Sorry for the delay in this but I have been travelling! Anyhow – here’s a NEW Open Thread to detail the bias. I caught quite a bit of the BBC today and it plays up the Remain case will gusto whilst delicately playing down the Brexit case. I can’t believe that John Whittingdale has been so weak with the BBC in the White Paper. He actually encourages “diversity” which is a green light for the BBC to further dismantle all that is good about our society!
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Its been multi culti pro open doors immigration day today on Al Beeb.
On Al Beeb London news this evening, one of the top stories was about Witchcraft in Tower Hamlets and the need to exorcise children from its worst effects.
How diverse, multicultural, and enriching is that?
WTF !!!!!!!
I noticed the BBC were pushing immigrants in front of the camera even more than usual today.
During the exciting edge of the seat 30 minute live coverage of the Leicester FC bus slowly making its way through the town from 20 camera angles including an overhead helicopter they cut to an Indian family run clothes material shop for some pointless Q&A about their support for Leicester FC. A bit later on my local news the only 2 people they could find to interview were 2 Indian children with very strong Indian accents going on about how they like supporting their local football team.
With all that Leicester FC coverage and pointless interviews with immigrants “being British” they must have run out of time to mention the 300 CEOs supporting Brexit.
May I make a correction…’Indian family run (INDIAN) clothes material shop. Everyone buying blue for their saris/bridal outfits. ‘Born and bred in Leicester’ as he declared but making a living from an inability to assimilate. Beeb gold dust.
Oh, the witchcraft ‘thing’ was discussed on Victoria Derbyshire as well. Honest to God, before the rise of migration since the 50’s we were never subjected to ‘discussions’ about voodoo and witchcraft, or the cultural beliefs of anyone. The way the Quakers worshipped was about as far-out as it got back then ! Now, we have to take into ‘care’ and be responsible (and accepting) for every sodding religious practice on the planet. We are NOT Africa, Asia or the Caribbean, so why do these foreign peoples expect the government to ‘act’ to save everyone ? This is what happens when we open the doors to the world. Perhaps Sir Lenny Henry could act as Special Envoy between the Voodoo community and the Foreign Office.
And the difference between the Foreign Office and voodoo is??? All government departments seem to be in the witchcraft coven, especially the Treasury and the DECC. Every member seems to have a lunatic streak in him/her.
Meanwhile, over at the Socialist Republic of Slough, the expected Labour landslide occurred at the recent local elections.
But guess what? White anglo saxon council leaders Rob Anderson and James Swindlehurst are being ousted by the local Labour Party, in favour of councillors Munawar and Hussein who , ahem, have different cultural and religious leanings.
” They have sown the wind, and shall reap the whirlwind”.
Al Beeb no doubt are over the moon.
Come friendly bombs, rain on Slough.
It’s not fit for humans now.
Great response, Demon. I’d forgotten about that old poem. I’ve just re-read it in full. It’s so gloomy that it cheers me up. Ta!
“But guess what? White anglo saxon council leaders Rob Anderson and James Swindlehurst are being ousted by the local Labour Party, in favour of councillors Munawar and Hussein”
Which will not come as a surprise to anyone who has lived in a place like Bradford and kept their eyes open. It’s the way they work. I’d be very surprised if there is a word for “diversity” in Urdu – they don’t give a damn about concepts like that. Offhand, I can’t think of any people of non European descent who do; it’s a self destructive European fetish which only came about because integration was a failure.
When is the penny going to drop?
Thanks to Roland for this link: .
Yes, seven months in a row, Mr Harrabin informs me, the global temperature has been hotter than ever. Despite that, in my bit of globally, April was extremely cold. I was wearing a lot of clothing, especially when the central heating broke down and indoor temps were heading below 45F on a few occasions. It was even colder out of doors. I know. I went into the garden to warm up with some gardening. Below the seasonal average by a degree or two, I think. Perhaps the weather aces on here can put me straight or corroborate my wardrobe weathervane evidence.
Now, for the last two years, BBC R4 has been refering to the CET record showing each YEAR has been WARMER. Now they are talking GLOBAL a MONTH at a time.
When I was at school, one of the things drummed into us in science was to be careful with comparisons and comparatives. Not so for the BBC Science apparently.
My local daily paper does a once a month fairly detailed analysis of the weather records. Despite several warm days it reported overall 1.6C below the 30 year average for April.
Yes. Thanks Roland and Up2snuff. I too visited that news item. What struck me wasn’t the climate change guff so much as the language of Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
“….we cannot afford to do anything except to accelerate the solution agenda…”
Accelerate The Solution Agenda! This is surely the language of Totalitarianism. Recently, whether with regard to the EU referendum and the apparent global fear of a Leave vote or the migrant crisis and the undisguised push for open-borders, the Solution Agenda has been accelerated.
As Dearlove said today, if the EU can’t show they are up to the job, then others may do it for them. The fear of “a populist uprising” within the EU means only one thing: Accelerate the solution agenda.
June 23rd represents probably the last time the British electorate will have to determine their own sovereign future. A vote to Remain means only one thing. The Solution Agenda may now be implemented.
If the people vote “Remain” on 23rd they’ll never need to vote again.
Was not this exotic bird Figues or what ever the one who admitted that it was not climate change they wanted but the downfall of capitalism. Where, I wonder, does she thinks her obscene pay comes from? No capitalism, no money for the scumbags.
By sheer coincidence, Ch4 is in on the act too:
The comments could be going better, TBH.
Project Fear appears to be broadening its scope.
But people seem aware.
The ‘solution agenda’ is UN Agenda 21.
It is the UNFCCC which in effect has dictated the global climate change agenda ever since. Almost yearly it has staged huge conferences, notably those at Kyoto (1997), Copenhagen (2009) and the present one in Paris. And all along it has been Strong’s ideology, enshrined at Rio in “Agenda 21”, which has continued to shape the entire process, centred on the principle that the richer developed countries must pay for a problem they created, to the financial benefit of all those “developing countries” that have been its main victims.
“The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”
Alexander King Co-Founder of the Club of Rome, (premier environmental think-tank and consultants to the United Nations) from his 1991 book The First Global Revolution
Perhaps your school should have taught you that your back garden’s temperature is not representative of the rest of the world.
Perhaps schools should teach the basic principles of the scientific method rather than the idea that computer models produce scientific ‘facts’.
And I read at the weekend the Swift is under threat in the UK because of the increasingly wet summers due to ‘climate change’. Any idea what happened to the scorching ‘Mediterranean’ conditions we were told to would become the norm for us?
“Perhaps schools should teach the basic principles of the scientific method rather than the idea that computer models produce scientific ‘facts’.”
I agree. Schools absolutely should teach the scientific method.
“And I read at the weekend the Swift is under threat in the UK because of the increasingly wet summers due to ‘climate change’. Any idea what happened to the scorching ‘Mediterranean’ conditions we were told to would become the norm for us?”
