Thanks to Guest Who for this…
Radio 4 is making a documentary about racial anxiety in a time of terror, called ‘Frightened of each other’s shadows’. Do you find yourself worrying about plane journeys and analysing the appearance of fellow passengers before take-off? Do people make stupid jokes about terrorism when you’re around or move away from you on the tube if you’re wearing a backback? We’d like to hear from you. You don’t need to give us your name and your contribution can be anonymous. Please email the programme team:
This is the same BBC that during the rehearsals for the memorial on the first anniversary of 7/7 walked a Muslim with a black backpack through the crowd at Kings Cross station so that we could all see the ‘paranoid’ reaction of the people there and how this was evidence of Muslims being wrongly judged as terrorists.
The BBC even slip a message into a photograph of the memorial for the dead in one report….managing to get two Muslim names into shot…reminding us that ‘Muslims are the real victims of these bombs’.
Personally, If I’d been a senior police officer there, I’d have ordered the arrest of the BBC producer who arranged that stunt. If you say the word ‘bomb’ in an airport your day is ruined, walking a pretend bomb through a train station during a memorial for bomb victims must surely rank not just as intensely disrespectful but stupid and almost criminal.
This latest effort by the BBC has a clear agenda…the same one as above….to show us how Muslims are viewed with suspicion and ‘discriminated’ against. What will be the run down for the programme? Let’s think, not too hard….those who admit to being suspicious will be pilloried as ignorant, paranoid and racist Islamophobes whilst we will have a long litany of Muslim tales of woe and of how ‘people look at us funny in the street’.
Naturally there will be one person selected from the paranoid Islamophobes for ‘re-education’. A loveable, peace-loving, multi-faith loving Imam will be wheeled in to chat with the miscreant and teach him just how friendly and nice Muslims really are and a Syrian refugee child will then be dragged in to tug on the heart strings and make the sinner reconsider their views on Muslim refugees. Job done.
That’s not, by the way, pure speculation on my part…that is precisely the scenario that happened on the BBC’s pro-ISIS propaganda piece that we looked at in a previous post.
The BBC always has an agenda and these programmes are not just someone on the outside disinterestedly looking in allowing you to judge for yourselves. This is carefully constructed propaganda meant to push the Muslim activist’s message that Muslims are ‘under siege’….the aim? To silence the ‘Right’.
And of course the conclusion? The media, commentators and reckless politicians are whipping up an atmosphere of ‘anti-Muslim hysteria’ that is totally unwarranted and dangerous.
Therefore there must be no more criticism of Muslim behaviour, no more criticism of Islam and no more anti-terror legislation such as Prevent that only makes Muslims more radical.
The BBC could (LOL) of course do a programme on why Muslims are looked upon with suspicion. It’d be a long programme.
This is the fallacy of our times. If a child puts his hand into a flame, he learns that fire is hot and he avoids doing it again. Human beings are constantly learning, or trying to learn, from their experiences of real life.
The koran preaches death, destruction and terror to infidels and wants the whole world to submit to Islam. The overwhelming majority of terrorists around the world are muslim (not Christian, Buddist, Sikh, Jew or athiest). Muslims carried out 9/11 and 7/7 and the Paris atrocities and countless other attacks. So it is perfectly natural, rational and understandable that we’re suspicious of muslims.
This isn’t islamophobia or racism, it’s intelligent behaviour. We know that some dogs bite, so we learn to be wary of strange dogs. Not all dogs bite (only a minority do), but we have no way to distinguish between the biters and the non-biters, so we learn to be careful.
We’re wary of muslims because we know some muslims want to hurt us and destroy our way of life. Not all muslims do (probably only a minority), but we have no way to distinguish between those who want to hurt us and those who don’t. So we learn to be careful.
There’s a part of the human brain called the anterior cingulate cortex which helps us identify, anticipate and avoid danger. It helps us learn from our mistakes and helps us to survive. Teaching people that all religions are the same and that we shouldn’t be wary of muslims is dishonest and irrational. It’s a cognitive aberration.
