Well, well what a surprise. Game, set and match to the “Much Loved” Al Beeb. This utterly gutless Tory shambles of a government has completely bottled out, and as a consequence the deluge of far left socialist claptrap will continue to issue forth from the nation’s TVs and radios paid for by us the hapless taxpayers. More champagne anyone ?
Now you know why I – a natural conservative if ever there was one – haven’t voted “Conservative” since the Cameroons got into the driver’s seat. Your descriptors of the government – “gutless” and “shambles” – couldn’t be more accurate. I never thought I’d write this but even Gordo – a border-psychopath, a walking shit of historic proportions and, as it turns out, only second-worst PM of the 21st century so far – is more principled and honest than Dave.
In a tragic reversal of a Biblical story, Dave has decreed that the BBC shall live so that Britain can die.
After the Whittingdale White(wash) paper today, I don’t see the need for this esteemed website disappearing any time soon…..
But is there a glimmer? They got Al Capone on his tax returns. Maybe, just maybe, the new scrutiny of the bBBC accounts will make it harder for them to hide what’s really going on with our money.
Yes, and the complacent twaddle amiably passed off as intelligent analysis by the three ex-BBC employee turned MPs on PM this evening, guarantees the need for this place!
The worst, predictably, was the limp Ben Bradshaw who had the effrontery to try the old ‘we get criticism from Left and Right therefore we’ve got it just about right’ canard. If that is the level of intelligence of either MPs or BBC employees, we are in deep, deep trouble.
These people aren’t just liars, they are stupid, too.
I am trying to be optimistic when I say that perhaps Whittingdale as sown the seed that may eventually bring the BBC down. According to Neil Budgin MP he refused to allow the BBC to charge a fee for anyone who watched any form of catch up TV and confined them to charging folks who wish to watch BBC I Player. If, as is expected, there is an explosion of new companies offering all sorts of content on line which, it is assumed, will significantly reduce old fashioned TV viewing, then it seems to me that Whittingdale has stopped the BBC being able to get any revenue from people who choose to use these companies .If the digital revolution does sweep all before it in the next 10 years then the BBC will face much greater competition and at the same time find that people who pay the TV LF are reducing very quickly. So in effect they will become a subscription service via their charge for using I Player in competition with many other players.
Perhaps Whittingdale has found a way to deflate the BBC without incurring too much of a political backlash at a time when we know the government will cave in at the first whiff of grapeshot. I know that there are a lot of perhaps and ifs in this post , but as I say , I am trying to be optimistic. Of course the digital revolution must come asap and key to that is rolling out a good broadband service and then sitting back and letting the market do its stuff free from government interference and any incursions by the BBC.
As I consider myself to be a “troll” (according to some of the regulars here, although I’ve never suggested to anyone that they should walk to the nearest bridge and throw themselves off it because they are a complete waste of space), it could be that they might actually agree with 95% of what regulars here say; it’s just that when they disagree, the regulars turn white to black and assume they are dirty Nazi socialist communist Muslims!
Short fuses at the sight of posting names, Edward?
Take comfort from the fact that it’s a whole lot more civilised than when I first visited. That was before registration was required. Registration to have a moderating influence all of its own. Speaking of which, in this site’s favour, is that the Moderation is light touch and does not appear to be hypocritical or divisive. Actually, it is so ‘light touch’ as to make me wonder if it exists. Which is probably how good Moderation should be.
I still wince a bit at some of the posts. I think I would rather have to put up with that wincing and be able to advance counter arguments or my own correction than live in a ‘Lefty’ or ‘Righty’ enforced compliance culture.
Actually, there’s a debate we could have sometime. Some regulars on here have hinted at the incongruity of the labels the BBC slap on political viewpoints, demonstrations, movements, etc., when Far Right is assumed to be anything in opposition of various activities, especially those of the multi-faceted liberalism and ‘Left’ of today.
We could debate whether there is a political or economic or social ‘Right’ in this modern liberal world in which we live.
The so-called Trolls who post here may actually be so within the true original meaning of the word. I’ve not been on here long as a regular but in that time, IIRC, Man on the Clapham Omnibus, Jerrod and Scotty have all been asked whether they are employees of, or have some direct link to, the BBC or an associate company and they have declined to answer.
You do make a good point about them being in broad agreement with an averaging of the views held here, even about the BBC. No reason why BBC staff or staff of associated companies should not be able to be critical of an employer organisation.
However, those three I have mentioned (and others omitted due to memory) do tend to slip immediately into name calling and disparaging questioners or debate opponents rather than advancing counter arguments, stating fixed or variable positions, and – eventually – agreeing to disagree but remain civil.
Tends to diminish their contribution’s value rather, does it not?
Self declaring as a troll is a new one, but a decent precedent.
And part of a community of ‘they’, for whom spoken, also novel. next you’ll be having a love in exchange how beastly this site and its (other) contributors are on a thread with ‘regular poster’ (apparently) Xavier.
Or, Guest Who, being honest & quick to reply when asked “Do you work for the BBC?”
Either that or disappearing into the ether, never to trouble us on here again.
I would welcome BBC employees here. Come and join the debate. Argue your case. Read the counter arguments. Agree. Disagree. All without the “Yah! Boo! Sucks!” that we see in another place and their adjoining ‘betters’.
While I would love to agree, any harm this does to the BBC will be quite co-incidental, and I’m sure the beeb will bleet loudly and get changes mid-term from whichever gutless government we have at the time (it doesn’t matter a lot which one).
If the Tories had any sense they would have found a way to ‘park’ this until after the referendum.
Yes I have hope that the global market will ‘downgrade’ the BBC anyway as being irrelevant. A couple of links I have are from AXE THE TAX seems to agree that a lost opportunity to ‘reform’ the BBC collective (not that they want reforming).
I agree ,after the referendum I probably won’t vote again,there is no point unless a fearless Donald Trump like character comes long.I usually vote Conservative but now they are all the same except for UKIP.I might consider them if they get their act together. I hope people see through the referendum stitch up that is going on and immigration is the main topic for many people .Anyone that lives in a normal part of the UK and has to survive on a normal wage is only too well aware of the strain mass immigration is putting on the public services and housing.
The government is trying to concentrate on the economy but its depressed because of the EU and immigration pressures so far as I can see.
The BEEB is navel gazing about their charter while giving scant attention to the most important decision of our time .AND they have the cheek to charge for IPlayer.Whittingdale wimped out and is no conservative.
Heard Jon Sopel on Today, holding forth on the rise of Donald Trump.
Now the BBC American correspondent has included greats like Charles Wheeler and Alistair Cooke.
But Sopel won`t be anywhere near that company.
Listen to his facile analogy between Trumps nomination and thwe Tory Party Chairman not wanting the next leader of the Tories-simply no comparisons at all, unless you`ve never been to America.
Utter tripe-it`s about 40 mins into this mornings tepid backwash of a show.
Loved Sopels phrase-“it`s not as if verbal exactitude is one of Trumps features”…or such.