No idea, though what has this got to do with someone rather foolishly using his own personal judgement of the weather as a basis to comment on global warming?
“Perhaps schools should teach the basic principles of the scientific method rather than the idea that computer models produce scientific ‘facts’.”
Behind your question is the assumption that schools don’t teach the basic principles of the scientific method. Have you conducted a careful study of GCSE and A level Science specifications? Of course you haven’t. If you had you would have been able to provide evidence to support your position but the evaluation of evidence isn’t your strong point is it? You’d rather rely on ignorance and prejudice. This link will take you to a GCSE Biology Specification.
Read it carefully and you will find that the principles of the scientific method are covered in some detail. Computer models are never mentioned.
Not al beeb as such,but no doubt they will be happy
Impartial and totally independent investigator into jew hatred in the labour party Shammy Chakrabarti is actually….
A member of the labour party
That was mentioned on the daily politics today regarding Chakrabarti and not an eyebrow was raised when it was mentioned that she had joined Labour and that she saw this as the only way to investigate the antisemitism issue. Mental or what? Now if this had been the tories and they had got a party member to investigate then all hell would have been raised by the left. They brought on Rachel shabi to discuss the problem but only mentioned her as a journalist and not that she worked for the guardian.
This is a disgrace and i can see a very big whitewash coming
And she’s a muslim.
I thought she was a Hindu
I dunno at least Sham-ee Chippybutty has finally stopped lying about her ‘independence’ and now can be attacked on her politics just as any other socialist Corbyn fondler !
If she concludes that there is no evidence, or very little, of anti-semitism withiin the Labour Party then she could not be taken seriously as she is a Muslim Laour Party member. Whoever chose this person to be an impartial adjudicator must be laughing his head off.
Of course, herr findings will be:
A tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny number of Labour Party members showed a little amount of anti-semitism and islamaphobia. These individuals have all resigned. The Labour Party has completely eradicated all traces of racism form within, unlike the Conservative and UKIP parties which are riddled with Islamaphobes and nazis from top to bottom. Here endeth the conclusions of the impartial investigator, Shammy Chakabati
The BBC is an institution with an inbuilt left wing bias. For the BBC, there are no enemies on the left. It is impossible for them to see any problem with Sami Chakribati being a member of the Labour Party, because that only shows that she is of the left, which is where all sane and reasonable people should be. Therefore it is a non-issue.
If, by some bizarre mischance, she had declared that she was a member of Ukip, the BBC worldview would have been shattered, and she would have become an instant non-person. But of course the chances of that happening were always zero. Chakribati has been a leftist all her life, when she was the head of Liberty she could not officially join the Labour Party, but anyone who had the slightest doubt as to where her sympathies lay must have been blind to reality.
Bottom line: the BBC is a leftist institution; Liberty is a leftist pressure group. They are in total sympathy with each other and with the Labour Party. And the gutless so-called Conservative Party knows it and does nothing about it. Have I missed anything?
I cannot think of an institution that isn’t left biased now. It is frightening how in drip drip fashion over the last decades left thinking has taken over everything. Of course any child sent to a state school since the 1960s will have been fed the left’s propaganda so it probably isn’t such a puzzle. What can freedom-lovers do about this though?
It does make me realise what a far-reaching sage George Orwell was; he could see it coming; and he was never on the left himself as he was a libertarian, the very opposite of a socialist.
I think you’ll find the scope of her enquiry has been widended to encompass Islamophobia as well.
Keep you eyes on this online constant running TWITTER EU Referendum poll – showing 82% LEAVE – 43,000 individual twitter account voters – only one vote per account!
I had a look at it. Got this message: Our records indicate that you have already voted.
I haven’t since I’m not British so it’s just their way of telling me that I accessed the page from outside the UK. Good to know that the poll is restricted to Britons, as it obviously should be.
Anyway 82% out of nearly 43 000 votes is really good news and a great example of social media fighting back against giant propagandists like the BBC. I’ve put that page on ‘Favourites’ and will follow it.
checking how quickly the votes come in 42 800
Checking how quickly the votes come in. Currently 42 802
I got that message too, but can’t remember doing it before…however, my memory isn’t what it used to be!
I can’t remember what my memory used to be.
Now 43715 votes. Time elapsed = 12 hours. That’s a rate of more than one a minute.
% steady at 82% for Brexit!
Guido has a blood pressure increasing piece about the BBC adverting the ‘remain in Europe’ groups, thus proving that the BBC is being paid directly by the remain lobbiests.
Annoying enough? Well I asked the question:
Whoa! Hang on. What are the BBC doing in selling advertising space? That surely undercuts services that rely upon commercials as opposed to the BBC’s generous and compulsory tax.
Anyone know of any other situations in which the BBC sell advertising?
Learned quite a bit in a long item on the cultural revolution on ITV News at Ten.
The vast majority rather uncomplimentary to Chairman Mao.
How did the BBC cover the anniversary?
How McDonnell could ever wave the Little Red Book about is beyond me.
Ex MI5 chief Sir Richard Dearlove warns that
Sir Richard Dearlove warned the continent is facing a “populist uprising” amid growing anger from voters who feel they have been betrayed by political elites in London, Paris, Berlin and Brussels.
The retired spy chief said millions more migrants will come to Europe over the next few years, which could spark a terrifying spiral of events ending in bloody uprising against leaders across the West.
Note how cleverly and subtly the BBC tries to play it down!
The FT in the last two days has run articles on how the EU/Turkey deal is failing. One saying very few migrants are being deported back to Turkey, and the other saying that migrants are refusing to relocate or absconding! The only thing I have heard on the Beeb is how successful the Turkey deal has been.
Have just watched the last part of Newsshite. What is that audience thing all about? Are any of them British let alone English? Some woman is involved in a charity for old dodderers which is too ineffectual to get direct funding from the UK government but the EU cough up the cash. Another impartial voice. Pity a taxidermist got to show off his talents on the rest of the audience
I watched the whole of it. Unbelievable – it was so biased, I wouldn’t know where to start complaining… Evan Davies frequently let the ‘audience’ know how good the EU is, they droned on about the fact that we don’t actually give 360 million, cos we get a rebate, despite Carswell’s protestations, and his presentation of a letter supporting the fact, but even then Evan wouldn’t enter into a direct debate and allow the evidence to be presented. When he thought he was losing (probably through directions in his earpiece) he just talked over Carswell and moved on. I like the lady from the tax organisation – can’t remember her name – is she another Chakrabarti? But she speaks pretty fluently and convincingly and he didn’t tend to interrupt her as much. As for the invited audience, I think Ive said before, they are a bunch of spuds who look like they’ve been told what to say – amazingly they are all so keen to be in the EU! If they are truly representative, why isn’t at least one out of eight completely anti- eu? Couldn’t believe it, again, when Evan asked them if any approve of giving money to help poorer Eastern bloc countries. Hands up – all of them.
Unbelievable – why do I put myself through this!! I so much hope that poll is telling the truth!
