Whilst the BBC has consistently attacked Donald Trump for his idea that there should be some control over which Muslims can be allowed into the US until it is worked out who poses a threat, and yesterday the BBC repeatedly quoted Cameron’s insults towards Trump on this subject (Cameron has a habit of being arrogant and sneering towards those he disagrees with, and whilst normally the BBC would rise up in horror at such ‘Flashman’ behaviour from the Eton educated hooray henry it show no sign of that here…nor when Cameron mocked Farage’s name at PMQs…imagine if he’d said the same about a Muslim).
The BBC (The very diverse and sensitive to others’ culture and lifestyle BBC) however hasn’t even bothered to report this so far…
Muslim states block 11 LGBT groups from attending UN Aids meeting
A group of 51 Muslim states has blocked 11 gay and transgender organizations from attending a high-level meeting at the United Nations next month on ending Aids, sparking a protest by the US, Canada and the EU.
Egypt wrote to the president of the 193-member general assembly on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to object to the participation of the 11 groups. It did not give a reason in the letter, which Reuters has seen.
Samantha Power, US ambassador to the UN, wrote to the general assembly president, Mogens Lykketoft, and said the groups appeared to have been blocked for involvement in lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender advocacy.
“Given that transgender people are 49 times more likely to be living with HIV than the general population, their exclusion from the high-level meeting will only impede global progress in combating the HIV/Aids pandemic,” Power wrote.
I’m sure the BBC are working in the story right now, just making sure they’ve got the facts right…or is it yet again another example of BBC ‘reporting’ where hiding Muslim intolerance trumps all other groups in the BBC pecking order? Although Gays or Blacks are on the BBC ‘protected list’ their interests are always subject to being over-ridden by Muslim concerns. Muslims can essentially be as racist or violent or intolerant as they like and get a free pass from the BBC…even if the victims are black or gay….Christians are of course way, way down the list….and don’t even mention Israelis.
I wonder what the new, Muslim, Emir of London has to say about this issue at the UN. He had an awful lot to say about Trump…and yet nothing so far on this….then again his Twitter feed only became full of jolly pictures of him at synagogues and churches when he was on the election stump so can we really expect him to be genuinely concerned about such things…his Trump theatrics are just that…designed to get the cheap headlines and some ‘street-cred’ with the extremsists he knocks about with so often…in his role as ‘hooman rights lawyer’ of course…or is that a lawyer who uses human right’s legislation to his own advantage rather than to defend ‘human rights’ per se? The latter I suspect….just how many white, non-Muslim, non ‘extremist’, human rights cases has he taken on?
Those turkeys still keep voting for christmas
Or is that winterval? 😉
I am afraid stupid is as stupid does – I reckon Old Forest got it right .
Aunty just carries on in the same old way oblivious to the Cuckoo in the nest she is nurturing.
I always quite enjoy the irony here. Because the Cuckoos additional siblings all protected by the BBC mother bird, seem to think that because they share the same nest they will gain some sort of protection when the Cuckoo grows in size and confidence.
I think their first flying lesson might be quite a rude awakening.
We are led to believe that the white man is the cause of all evil in the world and should be held to account as such. We are the go-to easy target for all of the world’s problems and because ‘wanting to look after your own people first’ is what ALL people from all over the world do (it’s human nature not racism like the lunatic left want us to believe) the white man is under attack from everyone right now as we are not fighting back.
I understand why non whites are bitching and moaning about (what used to be) our far superior way of life, history and culture and are doing everything they can to weaken us and destroy that (diminishing daily) greatness… It’s a inheritant jealousy and the acknowledgment that all social groups had the chances to be as successful as europeans but have failed… So it’s our fault for being better than them. We are the easy target for these hate mongers to get into positions in media or politics in these failed cultures because the blame moves from them to us. If there was such a thing as racism then that is surely it?… Not it seems to the Al Beeb and other white man hating factions of the lunatic left, who are actually encouraging that hatred and racism of their own people and are willing to give away everything that has made them so privileged in the first place to appease this hatred.
Because the concensus among the privileged elite is to ‘except ones privilege, feel guilty for ones privilege’ the instruction is to blame the system that created this privilege. “It has to be our fault no matter what”. “We must have caused it!”. This mind set has created the utterly demented notion that Islam is a brother in arms victimhood community like the gay community and they should stick together to defeat the real villain of the movie… Yes you guessed it! The white man!! What the LBGT community are doing is worse than turkeys voting for Christmas as there is a use for turkeys at Christmas… There can not be any tolerance of the LBGT community in Islam.. It’s off the roof you go my Wham loving friends!
Feeling guilty for one’s privilege – an illustration, Chris Evans on the breakfast show talking to a kid who had got a new pony. Well, that is just too middle class for the bbc so he had to ask her ‘how lucky are you to have a pony?”, in other words apologise to all the other kids who don’t have a pony. Symptomatic of our society at present imo, ‘I want what they have, including money, without having to earn it’. Even worse if someone inherits!