Stuff you Sopel-you continually say that he wants to ban all Muslims from the USA-and you know(and always knew) that he said no such thing…he merely wanted a moratorium until the Border Agencies had worked out what was going on.
Now we all know what the answer to THAT is..but if the services get a few months to regroup after San Bernardino…then fine.
But Sopels no exponent of “verbal exactitude”-himself-in fact, the BBC demand that of him(and of themselves).
Biased twerps…half truths and smears, 24/7.
bBBC website now more prominently showing the NI numbers versus immigrant numbers story, no doubt after the HMRC says that the EU immigrants contribute much more in taxes than they receive in benefits.
Mmm. How would the HMRC know how many immigrants use A and E in hospitals? Or their GP? Or send their children to school? Do HMRC scrutinise the Education and NHS budgets? Is that not out of their remit?
Maybe immigrants don’t get benefits but they surely use services. And if they work and earn more than the lower earnings limit of about £8500 in a year, they qualify for 1/35th of the new single tier pension (about £4 a week but worth the equivalent of an annuity pot of £7000) . That’s the ‘lower earnings limit’. You pay no tax and NI is about £900. Pay £900. Get £7000 in future pension benefits. No prizes for guessing why the UK is so popular!
Proof? Here’s a story from 2006 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/2946067/Immigration-challenge-for-UK-pensions.html
I’ll bet you a pound to a penny the HMRC didn’t include any of this. Now a proper ‘journalist’ might ask about this but the student Marxists in the bBBC newsroom, needless to say, will not.
Well, technically HMRC are correct. Budgets are frozen and the immigrants are paying minimal tax. So, they aren’t ‘costing’ anything, because the pot is simply shared more thinly. Instead, it is the consumers of public services that are suffering – longer GP waits, less money available per person in the NHS, bigger class sizes, more crowded trains and roads, etc.
One thing that HMRC would know about is tax contributions and tax credits. I did a FOI request to ask what are the total net contributions of those immigrants that are net contributors to the exchequer and the total net drain of those that are a net drain to the exchequer – basically, how much better off would the government finances be, if we only took those people that were a net benefit, rather than taking a mix of both a net benefit and a net drain. Apparently, they don’t keep records of tax payments by nationality. God forbid. Can you imagine the outcry, if the truth came out?
Well, I have just wasted an hour of my life filing a complaint about the missing news item on the BBC’s web-site Home Page and main News Page re the missing NI numbers. That includes completing a survey for the BBC telling them – yet again – how rubbish and tortuous is their complaints & correction & praise procedure is.
I suspect it is buried away and rubbish and tortuous because they get so many complaints, they wish to discourage those who do not have a measure of robustness and hope they will give up and go away.
I can still see day (or more) old news items or find out about a ‘Tory election’ scandal but not a potential Government Department scandal.
Er, wait up! Isn’t the Government a Conservative – sorry – Tory one? Wonder why the Beeb missed that?
But it will never go away. One day, like some STASI operatives discovered, those files will get read.
But I do wonder what happens in the handover from CECUTT to OFCOM, especially with ongoing complaints the BBC system can consume years trying to kick into touch.
The BBC give us half the truth all the time these days.
Have a listen to this.
Today 6.46am http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07b2qds
Got that?…Phillip Davies seeming to act a question in regard of Afghan and Nigerian corruption-but damned with faint disdain by our political gal in Westminster…it`s what a Sir Bufton Tufton WOULD say-and the BBC have already framed all that as a “gaffe-prone PM insulting nations”.
Base covered.
Yet listen to this in Parliament yesterday-the selfsame Phillip Davies and what his WHOLE question was all about. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b07bpmjl/daily-politics-11052016
Listen in at 1.06
Yes-the bit about the EU not having had their accounts signed off for the last 20 years-that corrupt fraudulent states like Nigeria are as nothing compared to the EU.
And Phillip says so-but the BBC cut out that second half of the question-hardly suits the BBC narrative does it?
Half the truth-and all the time.
Should be a complaint about this-how dare the BBC edit Phillip Davies question because they don`t want us to be reminded about the corrupt profligacy of the EU-which was surely the whole point of the question in the first place.
“Yes-the bit about the EU not having had their accounts signed off for the last 20 years-that corrupt fraudulent states like Nigeria are as nothing compared to the EU.”
Yesterday’s PM programme had a piece on how there aren’t any problem with the EU’s accounts and the auditors are very happy with them. The seems that the stories about problems and even fraud are just propaganda from the “Leave” campaign.
The BBC know we won’t believe their lies, but they tell them anyway.
Did like the Shakespeare programme skit by the mighty Philomena Cunk last night on BBC2 at 10pm.
Credit where credit`s due-she was always the only reason to watch the useless Charlie Brooker anyway!
Had an interesting conversation this afternoon with a friend (who is not the sharpest knife in the box, but lovely !) and discussions turned to IN or OUT. She is the first I’ve encountered to vote IN. She believed we’d be more secure as ‘one’, and feared that all the banking and trading would leave London, this she had only gleaned via the ‘tele’. And when I mentioned that every Turk from one of the largest Muslim countries in the world could theoretically live in Gt Britain once in possession of a maroon passport, the penny seemed to drop, and started to reverse her thinking. I found this scary, because this monumental decision of our future is being decided by a population, who really haven’t a bloody clue what its all about, – they talk about security and finance and defence, but knowing so little of these subjects they may well as be apples, pears and bananas !!!!!
The better informed the people are the better democracy will work. That’s why the oligarchs are happy to protect the BBC, so that it can continue its policy of disinformation. A population kept in ignorance of the truth is easier to manipulate.
I have listened to a lot of the EU debate and I have come to the conclusion that the UK will remain IN the EU, the reason being that the vast majority of the voting public are basically thick as pig shit with less nous than the vermin that lives on that shit.
Unfortunately the most embarrassing stuff has come from women and the yoof, women in general just haven’t got a clue about the EU problem, one woman I listened to came up with that age old cliche..”I want to know what they will do for my kids”..don’t you worry about your kids, my love, no one else will when the UK is in its death throes.
My favourite yoof comment came from a brainwashed lefty Scottish student who was voting remain simply because she was young? It’s our future, she said? Clearly she expects everyone over the age of 20 to die pretty soon! I would tell her this..I remember my Dad telling me how life was better back in his day, I remember that life was better back in my day in the 80/90s, I would tell her that when she’s older her ideals will count for nothing when she sees the state of the country that she may want to raise her kids in.
To hear some of the people say that they haven’t got a clue how to vote is just embarrassing, where have they been for the last few years? They shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
Just spotted this on the Health section of BBC News website about TUBERCULOSIS http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-36271084
Guess where this is coming from? You`ll never hear it from the BBC…A disease that killed huge numbers in this country , including members of my family in the `50`s that was pretty much eradicated by the `70`s is back… Medics know all about this, where it’s coming from ( all the usual “Halal” places + Russia) What’s being done about it? Nothing, apart from (token) “RANDOM” screening at Heathrow airport? LOL! Welcome to the Middle Ages guys… what next Leprosy (not joking)
My mother, health service manager. used to tell the story of the skinny Pakistani with TB who changed to a fat little Pakistani without TB due to “our” NHS. The story was not meant as a compliment.
