Give the BBC’s insidious promotion of the REMAIN side, I thought I would take this opportunity to share BREXIT -The Movie, just in case you haven’t had the chance to watch it!
Watched it yesterday and have been busy trying to get a couple of friends and family members who are unsure to watch it. It’s an hour well spent, and it makes plain sense from start to finish.
Loved the voting information leaflet that came through our door today. The Leave page is a simple explanation of why the EU is pants, while the remain page is plastered with figures from HMT, CBI, ONS, HMRC, CEBR and The European Commission! You couldn’t make it up……oh wait, they already did.
I logged into HMRC today to do my VAT return. I was disgusted to find that the government are using HMRC sites for ‘remain’ propaganda, it starts by telling us that there is a referendum and that we can vote in or out. It then goes on to say why the government thinks it is better for us to stay in, with the usual specious ‘facts’ ( didn’t mention Cameron’s WW3 spin though!).
It choked me having to give them money.
Would recommend this great film for anybody.
Since I watched it, have spent many hours usefully doing things that would not get done, had I needed yet one more op-ed from a patriot like Gisela or Boris.
Simply don`t need to watch anything else but this-like his “Global Warming Swindle” film-Durkins is the final, FINAL word.
QED-fuck off Heseltine and tosspots who say that we dupes need yet more facts before we the People decide.
The fatc are all here-but funnily enough, the BBC won`t be showing it will they?
Just say NO…
Ditto for me! However I think that the film needed to be more condensed to maintain the attention of the undecided and “remainers” but this film has shown the strongest reasons to “vote leave” than anything else I have seen or heard in the current campaign.
I had been looking forward to watching this film over the last week or so, and finally found time to do just that.
Just to piss on everyone’s parade (as usual), I have to point out a few fatal flaws.
Martin Durkin (the writer and presenter of the film) cannot hide his own bias. It isn’t until we get to [00:32:32] that he exposes his own take on EU bureaucracy by acting out – in a Charlie Chaplin style – the rubber-stamping of EU documents.
Irrespective of what Martin Durkin’s views are on the EU, to mock in such a fashion is biased by anyone’s standards, even if it is true!
He also fails to impress when he says that EU trade deals are “rubbish” when compared to some other countries such as Singapore and South Korea. It isn’t that he isn’t speaking the truth – it’s that he’s broadcasting a personal opinion despite the need for impartiality to retain credibility as the voice, eyes and ears of the ignorant public. Martin Durkin has voiced a personal opinion, and that is a BIG no-no when it comes to journalism!
Then there’s the scene at the fish market. Very misleading!
I’m sure Mr Durkin enjoyed a nice hotel breakfast and an extra mug of coffee before he ventured out to the fish “auction”.
There is no such thing as a Fish Auction! As you see in the film, it is a “Fish Market” It is also very obvious that the film crew arrived there at about midday when the market would have opened at about 3am! What we are seeing here is the shit fish that no one wants and the people willing to barter for it.
As a film, it is an excellent piece of production, but, sadly, people will see through Martin Durkin’s bias. And that is regrettable.
Those may well be Durkin’s opinion, but at least those opinions are based on facts. The EU trade deals are pathetic. As for “rubber stamping”, that is a very apt. If we remain IN the EU, future elections will be nothing more than pointless “popularity” contests between which celebrity politician gets to rubber stamp EU directives.
Never again will elections be about the opportunity to change direction and have choices between competing ideas, political philosophies and policies.
What do you mean, “there is no such thing as a Fish Auction”? Get yourself down to Newlyn in Cornwall and you will most definitely see a “Fish Auction”.
Oh well done Edward! You must be a genius or a mastermind or something. Bias! I have seen the film a couple of times and I never would have spotted it. But since you have subjected it to your penetrating analysis I can see it oh so clearly.
How… how could he?!! Well this is bordering on the criminal. I mean to say the BBC are never biased, always objective. David Cameron isn’t biased in any shape or form so how careless of Martin Durkin to present this pretending it to be objective.
Well, that’s it then. Now that you, Edward, have brought it out into the open I’m sure the Brexit campaign will withdraw it at once. No bias for Brexit thank you.
And as for the fish market/auctions, I take that they are thriving at three a.m. Plenty of fish in the sea eh Edward?
And there was me thinking they were getting scarce. Last time I went to get fish and chips in Devon I thought I was being offered a half share in the business, but it turned out I was just being charged the standard fare for one fish and one chips. It must be the fault of all them biased Kippers.
