Tomorrow sees the long awaited White Paper from the Government on the future of the BBC. I reckon it’s going to be a damp squib but the luvvies are in semi-hysterical mode as we saw at the BAFTA TV awards. Your thoughts? I know I will be discussing this on the BBC, Talk Radio and elsewhere tomorrow so I’d welcome your insights.
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Opportunity missed.
Channel 4 has narrowly missed privatisation (it said in the Telegraph Business Tuesday) – due to an appeal by none other than Ms Rona Fairhead direct to Cameron himself (bypassing Whittingdale’s White paper on the BBC) but not (I predict) of OFCOM or NAO (National Accounts Office) both of who identify the BBC as financially unaccountable (accounts never reveal actual expenditure and hidden staff ‘bonus’ payments and expenses). In previous revelations OFCOM has agreed that the BBC has tried to undermine competition (in both Radio and TV) . And then Channel 4 is not directly connected to the BBC and can claim to be far ‘more independent’ (and able tackle difficult issues). The BBC meanwhile impose a self-styled public ‘censorship’ (whilst denying us the information we need to judge). Its (BBC) public accounts are false (displaying only top heavy overpaid stars) and hiding BBC stuffed shirts (like Yentob) who for many years had two jobs!, (very similar to stars claiming they were ‘self-employed’ entrepreneurs – whilst holding a full time jobs at the BBC). And then having money paid into offshore accounts. That has to stop, but I doubt it will entirely. If Cameron can do it, so can the BBC but we will know after the White Paper is released.
Channel 4 is well run. The BBC is probably the worst public non accountable quango in the UK (and that includes a lot of competition from the NHS and Labour run Councils slush funds).
I have not possessed a television set for over seven years now as I have felt the BBC has become increasingly out of touch with reality.
Initially I started to become fed up with the rather unsubtle “diversity” placement in much of the BBC output. (Doctor Who which I sometimes used to watch with my daughter) and much of the childrens programming often seemed to be the worst.
Annoying (but bearable). This then appeared to have morphed into a constant barrage of PC hectoring and instruction on what views we should have regarding ethnic minorities, gay and disabled rights etc.
Recently this appears to have changed again into downright deception and blatant bias in both factual representation and in the camera work ie always filming children when 80 % of migrants are adult men. Or being evasive about the religion/ethnicity of criminals if serious crimes are committed and the suspects are not white. Or loading a studio audience in televised debates.
If the BBC covers any subject which touches on any one of its holy cows it seems incapable of accepting that there may be opposite views which are of equal value. However the subtext is always that opposing views are sexist, racist, Islamaphobic (if there is such a thing), misogonistic, homophobic etc etc
These days I only listen to the radio which is equally annoying but free, or watch the television via computer clips or around friends houses.
Unless the BBC realises the jaundiced way it appears to cover news is unacceptable. I cannot see myself having a television set any time soon. This will probably never happen however as the BBC always seem unwilling to change anything including their management structure. When my firm had a number of financial issues we all had to tighten our belts. What does the BBC do – it asks for more money!
These days I often tend to mentally switch off even if the BBC is trying to be unbiased about a subject. I am always thinking “now whats their angle”?
I am perfectly willing to accept that I am middle aged and grumpy however I do not appreciate being treated as an idiot by a state broadcaster which expects me to pay for its excesses and seems willing to prostitute its avowed principles at every available opportunity on the alter of political correctness.
The politicians seem to be incapable/afraid of bringing the BBC to heel. Is this because they consider themselves at the mercy of the broadcasting machine or is it because they just want to be popular. – I dunno
What is obvious is that this is likely to be another fudge an as GWF said it was an opportunity missed but could we really have expected anything different?
Excellent post, Oaknash.
In many ways it almost mirrors my situation. I think the BBC has changed for the worse in the last seven to ten years.
The BBC is too big, too powerful and has ambitions to be even more so. It is not healthy in a democracy that the BBC, with it’s unique view of the world is the sole source of news for more than half of the population – that rises to around 92% at drive times. Those people are exposed to the BBC’s manipulation of news stories, their group think and left-liberal bias and bias by omission – as we read here regularly, increasingly it seems there are many stories the BBC won’t touch. It’s not just in their news and current affairs provision, but in their comedy and drama that BBC output is tainted by their ever brazen activism.
In terms of quality, with an income of nearly £5bn per annum there should be more than enough in the kitty to satisfy the rich, outspoken Luvvies (quaffing champagne while the poor have to pay their wages through a regressive tax on their income – on pain of prosecution) were it not for the BBCs wastefulness and other priorities. What organisation needs nearly 7,000 people on its newsgathering operation (compared, according to Guido with between 300 and 700 in the traditional press news rooms)?
And why is the BBC stretching it’s remit and spending money establishing new ways to cement its domination? It’s News-site seems to grow daily and dominate; WTF is BBC Trending and how much does it cost? And what is BBC Playlister and why? Why does the BBC have to invest in these areas? Areas that are more than adequately catered for by Spotify, Buzzfeed and paid-for content by our newspaper groups. What is it that the BBC is frightened of? That they will eat into their democracy threatening dominance?
