I recommend the website of Vaclav Klaus the ex President of the Czech Republic. http://www.klaus.cz Good English translations available. His latest essays on the EU and immigration as it affects the Eastern countries of the EU are very enlightening. Light years ahead of anything from our own politicians and so called commentators.
Reading him and assuming that he has much support in the East it seems doubtful if there will be much of an EU left unless urgent reforms are carried out. He seems clear that the problem is German domination in all matters and that this is not acceptable. My view as well and one which the leave campaign does not ever want to mention it seems.
It is simply not possible for a united Europe to function on the basis that Germany dominates economically and politically. So Merkel’s madness in accepting unlimited so called refugees can then be seen as Germany unilaterally altering Europe because it can.
Enfeebled EU nations might be forced to accept German hegemony but the old Eastern lands will rebel and as I keep on saying this will be the moment that Russia takes her chance and reasserts her power in the East.
We should stay well clear of this but probably won’t. The USA under Trump if elected certainly will.
The EU has no future as presently constituted. The leave campaign just seems to be unable to deal with the possible effects of staying in. The remainers are either oblivious or simply stupid.
Within Central and E Europe, Russia is disliked even more than Germany. These countries get shed loads of cash from the EU (UK), it is estimated that half of Cz GDP growth last year was down to EU largesse.
What you say is correct but I did say that Russia will reassert her power. That does mean exactly that. It does not imply that the old east will find that agreeable. Also if ,as is increasingly likely , the immigration crisis becomes an existential threat then Hungary in particular will have to choose. EU money or survival. as a nation.
The demographics of the hijira engulfing Europe are frightening. Young invaders will soon ( end 2016 ) comprise around 40% of the key 18-35 cohort of males in Germany .No amount of EU money is going to prevent the demographic conquest of Germany and this will mean that although there is a real fear of Russia the old East will have no choice. My reading of the near future anyway.
Summarises the IFS report report as it will be a trade off for voters between a little bit less growth for a short while against sovereignty and immigration control.
I haven’t seen this but we all know that he would never have said that at the BBC. I would really like him to tell us why he now comments in this centrist, balanced way , when previously he was always , apparently , leaning well to the left and pro EU to his fingertips..
The second complaint from the BBC is that no one knows what will happen if we Brexit – though obviously no one knows what will happen if we stay in either. If anyone understood what lies in the future for the economy then the experts would have taken their cash out of stocks before 2008.
But the eggheads listed above have produced a pamphlet showing life after Brexit in positive terms …
Rather than vent my spleen (I am just going to report this as racist to the Police, but knowing my luck the PC police will arrest me for not subscribing to the view that only whites can be racist.) However this letter in the Daily Express explains much more eloquently what I want to say:
Considering the cultural practices that often dictate who ethnic women vote for perhaps the person in this ad should be this woman’s husband or brother!!
The famous English tolerance is fast becoming something you should reexamine?
So far, how is it working for YOU, are you native Brits being praised and thanked
by the millions you have welcomed into your country or are you being humiliated?
From my point of view , from overseas, it appears you are approaching borderline
Defeat, as in you no longer own your own race, culture or govt.,
There is a vast difference in tolerating fair play and being open to diversity BUT when that diverse element starts to dictate, to humiliate, to criticise and introduce a racial tone that portrays you as white racists, then it’s time to speak up, loudly.
There are far too many ‘special interest’ groups that is merely code for agitators.
They get media attention, especially by your state broadcasting outfit.
Your govt. seems to encourage this which is cowardly to say the least.
These agitators should try living in countries that are truly racist, but then they would never survive or learn to shut up , my advice is stop being fools, make demands to have this ad removed and a public apology should follow.
It’s so very sad to see my birth country the UK becoming like a suburb in the USA
, the difference is that England was always superior , don’t forget it.
Any chance of a caption competition for that picture?
I’ll start…….
“Yes, I know, Mrs Patel the laws of physics dictate that I’m heavier than you but neither of us can have our feet touching the ground…..the directors over there, ask him how they fixed it”
“Look out Mrs Patel, behind you, there’s a pigeon coming your way!”
“You are Yasmin Alibhai-Brown and I claim my £10 prize”
And then the BBC guy said, “look here, would you mind awfully just whiting up a bit for the shot” my agents over there on the phone to Sir Lenny right now….disgraceful innit!
It is typical lefty manipulative rubbish regularly spewed out from the “Right on Vomitorium and shite generator”
Its is designed to make us feel guilty and therefore more cowed when we make quite reasonable objections to our country and culture being overun by many migrants who appear to me to be innately hostile to our culture and laws. Of course we are all ethnic hating racists – its the skin colour you see!
It is the same principle used when they try and control our language ( ie cant say coloured person any more they are now “persons of colour”) -Sorry whats the difference?
If we have to mind our P,s and Q,s all the time in case we offend anyone, how the hell can we find the language to object to the lefts Great Multi Culti project.
I am afraid the left wing and especially Aunty have thrown out the baby with the bathwater.
Up until recently most cultures in the UK rubbed generally rubbed along ok, and yes in the past, there was probably an unacceptable level of racism which has been more than adequately dealt with.
Things recently have only appeared to have deteriorated with the rising numbers of a certain religion, many of whom do not wish to have anything to do with our culture or society. It is more likely the more this continues then there will be violence in the future but Aunty will never see that.
Unfortunately to deal with problems in society you have to have an open and honest debate about them. Aunty has been complicit in denying us this and always tries to stifle any discourse, except of course, on subjects she approves of.
You will always have a number of truly racist arseholes in any society and probably DDD was a good example of that.
What would have been Waycist of course is if the see saw picture had depicted a Rotherham taxi driver on one side and a white teen girl on the other side.
With the caption ” A husband should beat his wife every day and , if he does not know why, she will ” . This is a saying quite common among muslims in muslim countries that I know. ( With the exception of Gambia ). Maybe the BBC should publicise that one !
Yes Grant, or a Pakistani owner of an “Indian” restaurant who sells cheap food bulked up with peanut powder because he really does not care if the kaffir scum who buy his swill live or die, and the corpse of the poor man who trusted him not to sell him poisonous food.
I am probably being naive, but I just can’t believe that a) this advert is allowed, b) that there isn’t general uproar about this sort of depiction of our community relations. It disgusts me that it is allowed to be out there, influencing people. Where are the thought police when you need them?
Its a shame, this referendum hasn’t generally been infected with the bile and rancour seen during the run in to the Scottish referendum.
This advert has moved the goalposts for me. I find it highly offensive, divisive and deeply, deeply unpleasant.
The narrative is no longer if you vote out your an implied racist, they are now trying to say that you are definitely racist for wanting out. Economic arguments be damned.
OR – Two people bemoaning the gradual extinguishment of civilized Western societies, by the unrelenting influx of unassimilable immigrants from the Third World; alongside the insidious complicity in that process of those “Progressives” on both the political Left and Right.
Do something useful and tell us what you think of ‘Brexit the Movie’ ? What do you think of Al Beeb’s Bias and its promotion of the EU ? What is your ’employers’ concerns on the referendum ?
Go for it………….
Hello, I would guess that like the rest of us, he thinks Al Beeb is Biased. More importantly why do you post on this site ?
I have invited you to tell us what you think of Brexit the Movie ? What do you think of Al Beeb’s Bias and its promotion of the EU ? What is your ’employers’ concerns on the referendum ?
How about an answer form you , or are you just an Al Beeb troll?
zero, Because I am a bigot, a racist, homophobic and sexist.
Apart from that I will share a secret with you. For I see the current biased and politically ridiculous opinion leaders of the BBC as partly my responsibility, as I taught quite a number of their senior reporters when they were undergraduates. And worse, I once shared a house with the bugger who employed Marr and several other worthless tossers. The least I can do is combat their influence over gullible followers like you
I like this bit best.
“Questions remain about how Cameron, who is widely expected to resign if he loses, will deliver Britain’s request to leave.
Assuming he has not been replaced by a new leader by June 28, he might deliver it to the summit in person. But some diplomats question whether he would have the authority to trigger Article 50 talks as a caretaker premier.”
So take heart, dont start believing in conspiracy theories. Brexit voters are much more fired-up and will cast their vote come what may. The Remainers have very little grass roots support, a chilly day, a spot of rain, their voters will stay indoors watching daytime TV. Brexit can be achieved.
Currently enjoying an online EURef ‘debate’ on a local portal, dominated by some LibDem councillors who comprised the 20% Remain vote at the end of the live event here recently, and hence now like democracy only if they can control it and win.
Against fact after fact they are getting desperate. The latest salvo is that Boris changes his mind a lot and has bad hair like the Donald. Seems they get their selective briefings and key debating points from the BBC.
Those more interested in substance have been truly impressed. Every time the issues are aired away from traditional opinion forming sources, Brexit scores higher and higher.
My main concern is that if the UK does break free of the EU yoke, we are still left with a lot of politicians with zero spine or competence, in thrall of an unaccountable media whose key focus remains lads in ladies’ toilets.
But if we have the vote, and without going postal, maybe the new brush can yet sweep clean.
Given their past performance there is absolutely no reason to believe a word the polls say. Whether they are actually fixed, or whether their methods are just wrong no one seems able to say – but accurate, they are not!
The rigged polls may not influence the majority’s vote to “Leave”, but they will give bogus credibility to the result of the count when it is announced that we voted “Remain”. The BBC will be too busy celebrating for any journalist to look at the details.
FT Poll of Polls showing a slight swing towards Leave. Interestingly, the three most recent polls with 1500 to 2000 respondents (presumably higher accuracy) all show either a dead heat or a 1 point lead for Leave. Will be interesting to see how yesterday’s debate changes things, if at all. https://ig.ft.com/sites/brexit-polling/
I don’t know why but I had a dream last night which seemed to be a convolution of two movies.
One in which, like a zombie movie, the populous is almost sleepwalking in a direction controlled by some unknown exterior force which has brainwashed them.
The other is that we are being fed a diet of bullshit (courtesy of the bbc) , much like Soylent Green, that we assume is good for us but we ultimately learn an unpalatable truth.
I think I might have eaten too much cheese (or watched too much TV)
Day 2 of smoke and mirrors on migration with breakfast. Sorry I don’t believe a word. Migrants create more jobs than they steal. Same old same old anyone to oppose this propaganda. Not that I saw certainly not when it was being presented de facto to the viewers.
Migrants do create a lot of jobs.
Social security jobs. DWP jobs. Housing jobs. Teacher jobs. Police jobs. NHS jobs. Charity jobs.
But how can we meet all this demand? We’ll have to recruit from overseas !!!
(continue ad infinitum until country fills up totally)
I did wonder why the BBC saw fit to announce the “appointment of the new leader of the Taliban” on yesterdays news bulletins throughout the day.
As if one unpornouncable fakir psychopath getting turned to an oilslick means that I need to know who the henna`d beardies in their filthy sandals and yellow toenails have chosen to replace him with.
How went the wimmins vote Laura?….was the ballot a fair one John Curtice up there in Glasgow?
Only the BBC give a damn, only the BBC would give THIS a news value on a par with getting a new Tescos CEO or such.
So why do the BBC care-well, apparently the “erection” of THIS psycho may well contribute to the lack of good opium in the coming months-hence, I suspect: the BBCs monitoring of the Talibans approach to their getting their heroin for the weekend.
It`s ALWAYS about the BBC…
Capsized boat bias item 1
This morning on Toady, Nick Robinson referred to them as ‘Refugees’.
But how could he know? Refugees carries a definition which omits economic migrants. Has he interviewed them all?
Also on Toady. Unending mournful emoting by Sarah useless Montague on the 8.10am headline slot. Among other things, she mentioned babies and mothers, and interviewed the Italian captain of the rescue boat (in the most appalling emotional fashion I might add).
I’ve looked carefully at the photos of the people on the boat. Almost every one I can see is male and young – but not children.
Also the captain when asked about the nationalities of the ‘refugees’ mentioned Morocco !! Morocco ??? FFS. You know, that place where many of us take holidays. On that basis, the whole world is free to come to Europe.
I need hardly add that the student Marxists in the Al Beeb newsroom didn’t ask any of the obvious questions.
These people are deliberately setting out in flimsy craft in the hope that they will be rescued by the Italian Navy who give them free passage to be dumped on Europe.
Its about the only thing that the Italian Navy has achieved successfully in its entire history, but it encourages ‘refugees’ to keep on coming.
Who knows who these ‘refugees’ are . They could be criminals on the run from the rest of Africa .
I have posted this before, Europe has yet to be able to come to a decision about what to do with the control of its borders.
The Italians might just as well send cruise liners to Libya and pick them all up.
The EU – Its a bloody farce. It cannot even get its accounts audited .
All hands on deck – the BBC effort to save Top Gear is reaching a state of emergency
BBC Breakfast devotes a hefty chunk of airtime to our Louise Minchin interviewing the ginger whinger. Several pointed references are made to ‘sections of the press’ so we know for sure this is a pure Beeboid insider herat to heart.
The BBC have painted themselves into a corner. On the one hand Evans insists : “The Show was not broken…. something went wrong with one presenter”
In other words he tells the viewer to expect the same irreverent anti-PC joshing for which the programme was renown; an island of blokeyness within the ever rising tide of feminised achingly-PC water.
