If we do stay IN, and forever after I so much as hear anyone whining about the state of schools, the NHS, employment, crime, migrants etc, then I’ll just ask them how they voted, and if it was REMAIN, I’ll just say “not my fault ” !!!
If ‘we’ vote to remain in the EUSSR I will never cast a vote in any ‘UK’ election again. What’s the point? The 28 non-elected eurocrats will have a free run.
Now looking for some place that as a former airman (of 31 years) I can take my pension (and little else) and escape the socialist/muzzie nightmare that awaits.
If the remain camp wins, your vote will be even more important. After a remain vote, the Tories, Liebore, Limp Dumbs, Scots Nats, all become totally and utterly irrelevant. As there is nought but a fag paper between the two mains, others will become attractive ( eg UKIP….but others will arise) to enough voters when the Euro shit hits the fan re immigration…..and mark my words…it will hit the fan big time eventually.
Even our first past the post system will not be enough to stop them.
UKIP has managed 7 seats out if 60 in the Welsh Assembly, albeit under a PR system, and eventually enough people will wake up to begin to make them a force under the Parliamentary system.
Hence, I would not despair if the bastards manage to fiddle the referendum.
But, if you do manage to move away, I envy you, and good luck with your future.
The tories are finished because so many have shown themselves up to be nothing but wet eared liberal, anti democracy loving, British despising, professional shit eaters who have sold out big time and have absolutely no interest in serving the people they have sworn to represent. We are the sacrificial lambs on the altar of their careers. We are the light brigade being sent to our destruction by incompetent fuck wits.
Labour are even more finished mind because the supposed party of the workers has completely shafted everyone of us and are trying the pass us around to their mates Islam style! They are only interested in creating some weird socialist wet dream and are championing the rights of every single person on the planet above the British. The labour party can never again hope to say that they are the party of the working man. Pure scum
I honestly believe the EU referendum is a genuine turning point in our history, whatever way it goes. The professional establishment have declared their hand and true intentions. The smoke and mirrors and soft soap PR will no longer be effective in keeping the left or the right content. I truly believe that because the establishment have abandoned the people of this country a more hard line agenda on both sides will begin to win voters approval…. But the establishment will not be the ones to win the votes because the illusion has been broken
I pray that this is the opportunity we on this website have been hoping for. That parties like ukip understand that people will choose what they believe in spite of the power and control of the agenda by the MSM. For so many to want to leave the EU shows that so many of us now need a different path to the one being forced on us by the current political environment and MSM.
The whole world is changing fast folks and the real enemy have climbed out from the shadows. Read the messages on HYS! A political fire has been lit in the hearts of the silent majority and the establishment who have taken advantage of us for so long will live to regret they ever fucked with us
‘I honestly believe the EU referendum is a genuine turning point in our history, whatever way it goes.’ I agree. It won’t be back to business as usual like after the Scots referendum or the Australian republican referendum. There will always be the suspicion of a fiddle hanging over a Remain vote and the problems in the EU are only going to get worse, so the groundswell of popular opinion against it (the BBC’s dreaded ‘populism’) is not going to go away.
I must say that I agree entirely with Tothepoint. I’ve spent the last 40 years voting Conservative but that is it. At the last general election I thought I was voting Conservative but it turns out that my vote was for the latest version of the politically correct left of centre party that is no different from Bliar’s Labour party or the Lib Dems.
The EU referendum will define Camoron and whatever happens he, and his friend Gideon, will be diminished by it. If the Conservatives have any sense they will get rid of both of them as soon as they can.
I will probably continue to vote Conservative in order to prevent the Corbyn lunatics taking over the asylum, as I think many did at the local elections, but do agree that at present it is more like having New Labour as the government.
Whatever the outcome of the referendum Cameron is gone. Obviously if Leave happens he must jump, but if Remain wins he will be pushed.
He has p****d off too many Tory MPs to get anything through. John Major had a few “bastards”, David Cameron will have dozens. The party will quickly realise the only way forward is a new leader, and I believe Boris, George and Theresa will be considered too divisive, so suspect an outsider will come through on the rails.
If enough of us regard continued membership of the EU as an existential matter then it will not end with this vote. Such things never do end until it is settled by events and reality. It is the old Eastern countries that will decide matters. They will have to choose soon. Do as Merkel says or leave.
It was always going to come down to this and the only surprise is that it is taking so long.
More bias by omission. The bBBC website hasn’t managed to find space to report this enrichment.
Following an investigation by the Met’s Flying Squad, five men were jailed at Harrow Crown Court on Friday, 20 May, to a total exceeding 37 years after a security vehicle was robbed in Camden. They were indeed ‘men’: Fasile Mahmood, Muhsin Ahmed, Attif Hussain, Aroon Choudry, and Saqib Ahmed. http://news.met.police.uk/news/five-jailed-after-security-van-driver-conspired-to-rob-his-own-vehicle-162842
I don’t blame the families of the 96 innocent victims of the Hillsborough tragedy to keep up the pressure to get some from of closure for this horrific event, instead I admire them for forcing the authorities to finally carry out an independent review.
What I cannot stomach is the crass jokes being made at their expense by people who should know better, it is clear that the Police, Liverpool fans and the outdated stadia resulted in a disaster occurring which was totally avoidable.
To equate the death of 96 people with a fight between football hooligans is the sort of comment I would expect to read in the Guardian.
Feel free to respond and advise me why you feel I am wrong.
Like you, I admire the tenacity of the families in their attempt to obtain justice (and closure) following the deaths of the innocent.
I also deplore any crass jokes being made at their expense.
However, fighting between football hooligans is directly relevant…..just ask the families of the 38 dead Juventus fans (and hundreds injured) by Liverpool supporting thugs at Heysel.
What I find hard to stomach is the ruling that those same thugs played no part in the death of 96 innocents at Hillsborough
I would like to see an enquiry into the Aberfan disaster. The way it was handled by the Labour Government at the time was a disgrace and there are still people alive who were affected.
Watching the build up to the match, live on BT, there were reports and footage of the violence including bloodied fans and the riot police going in to the Seville end, where Liverpool fans had managed to obtain tickets and were fighting.
The subsequent news blackout was extremely effective though, BT’s viewing figures are really low and not one member of my footballing friends and family were aware of the trouble.
So I’m at home and I’m catching up on the News and I come across this from the bBC: ‘I’m ashamed of Europe over refugee crisis’
Its a film clip about two old Jews (Labour peer Lord Dubs and Rabbi Harry Jacobi ) visiting a safe country (France) in which to give hope to unaccompanied children in Calais about how the UK should receive them . The bBC then parrots on about how alone during the late 1930 the UK took in 10,000 children from Europe and a few hints at the UK should take in 3000 From within Europe as its the right thing to do. But I looked into this last time and here are a few facts and figures never mentioned. Total number of Children in care in the UK: 69,540
As of 31 March 2015 (the most recent national data release), councils in England were looking after 2,630 unaccompanied minors. This figure has increased significantly following the pressures experienced over the summer of 2015. This growing pressure is illustrated by the significant increase in applications from unaccompanied children, excluding dependants: 1,080 applications were received in Quarter 4 2015.
So as of the start of 2016 there were 3710 unaccompanied refugee children in the UK in care.(and that figure does not include 2015 Quarter 2 and 3, as the UK used to receive 500 unaccompanied children a quarter (and that figure has risen) we are looking at 5000 unaccompanied migrant children current in care in the Uk.
As mentioned we used to receive around 2000 a year but that figure has risen per quarter by 80%.
This government has said it will take 3000 from inside the Levant which makes around 8000 migrant children in care
Yes, I watched the news report of Dubs & Jacobi in Calais, and the interviews that followed. It never ceases to amaze me that those who have been ‘welcomed’ into this country during the last 60 or 70 years, feel it is their place to speak for the rest of the indigenous population about ‘our’ homeland. Of course this country was an entirely different place during the 30’s and 40’s when the likes of Dubs & Jacobi as children were rescued from the horrors of Nazi Germany – it was a time when migrants were almost unheard of, so an extra few thousand souls were never going to impact greatly on local services. Now, we have those mid-century migrants informing us that “Britain has always been compassionate, and taken in those that need our help” – um, who says so ? and where do they get that idea from ? Its the same with Sadiq Khan, telling us about ‘how great our country is at helping others at their time of need’. I honestly feel like saying “listen mate, you don’t need to tell the likes of us who have centuries of history here, what our country is like, and what more we should do”. Do they REALLY need to preach to us ? Because I’m getting pretty hacked off with it.
A representative of the Refugee Council on LBC assured us that provided Government comes up with the money then homes can easily be found for all those claiming to be ‘children’ i.e 15-17 years old (going on thirty) and I can believe it as the payments are massive compared to minimum wage. Plenty of Muslim women will be told to take one in by their husbands – she does the extra cooking and washing while he takes the money and has free help in the takeaway.
BBC joined the Remain campaign today. John Pinaars report on Michael Goves speech about 5 million migrants by 2030 was utterly dismissive . Gove was accused of scaremongering . The BBC reporters on both TV and radio have been given a brief that dismisses Gove’s figure and it is eagerly read out .
Well, let’s just remember how successive so-called experts not least the governments of Blair and Cameron have always underestimated future migration . Moreover will a future uk government really veto Turkeys entry to the EU over the next 15 years when admission of Turkey is the lynchpin of the deal to attempt to curb migration . Will Merkel or her successors really be challenged by a supine UK in this way if we remain in?
John Pinaars report on Michael Goves speech about 5 million migrants by 2030 was utterly dismissive . Gove was accused of scaremongering . The BBC reporters on both TV and radio have been given a brief that dismisses Goveâs figure and it is eagerly read out .
In 2014 when Romania and Bulgaria were given access to the West (including the UK) the figure of 50,000 a year from those 2 countries was stated by migration watch, that figure was derided by the left as scaremongering: “Communities Secretary Eric Pickles has previously said that ministers do not know how many Romanians and Bulgarians will come to the UK when restrictions are relaxed. He also said he had no confidence in figures, published on his department’s own website, predicting about 13,000 will arrive. Alp Mehmet, of Migration Watch UK, said its own research had estimated about 50,000 a year would arrive. NIESR researcher Heather Rolfe on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme. dismissed that figure as “a stab in the dark”.
Thanks for these figures Pounce. My understanding is that Migrationwatch’s forecast of Rumanian and Bulgarian migration to the UK of 50,000 a year once restrictions were lifted has proved reasonably accurate. I do not doubt that the BBC was dismissive of this forecast at the time.
The ONS migration/ workforce figures for the year to March 2016, just released , are the last quarterly updates we will get before the EU Referendum. I sincerely hope that any ‘don’t knows’ will take note of these worrying figures and vote Leave.
If we now have 2.2 million EU workers in the UK ie economically inactive excluded, I think it is quite possible that another 5 million migrants will come to us over the next 15 years. Gove is not scaremongering . The push factors such as Turkish entry and continued high unemployment in the Eurozone will in my view continue to be real threats. Equally the pull factors such as uk generous in- work benefits and a relatively buoyant economy due to deregulation ( EU please note) will persist .
If only the UK had the freedom to steer migration towards more highly qualified workers we could encourage the creation of more highly productive jobs than we current are generating . This in turn would help public finances eg funding the NHS etc and reduce our appalling and potentially destabilising current account deficit .
Yes, somehow they got to Hamburg to perform. Surely all foreign travel was impossible before the EU? How did four British lads manage to live and work in Germany in the early 1960s? What a peculiar mystery.
Austria election: Far-right contender and rival hold rallies
As usual the BBC describes someone centre right as ‘Far Right’, well, when you’re at the North Pole, every direction is South!
The thing is that as ever there are other sources and the Freedom Party of Austria, has been around for a long time, 1956 as this iteration, but dates back to 1848.
Normally the BBC would be sceaming this as news pointing out the rise of the imaginary right, and using it as a weapon to call for even more draconian restrictions and laws against freedom, but they have a major problem – an EU referendum.
“The victory in the first round of the far-right candidate reflects widespread discontent with the status quo, as well as concerns about immigration and the economy, correspondents say.”
This is an exceptionaly muted comment. The reason why this man and party are so popular is the flood of migrants and mad Merkels policy of inviting them in, plus then forcing other EU countries to accept them.
If the BBC publicise this then the left will see the rise of the ‘far’ right as an inevitable consequence of EU policies and vote to leave.
If the right see one of their own being elected it will give them encouragement to attack the EU and promote the leave vote.
So its consigned to obscurity as much as possible to draw as little attention as possible. This election is a direct consequence of EU inaction and I can only imagine the cognitive dissonance the news editors must have had.
Thoughtful , the BBC ran a scare – piece from its Germanic sounding Europe Editor about the Freedom Party. The report began with a virtual accusation that the Freedom Party were Nazis. And of course they were given the BBCs most damning epithet – populist . We can’t allow the plebs to influence things can we?
The main upload of ‘Brexit the movie’ to YouTube has been up for 8 days and has now had over 394 000 views. 2 days ago it was at 260 000. So the rate of viewing is steadily increasing.
And the Pollstation EU Referendum poll has had over 53 000 votes and is holding steady at 82% for Brexit.
And the BBC’s own HYS shows overwhelming support for Brexit:
A few years ago I thought that ‘”Private Eye” magazine was no longer the “outside of the Establishment” force it once was. As a result I cancelled a very long standing Direct Debit Mandate – I’m talking 30+ years – and this evening my thoughts on “Private Eye” were once more confirmed when I watched the first 10 minutes of tonight’s “Have I Got News For You”.
Ian Hislop, “Private Eye” editor, immediately assumed his second job as BBC persona and spouted BBC indoctrinated “thoughts” as he tried to appear humorous and “independent” in his views. One of his very first observations was concerning Boris Johnson’s claim of the amount sent to the EU.
“It was all wrong,” as Wee Little Hislop explained in great detail, and went on to tell just how much we got back in rebates etc., which reduced Boris’s claimed figure.
Well, most folks watching this debate realise that most claims by both sides need to be taken with a pinch or maybe a 1lb of salt if it’s Cameron torking?
*WWIII* anyone?
But there was absolutely no attempt at balance whatsoever in the programme.
I suppose when your milchcow pays you so very, very much, and your milchcow is also so very much subsidised by the EU, it would take a very “brave” man to condemn it, though, in my opinion, it would take a quite unprincipled man and a *totally* unscrupulous man to appear on national TV whilst receiving ÂŁ1,000’s upon ÂŁ1,000’s annually from the said milchcow *and* the organisation which financially supports and subsidises it, then try to condemn any opponents’ points of view, especially when any such opponents are not present and therefore unable to answer.
But that is all quite acceptable to the BBC so don’t complain to me about it.
As Mr Hislop appears to have constantly portrayed such blatant bias – and now for very, very many months, if not even years – I am glad my judgement of him and his editorship of “Private Eye” has once more been confirmed.
I agree with what you say about Hislop and the Eye is certainly not what it was. I still subscribe and I would say it has been fairly impartial in the EU debate, taking the mick out of both sides. I doubt if Hislop has much input or even reads every word !
Very interesting, Grant. I honestly thought that the magazine would be led by it’s editor and there is absolutely no way whatsoever that Hislop has *ever* been even fairly impartial in the EU debate. He is an EU member right through to it being written in his marrow bone.
As I say, Grant, I ceased subscribing a few years ago and you now have me intrigued. Who the heck is editing the magazine if it is not taking Hislop’s line?
Secondly, without at all meaning to sound condescending/etc., how long have you been subscribing to the mag? As you now have me wondering if I should take another look at it … maybe … ???
I am just guessing that Hislop’s input is not “full on “, no real evidence of that. I have only been subscribing for a few years ,but have bought it on and off for many years. Quite honestly I read it for the humerous aspects as much as anything else. Worth buying a copy and see what you think but definitely not what it used to be .
I will pick up a copy next time I see one on display and see if it has changed, though I must say, from a “curmudgeonly” point of view – “I doubt it very much !!! ” lol!
Just to explain about my subscription – I’d taken it since goodness knows when, then a few years ago when the Direct Debits were almost due I used to wonder, “Do you still want this?” You can find out as much, if not even more on the Internet.
That went on for a couple of years and I think it was when Hislop became so blatantly “I AM BBC AND ALL YOUR BASES ARE BELONG TO US!” that I decided he would never get another penny out of me. I really detest people like that – one minute, totally anti-Establishment, then a couple of months later you cannot believe you are listening to the same person.
Just like to say to Henry I second that. Private Eye is not ‘owned’ by the prat Ian Hislop who has done nothing as ‘Editor’ – other than to appear on BBC HIGNFU as token BBC ‘toff’ (which is not a good advert for Private Eye). As nobody in the BBC reads anything other than The Guardian, its surprising he has lasted so long as he has. I switched off some time ago. Maybe he has aspirations to front a BBC show like ‘mock the week’ or fancy himself as Graham Norton’s understudy. BBC pay well for political favors.
Hislop is making a very valid point. Surely anyone can see that paying ÂŁ10 in to get ÂŁ5 out makes sound economic sense? It’s obvious when you think about it. I am sure that for every five grand the BBC pays him, he sends them ten grand in return. Doesn’t he?