Had to smile at the ‘impartial audience’ hands up vote. It brought back memories from primary school days when the class was asked who would like to be milk monitor for the week. ‘Miss! Miss! Me please miss….’
The viewer has cause to ponder for a moment the vexed question of what constitutes vital public service broadcasting as the BBC Breakfast crew bring us news that the public-funded corporation is to withdraw 100s of on-line recipes.
Fear not foodies, despite the apparent economy drive the BBC will still be spending hand over fist. Our Louise Minchin is soon to be one of no less than ten celebrities on Celebrity Master Chef 2016. She joins the likes of Jimmy Osmond and in-house favourites such as Rev Giles Fraser.
Louise is a little apprehensive about going into head to head competition against the likes of BBC £1million contracted and spectacularly failed heavyweight Audley Harrison. The pre-bout banter could get a tad feisty. (‘Made for life’ Harrison complained of ‘racism’ in 2004 when the BBC terminated his contract and pulled out of boxing) Although on his past performance I’ll wager Louise might take him if it got fisty.
Our limp-wristed sports guy Ore Oduba confides that he’s never met the southpaw ‘in the ring’ but reassures Louise she should be ok with him in the kitchen.
Ore is quite taken with the Master Chef apron “If you don’t want your pinny anymore, I’ll happily wear it!”
What would Lord Reith make of it all?
This is a perfect example of how financially incompetent the BBC are. The are actually removing 11,000 recipes that are archived on the BBC website!
This will cost them cash to do so, but having them sitting on the archive costs virtually nothing. Not only that the recipes support the BBCs cooking programs, one reinforces the other. More web pages increases the chances of Google etc finding you. On the times I have searched for a recipe the Beeb site is always ranked top or near the top. Why would you want to kill something that works and no doubt brings in some cash? It probably only makes sense in the world of the BBC where money is free.
I suspect Al Beeb have calculated that this will create maximum outcry from many folk who use their pravda website. Not satisfied by the complete Dick Whittington whitewash paper climb-down, they are undermining the feeble Dick’s attempt to influence their strategic direction. Actual budget impact = negligible, propaganda impact= significant.
If their free tea and coffee cost 10’s of £mil you know for sure that the BBC have one of the worse negotiated contracts for online storage of data.
Therefore deleting a few megabytes of data probably will save them many £mil. For any other business that storage space would probably cost the company an extra £1 a month.
Then on top of that the BBC employ a Director of Recipes, a Director of Recipes Online Archiving, a Director of Online Recipes Retrieval, probably 20 recipe managers to attend the meetings and then one person actually doing the work who earns £20k a year. You can guess who will be made redundant!
Gunner, I think that’s what’s called the Blackpool Tower effect (or something) in government circles. Ie, if a council department is asked to make cuts they will start with something very obvious and popular, (eg turning off the lights on Blackpool Tower instead of, say, cutting fatcat salaries) to induce a feeling of hostility towards cuts in the public mind.
-=STOP PRESS=- bBC to save a few bob by deleting some web pages.
It’s a standard bit of shroud waving, as practised by all public sector bodies which have to make cuts. Local councils do it all the time. That’s why they close down libraries and keep on their legions of diversity officers. It is axiomatic that you only cut services which people like and use, to demonstrate the extent of the vicous Tory cuts.
But what cuts have the BBC had? They get paid obscene amounts under duress from the licence payer and then squander it on rubbish for the most part…….or long distance taxi fares. But then of course they have a commercial side to their business, which I am sure does not run at a loss.
‘BBC Enterprises’ as they like to call it made £160 million (in 2011). But that was down to Top-Gear film rights, videos, Magazines and merchandise. The BBC will be lucky to make that much again. But they still have ‘Sherlock Cumberhatch’ to flog.
Hmm! Food for thought.
After Czechoslovakia was invaded by the Nazis in 1939 Lord Reith wrote: “Hitler continues his magnificent efficiency.
Reith also expressed admiration for Benito Mussolini.
Reith did all he could to keep anti appeasers like Churchill off the airwaves.
I would question Reith’s judgement. Today i would suggest that he would be pro EU.
Many people in the 1930s considered fascism as the lesser of two evils; the greater being Soviet communism. It’s an indication of just how much history has been written by the victors of WW2 that the short period of fascism is now seen as a thousand times worse than seven decades of communism with its countless millions of unremembered, nameless dead.
I agree that Communism has murdered even more millions than Nazism and Fascism. But there are many reasons why the nazi murdering was worse, or seems worse, than the other form of socialism.
1. The industrialisation of murder. The purpose built “factories” with gas chambers and ovens.
2. The fact that its death toll was achieved over a much shorter time span.
3. The way that victims were selected. They weren’t just enemies of the state, they were mainly chosen by race which is such a random method.
4. The Germans are much closer to us than the Russians and Chinese, both geographically and racially, with many Britons having some German blood.
5. The Germans were and are a beacon of culture. The Russians not so much.
However, there are some ways that the communist/socialist way is worse.
1. The sheer numbers of dead.
2. The total randomness of the choosing of victims.
3. And this is the worst, left-wingers still glorify mass murderers like Mao, Lenin and Che Guevara etc.
4. Linked to 3 is the acceptance of the hammer and sickle emblem which is proudly worn by those without a brain, whereas the swastika (originally a Hindu one) is considered to be totally unacceptable.
Yes this is a perfect example of rewriting history. As an artist I argue with my lefty artist friends who criticise Wyndham Lewis for sympathising with the fascists in the early 1930s. Because of this he is almost as hated by them as the AntiChrist. However I try to explain that at the time Mussolini was turning Italy around from an agricultural wasteland into a modern manufacturing economy, fascism seemed to be working well for the country. It was only when the nazis under Hitler began to commit attrocities against the jews & other minorities that Lewis abandoned his support for Mosely’s British Fascists. I think he was typical of a large number of people terrified of communism taking over everywhere, we cannot criticise them now in the superior way that those on the left like to do.
Do not forget that Mussolini was a lifelong Labour party supporter and member, he wrote extensively on Socialist issues.
Oswald Mosley was a minister in the Labour government before forming the BUF
Adolf Hitler was a member & then the leader of the German Workers Party, before transforming it into the National Socialists.
There is of course an unmistakable pattern here, and it is not that they were some kind of radical free market libertarian right wingers. They were Socialists, with all the hate & loathing that ‘religion’ entails.
Someone started a petition and 5 Live are rolling this all out as a news story every 30 minutes. I heard it twice in 40 minutes at lunchtime it’s about 12000 and so on.
I just wonder if a petition criticising the BBC would make the same impact?
Whenever I am looking for a recipe on Google, the first ones on the list are those from the BBC. I always scroll down to the next one at the very least, and I am not missing anything. I don’t understand all the moaning Minnie’s commenting on the Daily Mail website, I presume it is the BBC PR department hard at it.
