The people against the elite.
One of the reasons put forward for people not to vote for Brexit was that it could result in the disintegration of the EU as other countries would likely follow and demand a referendum for themselves.
Now isn’t that interesting? Many people, the majority in most countries, would ask for a referendum on the EU and the likes of Cameron, and the Eurocrats who wish to stay in charge unelected though they are, want to deny that chance to all those Europeans.
Talk about an out of touch elite that arrogantly ignores the People, talk about a democratic deficit, talk about EU ‘fascism’….just not on the BBC….that other ‘out of touch’ elite.
Brexit vote set to fuel more referendums
Britain’s referendum is widely expected to trigger a domino effect of similar votes on EU membership, with a significant majority of French and Italian voters wanting to take the issue to the ballot box.
An Ipsos poll in nine leading EU states found that almost half of people thought that next month’s Brexit vote posed a risk of contagion. In Germany, Italy, Sweden and Hungary, more than 50 per cent of voters agreed that other countries would follow Britain’s lead, if it voted to quit the 28-member bloc.
The poll also found that 58 per cent of Italians and 55 per cent of the French already wanted their own referendums on EU membership, regardless of the result on June 23.
The potential repercussions of Brexit are a subject of intense concern for European officials, who fear that Britain’s departure would only exacerbate the increasingly acrimonious disunity witnessed during the eurozone and migration crises.
Also of note…whilst all of Dave’s chums and those with a vested interest in keeping the EU club going everyday folk in other countries aren’t so pessimistic…or rather don’t indulge in the scaremongering about the economy…
While 51 per cent feared a British departure would harm the EU economy, only 36 per cent thought that it would hobble Britain’s economy.Only 26 per cent of Americans and Australians surveyed thought that Brexit would damage the UK economy.To gauge the effect of a potential Brexit on Britain’s international standing, the pollsters also conducted surveys in Canada, the US, Australia, India and South Africa. A clear majority of respondents in those countries said that the UK’s departure from the EU would make no difference to diplomatic relations.
So vote ‘stay’ if you want to keep the unelected in power and to enable them to keep filling their bank accounts with Euro plunder and to keep their hands on the reins of power which they can use to crush all dissent.
The Grand EU Project must go on!
Britain ‘could liberate Europe again’ by voting for Brexit and sparking populist revolution
Britain could “liberate Europe” for a second time in a century by voting for Brexit on June 23, triggering a “patriotic spring” across the continent and an outpouring of populist discontent against Brussels, Geert Wilders, the right-wing Dutch populist, has claimed.
In an interview with The Sunday Telegraph, Mr Wilders – a fiercely nationalist, anti-Islamic politician whose Party for Freedom is currently topping the polls in the Netherlands – said that the populist “genie was now out of the bottle”, and could never be put back in.
“Like in the 1940’s, once again Britain could help liberate Europe from another totalitarian monster, this time called ‘Brussels’. Again, we could be saved by the British,” he said in his heavily fortified office in The Hague where an oil painting Winston Churchill and a Telegraph front page of Margaret Thatcher hang on the walls.
If people see that a country can leave, and the lights do not go out, there is not a war, and a country does not go bankrupt, but even flourishes. If Britain proves that this theory can become a reality, it would have an enormous effect.”
Not sure the BBC will be reporting enthusiastically on that subject.
So we must do something anti democratic on June 23 to help anti democrats keeping democracy from the people .?
Kudos to Geert Wilders. Perhaps this is more the line that Leave need to take? Not so much a defensive “everything will be OK”, but everything will be better *and* we will help liberate the rest of Europe from the evil anti-democratic institution that is Brussels.
How about a new start the week thread Alan ?
What I cannot grasp is Cameron’s behaviour before the vote became a reality . if the consequences of leaving the EU are so grave what on earth was he doing allowing a referendum vote in the Tory manifesto? Grossly irresponsible if project fear is to be given credence.
The man is either a fool or a liar. Either way he needs to go irrespective of the result of the vote. He is no longer acceptable as PM.
Yes, I agree but I think that Dave is so out of his depth that he does not know what he is doing.
On your second point, I disagree. He is both a fool and a liar.