The BBC loved the show in terms of ratings and as a cash cow but kept it at arms length with the apeish Clarkson taking the flak from the liberal-minded.
But on the other hand when our Louise asks with snide intent about the show formerly being “aimed at 9-year old boys” Evans goes all inclusive and talks of boys and girls and 99-year-olds. Oh dear, something has to break here. First rule of entertainment: you can’t please all the people all the time.
And then Louise gets a ride with the Stig – we can see more of that later – I blanked out as I was told when and where to tune in for that delight. I guess the house eunuch Breakfast guys were all too busy with their muesli.
On the subject of the Afghan Taliban appointing a new leader – I was amused to notice a mainstream media source headlining the news with the apparently shocked announcement that the terror group had installed a “hardline cleric”
(Note on grammar – the missing word ‘muslim’ which is often silent in newspeak but belongs just before the word cleric)
In any case did we think an agnostic liberal democrat was going to get the job?
I expect the moderate, liberal members of the Taliban were disappointed at the outcome, but will just have to accept the democratic will of the majority.
They should get the new leader on the BBC to ask him his views on transgender toilets, and whether he plans to appoint enough women to his cabinet.
Last quarterly migration figures before the Referendum. In the year to December, net migration was up 20000 to 333000. Net EU migration 184000, up 10000. The ONS forecast of net migration of 2 million in 10 years certainly doesn’t look low. If euroland stays in the doldrums net migration from the EU alone could be around 2 million. Brexit campaigners, this is your best chance.
On Breitbart London there was recently a clip of an interview by Naughty with Ann Coulter on Trump. She handled him brilliantly , giving him his own medicine by simply talking over him or telling him to let her finish her answer. he hardly got a word in. Brilliant way to treat him and all other BBC lefties . She also spoke a lot of sense.
Ann Coulter is a shining example of what we so badly lack in this country – a bright, forceful, eloquent spokesperson for the Right. who will simply not dance to the liberal media’s tune.
It is to Britain’s shame that we have so far failed to produce people of the admirable Ms Coulter’s calibre. The closest I can think of is the admirable Melanie Philips who, sadly, seems to have become sidelined in recent months.
Agreed G Cooper,this is indeed the trouble, if a journalist/ commentator shows dissent to the BBC agenda, they will get sidelined.
Peter Hitchens only appears because he is anti everyone. Douglas Murray is still just about appearing. He is a thinking persons dissenter and someone whom I generally agree with, which I would therefore conclude the BBC would not.
I’ve just seen the trailer for a Mid summer night’s dream. Oh dear something else I won’t be watching. I much preferred Shakespere Filthy Rich & Catflap style https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOnoaasHJ9Y
On Guido’s web site this morning there is an item in which it is revealed that private e mails between the BMA negotiators on the junior doctors strike show absolutely clearly that the ONLY thing that the BMA was concerned about was getting the best possible terms for their members. Patient safety wasn’t even a distant second, it simply was of no concern whatsoever. Of course many of us had long suspected that this was the case, but the BBC was stoutly defending the greed of the doctors and cloaking it all in the shroud of patient safety , so keeping most of the public onside with the doctors. What is so interesting about this Guido item and some recent Breitbart items , is that they show that the BBC and liberal left are just beginning to lose their absolute control of what the public is allowed to know. Full marks to Guido and Breitbart. Keep up the good work . Obviously there is a long way to go to overturn the control that the BBC has on the news and current affairs agenda in this country but perhaps we are seeing green shoots and we can look forward to a free ‘press’ and then hopefully freedom of speech.
Doublethinker, just to support you with an anecdote.
This week a contact in the pharma industry attended a meeting which was very poorly attended by GPs even though they had actively replied saying they would attend.
It transpires that the topic of the meeting, male incontinence, is not on something called the QOF list. (Quality and Outcomes Framework).
This is an incentive scheme providing additional rewards to doctors who prioritise treatment in the favoured categories. One reason they didn’t attend is that there is nothing in it for them.
Yet are we not always told patients are the top priority. Why would a ‘caring’ GP need to be additionally rewarded? Why should they need financial incentives? Why would they not treat the condition in front of them irrespective of reward beyond their normal pay?
Its because they are in it for themselves, of course! Nothing actually wrong with that. What’s wrong is when they pretend otherwise, what’s wrong is the adulation the gullible government and alas public bestow and them, what’s wrong is the success of the BMA in convincing the public that money is not the issue. What’s wrong is the government not exposing the BMA for the Trade Union they really are.
Unfortunately for those wishing to control us the internet is starting to be a problem.
As for the BBC the HYS responses on EU topics are interesting with 100s indicating by up voting that they are quite aware of BBC bias.
So to an extent the BBC are contributing to their downfall (Hurray) by providing a channel for more and more people to realise that they are not alone. Emboldened they discuss it with family and friends, and using the well known left wing technique of if you hear something often enough it soon becomes true in the mind of many people.
Either the DM or DE (I see both) comments about a “furore” over the BBCs East End flight programme – from the left of course. One lady going so far as to say she was no longer going to buy a licence. A bit like cutting your nose off to spite your face if it means you are going to deny yourself your daily diet of “progressive” comment and support pandering to your prejudices!
This headline irritates me to the point that I been convinced for some time now that the BBC has an anti British agenda. The values and understanding of history form its historical journalistic commentators is at best that of a naive sixth form standard. Remember that Japan as a country only apologised for its many war crimes inflicted on British POW’s in 1998.Shameful that it took so long in my book.
This feature is the BBC’s normal attempt at putting a germ into the public’s brain in order to firstly distort history and then to conform the reader/viewer to the political agenda that they, the BBC hold. In this case I would suggest to further promote a subliminal left wing anti nuclear defence programme.
Let me tell you BBC that I, along with many, are onto your sick little Geobbels game of insidiously promoting left wing propaganda, this isn’t about Hiroshima it’s about finding anything in order to undermine any right wing political thought.
I was pleased but not surprised that Cameron’s (as it came to be) lapdog Whippingdale (only) suggested to the BBC news as a source should be restricted to allow newspapers to flourish. Obviously, nothing will happen though.
Historically, most people with a modicum of knowledge would know that Hirohito demanded that his people should sacrifice their own personal live rather surrender. He said spiritually they would then die, yet live on, alongside the dead soldiers. If you read that wonderful book by Herbert Bix, Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan you will realise that the bomb saved millions of Japanese lives as well as allied ones. It ultimately led to the end of the war.
Why Hirohito was saved from execution by General Macarthur when he was indeed a war criminal I don’t really know. (Hirohito claimed in his defence that he had nothing to do with strategic matters of war, but nothing was actually agreed without his consent behind closed doors). I believe he should have been hung as Tojo was. Certainly not feted as he was after the war.
It is my belief that the Hiroshima people need to seek an apology from their own past government and condemn Hirohito as the war criminal that h undoubtedly was.
I detest this typical left wing, anti capitalist, hypocritical, anti British stance the BBC always display. Their view is to sidle up with anyone who attacks Britain. The BBC’s thinking is based upon:- How best can we denigrate the very name of Britain! It is propagandist, subliminally germ sourced,otherwise known as the playing with the minds of people.
BTW The headline should have read as follows
Do Hiroshima residents even want an apology from Hirohito supporters and Japan itself?
The allies allowed Hirohito to stay on as a constitutional monarch because that was necessary to get the Japs to surrender. If we had insisted that he be tried as a war criminal (which he well deserved), the war would have gone on, with more atom bombs on Japan and an invasion. Millions of lives would have been lost, and the war would have lasted well into 1946. That price was not worth paying to see Hirohito get his scrawny neck stretched. But as you say, the only apology anyone should be giving is the Japanese for having started a genocidal war of aggression in the Far East.
Much is made of the significance of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, quite rightly, but they tend to obscure the B29 attacks on Tokyo using conventional bombs which resulted in estimates varying between 80,000 and more than 100,000 deaths. Admittedly no radiation was involved.
Could say the same about Dresden and Tokyo but obviously, in the UK at least, it is because the RAF was not involved in Tokyo.
This apology lark seems cheap in every way for those who trade at such a level.
I’ve also wondered about what pushes some buttons (see what I did there?) but not others. It seems to be a time, numbers and approved protagonist deal.
Those innocents in actual wedding parties in drone attacks sanctioned by the Nobel Prize winner, or Brussels streets by daring, frustrated youths are likely are not so concerned at the distinction.
Maybe the BBC Moral Equivalence Editor, Mishal, could ‘analyse’?
That is a superb post and I agree with everything you say. The bomb saved millions of lives. One of the many things that piss me off about Leftists, including the BBC, is that, if the Germans and the Japs had won WW2, the Leftists’ balls would have been the first to be chewed. Hypocrites, cowards and wankers, the whole lot of them . Apologies for my language.
PS For a personal memoir of POW under the Japs try “Banzai . You Bastards ! ” By Jack Edwards. The clue is in the title !
Operation Olympic, the US invasion of Japan, was to begin on “X-Day” 1 November 1945. General MacArthur’s staff anticipated about 50,000 American casualties and several times that number of Japanese casualties in the initial stages. After that they expected a far more costly struggle before the Japanese homeland was subdued.
The Japanese plan for defeating the invasion was called Operation Ketsugō and would have involved thousands of kamikaze suicide planes attacking the US fleet. In addition the Japanese recruited 2 million civilians into their Volunteer Fighting Corps to defend Japan. Lack of modern weaponry and ammunition meant that most were armed with swords or bamboo spears and trained to fling themselves at the American invaders with fanatical, suicidal fury.
Who wouldn’t have dropped the atomic bomb when faced with the choice of sacrificing so many lives in an invasion? The smug, ignorant, left-liberal BBC is happy to reinvent history. Student politics.
Everything you say Truth is spot on. The Bomb was the turning of the war in the Pacific. As always in war, reference is always made to the country as a whole, but like all cannon fodder its the ‘ordinary’ folk who are the victims of those in power. Visiting Japan 2 years ago, it was clear the attitude of the Japanese peoples did an about turn after the bomb, and forever since have become a more humbled community. I visited the Peace Garden in Hiroshima and like most war memorials around the world, one cannot failed to be moved by the atmosphere therein.
Many British servicemen could have been more graphic in their comments about their ‘great relief’ when the bomb was dropped, but they’re all dead now. I had the benefit of speaking to some of them, PoWs from the war in the Far East. Just read ‘The Knights of Bushido’ by Lord Russell of Liverpool.
Those who complain about the dropping of the bomb were not there . Neither were they ‘in the same league’.
Undoubtedly many more would have died had it not been for the dropping of the atomic bombs as it was this that convinced the Japanese hierarchy that the war was lost. In fact many more died in the fire bomb attacks on Tokyo and elsewhere leading up to the atomic attacks as most Japanese homes were built of wood. My Dad was in Bomber Command at the time and was down for Tiger Force which would have been the RAF’s contribution to the continuation of the ‘conventional’ strategic bomber offensive over Japan. Who knows whether he would have returned from that.
Oh dear God, Sky has just interviewed a group of 18 year olds about their intention to vote. Oh yes, they were going to vote, but hadn’t made up their mind which way. One inarticulate lad of colour could barely string a sentence together and didn’t know what the EU was !!!!!!! or what it did, but didn’t help him because he hadn’t got a job – although he was going to vote anyway. I feel nauseous that the future of this country could be dependant on a section of the population who barely have one brain cell. Even the interviewing journalist had to explain to these lads sat around the table what it was all about – and was met with blank stares, it was priceless !! I don’t know about lowering the voting age, on this example it should be raised to 30 or at least until they can name the countries across the Channel.
Totally agree. The vote should not be given to those whose only experience of life is through the prism of receipt of state benefits, in money or in kind (e.g. secondary education) without the experience of putting something back in (e.g. income tax).
Brissels:Similar IQs being interviewed in Oldham where they were probably not even born in 2001 but apparently it’s brilliant now because they can mix with everyone brilliant. However not what I’ve been told by a local
BBC Spotlight in the South West yesterday, 6.30 p.m. Another feature on the coming Referendum. For staying in Lord Ashdown spoke for 3.36 minutes, for leaving local MP Anne Marie Morris spoke for 91 seconds. It is so blatant.
A bit inconvenient for the Remaniacs and Al beeb that France is now deep in the le crapper with widespread strikes and economic disruption as Hollande tries to row back on labour laws which he says are contributing to historically high levels of unemployment. According to Al Beeb there have been “sporadic moments” of disruption, which doesn’t quite fit the scenes taking place across the country.
Nor has there been much Al Beeb comment about another Greek bailout, less than a year after the last one. While there was never any prospect that Greece would or could pay back all the money it has borrowed, debt reduction is being disguised as “renegotiated terms”, effectively increasing the grant element of outstanding loans by lengthening grace periods and amortising the loans over much longer periods. Cutting ourselves free from this failed economic experiment is the only sensible course.
