” Majority would welcome refugees – survey”
And the source-The Refugees Index, research commissioned by Amnesty International
Meanwhile, not on the BBC
Police: ‘Migrant Background’ Males Kicked Teen To Death Then Molested His Girlfriend
Stop treating us like idiots and only giving us one side of the story, I don’t believe all migrants are like the above just as I don’t believe they are all little cherubs either. Becoming quite fed up with the relentless way the BBC skews any migrant story, you have to wonder if they are part of some ultra right wing plot designed to get peoples backs up.
I love the way the BBC use the art of conflation. They add the bit about migration routes and link it to refugees.
I’m sure most people would be willing to help a real refugee who is fleeing genuine, life threatening, persecution. There is a big difference between them and people coming look for a better life but are not really in any danger.
I don’t remember the BBC kicking up much of a fuss about accepting refugees from Rwanda when 2 million plus died. (sarc on) Maybe there is a hidden agenda? Of course not. It’s the ever caring BBC after all.(sarc off)
Revealing moment this morning on BBC tv news as the head of some quango berates the viewer for ‘us’ and ‘we’ using too much antibiotics.
Naturally his word is law in the manner of Just a Minute during the BBC daily campaign spot platform with so-called journalist/presenters unable or unwilling to push back whilst dreaming of Celebrity Master Chef.
The BBC rules seem to be: speak on your chosen hobby horse for a minute; without hesitation (in the use of hyperbole and duff statistics); plenty of repetition (of one world sentiment); and lashings of (progressive) deviation.
At home watching and busy pressing by imaginary interupt buzzer I was angered by Lord Jim O’Neill’s use of the cliche “So-called” in front of the reasonably accepted group the “G-20”.
OK allow him one mental burp. I’ve looked him up since seeing him. The vaguely northern chap perhaps subject to the odd malaprop a la Prescott I took for an ex-Labour MP is infact the former chairman of Goldman Sachs!
But the moment that really bothered me was our Lord Jim’s chummy reference to “Fergus” (as in BBC man Fergus Walsh) and his pre-interview film piece being just the sort of thing needed to spread the word for this bloke’s pet project and campaign.
Is this what the BBC see as their fuction now? Take the word of some appointed bigwig as being unquestionably golden (pun intended) and to weigh in as his propaganda arm?
“Revealing moment this morning on BBC tv news as the head of some quango berates the viewer for ‘us’ and ‘we’ using too much antibiotics.”
The spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria is another of those issues, (like crime, security, housing, waiting lists, congestion, corruption etc), that have a link to ‘migration’ that won’t be talked about.
Antibiotic resistant bacteria have been found to pass on that resistance to other strains of bacteria. Because of this it is important that antibiotics aren’t ‘released into the wild’ when they are disposed of as then the resistance can be picked up by benign bacteria and then onto the nasty ones. South Asia is notorious for its poor sanitation and waste disposal systems and, as a result, antibiotics are ineffective for 95% of the population. A migrant from that area could easily pass on an ‘immune’ benign form of bacteria to other people with no apparent effect, except that they too would acquire ‘culture’ enrichment!
If people didn’t ‘migrate’ then these fashionable killer viruses that we are threatened with every so on would find it harder to spread too. The message has sunk in with some farmers that an ‘open door’ policy isn’t good for farm hygiene, the same applies to countries too.
Sir_ I think the powers of Doctors to ‘discriminate’ between infectious diseases is much reduced since they cannot comment on ‘lifestyles choices’ that (later) infect Woman who later develop HIV and ‘other’ highly infectious diseases such as TB. One infamous NHS Soho clinic (London) treats nothing else but ‘lifestyle’ sexual infections and diseases of this type. Antibiotics are misused the world over as they are cheap and effective. Farmers regularly use antibiotics to treat food animals (such as Chickens, Pigs, Cattle). For a doctor to refuse to give anti-biotics is almost impossible. I wouldn’t like to choose who has or has not, even though within perhaps ten years – it will become totally ineffective. But then another miracle drug will have been found, and that will inevitably be much more ‘expensive’ to produce (for the NHS) That drug will be for the priviliged ‘private’ clients with a particular ‘lifestyle’ habits of the BBC liberal mafia who have ‘private’ BBC healthcare and a life on drugs is considered totally ‘normal’.
I wonder whether Francis O’Grady (TUC) would admit that the migrant workers he so loves are largely responsible for the rise of TB in this country. Yes, since the advent of free movement, cheap holidays and the world becoming smaller, the planet has become just one big breeding ground for every bug known to man. Hospitals need to ‘clean up’ their act as well, it hasn’t helped that the relaxation of uniform makes for a ‘grubbier’ impression when visiting or staying in germsville. Nowadays nurses look like cleaners (no disrespect to cleaners) instead of looking tidy and spotless in appearance (like the days when they wore little hats and white aprons) – a lot are obese so are out of breath when called to an emergency. Doing away with the doctors ‘white’ coats was a mistake, so now we see all manner of dress by the clinicians which may not be changed every day. Did we hear of MRSA and Ecoli in the current numbers before the 1990’s ?? er no, I wonder why.
I watched this clip of Nigel Farage being questioned in a mild fashion by BBC political correspondent Ben Wright. Farage seemed faintly amused at the beginning, perhaps because Wright was amusing – nodding his head vigorously through much of the interview as if he agreed with Farage. Perhaps he did. If so, he won’t have much of a future at the BBC.
I chuckled at this comment below the video:
Staying in the EU is like staying on the Titanic, while there is still a seat left in a row boat.
They are all taught to go through the head nodding routine in interviews, it is meant to encourage the speaker; it must be bloody infuriating for the person being interviewed, like watching one of those bloody nodding dogs we see in the back of cars.
I watched Mary Beard’s programme about the Romans on BBC2 last night. Now Mary Beard is obviously one of the bBBC’s favourite people as she ticks the mature female box and shows leftie sympathies (e.g. as a panellist on QT) as befitting someone who has made a good living out of the public sector.
But, give her her due. She is a capable historian with an academic pedigree.
Last night was the final one of her programmes about the Roman Empire. She talked about that Empire in terms of European occupation and, blow me down with a feather, in the very same programme she mentioned Hitler in the same terms !!!!!!!
Did the biased BBC newsroom dissolve into apoplexy? Was this featured on all news bulletins? No!
So why is the biased BBC continuing to hector and bully Tories into commenting on Boris’s remarks on the very same historic connection? They did it to Grayling on Toady yesterday and they did it again this morning to a backbencher I think called Mike Baker.
A classic example of the biased BBC in action. A public sector academic with left wing sympathies says it – no comment, no raised eyebrows.
Boris says it and the aggressive outrage and self-righteous indignation is there for all to see.
Not a whisper about Beard’s comment on TODAY, as far as I can make out from 7.27a.m. onwards. Thing about the BBC, Sluff, is that they do not remember what is in one day’s programming to the next, even when they have been presenting that programme.
There was an afternoon radio drama (R4) on the formation of the precursor to the EU, the period from WW2 to The Treaty of Rome about four or five years ago. Seem to recall that in the play someone either ‘wonders out loud’ or directly accuses Monnet or Schuman of trying to do by economic means, what Hitler tried – and failed, thank God – to do by military muscle.
If any of computer whizzes and archive aces on here can find it on-line, it might be worthwhile to post a link here to remind various R4 departments of their own content.
PS: Whoohoo – after previous fruitless searches on my part, thanks to G**gle I have found out it is
‘Beyond Borders’, written by Mike Walker.
I also watched the Beardie Weirdie last night-simply had to find out what the idiot left are now saying about the end of the Roman Empire.
To be fair to her, she honestly TRIED to be balanced and academic-but it all turned to liberal slurry cakes even when she tried to contain her residual, privileged built-in bias…shows just how captured that academe is now.
She started with Hadrians Wall(let`s have no walls unless the East Germans build them)-and ended up with a trope about Christianity from within weakening the Roman state and will to live.
Indeed the implication may have been that the Romans only sacrificed the Christians as needed, and maybe a few more deaths might have steadied their nerve as an Empire.
As for immigration, giving citizenship out willy-nilly (especially to your enemies at the border, whilst welcoming them in to enrich you and do the jobs, create the businesses).
No-no parallels at all, look away now.
Not as bad as it could have been-but no conclusions or templates for all this happening again…immigration and cultural relativism, compromises with the enemy are NOT discussed by Mary Beard. Only no walls, watch for softy Jesus people in your midst and welcome your enemy in a calm manner.
I saw this too Sluff. Its hilarious really, given the fuss and over-emphasis the BBC gave to Boris’s quite measured comparison. Boris also mentioned Napoleon and I think that the comparison with what the EU and Napoleon wished to achieve is the closer one. A unified law code, no semblance of democracy as was evolving in Britain, a single or almost-single state (with Napoleon’s relatives and stooges on European thrones) and a protectionist trading block (the Continental System, ironically aimed against Britain) are good examples.
I don’t think the Tory Brexit Politicians handled the defence of Boris’s article very well, simply saying he was a historian. I wish their ability draw historical parallels was better! The great politicians of the past like Churchill had a real sense of history and it informed their polices and objectives. Pity we only have the pygmies now!
And…I shudder to think what the last week leading up to polling day will be like. We are going to be hit by an avalanche of c**p, I’m sure. I just hope most folk by then will have made up their minds and not be scared or swayed. Am bitterly disappointed in Cameron; can hardly believe the tosh that he is spouting now. I believe now that he stitched up a deal at the EU, namely…I can’t go back to the UK, Parliament or the BbC with just this; I need more. “No problem, old boy, we’ll just flood you and other organisations shedloads of cash to grind the b****rs down.”
But look, don’t worry about it; IS have recruited a disabled executioner so all is well.
Isn’t it curious how no BBC interviewer has ever asked that question about Frau Merkel? In terms of her actions, she is probably responsible for more disruption, danger and chaos than any European leader in the past 50 years.
There was a very revelatory comment yesterday from some twerp on R4 discussing the latest employment figures. Having led on the recent drop in the number of unemployed, he suggested that the rate of decline was slowing and this meant that the economy was slowing.
Does it? Is there no other explanation? Had it not occurred to him that it is just as possible that we are now reaching a point where a higher proportion of those unemployed are either fully or in some part unemployable, live in areas of high unemployment due to micro factors (for example geographical) or are actively doing their level best to avoid the dangers of paid employment?
Still, that’s the BBC for you. Never let an alternative explanation stand in the way of a government-bashing story. Unless it’s about the joys of the EU, of course.
Just to remind you, GC, during ‘the longest period of continuous growth the UK had ever experienced’ we maintained levels of statistical (reckoned by many to be under-estimates) unemployment that the BBC, the Labour Party, the TUC and the Trade Unions would have been covering in News bulletins day after day, with weeping, gnashing teeth, marching and protesting, had they occurred at anytime in the previous thirty years, especially under a Conservative Government.
You are quite correct, there are a variety of underlying reasons. Don’t have time right now to run through some. You would, of course, expect a BBC Economics Editor worth his pay to be doing so. Or even the vanishing Business Editor could talk to businesses about why they are not hiring. What has happened to Simon Jack since he was appointed? He appears to have disappeared.
So we have 2.2 million workers here from the rest of the EU and 4 out of 5 jobs go to foreigners. Combine that with our mickey mouse courses and lack of instilled work ethic at colleges and so called ‘universities’ (ex colleges and polytechnics) and you can see why UK youngsters face low wages and little opportunity. This topic ought to be at the forefront of the EU referendum debate. Yet the BBC virtually ignore it. No headlines or prominent article on their web page other than a mention that OTHERS are covering it :
”Newspaper headlines: EU migrant jobs and medical matters on front pages”
Following on from yesterday’s Great Mortarboard Disaster. Here is a link to Dotun Adebayo on 5Live standing in for Phil Williams last night. This has to be one of the most ridiculous interviews I have ever heard from Dotun, and I’ve heard a few.
A young graduate was caught up in a mortarboard incident a few years ago, resulting from a carelessly flung board striking the garduate just above the eye, causing a bruise that lasted a month, that could have led to a trip to hospital, and that might have even damaged a nearby car.
Dotun conducts the interview, as if he is talking to a survivor of a viscious assault. “Your parents were there?!?!”……”It must have been terrifying for them”…..You’re not over it yet?”
Fortunately, the young graduate is over it and doesn’t want to see the tradition banned. The whole interview is only four minutes in duration. Worth the listen for Dotun going OTT. From 24:15 to 28:25 mins in.
Dotun says “It could have been a lot worse”. Indeed it could Dotun, and your interview was,
Why doesn’t UEA issue all the graduates with protective gloves and hard hats fitted with vizors, prior to them throwing their motor boards in the air? That way, they can be at minimal risk of any injuries occurring yet still enjoy this quaint, British, educational tradition
They could also provide a Safe Space to which those students who found themselves feeling disturbed or uncomfortable (even with the glove and helmet precautions being taken), would be able to retreat should the mortar board throwing event itself prove to be overly stressful.
Perhaps most of the students should be working with proper mortar boards on building sites instead of wasting their time studying for mickey mouse degrees.
Then perhaps they would be making some money for themselves.
How the bBC peddles falsehoods promoted by the political agendas of leftwing pressure groups as NEWS: McDonald’s fish: Row over sustainability ‘cover-up’ A leaked New Zealand government memo casts serious doubts on the sustainability of fish that are widely used in McDonald’s restaurants. The document shows that the government was aware of made-up data and illegal practices such as the dumping of vast quantities of unwanted fish. There are also concerns that unlawful fishing in NZ waters is threatening the world’s rarest dolphin.
So, on looking at the headlines and reading the first paragraph, do you get the impression that nasty McDonalds is guilty of an environmental crime. But what ace bBC reporter Prat McGrath doesn’t make clear in his very confusing article. is that actually McDonalds subscribes to the findings of the Marine Stewardship Council an independent non-profit organization which sets a standard for sustainable fishing. Fisheries that wish to demonstrate they are well managed and sustainable compared to the science-based MSC standard are assessed by a team of experts who are independent of both the fishery and the MSC. Seafood products can display the blue MSC ecolabel only if that seafood can be traced back through the supply chain to a fishery that has been certified against the MSC standard.
Also what this leftwing lovie article doesn’t mention is that actually hoki stocks around NZ have actually doubled due to the stewardship of the MSC and the NZ government. MSC: Tide turning for sustainable seafood The New Zealand hoki western stock is considered to be fully rebuilt and both stocks are now considered to be within sustainable limits. The fishery has seen the population of New Zealand hoki stocks more than double since its first certification in 2001. –
So actually, this has nothing to do with McDonalds, other than trying to get them to divest from NZ hoki and score a political point for some effing tree huggers.
(BTW they only source 8% of their fish from NZ, that figure is small and doesn’t justify the use of: “that are widely used in McDonald’s restaurants.”
The bBC, full of leftwing eco loons who peddle lies as…the truth.
Oh BTW I had my heating on yesterday both at work and at home so much for Global warming
The bBBC wonders Why are airport security queues so long in the US lately? but of course doesn’t mention the elephant in the room: that all airports and airlines – with the notable exception of El Al, Israel – treat every passenger as if we’re all Muslim terrorists. If they introduced sensible ‘profiling’, letting through little old ladies, families on holiday to Disneyland, businessmen going to corporate meetings etc, and concentrated on bearded men looking for Alan’s snackbar, we’d all be safer, and get through airports quicker.
Continuing the seaside theme,
It’s all in the timing Matthew, hey I’m not saying clean beaches are a bad thing, but come on, give us some credit. Not a hint at the insanity of EU fisheries policy, or a closer look at French agriculture? No we can all paddle in safety so the EU is a good thing, hang your head in shame Matt.
“Just wanted to pass on my congratulations on burying that awkward story today about the ONS statistics showing 4 out of 5 jobs going to EU immigrants. Phew! I realise you had to give it a quick mention on the radio news but it was cleverly drowned out by your extensive coverage of Conservative in-fighting on the Today programme straight afterwards. And, on the BBC news website it’s only covered as a story in today’s papers, which is way down the page. And you managed to get that quote in from Bloomsberg about the risk of leaving the EU on Radio 4, in full. What a great day for Remain. Thanks again for your help – we couldn’t be doing it without your help. With love from David C and all of the team at Remain.”
I have just watched the Daily Politics, perhaps today it should have been titled Leftist Fantasy Land. First up we had Francis O’Grady , TUC big wig, claiming that mass immigration of workers who take up employment in the UK does not reduce wages for the low paid and nor does it reduce the chances of Brits gaining employment. Despite being made to look increasingly ridiculous by Andrew Neil she stuck to the approved leftist script that there is no downside to mass migration. I wonder what any unemployed Brits who may have watched the programme thought of the leader of the TUC peddling this twaddle instead of fighting to get them a job. During this item shots of Jo Coburn showed her staring at the desk and looking as though she just wished that Andre Neil would stop torturing their lefist guest. She had a good go at the Leader of the House, Chris Grayling , to make up for it. Then we were treated to Labour’s Andy Burnham who trotted out the approved leftist position on immigration and then promptly contradicted himself and said that working and non working Brits were badly affected by immigration. He also claimed that Labour was London centric and that it had lost touch with working people in the north. Clearly Ms O’Grady certainly has.
Then we had a representative from Amnesty International pushing a poll by the organisation that claimed that 75% of Brits welcomed immigrants. She was not challenged as to what the 75% answered yes to. It could have been something like ‘ do you think the UK should take a thousand children from war torn Syria’ , which I might even be persuaded to say yes to myself. But no, the BBC and Amnesty were content to leave viewers thinking that if only the government would follow public opinion the UK would be welcoming a million ‘refugees’ just like Germany. The BBC at its manipulative best, giving an unchallenged platform to spurious claims by an organisation it agrees with..
