Well a shocking case of will-full blindness, but as Doton is such a P*ss poor presenter anyway, what can you expect?, infact I refuse to listen to him due to his poor presenting skills, I occasionally listen to Rhod Sharp, who although a true yellow liberal, at least has the decency to put both sides of the story to the audience (more than likely because he actually lives in the USA.)
Plus Dr Karl, that Aussie science bloke who is on at 3am on Thurs morning is always worth a listen.
That is the sum total of my interaction with the BBC, not a lot for £145 odd a year!
If he was white, he wouldn’t get within a mile of a BBC microphone. He is a truly awful radio presenter. His main success to date has been to make Stephen Nolan look good in comparison.
Another ‘offensive’ truth—or what was believed to be the truth at the time—given short shrift.
When he was shot, and for a while thereafter, the immigration status of Jean Charles de Menezes was uncertain. It was widely reported that he was in the country illegally, his visa having expired. (Having entered the UK a second time, this second time from Ireland, he was in fact legally in the country under the provisions of the Anglo-Irish Common Travel area.)
This was the period in which Jonathan Dimbleby was still presenting both ‘Any Questions’ and its phone-in spin-off. One edition of ‘Any Answers’ shortly after the incident began with a caller who stated that, tragic though the death undeniably was, had de Menezes not overstayed his visa, he wouldn’t have been—in a literal sense, he physically couldn’t have been—shot and killed. (That was the gist; it’s not verbatim, obviously.)
Dimbleby audibly bristled. ‘Well, I’m not sure you should be shot for overstaying your visa’, he interrupted (or words to that effect), cutting off the caller. Which was not what the caller had said. What he had said, in the brief airtime allowed him, was grounded in the position widely understood at the time. Can’t remember if the presenter apologised for ‘any offence caused’, but I wouldn’t put it past him.
We were then hurried on to a more ‘appropriate’ second caller. And that was the moment when I first began to wonder about the BBC.
Thanks a lot MH, Saturday morning of a bank holiday weekend which I don’t have to work, everyone else out of the house so was feeling pretty relaxed, until I followed your advice and jumped straight to 09.00 of your link, top of my head nearly blew off. I hope I’ve got that out of context somehow, I fear not, bloke should be sacked on the spot.
In fairness to the presenter, as he works in the BBC and probably gets his news from the BBC and the Guardian, he may well be unaware of the worst atrocity this country has seen since the war.
I work in tv and was working with two producer friends of mine when I mentioned the 1,400 girls raped and tortured because they were white, with the connivance of the police and local council. My two colleagues looked at me as if I were insane. Subject was dropped but now I am a mindless racist in their eyes.
He pales into insignificance compared to Alex Salmond if you excuse the non PC reference to colour.
Adolph and his Scot Natz biggest achievement in all those years in office is the legalisation of sodomy and buggery although they had, thankfully, recently had an attempt to legalise incest rejected.
Only those who point their @rseholes skywards five times a day in reverence to some Moon God are socially accepted in Scotlandistan. Everyone else is a racist Islamophope and deemed necessary to be intimidated, shouted down and even threatened at every opportunity.
Is anybody monitoring the complete crap that is supposed to pass as radio on Up All Night? Most of it is pre recorded lefty crap with interviews that get REALLY boring after 10 minutes. THis guy is a terrible presenter, there must be 1000’s of people up and down the country that must be able to do the job better. Rhod isn’t much better imho. Scrap ofcom and free the radio airways.
No for once Dotun was right, the guy was not careful enough with his words on a hot button issue ..and so was cut off.
I suppose Dotun could have hit the mute button, and got him to rephrase what he just said, but he chose to wrap up the converation instead.
….a lot of time terrorist attacks are created by Muslims whether you like it or not … (fair enough)
… England has their own problems with Muslims up in northern England raping little white girls
(No that bit is out of order as it implies ALL Muslims, whereas he means “some bad guys who are ethnically Muslim”. A better presenter may have stopped him calmed it and got him to rephrase it)
… they don’t want (inaudible as DA talks over )
Oh come on Ryan, Ryan
… that is true isn’t it ?
Ryan, Ryan, Ryan, Ryan, Ryan, Ryan Ryan, Ryan, Ryan, that is beneath you or I.
You don’t .. actually No that’s not true as you know
..Pakistanis did not rape white girls in England ?
I’m not even going to engage in this conversation Ryan,
..It’s true
It’s really beneath me and believe believe you as well but thank you for talking to us Ryan Godersky there.
I do apologize for anything he says that might be offensive.
Sorry but you too are using language incorrectly.
‘England has their(sic) own problems…. white girsl’
The words you quote do not imply ALL Muslims at all.
For example I could say “England has their( sic) own problems with cats going wild. This would not .imply all cats at all. In fact it is usually taken to mean ‘some ‘ rather than all.
Secondly “ethically Muslim” is an impossibility as to be a Muslim is not a matter of race but belief. I could not be ethnically a Buddhist or a Christian either.
If you are going to defend the BBC try a bit harder.
I’m not going to get an into an argument on this but I will clarify some things.
– There certainly has been a problem with Pakistani/Muslim sex abuse gangs about 10 big cases not just in the north. And the number of events has been 5 times higher than the 7% figure of ethnicity.
– “most of the men who were found to have groomed and raped young girls in Rotherham were Pakistani. The same was the case in Oxford, Rochdale, Oldham and Manchester.”
– I understand your point on cats, but when it comes to race/religion/people you have to especially careful with language, many people do take it as refering to a whole group.
…eg where the caller said “Muslims” consider how that sounds replacing it with , Spanish, Brits, Chelsea supporters, gays, “straight white guys”
“England has their own problems with “X”s raping little white girls”
Muslims do not have free choice of religion like Christians/ Buddhists do : in most Muslim cultures, if your father is a Muslim then you are automatically a Muslim an you cannot leave the faith cos that is apostasy. The result that most who DISBELIEVE do not come out of the closet, but play along. If you want people to be able to come out of Islam you have to show them some support, not alienate them.
– In Rotherham one of those found guilty of conspiracy to rape was a white woman aged 58
– “The leader of the Rochdale gang was also found guilty of repeatedly raping an Asian girl. “
StewGreen, what you can say is that, because they were white, 1400 girls in Rotherham were tortured and raped by Muslims in one town. There are some white people caught up in the cases on conspiracy charges, but the rapists and torturers were Muslim. Their victims were white, with a few sikh girls as victims too.
The Asian girl victim you mentioned would have been Sikh.
These rapists were aided by Muslims in the police force and Muslims on the council. The government put the Rotherham police force under the control of the Sheffield force who have arrested over 40 Rotherham police officers for sex crimes against children. The government disbanded the entire Rotherham council, ie it didn’t just debar the two Muslim thugs mentioned by the Jay report into the council.
By the way, Alexis Jay states in her report that the female ex members of the de barred council are still too terrified to speak because of one of the terrifying Muslim councillors in particular.
This is a favourite cultural marxist technique. The issue of abortion clinics in the US has nothing to do with the subject ( Rotherham ) under discussion.
Or for that matter the lack of precision in your words .e.g. Muslims as an ethnic group rather than a faith group.
The rapists were Muslims, the victims were little white girls. The caller was stating a fact, yet the presenter claimed it was untrue. This is not just unprofessional, but deceptive as well, and another instance of the BBC shutting down debate on a subject that’s uncomfortable for the Left as they were guilty in covering up these vile crimes and allowing the suffering of these young girls to continue.
Rape, sexual abuse & pedophilia occur throughout all sections of society regardless of wealth, fame, political opinion, race, nationality, skin colour or religion; because it has nothing to do with any of those things.
The only common denominator is that they are ALL (with a few notable exceptions) carried out by MEN. That’s people like Alan, Vance, you Taffman and me (allegedly).
So to endlessly point the finger at a small subset of those MEN; which could be Tories, Lefties, Whites, Blacks, Jews, Muslims or BBC employees (there’s a website for every preference) is to completely ignore the issue.
Because it’s not about finding a way to get rid of sexual abuse; it’s about trying desperately to sweep all the dirt under somebody else’s carpet.
Yes Grant, and he does not read reports which have been carried out in the areas where the abuse has bee associated with the Muslim culture. Furthermore, the rapes may have been carried out by men, but the number of rapes suggest that many people, including women in the families of the rapists, were aware. Not to mention the women in the police, social work and the councils who all covered up for political reasons. What Zero and those who influence him – the Trots in the SWP, UAF and BBC – want us to accept is that the sexual abuse in towns like Rotherham is something we can all feel guilty over. And this nonsense is echoed by the uninformed token radio presenter.
Yes. I mean scum like Zero have to answer why none of the girls raped were muslim . But the “Zero’s” of this world do not care how many people suffer so long as it is not them. Wankers !
Even for you Zero, that is a shockingly sick and delusional response. In fact its so bad it’s good to finally hear a lunatic lefty ‘try’ and respond back against the Islamic rapes carried out against the ‘up for it and game’ kafir sex slave children all over the world.
The only common domonimator is Muslim men raping kafir girls in epidemic numbers. It doesn’t matter if its Rotherham, London, Paris, Pakistan, Nigeria, Islamic State, rape is carried out in the name of Islam. It’s not Hindus. It’s not Buddhists. It’s not Christians. It’s not Sikhs. It’s not atheists. It’s not Jews. It’s not Taoists….You are throwing away any dignity you had in yourself by trying to justify the Islamic rapes against the infidels.
You are a coward, a traitor, a dangerous fantasist, to suggest that it’s just a small group of irrelevant ‘men’ that carried out these horrific acts against innocent children. All kafir are subhuman to the believer. All women are subhuman to men. These acts are not only acceptable in Islamic instructions they are an act of Jihad that will guarantee a place in paradise for those sick fuck, death cult bastards!
Never has a name been so ept to describe the credibility you have to discuss the subject of Islam. You are zero amongst men and a disgrace to the people you are trying to destroy.
Thanks for comment, but I am afraid it appears that you are making a feeble attempt to put up a smokescreen to Mice Height’s main point – the presenter’s blatant CENSORSHIP of the facts made by the caller to his radio show.
Your effort does nothing in favour of Al Beeb, in fact you are letting them down.
In short ‘stop digging’ .
The only offensive comments here are those the BBC interviewer refusing to acknowledge that Rotherham was, and remains, a major issue. We all know that the BBC are hell bent on sweeping Rotherham and the similar many mass rapes across the country, under the carpet, by simply not reporting them or investigating them. Such is their commitment to multiculuralism and their arrogance , that they believe they have the power to cover up these awful crimes and allow people to forget about the foul crimes of these Muslim gangs. If the BBC had been doing their job properly these mass rapes would have been uncovered long ago and thousands of young girls saved from their ordeal. Equally to blame are the many council officials, police and Labour MPs who choose to allow the rapes to continue rather than rock the multiculty boat. The liberal left establishment in this country is sick and we are all suffering from the consequences of their disease. Those not on the left should make sure that these crimes are never forgotten and that those who knew and walked on by are prosecuted for neglect of duty. This includes the state broadcaster.
Thanks for posting this Mice. Wow, how can that idiot deny it? It is incredible the degree to which the left can distort reality to fit their view of what it ‘should be’. I’ve no doubt the host felt very ‘virtuous’ and ‘moral’ by denying the existence of Muslim rape gangs targeting white girls for rape in Rotherham.
The fact that he is lying would not enter his shallow little mind – the truth really has no interest for him.
I think this is worthy of a complaint, pointless though it would no doubt be.
As a regular here In am familiar with BBC/SWP/Guardian attempts to cover up for crimes committed by Muslims. And I have come to expect selective attempts to justify the BBC by Jerrod aka Zero aka Scotty.
But what saddens me is my absolutely certain knowledge that not one MP or leading politician from any party will demand a BBC apology to the victims of Rotherham and their families for the outrageous denial from the Radio 5 presenter. Gutless bunch of Quislings.
Just imagine if a BBC token presenter cut off and silenced as beneath discussion a person who maintained that the cops were responsible for Hillsborough.
The trouble with tokens is that they have no skills and blindly show their appreciation to the white liberals who employ them.
Well said. What I do not understand is why Leftists have no feeling or sympathy for the victims. It is as though human beings are expendable and acceptable sacrifices on the altar of the perversion of Leftist ideology . Totally inhumane.
That is exactly the point of leftist ideology: the ends justify the means.
If the collectivization of agriculture means eight million peasants die, so be it. If the imposition of an unwanted multicultural society means a few thousand white girls are raped and brutalized, again, so be it. The success of the project is the greater good, the suffering it causes along the way is a mere detail, and a price worth paying.
That is why Jeremy Corbyn split up with his second wife, because she wanted their child to go to a good school, whereas he insisted the child attend the local sink school for his own ideological reasons. These people are willing to sacrifice their own children for their political beliefs; they sure as hell don’t give a damn about yours.
“That is why Jeremy Corbyn split up with his second wife, because she wanted their child to go to a good school, whereas he insisted the child attend the local sink school for his own ideological reasons.”
That might be the reason Corbyn gives to the press Rob but I suspect there may be a few other reasons.
Is that why his affair with Ms Abbott never blossomed into marriage? After all hypocritical Abbott sent her kids to a private school rather than the poor schools that she advocates for ‘ordinary’ folks. The hypocrisy of the left stinks to high heaven.
Dianne Abbott’s undoubted hypocrisy in this matter is at least a human failing. Jeremy Corbyn’s iron willed determination to put his political beliefs above the good of his child suggests the sort of inhuman devotion to the cause which allows party officials to convince themselves that the deaths of untold numbers of proles are a price worth paying for the victory of socialism.
As usual , your posts cut right through the ice . The ice coldness in the dark hearts of the bleeding heart, false , lying Leftists. how can these people sleep at night ?
Yes, all the millions murdered and for what ?
And the BBC and their acolytes whitewash it. Well, F**k them !
As this post covers the BBC’s token presenter who is in denial over Rotherham it is instructive to be aware that next week the left – Unions, faith groups, UAF, Trades Councils – are preparing to defend Rotherham from what they describe as the ‘far right fascists of Pegida’ who have permission to hold a legal demonstration against the crimes committed in that town, crimes that have been well documented.
I am sure that the cops will keep both sides apart and the BBC will echo complaints from local newspapers that these demonstrations are harmful to the vibrant diverse community.
Incidentally the Baker’s Union have supplied cakes etc for a fund raising effort to protest against the so called Nazis. (More lemon drizle?}
Many people on this site will be aware of and oppose the rabid Political Correctness of the Fascist Left, and will also see their attempts at ‘challenging’ anyone who fails to use the correct language, particularly when their favourite ‘ism’ is up for discussion – Racism.
My own experience of this is the use of the word ‘Paki’ which I contend is not racist, and there is no proof available to show that it is.
The EU equal treatment directive lays a burden upon the state to make sure that all people are treated equally regardless of race religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc etc.
So, if a state body, such as in this case, the Police decide that the use of certain words is ‘racist’ then they have to be able to show that they deal with every single race equally in the same way. This is impossible! To meet this criteria every single public facing officer and staff member would have to be made aware of every non PC in every single language which is currently spoken in the UK.
While they are quite happy to pick up the infinitesimal breaches, by white English speakers, they are allowing the most appalling racist diatribes pass unchallenged simply because they cannot understand what is being said.
This means that they are treating white English speakers in a materially different way to those of an ethnic background, breaking the equal treatment directive, and several other laws as well.
I have checked this with the equalities commission, and with lawyers. It isn’t an actual breach until they act on it, and simply telling you not to use that language is not sufficient to engage the act, however they agree that the argument is sound – those people challenging what they regard as politically incorrect language are behaving in a racist manner !
I have several very good Pakistani friends. I sometimes use the word ” Paki”. They do not object, they call each other “Paki” after all, as they know when I say it, it is not meant as an insult. I think it is different when someone uses a name as an insult.
I do hope that the people of Wales, Scotland Ireland, and the USA will continue to respond to Taff, Jock Paddy and Yank with dignity rather than obey the dictators of identity pol as those complaining about the word Paki have done. I wear my name tag Taff with pride.
How often do we hear the word ‘Brits’ used by Al Beeb – perhaps we should complain to them about that? Al Beeb is not serving the interest of Great Britain, it should have been abolished long ago .
I agree with you on this Grant. How you use this word all depends on the context of where it is used and how it is used. I would not usually use this word with someone unless they were relaxed with me and it was in the context of mutual light hearted piss taking.
I rate this word the same as kaffir. I think it is meant as mildly insulting. Unfortunately there are too many overtones from the seventies with this word (ie lets go paki bashing etc) to use it generally and it probably plays into the hands of the BBC/lefty/ethnic victimhood industry. Generally I think it is sensible to avoid this one generally lest we all get cast as seesaw sitting skinhea, brexit voting skinheads.
I generally rate the word in the same context as kaffir it is meant as mildly insulting
Alas you’ve missed the point, which isn’t about the word, but the fact that it’s only white English speakers being picked up over the most infinitesimal infringements, while allowing the real things simply pass by them because they don’t understand what is being said.
This is why ‘Racism’ and Political Correctness is seen so often as a one way street, being used to oppress whites when the same rules are not applied to ethnic minorities.
Picking someone up or challenging them over their use of English is just not acceptable, when it’s only white English speakers, therefore if you cannot challenge everyone, you should challenge no one.
I agree. It is like the difference between saying a “coloured person” or a “person of colour”. There is no difference, and yet one is “right” and one is “wrong”. I almost felt sorry for Benedict Cumberbatch when he tripped up over that one, but the feeling soon passed when I remembered he was a smug left wing cretin.
