Well, as Alan notes, I was on the BBC earlier today to discuss the much awaited White Paper on the future of the BBC. I have to say that it was, as many predicted, a complete whitewash, full of sound and fury and signifying nothing. The fundamental problem is that the BBC license tax is confirmed for the next 11 years, allowing it to extort the annual £3.5bn license tax on fear of criminalisation. That is the substantial point – all this other stuff about creating a new Unitary board is largely an irrelevance. There is no real disclosure of who earns what – unless you are in the £450k+ league and even then the actually income is not to be revealed. We may all be “shareholders” in this “envy of the world” but we’re not to be told how much the bosses earn!
It gets worse;
Whittingdale said the BBC will be “required to give greater focus to under-served audiences, in particular those from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds, and those in the nations and regions”.
So he is actually pandering to the BBC’s existing obsession to please anyone who isn’t White British.
I find the whole thing pathetic. The Government has BOTTLED it and rolled over to the BBC. We can expect more of the same for years to come and it is a Conservative Government which has ensured this. Talk about Darwinism.
Why is anybody surprised? This wretched government under the Cameron clique needs the BBC to push through it’s profoundly anti conservative and anti democratic agenda. It has to keep the BBC happy at all costs. After all the BBC is central to the liberal left fantasy politics of the early 21st century. The corporate state as our master and us as it’s serfs.
Bodysnatched the lot of them and I have no time for them. The really important thing as you have said is that the money tap stays on . Our money of course and we have no control over the tap. Which is exactly the way this vile bunch want it.
Criminalisation of non payment of this tax is impossible to justify in a supposedly free society.
What will finally do for the BBC is technological change. It will happen and there is nothing they can do about it. That is if a real economic collapse ( now very likely ) or civil strife in Europe does not put an end to their nonsense.
Maybe we can bring Charlie back and that squirrel! Cartoons teaching our new friends how to appropriate our values like queuing, not shooting our neighbours, saying please and thank you and not thinking the world owes you a favour.
“not shooting our neighbours”
Or our swans for that matter. An ugly little story that won’t go away.
Well that was a surprise NOT!
Wittingdale announces the fudge of the year.
Not only is the Marvelous , Mechanical Money Go Round given a new lick of paint, It has been given a new horse called ” Unnecessary Extra Diversity” to be bolted on next to Hypocrisy and Wasteful Extravagance. Self Righteous is still in front, Closely followed by Disengenous, Corruption, Smug, and of course Sanctimonious Bastard!
And look the lucky chosen riders have got on, theres Jo Co and her friend Evan, Whos that funny man in a Deerstalker why its Beenadick licking Lord Halls trousers and whos that just got on last – why its the Boy David himself with Sam just chillin!
Look its started! – See it go round and round, isnt it wonderful and each horse painted in lovely diverse colours. Watch it go faster and faster! whirring and humming. Its going so fast now no one can get off. And now something wonderful happens! From the rear end of each horse it shits money – funny thing though none of it falls onto the ground the centrifugal force means that all that happens is that the coins and notes just end up in the pockets of the riders.
But still it goes around oblivious to sun, rain, thunder, even death.
Faster and faster, each horse now chasing the one in front until suddenly – ping! the whole shebang has disappeared – Where to you may ask ? Up its own arsehole of course!.
I think that Cameron (who is said to have intervened at the eleventh hour) has bottled it because he is weak, with a small majority and rebellious quislings on the back benches. But mainly because he is desperate to keep his nose clean and for floating voters to do his bidding in June to keep us tied to the EU. He has calculated that he cannot be seen to be going out on a limb, yet again and be painted as a divisive figure.
Lame duck leadership.
Read some clever commentator in the Telegraph basically saying that the Tories have given up on being a Conservative Government-as elected to be last May-because they`re now only concerned with spreading the love and consensual politics, desperate to “reach out” to Labour and Liberals,Greens and well anybody-all so that they`ll all stitch the EU Referendum for Cameron in “Remaining within the EU with Daves Big Tent”.
Hence the climbdowns over the NHS, education, Tata steel, living wages-and, of course-the BBC capitulation we see today.
Big mistake Cameron-your Heir To Blair pretences will blow up in your smug face on the 23rd-and then, once again, we can get Gove in to give us a Tory Party that will once again get re-elected on a patriotic platform….this EU Campaign might as well be the Emperors New Clothes Parade…and apart from a few Brexit titans, the rest are bed-wetting gobblers in gossamer…and soon to be cast aside.
One Robinson is worth a million of them, and there are plenty tooling up to lever in something better than the likes of Ming or Paddy…how long have we taken these nursing home nellies to be “statesmen”?
Too long-and the EU Referendum has been a testing ground by which we`ve compared the REAL versus the FAKES…
Cameron has split his party for a generation-the patriots sifted from the Eurostar hoppers…
As a life long conservative with both large and small “c”s the present government to me is becoming daily more like New Labour.