The Voice of the Remaniacs, aka Al Beeb has been hammering away on financial issues as their strong suit and steering clear of the key question of sovereignty. Well a new piece of research from Migration Watch UK punches a gaping hole in the argument that EU migrants make a positive fiscal contribution to the British economy. The research updates figures derived from the ONS Labour Market Survey, for the fiscal effects of immigration for the period 2011 to 2014 and concludes that the positive effects from immigration from “core” EU countries like France and Germany are now more than offset by negative effects from immigration from the more recent accession countries (I am paraphrasing here). The net effect is that in 2014/15 EU immigration contributed £1.2 billion to our fiscal deficit. When non-EU migrants are added in this figure jumps to £16.8 billion due in significant part to the numbers of those who are able to claim UK pension benefits (pension benefits are not included in the EU figures).
To quote from the reports “it is hard to see much support for the contention that immigrants – or even recent immigrants – as an undifferentiated group are helping to reduce the fiscal burden for native workers or contributing to reducing the UK’s fiscal deficit.”
Another aspect which gets very little attention is the level of remittances sent overseas each year from the UK. There are no official statistics at all on these remittances, ever since the removal of foreign exchange controls, and estimates from other sources vary widely. For 2014, Eurostat estimates a figure of £5.3 billion while the World Bank produces a range of anything between £1.5 to £16.5 billion per year. While it would be likely that much of this goes to South Asian counties (the Central Bank of Pakistan estimates remittance receipts from the UK of £1.4 billion for the period July 2015 to January 2016), it is likely that a not insubstantial sum is sent each year to the poorer Eastern European countries such as Poland.
When these factors are added to the figures for UK fiscal transfers to the EU budget and potential, but as yet uncosted, sovereign risks to the UK of any future monetary crisis in the Eurozone were we to stay in, the Glorious Sunlit EU Uplands look decidedly icy.
Gunner. Absolutely spot on. I’ve been banging on about pensions on many posts and I’ll back you up as follows.
To qualify for 1 year’s worth of the new single tier state pension (worth £4.40 per week) you have to earn a sum greater than the lower earnings limit (about £8500) and pay national insurance. That’s about 12% on earnings above £8000. That entitles you to a UK taxpayer funded state pension of £230 per year. To buy such a pension on the open annuity market, it would cost you about £6500 (inflation protected annuity rate is about 3.5%) .
Someone on £12000 a year pays about £200 income tax and £480 national insurance.
Pay £680. Get given a £6500 pension pot. (not to mention free NHS, free education etc etc).
I’d call that a fantastic deal.
And it’s not in any of the ‘Remain’ calculations, I guarantee it.
In all this discussion about how migrants help our economy by paying tax, no one ever seems to mention that a) many will earn under the basic tax level, and b) many aren’t going to be declaring it because they are being paid cash in hand. Shock horror, do people actually do that?? I’m pretty sure that the guys who wash my car in Sainsburys car park will not be filling in a tax return. Strange that every once in a while they disappear, and a new lot turn up a few weeks later. Has anyone else noticed that?
Nothing against them – they are performing a reasonable service for a reasonable cost, but whether it contributes to the economy is debatable.
They are in my local Sainsbury’s car park too. What is it with Sainsbury’s? Why exactly are they encouraging these squeegie merchants?
Well I’m in Cheshire too, so it might be the same one, or a cartel!
It’s not just Cheshire as they are in my local Sainsbury’s in County Durham.
Why are you supporting them by giving them your car to wash? EEK!
They are probably not only not paying tax but illegal immigrants to boot! For shame on you Loobyloo, it really doesnt take that long to wash your car yourself!
Its people like you , happy to use them for cheap labour that encourage them to come!
Boycott immigrant self employed workers! Sack off your African cleaners and Lithuanian nannies. Select a British builder even if he isnt the cheapest!
Agreed strongly !
At Sainsbury’s near where daughter used to live in London they even had lazy African beggars hanging around trying to take your trolley back to get the £1!!! A £1 for two minutes work! these guys must make a fortune, and although many refused many horrible native British Globalists were letting them. I bet if unemployed native Brits were doing that theyd be telling them to get a job!
Why are Sainsburys encouraging all these illegal foreigners? Time to boycott Sainsbury’s too maybe.
The remittance issue is something that never gets a look in yet it is potentially an enormous effect. According to World bank figures a country like Moldova gets around 24% of its GDP from people sending money from overseas. In the Philippines it is about 10%, ($26+ billion). So, the nett contribution to the UK economy from overseas, temporary or permanent workers, is going to be lower than the UK estimates bandied about by the “Media”.
Another factor I would like to see quantified is the loss of Tax revenue due to emigration. The Home Office Stats indicate that British Citizens that leave the UK are predominantly skilled professionals and managers going to secured jobs with their families. We have an outflow of high earners and an inflow of low wage (even if skilled) workers with large families of dependants if they are staying long term. It would be interesting to see if that causes a decline in Tax revenue. Someone who earns 50-80k is being replaced with someone earning 30-40k?
gb123 – to provide a little support.
Good businesses anticipate and respond to growing customer demand.
Let’s take Western Union money transfers back in 2010. I quote
“The agreement….represents a significant step in Western Union’s strategy to expand its network, diversify its customer base, attract mainstream customers to its money transfer service and promote such relatively new services as European ……… money transfers
Well, Western Union are not doing this out of charity. They are doing it because they know people want to transfer money OUT of this country. The Remain lot along with the bBBC are in total denial on this.
More at
On Radio 4 Today there was a piece that the BBC is intending to reduce its archive of recipes. There is apparently a bid to reduce the ‘magazine’ content of the website.
I know that data storage costs money, but I think everyone here will agree that there is little potential for bias in a food recipe!
As one guest pointed out, we have paid for these recipes, they belong to us and as an archive they are valuable. There is a great benefit to having 20 recipes for the same dish, in that there are different ingredients and methods used, some of which the cook might be skilled at, or have a preference for.
Of all of the things the BBC should be cutting back on, this is the wrong thing!
I heard the BBC “recipes announcement” and immediately assumed they were deleting all the recipes including pork and bacon as ingredients!
is it me being over sensitive……or is it them?
Deleting recipes isn’t new.
Last year I linked to one of their recipes and three months later the link didn’t work. The reason given was that the BBC’s right to use it had expired. It is a similar argument used for iplayer content that is time-limited and in the rest of the ‘creative’ world.
In the real world people get paid for, say, building a car, and the car belongs to the customer. In the ‘creative’ world people expect to be paid for ‘repeat performances’. The irony is that the people who design, build and sell the technology that enables these ‘repeat performances’ only get paid once for their work!
You must have the self control and even temper of a saint to sit through Today, even short term accidental exposure puts my radio in great peril. I suppose the irony of saving a few pounds in storage being announced on a programme that employs the likes of Humphrys was lost, I wonder how much data storage a Chris Evans would get you. Whoever has been tasked with making the cuts isn’t being bold enough with the knife, or maybe that’s the point, to be seen to be making cuts but in reality barely grazing the surface.
