“The typical response of Britain’s political and media elite confronted with awkward facts has been evasion, because – we say – talking about these issues won’t solve the problem; instead, it will stigmatise vulnerable minority groups,” he said.
“Any attempt to ask whether aspects of minority disadvantage may be self-inflicted is denounced as ‘blaming the victim’.
“Instead, we prefer to answer any difficult questions by focusing on the historic prejudices of the dominant majority.
“In short, it’s all about white racism.”
Trevor Phillips has made another speech on immigration and integration in which he slams the likes of the BBC and politicians who don’t just bury their heads in the sand but actively work to hide the problems and paint an alternative, and false, narrative of all being well….a more perfect description than the one above of the BBC and the Left’s approach to this issue would be harder to find.
In a 100-page paper, published by the think-tank Civitas set to provoke uproar, he argues that a new brand of “superdiversity” is bringing challenges to the Western way of life, far removed from those of immigration of the past.
Crucially, he says, race is no longer a “purely black and white affair” but a divide between the majority and people with different “values and behaviours”.
What is extraordinary, but not unexpected, is that in a week when the BBC is focussing on immigration and will have a day next week devoted especially to the subject it has totally and absolutely ignored Trevor Phillips’ comments whilst every other news outlet covered the story. The last time Phillips spoke on this issue and suggested Muslims’ lack of willingness to integrate was a problem the BBC instead of investigating the issue chose to mock and discredit him and yet today he states that Muslim immigration threatens to shake the foundations of “liberal democracy” itself…..surely newsworthy and demanding investigation…apparently not if you are a BBC journalist.
Rome Burning
Britain risks “flames” of racial and religious conflict because of a “liberal self-delusion” over the impact of mass immigration, the former head of the equality watchdog Trevor Phillips claims today.
In a startling assault on decades of official multiculturalism and diversity policy, the founding chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission argues the UK is being allowed to “sleepwalk to catastrophe” by leaders too “touchy”, “smug”, “complacent” and “squeamish” to talk about race.
“We maintain a polite silence masked by noisily debated public fictions such as ‘multiculturalism’ and ‘community cohesion’.
“Rome may not yet be in flames, but I think I can smell the smouldering whilst we hum to the music of liberal self-delusion.”
Significantly, he claims the arrival of some Muslim groups in particular who are actively “resistant to the traditional process of integration” threatens to shake the foundations of “liberal democracy” itself.
The reaction by many to the election of Sadiq Khan to be Mayor of London illustrates how it is not just the BBC that burys its head in the sand…..Khan almost certainly being voted in on a tide of Muslim votes in a London with nearly 1 million Muslims in the population. Never mind Khan’s deliberately chosen associations with extremists you only have to look at what he has said and done to get an idea that his first identity is ‘Muslim’ and that Muslim issues are his first concern….and those concerns, such as British foreign policy and Israel, are the very same concerns that fuel Muslim radicalisation. Khan feeds that narrative whilst of course not backing the violent Islamist response.
Hugo Rifkind in the Times tells us that ‘The new mayor could be a great British leader, a symbol of how multiculturalism can work.’ I would suggest this is a blinkered and overly optimistic view of what Khan stands for given his signing of a letter denouncing British foreign policy as an attack on Muslims, presumably his Muslim identity trumps being British, and that he backs a boycott of Israel whilst telling British Jews that he doesn’t.
Did Khan almost certainly say he was ‘looking forward to being Emir of a great city’ on the Marr show (28 mins 30 sec)….When I heard him speak I was sure he did say that…then thought maybe he said ‘a mayor’…but why would you say ‘a mayor’ and not ‘the mayor’ which is the more normal phrasing when he has already been elected and there is only one mayor of London? Was Khan playing games having been bet he couldn’t slip in such a word into the conversation? Calling yourself an ‘Emir’ might indicate problems ahead.
Rifkind states that ‘In a better world Britain’s Muslims and Jews are obvious allies’. Says it all about the delusional state of many in the media who live on a diet of wishful thinking and self-delusion as ‘Rome burns’.
So the BBC is not alone in its delusions though the BBC’s are more often cynically deliberate and intended to suppress the truth. With millions of Muslims flooding into Europe that is a truth that needs to be talked about openly….does such a movement of people who follow a religion so implacably opposed to Western values ‘ threaten to shake the foundations of “liberal democracy” itself.’?
