I wanted to draw your attention to this article, written by my Twitter friend Peter Thompson. If you enjoy it, drop him a tweet of encouragement at @TheRedRag. He asks all the right questions.

The image above is a screen capture of the BBC Politics page at 1:00 am Central European Summer Time on Saturday 14th May and is targeting the two million Brits who live in Europe.
David, are you going to lodge an official complaint, against both the bbc and the government? Shouldn’t the electoral commission also be notified?
Try this EU Referendum constant running poll – 82% LEAVE – 43,000 voters (individual Twitter account holders permitted only 1 vote)
Perhaps Mr Thompson has brought this upon himself?
The web page contains frames for the purpose of carrying advertising but what actually gets put into these frames is not under the direct control of the ‘parent’ website but is provided by a third-party.
In all likelihood Mr Thompson has been searching for ‘EU stuff’ and the third-party has ‘delivered’.
I myself am ‘amazed’ (not really) as to how many web sites that I visit carry adverts for a bit of hi-fi kit that I bought last year. I’m sure other people’s experience of these self-same web sites would be completely different. It is a known ‘problem’ and must be embarrassing for people who share a computer.
I was not aware that the BBC take Google adverts on its web pages. But knowing that Google uses ‘keywords’ to place targeted advertising is well known and that is useful knowldge to find out how much the ‘EU remainers’ are spending sponsoring EU adverts. As an example I take the Google sponsored ‘keyword’ and search for ‘cost per click’. Will lead you to this example here.
If I am more specific to EU words and restrict that to UK referendum then I could look at whats ‘trending’. As you can see a lot of interest in 2015 and rising fast. Take ‘EU REFERENDUM’ for example might cost as much as motor insurance (about $70 per click through link or about £35).
Take the top words (most expensive searches) you can link to as ‘Ads’ that could be sponsored by the BBC or anyone else that wants the ‘IN’ vote, like the remain camp or EU. Note the BBC would use an outside web media agency to ‘plug’ ads like this – not directly.
If I take ‘EU REFERENDUM’ which is pretty high on the list it could cost some corporation a lot of money to do this over a long time. These people have lots of money to spend on this single campaign which if saturated can only mean Government backed media sponsoring via a third party ‘remain’ group. Peter (now Lord) Mandleson is good at this type of media manipulation game and is currently advising Cameron on his ‘strategy’. The game is to make every search on Google appear 100% (for the EU). Its pointless complaining to the BBC who will deny everything, they just do what they are told.
If you use Ghostery, it blocks all the trackers so they don’t know what you’re doing.
True – the BBC are not responsible for the ads that Google deliver. When I visit BBC I get Promgirl ads!
The BBC maintains overall editorial.
” Political advertising is not allowed on any UK commercial service. In other
territories, political advertising is only allowed where approval has been given by
the Advertising Governance Committee.’
Advertisements in the following categories must be approved by a senior editorial figure before they can be accepted for broadcast or publication: a) political advertising (on services where this is allowed) b) advertising by governments and government agencies (except tourism boards and trade or investment boards) c) advertising by lobby groups d) advertising for infant formula or baby milk e) advertising for any product or service which shares a name or trademark with a prohibited product or service, sometimes referred to as ‘Surrogate advertising’ 2.13 Any advertisements that deal with a controversial issue of public policy, or which raise doubts about the BBC’s editorial integrity, must be referred to a senior editorial figure.
Controversial issues In determining whether subjects are controversial, we should take account of: the level of public and political contention and debate how topical the subjects are sensitivity in terms of relevant audiences’ beliefs and culture whether the subjects are matters of intense debate or importance in a particular nation, region or discrete area likely to comprise at least a significant part of the audience a reasonable view on whether the subjects are serious the distinction between matters grounded in fact and those which are a matter of opinion.
Political advertising Political advertising (as defined in section 321 of the Communications Act 2003) is: an advertisement which is inserted by, or on behalf of, a body whose objects are wholly or mainly of a political nature an advertisement which is directed towards a political end an advertisement which has a connection with an industrial dispute Objects of a political nature and political ends include each of the following: influencing the outcome of elections or referendums, whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere bringing about changes of the law in the whole or a part of the United Kingdom or elsewhere, or otherwise influencing the legislative process in any country or territory influencing the policies or decisions of local, regional or national governments, whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere influencing the policies or decisions of persons on whom public functions are conferred by or under the law of the United Kingdom or of a country or territory outside the United Kingdom influencing the policies or decisions of persons on whom functions are conferred by or under international agreements influencing public opinion on a matter which, in the United Kingdom, is a matter of public controversy promoting the interests of a party or other group of persons organised, in the United Kingdom or elsewhere, for political ends
Click to access advertising_june2015.pdf
Just noticing the ant semitism is back in full swing on al Beeb WS radio after a relatively quiet period with the usual lies , propaganda and reports from terrorists as ‘trusted sources’ back in full swing.