Just watched the Daily Politics today and watched the piece in which Jacqui Smith , ex Labour Home Secretary , was made to look even more foolish than Harriet Harman was on the last Sunday Politics. Poor Jacqui was just like poor Harriet, they made assertions that immediately fell to pieces when challenged and they have no idea what to do other than repeat the discredited assertion. A spiral that rapidly becomes laughable. Except these two idiots held senior positions in the Labour governments , heading up departments with budgets running to billions of pounds of our money and making decisions which affected our lives for years to come. How many more of these ridiculous Blair Babes are there ? Perhaps the BBC could hold a show on which all the Blair Babes were asked questions and we could have a good laugh at their answers and vote for which one we found the dimmest. It would be hotly contested crown I can tell you.
I’d like Blair’s babes to contest with Corbyn’s cuties, Diane Abbott (captain),Emily Thornberry,Cat Smith, the Eagle brothers (as my wife likes to call them), Kerry McCarthy,Lucy elastic Powell.
Not a bad line up I think you’ll agree. It would be close.
To think that this country could be in their hands. Worrying, very worrying.
MY Top Team Hatchboot X1 of the Left
1. Barbara Roche
2. Yvette Cooper
3. Angela “Boy” Eagle
4. Audrey Wise
5. Jacqui Smith
6. Cat Smith
7. Maria “Boy As Well” Eagle
8. Dianne Abbott(capt)
9.Emily Thornberry
10. Joan Maynard
11. Jo Richardson.
See what 1`ve don`t there?…a nice blend of youth and experience, plenty prop forward beef in the line up to frighten the French at Euro 2016.
Hope to appoint Andrea Dworkin to coach the team, once we`ve come to an agreement re “image rights” for the Calendar shoot in October.
‘Sharia law review to focus on fairness to UK women’ – Theresa May
..and Theresa could you please answer as to why it has taken you so long to do this. Is it because you are a completely useless and out of touch Home Secretary?
Looks to me that Appeaser May wants sharia but wants it to be fair to wimmin. So she has appointed a Muslim academic to carry out an independent review.
From the BBC
‘An independent review will establish whether Sharia law in England and Wales has been used to discriminate against women, the home secretary has said.
It will look at whether Sharia law – Islamic religious law – is compatible with UK laws and whether it is being “misused”, Theresa May added.
Some Sharia councils had sought to “legitimise” forced marriage and issue unfair divorces to women, she said.
The review will be completed next year and seek best practice among councils.
It will be led by Professor Mona Siddiqui, an expert in Islamic and inter-religious studies from the University of Edinburgh.’
Way to go Mona from Edinburgh and BBC’s Thought for Today, you tell ’em that sharia is compatible with laws we have fought for over many generations of civilization , and the Appeaser will endorse what you say
Spot on. This will legitimise some aspects of Sharia Law which is the first step on a slippery slope to legitimising all of it and thence to the complete Islamification of the UK. God help the kids of today when they are living in a Muslim UK in 2070.
My first thought on reading that is that if you want an inquiry that will conclude Muslim practice is fine and dandy, who better than a Muslim to put in charge of it?
May would have chosen Jimmy Savile to look into the BBCs output for Childrens Telly programming, had HE been around.
What do you THINK a Muslim daughter of another Muslim bigwig of the MCB would say from her Edinburgh ivory tower with a minaret to tootle from on the BBC, as she wishes?
Can`t begin to guess…at least give it to Shami Chukkabutti, if you want a pretence of stitched up taqqiyya-as opposed to the blatent full-blown type being offered by May.
History will judge her to have been the worst politician of the last 40 years apart from Prescott.
There can only be one law in a nation. it is not hard to grasp but May is very dim.
Sharia is the basis of an Islamic society. It is discriminatory by definition in that women and non Muslims are not treated equally with Muslim males .So it is pointless to even discuss it.
Left to May and Cameron our ancient nation would be given and /or sold to anyone who fancied it.
Given to the immigrants and sold to the bankers, The new Tory dream.
Sharia is a logical outcome of full blown multiculturlism. Many feminists who place leftish multiculturalism higher than our well established legal tradition will nevertheless accept it. May might not be left or a feminist, but she is the kind of progressive that will promote this disgusting shit.
“The panel will begin work immediately and is expected to complete its review in 2017, the Home Office announced.”
I read the piece about 3 minutes ago, and here are the findings of my review:
Sharia ‘law’ is utterly incompatible with UK (or any western) law and should be outlawed with immediate effect. Any persons practicing, advocating or supporting sharia should be immediately deported (within 24 hours) to a country where it is practiced as the law of that land. Said persons will surrender their UK passport at the port of exit and be refused permission to re-enter the UK for life.
See, not that difficult is it? However, what we will get is a 2 year, multi-million Pound whitewash that will make ‘recommendations’, and the disgusting practice will continue unabated.
It makes me embarrassed really – no wonder the islamists want to take over the West. We really do look like a bunch of timewasters with ‘first world problems’ – transgenders and their toilets, non-binaries, primary school children questioning their gender identity, not enough women in the EU referendum debate (Harriet!!!).
Anyway THEY look like Anne Robinson, and the bloke behind is going to vomit.
Do you ever think that the likes of Eddie and Grayson want only EU migration, just so they don`t feel threatened or made to appear like dumper trucks in comparison to those famed Thai Ladyboys?
If we allowed any of THEM in-then Eddie would have to ditch that Eagle Brothers look had it swallowed a wasp.
Time surely for a Msx TranPerverey Contest so Laurie Taylor can do the compering.
Poor Eddie-not yet a threat to Chris Biggins is he?
I really don’t know why you’re laughing. This inspiring non-binary working class hero is exactly the sort of person that I’d seek to recruit as a nanny.
I’m listening to an hour long BBC stunt from last week 17/5/2016 %-Live Phone In
– Full of people swearing to sign a petition about the scrapping the BBC Recipes.
That was a stunt from start to finish : What they need to stop is spending new money on non core activities BUT you can’t put unspend money that has already been spent. They need to review future spending, but pretending that all old stuff was going to be deleted was a cynical stunt.
…When we all know they turned round later and said oh we’re not really scrapping them.
An observation.
333,000 net immigrants arrived on UK shores last year, 184,000 from the EU. James Brockenshire “disappointed” at not managing to meet the 10’s of thousands lauded by the conservatives at the last election but stressing that we do need immigration.
On the same day 3000 migrants arrive in Italy via various leaking ships so the inflow of peoples from the Asian and African continents continues apace.
Approximately 900,000 migrants made it to Germany last year following Frau Merkels invitation.
Hundreds of thousands have settled throughout the rest of Europe.
Our European colleagues know that, given half a chance, many of these migrants would have preferred to have come to UK, especially as the minimum wage is to rise to the highest in the EU and with one of the most generous benefits system and a no questions asked 1st class healthcare and social provision within the EU.
How long before they start handing out citizenship to those migrants safe in the knowledge large numbers will take up their legal right to free movement within the EU! I know that EU countries have differing residence criteria prior to issuing citizenship, but when the pressure is on, the rules can be changed – note Italy last year threatening to hand out Visa’s just to move the problem on.
AND – nobody makes the connection with the struggling NHS – relentless pressure on school places and class sizes – the growing housing crises etc etc.
Steve Hilton, his best political chum (we are told), says David Cameron is a Brexiteer at heart. Now Hilton may be lying through his teeth or merely mistaken but surely the BBC should be investigating this.
Are we really being led by the government to remain because of David Cameron’s position as Prime Minister?
The Times then adds this list of Cameron statements:
Cameron the Eurosceptic (in his own words)
“You don’t seem to realise that I am a sceptic. That is my view” Speaking to Denis MacShane, a former Europe minister, 1990
”No to the single currency, no to further transfer of powers from Westminster to Brussels” Applying to be candidate for the Witney seat, 2001
“We need to bring back powers over social and employment policy that are causing so much damage to business”
On Question Time during the Conservative leadership debate, 2005
“One of the great challenges is rolling back the tide of bureaucracy drowning our country. You can’t do that without targeting one of the main sources, Brussels”
Writing in The Sun, 2007
“We should be making progress on transparency, and using it as a weapon to shine a light on the EU budget and the disastrous ways in which it is spent”
Statement to the Commons, 2010
“The EU is damaging in terms of, for instance, the operating of a flexible market economy”
Addressing the liaison committee, 2011
“Brussels has got too big, too bossy, too interfering”
Speaking to reporters, 2014
“When it comes to the free movement of people, we need powers to be returned to this country”
Statement to the Commons, 2015
“The argument isn’t whether Britain could survive outside the EU. Of course it could”
Speaking to the CBI, 2015
The Channel 4 programme last night about Boris and Dave covered a lot of this ground.
My summary from it is that Dave is a bit like Blair – a politician first and a believer in anything second, a blank canvas to an extent doing what is necessary to get elected.
Since being the DTs correspondent in Brussels Boris has understood what it is all about and has possibly given up hope for it ever being reformable.
Disappointingly Max Hastings, Boris’ former editor, who featured in the programme last night, writes today at length in the DM telling us what is wrong with the EU, then says he’s voting to stay!
The programme was better than I thought it would and perhaps worth a look on “catch-up”.
Am I alone in being desensitised in watching migrants being picked up from the Med by rescue boats ? I never wish anyone any ill, but its like climbing Everest in trainers and T shirt, then expect to be rescued – these peoples bring it upon themselves, and I have no sympathy at all. Why are the rescuers not dropping them back off in Tunisia or Algeria, why does it have to be Italy ???
You are far from alone in your views. I have great sympathy for any seafarer who is the victim of a genuine accident at sea. These people, on the other hand, are taking the piss, and set sail in the expectation of foundering and being rescued and brought to the EU.
Keep on rescuing them, and they will keep on coming, Africa has an endless supply. Stop rescuing them, and they will give it up. It’s as simple as that.
I agree with both of you. If they were just returned to N.Africa, the message would get through. I have spent a lot of time in Gambia, trying to persuade young Gambian men ( and it is always men, never women ) not to take this crazy risk. To the credit of the Gambian Government ( and I say that through gritted teeth ) , they are trying to ” sensitise” ( as they would say there ) Gambians on this issue.
Taffman of course the EU can survive without us.
After all they have all the Mediterranean countries with their zealous work ethic and sound fiscal responsibility
Efficient french farming practices
Good industrial relations (especially in France)
Efficient Civil Service
Sensible foreign policies (particularly with regard to Eastern Europe and especially Russia)
And of course direct access via Merkel to millions of Doctors, Engineers and Scientists all who will build the EU into a beacon of industry, learning and social progression.
Why would we want to leave all this. I think the EU should get shot of us as we seem to be turning into a nation of ignorant skinheads. All we want to do is sit on seesaws shouting at Hindu grannies.
In the radio 4 – political correctness slot which was once a comedy slot we have a definitely unamusing Paul Sinha
Paul Sinha returns for a second series of his History Revision, the show that uncovers the fascinating stories that we’ve forgotten in our onward march of progress. In the last series we learned how Alexander Graham Bell did NOT invent the telephone, and that the World Cup final of 2014 could only have happened because of the 1415 invasion of Morocco.
1/4: Women.
This week, Paul looks at the forgotten women of history. From warriors to inventors to civil rights activists, Paul unearths some stories, that for reasons of sexism and patriarchy, we never got told about at school. You’re welcome, ladies.
“Sinha’s gift for finding humour in it all makes him worth a listen” – The Telegraph
It has to be the most appalling left wing diatribe I think I’ve heard in a long time, and that’s saying something !
The BBC’s first televised EU referendum debate is currently on air and surprise surprise Alex Salmond’s every syllable is being met with hysterical audience clapping whilst those from the Brexit commentators are met with a few claps and frowns from the audience. Yet another biased pro-EU, leftie audience… no doubt they’ll be bussed (at our expense) to the idle chit-chat show, Question (but no real answers) Time soon after.
How the hell can that wind bag Alex Salmond support independence from the UK whilst supporting remaining in the EU? Simple, pure hatred of the English. It’s why the useless, bigoted, disgusting and arrogant SNP consistently get huge support despite failing in every area of government; they want one thing and one thing only: to be independent of England. I feel sorry for the majority of fantastic salt-of-the-Earth Scots who have to live under an SNP one-party dictatorship.
After watching the debate myself I made my mind up….. I can’t stand students.
The BBC had all the boxes ticked as expected. Fat people, thin people, wheel chair user, every ethnic minority represented and carefully spread around the audience to avoid clusters of dark skinned people sitting in one group. The gay representative had the opening question and I have to admit I didn’t hear what he/she/it said as I was instead wondering what toilet door symbol they would identify with.
On the 5Live follow-up radio programme with Nolan and the ubiquitous Chris Mason, we have Mason introducing a new word to the political lexicon – Faragian. As in “the Remain campaign, in the light of today’s ONS statistics, will take a more Faragian approach to immigration.” How very Masonian of you Chris.
There is of course VDian. Abbottian. Izzardian. Leblancian. Tulipian. Khanian. Jasminian…. the last a nice complement to Faragian, whereby using your own views to slag off political parties on the BBC naughty list gets you sidelined a while on full pay then brought back and promoted to keep up the good work.
I read in the papers today that the EU has a secret army planned.
That seems significant. Did this crop up in the debate? Not all the boys can rely on don’t ask, don’t tell exemptions, and girls are now so ‘in’ when it comes to being meat shields too, so the yoof do have an interest surely?
LOL ! Cannon fodder for fascists. So many young people in UK today would have fitted in perfectly to “Hitler Youth “. They would be outraged at the thought but have a total lack of self-awareness. Perfect for the EU !
