Everyone knows that Frau Merkel pulls the strings in Europe…vote no and the pressure is turned on until you vote yes, want a deal that will mean your country isn’t strangled by debt and can recover?….Frau Merkel won’t allow it. Want to control immigration? Instead Frau Merkel will open the borders and invite the world in…in to your country. Want help to fool the voters in the EU referendum? Merkel volunteers her help to keep the jackboot on our necks.
Merkel runs Europe, the Germans run Europe, whatever the French may think. And yet this BBC headline gives the impression that not only is such a thing unlikely but comparing the EU empire building and the crushing of democracies around Europe to Hitler’s empire building is extraordinarily assinine……so much so it is the frontpage’s top headline….
EU Referendum: Boris Johnson compares EU’s aims to Hitler’s
Curious they choose to make no mention in the heading of the Roman Empire or Napoleon who Boris also mentioned…but then that is typical cherrypicking by the BBC…they select a single word or phrase and give the impression that that is all one person said and that everything else he talks of hinges around that cherrypicked item…as when Boris laid out several reason for Obama not liking Britain…one of which, and he was merely quoting other’s suggestion, was that Obama was part Kenyan and his grandfather had been abused by the British. The only bit of his speech that the BBC latched onto was the ‘part-Kenyan’ bit and went on to use that to accuse Boris of being a racist…never mind that many, many others, the Guardian amongst them, asked exactly the same question…would Obama’s part-Kenyan heritage effect his relationship with Britain? John Humphrys disgracefully continued with that accusation of racism against Boris this week….despite Boris’ speech being based on ideas taken from the dog-whistling Guardian….
Could Obama’s dual colonial heritage spell the end of the special relationship?
The intriguing question of whether the president’s dual colonial inheritance – of Kenyan and Irish ancestry – is helping reshape America’s supposedly “special relationship” with Britain.
The BBC is pretty much a disgrace as it manipulates the news to attack Boris, leader of the Leave campaign…to label him a racist and to now try and paint him as some sort of loon who links everything to Hitler….never mind the BBC is itself constantly warning us of the rise of a new Fascism and frequently likes to link UKIP to the Nazis. The BBC is smearing Boris on behalf of its chums in Remain. It did the same when it attacked Gove for suggesting the worthless Cameron EU ‘reforms’ were not legally enforceable…the BBC attacked him and then didn’t bother to report it when a ‘top Eurocrat’ actually said Cameron’s EU renegotiation is nothing more than a deal ‘hammered out down the local bazaar’ and isn’t legally binding.
The BBC cherry picker is very busy these days.
The BBC this week in fact used exactly the same tactic of using history to make your case by spinning us a tale of how wonderful the Roman Empire had been and how wonderfully multicultural Europe was….they didn’t of course mention the EU but you know what the real message was….
What has really shaped Europeans’ identity? In the first of a new series, historian Margaret MacMillan visits Rome to explore the idea of ‘universal’ Europe , and the constant tension between unity and diversity. From imperial ambition to local life, roads to religion, maps to food she discovers a continent and a way of life in constant creation.
Once again the BBC tries to undermine the notion of the nation state and a national or local identity. Just more EU propaganda…and EU that wants to dismantle the UK and turn it into Regions 1, 2 and 3.
So just why did the BBC cherrypick ‘Hitler’ out of Boris’ speech when they could have chosen the Roman Empire or Napoleon? Are they trying to give the impression that he is recklessly and hyperbolically scaremongering? I think they are when the truth is he was, as with Obama, laying out a perfectly reasoned and historical analysis of the inevitable failure of a policy to force a ‘united’ Europe upon people who don’t really want it…it is after all a political project that is to proceed come what may, come whatever the economic cost…as Greece has found out.
Boris speaks truth to history and thinking people get it.Unfortunately pride in the history of these islands good and bad is no longer taught in state schools and people prefer someone else to tell them what to do.BBC has no pride in British history any more that’s why they re bashing Boris for speaking truthfully.