And Gideon will have to go as well. Whatever the result the first by-election after the Referendum will be very interesting as there is a good chance of a lot of disaffected Tory voters going elsewhere if nothing changes.
Yes, Gideon knows he has no chance now of being Leader, so he may just quit and go off to the EU, IMF or any of the other bodies who have promised him a job. Cameron may try and cling on , but his days are numbered and good riddance to both of these nonentities.
“what on earth was he doing allowing a referendum vote in the Tory manifesto?”
Simple, to appease his back-benchers and keep the UKIP threat at bay. He never wanted a referendum, ever.
And it just shows what an idiot this guy is. If he had any sense he would have come back from his negotiations with the EU and said ‘Well I didn’t get what I wanted so I am going to recommend that this country leaves the EU in the referendum’. That is what Margaret Thatcher would have done but he hasn’t got the balls.
I truly believe he has no idea that, by his actions, he has engineered himself into a situation that he will lose whatever the referendum result. Even if he tries to hang on there are so many disaffected Conservative voters out there now he hasn’t got a chance. The prospects of a Labour victory at the 2020 election could well be guaranteed if they ditch Corbyn in the next year or two. Who knows they might even win if Corbyn stays.
Quite agree with your prediction of the possible outcome of the next election and by the same token, George Osborne has no chance of being the next Tory leader either.
Cameron did what they all do before an election, lied and made false promises, when you don’t expect to be elected you can say any old tosh, as the Lib Dems and Greens show a good example.
Comical Dave.
Britain’s referendum is widely expected to trigger a domino effect of similar votes on EU membership, with a significant majority of French and Italian voters wanting to take the issue to the ballot box.
And this is why the vote will have to be rigged
“Britain’s referendum is widely expected to trigger a domino effect of similar votes on EU membership, with a significant majority of French and Italian voters wanting to take the issue to the ballot box.
And this is why the vote will have to be rigged”
Yes just like the one in Austria?
The FT shows its pro-EU position clearly with the statement: “… next month’s Brexit vote posed a risk of contagion.”
Risk of contagion? They wouldn’t have used that terminology if the referendum in question had been whether the UK joined Schengen or the eurozone. Then it would have been “lighting a beacon” or “leading the way”.
I was a regular FT Weekend purchaser until I got totally fed up with them being as far up the EUs backside as the BBC is.
I did inform them of the reason when advising that I would no longer be troubling their circulation figures.
Does the FT or anyone still think we should join the Euro ?
Which ever way it goes, its going to cause the break up of the EU.
(1) If Brexit wins freedom, the rest of the people of Europe will want to follow.
(2) If Brexit lose, the EU will regard this as endorsement for more and more of the grand EU project, which will spark a rebellion against this undemocratic monster.
Therefore, if we lose it could end up like 410 AD, with Cameron clinging on to the EU, and begging Brussels to send military help for him to stay in the EU. But as the EU Commission falls to pieces in Brussels, they tell Cameron to fuck off and ask the Queen how her Prime Ministers in the 1950’s and 1960’s where able to run an independent sovereign nation. But Cameron runs away to France taking the British Army with him, and ends up executed as a traitor.
If the worse comes to pass and the result is that we stay in this sclerotic organisation then the self satisfied smugs of the Remainers will soon be wiped off their faces. Whether it is the financial nightmare of the insolvent European Banks, the unresolved migration crisis, the Turkish issue, further terrorist atrocities, the Greek bailouts, the mandate given to the EU to do as they please, or increased UK contributions. The truth of what voting to remain means will become apparent all too soon to those that voted in. The news organizations will not be able to continue their suppression of the truth for much longer.
I am one of a number of people locally that voted Conservative at the election on a last chance, give them the benefit of the doubt basis. Cameron and Osborne, or Twatman and Knobbin, as I now call them have proven to be duplicitous liars, and the little reputation they had has been torn to shreds and will never recover. I suspect that those like me will bide their time until the next General Election and hopefully the result will be one similar to that in Scotland. The Eurosceptics will feel betrayed by the Government and Big Business apparatus and deliver an SNP type blow to these supine, cowardly, traitorous establishment parties.
bBC and the CS at Nbr 11 say:
Osborne: EU exit threatens 820,000 jobs
Would that be Eastern European jobs ?