Way back in the mists of time (the 1960s) trade unions represented their members. This meant they opposed mass immigration which increased the pool of labour and diminished their members’ wages.
That was in the time when trade union officials were working class people who had actually done the same jobs as their members. Now trade union officials are graduates in bullshit degrees like “trade union studies” (though Jeremy Corbyn only managed a year of that at poly before getting his job at NUPE) and represent “social justice” rather than the grubby, working class, and frankly racist oiks who pay their wages. Isn’t life grand?
Here’s a fairly unusual BBC bias variant.
On the 10pm news last night Huw Edwards (I think) ran a verbal headline along these lines
” It was the state opening of parliament today but the main focus of attention was the split in the Tory Party over the referendum. Over to our political editor Laura Kuennsberg”
Our Laura, who rarely does supporters of this website any favours, then gave quite a long report from outside Parliament. But the thing is, she didn’t actually mention the Tory split once !!!
So the headline was not actually matched by the ensuing content.
In other words, the newsroom Marxists and Huw knew what they wanted to say irrespective of Laura’s actual report.
Very revealing.
Not strictly bBBC
A friend has pointed out that if you go on to various government websites such as DWP, DVLA, Home Office you get, free gratis, a prominent banner about the EU referendum. Click on it and you get this Remain propoganda website
In the most prominent position and twice as big as everything else you get “find out why the government believes we should remain”. How very impartial.
Mr. Kim Jong Un, Mr Joseph Stalin, Mr. Mao, and the bBBC would all no doubt approve.
Really? I thought DaCo was off Stateside to join Mark ‘I know nothing, nothing’ Thommo showing those Yankee-doodles how to make money without a unique money font.
Maybe it’s one of those long distance jobs that really saves the trees, or air miles, or something, like Harvard’s finest Balls.
Speaking of whom, this press release will be interesting in how picked up, and by whom…
Yes I spotted that too. Front page no less ‘ New Left–wing face of ITV economics’ and the name seems familiar (Noreena Hertz) and then reading on page 11 of Daily Telegraph I remembered that it was a quote from Jeremy Clarkson (from TOP GEAR) who suspecting that Danny Cohen was a de-facto Communist and then asked his wife if she was a Communist too, (she said she wasn’t) and then said ‘she was a Marxist’. ‘What’s the difference’… asked Clarkson…
She was married to ‘Danny Cohen BBC TV controller’, who was in charge of TOP GEAR being scrapped (for not being PC enough). Or perhaps questioning the depth of BBC control.
Still it is odd for a commercial channel to employ a known economics Marxist. But then Robert Peston has transferred to ITV from BBC as well. There is a plan there somewhere or maybe the BBC is sinking!
More bBBC bias by omission. Radio Merseyside is not reporting that apparently Everton supporters have been telephoning Liverpool FC to ask when tonight’s parade starts. 🙂
Great piece from that Ruthless guy on how the only hope of the Remainians is that the great British public won’t tear themselves away from Strickly Come Dancing long enough to examine the issue. For God’s sake Leave even wins the BBC hosted debates. We’ve got to get the message out about just how historic an opprotunity is coming our way.
That terribly divisive Boris Johnson has done it again. Following the decision to prosecute the German poet for a poem deemed to be offensive to the Turkish Dictator, Douglas Murray initiated a competition for the most offensive poem about Erdogen. With a bit of favoritism I am sure, the winner out of thousands of dirty minded poems went to Boris. I do hope it is read out on Radio 4. I think Mishail the Muslim could read it.
Take it away Boris.
There was a young fellow from Ankara
Who was a terrific wankerer
Till he sowed his wild oats
With the help of a goat
But he didn’t even stop to thankera.
‘..James Harding failed to provide a direct answer to Steve Hewlett on the R4 Media Show on most questions’
But he is allowed. Apparently. Maybe our Flokkers could take a crack as such things vex them so?
‘If you can’t deliver brilliant UK and World News Channels with 40 international bureaux and seven more across the UK and Ireland, if you can’t leverage the work of 7,500 staff across the division into something with impact and meaning here and globally, and you don’t get that the UK wants more (meaningful) coverage of events here, not less, then perhaps you should hang back on that DG application.”
Seems like you act like a pompous ass in no matter where you go, Guest Who. I’m still waiting for you to explain how I am hypocritical, by the way. Like many members of this site, when challenged to provide evidence you fall back into your cave to congratulate each other instead of providing the goods.
It would appear that Labour Harridan Pat Glass also shadow Europe minister called a voter a “horrible Racist” because he dared to call a Polish family a bunch of scroungers.
Odd that Labour have never objected that strongly when the target was one of their own hate groups, white people!
This was the very last news item on PM this evening, and I’ve heard no interviews with the “horrible Fascist”, although there is a brief entry on the news web pages:
Also noteworthy was the fact she didn’t know where she was, and branded the entire town as bad as the nice man she objected to.
“The very first person I come to is a horrible racist. I’m never coming back to wherever this is.”
Again, when anyone dares to point out the terrible behaviour of the brown eyed boys it’s excused as them not all being like that. Odd how the same excuse isn’t offered for whitey isn’t it?
RT reporting “huge structural holes” in European security, strangely absent from BBC discussions… Jihadists moving freely between countries, poor data-sharing, and poor vetting of airport workers…
“Just wanted to pass on my thanks for burying Lord Owen’s pro-Exit
remarks deep down on the EU referendum page, and not even featuring them on the
front page! I had feared they would be all-day front-page news like Lord Heseltine’s
were earlier in the week – good thing I’ve got you batting for me isn’t it? And you
even managed to feature me “heading off an EU trade deal revolt” instead – genius!!
Ta again. David C & the Remain team.”
Owen is redeemed then.
Another one of my hate figures from the 70s/80s proves me to have been a reflex ass-a Lefty if you will.
Like Tebbit, Hoey, Field and Gove among others-all seem to have an independent mind, developed over many years-and not bribed by Brussels.
And, like Lawson and Lamont-easy to forgive previous errors if only to ensure that the biggest issue we`ll vote for in what remains of our lives;gets due prominence.
Anybody who was once a creature of the Establishment-who is brave enough to turn down the media sinecures, quangos, academic honorary degrees-as well as that phenomenal pensions, perks and BBC gigs that are rewards for the dull, compliant failures like all in the Remain tent.
My proof-has there ever BEEN a Liberal Democrat who repented over EU membership?…loads of Tories, a smattering of Labour minor players who deserve our thanks and support( In Corbyns Labour, you`re brave to think for yourself)-but, as yet, not one LibDem(neither past nor present that I know of) has declared UDI for their own mind.Tells you everything that you need to know of Gramscis` soft powerful march throughout the institutions. The LibDems have only had money and media for backstabbing this country, they love all things EU because only the damned and unelectable get a “seat at the table”…a “place to influence events”.
The Demos know these quisling tossers and traitors for what they are-from Thorpe through to Ed Davey via Ming-so they`ll only ever get on the telly and into our pockets if they take the HItler Reichsmark, albeit in beige and lime green,hi-viz jackboots with kitten heels.
Hell needs another circle of hell for this lot-maybe there`s a vast “infrastructure project” there for them all to trumpet.
The bBC has now followed that news article up with this biased news report: Men only? The UK’s last strongholds of masculinity as Muirfield keeps ban on women members
The bBC then comes out with the following UK establishments where women are treated as second class citizens:
Golf courses
Gentlemen’s clubs
Men only mountains in…..Greece. (Anybody know when Greece became a part of the UK)
Snooker clubs
they then finish off with this: “The 2010 Equality Act makes it illegal to discriminate against someone because of their gender, among many other factors including race, disability or age.But associations and private clubs can restrict membership to people who share a particular protected characteristic. So that’s why Muirfield can remain male-only and London’s University Women’s Club can remain female-only.”
It appears that the bBC stands totally against the separation of men and women and quite rightly sees both as equal in standing . But hang on what’s this from the equality loving bBC about Islam in Northern Ireland Women and Islam However, separation is noticeable in one aspect – men and women. Nearly all of the worshippers are male. A handful of women pray in a separate room. Does this support the common view that Islam is a male-dominated culture? Not according to Brenda. She converted from Catholicism to Islam in her early 20s and plays an active role in NIMFA. She said it makes sense for men and women to pray separately. “We pray in rows quite close to one another…we bow down in prostration with our head on the ground.” She added that she believed it would be difficult and uncomfortable for women to do this in close proximity to men.
I wonder why the bBC isn’t speaking out about the Misogynist nature of Islam. Now before some wanker decides to try and take me on on the above. Here is a picture of the main Islamic mosque in the UK:
Two different doors one marked men the other women . The thing is all other mosques (and Muslims) subscribe to the same values when it comes to women. I wonder why the bBC doesn’t mention them?
It would be interesting to know just how many people on this site have a basic understanding of science, the scientific method and the procedures used in formulating scientific theory? Perhaps GCooper can tell us?
Oh wait, he can’t. He thinks a man holding a thermometer in his back garden trumps legions of scientists, journal articles and research institutes the world over. Someone else will have to tell me then!
Ha, you think I have to explain myself on this site? How about this: why doesn’t someone – ANYONE – respond to legitimate criticism instead of slinking off, joking with each other and calling whoever challenged them to produce evidence a “troll” or something else. Your girl guides comment is a perfect example of this.
Funny, the average age here is probably close to retirement but you all act like petulant primary school children.
The science on this site ranges from dangerously misleading to just plain false. It’s pretty sad really.
So Xavier, why do you waste your precious time and knowledge posting on this site ? Please tell us. Perhaps you can also tell us if you think Al Beeb is biased ? or is that too much for you ?
Good question. Because I believe the BBC is biased to the core. I probably agree politically with a lot of what people here say. I’m voting leave in the referendum. I vote UKIP in elections.
That doesn’t mean I will swallow the bullshit often peddled on this site. Some of it is simply staggering and to see everyone just congratulating each other over it instead of someone going, “hang on, that’s blatantly false” is quite concerning. It’s a total echo chamber. Agree with the majority or face ridicule. You know what it’s just like?
I’ve already said I am not wasting any more time arguing with a fool. Assuming you are telling the truth, whichever institution awarded you your degree in science should be ashamed of itself. Clearly it failed to teach you the importance of evidence over theory.
I’d suggest you went elsewhere and tried again but your mind is clearly too ossified now as all you can do is repeat yourself like a demented parrot.
You may be aware that Science Degrees are dished out like sweets these days, not as they were twenty or so years ago. Standard have dropped, stick an ‘ology’ on the end of a subject it and Walla! you have Science degree. As with many of Al Beebs science correspondents .
Firstly, why do you assume I recently got the degree?
Secondly, a degree “handed out like sweets” is still worth more than what most of the people on this site have.
Thirdly, provide evidence that standards have dropped.
“It means nearly one in five graduates (19 per cent) now receives a first compared to just 8 per cent in 1999.”
“The latest data is likely to fuel the debate over degree inflation as some 70 per cent of students now leave university with either a first or a 2:1, up from 68 per cent in 2012-13.
The proportion of students graduating with at least a 2:1 has increased every year since 2009-10, when just 63 per cent of graduates gained those marks”
The number of students receiving first-class degrees has trebled in 15 years, far outstripping the increase in university population. Jess Denham investigates why
The class of 2012 were awarded 61,605 firsts, three times the 20,700 that were awarded in 1999.
The primary relationship between university and student seems to have shifted from that of teacher and learner to business and customer.
Universities are being far more generous with their marking as students have come to view higher education as a pricey investment and would not take a course where 10 per cent failed.”
While the reasons behind grade inflation are still under investigation, it remains clear that reform is needed. Nicola Dandridge, Chief Executive of Universities UK, has branded the current awards system “a blunt instrument” that fails to provide a detailed report of what students actually achieve at university
Going back to secondary education, for the first time ever Britains children are leaving school less literate than their grandparents
OECD: English school leavers ‘among least literate and numerate in the developed world’
School leavers in England have lower levels of basic skills than their grandparents and now perform worse than young people in almost every other developed nation, according to a major international report.
Obviously it is these school leavers who feed into the Universities and if their standards have slipped to such an extent, then how is the grade inflation of graduates even remotely possible?
There are still clever people out there who would have achieved a first even in the old system, but there are many who certainly never would who are doing today.
Hint: newspaper publications are not on any planet considered evidence, except maybe Planet All the “sources” say really is that more people are getting higher degrees, therefore standards have dropped.
It could easily be spun in the other direction. People are getting cleverer, hence why higher degree classifications are being handed out.
One of those newspaper reports quoted the OECD, but if you think I’m going to plough through all of that just to satisfy your demands of absolute proof then you’re mistaken.
It cannot be spun in the other direction because the report clearly shows school leavers are worse than their Grandparents.
Do you have any evidence to support your point that people are getting cleverer ? ‘semper necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agit’
Xavier you provide the evidence that it has not dropped .
My evidence, ask the industrialists that are employing the scientists and engineers about standards .
Treating other posters with condescension will only result in your own contributions responded to in the same manner.
I do agree with you that this site is very much an echo chamber, however, that is no bad thing as this is one of a very limited amount of sites that have a clear right of centre bias.
The content of this site has transformed over the last 5 years from its original purpose of discussing all things BBC into a much broader site which gives equal billing to the BBC, Islam, the Labour Party and UKIP , I don’t like this change in direction, however, it seems many people do and if I don’t like it I have the option to stop visiting the site….as do you.
Oh look, you resort to insults YET AGAIN. You want to know why? Because you know sweet FA about anything related to science or the environment. Absolutely fucking nothing. You act like you do but you’ve been challenged to produce evidence and explain your views but you just retreat back into your echo chamber and fling shit at people, hoping the “fools” go away.
The fool here is you. You seriously think some old fool on this site using his thermometer is a reliable source of information relating to global temperatures. You’re an imbecile. I’ve seen respected global warming sceptics chew people like you up and spit you out because you are a total embarrassment to the sceptic community. Thanks to people like you, the whole world thinks global warming sceptics are “it’s cold in my garden therefore global warming is a con” retards.
You resort to insults, I can play that game too. I also look forward to the echo chamber posts of “oh he got mad.”
Your reply is littered with insults. Yet. you complain that your critic insults you! I do not think your piece contains a single reasoned point. I can’t see any place for you on here .
I was done with reason long ago. No one here uses reason, therefore please explain why I should? GCooper and others resorted to insults long ago. Nothing but tumbleweed from anyone else. Isn’t that funny.
You’re right, I don’t have a place here. Reasoned discussion and evidence have no place on this site!
I’ve seen worse insults aimed at me and others on this site. Do you give them a hard time? No, of course you don’t. As long as they follow the narrative they can say and do what they please.
One rule for some, another rule for others. Just like the BBC.
Can I suggest we ignore Xavier, please? It’s tempting I know to respond. I’ve been guilty in responding in the past.
He will wither on the vine without attention. He is not a contributor but seeks to disrupt.
Let’s concentrate on the Left Biased BBC which we are forced to pay for as a tax unless we accept prison. A revolution was started in 1776 because of the lack of representation…
Dover Sentry
We should not ignore Xavier because he is on our side, why? because as he stated on this site…………
“Because I believe the BBC is biased to the core.”
We await his comments and criticism ……………………….
He also wants to leave the EU.
Seems my admission to be a UKIP voting leave voter threw a spanner in the works! No one quite knows what to say anymore. Confusion abounds. “He’s not a leftist troll, he doesn’t work for al-Beeb because he said they are blatantly biased!”
To answer you taffman, I’ve posted many things to this site before commenting on BBC bias before. Everyone agreed and congratulated me on pointing out such bias. However, I point out what the users on this site accuse the BBC of doing are doing on this very site and I’m given a barrage of snide insults. Stick to the narrative or get pilloried!
BBC Europe editor rails against ‘ populist far right parties’ like the Austrian Freedom Party. Clearly putting Austria first and objecting to migrants is utterly horrendous to the BBC.
What kind of world does the BBC live in? Populist is used as a scornful phrase by the B B C. In
it’s eyes, the left liberal elite cannot possibly trust the people to have their say. Likewise on the EU regarding supporters of Leave.
The irony of the BBC railing against ‘populism’ while banging on about the delights of ‘democracy’ (as if it had a clue what the word meant) is always worth a chuckle.
Talking of BBC editorialising instead of reporting…we all know the famous report by Neville Chamberlain on the BBC when was was declared in ’39. ‘This morning the German ambassador was handed a final note’ etc. I sometimes wonder how it would be reported today. I can imagine Orla Germaline or Fergal ‘Cry Freedom’ Keane doing it.
‘I am outside a darkened, shadowy ten Downing Street where the Prime Minister has just declared war on Germany…against the wishes of many people it is said, including German migrants to this country…a policeman in a steel helmet bows his head, weighed down with cares, rearranging the sandbags outside the door…nearby, a child cries…could it be a Kindertransport refugee? Suddenly, there is an explosion in the distance. It is the first of the bombs landing, or just a car backfiring? No-one knows.
Klaus, a local German restaurant owner, tells me he is worried about a backlash, …etc etc
The BBC use the term “populist” when they cannot deny that a certain person or party is “popular”, because they have won an election, but they wish to point out that the people who voted are stupid and/or racists, and have been hoodwinked by bad people who are not one world leftists, who are the only good people. QED.
Having had the misfortune to watch Al Beeb this evening, I have now definitely come to the conclusion that their propaganda is slanted to ‘remain in the EU’.