I thnk we have the right to know.
The BBC thinks we don’t have that right.
See no evil, because here is an example of bias by omission. Not about race, skin colour or religion; but politics. However the treatment is the same, skew the debate or information flow to give the biased message. Here is the one about the EU:
We had the perfect example of the liberal left phobia of discussing race/religious issues that Mr Phillips warns about , on the Daily Politics yesterday. His Civitas report was briefly touched upon and guest David Blunkett was asked if he thought that Mr Phillips was right to raise concerns. His reply was that Phillips was talking about global problems not ones specific to the UK . As far as I can see from the summaries of Mr Phillips report, he was talking almost exclusively about the UK and only mentions international aspects in passing. A great example of how the liberal left elite distort the truth to suit their delusions , exactly as Mr Phillips points out. Blunkett wasn’t challenged by presenter Ms Coburn, but then she is a’ right on’ BBC liberal lefty so she would like to leave viewers with the impression that Blunkett was right and that Phillips concerns were about global issues not ones with much relevance to the UK.
Then we had another perfect example of what Phillips is concerned about with the knife attacks near Munich . The BBC is reluctant to admit that if someone is shouting God is Great in Arabic as he kills and wounds people there must be some Islamic connection in the attack. Yet they pile in on the story of the Manchester anti terror exercise when the police officer shouted the same thing. It was also interesting to note that some Bavarian government official said he simply couldn’t understand how such things could happen in lovely , peaceful Bavaria. Well if you have millions of Muslims living around you that is just of foretaste of what you can expect.
The lack of challenge by Coburn, was blatant. She can do it when she wants to, Blunkett was way over the top a sitting duck as a target and she meeky let it pass.
Blanket…another gargoyle in the mould of gormless Gordon. Blunderkett…a crap Home Sec, useless and blundering…..screamed at a prison governor, ‘ machine-gun them’ when said felons were rioting…very lucid decision there Dave…not…..Didn’t think there was any upper limit on immigration…..prick……and above all, disregarding his insider share dealing and trousers down shagging of an aide,….the immigrants couldn’t believe their luck…’ Hey they have a fucking blind man in charge…yippee, pile in …….they actually said this. …and the BBC wheel this useless wreck out time and time again for his ‘comments’. To those here who do not like my tone……FU…..i am long past politeness now with events as they are….time for robust talk and action…you soft bastards.
“some Bavarian government official said he simply couldn’t understand how such things could happen in lovely , peaceful Bavaria. Well if you have millions of Muslims living around you that is just of foretaste of what you can expect.”
Quite right. Import enough Syrians, and you aren’t in Bavaria any more, you are now in a new province of Syria, a country where they celebrate diversity in a kinetic manner, around 2350 feet per second from the average Kalashnikov. This is something which leftists and liberal do-gooders cannot get their heads around. The day will come when their heads are being sawn off, and they still will not get it.
If Phillips had been white, the question would have been ‘are you a racist?’
‘If Phillips had been white, the question would have been ‘are you a racist?’
Yes you are quite right, but thank goodness he isn’t, as the bBBC agenda is that one cannot be a racist if one is black. (As weird as that is!).
Apparently over 70% of Rap records have the word ‘nigger’ in them, this is, it would seem OK because of I know not why!
BTW I tried to listen to a Rap record once, not by choice, dreadful, just dreadful. An experience never to be repeated.
I have never understood what is good or creative about rap or hip-hop. Musically it is uninventive as the melody is very similar in all of it. But I suspect it isn’t a musical thing as it seens closer to poetry insofar that the words & their delivery is what it’s about.
But the sad thing about rap is that it is meant to sound dumb & lacking in any quality because it’s an urban ‘street culture’. Contrast rap to actually how great artistically black musicians could be with the likes of Scot Joplin, Lester Young, Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, Charlie Parker, Louis Armstrong, Jimmi Hendrix, etc etc, (I could go on). Where are the likes of these greats now? Why do black people want to seem thick & stupid now? They seem to want to alienate themselves. If I were black I would be furious at how things are.
Sorry nothing to do with BBC bias!
I agree, black music was the foundation of all modern popular music, but it has just gone down a cul de sac with rap. I hate it and cannot find a single redeeming feature in the genre.
Rap is crap !