Grant, quite. That was the ironic thing in the Breivik murders. He thought himself as a fascist but the ones he murdered were the indoctrinated, feeble-minded successors of the Hitler Youth. Even the camp ideas were similar, let alone the irrational hatred of Jews.
Bad as the BBC are-they don`t seem to match Channel 4 News when they`re on their sporadic fits of agitprop.
Witness their News tonight.
Must have been half of their show devoted to tranny loos in North Carolina, to disabled actors moaning about not getting auditions to play Richard III(unlike Cumberbatch, who`s not even disabled-sooo unfair!), and some bit of crap about the Spanish blockading Gibraltar unless we vote to stay in the EU, and be Jon Snows good little pumpkins.
Utter crap-really wish that I had Channel 4s problems.
For mine see riots in France across the water, Islam coming for the summer, rapists from Cologne hoping we`ll vote to let them try their luck HERE when we wink the eye on June 23rd by voting to stay in…but Channel 4 and the liberal retards choose trannies,disabled actors and boozy expats.
Only hope Islam and their new Taliban don`t take Channel 4s weaving of its rainbow-stranded navel fluff as being at ALL of relevance to us-we know they`re ready, and so we need to be ready in return…only wish I could offer them a hogtied BBC and Channel 4 by way of jizz ya…
A useful piece of ammunition to have in the locker.
Has anyone actually found / can identify a link which says how long a “migrant” requires to be registered in Germany before they become EU “citizens” able to take advantage of “free” movement
This poster concept is oddly reminiscent of something we’ve seen on the BBC, don’t you think? You know that little film about the BBC weather app. Grumpy middle aged white bloke gets rained on whilst cheery asian lady neighbour basks in sunshine next door. It’s subtle – but not very.
Have to feel sorry for would-be Blue Peter presenters Beaky Nugent and her no-mark house eunuch having to pull sad-face again on the red sofa this morning.
There they were all fired up with whimsy by an extended feature on new habitats for Ratty and Moley – never mind the third of a million inward human immigration, we say reintroduce the Water Rat – blimey, I thought any moment now someone might mention Climate Change.
Naga and Nicky – what a gigsy they’ve got – their very own theatre of Salford dreams. A big tent outside media city for an EU debate. Reminds me to switch off.
But boo-hoo, just as Cameron says he’s always been keen to reform the EU the bloody frogs go and play up! No, it’s no Wind in the Willows again with Mr Toad zooming around in a Gee-Whizz using his mobile whilst driving or lighting up a fag with spawn in the back seat.
First world problems: Talking of pet insurance, you how annoying it is when everyone can’t get out more than they all put in – for heavens sake… don’t they know how things are supposed to work?
Meanwhile the French are giving a big Non to reforms in the EU as of now. You know how it goes… you elect a socialist president and the ecomony goes to shit. Good luck with reforming that lot!
Given that immigration is the biggest referendum issue, and given that yesterday we had the dynamite announement that net longterm migration hit 333,000 in 2015 – the second high figure on record and three times the government’s target… how does R4 Today justify ignoring the story today?
Instead they led on; “David Cameron has told world leaders he will send a British warship to stop people trafficking across the Mediterranean”. Closely followed by “The Treasury has warned that millions of pensioners will be worse off if the UK leaves the EU”.
Today previewed the migration figures story yesterday (without knowing what they were and with a strong humanitarian slant), but how do they justify ignoring this big story today now the figures are out? Does R4 Today argue that it’s “yesterday’s news”? Or that it was covered on other programmes such as PM yesterday?
If that’s their argument, then surely it’s little more than an excuse to avoid or censor a strong Brexit story. There are numerous examples of Today following up big stories that broke the day before, it’s commonplace; so why not do it with this story? It’s a bit like not reporting the result of the FA Cup Final because we previewed the match the day before. Are Today listeners expected to listen to other programmes/media in order to get proper coverage of news stories? It’s selective omission; very dodgy journalism and very dodgy impartiality if you ask me.
Incidentally; only around 35% of people in the UK are part of a pension scheme (lowest number since the 1950s). Most of them in the public sector/BBC.
Cameron has been advised by the civil-serviice that his own ‘purdah’ applies to all government patsies. So he has used all his Ammo. The last salvo (reported in the Times on Thursday) was the fact that he has asked all Universities chancellors to encourage Students to vote. He used the ‘Student vote’ call. Its the kind of thing Labour usually asks from the National Union of Students (or NUS). The NUS is a depressingly Marxist union that’s has recently been banned from some Uni Campuses and is toxic. Not that has stopped the ‘remain’ camp’ from suddenly encouraging students to vote.
As all Universities are public institutions it not too hard to do. As most students don’t vote and disdain politicians (part from the NUS which is pro Corbyn anarchists, it is a small number). Potentially Cameron’s team reckon they have ‘found’ 700,000 voters down the back of the sofa. But in the real world the 18 to 25 age group, less than 25% vote at all. So its a sign of desperation by the Cameron lobby. At the same time the profile of BREXIT voters appeal is across the board including many ‘Labour’ voters not allied to Corbyn’s mafia mob (or NUS).
That is ‘on top’ of a nicely messaged ‘segway’ by one of Steve Hilton claims that Cameron was actually for ‘pro Brexit’ before he became PM. David Cameron is an instinctive Brexit supporter who would be campaigning to leave the European Union if he were not prime minister, his best friend in politics has claimed.. its a sign of desperation that the ‘remain’ camp thinks that will wash. The fact that Cameron is still head of ‘Common Purpose’ that along with the BBC trains ‘future leaders’ in the new super-state’ is never mentioned. No newspaper has mentioned Common Purpose and the clear links from BBC to Cameron. Surely the intelligent voter might ask why? And why Cameron ‘endorses’ the EU when he did not do so before, becoming the ‘Common Purpose’ figure head. That is how the EU works. (Deny everything). Isn’t that how the BBC works, even when the facts a confirm an abuse of privilege?
However Steve Hilton himself is pro-Brexit (former Cameron media advisor). And this disclosure is really about his new book, but what he has to say is spot on. Cameron has not changed his spots, everything around him has and it seems, even his closest advisors. No doubt Cameron will suddenly change his mind after June 23rd. He wants to survive as PM, this is insurance.
The horrendous Asma Butt is typical of how the BBC pack audiences at question time style events. Glad people on here winkled her out. I didn’t watch this programme because I can’t stand Victoria Derbyshire and knew that choosing an under-30 age audience was a blatant pro- Remain ploy. However I did see a clip of the Butt person verbally abusing the woman from Poole making a perfectly valid point about migration and housing. I’m thankful I did not waste an hour watching this drivel.
Thanks to mass immigration we have millions of Butt types in our county now. Vote Leave is just the start of sorting this out.
Meanwhile, the only thing on the BBC about the EU army is a “debunking” piece two days ago saying the UK could veto such move, but it conveniently “forgets” to mention that Tricky Dave has just given away our right to veto any moves towards closer union, in return for that amazingly valuable piece of paper he got from Munich Brussels.
Just like to add to that AFTER the referendum bit The London Stock Exchange which was to be EU directly transferred (sold) to Frankfurt has been put on ‘hold’ until after the EU referendum on June 23rd (rescheduled for June 25th). Its not a coincidence. The Germans have long sought our global insurance business and with just a little bit of EU lobbying, maybe all the World Banks camped out in London can be persuaded to relocate to Frankfurt. They have no choice.
And another thing that has been put on ‘hold’ if the MULTI-BILLION GREECE bail out agreed by the EU that all member states (read UK and Germany) must bail out GREECE to the tune of 78 Billion Euros. And that with France in current crisis, Spain about to topple and Italy needing shoring up . Who the hell would want to VOTE ‘IN’? Nobody will be able to ‘pay back’ these (almost zero)% loans.
The WORLD SOCIALIST WEBSITE inside knowledge of the EU confirms a ‘slight delay’ (as nobody has any money to spare until after 23rd June. i.e in the Autumn when they have access to our UK money. https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2011/05/euro-m18.html
Rather ironic that all those named in the URL on the podium would seem to err the wrong side of the BBC ideal age limit for the event.
Not quite an Amy ‘dizzgoostin’ Rutland, but these ‘young’ ladies the BBC find as the voice of yooff also do seem to be cut from the same personality cloth.
The immigration figures have vainished from the bbc after their brief cameo yesterday. They were not good news at all for lefties, remainers, bbc jobs for the boyers, Guardian readers et al. Therefore it is no surprise that the news that they didn’t want us to hear has been scattered to the four winds after a token and mandatory mention.
Contrast this with, for example, the story of Joe Marler and the fact that he called a gypsy-boy a gypsy-boy which they incredibly milked for at least a month to my reckoning. Amazing.
switch the hosting of biasedbbc.tv to a UK server. The current host (usa ?) is slower than a slow thing. I will donate if needed as, i’m sure, others will.
Chris Patten. One of the most useless politicians ever. Chris, I was born in HK and , when you were Governor, you made a complete Horlicks of the handover. The Chinese pissed all over you. You had two dogs there, ” Whisky and Soda”. Looks like you have had a few yourself, not to mention a few good lunches. Why should anyone listen to a word you say ? You are a total failure.
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I recommend the website of Vaclav Klaus the ex President of the Czech Republic. http://www.klaus.cz Good English translations available. His latest essays on the EU and immigration as it affects the Eastern countries of the EU are very enlightening. Light years ahead of anything from our own politicians and so called commentators.
Reading him and assuming that he has much support in the East it seems doubtful if there will be much of an EU left unless urgent reforms are carried out. He seems clear that the problem is German domination in all matters and that this is not acceptable. My view as well and one which the leave campaign does not ever want to mention it seems.
It is simply not possible for a united Europe to function on the basis that Germany dominates economically and politically. So Merkel’s madness in accepting unlimited so called refugees can then be seen as Germany unilaterally altering Europe because it can.
Enfeebled EU nations might be forced to accept German hegemony but the old Eastern lands will rebel and as I keep on saying this will be the moment that Russia takes her chance and reasserts her power in the East.
We should stay well clear of this but probably won’t. The USA under Trump if elected certainly will.
The EU has no future as presently constituted. The leave campaign just seems to be unable to deal with the possible effects of staying in. The remainers are either oblivious or simply stupid.
Within Central and E Europe, Russia is disliked even more than Germany. These countries get shed loads of cash from the EU (UK), it is estimated that half of Cz GDP growth last year was down to EU largesse.
What you say is correct but I did say that Russia will reassert her power. That does mean exactly that. It does not imply that the old east will find that agreeable. Also if ,as is increasingly likely , the immigration crisis becomes an existential threat then Hungary in particular will have to choose. EU money or survival. as a nation.
The demographics of the hijira engulfing Europe are frightening. Young invaders will soon ( end 2016 ) comprise around 40% of the key 18-35 cohort of males in Germany .No amount of EU money is going to prevent the demographic conquest of Germany and this will mean that although there is a real fear of Russia the old East will have no choice. My reading of the near future anyway.
Peston does it again on ITV.
Summarises the IFS report report as it will be a trade off for voters between a little bit less growth for a short while against sovereignty and immigration control.
I’ll bet that the BBC do not sum it up as such!
I haven’t seen this but we all know that he would never have said that at the BBC. I would really like him to tell us why he now comments in this centrist, balanced way , when previously he was always , apparently , leaning well to the left and pro EU to his fingertips..
The BBC often takes its hand out of the pockets of the EU long enough to tell us that there are no economists who support Brexit.
So here is a website you may wish to check.
The second complaint from the BBC is that no one knows what will happen if we Brexit – though obviously no one knows what will happen if we stay in either. If anyone understood what lies in the future for the economy then the experts would have taken their cash out of stocks before 2008.
But the eggheads listed above have produced a pamphlet showing life after Brexit in positive terms …
Click to access Economists+for+Brexit+-+The+Economy+after+Brexit.pdf
They may be wrong but then so might everyone else.
Thanks for the links. Very useful material.
Have the BBC had a policy change?
Not one photo of a woman or a child and they used the phrase “Nearly 6,000 migrants trying to reach Europe illegally have been …”
So the BBC are calling them illegal migrants for the first time?!?
Interesting on a few levels…
Can somebody please explain why this picture used by Operation Black Vote but promoted by the bBC as just isn’t deemed…Racist.

EU referendum: White ‘thug’ poster aimed at black voters
Rather than vent my spleen (I am just going to report this as racist to the Police, but knowing my luck the PC police will arrest me for not subscribing to the view that only whites can be racist.) However this letter in the Daily Express explains much more eloquently what I want to say:
Considering the cultural practices that often dictate who ethnic women vote for perhaps the person in this ad should be this woman’s husband or brother!!
The famous English tolerance is fast becoming something you should reexamine?
So far, how is it working for YOU, are you native Brits being praised and thanked
by the millions you have welcomed into your country or are you being humiliated?
From my point of view , from overseas, it appears you are approaching borderline
Defeat, as in you no longer own your own race, culture or govt.,
There is a vast difference in tolerating fair play and being open to diversity BUT when that diverse element starts to dictate, to humiliate, to criticise and introduce a racial tone that portrays you as white racists, then it’s time to speak up, loudly.