Top post !!
Great post Truthdoctor however I would like to expand on this following point because there is a deeper more pure meaning that transcends culture, faith, upbringing, race, sex, social agenda or conscience;
“We’re wary of muslims because we know some muslims want to hurt us and destroy our way of life. Not all muslims do (probably only a minority), but we have no way to distinguish between those who want to hurt us and those who don’t. So we learn to be careful”
We know that Muslims want to hurt us because the Koran instructs them to. We know that the Koran is the only law/instruction permitted as in the eyes of muslims it’s the word/law of Allah himself and not the empty words of some sheltered, deranged, lunatic lefty who thinks they are some high and almighty social warrior making the world a better place to make up for their privilege upbringing. We know that Islam can never change because the whole mechanics of this warped death cult have been created to prevent people from leaving and the ‘believers’ from changing even a single word.
Are any other religion/cult carrying out daily massacres, rapes, beheadings, wars, genocides in the name of their faith? Are any followers of other religions/cults telling the world, where ever they are in the world, that they are going to kill the infidels to please their God and because their faith instructs them to? Do any other religion/cult have control of states that actually carry out ALL of the things we are supposed to have an irrational fear about happening here, and the states carry these brutal, horrific acts because it’s religious law that mandates them to do so? NO!!!!
We know that Muslims want to hurt us because the Koran instructs them to.
True. Its just that at the moment, the moderate Muslim is not convinced that he/she should take up the sword. But when the time arrives, he will. Just as the doctors did.
NCBBC exactly.
Currently the entire world is doing everything it can to appease Islam. No other faith/ideology has ever received such special and unjustified treatment to pander to its every wish to prevent alienation they are causing and in fact their religious instruction teaches. Nobody is at war with Islam yet clearly whole sections of muslims are at war with us. Why? Why just muslims? You and I know that it’s because it’s Islamic duty to undertake jihad in the struggle to protect the word of Allah and to dominant, convert, and submit the entire world as Allah instructions them to.
To muslims the world belongs to Allah. We all belong to Allah and for anyone that doesn’t follow the instructions set out by Muhammad, they are destined for an eternity in hellfire. For being a none believer, we are basically abandoning God and saying that we do not want to please him. In Islam the only way to paradise is to submit everything to Allah. Jihad is the way of the warrior to guarantee his place at Allah’s side
When the time comes ALL if Islam will be at war with us. All muslims. If they side with the kaffir then they are not muslims.
Indeed. The ‘struggle’ that Socialists constantly agonise over is the never-ending attempt to defy human nature and free will. It is the reason their doctrine will always fail, whatever they dress it up as (EU? The BBC?). It is always a case of how much death & destruction they cause in trying.
You are so right. The really sad thing is that Leftists are never happy. They can smile but, deep down, they must know that they are bad. I don’t care about them , but I resent these wretches, as they would say in Gambia , ” pissing in my chakri “.
They get their joy from destruction. They never create anything . Parasites and scumbags .
Excellent comment TruthDoctor!
Another contortion the left want everyone to get into is the obligation to accept untold immigration. Humans are narurally tribal, this cannot be altered. From the earliest hunter-gathers who formed the first communities we have been wary of strangers. We are naturally accommodating to them but never naturally opened our doors to permanent occupation. This is just pragmatic.
Of course early settlements grew bigger to tribal areas, then nations, but there was always a common ethnicity & culture involved. Those on the left who dismiss fears of global immigration quote that ridiculous canard that “Britain has always been a country of immigrants”. Sure, Romans, Saxons, Danes, Normans, Huguenots, Jews from Germany; but all these have been from Europe (when Europe was a small racial mix & ethnicity with, excluding the Romans & Danes perhaps, a cultural basis of Judaeo-Christian values.
To ask us now, as the left demand, to accept anyone from anywhere, in vast culture-changing numbers, to arrive & occupy our countries in already crowded Europe & Britain goes against the natural tribal instincts we have of to beware strangers. It is as unnatural as trying to get a rhino to fly!