Oldspeaker, I was thinking along similar lines. It reminds me of how local councils always threaten to close libraries instead of getting rid of a few ‘Diversity’ or ‘5 a day’ wallahs on £45K pa and pension to follow. Threaten to get rid of something which is high profile and useful, use that as an excuse for increased taxes.
O/T the 08.00 ‘headline’ news on bBCR2 was about plods inability to protect our power plants (nuclear and conventional) due to the remote location of such installations.
Why was this broadcast? Advertising to the terrorist element in our midst? A plea for more police spending? A requirement for the plants to utilise private security firms? Maybe an EU security force is what we need? If only we weren’t daft enough to vote out of the EU we could all be saved!
I think that’s complete b@lls about the police not being able to protect nuclear power stations; they have their own armed constabulary dedicated to their defence.
Agreed AS, which is why I question why this was broadcast as the lead headline. Something stinks.
Ms Racoon nails it, again.
Thanks feargal the cat for this link. Norfolk is my patch. Possibly the most heavily armed county in England. I liked this comment from below the line:
“…. and the Young Farmers are known locally as the ‘Armed Wing Of The Tory Party’ . Pity any heathen terrorist what attempts to make his getaway from an outrage across the fields of Norfolk, the surviving badgers are bit psychotic ……and there’s that nice Mr Martin’s farm. So I would be surprised if we really need more armed officers .”
May I direct the BBC to Amazon Glacier Storage. They could archive 5000GB of data for $35 per month. An awful lot of recipes in that number! How about dropping the provision of the “luvvies” daily Guardian Subscription that should cover it.
To be fair to the BBC, on today’s lunchtime news they had a debate about the BBC recipes with St Polly of Toynbee (PBUH) and some gentleman whose name I didn’t catch. La Toynbee could almost be heard falling prostrate in religious ecstacy and genuflecting (if that’s possible at the same time) at the altar of the BBC but the man was very reasonable and highly critical saying the BBC should be a subscription service only.
As our ‘so called’ government urges us to vote to open the door to Europe and let in millions of aliens of unknown origin .
He has done nothing to provide enough houses, schools , teachers, hospitals etc , etc , but now we also have this threat to the security of our nation and our people………………
Vote to get out – you know it makes sense .
I caught the end of ‘The Great British Sewing Bee’ on BBC2 last night.
Typical box ticking BBC making sure they have cut and paste the same cross section of “British”contestants from ‘Great British Bake Off’ and have an almost identical smiling Muslim woman wearing a hijab. They also have a black woman and numerous gays to represent the 10% gay population that the BBC like to promote. They even have one white hetrosexual male to represent the minority correctly.
I wonder who will win this “British” competition?
It is obvious rubbish so don’t watch it. TheBBC is losing it now and surely knows it’s days are numbered. it might end up with the money but no viewers or listeners. Correct that it will not might.
Wait until next year for the “Great British Pray Off”. Muslim contestants in a darkened room have to guess which way is Mecca and start praying. The one most mis-aligned is eliminated. It will be on 5 times a day every day. Remember where you read this idea first!
I am appalled that the transgender black wheelchair using community are under-represented on the programme.
I imagine the gay population in the BBC is in the order of 20 to 30%, and they genuinely believe that that is the percentage of the population outside the W1A/Media City bubble which is gay.
The fact that three middle class, middle aged, white British heterosexual men presented the most popular TV programme in the world must have been a source of constant amazement to them. Good to see they have sorted that out for the new look Top Gear, though they did miss a trick by not giving Nadiya from the Bake Off a role in it. It has to come surely?
Would her imam have a view on whether she is allowed to drive a car – surely Allah’s big book of magic has something negative to say on the topic?
I personally know 3 ladies who applied to go on this show when the call went out for applicants. All are brilliant seamstresses, and are of the age who knew what being ‘thrifty’ meant, so made all their children’s clothing. All are members of the WI, are white and middle aged. Sadly not the ‘type’ the children at the BBC are looking for, despite the fact that white middle aged Mums are the backbone of this country (looking after grandkids and/or elderly parents, still working etc), so the 3 ladies in question didn’t fit the required criteria of being gay, of colour, or disabled, and of course they certainly cant have anyone on who so blatantly know the words of Jerusalem !!!!!
No mention yet in any of the mainstream media about the rape of young boys at a refugee camp in Turkey, the one Merkel praised the other week apparently. According to Russian today.
Move along, nothing to see here.
There are also news outlets carrying the story that Turkey has been aiding Isis. Would not be the greatest surprise. if true but nothing on this from our liberal EU loving media queens.
You have to go on Russia Today to hear about that. As far as the BBC is concerned, it ain’t happening.
On PM last night the lead story was the increasing number of non registered illegal schools. The whole interview with Sir Michael Wilshire head of Ofsted lasted about 7 minutes. It was until the final minute that the word Muslim or Islam was used and even then Sir Michael felt it necessary to couple it with Jewish faith schools. Throughout the interview Sir David said he was extremely worried by the teaching in these schools where the pupils were subjected to homophobic and extremist views and where creative subjects such as music were banned. Obviously these are not Jewish schools, how could they not teach music or teach extremist views if they were, but he felt unable to say on air that the schools were Islamic and that very un western values were being taught in them quite illegally. Of course throughout the interview Eddie Mair made no mention of Muslims or Islam and tried to pin the blame on the government sponsored growth of academy schools free from LEA supervision. Sir Michael was having none of that.
I am of course not in the least surprised that the BBC tries to hide the facts that these schools are Muslim and that it is another strong indicator that Muslims in Britain simply do not want to follow western values and therefore represent a massive threat to our way of life in the next decades. What I am surprised by is that someone like Sir Michael feels unable to say that these schools are Muslim. It shows how far the rot of the liberal left has penetrated the core of the elite in the UK. I am sure that unless something changes in the views of the ruling elite we are heading to disaster within a decade or two.
I heard that report on the radio and assumed that the ‘M’ word would simply not be mentioned. They did mention it but left it to the end of the report as a sort of afterthought, when clearly the fact that the vast majority of the schools were Islamic should have been a key point of the story.
Well put DT. My only disagreement would be that it won’t take another decade or two.
This is not an alarmist blurt, I sincerely believe that we will be right in it by 2020, easily. The acceleration of the libtard uprising over the last three years will only increase, way before any effects of an ‘out’ victory or massive change of stance will take effect. Hospitals/schools are suffering now, Four years will see them swamped beyond use.