There are far too many ‘special interest’ groups that is merely code for agitators.
They get media attention, especially by your state broadcasting outfit.
Your govt. seems to encourage this which is cowardly to say the least.
These agitators should try living in countries that are truly racist, but then they would never survive or learn to shut up , my advice is stop being fools, make demands to have this ad removed and a public apology should follow.
It’s so very sad to see my birth country the UK becoming like a suburb in the USA
, the difference is that England was always superior , don’t forget it.
“Rather than vent my spleen I am just going to report this as racist to the Police…”
Well done you!
“[Alan] you don’t hold a candle to me when it comes to hating wogs,pakis,niggers…”
Any chance of a caption competition for that picture?
I’ll start…….
“Yes, I know, Mrs Patel the laws of physics dictate that I’m heavier than you but neither of us can have our feet touching the ground…..the directors over there, ask him how they fixed it”
“Look out Mrs Patel, behind you, there’s a pigeon coming your way!”
“You are Yasmin Alibhai-Brown and I claim my £10 prize”
And then the BBC guy said, “look here, would you mind awfully just whiting up a bit for the shot” my agents over there on the phone to Sir Lenny right now….disgraceful innit!
“No you’re not Jerrod, I’m Jerrod!”
Pounce its not racist because Aunty says its not.
It is typical lefty manipulative rubbish regularly spewed out from the “Right on Vomitorium and shite generator”
Its is designed to make us feel guilty and therefore more cowed when we make quite reasonable objections to our country and culture being overun by many migrants who appear to me to be innately hostile to our culture and laws. Of course we are all ethnic hating racists – its the skin colour you see!
It is the same principle used when they try and control our language ( ie cant say coloured person any more they are now “persons of colour”) -Sorry whats the difference?
If we have to mind our P,s and Q,s all the time in case we offend anyone, how the hell can we find the language to object to the lefts Great Multi Culti project.
I am afraid the left wing and especially Aunty have thrown out the baby with the bathwater.
Up until recently most cultures in the UK rubbed generally rubbed along ok, and yes in the past, there was probably an unacceptable level of racism which has been more than adequately dealt with.
Things recently have only appeared to have deteriorated with the rising numbers of a certain religion, many of whom do not wish to have anything to do with our culture or society. It is more likely the more this continues then there will be violence in the future but Aunty will never see that.
Unfortunately to deal with problems in society you have to have an open and honest debate about them. Aunty has been complicit in denying us this and always tries to stifle any discourse, except of course, on subjects she approves of.
You will always have a number of truly racist arseholes in any society and probably DDD was a good example of that.
What would have been Waycist of course is if the see saw picture had depicted a Rotherham taxi driver on one side and a white teen girl on the other side.
Its a funny old world!
Now where did I put my braces?
Any Photoshop experts out there?
How about an assertive Muslim man on the right and a fully bagged up Muslim woman on the left?
With the caption ” A husband should beat his wife every day and , if he does not know why, she will ” . This is a saying quite common among muslims in muslim countries that I know. ( With the exception of Gambia ). Maybe the BBC should publicise that one !
I’m not an expert with photoshop but this is my edit. I think it represents Britain more accuractly!
Thanks Tabs, best laugh of the day (so far, more in QT tonight I’m guessing!)
It is racist, pure and simple, and the police should investigate. Why is it not a black thug threatening a little old white lady ?
Yes Grant, or a Pakistani owner of an “Indian” restaurant who sells cheap food bulked up with peanut powder because he really does not care if the kaffir scum who buy his swill live or die, and the corpse of the poor man who trusted him not to sell him poisonous food.
The caption on the poster needs changing. It should read “A Vote is a Vote. Unless it’s a Postal Vote, in which case it is Four”.
I am probably being naive, but I just can’t believe that a) this advert is allowed, b) that there isn’t general uproar about this sort of depiction of our community relations. It disgusts me that it is allowed to be out there, influencing people. Where are the thought police when you need them?
Its a shame, this referendum hasn’t generally been infected with the bile and rancour seen during the run in to the Scottish referendum.
This advert has moved the goalposts for me. I find it highly offensive, divisive and deeply, deeply unpleasant.
The narrative is no longer if you vote out your an implied racist, they are now trying to say that you are definitely racist for wanting out. Economic arguments be damned.
The Government’s first duty to this nation is the Defence of the Realm. Is our Car Moron fulfilling his duty? What do our soldiers think ……………..
Al Shubtil,
“If anyone has the time to watch all or even a part of this, it is wonderful…”
Two multi-millionaires wallowing in self-pity whilst pointing and laughing at the “stupid poor people” & their funny names.
Always interesting what can tease you out and when.
Bet you enjoyed Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand at ‘play’ though.
OR – Two people bemoaning the gradual extinguishment of civilized Western societies, by the unrelenting influx of unassimilable immigrants from the Third World; alongside the insidious complicity in that process of those “Progressives” on both the political Left and Right.
Do something useful and tell us what you think of ‘Brexit the Movie’ ? What do you think of Al Beeb’s Bias and its promotion of the EU ? What is your ’employers’ concerns on the referendum ?
Go for it………….
taffman, Once again you and others here show how to get rid of trolls. Ask them a challenging question. Zero will be gone for a while
Taffman is excellent. A mighty warrior in my book. A troll eliminator.
G.W.F, why do you post on this site?
Hello, I would guess that like the rest of us, he thinks Al Beeb is Biased. More importantly why do you post on this site ?
I have invited you to tell us what you think of Brexit the Movie ? What do you think of Al Beeb’s Bias and its promotion of the EU ? What is your ’employers’ concerns on the referendum ?
How about an answer form you , or are you just an Al Beeb troll?
While you are there, do you think that this pledge has been met ?……………………..
zero, Because I am a bigot, a racist, homophobic and sexist.
Apart from that I will share a secret with you. For I see the current biased and politically ridiculous opinion leaders of the BBC as partly my responsibility, as I taught quite a number of their senior reporters when they were undergraduates. And worse, I once shared a house with the bugger who employed Marr and several other worthless tossers. The least I can do is combat their influence over gullible followers like you
Bravo, G.W.F.!
Croeso ! 😉
taffman, fod fy gwadd
Diolch 🙂
EU launches contingency talks for brexit.
I like this bit best.
“Questions remain about how Cameron, who is widely expected to resign if he loses, will deliver Britain’s request to leave.
Assuming he has not been replaced by a new leader by June 28, he might deliver it to the summit in person. But some diplomats question whether he would have the authority to trigger Article 50 talks as a caretaker premier.”
Well I can dream can’t I?
Reading the news reports and looking at the polls can sometimes fill you with dismay. But I found this link on Guido and it shows how we are being lied to about the polls, which is not really surprising given the constant stream of misinformation and “facts”.
So take heart, dont start believing in conspiracy theories. Brexit voters are much more fired-up and will cast their vote come what may. The Remainers have very little grass roots support, a chilly day, a spot of rain, their voters will stay indoors watching daytime TV. Brexit can be achieved.
Here’s hoping.
Currently enjoying an online EURef ‘debate’ on a local portal, dominated by some LibDem councillors who comprised the 20% Remain vote at the end of the live event here recently, and hence now like democracy only if they can control it and win.
Against fact after fact they are getting desperate. The latest salvo is that Boris changes his mind a lot and has bad hair like the Donald. Seems they get their selective briefings and key debating points from the BBC.
Those more interested in substance have been truly impressed. Every time the issues are aired away from traditional opinion forming sources, Brexit scores higher and higher.
My main concern is that if the UK does break free of the EU yoke, we are still left with a lot of politicians with zero spine or competence, in thrall of an unaccountable media whose key focus remains lads in ladies’ toilets.
But if we have the vote, and without going postal, maybe the new brush can yet sweep clean.
Given their past performance there is absolutely no reason to believe a word the polls say. Whether they are actually fixed, or whether their methods are just wrong no one seems able to say – but accurate, they are not!
Well if they can fix the real polls, mere opinion polls are a piece of cake.
Or, if not cake, certainly a slice of Austrian Mohnstrudel…
Is that halal?
The rigged polls may not influence the majority’s vote to “Leave”, but they will give bogus credibility to the result of the count when it is announced that we voted “Remain”. The BBC will be too busy celebrating for any journalist to look at the details.
FT Poll of Polls showing a slight swing towards Leave. Interestingly, the three most recent polls with 1500 to 2000 respondents (presumably higher accuracy) all show either a dead heat or a 1 point lead for Leave. Will be interesting to see how yesterday’s debate changes things, if at all. https://ig.ft.com/sites/brexit-polling/
I don’t know why but I had a dream last night which seemed to be a convolution of two movies.
One in which, like a zombie movie, the populous is almost sleepwalking in a direction controlled by some unknown exterior force which has brainwashed them.
The other is that we are being fed a diet of bullshit (courtesy of the bbc) , much like Soylent Green, that we assume is good for us but we ultimately learn an unpalatable truth.
I think I might have eaten too much cheese (or watched too much TV)
Day 2 of smoke and mirrors on migration with breakfast. Sorry I don’t believe a word. Migrants create more jobs than they steal. Same old same old anyone to oppose this propaganda. Not that I saw certainly not when it was being presented de facto to the viewers.
Migrants do create a lot of jobs.
Social security jobs. DWP jobs. Housing jobs. Teacher jobs. Police jobs. NHS jobs. Charity jobs.
But how can we meet all this demand? We’ll have to recruit from overseas !!!
(continue ad infinitum until country fills up totally)
At last, a BBC news report that I can believe…
I did wonder why the BBC saw fit to announce the “appointment of the new leader of the Taliban” on yesterdays news bulletins throughout the day.
As if one unpornouncable fakir psychopath getting turned to an oilslick means that I need to know who the henna`d beardies in their filthy sandals and yellow toenails have chosen to replace him with.
How went the wimmins vote Laura?….was the ballot a fair one John Curtice up there in Glasgow?
Only the BBC give a damn, only the BBC would give THIS a news value on a par with getting a new Tescos CEO or such.
So why do the BBC care-well, apparently the “erection” of THIS psycho may well contribute to the lack of good opium in the coming months-hence, I suspect: the BBCs monitoring of the Talibans approach to their getting their heroin for the weekend.
It`s ALWAYS about the BBC…
Capsized boat bias item 1
This morning on Toady, Nick Robinson referred to them as ‘Refugees’.
But how could he know? Refugees carries a definition which omits economic migrants. Has he interviewed them all?
Guilty as charged.
Capsized boat bias 2
Also on Toady. Unending mournful emoting by Sarah useless Montague on the 8.10am headline slot. Among other things, she mentioned babies and mothers, and interviewed the Italian captain of the rescue boat (in the most appalling emotional fashion I might add).
I’ve looked carefully at the photos of the people on the boat. Almost every one I can see is male and young – but not children.
Also the captain when asked about the nationalities of the ‘refugees’ mentioned Morocco !! Morocco ??? FFS. You know, that place where many of us take holidays. On that basis, the whole world is free to come to Europe.
I need hardly add that the student Marxists in the Al Beeb newsroom didn’t ask any of the obvious questions.
People dying in the Med was mana from heaven, for the BBC, on the day the immigration figures were released.
These people are deliberately setting out in flimsy craft in the hope that they will be rescued by the Italian Navy who give them free passage to be dumped on Europe.
Its about the only thing that the Italian Navy has achieved successfully in its entire history, but it encourages ‘refugees’ to keep on coming.
Who knows who these ‘refugees’ are . They could be criminals on the run from the rest of Africa .
I have posted this before, Europe has yet to be able to come to a decision about what to do with the control of its borders.
The Italians might just as well send cruise liners to Libya and pick them all up.
The EU – Its a bloody farce. It cannot even get its accounts audited .
All hands on deck – the BBC effort to save Top Gear is reaching a state of emergency
BBC Breakfast devotes a hefty chunk of airtime to our Louise Minchin interviewing the ginger whinger. Several pointed references are made to ‘sections of the press’ so we know for sure this is a pure Beeboid insider herat to heart.
The BBC have painted themselves into a corner. On the one hand Evans insists : “The Show was not broken…. something went wrong with one presenter”
In other words he tells the viewer to expect the same irreverent anti-PC joshing for which the programme was renown; an island of blokeyness within the ever rising tide of feminised achingly-PC water.
The BBC loved the show in terms of ratings and as a cash cow but kept it at arms length with the apeish Clarkson taking the flak from the liberal-minded.
But on the other hand when our Louise asks with snide intent about the show formerly being “aimed at 9-year old boys” Evans goes all inclusive and talks of boys and girls and 99-year-olds. Oh dear, something has to break here. First rule of entertainment: you can’t please all the people all the time.
And then Louise gets a ride with the Stig – we can see more of that later – I blanked out as I was told when and where to tune in for that delight. I guess the house eunuch Breakfast guys were all too busy with their muesli.
Saw the top gear a fest which was repeated several times on Breakfast. Still not going to watch it.
On the subject of the Afghan Taliban appointing a new leader – I was amused to notice a mainstream media source headlining the news with the apparently shocked announcement that the terror group had installed a “hardline cleric”
(Note on grammar – the missing word ‘muslim’ which is often silent in newspeak but belongs just before the word cleric)
In any case did we think an agnostic liberal democrat was going to get the job?