Good points all. When I am in Gambia and , generally, I avoid the word ” Nigger ” mainly because of the slave trade connotations. They do not use it themselves there, but black Afro-Americans use ” Nigga ” to each other frequently.
Of course, I remind black Africans that they sold their own people into slavery and that closes down discussion.
One of my best white friends in Gambia is French and I have no hesitation in calling him a ” bloody frog “. He even bought me a drink once !
Thoughtful – I probably did jump in with both feet a bit too much on this one. – It is certainly true that we are more much closely monitored with regard to what we say yet “minorities” are generally given a free pass to say what they like – We see it here – our friendly site trolls quick to point the “waycism” finger at us yet never seem to have an opinion on subjects such as Rotherham or Cologne when asked.
I have mentioned on previous posts that I do think PC speak is a subtle way of controlling what we say and limiting free expression. I suppose what I was being cautious about is that certain words are generally best avoided unless you know who you are speaking to, as they are generally seen as insulting. However I thoroughly agree with the main thrust of what you are saying.
Rob as for Cumberpatch – nah I would never feel sorry for that twat – though it brilliantly illustrated the way the PC/media brigade use language to control us. Pity he didnt get it!
Oaknash, I really like the way that several people on this site have disagreed with you in a very polite way and you have responded in a similar tone. I find the word “kaffir” to be very offensive, but would any of the PC PCs pay any attention to my feelings of outrage?
Yes ” Kaffir” is offensive because it is intended to be. It is religious bigotry. But words for “foreigner” tend just to be descriptive. Like ” Farong” in Chinese or the Gambian word for white person ” Toubab”. Not meant to be racist although some white people take it that way, to my surprise.
PS. To take a language close to my heart, the Turkish language would recognise ” Kaffir” from the Arabic. But a more Turkish word would be ” Gavur ” meaning non-muslim, infidel. It is intended as an insult and no intelligent , educated Turk would ever use it, even among themselves. Needless to say, an ignorant, uneducated Turk like Erdogan uses it frequently ! Take note Merkel !
“Alas you’ve missed the point, which isn’t about the word, but the fact that it’s only white English speakers being picked up over the most infinitesimal infringements”
That’s just not true. Witness the numerous accusations of racism directed towards Obama, Umunaa, Abbott, Henry, Kahn and virtually every other “non-white” person you can think of.
“Picking someone up or challenging them over their use of English is just not acceptable…”
Yes Thoughtful, you should be allowed to say whatever you like; but anyone criticising what you say is just not acceptable, and shouldn’t be allowed.
Plus what are his audience figures? apart from night workers, insomniacs and hard core Lefties, how many people listen to or even care what this twonk thinks?
If the Essay in todays D/Mail is to be believed (and is more than a possibility) then there will be more ‘Pakis’ and other current minorities than whites in this country by the 2060’s !! So, on that premise will the tables be turned and political correctness be in favour of us minority whites I wonder ? because by that time WE will be the ones to be mortally offended, which means we might get Christmas back again !!! – I know, what AM I thinking ?
When we are a minority in our own country, what happens to us? Has any population in history ever given up its territory unless it has been defeated in war? When I contemplate the way Pakistanis behave here when they are 5% of the population, and I see how Pakistan has turned out, it is hard not to conclude that we are doomed as a people.
If you want to see what the future holds for non-Muslims in Britain when Muslims are the majority: look at how the kuffar are treated by them and always have been in Islamic countries; not too damn well it seems.
England will be gone. Those of indigenous stock who are left will either have to convert to Islam or accept dhimmi status.
This is the most peaceful outcome I can forsee. Any other scenario will involve civil war.
It is possible that Western civilisation has run it’s course, There is good evidence for this .Just look at the art and culture of our peers. And take into account the prevailing social orthodoxies that are in direct opposition to a traditional approach to morality and ethics. Not only today in 2016 but in any age since the so called Dark Ages.
Islam and Sharia will produce nothing of merit. The Islamification of Europe will lead to a new Dark Age but without the occasional flashes of light of those days.
At long last, maybe after centuries the world will turn again and a new awakening of civilisation start.
It is perhaps all that we can now do is to conserve and hand on the very best of our civilisation to our descendants.
Islam is then best seen as the means of ending what is dying anyway. It is the weapon but not the cause. That is deep within our decadent culture.
I sadly agree. Unless…. the numbers do not appear as predicted due to inbreeding or -heaven forbid – some far right patriots take it upon themselves to add large quantities of superlorin to halal food.
I tuned in half way through a phone-in. I think the topic was Sharia Law.
A caller named Raj with a Pakistani accent said that Sharia Law was not compatible with the British way of life.
He then stated without prompting that the Muslim way to gain ascendancy is to breed as much as possible and therefore outnumber the British white population. Once the halfway point had been reached he said, there would be no more compliance.
The BBC DJ almost had a hissy-fit and demanded evidence.
Raj responded by saying that this is the teaching in his mosque and he had heard it repeated for years.
Almost instantly, a caller was brought on who was obviously known to the DJ. She was an Asian woman and she began her reply by saying, “I welcome Raj’s contribution but…..” I switched off at this point as I knew exactly what soothing words were coming. Not in our name etc.
Well the chickens are really coming home to roost now. I thought May could be the next Margaret Thatcher, just like I thought Camoron was actually the leader of the Conservative Party and not the leader of the latest liberal-left elite, but it just shows what I know. The Tory hierarchy have no idea how they alienating their rank and file.
Make no mistake, they will be made to pay for this and their crass stupidity over ‘Project Fear’ and the Referendum.
Fred – May is definitely yesterdays woman and I think win or lose in the referendum she has definately backed the wrong horses. Both from fine stables and expensive to keep, but only any use for dressage and certainly not racing!
Whilst I have been impressed with Gove and IDS. I was proper impressed with Priti Patel – what an absolute star! – I had to go and lie down after hearing this on Radio 4 this morning.
Definately pricked the shallow egos of The Moron and Georgie boy by saying it as it is. Too rich to care! – – too bloody right they are! Go Girl! Oh yeah baby – dont stop now!!!!!
Its what many of us have known for a long time. A couple of over privileged, vapid aristos shown for what they are – rich, manipulative tossers with a grossly inflated sense of entitlement. Willing to say anything to retain their privileged existence even if it means sending the rest of the country to the dogs.
It gave me real pleasure to finally hear someone from the Conservative party to out this pair of chinless wonders!
Interesting that it came from a woman with a normal background. Could this be the next Maggie – I dunno yet, however I can see this striking a resonance with the voters (maybe even the sheep) providing the rest of Leave are sensible enough to pick this up and run with it.
As my missis said “it takes a woman”
However I doubt they will as they would much rather – “Lets talk more economy bollocks instead as immigration is so, so, negative – yah!”
Must go and lie down now, got too excited earlier!
You, of course are welcome … Mansoor Mughal (Muslim Forum) has all the patronising arrogance
of the supremacist, very terms of this erm “inquiry” ? are a total set up … all aspects of Sharia in public life MUST be banned in the UK, absolutely essential.
It is discriminatory, racist, subversive and incompatible, there s nothing to enquire about … no discussion to have, there will be calls to re-establish it in the future as demographics change, a total ban, the reason for said ban is our baseline, our political line to consistently refer back to as a protection in our law … another shocking example of these Tory f-ckwits selling off and selling out
our nation.
A little salt makes food taste much nicer, therefore if the entire contents of the salt pot are emptied onto the meal it will taste fantastic!
Unfortunately the salt is as difficult to remove as immigrants are, and having learned that too many migrants are ruining the country the reaction of a sane individual would be to stop bringing more in. Not for the Lefties, as too much is never enough, and having ruined the meal, ruining it a bit more still appears to be appealing.
Good analogy Thoughtful and to push it further, the meal that the lefties are wanting to create (ie full of salt) is not the meal they will be eating. They will be eating from a different plate where the salt is just enough to add taste to the meal. But they will still demand that the rest of us, ie those not from rich backgrounds, to eat the salty meal and say how good it is.
Based on no more than Classic FM Global tripe headlines, it sounds like there is a difference in opinion between hundreds of scientists who say and those who may feel they are being OTT, or simply have a vested interest in the mega-$ drug fest that claims to be about sport.
Who knows?
Given the BBC usually likes scientists who say on things, it will be interesting where they err in ‘reporting’ given the attractions of the city when not serving the public as they look forward to the last tango each night on R&R.
Happily, on this one, I could care less what happens, unless the scientists have a point and a bunch of market rate talents come back with nasty diseases and start spreading more grief around London and beyond. Or Zika.
Unless the sausages were big, heavy, Italian salamis, propelled from some sort of catapult, I doubt if they were capable of inflicting much damage. Perhaps the sensitive worshipers inside could learn something from the useful Monty Python documentary: “Self Defence Against Fresh Fruit”:
The guy in the photo looks like one of Ajem Choudary’s oppos, the ginger haired Scottish one. Certainly doesn’t look like the usual skinhead type stereotype suspect the BBC is always keen on reinforcing.
Wouldn’t surprise me to learn it’s a Muslim who did this, for what ever reason.
Racially aggravated, religious hate crime according to the Al BBC noon news, police are pulling out all the stops,
some knob of a police commissioner said something … ala frogmen and cops jumping in the canal to “rescue” Korans no doubt.
Little Jewish children, having additional security just to go to school after repeated attacks, or if a tussle at school
involving a muslim, a car full of grown men kicking the sh-t out a child on the way home, repeatedly gang raping a white 11 year old girl … that s Racially aggravated, religious hate crime.
Throwing a sausage is not, some kid pulling a scarf is not … priorities ladies and gentlemen.
Down the slippery road we go, and nobody calls them on it … so on it goes, always another reason to whine and bleat
While the biggest ever Islamic child rape gang case the UK has seen passes by … with media silence
Brexit would be serious risk to global economic growth – G7 leaders
This is from Reuters but where it comes from is quite irrelevant. Economic leaders around the world should be embarrassed because they have failed in a spectacular way. Any O-level economics student will tell you that printing money (or quantitative easing as I believe it is called) will only stoke up problems for the future and, as seems to be happening now, it will come home to roost. (how much money did they print? and the global economy is still slowing, oh my my) Did these people, some of whom have more degrees than a thermometer, really think printing money was the solution? There is so much debt in the world that it can never be paid off in a million years. Whether the UK stays or leaves the EU is irrelevant. We are doomed economically anyway. You might as well buy a nice bottle of wine (while your cash is still valid or your credit card is still works) and sit down with your family and your dog and enjoy a nice English summer evening out on the back yard or patio or whatever you have. See you on the other side.
You are spot on. They have no way out of this with interest rates at zero they are royally ffed. Those with their own currency can play the Forex card and try to achieve the right level. QE is now dead in the water. The EUR is limping along watch it sail through parity to the $ in the short term.The cancer is in the EUR – Greece and Spain are bankrupt , France is not far behind – they don;t like them labour laws do they – hell no the french might actually have to work for a living.Germany is finished as the mudslimes begin their slow takeover.
That’s why all the world and ‘the man next door’ want us to remain in.
They need our £ & cash to bail them out. Germany can’t support the rest of Europe on its own.
Time to get out and put the ‘Great’ back in Britain .
I disagree Maria – you do not seem to be taking this potential tragedy seriously enough. Porcine projectiles could be potentially lethal in the wrong hands!
Diced pork inserted in a paper bag and thrown at massed worshipers could act like cluster munitions and seriously stain ones dish dash.
A pork pie with a craftily worked pastry case could easily be thrown over a 100 yards, scattering on impact a lethal concoction of pork, pork fat and jelly seriously injuring anyone in the zone of impact.
And as for scotch eggs – These are easily converted into kinetic energy munitions and therefore these should be banned immediately.
I wonder whether there is any mention in the UN Arms treaty regarding the weaponising of provender.
I suggest we order the immediate slaughter of all pigs in this country to prevent a repeat of this awful tragedy. And maybe even consider controlling access to pastry in case it falls into the hands of those who intend to do harm to others.
Hopefully as you mentioned the BBC should be straight onto this as this is definitely a subject of national importance.
What we need at this moment in our history is a Barnes Wallis and an A V Roe. A large bouncing Melton Mowbray pork pie would have lots of potential. I’m sure that this is what Mr Wallis originally had in mind.
I’m sure that someone somewhere (except Israel, perhaps) is working on tactical pork based weapons as we speak.
Maybe Muslims should be informed that all explosive products contain pig products and that suicide bombers will not be embraced by Mr Allah because their remains will be splattered by traces of pork.
‘The ironical part is that when a Suicide Bomber blows himself up his body parts are impregnated with Gelatine and Glycerine from the explosive. Both Gelatine and Glycerine are manufactured from Pigs worldwide.. Ergo, they will never be accepted by Allah.
Some makers of cigarettes use haemoglobin from pig’s blood in their filters. Apparently this element works as a sort of ‘artificial lung’ in the cigarette so, they claim, ‘harmful reactions take place before the chemicals reach the user’, (enter the Pig.)
Pig bone gelatine is used to help transport gunpowder or cordite into the bullet. Insulin, the blood-thinning drug heparin and pig heart valves all vital. The complex workings of the global food and processing industry have ensured that it is impossible to avoid pig altogether.
There is no legal obligation for manufacturers to specify whether the gelatine they use is from a pig or another animal. When it is specified, it is often confusingly referred to as Suilline gelatine.
So to all prospective Suicide Bombers, ISIS and innocent, good Muslims, I say, “Have a Nice Day” from “Percy” the wonderful Pig.’
Now this thought occurs to me. Given that our police are so keen to protect Muslims from offensive pig products and ‘racists’ who throw bacon at mosques, perhaps they might consider protecting Muslims from pork by investigating and occasionally arresting known terrorists. Is that too much to ask of our collaborating plod?
Just as you think the BBC can t get any lower, omitting the reason for the “anniversary” attempt at murdering 4 innocent women in a car park (see midweek thread)
Now it seems a certain fusilier was murdered by “two men” because he was … wearing a T shirt ?
He says ‘some people say he was saying …’ or words to that effect. If he had directly heard Ethem Aydin Orhon shouting the words about Lee Rigby then fine. But I don’t think any news organisation can report hearsay … unless it demonises the indigenous, white males of course.
It would be interesting to know if there is any firmer evidence Ethem Aydin Orhon used those words while stabbing people.
Tuned into BBC Breakfast for an update of the news of industrial strife in our EU neighbour France or for information about reports of 19 people being fished out of a life raft off Dover ?- well, you won’t get it here.
What little news there is getting past the desperate adverts for Top Gear seems either to have been written yesterday by Biddy Baxter or to have been gleaned from press agencies.
Blue Peter-esque dunce presenter Naga is interested about lightening strikes – so we call in a chap our Naga calls a ‘meaty urologist’
Red sofa wathcers learn the crucial nugget of advice – ‘don’t shelter under trees during a thunder storm’ (one wonders what it is that schools and parents tell their young off-spring about nature these days?)
As for the boatload of UK bound migrants plunked for the Channel – our no-mark house eunuch explains ‘this is a new story so we don’t have much detail yet’ (Well, it’s not as if the BBC has any actual journos on the payroll)
When the BBC say they ‘don’t have much detail yet’ what they really mean is they are cannot spin the story to be pro-muslim/pro-immigration and therefore won’t let us hear any of the facts they already know. ie. they won’t tell us the boat was stolen.
“He gave an interview to Radio 1 in which he called Savile a “hypocrite… into all kinds of seediness… that we’re not allowed to talk about.” The segment was never broadcast.
Lydon explained: “Firsthand experiences were reiterated to me by young girls who went to Top Of The Pops and said he was touchy, feely, creepy, urgh… Doctor Death.
“I knew all about it and said so, and got myself banned from the BBC. Family values, eh? Turns out I was the only one who had any.””
Johnny Rotten is quite a good bloke in many ways. A strange character altogether. More evidence of the BBC cover-up. Dare I say an institution Rotten to the core !
Some might – those who believe that qualified people from say, India, are currently at a disadvantage.
But then certain others wouldn’t be able to drift into whatever country happens to offer the most favourable benefits at any given time. Like Somalis – in the UK via the Netherlands.
I simply do not believe anything from the BBC unless I have independent 3rd party verification. I would not trust the BBC to tell the truth on anything.
The hideously over privileged Razzall asks “Will ethnic minority voters decide EU vote?” , more BBC prodding of people they believe are likely to vote remain but who may not vote? maybe, but what really caught my attention were the lines,
“The gallery is exhibiting “Shock and Awe”, Barbara Walker’s drawings of the contribution made by black servicemen and women to Britain’s armed forces.”
Er, just how exactly is the name of the gallery, artist, and exhibition relevant to the article? (gallery name given a few lines earlier) It appears to be used as a very tenuous and clumsy mechanism to introduce the “Commonwealth” into the article, a suspicious type could interpret it as product placement, or heaven forbid, a blatant advertisement.
19 people taken from a dinghy off the coast of Dymchurch, and where will they end up ? certainly not back in France that’s for sure. Before long the race across the Channel will start to look like a scene from Hawaii 5 ‘O’ with the Keystone Cops of Kent running up and down the coastline trying to catch ’em ! Its sickening, and even worse, that there is no-one with any balls in authority to do anything about it – we’ve got such a lily-livered bunch of idiots with a softly softly approach of not offending that its dragging this country under.