Perhaps Nigel Farage might be biased. Check it out, Edward! The EU needs you.
I’m critical of the film because it lets the side (our side) down. People are not stupid, as I discovered last year when the Conservatives won the election comfortably. The film itself would be perfect and without challenge if it wasn’t for the BBC-bias inspired nature of the production.
I make no apology for pointing out its flaws in the hope that we can retain our credibility when it comes to exposing bias. If we can prove that we are absent of bias ourselves, we will be taken more seriously.
Martin Durkin failed to supress his own bias – as I pointed out – and that is disappointing. He either failed himself or he was ill-advised by his production team. The pro-EU lobby are feeding the public biased and false information in a very professional and polished way, so the last thing I want to see are the devastating facts about the EU presented in a way that is so openly biased.
All it would take is a little bit of editing and it would be the perfect film to present the case for OUT to the nation.
It’s a trader’s market where traders very frequently swap goods. They have their customers’ shopping lists and swap goods accordingly. Got no shrimp but need shrimp for the Ritz? No problem – find a fisherman with shrimp and offer him some haddock or whatever you have. And it bypasses the taxman!
If you listen to any interviews the producer of Brexit The Movie gave ,he made clear he had worked for the BBC and came to realise their pro EU bias so he knew the general public would never get a balanced view from the state broadcaster.This film is his attempt to give a clear argument on the sovereignty issue ,waste of taxpayers money and a bit of trade history.
And it was funded by ordinary members of the public.
I thought I knew about the EU gravy train but even I was appalled by the obscene allowances foe EU workers not to mention the luxurious shopping malls that we taxpayers are not allowed to enter .
A great film and I’ve been advising all to watch and learn.
That’s my point! He can’t hide his own bias. Surely, if he believes the BBC are pro-EU biased he would have been very careful to hide his own bias and present the film from a seemingly layman’s perspective. He’s made 3 BIG errors in this film, and that’s a shame. Rather than present the facts as they are (which would have been enough on their own), he decided that he needed to act out various scenes and get actors to act out other scenarios in a very questionable style. The film itself is very BBC-esque.
The shining lights in the film are Daniel Hannan and Mark Littlewood, but the camera angle is wrong and makes them look weird. David Davis needs a nose-trim, something one cannot fail to notice because of the wrong camera angle!
This film will not make much of a difference voting-wise because all it does is preach to the converted and fails to reach out to the younger generation. Too many old people and not enough younger faces to make any difference at all.
As you can see from both “Brexit the Movie” and the “Global Warming Swindle”. BBC bias is about censorship of facts. Ignorance is essential for a journalists working for the BBC. Poor education in a Labour constituency like the city of Hull helps. That’s why the BBC employs so many Labour types, and has seminars of the un-educated, described by the BBC as the “Best scientific experts”, but without anyone regarded by the scientific community as an expert on Atmospheric Physics or Solar Astronomy. While on the other hand, Durkin stuffs his documentaries with experts, most of who have never been invited on to the telly since 2007. The BBC is very reluctant to invite experts unless questions appear in the Guardian as to why the BBC does not invite someone with an education, rather than an environmental activist.
I have just contacted the BBC and asked them in the name of impartiality to air this film. I expect a reply full of utter cockwaffle explaining how they already put both sides of the argument to us plebs. It seems the odds aren’t in our favour come June 23rd and if the worst happens remember who had a big part in it. BBC, Traitors in our midst (hat tip Pounce)
I saw it about a week ago and I don’t regret sending them a tenner a couple of months back, since somebody, somehow has to counter B.B.C. and other establishment bias as much as possible.
I very much appreciated the way they stuck it to the E.U. bureaucracy and got the point across that the system was probably designed to make it impossible for any pesky voters to change anything. I was also glad that they contradicted the constant mantra that we won’t be able to trade with Europe if we pull out; nothing stops trade if there’s a buyer and a seller and anyway, plenty of businesses have been harmed by E.U. meddling in their affairs. They made that point quite will with the example of the sugar producer.
But I was a bit sceptical about their implication that the market can cure pretty much anything. It can do a lot simply by leaving people to get on with it, but some excesses need to be curbed and some things which need doing will never get done if we rely on the market to do it. Mass immigration is a manifestation of the market. The E.U. makes it worse, but it started before we joined and, unless we vote leave AND take advantage of the opportunity to fire the people who make the laws, then it will continue even if we do leave. Mass immigration happens because it suits people with money and power who don’t care what it does to the neighbourhoods, schools and other services of ordinary taxpayers. If we take our freedom back but continue to elect Blairs, Cleggs and Camerons, who are openly contemptuous of ‘little people’ then mass immigration will continue.
