What doesn’t the BBC want you to know in the run up to the referendum?
What is the one and only question that is the core of the EU referendum vote?
The economy is important, immigration is important, red tape and bureaucracy are important but there is one factor that overrides and determines all those issues….Ever Closer Union, the creation of the EU superstate that, with it’s unelected government and unmanageable, and ever increasing, number of subservient states that means Britain has an ever decreasing influence on the EU and a much faster decreasing influence over its own government and sovereignty.
The Leave campaign mention it frequently but it doesn’t get any specific airtime or traction on the BBC, the BBC chooses to ignore it when it has the option to cover that issue…the issue that is central to the referendum…if we vote to stay in the EU what then? We will get the EU superstate into which we will inevitably be dragged by politicians like Cameron who warn of the dangers of being outside and isolated without influence over EU decision making….the case will be made to join the Euro and then the slippery slope to the end of the UK is in sight.
The BBC clearly doesn’t want voters to think about the real consequences of staying in and to that end ignores the burgeoning EU superstate even as evidence mounts that it is steamrollling all before it.
Where are the BBC reports into the following stories that have significant bearing on the EU referendum?
As Boris gets castigated for mentioning Hitler the Germans seek to create an EU army and take leadership of it….
Germany is pushing for a European army in the 28-member EU bloc, according to a white paper put forward by the German government. The army is envisaged to have a joint headquarters and shared military plans.
“German security policy has relevance — also for beyond our country. Germany is willing to join early, decisively and substantially as a driving force in international debates … to take responsibility and assume leadership.”
The Telegraph tells us it is all a big secret until after the referendum…it is secret if you rely on the BBC for your news…
Plans to create an EU army ‘kept secret’ from voters
Plans to move towards the creation of a European army are reportedly being kept secret from British voters until the day after next month’s referendum.
Drawn up by the EU’s foreign policy chief, the Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy foresees the formation of new European military and operational structures.
This first step towards an EU army is supported by Germany and other countries, The Times reports.
The Mail reports that the prototype EU army is already here…
EU army on the march in Britain: Secret war game involving 2,000 troops sparks fears UK will be sucked into a force involving member states
Tanks and vehicles emblazoned with the EU flag were used for the exercises – a sign that the UK will be sucked into an army with member states, experts fear.
A senior officer based at Army headquarters in Andover said the UK military is slowly being drawn into a European Army concept.
He said: ‘We have been told to keep their arrival low key, the Ministry of Defence does not want any publicity about these Euro exercises.
‘This whole Euro army concept is slowly being given more focus as civil servants direct more and more joint operations across the Union with particular attention on the Baltic States.’
How about this…when Cameron was negotiating his ‘EU reforms’ and came out Chamberlain-like waving his piece of paper the EU then tried to promote the idea that Cameron had achieved something by telling us the EU tax on tampons was to go…only now it seems that was all a bit of smoke and mirrors to make Cameron seem successful….
Brussels’ PR machine went into overdrive after fears emerged that bureaucrats were attempting to quietly drop a commitment to end taxation on sanitary products, which would have been a huge embarrassment to the Chancellor.
Tory backbencher John Redwood raised concerns that the measure was being shelved after the Brussels elite failed to include it in their latest VAT reform proposals, sparking a furious response.
And other taxing issues…here is a truly telling report from Guido that illustrtaes perfectly the EU’s ambition to control everybody and to impose a EU wide tax…only something a state can do…
EU Plots Tax ID Numbers For Every European Citizen
The EU is laying the groundwork for new, centrally planned National Insurance-style numbers for every taxpayer in Europe. The proposal was passed by the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee last night, and chillingly calls for a ‘European Taxpayer Identification Number’ to keep track of every EU citizen. This is the European Commission text:
“Proper identification of taxpayers is essential to effective exchange of information between tax administrations. The creation of European Taxpayer Identification Number (EU TIN) would provide the best means for this identification. It would allow any third party to quickly, easily and correctly identify and record TINs in cross-border relations and serve as a basis for effective automatic exchange of information between member states tax administrations.”
Brussels wants the ability to track every EU taxpayer, laying the foundations for a new European tax…
And a new Euro super-state.
Nothing on the BBC about any of this.
I thought this referendum was about splits in the Conservative Party and who will be their next leader!
Where are you getting all this EU stuff from?
Seriously though, Charles Moore was allowed to do a nice piece at the end of Newsnight on Friday, (hardly peak viewing time!), in which he said that this referendum was about choice, do we want to be rules by people we voted for or not?
It should be obvious that the reason ‘all the parties are the same’ is that they are because the real government continues unchanged year after year in Brussels, regardless of how the constituent nations vote.
‘Ever Closer Union’ is in the first clause of the preamble to the Treaty of Rome so is pretty key to the ‘union’, (bit of a clue there!). It should be noted that when the PM carried out his ‘tough negotiations’, asking for nothing and getting even less, the one thing that he did achieve was to give up any veto on the Eurozone engaging in ‘closer union’. This must mean that we will become increasingly peripheral in the EU, not even ‘in the room’ let alone sitting at the so-called ‘top table’.
Cameron is a Quisling.
He’s worse than a Quisling. Norway had actually been invaded and conquered by Nazi Germany, and Quisling was merely a collaborator who tried to make the best of it. Britain, on the other hand, is a sovereign state which Dave Flashman is deliberately leading towards national extinction.
We used to rule a quarter of the world less than seventy years ago. Now we have to grovel cap in hand to foreign bureaucrats about whether we have to tax womens’ sanitary products. I rather imagine Hitler did not care what tax Quisling imposed on such items. How low have we gone?
JimS ” ‘Ever Closer Union’ is in the first clause of the preamble to the Treaty of Rome so is pretty key to the ‘union’, (bit of a clue there!). It should be noted that when the PM carried out his ‘tough negotiations’, asking for nothing and getting even less, the one thing that he did achieve was to give up any veto on the Eurozone engaging in ‘closer union’. ”
Not only that, Jim. Dave did also obtain an opt-out for the UK from ‘ever closer union’ and even sowed enough doubt in one or two other leader’s minds for them to say that maybe it should be scrapped. Juncker & Tusk, IIRC, did not respond immediately but crept back a few days later to say quietly but firmly that “the European project will proceed”.
The first big question for everyone planning to vote Remain on 23 June are 1. do you trust Cameron & his successors to maintain that opt-out from a European State & its currency? Bearing in mind that the Labour Party are backing Remain as a Party, it is remarkable that either a) they trust Cameron and the Conservatives on that when they do not trust him or the Conservatives on anything else, or b) they have no real objection or reservations over the EU at all and are planning to sell the UK into a European State at some point in the future. In other words, Corbyn and his successors = Cameron & Osborne = Blair & Brown.
The next big question is 2. will the current British Government write that opt-out into our law with the proviso that if an attempt is made to draw the UK into a European State the people will be have a mandatory say, not merely be granted or given, but have a definite legal opportunity to vote and HAVE TO AGREE to it in another Referendum?
This is a question we ought to be asking Cameron now.
Ideally, I think we should ask for four Referendums at each stage of the process: apply or accede to a request to join b) start the convergence criteria c) join the Euro, d) sign the Treaty and a vote against in one will nullify the whole process.
I don’t doubt that Cameron has the opt-out. I’m just sorry to say I do not trust him or other Conservatives and certainly not Labour to not renege and try to take us into a European State if we vote now to remain in. In other words, I fear that a Remain vote now will be seen by many in Europe as a partial surrender of that important opt-out.
I am not a Tory voter, but I would guess that Tory voters will be banging on the doors of their MPs telling them that they are not ‘happy bunnies’ with Mr Car Moron.
Any takers for a Tory mutiny ?
What clinched my vote for Leave was Juncker’s autocratic statement last Tuesday that Austria would be frozen out of EU decision-making unless its people voted for the left-wing presidential candidate.
This was the lead front-page item for The Times, but the bBBC didn’t bother to report it.
Not just the BBC, but none of the MSM wanted you to know way back in 2007 that the Lisbon Treaty (signed by Gordon Brown and David Miliband in December of that year) contained Article 42 – enabling the creation of EU armed forces, with member states obliged to supply the military capabilities.
It’s pathetic to see all the squirming denials about the formation of the EU Army, etc coming out now.
Anyway, the EU Navy has ALREADY existed for some time, see: http://eunavfor.eu
How useful has it been in turning back the migrant boats from North Africa? If it’s an example of how the EU armed forces and its command (headed by the ex-Communist and Arab-lover, Federica Mogherini) will operate, we are, indeed, doomed.
I really don’t get it at all. The EU is heading for collapse. That is if you listen to Viktor Orban of Hungary. His latest interview ( May 20) is on Gates of Vienna amongst other places. He seems clear about one really important thing . That Hungary will not allow Germany ( for German will dominates the EU ) to dictate the future ethnic and cultural make up of Hungary .
I cannot see how Hungary can possibly remain in the EU if Merkel insists on her distribution of migrants policy. The same applies to Poland and Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
The only explanation for this referendum taking place now is that Cameron ( a total EU fanatic ) knows that there is chaos coming down the road. So getting us to vote to stay in is a last ditch attempt to steady the rest and head off an eastern exit.
It won’t work whatever thr referendum result.
By the way notice the near total silence by the BBC etc on the Hungarian situation.
I am afraid that we get more european news from RT than from Al Beeb and its world service .
Its worth a watch. I tuned my tv in to it this evening.
You are correct Alan. It was the ultimate aim of the founding fathers of the EU to bring about the unification of the continent, politically, economically, legally and socially into a single entity. Their aim is almost complete-however let us be quite clear that the EU- those sitting in Brussels are NOT the ultimate controllers-the control lies with the money-the elitist bankers, those who also control the Federal Reserve and the Bak of England, those who want a New World Order, one that will continue the strangle hold of austerity, subjugation, exploitation and eventually enslavement, aided by the Islamification of Europe. Being inside the EU will destroy Britain as we know it, being outside may for a while give us some latitude to hold at bay the New World Order progress, but as the USA are finding right now, the power of the elitie is growing so strongly against the values that the likes of Abraham Lincoln endevoured to employ in that nation. For many many years, a selection of human beings have stealthly engineered their way to a degree of such frieghtning proportions of control in every sector of peoles lives that unless there is a war which could desimate the world, their way will succeed. So horrible to imagine, but as is seen by the Media/BBC their cohorts, all is on course for what could be a New World Order.
If Cameron had even a basic ability to negotiate he would have used Britain’s power in the world as one of only five permanent UNSC members as a lever to get real concessions from Brussels and, crucially, regain sovereignty.
And if he had any courage or integrity he would have told Brussels to shove the few crumbs they offered him where the sun don’t shine.
But he let the bunch of fraudsters push him around and then went back to Britain as if he’d won a great victory and continued his propaganda campaign in order to sell the country out.
He makes Chamberlain look like a tough, canny statesman.