It afflicts those with HIV and London is the European Tuburculosis capital of Europe apparently. Quite common in what was called ‘third world’ countries being invited back to be cured by our wonderful NHS who (apparently) have as much money as the BBC. The BBC are not inclined to say ‘why’ it is an ‘epidemic’ or why another NHS crisis is requiring ‘urgent’ funding because of… the BBC has private health care…
Funny coincidence don’t you think ? We are told that current diseases are proving immune to a range of antibiotics, so clinicians are avoiding their use for ‘minor’ ailments (which is a lottery that they could become ‘fatal’); and yet for decades after combating Polio, Whooping Cough, TB and Scarlet Fever, there was never a debate as to whether antibiotics should be used or not because we were never subjected to as such these fatal diseases. Since Blair opened the floodgates we have seen the resurgence of these 3rd world illnesses here – that we always had to have inoculations for if travelling to those countries, and now we’ve become a once healthy body that’s being gradually eroded by literally foreign bodies !!! It wont be long before travellers will need to have vaccinations before entering the UK !!
On a lighter note, excellent comment on the BBC HYS regarding the Charter renewal:
967. Posted by Welsh Dragon
on 9 hours ago
Dear BBC,
People I’m not prepared to pay for:
– Tony Blair
– Noel Fielding
– Jack Whitehall
– Yasmin Alibhai-Brown
– Madonna
– Stephen Fry
– Jay Rayner
– Anton Du Beke
– Bono
– Janet Street Porter
– Graham Norton
– Emma Watson
– Simon Cowell
– Tom Cruise
– Jim Carrey
– Jamie Oliver
– Neil Hamilton
– any ‘pop band’ after 1990
– all football ‘pundits’
Jeremy Hardy
Anyone who wants to talk for more than 45 seconds about David Bowie, Prince, or the next life changing pop genius who joins the choir invisible.
And Gary Lineker – (all that money and still cant find a decent barber !!)
Amanda (I’m available for anything, naked or otherwise) Holden
Richard (I’m available for anything, n………….. oh God no !) Madeley
Usual BBC pro EU bias…On BBC1 News at Ten the leading stories were:
1. Bank of England warns of economic disaster if we leave the EU (unlike the economic disaster we have had since 2008 whilst in the EU)
2. The White Paper
3. Some pictures of migrants in boats
No mention of the disparity of the official UK immigrant numbers and the issued National Insurance numbers that would help the Leave campaign.
Isn’t it a shame the fear mongering Mr Carney didn’t draw upon his prophetic prowess to warn the Greeks prior to their own nothing to do with the EU economic meltdown.
Or Spain, or Portugal, or Ireland, or the huge financial crash, or anything financial for that matter.! Why is it that these people now know exactly what is going to happen in the future? Wars, meltdowns, plagues, armadas…just embarrassing…worst thing is people will believe it.
Was that the same News At Ten in which we were supposed to swallow the tale that Mr Carney was the one man that polls show is the most trusted in the EU debate? I doubt that very many if polled would have the faintest notion who Mark Carney is, let alone whether he’s trustworthy.
Brexit the Movie (as linked below) lasted two hours on Youtube….Two hours for crying out loud, before it was flagged and reported down….Who is actually running YouTube these days, the BBC?
The names seem to be missing from the posts above, so sorry I can`t name the poster who`s put up “BREXIT-THE MOVIE” above. Can`th thank you enough, my friend.
Not only is it great to see a series of Great British heroes like Melanie Phillips and James Delingpole( to name only two-it really is near on a who`s who of great minds)-but it`s brilliantly argued, illustrated and as comprehensive an atom bomb up the liberal fundament as you can imagine.
You really need not bother with another word from the serried ranks of tossers, lickspittles who`ll only say what their puppetmasters and EU trough-fillers…Durkins masterly account rumbles them for what they are.
A must-watch, you`ll need no other show than this.
Well done Mr Durkin…and thanks to all who post and pass on this great programme.
If you have not taken the time to watch it through do it soon and pass the link on.
It is not histrionic, does not make wild claims, does not even mention immigration, but convinces me that “we” deserve a better future than being run by an elite that no matter how I vote I can have no say in direction of travel.
You can watch it here again: I am passing the link on to family and friends. It is essential we all do the same as it raises important historical points and the way the EU is heading is undeniably true. Every ‘remainer’ should, hang their head in shame. I had to switch computers to get to work – or it could be due to high demand (or bandwidth) it is recorded in Hi-def film quality (I plugged it into my TV with a HDMI cable for Cinema quality). As good as anything I have seen on this issue. SHORT INTRO:https://youtu.be/ltAtUTlm29w MAIN FILM:http://www.brexitthemovie.com/#!the-movie/c2sa
I couldn’t get the Youtube version to work properly (or the Vimeo). It could be my set up.
“Brexit vote may spark recession”
It ‘may’ rain tomorrow and yet it ‘may’ not ?
Not a very good statement from the man in charge of the Bank of England. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-36273448
Carney has been useless right from the start. Why the hell is the Governor of the Bank of England a Canadian ? The conflicts of interest are obvious. He should be sacked.
His comments, as reported by even the most sophisticated Remain propaganda media, could not have looked more dubious as claims, given they were littered with ”coulds” and “mays” designed to appeal to the ‘belief’ system at the core of every beeboid’s soul. All with nifty get-out clauses that are really unnecessary as there will be no refunds in case of failure to be accurate.
For many years we have been conned about migration .
As a result we have a shortage of doctor’s appointments , houses , school places , we also have long hospital waiting lists, we do not have enough police to control the growing number criminals that come in to the UK, legally or illegally. Our Car Moron ‘plays his fiddle’ while the identity of our nation is fast disappearing and falling apart. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36271390
BBC Today in full 2+2=5 mode this morning….special access to the Tavistock centre for “transgender” children.
And one of the children was quoted as saying, “it’s not about what’s between your legs but more about what’s between your ears”…..as succinct an argument against “reassignment surgery” as could be found.
In effect the child quoted sums up that “transgender” is about feelings rather than facts.
It’s a big feelings and dressing up game, until the mutilating surgery and hormone treatment adjusts the irrelevance “between your legs” on the NHS. A line the BBC won’t be exploring, since “trans” is the new “gay” in the permanent revolution against reason and biology.
Transgender has been the minority of choice on the bBBC this year so it was only a matter of time before they identified transgender children.
Perhaps we should be spending taxpayers money on a transgender baby unit at GOSH.
It is all just so pathetic – the leftie luvvies determined discovery of each and every possible combination of worthy circumstances and ever tinier deserving minorities.
I wonder what the Koran has to say about gender re-assignment.
BBC London tv news very quickly and blandly mentions in passing the latest outbreak of gang violence. No context, no reference to prior events locally and no cumulative murder statistics – on line the BBC don’t seem to have got around to covering it.