Having run one of these so called ‘illegal’ schools under Gordon Brown term in office under Ed Balls as then Minister at the DCSF (2007). Balls commissioned a DCSF Home Education report (called the Badman Review) to claim that all Home Education parents were ‘potentially dangerous’ which leads (in his opinion) to ‘child abuse’. In fact it was found to be exactly the opposite (using the same data published in the report) which was later ignored by DCSF . But as Labour lost the 2010 General Election and it was quietly dropped. Had Miliband (and Labour) ever won another term, it would have become illegal to even think of running an educational group without a strict license (which would in turn become illegal as in the rest of Europe). Even then it was clear then the EU wanted none of the English ‘home education’ (France, Spain and Sweden had all banned it under EU influence). Winston Churchill had insisted that HE be preserved for the British for ever. Hitler had quickly banned all forms of Home Education in Germany and Churchill (who was partly home Educated detested his school). He said it was the distinction of any Englishman that the state allowed parents the freedom of a home education where in Germany it is banned, (or words to that affect). In fact it is now banned in all parts of the EU. England is the last state remaining. That is why it is all ‘cloak and daggers’ on the REAL reasons why Cameron ‘remain camp’ must close home education groups down as part of ‘UK SECURITY’ (claiming Muslim extremists could run it). It is entirely UK legal and has been for as long as memory to home educate your own children and hire Teachers (who also work in state schools) to run small home classes where parents split the cost. It is like an old fashioned village school. This is not illegal, they follow the same basic curriculum (English Maths and Science), take the same GCSE exams and often pass at a much higher level than state schooling. Plus the children are happy and have lots of hobbies and activities. In short its an ideal private education and its not a state education. The EU state wants ‘mind bending’ dogma to make ideal EU citizens at the same time it is legislating to remove parents wishes from all parts of education as they do in state schools. This is all EU policy and not UK security. There is no home education in the EU. In fact the US, Australia and the UK are world leaders in online schools and set high targets in comparison to the UK state school system that has one of the lowest targets of any Western country. Many of the parents I met were dedicated in offering a better education than the local state school comprehensive. Its a parents choice they wish to ban. They (EU) want to indoctrinate all children at an early age and remove any rights of parents to try and improve educational prospects.
The Badman Review would have become law (under Labour 2009) despite it all being contrived in accordance with EU directives.. The Badman Review was found to be ‘not representative’.
And now Cameron has to do the same trick; equating Home Education to UK ‘Terrorism’ threats
when it really is about what the EU wants. To ban it entirely and make it illegal to even think about it.
The BBC’s continued anti Israel bashing seemed to have given teachers the confidence to repeat it to children. A lecturer to Religious Studies A level students in 2005 informed them that the “Jews were behaving in Israel like the Nazi’s did to the Jews” . A trainee teacher was with the children in Somerset and also told of the rest of the lecture on ethics where he told the children that the church should boycott Israel because of its evil actions. This incitement to hatred of school children should be illegal under British law. The Education department said they had no instructions from the Home office to do anything and said I should contact the police but they would tend to rule for “freedom of speech” . I did cause the lecturer some problems because he threatened to take me to court unless I apologised but there was a resounding silence from all the other organisations etc I contacted.
Well done to you for taking a principled stand. I have to say that the notion that ‘Free Speech’ still exists in our country is laughable. Yes the liberal left can say whatever they like but anyone who voices opinions they don’t like will soon find that free speech does not extend to them. This is probably why Sir Michael felt unable to say that the schools in question were Muslims ones and why no one dare intervene in the mass rapes by Muslim men which take place all over our country.
I have to say that I think that most liberal lefties must spend an awful lot of time looking around to find the nearest bucket of sand to stuff their heads into. If they really can’t see what is happening to our country they must be stupid. I suspect that they realise it but simply can’t bring themselves to admit that they have been wrong for the past 30 years or more.
Gotta run, but just caught the latest two newscasts on the World Service. EU ‘President’ Donald Tusk opining negatively on Boris Johnson. No doubt this has been leading the ‘news’ on the WS the entire morning.
Donald tusk (you may ask) who the heck is he!, and was he ever democratically elected??
‘‘On 22 June 2015, the European Union issued a press release on behalf of European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the Euro Summit, DONALD TUSK, the President of the Eurogroup, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the President of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, and the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz. It announced an ambitious plan on the part of the 5 Presidents to deepen economic monetary union within the EU, resulting by 2025 in a total sharing of sovereignty by member states. To put it another way, it lays out a ground plan for political union, whereby the need for collective decision-making will necessarily involve the surrender of national autonomy.’…
(Published in 1st July 2015). The grand plan of forced integration of all Europe by 2025.
The Remainians are getting to sound shrill and desperate. I wish you Brexiters the best of luck in your drive to remove the EU yoke and restore your sovereignty.
I have read the above and cannot find anywhere that Farage has said what the bBBC claim.
Their headline is
Nigel Farage: Narrow Remain win may lead to second referendum
Further down the column they actually quote what he actually said.
“I’m not putting it on the agenda, I don’t want a second referendum – I want to win this one,” he said.
it would be nice if bBBC could explain this misinformation. I don’t think I have got this wrong.
It’s top story now online. Can’t think why Farage would have allowed them to latch on to this negativity, unless he’s been seriously misinterpreted. Doesn’t sound good. They need to be campaigning, not discussing possible outcomes.
I think it is actually a bonus to the Leave campaign, as Farage has forced Camerloon to state that there will be no other referendum whatever the result is.
This prevents Camoron from attempting to re-run the referendum if the outcome is narrowly against staying in, which is a tactic the EU itself employs if a referendum doesn’t go its way.
I sat down and watched today’s Daily Politics programme which I recorded earlier in the day.
Lefty JoCo repeated the misquote. I listened very hard to what Farage said and he categorically did not say
‘Narrow Remain win may lead to second referendum’ He actually stated that the Conservative Party will be split after the referendum.
This narrative has been made up by the bBBC. This is a disgrace, but only what I expect from this shameful and appalling propaganda machine.
Back to yesterday’s BBC Radio 4’s group handwringing / ‘World on the Move Day’. Those who heard the Today programme will have heard that Montague had been shipped off to Viet Nam to tell us of the refugees had returned there and were making it big, back from their sanctuary from war in Australia (she didn’t tell us how many though).
What stuck me from her report and interviews in ‘Ho Chi Minh City’ was the number of people referring to it as ‘Saigon’ or to put it another way, that Montague stuck rigidly to the approved BBC name for the place.
It reminded me of a conversation I had with some visitors to London last year. The Vietnamese couple told me that universally it was know as Saigon, it was only on official documents, amongst Communist Party members and the ruling elite that the name, ‘Ho Chi Minh City’ was used.
So that’ll be; Communist Party members, the ruling Leninist elite and the BBC! Comrades in arms, eh?
‘How much gold is there in London – and where is it?’
‘The largest by far lies in the Bank of England. It holds three-quarters of the gold in London, or 5,134 tonnes. Most of the gold is stored as standard bars each weighing 400 troy ounces (12.4 kg or 438.9 ounces) – there are about 500,000 of them, each worth in the region of £350,000.
But the official reserves of the UK Treasury account for less than a tenth of this.
“Just 394 tonnes of the gold in the Bank of England is from the UK Treasury, the rest is mostly commercial,”
Well Al Beeb could have reminded us that ‘Master of the Universe’ Gord Brownie sold between July 1999 and March 2002 395 tonnes of UK gold, about 58% of the government’s total reserves of 715 tonnes starting at $256/oz.