I expect the moderate, liberal members of the Taliban were disappointed at the outcome, but will just have to accept the democratic will of the majority.
They should get the new leader on the BBC to ask him his views on transgender toilets, and whether he plans to appoint enough women to his cabinet.
Which MSM source pray?
Last quarterly migration figures before the Referendum. In the year to December, net migration was up 20000 to 333000. Net EU migration 184000, up 10000. The ONS forecast of net migration of 2 million in 10 years certainly doesn’t look low. If euroland stays in the doldrums net migration from the EU alone could be around 2 million. Brexit campaigners, this is your best chance.
I watched Boris Johnson being interviewed on Sky News at 9.40 am today regarding Brexit.
It was handled very differently compared to the BBC. Johnson was allowed to make his Brexit points and finish his sentences.
And he was not interrupted and talked over as would have been the case with the BBC.
On Breitbart London there was recently a clip of an interview by Naughty with Ann Coulter on Trump. She handled him brilliantly , giving him his own medicine by simply talking over him or telling him to let her finish her answer. he hardly got a word in. Brilliant way to treat him and all other BBC lefties . She also spoke a lot of sense.
Ann Coulter is a shining example of what we so badly lack in this country – a bright, forceful, eloquent spokesperson for the Right. who will simply not dance to the liberal media’s tune.
It is to Britain’s shame that we have so far failed to produce people of the admirable Ms Coulter’s calibre. The closest I can think of is the admirable Melanie Philips who, sadly, seems to have become sidelined in recent months.
Agreed G Cooper,this is indeed the trouble, if a journalist/ commentator shows dissent to the BBC agenda, they will get sidelined.
Peter Hitchens only appears because he is anti everyone. Douglas Murray is still just about appearing. He is a thinking persons dissenter and someone whom I generally agree with, which I would therefore conclude the BBC would not.
Here’s the link
I’ve just seen the trailer for a Mid summer night’s dream. Oh dear something else I won’t be watching. I much preferred Shakespere Filthy Rich & Catflap style https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOnoaasHJ9Y
Interesting news about high level BBC management job changes (or Merry go round).
Alice Webb will head up the Beeb’s MediaCityUK HQ following a re-shuffle last year
Former BBC North boss Peter Salmon took charge of BBC Studios and TV production duties, last year. He has since moved to Endemol Shine.
Helen Boaden, the director of BBC Radio, who previously worked at the BBC in Manchester , took charge of BBC England – including the Salford base.
And quite a bit more wordy nonsense which doesn’t actually say anything.
On Guido’s web site this morning there is an item in which it is revealed that private e mails between the BMA negotiators on the junior doctors strike show absolutely clearly that the ONLY thing that the BMA was concerned about was getting the best possible terms for their members. Patient safety wasn’t even a distant second, it simply was of no concern whatsoever. Of course many of us had long suspected that this was the case, but the BBC was stoutly defending the greed of the doctors and cloaking it all in the shroud of patient safety , so keeping most of the public onside with the doctors. What is so interesting about this Guido item and some recent Breitbart items , is that they show that the BBC and liberal left are just beginning to lose their absolute control of what the public is allowed to know. Full marks to Guido and Breitbart. Keep up the good work . Obviously there is a long way to go to overturn the control that the BBC has on the news and current affairs agenda in this country but perhaps we are seeing green shoots and we can look forward to a free ‘press’ and then hopefully freedom of speech.
Doublethinker, just to support you with an anecdote.
This week a contact in the pharma industry attended a meeting which was very poorly attended by GPs even though they had actively replied saying they would attend.
It transpires that the topic of the meeting, male incontinence, is not on something called the QOF list. (Quality and Outcomes Framework).
This is an incentive scheme providing additional rewards to doctors who prioritise treatment in the favoured categories. One reason they didn’t attend is that there is nothing in it for them.
Yet are we not always told patients are the top priority. Why would a ‘caring’ GP need to be additionally rewarded? Why should they need financial incentives? Why would they not treat the condition in front of them irrespective of reward beyond their normal pay?
Its because they are in it for themselves, of course! Nothing actually wrong with that. What’s wrong is when they pretend otherwise, what’s wrong is the adulation the gullible government and alas public bestow and them, what’s wrong is the success of the BMA in convincing the public that money is not the issue. What’s wrong is the government not exposing the BMA for the Trade Union they really are.
Unfortunately for those wishing to control us the internet is starting to be a problem.
As for the BBC the HYS responses on EU topics are interesting with 100s indicating by up voting that they are quite aware of BBC bias.
So to an extent the BBC are contributing to their downfall (Hurray) by providing a channel for more and more people to realise that they are not alone. Emboldened they discuss it with family and friends, and using the well known left wing technique of if you hear something often enough it soon becomes true in the mind of many people.
Either the DM or DE (I see both) comments about a “furore” over the BBCs East End flight programme – from the left of course. One lady going so far as to say she was no longer going to buy a licence. A bit like cutting your nose off to spite your face if it means you are going to deny yourself your daily diet of “progressive” comment and support pandering to your prejudices!
The headline reads
Do Hiroshima residents even want an apology?
This headline irritates me to the point that I been convinced for some time now that the BBC has an anti British agenda. The values and understanding of history form its historical journalistic commentators is at best that of a naive sixth form standard. Remember that Japan as a country only apologised for its many war crimes inflicted on British POW’s in 1998.Shameful that it took so long in my book.
This feature is the BBC’s normal attempt at putting a germ into the public’s brain in order to firstly distort history and then to conform the reader/viewer to the political agenda that they, the BBC hold. In this case I would suggest to further promote a subliminal left wing anti nuclear defence programme.
Let me tell you BBC that I, along with many, are onto your sick little Geobbels game of insidiously promoting left wing propaganda, this isn’t about Hiroshima it’s about finding anything in order to undermine any right wing political thought.
I was pleased but not surprised that Cameron’s (as it came to be) lapdog Whippingdale (only) suggested to the BBC news as a source should be restricted to allow newspapers to flourish. Obviously, nothing will happen though.
Historically, most people with a modicum of knowledge would know that Hirohito demanded that his people should sacrifice their own personal live rather surrender. He said spiritually they would then die, yet live on, alongside the dead soldiers. If you read that wonderful book by Herbert Bix, Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan you will realise that the bomb saved millions of Japanese lives as well as allied ones. It ultimately led to the end of the war.
Why Hirohito was saved from execution by General Macarthur when he was indeed a war criminal I don’t really know. (Hirohito claimed in his defence that he had nothing to do with strategic matters of war, but nothing was actually agreed without his consent behind closed doors). I believe he should have been hung as Tojo was. Certainly not feted as he was after the war.
It is my belief that the Hiroshima people need to seek an apology from their own past government and condemn Hirohito as the war criminal that h undoubtedly was.
I detest this typical left wing, anti capitalist, hypocritical, anti British stance the BBC always display. Their view is to sidle up with anyone who attacks Britain. The BBC’s thinking is based upon:- How best can we denigrate the very name of Britain! It is propagandist, subliminally germ sourced,otherwise known as the playing with the minds of people.
BTW The headline should have read as follows
Do Hiroshima residents even want an apology from Hirohito supporters and Japan itself?
The allies allowed Hirohito to stay on as a constitutional monarch because that was necessary to get the Japs to surrender. If we had insisted that he be tried as a war criminal (which he well deserved), the war would have gone on, with more atom bombs on Japan and an invasion. Millions of lives would have been lost, and the war would have lasted well into 1946. That price was not worth paying to see Hirohito get his scrawny neck stretched. But as you say, the only apology anyone should be giving is the Japanese for having started a genocidal war of aggression in the Far East.
Much is made of the significance of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, quite rightly, but they tend to obscure the B29 attacks on Tokyo using conventional bombs which resulted in estimates varying between 80,000 and more than 100,000 deaths. Admittedly no radiation was involved.
Could say the same about Dresden and Tokyo but obviously, in the UK at least, it is because the RAF was not involved in Tokyo.
Awful, but you reap what you sow.
This apology lark seems cheap in every way for those who trade at such a level.
I’ve also wondered about what pushes some buttons (see what I did there?) but not others. It seems to be a time, numbers and approved protagonist deal.
Those innocents in actual wedding parties in drone attacks sanctioned by the Nobel Prize winner, or Brussels streets by daring, frustrated youths are likely are not so concerned at the distinction.
Maybe the BBC Moral Equivalence Editor, Mishal, could ‘analyse’?
” The BBC has an anti-British agenda”. Is the Pope a Catholic ?
That is a superb post and I agree with everything you say. The bomb saved millions of lives. One of the many things that piss me off about Leftists, including the BBC, is that, if the Germans and the Japs had won WW2, the Leftists’ balls would have been the first to be chewed. Hypocrites, cowards and wankers, the whole lot of them . Apologies for my language.
PS For a personal memoir of POW under the Japs try “Banzai . You Bastards ! ” By Jack Edwards. The clue is in the title !
Operation Olympic, the US invasion of Japan, was to begin on “X-Day” 1 November 1945. General MacArthur’s staff anticipated about 50,000 American casualties and several times that number of Japanese casualties in the initial stages. After that they expected a far more costly struggle before the Japanese homeland was subdued.
The Japanese plan for defeating the invasion was called Operation Ketsugō and would have involved thousands of kamikaze suicide planes attacking the US fleet. In addition the Japanese recruited 2 million civilians into their Volunteer Fighting Corps to defend Japan. Lack of modern weaponry and ammunition meant that most were armed with swords or bamboo spears and trained to fling themselves at the American invaders with fanatical, suicidal fury.
Who wouldn’t have dropped the atomic bomb when faced with the choice of sacrificing so many lives in an invasion? The smug, ignorant, left-liberal BBC is happy to reinvent history. Student politics.
You summed it up. BBC ” Student Politics”. Beeboids live their whole lives as teenagers . Pathetic.
Everything you say Truth is spot on. The Bomb was the turning of the war in the Pacific. As always in war, reference is always made to the country as a whole, but like all cannon fodder its the ‘ordinary’ folk who are the victims of those in power. Visiting Japan 2 years ago, it was clear the attitude of the Japanese peoples did an about turn after the bomb, and forever since have become a more humbled community. I visited the Peace Garden in Hiroshima and like most war memorials around the world, one cannot failed to be moved by the atmosphere therein.
Many British servicemen could have been more graphic in their comments about their ‘great relief’ when the bomb was dropped, but they’re all dead now. I had the benefit of speaking to some of them, PoWs from the war in the Far East. Just read ‘The Knights of Bushido’ by Lord Russell of Liverpool.
Those who complain about the dropping of the bomb were not there . Neither were they ‘in the same league’.
Undoubtedly many more would have died had it not been for the dropping of the atomic bombs as it was this that convinced the Japanese hierarchy that the war was lost. In fact many more died in the fire bomb attacks on Tokyo and elsewhere leading up to the atomic attacks as most Japanese homes were built of wood. My Dad was in Bomber Command at the time and was down for Tiger Force which would have been the RAF’s contribution to the continuation of the ‘conventional’ strategic bomber offensive over Japan. Who knows whether he would have returned from that.
Oh dear God, Sky has just interviewed a group of 18 year olds about their intention to vote. Oh yes, they were going to vote, but hadn’t made up their mind which way. One inarticulate lad of colour could barely string a sentence together and didn’t know what the EU was !!!!!!! or what it did, but didn’t help him because he hadn’t got a job – although he was going to vote anyway. I feel nauseous that the future of this country could be dependant on a section of the population who barely have one brain cell. Even the interviewing journalist had to explain to these lads sat around the table what it was all about – and was met with blank stares, it was priceless !! I don’t know about lowering the voting age, on this example it should be raised to 30 or at least until they can name the countries across the Channel.
Totally agree. The vote should not be given to those whose only experience of life is through the prism of receipt of state benefits, in money or in kind (e.g. secondary education) without the experience of putting something back in (e.g. income tax).
Brissels:Similar IQs being interviewed in Oldham where they were probably not even born in 2001 but apparently it’s brilliant now because they can mix with everyone brilliant. However not what I’ve been told by a local
Not original, I know, but:
Not funny any more, just plain depressing.
BBC Spotlight in the South West yesterday, 6.30 p.m. Another feature on the coming Referendum. For staying in Lord Ashdown spoke for 3.36 minutes, for leaving local MP Anne Marie Morris spoke for 91 seconds. It is so blatant.
A bit inconvenient for the Remaniacs and Al beeb that France is now deep in the le crapper with widespread strikes and economic disruption as Hollande tries to row back on labour laws which he says are contributing to historically high levels of unemployment. According to Al Beeb there have been “sporadic moments” of disruption, which doesn’t quite fit the scenes taking place across the country.
Nor has there been much Al Beeb comment about another Greek bailout, less than a year after the last one. While there was never any prospect that Greece would or could pay back all the money it has borrowed, debt reduction is being disguised as “renegotiated terms”, effectively increasing the grant element of outstanding loans by lengthening grace periods and amortising the loans over much longer periods. Cutting ourselves free from this failed economic experiment is the only sensible course.