I stopped watching years ago. The weekly 5 minute intro of utterly predictable and hate filled anti-UKIP bile was so tedious I switched off and never went back.
It would appear from the evidence to be so, m’lud.
Have I Got News For You started in the early 90’s. That’s been a lot of BBC pay-cheques for Hislop. Would he want the pay-cheques to stop for the next twenty years?
Crikey, Dover Sentry, I never really sat back and considered just what he had been earning. Early 90s is a lot of dosh when added up to today.
And as for your point about pay cheques for the next twenty years, well, as the likes of the Dimblebys demonstrate, keep your noses clean boys and the wellspring will continue flowing non-stop. I expect Hislop has been to the relevant induction courses.
I do hope Jean-Claude Junket continues with his threats about how Great Britain will be treated should its subjects vote to leave the EU; such interventions will do more to turn people against him and it than any amount of speeches by Boris or Nigel.
Warning to Jean-Claude Junket and his “threats”, Hitler made similar threats and look what happened to him ?
Message – Don’t mess about with Great Britain, learn from history .
“Mr Osborne’s comments echo those made by the International Monetary Fund last Friday, which said a Brexit could cause a “sharp drop” in house prices.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-36344425
Does this mean that our kids will be able to afford to by houses again ?
Are the Remainers clutching straws ?
Leaving the EU will actually help those on low pay. We can only hope that property prices fall substantially and that the economy becomes less attractive to those who are blatantly so alien to us they might as well come from Mars, with poisonous goods such as polonium 210 and ideologies that involve death as opposed to life.
But you hit it right on the nail, taffman; this is where the economic argument begins to fall down simply because the British economy has been bolstered on immigration rather than economic output and productivity.
We have no choice but to leave the EU. Anyone who votes to stay are selfishly thinking through their wallets and not their hearts!
In some ways, Osborne is even more odious than Cameron. It would never occur to him that a drop in house prices may be a good thing. Over the years he has demonstrated his ignorance of economics, finance, business, banking , taxation, markets etc. His taxation “policies” have been totally mental. So he has the perfect qualifications for a future job with the IMF. Another parasitic politician who has never had a real job in his life.
Of course the current falls in value of houses at the top end of the market and on buy- to- let properties have been caused by the increases in Stamp Duty imposed by Osborne. The man is an idiot.
âItâs back to the good olâ days, with stories like thisâ
So says Jason Mohammad (half-Pakistani/ half-Welsh, practising moslim – according to his Wiki. Fully BBC-man, no doubt largely due to the foregoing CV items but personally being due, we guess, half to his sentiment and half to the comfie paycheque)
Canât help but feel he comes over as a rugger man slumming it somewhat with the footie in BBC Final Score â itself a copy of what Sky does better and a painful watch at the best of times but a nightmare whilst the Corporation is increasingly happy to drag the BBC diversity finger nails across the blackboard of sport with screeching females calling in on dodgy phone lines from far away Barnstoneworth United to announce another âEight bloody one!â
Call me a Luddite in reverse but I preferred the teleprinter â oh for a world in which clockwork machines might once again replace BBC females â and the Breakfast she-males.
Our Jasonâs well turned out BBC Welsh accent meanwhile silently screams rugby – in my ear at least.
For the second time in a week the BBC are giving the Red Sofa treatment to âMosesâ the now familiar smiley Man U fan and Sierra Leoneâs very own Forest Gump.
âThereâs rumours heâs been given my ticketâ says our Jason. Twitter can sometimes be a double edged sword. Weâll twig whether the BBC pulled strings if Moses turns up at Wimbledon, the Chelsea Flower Show and then Glasto. Itâll be a good game of Whereâs Wally Moses in his red and white scarf.
News viewers have no doubt become accustomed to the BBC regularly taking them up the Stretford End with White Manâs Burden tales of would-be European migrants; now weâre told that the quintessentially English (just ask the Scots) event the FA Cup is actually all about the âGlobal Communityâ . I call foul!
âRedâ by adoption lightweight and house eunuch Mike Bushel adds his tuppence of condescension to the African chap as the BBC enquires of the dusky and quiet guru his prediction of the likely score in terms of goals in the upcoming cup match. Unsurprisingly receiving a prediction rather favourable to LVGâs boys at least the makeweight presenter, using a standard BBC formulation (something like an incantation learnt at BBC Hogwarts from a high wizard of which we will not speak – such as Stuart Hall) he cautions that Crystal Palace fans âmay have something to say about thatâ.
Or perhaps he would have better deployed: âut quidam dicuntâ (some people may say) I know I did.
I’m not a huge admirer of Palace – memories of a soulless ground and a history of mediocrity. I never looked forward to a game when my team played them.But on this occasion I hope they win and MUFC are well and truly stuffed. Sack for LVG, followed by another season of under-achievement under an inadequate replacement. Continued misery for all the celebrity Man U supporters and others who ignore local teams and travel miles to see football at Old Trafford and think success is a divine right.
Am a Man United fan myself, but hope that we lose today-if only to get the Tin Tulip out of Old Trafford and get Mourinho…so he too could blow hard, strangle the little youth talent that we have : and then footy will eat itself.
Taught in schools a few weeks back about “Leadership”-and used Wayne Rooneys Sky TV clips once the United bus had been bricked, to exemplify quisling lack of same…contrasted with Henry V, and Churchill….and hence why we`ll go nowhere in the Euros with a spineless granny grabber like Wazzock in charge.
Also if we lose today, then hopefully the Geordie nation can enjoy seeing Pardew gaily trotting around Wembley, gap-toothed with the Emirates paint pot lid on his bonce tomorrow morning in the papers-THAT`LL teach them for treating a decent bloke so badly.
Oh-and maybe we`ll keep West Ham out of Europe if we lose as well-just a vague hope, but them again isn`t that all that footy is?
So then-having read the runes of the cats bowl…I`m predicting ` win for Palace after extra time-either 2-1 or penalties…Mystic Moggie has spoken!
PS…how come Lineker gets to go on the Today programme but the incontinent blowhard Humphrys says nothing about his grotesque salary and his role in making our kids fat with his crisps?…thought he`d do that…NOT!
Well-90 mins in, and I`m the Prophet!
Not good for that Messiah Complex of mine…and the wife is far from happy, seeing as i`m insufferable at the best of times!
Beginning now to think that the West ham fans were right to brick our coach last week…but seeing as they`re a bit thick, they did the bus and not LvG as we advised them.
Bloody ICF are hardly the force I`d thought they were.
Hi Mart!
We` d need Craig and his data for that one.
Always feel that they`re all walking on eggshells as they try to include women, disabled and wonder where the local muslims round the country feel excluded or such.
But to be fair, they DO employ “special needs” types-Robbie Savage comes to mind!
Hoping you`re pushing for Gambia to be in the Eurovision next year…nearer than Australia…and THEY made it in.
LOL ! I haven’t been on Craig’s site for a few weeks, must catch up. A touch of W. African music would certainly stir up Eurovision. Now that Gambia have left the Commonwealth ( don’t ask ), they could replace the UK in the EU. Would save all that boating in the Med !
Watching the cup final yesterday I was struck by the crowd zoom shots……they used to frequently feature attractive young women…..but now……men with turbans and other non whites appear to be the desired close up crowd shots.
Also the origin of a player isn’t generally alluded to…..the international nature of “English” club football is sold as a desirable attribute of its globalisation…..with a few exceptions……”Manchester born Rashwood”, “the Warrington lad Lingard”.
Then there’s the pretence that women’s football has a mass following.
It is really funny, because my question to chrisH was a bit facetious as he had been posting about the cup final without relating it BBC bias. I am sure he will forgive me as his team won !
I was aware of the BBCs obsession with women’s football. But your other points are interesting. I wonder if other posters here have noticed these things.
I never thought of watching the match from the BBC bias point of view. So just settled down to watch Channel 5 cricket hightlights. Well done England, but I did feel a bit sorry for Sri Lanka.
My mistake…the Man Utd player I mentioned is Marcus Rashford…..local boy from Manchester as the BBC unfailingly remind us about him but few others.
The other BBC football related narratives that are served up from time to time include the “shortage” of BME coaches and managers in English football, the “homophobia”…..no top level player has declared his homosexual or bi sexual preference since Justin Fashanu…..
And of course the explainer is that the chair of the FA is the former Beeboid the incomperable and inimitable racist Mr Greg “the BBC is hideously white” Dyke.
These organisations cross fertilise with each other with the common purpose of “transforming” our society.
And which team will the BBC support. Difficult decision for them ! Gay Rights were making some progress in Turkey before that Islamic bastard Erdogan got in .
I couldn’t help noticing those naughty Liverpool fans fighting in Basle a day or two ago. (google liverpool fighting)
The bbc were conspicuous by their absence in reporting this. Why? Was it too close too the Hillsborough thing? Too unpalatable that the Liverpool supporters might actually be, as suggested, just a bunch of thugs? after all the meticulous biased reporting (in the public interest?)
Don’t worry, if you can wait 27 years and waste ÂŁ70m of public money you can blame it on the British police.
I would rather spend ÂŁ70 million pounds of taxpayer money on investigating why 96 innocent people including children were crushed to death than spend it on the majority of vanity projects that the Government seems intent on wasting money on.
And it is not the ‘Hillsborough thing” it was the the Hillsborough Tragedy and if you cannot understand this then I pity you.
Thanks but I don’t need your pity. Any one with half a brain looking at the footage of the crowds outside the ground could see an accident waiting to happen (outside or inside the ground). They were drunken louts then and they were drunken louts in Basle on Thursday.
There was a time when the bbc would have reported on news items like the violence in Basle. The question is why they did not report on it now. The answer is that the bbc is a different beast these days – political, insular, ‘clever’ and calculating. The reason for lack of reporting of the Basle violence is it calls into question their recent popular conclusions of blameless Liverpool supporters at Hillsborough. This is bias by omission. The media can convince people of anything they want these days, they are conniving abusers of power. No outcome can bring back the 96 souls lost that day but has justice been done in their name? i think there is at least a little doubt over that.
The line taken at the inquest that the behaviour of the supporters who arrived late at the Leppings lane turnstiles had no effect on events is breathtaking. A cursory viewing of the video footage of the swaying mass of humanity, some holding cans, some knocking coppers helmets off, others climbing the perimeter walls around the time the outer gates were opened tells us this was a political finding.
That South Yorkshire police lost control of events is beyond dispute, the question of who else contributed to that loss of control is now, officially closed.
Although that’s an interesting statistic — in fifteen years the BME has jumped from 5.5% to over 14% of the population .
Now I reckon that it’s not black bretheran that are hugely increasing that figure , but another “minority” with a different faith , culture and allegiance .
It must be bustling at bbc centre today. After all it’s the bbc’s annual foray into live soccer. Gary Lineker will be wheeled out to support the cause. Another bbc dinosaur who is paid how much? Well now it appears we will never know how OUR money is spent. The reason for this, as intimated to me on the news this morning, is that some (or all) of these overpaid luvviesare not actually bbc employees.
I’m putting 2 and 2 together here and my brain is coming up with 4 – limited company, tax evasion etc.
Surely never. After all that fuss about the Panama papers, it can’t be………? Can it?
This is on Tuesday evening: “Last Whites of the East End”. Not on BBC Wales, Scotland or N.Ireland. Obviously just a regional issue and of no interest to others on these Isles.
“Newham in London’s East End is home to a tight-knit white working-class community who have lived there for centuries. But over the past 15 years something extraordinary has happened to this cockney tribe – more than half of them have disappeared. Now the few who remain are struggling to hold on to their identity in the place they have always called home.”
“A decade of mass immigration and ‘white flight’ has brought Newham to its tipping point, and now Newham has the lowest white British population of anywhere in the UK.”
“It will make extremely uncomfortable viewing for all the main political parties, not to mention the local council â which is already disputing some of its assertions. And it seems that there are some within the BBC who are worried about this film, too.”
“This is a beautifully made film which neither patronises nor sensationalises its subjects. And it does not mince its words â which may explain why the BBC has put it in a late-night slot at 10.45pm and given it minimal pre-publicity.
No doubt, if it was about Tory cuts or the bedroom tax or the arts or was presented by the ubiquitous cross-dressing potter Grayson Perry, it would enjoy loud hurrahs on Newsnight or Radio 4. But I have yet to see a single trailer.”
If it happened in Mostar or Srebrenice, then right on posers like Benedict Cumbertwat would be all over it. But the ethnic cleansing of white working class Londoners is beneath them.
The dockers in the East End supported Enoch Powell in 1968. Were they wrong to do so? One thing is for sure: you won’t find any to ask, they have all gone.
It was never inevitable that the east End of London would turn into a suburb of Karachi, Mogadishu and Lagos. It was a deliberate policy by successive regimes of traitors wearing red or blue rosettes, it didn’t matter which.
The Guardian and BBC get terribly concerned about the gentrification of Brixton or the benefits cap ‘ethnically cleansing’ Zone 1, but don’t seem to be quite as worried about the death of long standing English communities.
I stand to make a correction to my post above, and also to apologise for my careless, misrepresentation of the BBC. The programme “Last Whites of the East End” will be shown in Wales, N.Ireland and Scotland at 23.10, 23.15 and 23.45 respectively, this coming Tuesday.
Why not put this programme on at a reasonable hour though when more people might watch it?
I am unsure about posting this. Dads dancing with babies. Something about it bothers me. Maybe it is because it is the sort of bashing of traditional gender roles that is approved by the BBC and the Jerrods that float with it. Sure, as a dad, I enjoyed playing/dancing with the babies. But this suggests that traditional masculinity of western males is being undermined. Not a bad thing perhaps.
But you would not see Muslim dads doing it, and the black clad ISIS warriors whose pictures are constantly reproduced by the BBC would not appear this way.
And this makes me think of the tacit support feminists and women politicians offer to the Muslim invaders and indeed the rapists of Cologne and elsewhere. Tough invaders taking, enslaving, overpowering and impregnating women in the lands they have invaded. There is an argument – see Stefan Molyneux – which explains feminist support for Islam in such biological terms. The blonde men of Europe and the US, emasculated and destined to be replaced by the masculine no nonsense invaders.
It’s a thought, so as a soft hearted dad myself, I don’t feel inclined to defend the thesis too heavily, but this still leaves a need to explain why women have played a role in welcoming the invaders.
The EU Ref debate I attended last night followed a familiar path. Seems there were locked in Leaves and Remains hovering around 30% and 40% undecideds at the start.
Once the panellists had chatted, and few insights from the floor added on things those relying on the BBC alone were unaware of and could not be challenged by the Remain side, it ended up at 80% Leave and 20% Remain.
I suspect a few may rely more in the internet for news, education and information in future.
The delusional views expressed by the politicians in your posted video or simply not normal GWF, they are the kind of ramblings espoused by the confused and mentally ill. If a group of eurocrats were tasked with the creation of a divided and inflammatory EU I don’t think they could develop a more efficient strategy than the path they are already on.
Its the sight of those cut off shorts, stick legs and trainers that I find distressing !! – I assume they are British men, who never seem to get the art of casual dressing just right. (sorry guys)
I suspect that many white European women secretly deplore the feminisation of men, but are afraid to say so. In the same way that I deplore the masculisation ( if there is such a word ) of women , but am not afraid to say so !
You see these young couples these days and it is quite obvious the bloke is the more feminine one in the relationship . My missus often turns to me and says she must know he is practically a woman – I think they just cling on to them have a kid or two and then wait for the inevitable when their husband runs off with Tarquin in his 40’s and sets up a mobile hair dressing business.
Great topic for discussion here and one that could go un PC very quickly. Its why we are here though, to discuss those difficult and clearly subjective opinion topics. Look forward to having my opinion savaged đ
Evolution created man and woman to be different. All mammals have evolved to be clearly defined between to sexes with aggression, dominant males taking the spoils and maternal mothers those who are successful in the difficult task of raising the next generation of mammals.
The world today has never been so comfortable and protected for those too weak to survive the true harshness of life. This protection and utterly illusional safety is only in place by the hard fought and won battles that will always be part of our human nature. The real men of our time have made this all happen. Hard as nails men who were willing to give their lives for everything we have today.
The ONLY reason that the femininisation of men is happening is because of the sacrifice these men have given. Live is so comfortable that we are currently able to try and resist and even challenge our true human nature. The reason that so many in our society are able to go for the noble but easy career of championing equality for all and offering everything for the ‘vulnerable’ and those who give nothing in return is because of those battles and wars won by the blood of our real men forefathers.
To summarise. We are living in an illusional world which at any time could digress into a world that’s only rules are those that nature intended. The rule where only the strongest survive. This weakness and delusional liberalism shown by our elite will only survive as long as we are in control of our own destiny and it’s protected by strength. Once the balance is tipped the other way human nature takes hold and any man that is not able to fight for what is his is finished.
No wonder subliminally our women are looking at the embarrassment so many western men have become because they cannot even fight to protect themselves never mind anyone else. Human nature has created men to protect a woman. If a man cannot do that then his purpose in life is completely reliant on the illusion that is our current society.
Spot on Tothepoint!