I am sure that Xavier will agree with me
Over to you Xavier …………
You have got as much chance of hearing a muslim admit mohammed was paedophile as you have of hearing the BBC admitting that unrestricted mass immigration running into the millions has any impact whatsoever on the housing shortage.
“Benedict Cumberbatch and Paloma Faith are among more than 250 of Britain’s best-known actors, artists, musicians and writers warning that if Britain were to leave the European Union it would become “an outsider shouting from the wings”.”
The comments below the article (I wonder how long they will be allowed to stay up) seem to be different. For example, “we were basically all living in caves and playing songs on a comb and paper till the EU brought us culture and purpose. If only we had a rich history to draw from”
The collective brain cell of all of them has less logical thinking capability that the latte they have for breakfast. I like the one about how the EU has provided seed funding for so many arts projects. Where do they think that magic money originated? Maybe Harry Potter is real and the wand works!
Dont be naive gb the only real creativity comes out of the EU, just look at their accounting.
I look forward to us voting for remain . Particularly as I value Benedicts moral guidance and I know that a vote for stay in the EU will spur Caroline Duffey to grace us with even more great poetry.
Maybe if we leave, many of these luvvies could permanently move to a Turkish refugee camp where they can all get the “hands on” experience of humanitarian work they obviously desire!
Can’t be Danny Cohen this time. Did Botney organise this one? Just needs a few careless celeb comments to blow this one like a line in the loos at The Ivy.
I also find it more than a little interesting that these pampered luvvies who seem to have spent their whole lives acting in the “unreal world” are keenest to keep us in a similar unreal la la land, except most of us wont be getting paid huge amounts of dosh for probably not that much.
The arrogance of some of these W#####s who think they always know better (is it because they wear make up and put on silly voices) never ceases to amaze me.
I was worried it was game over until I looked at the second also-rankers (might result in sulky looks across the Hob Nobs in Frankie Howerd) pictured midway.
Most of those luvvies have never worked in real jobs . I would like to see them ‘perform’ in industry – what little we have left since we had the EU foisted on us . No ‘make up’ or ‘blacking up’ needed there.
Just a minor point, luvviedom is an insecure profession and it is quite likely, taffman, that they have wide experience of working in part-time jobs, merely to survive when ‘resting’. That said, these days, many seem to find homes working at the BBC where there is anything but insecurity when you are funded by an inflating Licence Fee.
You have a point about industry. That would be an interesting study: how much industry have we lost thanks to the EU. I suspect the REMAIN campaign will be thankful that no PhD student could get the work done in time before 23rd June.
I have been waiting for the luvvie exodus ever since Paul O’Grady said he would move to Venice if the Tories got back in at the last election. Hollow words and vacuous words (again). Angelina Jolie lectures us sitting high up on her liberal “piles of millions” about the morality of taking in refugees whose lifestyle is totally compatible to ours and most families are struggling or just getting by with what they have. Maybe it’s time for a special 85% “Luvvie tax” to drive them all overseas again like the ’70s! To say my blood is boiling is a total understatement.
If I were in any doubt about voting Leave, the fact that a monumental prick with an ego the mass of a black hole like Cumberpatch says we should remain would convince me I’m right.
The thought that an artist needs the EU to go with them to the art supplies shop to select canvas of the right size and paints of the right colour is wonderful to contemplate. Then when all is ready before the easel, the thought that EU is there and guides the hand mixing the oils and leads the eye & hand to create is almost beyond imagination.
While on the subject of the arts supplies shop, the artist will be paying 20% VAT on their goods, in large part thanks to the EU. Out of the EU, if the Chancellor of the Exchequer wills it – after election, by a majority of the people perhaps including the artist – would have the freedom to drop VAT on art supplies to 12.5% or 10% or some other figure below the EU mandated 15% minimum.
There’s a thought!
The VAT payable on theatre tickets to see the overpaid, undertaxed Benedict Cumberbatch in action might be reduced if we left the EU.
Presumably Benny signed this letter as he did the transfer docs to that stately pile he was scoping over in… Hollywood?
Not sure Remain have assembled a dream team any more convincing than Dave, Paddy and Ed.
Just watched the entire ‘Intelligence Squared’ debate with Hannan, Farage, Lord Wibble and some blonde (not Boris). Once actual facts were introduced the audience vote intentions swung totally to Leave.
Cue the BBC going full Sherlock to suppress such actual information and education.
I don’t know who some of them are or what they do but I’ll take your word for it RD, remain do seem to be running rings around leave in the propaganda stakes with a far reaching and well coordinated campaign. Does help having the tax payer funded state broadcaster onside of course, leave can’t seem to get out of the starting blocks in comparison. Now, if the headline of the BBC article had been constructed around Lord Dobbs quote,
“It’s a success that has been created by the dedication, hard work and extraordinary creative abilities of our artists, it’s not because of the EU.”
And then gone onto the self interested ramblings of the ‘stars’ it would have conveyed a completely different message, as it is it reads like the voice of the many against the few with the remainers taking the high ground and the leavers relegated to the foot of the article. And unless I’ve missed the credit, it’s another bloody anonymous piece.
In light of the recent news that superbugs are taking over, and antibiotics wont have any effect in years to come, I find it ironic that we are bombarded by ‘suffering’ adverts fronted by ‘luvvies’ requesting money to help the unfortunate, – ok, we save them now for a few years, but in the end their lives will be cut short anyway by a lack of antibiotics ! I wont be around, but it could be end of migration; panic will set it when people are dropping like flies, the healthy will create enclaves and the world will return to a medieval way of life.
The superbugs will only take over if we vote for Brexit.
I don’t know if that will happen before or after ww3, or the total collapse of the world economy.
This is all going to happen if we vote Brexit because us being able to control our borders and trade with whoever we want AS WELL as the eu is so dangerous for some reason or other.
Not so much biased as disreputable.
Immediately after the 8am Toady news …”we still don’t know what happened to the Egypt Air jet…………..” was followed by 10 minutes of tasteless speculation and prurient talking head interviews, followed by mention of babies on board.
FFS! Why not just report the news and wait for the information to come in? Bad taste, bad decisions, bad judgement.
And to rub salt into the wound, we had coverage of Paris airport and attempts there at ‘radicalisation’ but surprise surprise no mention of the RoP. In total denial as usual.
Agree, Sluff, as it is not now – sadly – a new occurrence, you would have thought that the BBC News team might have learned from recent similar incidents in how to present it well. BBC R4 TODAY listeners could have provided much of the TODAY broadcast content on Flight MS804 from their own kitchens while eating their sweetie weeties.
In a way, it demonstrates an all round lack of respect; for listeners, for the families involved, for the search & rescue teams and, amazingly, for the workers at Charles de Gaulle Airport who have now been labelled ‘suspect’ thanks to the BBC. All this before we know for certain that the loss is not due to structural failure. You would think the Beeb in their current mode would wish to play down that immigrant/Islam/terrorism related aspect.
‘End-of-term students risk missing referendum vote’
“UK university students believe the EU referendum is key to their future, but almost two-thirds do not know when it is, suggests research.”
An event key to their future and the date just a click away yet they can’t be bothered to find it? A cynic may suggest that the BBC has identified a pool of bone idle shirkers likely to vote remain if they can be bothered to turn out, but are too irresponsible to find out when the poll is so Aunty beeb will spoonfeed them the information. But that’s just what a cynic would say.
It’s not cynical at all Oldspeaker. The devious Al Beeb know exactly what they are doing. They know that this age group have absolutely no idea about life beyond the theory, which has been propagated to them by the delusion, fantasy world living, EUphiliac gravy train platform enders! All a lazy ass student has to do is ask “why?” a few times before getting the concrete answer “because the EU is just a cartel full of self serving bastards that are hell bent on subversion and lies to take power away for people and destroy democracy”
Dead right Oldspeaker. I find it incredible that finding out the date of the stitch-up (sorry, referendum) is beyond their capabilities, yet they can spend hours clicking away on Twit-Face. They may well be at “Yoonie”, but most of ’em seem to be as thick as pig shit.
I wonder how many students even know whether they are eligible to vote, where they are registered to vote, if they are, or how to apply for a postal vote ?
Since most of them will probably vote Remain*, maybe it’s a good thing that they don’t know when the vote actually is? *Cos, yer know, my dad said the EU is like…really good for like, travel and stuff for when we want to go to our place in Umbria…and it, like, helps the NHS, or something…and my tutor told me if you don’t like the EU you’re like, racist, and stuff?’ etc etc
Yes, I was going to make a similar point. On Paxo’s documentary the other night, he interviewed some British students, I think in Spain, and one of them gave ease of travel as a reason to Remain. I don’t suppose he knew that you can travel in most of the world without a visa or you get it on arrival. Just plain ignorance.
But some people claim that it is because today’s students are working harder and are cleverer !
In my lecturing days there was a process called ” uplifting” . Let’s say the required pass rate for an exam was 90% and the actual pass rate after double-marking was 70%. The Board of Studies would consider that would not be acceptable to the Exam Board and external examiner. So all the marks would be “uplifted” to obtain the required 90 % pass rate. Simples !
Toady this morning focused on Norwich Hospital and how numbers of patients in various categories have increased.
But amazingly the link between hospital demand and population numbers and mass immigration just did not get a mention.
Funny that.
As I wrote on another post, A and E admission statistics show big increases in minor cases which could be related to crap GP services (also population and mass immigration related) but also show increases in major cases which would always need hospital care irrespective of GP service provision. Could the 12% of non-white British in Norwich clinical commissioning group in the 2011 census be worthy of consideration for example?
It’s as if the bBBC is sharing a room with a herd of elephants but just can’t or (more insidiously) doesn’t want to work out where all the huge piles of excrement everywhere are coming from.
What has struck me over the past few weeks is that Brexiters appear to have more or less taken over the internet. Any poll you see, or article about the EU is overwhelmingly against the EU. Yet the polls show Remain ahead. It’s tempting to say that the polls must be wrong, but are they? Is it just that Brexiters are more motivated to go online and post? Or are there other reasons? I’d be interested in other people’s take on this.
What I think is happening is that a tsunami of pro-remain publicity is being gobbled-up hungrily by the biased MSM. The elite have decided what is best for us, and that is that (as far as they are concerned).
As for the polls, their record is so dismal that I find it baffling why anyone takes the slightest notice of them.
Most be great working as mod for Dellusional biased far left Eu funded bbc.
Seeing how public and world see straight through your biased and post daily anti bbc comments on hys.
Do you enjoy being a traitor to your country for eu funding.
Do you enjoy watching people post about your lies day after day on hys.
All your doing is encouraging more people vote out with your biased in story some.
However, the kapos are already ‘tidying up’ behind the lines, so it may not last.
I have just viewed the above ‘have your say’ and its still open. Some of the comments are very pertinent and to the point. Al Beeb are getting a kicking again on their very own blog site . I often ponder if the ‘so called’ Trustees bother to read the posts . I would imagine its very embarrassing for them? Perhaps they can get off their backsides and do something about it for their wages ? Some time in the future I suspect there will be a judicial inquiry into Al Beeb’s Bias and they will be called to account .
PS recognise one of our posters “…………126. Posted by Average Man on the Clapham Omnibus
on 12 hours ago
It’s somehow strangely reassuring to see all the Brexiters spewing forth venom and negativity at anyone in favour of remaining in the EU. I think I would actually be concerned if they made any positive contributions.
taffman – any chance we get over the next 30 days to post on HYS (or any other forum) about anything remotely connected with the EU should absolutely include a link to the YouTube or Vimeo Brexit – The Movie production ( There is just so much really compelling argument in one place to pass up the opportunity to articulate those arguments to those who have still yet to decide.
If we all committed to posting a link on just one forum and/or social media channel per day we would collectively reach a very large group – and potentially help the video go viral. This debate is important enough for all of the British people, and certainly those frequenting this place, to invest the time to make a tangible difference. I don’t want to read in Al Beeb on June 24 that we will remain. I certainly don’t want to feel that I couldn’t have contributed even a tiny bit to combatting the bias that has driven that result.
I personally think the turnout will exceed that of last year’s general election at 66%. 66% of 65 million is 43 million. Assuming that the surveys are accurate – big assumption – the country is split roughly 50/50 but with a significant proportion undecided. If you look at an online straw poll embedded into a pro-leave story in the Telegraph it is 77% but that is not representative. In this survey – – (and I haven’t attempted to validate the methodology so I don’t have a view on its credibility), 18% are undecided.
Let’s make some pretty broad assumptions. Let’s assume that the survey is accurate and precise. Let’s assume that those who have said they are will vote remain will so vote and the same with the leavers. Let’s assume that those who have made up their minds no longer seek out content (such as Brexit – The Movie) and that the number of individuals who view this video production in the next 31 days are all undecided. To overturn the 8% lead the remainers have would require that 50% of the undecideds move to the leave community (I’m leaving no room for error here and remember the assumptions). One final assumption, let’s say that Brexit – The Movie is 100% successful in persuading through compelling argument but that none of those persuaded go on to influence anyone else. That means that we need 9% of 65 million people, 5.85m – let’s say 6m people to watch it in the next 31 days – about 200k people per day. So far 477k views on YouTube, 133k views on Vimeo. It’s not enough.
What can each of us do to share the URL more widely? Those of us with a significant and relevant social media presence can post. Those of us who comment on mainstream media online channels can post. Those of us with any influence on any media channels can use that influence.
We have 30 days to help British people make the most important decision of all of our lives and those of our children. Let’s do all with can in the last 30 days we have to make it the right one.
In it he dared to suggest that: ‘For many Muslims the anti-Semitism is visceral, an ingrained part of their unpleasant ideology. For the idiotic white lefties it is an adjunct to their self-loathing and hatred of firstly Britain and second the West. In both cases it is predicated as much upon envy – at Jewish success, worldwide and in Israel – as anything else. If you handed over Israel to the Palestinians they would turn it into Somalia before you could say Yom Kippur.’
Oddly, as far as I know most anti-Semites who have been suspended by labour were reinstated a few days later. Eg the intellectual colossus Beinazir Lasharie who ‘knows’ that Jews are behind 9/11 and ISIS. So it would appear you get banned from the labour party for pointing out the anti-Semitism, particularly amongst Muslims, but reinstated if you are actually anti-Semitic.
Looking forward to Sharmi Chatabatty’s report on Labour’s intention to combat Islamophobia – a report originally sparked by complaints of anti semitism in the Labour Party.
Try the luvvies vote next to the Spectator article linked to above.
Outcome about the same as the public’s view of DC’s WW3 if we leave.
I suppose the result could change now that the productions are finishing and the luvvies will be checking the iPads or whatever in their dressing rooms.
For the time being I’ve given up listening to Today and prepare my breakfast in the blessed peace of my thoughts and the sounds of birdsong in Muswell Hill. I can’t tell you how wonderful it is – and healthy too re blood pressure – not to listen to the BBC and, while I’m about it, ignoring any BBC “news” on radio or TV.
However, I watched Paxman’s programme on the EU last night. This effort was, I thought, a whisper of the “old” BBC. Although I’m a Brexiteer and might therefore be a mite prejudiced, the programme – because in presenting the unadorned facts about how the EU organises itself IMHO it hardened the “Leave” case – appeared resolutely impartial. I didn’t know at the end of the programme what Paxman’s personal opinion on the matter is or was. Both sides got a chance to speak. Even so, the EU set-up was portrayed in all its anti-democratic (in the sense we’ve come to know “democracy” in the UK) gory detail. For instance, it couldn’t have been more clearly illustrated that the most important organ of EU governance is the Commission: the outfit most remote from democratic control (per the statist ambitions of Monnet and Schumann). Anyway, well done Paxman and . . er . . (on this unique occasion) the BBC.
I watched Paxo as well. I think it was his show. I was very surprised that the BBC broadcast it as it was relatively impartial and the BBC do not do impartiality. I suspect their motive is to point to it when accused of pro-Remainer bias. With the BBC there are always certainly ulterior motives. Failing which, Cock-up Theory kicks in !
And of course, we know now that the BBC censored Paxman’s negative comments about the EU.
The BBC has yet to explain why that prohibition doesn’t also apply to the legion of remainiacs it employs and whose vacuous opinions we hear whenever we turn on a BBC programme… but that’s the BBC for you, isn’t it?
Love that Whitto, the actual minister, was booted off station.
Can’t figure the disconnect between polls and empirical evidence of lying ears and eyes.
Maybe the polls are run by those who prefer to hear what they want?
OT, but my little slice of bucolic heaven tonight sees a major Q&A hosted by the local paper, as a couple so far run my the (Tory) MP and (Tory) MEP have been deemed a bit ‘exciting’ in terms of what they were aiming for and how the locals reacted. This one is billed as independent, with a chair and two reps from each camp to field pre-posted questions to the panel (and maybe audience input) such as…
* How does the facility to remove those who do not represent voters in this local area work in enduring practice with the EU and its impositions on the conduct of UK governance should ‘we’ decide to ‘remain’?.
* What does the panel feel about the balanced and fair nature of the promotion of ‘Remain’ or ‘Leave’ campaigns, especially give frequent examples of EU and/or government funds being devoted solely to efforts on behalf of ‘Remain’ alone?
* The arguments pro and con have been circulating for some time. What voters are often left with is the belief of individuals accorded greater, if perhaps undeserved, heft by supporters and media. That is, assuming they are prepared to have their views known. Assuming the panel sees value in these endorsements, which one from whom from either side would they most endorse themselves, and why?
* The Prime Minister is the leader of the elected government, comprising his MPs, who gained a majority at the last GE. Rather clearly, he does not represent all of this ‘government’, with our own MP being a ‘won’t say’, so how do those who do follow him openly justify the issuance of advice in its name?
