Amused to hear the BBC dismiss DV as ‘The Blogger’ this morning. They managed to avoid actually telling you what he blogged on and where to find it. Funny that. Wonder how such dismissive tones sits with the new duty to reflect the views of all people in the UK…presumably that will include those of a different political persuasion to those the BBC normally panders to in its news and programming. Can we have a rightwing Kosminsky?
For your edification, education, delight and entertainment…
BBC Charter Review: A snapshot of the government’s plan for the BBC
- Published
- Guidance
- Part of a collection: BBC Charter Review
Research to explore public views about the BBC
- Published
- Research and analysis
- Part of a collection: BBC Charter Review
Culture Secretary statement on the BBC reforms
- Published
- Statement to Parliament
- Part of a collection: BBC Charter Review
Plans to overhaul governance and secure the future of BBC
- Published
- Press release
- Part of a collection: BBC Charter Review
A BBC for the future: a broadcaster of distinction
- Published
- Policy paper
- Part of a collection: BBC Charter Review
“Wonder how such dismissive tones sits with the new duty to reflect the views of all people in the UK…”
In BBC land the UK = North London. So no change to be expected then.
Blimey, I wasn’t expecting to see me in a suit. As a “blogger” I should really be in my pyjamas, holding a teddy bear and raging against the machine! 🙂 The funniest thing is that whilst BBC London and BBC 5 Live at least allowed me a say, I am BANNED from any appearance on BBC N. Ireland! Yes, some tyrant in management has ensured that for almost one year I am prohibited from every programme on politics that is broadcast from my home country. Ironically, I was on Russia Today News – using the BBC NI studios that they simultaneously have me banned from! You have to laugh at it all really.
The BBC don’t ‘ban’ people.
Though some taking CECUTT to task on matters they can’t answer and don’t fancy dealing with may find they have a semantic solution around this.
Sadly my aconym looks set to soon bite the dust as the incompetent, corrupt and overpaid nest of Beeboids that is The Trust gets replaced by the incompetent, corrupt and overpaid nest of ex-Beeboids that is OFCOM.
CECUTT is dead; long live CECUO!
Tom Utley’s column in the Daily Mail today is worth a read.
Apparently his daughter looked up his file at the BBC while working there and it is stamped “Very right wing”.
There must therefore be a huge pile stamped “Very left wing”, but that does not seem to stop them being invited on, does it?
LOL ! For the BBC , there is nothing “very left wing”. In fact nothing even ” left wing ” . My God , they are pathetic little kids.
I suppose ‘blogger’ is telling it as it is. Maybe ‘Failed politician’ would’ve been better? Or what about ‘Paid BBC rent a quote’.
How much of the licence fee did you get paid for this by the way?
What is your definition of a successful politician ?
Mmm, more than 2.4%?
You’ve got to start somewhere.
Have you stood for office?
I admire people who are willing to serve in that way.
You`re a squatter in his house of dreams.
Created by Mr V and others-and the coming rising force in the world that`s coming ,you Wagamama scrambled egg in scrabble tiles, you….
Scoot off and get your own site, if you`re not schtepping in time with Mr Vance…Cyrus, Tommy and now-at last David!
Kamikazi dyslexic pillbox…sayonara!
This is addressed to Kiki…wan`t that the turtle in Hectors House?
Another indication of the totalitarian hate BBC bias stems from.