The days of “women and children first” is consigned to the history books. Just looking at my nephews – both in their mid-20’s, (lovely ‘boys’) have more skin care products in the bathroom than their sister, and as for imagining them flying Spitfires like those lads in the last war, well – it just wouldn’t happen, sadly.
When I was about 20 years old, they started pushing male skin care products in adverts. That was 18 years ago. Those in their 20’s will have had these adverts ‘normalising’ these products since they were toddlers. That is the power of advertising.
Now consider how hard it is to ‘think outside’ the BBC propaganda ‘box’.
…Except the British guys will be holding a pint of beer . ….
Perhaps 20 plus years ago, but I wouldn’t be too sure nowadays. My late husband used to love his Saturday and Sunday lunchtime pint, but for the past 10 years in my area lunchtime drinking doesn’t happen, the pubs are empty, except for the ‘lunchers’. Young husbands are now ‘off shopping’ or playing sport, – having grown out of the ‘binge’ drinking culture.
The pooftahs killed the pubs. A pub was somewhere we all went after a hard days work to enjoy a pint and a smoke and talk about the day with our work colleagues. At Weekends we all met up with our mates for beer , football and a smoke. The people who never even went to pubs decided that pubs should be somewhere where they could drop in for a yaks milk soya latte and a lettuce sandwich with absolutely no smoking. Result = the people who went to pubs all the time stopped going as they did not want to go and sit in a poncey coffee shop.
Nope just a normal bloke who used to love going to pubs. Didn’t mean pooftah to equal gay but you lot never miss an opportunity do you. Trying to say that people who never went near a bloody pub decided that what we all really wanted was a nice clean coffeeshop – no we didn’t we all wanted a pub where we were allowed to have a pint and a fag
I used to go to the local pub to `take the bandit` but not anymore as the term means something completely different now same as `having a fag`….. plus since the smoking ban came into force all the pubs stink of B.O. and stale urine …
Wonderfully un-PC and probably more than a grain of truth in it . I rue the day that there ceased to be any men-only bars in Scotland. Now I would have to join a golf club !
Seems the Mail on Sunday thinks Chris Evans’ thoughts on cars in a pull out will sell more copies. Good luck with that.
Luvvieism is demanded to be a thing. I kid thee not. The Breakfast Sofa of Outrage (B’SOO) awaits its first League of Luvvies Charity Spokesgenderneutralist…
Oh, and having stabbed four women, a nut job is to be charged with an alleged dangerous weapon… as opposed to the sharp wet haddock previously thought deployed.
Not bbc bias but I would like to know why this dog was not immediately put down. Is this an extension of the pervasive PC culture of our modern society? Will it receive damages for being held against it’s will? The longer it is kept in kennels, the greater the chance that some hand wringer/RSPCA will file a legal challenge to have it kept alive.
There are many cases now where dogs have not been destroyed even though they have bitten people.
It is not so long ago that it would have been unthinkable for a dog not to be put down if it had attacked someone.
Why? When? By whom? That policy was changed are questions that it would be very interesting to get the answers to.
There is tension between Animal Welfare Officers or Dog Wardens, financed by Local Government, and the police. It might be a question of two authorities in dispute as to who gets financed for carrying out such activities.
11 kids bitten by the Geordie dog then?
Should he not be bred , and his angry dysfunctional pups given out, one to each local school with their allocated wagman?
This SURELY would increase student participation in the educational facilities of Northumberland.
Either that-or maye a Channel 5 series on “Dogs that Bite”-for this dog seems to be serial biter…very much a Jeffrey Dahmer of doggies.
His DNA?…upbringing…diet…living in poverty…family fracture…prejudice of locals…bloody David Wilson and Ray Wyre/Gitta Sereny (other ravers from the grave are availabubble).
This is a pandemic of canine carnage and requires a serious response…if only Ashington College hadn`t turned him down for a sheepdog trial/course two years ago eh?
What colour was the the Dog?? Perhaps it was an afghan breed maybe??? We can safely assume it wasn`t an English bull terrier as the BBC would have been all over it like a randy dog on a childs leg…
In court when asked to enter a plea….. the dog could only reply with the word `sausages` and `Walls` (in reference to the erecting of border fences by many of the Balkan states probably…) …. the court has adjurned whilst a translater can be found to manipulate its` jowls to resemble a guilty or not guilty growl…… The breed .. although not as yet confirmed was a dalmatian cross (no pun intended) … so possibly from the Albania/Kosovo ethnic background….
Perhaps my esteemed colleagues can assist me with the following question:
How is it possible that David Ca-Moron can strongly and impressively defend the record of his government against all antagonists during PM’s questions and yet turn into a quivering wimp when on the world stage?
*Shortly after Israeli commandos killed 9 “peace activists” who had attacked their comrades with metal bars aboard the Mavi Marmara, Ca-Moron, on a visit to Turkey, castigated Israel while bemoaning the fate of the Gazans, sounding in the process much like Erdogan – who loathes Israel. It’s likely that Erdogan instructed him in precisely what to say.
*And he is apparently OK with the treacherous Obama regarding Britain as a kind of junior partner to the US in the War on Terror and also OK with Obama coming to the UK explicitly to interfere in its affairs and influence the public to vote ‘Remain.’
*And he goes off to ‘negotiate’ with the EU like a puppy wagging its tail, achieves nothing, and then returns thumping his chest as if he’s made fantastic gains.
He makes Chamberlain look like a great statesman.
Well, I guess by now it’s obvious that he cannot or will not defend Britain against external enemies. But what about internal enemies? Surely David Ca-Moron is not that much of a moron that he is unaware of the treasonous behaviour of the far-left BBC? And if he is in fact aware of it, surely he can appoint somebody who will do something about it?
As a start, how about requiring the BBC to advertise widely for its staff, rather than exclusively in that disgusting lefty rag known as The Guardian?
Cameron needs the BBC and they need him . He has made a pact with the devil. As has often been said by others on this site for the past 18 months or so, Cameron needs the BBC to help him mislead/bully the Brits into voting to remain. The BBC needs him , or his anointed successor, as PM to prevent the DUP, most Tories and UKIP demanding major change at the corporation in response to the non stop leftist bias that the corporation churns out 24/7. If we vote leave he will be gone in short order. Even if we stay he won’t last long, such is the hatred he has engendered amongst Tory members with his Project Fear lies. So I think that before the end of the year , whatever the result of the referendum , we will have a new Eurosceptic PM who will almost certainly have no love or need of the BBC and who , if the vote is to remain, will put a second referendum back on the agenda. But one which will be fought with a government backing Leave.
The above, when coupled with the likely collapse of the EU within the next 5 years due to its own internal tensions , gives grounds for optimism. Of course it would be much better to leave the building whilst the fire is only smouldering than stick around and see it become an inferno.
Yes Doublethinker, and I hope Cameron’s replacement will crack a whip across that BBC flunky of a Minister for Culture, Whippingbum, who has to go in order for the BBC to be reformed.
So I think that before the end of the year , whatever the result of the referendum , we will have a new Eurosceptic PM who will almost certainly have no love or need of the BBC and who , if the vote is to remain, will put a second referendum back on the agenda. But one which will be fought with a government backing Leave.
Well, I guess if the EU can insist on countries voting again till they get a result the EU approves of, then Britain can also vote again till the Brexit campaign wins. But I have a feeling there will be no need for that and the Brexit side will win by a large margin next month.
A UK government hostile to the BBC? Wouldn’t that be a wonder to behold!
Not much meat on this story: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-36349693
Our ÂŁ4Bn a year national treasure doesn’t seem to have done much investigative journalism on this horrendous story about 4 women being stabbed by a nutter. Perhaps they had an inkling of where the surname Orhon is likely to be from. Bias by omission, these quislings are masters at it.
Ethem Aydin Orhon, 66, of Deacons Walk, Hampton, will appear in custody at Wimbledon Magistrates’ Court later.
Hmm, 66 is a rather advanced age for going on a knife attack.
Well, could be he’s a Muslim and shouted “God is Great” as he went on his rampage. If so, the BBC will be at pains to omit those facts or be very coy about revealing them. Certainly no lefty feminists working for the BBC will be outraged at this vicious, cowardly attack on four elderly women.
Nobody covers up for the Religion of Peace like the BBC.
Whoddathunk it! The darling of Anisa Subedar and the BBC website trending malarkey (Hijab girl takes selfie in front of allegedly “anti-Muslim” – but not actually – demo)…well she turns out to be a rabid anti-semite. Waiting to see the BBC Trending coverage of this…
I do recall a fair effort on this by them initially, but it may now be a bit of a wait, as BBC ‘Trending’ tends to see only certain trends and often drops them if they turn out less on narrative.
A few ‘allegedlies’ and ‘claims’ in there, so maybe the BBc might like to use some of that ÂŁ4Bpa and a few of those 20,000 market rates to… check?
Usual block off from the BBC.
This story sounds awful-four women out for a weekend shop in the outer suburbs of West London,all stabbed.
Now then-will all supermarkets and IKEAs etc, now be forced to have space to park an air-ambulance from now on, given the trend from European integration?
And did our Turkish friend yell out “Allah Akhbar” as he slashed round the women..or the more neutral “Subhan Allah”?
By whooshing him through the courts today, bet the BBC think that they won`t need to tell us…but the fact that we can dare to guess all the usual BBC lies in covering stories like this won`t be forgotten.
I myself will only shop at Sainsburys for a while now “in solidarity” with the four ladies-wonder how much Neurofen, bandages and Savlon, thread and needles-and a cheap brandy-you can buy for ÂŁ145.50?
Suppose the BBC will be citing that all that pork and bacon on show was a provocation…how long before we`ll need a permit to go dow the meat aisles?…or at least some scanner for knives.
Imagine Phil Shiner or Martyn Day will already be looking at that one…Imran Khan presumably doesn`t need the publicity anymore
Steve Jones
Censorship by another name.
I often find that this site is way ahead of Al Beeb with breaking news . As I have said before, they trawl this site for news, a) Because its a good starting point to see if they have missed anything and b) If there is any news that they have censored has broken out, which they must then subsequently cover or appear inefficient as a news broadcaster .
I would hazard a bet that one or two ‘trolls’ on this site are in fact Al Beeb researchers .
Long ago there were in fact a few senior BBC shmucks who frequented the site. One called himself John Reith and others used their real names, e.g. Nick Reynolds who was in part responsible for drawing up guidelines on the use of the dreaded ‘terrorism’ word and debated the issue here. Another one, whose name escapes me but also used his real name, was a climate change propagandist who cheerfully stuck to his guns in the face of severe criticism and worse from veterans here.
If we stay in the EU and they manage to complete the TTIP deal then I don’t think we can opt out of it despite what Dave says.We are not negotiating it,the EU is on our behalf .Scary !
“David Cameron moves to head off TTIP rebellion”
Its about time all the Tory MPs revolted over Downing Street’s supine surrender of our sovereignty to the EU –
Conservatives, put your nation before your jobs . http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36332415
Agree grant.
He really seems to have scuttled his ship, perverted it much as Blair did to the authentic labour party.
Absolutely no sense of history, let alone irony.
And as the heir to Blair, he ought to have known better.
All he had to do was be honest-he gave us that referendum, had he just trusted the people(even with a residual establishment stance where contentious)…he`d be walking the next election as well, no matter the result of the vote-and no matter who replaced him.
Enoch was right-and few other political leaders careers are going to find that their life ends in failure as much as Cameron.
Will go down as badly as Heath, no matter what the result now-and all Tories clinging to his hopes will founder with him to.
Which makes Gove the only electable Tory with Boris now a mainstay figure…like our Trump I`d imagine.
The political elite had better get some clown shoes and fright wigs…for politics is now going to become farce and comedy, before tragedy once again.
The first time I noticed it was when he turned up alone for his Easter holiday on Lanzarote and Sam came the next day. I thought that was bit weird. Since then he seems to have become more and more unhinged, plenty of examples.
He seems totally out of his depth in foreign affairs and easily outgunned by foreign leaders and the EU. I cannot think of anything he has done to further British interests internationally.
I was hoping David Davis would be leader, but agree with you that Gove is the best hope. Look at the three main party leaders, nonentities each one.
They ought to have picked DD in 2005.
A decent bloke with loads of integrity and lots of respect across Parliament-like Alan Johnson but with principle, brains and abilty.
Catastrophic in hindsight that the Tories lost their nerve and elected a cipher of turquiose mush.
Davis may well be one of the wiser elders who`ll give us the next Tory leader…maybe a Keith Joseph type.
His FoI/Detention without trial stand may yet come back to his benefit…hope so, always seems a good bloke.
Thanks a lot for this my friend Mr TV.
All possible classes in maths and R.E will be getting those salary figures to do work with this coming week.
Important that tomorrows people get the occasional detour through the institutions don`t you think?
Surprised that no-one has commented on last nights Newsnight, when Peter Oborne tears into the so called BBC “impartiality” re the Boris story earlier in the week.
Impassioned and unusual to hear someone shout over Maitlis and her schmoozing blandishments.Occurs 10 mins in, ends at 17.00…with the Oborne eruptions clouding Maitlis over at 15.30 http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b07c2slh/newsnight-20052016
That said, how refreshing to see an attractive version of a lefty Polly….that one`s for all you chaps out there…and Charlotte Proudman and Jack Monroe have sponsored this message.
Very good. We do need more of such forthright comment, calling out the BBC. Matthis exhibited another of the stand rules of lefties everywhere: do not allow any criticism to be heard, but talk over it so that listeners will not hear it clearly. Of course, the problem studio guests have is that if their criticism of the BBC is too pointed (and accurate), they will not get invited again. Which highlights the urgent need to remove the BBC’s monopoly to choose which spokesmen are allowed to appear, and how much time and prominence they are given. The BBC must no longer be allowed to blackball those who they do not like; David Bellamy, Christopher Booker and Lord Monckton being three that come to mind. And has anyone seen John Bolton, one time ambassador to the UN, on the BBC in recent years?
Yes ChrisH – registered it. Whittingdale and the ‘Tory wet’ cabal have all now raised the white flag, since they exchanged any BBC reform on licence renewal, for EU REMAIN support and the paying of the over 75s TV Licence.
They should do what the newly elected, (Nov 15) Polish Government has done. Replaced the similar BBC type dripping wet liberaL ‘commies’ & senior managers, reporters within their State Broadcasters, with similar reforms of their judiciary.
I’ve sort of given up watching the left wing propaganda programme.
Thank you however, for informing me of one of the few right wingers to have the guts to speak out against this disgustingly biased national broadcaster.
Tearing into? If that polite dance around actually saying anything directly equates to tearing into then we really have lost!
Even Maitlis remarks that no one has accused the BBC of bias (perish the thought!).
Was very much looking forward to “The Verb” last night-10pm Radio 3.
Having a Northern/Geordie background…am a huge fan of Tony Harrison.
As an old Lefty, he really spoke to me…and, even though it was the bloody ubiquitous Ian McMillan doing it, I expected plenty from it.
It was held at Newcastle University-my old alma mater, so felt my cup would run over.
Sadly-felt it all a long eulogy to verbose post-grads, and one long lefty suckup to privilege. in house schmoozings and the little people out there, not being allowed in to ask the Peoples Poet the REAL questions.
Like-“how did your principles get by as Blair took your party over?”
“How do you keep touch about all things left, when you spend so much time in Greece?…and how has the EU worked out there…what are your views on the EU now”?
“How does your Left look now after its response to the death of Margaret Thatcher”?
And all manner of other questions that would throw cherry bombs into the cosy lefty clubs of literature, like this one on “The Verb”.
But no…the smug love-in was undisturbed-and I`d have thought that gemutlich bourgeoisie idea was everything that the Left were supposed to get rid of.
Just wanted to know why-but the Left seem unable to question why no-one bu themselves buys into their worldview…and will we TOO have to be “forced to be free”(Rousseau). http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07b2kr9
No disrespect to the Great Man-but only wish the Left themselves would be “more inclusive of we working class chappies who aren`t lecturing on creativity-but not being creative themselves”
In other news ISIS Muslims hack an innocent female magicians assistant in half with a sword onstage in a display to show how diverse they are…. Lyse Doucet reports direct from the Muslim section of the decapitated corpse with video `footage` of bloodied flip-flops and her switching between wringing her hands whilst pointing har hand (nazi salute style) towards the Isreali borders…..
The damning Whitehall assessment â seen by the Telegraph â has found that France and other EU countries are hampering new âfree-tradeâ deals because they want to protect their farmers from the extra competition.
David Cameron claims that the power of Brussels to negotiate these free-trade agreements with parts of the world such as the United States is a critical reason why Britain must not leave the EU.
But the memorandum suggests that Britain is losing out on ÂŁ2.5âbillion a year in potential trade as a result of the ongoing delays to a proposed deal between the EU and Latin America.
Dominic Raab, the justice minister who is campaigning to leave the EU at next monthâs referendum, said: âThe raw truth is that the EU hates genuinely free trade. That holds Britain back, costs us jobs, and keeps prices on the high street artificially high.â
A British exit from the European Union would be good for the economy, according to one of the City of Londonâs top forecasters.