* Given well publicised historical claims made versus more recent statements, regarding such as Turkey’s entry, etc, how is support for the PM’s current commitment to be trusted in being honoured?
* There has been a lot of talk, and literature, littered with ‘may’ and ‘could’ in claims, from all manner of notables, domestically and overseas, from Mark Carney to Mdm. Lagarde to President Obama to Boris Johson to Nigel Farage.
Could the panel please pick one ‘pro’ or ‘con’ from a high profile advocate on each side that does not equivocate and argue in its support or debunk it.
* A German Minister is on record talking about an EU Army being created to fight EU wars, which one presumes includes with Russia and Putin, who appears to be poked with a stick on a regular basis.
Can the panel please explain why this could never happen, and if so why he thought it could, and remains in power still?
* Who on the panel has seen ‘Brexit – The Movie’?
– If not, not why not?
– If so, what stand out issue needs highlighting or debunking?
– Why does the panel think the mainstream media, especially the state broadcaster, has all but ignored it?
I will be most interested in hearing how this went.
Though the thoughts of the cast of ‘Enders may really be the core issues now.
All around me are people, many with no political affiliations, declaring support for Brexit. Even Guardian comments appear pro Brexit. But the polls declare stalemate. I don’t trust the polls anymore than I trust the BBC. Are we being prepared for a modest victory for Remain, thus endorsing what the polls are saying, so that we will not be aroused to anger at the thought of hundreds of thousands of ballot papers destroyed?
I suspect the polls tend to reflect the views of whoever commissions them and people are not always honest about their voting intentions. I wouldn’t trust them either. I tend to the view that the margin of error is +/- 10 %.
By the way, has anyone here ever been polled ? I haven’t.
In previous years I’d have said that was worthy of a silver tinfoil hat award but I’m fast coming to the conclusion that you are quite right, G.W.F. The ‘elite’ are so desperate that I would no longer put it past them to fix this referendum.
Not to mention a few ballot boxes that mysteriously vanish, only to reappear a couple of hours later.
Meanwhile (speaking of unbridled paranoia!) I’m even starting to wonder if those who’ve suggested that Vote Leave is deliberately losing the campaign aren’t right.
You only have to look at what happened in Barnet (largest Jewish population in London) and a few other areasduring the recent local and Mayoral elections to firmly believe in conspiracy theories. I am slowly been drawn to the “tinfoil hat” side….
“I’m even starting to wonder if those who’ve suggested that Vote Leave is deliberately losing the campaign aren’t right.”
That theory looks less outlandish by the day. How a grouping that was largely Tory could win on the grounds of its “inclusiveness” whilst largely excluding the party that got us the referendum can only be explained as an establishment stitch up. I’d like to think that whatever the official result, it will make Brexiters more determined than ever, especially in turning them away from the establishment parties.
How many Remainers (apart from Nick Cleggover) actually think the EU is so wonderful and non-corrupt that little reform is necessary? Very few. I suggest.
In the event of a narrow remain win, Cameron will be under massive pressure (if not to quit) then to go in hard on the EU, backed up increasingly by similar thinking groups in other countries, for proper reform.
Meanwhile at the next EU elections, UKIP could well score an ‘SNP’ style wipe-out of all the other parties. Well, who else are Brexiteers going to vote for?
A Leave vote may be preferable but all may not be lost either way…..
I tend to agree. However…the EU is something of a sinking ship. The Remainers can fiddle a referendum, but they can’t, in the long run, hide the listing and leaking in the creaky old tub that is the ‘SS Brussels’. Sadly, if we are not able to Brexit I fear we will be dragged down with it when it finally succumbs.
It’s unlikely that the result of one referendum will be enough for us to exit the EU, the precedent has already been set there, from the EUs perspective if at first you don’t get the result you want then try try and try again, Bobbie Bruce’s spider has nothing on them. Then theres the exit strategy that could result in years of negotiating, filibusters and stalling, even if the vote goes the way of exit this referendum is only the start of what could be an increasingly fraught and heated process. These Eurocrats are fighting for their very livelihoods, it’s not going to to be a clean fight.
The French (?) woman that declared we ‘shouldn’t see it as Britain being bossed around, rather an opportunity for Britain to boss around 500,000,000 people in the EU’ (or words to that effect).
The woman is a dangerous megolmaniac. Why would I wish to impose laws on Finland, Hungary, Ireland? I have absolutely no desire to do this. The fact that she does, and sees nothing odd about what she’s saying, says a lot about the EU.
I am not a sports fan (actually, I really hate it) but even I can’t help noticing that the current Test Match being played between England and Sri Lanks is entirely absent from the front page of the BBC’s ‘news’ website’ – even in the dedicated Sport section.
What’s up, Auntie? Is cricket too ‘English’ or too ‘middle class’ for you?
Not a sports fan, apart from cricket ! Listening to TMS right now, but I am sure the BBC would love to drop that. I suspect that you are right , it is too english. The “class ” thing went out of cricket years ago but, unlike football, many cricketers went to university, often oxbridge. I think Mike Atherton was at Cambridge. Actually, quite similar backgrounds to many Beeboids.
Another reason may be that , again unlike football, the rules are quite complex and you need quite a long attention span, so not very good for the thickos that the dumbed down BBC are aiming at.
Generally, you need to be quite intelligent to play cricket at the top level , in that sense, it is elitist. A problem for the BBC is that India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka are fanatical about the game, the Windies less so. As usual the real world will not conform to the simple narrow-minded BBC view !
The BBC has a deal with the ECB which secures broadcasting rights for home tests until 2019. In addition Radio5LiveSportsExtra now broadcasts live commentary from Championship games. You have no evidence to support the assertion that the BBC would “love to drop” cricket.
By the way, cricket doesn’t have rules, complex or otherwise. It has laws.
Indeed. Cricket and Choral Evensong are about the only things I can listen to on the radio nowadays without noticing bias. For some reason, probably because it is so utterly off the Islington radar, the beautiful music and seventeenth century sung liturgy of choral evensong seems to have escaped the ‘diversity police’ (so far).
yes, I fear the same. The odds (power as you rightly call it) are stacked against Brexit.
What is more worrying (if remaining in the EU isn’t a worry) is that most people thought the last general election saw the demise of the LibDems. This is a misconception – in fact, they simply changed their name to
The Conservative Party.
Whatever happens at the referendum, the Conservatives will implode in a civil war.
Unless DC goes, no matter the result, the Tory Party will be paralysed in government, which, I believe, means the Party will relieve him from his duties, as they did with MT. No one can be bigger than the party when push comes to shove.
Replacing him with Boris or George would perpetuate the division, and Theresa trying to sit on the fence will offend both sides, so you could start looking for an outsider to come through and perhaps have a £1 on him/her while the odds are long.
No hard evidence as yet for the Egyptian plane crash, but terrorism in suspected by some people.
BBC may be preparing for news of a Jihadist attack and are moving into their blame the victim position.
If it is Islamic terrorists then the blame must lie ith the Egyptian anti Islamic government and the security forces.
‘The performance of Egypt’s armed forces and intelligence agencies will be closely scrutinised.
If the loss of flight MS804 turns out to be the result of a terrorist attack, as most Egyptians now assume, it will raise further questions about the quality of security surrounding EgyptAir operations.’
Off topic, but I’m pretty sure the BBC website haven’t covered this. Probably not a big enough/unusual enough story for them. Going through an old Telegraph saw this small article ‘Damages for detained Somali sex offender’, and yesterday I think there was a similar case for an Iranian. So we are now effectively paying sex criminals large amounts of dosh, because we can’t deport them and are detaining them while we try….
I am hoping that on this blog I will find some like minded folks who can talk me through this depressing state of affairs. I love this country but I don’t want to live in it any more because this sort of nonsensical rubbish is driving me nuts. Where do you start…what sort of lessons does it teach young people? How do we welcome immigrants to integrate when if they abuse our welcome, we can’t reject them? This man has also gained refugee status now. It’s like living in a bad dream, and I think I have to get my kids out of it. And by the way – how awful for the victims of these hideous crimes. This bastard even ‘slashed the face of his victim with a broken mirror’.
One of the many reasons I left the UK a few years ago. I find the UK intensely depressing. And it saddens me to say that. But , although Britsh, I feel like an alien in Britain. It is not my country any more.
Also not covered by the BBC yet: In the Times today a delightful cove, known only as JN by the courts, has his hands out to the UK tax payer.
Having spent two years in the nick for raping 2 children, this Iranian gentleman has scored highly in the European Court of Human Rights.
Feeling sorry for the child rapist, the courts said that the UK had not worked hard enough to get him out of the country – I kid ye not! So we now have to pay him compensation of £13K in damages to go with the £6K we already had to pay him for being held ‘unlawfully.’
He was held ‘unlawfully’ as the authorities felt that a child rapist being left to walk the streets whilst we try to deport him was taking cultural enrichment a step too far.
Looby (and also in a way GWF)
A few days ago a man was found guilty of manslaughter (diminished responsibility) for killing a pensioner ( a knife attack I think) arising from a minor traffic accident.
The biased and disgusting BBC report is totally concerned with feeling sorry for the killer because he had mental health problems not apparently dealt with by the relevant NHS trust (subtext – nasty Tory NHS cuts).
The victim and his family get no attention at all.
This is the weird, Orwellian topsy turvy insane world we now live in, where perpetrators of serious crime are now rewarded and defended, thanks to the ‘Far Left liberals’ and their victimhood narrative – a narrative the biased BBC are masters at reporting.
Loobyloo, all I can say is, when I get down about the madness of modern Britain, I try to look at how far we have come in quite a short space of time. A few years ago, if you wanted out of the EU, you were a ‘swivel eyed loon’. If you questioned unlimited immigration, you were a racist. If you criticised the BBC, you were…well it just didn’t happen. It would have been unthinkable for someone like Trump to have got anywhere near politics a few years ago. The rise of the internet, however, has made people who question the absolute dominance of cultural marxism realise they are not alone – and that they can organise to change things.
Thanks for all your comments, although I’m not sure they make me feel any better! Except knowing I’m not the only one pulling my hair out over this insanity. I just think there’s only so much you can take without action:
– Not voting Tory again, unless a different more radical leader (is that possible these days, or are they all – going to tow the line – the government always get in?)
– Emigrate, or at least get my kids out of the country
– Drink too much wine
Its always going to be an uphill struggle with the government machine and BEEB behind staying in and using a battering ram to get people to submit .I hope I’m wrong, Im not conceding yet. Either way I’m not going to get too down as the long game is in progress.i hope it collapses in my lifetime. At least it has shown Mr Cameron up for who he really is I cannot believe I supported him.
There’s a lot of nasties down the track from the EU being held back ,also things out of their control.
Tory grass roots are in the main leavers so are not going to vote in a pro EU .Of course there could be another stitch up. I’m a conservative but will not vote for them again until Cameron is gone and a leave person in place. Preferably not Boris.
Failing that,there is UKip and I believe they will attract a lot more votes after the reality of more EU kicks in especially if the Tories put a pro European in place.Voters from both Labour and Conservative .A different political landscape.
Better-Off-Out podcast worth a listen. Interesting as it discusses the impending Obhama TITP agreement between the EU bureaucrats and US trade dept which the BBC proudly asserts as a EU ‘trade deal’. Not mentioning that it will kill off many UK’s small to medium business and make the NHS (independence from EU), an impossibility. Your don’t have to go far to realise the DANGERS in the proposed ‘harmless’ (Obhama) TITP /EU agreement (totally ignored by the BBC in its news reporting (above). Over 1 million people (both left and right politics) have already voted against the TITP being proposed (not that the BBC will ever report the slight EU embarrassment of a slight delay due to protestations). Rest of the podcast meanders a bit but if you have the time (33mins) worth listening to more than the BBC radio this afternoon.
I’m all for Sir Geoffrey Boycott leading the Leave campaign. With Sri Lanka currently at 12-3 on bBBC R5 extra, he’s already saying Sri Lanka need another 87 runs to avoid the follow on.
Very positive. Takes it to them. No flannel with Sir Geoffrey.
And unlike our Prime Minister, he loves his country.
Lord Hall now infamous for his comment on the future of the BBC TV license fee that ‘ ..the BBC is a vital as the NHS’ when it certainly does (in parts) resemble a complete bureaucratic shambles. I have found some proof to that quote and thanks to the TPA researchers I can reveal what the NHS has to say about £1million pound pension pots. (Yentobs BBC pension is in excess of £6,000,000 and that’s because ‘he’s worth it’ (!) To someone called Lord Hall I suspect who’s fee would have been a lot ‘less’ had he worked his way up in the NHS pension scheme.
‘How many NHS staff have accrued pension pots worth over £1 million? You’d have thought it wouldn’t have been too difficult for the NHS Business Services Authority to get one of its computers to whirr into action and come up with the answer. Alas not: our Freedom of Information request was met with the reply that it would take 147 years and more than £32 million to answer our simple enquiry, as reported by The Times and the Guido Fawkes website. You couldn’t make it up.’
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A tough choice?
I would choose moules marinière over some irrelevant pair of freaks in Jamaica any day of the week.
Due to fat fingers I inadvertently reported the above comment by seismicboy.
” Majority would welcome refugees – survey”
And the source-The Refugees Index, research commissioned by Amnesty International
Meanwhile, not on the BBC
Police: ‘Migrant Background’ Males Kicked Teen To Death Then Molested His Girlfriend
Stop treating us like idiots and only giving us one side of the story, I don’t believe all migrants are like the above just as I don’t believe they are all little cherubs either. Becoming quite fed up with the relentless way the BBC skews any migrant story, you have to wonder if they are part of some ultra right wing plot designed to get peoples backs up.
I love the way the BBC use the art of conflation. They add the bit about migration routes and link it to refugees.
I’m sure most people would be willing to help a real refugee who is fleeing genuine, life threatening, persecution. There is a big difference between them and people coming look for a better life but are not really in any danger.
I don’t remember the BBC kicking up much of a fuss about accepting refugees from Rwanda when 2 million plus died. (sarc on) Maybe there is a hidden agenda? Of course not. It’s the ever caring BBC after all.(sarc off)
That survey seems awfully familiar. Wasn’t it reported a few days ago?
Never mind the issue, feel the propaganda
Revealing moment this morning on BBC tv news as the head of some quango berates the viewer for ‘us’ and ‘we’ using too much antibiotics.
Naturally his word is law in the manner of Just a Minute during the BBC daily campaign spot platform with so-called journalist/presenters unable or unwilling to push back whilst dreaming of Celebrity Master Chef.
The BBC rules seem to be: speak on your chosen hobby horse for a minute; without hesitation (in the use of hyperbole and duff statistics); plenty of repetition (of one world sentiment); and lashings of (progressive) deviation.
At home watching and busy pressing by imaginary interupt buzzer I was angered by Lord Jim O’Neill’s use of the cliche “So-called” in front of the reasonably accepted group the “G-20”.
OK allow him one mental burp. I’ve looked him up since seeing him. The vaguely northern chap perhaps subject to the odd malaprop a la Prescott I took for an ex-Labour MP is infact the former chairman of Goldman Sachs!'Neill,_Baron_O'Neill_of_Gatley
But the moment that really bothered me was our Lord Jim’s chummy reference to “Fergus” (as in BBC man Fergus Walsh) and his pre-interview film piece being just the sort of thing needed to spread the word for this bloke’s pet project and campaign.
Is this what the BBC see as their fuction now? Take the word of some appointed bigwig as being unquestionably golden (pun intended) and to weigh in as his propaganda arm?
“Revealing moment this morning on BBC tv news as the head of some quango berates the viewer for ‘us’ and ‘we’ using too much antibiotics.”
The spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria is another of those issues, (like crime, security, housing, waiting lists, congestion, corruption etc), that have a link to ‘migration’ that won’t be talked about.
Antibiotic resistant bacteria have been found to pass on that resistance to other strains of bacteria. Because of this it is important that antibiotics aren’t ‘released into the wild’ when they are disposed of as then the resistance can be picked up by benign bacteria and then onto the nasty ones. South Asia is notorious for its poor sanitation and waste disposal systems and, as a result, antibiotics are ineffective for 95% of the population. A migrant from that area could easily pass on an ‘immune’ benign form of bacteria to other people with no apparent effect, except that they too would acquire ‘culture’ enrichment!
If people didn’t ‘migrate’ then these fashionable killer viruses that we are threatened with every so on would find it harder to spread too. The message has sunk in with some farmers that an ‘open door’ policy isn’t good for farm hygiene, the same applies to countries too.
I actually think that the bBBC’s website article on the over-use of antiobiotics is sensible and measured. But they don’t point out that one part of the problem is that women are more likely than men to demand their GPs give them antibiotics when they’re not needed.
Sir_ I think the powers of Doctors to ‘discriminate’ between infectious diseases is much reduced since they cannot comment on ‘lifestyles choices’ that (later) infect Woman who later develop HIV and ‘other’ highly infectious diseases such as TB. One infamous NHS Soho clinic (London) treats nothing else but ‘lifestyle’ sexual infections and diseases of this type. Antibiotics are misused the world over as they are cheap and effective. Farmers regularly use antibiotics to treat food animals (such as Chickens, Pigs, Cattle). For a doctor to refuse to give anti-biotics is almost impossible. I wouldn’t like to choose who has or has not, even though within perhaps ten years – it will become totally ineffective. But then another miracle drug will have been found, and that will inevitably be much more ‘expensive’ to produce (for the NHS) That drug will be for the priviliged ‘private’ clients with a particular ‘lifestyle’ habits of the BBC liberal mafia who have ‘private’ BBC healthcare and a life on drugs is considered totally ‘normal’.