I think some of it is an age thing, but not all rap is crap IMO. And some of this sampling stuff is clever and works, even if it’s not their own composition. Eminem has made some good tracks, and some of the original rappers were very funky and dancy. Horses for courses.
You’re probably right Loobyloo,
My wife still makes me dance, about once a week to a Matt Monroe record around the kitchen. I complain about my new hip but she takes no heed, Portrait of my Love is one of her favourites.It;s just over 3 minutes long so I don’t mind. She also likes I’m Not in Love by 10cc which seems to go on for a very long time. At the end a girl’s voice says big boys don’t cry. Well I am.
As for Rap and ‘horses for courses’, I’m afraid I refused at the very first fence.
“black music was the foundation of all modern popular music”
One of the foundations, surely. The instruments used, religious music, folk, European tonality and the more ancient modal scales all playing significant roles, and all abandoned by rap.
I’ll never understand why people who ought to know better think it’s cool to listen to the stuff.
I see the bbc have not allowed anyone from UKIP on their televised debate.
Given that if it wasn’t for UKIP and Nigel we wouldn’t even be having a vote I call this blatant, in your face, bias.
Why is there not one uk tv channel that is impartial to the in/out situation. All of them are fully supporting and pushing the remain side and vilifying the Brexit side.
On sky news yesterday, Kay burley hosted a debate on the in/out effect on premier league football plus other sports.
The two debaters and burley all blatantly supported the in campaign and were saying that we couldn’t sign non uk players, we couldn’t go to games abroad (visas and other problems about travelling abroad) and other Mickey Mouse rubbish that was so improbable it was mind blowing.
We would have to start negotiations with every other country in the world and make separate agreements with them all to sign players.
All the time the three were nodding and agreeing with each other. Some debate.
They said it would be good for uk football because we would have no choice other than to develop our own uk players.
Some numpty tweeted in and a grinning burley said they had made someone’s mind up to vote ‘in’ after watching the ‘debate’
I know some say Al Jazeera and RTL gives a less biased news service but surely at least one uk channel should be impartial instead of every one openly supporting the EUriners.
Emmanuel Goldstein,
The bBBC don’t want UKIP in the debate purely and simply because they know only too well that Farage would wipe the floor with the Remainers.
Correct…the BBC are afraid of the truth…facts.
Nigel isn’t everbody’s cup of tea, but when you get him in a fair debate he wipes the floor with the oppostion. He cut Nick Clegg into tiny little pieces, from which he never recovered.
Yes and across all media its becoming very obvious the Leave groups have got their work cut out because the MSM can just not publish things or keep them low key.To get screaming headlines Leave groups will,have to make much more fuss .i just read a head line on Guido site in the comments from Huffington Post.
Lord Winston Labour Peer gave an interview and says EU is good because it allows new diseases into the UK .Good for Drs training .What about the rest of us exposed to new diseases we thought we eradicated.let alone the further drain on the NHS .You couldn’t make this stuff up ,it should be plastered everywhere by Leave.
Sorry cant do links but the interview was with Huffington Post.
the Leave Campaign also really needs to plaster TTIP everywhere and the very real threat it poses to our NHS.
Also, Lord Winston is the Labour Peer who stated that patients should be charged £200.00 to see their GP.
I do not want his brand of politics in the UK. Vote Leave.
I have just heard on the Daily Politics programme that Leave have objected to ITV as they are proposing to screen a debate between Farage and Cameron. Leave believe Farage is toxic. Leave want one of their own Blue on Blue.Leave are threatening legal action with a veiled threat to ITV saying that Cameron will not be in power for long.
Blue on Blue is exactly what we don’t want. We need Labour or UKIP support. This referendum is not about the Conservative Party. It’s about everybody.
Farage will eat Cameron up. Boris will mess it up. Gove is toxic as is Iain Duncan Smith. Fox,Davies is a possibility.
What in hell are Leave doing. Are they completely mad.
I am really annoyed about this.
Message to Leave
Grow up, and stick just to the task of getting us out of the EU.
Is Rome burning, or is the River Tiber foaming with much blood?
The BBC and their assorted lefty acolytes have absolutely no problem “victim blaming” when the victim is a 13 year old girl who has been repeatedly gang-raped by Muslim rape gangs. They shamelessly claim the girls wanted it.