Bbc brekkie goes live to one of their eunuchs aboard a charity rescue vessel in the Med..
Interviews an illegal who has travelled from Libya, and been ‘rescued’
Hack asks illegal…and will you be sending money back to your father?
Our BBC man Christian Fraser (he’s the chap that broke the law by using a mobile phone whilst driving to snap flood pictures in the Lake District – allegedly) this morning he’s strolling the deck of a migrant rescue ship in the Med. And shooting the breeze with an English-speaking muslim Gambian just plucked from a rubber boat with 132 fellow young black men and now heading toward the EU. Economic migrants says our Christian. He’s a ‘fireman’ it seems. He’ll need some training to get up to British standards – they’re called ‘firefighters’ now, son. Mind you, there’s terrible ‘racism’ in Libya, apparently, and that’s why Christian’s new friend (bet after this brief holiday friendship they never actually meet again) is now Europe bound. “What country would you like to go to?” asks our Christain as though he’s offering round a plate of volovants.
‘In the Gambia, Mandingo is spoken as a first language by 38% of the population, Fula is spoken by 21.2%, Wolof / Serer by 18%, Jola by 4.5%. Several other languages are also spoken. Gambian Sign Language is used by the deaf. English remains the main language used for official purposes and in education, but it may would face competition from Arabic. In 2014, Gambian president Yahya Jammeh announced that The Gambia would drop English as the official language because it is a “colonial relic” in favour of Arabic. However, such change was not enacted until the present day.’
The point is you probably didn’t know The Gambia is an English speaking country but still try to sound clever anyway. You wouldn’t say, “an English speaking American,” even though we all know not all Americans speak English.
Cute how you run off to Wikipedia to check though.
‘try to sound clever’ ‘you probably didn’t know’ or to translate your trolling “ner ner, ner-ner-ner!”
Full disclosue – the chap who told the BBC reporter he was from Gambia (the BBC are never able or willing to fact check these things on behalf of their viewers – just help them ‘tell their stories’) spoke English in a hesitant way, somehwat led by the interviewer – maybe camera shy, maybe a little traumatised by his recent adventures, most likely not his ‘first’ language – who knows? His incidental use of the phrase ‘Inshallah’ signposts to us his religion.
So come on Xavier, aside from the snide – what’s your point? Done a Uni course on Gambia recently and want to share with the class?
LOL ! As with many trolls here, Xavier posts about something he knows nothing about, in this case Gambia, without considering that there may be someone here who may have some expertise. I am always amazed at how many regular posters here have specialist knowledge of many areas. I certainly learn more here than from the dumber and dumber BBC !
Funny Grant – you’ve agreed with me on many things before. But now I say something you disagree with and suddenly I’m a “troll!” Posters here either have short memory (probably dementia, judging by the average age of the users) or are so comfortable in their own safe spaces they simply shout down anyone that doesn’t parrot their beliefs 100%.
Xavier, read my post again. I said “as with many trolls “, that could be interpreted in two different ways. It does not necessarily mean I think you are a troll. But your claim that all Gambians speak english was just plain wrong ! How do you know the average age of users here ?
‘Clear implication’ is good enough for the BBC, so the appeal to you seems inevitable.
Does seem to get some of your colleagues exercised when others, not paid by a unique funding tax, stray into such areas in the course of thread discussion.
The lovely smell of double standards in the morning. Bless.
I told you the point – your childish response proves it. and then you go and bring his Mooslim beliefs into it as if they mean anything! Just admit you didn’t know that Gambia was an English speaking nation.
The official language is english ,but many Gambians cannot speak it for reasons that I could explain but it would require a long post here. Or, better still, go to Gambia and find out for yourself.
Wiki has got it pretty much right. The lunatic Jammeh announced that Jola ( his tribe ) would be the official language . One reason he gave was that, in the future, it would be the language of computers , international law and business. Problem is that very few teachers speak Jola. So everyone ignored him. Funnily enough his english is better than his jola ! I could go on but………
If fleeing conflict, the route from Gambia to the likely destination of choice makes Libya an unusual staging post. So economic migration seems worth the risk. Apparently.
I doubt if any Gambians taking the “back way” are fleeing conflict, except maybe within their own families ! And I know quite a few families affected .
Weird. We can go on holiday in The Gambia (and it’s quite ‘high-end’) yet it is so bad there we need to feel sorry, according to Al Beeb, for young Gambian males wanting to take a chance to get to Europe. By the way, how are we in this country with fire-fighter recruitment from the domestic population.
Does The Gambia have any womenfolk?
Don’t expect the Al Beeb ‘journalists’ to actually ask any awkward questions.
I would love to invite a BBC journalist to Gambia to show them the reality. But there are 2 problems, I would have to put up with the creep and he/she would twist everything to suit the biased BBC agenda. So waste of time !
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
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StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
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StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
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Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Well, well what a surprise. Game, set and match to the “Much Loved” Al Beeb. This utterly gutless Tory shambles of a government has completely bottled out, and as a consequence the deluge of far left socialist claptrap will continue to issue forth from the nation’s TVs and radios paid for by us the hapless taxpayers. More champagne anyone ?
Now you know why I – a natural conservative if ever there was one – haven’t voted “Conservative” since the Cameroons got into the driver’s seat. Your descriptors of the government – “gutless” and “shambles” – couldn’t be more accurate. I never thought I’d write this but even Gordo – a border-psychopath, a walking shit of historic proportions and, as it turns out, only second-worst PM of the 21st century so far – is more principled and honest than Dave.
In a tragic reversal of a Biblical story, Dave has decreed that the BBC shall live so that Britain can die.
I even voted for the clown in 2010, to get rid of the McBruin spendthrift – not since!
After the Whittingdale White(wash) paper today, I don’t see the need for this esteemed website disappearing any time soon…..
But is there a glimmer? They got Al Capone on his tax returns. Maybe, just maybe, the new scrutiny of the bBBC accounts will make it harder for them to hide what’s really going on with our money.
Yes, and the complacent twaddle amiably passed off as intelligent analysis by the three ex-BBC employee turned MPs on PM this evening, guarantees the need for this place!
The worst, predictably, was the limp Ben Bradshaw who had the effrontery to try the old ‘we get criticism from Left and Right therefore we’ve got it just about right’ canard. If that is the level of intelligence of either MPs or BBC employees, we are in deep, deep trouble.
These people aren’t just liars, they are stupid, too.
I am trying to be optimistic when I say that perhaps Whittingdale as sown the seed that may eventually bring the BBC down. According to Neil Budgin MP he refused to allow the BBC to charge a fee for anyone who watched any form of catch up TV and confined them to charging folks who wish to watch BBC I Player. If, as is expected, there is an explosion of new companies offering all sorts of content on line which, it is assumed, will significantly reduce old fashioned TV viewing, then it seems to me that Whittingdale has stopped the BBC being able to get any revenue from people who choose to use these companies .If the digital revolution does sweep all before it in the next 10 years then the BBC will face much greater competition and at the same time find that people who pay the TV LF are reducing very quickly. So in effect they will become a subscription service via their charge for using I Player in competition with many other players.