Extreme claims from political groups arguing that Brexit would be a disaster were âwide of the markâ, Capital Economics concludes in a detailed report.
We are constantly reminded that our hospitals would be devoid of nurses if it wasn’t for immigration, and that right there is the reason that we should remain in the EU in order to take advantage of free movement of people to staff our public sector. A lot of the rapists, sorry, brain surgeons fleeing from safe countries via squalid jungles in France would be net contributors to our society – an enrichment that we would sadly be obliged to forego if we’re were to leave the EU. The uncountable millions of Muslims that would become EU citizens when Project Turkey is enacted, they are all going to make Britain better, but only if we’re in the EU. There is so little doubt about this that there is simply no need whatsoever to even pretend that we should control access across our borders, it’s simply unnecessary. It’s all positive, nothing to see here.
There are so many things wrong with the above that it’s difficult to know where to start. But the crux of the matter is that the remain group seem to be arguing that without the EU facilitating immigration and mandating the free movement of people into the UK, if we decided that we did want to invite some Phillipino nurses to come over then we could not. I’m not sure if I’m missing something but if, and I’m not convinced about this but, if we decided to open our borders to net contributors because our ageing population is dangerously unbalancing the country’s demographics then I fail to see how being part of the EU’s bureaucratic machinery makes that more possible. Surely HM Gov simply grants working visas to those fit for purpose. What am I missing here?
The UK’s current points-based immigration system will carry on just fine after we leave the EU. It ensures companies can recruit the people they need, while keeping control of our borders. Countries like Australia, Canada, and the USA operate similar systems. You aren’t missing a thing.
Last time I was in hospital, the overseas nurses were from Africa and very good they were too. From Commonwealth countries and spoke excellent english.
Why is ‘our ageing population is dangerously unbalancing the countryâs demographics’ ? This may explain it …………… http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-15984258
Government “health campaigns in the 1970s urged people to get contraception advice” . Perhaps they should now do the same in the Middle east and Africa, it would solve many problems .
Far-Right? Er, how exactly? He’s Austrian and so was Hitler (the socialist) so he’s far right? What does a person have to do to be identified as far right by the media, not read the Guardian? I’ve often thought the media should have an accurate definition of far right, some kind of benchmark, and be clearly able to demonstrate just how an individual qualifies to be far right. Instead it just seems to be an arbitrary label to be thrown about by far left journalists (or algorithms in the case of BBC online) to be attached to said non guardian readers.
Politicians and political parties manifestos and all pre election promises should be treated in the same way as an affidavit by all prospective MPs and thier staff TBH…. We should have legislation which allows any politician who fails to deliver due to unforeseen circumstances out of thier control, but only when all related documentation and transcripts relating to any investigation is produced.. To avoid any confusion or attempts to misguide the public, all documentation at or above a ministerial level should be automatically duplicated and a copy of all should be collated and archived in the same way we deal with subject matter given the term `official secrets` as they directly affect the day to day running of our soveriegn rights and our constition….. Anyone found to be wilfully negligent or to have intentionally misled the public to gain office should be given a minimum jail sentence in the same vein as somebody committing a major fraud, perjury or contempt of court.. There should be no grounds for appeal and any finances gained should be surrendered at the time of conviction by a jury of peers… All `spin-doctors` and junior staff involved with elections and political decisions before and after should be vetted in the same way we have CRB checks, anyone with a criminal history should be banned from employment for life….. Obviously minor offences dealt within the magistrates courts which did not result in a custodial sentence would not be included, but anything above should be treated with the full wieght of the law as technically they are a genuine danger to the public interests and our constitution and soveriegnty… All false expenses claims by MPs should be dealt with in the criminal justice system and anyone found guilty should be immediately removed from office and again financial gains should be confiscated and whilst proceedings are being dealt with all accounts held by them which relate to thier suspected offences be frozen…. This would in effect speed up each cases outcome as they would not be recieving any salaries and would not qualify for legal aid… Instead they should be made to provide property to the same value as thier estimated legal costs… If found to be innocent any legal fees and debt arising from this period should be returned along with a set financial award from the public purse no higher than their annual salry as an elected MP.. The reason for this is simple, it would immediatly negate any lengthy litigation process and also misdirection during the courts processing and judgements…. Cutting costs and also allowing a faster election of a new MP when and where a guilty verdict is given….. All MPs should be given a minimum term of FIVE years..
(See Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011)
If found guilty of offences which predate thier present term of office then the term should be increased to the exact date of the offence up to the date of conviction (EG .. an MP commits a criminal offence eight years prior during a previous time in office, he should be sent to jail for twice the minimum term using the date of his first election as the starting point…… Obviously this would be for those criminal acts deemed serious enough to warrant a full Crown Court prosecution…… )
In the case of Cabinet Ministers and prime ministers found guilty they should be treated in the way as a person suspected of treason as they are high enough in government to commit treasonable acts directly which could and would endanger the people of our country…..
Lastly we do not need any higher courts than those of our own constitution and it should be pointed out that our own legal system predates any European legal systems individually and collectively including and especially those of the EU!!!
As for the human rights issues regarding our borders I have no problem whatsoever with processing asylum claims and customs checks within our borders and along our coastlines… We could simply enforce an exclusion zone perhaps the same as the current EU fishing regulations and any inflatables attempting to enter could be simply dealt with by dragging a length of barbed wire etc. behind a minesweeper at the edge of our waters directly in front of attempted incursions…… Same way they stop car thieves when the police use a stinger….. It would punture a hole big enough to deflate the boat and at the same time leave them with the means to f**k off back to Calais/Syria/whatever!!!
Please remember to use the last 48 hours before the referendum to spam and bombard all your family members and friends with pro BREXIT information…. Don`t waste time on the ones who already know which way they are going to vote, concentrate on family members who don`t usually vote and any apathetic youths currently responsible for being a financial deadwieght in the household….. You could even offer a bribe of a weeks reduction in rent, in most cases it won`t matter to you financially to them or to you as they usually have no concept of monetary value anyway and usually scam thier weekly rent back via the Mrs anyways……
I watched Brexit – the Movie this week. What a truly excellent, concise, coherent set of arguments. It’s a neat 1 hour tutorial, well structured, well presented package of arguments setting out in easy to understand language why leave is better than remain. I don’t need to make that case here and I don’t need to explain to those who have seen the film why it is so good. But it will never enjoy the audience it deserves so those of us in the leave camp should really do everything in our power to promote it as widely as possible.
It is absolutely not a film you’ll see on Al Beeb of course but that doesn’t mean that we can’t lobby for it to be. The objective would not be success since that is too ambitious. But lobbying for the MSM to show balance by broadcasting it would raise awareness that would drive traffic to online versions.
I don’t know how many active BBBCers we are here but it’s inevitably a tiny minority. But with some ingenuity we’re capable of reaching out to the significant leave community with encouragement to coordinate the use of this film as an educational resource. Sharing a link to a powerful set of arguments is easy. Reaching a mainstream audience with that link is a challenge, especially in the face of active resistance from mainstream media.
Those of us sufficiently motivated to do so could coordinate the awareness. These powerful arguments in favour of a once in a generation decision do not deserve to go unheard by the entire UK population.
Post suggestions here – we’ve got five weeks to recruit five million new viewers…
I actually do know how to do exactly what you are asking…. The websites admins have my email details if they wish to discuss the topic with me via email in private i will provide the relevent information to them and also with thier guidance make a start today if they think it is a good idea….
Nothing actually … however i would appreciate a few pointers from Mr.Vance etc. regarding the legal statutes and also whether or not this forum would like me to add this sites URL to encourage more membership sign-ups or not…. It`s my understanding that although the majority of us here are everyday disgruntled users fed up with the MSM in general… some of us are actually media professionals whose association with the sites content and anything discussed here may frown upon my ideas…. Also i shall have to email the makers of the film to gain thier permission beforehand as well…… However TBH apart from those two parameters there is nothing whatsoever I would actually need to implement dispersal of this film on a range of accessable formats… It`s a simple bit of coding and knowing where to put it….. That is as much as I can say as i wish to ask both parties opinions first….
I for one massively support this initiative. Of course I fully respect the need to dot the Ts and cross the Is (or something) first. I can’t think of a reason why Martin Durkin would object in principle to any legal propagation of his thesis more widely.
I also work in comms, a lot of it digital media, though in the global B2B space. It is a truly measurable field and it would be gratifying if we were able to objectively see how this community had proactively helped to spread a counter to the establishment bias. I can’t think of a more important issue to rally behind. Or a more appropriate use of new media to combat old media.
It sounds like you are all over it Justin but I stand ready to assist if necessary.
A few starter suggestions: Change.org. #brexitthemovie. HYS. Online comments on national newspaper forums. Other internet forums. Fundraising for a promotion budget for the producers.
The government could buy these properties and turn them into hostels for gimmiegrants…….sorry I meant deserving refugees everybody would be happy wouldn’t they?? The luvvies could pop round and welcome them and integrate them .
Maybe that was why that fool Osborne increased stamp duty on them, so that the Government could buy them at reduced values , with our money. And that idiot has the nerve to claim that Brexit will cause a fall in house prices. This is the same man who slapped extra stamp duty on buy-to-let and second homes !
A school has banned the blowing of a whistle to signal the end of playtime because it is âtoo aggressiveâ and could leave the children âafraid of the noiseâ.
Yet nothing is done to stop radical Islamic extremists. The BBC even allows them a platform on primetime TV to claim islamophobia…………something makes me think this isn’t going too well.
If the result is not fiddled, (a big if), I think we have a good chance of achieving our freedom but if we lose then don’t think this is the end.
The eu is doomed. It is not fit for purpose and more people are starting to realise this.
We will get another chance and we will do an eu on the eu, that is, we will have more opportunities to get out and we eventually will.
Every argument says Brexit is the only logical and sane choice.
A few years ago I think maybe a third of us were for Brexit, now it is supposed to be a half. We will become stronger as the eu carries on with its stupid ambitions of control and expansion.
Sanity will prevail.
This upcoming battle may or may not be won but we will win the war. Brexit is the only solution and even the British electorate will come to understand this.
I can’t understand why politicians are doing this to their countrymen, surely it can’t just be greed or the possibility of a job with the eu. I know that the vast majority of politicians are greedy, selfish, power hungry sociopaths but some are decent people, Nigel and Rees Mogg for instance.
With the internet allowing more and more people to know the truths such as the real immigration figures as opposed to the governments fiddled figures, then, we will get more people questioning the politicians as to why they are doing these things to us.
We WILL Brexit, that’s for sure, it’s just a question of when.
The only thing is, the longer it takes, the more damage is being done to us.
I hope we can avoid a civil war caused by politicians ignoring sanity but I fear that may be the result of their actions against the population.
Even if the result is fudged to a remain win, eventually our political system will elect an anti EU party.
However, the damage that will be done to oyr country prior to that will be horrendous, and there’ll be much blood on the street by then.
……………………….And a new Europeans Army will be used to put down any rebellion . We are heading for a dictatorship and the fools that want to ‘stay in’ cant see it .
We were told a pack of lies about the Common Market and we have been told a pack of lies now .
Time to make a swift exit – ‘you know it makes sense’,
Tell your kids about ‘Brexit the Movie’ they will spread it about .
Just seen that there is an Intelligence Squared debate on Brexit tomorrow evening in Westminster. Sold out, but I suppose it will come on line fairly soon. Pity that Clegg, the shmuck, is taking part but apart from him it seems quite interesting:
Clegg the man who Nigel Farage comprehensively thrashed in a previous debate is good value….on past performance he has nothing to say and comes across as shifty and dishonest.
I’m disappointed that Gisella Stuart is the Brexit speaker….especially as she is billed as “no little Englander”. With due respect to her position on the EU debate, the implication seems to be that an English spokesperson can and will be dismissed as a “little Englander”…..and that being interested in UK independence from the EU is only about England…..and by extension that this is a bad thing.
On a similar theme, “debates” about race issues frequently have a non white person representing the anti mass immigration or dare I say white interest. It’s like a white British voice can’t be trusted…..in case there’s some “far right, populist, racist, fascist, nazi backlash” lurking in the wings.
The chair of this discussion between two establishment figures about the future of the U.K. is a prominent Guardianista….no risk of bias there then!
Ah yes, Jonathan Freedland, a bright guy, but so PeeCee and so far to the left that he has had no qualms about rising through the ranks of that foul rag known as The Guardian to a position close to the very top of the rotten heap. I sometimes wonder how Freedland, a Jew, is content to rub shoulders with the anti-Semites who infest his miserable publication.
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Up2 Itâs a bit like the democrats is the US arguing against âcommon sense â policies . People in Britain…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 EG Yes – thatâs why I think TTK will incorporate the cost of the State Broadcaster into State taxes -…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My strapping 6’2 67 year old brother was the only one in the family who refused all vaccinations (antivaxer) -…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:49 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I sympathise JR I have a friend with PR and its far from being a picnic.
JohnCMar 10, 09:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just checking what is going on in Ukraine because the BBC are silent – and it seems the much-vaunted incursion…
Up2snuffMar 10, 09:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #1 – not so much TOADY but the News at 6 a.m. … HMG is planning to create…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:34 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Nigel Farage’s anti-migrant poster reported to police This article is more than 8 years old Unisonâs Dave Prentis said poster…
If we do stay IN, and forever after I so much as hear anyone whining about the state of schools, the NHS, employment, crime, migrants etc, then I’ll just ask them how they voted, and if it was REMAIN, I’ll just say “not my fault ” !!!
Is that before or after you knock their teeth out?
If ‘we’ vote to remain in the EUSSR I will never cast a vote in any ‘UK’ election again. What’s the point? The 28 non-elected eurocrats will have a free run.
Now looking for some place that as a former airman (of 31 years) I can take my pension (and little else) and escape the socialist/muzzie nightmare that awaits.
Sad really.
If the remain camp wins, your vote will be even more important. After a remain vote, the Tories, Liebore, Limp Dumbs, Scots Nats, all become totally and utterly irrelevant. As there is nought but a fag paper between the two mains, others will become attractive ( eg UKIP….but others will arise) to enough voters when the Euro shit hits the fan re immigration…..and mark my words…it will hit the fan big time eventually.
Even our first past the post system will not be enough to stop them.
UKIP has managed 7 seats out if 60 in the Welsh Assembly, albeit under a PR system, and eventually enough people will wake up to begin to make them a force under the Parliamentary system.
Hence, I would not despair if the bastards manage to fiddle the referendum.
But, if you do manage to move away, I envy you, and good luck with your future.
Come down to sunny Gambia. There are quite a few British ex-servicemen living here , although I am not one !
The tories are finished because so many have shown themselves up to be nothing but wet eared liberal, anti democracy loving, British despising, professional shit eaters who have sold out big time and have absolutely no interest in serving the people they have sworn to represent. We are the sacrificial lambs on the altar of their careers. We are the light brigade being sent to our destruction by incompetent fuck wits.
Labour are even more finished mind because the supposed party of the workers has completely shafted everyone of us and are trying the pass us around to their mates Islam style! They are only interested in creating some weird socialist wet dream and are championing the rights of every single person on the planet above the British. The labour party can never again hope to say that they are the party of the working man. Pure scum
I honestly believe the EU referendum is a genuine turning point in our history, whatever way it goes. The professional establishment have declared their hand and true intentions. The smoke and mirrors and soft soap PR will no longer be effective in keeping the left or the right content. I truly believe that because the establishment have abandoned the people of this country a more hard line agenda on both sides will begin to win voters approval…. But the establishment will not be the ones to win the votes because the illusion has been broken
I pray that this is the opportunity we on this website have been hoping for. That parties like ukip understand that people will choose what they believe in spite of the power and control of the agenda by the MSM. For so many to want to leave the EU shows that so many of us now need a different path to the one being forced on us by the current political environment and MSM.
The whole world is changing fast folks and the real enemy have climbed out from the shadows. Read the messages on HYS! A political fire has been lit in the hearts of the silent majority and the establishment who have taken advantage of us for so long will live to regret they ever fucked with us
‘I honestly believe the EU referendum is a genuine turning point in our history, whatever way it goes.’ I agree. It won’t be back to business as usual like after the Scots referendum or the Australian republican referendum. There will always be the suspicion of a fiddle hanging over a Remain vote and the problems in the EU are only going to get worse, so the groundswell of popular opinion against it (the BBC’s dreaded ‘populism’) is not going to go away.
I must say that I agree entirely with Tothepoint. I’ve spent the last 40 years voting Conservative but that is it. At the last general election I thought I was voting Conservative but it turns out that my vote was for the latest version of the politically correct left of centre party that is no different from Bliar’s Labour party or the Lib Dems.
The EU referendum will define Camoron and whatever happens he, and his friend Gideon, will be diminished by it. If the Conservatives have any sense they will get rid of both of them as soon as they can.
I will probably continue to vote Conservative in order to prevent the Corbyn lunatics taking over the asylum, as I think many did at the local elections, but do agree that at present it is more like having New Labour as the government.
Whatever the outcome of the referendum Cameron is gone. Obviously if Leave happens he must jump, but if Remain wins he will be pushed.