Choosing between Old Labour and New Labour is no choice for the nation to have to make.
No matter what the outcome of the referendum Cameron must be history shortly after June 23rd
Yes Number 88,
We should regard him as Cave in Dave. Always relied upon to cave in under pressure from the Teachers, the NHS, the EU, the BBC, the Police, the Muslim Council and the Open Borders Campaign
Lord Hall Hall ecstatic. He could hardly contain himself.
Even the C4 interviewer asked why Whittingdale had caved in.
It could not be more of a complete victory for the Beeb over Cameron’s government.
Day 1 of the future:
Government admits immigration figures vastly underestimated. BBC news website does not even put the report on its UK news front page but in Politics within.
And the headline?
Yes, completely uninteresting and misleading:
– NI numbers prompt row over 1.2m EU ‘immigration gap’
The only hope is the proposed Health Check every five years. Whittingdale succumbed to Cameron. Cameron succumbed to the bBBC. bBBC happy
Words like feeble, weak and pathetic don’t go far enough for me in describing CarMoron. A bBBC luvvie that’ll best describe him.
If it became known that he was a closet Labour Party member I would not be surprised.
CarMoron; A man who wasted his time in office. Could have done much with an overall majority. A cowardly, naive, liberal failure.
More licence paid funding of the left wing prickastocracy
What an opportunity missed
I am in utter despair at this absolute act of cowardice by the tories and in particular the spineless whittingdale who has clearly been scared shitless by the recent attack on his private life, no coincidence that this rat’s sex life was sprayed over every media outlet just weeks before the whitewash paper was released and it clearly worked.
I had a bit of a spat with my Dad recently over the state of the country, the EU and what the future holds. He basically said that I should keep my head down, pay off my mortgage, earn enough for retirement and stop watching the news because nothing will ever change in this shit hole country, now I know he is right, the tory scum and liebour are one and the same, they own politics and will never let that hold go and the bbc are part of that set up who milk the taxpayer for all they are worth and control us through that process.
I am now of the mind that the only thing that will change this country for the good is a huge bomb underneath it and to start again.
I know how you feel Glen – Unfortunately generally in public (with a few notable exceptions) and life in general any semblance of honesty, common sense, loyalty to your country, steadfastness, and respect for hard work seem to have generally been replaced with dishonesty, a sense of grievance, sense of entitlement, naivety and compassion unfettered with any common sense and of course a heretical labeling anyone who disagrees with the current left wing agenda as WAYCCCCIIIIST or some other similar over the top epithet.
Encouraged and incubated by our wonderful state broadcaster.
Unfortunately you know and I know that things cannot continue this way as the whole pack of cards will come crashing down. Unfortunately we seem to be governed and informed by a bunch of pygmies who are too gutless to ever tell us the truth – delusion indeed!
I guess all we can do is try to be as true to ourselves as possible.
Well I posted this on the previous White Paper topic and it looks like I was correct ………………………..
“I would hazard a bet that the ‘White Paper’ will be as useless as the paper that Car Moron was waving on his return from the EU with his so called ‘big deal’ .
Oh where oh where have all the Tory MPs gone ?
Al Beeb is a parasite living off the back of Commercial Media .
If you want to watch Commercial Media , you have to pay Al Beeb . “
The fundamental problem with the BBC is that it has been given the power to tax without being made accountable to the public. This is fundamentally anti-democratic. It may have seemed the correct structure in the inter-war period, when corporatism was on the rise and there was a growing distrust of the free market, reinforced by the Great Depression, but it is a totally inappropriate structure now.
When it was founded the BBC was seen as a utility, a monopoly provider of a service, rather like the electricity generating board that was set up in the same era. However the BBC is not a utility, and as we all point out, technology is increasingly fragmenting the market and enhancing consumer choice. The BBC is doomed to fail eventually. It could defend and perhaps prolong its existence when it could claim to reflect a national consensus- about the political ‘middle way’ about what constitutes good taste, comedy or good drama. Despite the occasional triumph, the BBC can no longer make this claim. It has willfully departed from the national consensus. Having just listened to the Today Programme cover ‘transgenderism’ from 8.10 to 8.26 am I rest my case.
PS it is now 8.54 am and another transgender person is being interviewed on Today!
Excellent summary of the BBC’s position.
No taxation, without representation !
What Whittingdale has missed is fundamental. He missed it because he mixes with the same people in the same little Political bubble. The media and the politicians live in the same bubble.
None of my kids watch TV or the news. They live in a World dominated by other technology. Its only the 50+ group that watch TV or take any interest in the TV news and this group are fast learning that the media is reflected in paragraph one.
The BBC will not be in existence at the end of this Charter because it will be irrelevant to the consumers of the coming generation.
Agree Tiger until your last para.