Chris Evans is a buffoon but how lucky he is to have a highly paid BBC job ! Idiot !
“Burning down the House”
is important reading, saving to disk, and passing it on.
Click to access Strategic-Overview-Coughlin-010216.pdf
Czech Politician: West Will Have To ‘Crush’ Islam
What won’t be said in the new BBC’s modern diverse ‘Top Gear’
Some say….
The new London Emir is flying the flag of homosexuality on top of City Hall.
And that it shows Islam’s modern approach to homosexuality.
But all we know, is that it shows the level at which they will be thrown off.
On a previous thread that disappeared or I couldn’t find it later when I had time to comment, Khan did in fact refer to himself as an ‘Emir’, at the time I thought it was a bit of a stutter until I read your blog on it, but in fact it was an ‘in joke’ as pointed out by ‘Biased BBC’.
It appears the bBC is currently in promote Islam as a magnanimous peaceful faith that can only be seen as a victim of everybody else mode. Which is why the cock suckers and male tampon wearers at the world renowned Islamic news org is currently promoting how good Islam is for Northern Ireland.
Muslims in Northern Ireland united despite divisions across the world
I had to stifle a laugh at this bBC apologetic view of the misogynist way of Islam:
Women and Islam
However, separation is noticeable in one aspect – men and women. Nearly all of the worshippers are male. A handful of women pray in a separate room. Does this support the common view that Islam is a male-dominated culture?
Not according to Brenda. She converted from Catholicism to Islam in her early 20s and plays an active role in NIMFA.
She said it makes sense for men and women to pray separately.
Can you imagine the cock suckers at the bBC saying the same for anybody else? Would they bollocks. But the worse thing about speaking out about the above, is the fat useless donut eating old bill would rather arrest you for speaking out about intolerant Muslims than arresting an Islam terrorist
The bBC, the propaganda arm for the intolerant peaceful religion of….Islam.
As I understand it from the BBC …
… it is fine to separate men from women, even in schools, to force women to wear absurd head to toe covering, compel 13 year old girls to marry 30 year old paedophiles from Pakistan and chop up young girl’s genitals leaving them in pain for the rest of their lives.
But, if Muslims were to set up a men only golf club then, hell’s teeth, the BBC would be down on them like a ton of bricks. Could there be anything worse than a men only golf club?
I wonder if even Guardian readers can make sense of the BBC’s views.
Why aren’t the BBC jumping up and down demanding a Transgender Golf Club? Or was transgender last weeks obsession for the BBC?
And why are the BBC not covering the Open live this year ? It was one of the few things the BBC did well so I suppose it had to go.
The location of the 19th hole may need redefining.
I love the “400 present and that is a conservative estimate” in this “modest” building.
Classic puffery. Like the trade union marches which organisers say attracted 100,000 and the police say 25,000.
400 people sitting down in one room requires one hell of a space and lots of fire exits! I wonder if they are complying?
Well worth watching
Video: Robert Spencer on The Saad Truth — Is Opposition to Jihad Terror “Bigotry”?
The BBC has, from the outset, been very soft on Islam. It is so soft that one gets the impression that it is blindingly patronising. This is quite obvious in the VD programme.
Now the question arises? Is this because of the BBC, or is it told to be so by the government?
This is a war. Islam is definitely the enemy, but cannot be openly admitted at the moment. The government will definitely have guidelines for the BBC to follow, as regards Islam.
We will see what happens if Trump becomes POTUS. If he adopts the commonly held view since 9/11 by all Western politicians, we will know that they are following a common policy, that will run its course for the next 40 years.
“Given that transgender people are 49 times more likely to be living with HIV than the general population …” according to Samantha Power, US ambassador to the UN. An interesting statistic. Since these people are so unhealthy, and such a burden on our health services, why is the bBBC so keen on pushing trannies as a valid lifestyle choice?
Found it! Hidden away in the ‘US & Canada’ section, safely away from prying eyes. I had to search the bbc website for ‘Aids’ to reveal it.
Maybe it should be retweeted a few times to draw peoples attention to it and move it up their agenda
Whilst the bBC opines about the lot of Northern Irish Muslims, here are a couple of somethings from Germany they aren’t mentioning:
Liberals applaud Muslim who states on TV :Being German’ Means ‘Wearing a Hijab’
3 immigrants arrested in Munich over suicide bomber prank.
The bBC is pushing this story out about just how hip and cool Muslims are:
Muslim woman’s cheeky selfie with anti-Islam group goes viral
Which shows a hijab wearing girl stood in front and amongst an anti-immigration protest in Belgium.
This got me asking the following:
How would an Islamic group protest deal with say Nigel Farage doing likewise
How would an NHS doctors protest deal with Mr Hunt taking a selfie
How would the Labour party react if somebody draped in the Israeli flag took a picture
In fact how would a rabid Islamic group in the process of burning the US flag deal with a openily gay American wearing a dress made out of the US flag taking a selfie react.
The fact remains the bBC loves to promote all of the above as peaceful people who are all victims of the far right. Yet when push comes to shove, the far right are much more accepting of others belong to the opposite side of the political/religious spectrum.