He has p****d off too many Tory MPs to get anything through. John Major had a few “bastards”, David Cameron will have dozens. The party will quickly realise the only way forward is a new leader, and I believe Boris, George and Theresa will be considered too divisive, so suspect an outsider will come through on the rails.
If enough of us regard continued membership of the EU as an existential matter then it will not end with this vote. Such things never do end until it is settled by events and reality. It is the old Eastern countries that will decide matters. They will have to choose soon. Do as Merkel says or leave.
It was always going to come down to this and the only surprise is that it is taking so long.
More bias by omission. The bBBC website hasn’t managed to find space to report this enrichment.
Following an investigation by the Met’s Flying Squad, five men were jailed at Harrow Crown Court on Friday, 20 May, to a total exceeding 37 years after a security vehicle was robbed in Camden. They were indeed ‘men’: Fasile Mahmood, Muhsin Ahmed, Attif Hussain, Aroon Choudry, and Saqib Ahmed.
‘Liverpool and Sevilla charged by Uefa for Europa League crowd trouble’
Liverpool FC, crowd trouble, can’t be true.Impossible.
Liverpool fans don’t do crowd trouble!
Oh dear! I do hope the Liverpool fans didn’t push each other, or bBBC Radio Merseyside will still be reporting it as headline news 27 years from now.
I don’t blame the families of the 96 innocent victims of the Hillsborough tragedy to keep up the pressure to get some from of closure for this horrific event, instead I admire them for forcing the authorities to finally carry out an independent review.
What I cannot stomach is the crass jokes being made at their expense by people who should know better, it is clear that the Police, Liverpool fans and the outdated stadia resulted in a disaster occurring which was totally avoidable.
To equate the death of 96 people with a fight between football hooligans is the sort of comment I would expect to read in the Guardian.
Feel free to respond and advise me why you feel I am wrong.
Like you, I admire the tenacity of the families in their attempt to obtain justice (and closure) following the deaths of the innocent.
I also deplore any crass jokes being made at their expense.
However, fighting between football hooligans is directly relevant…..just ask the families of the 38 dead Juventus fans (and hundreds injured) by Liverpool supporting thugs at Heysel.
What I find hard to stomach is the ruling that those same thugs played no part in the death of 96 innocents at Hillsborough
I would like to see an enquiry into the Aberfan disaster. The way it was handled by the Labour Government at the time was a disgrace and there are still people alive who were affected.
Watching the build up to the match, live on BT, there were reports and footage of the violence including bloodied fans and the riot police going in to the Seville end, where Liverpool fans had managed to obtain tickets and were fighting.
The subsequent news blackout was extremely effective though, BT’s viewing figures are really low and not one member of my footballing friends and family were aware of the trouble.
In other news…
‘It’s squeaky-bum time for the producers trying to cast the various referendum debates’
Mental image-wise, I may need more than one pint to erase that.
Jazz seems open to a chat… anyone?
Seems now Danny’s now pursuing other interests, Peston rules apply. Sack of rats indeed.
Guest Who,
If half of the first link is true, it just shows how childish most of these politicians are. Kids playing with our future.
As for the second link, yet another kid.
So I’m at home and I’m catching up on the News and I come across this from the bBC:
‘I’m ashamed of Europe over refugee crisis’
Its a film clip about two old Jews (Labour peer Lord Dubs and Rabbi Harry Jacobi ) visiting a safe country (France) in which to give hope to unaccompanied children in Calais about how the UK should receive them . The bBC then parrots on about how alone during the late 1930 the UK took in 10,000 children from Europe and a few hints at the UK should take in 3000 From within Europe as its the right thing to do. But I looked into this last time and here are a few facts and figures never mentioned.
Total number of Children in care in the UK: 69,540
As of 31 March 2015 (the most recent national data release), councils in England were looking after 2,630 unaccompanied minors. This figure has increased significantly following the pressures experienced over the summer of 2015. This growing pressure is illustrated by the significant increase in applications from unaccompanied children, excluding dependants: 1,080 applications were received in Quarter 4 2015.
So as of the start of 2016 there were 3710 unaccompanied refugee children in the UK in care.(and that figure does not include 2015 Quarter 2 and 3, as the UK used to receive 500 unaccompanied children a quarter (and that figure has risen) we are looking at 5000 unaccompanied migrant children current in care in the Uk.
As mentioned we used to receive around 2000 a year but that figure has risen per quarter by 80%.
This government has said it will take 3000 from inside the Levant which makes around 8000 migrant children in care
What isn’t been mentioned is that In 2015, the Fostering Network estimated a shortfall of 8,000 foster carers to fully meet the needs of looked-after children already in local authority care and the do-gooders want us to take in another 3000 from within a safe country on an already very overloaded social care system.
Figures from here:
Local Government Association briefing, Westminster Hall debate on unaccompanied children 19 April 2016
Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children
The bBC, half a story all the time failed and biased News Org.
Yes, I watched the news report of Dubs & Jacobi in Calais, and the interviews that followed. It never ceases to amaze me that those who have been ‘welcomed’ into this country during the last 60 or 70 years, feel it is their place to speak for the rest of the indigenous population about ‘our’ homeland. Of course this country was an entirely different place during the 30’s and 40’s when the likes of Dubs & Jacobi as children were rescued from the horrors of Nazi Germany – it was a time when migrants were almost unheard of, so an extra few thousand souls were never going to impact greatly on local services. Now, we have those mid-century migrants informing us that “Britain has always been compassionate, and taken in those that need our help” – um, who says so ? and where do they get that idea from ? Its the same with Sadiq Khan, telling us about ‘how great our country is at helping others at their time of need’. I honestly feel like saying “listen mate, you don’t need to tell the likes of us who have centuries of history here, what our country is like, and what more we should do”. Do they REALLY need to preach to us ? Because I’m getting pretty hacked off with it.
A representative of the Refugee Council on LBC assured us that provided Government comes up with the money then homes can easily be found for all those claiming to be ‘children’ i.e 15-17 years old (going on thirty) and I can believe it as the payments are massive compared to minimum wage. Plenty of Muslim women will be told to take one in by their husbands – she does the extra cooking and washing while he takes the money and has free help in the takeaway.
BBC joined the Remain campaign today. John Pinaars report on Michael Goves speech about 5 million migrants by 2030 was utterly dismissive . Gove was accused of scaremongering . The BBC reporters on both TV and radio have been given a brief that dismisses Gove’s figure and it is eagerly read out .
Well, let’s just remember how successive so-called experts not least the governments of Blair and Cameron have always underestimated future migration . Moreover will a future uk government really veto Turkeys entry to the EU over the next 15 years when admission of Turkey is the lynchpin of the deal to attempt to curb migration . Will Merkel or her successors really be challenged by a supine UK in this way if we remain in?
John Pinaars report on Michael Goves speech about 5 million migrants by 2030 was utterly dismissive . Gove was accused of scaremongering . The BBC reporters on both TV and radio have been given a brief that dismisses Goveâs figure and it is eagerly read out .
In 2014 when Romania and Bulgaria were given access to the West (including the UK) the figure of 50,000 a year from those 2 countries was stated by migration watch, that figure was derided by the left as scaremongering:
“Communities Secretary Eric Pickles has previously said that ministers do not know how many Romanians and Bulgarians will come to the UK when restrictions are relaxed. He also said he had no confidence in figures, published on his department’s own website, predicting about 13,000 will arrive. Alp Mehmet, of Migration Watch UK, said its own research had estimated about 50,000 a year would arrive. NIESR researcher Heather Rolfe on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme. dismissed that figure as “a stab in the dark”.
The bBC pushed out the line in May 2014 (5 months down the line) that actually the number of Romanians and Bulgarians had actually fallen
According to the latest official figures, the number employed in the UK between January and March actually fell. It was 140,000, down 4,000 on the final three months of 2013.
In Jan 2015 there were 219,000 Romanians and Bulgarians in the Uk and that was 17 months ago. By Dec 15, these two countries accounted for 12% of all EU migrants.
Thanks for these figures Pounce. My understanding is that Migrationwatch’s forecast of Rumanian and Bulgarian migration to the UK of 50,000 a year once restrictions were lifted has proved reasonably accurate. I do not doubt that the BBC was dismissive of this forecast at the time.
The ONS migration/ workforce figures for the year to March 2016, just released , are the last quarterly updates we will get before the EU Referendum. I sincerely hope that any ‘don’t knows’ will take note of these worrying figures and vote Leave.
If we now have 2.2 million EU workers in the UK ie economically inactive excluded, I think it is quite possible that another 5 million migrants will come to us over the next 15 years. Gove is not scaremongering . The push factors such as Turkish entry and continued high unemployment in the Eurozone will in my view continue to be real threats. Equally the pull factors such as uk generous in- work benefits and a relatively buoyant economy due to deregulation ( EU please note) will persist .
If only the UK had the freedom to steer migration towards more highly qualified workers we could encourage the creation of more highly productive jobs than we current are generating . This in turn would help public finances eg funding the NHS etc and reduce our appalling and potentially destabilising current account deficit .
‘PM recreates beatles album cover to encourage us to come together’in EU referendum
Funny…i dont recall any of the beatles being called ‘patronising lying wanker’
Typical cheap childish gimmick from Dave
And they made their main memorable music before we joined the EU. How on earth did they manage.
Yes, somehow they got to Hamburg to perform. Surely all foreign travel was impossible before the EU? How did four British lads manage to live and work in Germany in the early 1960s? What a peculiar mystery.
Oh haven’t the BBC tried to hide this! I can’t find a reference/link to it anywhere on their site, and with good reason!
Austria election: Far-right contender and rival hold rallies
As usual the BBC describes someone centre right as ‘Far Right’, well, when you’re at the North Pole, every direction is South!
The thing is that as ever there are other sources and the Freedom Party of Austria, has been around for a long time, 1956 as this iteration, but dates back to 1848.
Wikipedia describes it as a right-wing populist political party in contrast to the BBCs hysterical comments.
The leader Norbert Hofer, has no mention of ‘far right’ extremism either.
Normally the BBC would be sceaming this as news pointing out the rise of the imaginary right, and using it as a weapon to call for even more draconian restrictions and laws against freedom, but they have a major problem – an EU referendum.
“The victory in the first round of the far-right candidate reflects widespread discontent with the status quo, as well as concerns about immigration and the economy, correspondents say.”
This is an exceptionaly muted comment. The reason why this man and party are so popular is the flood of migrants and mad Merkels policy of inviting them in, plus then forcing other EU countries to accept them.
If the BBC publicise this then the left will see the rise of the ‘far’ right as an inevitable consequence of EU policies and vote to leave.
If the right see one of their own being elected it will give them encouragement to attack the EU and promote the leave vote.
So its consigned to obscurity as much as possible to draw as little attention as possible. This election is a direct consequence of EU inaction and I can only imagine the cognitive dissonance the news editors must have had.
Great find thoughtful and top analysis
Thoughtful , the BBC ran a scare – piece from its Germanic sounding Europe Editor about the Freedom Party. The report began with a virtual accusation that the Freedom Party were Nazis. And of course they were given the BBCs most damning epithet – populist . We can’t allow the plebs to influence things can we?
The main upload of ‘Brexit the movie’ to YouTube has been up for 8 days and has now had over 394 000 views. 2 days ago it was at 260 000. So the rate of viewing is steadily increasing.
And the Pollstation EU Referendum poll has had over 53 000 votes and is holding steady at 82% for Brexit.
And the BBC’s own HYS shows overwhelming support for Brexit:
How the BBC must be gnashing its collective teeth and casting about desperately for some means to make its Remainian propaganda more effective.
It’s quite easy to put it on a playable DVD for further distribution – allegedly.
It would seem that some in Australia have our interests at heart.
“Have I Got News For You”
A few years ago I thought that ‘”Private Eye” magazine was no longer the “outside of the Establishment” force it once was. As a result I cancelled a very long standing Direct Debit Mandate – I’m talking 30+ years – and this evening my thoughts on “Private Eye” were once more confirmed when I watched the first 10 minutes of tonight’s “Have I Got News For You”.
Ian Hislop, “Private Eye” editor, immediately assumed his second job as BBC persona and spouted BBC indoctrinated “thoughts” as he tried to appear humorous and “independent” in his views. One of his very first observations was concerning Boris Johnson’s claim of the amount sent to the EU.
“It was all wrong,” as Wee Little Hislop explained in great detail, and went on to tell just how much we got back in rebates etc., which reduced Boris’s claimed figure.
Well, most folks watching this debate realise that most claims by both sides need to be taken with a pinch or maybe a 1lb of salt if it’s Cameron torking?
*WWIII* anyone?
But there was absolutely no attempt at balance whatsoever in the programme.
I suppose when your milchcow pays you so very, very much, and your milchcow is also so very much subsidised by the EU, it would take a very “brave” man to condemn it, though, in my opinion, it would take a quite unprincipled man and a *totally* unscrupulous man to appear on national TV whilst receiving ÂŁ1,000’s upon ÂŁ1,000’s annually from the said milchcow *and* the organisation which financially supports and subsidises it, then try to condemn any opponents’ points of view, especially when any such opponents are not present and therefore unable to answer.
But that is all quite acceptable to the BBC so don’t complain to me about it.
As Mr Hislop appears to have constantly portrayed such blatant bias – and now for very, very many months, if not even years – I am glad my judgement of him and his editorship of “Private Eye” has once more been confirmed.
The man is a charlatan.
I agree with what you say about Hislop and the Eye is certainly not what it was. I still subscribe and I would say it has been fairly impartial in the EU debate, taking the mick out of both sides. I doubt if Hislop has much input or even reads every word !
Very interesting, Grant. I honestly thought that the magazine would be led by it’s editor and there is absolutely no way whatsoever that Hislop has *ever* been even fairly impartial in the EU debate. He is an EU member right through to it being written in his marrow bone.
As I say, Grant, I ceased subscribing a few years ago and you now have me intrigued. Who the heck is editing the magazine if it is not taking Hislop’s line?
Secondly, without at all meaning to sound condescending/etc., how long have you been subscribing to the mag? As you now have me wondering if I should take another look at it … maybe … ???
I am just guessing that Hislop’s input is not “full on “, no real evidence of that. I have only been subscribing for a few years ,but have bought it on and off for many years. Quite honestly I read it for the humerous aspects as much as anything else. Worth buying a copy and see what you think but definitely not what it used to be .
Cheers. Grant, and thanks for your reply.
I will pick up a copy next time I see one on display and see if it has changed, though I must say, from a “curmudgeonly” point of view – “I doubt it very much !!! ” lol!
Just to explain about my subscription – I’d taken it since goodness knows when, then a few years ago when the Direct Debits were almost due I used to wonder, “Do you still want this?” You can find out as much, if not even more on the Internet.
That went on for a couple of years and I think it was when Hislop became so blatantly “I AM BBC AND ALL YOUR BASES ARE BELONG TO US!” that I decided he would never get another penny out of me. I really detest people like that – one minute, totally anti-Establishment, then a couple of months later you cannot believe you are listening to the same person.
Apart from that, he’s bloody smarmy! đ
And looks as if he has had a good few lunches too many !
Just like to say to Henry I second that. Private Eye is not ‘owned’ by the prat Ian Hislop who has done nothing as ‘Editor’ – other than to appear on BBC HIGNFU as token BBC ‘toff’ (which is not a good advert for Private Eye). As nobody in the BBC reads anything other than The Guardian, its surprising he has lasted so long as he has. I switched off some time ago. Maybe he has aspirations to front a BBC show like ‘mock the week’ or fancy himself as Graham Norton’s understudy. BBC pay well for political favors.
Hislop is making a very valid point. Surely anyone can see that paying ÂŁ10 in to get ÂŁ5 out makes sound economic sense? It’s obvious when you think about it. I am sure that for every five grand the BBC pays him, he sends them ten grand in return. Doesn’t he?
Have they have reinvented mathematics ?
It appears that the remainers have .
I stopped watching years ago. The weekly 5 minute intro of utterly predictable and hate filled anti-UKIP bile was so tedious I switched off and never went back.
Hislop has a BBC persona and a Private Eye persona.
He who pays the piper….
Do you mean he is two-faced?
It would appear from the evidence to be so, m’lud.
Have I Got News For You started in the early 90’s. That’s been a lot of BBC pay-cheques for Hislop. Would he want the pay-cheques to stop for the next twenty years?
Crikey, Dover Sentry, I never really sat back and considered just what he had been earning. Early 90s is a lot of dosh when added up to today.
And as for your point about pay cheques for the next twenty years, well, as the likes of the Dimblebys demonstrate, keep your noses clean boys and the wellspring will continue flowing non-stop. I expect Hislop has been to the relevant induction courses.
The Three Stooges
I do hope Jean-Claude Junket continues with his threats about how Great Britain will be treated should its subjects vote to leave the EU; such interventions will do more to turn people against him and it than any amount of speeches by Boris or Nigel.
Warning to Jean-Claude Junket and his “threats”, Hitler made similar threats and look what happened to him ?
Message – Don’t mess about with Great Britain, learn from history .
Don’t mention Hitler! Boris did once, but I think he got away with it.
Rob in Cheshire
OK then Napoleon .
