The BBC once again uses historical allegories to try and explain, explain away, today…and why we are wrong to criticise Islam and the Jihadists…the war against the West is just a myth is the underlying, unspoken message……the stuff of nightmares…
Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss Titus Oates (1649-1705) who, with Israel Tonge, spread rumours of a Catholic plot to assassinate Charles II. From 1678, they went to great lengths to support their scheme, forging evidence and identifying the supposed conspirators. Fearing a second Gunpowder Plot, Oates’ supposed revelations caused uproar in London and across the British Isles, with many Catholics, particularly Jesuit priests, wrongly implicated by Oates and then executed. Anyone who doubted him had to keep quiet, to avoid being suspected a sympathiser and thrown in prison.
Nothing new here…the BBC tried to use the Fire of London to suggest that we are hysterical and paranoid about Muslims trying to bomb or shoot us….
Late summer, 1666: London was an emotional and physical tinderbox. Following decades of political and religious upheaval, the restoration in 1660 of the Protestant Charles II ensured that suspicion lingered around republicans and Catholics alike. With the country also at war with the French and Dutch, paranoid xenophobia – a familiar English trait of the period – was rife.
And of course the infamous ‘Power of Nightmares’ wove a tale of intrigue, paranoia and deceit and claimed the war on terror had been invented and that Al Qaeda didn’t exist…
Here is the BBC blurb for ‘The Power of Nightmares’:
In the past our politicians offered us dreams of a better world. Now they promise to protect us from nightmares. The most frightening of these is the threat of an international terror network. But just as the dreams were not true, neither are these nightmares. In a new series, the Power of Nightmares explores how the idea that we are threatened by a hidden and organised terrorist network is an illusion. It is a myth that has spread unquestioned through politics, the security services and the international media.
In the BBC we trust.
If anyone wishes to see how real the muslim nightmare is, they could have a look at the Britain First videos on YouTube. If muslims were just peaceful and loving, they’d just ignore this small group of English patriots when they parade through areas that are predominantly populated by muslims. But the muslims first response is always with violence and threats and racist insults.
How does the BBC square The Power Of Nightmares with the Project Fear’s campaign in which they tell us we have to be in the EU or terrorists will get us ?
There is of course a difference. All these violent incidents, such as the Reformation, Gun powder plot, led to a better society. Some argue not. But that is what we have. We can argue over it.
But once Sharia is established, there is no going back. Look at all the killings that are taking place of liberals, seculars, homosexuals, and any who oppose sharia law. Even in Egypt, at the time of Mubarak, or Sisi now, the murder of Christians and the burning of churches continue. The rest of the Islamic world is just vile, with the exception of Syria. Despite the West’s declaration of war on Syria, Christians are still safe to be Christian in Syria. It took Spain several hundred years to get rid of Islam. And that too, because monks from Ireland and England went over to Spain to stiffen their sinews and resolve. In the words of Lord Clarke , “It was a close run thing”. Had it not been for Christian monks, there would be no Western civilisation.
The BBC are under the illusion that if the BBC doesn’t report all the vile things done in the name of Islam, has not happened.
Donald Trump Slams Cameron And Khan On Islam Comments: ‘Don’t Pretend It’s Not A Problem’
We have a tremendous problem with radical Islamic terror,” Trump told ITV when asked about the proposed ban on Muslims. “The world is blowing up and its not people from Sweden that’s doing the damage okay. So we have a real problem.”
Trump, who had initially wished newly elected London Mayor Sadiq Khan well, said he was offended by Khan’s criticism that he was ignorant about Islam.
Insane Muslim terrorists
Attack of the 90 foot virgins
When the prevailing ethos of a country’s political and media class is one of insanity and/or national suicide, no one should be too surprised when what was once thought unthinkable becomes sudden and shocking reality. A good example of this is the crowning of Sadiq Khan as Mayor of London, which could be compared in terms of lunacy to the appointment of Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn as Chairman of the Friends of Israel Society.Mr Khan’s brother-in-law, Makbool Javaid, was a supporter of the terrorist organisation Al-Muhajiroun which became notorious for its September 2002 conference, “The Magnificent 19”, praising the September 11, 2001 attacks. Mr Javaid appeared alongside some of the country’s most notorious hate preachers and in 1998 his name appeared on a fatwa calling for a “full-scale war of jihad” against Britain and the US.
Mr Khan’s brother-in-law went on to become head of Litigation Services at the Commission for Racial Equality … the further one looks down the multicultural rabbit hole of Britain, the more surreal the whole thing becomes. Mr Javaid is currently a partner at legal firm Simons Muirhead and Burton and lists amongst his Facebook friends CAGE director Moazzam Begg and fellow director Asim Qureshi, who described Islamic State butcher Jihadi John as a “beautiful young man”. Sadiq Khan is intimately connected with all of these people, which is not something that could be said of Boris Johnson, London’s last and altogether different type of mayor.
And so the previously unthinkable has become the present reality. A Muslim man with way too many extremist links to be entirely coincidental is now the Mayor of London. I suppose this is hardly a shock though. The native English are a demographic minority (and a rapidly dwindling one) in London, whilst Muslims from Pakistan and Bangladesh are a rapidly expanding demographic.In a couple more decades Britain may well have its first Muslim Prime Minister and I think we can safely assume he will be of the same ideological stock as Sadiq Khan. Reality cannot argue with demographics so the realistic future for Britain is Islamic, which doesn’t bode well for the Jews and Christians, or indeed anyone not actually Muslim. They might wake up in time, but I rather doubt it.In order to fully lose your country, you first have to lose your capital city which we have. These are some poignant points illustrated by Paul Western of Liberty GB.
Further as Ronald Regan said, ‘If a nation can’t control its borders its not in charge of its nation’.
“With the country also at war with the French and Dutch, paranoid xenophobia ”
Just one year before the Dutch sailed their fleet into the Thames and Medway, sacked Chatham and destroyed much of the English Navy?
In what way is fear of an enemy xenophobia?
UK: Muslim “shouting all this Muslim stuff” savagely beats gay man
“And when he was attacking him he was shouting all this Muslim stuff but no one wants to hear that.”
Sussex Police said that it was not aware of any racial or religious element to the assault….
Deaf, Blind and Stupid.
Has anybody seen this reported at the bBC:}
Egypt cuts power lines to Gaza
Me neither?
Alan’s point about The Power of Nightmares is a lie. It won’t matter how many times he repeats it.
Oh look! Kikuchiyo has somehow slipped his court order to continue his relentless stalking of Alan! Kikuchiyo’s manic one sided love-hate fantasy relationship with Alan will continue to draw our lunatic lefty back to our wonderful website, for us all to witness kikuchiyo’s verbal diarrhea affliction.
I would contact the courts about enforcing that restraining order if I was you Alan..