Also back is wall to wall propaganda of struggling ‘refugees’ trying to reach safety and security in the evil west. All helpless women and children of course but no rapists, thieves and terrorists amongst them.
Finally the air was filled with pro Fourth Reich propaganda and the usual sackcloth and ashes shit if we have the temerity to stand up for our freedom and democracy.
Maybe I’m cynical but this upsurge in all things al-Beeb comes immediately after the ‘charter review’ which leads me to believe that spineless David bin Q’ameron has struck a deal with al Beeb mosque. We’ll allow you to pump out pro terrorist, anti semitic, anti Christian shit if you pump out the pro Fourth Reich propaganda and peddle it for all your blackened hearts are worth.
Slightly off point, but very biased nevertheless- On 17th May, thought for the day, we had to listen to a Muslim from Glasgow-well actually I didn’r listen switched him off-Isalm does follow the teachings of Christianity, so why should this Christian Nation have to be subjected to such an insult. Oh, I am sure some will argue that Britain is now considered a Multicultural society so all religious ideologies have to be given air time. If Britain votes to be out of the EU, then hopefully Islamic teachings can be kept in the Mosque- the fact that London has a Muslim Mayor tolls the nell of parting day as we once knew it.
BBC guilty as charged: http://order-order.com/2016/05/17/bbc-admits-running-remain-adverts-by-error/
Tarian – following on from your post on the BBC being pro Muslim and entirely biased with anti-Christian rhetoric attacking the country cultural heritage. Anyway this is the petition underway. Duly signed.
‘We call on Lord Hall, Director General of the BBC, to protect the UK’s Christian heritage and reject current proposals to reduce and downgrade Christian programming in favour of increased coverage for Muslim, Hindu and Sikh faiths. We further call for Aaqil Amhed, Head of Religion and Ethics for the BBC, to be removed from office on the grounds of Islamic bias and clear disrespect for Christian belief.
In recent years Christian programming has already been severely downgraded, yet Mr Ahmed, the Muslim Head of Religion and Ethics for the BBC since 2009, claims the BBC is ‘too Christian’, and has written a report saying non-Christian faiths are underserved. He says the BBC must be more diverse, and that there should be an increase in Muslim, Hindu and Sikh programming. It has even been suggested that the BBC might televise Friday prayers from a mosque, in similar format to the Christian programme ‘Songs of Praise’, as well as broadcasting the daily Muslim call to prayer….’During his time at the BBC, and prior to that at Channel 4 where he exercised a similar role, Aaqil Ahmed has displayed a clear bias towards Islam and contempt for Christianity. He has regularly commissioned documentaries displaying clear pro-Islamic bias, while calling into question fundamental tenets and teachings of Christianity, in such a way as to trivialise and undermine Christian faith. While at Channel 4, for example, he screened a week of special programmes on Islam, including a feature-length documentary on the Qu’ran, and a series of interviews with Muslims around the world talking about their beliefs….’
You can Petition the BBC on that here: http://www.citizengo.org/en/signit/34624/view
I can’t help thinking that there is an ultimate plan behind the BBC. Lord Hall knows whats going on and I suspect Cameron does too (as he is head of Common Purpose). The aim must be to destroy the cultural heritage of the UK (but the same thing is happening across Europe). This is no coincidence. We are being ethnically cleansed.
Philip_2, My God, if it wasn’t so, one would consider the whole episode completely incomprehensible, but it isn’t as you clearly illustrate. So many people know so little as to how the European Union began its life and how it has developed into what is being seen and experienced today. Having made as much of a study as has been possible, I am no convinced that there is an agenda by those that really control the EU to bring about a New World Order, which I first heard mentioned many years ago by George Bush Snr in early 1990’s. Knowing then liitle of what it meant I set out to try and discover the menaing. After hundreds of amounts of the written word from many different eligible sources, I have found that You and I and the people of Europe are being manipulated into a final position for the assult by the darkest of evil to fall across Europe. Yes indeed I have much knowledge of Common Purpose, and of the massive strength of the Mason’s that play & are playing such a role in our destruction. Even if Britian votes to stay out of the EU it will have to fight a very nasty war of that I am certain, because these devils have no love of our nation, no consideration for our religious ideology, only contempt-subjugation & enslavement is what the future holds.