I keep hearing on the BBC that “This is a once in a generation/lifetime opportunity to vote in the referndum”. It may be as far as the Conservative Party and current government is concerned. However, there will be future elections and if a different political party had a referendum on the EU in its manifesto and became the elected government surely there would be no objection to having a new referendum? I raise this because there is a huge amount of change in the EU programme likely to be imposed immediately after the vote on June 23rd.
There has been some discussion about the slowness of this site. It is certainly the slowest of all sites I visit. One solution suggested was to route through USA or something. I suspect that most posters here are similar to me and not very “Techie”. There must be a simple way of sorting this out. I am often reluctant to post because it takes so long ( not necessarily a bad thing ! ).
May I implore you , on my hands and knees ? And keep those Irish eyes smiling.
Yes , but why ? Someone needs to sort this . I could get one of my computer geeks to do it, but they have more important work. Surely David of Alan can get it organised ?
I suspect this is just slow as it is hosted in the US. I’m sure it is hosted in the US so the owner/s cannot so easily get sued for libel etc (as they still have freedom of speech across the pond with the 1st amendment) and also so us posters are much less likely to be held up for anything marginally illegal we might post. After all, almost anything contrary to left group-think can be considered illegal if the police so choose in the UK/EU.
Whether it can be sped up? I don’t know, if it is just a matter of cost perhaps the owner/s could put out a request for funding to cover the cost?
I doubt that using another site to fool the BBBC domain into thinking the viewer is in the States will make it any quicker. It just adds another intermediate step and the output still has to be routed back to the UK in any case. I’m happy to be proved wrong on this though.
Personally, I do not find the slowness to be that much of a problem and am happy to take this extra legal protection being in the States probably offers the site.
Describing womens football was the arena where the left perfected their ‘special’ art in talking about things clearly from a parallel/make belief universe.
You couldn’t make some of these hilarious lefty statements up…though clearly the lunatics who said them did;
“Theres more skill in the womens game”
“The women’s team would give the men a good game”
“The women’s game is a purer form of the game as there’s less cheating..”
Add these too
“Islam is a religion of peace”
“All men are to blame for the mass rape of innocent white girls”
“Let’s get the world’s biggest bellend Evens to host Top Gear”
And the best of all
“Nobody actually believes Mao Corbyn is antisemitic”
You come to the conclusion that the Al Beed is epically fu(ked and is infested with completely demented morons
Rod Liddle mentions in his Sunday Times column that a local team of 14/5 year old boys managed to beat the Australian Womens Olympic team by 7 gals to nil.
Why aren`t I surprised-and(more to the point) why won`t the BBC ever tell me this?
It`s not as if I want to mock the women, who are due a Gold Medal in Rio-but it`s the glorious lies, inflation and false equivalence that sickens me with the BBC.
Womens football is of no interest yet to anybody but families and partners of all involved…so the BBC need to stop lying and inflating its value and importance.
Like Wimbledon-equality and equal pay for equal work is s two way street-and we`re all sick of the BBC lying and denying that blokes actually do some sports, create more value that do some women.
The BBC can make you hate and despise all that they favour…and that`s not fair,but rage and contempt follow all the BBCs favoured causes…maybe all who want a level playing field need to stop letting the BBC use them for massages and social engineering.
Notice the BBC seem awful bothered at the threat to the Olympics in Rio, should the nanny state do-gooders that comprise the leading entemologists, epidemiologists get their way.
For the Brazilian Zika virus is all set to attach itself to the rest of the worlds populations where malaria is a killer…all those Ugandan, Malaysian sports officials and athletes will bring it back to their countries, and the mutany variants on this disease will brain-damage a lots of as-yet-unborn children.
Now NORMALLY-when the BBC get THIS kind of warning from world experts shouting in unison-why, the precautionary principle kicks in-cancel, suspend travel until we know the facts, can`t be too careful yada, if it saves just ONE life, yada yada…
But not here-not now.
For the IOC and the UN-backed WHO have entered into a secret deal to fuss over obesity, so we`ll not fuss over Zika spreading over the Olympics like a plague…I mean, all that infrastructure, that poor lady President of theirs in Brazil…and,of course,all those BBC camera crew, schedules planned and hotels booked for Claire Balding and Danny Baker etc.
So-on this one occasion-sod the pinheads of the poor as yet unborn with brain damage…sod the nanny state white coated doomsayers and their geeky tendencies to crush the fun…no…let the games commence, bow down and accept a few child sacrifices so Steve Cram and Mo Farah can get a medal or a BBC green banquette to observe their fuckin` games like the seedy faux emperors that they are.
Satanic five ring circus of hell-and the BBC insist on leading us around each one of them.
Notice the BBC seem awful bothered at the threat to the Olympics in Rio, should the nanny state do-gooders that comprise the leading entemologists, epidemiologists get their way.
For the Brazilian Zika virus is all set to attach itself to the rest of the worlds populations where malaria is a killer…all those Ugandan, Malaysian sports officials and athletes will bring it back to their countries, and the mutant variants on this disease will brain-damage a lots of as-yet-unborn children.
Now NORMALLY-when the BBC get THIS kind of warning from world experts shouting in unison-why, the precautionary principle kicks in-cancel, suspend travel until we know the facts, can`t be too careful yada, if it saves just ONE life, yada yada…
But not here-not now.
For the IOC and the UN-backed WHO have entered into a secret deal to fuss over obesity, so we`ll not fuss over Zika spreading over the Olympics like a plague…I mean, all that infrastructure, that poor lady President of theirs in Brazil…and,of course,all those BBC camera crew, schedules planned and hotels booked for Claire Balding and Danny Baker etc.
So-on this one occasion-sod the pinheads of the poor as-yet-unborn with brain damage…sod the nanny state white coated doomsayers and their geeky tendencies to crush the fun…no…let the games commence, bow down and accept a few child sacrifices so Steve Cram and Mo Farah can get a medal or a BBC green banquette to observe their fuckin` games like the seedy faux emperors that they are.
Satanic five ring circus of hell-and the BBC insist on leading us around each one of them.
I heard the shock, horror, Zika story on Saturday”s Toady. John Humphries was pushing the WHO person to agree that holding the Olympics would be a mistake, but it all fell apart when she pointed out that the Zika virus had first been identified in 1947 in Uganda, and it has already spread so far that it can’t now be contained by any sort of quarantine. Humphries’ fall back position seemed to be the risk to the poorly nourished Africans who would be going to Rio, but he never explained how, if they were so poor, they were going to get there.
Interesting to watch Marr go “Brexit on Bliar ” this morning. Obviously Marr would say he was playing devil’s advocate, but the normally silver-tongued Tony seemed to be put off balance and could not deny that a Remainiac victory would mean high levels of net immigration indefinitely…despite Cameroon’s so-called 7 year deal on tax credits and child benefit.
Marr also had the former Greek Finance Minister on the programme, Yanis Varoufakis. It was not difficult to see why the Germans et al wanted him out of the job. He is smart, doesn’t have much faith in economic forecasts, and speaks his mind. He thought the Remainiacs economic scare stories were rubbish although there was bound to be some sort of short term hit, that the Brexiters should be focussing on the key question of sovereignty, not immigration (and who knows more about lost sovereignty than the Greeks ?), and that Britain should stay in, not because it is good for the UK, but because we are the only hope of putting any sort of brake on the “reforms” leading to an EU superstate.
Liam Fox was pretty solid especially on this point of why Brexit is so necessary to keep us out of the future consequences of failing fiscal and monetary policies in the eurozone: the point which all the Remainiac economic scare stories totally ignore. But of course there is always Cameroon’s ‘safeguard” that “A single non-eurozone country can request Council discussions on euro laws that may affect their financial stability “. With about as much chance of getting a win for UK’s interests as a Brit win in the eurovision song contest.
I wish ! Lovely sunny afternoon here in Perthshire. Listening to the Kinks ” Lazy Sunday “. I hope we British vote to leave. But, if not, we shall find another way.
Is Migrant the correct word ? Birds like geese migrate they move seasonally, NOT PERMANENTLY
So you’d thinks “immigrant” should be the word for people coming to to the dump that is Europe to live permanently.
– However it turns out that in the US “immigrants” has a legal meaning , of having all your papers approved : ‘legal permanent residents’ or those with a so-called green card. So “immigration scholars often prefer the word migrant.
– another take
– This note appears at the bottom of a BBC article
A note on terminology: The BBC uses the term migrant to refer to all people on the move who have yet to complete the legal process of claiming asylum. This group includes people fleeing war-torn countries such as Syria, who are likely to be granted refugee status, as well as people who are seeking jobs and better lives, who governments are likely to rule are economic migrants.
I’m happy with the terms “legal immigrant” (someone entering the country with permission to do so), “illegal immigrant” (someone trying to enter the country without permission) and “refugee” (someone fleeing a war zone and claiming refugee status when they reach somewhere safe).
It’s not complicated, except perhaps when the Royal Navy gets into the people smuggling racket and transports illegal immigrant to Italy. If I were the Italians I’d refuse to let them land and tell the RN to take them back to Libya or to the UK.
I’m happy with “Job Stealer”, “Wage Depresser”, “Rent Increaser” for an EU Migrant and “Child Risker”, “Gimmegrant” and “Scoundrel” for a pretend Refugee who does not seek refuge in the first safe country they land in and abuses their children by putting their lives at risks in a flimsy boat.
Here’s a point which both sides in the Brexit debate seem to have completely missed.
This past year there has been a record level of uncontrollable migration which has topped 1/3 of a million people. Most of them are from Bulgaria, and Romania, do not have jobs and will be entitled to access our benefits, housing, NHS education, and other services.
No one ever seems to have the figures for how much this is costing the UK. If each person takes just £1000 which is extremely low then the total cost of £3.3 billion pa ! If, as is more likely they are taking £10K pa each then the total cost is £33 billion per anum !
And that’s just one years migration! If every years migration numbers were put together then this lot must be costing the UK well in excess of a trillion pa!
This is clearly unsustainable but add in the extra social housing which need to be built, and the cost is even higher !
Someone urgently needs to address these figure in their calculations me thinks !
This is a technique that the politicians have used for years.
As a class they don’t even understand simple addition, let alone ratios and percentages, yet when it suits its ‘rates of change’ and ‘rates of rates of change’, which is yer’ aktual calculus! It all smacks of policy-based evidence making, “civil service, please find us something good in the figures”, so the ship is sinking but not quite as fast as it was concentrates on the rate of sinking not the fact of sinking.
Inflation rates is a classic use of this scam. Last year’s price rise ‘vanishes’ by using the rate method, even though we plebs continue to pay it, (and all the previous rises).
As you say the rate of migration may or may not go down but the population increase still continues, adding to the ‘forgotten’ enriching bunch from last year.
The argument as to whether immigrants are a net benefit masks the question of ‘capacity’. If we have an empty house, a vacant job, a half-full classroom, then a single migrant and their family might well make a net contribution – they are helping us make use of spare capacity, making a better return on capital indeed. However when we need to build a house, factory or school to accommodate them then that requires capital which is either diverted from other projects or borrowed, adding to the national debt. I bet this additional debt is set against the supposed benefits of migration.
> Apart from the underlying implication that nobody likes Shakespeare
If by “underlying implication”, you mean “thing I just made up so that I have something to whine about”.
But many people _are_ put off by Shakesepare, even though they shouldn’t be. As the introduction says, to anybody who’s willing to read it instead of fantasising about what it really says.
> Anybody notice anything just a little unrepresentative about the picture at 4, almost half way down?
It’s full of actors, none of whom are idiotic whining racists? Yes, I can see how you would feel unrepresented.
> Never ends, does it?
Nope, every day there is at least one person who has to parade their ignorance, bigotry and racism as if it were a badge of honour. How about tomorrow you try and make sure that’s not you?
Given your reputation for making up all sorts of bullshit in order to puff up your own delusions, I don’t doubt that you’re capable of actually believing I am.
Erm I think that’s the other way around Jerrod, & I proved it was at the time, by the fact you were unable to produce proof of a subjective opinion being wrong !
On more than one again you’ve provided summaries of radio programmes that wre completely inaccurate. And when you were challenged on your lies, you started bleating on about how the Fascist Left were altruism to silence you, when all it was was someone pointing out that you were lying.
But of course you don’t have the courage to admit you were lying, so you add more lies on top. Coward.
Yeah, those typos are what comes from using an iPhone keyboard. I was in a rush to meet my friends so didn’t review my post before hitting send. My bad.
> There was no lie Jerrod
Well, there has been, on numerous occasions. You completely lied about the questioning of Sue Ion on Desert Island Discs, for example. Because you needed something to moan about in order to seek the attention you crave, so you made something up.
> you were unable to show there was one.
Wrong again. Are you deliberately trying to lie with every sentence, or is it sheer dumb luck?
Anyone with half a brian could listen to the programme and work out that you had been talking a load of cobblers. Which you refused to accept.
Still, it got you the attention, didn’t it? You had to lie to do it. You had to prove to the world at large that you can’t be trusted, but hey. If one more person takes notice of you – even if it’s to laugh at your ineptitude — maybe you’ll feel slightly better about yourself. Of course, if you made the effort to be an honest adult instead of an immature liar, you might find that people don’t think as little of you as you fear. But since you’re never going to try, I guess we’ll never know, shall we?
It’s the sort of typo that halfwits pick up on in an attempt to change the subject – because they so desperately want to avoid any suggestion that they and their fellow Biased BBCers make shit up all the time.
Apologies for being a “half-wit “. But I get great joy out of you throwing your toys out of your pram ! If you were a Salmon , coming up river, you would be caught at the first cast. Enjoy, boy ! LOL !
Many of us thoroughly enjoy Shakespeare despite most of the actors and actresses, apparently, being bat-shit crazy, mono-brain-cell leftie types who have no idea of the real world where real people live, and many are anti-semites to boot. This of course being a problem for those who tend to work in fantasy worlds most of the time, and only being aware of the outside world through the red-light prism of the BBC and fellow like-minded racist organisations.
I have to admit to mixed feelings at the BBC using such a high percentage of BME actors/actresses.
On the one hand their sheer number is a distraction from whatever I’m watching, as is my feeling that the BBC is trying to manipulate me. But on the other hand British actors and actresses seem to be obsessed by multi-culturalism and helping illegal immigrants, so it’s only fair that as many of them as possible have their jobs taken by BME actors/actresses. By their actions they have volunteered to give their jobs to immigrants, so the BBC’s casting policy is merely giving white actors/actresses what they want – unemployment.
I don’t think many luvvies actually like Shakespeare, they just like the fact that his plays can be reworked to fit the latest fashionable agenda. I can’t imagine the average Arts Councillor from Islington being overly enthused by the ‘sceptred isle’ speech from Richard II, for example.
There once was a time not that distant when most people – the vast majority in fact- were well acquainted with the language used by Shakespeare. That was when the King James Bible was in common use throughout the land.
Most of us heard it every day in our schools and it was part of our lives and did not really seem at all strange.
Then things changed and as our culture weakened and lost confidence the old Bible was discarded.
Now we have a barely literate population served by a barely literate media elite and by actors who seem to think they are arbiters of how we should think and live.
Another marker on the road to cultural disintegration.
I came to England poor and broke
go on dole see labour bloke
Fill in forms and stand around
Kind man give me fifty pound
Thank him much and then he say
Come next week and get more pay
You come here we make you wealthy
Doctor too to keep you healthy
Send for friends from Pakistan
Tell them come as quick as can
Plenty of us on the dole
With motor cars and big bank roll
Come with me we live together
One bad thing the bloody weather
All get nicely settled down
Find big house in busy town
Fifteen families living up
Twice as many living down
All are paying nice big rent
More in garden live in tent
Soon we send for wife and kids
Kind man give me lots more quids
Twelve months later buy a Rolls
Sit on labour draw more doles
Wife get glasses teeth and pills
All are free we get no bills
White man pay out all the year
Keeping National Assistance here
Bless all white man big and small
For paying tax to keep us all
We think England damn good place
Too damn good for white man race
If they not like coloured man
Plenty of room in Pakistan.
Can you be imprisoned or hauled before the Courts if you are deemed to be a racist or bigot ? or is the act of inciting racial hatred that’s the crime ? If not, then what is the point of calling a person one ? We are what we are, and its the name caller that takes enjoyment from using the terms bigot, racist or ‘ignorant’ and get stressed as a result. Long before PC was ever invented, a school friend was born with a twisted leg, and always referred to herself as ‘the spas’ (spastic), and it was never an issue with her to be called one; this was in the days when Scope was called The Spastics Society ! I once reprimanded a business man who alighted from his car to have a pee at the end of my no-through road; he responded by calling me an ‘old cow’; I said “I may be a cow, but I take offence at the remark as being “old” ! that upset him even more because he didn’t get top side.
I think it’s all about control, control the language and control the people, and of course the meaning of bigot and racist has been redefined out of recognition to how I understand it, now it’s just anything the left doesn’t like. Thankfully we seem to be moving away from times when to call somebody a racist could end, and effectively win, any debate or argument instantly, the man on the street sees through that one. Like you I couldn’t care less what others think now, if they think I’m racist for questioning the wisdom of engineered deliberate mass migration then tough. If desiring to live among those with who I have a shared culture is bigoted, then likewise.
As usual Orwell put his finger on it, by coining the term ‘thought crime’. Groups who seek to control others have always promoted the concept that certain words, and their comcomitant ideas themselves are inherently dangerous. The forbidden words and ideas change but the concept of control is always the same. (eg, most people would find ‘Jesus’ a perfectly acceptable ejaculation but ‘nigger’ to be utterly damnable – a complete reverse of the situation in less than a century).