I do not think that they get ‘joy’ from destruction, per se. However, if they see a financially successful person, they assume that it has arisen through deceit and dishonesty. Traits that they fail to see in their own arguments. In their eyes, such people can only atone for their ‘stolen’ wealth by donating to causes that they deem worthy. Otherwise, they must be destroyed and re-educated in their behaviour.
“Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don’t mean to do harm; but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.” – TS Eliot
Excellent quote, Rick. Yes but Jagman, Lefties always support destructive forces, Stalin, Mao, Castro, terrorrism etc, etc.
Conservatives usually factor into their policies the inherent fallibility and the messy nature of humanity.
The Left believes that it is only ‘the system’ that is at fault, and by perfecting the system, they will arrive at an earthly utopia. That was the stated position of the Khmer Rouge, for example.
The hundreds of millions of corpses left strewn across Asia and Russia are a testament to that toxic philosophy.
Rick ,
Absolutely top post. Superb. I do not give a flying F about Leftists’ Utopia. But why does it need the sacrifice of so many innocents ? Leftists are sick. Why don’t they just kill each other ?
I was on the tube one week after 7/7 and sat opposite me was a chap with a rucksack on his knees. I thought to myself , if you were a Muslim I would be off this train at the next stop. Irrational and playing the game the terrorists want? Well possibly , but I would call it common sense. I am sure that most Muslims in this country are not about to blow themselves up and kill as many of us as possible, but a few are, and we can’t distinguish between the bombers and the non bombers until it is too late. So the BBC can try administering yet another does of its multiculty fantasy potion , but it won’t work on me. What is abundantly clear though is that if we had many fewer Muslims in our country and tight control of our borders, we wouldn’t be having to be force fed BBC multiculty propaganda, the government wouldn’t have have us on high alert all the time, and we would all feel a lot safer.
“but I would call it common sense.”
Quite – accepting the reality. It reminds me of what Jesse Jackson said years ago:
“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps… then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”
Jesse turned out ok. Some years ago he fought tooth and nail to get 2 persecuted Africans out of Gambia , with Jammeh’s agreement. Jesse flew to Gambia and went back to USA with them . Some credit to him. I think he paid his own expenses .
“I think he paid his own expenses . ”
If he did, it would be the first time ever. He is a professional free loader and race hustler.
“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps… then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”
Not much chance of my feeling relieved where I live – Newham!
LOL !!!!!
I have just come back from a holiday in Fuertaventura.
I heard more English voices whilst walking up and down the biggest town’s streets than I do in any street in my own capital!
It’s all about risk assessment – something we all do dozens of times every day in all aspects of our lives. Different individuals perceive risk differently, but essentially risk = probability x consequence. So, for example, if you were asked to carry bottles of water from one location to another, you might load your arms and carry 10 at once, knowing that if you drop one there won’t be serious consequences. Likewise, if you were asked to carry bottles of acid, you would probably carry just one in each hand because the consequences of dropping one will result in a bad outcome. Now, there are an infinite number of risky situations, each with their own potentially bad outcome. At one end of the scale there’s the arms full of bottled water, and at the other end of the scale there is a muslim, possibly with a bomb. However unlikely it is that the muslim has a bomb, and let’s be fair & honest, it IS very unlikely, the consequences should the muslim actually be carrying a bomb are obviously infinitely catastrophic, so the outcome of the subconscious risk assessment is very high. We can’t help it, and we can’t be conditioned to ignore the risk assessments that every man woman and even child conducts every day of their lives.
I have a friend that refuses to see the pattern of Islamic violence. They are all isolated incidents. I asked if he’d be happy for his son to go near a clown selling balloons, if the news had repeated stories of balloon selling clowns attacking children. His response was ‘f*** off, that’s bulls***’.
The thing is, deep down, he knew I was right.
Grimer – great point well made.