Like the EU, so with the bBBC. A bunch of sneering, self-satisfied, cushioned lefties in an impenetrable ivory tower living very comfortably off other people’s taxes are going to fight tooth and nail to retain the goody bags to which they think they are entitled in perpetuity.
A man who spends his spare time being humiliated by a dominatrix has the character of a Minister who will submit to the BBC and their puppy dog Cameron . Whittingbum’s sexual activity is an indication of his weakness, and we will now have to pay for it.
His correct name is ” Whippingbum “.
The humiliation of Whittingdale could only be furthered by putting him in charge of the the new COC (Complaints Centre)
at OFCOM. The transfer process should be simple enough.
1) Complaint received
2) Refer to File 1 of 1
3) Reply as follows
“We have fully investigated your complaint but remain satisfied that our programme got things just about right. Goodbye and have a nice one.
So the yawningly obvious conclusions that were going to be made about the BBC have finally come to pass. Pass being the key here as per a free pass to carry on sneering about the white working class and anyone holding a contrary opinion about their wonderful world of diversity. Surprise, Surprise! To quote Private Eye: Trebles all round!
The BBC Review whitewash will prove to be another brick in the wall which will fall on the Tories by the time of the next election. I am of the opinion that the time for voting for this labour-lite bunch of tories JUST to keep Labour out has long gone. Consequently , I didn’t vote for the Goldsmith joke London Mayor candidate-I voted for the UKIP candidate.
And I will vote UKIP at the next General Election: the current bunch of tories have to get the Message that the old core tory vote would rather let Liebore IN than be betrayed by another 5 years of tory left-liberal/EU-pandering nonsense.They cannot rely on our vote any more just to stop the other lot , when there isn’t a fag paper between their respective policies.
If you stop to think about it Cameron and the BBC have a lot in common:
– Pro-EU
– Worshippers of the climate change religion
– Apologists for Islam (‘RoP’)
– In favour of wealth redistribution (foreign aid plus climate change-driven Agenda 21)
– Support the UAF
– Suck up to Obama
– Pro immigration (Cameron has presided over ever-rising numbers)
and, I suspect, after Cameron’s quote this week, Common Purpose buddies.
You’ve just put your finger on why Cameron won the leadership contest. After a succession of easy to hate Tory leaders, they decided they would have to have someone ‘media savvy’ at the helm – Cameron wasn’t a brilliant fit (the old Etonian tag was a handicap) but he was the best they had at the time. He was bound to be hated, but not as much as a Michael Howard or a Margaret Thatcher.
Of course, there was a downside. He wasn’t actually a Conservative, as his dismal reign has proved.
Proper Cooper – I think you may have hit the nail on the head. – All hail the the son of Blair!
He really is a detestable little SH1T 1. !
I must take issue with this one of Cameron and the BBC’s fine principles.
Like most lefties, their idea of wealth distribution is, of course, the distribution of other people’s wealth.
Well lets have some of the wealth that’s distributed in the wages of Al Beebs employees out to the rest of us.
You mention climate change , well it’s now down to 6 Deg C here in the west of wild Wales.
Not very warm for the middle of May Eh?
It was effing cold on “Thee Rivers” this morning and, according to a mate, even worse at Ginst Point.
Rhif Saith
I am surprised it was not reported on Al Beeb because they frequently broadcast ‘warm for this time of the year’ . Have they got some sort of ‘Global Warming Agenda’?
PS Readers
(I am only being sarcastic )
Shymae taffman.
Sarcasm? From you? Shaken to my boots.
I cannot remember ever liking every post on a thread before, but there are some superb posts on here.
The self preservation of the elite goes to the very heart of all the desperate news stories we have today. Mass immigration. The EU referendum reporting and who keeps telling us it’s better to stay in. The continual push towards the loss of democracy (are the elite using Islam as a smoke and mirror tactic to achieve this??). The laughable charter review at Al Beeb….
None of the above help the great British population…None are for our benefit…Yet all are championed and pushed through without our consent/authority. Why? Why are the elite continually allowed by the sheep in our society to smile in our faces whilst telling us “it’s what’s best for you” when the reality it’s the worst thing for our country and is destroying our way of life!
Whitewash paper has finally driven me over the edge. Three years of legally doing away with the enforced luvvie fund and I’m still grumbling through my bacon butty about it. Finally joined this site after taking anonymous comfort from it’s contributors for well over a year now, to ask one simple question – What next?
Sit back and hope that something is done about it in 11 years time ? – Flood out Ofcom until their inevitable malaise kicks in? – Repeatedly bang my head against a spikey wall? I’m fresh out of ideas.
I can only hope that the big three providers, in response to requests from the all powerful beeb to supply customer data, propose packages that can be legally supplied with the appropriate ‘entertainment’ channels blocked. I’m sure it’s been mentioned or tried before, and I’m sure they’ve found some way to block it so our vibrant national treasure can continue producing the world beating programs we all love…. apparently.