Absolutely Jim S
I wonder whether Francis O’Grady (TUC) would admit that the migrant workers he so loves are largely responsible for the rise of TB in this country. Yes, since the advent of free movement, cheap holidays and the world becoming smaller, the planet has become just one big breeding ground for every bug known to man. Hospitals need to ‘clean up’ their act as well, it hasn’t helped that the relaxation of uniform makes for a ‘grubbier’ impression when visiting or staying in germsville. Nowadays nurses look like cleaners (no disrespect to cleaners) instead of looking tidy and spotless in appearance (like the days when they wore little hats and white aprons) – a lot are obese so are out of breath when called to an emergency. Doing away with the doctors ‘white’ coats was a mistake, so now we see all manner of dress by the clinicians which may not be changed every day. Did we hear of MRSA and Ecoli in the current numbers before the 1990’s ?? er no, I wonder why.
Ooops ! minor slip up – sorry, referred to Ms O’Grady as ‘he’.
I watched this clip of Nigel Farage being questioned in a mild fashion by BBC political correspondent Ben Wright. Farage seemed faintly amused at the beginning, perhaps because Wright was amusing – nodding his head vigorously through much of the interview as if he agreed with Farage. Perhaps he did. If so, he won’t have much of a future at the BBC.
I chuckled at this comment below the video:
Staying in the EU is like staying on the Titanic, while there is still a seat left in a row boat.
Thanks, TrueToo.
You’re welcome.
They are all taught to go through the head nodding routine in interviews, it is meant to encourage the speaker; it must be bloody infuriating for the person being interviewed, like watching one of those bloody nodding dogs we see in the back of cars.
Surely some clever soul with video editing software can do a YouTube with dubstep track?
Dunno. I don’t watch BBC broadcasts much but I ain’t never seen that much nodding.
I watched Mary Beard’s programme about the Romans on BBC2 last night. Now Mary Beard is obviously one of the bBBC’s favourite people as she ticks the mature female box and shows leftie sympathies (e.g. as a panellist on QT) as befitting someone who has made a good living out of the public sector.
But, give her her due. She is a capable historian with an academic pedigree.
Last night was the final one of her programmes about the Roman Empire. She talked about that Empire in terms of European occupation and, blow me down with a feather, in the very same programme she mentioned Hitler in the same terms !!!!!!!
Did the biased BBC newsroom dissolve into apoplexy? Was this featured on all news bulletins? No!
So why is the biased BBC continuing to hector and bully Tories into commenting on Boris’s remarks on the very same historic connection? They did it to Grayling on Toady yesterday and they did it again this morning to a backbencher I think called Mike Baker.
A classic example of the biased BBC in action. A public sector academic with left wing sympathies says it – no comment, no raised eyebrows.
Boris says it and the aggressive outrage and self-righteous indignation is there for all to see.
Guilty as charged.
Not a whisper about Beard’s comment on TODAY, as far as I can make out from 7.27a.m. onwards. Thing about the BBC, Sluff, is that they do not remember what is in one day’s programming to the next, even when they have been presenting that programme.
There was an afternoon radio drama (R4) on the formation of the precursor to the EU, the period from WW2 to The Treaty of Rome about four or five years ago. Seem to recall that in the play someone either ‘wonders out loud’ or directly accuses Monnet or Schuman of trying to do by economic means, what Hitler tried – and failed, thank God – to do by military muscle.
If any of computer whizzes and archive aces on here can find it on-line, it might be worthwhile to post a link here to remind various R4 departments of their own content.
PS: Whoohoo – after previous fruitless searches on my part, thanks to G**gle I have found out it is
‘Beyond Borders’, written by Mike Walker.
I also watched the Beardie Weirdie last night-simply had to find out what the idiot left are now saying about the end of the Roman Empire.
To be fair to her, she honestly TRIED to be balanced and academic-but it all turned to liberal slurry cakes even when she tried to contain her residual, privileged built-in bias…shows just how captured that academe is now.
She started with Hadrians Wall(let`s have no walls unless the East Germans build them)-and ended up with a trope about Christianity from within weakening the Roman state and will to live.
Indeed the implication may have been that the Romans only sacrificed the Christians as needed, and maybe a few more deaths might have steadied their nerve as an Empire.
As for immigration, giving citizenship out willy-nilly (especially to your enemies at the border, whilst welcoming them in to enrich you and do the jobs, create the businesses).
No-no parallels at all, look away now.
Not as bad as it could have been-but no conclusions or templates for all this happening again…immigration and cultural relativism, compromises with the enemy are NOT discussed by Mary Beard. Only no walls, watch for softy Jesus people in your midst and welcome your enemy in a calm manner.
I saw this too Sluff. Its hilarious really, given the fuss and over-emphasis the BBC gave to Boris’s quite measured comparison. Boris also mentioned Napoleon and I think that the comparison with what the EU and Napoleon wished to achieve is the closer one. A unified law code, no semblance of democracy as was evolving in Britain, a single or almost-single state (with Napoleon’s relatives and stooges on European thrones) and a protectionist trading block (the Continental System, ironically aimed against Britain) are good examples.
I don’t think the Tory Brexit Politicians handled the defence of Boris’s article very well, simply saying he was a historian. I wish their ability draw historical parallels was better! The great politicians of the past like Churchill had a real sense of history and it informed their polices and objectives. Pity we only have the pygmies now!
I wish Cameron luck with his prison reforms mentioned in the Queen’s Speech if this is what they are like!!
And…I shudder to think what the last week leading up to polling day will be like. We are going to be hit by an avalanche of c**p, I’m sure. I just hope most folk by then will have made up their minds and not be scared or swayed. Am bitterly disappointed in Cameron; can hardly believe the tosh that he is spouting now. I believe now that he stitched up a deal at the EU, namely…I can’t go back to the UK, Parliament or the BbC with just this; I need more. “No problem, old boy, we’ll just flood you and other organisations shedloads of cash to grind the b****rs down.”
But look, don’t worry about it; IS have recruited a disabled executioner so all is well.
I give up!
Justin Webb on Toady interviewing Michael Bloomberg: Q.”Just how dangerous is Donald Trump?”
WTF! Not so dangerous as H.R.Clinton becoming POTUS Justine, be assured of that.
The habitual, poisonous, Progressive, partis pris seeping from al beebus’ “flagship” radio morning news.
Isn’t it curious how no BBC interviewer has ever asked that question about Frau Merkel? In terms of her actions, she is probably responsible for more disruption, danger and chaos than any European leader in the past 50 years.
She’s a heroine, and therefore untouchable.
There was a very revelatory comment yesterday from some twerp on R4 discussing the latest employment figures. Having led on the recent drop in the number of unemployed, he suggested that the rate of decline was slowing and this meant that the economy was slowing.
Does it? Is there no other explanation? Had it not occurred to him that it is just as possible that we are now reaching a point where a higher proportion of those unemployed are either fully or in some part unemployable, live in areas of high unemployment due to micro factors (for example geographical) or are actively doing their level best to avoid the dangers of paid employment?
Still, that’s the BBC for you. Never let an alternative explanation stand in the way of a government-bashing story. Unless it’s about the joys of the EU, of course.
Just to remind you, GC, during ‘the longest period of continuous growth the UK had ever experienced’ we maintained levels of statistical (reckoned by many to be under-estimates) unemployment that the BBC, the Labour Party, the TUC and the Trade Unions would have been covering in News bulletins day after day, with weeping, gnashing teeth, marching and protesting, had they occurred at anytime in the previous thirty years, especially under a Conservative Government.
You are quite correct, there are a variety of underlying reasons. Don’t have time right now to run through some. You would, of course, expect a BBC Economics Editor worth his pay to be doing so. Or even the vanishing Business Editor could talk to businesses about why they are not hiring. What has happened to Simon Jack since he was appointed? He appears to have disappeared.
So we have 2.2 million workers here from the rest of the EU and 4 out of 5 jobs go to foreigners. Combine that with our mickey mouse courses and lack of instilled work ethic at colleges and so called ‘universities’ (ex colleges and polytechnics) and you can see why UK youngsters face low wages and little opportunity. This topic ought to be at the forefront of the EU referendum debate. Yet the BBC virtually ignore it. No headlines or prominent article on their web page other than a mention that OTHERS are covering it :
”Newspaper headlines: EU migrant jobs and medical matters on front pages”
Pathetic bias!
Following on from yesterday’s Great Mortarboard Disaster. Here is a link to Dotun Adebayo on 5Live standing in for Phil Williams last night. This has to be one of the most ridiculous interviews I have ever heard from Dotun, and I’ve heard a few.
A young graduate was caught up in a mortarboard incident a few years ago, resulting from a carelessly flung board striking the garduate just above the eye, causing a bruise that lasted a month, that could have led to a trip to hospital, and that might have even damaged a nearby car.
Dotun conducts the interview, as if he is talking to a survivor of a viscious assault. “Your parents were there?!?!”……”It must have been terrifying for them”…..You’re not over it yet?”
Fortunately, the young graduate is over it and doesn’t want to see the tradition banned. The whole interview is only four minutes in duration. Worth the listen for Dotun going OTT. From 24:15 to 28:25 mins in.
Dotun says “It could have been a lot worse”. Indeed it could Dotun, and your interview was,
Maybe Oisin Tymon could be brought in as an expert from the ‘could have been worse’ community, still living in fear of nasty grazes?
Why doesn’t UEA issue all the graduates with protective gloves and hard hats fitted with vizors, prior to them throwing their motor boards in the air? That way, they can be at minimal risk of any injuries occurring yet still enjoy this quaint, British, educational tradition
They could also provide a Safe Space to which those students who found themselves feeling disturbed or uncomfortable (even with the glove and helmet precautions being taken), would be able to retreat should the mortar board throwing event itself prove to be overly stressful.
If the students were issued with protective sombreros there would be no danger of a falling mortar board hitting them in the eye. Problem solved.
Perhaps most of the students should be working with proper mortar boards on building sites instead of wasting their time studying for mickey mouse degrees.
Then perhaps they would be making some money for themselves.
How the bBC peddles falsehoods promoted by the political agendas of leftwing pressure groups as NEWS:

McDonald’s fish: Row over sustainability ‘cover-up’
A leaked New Zealand government memo casts serious doubts on the sustainability of fish that are widely used in McDonald’s restaurants. The document shows that the government was aware of made-up data and illegal practices such as the dumping of vast quantities of unwanted fish. There are also concerns that unlawful fishing in NZ waters is threatening the world’s rarest dolphin.
So, on looking at the headlines and reading the first paragraph, do you get the impression that nasty McDonalds is guilty of an environmental crime. But what ace bBC reporter Prat McGrath doesn’t make clear in his very confusing article. is that actually McDonalds subscribes to the findings of the Marine Stewardship Council an independent non-profit organization which sets a standard for sustainable fishing. Fisheries that wish to demonstrate they are well managed and sustainable compared to the science-based MSC standard are assessed by a team of experts who are independent of both the fishery and the MSC. Seafood products can display the blue MSC ecolabel only if that seafood can be traced back through the supply chain to a fishery that has been certified against the MSC standard.
Also what this leftwing lovie article doesn’t mention is that actually hoki stocks around NZ have actually doubled due to the stewardship of the MSC and the NZ government.
MSC: Tide turning for sustainable seafood
The New Zealand hoki western stock is considered to be fully rebuilt and both stocks are now considered to be within sustainable limits. The fishery has seen the population of New Zealand hoki stocks more than double since its first certification in 2001. –
So actually, this has nothing to do with McDonalds, other than trying to get them to divest from NZ hoki and score a political point for some effing tree huggers.
(BTW they only source 8% of their fish from NZ, that figure is small and doesn’t justify the use of:
“that are widely used in McDonald’s restaurants.”
The bBC, full of leftwing eco loons who peddle lies as…the truth.
Oh BTW I had my heating on yesterday both at work and at home so much for Global warming
The bBBC wonders Why are airport security queues so long in the US lately? but of course doesn’t mention the elephant in the room: that all airports and airlines – with the notable exception of El Al, Israel – treat every passenger as if we’re all Muslim terrorists. If they introduced sensible ‘profiling’, letting through little old ladies, families on holiday to Disneyland, businessmen going to corporate meetings etc, and concentrated on bearded men looking for Alan’s snackbar, we’d all be safer, and get through airports quicker.
Continuing the seaside theme,
It’s all in the timing Matthew, hey I’m not saying clean beaches are a bad thing, but come on, give us some credit. Not a hint at the insanity of EU fisheries policy, or a closer look at French agriculture? No we can all paddle in safety so the EU is a good thing, hang your head in shame Matt.
I just wrote this to the BBC as a complaint:
“Just wanted to pass on my congratulations on burying that awkward story today about the ONS statistics showing 4 out of 5 jobs going to EU immigrants. Phew! I realise you had to give it a quick mention on the radio news but it was cleverly drowned out by your extensive coverage of Conservative in-fighting on the Today programme straight afterwards. And, on the BBC news website it’s only covered as a story in today’s papers, which is way down the page. And you managed to get that quote in from Bloomsberg about the risk of leaving the EU on Radio 4, in full. What a great day for Remain. Thanks again for your help – we couldn’t be doing it without your help. With love from David C and all of the team at Remain.”
I have just watched the Daily Politics, perhaps today it should have been titled Leftist Fantasy Land. First up we had Francis O’Grady , TUC big wig, claiming that mass immigration of workers who take up employment in the UK does not reduce wages for the low paid and nor does it reduce the chances of Brits gaining employment. Despite being made to look increasingly ridiculous by Andrew Neil she stuck to the approved leftist script that there is no downside to mass migration. I wonder what any unemployed Brits who may have watched the programme thought of the leader of the TUC peddling this twaddle instead of fighting to get them a job. During this item shots of Jo Coburn showed her staring at the desk and looking as though she just wished that Andre Neil would stop torturing their lefist guest. She had a good go at the Leader of the House, Chris Grayling , to make up for it. Then we were treated to Labour’s Andy Burnham who trotted out the approved leftist position on immigration and then promptly contradicted himself and said that working and non working Brits were badly affected by immigration. He also claimed that Labour was London centric and that it had lost touch with working people in the north. Clearly Ms O’Grady certainly has.
Then we had a representative from Amnesty International pushing a poll by the organisation that claimed that 75% of Brits welcomed immigrants. She was not challenged as to what the 75% answered yes to. It could have been something like ‘ do you think the UK should take a thousand children from war torn Syria’ , which I might even be persuaded to say yes to myself. But no, the BBC and Amnesty were content to leave viewers thinking that if only the government would follow public opinion the UK would be welcoming a million ‘refugees’ just like Germany. The BBC at its manipulative best, giving an unchallenged platform to spurious claims by an organisation it agrees with..
I noticed that Jo Corbyn didn’t let Chris Grayling ever finish a sentence.
I was also amazed at that O’Grady woman. Is she for real?
” Jo Corbyn “. Now there is a thought. I know the BBC is obsessed with transgenders but this is ridiculous !
A friend of Jeremy Coburn.
Way back in the mists of time (the 1960s) trade unions represented their members. This meant they opposed mass immigration which increased the pool of labour and diminished their members’ wages.
That was in the time when trade union officials were working class people who had actually done the same jobs as their members. Now trade union officials are graduates in bullshit degrees like “trade union studies” (though Jeremy Corbyn only managed a year of that at poly before getting his job at NUPE) and represent “social justice” rather than the grubby, working class, and frankly racist oiks who pay their wages. Isn’t life grand?
Here’s a fairly unusual BBC bias variant.
On the 10pm news last night Huw Edwards (I think) ran a verbal headline along these lines
” It was the state opening of parliament today but the main focus of attention was the split in the Tory Party over the referendum. Over to our political editor Laura Kuennsberg”
Our Laura, who rarely does supporters of this website any favours, then gave quite a long report from outside Parliament. But the thing is, she didn’t actually mention the Tory split once !!!
So the headline was not actually matched by the ensuing content.
In other words, the newsroom Marxists and Huw knew what they wanted to say irrespective of Laura’s actual report.
Very revealing.
Not strictly bBBC
A friend has pointed out that if you go on to various government websites such as DWP, DVLA, Home Office you get, free gratis, a prominent banner about the EU referendum. Click on it and you get this Remain propoganda website
In the most prominent position and twice as big as everything else you get “find out why the government believes we should remain”. How very impartial.
Mr. Kim Jong Un, Mr Joseph Stalin, Mr. Mao, and the bBBC would all no doubt approve.
Front page in the DT.
ITV to appoint left wing academic with no journalistic experience as economic editor.
Seemingly to be eye candy and satisfy the equality hand wringers at the same time too.
Seems she is actually the marxist / communist / hard left (delete as applicable) wife of one Danny Cohen of BBC fame.
I’ll bet she never had anyone at one of their dinner parties from the BBC who engaged her in meaningful discussion on the error of her views.
Really? I thought DaCo was off Stateside to join Mark ‘I know nothing, nothing’ Thommo showing those Yankee-doodles how to make money without a unique money font.
Maybe it’s one of those long distance jobs that really saves the trees, or air miles, or something, like Harvard’s finest Balls.
Speaking of whom, this press release will be interesting in how picked up, and by whom…
Yes I spotted that too. Front page no less ‘ New Left–wing face of ITV economics’ and the name seems familiar (Noreena Hertz) and then reading on page 11 of Daily Telegraph I remembered that it was a quote from Jeremy Clarkson (from TOP GEAR) who suspecting that Danny Cohen was a de-facto Communist and then asked his wife if she was a Communist too, (she said she wasn’t) and then said ‘she was a Marxist’. ‘What’s the difference’… asked Clarkson…
She was married to ‘Danny Cohen BBC TV controller’, who was in charge of TOP GEAR being scrapped (for not being PC enough). Or perhaps questioning the depth of BBC control.