That’s probably why Dave toured an Asda Supermarket not a Warehouse staffed mostly with Eastern Europeans with Polish or whatever signage, yet locals don’t get a look in. Locals obviously can’t be bothered working /sarc
To understand the failure of the EU, look at this years Eurovision Song Contest. The best song by an EU member was that of Bulgaria, which came fourth. All none EU Nations got more than a 100 points, and the six lowest scoring nations where all EU member states.
That confirms it. I am voting leave.
Noted an element on the periodic table called Europium.
One of those table fillers we`ve no knowledge of. One after all the useful ones, but doubtless somebody loves it.and makes use of it.
Anyway-expect an EU threat that we`ll have to either rename or, or be unable to look at it-let alone use it-unless we say YES to the EU..and here`s Roger Terrorpin to tell us why this serious threat to the Euro economy is a real worry to the descendants of Heinz Wolf-who as we all know-was a great example of Euro unity.
Vote “Remain” or the Europium gets it…
Is that an inert gaseous element ?
By the way, when I was a boy in the soft South, Heinz lived quite near us and we used to get the same train in the morning, but I was too shy to ask him for his autograph. I believe he is still alive and working !
Chris H. Yes, still working and works with a member of my family, and widely respected.
Amazing coincidence !!!
Is it like this ;
If we remain in the EU we will get richer by £4 000 thereabouts but an extra 3 million people from the EU will come in but if we leave we will be poorer by £400 thereabouts and 900,000 will lose their jobs ( who could come from the EU )
Cameron wants Turkey to come into the EU but wants to veto it , or he wants another country to veto it
There will definitely be a crisis in the world economy if we leave but the EU , the IMF , World Bank , Soros et Al will not make contingency plans and seem almost to want Armageddon ?
If we have a true downturn – the BBC I believe only ever called Gordon’s calamity a “downturn”, one could think that all those who are thinking of coming here for less than a year to collect a N.I. number and not appear in the immigration figures might decide against it.
Unbelievably Country File slipped up last night by telling us that we are now 4th in the EU for highest minimum wage and that the minimum wage in Spain, which competes with our market gardeners, is only half that here.
So if you are picking apples in Spain on £3.60 an hour and someone says pop over to the U.K. and you can double your earnings, what would you do?
If the £ drops in world currency terms as a result of Brexit that can also be a huge positive. The 20% plunge against the Euro after Gordon’s balls up set off our recovery. It would overnight improve farm incomes as world prices would rise in £ terms for our farmers. It would make our exports cheaper – negating any tariffs and increase import prices to the benefit of our manufacturers competing with imports such as in bricks. Lots of our bricks are now imported from Belgium if you did not know.
Latest from Brexit’s Project Fear.
The Vote Leave campaign has issued a stark warning that if Transylvania joins the EU, then the UK could find itself ‘overrun’ with vampires.
“It’s just simple numbers,” said Michael Gove.
“Transylvania has millions of vampires, and if we remain in the EU then we are putting out the welcome mat and Britain – which has been largely vampire-free since the 1800s – could be overrun with them.
Well I’ve heard that if we vote for Brexit the cancer rates will shoot up, our 12 year old girls will all become pregnant, new babies will be born with two heads, and the Moon will crash into the Earth – costing each hard-working-family £6000 in extra tax.
I know which way I’ll be voting …
Could be on to something ….. only travel by night ….. hide in boxes during the day …. never show up on any security devices …. suck their hosts dry …. sexually assault young girls …. hate the sign of the cross …. won’t go near stakes …. convince half-witted locals to work for them …. hmmmm … sure I’ve heard that somewhere else ….
Thank you for showing your Nazi credentials.
It’s funny how Jews get blamed for other groups faults and failings, isn’t it? (Well, it would be funny if it didn’t have such horrific and tragic consequences.)
I have reported you to the police for your racially offensive communications which are an offence under the Improper use of public electronic communications network – Communications Act 2003, section 127.