We all have an instinct to protect ourselves and our loved ones. For humans to have succeeded and survived the brutal reality of life and nature we have had to perfect the flight or flight response.. Which I must add is nature’s response in all animals to danger or threat.
This isn’t about people of a certain race. It is above race and where you are born. This isn’t about people being angry about foreign policy. Its above any politics that man can decree. This isn’t about people not wanting to accept that the world is changing and patriotism is for a bygone age and can only lead to fear, anger and isolation. Islam is above all of those miniscule, human like responses. Islam is the final word of God and the only way to paradise and be accepted to his kingdom on the day of judgment.
The Koran is THE instruction. There can be no other instruction to please God. The acts carried out by Islamic state ARE pure Islamic acts and the muslims that carry them out tell us this..this isn’t some far right lunatic distorting the truth. Muslims living out the instructions as mandated in the Koran have created the Islamic state. That is fact. The truth that is indisputable about Islamic state. The only truth to muslims is the Koran. The only truth is Islamic state who are only living life exactly as instructed by Islam.
The only thing that links the endless and relentless acts of violence, anger, death, war, genocide, all over the world is Islam and it’s followers desperately trying to carry out its instruction, is Islam. From Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Paris, London, New York, Delhi, Mumbai, Brussels, Bali, Australia, Canada, Russia, Nigeria, Mali Eygypt, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia……is Islam. Only Islam. How on earth can it be irrational to fear something that is at war with the entire world and is trying to convert or destroy every single country or state until it achieves it’s purpose… The purpose of giving the entire world to Allah. Islam can never be contained whilst this paramount task is achieved.
Yet, on other occasions, we are encouraged to be risk averse i.e. global warming, cigarette smoke – even water vapour, endless advise on harmful foods, etc. Fine when it suits.
Bones that is an absolutely excellent point and one which I will remember in future.
I also recall that in the 1980s there was similar whining in the media about how people were suspicious of the Irish after IRA mainland bombing campaigns. Of course they bloody were!
“This is the same BBC that during the rehearsals for the memorial on the first anniversary of 7/7 walked a Muslim with a black backpack through the crowd at Kings Cross station so that we could all see the ‘paranoid’ reaction of the people there and how this was evidence of Muslims being wrongly judged as terrorists.”
What would have been the reaction if in 1943 the BBC had walked a man in an SS uniform past the Ministry of Defense building in Whitehall. Would they have been “tut tutting “at the ‘paranoid’ reaction of people in the street and the over reaction of the police who would have unceremoniously dragged him into custody ? Would they have considered it to be a worthwhile exercise aiming to expose the latent racism within the British population ?
That is the BBC. Childish and irresponsible. Idiots.
Alan: ‘if I’d been a senior police officer there, I’d have ordered the arrest of the BBC producer who arranged that stunt.’
The BBC have form with unwitting members of the public.
A few years ago, John Sweeney and a BBC cameraman-producer attached themselves to a group of current and former students of the LSE who were touring North Korea under the leadership of Sweeney’s wife. The trip was not an LSE initiative, but the visa applications were processed using the LSE’s address. Having given what was ultimately described as ‘insufficient’ and ‘inadequate’ information to allow the students to consent to their part in the deception, Sweeney was able to film undercover for an edition of ‘Panorama’.
Both the father of one of the students and the LSE complained. (North Korea’s a bit sensitive about western spying. Who knew?) Their observations were noted. So they pushed the complaint further and higher, as far as the BBC Trust. And when the archiest exponents of denial and obfuscation say that the failure to inform the students of the risks involved amounted to ‘a serious failing’, then you’re bang to rights.
Some readers may remember the ultimate end of such disregard for public safety. In November it will be thirty years since Michael Lush, a self-employed brickie (I think), was killed during his first rehearsal for a bungee jump that was going to be broadcast live on ‘The Late, Late Breakfast Show’. He fell 120 feet, dying instantly (which was a mercy, I suppose) of multiple injuries. The provisions for the stunt weren’t even close to being safe. Not bias, of course, but a text-book case of the BBC’s criminal contempt for its responsibilities and negligence.