Still it is odd for a commercial channel to employ a known economics Marxist. But then Robert Peston has transferred to ITV from BBC as well. There is a plan there somewhere or maybe the BBC is sinking!
More bBBC bias by omission. Radio Merseyside is not reporting that apparently Everton supporters have been telephoning Liverpool FC to ask when tonight’s parade starts. 🙂
Great piece from that Ruthless guy on how the only hope of the Remainians is that the great British public won’t tear themselves away from Strickly Come Dancing long enough to examine the issue. For God’s sake Leave even wins the BBC hosted debates. We’ve got to get the message out about just how historic an opprotunity is coming our way.
That terribly divisive Boris Johnson has done it again. Following the decision to prosecute the German poet for a poem deemed to be offensive to the Turkish Dictator, Douglas Murray initiated a competition for the most offensive poem about Erdogen. With a bit of favoritism I am sure, the winner out of thousands of dirty minded poems went to Boris. I do hope it is read out on Radio 4. I think Mishail the Muslim could read it.
Take it away Boris.
There was a young fellow from Ankara
Who was a terrific wankerer
Till he sowed his wild oats
With the help of a goat
But he didn’t even stop to thankera.
How does Boris know it was a she goat ?
Yes indeed. I think it should have been a transgendered goat
And in other news…
‘.billed as ‘exclusive’, which you know I love. But at 10pm, it was made clear that the team had been invited to film by the new Governor’
It’s how the BBC ‘learns’, apparently.
‘..James Harding failed to provide a direct answer to Steve Hewlett on the R4 Media Show on most questions’
But he is allowed. Apparently. Maybe our Flokkers could take a crack as such things vex them so?
‘If you can’t deliver brilliant UK and World News Channels with 40 international bureaux and seven more across the UK and Ireland, if you can’t leverage the work of 7,500 staff across the division into something with impact and meaning here and globally, and you don’t get that the UK wants more (meaningful) coverage of events here, not less, then perhaps you should hang back on that DG application.”
Maybe.. get Alan Yentob to make the decision?
‘It’s as if they didn’t know there was a Tory Government’
As if.
Maybe… they don’t care. Or need to?
Or don’t know there is a whole world beyond the bubble, called the internet?
‘The BBC would like me to say…’
Bless. It’s how education and information of the nation happens. Apparently.
Seems like you act like a pompous ass in no matter where you go, Guest Who. I’m still waiting for you to explain how I am hypocritical, by the way. Like many members of this site, when challenged to provide evidence you fall back into your cave to congratulate each other instead of providing the goods.
All bark and no bite.
The old reasoned debate thing sliding a bit again there.
“I’m still waiting for you to explain…”
Ha, you think I have to explain myself to you?
It would appear that Labour Harridan Pat Glass also shadow Europe minister called a voter a “horrible Racist” because he dared to call a Polish family a bunch of scroungers.
Odd that Labour have never objected that strongly when the target was one of their own hate groups, white people!
This was the very last news item on PM this evening, and I’ve heard no interviews with the “horrible Fascist”, although there is a brief entry on the news web pages:
Also noteworthy was the fact she didn’t know where she was, and branded the entire town as bad as the nice man she objected to.
“The very first person I come to is a horrible racist. I’m never coming back to wherever this is.”
Again, when anyone dares to point out the terrible behaviour of the brown eyed boys it’s excused as them not all being like that. Odd how the same excuse isn’t offered for whitey isn’t it?
Labour the Racist Party !
RT reporting “huge structural holes” in European security, strangely absent from BBC discussions… Jihadists moving freely between countries, poor data-sharing, and poor vetting of airport workers…
BBC buries Lord Owen’s pro-Exit speech deep on its inside pages, cf all-day front-page coverage of Weasletine’s comments earlier in the week.
Lord Owen’s speech is here:
Complaint to the BBC:
“Just wanted to pass on my thanks for burying Lord Owen’s pro-Exit
remarks deep down on the EU referendum page, and not even featuring them on the
front page! I had feared they would be all-day front-page news like Lord Heseltine’s
were earlier in the week – good thing I’ve got you batting for me isn’t it? And you
even managed to feature me “heading off an EU trade deal revolt” instead – genius!!
Ta again. David C & the Remain team.”
Owen is redeemed then.
Another one of my hate figures from the 70s/80s proves me to have been a reflex ass-a Lefty if you will.
Like Tebbit, Hoey, Field and Gove among others-all seem to have an independent mind, developed over many years-and not bribed by Brussels.
And, like Lawson and Lamont-easy to forgive previous errors if only to ensure that the biggest issue we`ll vote for in what remains of our lives;gets due prominence.
Anybody who was once a creature of the Establishment-who is brave enough to turn down the media sinecures, quangos, academic honorary degrees-as well as that phenomenal pensions, perks and BBC gigs that are rewards for the dull, compliant failures like all in the Remain tent.
My proof-has there ever BEEN a Liberal Democrat who repented over EU membership?…loads of Tories, a smattering of Labour minor players who deserve our thanks and support( In Corbyns Labour, you`re brave to think for yourself)-but, as yet, not one LibDem(neither past nor present that I know of) has declared UDI for their own mind.Tells you everything that you need to know of Gramscis` soft powerful march throughout the institutions. The LibDems have only had money and media for backstabbing this country, they love all things EU because only the damned and unelectable get a “seat at the table”…a “place to influence events”.
The Demos know these quisling tossers and traitors for what they are-from Thorpe through to Ed Davey via Ming-so they`ll only ever get on the telly and into our pockets if they take the HItler Reichsmark, albeit in beige and lime green,hi-viz jackboots with kitten heels.
Hell needs another circle of hell for this lot-maybe there`s a vast “infrastructure project” there for them all to trumpet.
Unlikely to feature on the BBC but worth watching.
Anybody seen this bBC news story:
Muirfield to lose right to host Open after vote against allowing women members
“Muirfield will not stage another Open Championship after maintaining its ban on women members in a vote described as “indefensible” and “embarrassing”.
The bBC has now followed that news article up with this biased news report:
Men only? The UK’s last strongholds of masculinity as Muirfield keeps ban on women members
The bBC then comes out with the following UK establishments where women are treated as second class citizens:
Golf courses
Gentlemen’s clubs
Men only mountains in…..Greece. (Anybody know when Greece became a part of the UK)
Snooker clubs
they then finish off with this:
“The 2010 Equality Act makes it illegal to discriminate against someone because of their gender, among many other factors including race, disability or age.But associations and private clubs can restrict membership to people who share a particular protected characteristic. So that’s why Muirfield can remain male-only and London’s University Women’s Club can remain female-only.”
It appears that the bBC stands totally against the separation of men and women and quite rightly sees both as equal in standing . But hang on what’s this from the equality loving bBC about Islam in Northern Ireland
Women and Islam
However, separation is noticeable in one aspect – men and women. Nearly all of the worshippers are male. A handful of women pray in a separate room. Does this support the common view that Islam is a male-dominated culture? Not according to Brenda. She converted from Catholicism to Islam in her early 20s and plays an active role in NIMFA. She said it makes sense for men and women to pray separately. “We pray in rows quite close to one another…we bow down in prostration with our head on the ground.” She added that she believed it would be difficult and uncomfortable for women to do this in close proximity to men.
I wonder why the bBC isn’t speaking out about the Misogynist nature of Islam. Now before some wanker decides to try and take me on on the above. Here is a picture of the main Islamic mosque in the UK:
Two different doors one marked men the other women . The thing is all other mosques (and Muslims) subscribe to the same values when it comes to women. I wonder why the bBC doesn’t mention them?
I may be wrong but I think, in Scotland , there are more women only golf clubs than men only.
It would be interesting to know just how many men are there in the WI, and how many boys are in the Girl Guides ?
Perhaps Xavier can tell us ?
It would be interesting to know just how many people on this site have a basic understanding of science, the scientific method and the procedures used in formulating scientific theory? Perhaps GCooper can tell us?
Oh wait, he can’t. He thinks a man holding a thermometer in his back garden trumps legions of scientists, journal articles and research institutes the world over. Someone else will have to tell me then!
So just how much do you know Xavier, please tell us we are all waiting with baited breath ?
Since I have a degree in science, I can safely say more than most members of this site.
How do we know ? What science ?
Ha, you think I have to explain myself on this site? How about this: why doesn’t someone – ANYONE – respond to legitimate criticism instead of slinking off, joking with each other and calling whoever challenged them to produce evidence a “troll” or something else. Your girl guides comment is a perfect example of this.
Funny, the average age here is probably close to retirement but you all act like petulant primary school children.
The science on this site ranges from dangerously misleading to just plain false. It’s pretty sad really.
So Xavier, why do you waste your precious time and knowledge posting on this site ? Please tell us. Perhaps you can also tell us if you think Al Beeb is biased ? or is that too much for you ?
Good question. Because I believe the BBC is biased to the core. I probably agree politically with a lot of what people here say. I’m voting leave in the referendum. I vote UKIP in elections.
That doesn’t mean I will swallow the bullshit often peddled on this site. Some of it is simply staggering and to see everyone just congratulating each other over it instead of someone going, “hang on, that’s blatantly false” is quite concerning. It’s a total echo chamber. Agree with the majority or face ridicule. You know what it’s just like?
The BBC. Funny how you become what you hate, eh?
I’ve already said I am not wasting any more time arguing with a fool. Assuming you are telling the truth, whichever institution awarded you your degree in science should be ashamed of itself. Clearly it failed to teach you the importance of evidence over theory.
I’d suggest you went elsewhere and tried again but your mind is clearly too ossified now as all you can do is repeat yourself like a demented parrot.
You may be aware that Science Degrees are dished out like sweets these days, not as they were twenty or so years ago. Standard have dropped, stick an ‘ology’ on the end of a subject it and Walla! you have Science degree. As with many of Al Beebs science correspondents .
Firstly, why do you assume I recently got the degree?
Secondly, a degree “handed out like sweets” is still worth more than what most of the people on this site have.
Thirdly, provide evidence that standards have dropped.
Well there is this by way of evidence Xavier:
“It means nearly one in five graduates (19 per cent) now receives a first compared to just 8 per cent in 1999.”
“The latest data is likely to fuel the debate over degree inflation as some 70 per cent of students now leave university with either a first or a 2:1, up from 68 per cent in 2012-13.
The proportion of students graduating with at least a 2:1 has increased every year since 2009-10, when just 63 per cent of graduates gained those marks”
Or maybe this if the Times is not your thing:
The number of students receiving first-class degrees has trebled in 15 years, far outstripping the increase in university population. Jess Denham investigates why
The class of 2012 were awarded 61,605 firsts, three times the 20,700 that were awarded in 1999.
The primary relationship between university and student seems to have shifted from that of teacher and learner to business and customer.
Universities are being far more generous with their marking as students have come to view higher education as a pricey investment and would not take a course where 10 per cent failed.”
While the reasons behind grade inflation are still under investigation, it remains clear that reform is needed. Nicola Dandridge, Chief Executive of Universities UK, has branded the current awards system “a blunt instrument” that fails to provide a detailed report of what students actually achieve at university
Going back to secondary education, for the first time ever Britains children are leaving school less literate than their grandparents
OECD: English school leavers ‘among least literate and numerate in the developed world’
School leavers in England have lower levels of basic skills than their grandparents and now perform worse than young people in almost every other developed nation, according to a major international report.
Obviously it is these school leavers who feed into the Universities and if their standards have slipped to such an extent, then how is the grade inflation of graduates even remotely possible?
There are still clever people out there who would have achieved a first even in the old system, but there are many who certainly never would who are doing today.
Hint: newspaper publications are not on any planet considered evidence, except maybe Planet All the “sources” say really is that more people are getting higher degrees, therefore standards have dropped.
It could easily be spun in the other direction. People are getting cleverer, hence why higher degree classifications are being handed out.
One of those newspaper reports quoted the OECD, but if you think I’m going to plough through all of that just to satisfy your demands of absolute proof then you’re mistaken.
It cannot be spun in the other direction because the report clearly shows school leavers are worse than their Grandparents.
Do you have any evidence to support your point that people are getting cleverer ? ‘semper necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agit’
Xavier you provide the evidence that it has not dropped .
My evidence, ask the industrialists that are employing the scientists and engineers about standards .
I was at a grammar school in the mid-1960s. If you got two As at A-level, you were almost certain to get into Oxford or Cambridge.
Treating other posters with condescension will only result in your own contributions responded to in the same manner.
I do agree with you that this site is very much an echo chamber, however, that is no bad thing as this is one of a very limited amount of sites that have a clear right of centre bias.
The content of this site has transformed over the last 5 years from its original purpose of discussing all things BBC into a much broader site which gives equal billing to the BBC, Islam, the Labour Party and UKIP , I don’t like this change in direction, however, it seems many people do and if I don’t like it I have the option to stop visiting the site….as do you.
@Xavier the sealion…

Oh look, you resort to insults YET AGAIN. You want to know why? Because you know sweet FA about anything related to science or the environment. Absolutely fucking nothing. You act like you do but you’ve been challenged to produce evidence and explain your views but you just retreat back into your echo chamber and fling shit at people, hoping the “fools” go away.
The fool here is you. You seriously think some old fool on this site using his thermometer is a reliable source of information relating to global temperatures. You’re an imbecile. I’ve seen respected global warming sceptics chew people like you up and spit you out because you are a total embarrassment to the sceptic community. Thanks to people like you, the whole world thinks global warming sceptics are “it’s cold in my garden therefore global warming is a con” retards.
You resort to insults, I can play that game too. I also look forward to the echo chamber posts of “oh he got mad.”
Your reply is littered with insults. Yet. you complain that your critic insults you! I do not think your piece contains a single reasoned point. I can’t see any place for you on here .
I was done with reason long ago. No one here uses reason, therefore please explain why I should? GCooper and others resorted to insults long ago. Nothing but tumbleweed from anyone else. Isn’t that funny.
You’re right, I don’t have a place here. Reasoned discussion and evidence have no place on this site!
Xavier you state “Because I believe the BBC is biased to the core”
Where is your evidence ? Have you posted such criticism on this site ?
Reasoned discussion doesn’t normally contain …………………” You are a condescending, moronic little shit …… ” .
Your parents must be very proud to have such an eloquent child.
I’ve seen worse insults aimed at me and others on this site. Do you give them a hard time? No, of course you don’t. As long as they follow the narrative they can say and do what they please.
One rule for some, another rule for others. Just like the BBC.
Why are there women’s only areas in gyms? They want it all ways. Ooh er, missus!
Meanwhile, back at the Welsh Assembly things are certainly hotting up, because UKIP’s Neil Hamilton is ‘the cat amongst the pigeons’ as he uses non PC words …………………
Jones includes one of his ‘Political concubines ‘ in his government …………
BBC Radio Wales Listener figures down again . Now I wonder why ?……………………
Can I suggest we ignore Xavier, please? It’s tempting I know to respond. I’ve been guilty in responding in the past.
He will wither on the vine without attention. He is not a contributor but seeks to disrupt.
Let’s concentrate on the Left Biased BBC which we are forced to pay for as a tax unless we accept prison. A revolution was started in 1776 because of the lack of representation…
Dover Sentry
We should not ignore Xavier because he is on our side, why? because as he stated on this site…………
“Because I believe the BBC is biased to the core.”
We await his comments and criticism ……………………….
He also wants to leave the EU.
Seems my admission to be a UKIP voting leave voter threw a spanner in the works! No one quite knows what to say anymore. Confusion abounds. “He’s not a leftist troll, he doesn’t work for al-Beeb because he said they are blatantly biased!”
To answer you taffman, I’ve posted many things to this site before commenting on BBC bias before. Everyone agreed and congratulated me on pointing out such bias. However, I point out what the users on this site accuse the BBC of doing are doing on this very site and I’m given a barrage of snide insults. Stick to the narrative or get pilloried!
Just like al-Beeb.
‘It ain’t what you do it’s the way it’s the way that you do it’
I hope that this does not offend you, but you are beginning to sound like ‘Scott’ ?
BBC Europe editor rails against ‘ populist far right parties’ like the Austrian Freedom Party. Clearly putting Austria first and objecting to migrants is utterly horrendous to the BBC.
What kind of world does the BBC live in? Populist is used as a scornful phrase by the B B C. In
it’s eyes, the left liberal elite cannot possibly trust the people to have their say. Likewise on the EU regarding supporters of Leave.
The irony of the BBC railing against ‘populism’ while banging on about the delights of ‘democracy’ (as if it had a clue what the word meant) is always worth a chuckle.
I saw that. No one could have been in any doubt that Auntie Did Not Approve.
Aunty is supposed to report. Not ‘approve’, or disapprove.
This seems to have escaped Dave, John and Jesse.
Guest Who
Aunty is Biased .
Talking of BBC editorialising instead of reporting…we all know the famous report by Neville Chamberlain on the BBC when was was declared in ’39. ‘This morning the German ambassador was handed a final note’ etc. I sometimes wonder how it would be reported today. I can imagine Orla Germaline or Fergal ‘Cry Freedom’ Keane doing it.
‘I am outside a darkened, shadowy ten Downing Street where the Prime Minister has just declared war on Germany…against the wishes of many people it is said, including German migrants to this country…a policeman in a steel helmet bows his head, weighed down with cares, rearranging the sandbags outside the door…nearby, a child cries…could it be a Kindertransport refugee? Suddenly, there is an explosion in the distance. It is the first of the bombs landing, or just a car backfiring? No-one knows.