Well said Oldspeaker. The name callers deem to put themselves on a pedestal and only get themselves wound up, but as you say, nowadays the term of racist and bigot have lost their shock value. I’m now of an age where its of little consequence as to what I’m thought of by other people, and the term “am I bovvered ” comes to mind.
Time Mr. Car Moron put his ‘money where his mouth is’ to cut migration, especially ‘illegals’. The the Royal Navy should be tasked to protect our coast, otherwise our inability to act will encourage more attempts at bogus ’emergency rescue’ calls.
Or will he behave like Nelson and ‘turn a blind eye’? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-36407685
The BBC presented the service for the centenary of Verdun as a piece of pro remain propaganda. Centenary marked as a call to unity. Very dignified film, Holland and Merkel heads bowed laying a wreath.
I do hope Frau Merkel enjoyed the drumming that went with it. A poor man’s reproduction of Triumph of the Will, perhaps.
Far right Marine Le Pen described it as
Marine Le Pen ✔ @MLP_officiel
À #Verdun, le “spectacle” consiste à faire un jogging au milieu des tombes. Indécent, vraiment indécent. MLP
16:16 – 29 Mai 2016
At least the far right bullies objected to the rapper whose performance was cancelled. – a left fascist who sings about French Infidels.
Why do the continentals turn everything into ‘Jeux Sans Frontieres’? According to this, the Great War was something to do with lots of teenage girls running around a graveyard until they were killed by the Child Catcher on stilts, to the applause of Herr Merkel, who has the imperious gaze of the Kaiser more and more each time we see her. The tragic thing is it’s all happening again – the old men (and women) of Europe selling out the young people to glorify their own ideology.
At least we’d never see this on the BBC – hardly any black faces and not a single headscarf in sight. Nice shot of a Muslim grave though.
I think the alien script is actually on the monument to the Israelites but the youths are shown running through the Muslim memorial too. Equality in disrepect?
They did the same with the Normandy landings anniversary last year, with yoofs running around the beaches and actors grovelling in the sand. At least the Queen and Duke had the good manners not to look amused. Hussein Obama sat with his gob full of chewing gum., .
My good lady wanted to give it a try. It’s bloody awful. So awful in fact we could only last as long as someone telling the truth on ‘Up all night’ with Donton. It’s worse than that horse shit TGI Friday…..and that’s like saying “I preferred being shot in the…”
I’m so glad the traitorous, spineless, scumbags at Al Beed HQ have destroyed the only decent show they had.
Noted the coming Chilcot nonsense will pillory the Government of the day for overriding opposing voices, deceiving anybody who wanted to know the truth and of using all arms of the state-and its pliant media ciphers to spin, lie and work tirelessly towards a short term “result to catch the eye, to stop the traffic in Beijing and ensure Blair as a world statesman who delivers his country to the big boys at the UN, WTO etc”.
So is was with Blair in 2003- a media bite size victory, applause in the House and at Annie bar…but thirteen years on, it`ll all fall apart on the protagonists, the camp followers, useful idiots and lazy media horseflies…to the point where a Straw or a Blair can`t even walk down a street in this country to sign a book without armed protection.
So with Iraq-and the likes of Campbell…so it is today with the EU Referendum, and the likes of Cameron and May.
Th traitors and liars have crashed their party-and Cameron is very much Blairs heir…but not in a good way…and never glad confident morn again…
That is a very good point Chris , if you cannot walk down to your local shop to buy a packet of fags and a paper in your own country then you really are some kind of wanker
Did anyone have the misfortune to hear Mardell on the ‘World this Weekend’? The big story referendum wise – even on BBC headlines – is Gove and Boris attacking Cameron on the immigration fiasco. Lardell had current elected MP Gisela S. and kicked-out former MP Sir Vince Cable for erm… balance. I thought Gisela spoke very well but Mardell cut her off and went to a previously recorded report he had done in Berlin, asking German students and big business people if they would be disappointed with a Brexit. He kept pushing his pet question of will ‘Europe’ punish us if we leave, seemingly intent on getting the answer he wanted. He then interviewed a bigwig from Siemens (Big biz = pro remain) and again pushed his agenda.
So in summary; Hardly any time for Gisela, an easy ride for unelected/kicked out Sir Vince, ignoring of the main issue of the day which was the immigration figures and a long, biased report featuring only pro EU bigwigs and foreign students.
Despicable bias in my opinion.
Seems to me that whether you`re voting to leave the EU or not depends on
a) age…anybody educated in the Blair era will SURELY be brainwashed into voting for croissants, wine and Ryanair
b) Education-if you`re a public sector suckup or cipher, well of COURSE you`ll vote for more energy directives, jobs as diversity consultants and inspector of care homes..how else would you get a living if the EU didn`t ultimately bankroll you.
c) Attitude to the State-do you want welfare for ever and breakfast clubs for kids spawned by next doors babyfathers-or do you dare risk a future that is not that of the comfortable houseslave, awaiting the Cologne lads to visit your daughters student bar.
d) In short-are you a free English person…or do you crave the State to cover your arse until the Muslims decide it`ll be worth the bother.
We are without excuse-only the left and those who would have to write laws, take the blame for the lies of mid-Staffs-and who would have to learn once again to think for themselves, and account to this electorate of ours-only THEY will require us to stay in…nobody else with an education or a sense of history/life experience since 1973 would, if they gave a damn about themselves or their kids.
Really want the EU to try and treat us like we`re Ireland on June 24th, and then the EU itself will fold soon after…once in a lifetime to get these monkeys off our back…and to see Kinnock, Heseltine, Clarke and Ashdown die bitter and defeated would do me nicely.
Yep….But how long does it take for genuine law abiding people like this German woman to wake up to what is happening to our continent?
Inner Immigration
(Résumé of a German woman)
I am almost 50 years old, I have a University degree, and was – out of love for nature – always a trusted voter for the Green Party. I never felt much interest for politics. In Germany everything seemed to always go its natural regular course. I had trusted our parliamentary democracy, I thought our administration would hardly make mistakes, because it is controlled by the opposition. Never, absolutely never did I think that I would lose all my trust in the State. It’s unbearable that I am afraid of the future. Preferably I’d just like to leave. But I feel to old to leave Europe.
What country would even take me anymore? I am not a shameless African that just seats himself in a refugee boat. I would properly apply to the respective immigration authority. But my chances are close to zero. I am – like most Europeans – damned to impotence as I see this invasion happen.
When, about ten years ago, a friend of mine emigrated to Australia, I felt sorry for her. How could one leave our beautiful Europe? A continent with such wonderful nature and culture. I would’ve never even thought of this. Today I know: She did the right thing.
I am becoming depressed in Europe. Our defenselessness shocks me. The failure to act by our politicians drowns my mind in a fog of powerlessness. I have not read any of Sarrazin’s books, so as not to upset myself even more. Everything I read, in just our daily newspapers, is enough for me already.
The Euro is a complete nightmare. The illegal immigration is a complete nightmare. But the single largest outrage is the political correctness which disables us from criticizing these immense breaches of law.
We, that is us adult and mature citizens, who are in this way disenfranchised. When I went to school, I was taught critical thinking. What good is that to me now?
Meanwhile I hate the Green party. They are asinine and dopey, and they are shameless. Just like the SPD and the CDU. They expect that we get up at 6 AM in the morning and encourage our children to succeed, just so that they will wear themselves out like us in order to be able to keep on financing this daily madness. And soon until we’re 73 years old. [Translator: Germany plans to raise retirement age to 73]. But a State that provides no more stability, can no more expect of its citizens to function at full capacity. With each pot hole I drive through, with each African that I see loitering around, my motivation tanks more.
What does our Politics (Me: Policy?) even still have to offer to us? Legalization of hemp – probably so that we can withstand daily life in this insane country! Other than that there is nothing innovative on the program. I have looked at it all. Because I am looking for a new party that I can vote for.
I want the Deutsche Mark back and that the outer borders of the EU are being protected. I do not want to see any more pictures like those in the Daily Mail.. I don’t want more than that. Is that too much to ask for?
I do not have much power. But there are a few things that are within my might:
1. I will dedicate my time to look over my income tax very in depth, and I will not give away another cent of my money to this robber government.
2. I am seriously thinking of leaving my church, because the church is not fulfilling their mission duty. With this action, I can save another 1,000 Euro.
3. I will do nothing that stimulates consumption. Only buy the very necessary things. The finance minister will in the future only collect the absolutely unavoidable consumption taxes.
4. I will not leave any money on bank accounts, instead I will invest it in foreign currency and gold, and keep it stored in my house.
5. I will only vacation in non-EU countries.
6. I will in the coming year, two times for six weeks each of my free time, devote to the AfD and hand out flyers. When I read the preamble of the AfD program I had to cry because it is so beautiful. I will share this program wherever my feet will take me.
Inner Immigration – I can’t say more to it. Maybe add prayer. But lastly, I haven’t even gone to church anymore. The fiddling of my church with the powers that be does not please me. The new pope does not please me. The church does not provide me with spiritual stability anymore. On the contrary, the church scares me with their crusade against Europe.
There is another set of figures which I’m surprised the Leave campaign have not raised: that of the value of the remittances sent back annually to Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe by those “migrants” who are working here; these people who we are told are contributing so much to the U.K. through the income tax and National Insurance they all pay.
The money they send home or take back with them is gone for good from our economy and I’d take a wild guess that it will be an enormous sum.
Why isn’t this being pointed out? Or the number of Eastern european criminals in our prisons, adding to the (seemingly unending) “crisis” within the prison system.
The Leave campaign allowed themselves to be boxed in by the Remainiacs over the economy and the effect of Brexit on it; the answer is none knows. But people do know what the results of ongoing immigration from the EU has been and therefore what it will be; immigration should have been the main battleground from the very beginning.
Immigration always has been the Elephant in the room. Except according to Remain and Aunty all it really is is a shrew. Nothing to worry about lets talk about other stuff instead by killing debate. Not so depressing.
As for Vote Leave, instead of talking the truth about excessive migration and its dire consequences for our society. The Leave leadership went into default media mode and allowed itself to be conned into playing the media game of “Lets be seen as nice” rather than be seen as being truthful. We will stay from the immigration issue and talk economics instead with predictable results . As we all know there are lies, damm lies and statistics – gift for Aunty and her accolytes or what.
I do believe that much of society has become infantised. In that, all it really cares about is its next smart phone update or what Kim Kardasian is or is not wearing. Many people dont want to hear bad news. However the consequences of ignorance at this time in our history will have dire consequences for our future. It should have been the duty of Leave to hammer these facts into the morons – even if they dont want to hear it.
Farage who is generally unafraid of telling the truth and is an excellent communicator has been sidelined by both Leave and the MSM.
I do think the migration penny is starting to drop with people but it is probably too little too late.
It would truly ironic if our democracy was lost and our society and culture vanished just because people were more interested in I phone roaming charges rather than the effects of mass inward migration.
Many people are so distanced from the sufferings of our own people in the past to give us democracy that they take everything for granted. Unfortunately these days nothing can be taken for granted except for the fact that we have a two faced, corrupt, hypocritical, scheming, lying ruling class supported by a state broadcaster who possesses the same values in equal measure.
I agree with most of what you say Oaknash; however I believe there is still plenty of time for Leave to turn this to their advantage.
A week is said to be a long time in politics and there are three of them left until the ballot; I think that the Remainiacs may have fired off all their heavy calibre ammunition: the economic abyss into which the U.K. will fall after Brexit etc etc and have nothing new with which to bombard the public; so it will just be endless repetition of that same tune, of which even the sheeple could have become jaded by polling day.
The Leave campaign need to concentrate the debate where it always should have been: the uncontrollable immigration from other member states and the loss of sovereignty which prevents it from ever being brought under control so long as we remain a member of the EU.
The “migrants” are pouring across the Med in suicidal vessels again and beginning now to attempt the same across the English Channel; this should be of tremendous value in bolstering the pro-Brexit camp if they play it correctly.
The Leavers amongst us should take heart and keep doing their own bit to help; people who I’ve spoken to who say they aren’t sure which way to vote, I have done my best to make the case for Brexit to them and hope that it’s worked.
The BBC managed to drag its pacifist, anti-British and diversity agendas into its programme on the Battle of Jutland (BBC2 9pm). Channel 4 covered the Battle in an equivalent programme last week quite well. Not so the Beeb. Early on Jutland was described as a ‘ disaster for the British’. Not so.
Then we had to have the programme part-fronted by an asian female ‘engineer’ investigating if the battlecruiser losses were due to design faults. Dan Snow covered the tactics employed , was better, but still too much long-windedness. All-in-all very dumbed down. And of course much dwelling on the loss of life and reminiscent of the ‘lions led by donkeys’ theme dreamed up in the 60’s to belittle WW1 and now discredited.
What annoys me about these programmes is that they always have to “discover” something. In this case, it was that the British ignored safety procedures so as to get a higher rate of fire from the guns, and thus exposed the powder magazines, with catastrophic results. Well, that is true. It was also known almost as soon as the battle ended, so it’s hardly news.
I have no problem with a factual programme presenting the facts, but there is no need for them to give the impression they have just made a discovery which was known 100 years ago.
I agree with what you post .
But forgive me for using the analogy of ‘lions led by donkeys’ to our Car Moron and his Tory cabinet with us, true patriotic Britons – ‘lions led by donkeys’ .
We are definitely ‘lions’ led by the worst PM since Chamberlain. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36407447
Chamberlain was having to deal with Hitler. He tried to do the best for Britain, even though it turned out that he was wrong. But at least he was a patriot who wanted to preserve British independence. Cameron hasn’t got that excuse, he’s only got Merkel to deal with, and he’s giving our freedom away.
BH this morning mentioned some racist advert earlier this week in their Press section.
“Well done Madame” I thought-at last SOMEONE is going to mention that extremely nasty little Pro-EU poster for Operation Black Vote-as racist and prejudiced a campaign poster as I`ve seen for years.
Silly me-for this, after all is the BBC.
So no, it was NOT the OBV poster that drew her scorn for racist stereotyping-instead she fussed and worried about a Chinese advert for detergent where a black man swallows one and comes out of the wash as a Chinese bloke.
Not my problem, lady-no skin in the game, mere global badge kissing and wristband wank .
But portraying me and my kind in my own country as being ex-Millwall thugs and yelling at an Indian lady-now THAT is racist, and something that the BBC ought to be calling out when they see it.
But no-bloody white trash-racist populists and Hindu haters to a man.
Sod Off BBC.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Go to 9:00 and witness a BBC presenter deny the Rotherham rapes, cut the caller off, and then apologise for the truth being offensive to anyone.
Hahaha the truth is offensive to the BBC – well blow me away with a feather. Good post
Well a shocking case of will-full blindness, but as Doton is such a P*ss poor presenter anyway, what can you expect?, infact I refuse to listen to him due to his poor presenting skills, I occasionally listen to Rhod Sharp, who although a true yellow liberal, at least has the decency to put both sides of the story to the audience (more than likely because he actually lives in the USA.)
Plus Dr Karl, that Aussie science bloke who is on at 3am on Thurs morning is always worth a listen.
That is the sum total of my interaction with the BBC, not a lot for £145 odd a year!
Can’t decide whether he’s bigoted, dim, under instructions to deny Rotherham, or all three.
Disgusting creature, and amateurish to boot.
If he was white, he wouldn’t get within a mile of a BBC microphone. He is a truly awful radio presenter. His main success to date has been to make Stephen Nolan look good in comparison.
LOL ! It is the stupid smug face that gets me. He looks so like Alex Salmond. Maybe they share a brain cell ?
Another al beebus affirmative action hireling; the IQ of a fence post but his skin is the correct pigment.
Another ‘offensive’ truth—or what was believed to be the truth at the time—given short shrift.
When he was shot, and for a while thereafter, the immigration status of Jean Charles de Menezes was uncertain. It was widely reported that he was in the country illegally, his visa having expired. (Having entered the UK a second time, this second time from Ireland, he was in fact legally in the country under the provisions of the Anglo-Irish Common Travel area.)
This was the period in which Jonathan Dimbleby was still presenting both ‘Any Questions’ and its phone-in spin-off. One edition of ‘Any Answers’ shortly after the incident began with a caller who stated that, tragic though the death undeniably was, had de Menezes not overstayed his visa, he wouldn’t have been—in a literal sense, he physically couldn’t have been—shot and killed. (That was the gist; it’s not verbatim, obviously.)
Dimbleby audibly bristled. ‘Well, I’m not sure you should be shot for overstaying your visa’, he interrupted (or words to that effect), cutting off the caller. Which was not what the caller had said. What he had said, in the brief airtime allowed him, was grounded in the position widely understood at the time. Can’t remember if the presenter apologised for ‘any offence caused’, but I wouldn’t put it past him.
We were then hurried on to a more ‘appropriate’ second caller. And that was the moment when I first began to wonder about the BBC.
Thanks a lot MH, Saturday morning of a bank holiday weekend which I don’t have to work, everyone else out of the house so was feeling pretty relaxed, until I followed your advice and jumped straight to 09.00 of your link, top of my head nearly blew off. I hope I’ve got that out of context somehow, I fear not, bloke should be sacked on the spot.
In fairness to the presenter, as he works in the BBC and probably gets his news from the BBC and the Guardian, he may well be unaware of the worst atrocity this country has seen since the war.