“Mr Osborne’s comments echo those made by the International Monetary Fund last Friday, which said a Brexit could cause a “sharp drop” in house prices.”
Does this mean that our kids will be able to afford to by houses again ?
Are the Remainers clutching straws ?
I was thinking the exact same thing!
Leaving the EU will actually help those on low pay. We can only hope that property prices fall substantially and that the economy becomes less attractive to those who are blatantly so alien to us they might as well come from Mars, with poisonous goods such as polonium 210 and ideologies that involve death as opposed to life.
But you hit it right on the nail, taffman; this is where the economic argument begins to fall down simply because the British economy has been bolstered on immigration rather than economic output and productivity.
We have no choice but to leave the EU. Anyone who votes to stay are selfishly thinking through their wallets and not their hearts!
In some ways, Osborne is even more odious than Cameron. It would never occur to him that a drop in house prices may be a good thing. Over the years he has demonstrated his ignorance of economics, finance, business, banking , taxation, markets etc. His taxation “policies” have been totally mental. So he has the perfect qualifications for a future job with the IMF. Another parasitic politician who has never had a real job in his life.
Of course the current falls in value of houses at the top end of the market and on buy- to- let properties have been caused by the increases in Stamp Duty imposed by Osborne. The man is an idiot.
“The greatest threat to the economy is the perilous state of the euro.” Andrea Leadsom, UK Energy Minister http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-36344425
High house prices benefit the rich who can afford them and triple their money when they sell them at vastly inflated sums .
High house prices also means the well off can live in areas not touched by mass immigration and poverty .Of course they wouldn’t want them to fall.
Osborne hasn’t got one clue about how the mass of the people live.
Quite agree. Osborne and Cameron prove that you can have the best education money can buy and still remain ignorant !
Quite. They say higher education broadens the mind, but that’s only if you have a mind to begin with.
Would it not be interesting to see the comments if our BBC friends made this little article the subject of an HYS.
I think we all know the style of comment which will be most popular!
Given today is Saturday, may I suggest that a weekend open thread is opened.
âItâs back to the good olâ days, with stories like thisâ
So says Jason Mohammad (half-Pakistani/ half-Welsh, practising moslim – according to his Wiki. Fully BBC-man, no doubt largely due to the foregoing CV items but personally being due, we guess, half to his sentiment and half to the comfie paycheque)
Canât help but feel he comes over as a rugger man slumming it somewhat with the footie in BBC Final Score â itself a copy of what Sky does better and a painful watch at the best of times but a nightmare whilst the Corporation is increasingly happy to drag the BBC diversity finger nails across the blackboard of sport with screeching females calling in on dodgy phone lines from far away Barnstoneworth United to announce another âEight bloody one!â
Call me a Luddite in reverse but I preferred the teleprinter â oh for a world in which clockwork machines might once again replace BBC females â and the Breakfast she-males.
Our Jasonâs well turned out BBC Welsh accent meanwhile silently screams rugby – in my ear at least.
For the second time in a week the BBC are giving the Red Sofa treatment to âMosesâ the now familiar smiley Man U fan and Sierra Leoneâs very own Forest Gump.
âThereâs rumours heâs been given my ticketâ says our Jason. Twitter can sometimes be a double edged sword. Weâll twig whether the BBC pulled strings if Moses turns up at Wimbledon, the Chelsea Flower Show and then Glasto. Itâll be a good game of Whereâs Wally Moses in his red and white scarf.
News viewers have no doubt become accustomed to the BBC regularly taking them up the Stretford End with White Manâs Burden tales of would-be European migrants; now weâre told that the quintessentially English (just ask the Scots) event the FA Cup is actually all about the âGlobal Communityâ . I call foul!
âRedâ by adoption lightweight and house eunuch Mike Bushel adds his tuppence of condescension to the African chap as the BBC enquires of the dusky and quiet guru his prediction of the likely score in terms of goals in the upcoming cup match. Unsurprisingly receiving a prediction rather favourable to LVGâs boys at least the makeweight presenter, using a standard BBC formulation (something like an incantation learnt at BBC Hogwarts from a high wizard of which we will not speak – such as Stuart Hall) he cautions that Crystal Palace fans âmay have something to say about thatâ.
Or perhaps he would have better deployed: âut quidam dicuntâ (some people may say) I know I did.
I’m not a huge admirer of Palace – memories of a soulless ground and a history of mediocrity. I never looked forward to a game when my team played them.But on this occasion I hope they win and MUFC are well and truly stuffed. Sack for LVG, followed by another season of under-achievement under an inadequate replacement. Continued misery for all the celebrity Man U supporters and others who ignore local teams and travel miles to see football at Old Trafford and think success is a divine right.
Am a Man United fan myself, but hope that we lose today-if only to get the Tin Tulip out of Old Trafford and get Mourinho…so he too could blow hard, strangle the little youth talent that we have : and then footy will eat itself.
Taught in schools a few weeks back about “Leadership”-and used Wayne Rooneys Sky TV clips once the United bus had been bricked, to exemplify quisling lack of same…contrasted with Henry V, and Churchill….and hence why we`ll go nowhere in the Euros with a spineless granny grabber like Wazzock in charge.
Also if we lose today, then hopefully the Geordie nation can enjoy seeing Pardew gaily trotting around Wembley, gap-toothed with the Emirates paint pot lid on his bonce tomorrow morning in the papers-THAT`LL teach them for treating a decent bloke so badly.
Oh-and maybe we`ll keep West Ham out of Europe if we lose as well-just a vague hope, but them again isn`t that all that footy is?
So then-having read the runes of the cats bowl…I`m predicting ` win for Palace after extra time-either 2-1 or penalties…Mystic Moggie has spoken!
PS…how come Lineker gets to go on the Today programme but the incontinent blowhard Humphrys says nothing about his grotesque salary and his role in making our kids fat with his crisps?…thought he`d do that…NOT!
Well-90 mins in, and I`m the Prophet!
Not good for that Messiah Complex of mine…and the wife is far from happy, seeing as i`m insufferable at the best of times!
Beginning now to think that the West ham fans were right to brick our coach last week…but seeing as they`re a bit thick, they did the bus and not LvG as we advised them.
Bloody ICF are hardly the force I`d thought they were.
Hi Mart!
Is the BBC’s football coverage biased ?
We` d need Craig and his data for that one.
Always feel that they`re all walking on eggshells as they try to include women, disabled and wonder where the local muslims round the country feel excluded or such.
But to be fair, they DO employ “special needs” types-Robbie Savage comes to mind!
Hoping you`re pushing for Gambia to be in the Eurovision next year…nearer than Australia…and THEY made it in.
LOL ! I haven’t been on Craig’s site for a few weeks, must catch up. A touch of W. African music would certainly stir up Eurovision. Now that Gambia have left the Commonwealth ( don’t ask ), they could replace the UK in the EU. Would save all that boating in the Med !
“Is the BBC’s football coverage biased?
Watching the cup final yesterday I was struck by the crowd zoom shots……they used to frequently feature attractive young women…..but now……men with turbans and other non whites appear to be the desired close up crowd shots.
Also the origin of a player isn’t generally alluded to…..the international nature of “English” club football is sold as a desirable attribute of its globalisation…..with a few exceptions……”Manchester born Rashwood”, “the Warrington lad Lingard”.
Then there’s the pretence that women’s football has a mass following.
There’s bias alright.
It is really funny, because my question to chrisH was a bit facetious as he had been posting about the cup final without relating it BBC bias. I am sure he will forgive me as his team won !
I was aware of the BBCs obsession with women’s football. But your other points are interesting. I wonder if other posters here have noticed these things.
I never thought of watching the match from the BBC bias point of view. So just settled down to watch Channel 5 cricket hightlights. Well done England, but I did feel a bit sorry for Sri Lanka.
My mistake…the Man Utd player I mentioned is Marcus Rashford…..local boy from Manchester as the BBC unfailingly remind us about him but few others.
The other BBC football related narratives that are served up from time to time include the “shortage” of BME coaches and managers in English football, the “homophobia”…..no top level player has declared his homosexual or bi sexual preference since Justin Fashanu…..
And of course the explainer is that the chair of the FA is the former Beeboid the incomperable and inimitable racist Mr Greg “the BBC is hideously white” Dyke.
These organisations cross fertilise with each other with the common purpose of “transforming” our society.
No transgender players yet then ?
Only a matter of time…..LGBT advocacy in football ticks that box!
England v Turkey this afternoon, compare and contrast the teams…..and ask yourself how far the LGBT agenda will get in Turkish football?
And which team will the BBC support. Difficult decision for them ! Gay Rights were making some progress in Turkey before that Islamic bastard Erdogan got in .
I couldn’t help noticing those naughty Liverpool fans fighting in Basle a day or two ago. (google liverpool fighting)
The bbc were conspicuous by their absence in reporting this. Why? Was it too close too the Hillsborough thing? Too unpalatable that the Liverpool supporters might actually be, as suggested, just a bunch of thugs? after all the meticulous biased reporting (in the public interest?)
Don’t worry, if you can wait 27 years and waste ÂŁ70m of public money you can blame it on the British police.
I would rather spend ÂŁ70 million pounds of taxpayer money on investigating why 96 innocent people including children were crushed to death than spend it on the majority of vanity projects that the Government seems intent on wasting money on.
And it is not the ‘Hillsborough thing” it was the the Hillsborough Tragedy and if you cannot understand this then I pity you.
Thanks but I don’t need your pity. Any one with half a brain looking at the footage of the crowds outside the ground could see an accident waiting to happen (outside or inside the ground). They were drunken louts then and they were drunken louts in Basle on Thursday.
There was a time when the bbc would have reported on news items like the violence in Basle. The question is why they did not report on it now. The answer is that the bbc is a different beast these days – political, insular, ‘clever’ and calculating. The reason for lack of reporting of the Basle violence is it calls into question their recent popular conclusions of blameless Liverpool supporters at Hillsborough. This is bias by omission. The media can convince people of anything they want these days, they are conniving abusers of power. No outcome can bring back the 96 souls lost that day but has justice been done in their name? i think there is at least a little doubt over that.
The line taken at the inquest that the behaviour of the supporters who arrived late at the Leppings lane turnstiles had no effect on events is breathtaking. A cursory viewing of the video footage of the swaying mass of humanity, some holding cans, some knocking coppers helmets off, others climbing the perimeter walls around the time the outer gates were opened tells us this was a political finding.
That South Yorkshire police lost control of events is beyond dispute, the question of who else contributed to that loss of control is now, officially closed.
Should our MPs time be better spent ? Has it not struck them that BME do not want to be policemen?
There’s a black Police Chief at Tottenham. It’s made no difference. Crime goes on as ever.
It’s the competence of the officer that counts. The Yanks discovered this years ago.
And as Taffman says, if BMEs don’t want to join the police you can’t make them do so.
Although that’s an interesting statistic — in fifteen years the BME has jumped from 5.5% to over 14% of the population .
Now I reckon that it’s not black bretheran that are hugely increasing that figure , but another “minority” with a different faith , culture and allegiance .
“black and minority ethnic (BME)”
Why do blacks get a separate mention anyway? Why not just “ME”?
It’s balanced by the accuracy of the term ‘Asian’ in establishment usage. Apparently.
The only answer to up the numbers is to ‘press gang’ them in. Let’s see what happens then?
It must be bustling at bbc centre today. After all it’s the bbc’s annual foray into live soccer. Gary Lineker will be wheeled out to support the cause. Another bbc dinosaur who is paid how much? Well now it appears we will never know how OUR money is spent. The reason for this, as intimated to me on the news this morning, is that some (or all) of these overpaid luvviesare not actually bbc employees.
I’m putting 2 and 2 together here and my brain is coming up with 4 – limited company, tax evasion etc.
Surely never. After all that fuss about the Panama papers, it can’t be………? Can it?
Now, now – it’s tax avoidance
This is on Tuesday evening: “Last Whites of the East End”. Not on BBC Wales, Scotland or N.Ireland. Obviously just a regional issue and of no interest to others on these Isles.
“Newham in London’s East End is home to a tight-knit white working-class community who have lived there for centuries. But over the past 15 years something extraordinary has happened to this cockney tribe – more than half of them have disappeared. Now the few who remain are struggling to hold on to their identity in the place they have always called home.”
“A decade of mass immigration and ‘white flight’ has brought Newham to its tipping point, and now Newham has the lowest white British population of anywhere in the UK.”
And from today’s DM:
“It will make extremely uncomfortable viewing for all the main political parties, not to mention the local council â which is already disputing some of its assertions. And it seems that there are some within the BBC who are worried about this film, too.”
“This is a beautifully made film which neither patronises nor sensationalises its subjects. And it does not mince its words â which may explain why the BBC has put it in a late-night slot at 10.45pm and given it minimal pre-publicity.
No doubt, if it was about Tory cuts or the bedroom tax or the arts or was presented by the ubiquitous cross-dressing potter Grayson Perry, it would enjoy loud hurrahs on Newsnight or Radio 4. But I have yet to see a single trailer.”
If it happened in Mostar or Srebrenice, then right on posers like Benedict Cumbertwat would be all over it. But the ethnic cleansing of white working class Londoners is beneath them.
The dockers in the East End supported Enoch Powell in 1968. Were they wrong to do so? One thing is for sure: you won’t find any to ask, they have all gone.
It was never inevitable that the east End of London would turn into a suburb of Karachi, Mogadishu and Lagos. It was a deliberate policy by successive regimes of traitors wearing red or blue rosettes, it didn’t matter which.
The Guardian and BBC get terribly concerned about the gentrification of Brixton or the benefits cap ‘ethnically cleansing’ Zone 1, but don’t seem to be quite as worried about the death of long standing English communities.
I stand to make a correction to my post above, and also to apologise for my careless, misrepresentation of the BBC. The programme “Last Whites of the East End” will be shown in Wales, N.Ireland and Scotland at 23.10, 23.15 and 23.45 respectively, this coming Tuesday.
Why not put this programme on at a reasonable hour though when more people might watch it?
I am unsure about posting this. Dads dancing with babies. Something about it bothers me. Maybe it is because it is the sort of bashing of traditional gender roles that is approved by the BBC and the Jerrods that float with it. Sure, as a dad, I enjoyed playing/dancing with the babies. But this suggests that traditional masculinity of western males is being undermined. Not a bad thing perhaps.
But you would not see Muslim dads doing it, and the black clad ISIS warriors whose pictures are constantly reproduced by the BBC would not appear this way.
And this makes me think of the tacit support feminists and women politicians offer to the Muslim invaders and indeed the rapists of Cologne and elsewhere. Tough invaders taking, enslaving, overpowering and impregnating women in the lands they have invaded. There is an argument – see Stefan Molyneux – which explains feminist support for Islam in such biological terms. The blonde men of Europe and the US, emasculated and destined to be replaced by the masculine no nonsense invaders.
It’s a thought, so as a soft hearted dad myself, I don’t feel inclined to defend the thesis too heavily, but this still leaves a need to explain why women have played a role in welcoming the invaders.
This is part of the debate – supported by the BBC and the open borders politicians of the EU
The EU Ref debate I attended last night followed a familiar path. Seems there were locked in Leaves and Remains hovering around 30% and 40% undecideds at the start.
Once the panellists had chatted, and few insights from the floor added on things those relying on the BBC alone were unaware of and could not be challenged by the Remain side, it ended up at 80% Leave and 20% Remain.
I suspect a few may rely more in the internet for news, education and information in future.
The delusional views expressed by the politicians in your posted video or simply not normal GWF, they are the kind of ramblings espoused by the confused and mentally ill. If a group of eurocrats were tasked with the creation of a divided and inflammatory EU I don’t think they could develop a more efficient strategy than the path they are already on.
Its the sight of those cut off shorts, stick legs and trainers that I find distressing !! – I assume they are British men, who never seem to get the art of casual dressing just right. (sorry guys)
I suspect that many white European women secretly deplore the feminisation of men, but are afraid to say so. In the same way that I deplore the masculisation ( if there is such a word ) of women , but am not afraid to say so !
You see these young couples these days and it is quite obvious the bloke is the more feminine one in the relationship . My missus often turns to me and says she must know he is practically a woman – I think they just cling on to them have a kid or two and then wait for the inevitable when their husband runs off with Tarquin in his 40’s and sets up a mobile hair dressing business.
Grant, worth noting this is the daily image projected by our media of the fighters of ISIS –
The women are carrying their offspring
Great topic for discussion here and one that could go un PC very quickly. Its why we are here though, to discuss those difficult and clearly subjective opinion topics. Look forward to having my opinion savaged đ
Evolution created man and woman to be different. All mammals have evolved to be clearly defined between to sexes with aggression, dominant males taking the spoils and maternal mothers those who are successful in the difficult task of raising the next generation of mammals.
The world today has never been so comfortable and protected for those too weak to survive the true harshness of life. This protection and utterly illusional safety is only in place by the hard fought and won battles that will always be part of our human nature. The real men of our time have made this all happen. Hard as nails men who were willing to give their lives for everything we have today.
