This pretty much answers the question about what will Britain’s place be in the EU should there be a ‘remain’ vote….The Union flag will be consigned to the rubbish bin and not allowed to be flown…apparently the flag is too much associated with the idea of an independent Britain for the Remain campaigners…which says a lot about their mindset…..this is not Britain but a region of the EU…..
A rubbish truck emblazoned with a Union Flag has been taken out of service – because it was deemed to be supporting Brexit.
Council bosses took the bright red, white and blue bin lorry out of service after being hit with a number of complaints saying the truck, which was painted to match the waste company’s logo, is a “Brexit battle bus.”
Earlier this month the 26-tonne lorry was used for its first rounds around Brighton, East Sussex, but union members quickly complained, suggesting it was making a political statement.
Britain will eventually be absorbed into the EU superstate and forced to take the Euro….about time the BBC started talking about the cost of staying in.
The words of John Stuart Mill ring true: ‘War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.’
Cameron and Co would rather cower in the EU bunker (no allusion to Hitler there I assure you) hoping it is safe, not innovating, not daring to risk all, not inspiring the troops of industry to take on the world. Cameron is a coward and a bully, the two seem to go together, and he should be denounced for it loudly and repeatedly…the man who ducked Syria (the real, boots on the ground fight), the man who ducked Libya (the real, boots on the ground fight) and the man who uses every trick in the book to avoid a fair fight in the referendum.
The BBC is similarly ‘comfortable’ and unwilling to rock the boat and venture out into the high seas…this of course eventually leads to death as the complacent, who think things will go on for ever, are always overtaken by events that they haven’t prepared for and are unequipped to deal with as they have lost the fighting spirit and the will to do anything other than succumb to events such as the EU’s eventual takeover as politicians here work stealthily for ever closer union and Muslims take control of a society that is too afraid to stand up and say no.
Alan, instead of these posts how about a new start the week one ?
There will only be one genuine political statement made, when out wins with 60% +
I wonder how they’ll hide that one? Other than waffling through reams of red tape for years before not actually performing the exit until after the next general election. If at all.
If we win we’ll be made to vote again and again until the votes are gerrymandered enough to suit them. But if we lose, we must say that we will take a leaf out of the EU book and demand another referendum as people were lied to by the remainders and didn’t understand the question.
Either way its only a matter of time before the brown stuff hits the fan in the EU.They are holding so much back until after the referendum and other stuff like riots in Greece and Paris are not being reported on MSm..Let alone the ongoing migrant crisis. If we lose ,the lies and deceit will only come back to haunt Cameron and his cronies big time.
Just heard Richard Dearlove stick the boot into all the scaremongering re our “leaving the EU”.
He says it`ll matter not a jot-indeed when France weren`t in NATO, our two countries shared all that was required to deal with the Soviets-and long before the EU stuck its crooked beak into it all.
Oh dear-our BBC Live News Monkey at 5pm unfortunately had no analysis to hand, so he said that the BBC would go away and give us that later…
So-by the time 5.30 and then 6pm comes along-it will be the ” Putin threat to Britain if we don`t stay in the EU” meme…and then “Dearlove says that Trump will become Johnsons Goebbels if we don`t stay in Europe”
Be warned…if they`ve not buried the old bloke in blankets of contempt, ice and indifference.
Trust the BBC to have to go away to work out a response to what he said live-had he wanted to stay in, there`d have been no end of suckups on hand to confirm his statesmanlike experience and greatness.
No lobster bisque at Davos for YOU Sir Dickie!…very poor.
Dose Lord Whore Hall have a Brussels calling?
Perhaps Five of the biggest lies we have been told in the last hundred years ?
“The cheque is in the post”
“The Common Market is only about trade”
“The Channel Tunnel will be secure against animals and illegal entrants”
“If our Car Moron did not get a great deal with the EU he would take us out ”
“Al Beeb is a totally impartial broadcaster”
Five more porky pies taffman –
It will be over by Christmas (1914)
Peace for our time (1938)
I did not have sexual relations with that woman (1998)
Islam is a religion of peace (every year since 2001)
A safer, more secure UK staying in the EU (2016)
Well Done Mr.Golightly
I could add one more …………….
The Trollers on this site have nothing to do with Al Beeb .
Is British Airways obliged to urgently convert their fleet to “white tails”, one wonders?
The truck was in Brighton, enough said.
Of course we all KNOW that Boris was right about the close links between Nazism, Fascism , Socialism(International and its national variant)-and the coming EU Superstate as set out by the Five Presidents-Giscard and the like.
But here`s a good piece from Breitbart to add that needed snap in the celery of destiny.
Not that the BBC will ever let us know much of this, so thanks to the Internet eh?
Haven’t read Boris’ article but most people seem to be in tizzy over possible reference to H & the Ns (must not say or write those horrible words but that makes them seem like a comfy retail store) but it may be a considerable bit of a misreading. The precursor to the EU was founded by Frenchmen and some academics have wondered whether their motives were totally sincere. Indeed, in a radio play about Monnet & Schuman on the BBC no less, if I recall correctly, someone voices that very thought.