I work in tv and was working with two producer friends of mine when I mentioned the 1,400 girls raped and tortured because they were white, with the connivance of the police and local council. My two colleagues looked at me as if I were insane. Subject was dropped but now I am a mindless racist in their eyes.
He looks like a black version of Alex Salmond. Revolting !
Grant – “He looks like a black version of Alex Salmond.”
Smoked Salmond possibly?
Hey, Lobbie ! Nice one ! LOL !
He pales into insignificance compared to Alex Salmond if you excuse the non PC reference to colour.
Adolph and his Scot Natz biggest achievement in all those years in office is the legalisation of sodomy and buggery although they had, thankfully, recently had an attempt to legalise incest rejected.
Only those who point their @rseholes skywards five times a day in reverence to some Moon God are socially accepted in Scotlandistan. Everyone else is a racist Islamophope and deemed necessary to be intimidated, shouted down and even threatened at every opportunity.
Is anybody monitoring the complete crap that is supposed to pass as radio on Up All Night? Most of it is pre recorded lefty crap with interviews that get REALLY boring after 10 minutes. THis guy is a terrible presenter, there must be 1000’s of people up and down the country that must be able to do the job better. Rhod isn’t much better imho. Scrap ofcom and free the radio airways.
No for once Dotun was right, the guy was not careful enough with his words on a hot button issue ..and so was cut off.
I suppose Dotun could have hit the mute button, and got him to rephrase what he just said, but he chose to wrap up the converation instead.
Sorry but you too are using language incorrectly.
‘England has their(sic) own problems…. white girsl’
The words you quote do not imply ALL Muslims at all.
For example I could say “England has their( sic) own problems with cats going wild. This would not .imply all cats at all. In fact it is usually taken to mean ‘some ‘ rather than all.
Secondly “ethically Muslim” is an impossibility as to be a Muslim is not a matter of race but belief. I could not be ethnically a Buddhist or a Christian either.
If you are going to defend the BBC try a bit harder.
I’m not going to get an into an argument on this but I will clarify some things.
– There certainly has been a problem with Pakistani/Muslim sex abuse gangs about 10 big cases not just in the north. And the number of events has been 5 times higher than the 7% figure of ethnicity.
– “most of the men who were found to have groomed and raped young girls in Rotherham were Pakistani. The same was the case in Oxford, Rochdale, Oldham and Manchester.”
– I understand your point on cats, but when it comes to race/religion/people you have to especially careful with language, many people do take it as refering to a whole group.
…eg where the caller said “Muslims” consider how that sounds replacing it with , Spanish, Brits, Chelsea supporters, gays, “straight white guys”
“England has their own problems with “X”s raping little white girls”
Muslims do not have free choice of religion like Christians/ Buddhists do : in most Muslim cultures, if your father is a Muslim then you are automatically a Muslim an you cannot leave the faith cos that is apostasy. The result that most who DISBELIEVE do not come out of the closet, but play along. If you want people to be able to come out of Islam you have to show them some support, not alienate them.
– In Rotherham one of those found guilty of conspiracy to rape was a white woman aged 58
– “The leader of the Rochdale gang was also found guilty of repeatedly raping an Asian girl. “
“I’m not going to get an into an argument on this”
The words normally followed by weak argument and a favoured troll technique.
StewGreen, what you can say is that, because they were white, 1400 girls in Rotherham were tortured and raped by Muslims in one town. There are some white people caught up in the cases on conspiracy charges, but the rapists and torturers were Muslim. Their victims were white, with a few sikh girls as victims too.
The Asian girl victim you mentioned would have been Sikh.
These rapists were aided by Muslims in the police force and Muslims on the council. The government put the Rotherham police force under the control of the Sheffield force who have arrested over 40 Rotherham police officers for sex crimes against children. The government disbanded the entire Rotherham council, ie it didn’t just debar the two Muslim thugs mentioned by the Jay report into the council.
By the way, Alexis Jay states in her report that the female ex members of the de barred council are still too terrified to speak because of one of the terrifying Muslim councillors in particular.
Alexis Jay’s report:
This is a Muslim problem and the radio program was wrong to throw a blanket over it.
whoops, correct link here
“Darned Christians are running around America bombing doctors”
… At abortion clinics.
See you have to be careful with words.
I do hope those darned Christians are not bombing Muslim abortion clinics; that would be racist.
This is a favourite cultural marxist technique. The issue of abortion clinics in the US has nothing to do with the subject ( Rotherham ) under discussion.
Or for that matter the lack of precision in your words .e.g. Muslims as an ethnic group rather than a faith group.
The rapists were Muslims, the victims were little white girls. The caller was stating a fact, yet the presenter claimed it was untrue. This is not just unprofessional, but deceptive as well, and another instance of the BBC shutting down debate on a subject that’s uncomfortable for the Left as they were guilty in covering up these vile crimes and allowing the suffering of these young girls to continue.
Hello Zero , what’s your take on this then?
Rape, sexual abuse & pedophilia occur throughout all sections of society regardless of wealth, fame, political opinion, race, nationality, skin colour or religion; because it has nothing to do with any of those things.
The only common denominator is that they are ALL (with a few notable exceptions) carried out by MEN. That’s people like Alan, Vance, you Taffman and me (allegedly).
So to endlessly point the finger at a small subset of those MEN; which could be Tories, Lefties, Whites, Blacks, Jews, Muslims or BBC employees (there’s a website for every preference) is to completely ignore the issue.
Because it’s not about finding a way to get rid of sexual abuse; it’s about trying desperately to sweep all the dirt under somebody else’s carpet.
Sexist Troll
“Gender-blindness on child sexual abuse”
You have no understanding of percentages whatsoever, do you?
Zero doesn’t understand the meaning of “common denominator ” either. Must have got his education from the BBC !
Yes Grant, and he does not read reports which have been carried out in the areas where the abuse has bee associated with the Muslim culture. Furthermore, the rapes may have been carried out by men, but the number of rapes suggest that many people, including women in the families of the rapists, were aware. Not to mention the women in the police, social work and the councils who all covered up for political reasons. What Zero and those who influence him – the Trots in the SWP, UAF and BBC – want us to accept is that the sexual abuse in towns like Rotherham is something we can all feel guilty over. And this nonsense is echoed by the uninformed token radio presenter.
Yes. I mean scum like Zero have to answer why none of the girls raped were muslim . But the “Zero’s” of this world do not care how many people suffer so long as it is not them. Wankers !
Bbc troll employess are best ignored…..
Even for you Zero, that is a shockingly sick and delusional response. In fact its so bad it’s good to finally hear a lunatic lefty ‘try’ and respond back against the Islamic rapes carried out against the ‘up for it and game’ kafir sex slave children all over the world.
The only common domonimator is Muslim men raping kafir girls in epidemic numbers. It doesn’t matter if its Rotherham, London, Paris, Pakistan, Nigeria, Islamic State, rape is carried out in the name of Islam. It’s not Hindus. It’s not Buddhists. It’s not Christians. It’s not Sikhs. It’s not atheists. It’s not Jews. It’s not Taoists….You are throwing away any dignity you had in yourself by trying to justify the Islamic rapes against the infidels.
You are a coward, a traitor, a dangerous fantasist, to suggest that it’s just a small group of irrelevant ‘men’ that carried out these horrific acts against innocent children. All kafir are subhuman to the believer. All women are subhuman to men. These acts are not only acceptable in Islamic instructions they are an act of Jihad that will guarantee a place in paradise for those sick fuck, death cult bastards!
Never has a name been so ept to describe the credibility you have to discuss the subject of Islam. You are zero amongst men and a disgrace to the people you are trying to destroy.
Thanks for comment, but I am afraid it appears that you are making a feeble attempt to put up a smokescreen to Mice Height’s main point – the presenter’s blatant CENSORSHIP of the facts made by the caller to his radio show.
Your effort does nothing in favour of Al Beeb, in fact you are letting them down.
In short ‘stop digging’ .
The only offensive comments here are those the BBC interviewer refusing to acknowledge that Rotherham was, and remains, a major issue. We all know that the BBC are hell bent on sweeping Rotherham and the similar many mass rapes across the country, under the carpet, by simply not reporting them or investigating them. Such is their commitment to multiculuralism and their arrogance , that they believe they have the power to cover up these awful crimes and allow people to forget about the foul crimes of these Muslim gangs. If the BBC had been doing their job properly these mass rapes would have been uncovered long ago and thousands of young girls saved from their ordeal. Equally to blame are the many council officials, police and Labour MPs who choose to allow the rapes to continue rather than rock the multiculty boat. The liberal left establishment in this country is sick and we are all suffering from the consequences of their disease. Those not on the left should make sure that these crimes are never forgotten and that those who knew and walked on by are prosecuted for neglect of duty. This includes the state broadcaster.
Thanks for posting this Mice. Wow, how can that idiot deny it? It is incredible the degree to which the left can distort reality to fit their view of what it ‘should be’. I’ve no doubt the host felt very ‘virtuous’ and ‘moral’ by denying the existence of Muslim rape gangs targeting white girls for rape in Rotherham.
The fact that he is lying would not enter his shallow little mind – the truth really has no interest for him.
I think this is worthy of a complaint, pointless though it would no doubt be.
I honestly believe that Doton doesn`t have a mind that functions the same way as every other sane person`s does.
“Leftism” is a mental illness for which there is no cure. Leftists are trapped in a distorted , morally inverted world and very few ever escape.
As a regular here In am familiar with BBC/SWP/Guardian attempts to cover up for crimes committed by Muslims. And I have come to expect selective attempts to justify the BBC by Jerrod aka Zero aka Scotty.
But what saddens me is my absolutely certain knowledge that not one MP or leading politician from any party will demand a BBC apology to the victims of Rotherham and their families for the outrageous denial from the Radio 5 presenter. Gutless bunch of Quislings.
Just imagine if a BBC token presenter cut off and silenced as beneath discussion a person who maintained that the cops were responsible for Hillsborough.
The trouble with tokens is that they have no skills and blindly show their appreciation to the white liberals who employ them.
Well said. What I do not understand is why Leftists have no feeling or sympathy for the victims. It is as though human beings are expendable and acceptable sacrifices on the altar of the perversion of Leftist ideology . Totally inhumane.
That is exactly the point of leftist ideology: the ends justify the means.
If the collectivization of agriculture means eight million peasants die, so be it. If the imposition of an unwanted multicultural society means a few thousand white girls are raped and brutalized, again, so be it. The success of the project is the greater good, the suffering it causes along the way is a mere detail, and a price worth paying.
That is why Jeremy Corbyn split up with his second wife, because she wanted their child to go to a good school, whereas he insisted the child attend the local sink school for his own ideological reasons. These people are willing to sacrifice their own children for their political beliefs; they sure as hell don’t give a damn about yours.
“That is why Jeremy Corbyn split up with his second wife, because she wanted their child to go to a good school, whereas he insisted the child attend the local sink school for his own ideological reasons.”
That might be the reason Corbyn gives to the press Rob but I suspect there may be a few other reasons.
Who gives a monkey’s toss about Corbyn’s so-called ” love live “. He is a sad creature and deserves or sympathy
Is that why his affair with Ms Abbott never blossomed into marriage? After all hypocritical Abbott sent her kids to a private school rather than the poor schools that she advocates for ‘ordinary’ folks. The hypocrisy of the left stinks to high heaven.
Dianne Abbott’s undoubted hypocrisy in this matter is at least a human failing. Jeremy Corbyn’s iron willed determination to put his political beliefs above the good of his child suggests the sort of inhuman devotion to the cause which allows party officials to convince themselves that the deaths of untold numbers of proles are a price worth paying for the victory of socialism.
As usual , your posts cut right through the ice . The ice coldness in the dark hearts of the bleeding heart, false , lying Leftists. how can these people sleep at night ?
Yes, all the millions murdered and for what ?
And the BBC and their acolytes whitewash it. Well, F**k them !
As this post covers the BBC’s token presenter who is in denial over Rotherham it is instructive to be aware that next week the left – Unions, faith groups, UAF, Trades Councils – are preparing to defend Rotherham from what they describe as the ‘far right fascists of Pegida’ who have permission to hold a legal demonstration against the crimes committed in that town, crimes that have been well documented.
I am sure that the cops will keep both sides apart and the BBC will echo complaints from local newspapers that these demonstrations are harmful to the vibrant diverse community.
Incidentally the Baker’s Union have supplied cakes etc for a fund raising effort to protest against the so called Nazis. (More lemon drizle?}
I’m not sure how his mind works but I think a rubber band and a couple of AA batteries might be involved.
Fighting Fire with Fire.
Many people on this site will be aware of and oppose the rabid Political Correctness of the Fascist Left, and will also see their attempts at ‘challenging’ anyone who fails to use the correct language, particularly when their favourite ‘ism’ is up for discussion – Racism.
My own experience of this is the use of the word ‘Paki’ which I contend is not racist, and there is no proof available to show that it is.
The EU equal treatment directive lays a burden upon the state to make sure that all people are treated equally regardless of race religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc etc.
So, if a state body, such as in this case, the Police decide that the use of certain words is ‘racist’ then they have to be able to show that they deal with every single race equally in the same way. This is impossible! To meet this criteria every single public facing officer and staff member would have to be made aware of every non PC in every single language which is currently spoken in the UK.
While they are quite happy to pick up the infinitesimal breaches, by white English speakers, they are allowing the most appalling racist diatribes pass unchallenged simply because they cannot understand what is being said.
This means that they are treating white English speakers in a materially different way to those of an ethnic background, breaking the equal treatment directive, and several other laws as well.
I have checked this with the equalities commission, and with lawyers. It isn’t an actual breach until they act on it, and simply telling you not to use that language is not sufficient to engage the act, however they agree that the argument is sound – those people challenging what they regard as politically incorrect language are behaving in a racist manner !
I have several very good Pakistani friends. I sometimes use the word ” Paki”. They do not object, they call each other “Paki” after all, as they know when I say it, it is not meant as an insult. I think it is different when someone uses a name as an insult.
I do hope that the people of Wales, Scotland Ireland, and the USA will continue to respond to Taff, Jock Paddy and Yank with dignity rather than obey the dictators of identity pol as those complaining about the word Paki have done. I wear my name tag Taff with pride.
How often do we hear the word ‘Brits’ used by Al Beeb – perhaps we should complain to them about that? Al Beeb is not serving the interest of Great Britain, it should have been abolished long ago .
The word that Irish Republicans use to describe us adopted by al beebus; funny that.
Are you calling me a “Jock”, you damn “Taffy” ?
“Jock”, you can call me anything you like as long as its not early in the morning esp., after I have worked ‘nights’.
I agree with you on this Grant. How you use this word all depends on the context of where it is used and how it is used. I would not usually use this word with someone unless they were relaxed with me and it was in the context of mutual light hearted piss taking.
I rate this word the same as kaffir. I think it is meant as mildly insulting. Unfortunately there are too many overtones from the seventies with this word (ie lets go paki bashing etc) to use it generally and it probably plays into the hands of the BBC/lefty/ethnic victimhood industry. Generally I think it is sensible to avoid this one generally lest we all get cast as seesaw sitting skinhea, brexit voting skinheads.
I generally rate the word in the same context as kaffir it is meant as mildly insulting
Alas you’ve missed the point, which isn’t about the word, but the fact that it’s only white English speakers being picked up over the most infinitesimal infringements, while allowing the real things simply pass by them because they don’t understand what is being said.
This is why ‘Racism’ and Political Correctness is seen so often as a one way street, being used to oppress whites when the same rules are not applied to ethnic minorities.
Picking someone up or challenging them over their use of English is just not acceptable, when it’s only white English speakers, therefore if you cannot challenge everyone, you should challenge no one.
I agree. It is like the difference between saying a “coloured person” or a “person of colour”. There is no difference, and yet one is “right” and one is “wrong”. I almost felt sorry for Benedict Cumberbatch when he tripped up over that one, but the feeling soon passed when I remembered he was a smug left wing cretin.
Oak, Thoughtful, Rob,
Good points all. When I am in Gambia and , generally, I avoid the word ” Nigger ” mainly because of the slave trade connotations. They do not use it themselves there, but black Afro-Americans use ” Nigga ” to each other frequently.
Of course, I remind black Africans that they sold their own people into slavery and that closes down discussion.
One of my best white friends in Gambia is French and I have no hesitation in calling him a ” bloody frog “. He even bought me a drink once !
Thoughtful – I probably did jump in with both feet a bit too much on this one. – It is certainly true that we are more much closely monitored with regard to what we say yet “minorities” are generally given a free pass to say what they like – We see it here – our friendly site trolls quick to point the “waycism” finger at us yet never seem to have an opinion on subjects such as Rotherham or Cologne when asked.
I have mentioned on previous posts that I do think PC speak is a subtle way of controlling what we say and limiting free expression. I suppose what I was being cautious about is that certain words are generally best avoided unless you know who you are speaking to, as they are generally seen as insulting. However I thoroughly agree with the main thrust of what you are saying.
Rob as for Cumberpatch – nah I would never feel sorry for that twat – though it brilliantly illustrated the way the PC/media brigade use language to control us. Pity he didnt get it!
Oaknash, I really like the way that several people on this site have disagreed with you in a very polite way and you have responded in a similar tone. I find the word “kaffir” to be very offensive, but would any of the PC PCs pay any attention to my feelings of outrage?