The ONLY reason that the femininisation of men is happening is because of the sacrifice these men have given. Live is so comfortable that we are currently able to try and resist and even challenge our true human nature. The reason that so many in our society are able to go for the noble but easy career of championing equality for all and offering everything for the ‘vulnerable’ and those who give nothing in return is because of those battles and wars won by the blood of our real men forefathers.
To summarise. We are living in an illusional world which at any time could digress into a world that’s only rules are those that nature intended. The rule where only the strongest survive. This weakness and delusional liberalism shown by our elite will only survive as long as we are in control of our own destiny and it’s protected by strength. Once the balance is tipped the other way human nature takes hold and any man that is not able to fight for what is his is finished.
No wonder subliminally our women are looking at the embarrassment so many western men have become because they cannot even fight to protect themselves never mind anyone else. Human nature has created men to protect a woman. If a man cannot do that then his purpose in life is completely reliant on the illusion that is our current society.
Tothepint ( oops, typo, but I shall leave it in ! ),
I would love to savage ( no joke intended ) your post. But I agree with every point you make. Superb post.
Spot on Tothepoint!
The days of “women and children first” is consigned to the history books. Just looking at my nephews – both in their mid-20’s, (lovely ‘boys’) have more skin care products in the bathroom than their sister, and as for imagining them flying Spitfires like those lads in the last war, well – it just wouldn’t happen, sadly.
When I was about 20 years old, they started pushing male skin care products in adverts. That was 18 years ago. Those in their 20’s will have had these adverts ‘normalising’ these products since they were toddlers. That is the power of advertising.
Now consider how hard it is to ‘think outside’ the BBC propaganda ‘box’.
I agree with your sentiments, but it is America! Not sure how enthusiastically this would go down here. This relates to the dads dancing clip.
If it started in USA, it will be coming here soon ! Except the British guys will be holding a pint of beer .
…Except the British guys will be holding a pint of beer . ….
Perhaps 20 plus years ago, but I wouldn’t be too sure nowadays. My late husband used to love his Saturday and Sunday lunchtime pint, but for the past 10 years in my area lunchtime drinking doesn’t happen, the pubs are empty, except for the ‘lunchers’. Young husbands are now ‘off shopping’ or playing sport, – having grown out of the ‘binge’ drinking culture.
The pooftahs killed the pubs. A pub was somewhere we all went after a hard days work to enjoy a pint and a smoke and talk about the day with our work colleagues. At Weekends we all met up with our mates for beer , football and a smoke. The people who never even went to pubs decided that pubs should be somewhere where they could drop in for a yaks milk soya latte and a lettuce sandwich with absolutely no smoking. Result = the people who went to pubs all the time stopped going as they did not want to go and sit in a poncey coffee shop.
Beer, football and a smoke being that well known hedge against homosexuality?
Are you a lumberjack, by any chance?
Nope just a normal bloke who used to love going to pubs. Didn’t mean pooftah to equal gay but you lot never miss an opportunity do you. Trying to say that people who never went near a bloody pub decided that what we all really wanted was a nice clean coffeeshop – no we didn’t we all wanted a pub where we were allowed to have a pint and a fag
Lock13, A pint yes, but a ‘fag’?
He meant cigarette, I think !
lol yes I did
I used to go to the local pub to `take the bandit` but not anymore as the term means something completely different now same as `having a fag`….. plus since the smoking ban came into force all the pubs stink of B.O. and stale urine …
Wonderfully un-PC and probably more than a grain of truth in it . I rue the day that there ceased to be any men-only bars in Scotland. Now I would have to join a golf club !
You clearly would have got on very well with my late husband – both of a similar mind !!
Start with an OT-ish.
Classic FM Global Bollocks just now.
Seems the Mail on Sunday thinks Chris Evans’ thoughts on cars in a pull out will sell more copies. Good luck with that.
Luvvieism is demanded to be a thing. I kid thee not. The Breakfast Sofa of Outrage (B’SOO) awaits its first League of Luvvies Charity Spokesgenderneutralist…
Oh, and having stabbed four women, a nut job is to be charged with an alleged dangerous weapon… as opposed to the sharp wet haddock previously thought deployed.
Not bbc bias but I would like to know why this dog was not immediately put down. Is this an extension of the pervasive PC culture of our modern society? Will it receive damages for being held against it’s will? The longer it is kept in kennels, the greater the chance that some hand wringer/RSPCA will file a legal challenge to have it kept alive.
There are many cases now where dogs have not been destroyed even though they have bitten people.
It is not so long ago that it would have been unthinkable for a dog not to be put down if it had attacked someone.
Why? When? By whom? That policy was changed are questions that it would be very interesting to get the answers to.
There is tension between Animal Welfare Officers or Dog Wardens, financed by Local Government, and the police. It might be a question of two authorities in dispute as to who gets financed for carrying out such activities.
11 kids bitten by the Geordie dog then?
Should he not be bred , and his angry dysfunctional pups given out, one to each local school with their allocated wagman?
This SURELY would increase student participation in the educational facilities of Northumberland.
Either that-or maye a Channel 5 series on “Dogs that Bite”-for this dog seems to be serial biter…very much a Jeffrey Dahmer of doggies.
His DNA?…upbringing…diet…living in poverty…family fracture…prejudice of locals…bloody David Wilson and Ray Wyre/Gitta Sereny (other ravers from the grave are availabubble).
This is a pandemic of canine carnage and requires a serious response…if only Ashington College hadn`t turned him down for a sheepdog trial/course two years ago eh?
What colour was the the Dog?? Perhaps it was an afghan breed maybe??? We can safely assume it wasn`t an English bull terrier as the BBC would have been all over it like a randy dog on a childs leg…
Some dogs are more equal than others.
In court when asked to enter a plea….. the dog could only reply with the word `sausages` and `Walls` (in reference to the erecting of border fences by many of the Balkan states probably…) …. the court has adjurned whilst a translater can be found to manipulate its` jowls to resemble a guilty or not guilty growl…… The breed .. although not as yet confirmed was a dalmatian cross (no pun intended) … so possibly from the Albania/Kosovo ethnic background….
Perhaps my esteemed colleagues can assist me with the following question:
How is it possible that David Ca-Moron can strongly and impressively defend the record of his government against all antagonists during PM’s questions and yet turn into a quivering wimp when on the world stage?
*Shortly after Israeli commandos killed 9 “peace activists” who had attacked their comrades with metal bars aboard the Mavi Marmara, Ca-Moron, on a visit to Turkey, castigated Israel while bemoaning the fate of the Gazans, sounding in the process much like Erdogan – who loathes Israel. It’s likely that Erdogan instructed him in precisely what to say.
*And he is apparently OK with the treacherous Obama regarding Britain as a kind of junior partner to the US in the War on Terror and also OK with Obama coming to the UK explicitly to interfere in its affairs and influence the public to vote ‘Remain.’
*And he goes off to ‘negotiate’ with the EU like a puppy wagging its tail, achieves nothing, and then returns thumping his chest as if he’s made fantastic gains.
He makes Chamberlain look like a great statesman.
Well, I guess by now it’s obvious that he cannot or will not defend Britain against external enemies. But what about internal enemies? Surely David Ca-Moron is not that much of a moron that he is unaware of the treasonous behaviour of the far-left BBC? And if he is in fact aware of it, surely he can appoint somebody who will do something about it?
As a start, how about requiring the BBC to advertise widely for its staff, rather than exclusively in that disgusting lefty rag known as The Guardian?
Cameron needs the BBC and they need him . He has made a pact with the devil. As has often been said by others on this site for the past 18 months or so, Cameron needs the BBC to help him mislead/bully the Brits into voting to remain. The BBC needs him , or his anointed successor, as PM to prevent the DUP, most Tories and UKIP demanding major change at the corporation in response to the non stop leftist bias that the corporation churns out 24/7. If we vote leave he will be gone in short order. Even if we stay he won’t last long, such is the hatred he has engendered amongst Tory members with his Project Fear lies. So I think that before the end of the year , whatever the result of the referendum , we will have a new Eurosceptic PM who will almost certainly have no love or need of the BBC and who , if the vote is to remain, will put a second referendum back on the agenda. But one which will be fought with a government backing Leave.
The above, when coupled with the likely collapse of the EU within the next 5 years due to its own internal tensions , gives grounds for optimism. Of course it would be much better to leave the building whilst the fire is only smouldering than stick around and see it become an inferno.
Yes Doublethinker, and I hope Cameron’s replacement will crack a whip across that BBC flunky of a Minister for Culture, Whippingbum, who has to go in order for the BBC to be reformed.
So I think that before the end of the year , whatever the result of the referendum , we will have a new Eurosceptic PM who will almost certainly have no love or need of the BBC and who , if the vote is to remain, will put a second referendum back on the agenda. But one which will be fought with a government backing Leave.
Well, I guess if the EU can insist on countries voting again till they get a result the EU approves of, then Britain can also vote again till the Brexit campaign wins. But I have a feeling there will be no need for that and the Brexit side will win by a large margin next month.
A UK government hostile to the BBC? Wouldn’t that be a wonder to behold!
Not much meat on this story:
Our ÂŁ4Bn a year national treasure doesn’t seem to have done much investigative journalism on this horrendous story about 4 women being stabbed by a nutter. Perhaps they had an inkling of where the surname Orhon is likely to be from. Bias by omission, these quislings are masters at it.
Orhan, Turkish !
Ethem Aydin Orhon, 66, of Deacons Walk, Hampton, will appear in custody at Wimbledon Magistrates’ Court later.
Hmm, 66 is a rather advanced age for going on a knife attack.
Well, could be he’s a Muslim and shouted “God is Great” as he went on his rampage. If so, the BBC will be at pains to omit those facts or be very coy about revealing them. Certainly no lefty feminists working for the BBC will be outraged at this vicious, cowardly attack on four elderly women.
Nobody covers up for the Religion of Peace like the BBC.
Here’s another one for the BBC, who claim they don’t bother with this blog. But really do, unless it doesn’t suit.
H/T ‘Anon’:
Anonymous21 May 2016 at 11:15
Whoddathunk it! The darling of Anisa Subedar and the BBC website trending malarkey (Hijab girl takes selfie in front of allegedly “anti-Muslim” – but not actually – demo)…well she turns out to be a rabid anti-semite. Waiting to see the BBC Trending coverage of this…
I do recall a fair effort on this by them initially, but it may now be a bit of a wait, as BBC ‘Trending’ tends to see only certain trends and often drops them if they turn out less on narrative.
A few ‘allegedlies’ and ‘claims’ in there, so maybe the BBc might like to use some of that ÂŁ4Bpa and a few of those 20,000 market rates to… check?
Usual block off from the BBC.
This story sounds awful-four women out for a weekend shop in the outer suburbs of West London,all stabbed.
Now then-will all supermarkets and IKEAs etc, now be forced to have space to park an air-ambulance from now on, given the trend from European integration?
And did our Turkish friend yell out “Allah Akhbar” as he slashed round the women..or the more neutral “Subhan Allah”?
By whooshing him through the courts today, bet the BBC think that they won`t need to tell us…but the fact that we can dare to guess all the usual BBC lies in covering stories like this won`t be forgotten.
I myself will only shop at Sainsburys for a while now “in solidarity” with the four ladies-wonder how much Neurofen, bandages and Savlon, thread and needles-and a cheap brandy-you can buy for ÂŁ145.50?
Now if he had been a Christian or a Jew…………… !!!!
Suppose the BBC will be citing that all that pork and bacon on show was a provocation…how long before we`ll need a permit to go dow the meat aisles?…or at least some scanner for knives.
Imagine Phil Shiner or Martyn Day will already be looking at that one…Imran Khan presumably doesn`t need the publicity anymore
Steve Jones
More here ……………………..
Why not let another 75 million in, what’s the worst that could happen?
Steve Jones
Censorship by another name.
I often find that this site is way ahead of Al Beeb with breaking news . As I have said before, they trawl this site for news, a) Because its a good starting point to see if they have missed anything and b) If there is any news that they have censored has broken out, which they must then subsequently cover or appear inefficient as a news broadcaster .
I would hazard a bet that one or two ‘trolls’ on this site are in fact Al Beeb researchers .
Long ago there were in fact a few senior BBC shmucks who frequented the site. One called himself John Reith and others used their real names, e.g. Nick Reynolds who was in part responsible for drawing up guidelines on the use of the dreaded ‘terrorism’ word and debated the issue here. Another one, whose name escapes me but also used his real name, was a climate change propagandist who cheerfully stuck to his guns in the face of severe criticism and worse from veterans here.
Good old days.
One could say that they have now gone ‘incognito’.
This ‘we’ being who I wonder, Norm?
If we stay in the EU and they manage to complete the TTIP deal then I don’t think we can opt out of it despite what Dave says.We are not negotiating it,the EU is on our behalf .Scary !
“David Cameron moves to head off TTIP rebellion”
Its about time all the Tory MPs revolted over Downing Street’s supine surrender of our sovereignty to the EU –
Conservatives, put your nation before your jobs .
Dave is getting crazier every day. I think he is having some kind of breakdown.
Agree grant.
He really seems to have scuttled his ship, perverted it much as Blair did to the authentic labour party.
Absolutely no sense of history, let alone irony.
And as the heir to Blair, he ought to have known better.
All he had to do was be honest-he gave us that referendum, had he just trusted the people(even with a residual establishment stance where contentious)…he`d be walking the next election as well, no matter the result of the vote-and no matter who replaced him.
Enoch was right-and few other political leaders careers are going to find that their life ends in failure as much as Cameron.
Will go down as badly as Heath, no matter what the result now-and all Tories clinging to his hopes will founder with him to.
Which makes Gove the only electable Tory with Boris now a mainstay figure…like our Trump I`d imagine.
The political elite had better get some clown shoes and fright wigs…for politics is now going to become farce and comedy, before tragedy once again.
The first time I noticed it was when he turned up alone for his Easter holiday on Lanzarote and Sam came the next day. I thought that was bit weird. Since then he seems to have become more and more unhinged, plenty of examples.
He seems totally out of his depth in foreign affairs and easily outgunned by foreign leaders and the EU. I cannot think of anything he has done to further British interests internationally.
I was hoping David Davis would be leader, but agree with you that Gove is the best hope. Look at the three main party leaders, nonentities each one.
All very sad.
They ought to have picked DD in 2005.
A decent bloke with loads of integrity and lots of respect across Parliament-like Alan Johnson but with principle, brains and abilty.
Catastrophic in hindsight that the Tories lost their nerve and elected a cipher of turquiose mush.
Davis may well be one of the wiser elders who`ll give us the next Tory leader…maybe a Keith Joseph type.
His FoI/Detention without trial stand may yet come back to his benefit…hope so, always seems a good bloke.
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog this week:
– Review of TV Licence Evasion Penalties
– TV Licensing Goon Uses Four-Letter Insult Against Legitimate Non-Viewer
– The Eye Watering Salaries of BBC Talent
Thanks a lot for this my friend Mr TV.
All possible classes in maths and R.E will be getting those salary figures to do work with this coming week.
Important that tomorrows people get the occasional detour through the institutions don`t you think?
Surprised that no-one has commented on last nights Newsnight, when Peter Oborne tears into the so called BBC “impartiality” re the Boris story earlier in the week.
Impassioned and unusual to hear someone shout over Maitlis and her schmoozing blandishments.Occurs 10 mins in, ends at 17.00…with the Oborne eruptions clouding Maitlis over at 15.30
That said, how refreshing to see an attractive version of a lefty Polly….that one`s for all you chaps out there…and Charlotte Proudman and Jack Monroe have sponsored this message.
Very good. We do need more of such forthright comment, calling out the BBC. Matthis exhibited another of the stand rules of lefties everywhere: do not allow any criticism to be heard, but talk over it so that listeners will not hear it clearly. Of course, the problem studio guests have is that if their criticism of the BBC is too pointed (and accurate), they will not get invited again. Which highlights the urgent need to remove the BBC’s monopoly to choose which spokesmen are allowed to appear, and how much time and prominence they are given. The BBC must no longer be allowed to blackball those who they do not like; David Bellamy, Christopher Booker and Lord Monckton being three that come to mind. And has anyone seen John Bolton, one time ambassador to the UN, on the BBC in recent years?
Yes ChrisH – registered it. Whittingdale and the ‘Tory wet’ cabal have all now raised the white flag, since they exchanged any BBC reform on licence renewal, for EU REMAIN support and the paying of the over 75s TV Licence.
They should do what the newly elected, (Nov 15) Polish Government has done. Replaced the similar BBC type dripping wet liberaL ‘commies’ & senior managers, reporters within their State Broadcasters, with similar reforms of their judiciary.
I’ve sort of given up watching the left wing propaganda programme.
Thank you however, for informing me of one of the few right wingers to have the guts to speak out against this disgustingly biased national broadcaster.
Tearing into? If that polite dance around actually saying anything directly equates to tearing into then we really have lost!
Even Maitlis remarks that no one has accused the BBC of bias (perish the thought!).
Was very much looking forward to “The Verb” last night-10pm Radio 3.
Having a Northern/Geordie background…am a huge fan of Tony Harrison.
As an old Lefty, he really spoke to me…and, even though it was the bloody ubiquitous Ian McMillan doing it, I expected plenty from it.