The price peaked at $1,756 in 2011 !
This mad speculation is not mentioned in this article for some reason.
Interesting to note :- ‘Billionaire George Soros cut his firm’s investments in U.S. stocks by more than a third in the first quarter and bought a $264 million stake in the world’s biggest bullion producer Barrick Gold Corp’.
Does that odious man know something we don’t or should we ‘forget gold buy lead & brass, aka ammo’ as some wag said on another site.
Maybe some cold steel as… ‘They’ don’t like it up them’!!?
That story was probably in response to a report a week before about the UK gold float being around zero.
Click to access MylchreestReport-05-2016.pdf
Basically the gold market is doing what the money markets do: trading on air and paper. “It also implies that there is nothing supporting the $200bn per day of unallocated “gold” trading on the London Bullion Market.”
Today on the Daily Politics Michael Howard said there were 2 million immigrants in the UK.Tim Farron responded that the case was neutral as there were 2 Million Britons in the EU countries. Farron failed to mention that there are 28 countries over which the Brits are spread whereas the concentration of 2 million in our small country is rather more pronounced and impacts much greater on our infrastructure, services, schools and health service.
Well said, David. You hear that old trope about all the Brits living abroad every time the immigration question pops up on the BBC – ‘yeah, well, there are 2 million Brits living abroad’, etc. Nobody ever points out that all 2 million of them aren’t living just in Spain, or France or Germany – they are spread out all over the EU (and I rather suspect that the vast majority of them are not leeching off state welfare in their country of residence).
I wonder how many Brits actually live in Spain, for instance? All 2 million UK expats? I doubt it.
Furthermore, many of them live in resorts created by the locals for that purpose. I’m not aware of British ghettos in Madrid, Seville etc.
Is there anyone in the country who cares two s**ts about what little Timmy Farron says about anything? Or about whatever position the LibDumb Party holds on any issue?
Apparently an area roughly 25% of Barcelona is a no-go area for Spanish Police, Ambulances and Fire services – if they enter the Brits pelt them with stones and molotov cocktails. This is the British Ghetto where organised street patrols stop all Spaniards who are eating Paella or drinking Sangria, and are then forced to eat Fish and Chips and drink Newcy Brown. All Spanish males are forced to wear knotted hankies on their heads or they will be put in hospital, the same applies to anyone not wearing socks in their sandals. Any Spanish woman who can walk in a straight line is called racist names and is also likely to get beaten up if completely sober.
Why should we British people, who live and work in our own nation be forced to put up with an invasion of foreigners from all over the third world, just because of a small percentage of our population live by choice, in a country that is glad to have them ?
A very poor excuse for surrendering our great country to a United Sates of Europe .
Vote out , you know it makes sense.
Tim Farron is perhaps the person anywhere I’d most like to hit.
Completely understandable.
Gay refugee couple separated by system
Will fake homosexual family reunion be the next refugee rort, following ‘unaccompanied children’ and ‘lost-my-documents Syrians’?
The first thing that bothered me about the BBC video was the language. Would two Syrian men really converse in English or was this set up for the camera? Surely staging is unprofessional conduct? The BBC Guidelines don’t specifically mention it except in regard to groups with a known record for mounting acts of terror . (Surely that should be acts of MILITANCY?) Surely staging a news event is so obviously a No No that it didn’t require a specific prohibition?
Reminds you of comedy movies as ‘I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry’ Given that these relationships are illegal and life threatening in Muslim countries, how do you prove a homosexual relationship? Or will they never be asked for proof?
BBC unveils shake-up of online services including recipes website
The BBC has announced that a number of websites, including BBC Food and Newsbeat, are to close as part of plans to save £15m.
Closing services rather than reducing pay and allowances for top execs? Glastonbury? – – – – – – – Feel free to add your list of areas where the BBC can save costs.
£15m is actually a small amount when compared to the BBC’s total budget. That’s true even if the cancelled programmes were crap.
Why does the poll result so far at
reflect my experience of friends/colleagues’ voting intentions yet the bbbc keep telling me that the remain are slightly in the lead………….?
Where do the bbbc go to ask opinion?
Why have bbbc not screened ‘Brexit – the movie’? (Neither has anyone else either)
I agree it is a puzzle .I would say that among my circle of friends, family and other folks I talk to, the Leavers have it by 90 to 10. What is remarkable is that young folks heavily favour remaining ie the no risk option , but older folks are heavily in favour of leave. This seems to be a reversal of the usual attitude to risk of different age groups. Is this something to do with the young simply never having lived in a free country and they just don’t think that the UK could go it alone. If so, then fair enough. Or is it the insidious propaganda from the BBC which has eaten into their belief in our country. After all you would have to be 60 plus to remember a time outside the EU and you need to be of about the same age to have grown up at a time before the BBC became a propaganda organ for the internationalist liberal left.
Almost everyone I know is going to vote “Leave”. But then, I don’t know many immigrants.
Same in our village, I’m convinced the polls are rigged. I’m worried the result will be rigged also.
How in hell can anyone in their right minds vote for people, who we cannot kick out of office when they’re rubbish, have control of our laws and our country.
Remainers are too stupid and dim to be true, they must be aliens!!
OT, but it seems Ch4 is on a certain mission too…
Can minority voters swing the EU referendum?
On tonight’s Channel 4 News we are live at De Montfort University in Leicester with a special broadcast looking at the impact which black and ethnic minority voters could have on the EU referendum.
We’ve got an early look at a huge survey of 22,000 voters which has discovered that while white voters are fairly evenly split between the pro-and anti-Brexit camps – ethnic voters are far more in favour of staying in the EU.
So their votes could be crucial – that is, if they actually turn out. The British Election Study survey also shows that BME voters are more likely than white Britons to stay at home.
All to play for then – we’ll be discussing this with people from different ethnic backgrounds – and with some leading political and cultural figures on both sides of the debate.
Hey. it worked in London.
Now all the luvvies need to do is ‘get them out’, as it were.
On a day when there an EU report said Turkey’s visa waiver would severely damage security, Auntie’s front page featured “Farage raises second referendum prospect” all day long. Good job, BBC remainders 🙂
RJ May 16, 2016 at 11:53 pm
If the people vote “Remain” on 23rd they’ll never need to vote again.
I really like that – good enough for a campaign poster.
Do you mind if I use it?
Have to disagree with Farage on his second referendum idea. The only chance of a second referendum will be if Camoron, and the rest of his Euro buddies, don’t get the result they want first time around.
Are you disagreeing with what he actually said, or the spin that the BBC have put on it?
If remain win on June 23, by however small a margin, that will be it, no second chance.
Actually I`m quite happy with it.
If it`s a claymore for the Nats up north-and the BBC are happy to continue to push the rightness of having another referendum-then why not keep the Remainiacs feet to the flames by threatening them to keep on voting until WE get what we want.