Just watched the Daily Politics today and watched the piece in which Jacqui Smith , ex Labour Home Secretary , was made to look even more foolish than Harriet Harman was on the last Sunday Politics. Poor Jacqui was just like poor Harriet, they made assertions that immediately fell to pieces when challenged and they have no idea what to do other than repeat the discredited assertion. A spiral that rapidly becomes laughable. Except these two idiots held senior positions in the Labour governments , heading up departments with budgets running to billions of pounds of our money and making decisions which affected our lives for years to come. How many more of these ridiculous Blair Babes are there ? Perhaps the BBC could hold a show on which all the Blair Babes were asked questions and we could have a good laugh at their answers and vote for which one we found the dimmest. It would be hotly contested crown I can tell you.
I’d like Blair’s babes to contest with Corbyn’s cuties, Diane Abbott (captain),Emily Thornberry,Cat Smith, the Eagle brothers (as my wife likes to call them), Kerry McCarthy,Lucy elastic Powell.
Not a bad line up I think you’ll agree. It would be close.
To think that this country could be in their hands. Worrying, very worrying.
MY Top Team Hatchboot X1 of the Left
1. Barbara Roche
2. Yvette Cooper
3. Angela “Boy” Eagle
4. Audrey Wise
5. Jacqui Smith
6. Cat Smith
7. Maria “Boy As Well” Eagle
8. Dianne Abbott(capt)
9.Emily Thornberry
10. Joan Maynard
11. Jo Richardson.
See what 1`ve don`t there?…a nice blend of youth and experience, plenty prop forward beef in the line up to frighten the French at Euro 2016.
Hope to appoint Andrea Dworkin to coach the team, once we`ve come to an agreement re “image rights” for the Calendar shoot in October.
Sorry, I have to take issue with your statement “Jacqui Smith , ex Labour Home Secretary” [sic]
You clearly meant “Jacqui Smith , disgraced Labour Home Secretary”
‘Sharia law review to focus on fairness to UK women’ – Theresa May
..and Theresa could you please answer as to why it has taken you so long to do this. Is it because you are a completely useless and out of touch Home Secretary?
how about just outlawing the whole thing. One law system for everyone please. Or call it Sharia advice.
Looks to me that Appeaser May wants sharia but wants it to be fair to wimmin. So she has appointed a Muslim academic to carry out an independent review.
From the BBC
‘An independent review will establish whether Sharia law in England and Wales has been used to discriminate against women, the home secretary has said.
It will look at whether Sharia law – Islamic religious law – is compatible with UK laws and whether it is being “misused”, Theresa May added.
Some Sharia councils had sought to “legitimise” forced marriage and issue unfair divorces to women, she said.
The review will be completed next year and seek best practice among councils.
It will be led by Professor Mona Siddiqui, an expert in Islamic and inter-religious studies from the University of Edinburgh.’
Way to go Mona from Edinburgh and BBC’s Thought for Today, you tell ’em that sharia is compatible with laws we have fought for over many generations of civilization , and the Appeaser will endorse what you say
Spot on. This will legitimise some aspects of Sharia Law which is the first step on a slippery slope to legitimising all of it and thence to the complete Islamification of the UK. God help the kids of today when they are living in a Muslim UK in 2070.
My first thought on reading that is that if you want an inquiry that will conclude Muslim practice is fine and dandy, who better than a Muslim to put in charge of it?
May would have chosen Jimmy Savile to look into the BBCs output for Childrens Telly programming, had HE been around.
What do you THINK a Muslim daughter of another Muslim bigwig of the MCB would say from her Edinburgh ivory tower with a minaret to tootle from on the BBC, as she wishes?
Can`t begin to guess…at least give it to Shami Chukkabutti, if you want a pretence of stitched up taqqiyya-as opposed to the blatent full-blown type being offered by May.
History will judge her to have been the worst politician of the last 40 years apart from Prescott.
There can only be one law in a nation. it is not hard to grasp but May is very dim.
Sharia is the basis of an Islamic society. It is discriminatory by definition in that women and non Muslims are not treated equally with Muslim males .So it is pointless to even discuss it.
Left to May and Cameron our ancient nation would be given and /or sold to anyone who fancied it.
Given to the immigrants and sold to the bankers, The new Tory dream.
Sharia is a logical outcome of full blown multiculturlism. Many feminists who place leftish multiculturalism higher than our well established legal tradition will nevertheless accept it. May might not be left or a feminist, but she is the kind of progressive that will promote this disgusting shit.
“The panel will begin work immediately and is expected to complete its review in 2017, the Home Office announced.”
I read the piece about 3 minutes ago, and here are the findings of my review:
Sharia ‘law’ is utterly incompatible with UK (or any western) law and should be outlawed with immediate effect. Any persons practicing, advocating or supporting sharia should be immediately deported (within 24 hours) to a country where it is practiced as the law of that land. Said persons will surrender their UK passport at the port of exit and be refused permission to re-enter the UK for life.
See, not that difficult is it? However, what we will get is a 2 year, multi-million Pound whitewash that will make ‘recommendations’, and the disgusting practice will continue unabated.
The poster boy/girl/take your pick for Remain
What a fantastic comedian he/she must be….just looking at the photo makes me laugh
It makes me embarrassed really – no wonder the islamists want to take over the West. We really do look like a bunch of timewasters with ‘first world problems’ – transgenders and their toilets, non-binaries, primary school children questioning their gender identity, not enough women in the EU referendum debate (Harriet!!!).
Anyway THEY look like Anne Robinson, and the bloke behind is going to vomit.
Not sure about the Crystal Palace shirt with that handbag Eddie.
Putting on a frock doesn’t stop you looking like a wanker, and certainly not in this case.
He/she looks like ‘Pauline’, the Jobseeker’s lady in ‘The League of Gentleman’.
Do you ever think that the likes of Eddie and Grayson want only EU migration, just so they don`t feel threatened or made to appear like dumper trucks in comparison to those famed Thai Ladyboys?
If we allowed any of THEM in-then Eddie would have to ditch that Eagle Brothers look had it swallowed a wasp.
Time surely for a Msx TranPerverey Contest so Laurie Taylor can do the compering.
Poor Eddie-not yet a threat to Chris Biggins is he?
I really don’t know why you’re laughing. This inspiring non-binary working class hero is exactly the sort of person that I’d seek to recruit as a nanny.
I’m listening to an hour long BBC stunt from last week 17/5/2016 %-Live Phone In
– Full of people swearing to sign a petition about the scrapping the BBC Recipes.
That was a stunt from start to finish : What they need to stop is spending new money on non core activities BUT you can’t put unspend money that has already been spent. They need to review future spending, but pretending that all old stuff was going to be deleted was a cynical stunt.
…When we all know they turned round later and said oh we’re not really scrapping them.
Not many HYS posts on Al Beeb , I wonder why , perhaps Zero can enlighten us ?
An observation.
333,000 net immigrants arrived on UK shores last year, 184,000 from the EU. James Brockenshire “disappointed” at not managing to meet the 10’s of thousands lauded by the conservatives at the last election but stressing that we do need immigration.
On the same day 3000 migrants arrive in Italy via various leaking ships so the inflow of peoples from the Asian and African continents continues apace.
Approximately 900,000 migrants made it to Germany last year following Frau Merkels invitation.
Hundreds of thousands have settled throughout the rest of Europe.
Our European colleagues know that, given half a chance, many of these migrants would have preferred to have come to UK, especially as the minimum wage is to rise to the highest in the EU and with one of the most generous benefits system and a no questions asked 1st class healthcare and social provision within the EU.
How long before they start handing out citizenship to those migrants safe in the knowledge large numbers will take up their legal right to free movement within the EU! I know that EU countries have differing residence criteria prior to issuing citizenship, but when the pressure is on, the rules can be changed – note Italy last year threatening to hand out Visa’s just to move the problem on.
AND – nobody makes the connection with the struggling NHS – relentless pressure on school places and class sizes – the growing housing crises etc etc.
Actually, everybody makes the connection. But neither Beeb nor politicians wish to speak of it.
Steve Hilton, his best political chum (we are told), says David Cameron is a Brexiteer at heart. Now Hilton may be lying through his teeth or merely mistaken but surely the BBC should be investigating this.
Are we really being led by the government to remain because of David Cameron’s position as Prime Minister?
The Times then adds this list of Cameron statements:
Cameron the Eurosceptic (in his own words)
“You don’t seem to realise that I am a sceptic. That is my view” Speaking to Denis MacShane, a former Europe minister, 1990
”No to the single currency, no to further transfer of powers from Westminster to Brussels” Applying to be candidate for the Witney seat, 2001
“We need to bring back powers over social and employment policy that are causing so much damage to business”
On Question Time during the Conservative leadership debate, 2005
“One of the great challenges is rolling back the tide of bureaucracy drowning our country. You can’t do that without targeting one of the main sources, Brussels”
Writing in The Sun, 2007
“We should be making progress on transparency, and using it as a weapon to shine a light on the EU budget and the disastrous ways in which it is spent”
Statement to the Commons, 2010
“The EU is damaging in terms of, for instance, the operating of a flexible market economy”
Addressing the liaison committee, 2011
“Brussels has got too big, too bossy, too interfering”
Speaking to reporters, 2014
“When it comes to the free movement of people, we need powers to be returned to this country”
Statement to the Commons, 2015
“The argument isn’t whether Britain could survive outside the EU. Of course it could”
Speaking to the CBI, 2015
The Channel 4 programme last night about Boris and Dave covered a lot of this ground.
My summary from it is that Dave is a bit like Blair – a politician first and a believer in anything second, a blank canvas to an extent doing what is necessary to get elected.
Since being the DTs correspondent in Brussels Boris has understood what it is all about and has possibly given up hope for it ever being reformable.
Disappointingly Max Hastings, Boris’ former editor, who featured in the programme last night, writes today at length in the DM telling us what is wrong with the EU, then says he’s voting to stay!
The programme was better than I thought it would and perhaps worth a look on “catch-up”.
I’m afraid Hastings’ decision was predictable. The man is a pompous imbecile and can be relied upon to choose the wrong side in most arguments.
Like he did with the Iraq war. Then spent years regretting it in print,but trying to justify it.
“The argument isn’t whether Britain could survive outside the EU. Of course it could”
The argument is can the EU survive if Britain is outside?
Well it cant, so the ‘Uriners’ tell us.
Time to get out .
Am I alone in being desensitised in watching migrants being picked up from the Med by rescue boats ? I never wish anyone any ill, but its like climbing Everest in trainers and T shirt, then expect to be rescued – these peoples bring it upon themselves, and I have no sympathy at all. Why are the rescuers not dropping them back off in Tunisia or Algeria, why does it have to be Italy ???
You are far from alone in your views. I have great sympathy for any seafarer who is the victim of a genuine accident at sea. These people, on the other hand, are taking the piss, and set sail in the expectation of foundering and being rescued and brought to the EU.
Keep on rescuing them, and they will keep on coming, Africa has an endless supply. Stop rescuing them, and they will give it up. It’s as simple as that.
Brissles and Rob,
I agree with both of you. If they were just returned to N.Africa, the message would get through. I have spent a lot of time in Gambia, trying to persuade young Gambian men ( and it is always men, never women ) not to take this crazy risk. To the credit of the Gambian Government ( and I say that through gritted teeth ) , they are trying to ” sensitise” ( as they would say there ) Gambians on this issue.
Taffman of course the EU can survive without us.
After all they have all the Mediterranean countries with their zealous work ethic and sound fiscal responsibility
Efficient french farming practices
Good industrial relations (especially in France)
Efficient Civil Service
Sensible foreign policies (particularly with regard to Eastern Europe and especially Russia)
And of course direct access via Merkel to millions of Doctors, Engineers and Scientists all who will build the EU into a beacon of industry, learning and social progression.
Why would we want to leave all this. I think the EU should get shot of us as we seem to be turning into a nation of ignorant skinheads. All we want to do is sit on seesaws shouting at Hindu grannies.
Please give generously!
In the radio 4 – political correctness slot which was once a comedy slot we have a definitely unamusing Paul Sinha
Paul Sinha returns for a second series of his History Revision, the show that uncovers the fascinating stories that we’ve forgotten in our onward march of progress. In the last series we learned how Alexander Graham Bell did NOT invent the telephone, and that the World Cup final of 2014 could only have happened because of the 1415 invasion of Morocco.
1/4: Women.
This week, Paul looks at the forgotten women of history. From warriors to inventors to civil rights activists, Paul unearths some stories, that for reasons of sexism and patriarchy, we never got told about at school. You’re welcome, ladies.
“Sinha’s gift for finding humour in it all makes him worth a listen” – The Telegraph
It has to be the most appalling left wing diatribe I think I’ve heard in a long time, and that’s saying something !
The BBC’s first televised EU referendum debate is currently on air and surprise surprise Alex Salmond’s every syllable is being met with hysterical audience clapping whilst those from the Brexit commentators are met with a few claps and frowns from the audience. Yet another biased pro-EU, leftie audience… no doubt they’ll be bussed (at our expense) to the idle chit-chat show, Question (but no real answers) Time soon after.
How the hell can that wind bag Alex Salmond support independence from the UK whilst supporting remaining in the EU? Simple, pure hatred of the English. It’s why the useless, bigoted, disgusting and arrogant SNP consistently get huge support despite failing in every area of government; they want one thing and one thing only: to be independent of England. I feel sorry for the majority of fantastic salt-of-the-Earth Scots who have to live under an SNP one-party dictatorship.