It was held at Newcastle University-my old alma mater, so felt my cup would run over.
Sadly-felt it all a long eulogy to verbose post-grads, and one long lefty suckup to privilege. in house schmoozings and the little people out there, not being allowed in to ask the Peoples Poet the REAL questions.
Like-“how did your principles get by as Blair took your party over?”
“How do you keep touch about all things left, when you spend so much time in Greece?…and how has the EU worked out there…what are your views on the EU now”?
“How does your Left look now after its response to the death of Margaret Thatcher”?
And all manner of other questions that would throw cherry bombs into the cosy lefty clubs of literature, like this one on “The Verb”.
But no…the smug love-in was undisturbed-and I`d have thought that gemutlich bourgeoisie idea was everything that the Left were supposed to get rid of.
Just wanted to know why-but the Left seem unable to question why no-one bu themselves buys into their worldview…and will we TOO have to be “forced to be free”(Rousseau).
No disrespect to the Great Man-but only wish the Left themselves would be “more inclusive of we working class chappies who aren`t lecturing on creativity-but not being creative themselves”
Is this a new BBC or is the gimmegrant protection office closed for the weekend?
“Suspected illegal immigrants found in Portsmouth”
In other news ISIS Muslims hack an innocent female magicians assistant in half with a sword onstage in a display to show how diverse they are…. Lyse Doucet reports direct from the Muslim section of the decapitated corpse with video `footage` of bloodied flip-flops and her switching between wringing her hands whilst pointing har hand (nazi salute style) towards the Isreali borders…..
Secret gvmt memo shows EU costing UK billions
The damning Whitehall assessment â seen by the Telegraph â has found that France and other EU countries are hampering new âfree-tradeâ deals because they want to protect their farmers from the extra competition.
David Cameron claims that the power of Brussels to negotiate these free-trade agreements with parts of the world such as the United States is a critical reason why Britain must not leave the EU.
But the memorandum suggests that Britain is losing out on ÂŁ2.5âbillion a year in potential trade as a result of the ongoing delays to a proposed deal between the EU and Latin America.
Dominic Raab, the justice minister who is campaigning to leave the EU at next monthâs referendum, said: âThe raw truth is that the EU hates genuinely free trade. That holds Britain back, costs us jobs, and keeps prices on the high street artificially high.â
Another story you won’t read on the “impartial” BBC…
Claim – The Moron is turning the UK into a “Banana Republic”.
BBC sanitises Juncker’s “deserter” comments…
According to the beeb “Jean-Claude Juncker says the UK will “not be welcomed back with open arms” if it votes to leave the EU”
Ha flippin ha.
According to the FT he said “âDeserters will not be welcomed back”
According to the Telegraph he said “I’m sure the deserters will not be welcomed with open arms”
Funny how it sounds so much more reasonable on the beeb, isn’t it?
And, they “forgot” to mention Juncker saying that it would be hard to implement the package of reforms negotiated by DC (ie it might not even happen).
Funny that.
They like him.
He’s not popular. And far left. And selective. And unaccountable. And golden. And unshiftable.
And unelected.
Maybe Mrs. Merton could surmise on the mutual appeal.
The Jeermin (as Stan Boardman would say – not on today’s Beeb) view in Brexit.
A British exit from the European Union would be good for the economy, according to one of the City of Londonâs top forecasters.
Extreme claims from political groups arguing that Brexit would be a disaster were âwide of the markâ, Capital Economics concludes in a detailed report.
(From way back on Feb 18)
Funny how none of the BBC “reporters” brings this up to challenge Bremainers with their ridiculous scaremongering about the economy, isn’t it?
Mike Hunt
Al Beeb gets ‘loads of money’ from the EU , so they won’t challenge them .
We are constantly reminded that our hospitals would be devoid of nurses if it wasn’t for immigration, and that right there is the reason that we should remain in the EU in order to take advantage of free movement of people to staff our public sector. A lot of the rapists, sorry, brain surgeons fleeing from safe countries via squalid jungles in France would be net contributors to our society – an enrichment that we would sadly be obliged to forego if we’re were to leave the EU. The uncountable millions of Muslims that would become EU citizens when Project Turkey is enacted, they are all going to make Britain better, but only if we’re in the EU. There is so little doubt about this that there is simply no need whatsoever to even pretend that we should control access across our borders, it’s simply unnecessary. It’s all positive, nothing to see here.
There are so many things wrong with the above that it’s difficult to know where to start. But the crux of the matter is that the remain group seem to be arguing that without the EU facilitating immigration and mandating the free movement of people into the UK, if we decided that we did want to invite some Phillipino nurses to come over then we could not. I’m not sure if I’m missing something but if, and I’m not convinced about this but, if we decided to open our borders to net contributors because our ageing population is dangerously unbalancing the country’s demographics then I fail to see how being part of the EU’s bureaucratic machinery makes that more possible. Surely HM Gov simply grants working visas to those fit for purpose. What am I missing here?
The UK’s current points-based immigration system will carry on just fine after we leave the EU. It ensures companies can recruit the people they need, while keeping control of our borders. Countries like Australia, Canada, and the USA operate similar systems. You aren’t missing a thing.
Last time I was in hospital, the overseas nurses were from Africa and very good they were too. From Commonwealth countries and spoke excellent english.
Why is ‘our ageing population is dangerously unbalancing the countryâs demographics’ ? This may explain it ……………
Government “health campaigns in the 1970s urged people to get contraception advice” . Perhaps they should now do the same in the Middle east and Africa, it would solve many problems .
I saw this and immediately thought ……… Scott !!!
Dave’s latest lunatic claim is that leaving could put up household bills by “almost 3% “. He has really lost the plot. I fear for his sanity !
Him, the BBC, Juncker, The Telegraph… all seem to be reading from the same script. Interesting bedfellows.
Shame they are using a picture a Dutch MP isn`t it???
Far-Right? Er, how exactly? He’s Austrian and so was Hitler (the socialist) so he’s far right? What does a person have to do to be identified as far right by the media, not read the Guardian? I’ve often thought the media should have an accurate definition of far right, some kind of benchmark, and be clearly able to demonstrate just how an individual qualifies to be far right. Instead it just seems to be an arbitrary label to be thrown about by far left journalists (or algorithms in the case of BBC online) to be attached to said non guardian readers.
I has been posted here many times but, in the BBC and most of the MSM, there is no such thing as “Far Left “.
Politicians and political parties manifestos and all pre election promises should be treated in the same way as an affidavit by all prospective MPs and thier staff TBH…. We should have legislation which allows any politician who fails to deliver due to unforeseen circumstances out of thier control, but only when all related documentation and transcripts relating to any investigation is produced.. To avoid any confusion or attempts to misguide the public, all documentation at or above a ministerial level should be automatically duplicated and a copy of all should be collated and archived in the same way we deal with subject matter given the term `official secrets` as they directly affect the day to day running of our soveriegn rights and our constition….. Anyone found to be wilfully negligent or to have intentionally misled the public to gain office should be given a minimum jail sentence in the same vein as somebody committing a major fraud, perjury or contempt of court.. There should be no grounds for appeal and any finances gained should be surrendered at the time of conviction by a jury of peers… All `spin-doctors` and junior staff involved with elections and political decisions before and after should be vetted in the same way we have CRB checks, anyone with a criminal history should be banned from employment for life….. Obviously minor offences dealt within the magistrates courts which did not result in a custodial sentence would not be included, but anything above should be treated with the full wieght of the law as technically they are a genuine danger to the public interests and our constitution and soveriegnty… All false expenses claims by MPs should be dealt with in the criminal justice system and anyone found guilty should be immediately removed from office and again financial gains should be confiscated and whilst proceedings are being dealt with all accounts held by them which relate to thier suspected offences be frozen…. This would in effect speed up each cases outcome as they would not be recieving any salaries and would not qualify for legal aid… Instead they should be made to provide property to the same value as thier estimated legal costs… If found to be innocent any legal fees and debt arising from this period should be returned along with a set financial award from the public purse no higher than their annual salry as an elected MP.. The reason for this is simple, it would immediatly negate any lengthy litigation process and also misdirection during the courts processing and judgements…. Cutting costs and also allowing a faster election of a new MP when and where a guilty verdict is given….. All MPs should be given a minimum term of FIVE years..
(See Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011)
If found guilty of offences which predate thier present term of office then the term should be increased to the exact date of the offence up to the date of conviction (EG .. an MP commits a criminal offence eight years prior during a previous time in office, he should be sent to jail for twice the minimum term using the date of his first election as the starting point…… Obviously this would be for those criminal acts deemed serious enough to warrant a full Crown Court prosecution…… )
In the case of Cabinet Ministers and prime ministers found guilty they should be treated in the way as a person suspected of treason as they are high enough in government to commit treasonable acts directly which could and would endanger the people of our country…..
Lastly we do not need any higher courts than those of our own constitution and it should be pointed out that our own legal system predates any European legal systems individually and collectively including and especially those of the EU!!!
As for the human rights issues regarding our borders I have no problem whatsoever with processing asylum claims and customs checks within our borders and along our coastlines… We could simply enforce an exclusion zone perhaps the same as the current EU fishing regulations and any inflatables attempting to enter could be simply dealt with by dragging a length of barbed wire etc. behind a minesweeper at the edge of our waters directly in front of attempted incursions…… Same way they stop car thieves when the police use a stinger….. It would punture a hole big enough to deflate the boat and at the same time leave them with the means to f**k off back to Calais/Syria/whatever!!!
Please remember to use the last 48 hours before the referendum to spam and bombard all your family members and friends with pro BREXIT information…. Don`t waste time on the ones who already know which way they are going to vote, concentrate on family members who don`t usually vote and any apathetic youths currently responsible for being a financial deadwieght in the household….. You could even offer a bribe of a weeks reduction in rent, in most cases it won`t matter to you financially to them or to you as they usually have no concept of monetary value anyway and usually scam thier weekly rent back via the Mrs anyways……
Politicians are like babies nappies, they should be replaced regularly and for the same reason.
I watched Brexit – the Movie this week. What a truly excellent, concise, coherent set of arguments. It’s a neat 1 hour tutorial, well structured, well presented package of arguments setting out in easy to understand language why leave is better than remain. I don’t need to make that case here and I don’t need to explain to those who have seen the film why it is so good. But it will never enjoy the audience it deserves so those of us in the leave camp should really do everything in our power to promote it as widely as possible.
It is absolutely not a film you’ll see on Al Beeb of course but that doesn’t mean that we can’t lobby for it to be. The objective would not be success since that is too ambitious. But lobbying for the MSM to show balance by broadcasting it would raise awareness that would drive traffic to online versions.
I don’t know how many active BBBCers we are here but it’s inevitably a tiny minority. But with some ingenuity we’re capable of reaching out to the significant leave community with encouragement to coordinate the use of this film as an educational resource. Sharing a link to a powerful set of arguments is easy. Reaching a mainstream audience with that link is a challenge, especially in the face of active resistance from mainstream media.
Those of us sufficiently motivated to do so could coordinate the awareness. These powerful arguments in favour of a once in a generation decision do not deserve to go unheard by the entire UK population.
Post suggestions here – we’ve got five weeks to recruit five million new viewers…
And it will never be shown in schools and universities !
I actually do know how to do exactly what you are asking…. The websites admins have my email details if they wish to discuss the topic with me via email in private i will provide the relevent information to them and also with thier guidance make a start today if they think it is a good idea….
An excellent idea.
Justin – what support do you need from others here to make it happen?
Nothing actually … however i would appreciate a few pointers from Mr.Vance etc. regarding the legal statutes and also whether or not this forum would like me to add this sites URL to encourage more membership sign-ups or not…. It`s my understanding that although the majority of us here are everyday disgruntled users fed up with the MSM in general… some of us are actually media professionals whose association with the sites content and anything discussed here may frown upon my ideas…. Also i shall have to email the makers of the film to gain thier permission beforehand as well…… However TBH apart from those two parameters there is nothing whatsoever I would actually need to implement dispersal of this film on a range of accessable formats… It`s a simple bit of coding and knowing where to put it….. That is as much as I can say as i wish to ask both parties opinions first….
I for one massively support this initiative. Of course I fully respect the need to dot the Ts and cross the Is (or something) first. I can’t think of a reason why Martin Durkin would object in principle to any legal propagation of his thesis more widely.
I also work in comms, a lot of it digital media, though in the global B2B space. It is a truly measurable field and it would be gratifying if we were able to objectively see how this community had proactively helped to spread a counter to the establishment bias. I can’t think of a more important issue to rally behind. Or a more appropriate use of new media to combat old media.
It sounds like you are all over it Justin but I stand ready to assist if necessary.
Seconded! Brexit the Movie is a real eye-opener… who knew the EU was so totally undemocratic, and cost us so much money, and so many jobs đ
A few starter suggestions: Change.org. #brexitthemovie. HYS. Online comments on national newspaper forums. Other internet forums. Fundraising for a promotion budget for the producers.
I have just had a brilliant idea, I saw
The government could buy these properties and turn them into hostels for gimmiegrants…….sorry I meant deserving refugees everybody would be happy wouldn’t they?? The luvvies could pop round and welcome them and integrate them .
Mrs Kitty,
Maybe that was why that fool Osborne increased stamp duty on them, so that the Government could buy them at reduced values , with our money. And that idiot has the nerve to claim that Brexit will cause a fall in house prices. This is the same man who slapped extra stamp duty on buy-to-let and second homes !
A school has banned the blowing of a whistle to signal the end of playtime because it is âtoo aggressiveâ and could leave the children âafraid of the noiseâ.
Yet nothing is done to stop radical Islamic extremists. The BBC even allows them a platform on primetime TV to claim islamophobia…………something makes me think this isn’t going too well.
Poor little diddums !
Children hate loud noises. That’s why they hate fireworks, fairgrounds, diggers, steam rollers, trains, car horns, playing ‘chase’….
I sincerely hope for a Brexit vote.
If the result is not fiddled, (a big if), I think we have a good chance of achieving our freedom but if we lose then don’t think this is the end.
The eu is doomed. It is not fit for purpose and more people are starting to realise this.
We will get another chance and we will do an eu on the eu, that is, we will have more opportunities to get out and we eventually will.
Every argument says Brexit is the only logical and sane choice.
A few years ago I think maybe a third of us were for Brexit, now it is supposed to be a half. We will become stronger as the eu carries on with its stupid ambitions of control and expansion.
Sanity will prevail.
This upcoming battle may or may not be won but we will win the war. Brexit is the only solution and even the British electorate will come to understand this.
I can’t understand why politicians are doing this to their countrymen, surely it can’t just be greed or the possibility of a job with the eu. I know that the vast majority of politicians are greedy, selfish, power hungry sociopaths but some are decent people, Nigel and Rees Mogg for instance.
With the internet allowing more and more people to know the truths such as the real immigration figures as opposed to the governments fiddled figures, then, we will get more people questioning the politicians as to why they are doing these things to us.
We WILL Brexit, that’s for sure, it’s just a question of when.
The only thing is, the longer it takes, the more damage is being done to us.
I hope we can avoid a civil war caused by politicians ignoring sanity but I fear that may be the result of their actions against the population.
Even if the result is fudged to a remain win, eventually our political system will elect an anti EU party.
However, the damage that will be done to oyr country prior to that will be horrendous, and there’ll be much blood on the street by then.
……………………….And a new Europeans Army will be used to put down any rebellion . We are heading for a dictatorship and the fools that want to ‘stay in’ cant see it .
We were told a pack of lies about the Common Market and we have been told a pack of lies now .
Time to make a swift exit – ‘you know it makes sense’,
Tell your kids about ‘Brexit the Movie’ they will spread it about .
Just seen that there is an Intelligence Squared debate on Brexit tomorrow evening in Westminster. Sold out, but I suppose it will come on line fairly soon. Pity that Clegg, the shmuck, is taking part but apart from him it seems quite interesting:
Clegg the man who Nigel Farage comprehensively thrashed in a previous debate is good value….on past performance he has nothing to say and comes across as shifty and dishonest.
I’m disappointed that Gisella Stuart is the Brexit speaker….especially as she is billed as “no little Englander”. With due respect to her position on the EU debate, the implication seems to be that an English spokesperson can and will be dismissed as a “little Englander”…..and that being interested in UK independence from the EU is only about England…..and by extension that this is a bad thing.
On a similar theme, “debates” about race issues frequently have a non white person representing the anti mass immigration or dare I say white interest. It’s like a white British voice can’t be trusted…..in case there’s some “far right, populist, racist, fascist, nazi backlash” lurking in the wings.
The chair of this discussion between two establishment figures about the future of the U.K. is a prominent Guardianista….no risk of bias there then!
Clegg is a EU robot.
I think you’ll find that’s Nick “I carried an EU eurocrat’s bag for a few years and must therefore protect my EU pension” Clegg.
Ah yes, Jonathan Freedland, a bright guy, but so PeeCee and so far to the left that he has had no qualms about rising through the ranks of that foul rag known as The Guardian to a position close to the very top of the rotten heap. I sometimes wonder how Freedland, a Jew, is content to rub shoulders with the anti-Semites who infest his miserable publication.