A pool cameraman for the BBC, ITV and Sky filmed the Queen making a comment about the visit of a Chinese delegation to London saying they had been ‘very rude’.
The BBC has led with this for most of the day as their top story on the radio, and apparently Derbyshire also ventured there [As always looking for the important story] and the BBC blasted it out over the World Service…to be blocked in China.
The Guardian tells us that it was the BBC itself that decided to broadcast this conversation to the world and it was a high level BBC news mandarin who made the decision to go ahead….
“We have a team looking through the rushes of this sort of thing, and that’s what they found,” said a BBC insider. “It’s just a routine thing and usually there is nothing much of interest. In this case there was.”
Given the sensitivity of any story involving Buckingham Palace, the story would have been referred to the news department’s most senior executives before it broke on the BBC on Tuesday lunchtime. “There would have been high level talks within the BBC about this sort of thing.”

What’s you’re poison?
The BBC itself has been coy about revealing that it was in essence their cameraman and they who broke this story…the BBC have been somewhat reserved about telling us just who the ‘pool’ cameraman was and his relationship to them….From the Guardian….
As is usual, when the Queen performed her walkabout on Tuesday, meeting garden party guests lined up in advance by officials, she had in tow a small pool of journalists.
Among them was Peter Wilkinson, the pool cameraman. BBC reports referred to him as the “palace cameraman”. However, he is not a member of the royal household – though he wears a royal badge for ease of security access.
He is employed by and paid by the three major broadcasters – the BBC, ITV and Sky – to cover royal engagements for them as a pool, sending his footage directly to them.
The BBC has also been somewhat economical with the whole story and the reason for the Queen saying the Chinese were rude…I had no idea from BBC radio other than she had said they were rude……from the Guardian….
Later, the Queen told her guest: “They were very rude to the ambassador” – referring to Barbara Woodward, Britain’s first female ambassador to China.
D’Orsi complained to the Queen that Xi’s visit had been “quite a testing time for me” and claimed that at one point Chinese officials “walked out” on both her and the British ambassador, telling her “that the trip was off”.
“Extraordinary,” the Queen replied.
“It’s very rude and very undiplomatic, I thought,” the police commander concluded.
The BBC website is more forthcoming but if you didn’t see that you’d be in the dark and you still aren’t told that it was the BBC that first betrayed the Queen’s trust….as Buck House says….it was a private conversation, and the repercussions could be damaging diplomatically at the very least.
Why did the BBC broadcast the story when they knew that this would cause some trouble with the Chinese who obviously are not happy having blacked the story out at home?
The Guardian thinks that this has caused a rumpus between the UK and China..
UK’s ‘golden era’ with China in balance after Queen comments
Whoever the senior BBC news executive was that made the decision to go public he/she must have known that this would cause huge embarrassment for both sides and perhaps cause a fallout. So why did he/she decide to broadcast this and do so so prominently making it one of the BBC’s top stories?
This must be something of a breach of protocol for the BBC to publicise a private converstaion and one that is obviously so diplomatically sensitive.
The BBC’s intent seems to be to deliberately cause a rift with China…the story in itself is hardly news…the Queen saying the Chinese were rude for not giving enough notice as they cancelled a meeting, so what?….it is the BBC that has made it news by stirring up an ‘international incident’ over nothing at all. Why? Are they out to damage Cameron who has made a big thing out of the relationship with China? Have to think that is the real motive as there seems to be little other…as said it is hardly a news story of any real interest in and of itself.
Whatever the motive it is hardly the action of a responsible and trusted news broadcaster and no doubt in future the Royal family will look even more askance at any request from the BBC for unique access and stories.
The BBC – the elephant in the room of UK media, while the left believe it is the Rupert Murdoch stable.
Totally agree and thank you for that article. I have listened to this news most of the day, and on Jeremy Vile, with a bad taste in my mouth. The BBC!! Ha! Anyone would think that they were not British…What a bunch of traitors, stirring it up and broadcasting that information around the world to cause trouble. They disgust me and should be hung out to dry.
Meanwhile Jeremy Vile, working very hard for them, played the clip of the Queen at least three times on his show, and then proceeded to present the British as the villains of the piece, on the basis of an overheard (eavesdropped) conversation. Correct – all that footage should have been screened and censored. What, for instance, would they have done if someone (I dare not say her name in this sentence) had broken wind? Would they have passed that footage out for the world to laugh at?
Same goes for the Nigeria story. What a load of bullshit. Get rid of the BBC.
Disgusting disloyalty from the BBc as usual. I have had many dealings over the years with China and what we interpret as rudeness is just the way of things.