Any one who is undecided needs to take the time and trouble to do a little research and make their own mind up.Its all out there. Brexit The Movie is a good place to start. Google EU regulations and see what’s there .Find out what the true costs of funding the EU are and who pays in and takes out .At least you will have informed yourself either way.
Every child knows scissors beats paper:
Bought my Sunday Telegraph today, thanks to the BBC advertising this speech/article of Boris.
He is a classical scholar amongst other things-and I can forgive the “Holy Fool” image and gaffes of Boris, as long as he is correct on the big things.
And there is no bigger issue that whether to leave the EU or not-and Boris is 100% correct.
The BBC and the liberal cretins who conspire and slither around keeping us in the EU would rather we get our classical history from Mary Beard-apt name for the likes of Mandelson and Laws.
Beard thinks that Rome existed to spread multicultural dreams-but(unlike Boris) seems not to follow the Roman expertise into why the whole shebang of the Holy Roman Empire collapsed from both within and without-immigration, borders undefended and overweening reach with traitors in the highest echelons of the Senate etc.
Boris knows the sweep of history…the cabbages like Beard, Hunt, Schama-and the political pigmies like Cooper, Benn Jnr are enraged…so well done Boris.
It has to be said-the EU is a Soviet Union in embryo-and it`ll be more the Ottoman than the Roman Empire if we keep on like this.
Thanks Boris-well said-and at last that Green Nazi/National Socialism.Anti Semite-pro PLO has finally had a gentle bomb lobbed into them-panic, rage ensue…so well done BoJo.
I think it was Gorbachov who said that the EU was the the EUSSR. And he should know.
DDDD (your A level grades?)
Can Draghi go to the toilet without the final say so of the Bundesbank?
I think not.
Some reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire:
Invasions by Barbarian tribes. economic troubles and over-reliance on slave labour, the rise of the Eastern Empire, over-expansion, Government corruption and political instability. the arrival of the Huns and the migration of the Barbarian tribes
and the loss of traditional values.
I think parallels can be drawn
AS an antidote to the likes of Merkel who we see way too much of.
Love and enjoy this great and gracious lady.
This woman is a TRUE Hero of mine…whilst I was Lefty oaf, her likes( Hitchens, Scruton etc) were holding the fort and stemming the tide.
Ta Mel-a nation owes you so much.
Thanks for the link to the eminent, incomparable, Melanie Phillips, chrisH.
Despite prominence of the anti-Boris article the “read” list seems to show that people aren’t that interested – and of course the HYS was definitely in Boris’s favour!
Boris Johnson is facing criticism for”….
REALLY-who from?
Hillary Benn and Yvette Cooper Balls?
Well I`ll be.
Lefty twats who`d not have ever given us a referendum if we`d been mug enough to let THEIR kind into Government?
Boris hopefully will wear this as a badge of pride-to get so far up the noses of the Left with just a sentence or two from the Telegraph is quite an achievement.
Smug scum like the Left really HATE it when they`re seen as the Socialist Fascists in waiting that they are-anti Semitic pan handlers who are far closer to Hitler in every way than their third way socialism would admit…which is why Boris hit the buggers square on the nose with this (correct) accusation..
S`pose there`s no chance of the BBC actually finding someone who AGREES with Boris is there?
Even though that would include all reasonably educated people who know that the EU Project was set up EXACTLY to match a Fourth Reich-albeit without the concentration camps(not yet anyhow).
Boy , the Left HATE the truth being used by a historian don`t they?;..be interested to see Schama and Hunt(T) try to talk their way out of this one….
On R4’s six PM news the BBC is still leading with this attempt to take down Boris. Yet how many times has a far more exaggerated claim (WWIII?) been made by a remainiac and the BBC has barely reported the howls of laughter and scorn that followed it?
This referendum is a fix – and the BBC is one of the major fixers.
Thing is, no one is listening anymore. Look at the comments, massive backfire
That headline is downright misleading. I think I shall have to put in another complaint.