Yes ” Kaffir” is offensive because it is intended to be. It is religious bigotry. But words for “foreigner” tend just to be descriptive. Like ” Farong” in Chinese or the Gambian word for white person ” Toubab”. Not meant to be racist although some white people take it that way, to my surprise.
PS. To take a language close to my heart, the Turkish language would recognise ” Kaffir” from the Arabic. But a more Turkish word would be ” Gavur ” meaning non-muslim, infidel. It is intended as an insult and no intelligent , educated Turk would ever use it, even among themselves. Needless to say, an ignorant, uneducated Turk like Erdogan uses it frequently ! Take note Merkel !
“Alas you’ve missed the point, which isn’t about the word, but the fact that it’s only white English speakers being picked up over the most infinitesimal infringements”
That’s just not true. Witness the numerous accusations of racism directed towards Obama, Umunaa, Abbott, Henry, Kahn and virtually every other “non-white” person you can think of.
“Picking someone up or challenging them over their use of English is just not acceptable…”
Yes Thoughtful, you should be allowed to say whatever you like; but anyone criticising what you say is just not acceptable, and shouldn’t be allowed.
Plus what are his audience figures? apart from night workers, insomniacs and hard core Lefties, how many people listen to or even care what this twonk thinks?
Well that’s 3 likes you won’t be getting this weekend or at 3am from those who come here to debate in a mature, polite manner*.
If the Essay in todays D/Mail is to be believed (and is more than a possibility) then there will be more ‘Pakis’ and other current minorities than whites in this country by the 2060’s !! So, on that premise will the tables be turned and political correctness be in favour of us minority whites I wonder ? because by that time WE will be the ones to be mortally offended, which means we might get Christmas back again !!! – I know, what AM I thinking ?
When we are a minority in our own country, what happens to us? Has any population in history ever given up its territory unless it has been defeated in war? When I contemplate the way Pakistanis behave here when they are 5% of the population, and I see how Pakistan has turned out, it is hard not to conclude that we are doomed as a people.
If you want to see what the future holds for non-Muslims in Britain when Muslims are the majority: look at how the kuffar are treated by them and always have been in Islamic countries; not too damn well it seems.
England will be gone. Those of indigenous stock who are left will either have to convert to Islam or accept dhimmi status.
This is the most peaceful outcome I can forsee. Any other scenario will involve civil war.
It is possible that Western civilisation has run it’s course, There is good evidence for this .Just look at the art and culture of our peers. And take into account the prevailing social orthodoxies that are in direct opposition to a traditional approach to morality and ethics. Not only today in 2016 but in any age since the so called Dark Ages.
Islam and Sharia will produce nothing of merit. The Islamification of Europe will lead to a new Dark Age but without the occasional flashes of light of those days.
At long last, maybe after centuries the world will turn again and a new awakening of civilisation start.
It is perhaps all that we can now do is to conserve and hand on the very best of our civilisation to our descendants.
Islam is then best seen as the means of ending what is dying anyway. It is the weapon but not the cause. That is deep within our decadent culture.
You might well argue that a society obsessed with which toilets transgenders can use has run its course. I hope not, but sometimes it seems like it.
I think you are right Rob . The moral compass is now broken.
Sadly , what you say is true .
I sadly agree. Unless…. the numbers do not appear as predicted due to inbreeding or -heaven forbid – some far right patriots take it upon themselves to add large quantities of superlorin to halal food.
BBC 3Counties radio at about 11.30 am yesterday.
I tuned in half way through a phone-in. I think the topic was Sharia Law.
A caller named Raj with a Pakistani accent said that Sharia Law was not compatible with the British way of life.
He then stated without prompting that the Muslim way to gain ascendancy is to breed as much as possible and therefore outnumber the British white population. Once the halfway point had been reached he said, there would be no more compliance.
The BBC DJ almost had a hissy-fit and demanded evidence.
Raj responded by saying that this is the teaching in his mosque and he had heard it repeated for years.
Almost instantly, a caller was brought on who was obviously known to the DJ. She was an Asian woman and she began her reply by saying, “I welcome Raj’s contribution but…..” I switched off at this point as I knew exactly what soothing words were coming. Not in our name etc.
Europeans are writing their own suicide note .
To be more accurate, the European elite are. When the people object, a few thousand postal votes can always be found to silence them.
Home Secretary claims that sharia benefits. She ought to cover her face or be stoned.
Well the chickens are really coming home to roost now. I thought May could be the next Margaret Thatcher, just like I thought Camoron was actually the leader of the Conservative Party and not the leader of the latest liberal-left elite, but it just shows what I know. The Tory hierarchy have no idea how they alienating their rank and file.
Make no mistake, they will be made to pay for this and their crass stupidity over ‘Project Fear’ and the Referendum.
Fred – May is definitely yesterdays woman and I think win or lose in the referendum she has definately backed the wrong horses. Both from fine stables and expensive to keep, but only any use for dressage and certainly not racing!
Whilst I have been impressed with Gove and IDS. I was proper impressed with Priti Patel – what an absolute star! – I had to go and lie down after hearing this on Radio 4 this morning.
Definately pricked the shallow egos of The Moron and Georgie boy by saying it as it is. Too rich to care! – – too bloody right they are! Go Girl! Oh yeah baby – dont stop now!!!!!
Its what many of us have known for a long time. A couple of over privileged, vapid aristos shown for what they are – rich, manipulative tossers with a grossly inflated sense of entitlement. Willing to say anything to retain their privileged existence even if it means sending the rest of the country to the dogs.
It gave me real pleasure to finally hear someone from the Conservative party to out this pair of chinless wonders!
Interesting that it came from a woman with a normal background. Could this be the next Maggie – I dunno yet, however I can see this striking a resonance with the voters (maybe even the sheep) providing the rest of Leave are sensible enough to pick this up and run with it.
As my missis said “it takes a woman”
However I doubt they will as they would much rather – “Lets talk more economy bollocks instead as immigration is so, so, negative – yah!”
Must go and lie down now, got too excited earlier!
Here it is …
Thanks Nogginator for the link. I’ll make a written transcript tomorrow.
Having heard it again, it sounds even more interesting, if interesting is the right word…
To those who want to listen, it starts at about 5 minutes in with the caller Sanjev. (My mistake recalling it as Raj).
You, of course are welcome … Mansoor Mughal (Muslim Forum) has all the patronising arrogance
of the supremacist, very terms of this erm “inquiry” ? are a total set up … all aspects of Sharia in public life MUST be banned in the UK, absolutely essential.
It is discriminatory, racist, subversive and incompatible, there s nothing to enquire about … no discussion to have, there will be calls to re-establish it in the future as demographics change, a total ban, the reason for said ban is our baseline, our political line to consistently refer back to as a protection in our law … another shocking example of these Tory f-ckwits selling off and selling out
our nation.
A little analogy to the Left wing Fascist ‘mind’.
A little salt makes food taste much nicer, therefore if the entire contents of the salt pot are emptied onto the meal it will taste fantastic!
Unfortunately the salt is as difficult to remove as immigrants are, and having learned that too many migrants are ruining the country the reaction of a sane individual would be to stop bringing more in. Not for the Lefties, as too much is never enough, and having ruined the meal, ruining it a bit more still appears to be appealing.
Good analogy Thoughtful and to push it further, the meal that the lefties are wanting to create (ie full of salt) is not the meal they will be eating. They will be eating from a different plate where the salt is just enough to add taste to the meal. But they will still demand that the rest of us, ie those not from rich backgrounds, to eat the salty meal and say how good it is.
Just popping this one out there…
This Rio Olympics thing looks interesting.
Based on no more than Classic FM Global tripe headlines, it sounds like there is a difference in opinion between hundreds of scientists who say and those who may feel they are being OTT, or simply have a vested interest in the mega-$ drug fest that claims to be about sport.
Who knows?
Given the BBC usually likes scientists who say on things, it will be interesting where they err in ‘reporting’ given the attractions of the city when not serving the public as they look forward to the last tango each night on R&R.
Happily, on this one, I could care less what happens, unless the scientists have a point and a bunch of market rate talents come back with nasty diseases and start spreading more grief around London and beyond. Or Zika.
I’m waiting for Roger Harrabin’s considered scientific opinion on this one.
LOL !! Harrabin does not know and amp from a volt. He also has anatomy problems with his elbow !
No doubt the BBC will be all over this dangerous, despicable act of naked racist aggression:
Thug throws SAUSAGES and pig GUTS at mosque in ‘hate crime’
Unless the sausages were big, heavy, Italian salamis, propelled from some sort of catapult, I doubt if they were capable of inflicting much damage. Perhaps the sensitive worshipers inside could learn something from the useful Monty Python documentary: “Self Defence Against Fresh Fruit”:
Is this really all they have to complain about?
Code didn’t work but you get the drift.
Which plonker gave that a “like”?
Wasn’t me.
Clearly no content whatsoever is more popular than the BBC.
I’m not a plonker!
With a face like that, I should think being called a plonker is the least of your worries.
The guy in the photo looks like one of Ajem Choudary’s oppos, the ginger haired Scottish one. Certainly doesn’t look like the usual skinhead type stereotype suspect the BBC is always keen on reinforcing.
Wouldn’t surprise me to learn it’s a Muslim who did this, for what ever reason.
Racially aggravated, religious hate crime according to the Al BBC noon news, police are pulling out all the stops,
some knob of a police commissioner said something … ala frogmen and cops jumping in the canal to “rescue” Korans no doubt.
Little Jewish children, having additional security just to go to school after repeated attacks, or if a tussle at school
involving a muslim, a car full of grown men kicking the sh-t out a child on the way home, repeatedly gang raping a white 11 year old girl … that s Racially aggravated, religious hate crime.
Throwing a sausage is not, some kid pulling a scarf is not … priorities ladies and gentlemen.
Down the slippery road we go, and nobody calls them on it … so on it goes, always another reason to whine and bleat
While the biggest ever Islamic child rape gang case the UK has seen passes by … with media silence
Brexit would be serious risk to global economic growth – G7 leaders
This is from Reuters but where it comes from is quite irrelevant. Economic leaders around the world should be embarrassed because they have failed in a spectacular way. Any O-level economics student will tell you that printing money (or quantitative easing as I believe it is called) will only stoke up problems for the future and, as seems to be happening now, it will come home to roost. (how much money did they print? and the global economy is still slowing, oh my my) Did these people, some of whom have more degrees than a thermometer, really think printing money was the solution? There is so much debt in the world that it can never be paid off in a million years. Whether the UK stays or leaves the EU is irrelevant. We are doomed economically anyway. You might as well buy a nice bottle of wine (while your cash is still valid or your credit card is still works) and sit down with your family and your dog and enjoy a nice English summer evening out on the back yard or patio or whatever you have. See you on the other side.
You are spot on. They have no way out of this with interest rates at zero they are royally ffed. Those with their own currency can play the Forex card and try to achieve the right level. QE is now dead in the water. The EUR is limping along watch it sail through parity to the $ in the short term.The cancer is in the EUR – Greece and Spain are bankrupt , France is not far behind – they don;t like them labour laws do they – hell no the french might actually have to work for a living.Germany is finished as the mudslimes begin their slow takeover.
That’s why all the world and ‘the man next door’ want us to remain in.
They need our £ & cash to bail them out. Germany can’t support the rest of Europe on its own.
Time to get out and put the ‘Great’ back in Britain .
“There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt.”
John Adams (2nd POTUS).
“The bank hath benefit of interest on all moneys which it creates out of nothing.”
William Patterson 1694, Founder of the Bank of England.
“If there were no debts in our money system, there wouldn’t be any money.”
Marriner Eccles 1941, Governor of Federal Reserve Board.
“Individuals, businesses / corporations, governments at all levels, MUST borrow from banks in order to get money created.” Byron Dale.
“Money is created when loans are issued and debts incurred, money is extinguished when loans are repaid.” J.B. Henderson.
I disagree Maria – you do not seem to be taking this potential tragedy seriously enough. Porcine projectiles could be potentially lethal in the wrong hands!
Diced pork inserted in a paper bag and thrown at massed worshipers could act like cluster munitions and seriously stain ones dish dash.
A pork pie with a craftily worked pastry case could easily be thrown over a 100 yards, scattering on impact a lethal concoction of pork, pork fat and jelly seriously injuring anyone in the zone of impact.
And as for scotch eggs – These are easily converted into kinetic energy munitions and therefore these should be banned immediately.
I wonder whether there is any mention in the UN Arms treaty regarding the weaponising of provender.
I suggest we order the immediate slaughter of all pigs in this country to prevent a repeat of this awful tragedy. And maybe even consider controlling access to pastry in case it falls into the hands of those who intend to do harm to others.
Hopefully as you mentioned the BBC should be straight onto this as this is definitely a subject of national importance.
You’ve obviously given it some careful thought.
What we need at this moment in our history is a Barnes Wallis and an A V Roe. A large bouncing Melton Mowbray pork pie would have lots of potential. I’m sure that this is what Mr Wallis originally had in mind.
I’m sure that someone somewhere (except Israel, perhaps) is working on tactical pork based weapons as we speak.
Silly? We’ve had pineapple grenades.
We should import bacon from Rapley’s butchers at Narooma in Australia, who advertised with a sign saying “Eating two strips of Rapley’s award-winning bacon for breakfast reduces your chance of being a suicide bomber by 100 %”.
Maybe Muslims should be informed that all explosive products contain pig products and that suicide bombers will not be embraced by Mr Allah because their remains will be splattered by traces of pork.
‘The ironical part is that when a Suicide Bomber blows himself up his body parts are impregnated with Gelatine and Glycerine from the explosive. Both Gelatine and Glycerine are manufactured from Pigs worldwide.. Ergo, they will never be accepted by Allah.
Some makers of cigarettes use haemoglobin from pig’s blood in their filters. Apparently this element works as a sort of ‘artificial lung’ in the cigarette so, they claim, ‘harmful reactions take place before the chemicals reach the user’, (enter the Pig.)
Pig bone gelatine is used to help transport gunpowder or cordite into the bullet. Insulin, the blood-thinning drug heparin and pig heart valves all vital. The complex workings of the global food and processing industry have ensured that it is impossible to avoid pig altogether.
There is no legal obligation for manufacturers to specify whether the gelatine they use is from a pig or another animal. When it is specified, it is often confusingly referred to as Suilline gelatine.
So to all prospective Suicide Bombers, ISIS and innocent, good Muslims, I say, “Have a Nice Day” from “Percy” the wonderful Pig.’
Now this thought occurs to me. Given that our police are so keen to protect Muslims from offensive pig products and ‘racists’ who throw bacon at mosques, perhaps they might consider protecting Muslims from pork by investigating and occasionally arresting known terrorists. Is that too much to ask of our collaborating plod?
Just as you think the BBC can t get any lower, omitting the reason for the “anniversary” attempt at murdering 4 innocent women in a car park (see midweek thread)
Now it seems a certain fusilier was murdered by “two men” because he was … wearing a T shirt ?
He says ‘some people say he was saying …’ or words to that effect. If he had directly heard Ethem Aydin Orhon shouting the words about Lee Rigby then fine. But I don’t think any news organisation can report hearsay … unless it demonises the indigenous, white males of course.
It would be interesting to know if there is any firmer evidence Ethem Aydin Orhon used those words while stabbing people.
I may be a ‘bit late’ but has anyone picked up this HYS yet ? Its closed now but worth a look at the “highest rated” comments.
Closed? There’s a surprise given the way it was going… went.
The plug pull is interesting. Look what was the last thought left the reader.
And look at what it was responding to. Ironically removed but captured in the final comment.
Plus the time between these seems long given the febrile nature of the thread. One minute before midnight after five minutes?
And the overall premise… classic BBC set up.
That said, Dave’s handling is so inept that he might as well be a 5th columnist in the Remain camp
Here is an update on the Leytonstone stabbings containing no surprises whatsoever.
I am sure our £4Bn national treasure will catch up eventually; I was unable to find mention of the incident on the BBC earlier.
Tuned into BBC Breakfast for an update of the news of industrial strife in our EU neighbour France or for information about reports of 19 people being fished out of a life raft off Dover ?- well, you won’t get it here.
What little news there is getting past the desperate adverts for Top Gear seems either to have been written yesterday by Biddy Baxter or to have been gleaned from press agencies.
Blue Peter-esque dunce presenter Naga is interested about lightening strikes – so we call in a chap our Naga calls a ‘meaty urologist’
Red sofa wathcers learn the crucial nugget of advice – ‘don’t shelter under trees during a thunder storm’ (one wonders what it is that schools and parents tell their young off-spring about nature these days?)
As for the boatload of UK bound migrants plunked for the Channel – our no-mark house eunuch explains ‘this is a new story so we don’t have much detail yet’ (Well, it’s not as if the BBC has any actual journos on the payroll)
Heard the same article about lightening strikes this morning on 5 dead, thought I had tuned into cbeebies.
When the BBC say they ‘don’t have much detail yet’ what they really mean is they are cannot spin the story to be pro-muslim/pro-immigration and therefore won’t let us hear any of the facts they already know. ie. they won’t tell us the boat was stolen.
Support from an unexpected source:
Punk Rotten blasts ‘witch hunt’ against Cliff Richard
“He gave an interview to Radio 1 in which he called Savile a “hypocrite… into all kinds of seediness… that we’re not allowed to talk about.” The segment was never broadcast.
Lydon explained: “Firsthand experiences were reiterated to me by young girls who went to Top Of The Pops and said he was touchy, feely, creepy, urgh… Doctor Death.
“I knew all about it and said so, and got myself banned from the BBC. Family values, eh? Turns out I was the only one who had any.””
That, folks, is what we have to pay for.
Johnny Rotten is quite a good bloke in many ways. A strange character altogether. More evidence of the BBC cover-up. Dare I say an institution Rotten to the core !
BBC Website ” Will ethnic minorities decide EU vote ? “. It would be funny if they did and voted to leave. That would stuff the BBC !
Some might – those who believe that qualified people from say, India, are currently at a disadvantage.
But then certain others wouldn’t be able to drift into whatever country happens to offer the most favourable benefits at any given time. Like Somalis – in the UK via the Netherlands.
Just enjoying this for the BBC being treated to its own ‘admitted that’ editorial…
Probably so we don’t notice the VIth form debating society! Does make you wonder how much more the BBC fake.
I simply do not believe anything from the BBC unless I have independent 3rd party verification. I would not trust the BBC to tell the truth on anything.
The hideously over privileged Razzall asks “Will ethnic minority voters decide EU vote?” , more BBC prodding of people they believe are likely to vote remain but who may not vote? maybe, but what really caught my attention were the lines,
“The gallery is exhibiting “Shock and Awe”, Barbara Walker’s drawings of the contribution made by black servicemen and women to Britain’s armed forces.”
Er, just how exactly is the name of the gallery, artist, and exhibition relevant to the article? (gallery name given a few lines earlier) It appears to be used as a very tenuous and clumsy mechanism to introduce the “Commonwealth” into the article, a suspicious type could interpret it as product placement, or heaven forbid, a blatant advertisement.
19 people taken from a dinghy off the coast of Dymchurch, and where will they end up ? certainly not back in France that’s for sure. Before long the race across the Channel will start to look like a scene from Hawaii 5 ‘O’ with the Keystone Cops of Kent running up and down the coastline trying to catch ’em ! Its sickening, and even worse, that there is no-one with any balls in authority to do anything about it – we’ve got such a lily-livered bunch of idiots with a softly softly approach of not offending that its dragging this country under.
“Where will they end up ? ” . Cue Bob Geldof or Bono or any other selfish , self-publicising Luvvies !
Spot the missing word:
I keep hearing on the BBC that “This is a once in a generation/lifetime opportunity to vote in the referndum”. It may be as far as the Conservative Party and current government is concerned. However, there will be future elections and if a different political party had a referendum on the EU in its manifesto and became the elected government surely there would be no objection to having a new referendum? I raise this because there is a huge amount of change in the EU programme likely to be imposed immediately after the vote on June 23rd.
There has been some discussion about the slowness of this site. It is certainly the slowest of all sites I visit. One solution suggested was to route through USA or something. I suspect that most posters here are similar to me and not very “Techie”. There must be a simple way of sorting this out. I am often reluctant to post because it takes so long ( not necessarily a bad thing ! ).
May I implore you , on my hands and knees ? And keep those Irish eyes smiling.
As Pat Condell would say, ” Peace ” !
Best wishes,
Grant, Yes very slow. I usually find that it varies, sometimes slow to get started and then livens up. But generally the slowness has been increasing,
Yes , but why ? Someone needs to sort this . I could get one of my computer geeks to do it, but they have more important work. Surely David of Alan can get it organised ?
I suspect this is just slow as it is hosted in the US. I’m sure it is hosted in the US so the owner/s cannot so easily get sued for libel etc (as they still have freedom of speech across the pond with the 1st amendment) and also so us posters are much less likely to be held up for anything marginally illegal we might post. After all, almost anything contrary to left group-think can be considered illegal if the police so choose in the UK/EU.
Whether it can be sped up? I don’t know, if it is just a matter of cost perhaps the owner/s could put out a request for funding to cover the cost?
I doubt that using another site to fool the BBBC domain into thinking the viewer is in the States will make it any quicker. It just adds another intermediate step and the output still has to be routed back to the UK in any case. I’m happy to be proved wrong on this though.
Personally, I do not find the slowness to be that much of a problem and am happy to take this extra legal protection being in the States probably offers the site.
Great article by Rod Liddle in The Sunday Times (pay-walled)
Australia’s ladies Olympic soccer team, hotly tipped for gold in Rio, took on a team of 14 and 15 year old boys from a local club and lost 7-0.
Can’t remember hearing about it on the BBC.
The bBBC are too busy cherry-picking which colour they like the most! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-36407651
They are also far too concerned with women not allowed in monasteries to worry about soccer! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-36378690
The safe space dilemma may be a worthy punt.
Credit at least to the ladies for taking part. It’s not the winning, see.
Describing womens football was the arena where the left perfected their ‘special’ art in talking about things clearly from a parallel/make belief universe.
You couldn’t make some of these hilarious lefty statements up…though clearly the lunatics who said them did;
“Theres more skill in the womens game”
“The women’s team would give the men a good game”
“The women’s game is a purer form of the game as there’s less cheating..”
Add these too
“Islam is a religion of peace”
“All men are to blame for the mass rape of innocent white girls”
“Let’s get the world’s biggest bellend Evens to host Top Gear”
And the best of all
“Nobody actually believes Mao Corbyn is antisemitic”
You come to the conclusion that the Al Beed is epically fu(ked and is infested with completely demented morons
Rod Liddle mentions in his Sunday Times column that a local team of 14/5 year old boys managed to beat the Australian Womens Olympic team by 7 gals to nil.
Why aren`t I surprised-and(more to the point) why won`t the BBC ever tell me this?
It`s not as if I want to mock the women, who are due a Gold Medal in Rio-but it`s the glorious lies, inflation and false equivalence that sickens me with the BBC.
Womens football is of no interest yet to anybody but families and partners of all involved…so the BBC need to stop lying and inflating its value and importance.
Like Wimbledon-equality and equal pay for equal work is s two way street-and we`re all sick of the BBC lying and denying that blokes actually do some sports, create more value that do some women.
The BBC can make you hate and despise all that they favour…and that`s not fair,but rage and contempt follow all the BBCs favoured causes…maybe all who want a level playing field need to stop letting the BBC use them for massages and social engineering.
Notice the BBC seem awful bothered at the threat to the Olympics in Rio, should the nanny state do-gooders that comprise the leading entemologists, epidemiologists get their way.
For the Brazilian Zika virus is all set to attach itself to the rest of the worlds populations where malaria is a killer…all those Ugandan, Malaysian sports officials and athletes will bring it back to their countries, and the mutany variants on this disease will brain-damage a lots of as-yet-unborn children.
Now NORMALLY-when the BBC get THIS kind of warning from world experts shouting in unison-why, the precautionary principle kicks in-cancel, suspend travel until we know the facts, can`t be too careful yada, if it saves just ONE life, yada yada…
But not here-not now.
For the IOC and the UN-backed WHO have entered into a secret deal to fuss over obesity, so we`ll not fuss over Zika spreading over the Olympics like a plague…I mean, all that infrastructure, that poor lady President of theirs in Brazil…and,of course,all those BBC camera crew, schedules planned and hotels booked for Claire Balding and Danny Baker etc.
So-on this one occasion-sod the pinheads of the poor as yet unborn with brain damage…sod the nanny state white coated doomsayers and their geeky tendencies to crush the fun…no…let the games commence, bow down and accept a few child sacrifices so Steve Cram and Mo Farah can get a medal or a BBC green banquette to observe their fuckin` games like the seedy faux emperors that they are.
Satanic five ring circus of hell-and the BBC insist on leading us around each one of them.
Notice the BBC seem awful bothered at the threat to the Olympics in Rio, should the nanny state do-gooders that comprise the leading entemologists, epidemiologists get their way.
For the Brazilian Zika virus is all set to attach itself to the rest of the worlds populations where malaria is a killer…all those Ugandan, Malaysian sports officials and athletes will bring it back to their countries, and the mutant variants on this disease will brain-damage a lots of as-yet-unborn children.
Now NORMALLY-when the BBC get THIS kind of warning from world experts shouting in unison-why, the precautionary principle kicks in-cancel, suspend travel until we know the facts, can`t be too careful yada, if it saves just ONE life, yada yada…
But not here-not now.
For the IOC and the UN-backed WHO have entered into a secret deal to fuss over obesity, so we`ll not fuss over Zika spreading over the Olympics like a plague…I mean, all that infrastructure, that poor lady President of theirs in Brazil…and,of course,all those BBC camera crew, schedules planned and hotels booked for Claire Balding and Danny Baker etc.
So-on this one occasion-sod the pinheads of the poor as-yet-unborn with brain damage…sod the nanny state white coated doomsayers and their geeky tendencies to crush the fun…no…let the games commence, bow down and accept a few child sacrifices so Steve Cram and Mo Farah can get a medal or a BBC green banquette to observe their fuckin` games like the seedy faux emperors that they are.
Satanic five ring circus of hell-and the BBC insist on leading us around each one of them.
I heard the shock, horror, Zika story on Saturday”s Toady. John Humphries was pushing the WHO person to agree that holding the Olympics would be a mistake, but it all fell apart when she pointed out that the Zika virus had first been identified in 1947 in Uganda, and it has already spread so far that it can’t now be contained by any sort of quarantine. Humphries’ fall back position seemed to be the risk to the poorly nourished Africans who would be going to Rio, but he never explained how, if they were so poor, they were going to get there.
Been awaiting the BBC line to take on this.
On the one hand, major jolly in the offing. On the other, scientists who say.
Interesting to watch Marr go “Brexit on Bliar ” this morning. Obviously Marr would say he was playing devil’s advocate, but the normally silver-tongued Tony seemed to be put off balance and could not deny that a Remainiac victory would mean high levels of net immigration indefinitely…despite Cameroon’s so-called 7 year deal on tax credits and child benefit.
Marr also had the former Greek Finance Minister on the programme, Yanis Varoufakis. It was not difficult to see why the Germans et al wanted him out of the job. He is smart, doesn’t have much faith in economic forecasts, and speaks his mind. He thought the Remainiacs economic scare stories were rubbish although there was bound to be some sort of short term hit, that the Brexiters should be focussing on the key question of sovereignty, not immigration (and who knows more about lost sovereignty than the Greeks ?), and that Britain should stay in, not because it is good for the UK, but because we are the only hope of putting any sort of brake on the “reforms” leading to an EU superstate.
Liam Fox was pretty solid especially on this point of why Brexit is so necessary to keep us out of the future consequences of failing fiscal and monetary policies in the eurozone: the point which all the Remainiac economic scare stories totally ignore. But of course there is always Cameroon’s ‘safeguard” that “A single non-eurozone country can request Council discussions on euro laws that may affect their financial stability “. With about as much chance of getting a win for UK’s interests as a Brit win in the eurovision song contest.
Not BBC bias related but I love the picture and want to share it on this sunny afternoon
I wish ! Lovely sunny afternoon here in Perthshire. Listening to the Kinks ” Lazy Sunday “. I hope we British vote to leave. But, if not, we shall find another way.
We will mate, not even a consideration if the shit hits the fan we are all here.
Is Migrant the correct word ? Birds like geese migrate they move seasonally, NOT PERMANENTLY
So you’d thinks “immigrant” should be the word for people coming to to the dump that is Europe to live permanently.
– However it turns out that in the US “immigrants” has a legal meaning , of having all your papers approved : ‘legal permanent residents’ or those with a so-called green card. So “immigration scholars often prefer the word migrant.
– another take
– This note appears at the bottom of a BBC article
I’m happy with the terms “legal immigrant” (someone entering the country with permission to do so), “illegal immigrant” (someone trying to enter the country without permission) and “refugee” (someone fleeing a war zone and claiming refugee status when they reach somewhere safe).
It’s not complicated, except perhaps when the Royal Navy gets into the people smuggling racket and transports illegal immigrant to Italy. If I were the Italians I’d refuse to let them land and tell the RN to take them back to Libya or to the UK.
I’m happy with “Job Stealer”, “Wage Depresser”, “Rent Increaser” for an EU Migrant and “Child Risker”, “Gimmegrant” and “Scoundrel” for a pretend Refugee who does not seek refuge in the first safe country they land in and abuses their children by putting their lives at risks in a flimsy boat.
I just think it is amazing that the BBC have rid the world of the correct term: illegal immigrant.
The BBC Ediorial Guidlines are pretty amazing.
Here’s a point which both sides in the Brexit debate seem to have completely missed.
This past year there has been a record level of uncontrollable migration which has topped 1/3 of a million people. Most of them are from Bulgaria, and Romania, do not have jobs and will be entitled to access our benefits, housing, NHS education, and other services.
No one ever seems to have the figures for how much this is costing the UK. If each person takes just £1000 which is extremely low then the total cost of £3.3 billion pa ! If, as is more likely they are taking £10K pa each then the total cost is £33 billion per anum !
And that’s just one years migration! If every years migration numbers were put together then this lot must be costing the UK well in excess of a trillion pa!
This is clearly unsustainable but add in the extra social housing which need to be built, and the cost is even higher !
Someone urgently needs to address these figure in their calculations me thinks !
This is a technique that the politicians have used for years.
As a class they don’t even understand simple addition, let alone ratios and percentages, yet when it suits its ‘rates of change’ and ‘rates of rates of change’, which is yer’ aktual calculus! It all smacks of policy-based evidence making, “civil service, please find us something good in the figures”, so the ship is sinking but not quite as fast as it was concentrates on the rate of sinking not the fact of sinking.
Inflation rates is a classic use of this scam. Last year’s price rise ‘vanishes’ by using the rate method, even though we plebs continue to pay it, (and all the previous rises).
As you say the rate of migration may or may not go down but the population increase still continues, adding to the ‘forgotten’ enriching bunch from last year.
The argument as to whether immigrants are a net benefit masks the question of ‘capacity’. If we have an empty house, a vacant job, a half-full classroom, then a single migrant and their family might well make a net contribution – they are helping us make use of spare capacity, making a better return on capital indeed. However when we need to build a house, factory or school to accommodate them then that requires capital which is either diverted from other projects or borrowed, adding to the national debt. I bet this additional debt is set against the supposed benefits of migration.
Apart from the underlying implication that nobody likes Shakespeare:
How can I learn to love Shakespeare?
Anybody notice anything just a little unrepresentative about the picture at 4, almost half way down?
(Adding image didn’t work)
Never ends, does it?
I suggest they don’t ask The Shakespeare Globe for help. Didn’t go down too well last time they tried.
> Apart from the underlying implication that nobody likes Shakespeare
If by “underlying implication”, you mean “thing I just made up so that I have something to whine about”.
But many people _are_ put off by Shakesepare, even though they shouldn’t be. As the introduction says, to anybody who’s willing to read it instead of fantasising about what it really says.
> Anybody notice anything just a little unrepresentative about the picture at 4, almost half way down?
It’s full of actors, none of whom are idiotic whining racists? Yes, I can see how you would feel unrepresented.
> Never ends, does it?
Nope, every day there is at least one person who has to parade their ignorance, bigotry and racism as if it were a badge of honour. How about tomorrow you try and make sure that’s not you?
Bigotry? You are Gordon Brown & I claim my £5 !
Given your reputation for making up all sorts of bullshit in order to puff up your own delusions, I don’t doubt that you’re capable of actually believing I am.
Erm I think that’s the other way around Jerrod, & I proved it was at the time, by the fact you were unable to produce proof of a subjective opinion being wrong !
Oh Jesus, not this again.
On more than one again you’ve provided summaries of radio programmes that wre completely inaccurate. And when you were challenged on your lies, you started bleating on about how the Fascist Left were altruism to silence you, when all it was was someone pointing out that you were lying.
But of course you don’t have the courage to admit you were lying, so you add more lies on top. Coward.
altruism to silence you ?
There was no lie Jerrod and when put to the test you were unable to show there was one.
Yeah, those typos are what comes from using an iPhone keyboard. I was in a rush to meet my friends so didn’t review my post before hitting send. My bad.
> There was no lie Jerrod
Well, there has been, on numerous occasions. You completely lied about the questioning of Sue Ion on Desert Island Discs, for example. Because you needed something to moan about in order to seek the attention you crave, so you made something up.
> you were unable to show there was one.
Wrong again. Are you deliberately trying to lie with every sentence, or is it sheer dumb luck?
Anyone with half a brian could listen to the programme and work out that you had been talking a load of cobblers. Which you refused to accept.
Still, it got you the attention, didn’t it? You had to lie to do it. You had to prove to the world at large that you can’t be trusted, but hey. If one more person takes notice of you – even if it’s to laugh at your ineptitude — maybe you’ll feel slightly better about yourself. Of course, if you made the effort to be an honest adult instead of an immature liar, you might find that people don’t think as little of you as you fear. But since you’re never going to try, I guess we’ll never know, shall we?
What is ” Half a brian ? “
It’s the sort of typo that halfwits pick up on in an attempt to change the subject – because they so desperately want to avoid any suggestion that they and their fellow Biased BBCers make shit up all the time.
Anyone with half a brian can see that.
He’s not a courteous, committed debater; he’s a very norty boy.
Apologies for being a “half-wit “. But I get great joy out of you throwing your toys out of your pram ! If you were a Salmon , coming up river, you would be caught at the first cast. Enjoy, boy ! LOL !
Many of us thoroughly enjoy Shakespeare despite most of the actors and actresses, apparently, being bat-shit crazy, mono-brain-cell leftie types who have no idea of the real world where real people live, and many are anti-semites to boot. This of course being a problem for those who tend to work in fantasy worlds most of the time, and only being aware of the outside world through the red-light prism of the BBC and fellow like-minded racist organisations.