Good enough for Wee Krankie up in Scotland…good enough for us win or lose.
Help yourself.
As the BBC is alive with cuts to services, it is worth reminding oneself of what is truly… vital…
‘BBC attitude to stuff already paid for in full by the licence fee has been ambivalent for years’
Yes, ‘ambivalent’ was the word most would reach for when describing ‘greedy and bent’
Still, the money has to go somewhere.
Have to say, ‘voluntary papping’ is not what I had hoped for a senior market rate talent for the station that speaks for the nation.
Camila would be so proud.
A bit of fun:
BBC Throws Hissy Fit And Axes Online Right-Wing Content
The BBC has thrown a massive temper tantrum over the Government’s White Paper and has announced it will cut online content that is popular with Tory voters.
I seem to remember the same threat to Gardeners Question Time unless it became more multicultural diverted and racially diverted (like for instance the BBC BakeWatch with Muslim gardeners are (somehow) naturally better suited to the UK climate). Yes that would be more inclusive of Pakistani horticulturalists, Armenian Arborists and the inclusion of (GM) Genetically Modified Crops (cross gender to you). The EU wants to eradicate pollination across the EU. The BBC are happy to oblige in cultural perversity. Its a wonder that they enjoy the benefits of Organic Crops (that the EU actively want to ban), including all those tricky LATIN names (so much simpler to call it E10345XYX plant 6) and all those naughty English plant names will have to go too.
Coming to a Radio 4 programme introduced by Nick Robinson tomorrow morning live(?) interviews with students at the UEA.
Those of a nervous disposition have been warned.
I wonder what the topic(s) will be. Expect some really deep and meaningful responses.
Anyone who bothered to listen to the rib tickling 3rd Degree compered by ribtickling Steve Punt will know that students are often a little “lightweight” in both their general and specialist subject knowledge, but what the heck they are our future so deserve a major segment on the Today programme.
I take it that Hezzleswine doesn’t see the irony of his expostulating on Boris Johnson now being seen as complete unfit to be Prime Minister by the rest of the Conservative party?
Mind you, if anyone knows how to recognize such a situation – it would be him. What an absolute tw@t!
Hessletine’s delusion, sadly shared by Paddy Ashdown, is that they are now ‘elder statesmen’ and that their words are therefore of some significance. It could help them stave off dementia of course, but would anyone actually notice?
Beltane – of the two I think Hezza is the more appalling, due to his having knifed Mrs T in the back and his complete Europhilia (since he is as riddled with it as Fatty Clarke); Pantsdown is a smug, self-righteous, patronizing c**t however Heseltine is far more dangerous politically and a far nastier piece of work personally – as Boris Johnson is currently finding out.
It just shows one quite how far the Remainiacs are prepared to go to keep us in the EU, as I’m sure what Hezzlescum said will have been cleared by Camerloon and Gideon; to the point of plunging the Tory party into internecine warfare – that’s quite a sacrifice, yet one which Hezza is ostensibly prepared to make. A simply awful man.
Heseltine always reminds me of a decomposing Nicholas Van Hoogstraten.
Only the BBC care to dig up this cadaver of failed ambitions, this shit who planted trees around Toxteth so the crims could get some shade.
Like all good lefties though, he`d not offer even a stripling of his own from his arboreum…he talks to the trees you know!
An appalling old waxwork who should have died in Venice, instead of being wrapped up and sent back in his pyjamas.
The embalmers art is still being practiced…smells of formaledehyde and mothballs.
Not your favourite person then. A fine description of the fool .
Rickman, Wood, Lemmy, Prince, Bowie, Wogan, Corbett have all sadly passed on this year but that sniveling w@&ker Heselatine still lives.
I hope that nearer the referendum day, each politicians personal self interests are revealed. EG Pensions, stocks,shares, financial tie ups. Mandelson, Osborne have large financial pensions.
I’d pay money to see the Kinnock’s faces when they lose their large financial income from the EU for doing nothing.
Most importantly, the bBBC need to be exposed in terms of their financial disbursements to date received from the EU.
So far, personal self interests have been very quiet, yet are very,very important and should be loudly revealed. Leave need to use this and soon.
In a nod to their new best mate, and Bliar incarnate Davey McSpoonface, Al-Jabeeba have now u-turned on the Recipes thing (yes, a good thing, but that’s not the point I’m about to make).
We’re genuinely living in the era of the u-turn, where nobody can believe that any policy released into the public sphere will be implemented until the nation’s ‘feelings’ about it have been taken in. Imagine running a family home or a school like that, with parents, guardians or staff members having absolutely sod all courage in their convictions…
Has anybody seen a spine lying around? It used to belong to a once great island just off the coast of Europe.
Ofsted Admits ‘Mistake’ In Islamic School Report
Can’t see this on the bbc website, maybe cos sky have discovered things that they prefer to overlook.
I stopped off in Dewsbury a few years ago for a lunch break and I couldn’t believe that the Car park in the centre of town cost….5p. I walked around for a while checking to see if that was for real, it was. In town I felt I was in Pakistan, kind of explains why I left the area 30 years ago.
When I read an ‘Ofsted report’ on a school its like reading a piece of fiction. Its all about School conformity, and the winner gets something called ‘outstanding’ for doing nothing really outstanding at all – but it complies to the educational fadism of the day. These ‘OfSted inspections’ (which come out of the local authority school budget) cost around £1500 (per day) – an inspection can last between a day or 3 or 4 days (do the Maths). These days it’s about political correctness, racial mix (white faced Irish, Polish, Swedish and Chinese don’t count) and the ‘critical’ lack of Unisex Transgender or/and disabled toilets for each (genderless) child. Islam always get full marks for not displaying attacks (on Israel) or blowing up nearby Christian schools too often and has hole in the floor toilets. Job done. (tick) That’s your OfSted inspection over..
Call me cynical if you like, but did one or two of our PMs deliberately flood this country with immigrants in preparation of loading the votes for a European Referendum .?
High treason anyone ?
And remember that promise ………….
It effectively has disenfranchised native British people.
As comparisons go, interesting side by side.
Newshite – Evan Davies gloating over an evening standard phone poll showing remain ahead with 55% – it’s in the bag! Cue various comments regarding that – we’re winning. Such smug smartarses – please, Leave campaign, why aren’t you stamping on such behaviour! Get your act together . Suzanne whatever her name is, used the phrase ‘we haven’t given up yet!’ That is not positive campaigning.
Because polls have been so accurate of late.
But there has to be some concern that such confidence suggests those in power know the result already and are jumping the gun a bit on the expectation management.
If it comes out at 103% a few red faces, but by then… who cares?
The leave campaign as the moment seems disproportionately Conservative MP based Etonian Oxbridge debating society. As is the remain campaign. The media enhances this adding in a few outside voices for and against but concentrating on negatives and Tory infighting rather than rational and vital issues. It looks like a fit up whichever way you turn.
And why are we not seeing more of the excellent David Davis ?
Just a thought on lack of MSM reporting: