This comment was removed from a BBC HYS the other day:
Fascists are rising:
– Golden Dawn in Greece
– Swedish Democrats
– People’s Party in Holland
– Le Pen in France
– Austria
– Hungary -Orban
– Poland
A combination of anti-democratic EU and unilateralist Merkel is destroying the countries of the EU. The elite’s refusal to listen is causing people to look elsewhere.
Liberal policies are leading to fascism. We have to leave. Vote Brexit.
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I thought the BBC agreed that these parties are ‘Far Right’? Why would they remove the comment?
I watched the programme. It seemed that enrolling the children in school was the game changer – i.e. ties to the area and now a homeless family with the ‘right’ to be housed. That’s another £23,000 per year down the drain (+school costs, healthcare, grandparents to follow, etc, etc, etc. My guess is at least £75k per year).
Unless … of course you re watching the BBC – United States of … Hate?
: Muslims Under “Attack” ? …. ooooohhh brother!
“BBC Three examines America’s recent upsurge in Islamophobia;
meeting both Texan anti-Islam groups and American Muslims as tensions rise at some of America’s mosques”
… there literally, are no words
(note the link, last three letters)
Kick them where it hurts – right in their ratings. Don’t watch. Don’t click the link. If a news story smells on ignore it and don’t click. Go elsewhere to find out what’s really going on. This will hurt them in the cruellest way possible – they will become irrelevant. Either that, or read it and then take the trouble to complain. And make them reply. They always whitewash themselves in their replies but they have to think about it at least. And despite their whitewashes if enough people complain…
I have spent many years complaining about the biased output from the BBc . The reply is always bullshit in fact I now can’t be bothered to complain that and the fact I now watch or listen very little the corporation broadcasts on the basis that it’s just rubbish.
However I’m going to re-start when OFCOM takes over complaints. Not that I expect they will agree with me I just want to see if they are using the same templates.
The media also suppressed the news of the stabbing of four women in a Sainsbury car park. First they said it was a “man”. Its only now the name of the man has come out.
I wonder what odds the bookies will give for the name of the man being Muslim for the next “man stabs xx number of people”?
On the basis that Muslims are at most 10% of the population, one would give odds of 10 to1. But I don’t think the bookies are that stupid.
I wonder what odds the bookies will give for the name of the man being Muslim for the next “man stabs xx number of people”?
On the basis that Muslims are at most 10% of the population, one would give odds of 10 to1. But I don’t think the bookies are that stupid.
Do you mean the not on the BBC, Muslim “celebrating” the anniversary of the L Rigby murder? … by trying to murder
four innocent women himself? in true Palestinian Jew stabbing style?
To kill or be killed in the way of Allah eh! etc ,etc
“On Friday 20th May – just two days before the third anniversary of the terrorist attack that saw UK soldier Lee Rigby stabbed and hacked to death on London streets – a man named Ethem Aydin Orhon stabbed multiple women in a supermarket car park just 15 miles away.”
Raheem Kassam
“Friday” dude! haven t you heard of, “Friday incitement hour” otherwise known as
Friday prayers?.
Anyway, Ramadan 2016 will soon be here, just to deepen piety/renew commitment to Allah you understand. so, check in back June for the Ramadan Bombathon scorecard, (always eye popping).
Oh and nearly forgot Eid, were you get apartheid rules in Star City Bham, no non muslims allowed.
Where old racism campaigner Darkus Howe has to do a runner, because he is black
… not allowed
UK subway stabbing: Muslim taxi driver admits trying to stab commuters
ByPamela Geller on May 24, 2016
Muslims with machetes waging knife jihad is everywhere — UCMED in California, Munich railway station, an Ohio eatery, a grocery store parking lot in London. You might think the media would report on it — you’d be wrong.
The description of these savage stabbings are gruesome. These pious barbarians are inhuman.
“Leytonstone tube stabbing: Taxi drivers admits trying to stab commuters,” By Rebecca Perring, The Express, May 25, 2016
A SOMALIAN taxi driver has admitted trying to stab four people during a frenzied attack in front of horrified commuters at Leytonstone Tube station.
But Muhaydin Mire, 30, denied beating a 56-year-old man unconscious and hacking at his neck during the same attack at the east London station on December 5 last year. Appearing at London’s Old Bailey via videolink from prison, the former Uber taxi driver denied one count of attempted murder but admitted four counts of attempted wounding during a frenzied five minute attack.
Subway??????? another bit of my culture taken from me! London built the very first UNDERGROUND in the world and has every right to call it the UNDERGROUND or TUBE. When the enrichers ask me for directions to the METRO I send them to Gateshead. A SUBWAY in my culture is an underpass for pedestrians.
According to the imam, Islamophobes are creating the terrorism.
Who knew. It must have been Islamophobes who were responsible for all the genocides of people and non-Muslim culture in the 1400 year history of Islam.
How can the BBC excuse all the continuous genocidal acts of Islam? Why don’t they ask themselves why Americans have no problems with Hindus, Buddhists, Shintos or any other group?
Have they bothered to ask themselves if the imam is using Taqiyya, which is allowed in Islam. In fact, mandated when Islam is under threat.
I noticed a few contributors are struggling with conencting to this site, today or in general. For all those struggling with connecting with this site, go to
Problems are occuring because the website is in california, so just make your computer think it’s in the USA by doing the above. Same goes for reading any website far away, Australia, Canada, etc. The internet is not very efficient at planning a route through the millions of servers. Basically, the further away the server, the longer it takes to process info.
You can also download an app which will do the same thing, but just going to telport is much easier.
There are a few people here who are convinced that the referendum will be fraudulent and the remainians will win even if seriously outvoted by Brexit.
This may well be the case but also may not be the case. In any event, speaking as an outsider living in Israel but with a keen interest in the UK, I hereby urge my esteemed colleagues on this fine site not to allow such doubts to prevent them from voting on June 23rd.
All along it has been clear that we will not be allowed to vote to leave. If necessary the vote will be rigged I have no doubt of that.
We leave the EU collapses so the stakes are that high. Anyone who listens to the EU spokesmen can hear the implied threats to us. The British will be scared into voting to remain.
However I am not that worried. The elites do not grasp that reality cannot be denied for ever and that events will overwhelm the fantasies of the last years. The destiny of the EU will be decided by Russia and it’s former Eastern bloc satellites. If Trump is elected US President then this will happen even sooner. I am sure he is quite capable of quitting Europe and an amicable deal with Putin’s Russia.
Russia is now by far the strongest military power in Europe. Very modern and well equipped forces well led and motivated. It will not tolerate a feeble EU pontificating on this and that on it’s very borders and threatening it’s securitry and prosperity. I am sure Russia now feels it has the measure of it’s main rival feeble Germany and there are scores yet to be settled there.
The old Warsaw Pact countries now in the EU are going to have to choose and the Merkel madness that threatens an existential crisis in Europe will make that choice no choice at all.
So how we vote is not that important except to us. There are much greater forces at work now.
It will be rigged if it ever goes to postal votes (as we can see reported in Austria) but then they don’t have the BBC to contend with to ‘fog’ the issues. I think we can all agree (even the remain camp ) that the EU will eventually collapse. But we will still have to bail it out, the survivors. I am not sure Russia wants to see another Socialist state on its borders calling for world Islam EU state. But you could be right its a tension we could do without. The EU will descend into chaos, only an idiot would join it now. But do we (UK) have the deciding vote NOT too, that is the question… There may be greater forces but we have won other battles against the odds, this is no different.
Does anyone have the data for postal voting in the Mayoral election? We can’t allege irregularities without that information and if it is not available we must press for it else we give electoral fraud an open invitation. I can’t see the Electoral Commission taking the lead on this without a public outcry and certainly none of those wonderful investigative journalists at the BBC will take the initiative
Quite agree ! But I suspect that the EC are part of the problem, although I have no evidence. I would like to see an independent enquiry into UK election practices generally. It would probably have to be some kind of International Commission. Of course, it will never happen, but I have lost faith in British democracy anyway.
“Russia is now by far the strongest military power in Europe. Very modern and well equipped forces well led and motivated.”
When was their another power to even match them post nuclear armament?
Their forces are certainly more modern than they were, but the tech is still behind the cutting edge. And as for motivation, where the US has a problem with drugs, Russia has a problem with Vodka.
In addition to that Putin knows that Afghanistan had a devastating effect on peoples opinion to war, and now despite what you might think, there’s a great reluctance of the people to lose their sons brothers & fathers in a pointless war.
A stronger and more belligerent Russian bear will drive the old Soviet Bloc countries into the arms of the EU, the hatred that so many Eastern Europeans feel towards Russia is so strong that they would happily walk into the arms of the EU monster.
The Poles, Ukrainians etc. would rather suckle at the nipple of Auntie Merkel than entertain the thought of turning their gaze eastwards.
It depends on how much the EU tries to bully them. They may decide to play off the EU and Russia – reminding Germany and Brussels that they have options.
It is a disgrace that people like Richard North (EU Referendum Blog) are not invited on the BBC to explain EU issues accurately. It looks like the referendum vote will be in favour of remaining in the EU, which I believe is disastrous, because the politicians and media are ensuring that there is no serious information presented to the public. The result is that people stick with the status quo. The timetable has been made short to make sure there is no chance for the public to be informed.
However, if the following is accurate, it should by itself cause every sane person to vote to leave the EU –
“Norbert Hofer failed in his bid for Austria’s presidency, but he would have been cut out of EU decision-making,” reported the Times of London.
“The EU will isolate and use sanctions against any far-right or populist governments that are swept to power or presidential office on the wave of popular anger against migration.”
The Times quoted Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, saying flatly: “There is no debate or dialogue with the far-right.”
You could be right. I admit that Richard North does seem to go overboard condemning anyone he thinks is wrong because he considers that he has done the research. This inevitably makes it difficult for him to co-operate with others. On another issue I personally think he underestimates the influence if Islam and the Quran on the actions of violent, supremacist Muslims. However he does seem to be the most knowledgeable commentator on the EU I have seen and given the chance could help to raise the level of debate. He has an exit plan!
he should be made to hand back all of the money it cost to train him. Then stripped of his medical qualification by the General Medical Council.
Taking no action against him merely acquiesces to his immoral behaviour.
‘For evil to exist , good men do nothing’,- Edmund Burke.
Amazing that al beebus commissioned it in the first place V o t M; though I can ascertain why it was screened at 10.45pm on a Tuesday – some distinctly non-PC views being voiced on the true consequences of “diversity” for the indigenous population of the East End.
I was also trying to work out what their intentions were in making and showing such a programme?
As al beebus would NEVER have the best interests of working class English people at heart; above those of immigrants or ethnic minorities who are here.
I didn’t see the whole of the programme but caught a bit where a highly tinted person was bewailing the fact that his white school friends had given up and left the Eastend. He as a true 5th? generation Eastender and Brit had valiantly stayed behind alone to keep alive Cockney values, like setting up Muslim prayer circles and learning Arabic. Sounds like the BBC “having a laugh”.
One of my first jobs as a snotty nosed know all kid leaving Uni, was to work for Newham council in their housing department section…Even then I was the only white person employed in the sector, and when I questioned their somewhat puzzling (to me)policy of ‘changing the social make-up of the area” by housing peoples of “Asian” decent on a ratio of three to one, to the determent of all other cultures and creeds, I was informed that my views were not conducive those of Newham council….Steven Timms (A man later knifed by a Muslim female) was the then leader of Newham council, and a member of the SWP came around on a fortnightly basis to pedal the SWP newspaper…
I left before I was pushed, but now the fruits of Newham councils “changing the social make-up of the area plans” has ripened for all to see…Perhaps even the BBC think that these Stalinist imbeciles have taken things too damned far, but I’d very much doubt it..
D and C
Saw Stephen Timms talking about this issue on BBC London. He was pathetic. Diverted the issue onto West Ham moving from Upton Park and how he was campaigning to keep the Bobby Moore statue where it is. FFS!
A complete apologist in total denial. But then again, look who votes for him, so what do we expect?
I have often thought that right on progressives would not get it until they are actually having their heads sawn off. Stephen Timms proves me wrong. They are even more stupid than I thought. He narrowly survived an assassination attempt, and even after being repeatedly stabbed, he still does not get it. Some people are too stupid to deserve to survive.
I too am puzzled. It is not the usual BBC way of operating at all. Either it slipped past the censors or it is a deliberate attempt to rub our noses in what the Left calls the inevitable future of Western societies and the death of white European nations. I favour the latter as it fits the narrative.
After all there was a certain air of inevitability about it. The hopelessness of the old Whites and the barely concealed patronising way the middle class looks at working class England and it’s people.
So it is no wonder I ended up hating it. It was actually offensive .
Look you stupid English degenerates. This is what we have done to you and there is SFA you can do about it.
Meanwhile we are getting richer and living exactly how we like. On your backs as ever in this sad land.
So F off back to Islington whoever made this apology for a documentary.
I missed a programme on Radio 4 this morning had about Muslims impregnating their cousins and the genetic defects it causes. Also puzzling as even mentioning this downside to Muslim enrichment would normally be considered as a “crime against humanity” by the BBC. I can only assume this is the start of a new campaign to normalise incest so that Muslims don’t feel too “othered”.
I read somewhere a couple of years ago that a sizeable proportion of the child patients in Great Ormond Street Hospital were there because they only had one set of grandparents.
Did anyone else see this?
Inbreeding (first cousin marriage) in Muslim communities and their offspring disabilities/ genetic deformities are considered a taboo subject for everyone these days. As the Prophet Muhammad married his cousins then it is considered that criticising this inbreeding practice is to criticise the Prophet.
Seem to remember that cystic fibrosis is more common in caucasians than blacks, not sure of its prevalence in asians (not the correct term in medical analysis as this would cover a huge gene pool from middle east to far east).
I see the ethical latte drinkers at the bBC have found a black flag to raise as their standard when it comes to reporting on the British army: A brief history of army kits that simply didn’t work British soldiers are being issued with new, lighter body armour – but troops are less than thrilled.
Soldiers say they can’t get up if they fall down while wearing the armour and they can’t find space in the new kit for radios and medical supplies either.
Yes the bBC which has no problem defending Islamic terrorists groups when they carry out the most odious crimes, is really keen to act as the propaganda mouthpiece when it comes to attacking the British military and sowing discord amongst the public. So regards the article on the armour above, here is what I posted on the new armour a month ago: (Do keep up bBC) British Army to receive new Israeli made body armour
The MoD has a terrible reputation when it comes to procuring adequate kit for the forces. Give a choice between something which works at £10.50 and something which doesn’t at £9.50 they’ll take the cheaper option every time.
Our soldiers deserve kit which works and if it doesn’t work then it’s only right to point it out.
Pen pushers behind desks in darkened offices more concerned with meeting their diversity targets, and using the green book of political correct phraseology never even see the crap they buy let alone use it.
Perhaps you remember the old DMS army boot, so cheap & nasty it let water in and gave soldiers trench foot in no time. The replacement was no better and it wasn’t until 2012 that more adequate footwear was provided.
I remember the MoD at the time of the Falklands war when the Atlantic Conveyor was sunk it was carrying a lot of kit, some of it, such as Clansman Radio was obsolete and ready for scrapping. Notwithstanding this MoD reordered a complete replacement, and on receipt scrapped the lot !
Amazing attitudes and incompetence which the BBC are right to point out.
Thoughtful wrote: The MoD has a terrible reputation when it comes to procuring adequate kit for the forces. Give a choice between something which works at £10.50 and something which doesn’t at £9.50 they’ll take the cheaper option every time.
As somebody speaking from the sharp end, I can see where you are coming from, however that said these past 15 years and operational tours under the full light of public scrutiny, the MOD has had to change and change it has
“Our soldiers deserve kit which works and if it doesn’t work then it’s only right to point it out.”
Did you follow my link, it is a known fact that soldiers today are carrying more weight into battle than what Roman soldiers did. (Never mind WW1 and 2) Now if you are on a Patrol, that entails slower reactions and soldiers becoming fatigued quicker, which when you have a jundie carrying just an Ak. means he can outpace you when it comes to a chase. The new armour is designed to reduce that burden, not only that but it is superior in affording protection.
Pen pushers behind desks in darkened offices more concerned with meeting their diversity targets, and using the green book of political correct phraseology never even see the crap they buy let alone use it.
With the loss of crown immunity over deaths in action, everybody in the chain of command can now be held accountable and that has resulted in better kit for the troops.
Perhaps you remember the old DMS army boot, so cheap & nasty it let water in and gave soldiers trench foot in no time. The replacement was no better and it wasn’t until 2012 that more adequate footwear was provided.
The army of the 60s/70s and early 80s was a peacetime army which due to huge defence cuts went for the cheapest option every time. The boots issued after 1982 was one such cluster, however later on boots did become better (I was issued with Goretex Matterhorns and Danner botos) my current (brown) boots are Halix Its the same with clothing, I can remember the KF shirts, since the 90s we have moved away from such crap kit and today, the modular clothing system in place is fantastic. (And it irons a lot better as well) my fav piece of kit is the green belay smock which I wear on a daily basis (As do many do on camp) . And the best thing its squaddie proof, I’ve a couple of similar Montane tops and they need much more care.. So the army is getting there. I remember the MoD at the time of the Falklands war when the Atlantic Conveyor was sunk it was carrying a lot of kit, some of it, such as Clansman Radio was obsolete
It was the stores ship which carried our spare kit (helicopters/tents etc) that said the clansman was relativity new (6 years old) and my first unit still used Larkspur . But the beauty of clansman was its ease of use and it was still being used 12 years ago.
Amazing attitudes and incompetence which the BBC are right to point out.
Thats just it, the new body armour is still in trial phase I quote from the army website about it: A new body armour system, Virtus, is currently in development.
Something the bBC doesn’t mention and which is disingenuous of them. That was the angle of my attack on them
LOL as a Squaddie in the 1970/80s I well remember the DMS boot (directly molded sole) we always used to wear Doc Martins until super keen RSM banned them. On reserves (at one stage they decided we would do 2 weeks training every so many years, which was soon abandoned) we did a map reading exercise with Clansmen man packs got a couple of miles out onto Bovingdon Plain lost contact gave up and headed for the bar. The all climate combat kit great until it rained when you were issued with a diesel soaked parka with no buttons that you had to tie up with string. Panzers with no heaters in the German winter and electrically heated suits we were not allowed to have in case we damaged them.
I saw that program. Another one to watch is Council house crackdown after Breakfast watching it seems to make it clear that fraud is perpetrated by one section of the community.
Shows the outright lies given by the Remainers concerning UK security outside the EU and rather embarrassingly for them General Sir Michael Rose is advocating leave when they used his name in support of Remain!
I am amazed that the BBC even reported it. It is pretty clear that senior Military must be pretty frustrated having to deal with their counterpart clowns in the EU !
Yes I was surprised at the headline, but the article includes lots of Remain points which have nothing to do with it, such as getting in the IFS warning and also that 300 “Historians” (who cannot have studied their subject too well) signing a letter advocating Remain.
Our national (but not nationalist) broadcaster continues to peddle the Remain line this morning, having won its battle to dilute the Broadcasting White Paper. The Government controlled and well financed Remain campaign issues new horror stories every day about the short term economic effects of Brexit. Lets remember this is a decision not being taken for short term reasons . Why can’t the BBC take a more balanced view and cover the long term issues?
Meanwhile the short term stuff continues to dominate despite is low relevance. It’s designed to scare those who aren’t particularly economically literate or very interested in politics. They may be dimly aware of a news story based on a one liner . This one line will always be about the Remain scare not the Brexit rejoinder. Of course the BBC know this full well.
Paul Johnson of the IFS was given lots of time and a gentle ride on Today at 8.10 am. Alistair Darling got a follow up at 8.40 with no balancing Brexit view. John Redwood got some time to oppose Johnson but was constantly interrupted. For what it’s worth the IFS have assumed that Brexit causes the economy to grow by 0.5 per cent less than otherwise due to uncertainty if we chose Brexit. This forecast can be questioned on a number of grounds. It is well within margins of error for such forecasts, in other word not worth taking seriously. Secondly the link between uncertainty and economic growth is not well understood and not capable of accurate analysis. Also the uncertainty is being deliberately stoked up by Remain. BBC please note and give a more balanced coverage.
I rarely watch morning television, but predictably the BBC maintained its doomsday approach on the economy if we leave the EU.
I, not unlike others I assume, have noticed that the BBC always put the Remain case first followed then by the Leave. Greater attention span is generally given to the initial comment.
I heard also,last night,that Leave are going to change their strategy, this being away from focusing on the economy, and more onto immigration. The economy with its comcomitant public fear of the unknown should have been avoided not promoted at the forefront of the Leave campaign.
This and sovereignty (democracy) should have been the focus from the very outset. Only a fool would have thought otherwise.
I’m beginning to think that Leave have some influential members in their camp who actually closet Remainers.
It has been suggested on here before (sorry, I can`t remeber who by) that part of the problem with the way the debate is going, is the way that it is framed as a debate between competing potential governments…like a general election campaign. The BBC are prime and repeated users of this strategy.
So Brexit campaigners are continually forced onto the ground of providing a detailed future economic plan or to defend the various “models” of EU/non EU “cooperation” Norway, Switzerland….that the remainers obsess about. rather than discuss the arguments for British national sovereignty, freedom from external interference and the primacy of democratically elected parliamentary democracy in governing a nation state.
It is time the Government of remainers who, lets remember called this referendum, were closely questioned in order to explain in full the contingency plans they have made for a smooth transition and orderly exit from the EU in the event of the vote being to leave….they must have planned ahead, and if they haven`t, they are dangerously reckless and incompetent…assuming of course there is any doubt about the referendum result!….. think “postal vote majority”!
‘…rather than discuss the arguments for British national sovereignty, freedom from external interference and the primacy of democratically elected parliamentary democracy in governing a nation state.’ Remember that these ideas are meaningless for the majority of British people, who, if they think about politics at all, are more likely to think about single issues – ‘climate change’, ‘racism’, ‘diversity’ etc. It’s partly due to the way state schools teach subjects, particularly history, in isolated chunks rather than as a unified whole, and partly the fault of modern identity politics. Just ask anyone what the Glorious Revolution stood for and the average person will have no clue whatsoever and probably has not even heard of it.
‘Best Practice’ nowadays for most organisations is to conduct some sort of ‘risk analysis’ before embarking on a project.
‘Obviously’ HMG did this before our beloved leader did the rounds of ‘Europe’ pleading our ‘special case’ and coming back with nothing, except giving away our veto over ‘ever closer union’ within the Euro-group.
Now, apparently, every man and payed-up dog, can see that we are ‘doomed’ if we ‘leave’, so surely this must have been revealed in the pre-negotiation risk analysis?
Less sure about doubt, but memories of STASI files opening after the wall fell will either see shredders whirring or maybe, just maybe, a glimmer that the side chosen may be the one soon against the wall when the revolution comes.
‘Another big – and unanswered – question here is how Newsnight selected the so-called ‘undecided’ panel. How their status was established by Ipsos Mori was not revealed.’
And if that fails, there is always that FOI exemption ‘for the purposes of’, from the trusted and transparent BBC>
I notice that like me other posters hereabouts have wondered about the effect of the ‘Postal Vote’ element in the recent London Mayoral Elections. Did postal voting trends differ from on the day ballot box votes? Was it Postal Votes what won it?
A quick google seach comes up null.
Despite copious detail on everything but Postal Votes wiki’s silence suggests to me that figures have not been released – if not, why not?
Breakfast continues it’s smoke and mirrors reports on the Evil empire referendum. They are having a picnic in Peterborough “one of the most diverse areas” in the UK with residents from 28 countries . A security guard from Slovakia informs us “we” need to build more schools as the mask slips slightly and the BBc inform us school attendance is rising. Well we’ll go a long way on the tax he’s paying as a security guard.
The “British” man is so “British” apparently, he talks about heritage but of course doesn’t describe himself as English.
Good spot. Good post.
New schools are about £10million for a primary and about £20million for a secondary school for 1000 pupils. That’s £20,000 per head.
The annual revenue to run a school works out at about £4500 per child.
I really would like to see a detailed breakdown of the open-door immigration brigade as to how they get to their net positive benefit claims. I bet the above costs don’t figure.
My suspicion is that the reason the intelligensia want unfettered open door immigration is cash flow. Since most public sector workers pensions are totally unfunded (civil service, NHS, teachers) and we are all living far longer, there is the most humungous elephant in the room which few have spotted – how are the rest of US to pay THEM their pensions? For every newly qualified teacher with a headline salary there is a totally hidden future pension liability of virtually the same amount, completely unfunded. Almost no-one has twigged this. The answer is mass immigration of a younger demographic. Of course this just puts back the fateful day – when the immigrants themselves retire. But which civil servant or politician cares a fig for a 25 year ahead time bomb?
No, its our children and grandchildren who should really be worried.
The answer to the conundrum of falling population and reproduction rates and the need for a growing workforce is of course a set of social policies that enhance the notion of larger families, less abortion and heterosexual behaviour in stable social settings.
What do we get for the last 40 or so years? the opposite, AND mass immigration of a population who hold to the reproductive behaviours mentioned above.
In simple terms, I am driving on the roads paid for by my father and I went to schools paid for by my grandfather and I get my fresh food from fields laid out by my great-grandfather.
A few immigrants can take up the ‘slack’ in existing capacity; a lot of immigrants need new infrastructure and that requires capital, not just the interest or maintenance payments that cover inherited infrastructure.
Yes, good points, Sluff. I think the head of Kent County Council was on TODAY a while back explaining that a child migrant costs them approximately £100,000 p.a..
State workers’ pensions, strictly, are not unfunded: the State should be putting away sufficient funding to pay those Public Sector pensions at some point in the future. That they are not, may be something to do with the massive amount of UK State deficit+debt and that historically, UK Governments of all colours have teemed and laded, robbing Peter to pay Paul, because Paul is shouting loudest at that particular moment in time & would have the greatest immediate consequences if left unpaid.
However, the problem is actually a little worse than you suggest with the solution – increased immigration – that many claim is the answer to the pension time bomb. Not just that eventually that increased population will retire but that it requires a disproportionate growth in the Private sector to support the disproportionate growth in the State sector that that extra immigration inevitably requires. Just to remind you, I would include the growth in State employment 1997-2007 as one of the UK causes of the 2007-2009 Crash.
It is probably a problems in all three terms, short, medium and long term. The problem is that our political representatives are often in post for no more than two, three or four political terms and Ministers have an even shorter shelf-life. Then, there is no come-back, no future liability for errors and omissions.
Their whole view is short-term in the extreme. The population however, take the hit in the medium and again in the long-term.
Take Margaret Thatcher (a hero to some posting here, I see good & bad in her) as an example. She was famously impatient and ‘short-sighted’. Our present housing crisis is largely down to her finding a good policy idea but not thinking it through and patiently working out what was needed to make it work and be fully successful.
Another example would be the squandering of Britain’s oil revenues. It is highly ironic that those inside the Conservative Party campaigning to leave the EU and who keep citing Norway as a good example, overlook how we in the UK could have had a Sovereign Wealth Fund had we thought long, instead of short-term in the 1980s.
Good comments but I will stand by my proposition that there is no funding for most public sector pensions. It comes out of the annual revenue account. Agreed that it should not be like that, but it is. Gets a lot of expenditure off the balance sheet, e.g. NHS where in ONE YEAR (2012 or 13 from memory) the pension liability rose £30bn. All those Brexit adverts about £350m a week more for the NHS – absolute chicken feed by comparison !
A few entities, like local government and university lecturers, do have pension funds. They are heavily underfunded but at least there is some sort of pension pot.
An interesting observation on this and almost totally unknown, is that Academy schools are legally liable for the pension provision of their non-teaching staff and in almost every case it is underfunded on transfer to academy status. Historically those staff were in the Local Government Pension Scheme but last time I looked it was only about 40% underfunded. Most academy schools therefore gain an immediate financial black hole because of their pension liabilities but again it gets the liabilities off the government balance sheet. So the move to all-academies may have rather less to do with education than most people realise. Perhaps that is why it was announced by Osborne in the budget and not by the Education Secretary!
Many public sector occupations have schemes which make deductions from staff salary towards the cost.
Where I work at the moment staff now pay 8% and the employer 18%. Both increased recently, while benefits are moving to average salary rather than final salary.
If I am correct those in the civil service and armed forces do not make a contribution nor is anything put aside. Son is in the armed forces and theirs seem to be moving more towards average than final salary.
Undoubtedly a much fairer system
Join and leave the police as a police constable means your pension will not change much. Join as constable and leave as a chief constable it will bring the pension down substantially – in time when it has worked through the system.
It was iniquitous that you and the employer pay in in proportion to your rising pay as you move up through the ranks, but you take out only at the level of your final pay.
Not quite sure what the BBC do now, but I believe they have rowed back too.
Just a little quick calculator for you. A local retired lefty teacher told the local paper that he and his wife both “ordinary” teachers retired on £15k a year each. You presently need to multiply that annual figure by 30 to get to the sum a self funded pensioner would require to buy the equivalent terms annuity, thus £900,000 for the husband and wife.
No wonder the government decided not to let final salary scheme pensioners take their entitlements in cash! Large numbers of public and private sector schemes would be bankrupted overnight.
Far be it from me argue on semantics but my wife recently asked about retirement from the NHS at just past the age of 60 and her transfer value was over 40 times her payable pension. So make that £1.2 million.
When (not if) interest rates go negative and 15 year gilt rates subside in the same way as German, French and, in particular, Japanese have done over the last 4 years, the pension liabilities stacking up are completely and utterly unpayable without bankrupting the entire country.
What people don’t realise is that those fantastic low interest rates that Osborne is so wonderful in keeping will, in time, mean they will be working until they drop. Anyone under the age of 50 paying into any sort of pension fund is going to be robbed blind.
When I was in the civil service we did pay towards our pensions. I can’t remember with the Army as I left in 1983 and the pension scheme has been changed as has the civil service pensionscheme both whilst I was serving and after By coincidence I recently found out everything I had been told about an Army pension was in fact wrong. I missed out by 6 months as the rules changed in 1982 to the best of my recollection no one bothered to tell us. I had served for 18 months as a Junior soldier for 18 months in the late 1970s but this apparently the MOD informed me was “Further education” and wasn’t pensionable.
In facr thinking back we had to contribute to the widows & orphans benefit scheme when I joined the civil service if you were married or not, unsure when that one ended
I also joined as a Junior Soldier and also got rooked. “Pensionable service” doesn’t start until you’re 18. In my case, I compounded the felony by commissioning after leaving Boy Service. Officers’ pensionable service doesn’t start until you are 21, so basically I got robbed twice, having served two tours in Northern Ireland before I started earning my bloody pension. On the upside, officers only have to serve 16 years to the Immediate Pension Point, rather than 22, plus the final salary pension calculation is a lot more generous, so it’s swings and roundabouts, I suppose.
Incidentally, there is a lot of talk about the AFPS being non-contributory, which is wrong. The Armed Forces Pay Review Panel calculates all rates of pay for all three services every year and decides who should get what. Their highly convoluted formula includes a notional pension contribution of (if memory serves me well) 6%, which means that gets docked off your military salary before you get it. So, effectively, it’s a contributory scheme by another name.
Sluff, the LGPS is one scheme and I think there other little pots or envelopes or sofas down the back of which State cash is tucked for this and that. They, btw, are the ones that have been frequently raided. Think GO may have recently demonstrated that with one of his recent ‘give-aways’.
You are right that there is a massive hole not just in pensions for State employees but also private employees where Government policy has decreed that ‘we’ (we actually being basic rate taxpayers, mostly, not those higher rate ones) are now all responsible for the failure of Private Actuaries, Private Directors and Private Companies who have been a little delinquent and let their businesses go bust while letting their associated Company Pension schemes take little holidays here, there and everywhere. Tata to our future, you might say while drowning and not waving.
Overall, pensions & their under funding are a massive future problem that Government has been mostly ignoring for thirty-five years. I recall Thatcher being strenuously warned that the changes she was making in the mid-1980s would lead to problems. The advice was ignored or brushed off. Labour were just as bad, if not worse with Brown thinking a little trim from Pension Funds would not matter too much if he was going to abolish boom & bust and create unprecedented growth hand in hand with Prudence.
Remember Equitable Life? The court ruled they had to honour their guaranteed pension commitments. The result was a total wipeout for every other investor/pension saver/mortgage holder.
Translate that to the public sector. The unfunded pension commitments worth hundreds of billions are in essence ‘guaranteed’. What about the rest of us? How would they fund it if the economy tanked? Massive tax rises, a wipeout of essential public services, massive borrowing at high interest rates, leading to rampant inflation. Outside the public sector we’re all sitting ducks.
‘When will we wise up? ‘ Some of us already have. I have a private pension but, like the state pension, I have little confidence that it will be there when I need it. Instead I am building up passive income through online business and various other investments, and learning to live well on the least amount of money possible.
The majority of public sector employees are in “funded” schemes where employee and employer pay in regularly. It is, of course who pays the shortfall between assets and (seemingly ever increasing) liabilities due to increasing longevity and low investment returns where the fun starts. For the public sector it is mostly the taxpayer.
Gordon Brown’s raid on the pension funds affected both private and public sector schemes by removing some of the returns they previously received from their investments.
The Tata scheme with 135,000 members was of course once a public sector scheme. The pension liabilities of many companies is now such that when they run in to difficulty in companies which may actually be salvageable everyone loses their jobs because no one can afford to take on the pension liabilities.
Perversely if Tata is not taken over and the pension fund sorted out, all the members will migrate to the Pension Protection Fund, which is funded by a levy on those salary based schemes that continue. My current public sector employer’s scheme have to pay a fair sized levy to the PPF annually, but as public sector schemes will soon be the only ones offering this gold plated pension, they may soon be funding all the failed private ones too.
With regard to Equitable Life I have a private fund whereby I gave them £5k 26 years ago, and in 3 years time they will give me £50k (a compound rate of about 10%), so they were not the only ones basing their calculations on wrong economic expectations, probably not unlike the economic experts at the Treasury (and BBC?) now who think they can see the future!
I remember reading somewhere when we were still under a Labour government that when calculating the benefit to this country of an immigrant, EU advice was that the cost of their dependents should not be included in the calculation because children (and I assume aged parents) are individuals in their own right and therefore not part of the calculation. And therefore folks, that is part of the reason that immigrants are of benefit to this country, ie the schooling of their children is not a cost the rest of us has to bear.
Liam Fox made the point the other day that institutions such as the IMF, OECD, IFS, LSE all wanted Britain to join the Euro. What a mistake that would have been.
They all also receive funding from the EU.
OECD 30 million euros
IFS 7.4 million euros
LSE 18.2 million euros
These are not independent bodies. Anything they say should be ignored unless their financial bias is reported by a journalist before any statement about their results are revealed.
Taffman, I liken the EU to a sinking ocean liner. If we get out now, there’s a chance we can get clear on the lifeboats without being sucked under. If we stay with the ship, we’ll get dragged down with it or at best, be left clinging to some wreckage.
Wronged, taffman, Carnmer & Maria, I have all sorts of alternative results and pictures of the consequences of same from 24th June onward.
One such, I think I posted on the BBC w/s but don’t think have mentioned here.
UK votes convincingly, so convincingly that there can be no ‘adjustment’, to Leave on 23rd June. Mad panic careful disguised as a conference of EU leaders is convened and suddenly all sorts of substantial reforms to the EU are put together to be voted on in three months time. The reforms are kicked around Europe, diluted a bit, tweaked a bit and the UK’s rebate is increased substantially and total European integration, except for perhaps The Six (or The Seven or The Eight but not The Nine) kicked very firmly into the long grass of Neverland. Dave is invited to take part in all of this EU negotiating, and he is “putting Britain’s interest first”. (Can hear him saying that.)
He returns to the UK waving a bit of paper, smiling at his achievement, stating “There’s no need for another Referendum to agree to this change of mind on the part of the whole EU. We have by our Out vote achieved a dramatic reform of the EU that no-one would have thought possible. (Can hear him saying that, too.) It will be put to the British Parliament to decide whether we overturn the Referendum decision and that we now stay in the EU after all.”
You can probably accurately guess the result of that Parliamentary vote in advance.
taffman, I am not a Farage fan but have seen a couple of internet video clips of his campaigning in the Referendum and he seemed to me to have become a lot more statesmanlike. Am all in favour of improvements.
If I meet a remainer or an undecided, I ask what their hobbies or interests are. Having discovered that, say, they love playing tennis or chess, I ask them if they would join a tennis club where the fees are, say, £360 a year and for that they get to play on all the courts at any time, use of the clubhouse, showers etc. But they would not be allowed to have a say on who was voted onto the committee as social secretary or the finance man or any other committee member. And if they ever asked the committee what else do I get for my money, the reply would be…oh well, don’t worry about that. Just leave all that stuff to us. We’ll deal with that – you just enjoy your tennis.
Bringing the actuality of the sovereignty issue close to home to them suddenly makes them think!
And of course, the biased BBC gets plenty of EU funding. Technically it is not the BBC but a ‘charity’ called BBC Media Action. Not quite sure why the BBC thinks they need this charity, but it received £2.3 million from the EU last time round, and I seem to remember a lot more than that in earlier years. As well as a huge wad from the Department for International Development btw. And former BBC chair Lord Fatten, sorry mis-spelling, Patten, of course gets a stonking EU pension.
Re Breakfast (BBC) this am. I agree with the previous poster that balanced reporting from the Beeb on this (and many issues) is biased – hence the creation of this site. What are we to expect however, the EU is more about a grand social scheme than it ever is about trading and economic issues. They have a egalitarian world view based upon socialist principles that lean seriously to the left of centre. Many of these principles are held and promoted by members of our government and by large swathes of our elected representatives. The BBC (and other media outlets) have recruited from this pool of idealists for years as have much of the senior civil service. The EU mindset is aligned with their mindset. This is why even honest presenters cannot put forward ideas and sentiments that they do not believe in and they come across as weak arguments with little with no real confidence or forcefulness. On the other hand, when detailing ideas relating to remaining (within the Social compact that is the EU) they become animated, excited and effused. National political belief is anathema to much of our media as it is aligned with right of centre politics which are to be opposed at all levels. Note the manner in which the Austrian Right were effectively frozen from EU decision making should they have been successfully elected. One note of irony from said Breakfast – held in a museum which gloried in GB’s past industrial heritage – at same time as decrying our ability to survive outside of the EU as a stand alone trading nation.
You are quite right. We are up against a body snatched elite .Takuan Seiyo has likened our governing and media class to the replacement humans in the film “Invasion of the Bodysnatchers’ .It is so apt as to be almost believable that these people are really replicants of normal human beings. They think , act and are the same even down to the Twitter howl that greets any dissenting voice.
With a class of governing , acacdemic, media elites like this I am pessimistic about the future. of Western Europe in particular. How and why they came to dominate is for the future. We have to live under their rule and make the best of it. The EU is central now to their project as is the control of academia and the media. The BBC is beyond hope now. We are going to vote to stay because enough of us will be made afraid and in any case the vote will be arranged as they say.
It is time for free men and women to think and act as if under an occupying power and be cautious but resolute, Above all try to teach your children and grandchildren about freedom and our civilisation. But take care for soon the bodysnatchers will try to move against us and criminalize any dissent under some pretext or other. . Our hope now lies in the east of Europe and with a USA that might just avoid the excesses of the rest of the West.
honestus “One note of irony from said Breakfast – held in a museum which gloried in GB’s past industrial heritage – at same time as decrying our ability to survive outside of the EU as a stand alone trading nation.”
The BBC are not very good, these days, at checking details.
Funny how the article fails to mention the far-left, or even simply the left as perps. If they report a peaceful demonstration against immigration they report the participants as “far-right”, yet, when it’s the far-left on a violent rampage they are merely referred to as “demonstrators”.
“University student Karla Molinar told the Associated Press she took part in disrupting his speech because she felt Mr Trump was attacking members of her family who were living in the country illegally.”
Whatever are the BBC overseers doing letting a line like that into the article!
The BBC is getting very excited about the IFS’s view as to how dreadful life will be if we no longer have to pay the over blown salaries of people we haven’t voted for. In fact the BBC is leading on their terrifying predications.
I have no idea where Guido finds his figures, but if the IFS has received a currant bun and a coffee from the EU then we ought to be told. The BBC has to understand that some unkind people, who don’t read the Guardian the way an Islamist reads the Quran, may think that the IFS has very good reasons for supporting the EU – in fact 7,400,974 reasons.
On Tuesday 24th May, R4 Today covered a story about a rise in dog fighting and how it was due to “young people” using fighting dogs to promote their status. Listening to the story one might have assumed the culprits were white, working class chavs. However during his interview Eduardo Goncalves of the League Against Cruel Sports referred to how fighting dogs are being imported from the “middle east”. This set off a few warning bells.
So I read the LACS report which says; “Some communities may be more likely to tolerate dog fighting and associated practices due to their different cultural practices and beliefs. For example, dog fighting remains legal in Pakistan and Afghanistan”. The report mysteriously doesn’t say much more about ethnicity, but it refers to another report called “Betrayal of Trust” which is much more enlightening. This report says, “Chief Inspector Ian Briggs of the RSPCA’s Special Operations Unit commented that ‘dog fighting is up 400 per cent in the past three years in the UK. Out of all the work we do, 98 per cent of the dog fighting work we do in our unit is to do with Asian gangs'”.
It adds; that there is in some Asian communities; “a general acceptance of fighting with dogs and underlined the different cultural practices of rural Pakistan and Afghanistan where such activity is deemed both permissible as cultural tradition and widely endorsed as family entertainment”.
A quick bit of Googling discovers that Islam forbids the keeping of dogs as pets as they are unclean; Ibn Maajah (3640) narrated from ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog”.
So to sum up; the majority of dog fighting in the UK seems to involve muslims whose religion despises dogs. But this fact is airbrushed out and omitted by the establishment and MSM.
“Chief Inspector Ian Briggs of the RSPCA’s Special Operations Unit commented that ‘dog fighting is up 400 per cent in the past three years in the UK. Out of all the work we do, 98 per cent of the dog fighting work we do in our unit is to do with Asian gangs’”.
Surely this is multi-culturalism in action. Our culture is that we are not cruel to dogs. Their culture is to enjoy dog fights. We have been told for decades that all cultures are equal in 21st century Britain. If the RSPCA keeps targeting asians it’s going to be in trouble with the racism industry. It should stick to attacking riding to hounds – that’s white British culture and so can be attacked without penalty.
I posted this on Sunday but as it is relevant to what you are saying and to BBC bias I have repeated it here. May I add that following the Macpherson report, the police do not focus too heavily on ethnic cultures as it displays signs of institutional racism. As for Pakistan, I believe dog fighting has been outlawed there, but enforcing the ban is very unlikely. Nevertheless, tolerance of a practice which in the home country is illegal is stretching our multicultural tolerance a bit too far. However, coming to my attention are stories of organized street dog fights, not hidden away in some dark corner. Now this suggests that there are streets where obvious and very loud breaches of the law occur. Perhaps they take place in ‘no go areas’, whose existence is denied.
BBC reports on concerns over street dog fighting in Luton/Bedfordshire.
May I suggest that once again the BBC are missing some important items from the report.
For example, which sections of our tolerant and vibrant diverse communities are involved in this disgusting sport?
The BBC casually mentions that the Pakistan Bully Kutta dog has been used. See video.
The newspaper, Luton on Sunday, refers to sentences given to participants in one of the most appalling street dog fights:
‘Two Luton men have been convicted of taking part in this dogfight in Birmingham – described as one of the most gruelling and highly attended dog fights in history.At the beginning of this month we reported how Sajid Saed Shah, 26, of Grantham Road, Luton, and Atif Farhan Tariq, also 26, of Portland Road, Luton were among 14 men who pleaded guilty to taking part in the fight between two pit bull terriers, which both died afterwards’.
You won’t get the left wing animal rights people (as opposed to animal welfare organizations) condemning these dog fights. Why, even the Hunt Saboteurs turned out on Saturday to protest against the EDL.
Here is a video of a Dog Show in Pakistan where the fighting Bully Kutta dog is exhibited. This video is non violent, but for anyone interested you can watch them fighting other dogs and animals on You Tube. They are being imported because of their super strength and once brutalised and tormented they are more aggressive than other breeds of fighting dog and can usually kill American Pit Bulls.
Welcome to multicultural, diverse and vibrant Britain.
What about cock-fighting, popular around the world but also in the Middle East and Asia but illegal in the UK? Seem to recall that was an increasing ‘underground’ activity here.
Up2snuff, Yes cock fighting illegal and there are reports of quail fighting in parts of our towns which are not visited by the police – a sport from Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Dontcha’ feel proud to live in our enriched diverse vibrant multiculture.
Here is a video of a quail catcher from Afghanistan.
It’s their tradition so it must be acceptable and protected
GWF, am sure I heard about the increase in illegal bird fighting in UK via BBC R4. Another example of the BBC being incapable of remembering their own output.
Meanwhile, they are running an anti-diversity campaign on BBC R4 with the shortage and increasing prices of their W1A curries being down to immigrants from Europe. These, apparently, are inadequate or are messing about and ‘quitting because of the smell’ (you couldn’t make it up – I thought all cooking smells but what do I know) with poor restaurant owners either having to do all the work themselves at three times the price or pay over the odds to import a chef from Bangladesh. Better result for the Treasury, all round, I would have thought.
Diversity is all fine and dandy unless it causes a shortage of curry chefs.
These restaurants will have to snap into line and only serves curries made by natives of only one country according to a recipe from only one country. All this when curry – as the BBC continually with their endless food and cooking programming (Obesity …. crisis? What crisis?) inform me – is actually made and consumed in not dissimilar recipes across many nations of the world.
The Caliphate of Birmingham has known about this for years but the authorities for some reason are turning a blind eye to the problem. Here’s a reminder from 2012:
You will note of course that the article refers to ‘asian gangs’. The term used by The Birmingham Mail and other mainstream media outlets for, Pakistani gangs.
We have had cases in Birmingham where taxi drivers will refuse to have guide dogs in their cars because of their religion but will take their dogs to the fights on the same night. No reports of these but if you live in the area, as unfortunately I do, they’ll brag about the money their dogs have won for them.
The Remain camp better known now as ‘The Comedy of Terrors’ led by Dodgy Dave will win the referendum. Actually it will be the usual Postal Vote Cavalry appearing at the last minute to secure victory. The other lot, led by Boris of the Bent Banana Brigade, will then be absorbed back into the host to become part of the establishment again. It was ever thus.
The Leave Campaign has of course been made to look like a true Comedy act by Boris. Funny that! But then it was always planned to be, Boris is of course the old Eton chum and besty mate of Dodgy Dave. We have been well and truly stitched up like the proverbial Kipper. Pun intended.
Mushroom Nigel, (kept in the dark and rarely seen), of the original let’s have a referendum Kipper Squad will fight on, only ever to be brought back into the light by the MSM to prove that racism doesn’t work. Job Done – QED – gravy train back on course.
All together everyone, “All hail the President of the EU”.
Ah yes but, but, but, you may ask which President, and of course there are THREE! I think it’s three but there may be more. There is a President of the Council, a President of the Commission and a President of the (so called) Parliament. Can you name them all? More to the point, can any of the Remain Camp (The Comedy of Terrors) name them? Can our little children who are being frightened and indoctrinated into the EU religion name them?
We may not know all of OUR Presidents – but we DO have to pay for them. Think about it for a moment, WE THE BRITISH have THREE PRESIDENTS and most people have never heard of them let alone can name them!
Come back Winston all is forgiven. But then, we can now be arrested for quoting Winston. Or saying almost anything nowadays. Mind you, if Winston was here today he would have been consigned to a health farm or be locked up with Tommy for having the ‘wrong’ opinions.
However, don’t worry the EU, like all other corrupt regimes will eventually fail and in some ways it will be better if Britain is not the one to cause its demise, because when it goes it will be a bloody mess. A financial mess, a political mess and yes a bloody violent mess. A mess we are better off out of and that we cannot be blamed for.
The (mostly unreported) street wars that have already started in Europe will get much worse, the rise of the patriotic political parties who oppose being overrun by invaders of a different culture will gain strength and start winning elections. Despite the postal votes of the criminal anti-democratic left wing rabble.
The so called ‘Far Right Wing and Populist’ parties, (God help us all for daring to elect a popular party), as described by the BBC and its MSM allies, not just in Britain but across the rest of Europe and even the USA, will gain strength and eventually take control. The majority of people will see sense and vote for those with the courage to speak the truth. It has started in the USA, as it always does, and true to form the unwashed, unemployable left wing mobs there have already started rioting against The Donald. Their violent behaviour will only strengthen his lead.
The outcome of the referendum is interesting but not the be all and end all, it is just the beginning of the process. What comes after the EU is a much bigger question and far more important. Let us just hope that it is democratic.
In the meantime it is clear that Dodgy Dave is on the slippery slope to oblivion but with a gold plated pension of course and the opportunity to make much more as an advisor to the world’s dodgy dictators and regimes. Just like his mate Teflon Tony before him.
Probably not. Under your not impossible scenario above, the Tories will unite & Dave will continue on his merry way (with Labour & Corbyn fatally compromised) to retirement in 2019 or thereabouts.
The unfortunate announcement by George Osborne trailed at the weekend but made on Monday means that if a technical recession turns up in the two years that would have followed a Brexit vote had there been one, people will be hopping mad. “We vote Remain to avoid recession! You promised this wouldn’t happen!”
Osborne will try to explain “It’s nothing to do with me or the UK economy. It’s the fault of China, it’s the fault of the US, it’s the fault of Brazil, it’s the fault of Europe.” at which point the poor lad will unceremoniously dragged from the House and taken off to the Chilterns, at least One Hundred feet up, to a suitable retirement or other ‘home’ somewhere. The Labour Party will split. The Conservative Party will run around like headless chickens. Nigel Farage will say “Told you so.” and get elected somewhere.
Hopefully a colossal number of sensible people in the middle between Conservatives & Labour will take control of the House of Commons via the Ballot box in 2018. Hopefully.
If not things could get ugly. Doesn’t bear thinking about.
Sorry! Feeling a bit dystopian. Blame it on BBC Radio4. 😉
‘Religious War’: Muslim Migrants ‘Ambush’ Yazidis With Knives And Baseball Bats
A separate study published by German newspaper Die Welt in February found that violence toward ethnic minorities, religious minorities and women had increased across German migrant centres.
Muslim men were singled out for tearing up Bibles and assaulting Christians, sexually abusing women and children and beating up homosexuals.
We already have a religious war in progress. Merkel has allowed the enemy to bolster its forces by over a million.
If it really becomes hot war in the next few years, the EU will capitulate. The only force that is capable of rescuing us from the mess that the EU has created is America.
To deal with this they are using a great slash and burn tactic. They overwhelm us with scare stories and they don’t care how many of these are debunked or shown as craven lies. They don’t care because they are not trying to persuade with rational argument but to create a vague shapeless fear of change in low information voters.
Alex, Yes, I agree, and I have noticed people who say they are confused by all the arguments and cannot make their mind up,so they will vote to remain. Gathering these people up would be a positive step
I had an interesting discussion on the referendum this lunchtime.
The killer argument quoted against me was that the IFS has said that GDP would be lower and the country would be poorer if we vote Leave.
My reply was I was pleased to see that the that the IFS thought that we could make such a success of taking back control of immigration.
That was met with a look of incomprehension, so I explained. We all accept that the more people we have in the country the larger will be the national GDP, but unless the immigrants have skills we need the population increase will be larger than the GDP increase – so GDP per head of the population will go down and ordinary peoople will be individually poorer. In simplistic terms the coutry is richer, but there are more people to share the wealth, so each person gets less.
The person I was talking to couldn’t grasp the point and just repeated that “GDP would be higher”, but everyone else joined the dots and saw that without the population projections national GDP assumptions are meaningless. I don’t know whether or not I made any converts to the cause, but there’s one Remain con trick that they won’t fall for again.
I’d prefer to move the discussions on from economics, because for me the key issue is the principle of democracy, but the daily news agenda seems to be dictated by the BBC, and they’re determined to keep everyone’s attention on money. I know that plays to the government’s scare agenda, but my country isn’t for sale.
The trouble is that talk of democracy, particulary in its non-EU form such as with things like the common law, trial by jury, civil constabulary, parliamentary sovereignty etc (what might loosely be termed ‘1688 and all that’) means very little to the average Briton. How much better or worse off they’ll be financially is what motivates people. The Remainers and the Beeb know that, I think.
A couple of days away and all hell breaks loose here, it seems!
As for remainiacs winning or losing the arguments and people saying they are ‘confused’, having just heard the dire Martha Kearney ‘interviewing’ Andrew Lilico on TWATO, I’m not surprised they are confused!
Not for the first time her entire line of questioning was anti-Leave. Completely uninterested in Dr Lilico’s analysis of the IFS figures (most probably because she is too stupid to understand them) her interest was in exploiting the ‘splits in the Leave camp which her masters have decreed must be today’s talking point. She is a disgrace to the trade she claims to perform – about as impartial as Comical Ali.
As is common now in the MSM when dealing with Jihad, they disable comments.
Its almost always a surprise to the families, authorities, politicians and the MSM. Always. Didn’t they learn a thing since 9/11. Religious of Peace mantra. Nothing to do with Islam. BS forever.
Why are Muslims in the West? Who let them in? Bet its leftists. Leftists are used to committing genocide. Islam is thus an ally.
Just watched BBC News. I do not know how they get away with it!
All Leavers are now officially conspiracy fantasists. This because the figures provided by the IFS are challenged. Because the figures put out by the IFS follow in a timely procession of financial forecasts by government minded bodies (independent but interdependent as well) one after the other almost in a coordinated manner, all projecting downturns to one extent or another. The reporter had no challenger. This is reported as fact. The second segment repeated the financial breakdown of this morning and claims ONLY £161,000,000 paid to EU per week instead of the £361 million claimed. They compared the lower figure to current government spending per week heavily suggesting that the sum we pay for membership is paltry and inviting the voters to decide. I know what their ideals are and where their passion lies so should not watch what I know to be prejudiced. Where is the independent view reflecting the non metropolitan consensus. I absolutely despair.
BBC ignores: “A British exit from the European Union would be good for the economy, according to one of the City of London’s top forecasters.”
“Extreme claims from political groups arguing that Brexit would be a disaster were “wide of the mark”, Capital Economics concludes in a detailed report.”
The only truly independent analysis I have seen so far.
Not on the BBC: 30 MPs and peers demand the Government takes down pro-EU links from Government websites by Friday
Christopher Hope, our chief political correspondent, writes:
Dozens of Tory MPs and peers have written to the head of the civil service urging him to observe the rules of purdah ahead of the EU referendum and take down pro-EU links from websites.
The letter, from former Work and Pensions secretary Iain Duncan Smith, to Sir Jeremy Heywood, the Cabinet secretary, has been signed by 30 MPs and peers including former Mayor of London Boris Johnson, former Environment secretary Owen Paterson and Tory backbencher David Burrowes.
It says: “We demand that any government web pages material published with the intention of persuading people to vote remain should be taken down” before Friday, when official Whitehall purdah rules come into force restricting Government pronouncements ahead of the referendum.
The letter – copied to David Cameron, the Prime Minister – adds: “Failure to carry this out will put both ministers and civil servants in breach of the law, the Ministerial Code and the Civil Service Code.”
But why should they even have to ask? Of course the government is banned by Purdah from these kinds of things. Not that it will stop them. Not that the BBC will challenge them. Oh no.
Not on the BBC: The IFS is at least partly government/EU funded…
… but equally importantly the impartiality of the ESRC (Economic & Social Research Council) on which the IFS’s economic forecast based is highly questionable!!
The IFS funding claim was reported on the BBC:
But UKIP leader Nigel Farage said the IFS was biased because it was part-funded by the EU. He told BBC News: “They take direct funding from the European Union. “So, once again, it’s the same old game. It’s taxpayers money being used to tell us what we should think and what we should do. And frankly the scale of this now is outrageous. “The government and all their friends – taxpayer-funded friends – are frankly cheating in this referendum by selling this constant negative message.”
Although we are a charity and our ultimate purpose is to inform the public debate, we receive little or no core funding from government or other sources. Instead, we carry out research commissioned from a variety of sources: government departments and agencies, the research councils, particularly the Economic and Social Research Council, the European Commission, charitable foundations, and the private sector. We are partners in two ESRC research centres (LLAKES and the Institute for Macroeconomics). We frequently work in partnership with experts in universities and other research institutes on larger projects.
The ESRC is opaque about it’s sources of funding (makes one wonder), but two of its members are funded (at least partially) directly by… yup, that’s right, none less than the European Commission itself.
Indeed, and one of the questions Clueless Kearney neglected to ask the IFS spokesman when she ‘interviewed’ him (ha!) today was precisely how much money does the IFS gain from EU sources as a whole (ie not just as a direct grant)? It looks like the answer is more than it receives from he UK government and that said spokesman was trying to hide the truth.
The longer this campaign goes on, the more willing the ‘elite’ seems to be to abandon any moral standards.
News from Nowhere is a classic piece of futuristic writing, first published in 1890 by artist, designer and socialist William Morris. Its central tenet – that society should refind the value of work and thrive on beauty, rather than consumerism – is timely. This updated drama revisits Morris’ vision of a new society for now.
Our Will Guest is a modern day, 21st Century man, travelling from 2016 to a future Utopia. The word utopia comes from the Greek ou-topos, meaning ‘no-place’ or ‘nowhere’. There is uneasy antagonism between Will’s 21st Century values and those of ‘Nowhere’. But there is also love……Will goes on a time travelling voyage of discovery, finding a new love for society, as well as a woman.
Just a vision of a left wing utopia, and loads of blaming of Cameron the Tories, and the capitalist system in general.
Part of the Dangerous Visions BBC Radio 4 season.
Wow! To some people whites are not allowed to have any voice at all. Shut up and allow yourself, your culture (which BTW doesn’t exist) to be replaced:
The Progressives are all in favour of your right to free speech – just as long as you are saying the things which they find acceptable.
It’s the: “I’m all in favour of free speech, but…” argument – complete cr@p! You’re either in favour of free speech or you’re not.
Just because someone says something which you find unpalatable or offensive (unless it’s libellous or criminal) doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be able to say it.
The tweets in that Express article; shows how the collective, Progressive mind is unable to cope with an articulately presented argument against mass immigration and multiculturalism.
Per Mark Steyn: “The position of the Left is that they don’t want to win the argument, they’d rather cancel the argument.”
Re : BBC’s Enviro correspondent presenting the awards to Artists for Climate Change awareness
“Three artist residencies will begin in July 2016 and each residency includes an award of £10,000. …”
Paul Homewood has written it up as a blogpost .
The thing is we know that the artists will go for the alarmist angle not the skeptic, so that makes it a highly political thing. Hence it is outrageous that a BBC new guy be involved in such a partisan campaign.
But like Greenpeace he acts as if he is above laws and the BBC Charter.
Shouldn’t BBC bosses be held to account for failing to enforce the BBC Charter, that Harra seems to frequently break?
The BBC’s Environment correspondent wont present any awards to Astronomers for Climate Change science awareness.
The BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate, reduces awareness of new developments in Climate science for all of us, not just the BBC’s award winning overgrown children with paintbrushes.
But it’s a fact that middle-class morons with arts qualifications dominate the narrative at the BBC, and have sacked and keep scientists off the BBC, even if they are Members of Parliament.
Extra point BBC News can’t be handing out awards
Harra has ‘Gone native’ and in the party when actually he should be remaining outside so he can CHALLENGE people objectively.
BBC News people should not get into bed with those they report on otherwise how can they be objective ?
Voice of the Mysterons May 24, 2016 at 11:53 pm
“…An almost balanced look at East end white flight on BBC 1…”
Given the title of the programme: ‘The Last Whites of the East End’ I think I’d question the ‘white’ flight element of the programme when (correct me if I’m wrong) of the three main contributors: one had a West Indian father, another an Indian mother and the third of Bangladeshi heritage.
So, ‘we are all descended from immigrants’ was probably the Beeb’s hidden ulterior motive to which you refer.
That said, the programme did address the issue of community breakdown, but not that suggested by the title.
I think its not only whites who have fled but long term immigrants of all cultures are feeling the strain of mass immigration into the East End on a scale never before seen,They feel their lives are changing too.They assimilated pretty much and things were settled until Blair came to power and changed everything.Maybe the BEEB was trying to portray this.
I was born and lived until recently in Newham and cockney whites mainly left years ago .Those left are thinking about it.It is the poorest borough in London if not the country yet immigrants continue to flock there .Any one with young children who is not Islamic has to move out or go to schools which are now 99% Islamic pupils.
I know from experience with my children ,the children do not mix and are not allowed to play with any friends they try to make in school. They rarely if ever are allowed to attend events outside school hours .It is isolating for non Muslims once the ratio is so high.
How travellers kept men as slaves for up to 26 years – yes 26 years. Totally inhuman but not worth a mention. Wonder why.
Oddly the BBC are very excited when migrants are seen as slaves, so what’s wrong with when the indigenous population are kept as slaves for lengths of time that defy any sense of humanity.
Somehow I don’t think the BBC will ever allow El Cid to ever be broadcast on its channels. It was made in 1961, just watch the speech from 7:00 minutes in though.
“The Prophet has commanded us to rule the world. Where in all your land of Spain is the glory of Allah?
When men speak of you they speak of poets, musicmakers, doctors, and scientists.
Where are your warriors? You dare to call youselves sons of the Prophet?
You have become women!
Burn your books! Make warriors of your poets! Let you doctors invent new poisons for our arrows. Let you scientists invent new war machines! And then … kill! … Burn!
Infidels live on your frontiers. Encourage them to kill each other.
And … when they are weak and torn, I will sweep up from Africa, and the empire of the One true God, Allah, will spread, first across Spain, then across Europe … then the whole world! ”
… Must be an Islamofauxbe … where s Aquil Ahmed, how did he miss that bit in his puff piece
The Ottoman s?
I do NOT like the sound of this one little bit!! This has apparently been passed by our Monetary and Finance Affairs Committee last night.
What planet are our elected reps on?
Guido also reports that….The report also calls for the EU to take over member states’ corporate taxation powers with a common corporation tax base, banning sovereign states from increasing their competitiveness by cutting corporation tax below 15%.
A transgender woman has won her bid to have a ferry firm remove the words “ladies” and “gents” from its toilets.
Erin Bisson, from Jersey, launched legal action for discrimination against Condor Ferries after a member of staff told her to use a disabled loo.
She had also said the use of words rather than symbols on toilets amounted to indirect discrimination.
The firm admitted discrimination at the island’s Employment and Discrimination Tribunal on Friday.
In its first decision taken since the island introduced gender discrimination laws in 2015, the tribunal found Ms Bisson’s complaints against Condor of direct and indirect discrimination because of her gender reassignment to be “well-founded”.
Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad. What other conclusion can there be?
I do have to question the motives of someone who when supposedly having transitioned from one gender to another would “call the company to ask which toilets she should use”. Who on earth calls a company to ask that unless they are deliberately planning to take a case at a later date?
You should however not the final sentence that the Jersey trans group showed its disapproval “the community preferred “the approach of education” rather than “litigation” against employers.”
It would appear this case was someone deliberately making something out of nothing. We can only hope that they didn’t win any money.
You might find this disturbing reading that grown men can now barge into ladies (or girls) toilets and demand to be respected and claim harrassment ) whilst the place gets evacuated by parents and children in a school in US. In fact all of this is already on its way UK Schools Minister MARIA MILLER has even stated that every UK school must comply with this new directive. Sussex University proudly boasts the country’s first Unisex lavatory. I wonder how popular with ‘the ladies’ that is going to be. Every ‘Grayson Perry’ look-a-likes now has special EU passports into every female rest room across the country and demand ‘respect’ – that they don’t deserve but crave. The fact is that these odd bods are being ‘fast-tracked’ into UK schools by Maria Miller herself who has given them ‘golden hellos’ to get in primary school teaching. I KID YOU NOT. I am not making this up, This is Cameron’s World of perversions. Its part of the Equality Diversity mandate we are told. The kids meanwhile can be taken away (if a parent objects) and the Kids can be ‘reeducated’ if they think its funny or queer. This is the world the BBC wants us to believe is ‘normal’, the states are still fighting it in the US but here in the UK, the EU has decided it already for us. There is no debate to be had. The BBC love it. And its coming to all UK public space not designated an ‘Islamic’ area (you know how they can get so offended). Your local Council must build it for you (even if nobody uses it you have got to have it) and you (as council taxpayer) must pay for it the ‘New Transgender bog’. And unlike the US, you cannot object to its elevation and glory. It will also be illegal to suggest this absurdity in public. They get easily ‘offended’ these creatures. The BBC love-in with Grayson Perry is just the start of the campaign (seen at the Chelsea Flower Show on BBC1). He obviously loves the attention of the botanical plants. A future Head of Neasden Primary and the font of all wisdom (the BBC are in awe). I am not sure anybody else is.
Radio 4, 5 o’clock.
Is it just me ?
I am fed up with the nightly attempts by “Eddie” to trivialise the whole EU debate by using the Chris Mason in house joke. “This is the Chris Mason section with your genial host Chris Mason” Chris Mason then delivers our nightly dose of “Remain” propaganda.
“That was Chris Mason”
Side splitting !!!
Probably not just you, but I did think that tonights ‘should I stay or should I go was quite informative’.
I’m not sure how you can see the economist interviewed as ‘remain propaganda’ when he said that the leave campaign should have been dropping little questions, such as “If the EU is so good for jobs & employment then how come unemployment in Spain is running at 27%” ?
It’s a fair question and it was also a fair comment that the so called leave camp are doing nothing other than running a Tory leadership campaign.
This is NOT how an important referendum campaign should have been run, and we have the electoral services commissions almost inexplicable decision to award official status solely to the Tory party. I believe that this was either a gross error on their part or simple interference from Cameron & mates.
Either way it ensures that the referendum will not have a fair outcome and the only way to rectify that would be a re-run in two or three years time.
No it’s not just you, it’s teeth grindingly irritating isn’t it?
National sovereignty rendered into a joke or trivia or “we don’t know the facts” or “woooooh, be afraid….very afraid!”
This evening they also had two people debating the quality of the debate ffs! their conclusion? The debates been “too masculine” we need to hear more women’s voices and more “working class, non London voices”
The conclusion I’m reaching is that this country’s freedom from the EU won’t be granted, it will at some future date be taken….that’s what happens with freedom, it’s never granted or gifted but struggled for and taken from those who would deny it.
The last comment on the debate about the debate was that fear that, “there’ll be a close finish that leaves neither side satisfied, the argument unsettled….and the Tory party split, which is bad for the country”….I’m sure I heard Eddie Mair cheer up at the thought!
I hope the winners of the next war for this nations sovereignty make a better a job of preserving it than the generation that sneaked the UK into ever closer union under the pretence of a trade agreement.
No Thomas. They are either trying to dumb down or pretend to be amusing. In fact they just come over as the shallow journalism free zone they obviously are.
Unlistenable, patronising garbage. Devoid of all credibility. Now catering exclusively for those who would see this once great nation disappear up the EU’s fundament.
Wow, just wow really.
Thought we’d gone back to the 60s/70s for a moment, but then again stick like arms were more prevalant than the pumping iron roid rager sleeve bursting type back then. It’s a good well balanced picture promoting harmony that’s not likely to heighten racial tension at all, well done ‘Operation Black Vote.’ I won’t ask where operation ‘White vote’ is, or if such a thing would even be considered legal, nor how a picture of a white little old lady being confronted by a… oh never mind. Isn’t equality great.
Totally outrageous! So wrong on many levels – stereotyping thugs, blaming white folk for blacks not voting??, would they ever dare to stereotype a person of colour like that?
I can’t even believe that they would be allowed to show that.
I’m disgusted.
Dear ‘Operation Black Vote’. I was very impressed by your recent poster showing an asian lady being berated by a white thug. Would I be right in assuming the lady in the picture is about to vote ‘Leave’ in the referendum because of the great respect she, like many of her kinsfolk in the Indian subcontinent with fond memories of the Raj, has for British traditions, and the white gentleman is a recent Polish immigrant who is angered by her decision because of the effect it would have on his residency in the UK?
Part of the OBV mission statement,
“We believe that without a strong political voice for African, Asian, Caribbean, Chinese and other ethnic minorities, the ideal of equality of opportunity – regardless of race and colour – will remain an ideal.”
Chinese? Black? ‘regardless of race and colour’? So you represent white people too? I apologise for going so far off topic, always found the ridiculous amusing. They are partially funded by the Esmee Fairbairn foundation, after seeing the hideously you know what trustees,
I think they should return the funding on principle due to under representation.
Here’s a grade A titbit.
bBBC radio 4 PM at 1725 today. A discussion about R and D in modern China, brings a review of the 1960s. I quote.
“The ‘turmoil of the cultural revolution’. “War on so called liberal thought. Intellectual and academics persecuted. Most R and D ground to a halt”
The Far Left biased bbc make this all seem to be a little minor error from Chairman Mao. What a joker he was !
No, you bBBC marxist cretins. This Communist starved to death and murdered millions of his own people. The bBBC somehow fail to mention this.
But you try and keep your borders secure and immigration manageable and you are branded ‘Far Right’. By them.
Absolutely disgusting bias from the extreme left wingers at the Appalling bBBC.
Yes, I heard that and thought I was enduring some form of hallucination… account of a world in which Red China underwent a “cultural revolution” rather than a time of mass murder and terror at the hands of little red book waving Red guards.
They played some Chinese music…..possibly from “The East is Red” a Chinese opera of the time, then referred to “patriotic music”.
Yes the implication was that the “cultural revolution” was run by “patriots” rather than by hard left, Marxist-Leninist, Communists………Patriots…….got that? As we all know “patriots” = “far right” in BBC land.
Am I just unlucky?
The other day I turned on to watch the Chelsea Flower Show to be met with an interview with the first black woman designer at the show, going on about diversity and her garden inspired by modern slavery.
Ive just turned it on tonight and there is an interview with the ‘man’ of the moment, Grayson Perry, in full-on cross dressing mode.
It just never ends. Even the most innocent of activities just HAS to contain its quota of Left wing bBBC indoctrination messages.- inclusivity, diversity, multi culti. Any chance of coverage of the actual flowers? No, thought not.
They obviously misunderstood when someone suggested the displays should contain more pansies!
And before the usual suspects start ranting, I should point out that I am gay but I don’t mind people taking the piss.
Sluff, mate. No, you’re not unlucky. It’s everywhere… I watched ‘Chelsea’ on Monday too. I had hoped to see the fragrant Sophie Raworth whose name appeared in the summary. Sadly, I didn’t catch Sophie but instead the insufferable Joe Swift (no, me neither!). Turns out he is the son of Clive Swift (Actor, Keeping up Appearances) and Margaret Drabble (Novelist). No connections there then.
He’s right on message isn’t he? Breathlessly bangin’ on about how wonderful it was to learn of Chelsea’s first female black designer. Possibly worth a mention in passing but he had been tasked with hammering his point home to the exclusion of any worthwhile comment on the poor girl’s garden design. Juliet Sargeant and the rest of us deserved better.
What a crock… As I type I can see Grayson Perry commenting on a Japanese garden. I quite enjoy his art but his eyebrows need a little cultivation.
Not only that, but apparently Cleve West -winner of umpteen Golds and Best in Show (sorry that’s Crufts) – had the honour of having his life story shown on 2 nights ! I soon discovered why, clearly of Asian descent, so the Beeb were pulling all the stops out. Chelsea a real disappointment, less about the plants and flowers and more about the slebs – who the hell wants to know about Jo Whiley’s gardening attributes or whether Jenny Bond knew her antirrhinums from her pelargoniums ???? The same large gardens have been showed continuously, whilst we’ve never seen the smaller gardens on camera at all.
I was listening to Radio 4 about 3:30pm to 4:30pm today. In a space of about 10 minutes they covered:
1. Mental health including a recommendation of a mental health expert in every school at least one day a week – TICK.
2. Reuters report saying the UK media is biased towards the ‘leave’ campaign “even though the polls show 50-50” -TICK
3. Gay rights around the world – TICK.
Then I watch a bit of the One Show tonight. They jump from interviewing Steve Davis, a higher successful sportsman and a role model during my childhood, to LGBT groups sticking their banners up at football grounds (covering paid sponsors adverts) – TICK for turning a decent guest interview into a gay rights piece.
I too was at that 3.30-4.30 bit of radio output on radio 4.
From some mental health moaner who`s now made a career out of not getting all the NHS pie she required at some time-through to Laurie Taylors weekly hate against the state…this time for not giving the gays and allies enough of the national pie(although plenty of the attention on a daily basis).
Classic hour of BBC breast beating-clearly silicone with rainbow tassels on them.
Didn`t listen of course-as soon as I heard the rising whining inflections of another mental health casualty I baled out.
Bit like the White Flight from the East End last night on telly….sometimes it`s just easier to pack up and get away.
I have to plan my listening to Radio 4 very carefully as it’s just too depressing otherwise – like listening to some raddled old feminist in a cardigan reading out articles from the Guardian circa 1983. I prefer to listen nowadays to free audiobooks from a website called Librivox, it has some good political and philosophical recordings.
The trouble is, when you’re stuck in the car you’ve got Hobson’s Choice 🙁
Mind you, this morning on R4 at about 7.15 towards the end of the interview with the Italian navy who carried out the rescue yesterday, and he mentioned the proposed EU Coastguard and EU Border Police, right there on BBC R4 – and the interviewer didn’t interrupt him or contradict him!! Goodness.
I’d never heard of it before – perhaps that’s because – surprise, surprise – it’s not been covered on the BBC!!
Plenty of coverage in other media eg FT, Express, Telegraph… and strangely not in the Grauniad (bedfellows with the BBC?)
I used to counter this by stockpiling R4 plays and listening to those instead of the live rubbish.
That stopped when the drama department was fully (instead of partially, as it had been) taken over by cultural Marxists who can’t set eyes on a new script without inserting the pressing need for a one legged Bangladeshi lesbian in the story.
Mr Hunt, my car stereo has a USB socket so I just load up a USB stick with free audiobooks for long journeys. I’m pretty sure there’s a way of hooking up a smartphone to a car stereo with no USB input.
Cramer you can get a small radio transmitter , that plugs into your cigar that you can connect to the headphone socket of your phone / MP3 player then tune the radio in to the device. I did have one but got fed up with the wires everywhere.
Oh why doesn`t Laurie Taylor go to blazes?
Smug corduroy blow-up knitted doll of pervdom manages to dig out the wank mags, by professing to be discussing a “Nigerian Beauty Pageant” as some kind of sociological exercise.
Hasn`t left the bike shed has he?…if the rest of us want to test out Viagra, we don`t get paid by the BBC to talk mucky…yet gloss it all over as some kind of academic research, when really Laurie is under York Minster pinging the playtex, as he did back in 1969.
Racist, sexist objectivication of vulnerable black women in Lagos-about as offensive as Brown Sugar.
To be fair to the Stones, they at least would stay in the same room as the “lovely girls” they were singing about-sad empty ballbag Laurie leaves only the waft of Werthers and mothballs as he peers through the dressing room with his devils eyepiece.
Savile maybe due a posthumous degree in Empowerment Studies at York Uni, if Laurie continues to get a slew of PhD dollies to starch the celery in his velveteen shorts…this bloke really needs a minder, old perver.
If anyone has the time to watch all or even a part of this, it is wonderful; it’s about the U.S. but most of what they discuss is equally relevant here.
I wish we had such people as Ann Coulter and Gavin McInnes over here with a regular platform on our national TV – no chance of course.
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This comment was removed from a BBC HYS the other day:
Fascists are rising:
– Golden Dawn in Greece
– Swedish Democrats
– People’s Party in Holland
– Le Pen in France
– Austria
– Hungary -Orban
– Poland
A combination of anti-democratic EU and unilateralist Merkel is destroying the countries of the EU. The elite’s refusal to listen is causing people to look elsewhere.
Liberal policies are leading to fascism. We have to leave. Vote Brexit.
This post has been removed because special House Rules are in effect during referendum periods.
For more information, please see
If you repeatedly post material that breaks these rules your ability to comment may be restricted.
I thought the BBC agreed that these parties are ‘Far Right’? Why would they remove the comment?
Well, true to form the BBC deletes comments based mainly on their political orientation.
Yes, if the last line had been omitted the comment would have been left alone.
They removed because of “We have to leave. Vote Brexit”
I imagine it was the last three lines that doomed the comment.
Only Remain comments allowed by the BEEB .You mentioned Brexit so its against their house rules.
I hope everyone is watching Channel 4 9 – 10 p.m. Council housing for the immigrants.
So far Hounslow have quite rightly refused but the expectation level is unbelievable. You arrive, you get housed!
I suspect the Leave vote just went up with the housing of the Romanian family!
‘The english are so generous’
No….the system is bolloxed and open to blatant exploitation by all and sundry who turn up here
Particularly with children. The seemingly magic box ticker for both “home” and “away”
Particularly if they are sporting a luxuriant beard.
I watched the programme. It seemed that enrolling the children in school was the game changer – i.e. ties to the area and now a homeless family with the ‘right’ to be housed. That’s another £23,000 per year down the drain (+school costs, healthcare, grandparents to follow, etc, etc, etc. My guess is at least £75k per year).
Unless … of course you re watching the BBC – United States of … Hate?
: Muslims Under “Attack” ? …. ooooohhh brother!
“BBC Three examines America’s recent upsurge in Islamophobia;
meeting both Texan anti-Islam groups and American Muslims as tensions rise at some of America’s mosques”
… there literally, are no words
(note the link, last three letters)
Kick them where it hurts – right in their ratings. Don’t watch. Don’t click the link. If a news story smells on ignore it and don’t click. Go elsewhere to find out what’s really going on. This will hurt them in the cruellest way possible – they will become irrelevant. Either that, or read it and then take the trouble to complain. And make them reply. They always whitewash themselves in their replies but they have to think about it at least. And despite their whitewashes if enough people complain…
I have spent many years complaining about the biased output from the BBc . The reply is always bullshit in fact I now can’t be bothered to complain that and the fact I now watch or listen very little the corporation broadcasts on the basis that it’s just rubbish.
However I’m going to re-start when OFCOM takes over complaints. Not that I expect they will agree with me I just want to see if they are using the same templates.
More stabbings by RoPs of ordinary people.
The media also suppressed the news of the stabbing of four women in a Sainsbury car park. First they said it was a “man”. Its only now the name of the man has come out.
I wonder what odds the bookies will give for the name of the man being Muslim for the next “man stabs xx number of people”?
On the basis that Muslims are at most 10% of the population, one would give odds of 10 to1. But I don’t think the bookies are that stupid.
I wonder what odds the bookies will give for the name of the man being Muslim for the next “man stabs xx number of people”?
On the basis that Muslims are at most 10% of the population, one would give odds of 10 to1. But I don’t think the bookies are that stupid.
Do you mean the not on the BBC, Muslim “celebrating” the anniversary of the L Rigby murder? … by trying to murder
four innocent women himself? in true Palestinian Jew stabbing style?
To kill or be killed in the way of Allah eh! etc ,etc
“On Friday 20th May – just two days before the third anniversary of the terrorist attack that saw UK soldier Lee Rigby stabbed and hacked to death on London streets – a man named Ethem Aydin Orhon stabbed multiple women in a supermarket car park just 15 miles away.”
Raheem Kassam
… and it was on a Friday…
I can’t believe this has been so totally covered up by ALL MSM.
The BBC I can believe, but ALL of them?!?
“Friday” dude! haven t you heard of, “Friday incitement hour” otherwise known as
Friday prayers?.
Anyway, Ramadan 2016 will soon be here, just to deepen piety/renew commitment to Allah you understand. so, check in back June for the Ramadan Bombathon scorecard, (always eye popping).
Oh and nearly forgot Eid, were you get apartheid rules in Star City Bham, no non muslims allowed.
Where old racism campaigner Darkus Howe has to do a runner, because he is black
… not allowed
UK subway stabbing: Muslim taxi driver admits trying to stab commuters
ByPamela Geller on May 24, 2016
Muslims with machetes waging knife jihad is everywhere — UCMED in California, Munich railway station, an Ohio eatery, a grocery store parking lot in London. You might think the media would report on it — you’d be wrong.
The description of these savage stabbings are gruesome. These pious barbarians are inhuman.
“Leytonstone tube stabbing: Taxi drivers admits trying to stab commuters,” By Rebecca Perring, The Express, May 25, 2016
A SOMALIAN taxi driver has admitted trying to stab four people during a frenzied attack in front of horrified commuters at Leytonstone Tube station.
But Muhaydin Mire, 30, denied beating a 56-year-old man unconscious and hacking at his neck during the same attack at the east London station on December 5 last year. Appearing at London’s Old Bailey via videolink from prison, the former Uber taxi driver denied one count of attempted murder but admitted four counts of attempted wounding during a frenzied five minute attack.
Subway??????? another bit of my culture taken from me! London built the very first UNDERGROUND in the world and has every right to call it the UNDERGROUND or TUBE. When the enrichers ask me for directions to the METRO I send them to Gateshead. A SUBWAY in my culture is an underpass for pedestrians.
According to the imam, Islamophobes are creating the terrorism.
Who knew. It must have been Islamophobes who were responsible for all the genocides of people and non-Muslim culture in the 1400 year history of Islam.
How can the BBC excuse all the continuous genocidal acts of Islam? Why don’t they ask themselves why Americans have no problems with Hindus, Buddhists, Shintos or any other group?
Have they bothered to ask themselves if the imam is using Taqiyya, which is allowed in Islam. In fact, mandated when Islam is under threat.
Send ’em all to Birmingham. Good call…
Hounslow is where two suicide bombers ( Mike’s Bar – Tel Aviv ) originated .
Hounslow so convenient for Heathrow!
I noticed a few contributors are struggling with conencting to this site, today or in general. For all those struggling with connecting with this site, go to
change the country to usa, and enter this website
Problems are occuring because the website is in california, so just make your computer think it’s in the USA by doing the above. Same goes for reading any website far away, Australia, Canada, etc. The internet is not very efficient at planning a route through the millions of servers. Basically, the further away the server, the longer it takes to process info.
You can also download an app which will do the same thing, but just going to telport is much easier.
There are a few people here who are convinced that the referendum will be fraudulent and the remainians will win even if seriously outvoted by Brexit.
This may well be the case but also may not be the case. In any event, speaking as an outsider living in Israel but with a keen interest in the UK, I hereby urge my esteemed colleagues on this fine site not to allow such doubts to prevent them from voting on June 23rd.
All along it has been clear that we will not be allowed to vote to leave. If necessary the vote will be rigged I have no doubt of that.
We leave the EU collapses so the stakes are that high. Anyone who listens to the EU spokesmen can hear the implied threats to us. The British will be scared into voting to remain.
However I am not that worried. The elites do not grasp that reality cannot be denied for ever and that events will overwhelm the fantasies of the last years. The destiny of the EU will be decided by Russia and it’s former Eastern bloc satellites. If Trump is elected US President then this will happen even sooner. I am sure he is quite capable of quitting Europe and an amicable deal with Putin’s Russia.
Russia is now by far the strongest military power in Europe. Very modern and well equipped forces well led and motivated. It will not tolerate a feeble EU pontificating on this and that on it’s very borders and threatening it’s securitry and prosperity. I am sure Russia now feels it has the measure of it’s main rival feeble Germany and there are scores yet to be settled there.
The old Warsaw Pact countries now in the EU are going to have to choose and the Merkel madness that threatens an existential crisis in Europe will make that choice no choice at all.
So how we vote is not that important except to us. There are much greater forces at work now.
An interesting viewpoint Dave S, and one I find hard to disagree with.
It will be rigged if it ever goes to postal votes (as we can see reported in Austria) but then they don’t have the BBC to contend with to ‘fog’ the issues. I think we can all agree (even the remain camp ) that the EU will eventually collapse. But we will still have to bail it out, the survivors. I am not sure Russia wants to see another Socialist state on its borders calling for world Islam EU state. But you could be right its a tension we could do without. The EU will descend into chaos, only an idiot would join it now. But do we (UK) have the deciding vote NOT too, that is the question… There may be greater forces but we have won other battles against the odds, this is no different.
Does anyone have the data for postal voting in the Mayoral election? We can’t allege irregularities without that information and if it is not available we must press for it else we give electoral fraud an open invitation. I can’t see the Electoral Commission taking the lead on this without a public outcry and certainly none of those wonderful investigative journalists at the BBC will take the initiative
Quite agree ! But I suspect that the EC are part of the problem, although I have no evidence. I would like to see an independent enquiry into UK election practices generally. It would probably have to be some kind of International Commission. Of course, it will never happen, but I have lost faith in British democracy anyway.
Six million postal votes for remain on their way from Tower Hamlets !
“Russia is now by far the strongest military power in Europe. Very modern and well equipped forces well led and motivated.”
When was their another power to even match them post nuclear armament?
Their forces are certainly more modern than they were, but the tech is still behind the cutting edge. And as for motivation, where the US has a problem with drugs, Russia has a problem with Vodka.
In addition to that Putin knows that Afghanistan had a devastating effect on peoples opinion to war, and now despite what you might think, there’s a great reluctance of the people to lose their sons brothers & fathers in a pointless war.
Which makes the vague reassurances of the ‘Remain’ camp about military ambitions from such as Juncker downright pathetic.
Best I could get out of a Remainiac is it is ‘unlikely’. Er, I need better than that for my kids.
Currently the news Home Page has: “Brexit could extend austerity, IFS says”
Their whole ‘reporting’ is littered with dissembling and caveats like ‘could’ and ‘hard to imagine’.
That would be the ‘left-leaning’ Institute For Fiscal Studies headed by ex-Blair Labour Paul Johnson ?
Surely not !
A stronger and more belligerent Russian bear will drive the old Soviet Bloc countries into the arms of the EU, the hatred that so many Eastern Europeans feel towards Russia is so strong that they would happily walk into the arms of the EU monster.
The Poles, Ukrainians etc. would rather suckle at the nipple of Auntie Merkel than entertain the thought of turning their gaze eastwards.
It depends on how much the EU tries to bully them. They may decide to play off the EU and Russia – reminding Germany and Brussels that they have options.
It is a disgrace that people like Richard North (EU Referendum Blog) are not invited on the BBC to explain EU issues accurately. It looks like the referendum vote will be in favour of remaining in the EU, which I believe is disastrous, because the politicians and media are ensuring that there is no serious information presented to the public. The result is that people stick with the status quo. The timetable has been made short to make sure there is no chance for the public to be informed.
However, if the following is accurate, it should by itself cause every sane person to vote to leave the EU –
“Norbert Hofer failed in his bid for Austria’s presidency, but he would have been cut out of EU decision-making,” reported the Times of London.
“The EU will isolate and use sanctions against any far-right or populist governments that are swept to power or presidential office on the wave of popular anger against migration.”
The Times quoted Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, saying flatly: “There is no debate or dialogue with the far-right.”
I suspect they have asked Mr Grumpy but he sent a rude reply.
You could be right. I admit that Richard North does seem to go overboard condemning anyone he thinks is wrong because he considers that he has done the research. This inevitably makes it difficult for him to co-operate with others. On another issue I personally think he underestimates the influence if Islam and the Quran on the actions of violent, supremacist Muslims. However he does seem to be the most knowledgeable commentator on the EU I have seen and given the chance could help to raise the level of debate. He has an exit plan!
Islamic State group recruited practising NHS doctor
Explain away…. Maybe the new contract just wasn’t good enough
he should be made to hand back all of the money it cost to train him. Then stripped of his medical qualification by the General Medical Council.
Taking no action against him merely acquiesces to his immoral behaviour.
‘For evil to exist , good men do nothing’,- Edmund Burke.
Knowing this country he’ll be welcomed back with open arms. Imagine meeting him in pre-op.
Hopefully the Syrians, Iranians or Kurds will get their hands on him: so they’ll be little need to be concerned about his possible return.
Did he leave from Glasgow Airport?
“Check your Hippocratic Oath in at the counter”
It just goes to prove that ‘depravation’ is the reason people are radicalised.
An almost balanced look at East end white flight on BBC 1.
A rare sight indeed, with a programme actually honest, even sympathetic to the people who’ve had their communities destroyed by invading hordes.
Kudos to the BBC for broadcasting this, though my instinct tells me there’s an ulterior motive hidden somewhere in this new found understanding.
Amazing that al beebus commissioned it in the first place V o t M; though I can ascertain why it was screened at 10.45pm on a Tuesday – some distinctly non-PC views being voiced on the true consequences of “diversity” for the indigenous population of the East End.
I was also trying to work out what their intentions were in making and showing such a programme?
As al beebus would NEVER have the best interests of working class English people at heart; above those of immigrants or ethnic minorities who are here.
I didn’t see the whole of the programme but caught a bit where a highly tinted person was bewailing the fact that his white school friends had given up and left the Eastend. He as a true 5th? generation Eastender and Brit had valiantly stayed behind alone to keep alive Cockney values, like setting up Muslim prayer circles and learning Arabic. Sounds like the BBC “having a laugh”.
One of my first jobs as a snotty nosed know all kid leaving Uni, was to work for Newham council in their housing department section…Even then I was the only white person employed in the sector, and when I questioned their somewhat puzzling (to me)policy of ‘changing the social make-up of the area” by housing peoples of “Asian” decent on a ratio of three to one, to the determent of all other cultures and creeds, I was informed that my views were not conducive those of Newham council….Steven Timms (A man later knifed by a Muslim female) was the then leader of Newham council, and a member of the SWP came around on a fortnightly basis to pedal the SWP newspaper…
I left before I was pushed, but now the fruits of Newham councils “changing the social make-up of the area plans” has ripened for all to see…Perhaps even the BBC think that these Stalinist imbeciles have taken things too damned far, but I’d very much doubt it..
D and C
Saw Stephen Timms talking about this issue on BBC London. He was pathetic. Diverted the issue onto West Ham moving from Upton Park and how he was campaigning to keep the Bobby Moore statue where it is. FFS!
A complete apologist in total denial. But then again, look who votes for him, so what do we expect?
I have often thought that right on progressives would not get it until they are actually having their heads sawn off. Stephen Timms proves me wrong. They are even more stupid than I thought. He narrowly survived an assassination attempt, and even after being repeatedly stabbed, he still does not get it. Some people are too stupid to deserve to survive.
I didnt need to watch it ,I’ve lived it and its ll true.
I too am puzzled. It is not the usual BBC way of operating at all. Either it slipped past the censors or it is a deliberate attempt to rub our noses in what the Left calls the inevitable future of Western societies and the death of white European nations. I favour the latter as it fits the narrative.
After all there was a certain air of inevitability about it. The hopelessness of the old Whites and the barely concealed patronising way the middle class looks at working class England and it’s people.
So it is no wonder I ended up hating it. It was actually offensive .
Look you stupid English degenerates. This is what we have done to you and there is SFA you can do about it.
Meanwhile we are getting richer and living exactly how we like. On your backs as ever in this sad land.
So F off back to Islington whoever made this apology for a documentary.
I missed a programme on Radio 4 this morning had about Muslims impregnating their cousins and the genetic defects it causes. Also puzzling as even mentioning this downside to Muslim enrichment would normally be considered as a “crime against humanity” by the BBC. I can only assume this is the start of a new campaign to normalise incest so that Muslims don’t feel too “othered”.
I read somewhere a couple of years ago that a sizeable proportion of the child patients in Great Ormond Street Hospital were there because they only had one set of grandparents.
Did anyone else see this?
I did read that a third of all Cystic Fibrosis cases occur in Bradford. I’m not sure if that is true, but it sounds entirely plausible.
Inbreeding (first cousin marriage) in Muslim communities and their offspring disabilities/ genetic deformities are considered a taboo subject for everyone these days. As the Prophet Muhammad married his cousins then it is considered that criticising this inbreeding practice is to criticise the Prophet.
Looks like the BBC were brave enough to discuss it in 2005 but how times have changed…
more here
reminds me of the old joke…
“I’d like to introduce you to my mother and my wife…… her she is”
Another old joke (adjusted for context)…
“Abdul you make love just like daddy”
Abdul: “That’s what mummy always says”
Seem to remember that cystic fibrosis is more common in caucasians than blacks, not sure of its prevalence in asians (not the correct term in medical analysis as this would cover a huge gene pool from middle east to far east).
I see the ethical latte drinkers at the bBC have found a black flag to raise as their standard when it comes to reporting on the British army:
A brief history of army kits that simply didn’t work
British soldiers are being issued with new, lighter body armour – but troops are less than thrilled.
Soldiers say they can’t get up if they fall down while wearing the armour and they can’t find space in the new kit for radios and medical supplies either.
Yes the bBC which has no problem defending Islamic terrorists groups when they carry out the most odious crimes, is really keen to act as the propaganda mouthpiece when it comes to attacking the British military and sowing discord amongst the public. So regards the article on the armour above, here is what I posted on the new armour a month ago: (Do keep up bBC)
British Army to receive new Israeli made body armour
The bBC, the fifth column within our midst.
The MoD has a terrible reputation when it comes to procuring adequate kit for the forces. Give a choice between something which works at £10.50 and something which doesn’t at £9.50 they’ll take the cheaper option every time.
Our soldiers deserve kit which works and if it doesn’t work then it’s only right to point it out.
Pen pushers behind desks in darkened offices more concerned with meeting their diversity targets, and using the green book of political correct phraseology never even see the crap they buy let alone use it.
Perhaps you remember the old DMS army boot, so cheap & nasty it let water in and gave soldiers trench foot in no time. The replacement was no better and it wasn’t until 2012 that more adequate footwear was provided.
I remember the MoD at the time of the Falklands war when the Atlantic Conveyor was sunk it was carrying a lot of kit, some of it, such as Clansman Radio was obsolete and ready for scrapping. Notwithstanding this MoD reordered a complete replacement, and on receipt scrapped the lot !
Amazing attitudes and incompetence which the BBC are right to point out.
Thoughtful wrote:
The MoD has a terrible reputation when it comes to procuring adequate kit for the forces. Give a choice between something which works at £10.50 and something which doesn’t at £9.50 they’ll take the cheaper option every time.
As somebody speaking from the sharp end, I can see where you are coming from, however that said these past 15 years and operational tours under the full light of public scrutiny, the MOD has had to change and change it has
“Our soldiers deserve kit which works and if it doesn’t work then it’s only right to point it out.”
Did you follow my link, it is a known fact that soldiers today are carrying more weight into battle than what Roman soldiers did. (Never mind WW1 and 2) Now if you are on a Patrol, that entails slower reactions and soldiers becoming fatigued quicker, which when you have a jundie carrying just an Ak. means he can outpace you when it comes to a chase. The new armour is designed to reduce that burden, not only that but it is superior in affording protection.
Pen pushers behind desks in darkened offices more concerned with meeting their diversity targets, and using the green book of political correct phraseology never even see the crap they buy let alone use it.
With the loss of crown immunity over deaths in action, everybody in the chain of command can now be held accountable and that has resulted in better kit for the troops.
Perhaps you remember the old DMS army boot, so cheap & nasty it let water in and gave soldiers trench foot in no time. The replacement was no better and it wasn’t until 2012 that more adequate footwear was provided.
The army of the 60s/70s and early 80s was a peacetime army which due to huge defence cuts went for the cheapest option every time. The boots issued after 1982 was one such cluster, however later on boots did become better (I was issued with Goretex Matterhorns and Danner botos) my current (brown) boots are Halix Its the same with clothing, I can remember the KF shirts, since the 90s we have moved away from such crap kit and today, the modular clothing system in place is fantastic. (And it irons a lot better as well) my fav piece of kit is the green belay smock which I wear on a daily basis (As do many do on camp) . And the best thing its squaddie proof, I’ve a couple of similar Montane tops and they need much more care.. So the army is getting there.
I remember the MoD at the time of the Falklands war when the Atlantic Conveyor was sunk it was carrying a lot of kit, some of it, such as Clansman Radio was obsolete
It was the stores ship which carried our spare kit (helicopters/tents etc) that said the clansman was relativity new (6 years old) and my first unit still used Larkspur . But the beauty of clansman was its ease of use and it was still being used 12 years ago.
Amazing attitudes and incompetence which the BBC are right to point out.
Thats just it, the new body armour is still in trial phase I quote from the army website about it:
A new body armour system, Virtus, is currently in development.
Something the bBC doesn’t mention and which is disingenuous of them. That was the angle of my attack on them
LOL as a Squaddie in the 1970/80s I well remember the DMS boot (directly molded sole) we always used to wear Doc Martins until super keen RSM banned them. On reserves (at one stage they decided we would do 2 weeks training every so many years, which was soon abandoned) we did a map reading exercise with Clansmen man packs got a couple of miles out onto Bovingdon Plain lost contact gave up and headed for the bar. The all climate combat kit great until it rained when you were issued with a diesel soaked parka with no buttons that you had to tie up with string. Panzers with no heaters in the German winter and electrically heated suits we were not allowed to have in case we damaged them.
i was that man too dave666 spent quite a while at bovington. nice to see a brother hear.
Suggest if you missed it Channel 4 “How to get a council house” on catch up or whatever it is called.
If you suffer from blood pressure take a pill first
I suspect it would never be shown on the BBC as they would say it panders to prejudice against immigrants.
Not much evidence of them “contributing more to the economy than they take out”.
The benefits bill for the families must take up the tax payments of dozens of people on the minimum wage!
Even the do-gooder vicar had the grace to realise we are being taken for a ride.
I saw that program. Another one to watch is Council house crackdown after Breakfast watching it seems to make it clear that fraud is perpetrated by one section of the community.
On the Beeb website and currently on the top page.
EU referendum: Ex-military officers fighting for EU exit
Shows the outright lies given by the Remainers concerning UK security outside the EU and rather embarrassingly for them General Sir Michael Rose is advocating leave when they used his name in support of Remain!
I am amazed that the BBC even reported it. It is pretty clear that senior Military must be pretty frustrated having to deal with their counterpart clowns in the EU !
Yes I was surprised at the headline, but the article includes lots of Remain points which have nothing to do with it, such as getting in the IFS warning and also that 300 “Historians” (who cannot have studied their subject too well) signing a letter advocating Remain.
Our national (but not nationalist) broadcaster continues to peddle the Remain line this morning, having won its battle to dilute the Broadcasting White Paper. The Government controlled and well financed Remain campaign issues new horror stories every day about the short term economic effects of Brexit. Lets remember this is a decision not being taken for short term reasons . Why can’t the BBC take a more balanced view and cover the long term issues?
Meanwhile the short term stuff continues to dominate despite is low relevance. It’s designed to scare those who aren’t particularly economically literate or very interested in politics. They may be dimly aware of a news story based on a one liner . This one line will always be about the Remain scare not the Brexit rejoinder. Of course the BBC know this full well.
Paul Johnson of the IFS was given lots of time and a gentle ride on Today at 8.10 am. Alistair Darling got a follow up at 8.40 with no balancing Brexit view. John Redwood got some time to oppose Johnson but was constantly interrupted. For what it’s worth the IFS have assumed that Brexit causes the economy to grow by 0.5 per cent less than otherwise due to uncertainty if we chose Brexit. This forecast can be questioned on a number of grounds. It is well within margins of error for such forecasts, in other word not worth taking seriously. Secondly the link between uncertainty and economic growth is not well understood and not capable of accurate analysis. Also the uncertainty is being deliberately stoked up by Remain. BBC please note and give a more balanced coverage.
I rarely watch morning television, but predictably the BBC maintained its doomsday approach on the economy if we leave the EU.
I, not unlike others I assume, have noticed that the BBC always put the Remain case first followed then by the Leave. Greater attention span is generally given to the initial comment.
I heard also,last night,that Leave are going to change their strategy, this being away from focusing on the economy, and more onto immigration. The economy with its comcomitant public fear of the unknown should have been avoided not promoted at the forefront of the Leave campaign.
This and sovereignty (democracy) should have been the focus from the very outset. Only a fool would have thought otherwise.
I’m beginning to think that Leave have some influential members in their camp who actually closet Remainers.
It has been suggested on here before (sorry, I can`t remeber who by) that part of the problem with the way the debate is going, is the way that it is framed as a debate between competing potential governments…like a general election campaign. The BBC are prime and repeated users of this strategy.
So Brexit campaigners are continually forced onto the ground of providing a detailed future economic plan or to defend the various “models” of EU/non EU “cooperation” Norway, Switzerland….that the remainers obsess about. rather than discuss the arguments for British national sovereignty, freedom from external interference and the primacy of democratically elected parliamentary democracy in governing a nation state.
It is time the Government of remainers who, lets remember called this referendum, were closely questioned in order to explain in full the contingency plans they have made for a smooth transition and orderly exit from the EU in the event of the vote being to leave….they must have planned ahead, and if they haven`t, they are dangerously reckless and incompetent…assuming of course there is any doubt about the referendum result!….. think “postal vote majority”!
‘…rather than discuss the arguments for British national sovereignty, freedom from external interference and the primacy of democratically elected parliamentary democracy in governing a nation state.’ Remember that these ideas are meaningless for the majority of British people, who, if they think about politics at all, are more likely to think about single issues – ‘climate change’, ‘racism’, ‘diversity’ etc. It’s partly due to the way state schools teach subjects, particularly history, in isolated chunks rather than as a unified whole, and partly the fault of modern identity politics. Just ask anyone what the Glorious Revolution stood for and the average person will have no clue whatsoever and probably has not even heard of it.
‘Best Practice’ nowadays for most organisations is to conduct some sort of ‘risk analysis’ before embarking on a project.
‘Obviously’ HMG did this before our beloved leader did the rounds of ‘Europe’ pleading our ‘special case’ and coming back with nothing, except giving away our veto over ‘ever closer union’ within the Euro-group.
Now, apparently, every man and payed-up dog, can see that we are ‘doomed’ if we ‘leave’, so surely this must have been revealed in the pre-negotiation risk analysis?
Why aren’t the BBC asking that question?
A very good question, JimS.
Think you and we should be asking that of the BBC.
Asking things and expecting an answer requires editorial integrity on the part of the BBC.
That tank is dry.
Probably, GW, probably but if enough sackfuls arrive, maybe, just maybe, a whisper of doubt may start to occur in Beeboid minds.
I am certainly not advocating not bothering. Moi?
Less sure about doubt, but memories of STASI files opening after the wall fell will either see shredders whirring or maybe, just maybe, a glimmer that the side chosen may be the one soon against the wall when the revolution comes.
The Borg are adapting.
‘Another big – and unanswered – question here is how Newsnight selected the so-called ‘undecided’ panel. How their status was established by Ipsos Mori was not revealed.’
And if that fails, there is always that FOI exemption ‘for the purposes of’, from the trusted and transparent BBC>
The check is in the post
I notice that like me other posters hereabouts have wondered about the effect of the ‘Postal Vote’ element in the recent London Mayoral Elections. Did postal voting trends differ from on the day ballot box votes? Was it Postal Votes what won it?
A quick google seach comes up null.
Despite copious detail on everything but Postal Votes wiki’s silence suggests to me that figures have not been released – if not, why not?,_2016
Breakfast continues it’s smoke and mirrors reports on the Evil empire referendum. They are having a picnic in Peterborough “one of the most diverse areas” in the UK with residents from 28 countries . A security guard from Slovakia informs us “we” need to build more schools as the mask slips slightly and the BBc inform us school attendance is rising. Well we’ll go a long way on the tax he’s paying as a security guard.
The “British” man is so “British” apparently, he talks about heritage but of course doesn’t describe himself as English.
Good spot. Good post.
New schools are about £10million for a primary and about £20million for a secondary school for 1000 pupils. That’s £20,000 per head.
The annual revenue to run a school works out at about £4500 per child.
I really would like to see a detailed breakdown of the open-door immigration brigade as to how they get to their net positive benefit claims. I bet the above costs don’t figure.
My suspicion is that the reason the intelligensia want unfettered open door immigration is cash flow. Since most public sector workers pensions are totally unfunded (civil service, NHS, teachers) and we are all living far longer, there is the most humungous elephant in the room which few have spotted – how are the rest of US to pay THEM their pensions? For every newly qualified teacher with a headline salary there is a totally hidden future pension liability of virtually the same amount, completely unfunded. Almost no-one has twigged this. The answer is mass immigration of a younger demographic. Of course this just puts back the fateful day – when the immigrants themselves retire. But which civil servant or politician cares a fig for a 25 year ahead time bomb?
No, its our children and grandchildren who should really be worried.
The answer to the conundrum of falling population and reproduction rates and the need for a growing workforce is of course a set of social policies that enhance the notion of larger families, less abortion and heterosexual behaviour in stable social settings.
What do we get for the last 40 or so years? the opposite, AND mass immigration of a population who hold to the reproductive behaviours mentioned above.
In simple terms, I am driving on the roads paid for by my father and I went to schools paid for by my grandfather and I get my fresh food from fields laid out by my great-grandfather.
A few immigrants can take up the ‘slack’ in existing capacity; a lot of immigrants need new infrastructure and that requires capital, not just the interest or maintenance payments that cover inherited infrastructure.
Yes, good points, Sluff. I think the head of Kent County Council was on TODAY a while back explaining that a child migrant costs them approximately £100,000 p.a..
State workers’ pensions, strictly, are not unfunded: the State should be putting away sufficient funding to pay those Public Sector pensions at some point in the future. That they are not, may be something to do with the massive amount of UK State deficit+debt and that historically, UK Governments of all colours have teemed and laded, robbing Peter to pay Paul, because Paul is shouting loudest at that particular moment in time & would have the greatest immediate consequences if left unpaid.
However, the problem is actually a little worse than you suggest with the solution – increased immigration – that many claim is the answer to the pension time bomb. Not just that eventually that increased population will retire but that it requires a disproportionate growth in the Private sector to support the disproportionate growth in the State sector that that extra immigration inevitably requires. Just to remind you, I would include the growth in State employment 1997-2007 as one of the UK causes of the 2007-2009 Crash.
It is probably a problems in all three terms, short, medium and long term. The problem is that our political representatives are often in post for no more than two, three or four political terms and Ministers have an even shorter shelf-life. Then, there is no come-back, no future liability for errors and omissions.
Their whole view is short-term in the extreme. The population however, take the hit in the medium and again in the long-term.
Take Margaret Thatcher (a hero to some posting here, I see good & bad in her) as an example. She was famously impatient and ‘short-sighted’. Our present housing crisis is largely down to her finding a good policy idea but not thinking it through and patiently working out what was needed to make it work and be fully successful.
Another example would be the squandering of Britain’s oil revenues. It is highly ironic that those inside the Conservative Party campaigning to leave the EU and who keep citing Norway as a good example, overlook how we in the UK could have had a Sovereign Wealth Fund had we thought long, instead of short-term in the 1980s.
Small point: it ‘costs’ the council nothing. They merely pass on funding from the council tax payer, less their admin fee.
Good comments but I will stand by my proposition that there is no funding for most public sector pensions. It comes out of the annual revenue account. Agreed that it should not be like that, but it is. Gets a lot of expenditure off the balance sheet, e.g. NHS where in ONE YEAR (2012 or 13 from memory) the pension liability rose £30bn. All those Brexit adverts about £350m a week more for the NHS – absolute chicken feed by comparison !
A few entities, like local government and university lecturers, do have pension funds. They are heavily underfunded but at least there is some sort of pension pot.
An interesting observation on this and almost totally unknown, is that Academy schools are legally liable for the pension provision of their non-teaching staff and in almost every case it is underfunded on transfer to academy status. Historically those staff were in the Local Government Pension Scheme but last time I looked it was only about 40% underfunded. Most academy schools therefore gain an immediate financial black hole because of their pension liabilities but again it gets the liabilities off the government balance sheet. So the move to all-academies may have rather less to do with education than most people realise. Perhaps that is why it was announced by Osborne in the budget and not by the Education Secretary!
I stand corrected. At the 2013 actuarial valuation, the Local Government Pension Scheme was only 21% underfunded.
Which means the rest of us only have to find………..£47 billion !!!!
Many public sector occupations have schemes which make deductions from staff salary towards the cost.
Where I work at the moment staff now pay 8% and the employer 18%. Both increased recently, while benefits are moving to average salary rather than final salary.
If I am correct those in the civil service and armed forces do not make a contribution nor is anything put aside. Son is in the armed forces and theirs seem to be moving more towards average than final salary.
Undoubtedly a much fairer system
Join and leave the police as a police constable means your pension will not change much. Join as constable and leave as a chief constable it will bring the pension down substantially – in time when it has worked through the system.
It was iniquitous that you and the employer pay in in proportion to your rising pay as you move up through the ranks, but you take out only at the level of your final pay.
Not quite sure what the BBC do now, but I believe they have rowed back too.
Just a little quick calculator for you. A local retired lefty teacher told the local paper that he and his wife both “ordinary” teachers retired on £15k a year each. You presently need to multiply that annual figure by 30 to get to the sum a self funded pensioner would require to buy the equivalent terms annuity, thus £900,000 for the husband and wife.
No wonder the government decided not to let final salary scheme pensioners take their entitlements in cash! Large numbers of public and private sector schemes would be bankrupted overnight.
Here endeth the lesson!
60022 M
Far be it from me argue on semantics but my wife recently asked about retirement from the NHS at just past the age of 60 and her transfer value was over 40 times her payable pension. So make that £1.2 million.
When (not if) interest rates go negative and 15 year gilt rates subside in the same way as German, French and, in particular, Japanese have done over the last 4 years, the pension liabilities stacking up are completely and utterly unpayable without bankrupting the entire country.
What people don’t realise is that those fantastic low interest rates that Osborne is so wonderful in keeping will, in time, mean they will be working until they drop. Anyone under the age of 50 paying into any sort of pension fund is going to be robbed blind.
When I was in the civil service we did pay towards our pensions. I can’t remember with the Army as I left in 1983 and the pension scheme has been changed as has the civil service pensionscheme both whilst I was serving and after By coincidence I recently found out everything I had been told about an Army pension was in fact wrong. I missed out by 6 months as the rules changed in 1982 to the best of my recollection no one bothered to tell us. I had served for 18 months as a Junior soldier for 18 months in the late 1970s but this apparently the MOD informed me was “Further education” and wasn’t pensionable.
In facr thinking back we had to contribute to the widows & orphans benefit scheme when I joined the civil service if you were married or not, unsure when that one ended
Dave666, ’twas ever thus.
I also joined as a Junior Soldier and also got rooked. “Pensionable service” doesn’t start until you’re 18. In my case, I compounded the felony by commissioning after leaving Boy Service. Officers’ pensionable service doesn’t start until you are 21, so basically I got robbed twice, having served two tours in Northern Ireland before I started earning my bloody pension. On the upside, officers only have to serve 16 years to the Immediate Pension Point, rather than 22, plus the final salary pension calculation is a lot more generous, so it’s swings and roundabouts, I suppose.
Incidentally, there is a lot of talk about the AFPS being non-contributory, which is wrong. The Armed Forces Pay Review Panel calculates all rates of pay for all three services every year and decides who should get what. Their highly convoluted formula includes a notional pension contribution of (if memory serves me well) 6%, which means that gets docked off your military salary before you get it. So, effectively, it’s a contributory scheme by another name.
Sluff, the LGPS is one scheme and I think there other little pots or envelopes or sofas down the back of which State cash is tucked for this and that. They, btw, are the ones that have been frequently raided. Think GO may have recently demonstrated that with one of his recent ‘give-aways’.
You are right that there is a massive hole not just in pensions for State employees but also private employees where Government policy has decreed that ‘we’ (we actually being basic rate taxpayers, mostly, not those higher rate ones) are now all responsible for the failure of Private Actuaries, Private Directors and Private Companies who have been a little delinquent and let their businesses go bust while letting their associated Company Pension schemes take little holidays here, there and everywhere. Tata to our future, you might say while drowning and not waving.
Overall, pensions & their under funding are a massive future problem that Government has been mostly ignoring for thirty-five years. I recall Thatcher being strenuously warned that the changes she was making in the mid-1980s would lead to problems. The advice was ignored or brushed off. Labour were just as bad, if not worse with Brown thinking a little trim from Pension Funds would not matter too much if he was going to abolish boom & bust and create unprecedented growth hand in hand with Prudence.
Remember Equitable Life? The court ruled they had to honour their guaranteed pension commitments. The result was a total wipeout for every other investor/pension saver/mortgage holder.
Translate that to the public sector. The unfunded pension commitments worth hundreds of billions are in essence ‘guaranteed’. What about the rest of us? How would they fund it if the economy tanked? Massive tax rises, a wipeout of essential public services, massive borrowing at high interest rates, leading to rampant inflation. Outside the public sector we’re all sitting ducks.
When will we wise up?
‘When will we wise up? ‘ Some of us already have. I have a private pension but, like the state pension, I have little confidence that it will be there when I need it. Instead I am building up passive income through online business and various other investments, and learning to live well on the least amount of money possible.
The majority of public sector employees are in “funded” schemes where employee and employer pay in regularly. It is, of course who pays the shortfall between assets and (seemingly ever increasing) liabilities due to increasing longevity and low investment returns where the fun starts. For the public sector it is mostly the taxpayer.
Gordon Brown’s raid on the pension funds affected both private and public sector schemes by removing some of the returns they previously received from their investments.
The Tata scheme with 135,000 members was of course once a public sector scheme. The pension liabilities of many companies is now such that when they run in to difficulty in companies which may actually be salvageable everyone loses their jobs because no one can afford to take on the pension liabilities.
Perversely if Tata is not taken over and the pension fund sorted out, all the members will migrate to the Pension Protection Fund, which is funded by a levy on those salary based schemes that continue. My current public sector employer’s scheme have to pay a fair sized levy to the PPF annually, but as public sector schemes will soon be the only ones offering this gold plated pension, they may soon be funding all the failed private ones too.
With regard to Equitable Life I have a private fund whereby I gave them £5k 26 years ago, and in 3 years time they will give me £50k (a compound rate of about 10%), so they were not the only ones basing their calculations on wrong economic expectations, probably not unlike the economic experts at the Treasury (and BBC?) now who think they can see the future!
I remember reading somewhere when we were still under a Labour government that when calculating the benefit to this country of an immigrant, EU advice was that the cost of their dependents should not be included in the calculation because children (and I assume aged parents) are individuals in their own right and therefore not part of the calculation. And therefore folks, that is part of the reason that immigrants are of benefit to this country, ie the schooling of their children is not a cost the rest of us has to bear.
Liam Fox made the point the other day that institutions such as the IMF, OECD, IFS, LSE all wanted Britain to join the Euro. What a mistake that would have been.
They all also receive funding from the EU.
OECD 30 million euros
IFS 7.4 million euros
LSE 18.2 million euros
These are not independent bodies. Anything they say should be ignored unless their financial bias is reported by a journalist before any statement about their results are revealed.
The IMF leadership is under arrest for fraud.
The EU is a ‘house of Cards’ and I think its about to tumble, whether we are in or out …………………………
Time to make a swift exit .
Taffman, I liken the EU to a sinking ocean liner. If we get out now, there’s a chance we can get clear on the lifeboats without being sucked under. If we stay with the ship, we’ll get dragged down with it or at best, be left clinging to some wreckage.
Good analogy.
You are correct, and on June 23 we are being asked if we want to buy a ticket to sail on the ‘Titanic’ ?
Wronged, taffman, Carnmer & Maria, I have all sorts of alternative results and pictures of the consequences of same from 24th June onward.
One such, I think I posted on the BBC w/s but don’t think have mentioned here.
UK votes convincingly, so convincingly that there can be no ‘adjustment’, to Leave on 23rd June. Mad panic careful disguised as a conference of EU leaders is convened and suddenly all sorts of substantial reforms to the EU are put together to be voted on in three months time. The reforms are kicked around Europe, diluted a bit, tweaked a bit and the UK’s rebate is increased substantially and total European integration, except for perhaps The Six (or The Seven or The Eight but not The Nine) kicked very firmly into the long grass of Neverland. Dave is invited to take part in all of this EU negotiating, and he is “putting Britain’s interest first”. (Can hear him saying that.)
He returns to the UK waving a bit of paper, smiling at his achievement, stating “There’s no need for another Referendum to agree to this change of mind on the part of the whole EU. We have by our Out vote achieved a dramatic reform of the EU that no-one would have thought possible. (Can hear him saying that, too.) It will be put to the British Parliament to decide whether we overturn the Referendum decision and that we now stay in the EU after all.”
You can probably accurately guess the result of that Parliamentary vote in advance.
It will be hailed as a triumph all round.
I am sure that Mr Farage would have something to say about that.
taffman, I am not a Farage fan but have seen a couple of internet video clips of his campaigning in the Referendum and he seemed to me to have become a lot more statesmanlike. Am all in favour of improvements.
If that happens it should be torch and pitchfork time.
It would not surprise me. These wretches are capable of anything.
If I meet a remainer or an undecided, I ask what their hobbies or interests are. Having discovered that, say, they love playing tennis or chess, I ask them if they would join a tennis club where the fees are, say, £360 a year and for that they get to play on all the courts at any time, use of the clubhouse, showers etc. But they would not be allowed to have a say on who was voted onto the committee as social secretary or the finance man or any other committee member. And if they ever asked the committee what else do I get for my money, the reply would be…oh well, don’t worry about that. Just leave all that stuff to us. We’ll deal with that – you just enjoy your tennis.
Bringing the actuality of the sovereignty issue close to home to them suddenly makes them think!
And of course, the biased BBC gets plenty of EU funding. Technically it is not the BBC but a ‘charity’ called BBC Media Action. Not quite sure why the BBC thinks they need this charity, but it received £2.3 million from the EU last time round, and I seem to remember a lot more than that in earlier years. As well as a huge wad from the Department for International Development btw. And former BBC chair Lord Fatten, sorry mis-spelling, Patten, of course gets a stonking EU pension.
Re Breakfast (BBC) this am. I agree with the previous poster that balanced reporting from the Beeb on this (and many issues) is biased – hence the creation of this site. What are we to expect however, the EU is more about a grand social scheme than it ever is about trading and economic issues. They have a egalitarian world view based upon socialist principles that lean seriously to the left of centre. Many of these principles are held and promoted by members of our government and by large swathes of our elected representatives. The BBC (and other media outlets) have recruited from this pool of idealists for years as have much of the senior civil service. The EU mindset is aligned with their mindset. This is why even honest presenters cannot put forward ideas and sentiments that they do not believe in and they come across as weak arguments with little with no real confidence or forcefulness. On the other hand, when detailing ideas relating to remaining (within the Social compact that is the EU) they become animated, excited and effused. National political belief is anathema to much of our media as it is aligned with right of centre politics which are to be opposed at all levels. Note the manner in which the Austrian Right were effectively frozen from EU decision making should they have been successfully elected. One note of irony from said Breakfast – held in a museum which gloried in GB’s past industrial heritage – at same time as decrying our ability to survive outside of the EU as a stand alone trading nation.
You are quite right. We are up against a body snatched elite .Takuan Seiyo has likened our governing and media class to the replacement humans in the film “Invasion of the Bodysnatchers’ .It is so apt as to be almost believable that these people are really replicants of normal human beings. They think , act and are the same even down to the Twitter howl that greets any dissenting voice.
With a class of governing , acacdemic, media elites like this I am pessimistic about the future. of Western Europe in particular. How and why they came to dominate is for the future. We have to live under their rule and make the best of it. The EU is central now to their project as is the control of academia and the media. The BBC is beyond hope now. We are going to vote to stay because enough of us will be made afraid and in any case the vote will be arranged as they say.
It is time for free men and women to think and act as if under an occupying power and be cautious but resolute, Above all try to teach your children and grandchildren about freedom and our civilisation. But take care for soon the bodysnatchers will try to move against us and criminalize any dissent under some pretext or other. . Our hope now lies in the east of Europe and with a USA that might just avoid the excesses of the rest of the West.
honestus “One note of irony from said Breakfast – held in a museum which gloried in GB’s past industrial heritage – at same time as decrying our ability to survive outside of the EU as a stand alone trading nation.”
The BBC are not very good, these days, at checking details.
I see the far-left is showing its love for democracy again.
Funny how the article fails to mention the far-left, or even simply the left as perps. If they report a peaceful demonstration against immigration they report the participants as “far-right”, yet, when it’s the far-left on a violent rampage they are merely referred to as “demonstrators”.
Surprised they were not described as heroic, audacious and daring activists.
Like the BBC’s favourite new recipe creators at the right of the Med.
“University student Karla Molinar told the Associated Press she took part in disrupting his speech because she felt Mr Trump was attacking members of her family who were living in the country illegally.”
Whatever are the BBC overseers doing letting a line like that into the article!
The BBC is getting very excited about the IFS’s view as to how dreadful life will be if we no longer have to pay the over blown salaries of people we haven’t voted for. In fact the BBC is leading on their terrifying predications.
Oddly the BBC doesn’t mention that the IFS has received 7,400,974 euros from the EU.
I have no idea where Guido finds his figures, but if the IFS has received a currant bun and a coffee from the EU then we ought to be told. The BBC has to understand that some unkind people, who don’t read the Guardian the way an Islamist reads the Quran, may think that the IFS has very good reasons for supporting the EU – in fact 7,400,974 reasons.
On Tuesday 24th May, R4 Today covered a story about a rise in dog fighting and how it was due to “young people” using fighting dogs to promote their status. Listening to the story one might have assumed the culprits were white, working class chavs. However during his interview Eduardo Goncalves of the League Against Cruel Sports referred to how fighting dogs are being imported from the “middle east”. This set off a few warning bells.
So I read the LACS report which says; “Some communities may be more likely to tolerate dog fighting and associated practices due to their different cultural practices and beliefs. For example, dog fighting remains legal in Pakistan and Afghanistan”. The report mysteriously doesn’t say much more about ethnicity, but it refers to another report called “Betrayal of Trust” which is much more enlightening. This report says, “Chief Inspector Ian Briggs of the RSPCA’s Special Operations Unit commented that ‘dog fighting is up 400 per cent in the past three years in the UK. Out of all the work we do, 98 per cent of the dog fighting work we do in our unit is to do with Asian gangs'”.
It adds; that there is in some Asian communities; “a general acceptance of fighting with dogs and underlined the different cultural practices of rural Pakistan and Afghanistan where such activity is deemed both permissible as cultural tradition and widely endorsed as family entertainment”.
A quick bit of Googling discovers that Islam forbids the keeping of dogs as pets as they are unclean; Ibn Maajah (3640) narrated from ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog”.
So to sum up; the majority of dog fighting in the UK seems to involve muslims whose religion despises dogs. But this fact is airbrushed out and omitted by the establishment and MSM.
“Chief Inspector Ian Briggs of the RSPCA’s Special Operations Unit commented that ‘dog fighting is up 400 per cent in the past three years in the UK. Out of all the work we do, 98 per cent of the dog fighting work we do in our unit is to do with Asian gangs’”.
Surely this is multi-culturalism in action. Our culture is that we are not cruel to dogs. Their culture is to enjoy dog fights. We have been told for decades that all cultures are equal in 21st century Britain. If the RSPCA keeps targeting asians it’s going to be in trouble with the racism industry. It should stick to attacking riding to hounds – that’s white British culture and so can be attacked without penalty.
Truth doctor, RJ,
I posted this on Sunday but as it is relevant to what you are saying and to BBC bias I have repeated it here. May I add that following the Macpherson report, the police do not focus too heavily on ethnic cultures as it displays signs of institutional racism. As for Pakistan, I believe dog fighting has been outlawed there, but enforcing the ban is very unlikely. Nevertheless, tolerance of a practice which in the home country is illegal is stretching our multicultural tolerance a bit too far. However, coming to my attention are stories of organized street dog fights, not hidden away in some dark corner. Now this suggests that there are streets where obvious and very loud breaches of the law occur. Perhaps they take place in ‘no go areas’, whose existence is denied.
BBC reports on concerns over street dog fighting in Luton/Bedfordshire.
May I suggest that once again the BBC are missing some important items from the report.
For example, which sections of our tolerant and vibrant diverse communities are involved in this disgusting sport?
The BBC casually mentions that the Pakistan Bully Kutta dog has been used. See video.
The newspaper, Luton on Sunday, refers to sentences given to participants in one of the most appalling street dog fights:
‘Two Luton men have been convicted of taking part in this dogfight in Birmingham – described as one of the most gruelling and highly attended dog fights in history.At the beginning of this month we reported how Sajid Saed Shah, 26, of Grantham Road, Luton, and Atif Farhan Tariq, also 26, of Portland Road, Luton were among 14 men who pleaded guilty to taking part in the fight between two pit bull terriers, which both died afterwards’.
Their names sound like RoPers
You won’t get the left wing animal rights people (as opposed to animal welfare organizations) condemning these dog fights. Why, even the Hunt Saboteurs turned out on Saturday to protest against the EDL.
Here is a video of a Dog Show in Pakistan where the fighting Bully Kutta dog is exhibited. This video is non violent, but for anyone interested you can watch them fighting other dogs and animals on You Tube. They are being imported because of their super strength and once brutalised and tormented they are more aggressive than other breeds of fighting dog and can usually kill American Pit Bulls.
Welcome to multicultural, diverse and vibrant Britain.
What about cock-fighting, popular around the world but also in the Middle East and Asia but illegal in the UK? Seem to recall that was an increasing ‘underground’ activity here.
Up2snuff, Yes cock fighting illegal and there are reports of quail fighting in parts of our towns which are not visited by the police – a sport from Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Dontcha’ feel proud to live in our enriched diverse vibrant multiculture.
Here is a video of a quail catcher from Afghanistan.
It’s their tradition so it must be acceptable and protected
GWF, am sure I heard about the increase in illegal bird fighting in UK via BBC R4. Another example of the BBC being incapable of remembering their own output.
Meanwhile, they are running an anti-diversity campaign on BBC R4 with the shortage and increasing prices of their W1A curries being down to immigrants from Europe. These, apparently, are inadequate or are messing about and ‘quitting because of the smell’ (you couldn’t make it up – I thought all cooking smells but what do I know) with poor restaurant owners either having to do all the work themselves at three times the price or pay over the odds to import a chef from Bangladesh. Better result for the Treasury, all round, I would have thought.
Diversity is all fine and dandy unless it causes a shortage of curry chefs.
These restaurants will have to snap into line and only serves curries made by natives of only one country according to a recipe from only one country. All this when curry – as the BBC continually with their endless food and cooking programming (Obesity …. crisis? What crisis?) inform me – is actually made and consumed in not dissimilar recipes across many nations of the world.
Let’s get truly diverse and international BBC!
Vote to Leave the EU.
Damn Buddhists !
Brexit has several good outcomes
1. We will be a sovereign nation once more
2. It will lead to Camerexit..
The Caliphate of Birmingham has known about this for years but the authorities for some reason are turning a blind eye to the problem. Here’s a reminder from 2012:
You will note of course that the article refers to ‘asian gangs’. The term used by The Birmingham Mail and other mainstream media outlets for, Pakistani gangs.
We have had cases in Birmingham where taxi drivers will refuse to have guide dogs in their cars because of their religion but will take their dogs to the fights on the same night. No reports of these but if you live in the area, as unfortunately I do, they’ll brag about the money their dogs have won for them.
The Remain camp better known now as ‘The Comedy of Terrors’ led by Dodgy Dave will win the referendum. Actually it will be the usual Postal Vote Cavalry appearing at the last minute to secure victory. The other lot, led by Boris of the Bent Banana Brigade, will then be absorbed back into the host to become part of the establishment again. It was ever thus.
The Leave Campaign has of course been made to look like a true Comedy act by Boris. Funny that! But then it was always planned to be, Boris is of course the old Eton chum and besty mate of Dodgy Dave. We have been well and truly stitched up like the proverbial Kipper. Pun intended.
Mushroom Nigel, (kept in the dark and rarely seen), of the original let’s have a referendum Kipper Squad will fight on, only ever to be brought back into the light by the MSM to prove that racism doesn’t work. Job Done – QED – gravy train back on course.
All together everyone, “All hail the President of the EU”.
Ah yes but, but, but, you may ask which President, and of course there are THREE! I think it’s three but there may be more. There is a President of the Council, a President of the Commission and a President of the (so called) Parliament. Can you name them all? More to the point, can any of the Remain Camp (The Comedy of Terrors) name them? Can our little children who are being frightened and indoctrinated into the EU religion name them?
We may not know all of OUR Presidents – but we DO have to pay for them. Think about it for a moment, WE THE BRITISH have THREE PRESIDENTS and most people have never heard of them let alone can name them!
Come back Winston all is forgiven. But then, we can now be arrested for quoting Winston. Or saying almost anything nowadays. Mind you, if Winston was here today he would have been consigned to a health farm or be locked up with Tommy for having the ‘wrong’ opinions.
However, don’t worry the EU, like all other corrupt regimes will eventually fail and in some ways it will be better if Britain is not the one to cause its demise, because when it goes it will be a bloody mess. A financial mess, a political mess and yes a bloody violent mess. A mess we are better off out of and that we cannot be blamed for.
The (mostly unreported) street wars that have already started in Europe will get much worse, the rise of the patriotic political parties who oppose being overrun by invaders of a different culture will gain strength and start winning elections. Despite the postal votes of the criminal anti-democratic left wing rabble.
The so called ‘Far Right Wing and Populist’ parties, (God help us all for daring to elect a popular party), as described by the BBC and its MSM allies, not just in Britain but across the rest of Europe and even the USA, will gain strength and eventually take control. The majority of people will see sense and vote for those with the courage to speak the truth. It has started in the USA, as it always does, and true to form the unwashed, unemployable left wing mobs there have already started rioting against The Donald. Their violent behaviour will only strengthen his lead.
The outcome of the referendum is interesting but not the be all and end all, it is just the beginning of the process. What comes after the EU is a much bigger question and far more important. Let us just hope that it is democratic.
In the meantime it is clear that Dodgy Dave is on the slippery slope to oblivion but with a gold plated pension of course and the opportunity to make much more as an advisor to the world’s dodgy dictators and regimes. Just like his mate Teflon Tony before him.
So who’s next? Is it Gove for PM?
Oldtimer: ” So who’s next? Is it Gove for PM? ”
Probably not. Under your not impossible scenario above, the Tories will unite & Dave will continue on his merry way (with Labour & Corbyn fatally compromised) to retirement in 2019 or thereabouts.
The unfortunate announcement by George Osborne trailed at the weekend but made on Monday means that if a technical recession turns up in the two years that would have followed a Brexit vote had there been one, people will be hopping mad. “We vote Remain to avoid recession! You promised this wouldn’t happen!”
Osborne will try to explain “It’s nothing to do with me or the UK economy. It’s the fault of China, it’s the fault of the US, it’s the fault of Brazil, it’s the fault of Europe.” at which point the poor lad will unceremoniously dragged from the House and taken off to the Chilterns, at least One Hundred feet up, to a suitable retirement or other ‘home’ somewhere. The Labour Party will split. The Conservative Party will run around like headless chickens. Nigel Farage will say “Told you so.” and get elected somewhere.
Hopefully a colossal number of sensible people in the middle between Conservatives & Labour will take control of the House of Commons via the Ballot box in 2018. Hopefully.
If not things could get ugly. Doesn’t bear thinking about.
Sorry! Feeling a bit dystopian. Blame it on BBC Radio4. 😉
‘Religious War’: Muslim Migrants ‘Ambush’ Yazidis With Knives And Baseball Bats
A separate study published by German newspaper Die Welt in February found that violence toward ethnic minorities, religious minorities and women had increased across German migrant centres.
Muslim men were singled out for tearing up Bibles and assaulting Christians, sexually abusing women and children and beating up homosexuals.
We already have a religious war in progress. Merkel has allowed the enemy to bolster its forces by over a million.
If it really becomes hot war in the next few years, the EU will capitulate. The only force that is capable of rescuing us from the mess that the EU has created is America.
The Remain team lose all the arguments but they are winning in the polls!
They know how weak their case is because they get trounced in every open and free debate e.g., this one on the BBC
To deal with this they are using a great slash and burn tactic. They overwhelm us with scare stories and they don’t care how many of these are debunked or shown as craven lies. They don’t care because they are not trying to persuade with rational argument but to create a vague shapeless fear of change in low information voters.
And their killer argument is working:
Alex, Yes, I agree, and I have noticed people who say they are confused by all the arguments and cannot make their mind up,so they will vote to remain. Gathering these people up would be a positive step
I had an interesting discussion on the referendum this lunchtime.
The killer argument quoted against me was that the IFS has said that GDP would be lower and the country would be poorer if we vote Leave.
My reply was I was pleased to see that the that the IFS thought that we could make such a success of taking back control of immigration.
That was met with a look of incomprehension, so I explained. We all accept that the more people we have in the country the larger will be the national GDP, but unless the immigrants have skills we need the population increase will be larger than the GDP increase – so GDP per head of the population will go down and ordinary peoople will be individually poorer. In simplistic terms the coutry is richer, but there are more people to share the wealth, so each person gets less.
The person I was talking to couldn’t grasp the point and just repeated that “GDP would be higher”, but everyone else joined the dots and saw that without the population projections national GDP assumptions are meaningless. I don’t know whether or not I made any converts to the cause, but there’s one Remain con trick that they won’t fall for again.
I’d prefer to move the discussions on from economics, because for me the key issue is the principle of democracy, but the daily news agenda seems to be dictated by the BBC, and they’re determined to keep everyone’s attention on money. I know that plays to the government’s scare agenda, but my country isn’t for sale.
The trouble is that talk of democracy, particulary in its non-EU form such as with things like the common law, trial by jury, civil constabulary, parliamentary sovereignty etc (what might loosely be termed ‘1688 and all that’) means very little to the average Briton. How much better or worse off they’ll be financially is what motivates people. The Remainers and the Beeb know that, I think.
The answer is simple. Brexit is not about money but the dignity of being a sovereign nation once again.
Brexit is about whether you want to be ruled by Britain or the unelected dictatorship in Brussels.
A couple of days away and all hell breaks loose here, it seems!
As for remainiacs winning or losing the arguments and people saying they are ‘confused’, having just heard the dire Martha Kearney ‘interviewing’ Andrew Lilico on TWATO, I’m not surprised they are confused!
Not for the first time her entire line of questioning was anti-Leave. Completely uninterested in Dr Lilico’s analysis of the IFS figures (most probably because she is too stupid to understand them) her interest was in exploiting the ‘splits in the Leave camp which her masters have decreed must be today’s talking point. She is a disgrace to the trade she claims to perform – about as impartial as Comical Ali.
UK: Muslim NHS doctor leaves family to join the Islamic State
As is common now in the MSM when dealing with Jihad, they disable comments.
Its almost always a surprise to the families, authorities, politicians and the MSM. Always. Didn’t they learn a thing since 9/11. Religious of Peace mantra. Nothing to do with Islam. BS forever.
Why are Muslims in the West? Who let them in? Bet its leftists. Leftists are used to committing genocide. Islam is thus an ally.
Just watched BBC News. I do not know how they get away with it!
All Leavers are now officially conspiracy fantasists. This because the figures provided by the IFS are challenged. Because the figures put out by the IFS follow in a timely procession of financial forecasts by government minded bodies (independent but interdependent as well) one after the other almost in a coordinated manner, all projecting downturns to one extent or another. The reporter had no challenger. This is reported as fact. The second segment repeated the financial breakdown of this morning and claims ONLY £161,000,000 paid to EU per week instead of the £361 million claimed. They compared the lower figure to current government spending per week heavily suggesting that the sum we pay for membership is paltry and inviting the voters to decide. I know what their ideals are and where their passion lies so should not watch what I know to be prejudiced. Where is the independent view reflecting the non metropolitan consensus. I absolutely despair.
BBC ignores: “A British exit from the European Union would be good for the economy, according to one of the City of London’s top forecasters.”
“Extreme claims from political groups arguing that Brexit would be a disaster were “wide of the mark”, Capital Economics concludes in a detailed report.”
The only truly independent analysis I have seen so far.
Probably why the Beeb ignores it!
Will the BBC quote this? “The European superstate wants its own army, eurosceptic minister says”.
(comment at 1.29pm)
Not on the BBC: 30 MPs and peers demand the Government takes down pro-EU links from Government websites by Friday
Christopher Hope, our chief political correspondent, writes:
Dozens of Tory MPs and peers have written to the head of the civil service urging him to observe the rules of purdah ahead of the EU referendum and take down pro-EU links from websites.
The letter, from former Work and Pensions secretary Iain Duncan Smith, to Sir Jeremy Heywood, the Cabinet secretary, has been signed by 30 MPs and peers including former Mayor of London Boris Johnson, former Environment secretary Owen Paterson and Tory backbencher David Burrowes.
It says: “We demand that any government web pages material published with the intention of persuading people to vote remain should be taken down” before Friday, when official Whitehall purdah rules come into force restricting Government pronouncements ahead of the referendum.
The letter – copied to David Cameron, the Prime Minister – adds: “Failure to carry this out will put both ministers and civil servants in breach of the law, the Ministerial Code and the Civil Service Code.”
But why should they even have to ask? Of course the government is banned by Purdah from these kinds of things. Not that it will stop them. Not that the BBC will challenge them. Oh no.
BBC: Brexit could end austerity, IFS says. Only joking. “Extend”, not “End”.
Anyway, the BBC would never give a story like that the headline, now would they?!?
Mind you, they did admit that
“Mr Johnson said: “Leaving the EU would give us an immediate £8bn boost to the public finances…”
(Funny that this isn’t then put to ministers in questions, isn’t it?)
So the assumptions/guesswork that the economy would shrink is just that – a guestimate… but the £8bn boost to the economy is hard fact.
Now *that’s* an interesting story…
Not on the BBC: The IFS is at least partly government/EU funded…
… but equally importantly the impartiality of the ESRC (Economic & Social Research Council) on which the IFS’s economic forecast based is highly questionable!!
The IFS funding claim was reported on the BBC:
But UKIP leader Nigel Farage said the IFS was biased because it was part-funded by the EU. He told BBC News: “They take direct funding from the European Union. “So, once again, it’s the same old game. It’s taxpayers money being used to tell us what we should think and what we should do. And frankly the scale of this now is outrageous. “The government and all their friends – taxpayer-funded friends – are frankly cheating in this referendum by selling this constant negative message.”
From the IFS website :
Our funders
Although we are a charity and our ultimate purpose is to inform the public debate, we receive little or no core funding from government or other sources. Instead, we carry out research commissioned from a variety of sources: government departments and agencies, the research councils, particularly the Economic and Social Research Council, the European Commission, charitable foundations, and the private sector. We are partners in two ESRC research centres (LLAKES and the Institute for Macroeconomics). We frequently work in partnership with experts in universities and other research institutes on larger projects.
The ESRC is opaque about it’s sources of funding (makes one wonder), but two of its members are funded (at least partially) directly by… yup, that’s right, none less than the European Commission itself.
Dun dun dun!!!
Did someone say “stitch up”?
Indeed, and one of the questions Clueless Kearney neglected to ask the IFS spokesman when she ‘interviewed’ him (ha!) today was precisely how much money does the IFS gain from EU sources as a whole (ie not just as a direct grant)? It looks like the answer is more than it receives from he UK government and that said spokesman was trying to hide the truth.
The longer this campaign goes on, the more willing the ‘elite’ seems to be to abandon any moral standards.
BBC Radio 4
News from Nowhere
Dangerous Visions
News from Nowhere is a classic piece of futuristic writing, first published in 1890 by artist, designer and socialist William Morris. Its central tenet – that society should refind the value of work and thrive on beauty, rather than consumerism – is timely. This updated drama revisits Morris’ vision of a new society for now.
Our Will Guest is a modern day, 21st Century man, travelling from 2016 to a future Utopia. The word utopia comes from the Greek ou-topos, meaning ‘no-place’ or ‘nowhere’. There is uneasy antagonism between Will’s 21st Century values and those of ‘Nowhere’. But there is also love……Will goes on a time travelling voyage of discovery, finding a new love for society, as well as a woman.
Just a vision of a left wing utopia, and loads of blaming of Cameron the Tories, and the capitalist system in general.
Part of the Dangerous Visions BBC Radio 4 season.
Wow! To some people whites are not allowed to have any voice at all. Shut up and allow yourself, your culture (which BTW doesn’t exist) to be replaced:
Last Whites of the East End: BBC programme on migrant influx sparks furious Twitter debate
Obviously these people regard the BBC as their sole property. Pay for it then!
The Progressives are all in favour of your right to free speech – just as long as you are saying the things which they find acceptable.
It’s the: “I’m all in favour of free speech, but…” argument – complete cr@p! You’re either in favour of free speech or you’re not.
Just because someone says something which you find unpalatable or offensive (unless it’s libellous or criminal) doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be able to say it.
The tweets in that Express article; shows how the collective, Progressive mind is unable to cope with an articulately presented argument against mass immigration and multiculturalism.
Per Mark Steyn: “The position of the Left is that they don’t want to win the argument, they’d rather cancel the argument.”
Re : BBC’s Enviro correspondent presenting the awards to Artists for Climate Change awareness
“Three artist residencies will begin in July 2016 and each residency includes an award of £10,000. …”
Paul Homewood has written it up as a blogpost .
The thing is we know that the artists will go for the alarmist angle not the skeptic, so that makes it a highly political thing. Hence it is outrageous that a BBC new guy be involved in such a partisan campaign.
But like Greenpeace he acts as if he is above laws and the BBC Charter.
Shouldn’t BBC bosses be held to account for failing to enforce the BBC Charter, that Harra seems to frequently break?
The BBC’s Environment correspondent wont present any awards to Astronomers for Climate Change science awareness.
The BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate, reduces awareness of new developments in Climate science for all of us, not just the BBC’s award winning overgrown children with paintbrushes.
But it’s a fact that middle-class morons with arts qualifications dominate the narrative at the BBC, and have sacked and keep scientists off the BBC, even if they are Members of Parliament.
typo “News guy” : Hence it is outrageous that a BBC news guy be involved in such a partisan campaign.
Extra point BBC News can’t be handing out awards
Harra has ‘Gone native’ and in the party when actually he should be remaining outside so he can CHALLENGE people objectively.
BBC News people should not get into bed with those they report on otherwise how can they be objective ?
Voice of the Mysterons May 24, 2016 at 11:53 pm
“…An almost balanced look at East end white flight on BBC 1…”
Given the title of the programme: ‘The Last Whites of the East End’ I think I’d question the ‘white’ flight element of the programme when (correct me if I’m wrong) of the three main contributors: one had a West Indian father, another an Indian mother and the third of Bangladeshi heritage.
So, ‘we are all descended from immigrants’ was probably the Beeb’s hidden ulterior motive to which you refer.
That said, the programme did address the issue of community breakdown, but not that suggested by the title.
I think its not only whites who have fled but long term immigrants of all cultures are feeling the strain of mass immigration into the East End on a scale never before seen,They feel their lives are changing too.They assimilated pretty much and things were settled until Blair came to power and changed everything.Maybe the BEEB was trying to portray this.
I was born and lived until recently in Newham and cockney whites mainly left years ago .Those left are thinking about it.It is the poorest borough in London if not the country yet immigrants continue to flock there .Any one with young children who is not Islamic has to move out or go to schools which are now 99% Islamic pupils.
I know from experience with my children ,the children do not mix and are not allowed to play with any friends they try to make in school. They rarely if ever are allowed to attend events outside school hours .It is isolating for non Muslims once the ratio is so high.
Not on any BBC news web site and it ought be the main lead news.
How travellers kept men as slaves for up to 26 years – yes 26 years. Totally inhuman but not worth a mention. Wonder why.
Oddly the BBC are very excited when migrants are seen as slaves, so what’s wrong with when the indigenous population are kept as slaves for lengths of time that defy any sense of humanity.
Somehow I don’t think the BBC will ever allow El Cid to ever be broadcast on its channels. It was made in 1961, just watch the speech from 7:00 minutes in though.
“The Prophet has commanded us to rule the world. Where in all your land of Spain is the glory of Allah?
When men speak of you they speak of poets, musicmakers, doctors, and scientists.
Where are your warriors? You dare to call youselves sons of the Prophet?
You have become women!
Burn your books! Make warriors of your poets! Let you doctors invent new poisons for our arrows. Let you scientists invent new war machines! And then … kill! … Burn!
Infidels live on your frontiers. Encourage them to kill each other.
And … when they are weak and torn, I will sweep up from Africa, and the empire of the One true God, Allah, will spread, first across Spain, then across Europe … then the whole world! ”
… Must be an Islamofauxbe … where s Aquil Ahmed, how did he miss that bit in his puff piece
The Ottoman s?
Great post Thoughtful – in the extremely unlikely event that it was ever to be shown again by al beebus, I am certain that speech would be edited out.
Yes, it will go the way of Guy Gibson’s dog.
I do NOT like the sound of this one little bit!! This has apparently been passed by our Monetary and Finance Affairs Committee last night.
What planet are our elected reps on?
Guido also reports that….The report also calls for the EU to take over member states’ corporate taxation powers with a common corporation tax base, banning sovereign states from increasing their competitiveness by cutting corporation tax below 15%.
Read all about it on the BbC……..or not!!!
Are we right to blame the BBC or is it the Leave campaign we should blame for not making a loud announcement every morning?
And, truly, the world has gone mad.
Transgender woman wins Condor Ferries toilet sign discrimination case
Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad. What other conclusion can there be?
I do have to question the motives of someone who when supposedly having transitioned from one gender to another would “call the company to ask which toilets she should use”. Who on earth calls a company to ask that unless they are deliberately planning to take a case at a later date?
You should however not the final sentence that the Jersey trans group showed its disapproval “the community preferred “the approach of education” rather than “litigation” against employers.”
It would appear this case was someone deliberately making something out of nothing. We can only hope that they didn’t win any money.
You might find this disturbing reading that grown men can now barge into ladies (or girls) toilets and demand to be respected and claim harrassment ) whilst the place gets evacuated by parents and children in a school in US. In fact all of this is already on its way UK Schools Minister MARIA MILLER has even stated that every UK school must comply with this new directive. Sussex University proudly boasts the country’s first Unisex lavatory. I wonder how popular with ‘the ladies’ that is going to be. Every ‘Grayson Perry’ look-a-likes now has special EU passports into every female rest room across the country and demand ‘respect’ – that they don’t deserve but crave. The fact is that these odd bods are being ‘fast-tracked’ into UK schools by Maria Miller herself who has given them ‘golden hellos’ to get in primary school teaching. I KID YOU NOT. I am not making this up, This is Cameron’s World of perversions. Its part of the Equality Diversity mandate we are told. The kids meanwhile can be taken away (if a parent objects) and the Kids can be ‘reeducated’ if they think its funny or queer. This is the world the BBC wants us to believe is ‘normal’, the states are still fighting it in the US but here in the UK, the EU has decided it already for us. There is no debate to be had. The BBC love it. And its coming to all UK public space not designated an ‘Islamic’ area (you know how they can get so offended). Your local Council must build it for you (even if nobody uses it you have got to have it) and you (as council taxpayer) must pay for it the ‘New Transgender bog’. And unlike the US, you cannot object to its elevation and glory. It will also be illegal to suggest this absurdity in public. They get easily ‘offended’ these creatures. The BBC love-in with Grayson Perry is just the start of the campaign (seen at the Chelsea Flower Show on BBC1). He obviously loves the attention of the botanical plants. A future Head of Neasden Primary and the font of all wisdom (the BBC are in awe). I am not sure anybody else is.
A BBC propaganda piece:
Radio 4, 5 o’clock.
Is it just me ?
I am fed up with the nightly attempts by “Eddie” to trivialise the whole EU debate by using the Chris Mason in house joke. “This is the Chris Mason section with your genial host Chris Mason” Chris Mason then delivers our nightly dose of “Remain” propaganda.
“That was Chris Mason”
Side splitting !!!
Probably not just you, but I did think that tonights ‘should I stay or should I go was quite informative’.
I’m not sure how you can see the economist interviewed as ‘remain propaganda’ when he said that the leave campaign should have been dropping little questions, such as “If the EU is so good for jobs & employment then how come unemployment in Spain is running at 27%” ?
It’s a fair question and it was also a fair comment that the so called leave camp are doing nothing other than running a Tory leadership campaign.
This is NOT how an important referendum campaign should have been run, and we have the electoral services commissions almost inexplicable decision to award official status solely to the Tory party. I believe that this was either a gross error on their part or simple interference from Cameron & mates.
Either way it ensures that the referendum will not have a fair outcome and the only way to rectify that would be a re-run in two or three years time.
No it’s not just you, it’s teeth grindingly irritating isn’t it?
National sovereignty rendered into a joke or trivia or “we don’t know the facts” or “woooooh, be afraid….very afraid!”
This evening they also had two people debating the quality of the debate ffs! their conclusion? The debates been “too masculine” we need to hear more women’s voices and more “working class, non London voices”
The conclusion I’m reaching is that this country’s freedom from the EU won’t be granted, it will at some future date be taken….that’s what happens with freedom, it’s never granted or gifted but struggled for and taken from those who would deny it.
The last comment on the debate about the debate was that fear that, “there’ll be a close finish that leaves neither side satisfied, the argument unsettled….and the Tory party split, which is bad for the country”….I’m sure I heard Eddie Mair cheer up at the thought!
I hope the winners of the next war for this nations sovereignty make a better a job of preserving it than the generation that sneaked the UK into ever closer union under the pretence of a trade agreement.
No Thomas. They are either trying to dumb down or pretend to be amusing. In fact they just come over as the shallow journalism free zone they obviously are.
Unlistenable, patronising garbage. Devoid of all credibility. Now catering exclusively for those who would see this once great nation disappear up the EU’s fundament.
Wow, just wow really.
Thought we’d gone back to the 60s/70s for a moment, but then again stick like arms were more prevalant than the pumping iron roid rager sleeve bursting type back then. It’s a good well balanced picture promoting harmony that’s not likely to heighten racial tension at all, well done ‘Operation Black Vote.’ I won’t ask where operation ‘White vote’ is, or if such a thing would even be considered legal, nor how a picture of a white little old lady being confronted by a… oh never mind. Isn’t equality great.
I’d be knackered without that edit button.
First order Racialist dog whistling……against white people.
I remember when minority rule in Southern Africa was a “bad thing”, now it’s an aspiration for the UK.
Totally outrageous! So wrong on many levels – stereotyping thugs, blaming white folk for blacks not voting??, would they ever dare to stereotype a person of colour like that?
I can’t even believe that they would be allowed to show that.
I’m disgusted.
When I first saw the ‘see-saw’ poster I couldn’t work out what it meant.
What it is really saying is that Asians/Muslims are victims at all times of white racism.
BBC/Left inspired perhaps?
Perhaps it would be more realistic to have the white bloke at one end and 100 postal votes on the other.
Exactly! Or even more exactly, 10,000 postal votes?
Dear ‘Operation Black Vote’. I was very impressed by your recent poster showing an asian lady being berated by a white thug. Would I be right in assuming the lady in the picture is about to vote ‘Leave’ in the referendum because of the great respect she, like many of her kinsfolk in the Indian subcontinent with fond memories of the Raj, has for British traditions, and the white gentleman is a recent Polish immigrant who is angered by her decision because of the effect it would have on his residency in the UK?
Considering the largest immigrant population is Asian it irritates me that yet again the loudest voice gets the attention!
Part of the OBV mission statement,
“We believe that without a strong political voice for African, Asian, Caribbean, Chinese and other ethnic minorities, the ideal of equality of opportunity – regardless of race and colour – will remain an ideal.”
Chinese? Black? ‘regardless of race and colour’? So you represent white people too? I apologise for going so far off topic, always found the ridiculous amusing. They are partially funded by the Esmee Fairbairn foundation, after seeing the hideously you know what trustees,
I think they should return the funding on principle due to under representation.
Here’s a grade A titbit.
bBBC radio 4 PM at 1725 today. A discussion about R and D in modern China, brings a review of the 1960s. I quote.
“The ‘turmoil of the cultural revolution’. “War on so called liberal thought. Intellectual and academics persecuted. Most R and D ground to a halt”
The Far Left biased bbc make this all seem to be a little minor error from Chairman Mao. What a joker he was !
No, you bBBC marxist cretins. This Communist starved to death and murdered millions of his own people. The bBBC somehow fail to mention this.
But you try and keep your borders secure and immigration manageable and you are branded ‘Far Right’. By them.
Absolutely disgusting bias from the extreme left wingers at the Appalling bBBC.
Yes, I heard that and thought I was enduring some form of hallucination… account of a world in which Red China underwent a “cultural revolution” rather than a time of mass murder and terror at the hands of little red book waving Red guards.
They played some Chinese music…..possibly from “The East is Red” a Chinese opera of the time, then referred to “patriotic music”.
Yes the implication was that the “cultural revolution” was run by “patriots” rather than by hard left, Marxist-Leninist, Communists………Patriots…….got that? As we all know “patriots” = “far right” in BBC land.
Sluff & embolden, the BBC don’t do history unless it is of the type that is currently running M-Fri, 1.45 – 2 p.m. on BBC Radio4.
Am I just unlucky?
The other day I turned on to watch the Chelsea Flower Show to be met with an interview with the first black woman designer at the show, going on about diversity and her garden inspired by modern slavery.
Ive just turned it on tonight and there is an interview with the ‘man’ of the moment, Grayson Perry, in full-on cross dressing mode.
It just never ends. Even the most innocent of activities just HAS to contain its quota of Left wing bBBC indoctrination messages.- inclusivity, diversity, multi culti. Any chance of coverage of the actual flowers? No, thought not.
“first black woman designer at the show, going on about diversity and her garden inspired by modern slavery.”
I’m guessing there were no cotton plants in her garden then?
They obviously misunderstood when someone suggested the displays should contain more pansies!
And before the usual suspects start ranting, I should point out that I am gay but I don’t mind people taking the piss.
I always thought there was a ‘whiff of lavender’ around the BBC.
Sluff, mate. No, you’re not unlucky. It’s everywhere… I watched ‘Chelsea’ on Monday too. I had hoped to see the fragrant Sophie Raworth whose name appeared in the summary. Sadly, I didn’t catch Sophie but instead the insufferable Joe Swift (no, me neither!). Turns out he is the son of Clive Swift (Actor, Keeping up Appearances) and Margaret Drabble (Novelist). No connections there then.
He’s right on message isn’t he? Breathlessly bangin’ on about how wonderful it was to learn of Chelsea’s first female black designer. Possibly worth a mention in passing but he had been tasked with hammering his point home to the exclusion of any worthwhile comment on the poor girl’s garden design. Juliet Sargeant and the rest of us deserved better.
What a crock… As I type I can see Grayson Perry commenting on a Japanese garden. I quite enjoy his art but his eyebrows need a little cultivation.
Not only that, but apparently Cleve West -winner of umpteen Golds and Best in Show (sorry that’s Crufts) – had the honour of having his life story shown on 2 nights ! I soon discovered why, clearly of Asian descent, so the Beeb were pulling all the stops out. Chelsea a real disappointment, less about the plants and flowers and more about the slebs – who the hell wants to know about Jo Whiley’s gardening attributes or whether Jenny Bond knew her antirrhinums from her pelargoniums ???? The same large gardens have been showed continuously, whilst we’ve never seen the smaller gardens on camera at all.
I was listening to Radio 4 about 3:30pm to 4:30pm today. In a space of about 10 minutes they covered:
1. Mental health including a recommendation of a mental health expert in every school at least one day a week – TICK.
2. Reuters report saying the UK media is biased towards the ‘leave’ campaign “even though the polls show 50-50” -TICK
3. Gay rights around the world – TICK.
Then I watch a bit of the One Show tonight. They jump from interviewing Steve Davis, a higher successful sportsman and a role model during my childhood, to LGBT groups sticking their banners up at football grounds (covering paid sponsors adverts) – TICK for turning a decent guest interview into a gay rights piece.
The BBC, funded by the majority for the minority.
I too was at that 3.30-4.30 bit of radio output on radio 4.
From some mental health moaner who`s now made a career out of not getting all the NHS pie she required at some time-through to Laurie Taylors weekly hate against the state…this time for not giving the gays and allies enough of the national pie(although plenty of the attention on a daily basis).
Classic hour of BBC breast beating-clearly silicone with rainbow tassels on them.
Didn`t listen of course-as soon as I heard the rising whining inflections of another mental health casualty I baled out.
Bit like the White Flight from the East End last night on telly….sometimes it`s just easier to pack up and get away.
I have to plan my listening to Radio 4 very carefully as it’s just too depressing otherwise – like listening to some raddled old feminist in a cardigan reading out articles from the Guardian circa 1983. I prefer to listen nowadays to free audiobooks from a website called Librivox, it has some good political and philosophical recordings.
The trouble is, when you’re stuck in the car you’ve got Hobson’s Choice 🙁
Mind you, this morning on R4 at about 7.15 towards the end of the interview with the Italian navy who carried out the rescue yesterday, and he mentioned the proposed EU Coastguard and EU Border Police, right there on BBC R4 – and the interviewer didn’t interrupt him or contradict him!! Goodness.
I’d never heard of it before – perhaps that’s because – surprise, surprise – it’s not been covered on the BBC!!
Plenty of coverage in other media eg FT, Express, Telegraph… and strangely not in the Grauniad (bedfellows with the BBC?)
I used to counter this by stockpiling R4 plays and listening to those instead of the live rubbish.
That stopped when the drama department was fully (instead of partially, as it had been) taken over by cultural Marxists who can’t set eyes on a new script without inserting the pressing need for a one legged Bangladeshi lesbian in the story.
Mr Hunt, my car stereo has a USB socket so I just load up a USB stick with free audiobooks for long journeys. I’m pretty sure there’s a way of hooking up a smartphone to a car stereo with no USB input.
Cramer you can get a small radio transmitter , that plugs into your cigar that you can connect to the headphone socket of your phone / MP3 player then tune the radio in to the device. I did have one but got fed up with the wires everywhere.
Oh why doesn`t Laurie Taylor go to blazes?
Smug corduroy blow-up knitted doll of pervdom manages to dig out the wank mags, by professing to be discussing a “Nigerian Beauty Pageant” as some kind of sociological exercise.
Hasn`t left the bike shed has he?…if the rest of us want to test out Viagra, we don`t get paid by the BBC to talk mucky…yet gloss it all over as some kind of academic research, when really Laurie is under York Minster pinging the playtex, as he did back in 1969.
Racist, sexist objectivication of vulnerable black women in Lagos-about as offensive as Brown Sugar.
To be fair to the Stones, they at least would stay in the same room as the “lovely girls” they were singing about-sad empty ballbag Laurie leaves only the waft of Werthers and mothballs as he peers through the dressing room with his devils eyepiece.
Savile maybe due a posthumous degree in Empowerment Studies at York Uni, if Laurie continues to get a slew of PhD dollies to starch the celery in his velveteen shorts…this bloke really needs a minder, old perver.
Very funny post cH – what will you do after midnight when they criminalize legal highs?
Maybe live off Welsh lamb for a few weeks maybe Mr Al Shubtill
Got to be the future this-ply the cattle with `erb and consume the meat…and enjoy sitting round the oven or grill pan together as it cooks.
If anyone has the time to watch all or even a part of this, it is wonderful; it’s about the U.S. but most of what they discuss is equally relevant here.
I wish we had such people as Ann Coulter and Gavin McInnes over here with a regular platform on our national TV – no chance of course.