Even if M&S (European Iron Coal & Steel merchants, not that other lot of lacklustre retailers) were not trying to create a Superstore out of Europe, they were after some swingeing reparations from the Germans and possibly putting Belgium out of the coal business.
No doubt that the European Union is well on the way to achieving its original aim, to ensure Socialism reigns, which eventually will turn into Communism. That is what the last 94yrs (1922) since Jean Monnet and gang thought up their new design for Europe has been developing-Monnet died in the 1950’s, but his ghost lives on. What is so worrying for those of us that can remember 1974, is that since then 2 new generations have been born who have lived all their lives within under the EU’s control and know next to nothing of its history or of its eventual aims or who the controllers of their lives really are.
Of course it could be just a coincidence that the BBC failed to report…. that ‘On 22 June 2015, the European Union issued a press release on behalf of European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the Euro Summit, Donald Tusk, the President of the Eurogroup, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the President of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, and the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz. It announced an ambitious plan on the part of the 5 Presidents to deepen economic monetary union within the EU, resulting by 2025 in a total sharing of sovereignty by member states. To put it another way, it lays out a ground plan for political union, whereby the need for collective decision-making will necessarily involve the surrender of national autonomy.’… Detail on that can be found here.
‘The Report sets out three different stages for turning the vision of the Five Presidents into reality (see Annex 1):
– Stage 1 or “Deepening by Doing” (1 July 2015 – 30 June 2017): using existing instruments and the current Treaties to boost competitiveness and structural convergence, achieving responsible fiscal policies at national and euro area level, completing the Financial Union and enhancing democratic accountability.
– Stage 2, or “completing EMU”: more far-reaching actions will be launched to make the convergence process more binding, through for example a set of commonly agreed benchmarks for convergence which would be of legal nature, as well as a euro area treasury.
– Final Stage (at the latest by 2025): once all the steps are fully in place, a deep and genuine EMU would provide a stable and prosperous place for all citizens of the EU Member States that share the single currency, attractive for other EU Member States to join if they are ready to do so.’
The only vote will be our UK vote on June 23rd to get off out. They will try every trick in the book to stop us and that including dumping our currency, exports, swamping us with migrants and even stealth blocking internet sites opposed to EU membership. They have already drawn up advanced plans to create an EU Army that would be used against us Brits along with EU Police checking our political correctness for MEP positions, We will have no MP’s left. They must not win and Boris is clearly ‘on the button’ on what the EU is all about. The EU will always be in deep crisis. The EU will always be in debt. The Euro will always be a sponge bankrupt basket case, and the EU is heading for long term slow austerity with added protectionism. We must resist and fight the propaganda and it will not stop, even when we vote out, they will redouble efforts and insist on taking the EURO tablets, whoever we have must be a strong leader and its quite obvious that its Boris and not Cameron who is up to the job of BREXIT.
This online Twitter poll (constantly running) showing today 82% LEAVE – with over 42,500 voters is credible since only one vote per twitter account:
At last, the lie that the enrichers pay in more than they take out is exposed.
The daily mail has an article showing that, instead of contributing, the enrichers cost £16,000,000,000 per year.
This £16 Billion, added to our eu contributions and all the other costs such as crime, low pay and all the other benefits of this industrial scale mass immigration should be brought up at every opportunity.
The EUriners have been getting away with their lies for far too long with the Brexit being very gentle in putting our case out.
It’s time to go on the offensive and debunk these myths freely peddled by the inners.
Just because every argument shows that leaving is the only sane and rational choice still doesn’t seem to convince many who, for some reason, are still undecided. I’m sick of hearing all the lies trotted out unchallenged.
We (outers) should get a fact sheet published with all the costs listed plus hidden costs such as interpreters and prison costs and list them as clearly as possible so that the EUriners can have no counter argument.
We are currently far too soft and easy going on the interviews and debates I’ve seen on the tv.
I know the tv stations are ALL biased heavily to staying in but surely we can get the message out of these true costs and not let the inners keep getting away with the lies they constantly repeat.
Can some politician get these figures mentioned on the Daily Politics for instance. Get a serious debate going about these myths the inners are being allowed to get away with. How many times have you heard things like “The immigrants pay more in than they take out” or “The NHS would collapse without immigrants” on propaganda programs like QT.
Get on the offensive Brexit.
We have ALL the arguments on our side.
Only the insane would vote to remain in.
The NHS would probably recover without immigrants – less customers. You are right we could do with more assertive voices, although tonight’s Heseltine attack on Boris was quite pathetic.
Agree completely. Can’t believe that the leave campaign don’t challenge the rubbish trotted out in so many instances – it’s almost like there is an unspoken code…why don’t they challenge interviewers that speak over them? Why don’t they suggest how work visas, quotas, travel, living in another country, amnesties for those already here, might work?
Can you ever imagine that attitude to the flag in the US?? Or many other countries which proudly fly their flags – Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UAE, Scotland, in fact everyone but the UK.
Its more a sign of the increasingly desperate tactics of the ‘inners’.
Must say though, at last they are trying! The Brexit campaign under Boris doesnt seem to be making much effort at all, simply hoping that sense will prevail may not be enough.