Perhaps Whittingdale has found a way to deflate the BBC without incurring too much of a political backlash at a time when we know the government will cave in at the first whiff of grapeshot. I know that there are a lot of perhaps and ifs in this post , but as I say , I am trying to be optimistic. Of course the digital revolution must come asap and key to that is rolling out a good broadband service and then sitting back and letting the market do its stuff free from government interference and any incursions by the BBC.
And one of the many things which the BBC is useless about is technology. They may struggle to keep up !
As demonstrated by our resident trolls.
Now come to think of it , where are all our Al Beeb trolls and their ace haemorrhoid?
Have they been banned since I was out of the country ?
As I consider myself to be a “troll” (according to some of the regulars here, although I’ve never suggested to anyone that they should walk to the nearest bridge and throw themselves off it because they are a complete waste of space), it could be that they might actually agree with 95% of what regulars here say; it’s just that when they disagree, the regulars turn white to black and assume they are dirty Nazi socialist communist Muslims!
Short fuses at the sight of posting names, Edward?
Take comfort from the fact that it’s a whole lot more civilised than when I first visited. That was before registration was required. Registration to have a moderating influence all of its own. Speaking of which, in this site’s favour, is that the Moderation is light touch and does not appear to be hypocritical or divisive. Actually, it is so ‘light touch’ as to make me wonder if it exists. Which is probably how good Moderation should be.
I still wince a bit at some of the posts. I think I would rather have to put up with that wincing and be able to advance counter arguments or my own correction than live in a ‘Lefty’ or ‘Righty’ enforced compliance culture.
Actually, there’s a debate we could have sometime. Some regulars on here have hinted at the incongruity of the labels the BBC slap on political viewpoints, demonstrations, movements, etc., when Far Right is assumed to be anything in opposition of various activities, especially those of the multi-faceted liberalism and ‘Left’ of today.
We could debate whether there is a political or economic or social ‘Right’ in this modern liberal world in which we live.
The so-called Trolls who post here may actually be so within the true original meaning of the word. I’ve not been on here long as a regular but in that time, IIRC, Man on the Clapham Omnibus, Jerrod and Scotty have all been asked whether they are employees of, or have some direct link to, the BBC or an associate company and they have declined to answer.
You do make a good point about them being in broad agreement with an averaging of the views held here, even about the BBC. No reason why BBC staff or staff of associated companies should not be able to be critical of an employer organisation.
However, those three I have mentioned (and others omitted due to memory) do tend to slip immediately into name calling and disparaging questioners or debate opponents rather than advancing counter arguments, stating fixed or variable positions, and – eventually – agreeing to disagree but remain civil.
Tends to diminish their contribution’s value rather, does it not?
Self declaring as a troll is a new one, but a decent precedent.
And part of a community of ‘they’, for whom spoken, also novel. next you’ll be having a love in exchange how beastly this site and its (other) contributors are on a thread with ‘regular poster’ (apparently) Xavier.
Anyway, back to actual matters of BBC bias…
Or, Guest Who, being honest & quick to reply when asked “Do you work for the BBC?”
Either that or disappearing into the ether, never to trouble us on here again.
I would welcome BBC employees here. Come and join the debate. Argue your case. Read the counter arguments. Agree. Disagree. All without the “Yah! Boo! Sucks!” that we see in another place and their adjoining ‘betters’.
While I would love to agree, any harm this does to the BBC will be quite co-incidental, and I’m sure the beeb will bleet loudly and get changes mid-term from whichever gutless government we have at the time (it doesn’t matter a lot which one).
If the Tories had any sense they would have found a way to ‘park’ this until after the referendum.
Sadly, I feel they have neither sense nor guts.
Yes I have hope that the global market will ‘downgrade’ the BBC anyway as being irrelevant. A couple of links I have are from AXE THE TAX seems to agree that a lost opportunity to ‘reform’ the BBC collective (not that they want reforming).
I agree ,after the referendum I probably won’t vote again,there is no point unless a fearless Donald Trump like character comes long.I usually vote Conservative but now they are all the same except for UKIP.I might consider them if they get their act together. I hope people see through the referendum stitch up that is going on and immigration is the main topic for many people .Anyone that lives in a normal part of the UK and has to survive on a normal wage is only too well aware of the strain mass immigration is putting on the public services and housing.
The government is trying to concentrate on the economy but its depressed because of the EU and immigration pressures so far as I can see.
The BEEB is navel gazing about their charter while giving scant attention to the most important decision of our time .AND they have the cheek to charge for IPlayer.Whittingdale wimped out and is no conservative.
Heard Jon Sopel on Today, holding forth on the rise of Donald Trump.
Now the BBC American correspondent has included greats like Charles Wheeler and Alistair Cooke.
But Sopel won`t be anywhere near that company.
Listen to his facile analogy between Trumps nomination and thwe Tory Party Chairman not wanting the next leader of the Tories-simply no comparisons at all, unless you`ve never been to America.
Utter tripe-it`s about 40 mins into this mornings tepid backwash of a show.
Loved Sopels phrase-“it`s not as if verbal exactitude is one of Trumps features”…or such.
Stuff you Sopel-you continually say that he wants to ban all Muslims from the USA-and you know(and always knew) that he said no such thing…he merely wanted a moratorium until the Border Agencies had worked out what was going on.
Now we all know what the answer to THAT is..but if the services get a few months to regroup after San Bernardino…then fine.
But Sopels no exponent of “verbal exactitude”-himself-in fact, the BBC demand that of him(and of themselves).
Biased twerps…half truths and smears, 24/7.
bBBC website now more prominently showing the NI numbers versus immigrant numbers story, no doubt after the HMRC says that the EU immigrants contribute much more in taxes than they receive in benefits.
Mmm. How would the HMRC know how many immigrants use A and E in hospitals? Or their GP? Or send their children to school? Do HMRC scrutinise the Education and NHS budgets? Is that not out of their remit?
Maybe immigrants don’t get benefits but they surely use services. And if they work and earn more than the lower earnings limit of about £8500 in a year, they qualify for 1/35th of the new single tier pension (about £4 a week but worth the equivalent of an annuity pot of £7000) . That’s the ‘lower earnings limit’. You pay no tax and NI is about £900. Pay £900. Get £7000 in future pension benefits. No prizes for guessing why the UK is so popular!
Proof? Here’s a story from 2006
I’ll bet you a pound to a penny the HMRC didn’t include any of this. Now a proper ‘journalist’ might ask about this but the student Marxists in the bBBC newsroom, needless to say, will not.
Well, technically HMRC are correct. Budgets are frozen and the immigrants are paying minimal tax. So, they aren’t ‘costing’ anything, because the pot is simply shared more thinly. Instead, it is the consumers of public services that are suffering – longer GP waits, less money available per person in the NHS, bigger class sizes, more crowded trains and roads, etc.