Brexit: the movie is OK but Flexcit: the movie is more accurate and informative. The Brexit movie tend to appeal to the emotions whereas the Flexcit movie appeals to logic. It’s a pity that the Flexcit movie hasn’t had wider publicity especially since the bbc and even most of the Leave groups wouldn’t dream of even mentioning it.
Hi All, I just joined Biased BBC because I wanted to express my opinion on how the BBC is covering the Brexit. I’m sure there have been many comments similar to this but here goes….I am undecided on how to vote on Brexit and read the BBC news website several times a day. The majority of the time, when the remain camp has news, it’s put on the very top of the headlines page, however when it’s the leave side, it’s usually down the page and even then the article is rebuked by counter arguments from the remain side. This has been consistent throughout the campaign period and I’m getting very frustrated with it as I would like an unbiased view from the BBC, a organisation we pay for to give us impartial news, to allow me to make a decision on how to vote. Even during TV discussions, they will have a member from each political party, majority of which are pro-E. I feel I’m not getting the impartiality and for this reason have become increasingly anti-BBC! I’ve always been pro-BBC in the past. If anyone from the BBC is reading this, it is your last chance to change your biased stance and give both sides of the debate an equal broadcast otherwise opinion about your service will change in the hearts of those that support you! Thanks all.
Welcome Doug. I came here last year in exasperation over the BBC’s clear bias and downright bad reporting during the migrant crisis.
Search Biased BBC
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Watched it yesterday and have been busy trying to get a couple of friends and family members who are unsure to watch it. It’s an hour well spent, and it makes plain sense from start to finish.
Loved the voting information leaflet that came through our door today. The Leave page is a simple explanation of why the EU is pants, while the remain page is plastered with figures from HMT, CBI, ONS, HMRC, CEBR and The European Commission! You couldn’t make it up……oh wait, they already did.
I logged into HMRC today to do my VAT return. I was disgusted to find that the government are using HMRC sites for ‘remain’ propaganda, it starts by telling us that there is a referendum and that we can vote in or out. It then goes on to say why the government thinks it is better for us to stay in, with the usual specious ‘facts’ ( didn’t mention Cameron’s WW3 spin though!).
It choked me having to give them money.
Jerry Owen,
Government are pushing Remain on the DVLA website also. Unbelievable. They’re just propagandist Nazi’s.
Would recommend this great film for anybody.
Since I watched it, have spent many hours usefully doing things that would not get done, had I needed yet one more op-ed from a patriot like Gisela or Boris.
Simply don`t need to watch anything else but this-like his “Global Warming Swindle” film-Durkins is the final, FINAL word.
QED-fuck off Heseltine and tosspots who say that we dupes need yet more facts before we the People decide.
The fatc are all here-but funnily enough, the BBC won`t be showing it will they?
Just say NO…
I thought I was clued up about the EU until I saw this film. It’s far worse than I thought and I’ve been anti-EU for years.
Ditto for me! However I think that the film needed to be more condensed to maintain the attention of the undecided and “remainers” but this film has shown the strongest reasons to “vote leave” than anything else I have seen or heard in the current campaign.
I had been looking forward to watching this film over the last week or so, and finally found time to do just that.
Just to piss on everyone’s parade (as usual), I have to point out a few fatal flaws.
Martin Durkin (the writer and presenter of the film) cannot hide his own bias. It isn’t until we get to [00:32:32] that he exposes his own take on EU bureaucracy by acting out – in a Charlie Chaplin style – the rubber-stamping of EU documents.
Irrespective of what Martin Durkin’s views are on the EU, to mock in such a fashion is biased by anyone’s standards, even if it is true!
He also fails to impress when he says that EU trade deals are “rubbish” when compared to some other countries such as Singapore and South Korea. It isn’t that he isn’t speaking the truth – it’s that he’s broadcasting a personal opinion despite the need for impartiality to retain credibility as the voice, eyes and ears of the ignorant public. Martin Durkin has voiced a personal opinion, and that is a BIG no-no when it comes to journalism!
Then there’s the scene at the fish market. Very misleading!
I’m sure Mr Durkin enjoyed a nice hotel breakfast and an extra mug of coffee before he ventured out to the fish “auction”.