I have also reported you to the moderators of this group whom I hope will take immediate and swift action.
I have to say there is a great deal of difference between disagreeing, and being disagreeable. May I suggest you at least try and learn the difference before attempting to engage in civilized debate?
As I am sure you know, words like “kike” and “The Eternal Jew” (aka “Der Ewige Jude”, a Nazi creation) are derogatory, and given your statements on this blog it is hard to imagine you have any motive other than using them in a deliberate attempt to cause gross offence to a racial/religious minority.
It goes without saying that if you wish to state your case without rude and offensive name-calling that would be your right; but you are not entitled to intentionally post messages which are likely to cause gross offense.
Not on the BBC: Switzerland ‘to beg EU bosses to introduce MIGRANT CAP’ – but only AFTER our referendum
This is the age profile of (polled) BREXIT voters. It was published by The Times which is the only newspaper Cameron reads (selectively edited of course for content). It reveals the Brexit voting age from 18 to 80. Analysis no doubt the BBC will use to endless effect that the ‘older’’ voter is dangerous and ‘out of touch’ and we should be ‘more progressive’ and welcome the EU.
As you can see the older you are the more wise you become and the ‘benefits’ of remaining in the EU are dwarfed by the problems of being ‘IN’ the EU. This is why Cameron’s portrayal of the UK economy in ruins simply won’t wash with older voters.
Cameron’s ‘team will now abandon ‘older voters’ (over 43) and appeal direct the the younger voter (under 43) if they can. The problem with the BBC is that is has lost its appeal to target younger voters, which is split between ‘could care less’ mob (who don’t trust politicians and never vote) and the young trendy BBC Anarchist (who don’t believe in democracy) and prefer ‘AgitProp’ to get what they want anyway. But they do vote Labour.
So Cameron will need to win the Labour vote at the same time that the Labour vote is voting Ukip). And that means non-stop BBC reporting of the EU ‘benefits’ (as the elite like to see it i.e. more third world immigration, cheaper holidays and low mobile phone for all will be repeated over and over…). Much of this is outside Cameron’s direct control. So we will soon see if using (other adverstising via Facebook/Commercial TV and Radio)/Google spend will work any better than plain old BBC TV and radio endorsements. But its 43 years in the making and now its too late. We all know what will happen after 23rd June and we all want our country back and not ‘sold off’ for the price of a mobile phone and a cheap holiday in Greece.
@Phillip_2 Nice one!
Here’s that graph: if you’re over 43 you’re likely to favour Brexit…
As the population is getting older, this must be the best time for the EUphiles to hold a referendum. Any later, and the outcome will be certain.
Of course there is the postal vote to consider, where the burqa women turn out is 500%.
Where do the leftist EU hold this postal vote bank? It must be in a very secure location.
Just want to follow up that BREXIT graph before it disappears as it torpedoes the BBC (and Cameron cronies claim) that we all are a small minority group. We are in effect the majority group. And it cuts across ages, countries, small minded (EU) lobby politics, the BBC itself.
We should be planning for BREXIT.
Suddenly we will have much more money saved from paying our EU gang-masters and EU bullies. We can once again afford to invest in our own industry, fisheries and farming for exports, free trade and making money from our inventiveness which is the best in the world. Its not going to be easy but its miles better than being shackled to the dead corpse of the EU which is killing most of Europe. Germany may prosper, but under socialist EU policies, that piggy bank will eventually empty. And what happens next? Famine, War and Socialism. The BBC anarchist utopia, is the only plan Venuzuala had. Look at that now, and that is the economic future of the EU.
BREXIT planning, it’s what we should be doing. Not government vote rigging.
Not surprisingly, the bBBC isn’t reporting that EU dictator Juncker made clear at the weekend that Norbert Hofer would have been frozen out of EU decision-making if he had been elected president of Austria. “There is no debate or dialogue with the far-right,” Mr Juncker said. (£)
If any further proof were needed that we need to escape the left-wing anti-democratic EU, this is it.
Start a new slogan for when things start going wrong (which they will if we remain in the EU prison) “Don’t blame me, I voted Brexit!”