One thing that HMRC would know about is tax contributions and tax credits. I did a FOI request to ask what are the total net contributions of those immigrants that are net contributors to the exchequer and the total net drain of those that are a net drain to the exchequer – basically, how much better off would the government finances be, if we only took those people that were a net benefit, rather than taking a mix of both a net benefit and a net drain. Apparently, they don’t keep records of tax payments by nationality. God forbid. Can you imagine the outcry, if the truth came out?
Well, I have just wasted an hour of my life filing a complaint about the missing news item on the BBC’s web-site Home Page and main News Page re the missing NI numbers. That includes completing a survey for the BBC telling them – yet again – how rubbish and tortuous is their complaints & correction & praise procedure is.
I suspect it is buried away and rubbish and tortuous because they get so many complaints, they wish to discourage those who do not have a measure of robustness and hope they will give up and go away.
I can still see day (or more) old news items or find out about a ‘Tory election’ scandal but not a potential Government Department scandal.
Er, wait up! Isn’t the Government a Conservative – sorry – Tory one? Wonder why the Beeb missed that?
Not a complete waste.
It is logged (well, they say it is).
And it is read (yes, well, they claim so).
But it will never go away. One day, like some STASI operatives discovered, those files will get read.
But I do wonder what happens in the handover from CECUTT to OFCOM, especially with ongoing complaints the BBC system can consume years trying to kick into touch.
Well, there’s still something to play for. Need to spend time writing letters.
I may be gone some time.
(Hopefully to return unfrozen.)
The BBC give us half the truth all the time these days.
Have a listen to this.
Today 6.46am
Got that?…Phillip Davies seeming to act a question in regard of Afghan and Nigerian corruption-but damned with faint disdain by our political gal in Westminster…it`s what a Sir Bufton Tufton WOULD say-and the BBC have already framed all that as a “gaffe-prone PM insulting nations”.
Base covered.
Yet listen to this in Parliament yesterday-the selfsame Phillip Davies and what his WHOLE question was all about.
Listen in at 1.06
Yes-the bit about the EU not having had their accounts signed off for the last 20 years-that corrupt fraudulent states like Nigeria are as nothing compared to the EU.
And Phillip says so-but the BBC cut out that second half of the question-hardly suits the BBC narrative does it?
Half the truth-and all the time.
Should be a complaint about this-how dare the BBC edit Phillip Davies question because they don`t want us to be reminded about the corrupt profligacy of the EU-which was surely the whole point of the question in the first place.
“Yes-the bit about the EU not having had their accounts signed off for the last 20 years-that corrupt fraudulent states like Nigeria are as nothing compared to the EU.”
Yesterday’s PM programme had a piece on how there aren’t any problem with the EU’s accounts and the auditors are very happy with them. The seems that the stories about problems and even fraud are just propaganda from the “Leave” campaign.
The BBC know we won’t believe their lies, but they tell them anyway.
Did like the Shakespeare programme skit by the mighty Philomena Cunk last night on BBC2 at 10pm.
Credit where credit`s due-she was always the only reason to watch the useless Charlie Brooker anyway!
Had an interesting conversation this afternoon with a friend (who is not the sharpest knife in the box, but lovely !) and discussions turned to IN or OUT. She is the first I’ve encountered to vote IN. She believed we’d be more secure as ‘one’, and feared that all the banking and trading would leave London, this she had only gleaned via the ‘tele’. And when I mentioned that every Turk from one of the largest Muslim countries in the world could theoretically live in Gt Britain once in possession of a maroon passport, the penny seemed to drop, and started to reverse her thinking. I found this scary, because this monumental decision of our future is being decided by a population, who really haven’t a bloody clue what its all about, – they talk about security and finance and defence, but knowing so little of these subjects they may well as be apples, pears and bananas !!!!!
And therein lies the problem with democracy.
Yes. It really is a bit of a bummer that people less intelligent than many of the posters on here get to vote.
“We” are just the sort of people who should be running the EU without having to worry about what the proles think.
Was it Churchill who said something like “Democracy is not perfect, but it is the best system we have”?
The better informed the people are the better democracy will work. That’s why the oligarchs are happy to protect the BBC, so that it can continue its policy of disinformation. A population kept in ignorance of the truth is easier to manipulate.
But then along came the internet.
And the along came Google, Facebook and Twitter.
I would rather have our imperfect democracy, guys, than the Turkish equivalent!
I have listened to a lot of the EU debate and I have come to the conclusion that the UK will remain IN the EU, the reason being that the vast majority of the voting public are basically thick as pig shit with less nous than the vermin that lives on that shit.
Unfortunately the most embarrassing stuff has come from women and the yoof, women in general just haven’t got a clue about the EU problem, one woman I listened to came up with that age old cliche..”I want to know what they will do for my kids”..don’t you worry about your kids, my love, no one else will when the UK is in its death throes.
My favourite yoof comment came from a brainwashed lefty Scottish student who was voting remain simply because she was young? It’s our future, she said? Clearly she expects everyone over the age of 20 to die pretty soon! I would tell her this..I remember my Dad telling me how life was better back in his day, I remember that life was better back in my day in the 80/90s, I would tell her that when she’s older her ideals will count for nothing when she sees the state of the country that she may want to raise her kids in.
To hear some of the people say that they haven’t got a clue how to vote is just embarrassing, where have they been for the last few years? They shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
Roland Deschain..
“I doubt that very many if polled would have the faintest notion who Mark Carney is, let alone whether he’s trustworthy. “……
My friend mentioned above certainly wouldn’t that’s for sure.
Just spotted this on the Health section of BBC News website about TUBERCULOSIS
Guess where this is coming from? You`ll never hear it from the BBC…A disease that killed huge numbers in this country , including members of my family in the `50`s that was pretty much eradicated by the `70`s is back… Medics know all about this, where it’s coming from ( all the usual “Halal” places + Russia) What’s being done about it? Nothing, apart from (token) “RANDOM” screening at Heathrow airport? LOL! Welcome to the Middle Ages guys… what next Leprosy (not joking)
My mother, health service manager. used to tell the story of the skinny Pakistani with TB who changed to a fat little Pakistani without TB due to “our” NHS. The story was not meant as a compliment.
It afflicts those with HIV and London is the European Tuburculosis capital of Europe apparently. Quite common in what was called ‘third world’ countries being invited back to be cured by our wonderful NHS who (apparently) have as much money as the BBC. The BBC are not inclined to say ‘why’ it is an ‘epidemic’ or why another NHS crisis is requiring ‘urgent’ funding because of… the BBC has private health care…
Funny coincidence don’t you think ? We are told that current diseases are proving immune to a range of antibiotics, so clinicians are avoiding their use for ‘minor’ ailments (which is a lottery that they could become ‘fatal’); and yet for decades after combating Polio, Whooping Cough, TB and Scarlet Fever, there was never a debate as to whether antibiotics should be used or not because we were never subjected to as such these fatal diseases. Since Blair opened the floodgates we have seen the resurgence of these 3rd world illnesses here – that we always had to have inoculations for if travelling to those countries, and now we’ve become a once healthy body that’s being gradually eroded by literally foreign bodies !!! It wont be long before travellers will need to have vaccinations before entering the UK !!