And as for the regulation of the BBC, the oxymoronically named ‘Trust’ needs to be scrapped. It’s true that there is now a greater balance. Gone is the ridiculous situation where almost all of the members had links to the BBC, as former employees, suppliers or through family members. A third of them still are, though, and many others are from that cadre of public sector careerists that sit on the public appointments merry-go-round. There is no one I can see from the world that the rest of us inhabit. True there is new blood, but it doesn’t change the fact that governments can fill positions with placed men and women, but at the end of the day, the BBC should not regulate itself.
Finally as these pages repeat, so depressingly, that the BBC’s labyrinthine complaints system is not fit for purpose unless of course that purpose is to protect the BBC from scrutiny and to avoid remedying legitimate complaints, particularly of bias, it’s uniquely left wing view of the world and the abuses of its position.
What an excellent comment. Bravo!
Many thanks GC.
No wonder the luvvies are up in arms.
“Under the strict new regulatory regime, the National Audit Office will become the BBC’s financial auditor, with free rein to examine the corporation’s books, while Ofcom, the broadcasting watchdog, will become its official regulator, ensuring independent oversight of complaints about impartiality and accuracy for the first time.”
Perhaps any future complaints will not be filed under “We think we got it about right”.
PS. I’m not holing my breath – the slippery barstewards will find a way round it
Shwmae Rhif Saith
I have been out of the country for two weeks and I am trying to catch up with the ‘bias’ .
I am afraid that our Car Moron needs Al Beeb to support his drive to ‘stay in’ , he has not the balls to sort out the overblown quango until the Brexit takes place .
Sadly, Al Beeb gets ‘loads of dosh’ form the EU .
If Al Beeb is as good as it claims it is, then let those who agree with that statement pay for it .
If its that good it will make the UK a profit ?
Alas, where are the Conservative MPs ? Dont they have any balls.
PS I’m not a conservative voter .
Shwmae taffman.
“PS I’m not a conservative voter .”
I’m an EX, courtesy of the Moron.
Number 7
I don’t blame you .
Now, where is my old pal Essexman on this ? Is he ‘keeping his head down’ ? Or like me, has he been out of the country ?
Ditto. I voted conservative in 2010 to get rid of that idiot Gordon Brown. Then I promised myself that I would never vote conservative again until I had stood in a ballot booth with an EU referendum ballot in my hand. Cameron leading a three line whip to oppose such a referendum in 2011 ensured I voted UKIP in 2015. Cameron’s backing remain, in spite of the EU flatly rejecting his pathetic and weak attempts at “fundemental and far-reaching reforms” has ensured that I will never vote tory so long as the craven, cowardly, supine and xenophobic Cameron and his delusional, treasonous acolytes are removed from parliament.
IF once we vote Brexit, at least 50 of the 142 tory MPs who support Brexit, sign “the letter” triggering a conservative party leadership election, and a real conservative, such as David Davis is elected leader, THEN I would seriously consider voting conservative again.
Nothing less than that could ever tempt me back.
If we foolishly DON’T vote for Brexit I want even more that 50 of the 142 Tory MP’s who support Brexit sign a letter to trigger a leadership election.
May I suggest that when Michael Durkin, who was the invited guest today on Daily Politics, was asked why he was so determined to make the film Brexit (released today). His response as because he wanted the people of the country to be told the truth. Not to get their information from the Remain political arm known as the BBC.
He said it was a class struggle between the workers of the country and the rich establishment. The BBC are a part of the rich establishment. They are not for the people.
Tells you all you need to know. Discussion over. Argument won.
Good luck to you, keep up the good work, it is appreciated.
Those who complained about the BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate have been rewarded with the abolition of the BBC Trust at the end of this year. So I don’t know what will happen to the complaint put in by Piers Corbyn, it seems premature. I was given the impression that the action starts next year. But I think that OFCOM will need help from a panel of Britain’s best Atmospheric Physicists.
But who will win: Will OFCOM and a panel of Atmospheric Physicists support Piers Corbyn and other Atmospheric Physicists, Astronomers and Mensa members. Or will the BBC’s Environmental Activists, Climate Philosophers and its Complaints Poet and Environmental Language Analyst prove that the BBC supports the “Best Scientific Experts” by not allowing any relevant scientific experts have any say on Atmospheric Physics and Solar Astronomy?
I also expect that the abolition of the BBC Trust will initiate the leak of the Balen report.
Serious question… many biased bbc contributors still subsidise the treacherous arseholes through the tv licence?
I took a stand more than half a dozen years ago……had enough of having to fund a quisling leftist,anti Israel,pro perversion paedophile- hiding shower of shitehawks and became a proud refusenik
Could paper a room with the regular threatograms they send out……Unfortunately all the empty threats of court are just that…..they believe my name is ‘The Occupier’
Ive had so many investigations opened against me I feel like a criminal…..NOT haha
Stuff em
Withdraw your funding….it makes sense……take a stand
Several years now.
Lost live TV and SKY in the process to stay legal, but tx to catch up and Amazon prime zero loss and £145pa and £20pm gain. Result.