After watching the debate myself I made my mind up….. I can’t stand students.
The BBC had all the boxes ticked as expected. Fat people, thin people, wheel chair user, every ethnic minority represented and carefully spread around the audience to avoid clusters of dark skinned people sitting in one group. The gay representative had the opening question and I have to admit I didn’t hear what he/she/it said as I was instead wondering what toilet door symbol they would identify with.
On the 5Live follow-up radio programme with Nolan and the ubiquitous Chris Mason, we have Mason introducing a new word to the political lexicon – Faragian. As in “the Remain campaign, in the light of today’s ONS statistics, will take a more Faragian approach to immigration.” How very Masonian of you Chris.
Ianism appendages are a rich seam. Thanks, Chris.
There is of course VDian. Abbottian. Izzardian. Leblancian. Tulipian. Khanian. Jasminian…. the last a nice complement to Faragian, whereby using your own views to slag off political parties on the BBC naughty list gets you sidelined a while on full pay then brought back and promoted to keep up the good work.
Sounds Armenian to me !
Seems it could have gone better:
But at least VD has pulled, and a new generation of building society commercial moppets is in the offing. Just hope Dad stays around.
The BBC: dumbing down the nation. Even more.
I read in the papers today that the EU has a secret army planned.
That seems significant. Did this crop up in the debate? Not all the boys can rely on don’t ask, don’t tell exemptions, and girls are now so ‘in’ when it comes to being meat shields too, so the yoof do have an interest surely?
Sure the BBC will address this, all in good time.
Notice the first comment by “Cait”. Better if the BBC taught young people how to write english !
And she appears to be in the SS.
LOL ! Cannon fodder for fascists. So many young people in UK today would have fitted in perfectly to “Hitler Youth “. They would be outraged at the thought but have a total lack of self-awareness. Perfect for the EU !
Grant, quite. That was the ironic thing in the Breivik murders. He thought himself as a fascist but the ones he murdered were the indoctrinated, feeble-minded successors of the Hitler Youth. Even the camp ideas were similar, let alone the irrational hatred of Jews.
Jeremy Corbyn is a Remain supporter.
Why have we heard so little from him? Has the BBC found him to be a liability?
He is the leader of the BBC/Labour Party.
Bad as the BBC are-they don`t seem to match Channel 4 News when they`re on their sporadic fits of agitprop.
Witness their News tonight.
Must have been half of their show devoted to tranny loos in North Carolina, to disabled actors moaning about not getting auditions to play Richard III(unlike Cumberbatch, who`s not even disabled-sooo unfair!), and some bit of crap about the Spanish blockading Gibraltar unless we vote to stay in the EU, and be Jon Snows good little pumpkins.
Utter crap-really wish that I had Channel 4s problems.
For mine see riots in France across the water, Islam coming for the summer, rapists from Cologne hoping we`ll vote to let them try their luck HERE when we wink the eye on June 23rd by voting to stay in…but Channel 4 and the liberal retards choose trannies,disabled actors and boozy expats.
Only hope Islam and their new Taliban don`t take Channel 4s weaving of its rainbow-stranded navel fluff as being at ALL of relevance to us-we know they`re ready, and so we need to be ready in return…only wish I could offer them a hogtied BBC and Channel 4 by way of jizz ya…
A useful piece of ammunition to have in the locker.
Has anyone actually found / can identify a link which says how long a “migrant” requires to be registered in Germany before they become EU “citizens” able to take advantage of “free” movement
I took the liberty of fixing that Operation Black Vote poster.
Brilliant, do you mind if I use it on Facebook… I’ve been arguing with someone about the original
Not at all. I actually changed it slightly and added an EU flag.
This poster concept is oddly reminiscent of something we’ve seen on the BBC, don’t you think? You know that little film about the BBC weather app. Grumpy middle aged white bloke gets rained on whilst cheery asian lady neighbour basks in sunshine next door. It’s subtle – but not very.
Have to feel sorry for would-be Blue Peter presenters Beaky Nugent and her no-mark house eunuch having to pull sad-face again on the red sofa this morning.
There they were all fired up with whimsy by an extended feature on new habitats for Ratty and Moley – never mind the third of a million inward human immigration, we say reintroduce the Water Rat – blimey, I thought any moment now someone might mention Climate Change.
Naga and Nicky – what a gigsy they’ve got – their very own theatre of Salford dreams. A big tent outside media city for an EU debate. Reminds me to switch off.
But boo-hoo, just as Cameron says he’s always been keen to reform the EU the bloody frogs go and play up! No, it’s no Wind in the Willows again with Mr Toad zooming around in a Gee-Whizz using his mobile whilst driving or lighting up a fag with spawn in the back seat.
First world problems: Talking of pet insurance, you how annoying it is when everyone can’t get out more than they all put in – for heavens sake… don’t they know how things are supposed to work?
Meanwhile the French are giving a big Non to reforms in the EU as of now. You know how it goes… you elect a socialist president and the ecomony goes to shit. Good luck with reforming that lot!
Gobby lefty student picked out by our BBC host to reply is actually a Labour activist, here she is cozying up to Alan Johnson.
And surprise surprise has worked for the BBC
Holy S**t!
I thought we have laws protecting the public from this misleading and corrupt type of practice.
good spot!
What is that in Alan Johnson’s pocket ? I think we should be told !
He was just pleased to see her.
Or it’s one of Boris’s bananas that the BBC kept talking about a few days ago..
Given that immigration is the biggest referendum issue, and given that yesterday we had the dynamite announement that net longterm migration hit 333,000 in 2015 – the second high figure on record and three times the government’s target… how does R4 Today justify ignoring the story today?
Instead they led on; “David Cameron has told world leaders he will send a British warship to stop people trafficking across the Mediterranean”. Closely followed by “The Treasury has warned that millions of pensioners will be worse off if the UK leaves the EU”.
Today previewed the migration figures story yesterday (without knowing what they were and with a strong humanitarian slant), but how do they justify ignoring this big story today now the figures are out? Does R4 Today argue that it’s “yesterday’s news”? Or that it was covered on other programmes such as PM yesterday?
If that’s their argument, then surely it’s little more than an excuse to avoid or censor a strong Brexit story. There are numerous examples of Today following up big stories that broke the day before, it’s commonplace; so why not do it with this story? It’s a bit like not reporting the result of the FA Cup Final because we previewed the match the day before. Are Today listeners expected to listen to other programmes/media in order to get proper coverage of news stories? It’s selective omission; very dodgy journalism and very dodgy impartiality if you ask me.
Incidentally; only around 35% of people in the UK are part of a pension scheme (lowest number since the 1950s). Most of them in the public sector/BBC.
Excellent point. The BBC also neglected to mention that most of the EU immigrants are jobless…
“…how does R4 Today justify ignoring the story today?”
To be fair, its time must have been taken up with the story that the junior doctor dispute WAS about money after all.
I didn’t hear all the programme, but I’m sure that story must have been heavily covered and not, say, shunted into the graveyard 8:50 slot.
Cameron has been advised by the civil-serviice that his own ‘purdah’ applies to all government patsies. So he has used all his Ammo. The last salvo (reported in the Times on Thursday) was the fact that he has asked all Universities chancellors to encourage Students to vote. He used the ‘Student vote’ call. Its the kind of thing Labour usually asks from the National Union of Students (or NUS). The NUS is a depressingly Marxist union that’s has recently been banned from some Uni Campuses and is toxic. Not that has stopped the ‘remain’ camp’ from suddenly encouraging students to vote.
‘Universities accused of pushing pro-EU message’
As all Universities are public institutions it not too hard to do. As most students don’t vote and disdain politicians (part from the NUS which is pro Corbyn anarchists, it is a small number). Potentially Cameron’s team reckon they have ‘found’ 700,000 voters down the back of the sofa. But in the real world the 18 to 25 age group, less than 25% vote at all. So its a sign of desperation by the Cameron lobby. At the same time the profile of BREXIT voters appeal is across the board including many ‘Labour’ voters not allied to Corbyn’s mafia mob (or NUS).
That is ‘on top’ of a nicely messaged ‘segway’ by one of Steve Hilton claims that Cameron was actually for ‘pro Brexit’ before he became PM. David Cameron is an instinctive Brexit supporter who would be campaigning to leave the European Union if he were not prime minister, his best friend in politics has claimed.. its a sign of desperation that the ‘remain’ camp thinks that will wash. The fact that Cameron is still head of ‘Common Purpose’ that along with the BBC trains ‘future leaders’ in the new super-state’ is never mentioned. No newspaper has mentioned Common Purpose and the clear links from BBC to Cameron. Surely the intelligent voter might ask why? And why Cameron ‘endorses’ the EU when he did not do so before, becoming the ‘Common Purpose’ figure head. That is how the EU works. (Deny everything). Isn’t that how the BBC works, even when the facts a confirm an abuse of privilege?
However Steve Hilton himself is pro-Brexit (former Cameron media advisor). And this disclosure is really about his new book, but what he has to say is spot on. Cameron has not changed his spots, everything around him has and it seems, even his closest advisors. No doubt Cameron will suddenly change his mind after June 23rd. He wants to survive as PM, this is insurance.
The horrendous Asma Butt is typical of how the BBC pack audiences at question time style events. Glad people on here winkled her out. I didn’t watch this programme because I can’t stand Victoria Derbyshire and knew that choosing an under-30 age audience was a blatant pro- Remain ploy. However I did see a clip of the Butt person verbally abusing the woman from Poole making a perfectly valid point about migration and housing. I’m thankful I did not waste an hour watching this drivel.
Thanks to mass immigration we have millions of Butt types in our county now. Vote Leave is just the start of sorting this out.
Not on the BBC: EU army secret plans to be revealed only on day AFTER referendum…
http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/eu-army-plans-kept-secret-from-voters-3j3kg3zwj (also on Telegraph)
Meanwhile, the only thing on the BBC about the EU army is a “debunking” piece two days ago saying the UK could veto such move, but it conveniently “forgets” to mention that Tricky Dave has just given away our right to veto any moves towards closer union, in return for that amazingly valuable piece of paper he got from
Just like to add to that AFTER the referendum bit The London Stock Exchange which was to be EU directly transferred (sold) to Frankfurt has been put on ‘hold’ until after the EU referendum on June 23rd (rescheduled for June 25th). Its not a coincidence. The Germans have long sought our global insurance business and with just a little bit of EU lobbying, maybe all the World Banks camped out in London can be persuaded to relocate to Frankfurt. They have no choice.
And another thing that has been put on ‘hold’ if the MULTI-BILLION GREECE bail out agreed by the EU that all member states (read UK and Germany) must bail out GREECE to the tune of 78 Billion Euros. And that with France in current crisis, Spain about to topple and Italy needing shoring up . Who the hell would want to VOTE ‘IN’? Nobody will be able to ‘pay back’ these (almost zero)% loans.
The WORLD SOCIALIST WEBSITE inside knowledge of the EU confirms a ‘slight delay’ (as nobody has any money to spare until after 23rd June. i.e in the Autumn when they have access to our UK money.
But none of this matters – we won’t have to pay extra roaming charges to access Twit-Face or whatever. That’s far more important according to that dopey cow on the BBC last night.
Rather ironic that all those named in the URL on the podium would seem to err the wrong side of the BBC ideal age limit for the event.
Not quite an Amy ‘dizzgoostin’ Rutland, but these ‘young’ ladies the BBC find as the voice of yooff also do seem to be cut from the same personality cloth.
The immigration figures have vainished from the bbc after their brief cameo yesterday. They were not good news at all for lefties, remainers, bbc jobs for the boyers, Guardian readers et al. Therefore it is no surprise that the news that they didn’t want us to hear has been scattered to the four winds after a token and mandatory mention.
Contrast this with, for example, the story of Joe Marler and the fact that he called a gypsy-boy a gypsy-boy which they incredibly milked for at least a month to my reckoning. Amazing.
switch the hosting of biasedbbc.tv to a UK server. The current host (usa ?) is slower than a slow thing. I will donate if needed as, i’m sure, others will.
I feel much more comfortable with my comments hosted in a nation that guarantees freedom of speech.
I’ll be interested how this tweet link appears here, as the frame on my timeline stops at ‘former’. Only if you click the tweet do you see more.
‘Vote Leave campaigner Boris Johnson does not seem to know the difference between fact and fiction, former… bbc.in/20KUXRv’
More BBC editorial integrity in where the edit falls? Apt given who is being cited as one able to differentiate between fact & fiction.
You been spending too much time down the take away ?
Thoughtful he likee flied lice, make him fat. Here in Welsh.
Braster Pang byth amgyffred
🙂 !
Well done Thoughtful! I had to copy and paste into Google Translate to get the joke. Brilliant!
Chris Patten. One of the most useless politicians ever. Chris, I was born in HK and , when you were Governor, you made a complete Horlicks of the handover. The Chinese pissed all over you. You had two dogs there, ” Whisky and Soda”. Looks like you have had a few yourself, not to mention a few good lunches. Why should anyone listen to a word you say ? You are a total failure.
I bet none of us can wait for this to appear on Channel 4. Get the beer in !!