On a lighter note, excellent comment on the BBC HYS regarding the Charter renewal:
967. Posted by Welsh Dragon
on 9 hours ago
Dear BBC,
People I’m not prepared to pay for:
– Tony Blair
– Noel Fielding
– Jack Whitehall
– Yasmin Alibhai-Brown
– Madonna
– Stephen Fry
– Jay Rayner
– Anton Du Beke
– Bono
– Janet Street Porter
– Graham Norton
– Emma Watson
– Simon Cowell
– Tom Cruise
– Jim Carrey
– Jamie Oliver
– Neil Hamilton
– any ‘pop band’ after 1990
– all football ‘pundits’
Get trimming.
On a personal note I’d like to add
– Diane Abbott
– Norman Smith
– Evan Davies
– Simon Schama
– That Brigstock fella
– Anyone from Food Unwrapped (technically C4 but what the hell..)
Save Our Sense
I am not prepared to pay for Al Beeb – Full Stop .
You pay if you want to, I am not .
Jeremy Hardy
Anyone who wants to talk for more than 45 seconds about David Bowie, Prince, or the next life changing pop genius who joins the choir invisible.
Would it not be quicker to list the people we would be prepared to pay for ?
Yes. But (arguably) not as much fun!
Good point !
And Gary Lineker – (all that money and still cant find a decent barber !!)
Amanda (I’m available for anything, naked or otherwise) Holden
Richard (I’m available for anything, n………….. oh God no !) Madeley
Usual BBC pro EU bias…On BBC1 News at Ten the leading stories were:
1. Bank of England warns of economic disaster if we leave the EU (unlike the economic disaster we have had since 2008 whilst in the EU)
2. The White Paper
3. Some pictures of migrants in boats
No mention of the disparity of the official UK immigrant numbers and the issued National Insurance numbers that would help the Leave campaign.
Isn’t it a shame the fear mongering Mr Carney didn’t draw upon his prophetic prowess to warn the Greeks prior to their own nothing to do with the EU economic meltdown.
Mark Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years.
I really don’t need to say any more, do I?
Or Spain, or Portugal, or Ireland, or the huge financial crash, or anything financial for that matter.! Why is it that these people now know exactly what is going to happen in the future? Wars, meltdowns, plagues, armadas…just embarrassing…worst thing is people will believe it.
Was that the same News At Ten in which we were supposed to swallow the tale that Mr Carney was the one man that polls show is the most trusted in the EU debate? I doubt that very many if polled would have the faintest notion who Mark Carney is, let alone whether he’s trustworthy.
Brexit the Movie (as linked below) lasted two hours on Youtube….Two hours for crying out loud, before it was flagged and reported down….Who is actually running YouTube these days, the BBC?
Google. Just as bad.
The names seem to be missing from the posts above, so sorry I can`t name the poster who`s put up “BREXIT-THE MOVIE” above. Can`th thank you enough, my friend.
Not only is it great to see a series of Great British heroes like Melanie Phillips and James Delingpole( to name only two-it really is near on a who`s who of great minds)-but it`s brilliantly argued, illustrated and as comprehensive an atom bomb up the liberal fundament as you can imagine.
You really need not bother with another word from the serried ranks of tossers, lickspittles who`ll only say what their puppetmasters and EU trough-fillers…Durkins masterly account rumbles them for what they are.
A must-watch, you`ll need no other show than this.
Well done Mr Durkin…and thanks to all who post and pass on this great programme.
Absolutely 100% on the button.
If you have not taken the time to watch it through do it soon and pass the link on.
It is not histrionic, does not make wild claims, does not even mention immigration, but convinces me that “we” deserve a better future than being run by an elite that no matter how I vote I can have no say in direction of travel.
Site owners / moderators.
Is it possible to put this up with the link as a permanently showing topic until June 24th, perhaps under a heading such as
“You will never see it explained like this on the BBC”
You can watch it here again: I am passing the link on to family and friends. It is essential we all do the same as it raises important historical points and the way the EU is heading is undeniably true. Every ‘remainer’ should, hang their head in shame. I had to switch computers to get to work – or it could be due to high demand (or bandwidth) it is recorded in Hi-def film quality (I plugged it into my TV with a HDMI cable for Cinema quality). As good as anything I have seen on this issue.
SHORT INTRO: https://youtu.be/ltAtUTlm29w
MAIN FILM: http://www.brexitthemovie.com/#!the-movie/c2sa
I couldn’t get the Youtube version to work properly (or the Vimeo). It could be my set up.
Our Car moron treats the British public with contempt .
It looks like Al Beeb’s news advisor is telling most of us what we wish …………..
True Tory patriots if they have any balls, should now rebel.
Great Britain needs a new political party formed from the Conservatives and UKIP.
Major!!! The over promoted moron Mk1, courtesy of the slippery snail called Heseltine.
I see that he’s been exhumed again, by the beeboids – along with the other “Prince of Darkness” Mandelslime.
“Brexit vote may spark recession”
It ‘may’ rain tomorrow and yet it ‘may’ not ?
Not a very good statement from the man in charge of the Bank of England.
….And the day after a vote for Brexit we MAY have a plague of locusts followed by another of frogs.
One week later Britain will be hit by an ABSOLUTLEY HUGE asteroid (possibly).
The Remainers are sounding more like the global warmists every day.
“Who are You”
A “Bunch of Effing W*nkers”.
Roger Daltrey for PM in an independent UK !
Carney needs firmly putting back in his box, Jacob R-M has rightly pointed out he is way out of line in his comments.
Carney has been useless right from the start. Why the hell is the Governor of the Bank of England a Canadian ? The conflicts of interest are obvious. He should be sacked.
How did he get the job?
We all know that one can only live and work in a foreign country by of being in a political union!
Perhaps he had an Irish grandmother and holds a EU(Eire Region) passport?
His comments, as reported by even the most sophisticated Remain propaganda media, could not have looked more dubious as claims, given they were littered with ”coulds” and “mays” designed to appeal to the ‘belief’ system at the core of every beeboid’s soul. All with nifty get-out clauses that are really unnecessary as there will be no refunds in case of failure to be accurate.
What then is the explanation for the 0.1% growth figure announced yesterday on the morning news?
EU membership?
For many years we have been conned about migration .
As a result we have a shortage of doctor’s appointments , houses , school places , we also have long hospital waiting lists, we do not have enough police to control the growing number criminals that come in to the UK, legally or illegally. Our Car Moron ‘plays his fiddle’ while the identity of our nation is fast disappearing and falling apart.
BBC Today in full 2+2=5 mode this morning….special access to the Tavistock centre for “transgender” children.
And one of the children was quoted as saying, “it’s not about what’s between your legs but more about what’s between your ears”…..as succinct an argument against “reassignment surgery” as could be found.