Which is why Mr. Whittingdale’s FOB-off committee reckoning the way to go in future was no-option unique funding no matter what for the BBC via council tax or ISP fee. And Jesse Norman’s baton-catch version looking pretty toothless since.
Be interesting to see what the new DCMS Culture Sec White Paper fallout is once ‘analysed’ by all with axes to grind and narratives to spin.
I would hazard a bet that the ‘White Paper’ will be as useless as the paper that Car Moron was waving on his return from the EU with his so called ‘big deal’ .
Oh where oh where have all the Tory MPs gone ?
Al Beeb is a parasite living off the back of Commercial Media .
If you want to watch Commercial Media , you have to pay Al Beeb .
Been listening for some hours, YET to hear ONE word about bBC bias. Clearly does not exist as no-one has brought the subject up.
Indeed. BBC bias is less the elephant in the room than the rampant tyrannosaurus! It is outrageous that the BBC’s consistent and uncontrolled Left/liberal bias isn’t the single most important point being addressed.
Sorry to prove you wrong, but this afternoon the BBC reminded listeners that a previous DG of the BBC had reported that the BBC had indeed been grossly biased against…………..(wait for it)………..a previous Labour Prime Minister.
It seems that factually reporting the moronic actions of Gordon Brown constitutes gross bias !!!!
Suppose I could be wrong and they were referring to the deceiving, deceptive, dishonest, double-dealing, hypocritical, insincere, shifty, underhanded My Little Tony.
My brief thoughts on the BBC Charter Renewal
– In many subject areas the BBC does not report the news impartially nor does it present history accurately and truthfully. Instead the BBC seems to have evolved its own groupthink, tending to recruit like-minded people. There are several good websites which provide details of biased reporting from the BBC every day, including Biased BBC, BBC Watch, Is the BBC Biased?, News Watch, BBC Institutional Bias. Honest Reporting is a site which documents the anti-Israel bias of the media in general, including the BBC.
– The BBC Charter is unachievable even if the desire existed and is there for promotional purposes.
– The BBC is hugely privileged, forcibly taking money from everyone who watches television even if they do not watch BBC output. This is extortion on the unwilling licence fee payers and unfair competition to other media providers.
– The fair and logical remedy is to abolish the licence fee and allow the BBC to compete in the marketplace, presumably charging a subscription fee to those who wish to view the BBC output.
Will the abolition of the “Trust” be the key strategic move……..the enlightened know this broadcaster and its structure is well past its sell-by date and it is impossible to impose the changes required with the current governance arrangements.
Only when the new names emerge will be know if there is hope……… or conversely the prospect of eleven more hard years of the FEE!
Also read that they are spending £110,000 on free teas in Salford…….this information courtesy of an FOI request.
Why is this sort of information about public sector spending not routinely available for all to see without having to battle through FOI processes?
Unless they have something to hide , of course!!
TWATO at about 1.15 had Sir Michael Lyons, former head of Al Beeb, followed by Lord Haw-Hall. Former said that there was widespread concern about Al Beeb’s perceived ( not bloody much!) impartiality, quickly pounced on by Martha Karnoes, and the latter said that Al Beeb has the highest standards of journalism in the world and everyone agrees. Move along there please, nothing to see here.
If this was opinion about the Government’s conduct or bias, Al Beeb would be baying for a public enquiry.
Late lunch catch-up on FaceBook.
Radio 1 Newsbeat is “distinctive” and “so good” – not our words, the government’s..
It always amuses me that the BBC thinks that people’s view on them is directly connected to the government, especially given they and the government seem pretty as one on the EU ref and the use of public funds to distribute propaganda without choice.
Not sure our MP has twigged that while last time I simply had to make sure Ed’s shambles didn’t mess the economy up more than the Tories, this time I am taking other factors into account.
BBC News is live now.
Major changes to the BBC have just been announced. What questions do you have on the future of the corporation?
Our media correspondent David Sillito is #LIVE outside New Broadcasting House. Leave your questions in the comments below.
Like the BBC, the comments system is a farce, but such comments as I saw suggest an HYS on the BBC site may be unlikely or at the very least entertaining if short.
Unconfirmed reports of a terrorist shooting Lord Hall and John Whittingdale with one bullet.
The bullet struck Lord Hall in the arse and Whittingdale in the mouth.
So that silences Hall but Whittingdale can still speak.
“The plans set out in a Government White Paper will preserve the licence fee, allowing it to rise in line with inflation from its current £145.50 level over the next five years.
For the first time, it will also be payable by people watching BBC programmes online via iPlayer.”
My two sons have no tv licence but only watch internet tv, Netflix, Amazon, Youtube and BBC i player, so now the BBC have decided to catch up with people like them who never watch live tv, it seems the BBC can make the laws up as they go along to suit themselves.
I hope they are going to chase all the ex-pats and others abroad who watch BBC i player?
Well no surprises from what I’ve heard so far. I’m sure there will be a gem or two to be unearthed once I hear the whole of the story. I’m however looking off to firing a couple of complaints off to OFFCOM just to confirm from what I expect and past dealings with OFFCOM that the result will be pretty much like the present complaints system.