Someone at the BBC knows full well that the Chinese will definitely not like this latest incident being made public. It could have serious repercusiions. The BBC is viscerally disloyal to the nation and it’s monarch.
Maybe the BBC actually was presented it played backwards and thought she’d said they were very edur, and didn’t bother to check if it was a real word and figured one was being simply diplomatic?
Could happen.
Envy of the world. And vital. And unique.
The whole story, as with any Royal story the BBC spin, is designed to get the left-wing republicans frothed up. Judging by the highest rated comments on HYS it’s back-fired on them again, just like all the pro-EU bullshit.
Yes – this is my suspicion also. There is no real news value in either the ‘Chinagate’ or ‘Nigeriagate’ (as they will probably soon be known) incidents. The only possible purpose they serve is to discredit Her Majesty and those in authority under her (eg, the PM, diplomats and police officers). This kind of thing is only a ‘story’ if you have what Orwell described as the ‘mechanical snigger’ of the left at all traditional British institutions.
I don’t see the difference between reporting a private conversation and ‘hacking’ someone’s voice mail.
Both this story and the previous one about Cameron and the corrupt nature of Afghanistan and Nigeria were based on overheard conversations. Any decent person would have kept quiet, unless what they heard was related to a crime. In both cases the BBC has crowed about how these leaks might have created a diplomatic incident but in whose interest would that have been?
There is an argument that it is acceptable to ‘leak’ when to do so would be ‘in the public interest’, which doesn’t mean ‘of interest to the public’. Clearly upsetting foreign governments is not in the public interest and I doubt if these conversations were interesting to the general public anyway.
Not content with effectively acting against the interests of the public that pays its wages the BBC developed both stories over the day, smugly telling us that ‘perhaps no harm has been done’.
The BBC has shown, yet again, that they are gutter urchins. Wiping their snotty noses with their greasy sleeves doesn’t make their faces clean.
News at ten coverage of Nigeriagate despicable! ‘Nigeria hits back’ – no it doesn’t, their prime minister thanked DC for his candour. Reporter shouts at visiting prime minister ‘has DC insulted Nigeria?’ Stirring the pot. Later reporter states that Britain and Nigeria have been linked by corruption for a long time, implying that Britain is complicit. About 5 mins spent on this top story (none story)
I have known many Nigerians in my life and they would be the first to say that corruption is a big problem there. On the other hand , they could say ” what about corruption in the UK ? “. BUT the BBC have to keep to their pre-progammed agenda. ” Black skin good, white skin bad “. Beeboids are racists !
And it was President Buhari who agreed with Dave !
I don’t think you can have it both ways, you can’t criticise the BBC for censoring some stories and then criticise it for reporting others. The Queen is the head of state so of course what she says is newsworthy. Whether the BBC’s reporting of this and the Nigeria story is proportionate is a different matter but it’s not the job of the BBC to censor stories to avoid upsetting the Chinese. If you want something justified to complain about look at this evening’s news at ten and the disparity in the coverage of the remain and leave campaigns.
I don’t want it both ways. I don’t want the bbc as it stands. It needs to be a subscription service.
Sorry this is not a justified story on any level ! it is a full breach of privacy and the BBC has lied to cover up the source gets paid by them, ‘ what she says is newsworthy’ really ? so we would have had the full SP on this garden party all day on every BBC outlet ? no because the damage the BBC can cause is the newsworthy bit not what she says and unlike you I think they should be beaten with this faked up non story as even their allies think they have broken all faith with this garbage! also this site is full of BBC EU bias why are you trying to rubbish one thread that isn’t?
Rather hilariously, some are trying to blame it on a pink umbrella beaming it into the BBC mic.
Or, if not pink, maybe… magenta, as in alert? Labour’s ladies would approve…
Funny how laughter is suddenly dubbed on about half-way through !
As always when considering BBC bias, turn it around. Would the BBC have trawled through hours of footage of Jeremy Corbyn at some bun fight or other, in the hope of finding a juicy titbit to release to the public?
It seems that the BBC does not do proper journalism any more; investigating and breaking stories, too much like hard work. Instead of broadcasting private conversations by the head of state, I suggest it try to investigate the reasons for the rampant anti-Semitism in the Labour Party.
Which comes back to my first point. Its reach into the nation enables it to have a very large say in setting the news agenda for the nation. We also know that it often “comes late” to some stories that it does not want on the agenda until other coverage forces it to mutter about it e.g. anti-semitism in the Labour Party.
By the way, nice picture. I’ve always been impressed by the way the Queen has a hint of steel under her sweet old lady persona. Her no-nonsense attitude must be absolutely abhorrent to certain sections of the media.