Klaus, a local German restaurant owner, tells me he is worried about a backlash, …etc etc
The BBC use the term “populist” when they cannot deny that a certain person or party is “popular”, because they have won an election, but they wish to point out that the people who voted are stupid and/or racists, and have been hoodwinked by bad people who are not one world leftists, who are the only good people. QED.
Rob, exactly. Jeremy Corbyn = ‘popular’. Nigel Farage = ‘populist’.
Yes, Beeboids never refer to Leftists as ” Populist “. Just more evidence of BBC bias .
Having had the misfortune to watch Al Beeb this evening, I have now definitely come to the conclusion that their propaganda is slanted to ‘remain in the EU’.
I am sure that Xavier will agree with me
Over to you Xavier …………
EU tells us what to do
The elephant in the room is slowly becoming visible.
It will be interesting to see what Al Beeb makes on this in the morning .
England’s Green and pleasant land (and Wales ) is under threat . Time to make a swift exit. Vote out !
You have got as much chance of hearing a muslim admit mohammed was paedophile as you have of hearing the BBC admitting that unrestricted mass immigration running into the millions has any impact whatsoever on the housing shortage.
It’s all over. The luvvies have spoken.
“Benedict Cumberbatch and Paloma Faith are among more than 250 of Britain’s best-known actors, artists, musicians and writers warning that if Britain were to leave the European Union it would become “an outsider shouting from the wings”.”
The comments below the article (I wonder how long they will be allowed to stay up) seem to be different. For example, “we were basically all living in caves and playing songs on a comb and paper till the EU brought us culture and purpose. If only we had a rich history to draw from”
The collective brain cell of all of them has less logical thinking capability that the latte they have for breakfast. I like the one about how the EU has provided seed funding for so many arts projects. Where do they think that magic money originated? Maybe Harry Potter is real and the wand works!
Dont be naive gb the only real creativity comes out of the EU, just look at their accounting.
I look forward to us voting for remain . Particularly as I value Benedicts moral guidance and I know that a vote for stay in the EU will spur Caroline Duffey to grace us with even more great poetry.
Maybe if we leave, many of these luvvies could permanently move to a Turkish refugee camp where they can all get the “hands on” experience of humanitarian work they obviously desire!
Cultural stars? Ooooook.
Can’t be Danny Cohen this time. Did Botney organise this one? Just needs a few careless celeb comments to blow this one like a line in the loos at The Ivy.
Interesting link, gb123.
Is there an increasing, growing tie-up or ‘commercial arrangement’ between MSN, Facebook and the Guardian?
I have to confess if there is, that I’d not noticed that before now. Perhaps it was the change in graphics that made me notice. Interesting.
Patronising multi millionaires with multiple homes-many of them abroad-telling people how to vote
Thats always a winner…..
So What????????????????????????????????????
Indeed, he is – and one of many. Too many.
How long has Clooney been married? Must be time for a major epic style divorce.
G.W.F. – he married a human rights lawyer. If he goes for a divorce she’ll clean him out. It’ll provide more entertainment than any of his films.
Clooney can’t even read from a prepared script properly. What an asshole.
I also find it more than a little interesting that these pampered luvvies who seem to have spent their whole lives acting in the “unreal world” are keenest to keep us in a similar unreal la la land, except most of us wont be getting paid huge amounts of dosh for probably not that much.
The arrogance of some of these W#####s who think they always know better (is it because they wear make up and put on silly voices) never ceases to amaze me.
Thanks but not thanks.
I was worried it was game over until I looked at the second also-rankers (might result in sulky looks across the Hob Nobs in Frankie Howerd) pictured midway.
Eddie Izzard.
Remain are stuffed.
Most of those luvvies have never worked in real jobs . I would like to see them ‘perform’ in industry – what little we have left since we had the EU foisted on us . No ‘make up’ or ‘blacking up’ needed there.
Just a minor point, luvviedom is an insecure profession and it is quite likely, taffman, that they have wide experience of working in part-time jobs, merely to survive when ‘resting’. That said, these days, many seem to find homes working at the BBC where there is anything but insecurity when you are funded by an inflating Licence Fee.
You have a point about industry. That would be an interesting study: how much industry have we lost thanks to the EU. I suspect the REMAIN campaign will be thankful that no PhD student could get the work done in time before 23rd June.
Anyone remember Dulux paint?
I believe it is now all made in Poland.
Hopefully they will have a Have Your Say on this.
I struggle to find the topics on the BBC itself, usually finding them from a link on here.
Can anyone post a link that I can save which takes me to them all?
I have been waiting for the luvvie exodus ever since Paul O’Grady said he would move to Venice if the Tories got back in at the last election. Hollow words and vacuous words (again). Angelina Jolie lectures us sitting high up on her liberal “piles of millions” about the morality of taking in refugees whose lifestyle is totally compatible to ours and most families are struggling or just getting by with what they have. Maybe it’s time for a special 85% “Luvvie tax” to drive them all overseas again like the ’70s! To say my blood is boiling is a total understatement.
If I were in any doubt about voting Leave, the fact that a monumental prick with an ego the mass of a black hole like Cumberpatch says we should remain would convince me I’m right.
Good point, RD.
The thought that an artist needs the EU to go with them to the art supplies shop to select canvas of the right size and paints of the right colour is wonderful to contemplate. Then when all is ready before the easel, the thought that EU is there and guides the hand mixing the oils and leads the eye & hand to create is almost beyond imagination.
While on the subject of the arts supplies shop, the artist will be paying 20% VAT on their goods, in large part thanks to the EU. Out of the EU, if the Chancellor of the Exchequer wills it – after election, by a majority of the people perhaps including the artist – would have the freedom to drop VAT on art supplies to 12.5% or 10% or some other figure below the EU mandated 15% minimum.
There’s a thought!
The VAT payable on theatre tickets to see the overpaid, undertaxed Benedict Cumberbatch in action might be reduced if we left the EU.
There’s another one!
Presumably Benny signed this letter as he did the transfer docs to that stately pile he was scoping over in… Hollywood?
Not sure Remain have assembled a dream team any more convincing than Dave, Paddy and Ed.
Just watched the entire ‘Intelligence Squared’ debate with Hannan, Farage, Lord Wibble and some blonde (not Boris). Once actual facts were introduced the audience vote intentions swung totally to Leave.
Cue the BBC going full Sherlock to suppress such actual information and education.
I don’t know who some of them are or what they do but I’ll take your word for it RD, remain do seem to be running rings around leave in the propaganda stakes with a far reaching and well coordinated campaign. Does help having the tax payer funded state broadcaster onside of course, leave can’t seem to get out of the starting blocks in comparison. Now, if the headline of the BBC article had been constructed around Lord Dobbs quote,
“It’s a success that has been created by the dedication, hard work and extraordinary creative abilities of our artists, it’s not because of the EU.”
And then gone onto the self interested ramblings of the ‘stars’ it would have conveyed a completely different message, as it is it reads like the voice of the many against the few with the remainers taking the high ground and the leavers relegated to the foot of the article. And unless I’ve missed the credit, it’s another bloody anonymous piece.
In light of the recent news that superbugs are taking over, and antibiotics wont have any effect in years to come, I find it ironic that we are bombarded by ‘suffering’ adverts fronted by ‘luvvies’ requesting money to help the unfortunate, – ok, we save them now for a few years, but in the end their lives will be cut short anyway by a lack of antibiotics ! I wont be around, but it could be end of migration; panic will set it when people are dropping like flies, the healthy will create enclaves and the world will return to a medieval way of life.
The superbugs will only take over if we vote for Brexit.
I don’t know if that will happen before or after ww3, or the total collapse of the world economy.
This is all going to happen if we vote Brexit because us being able to control our borders and trade with whoever we want AS WELL as the eu is so dangerous for some reason or other.
The comments on that article are interesting. I scrolled down and could not see anything remotely pro-Remain.
it is no good saying NTDWI when the only theory left for a plane to fall out of the sky is the hand of God.
Not so much biased as disreputable.
Immediately after the 8am Toady news …”we still don’t know what happened to the Egypt Air jet…………..” was followed by 10 minutes of tasteless speculation and prurient talking head interviews, followed by mention of babies on board.
FFS! Why not just report the news and wait for the information to come in? Bad taste, bad decisions, bad judgement.
And to rub salt into the wound, we had coverage of Paris airport and attempts there at ‘radicalisation’ but surprise surprise no mention of the RoP. In total denial as usual.
Agree, Sluff, as it is not now – sadly – a new occurrence, you would have thought that the BBC News team might have learned from recent similar incidents in how to present it well. BBC R4 TODAY listeners could have provided much of the TODAY broadcast content on Flight MS804 from their own kitchens while eating their sweetie weeties.
In a way, it demonstrates an all round lack of respect; for listeners, for the families involved, for the search & rescue teams and, amazingly, for the workers at Charles de Gaulle Airport who have now been labelled ‘suspect’ thanks to the BBC. All this before we know for certain that the loss is not due to structural failure. You would think the Beeb in their current mode would wish to play down that immigrant/Islam/terrorism related aspect.
‘End-of-term students risk missing referendum vote’
“UK university students believe the EU referendum is key to their future, but almost two-thirds do not know when it is, suggests research.”
An event key to their future and the date just a click away yet they can’t be bothered to find it? A cynic may suggest that the BBC has identified a pool of bone idle shirkers likely to vote remain if they can be bothered to turn out, but are too irresponsible to find out when the poll is so Aunty beeb will spoonfeed them the information. But that’s just what a cynic would say.
It’s not cynical at all Oldspeaker. The devious Al Beeb know exactly what they are doing. They know that this age group have absolutely no idea about life beyond the theory, which has been propagated to them by the delusion, fantasy world living, EUphiliac gravy train platform enders! All a lazy ass student has to do is ask “why?” a few times before getting the concrete answer “because the EU is just a cartel full of self serving bastards that are hell bent on subversion and lies to take power away for people and destroy democracy”
Dead right Oldspeaker. I find it incredible that finding out the date of the stitch-up (sorry, referendum) is beyond their capabilities, yet they can spend hours clicking away on Twit-Face. They may well be at “Yoonie”, but most of ’em seem to be as thick as pig shit.
I wonder how many students even know whether they are eligible to vote, where they are registered to vote, if they are, or how to apply for a postal vote ?
Since most of them will probably vote Remain*, maybe it’s a good thing that they don’t know when the vote actually is? *Cos, yer know, my dad said the EU is like…really good for like, travel and stuff for when we want to go to our place in Umbria…and it, like, helps the NHS, or something…and my tutor told me if you don’t like the EU you’re like, racist, and stuff?’ etc etc
Yes, I was going to make a similar point. On Paxo’s documentary the other night, he interviewed some British students, I think in Spain, and one of them gave ease of travel as a reason to Remain. I don’t suppose he knew that you can travel in most of the world without a visa or you get it on arrival. Just plain ignorance.
PS, Hope the students know the dates of their exams !
It doesn’t matter. They’ll pass anyway.
I was a university lecturer for some years. You are right. It is very difficult for them to fail an exam these days.
Sadly, I know.
They may not fail, but just as with qualifications lower down the education scale, employers keep raising the bar as more get passes.
A third class degree used to be the attendance certificate, now it is a 2.2 as the number of firsts inexorably rise.
But some people claim that it is because today’s students are working harder and are cleverer !
In my lecturing days there was a process called ” uplifting” . Let’s say the required pass rate for an exam was 90% and the actual pass rate after double-marking was 70%. The Board of Studies would consider that would not be acceptable to the Exam Board and external examiner. So all the marks would be “uplifted” to obtain the required 90 % pass rate. Simples !
Toady this morning focused on Norwich Hospital and how numbers of patients in various categories have increased.
But amazingly the link between hospital demand and population numbers and mass immigration just did not get a mention.
Funny that.
As I wrote on another post, A and E admission statistics show big increases in minor cases which could be related to crap GP services (also population and mass immigration related) but also show increases in major cases which would always need hospital care irrespective of GP service provision. Could the 12% of non-white British in Norwich clinical commissioning group in the 2011 census be worthy of consideration for example?
It’s as if the bBBC is sharing a room with a herd of elephants but just can’t or (more insidiously) doesn’t want to work out where all the huge piles of excrement everywhere are coming from.
If we brought in more elephants they could be trained to clean up the mess!
Oh dear. The great unwashed do not appear to appreciate being lectured to by over-egoed luvvies, if the latest HYS is anything to go by.
Scores of UK stars back remaining in EU
What has struck me over the past few weeks is that Brexiters appear to have more or less taken over the internet. Any poll you see, or article about the EU is overwhelmingly against the EU. Yet the polls show Remain ahead. It’s tempting to say that the polls must be wrong, but are they? Is it just that Brexiters are more motivated to go online and post? Or are there other reasons? I’d be interested in other people’s take on this.
What I think is happening is that a tsunami of pro-remain publicity is being gobbled-up hungrily by the biased MSM. The elite have decided what is best for us, and that is that (as far as they are concerned).
As for the polls, their record is so dismal that I find it baffling why anyone takes the slightest notice of them.
I think, so far, this is my favourite ‘new’ one:
1170. Posted by WHITECROW
Most be great working as mod for Dellusional biased far left Eu funded bbc.
Seeing how public and world see straight through your biased and post daily anti bbc comments on hys.
Do you enjoy being a traitor to your country for eu funding.
Do you enjoy watching people post about your lies day after day on hys.
All your doing is encouraging more people vote out with your biased in story some.
However, the kapos are already ‘tidying up’ behind the lines, so it may not last.
Nor, I suspect, will the thread for too long.
I have just viewed the above ‘have your say’ and its still open. Some of the comments are very pertinent and to the point. Al Beeb are getting a kicking again on their very own blog site . I often ponder if the ‘so called’ Trustees bother to read the posts . I would imagine its very embarrassing for them? Perhaps they can get off their backsides and do something about it for their wages ? Some time in the future I suspect there will be a judicial inquiry into Al Beeb’s Bias and they will be called to account .
PS recognise one of our posters “…………126. Posted by Average Man on the Clapham Omnibus
on 12 hours ago
It’s somehow strangely reassuring to see all the Brexiters spewing forth venom and negativity at anyone in favour of remaining in the EU. I think I would actually be concerned if they made any positive contributions.
taffman – any chance we get over the next 30 days to post on HYS (or any other forum) about anything remotely connected with the EU should absolutely include a link to the YouTube or Vimeo Brexit – The Movie production ( There is just so much really compelling argument in one place to pass up the opportunity to articulate those arguments to those who have still yet to decide.
If we all committed to posting a link on just one forum and/or social media channel per day we would collectively reach a very large group – and potentially help the video go viral. This debate is important enough for all of the British people, and certainly those frequenting this place, to invest the time to make a tangible difference. I don’t want to read in Al Beeb on June 24 that we will remain. I certainly don’t want to feel that I couldn’t have contributed even a tiny bit to combatting the bias that has driven that result.
I personally think the turnout will exceed that of last year’s general election at 66%. 66% of 65 million is 43 million. Assuming that the surveys are accurate – big assumption – the country is split roughly 50/50 but with a significant proportion undecided. If you look at an online straw poll embedded into a pro-leave story in the Telegraph it is 77% but that is not representative. In this survey – – (and I haven’t attempted to validate the methodology so I don’t have a view on its credibility), 18% are undecided.
Let’s make some pretty broad assumptions. Let’s assume that the survey is accurate and precise. Let’s assume that those who have said they are will vote remain will so vote and the same with the leavers. Let’s assume that those who have made up their minds no longer seek out content (such as Brexit – The Movie) and that the number of individuals who view this video production in the next 31 days are all undecided. To overturn the 8% lead the remainers have would require that 50% of the undecideds move to the leave community (I’m leaving no room for error here and remember the assumptions). One final assumption, let’s say that Brexit – The Movie is 100% successful in persuading through compelling argument but that none of those persuaded go on to influence anyone else. That means that we need 9% of 65 million people, 5.85m – let’s say 6m people to watch it in the next 31 days – about 200k people per day. So far 477k views on YouTube, 133k views on Vimeo. It’s not enough.
What can each of us do to share the URL more widely? Those of us with a significant and relevant social media presence can post. Those of us who comment on mainstream media online channels can post. Those of us with any influence on any media channels can use that influence.
We have 30 days to help British people make the most important decision of all of our lives and those of our children. Let’s do all with can in the last 30 days we have to make it the right one.
That famous shrinking violet Rod Liddle, has been suspended from the Labour Party for comments in his blog found here …
In it he dared to suggest that: ‘For many Muslims the anti-Semitism is visceral, an ingrained part of their unpleasant ideology. For the idiotic white lefties it is an adjunct to their self-loathing and hatred of firstly Britain and second the West. In both cases it is predicated as much upon envy – at Jewish success, worldwide and in Israel – as anything else. If you handed over Israel to the Palestinians they would turn it into Somalia before you could say Yom Kippur.’
Oddly, as far as I know most anti-Semites who have been suspended by labour were reinstated a few days later. Eg the intellectual colossus Beinazir Lasharie who ‘knows’ that Jews are behind 9/11 and ISIS. So it would appear you get banned from the labour party for pointing out the anti-Semitism, particularly amongst Muslims, but reinstated if you are actually anti-Semitic.
Looking forward to Sharmi Chatabatty’s report on Labour’s intention to combat Islamophobia – a report originally sparked by complaints of anti semitism in the Labour Party.
Try the luvvies vote next to the Spectator article linked to above.
Outcome about the same as the public’s view of DC’s WW3 if we leave.