Great post Pounce and completely true.
First thing first is that being anti -Islam/Muslim means that you are pro life, pro freedom, pro women, pro culture, pro choice, pro tolerance, pro kindness, pro allowing homosexuals to live…. Its about protecting the future of everything that isn’t Islamic. It’s about ensuring all none Muslims are safe from genocide. Islam is a choice that anyone can walk away from… The problem is that it’s a death sentence if they do, which is all you need to know about why this the evil, horrific disease needs containing and eliminating from Christian lands.
The fascist left, the liberal traitors have chosen the wrong team to support. We on the right are the ones that are peaceful. We on the right are the ones who are tolerant and have allowed our way of life to be destroyed this way. We on the right protest peacefully to show our spineless, traitorous elite that we are not racist lunatics just looking to cause trouble but are actually feeling desperate about this evil disease destroying everything we love…. And Islam is going to destroy every single thing we have ever known if it’s not stopped.
The special status afforded to Islam is the worst decision in the history of Mankind. It hides the truth. It changes the debate from the facts to pushing for constant appeasement and forcing the host population to submit to the will of an evil, blood thirsty ideology.
Muslims cannot stop. Islam forbids it. They will never stop until the world is given to Allah in his honour. Appeasement cannot work as only Allah can please them. Changing a few laws to make them feel welcome will never be enough as only the Koran and hadiths are the laws accepted in Islam. Our laws mean nothing to Islam. We are nothing but animals to be used as the believers see fit.
Look what has happened to the world over the last few decades. Islam is destroying it. It’s tearing every corner of the globe apart. There are only 2 options. Submit to the word of Allah or ban it from Christian lands. The war is already taking place no matter what we chose. Do we allow the islamification of the entire world to happen without a fight or do we protect everything we have ever fought for to make our people great…
The BBC’s only metric for deciding who to support and who to vilify is, who is the Victim and who is the Oppressor?
Oppressors we know – white, heterosexual, Christian, male, conservative, patriotic, productive, self-sufficient, and rational. All of which are curse words at the BBC.
It gets interesting when two Victim groups collide – Muslims and the Genderists. Who is higher up the Victim scale? Who deserves our support? There is probably a long struggle meeting going on right now to decide.
Expect results within 36 hours.
Mr Bradford, you put the point succinctly. My theory is the BBC, and the liberal west in general, hopes to broker some sort of Nazi-Soviet pact between Islam and liberal/leftism. Eventually we’ll probably hear things like ‘the veil gives women freedom’ etc. Feminism has for a long time had a puritanical wing (to which the strict ideology of Islam might appeal) as well as a libertarian wing, and I suspect it is the former group who will be promoted. We’ve already seen this to an extent with the lauding of the Bake-Off woman. I have nothing against her personally but I object to the obvious use of her for ideological purposes. I can’t imagine 60s feminists being much impressed by a woman who wears a veil and is known only for her cooking abilities, but the BBC seems to think she’s worth promoting.
Any Muslim woman who wears the niqab or the hijab in the West, is asserting her Islam in our faces. It is a triumphant signal, as well as an insult to the West. What she and her kind are proclaiming is that “we have invaded your lands, and we will conquer you”. The fact that she is a woman, protects her from any one taking issues with her, for she can then cry Islamophobia and run to the BBC.
A case in point here
Media-Darling Muslim Selfie Girl: ‘Hitler Left Some Jews So We’d Know Why He Killed Them’
And here is the BBC lauding her. The poor girls, facing up to all those Hate filled White thugs and Nazis.
And then it turns out that this Muslima is just a normal vitriolic Jew hater who admires Hitler and the Holocaust.
The sign with her fingers is an Islamic supremacist sign. I’m not sure if it ISIS.
The upshot of her unmasking is that she closing down her e accounts, and begging people to leave her alone, as all she wants is to live in peace. And BTW she now loves everyone, including Jews.
The BBC must be disappointed, as they had a lovely pic of a brave Muslima, all on her own, standing up to all those hate filled Saxons in the background.
But will the BBC report her unveiling as an anti-semite ? Don’t hold your breath !
Came across this
This is from a pro- Trump site
Quite a lot of anger at the way Cameron and Khan have behaved. This is from a group that is generally Anglo-phile. Not good.
And they don’t seem too impressed by the BBC !
No they don’t. This is quite serious for all of us. Trump represents a vast body of Americans who are pissed off being ignored. They are the ones who pick up the tab for the defence of the West, in blood and treasure. They are expected to fight devout Muslims in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Somalia, then the luvvies flood America with the above.
We need America if we leave the EU. We really cant piss them off. If we are pissing off Americans who are Anglophile, and trace their ancestry to Britain, then we are losing all influence. And for what? To appease Muslims who cannot never be happy living in a Kuffar state.
Even within the EU, our importance to the EU is that we have a “special” relationship with America- whether true or not.
Australian, but shows how halal funds terrorism https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.626378764177597.1073741861.131315043683974&type=3