khan great.
Unlike Livingstone Khan has a rock solid defence against any revelations or criticism; they would be racist
Abu Hajaar in “Fighting for Islamic State”
I have no words……..
Views their own…. on air ‘accidental’ slip malfunctions, RTs and responses too. Of course.
Integrity at all times, chaps…. integrity. DNA ‘n all.
Speaking of corrupted DNA, wonder if this will be as impartial as BBC EU ‘explanations’ doing the rounds (Farage exempted)?
BBC White paper? Surely some discrimination intended (and if not why not). Ban all White newspapers. There is no need for public explanations! Who needs to read newspapers when you have the BBC. What are the issues?… erh anyone? (The BBC are not available to comment on how they spend your money), ditto Victoria Derbyshire ‘TWIT’ (feed) golden globe award..
Around 7.45 this morning on Radio 4. Two clapped out war correspondents, one has written a play about her adventures, discuss how intoxicating is the perilous job of being a war correspondent, going to war torn lands, living it up in posh hotels and allowing their names to be added to whatever drivel the media want to publish. And neither shagged their ‘fixers’ apparently.
Then on to a discussion about the Whitewash paper about BBC reforms which they hope will make the trust more diverse; that is put Muslims on it.
A bash or two at Trump and the last item on the News refers to an auction of the gun which killed the ‘unarmed black teenager’, Martin Trayvon where George Zimmerman was acquitted in a ‘controversial not guilty verdict’. A new legal definition.
That is the BBC at its worse. The evidence in favour of an innocent verdict was over whelming and is only doubted by crazy leftists whose opinion is reflected in BBC News.
And this is the BBC a gutless Tory Minister wants to protect. If only I was a cartoonist I would do a cartoon of Whittingbum having his arse smacked by Aunty BBC in the role of a dominatrix to this sad excuse for a government minister
Totally agree. And just to add some evidence.
At about 6.45am on Toady (aka Pressure Group Whinge Radio) there was an interview with some Global pressure group person. She was given a free ride.
At about 7.15am there was an interview with someone from Greenpeace . She was given a free ride – unchallenged, no interruptions.
Then there was an interview with a male person (not high profile) from Leave. No prizes for guessing. Constant interruptions and harranging. The guy could hardly finish a sentence.
But no bias, of course. LOL.
Good news for Labour London Mayor Sadiq Khan
He’s currently showing a 100% approval rating from BBC journalists
And given the BBC White Paper non-event this happy trend is likely to continue for the next 11 years….
Next Labour leader post-2020, first muslim PM 2025?
Got to be worth a modest bed, wouldn’t you think? Make your punt now – whilst betting is still legal.
I would like to think this would happen as another step in the timeline!
Corruption causes extremism, Cameron tells summit
David Cameron said cracking down on corruption was needed to “tackle extremism”. The prime minister made the comments at an anti-corruption summit in London that he is hosting. The summit is part of Mr Cameron’s attempt to lead a wider global effort to crack down on corruption. Foreign firms that own property in the UK must declare their assets publicly in a bid to stamp out money-laundering, the government has said. “The absolute key is having greater transparency. And you can see countries committing to exchanging more tax information, exchanging more ownership information and — in the case of the United Kingdom and some others — actually for the first time, having not just a beneficial ownership register — who owns what — but also making that public so it can be investigated by others,” Mr Cameron said.
John Kerry, US secretary of State, said corruption threatened countries because it fed crime and terrorism: “Corruption, writ large, is as much of an enemy because it destroys nation states as some of the extremists we’re fighting.”
Oh, so now I get it. ‘Nothing to do with Islam’, right?
Through the looking glass, people. Through the looking glass.
On the main UK Beeb website this morning we got an article saying the ONS where going to release their report on EU migrant numbers and how the official numbers do not tally with NI numbers. I was pleased the Beeb were covering this and on the ball as I had expected them not to mention it. Now the report is out and it shows that the numbers of EU workers is much much higher (but its ok because they are all apparently “short-term” workers whatever that might mean) the story has been buried under the referendum/ Politics section, though it is not really anything to do with the referendum.
The ONS story has been a fine example of the ‘good day to bury bad news’ principle in operation, just as several pundits predicted yesterday.
Cameron knew that the BBC would be obsessed with the Whittingdale plan and, in any case, would really rather not have to reveal another immigration scandal, so letting the news seep out like a bad smell this morning suited both the government and the BBC.
And that’s how we, the voters, are treated – as an inconvenience to be lied to and manipulated.
Sums it up in a nutshell. For the first time in my life I did not vote in the recent elections. Without any prompting from me, neither did my elderly mother. When I asked her why, she replied ” what is the point ? “.
So neither you nor your mum believe we would be in a different situation if Mr Milliband was PM.
We certainly would not be discussing the BBC bias on Brexit, would we.
Re the BBC report above on immigration. Every time someone points out that the recent EU imports have chipped in more than they have taken out I long to ask the person making the point should we therefore put adverts in newspapers all around Europe a parody of the WWI recruitment poster saying please come to the UK, our economy needs you.
Our Auf Widersehein Pet building workers also contributed to the German economy, but the vast majority came home long before their outs would exceed their ins to the system. Will the same happen with Romanians and Bulgarians? I think not.
Well , you have a point that Miliband would have hastened the decline, but the UK is still heading in the same direction under Cameron. Even Brexit can’t save us now, although I shall be voting for it. Time will tell , but I see very little hope for this country either way.
There is rarely a perfect option, but I would venture there are plenty of options that you consider worse than others.
In my ward / constituency I vote to try to avoid what I consider the the worst option, as my “natural” party is unlikely to prevail, but I do vote and therefore consider I have the right to put forward my four penny worth.
Grant, I can see your mother’s point. We had three candidates – Conservative, Labour and Green so I just wrote “UKIP” across the ballot paper – totally futile, I know, but it did make me feel better.
Yes, I spoilt my ballot paper, for the first time ever. Just wrote USELESS SHOWER on it. A complete waste of time I know, but no one can accuse me of not going to the trouble of voting.
This story seems to be given very low prominence across the MSM