I have a firearms licence . The hoops you have to go through by the state to obtain one , you’d think there was some danger .
Btw Health and Safety carry out risk assessments . Why don’t they carry out risk assessments about taking public transport and being blown up in London , Paris , Tokyo , Dakarta , Santiago by Islamists .
They do, but not for the home nation – this is what America has to say about England:
“Credible information indicates terrorist groups continue plotting possibly near term attacks in Europe. All European countries remain potentially vulnerable to attacks from transnational terrorist organizations. ”
I’ve come to realise that the government would rather I died on public transport than risk being seen as ‘mean to muslims’. We’re very much expendable.
Its not safe anywhere in Europe, because Muslims are running around all over Europe stabbing people. London is one of the worst.
London, Paris, Rome and all major cities in the West, are not safe anymore. Its quite possible that since all the Jihadis are in Europe, Egypt or Tunisia are safer then London or Paris.
The only people not likely to be stabbed are identifiably Muslim. That is one possible reason Muslims wear Islamic garb. Its a kind of IFF (Identification Friend or Foe). In many cases Jihadus have separated Muslims from non-Muslims, then killed the Infidels. In the recent stabbings in England, and even in the highly enriched area of Leytonstone, the victims were Infidels.
It seems to me that Muslims in the UK know that the war is ON. That is why they are wearing identifiable Muslim garb, so they are not killed by Jihadis.
Its not Muslims who are under Siege. Its we Infideks.
I’m now beginning to see the Islamic garb worn in the West, not as a symbol of devoutness, but as a uniform. This is dar al Harb. Why should we be surprised that Muslims are killing us when they can, and are wearing uniforms so they do not become victims of “friendly fire”.
The devout white liberal Westerner would rather die than make a decision to leave a railway carriage because of a possible risk from a fellow passenger. Liberalism has rendered useless the survival mechanism of the normal human .
Besides not breeding the liberal is not fitted to survive an encounter with reality anymore.
However unlikely a possible attack it is a sensible move not to use the Underground this year .It is also rather stupid to visit any country that is Muslim or close to a Muslim country. Just a normal survival instinct in my opinion.
Actually I feel safer living in Gambia than I feel in the UK. Not all Muslim countries are the same .
Muslims are currently waging a propaganda war against us, trying to intimidate us and weaken our morale. They are also trying to destroy our right to free expression with regard to criticism of Islam.
It is not just a propaganda war but also a war that has several other components
1. The Demographic war – the most lethal of them all.
2. Financial Jihad
3. Destroying the Kuffar economy
4. Disturbing the peace
5. Terrorism – and its effects on the security and economy of the nation.
All this was predictable from the start. Muslims are required to stay as a cohesive community just as any invader needs to, to repel any opposing force. For hundreds of years, Western writers and thinkers have warned of the dangers that Islam poses the West and Europe. But what did our politicians do? They ignored all that and quite literally invited millions of Muslims to settle in the West, many of them on Welfare.
Present day writers on Islam are not very different from the past, except they now have to call for an immediate cessation of immigration of Muslims. The reason to stay quiet, which could be understood a few years ago, is now not operable. We are sleepwalking to a catastrophe – civil wars breaking out all over the West, a veritable bunch of Bosnias.
What is required is for a prominent set of politicians, writers, and thinkers, to state with humility and compassion, that we, i.e., the West have made a colossal mistake, and before it is too late, to right that. That humanity and compassion for all, Muslims included, require that separation from Islam/Muslims be undertaken as a matter of urgency, or else we are looking at the demise of the West, or a civil war that makes Bosnia look like a garden party.
Now I hear that our Home Secretary May plans to legitimise Sharia, which is the goal of all Muslims.
Another great post NCBBC
Everything the left have carefully created over the last few decades (given to them because of the peace and prosperity created by the real men of our forefathers over countless wars and hardships) will be destroyed by Islam. The control of debate. The monopoly of the ‘moral high ground’. The “everyone is equal” narrative forced on the majority through laws and legislation. The entire delusional lefts world will come crashing down because Islam goes against everything the left stand for.
Islam is conforming to Allahs instruction. Death to the infidels. Death to homosexuals. Women are subhuman and the property of Man. There are no freedoms within Islam because the way to paradise has already been laid before them.
Doing those things the left despise is the only way to save our way of life. It’s why the excuses and agenda of the left becomes more manic and detached from reality with every passing day. Even though the left must realise that they are unable to control Islam they are unable to admit as much because it would mean their entire message falling apart. All people are not equal. All people cannot live in the bubble of make belief these lunatics on the left are brought up in. The left know that if they admit they are wrong about Islam then they will never be able hold control over our lives again…. And it seems they would rather destroy their own people and way of life than to admit their warped outlook on life has been wrong all this time
After their ideology was thoroughly trashed in the fall of the USSR, the left has nowhere to go but another totalitarian system. But this time to a “religious” ideology. This must cause sever dissonance, but they are prepared to suffer, as long as it leads to the destruction of Christianity – their chief target, as it was Christian faith that destroyed their precious ideology of Marx.
Is Germany Headed For Civil War? | European Migrant Crisis
Pat Condell gets to a similar point, but from a different direction, and quick.
Feminist Whores For Islam
Pat Condell’s thesis is aptly illustrated by this
Clueless feminists, lesbians, homosexuals , progressive socialists, and „ists“ I have no idea off.
This is the core of the problem. Decades of Feminism has neutered European men. The illness has reached a terminal phase in Sweden. Sweden will ave to be invaded and rescued from its suicidal course. It cannot be allowed to become a beachhead for Islam, and endanger the West.
Cut to the chase, leftist, progressive feminists, from the NUS leader to the appeasing Home Secretary wet their knickers when thinking of Muslim men.
Spot on ! As Pat Condell says ” They are traitors to their sex “.
I look forward to an undercover programme of a blonde haired male or female walking through particular areas of Bolton, Bradford, Oldham, Rochdale, Luton, ………
Some years back I took a short-cut through an area of Oldham and called a white btch, but could also be sworn at by a local chav for no reason whatsoever. bBBC isn’t interest in balanced reporting and loves a certain type of victim.
When we lived in the UK near Lutonistan the road work diversion took us through the high street, never again. Stalls all along the pavement and walking letterboxes everywhere,I admit I was scared. I visit the UK once a year ( just back this week) although seeing family is great I almost run through security to get into the departure lounge. Where we live seeing a muslim is a rarity and stands out. Anyone of Middle Eastern appearance is scrutinised and noted.
Mrs Kitty: Where we live seeing a muslim is a rarity and stands out. Anyone of Middle Eastern appearance is scrutinised and noted.
Where? Please where?
Where? Please where?
Bars. Clubs (except on a brief visit basis). Jewish supermarkets (ditto). Bangkok airport. The young boy section of Soi Cowboy. Places like this*.
The BBC understands.
*The coat and left luggage rooms tend to be quite full of dish-dashes, though.
The BBC has as usual got it arse about face.
If Muslims do feel under siege then…
The Muslim world needs to take a hard look at itself to see where the problem lies
The problem is with the ideology of Islam…It is more than a religion of which faith is only one element of a totalitarian movement.
Only a few muslims may be prepared to carry out a terror attack but how many in our Muslim community would support or condone such acts
Maria, who posts here, made the point that Islam is more like a cult than a religion.
Hugh Fitzgerald: Switzerland: What’s in a Handshake?
. But the challenges of the Muslims within Europe to the laws and customs of the indigenes have no logical end and will not stop. And the greater the number of Muslims allowed to settle in Europe, the stronger and more frequent their challenges will be. They are attempting not to integrate, but rather to create, for now, a second, parallel society, and eventually, through sheer force of numbers from both migration and by outbreeding the Infidels, to fashion not a parallel society but one society — now dominated by Muslims.