The BBC has never been enthusiastic about Corbyn but, as fellow travellers, has dutifully protected his back more by omitting to report the bad news about him and his cronies in any rigorous manner than by positive tales of his political genius. Nick Robinson’s warning not to be nasty to him must have paid off.
That all changed on the election of Sadiq Khan to be London Mayor…suddenly the BBC saw someone they believed not only could be the next leader of the Labour Party but one who encapsulated everything they believed in…he was brown, Muslim, left-wing and a consummate politician able to spin a tale and win arguments, silencing opposition even if it was by playing the race card and using the ‘Hate not fear, unity not division’ holy hokum.
Corbyn out, Khan in.
You could feel the excitement in the BBC coverage and whilst not explicitly saying Corbyn must go that was the feeling you got from the BBC’s ‘analysis’…..helped along by the fact that Khan launched a scathing attack on Corbyn giving the impression that he maybe has an eye on the leadership himself.
Curiously, rather than admit this is hardcore, lefty BBC positive discrimination at work, there are some who think this is all a right-wing plot that has put pressure on the BBC to do away with Corbyn….
Sir Michael Lyons, who chaired the trust from 2007 to 2011 and is a former Labour councillor, claimed that there had been “some quite extraordinary attacks on the elected leader of the Labour party”.
He told the BBC’s The World at One: “I can understand why people are worried about whether some of the most senior editorial voices in the BBC have lost their impartiality on this.
“All I’m voicing is the anxiety that has been expressed publicly by others … We had here a charter review process which has been littered with wild kites flown which, we can’t see the string is held by the secretary of state, but the suspicion is that actually it’s people very close to him.
Perhaps Lyons, and he doesn’t have the decency to note the fact he, a Labour man, was the BBC Trust Chair, should wake up and note that most opposition to Corbyn comes from within the Labour Party itself…the Tories would love Corbyn to remain in-situ dragging the Labour Party more and more into the gutter with every day that passes.
I fail to see Lyons’ logic…..other than a frothy mouthed, eye-swivelling conspiracy theory I see no evidence of any government involvement…what has the Charter review got to do with how the BBC reports on Corbyn? The BBC has been very careful not to dig too hard into Corbyn’s real political views and those of his looney-left chums that he has surrounded himself with. Evidence surely, if anything of the very opposite of what Lyons accuses the BBC of doing.
It seems that, as with Maria Eagle, another Labourite has been thrown by the pro-BBC white paper and has had to root around in desperation to find a new stick to beat Whittingdale with however unconvincing and patently absurd it is in the hope that no one notices and that at least some mud will stick.
If he really wanted a conspiracy theory of merit he might ask why the BBC never published the story of Whittingdale and the drug addicted hooker that it knew about for so long, and how the much vaunted ‘evisceration’ of the BBC never came to pass. The BBC knew of this tale of the politician, the Press and the prostitute from 2014 and yet said nothing despite Whittingdale being involved in Press regulation and subsequently in charge of the BBC Charter review. Some might put two and two together and come up with an interesting question or two.
Not Mr Lyons though.
This conspiracy theory doesn’t suit. Oh well, on to the next one that does.
“This conspiracy theory doesn’t suit. Oh well, on to the next one that does.”
Oh I don’t know, the left (including the bBC) appear to have no problem turning things round and for once be seen grooming a follower of the religion of peace.
and for once be seen grooming a follower of the religion of peace.
Normally it is the other way round. Pakistani Muslims are renowned for grooming.
The BBC were obviously traumatised by the General Election result – remember those endless autopsies about why Labour lost that went on for months. But I think they are and were quite conflicted about Corbyn. On one hand they see him as unelectable, but on the other hand his views are clearly in line with those of many BBC journalists.
To question Sadiq Khan’s dubious past associations is now deemed “racist” by the BBC and the left, but there was also a marked resistance to look closely at some of Corbyn’s “friends”. But what the BBC won’t face up to, particularly with regard to anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism is that many of the Corbyn’s new supporters and Khan’s electorate share those obnoxious views. In other words they were both elected because of them rather than in spite of them. The BBC hasn’t merely failed to address these issues but has collaborated in covering them up by going along with ludicrous accusations of racism to silence any dissent. The logical assumption is that the BBC also support these views.
Are you saying the Sadiq Khan’s racism towards Jews and Hindus is not “racism”. What about the Koran – is it “racist”? Or killing Jews and Christians is given as a special dispensation to Muslims, or else those 72 virgins are unemployed.
Attack of the 90 Foot Islamic Virgins
Posted by Daniel Greenfield 14 Comments
Ibrahim Barda’aya had turned 54 and he was still single so he decided to go out and kill some Jews. But Ibrahim wasn’t just a violent anti-Semitic racist. He was also lonely. According to his Imam, he wanted to die and get his 72 virgins in the afterlife. And he had stayed single to avoid the temptations of earthly women so that he could enjoy the virgins who are 90 feet tall and so “white” that you can see the “marrow of their bones”.
Spot on oldartist
All those headlines about anti-semitism in the Labour Party just before the London mayoral election.
They were not there to highlight the need to tackle anti-semitism.
They were there to remind the new and ever-increasing RoP core Labour voters that they ARE anti-semitic.
Now I understand!
No NCBBC that’s the opposite of what I am saying. I’m not really sure why you would think that.
Rotherham Council has announced a new “diverse” panel to “advise” police on how to deal with “extremist” marches in South Yorkshire, kowtowing to local Muslims who rioted and threatened to boycott the police unless they were given more power.
The announcement comes days after the anti-Islamisation movement PEGIDA UK announced a walk through the town. Rotherham was terrorised by Muslim rape gangs for more than a decade with local cops paralysed for fear of being labeled ‘racist’, the government’s Jay Report found.
Muslims have to be removed from the UK and Europe.