I suppose the result could change now that the productions are finishing and the luvvies will be checking the iPads or whatever in their dressing rooms.
For the time being I’ve given up listening to Today and prepare my breakfast in the blessed peace of my thoughts and the sounds of birdsong in Muswell Hill. I can’t tell you how wonderful it is – and healthy too re blood pressure – not to listen to the BBC and, while I’m about it, ignoring any BBC “news” on radio or TV.
However, I watched Paxman’s programme on the EU last night. This effort was, I thought, a whisper of the “old” BBC. Although I’m a Brexiteer and might therefore be a mite prejudiced, the programme – because in presenting the unadorned facts about how the EU organises itself IMHO it hardened the “Leave” case – appeared resolutely impartial. I didn’t know at the end of the programme what Paxman’s personal opinion on the matter is or was. Both sides got a chance to speak. Even so, the EU set-up was portrayed in all its anti-democratic (in the sense we’ve come to know “democracy” in the UK) gory detail. For instance, it couldn’t have been more clearly illustrated that the most important organ of EU governance is the Commission: the outfit most remote from democratic control (per the statist ambitions of Monnet and Schumann). Anyway, well done Paxman and . . er . . (on this unique occasion) the BBC.
Birdsong in Muswell Hill ? Are you sure ?
I watched Paxo as well. I think it was his show. I was very surprised that the BBC broadcast it as it was relatively impartial and the BBC do not do impartiality. I suspect their motive is to point to it when accused of pro-Remainer bias. With the BBC there are always certainly ulterior motives. Failing which, Cock-up Theory kicks in !
And of course, we know now that the BBC censored Paxman’s negative comments about the EU.
The BBC has yet to explain why that prohibition doesn’t also apply to the legion of remainiacs it employs and whose vacuous opinions we hear whenever we turn on a BBC programme… but that’s the BBC for you, isn’t it?
The culture wars going a treat today:
Love that Whitto, the actual minister, was booted off station.
Can’t figure the disconnect between polls and empirical evidence of lying ears and eyes.
Maybe the polls are run by those who prefer to hear what they want?
OT, but my little slice of bucolic heaven tonight sees a major Q&A hosted by the local paper, as a couple so far run my the (Tory) MP and (Tory) MEP have been deemed a bit ‘exciting’ in terms of what they were aiming for and how the locals reacted. This one is billed as independent, with a chair and two reps from each camp to field pre-posted questions to the panel (and maybe audience input) such as…
* How does the facility to remove those who do not represent voters in this local area work in enduring practice with the EU and its impositions on the conduct of UK governance should ‘we’ decide to ‘remain’?.
* What does the panel feel about the balanced and fair nature of the promotion of ‘Remain’ or ‘Leave’ campaigns, especially give frequent examples of EU and/or government funds being devoted solely to efforts on behalf of ‘Remain’ alone?
* The arguments pro and con have been circulating for some time. What voters are often left with is the belief of individuals accorded greater, if perhaps undeserved, heft by supporters and media. That is, assuming they are prepared to have their views known. Assuming the panel sees value in these endorsements, which one from whom from either side would they most endorse themselves, and why?
* The Prime Minister is the leader of the elected government, comprising his MPs, who gained a majority at the last GE. Rather clearly, he does not represent all of this ‘government’, with our own MP being a ‘won’t say’, so how do those who do follow him openly justify the issuance of advice in its name?
* Given well publicised historical claims made versus more recent statements, regarding such as Turkey’s entry, etc, how is support for the PM’s current commitment to be trusted in being honoured?
* There has been a lot of talk, and literature, littered with ‘may’ and ‘could’ in claims, from all manner of notables, domestically and overseas, from Mark Carney to Mdm. Lagarde to President Obama to Boris Johson to Nigel Farage.
Could the panel please pick one ‘pro’ or ‘con’ from a high profile advocate on each side that does not equivocate and argue in its support or debunk it.
* A German Minister is on record talking about an EU Army being created to fight EU wars, which one presumes includes with Russia and Putin, who appears to be poked with a stick on a regular basis.
Can the panel please explain why this could never happen, and if so why he thought it could, and remains in power still?
* Who on the panel has seen ‘Brexit – The Movie’?
– If not, not why not?
– If so, what stand out issue needs highlighting or debunking?
– Why does the panel think the mainstream media, especially the state broadcaster, has all but ignored it?
I will be most interested in hearing how this went.
Though the thoughts of the cast of ‘Enders may really be the core issues now.
All around me are people, many with no political affiliations, declaring support for Brexit. Even Guardian comments appear pro Brexit. But the polls declare stalemate. I don’t trust the polls anymore than I trust the BBC. Are we being prepared for a modest victory for Remain, thus endorsing what the polls are saying, so that we will not be aroused to anger at the thought of hundreds of thousands of ballot papers destroyed?
I suspect the polls tend to reflect the views of whoever commissions them and people are not always honest about their voting intentions. I wouldn’t trust them either. I tend to the view that the margin of error is +/- 10 %.
By the way, has anyone here ever been polled ? I haven’t.
In previous years I’d have said that was worthy of a silver tinfoil hat award but I’m fast coming to the conclusion that you are quite right, G.W.F. The ‘elite’ are so desperate that I would no longer put it past them to fix this referendum.
Everyone where I live are all Brexteers. Sad to say, I too fear the result will be fixed.
Believe me Remain will win. It’s where the power lies.Corporate power. Governmental power. American power.
Us, the little man will lose.
I have said it before, but expect a long delay before the result is announced !
Not to mention a few ballot boxes that mysteriously vanish, only to reappear a couple of hours later.
Meanwhile (speaking of unbridled paranoia!) I’m even starting to wonder if those who’ve suggested that Vote Leave is deliberately losing the campaign aren’t right.
You only have to look at what happened in Barnet (largest Jewish population in London) and a few other areasduring the recent local and Mayoral elections to firmly believe in conspiracy theories. I am slowly been drawn to the “tinfoil hat” side….
“I’m even starting to wonder if those who’ve suggested that Vote Leave is deliberately losing the campaign aren’t right.”
That theory looks less outlandish by the day. How a grouping that was largely Tory could win on the grounds of its “inclusiveness” whilst largely excluding the party that got us the referendum can only be explained as an establishment stitch up. I’d like to think that whatever the official result, it will make Brexiters more determined than ever, especially in turning them away from the establishment parties.
How many Remainers (apart from Nick Cleggover) actually think the EU is so wonderful and non-corrupt that little reform is necessary? Very few. I suggest.
In the event of a narrow remain win, Cameron will be under massive pressure (if not to quit) then to go in hard on the EU, backed up increasingly by similar thinking groups in other countries, for proper reform.
Meanwhile at the next EU elections, UKIP could well score an ‘SNP’ style wipe-out of all the other parties. Well, who else are Brexiteers going to vote for?
A Leave vote may be preferable but all may not be lost either way…..
I tend to agree. However…the EU is something of a sinking ship. The Remainers can fiddle a referendum, but they can’t, in the long run, hide the listing and leaking in the creaky old tub that is the ‘SS Brussels’. Sadly, if we are not able to Brexit I fear we will be dragged down with it when it finally succumbs.
It’s unlikely that the result of one referendum will be enough for us to exit the EU, the precedent has already been set there, from the EUs perspective if at first you don’t get the result you want then try try and try again, Bobbie Bruce’s spider has nothing on them. Then theres the exit strategy that could result in years of negotiating, filibusters and stalling, even if the vote goes the way of exit this referendum is only the start of what could be an increasingly fraught and heated process. These Eurocrats are fighting for their very livelihoods, it’s not going to to be a clean fight.
Just had our mail delivery.
Two more ‘guides’ from the Electoral Commission and a ‘Your questions answered’ from our MEP. Not sure who paid for that.
Meanwhile, on the value of Government/Remain leaflets:
Nowt like a sleb endorsement though:
I spent 11 very happy years living in Muswell Hill. The old railway line is the perfect place to watch the sunset/sunrise and listen to the birdsong!
Maybe I should book my next bird-watching holiday in Muswell Hill ! Or just stick to Gambia !
Caught the last half hour or so..
Yes, I thought it a fair try too.
I would love to see what he would have produced if it had been crowd funded!
The French (?) woman that declared we ‘shouldn’t see it as Britain being bossed around, rather an opportunity for Britain to boss around 500,000,000 people in the EU’ (or words to that effect).
The woman is a dangerous megolmaniac. Why would I wish to impose laws on Finland, Hungary, Ireland? I have absolutely no desire to do this. The fact that she does, and sees nothing odd about what she’s saying, says a lot about the EU.
I am not a sports fan (actually, I really hate it) but even I can’t help noticing that the current Test Match being played between England and Sri Lanks is entirely absent from the front page of the BBC’s ‘news’ website’ – even in the dedicated Sport section.
What’s up, Auntie? Is cricket too ‘English’ or too ‘middle class’ for you?
Not a sports fan, apart from cricket ! Listening to TMS right now, but I am sure the BBC would love to drop that. I suspect that you are right , it is too english. The “class ” thing went out of cricket years ago but, unlike football, many cricketers went to university, often oxbridge. I think Mike Atherton was at Cambridge. Actually, quite similar backgrounds to many Beeboids.
Another reason may be that , again unlike football, the rules are quite complex and you need quite a long attention span, so not very good for the thickos that the dumbed down BBC are aiming at.
Generally, you need to be quite intelligent to play cricket at the top level , in that sense, it is elitist. A problem for the BBC is that India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka are fanatical about the game, the Windies less so. As usual the real world will not conform to the simple narrow-minded BBC view !
The BBC has a deal with the ECB which secures broadcasting rights for home tests until 2019. In addition Radio5LiveSportsExtra now broadcasts live commentary from Championship games. You have no evidence to support the assertion that the BBC would “love to drop” cricket.
By the way, cricket doesn’t have rules, complex or otherwise. It has laws.
I am currently listening to the cricket, have done all my life,often sitting in the garden with a good book,sunhat and cup of tea.
If only the rest of the bBBC were as objective, balanced and honest in their opinions as are the TMS commentators.
Indeed. Cricket and Choral Evensong are about the only things I can listen to on the radio nowadays without noticing bias. For some reason, probably because it is so utterly off the Islington radar, the beautiful music and seventeenth century sung liturgy of choral evensong seems to have escaped the ‘diversity police’ (so far).
This would be the same BBC that no longer covers cricket on television, would it?
No evidence, my Aunt Geoffrey!
The BBC hasn’t covered live cricket since 1999. Have you only just noticed?
yes, I fear the same. The odds (power as you rightly call it) are stacked against Brexit.
What is more worrying (if remaining in the EU isn’t a worry) is that most people thought the last general election saw the demise of the LibDems. This is a misconception – in fact, they simply changed their name to
The Conservative Party.
Whatever happens at the referendum, the Conservatives will implode in a civil war.
I would say New Labour.
Unless DC goes, no matter the result, the Tory Party will be paralysed in government, which, I believe, means the Party will relieve him from his duties, as they did with MT. No one can be bigger than the party when push comes to shove.
Replacing him with Boris or George would perpetuate the division, and Theresa trying to sit on the fence will offend both sides, so you could start looking for an outsider to come through and perhaps have a £1 on him/her while the odds are long.
No hard evidence as yet for the Egyptian plane crash, but terrorism in suspected by some people.
BBC may be preparing for news of a Jihadist attack and are moving into their blame the victim position.
If it is Islamic terrorists then the blame must lie ith the Egyptian anti Islamic government and the security forces.
‘The performance of Egypt’s armed forces and intelligence agencies will be closely scrutinised.
If the loss of flight MS804 turns out to be the result of a terrorist attack, as most Egyptians now assume, it will raise further questions about the quality of security surrounding EgyptAir operations.’
So don’t blame the Jihadists,
“will be closely scrutinised “. By whom ? The BBC, of course ! What about French security forces ?
Off topic, but I’m pretty sure the BBC website haven’t covered this. Probably not a big enough/unusual enough story for them. Going through an old Telegraph saw this small article ‘Damages for detained Somali sex offender’, and yesterday I think there was a similar case for an Iranian. So we are now effectively paying sex criminals large amounts of dosh, because we can’t deport them and are detaining them while we try….
I am hoping that on this blog I will find some like minded folks who can talk me through this depressing state of affairs. I love this country but I don’t want to live in it any more because this sort of nonsensical rubbish is driving me nuts. Where do you start…what sort of lessons does it teach young people? How do we welcome immigrants to integrate when if they abuse our welcome, we can’t reject them? This man has also gained refugee status now. It’s like living in a bad dream, and I think I have to get my kids out of it. And by the way – how awful for the victims of these hideous crimes. This bastard even ‘slashed the face of his victim with a broken mirror’.
One of the many reasons I left the UK a few years ago. I find the UK intensely depressing. And it saddens me to say that. But , although Britsh, I feel like an alien in Britain. It is not my country any more.
Also not covered by the BBC yet: In the Times today a delightful cove, known only as JN by the courts, has his hands out to the UK tax payer.
Having spent two years in the nick for raping 2 children, this Iranian gentleman has scored highly in the European Court of Human Rights.
Feeling sorry for the child rapist, the courts said that the UK had not worked hard enough to get him out of the country – I kid ye not! So we now have to pay him compensation of £13K in damages to go with the £6K we already had to pay him for being held ‘unlawfully.’
He was held ‘unlawfully’ as the authorities felt that a child rapist being left to walk the streets whilst we try to deport him was taking cultural enrichment a step too far.
Looby (and also in a way GWF)
A few days ago a man was found guilty of manslaughter (diminished responsibility) for killing a pensioner ( a knife attack I think) arising from a minor traffic accident.
The biased and disgusting BBC report is totally concerned with feeling sorry for the killer because he had mental health problems not apparently dealt with by the relevant NHS trust (subtext – nasty Tory NHS cuts).
The victim and his family get no attention at all.
This is the weird, Orwellian topsy turvy insane world we now live in, where perpetrators of serious crime are now rewarded and defended, thanks to the ‘Far Left liberals’ and their victimhood narrative – a narrative the biased BBC are masters at reporting.
Loobyloo, all I can say is, when I get down about the madness of modern Britain, I try to look at how far we have come in quite a short space of time. A few years ago, if you wanted out of the EU, you were a ‘swivel eyed loon’. If you questioned unlimited immigration, you were a racist. If you criticised the BBC, you were…well it just didn’t happen. It would have been unthinkable for someone like Trump to have got anywhere near politics a few years ago. The rise of the internet, however, has made people who question the absolute dominance of cultural marxism realise they are not alone – and that they can organise to change things.
Solid post Cranmer.
Thanks for all your comments, although I’m not sure they make me feel any better! Except knowing I’m not the only one pulling my hair out over this insanity. I just think there’s only so much you can take without action:
– Not voting Tory again, unless a different more radical leader (is that possible these days, or are they all – going to tow the line – the government always get in?)
– Emigrate, or at least get my kids out of the country
– Drink too much wine
Its always going to be an uphill struggle with the government machine and BEEB behind staying in and using a battering ram to get people to submit .I hope I’m wrong, Im not conceding yet. Either way I’m not going to get too down as the long game is in progress.i hope it collapses in my lifetime. At least it has shown Mr Cameron up for who he really is I cannot believe I supported him.
There’s a lot of nasties down the track from the EU being held back ,also things out of their control.
Tory grass roots are in the main leavers so are not going to vote in a pro EU .Of course there could be another stitch up. I’m a conservative but will not vote for them again until Cameron is gone and a leave person in place. Preferably not Boris.
Failing that,there is UKip and I believe they will attract a lot more votes after the reality of more EU kicks in especially if the Tories put a pro European in place.Voters from both Labour and Conservative .A different political landscape.
Better-Off-Out podcast worth a listen. Interesting as it discusses the impending Obhama TITP agreement between the EU bureaucrats and US trade dept which the BBC proudly asserts as a EU ‘trade deal’. Not mentioning that it will kill off many UK’s small to medium business and make the NHS (independence from EU), an impossibility. Your don’t have to go far to realise the DANGERS in the proposed ‘harmless’ (Obhama) TITP /EU agreement (totally ignored by the BBC in its news reporting (above). Over 1 million people (both left and right politics) have already voted against the TITP being proposed (not that the BBC will ever report the slight EU embarrassment of a slight delay due to protestations). Rest of the podcast meanders a bit but if you have the time (33mins) worth listening to more than the BBC radio this afternoon.
I’m all for Sir Geoffrey Boycott leading the Leave campaign. With Sri Lanka currently at 12-3 on bBBC R5 extra, he’s already saying Sri Lanka need another 87 runs to avoid the follow on.
Very positive. Takes it to them. No flannel with Sir Geoffrey.
And unlike our Prime Minister, he loves his country.
Lord Hall now infamous for his comment on the future of the BBC TV license fee that ‘ ..the BBC is a vital as the NHS’ when it certainly does (in parts) resemble a complete bureaucratic shambles. I have found some proof to that quote and thanks to the TPA researchers I can reveal what the NHS has to say about £1million pound pension pots. (Yentobs BBC pension is in excess of £6,000,000 and that’s because ‘he’s worth it’ (!) To someone called Lord Hall I suspect who’s fee would have been a lot ‘less’ had he worked his way up in the NHS pension scheme.
‘How many NHS staff have accrued pension pots worth over £1 million? You’d have thought it wouldn’t have been too difficult for the NHS Business Services Authority to get one of its computers to whirr into action and come up with the answer. Alas not: our Freedom of Information request was met with the reply that it would take 147 years and more than £32 million to answer our simple enquiry, as reported by The Times and the Guido Fawkes website. You couldn’t make it up.’