There is no such thing as a Fish Auction! As you see in the film, it is a “Fish Market” It is also very obvious that the film crew arrived there at about midday when the market would have opened at about 3am! What we are seeing here is the shit fish that no one wants and the people willing to barter for it.
As a film, it is an excellent piece of production, but, sadly, people will see through Martin Durkin’s bias. And that is regrettable.
Those may well be Durkin’s opinion, but at least those opinions are based on facts. The EU trade deals are pathetic. As for “rubber stamping”, that is a very apt. If we remain IN the EU, future elections will be nothing more than pointless “popularity” contests between which celebrity politician gets to rubber stamp EU directives.
Never again will elections be about the opportunity to change direction and have choices between competing ideas, political philosophies and policies.
This is why we must vote Leave.
What do you mean, “there is no such thing as a Fish Auction”? Get yourself down to Newlyn in Cornwall and you will most definitely see a “Fish Auction”.
Oh well done Edward! You must be a genius or a mastermind or something. Bias! I have seen the film a couple of times and I never would have spotted it. But since you have subjected it to your penetrating analysis I can see it oh so clearly.
How… how could he?!! Well this is bordering on the criminal. I mean to say the BBC are never biased, always objective. David Cameron isn’t biased in any shape or form so how careless of Martin Durkin to present this pretending it to be objective.
Well, that’s it then. Now that you, Edward, have brought it out into the open I’m sure the Brexit campaign will withdraw it at once. No bias for Brexit thank you.
And as for the fish market/auctions, I take that they are thriving at three a.m. Plenty of fish in the sea eh Edward?
And there was me thinking they were getting scarce. Last time I went to get fish and chips in Devon I thought I was being offered a half share in the business, but it turned out I was just being charged the standard fare for one fish and one chips. It must be the fault of all them biased Kippers.
Perhaps Nigel Farage might be biased. Check it out, Edward! The EU needs you.
I’m critical of the film because it lets the side (our side) down. People are not stupid, as I discovered last year when the Conservatives won the election comfortably. The film itself would be perfect and without challenge if it wasn’t for the BBC-bias inspired nature of the production.
I make no apology for pointing out its flaws in the hope that we can retain our credibility when it comes to exposing bias. If we can prove that we are absent of bias ourselves, we will be taken more seriously.
Martin Durkin failed to supress his own bias – as I pointed out – and that is disappointing. He either failed himself or he was ill-advised by his production team. The pro-EU lobby are feeding the public biased and false information in a very professional and polished way, so the last thing I want to see are the devastating facts about the EU presented in a way that is so openly biased.
All it would take is a little bit of editing and it would be the perfect film to present the case for OUT to the nation.
Just while we’re pointing out glaring mistakes Edward
“What we are seeing here is the shit fish that no one wants and the people willing to barter for it.”
The word is “haggle”,not barter
If it was a barter,it would mean you had to bring something to swap for fish instead of money
A common,but no less annoying schoolboy error
You’re welcome 🙂
Not strictly true Number 6.
It’s a trader’s market where traders very frequently swap goods. They have their customers’ shopping lists and swap goods accordingly. Got no shrimp but need shrimp for the Ritz? No problem – find a fisherman with shrimp and offer him some haddock or whatever you have. And it bypasses the taxman!
You’re welcome.
Funny, I always thought an auction is where an auctioneer takes bids for an item, and what we see is an auctioneer taking bids.
You are welcome.
There are now 250 690 views for one upload of this excellent Brexit movie on YouTube, which has been up for 6 days, with 6539 up votes and 713 down.
Another one, up for 5 days, has 70 367 views, 2 035 up votes and 118 down.
And the Twitter poll has now has 44 039 votes, still with 82% for Brexit.
How EU propagandists, chief among them the BBC, must hate YouTube and Twitter!
Very droll Edward.
If you listen to any interviews the producer of Brexit The Movie gave ,he made clear he had worked for the BBC and came to realise their pro EU bias so he knew the general public would never get a balanced view from the state broadcaster.This film is his attempt to give a clear argument on the sovereignty issue ,waste of taxpayers money and a bit of trade history.
And it was funded by ordinary members of the public.
I thought I knew about the EU gravy train but even I was appalled by the obscene allowances foe EU workers not to mention the luxurious shopping malls that we taxpayers are not allowed to enter .
A great film and I’ve been advising all to watch and learn.
“he made clear he had worked for the BBC…”
That’s my point! He can’t hide his own bias. Surely, if he believes the BBC are pro-EU biased he would have been very careful to hide his own bias and present the film from a seemingly layman’s perspective. He’s made 3 BIG errors in this film, and that’s a shame. Rather than present the facts as they are (which would have been enough on their own), he decided that he needed to act out various scenes and get actors to act out other scenarios in a very questionable style. The film itself is very BBC-esque.