If you do complain Roland, be prepared:
The complaint is in. Although I notice the headline has changed from “EU Referendum: Boris Johnson compares EU’s aims to Hitler’s” to “EU Referendum: Boris Johnson stands by Hitler EU comparison“.
The story has ‘evolved’, clearly.
Which, being the BBC, means initial job done and changes made to tidy up afterwards.
Given they have ‘closed for comments’, I’d be intrigued how they justify changing the headline given many will have been based on the original.
It’s like they control the edit and are unaccountable.
I see the top rated comment got censored, and the comments now closed.
This BBC transparency and integrity concept is hard to grasp using accepted meanings of the words.
MoanyMike said on twitter
WOW @BBCNews. Why remove my HYS comment ranked 1? Was it because the majority voted Liked to indicate they were voting LEAVE? Unbiased?
0 retweets 0 likes
Reply Retweet
It broke BBC House Rules.
If it was a simple ‘like’ to vote then I will be interested in their explanation for which one broken.
Unless this will turn out to be a matter of BBC ‘belief’, in turn protected by a unique exemption ‘for the purposes of’.
Did anyone catch what the #1 comment was on HYS before it was pulled?
Rubbish from the BBc and wrong of course. From memory there was a series of articles published in the Wermacht’s magazine Signal in 1942 or 43 which laid out the framework for the new Europe of their fantasies. It was based on a Franco German alliance with Germany as the senior partner. By then Germany had given up on defeating us and just wanted us sidelined and out of the way.
The proposed united Europe bore a real resembalance to today’s EU.
AS for the BBC’s selectivity when reporting Boris that is appalling and I hope it rebounds on them. I assume the private polls are getting them really worried.
A rubbish outfit for a rubbish cause is our state mouthpiece.
We have to remember that the dim kids in the bBBC’s newsroom were at school after the loonies took over the curriculum. So their knowledge of history just goes from “imagine how it felt to be a peasant” via “slavery” to “Hitler”. Those subjected to advanced propaganda might have heard of the racist British Empire or even Mary Seacole. But they know nothing about the Roman Empire, Napoleon or World War 1.
Among the unsuccessful forging of states , there have been successes ~ Germany and France and Italy . What bonded them together was that the people thought themselves as German , French and Italian . A common language and culture helped too .
Keeping the overnights bubbling faithfully, I see.
Any thoughts on the BBC’s opening of a HYS on this topic for half a day most are out enjoying the weekend, and obliterating the highest rated comment?
Especially given the concerns you and your fellow travellers express over how you feel you are treated on a non uniquely-funded private blog.
I thought they answered that one for you previously with your FOI request? (Good use of public funds fighting the good fight there btw) Or didn’t that one work out the way you expected?
Which FOI request was that?
Meanwhile, on topic, on here, your answer (and/or lack of one) to a question not posed to you (but neatly fielded by proxy – a ‘spokesperson’ by chance?) may not really be working out the way you intended.
Why would I answer a question that’s already been answered for you by BBC FOI in writing?
My ‘proxy’ is sitting next to me in the secret bbc basement bunker where we monitor Guest Who all day long. It’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it.
Last para noted.
Now, please answer the question to you, unless you are also BBC FOI, as you have directed at something but are refusing to say where it is. Which is not untypical of your working out.
Others on the blog may be interested.
Germany has used the EU to reverse the 1945 post WW2 settlement. This settlement as applied by the West was based on containing Germany but not leaving it unstable or grievance-ridden, as happened under the Versailles Treaty. At the same time the USA poured millions into Europe in Marshall Plan aid to rebuild other European economies. The reason for this was to make Europe less dominated by the German economy.
The EU and its disastrous Euro has cast all this aside. Europe is now dominated by the German economy and hence political decisions made by Germany can be enforced on others, such as mass migration to feed the German need for labour. Greece Hungary Poland etc are all learning this to their cost. Thanks to the EU Germany can get what it wants without drawing on cheap or slave labour via military conquest. In reality this is what Cameron means by saying the EU brings peace!
The BBC would do well to recognise this and understand why Britain fought two wars within a half century to contain German power.