Horrific BBC bias on Breakfast this morning, 24.05.2016. The often-heard tiresome rubbish about how we must see our country destroyed and throw away our freedom – just for cheap air fares and mobile roaming. BBC says it doesn’t matter if our British identity is destroyed, and our homes and jobs stolen by 10 million Turks, our democracy crushed by the common fiscal policy after we’re forced to join the Euro disaster, and the terrorism well get once we’re in Schengen, provided cheap flight and mobile calls continue. Patronising bullshite from the BBC , as usual.
If air fares go up, just holiday in non-UK countries. The EU will lose the business. And serve them right !
If Cameron manages to fool the voters into accepting his absurdities then this will not be over by a long way. The struggle to rid ourselves of an imposed imperial rule is going to assume the character of a typical liberation struggle and those always end one way however long it takes.
It is just not possible for a man who wishes to think of himself as a free Englishman to accept rule from Brussels. It can never be legitimate. So the vote is just a beginning if it goes against those who wish to live as free men and women.
The economic argument is secondary and irrelevant to this . So low an opinion of us have the elites and the BBC etc that they really think that we are like pets to have our stomachs rubbed and our heads patted as long as we stay docile under the incipient tyrrannies of the elites of Europe.
We must make no mistake here. The EU will end up as a despised tyrrany. It will oppress us to survive. These monsters always do in the end.
My note to the today programme.
My 5.30 news led with the Institute of Fiscal Studies coming out with more gloom.
I await to hear you using your megaphone on this latest doom laden message with glee.
Strange how these messages of fear are appearing one after the other in a carefully choreographed stream innit?
I image you will ask someone from the other side to respond for ‘balance’.
How about the other way round for once?
Our local MEP has a Facebook account and the posts are getting ever more desperate. The latest:
Retweeted BBC Newsnight (@BBCNewsnight):
Khalid Mahmood MP tells our political ed Nick Watt he left Vote Leave due to negative immigration focus
This was clearly meant to mean something. So far not one constituent has liked it or commented. I was tempted, but a Tory stooge citing a rigged flounce on BBC Newsnight is so lame it’s best to let them rot in isolation.
Where do you stand on the #EURef? Have your say in Victoria Derbyshire’s #BBCDebate. Thursday 26 May, 8pm on BBC One and BBC Radio 5 live
Over thirties need not apply. Except VD. Apparently.
Seems the BBC rather liked the audience reaction to the Daniel vs. Eddie ‘debate’ at Reading Yoonie, where all the History and English grads weighed into Dan’s facts with their feelings being hurt, whilst laughing at all Eddie’s ‘jokes’.
The BBC really could not rig a debate more if they tried, and they are trying daily.
Seems the next QT is to be held in the Labour Party lobby, because what can anyone do about it. BBC Charter, EU Remain. Two cheeks. Same outcome.
Two contrasting stories this morning. The Telegraph leads on the ONS forecast that net migration will be 2 million in 10 years from a total population increase of 4 million. Remember the scorn poured on Mr Gove for daring to suggest net migration will be 5 million over 15 years? Well the ONS infers 3 million and traditionally such forecasts are too low.
Meanwhile the BBC Today programme is in heartbreak mode over the Mediterranean drownings . The hero Italian captain is interviewed. But there is the threat not just the the heartbreak . Italy has received 40000 migrants so far in 2016 and 320000 in 18 months. How many will be returned? Cue one of the BBCs favourite interviewees the old codger Peter Sutherland of the UN who gives his standard homily over our heartlessness in worrying about migration. Will any be sent back? he is asked . He is very equivocal about this and emphasises their rights even if not valid asylum seekers.
Has the Turkish deal not stemmed the flow on that route because people know they will be sent back? Sutherland won’t answer that one but witters on about the deal with Turkey not being concluded. Then it’s he turn of Traitor Blunkett, party to the decision to allow mass immigration post-2000. Mass migration is inevitable he tells us. Naturally though he still has the interests of traditional labour voters at heart. Naturally staying in the EU is the thing to do, he lies.
Voting out and hoping for a right wing populist government after Cameron is all we can pray for . But not of course according to the BBC.