In effect the child quoted sums up that “transgender” is about feelings rather than facts.
It’s a big feelings and dressing up game, until the mutilating surgery and hormone treatment adjusts the irrelevance “between your legs” on the NHS. A line the BBC won’t be exploring, since “trans” is the new “gay” in the permanent revolution against reason and biology.
“it’s not about what’s between your legs but more about what’s between your ears”
As in ….. dickhead ?
Transgender has been the minority of choice on the bBBC this year so it was only a matter of time before they identified transgender children.
Perhaps we should be spending taxpayers money on a transgender baby unit at GOSH.
It is all just so pathetic – the leftie luvvies determined discovery of each and every possible combination of worthy circumstances and ever tinier deserving minorities.
I wonder what the Koran has to say about gender re-assignment.
Today’s Murder
BBC London tv news very quickly and blandly mentions in passing the latest outbreak of gang violence. No context, no reference to prior events locally and no cumulative murder statistics – on line the BBC don’t seem to have got around to covering it.
Mr AsISeeIt suggests London raises the “Ethnic Gang Violence Security Status Threat Level” to :
“Extremely Bloody Likely”
– just one notch below the top level : “Monotonous Regularity”
Bbc brekkie goes live to one of their eunuchs aboard a charity rescue vessel in the Med..
Interviews an illegal who has travelled from Libya, and been ‘rescued’
Hack asks illegal…and will you be sending money back to your father?
Maybe a few BBC presenters don’t have a dog at all? For some reason.
Comments so far a treat.
Our BBC man Christian Fraser (he’s the chap that broke the law by using a mobile phone whilst driving to snap flood pictures in the Lake District – allegedly) this morning he’s strolling the deck of a migrant rescue ship in the Med. And shooting the breeze with an English-speaking muslim Gambian just plucked from a rubber boat with 132 fellow young black men and now heading toward the EU. Economic migrants says our Christian. He’s a ‘fireman’ it seems. He’ll need some training to get up to British standards – they’re called ‘firefighters’ now, son. Mind you, there’s terrible ‘racism’ in Libya, apparently, and that’s why Christian’s new friend (bet after this brief holiday friendship they never actually meet again) is now Europe bound. “What country would you like to go to?” asks our Christain as though he’s offering round a plate of volovants.
You do know all Gambians speak English?
Xavier – what’s your point?
I said ‘an English-speaking muslim Gambian’
And in any case I think you may be exaggerating a tad ‘You do know all Gambians speak English?’- after all we know not even all Britons speak English
‘In the Gambia, Mandingo is spoken as a first language by 38% of the population, Fula is spoken by 21.2%, Wolof / Serer by 18%, Jola by 4.5%. Several other languages are also spoken. Gambian Sign Language is used by the deaf. English remains the main language used for official purposes and in education, but it may would face competition from Arabic. In 2014, Gambian president Yahya Jammeh announced that The Gambia would drop English as the official language because it is a “colonial relic” in favour of Arabic. However, such change was not enacted until the present day.’
The point is you probably didn’t know The Gambia is an English speaking country but still try to sound clever anyway. You wouldn’t say, “an English speaking American,” even though we all know not all Americans speak English.
Cute how you run off to Wikipedia to check though.
‘try to sound clever’ ‘you probably didn’t know’ or to translate your trolling “ner ner, ner-ner-ner!”
Full disclosue – the chap who told the BBC reporter he was from Gambia (the BBC are never able or willing to fact check these things on behalf of their viewers – just help them ‘tell their stories’) spoke English in a hesitant way, somehwat led by the interviewer – maybe camera shy, maybe a little traumatised by his recent adventures, most likely not his ‘first’ language – who knows? His incidental use of the phrase ‘Inshallah’ signposts to us his religion.
So come on Xavier, aside from the snide – what’s your point? Done a Uni course on Gambia recently and want to share with the class?
LOL ! As with many trolls here, Xavier posts about something he knows nothing about, in this case Gambia, without considering that there may be someone here who may have some expertise. I am always amazed at how many regular posters here have specialist knowledge of many areas. I certainly learn more here than from the dumber and dumber BBC !
Funny Grant – you’ve agreed with me on many things before. But now I say something you disagree with and suddenly I’m a “troll!” Posters here either have short memory (probably dementia, judging by the average age of the users) or are so comfortable in their own safe spaces they simply shout down anyone that doesn’t parrot their beliefs 100%.
Sounds an awful lot like the BBC to me.
Xavier, read my post again. I said “as with many trolls “, that could be interpreted in two different ways. It does not necessarily mean I think you are a troll. But your claim that all Gambians speak english was just plain wrong ! How do you know the average age of users here ?
Laughably bad backtracking. You clearly were trying to imply I was a troll.
‘Clear implication’ is good enough for the BBC, so the appeal to you seems inevitable.
Does seem to get some of your colleagues exercised when others, not paid by a unique funding tax, stray into such areas in the course of thread discussion.
The lovely smell of double standards in the morning. Bless.
I told you the point – your childish response proves it. and then you go and bring his Mooslim beliefs into it as if they mean anything! Just admit you didn’t know that Gambia was an English speaking nation.
The official language is english ,but many Gambians cannot speak it for reasons that I could explain but it would require a long post here. Or, better still, go to Gambia and find out for yourself.
Wiki has got it pretty much right. The lunatic Jammeh announced that Jola ( his tribe ) would be the official language . One reason he gave was that, in the future, it would be the language of computers , international law and business. Problem is that very few teachers speak Jola. So everyone ignored him. Funnily enough his english is better than his jola ! I could go on but………
I live in Gambia and my wife is Gambian. Not all Gambians speak english !
If fleeing conflict, the route from Gambia to the likely destination of choice makes Libya an unusual staging post. So economic migration seems worth the risk. Apparently.
Guest Who,
I doubt if any Gambians taking the “back way” are fleeing conflict, except maybe within their own families ! And I know quite a few families affected .
Weird. We can go on holiday in The Gambia (and it’s quite ‘high-end’) yet it is so bad there we need to feel sorry, according to Al Beeb, for young Gambian males wanting to take a chance to get to Europe. By the way, how are we in this country with fire-fighter recruitment from the domestic population.
Does The Gambia have any womenfolk?
Don’t expect the Al Beeb ‘journalists’ to actually ask any awkward questions.
I would love to invite a BBC journalist to Gambia to show them the reality. But there are 2 problems, I would have to put up with the creep and he/she would twist everything to suit the biased BBC agenda. So waste of time !
I think I may have just figured out my un-PC sin in our friend Xavier’s eyes….
I referred to an “English-speaking” African. Quite obviously a ‘racist’ formulation – at the very least a ‘micro aggression’
Afterall just as Xavier points out we would never refer to an “English-speaking” American.
Gosh, I really need to go back to school.
No, you referred to someone from an English speaking nation as “English-speaking.” Stop trying to be clever and snide.
LOL ! I think I have done that on the new thread !