The shining lights in the film are Daniel Hannan and Mark Littlewood, but the camera angle is wrong and makes them look weird. David Davis needs a nose-trim, something one cannot fail to notice because of the wrong camera angle!
This film will not make much of a difference voting-wise because all it does is preach to the converted and fails to reach out to the younger generation. Too many old people and not enough younger faces to make any difference at all.
And that is a shame!
As you can see from both “Brexit the Movie” and the “Global Warming Swindle”. BBC bias is about censorship of facts. Ignorance is essential for a journalists working for the BBC. Poor education in a Labour constituency like the city of Hull helps. That’s why the BBC employs so many Labour types, and has seminars of the un-educated, described by the BBC as the “Best scientific experts”, but without anyone regarded by the scientific community as an expert on Atmospheric Physics or Solar Astronomy. While on the other hand, Durkin stuffs his documentaries with experts, most of who have never been invited on to the telly since 2007. The BBC is very reluctant to invite experts unless questions appear in the Guardian as to why the BBC does not invite someone with an education, rather than an environmental activist.
Thanks for posting this David.
The look on the face of the Brussels taxi driver when asked to take the host to ” The EU” was priceless. Truly a Manuel moment.
I have just contacted the BBC and asked them in the name of impartiality to air this film. I expect a reply full of utter cockwaffle explaining how they already put both sides of the argument to us plebs. It seems the odds aren’t in our favour come June 23rd and if the worst happens remember who had a big part in it. BBC, Traitors in our midst (hat tip Pounce)
Congratulations on “cockwaffle”. I’m stealing that.
I saw it about a week ago and I don’t regret sending them a tenner a couple of months back, since somebody, somehow has to counter B.B.C. and other establishment bias as much as possible.
I very much appreciated the way they stuck it to the E.U. bureaucracy and got the point across that the system was probably designed to make it impossible for any pesky voters to change anything. I was also glad that they contradicted the constant mantra that we won’t be able to trade with Europe if we pull out; nothing stops trade if there’s a buyer and a seller and anyway, plenty of businesses have been harmed by E.U. meddling in their affairs. They made that point quite will with the example of the sugar producer.
But I was a bit sceptical about their implication that the market can cure pretty much anything. It can do a lot simply by leaving people to get on with it, but some excesses need to be curbed and some things which need doing will never get done if we rely on the market to do it. Mass immigration is a manifestation of the market. The E.U. makes it worse, but it started before we joined and, unless we vote leave AND take advantage of the opportunity to fire the people who make the laws, then it will continue even if we do leave. Mass immigration happens because it suits people with money and power who don’t care what it does to the neighbourhoods, schools and other services of ordinary taxpayers. If we take our freedom back but continue to elect Blairs, Cleggs and Camerons, who are openly contemptuous of ‘little people’ then mass immigration will continue.
Brexit: the movie is OK but Flexcit: the movie is more accurate and informative. The Brexit movie tend to appeal to the emotions whereas the Flexcit movie appeals to logic. It’s a pity that the Flexcit movie hasn’t had wider publicity especially since the bbc and even most of the Leave groups wouldn’t dream of even mentioning it.
Hi All, I just joined Biased BBC because I wanted to express my opinion on how the BBC is covering the Brexit. I’m sure there have been many comments similar to this but here goes….I am undecided on how to vote on Brexit and read the BBC news website several times a day. The majority of the time, when the remain camp has news, it’s put on the very top of the headlines page, however when it’s the leave side, it’s usually down the page and even then the article is rebuked by counter arguments from the remain side. This has been consistent throughout the campaign period and I’m getting very frustrated with it as I would like an unbiased view from the BBC, a organisation we pay for to give us impartial news, to allow me to make a decision on how to vote. Even during TV discussions, they will have a member from each political party, majority of which are pro-E. I feel I’m not getting the impartiality and for this reason have become increasingly anti-BBC! I’ve always been pro-BBC in the past. If anyone from the BBC is reading this, it is your last chance to change your biased stance and give both sides of the debate an equal broadcast otherwise opinion about your service will change in the hearts of those that support you! Thanks all.
Welcome to the club! There’s a growing number of us….
Welcome Doug. I came here last year in exasperation over the BBC’s clear bias and downright bad reporting during the migrant crisis.