I have to admit to mixed feelings at the BBC using such a high percentage of BME actors/actresses.
On the one hand their sheer number is a distraction from whatever I’m watching, as is my feeling that the BBC is trying to manipulate me. But on the other hand British actors and actresses seem to be obsessed by multi-culturalism and helping illegal immigrants, so it’s only fair that as many of them as possible have their jobs taken by BME actors/actresses. By their actions they have volunteered to give their jobs to immigrants, so the BBC’s casting policy is merely giving white actors/actresses what they want – unemployment.
I don’t think many luvvies actually like Shakespeare, they just like the fact that his plays can be reworked to fit the latest fashionable agenda. I can’t imagine the average Arts Councillor from Islington being overly enthused by the ‘sceptred isle’ speech from Richard II, for example.
If I were interested in entering into a discussion with the likes of you, I’d be hanging around in the dark under a bridge somewhere.
There once was a time not that distant when most people – the vast majority in fact- were well acquainted with the language used by Shakespeare. That was when the King James Bible was in common use throughout the land.
Most of us heard it every day in our schools and it was part of our lives and did not really seem at all strange.
Then things changed and as our culture weakened and lost confidence the old Bible was discarded.
Now we have a barely literate population served by a barely literate media elite and by actors who seem to think they are arbiters of how we should think and live.
Another marker on the road to cultural disintegration.
I came to England poor and broke
go on dole see labour bloke
Fill in forms and stand around
Kind man give me fifty pound
Thank him much and then he say
Come next week and get more pay
You come here we make you wealthy
Doctor too to keep you healthy
Send for friends from Pakistan
Tell them come as quick as can
Plenty of us on the dole
With motor cars and big bank roll
Come with me we live together
One bad thing the bloody weather
All get nicely settled down
Find big house in busy town
Fifteen families living up
Twice as many living down
All are paying nice big rent
More in garden live in tent
Soon we send for wife and kids
Kind man give me lots more quids
Twelve months later buy a Rolls
Sit on labour draw more doles
Wife get glasses teeth and pills
All are free we get no bills
White man pay out all the year
Keeping National Assistance here
Bless all white man big and small
For paying tax to keep us all
We think England damn good place
Too damn good for white man race
If they not like coloured man
Plenty of room in Pakistan.
Can you be imprisoned or hauled before the Courts if you are deemed to be a racist or bigot ? or is the act of inciting racial hatred that’s the crime ? If not, then what is the point of calling a person one ? We are what we are, and its the name caller that takes enjoyment from using the terms bigot, racist or ‘ignorant’ and get stressed as a result. Long before PC was ever invented, a school friend was born with a twisted leg, and always referred to herself as ‘the spas’ (spastic), and it was never an issue with her to be called one; this was in the days when Scope was called The Spastics Society ! I once reprimanded a business man who alighted from his car to have a pee at the end of my no-through road; he responded by calling me an ‘old cow’; I said “I may be a cow, but I take offence at the remark as being “old” ! that upset him even more because he didn’t get top side.
I think it’s all about control, control the language and control the people, and of course the meaning of bigot and racist has been redefined out of recognition to how I understand it, now it’s just anything the left doesn’t like. Thankfully we seem to be moving away from times when to call somebody a racist could end, and effectively win, any debate or argument instantly, the man on the street sees through that one. Like you I couldn’t care less what others think now, if they think I’m racist for questioning the wisdom of engineered deliberate mass migration then tough. If desiring to live among those with who I have a shared culture is bigoted, then likewise.
As usual Orwell put his finger on it, by coining the term ‘thought crime’. Groups who seek to control others have always promoted the concept that certain words, and their comcomitant ideas themselves are inherently dangerous. The forbidden words and ideas change but the concept of control is always the same. (eg, most people would find ‘Jesus’ a perfectly acceptable ejaculation but ‘nigger’ to be utterly damnable – a complete reverse of the situation in less than a century).
I had a piss in the bushes at the golf course today
Not in full view of everyone I hope !!!!
Well said Oldspeaker. The name callers deem to put themselves on a pedestal and only get themselves wound up, but as you say, nowadays the term of racist and bigot have lost their shock value. I’m now of an age where its of little consequence as to what I’m thought of by other people, and the term “am I bovvered ” comes to mind.
Well put Sir ! , I concur. I am not ‘bovvered’ either .
Time Mr. Car Moron put his ‘money where his mouth is’ to cut migration, especially ‘illegals’. The the Royal Navy should be tasked to protect our coast, otherwise our inability to act will encourage more attempts at bogus ’emergency rescue’ calls.
Or will he behave like Nelson and ‘turn a blind eye’?
Where are the rest of the Tory MPs ? They are also betraying their supporters and the our nation.
The BBC presented the service for the centenary of Verdun as a piece of pro remain propaganda. Centenary marked as a call to unity. Very dignified film, Holland and Merkel heads bowed laying a wreath.
Please take time to watch this piece of disgusting shit from the ceremony, where over 3000 yobs from Germany and France do a bit of agit prop including a jog over the graves of the fallen.
I do hope Frau Merkel enjoyed the drumming that went with it. A poor man’s reproduction of Triumph of the Will, perhaps.
Far right Marine Le Pen described it as
Marine Le Pen ✔ @MLP_officiel
À #Verdun, le “spectacle” consiste à faire un jogging au milieu des tombes. Indécent, vraiment indécent. MLP
16:16 – 29 Mai 2016
At least the far right bullies objected to the rapper whose performance was cancelled. – a left fascist who sings about French Infidels.
link again
Another link.
Something Cameron might imitate for the Remembrance Service in Whitehall. Get the yoof involved.
Sadly this shows that European youth, en masse, are still prepared to do the bidding of their idiotic megalomaniac politicians.
Why do the continentals turn everything into ‘Jeux Sans Frontieres’? According to this, the Great War was something to do with lots of teenage girls running around a graveyard until they were killed by the Child Catcher on stilts, to the applause of Herr Merkel, who has the imperious gaze of the Kaiser more and more each time we see her. The tragic thing is it’s all happening again – the old men (and women) of Europe selling out the young people to glorify their own ideology.
At least we’d never see this on the BBC – hardly any black faces and not a single headscarf in sight. Nice shot of a Muslim grave though.
I think the alien script is actually on the monument to the Israelites but the youths are shown running through the Muslim memorial too. Equality in disrepect?
They did the same with the Normandy landings anniversary last year, with yoofs running around the beaches and actors grovelling in the sand. At least the Queen and Duke had the good manners not to look amused. Hussein Obama sat with his gob full of chewing gum., .
Top Gear is boring me to tears. But to be fair it bored me to tears with Clarkson too
My good lady wanted to give it a try. It’s bloody awful. So awful in fact we could only last as long as someone telling the truth on ‘Up all night’ with Donton. It’s worse than that horse shit TGI Friday…..and that’s like saying “I preferred being shot in the…”
I’m so glad the traitorous, spineless, scumbags at Al Beed HQ have destroyed the only decent show they had.
Allahu Akbar!!
Noted the coming Chilcot nonsense will pillory the Government of the day for overriding opposing voices, deceiving anybody who wanted to know the truth and of using all arms of the state-and its pliant media ciphers to spin, lie and work tirelessly towards a short term “result to catch the eye, to stop the traffic in Beijing and ensure Blair as a world statesman who delivers his country to the big boys at the UN, WTO etc”.
So is was with Blair in 2003- a media bite size victory, applause in the House and at Annie bar…but thirteen years on, it`ll all fall apart on the protagonists, the camp followers, useful idiots and lazy media horseflies…to the point where a Straw or a Blair can`t even walk down a street in this country to sign a book without armed protection.
So with Iraq-and the likes of Campbell…so it is today with the EU Referendum, and the likes of Cameron and May.
Th traitors and liars have crashed their party-and Cameron is very much Blairs heir…but not in a good way…and never glad confident morn again…
That is a very good point Chris , if you cannot walk down to your local shop to buy a packet of fags and a paper in your own country then you really are some kind of wanker
Did anyone have the misfortune to hear Mardell on the ‘World this Weekend’? The big story referendum wise – even on BBC headlines – is Gove and Boris attacking Cameron on the immigration fiasco. Lardell had current elected MP Gisela S. and kicked-out former MP Sir Vince Cable for erm… balance. I thought Gisela spoke very well but Mardell cut her off and went to a previously recorded report he had done in Berlin, asking German students and big business people if they would be disappointed with a Brexit. He kept pushing his pet question of will ‘Europe’ punish us if we leave, seemingly intent on getting the answer he wanted. He then interviewed a bigwig from Siemens (Big biz = pro remain) and again pushed his agenda.
So in summary; Hardly any time for Gisela, an easy ride for unelected/kicked out Sir Vince, ignoring of the main issue of the day which was the immigration figures and a long, biased report featuring only pro EU bigwigs and foreign students.
Despicable bias in my opinion.
“He then interviewed a bigwig from Siemens….”
What. This Siemens?
Yes, they should be able to advise Mark Mardell on the wisdom of remaining in the EU. As Tony Cameron says it’s The EU or World War Three.
Seems to me that whether you`re voting to leave the EU or not depends on
a) age…anybody educated in the Blair era will SURELY be brainwashed into voting for croissants, wine and Ryanair
b) Education-if you`re a public sector suckup or cipher, well of COURSE you`ll vote for more energy directives, jobs as diversity consultants and inspector of care homes..how else would you get a living if the EU didn`t ultimately bankroll you.
c) Attitude to the State-do you want welfare for ever and breakfast clubs for kids spawned by next doors babyfathers-or do you dare risk a future that is not that of the comfortable houseslave, awaiting the Cologne lads to visit your daughters student bar.
d) In short-are you a free English person…or do you crave the State to cover your arse until the Muslims decide it`ll be worth the bother.
We are without excuse-only the left and those who would have to write laws, take the blame for the lies of mid-Staffs-and who would have to learn once again to think for themselves, and account to this electorate of ours-only THEY will require us to stay in…nobody else with an education or a sense of history/life experience since 1973 would, if they gave a damn about themselves or their kids.
Really want the EU to try and treat us like we`re Ireland on June 24th, and then the EU itself will fold soon after…once in a lifetime to get these monkeys off our back…and to see Kinnock, Heseltine, Clarke and Ashdown die bitter and defeated would do me nicely.
Nope you got me there
Yep….But how long does it take for genuine law abiding people like this German woman to wake up to what is happening to our continent?
Inner Immigration
(Résumé of a German woman)
I am almost 50 years old, I have a University degree, and was – out of love for nature – always a trusted voter for the Green Party. I never felt much interest for politics. In Germany everything seemed to always go its natural regular course. I had trusted our parliamentary democracy, I thought our administration would hardly make mistakes, because it is controlled by the opposition. Never, absolutely never did I think that I would lose all my trust in the State. It’s unbearable that I am afraid of the future. Preferably I’d just like to leave. But I feel to old to leave Europe.
What country would even take me anymore? I am not a shameless African that just seats himself in a refugee boat. I would properly apply to the respective immigration authority. But my chances are close to zero. I am – like most Europeans – damned to impotence as I see this invasion happen.
When, about ten years ago, a friend of mine emigrated to Australia, I felt sorry for her. How could one leave our beautiful Europe? A continent with such wonderful nature and culture. I would’ve never even thought of this. Today I know: She did the right thing.
I am becoming depressed in Europe. Our defenselessness shocks me. The failure to act by our politicians drowns my mind in a fog of powerlessness. I have not read any of Sarrazin’s books, so as not to upset myself even more. Everything I read, in just our daily newspapers, is enough for me already.
The Euro is a complete nightmare. The illegal immigration is a complete nightmare. But the single largest outrage is the political correctness which disables us from criticizing these immense breaches of law.
We, that is us adult and mature citizens, who are in this way disenfranchised. When I went to school, I was taught critical thinking. What good is that to me now?
Meanwhile I hate the Green party. They are asinine and dopey, and they are shameless. Just like the SPD and the CDU. They expect that we get up at 6 AM in the morning and encourage our children to succeed, just so that they will wear themselves out like us in order to be able to keep on financing this daily madness. And soon until we’re 73 years old. [Translator: Germany plans to raise retirement age to 73]. But a State that provides no more stability, can no more expect of its citizens to function at full capacity. With each pot hole I drive through, with each African that I see loitering around, my motivation tanks more.
What does our Politics (Me: Policy?) even still have to offer to us? Legalization of hemp – probably so that we can withstand daily life in this insane country! Other than that there is nothing innovative on the program. I have looked at it all. Because I am looking for a new party that I can vote for.
I want the Deutsche Mark back and that the outer borders of the EU are being protected. I do not want to see any more pictures like those in the Daily Mail.. I don’t want more than that. Is that too much to ask for?
I do not have much power. But there are a few things that are within my might:
1. I will dedicate my time to look over my income tax very in depth, and I will not give away another cent of my money to this robber government.
2. I am seriously thinking of leaving my church, because the church is not fulfilling their mission duty. With this action, I can save another 1,000 Euro.
3. I will do nothing that stimulates consumption. Only buy the very necessary things. The finance minister will in the future only collect the absolutely unavoidable consumption taxes.
4. I will not leave any money on bank accounts, instead I will invest it in foreign currency and gold, and keep it stored in my house.
5. I will only vacation in non-EU countries.
6. I will in the coming year, two times for six weeks each of my free time, devote to the AfD and hand out flyers. When I read the preamble of the AfD program I had to cry because it is so beautiful. I will share this program wherever my feet will take me.
Inner Immigration – I can’t say more to it. Maybe add prayer. But lastly, I haven’t even gone to church anymore. The fiddling of my church with the powers that be does not please me. The new pope does not please me. The church does not provide me with spiritual stability anymore. On the contrary, the church scares me with their crusade against Europe.
There is another set of figures which I’m surprised the Leave campaign have not raised: that of the value of the remittances sent back annually to Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe by those “migrants” who are working here; these people who we are told are contributing so much to the U.K. through the income tax and National Insurance they all pay.
The money they send home or take back with them is gone for good from our economy and I’d take a wild guess that it will be an enormous sum.
Why isn’t this being pointed out? Or the number of Eastern european criminals in our prisons, adding to the (seemingly unending) “crisis” within the prison system.
The Leave campaign allowed themselves to be boxed in by the Remainiacs over the economy and the effect of Brexit on it; the answer is none knows. But people do know what the results of ongoing immigration from the EU has been and therefore what it will be; immigration should have been the main battleground from the very beginning.
Absolutely 100% totally agree with you Al
Immigration always has been the Elephant in the room. Except according to Remain and Aunty all it really is is a shrew. Nothing to worry about lets talk about other stuff instead by killing debate. Not so depressing.
As for Vote Leave, instead of talking the truth about excessive migration and its dire consequences for our society. The Leave leadership went into default media mode and allowed itself to be conned into playing the media game of “Lets be seen as nice” rather than be seen as being truthful. We will stay from the immigration issue and talk economics instead with predictable results . As we all know there are lies, damm lies and statistics – gift for Aunty and her accolytes or what.
I do believe that much of society has become infantised. In that, all it really cares about is its next smart phone update or what Kim Kardasian is or is not wearing. Many people dont want to hear bad news. However the consequences of ignorance at this time in our history will have dire consequences for our future. It should have been the duty of Leave to hammer these facts into the morons – even if they dont want to hear it.
Farage who is generally unafraid of telling the truth and is an excellent communicator has been sidelined by both Leave and the MSM.
I do think the migration penny is starting to drop with people but it is probably too little too late.
It would truly ironic if our democracy was lost and our society and culture vanished just because people were more interested in I phone roaming charges rather than the effects of mass inward migration.
Many people are so distanced from the sufferings of our own people in the past to give us democracy that they take everything for granted. Unfortunately these days nothing can be taken for granted except for the fact that we have a two faced, corrupt, hypocritical, scheming, lying ruling class supported by a state broadcaster who possesses the same values in equal measure.
I see difficult days ahead.
I agree with most of what you say Oaknash; however I believe there is still plenty of time for Leave to turn this to their advantage.
A week is said to be a long time in politics and there are three of them left until the ballot; I think that the Remainiacs may have fired off all their heavy calibre ammunition: the economic abyss into which the U.K. will fall after Brexit etc etc and have nothing new with which to bombard the public; so it will just be endless repetition of that same tune, of which even the sheeple could have become jaded by polling day.
The Leave campaign need to concentrate the debate where it always should have been: the uncontrollable immigration from other member states and the loss of sovereignty which prevents it from ever being brought under control so long as we remain a member of the EU.
The “migrants” are pouring across the Med in suicidal vessels again and beginning now to attempt the same across the English Channel; this should be of tremendous value in bolstering the pro-Brexit camp if they play it correctly.
The Leavers amongst us should take heart and keep doing their own bit to help; people who I’ve spoken to who say they aren’t sure which way to vote, I have done my best to make the case for Brexit to them and hope that it’s worked.
The BBC managed to drag its pacifist, anti-British and diversity agendas into its programme on the Battle of Jutland (BBC2 9pm). Channel 4 covered the Battle in an equivalent programme last week quite well. Not so the Beeb. Early on Jutland was described as a ‘ disaster for the British’. Not so.
Then we had to have the programme part-fronted by an asian female ‘engineer’ investigating if the battlecruiser losses were due to design faults. Dan Snow covered the tactics employed , was better, but still too much long-windedness. All-in-all very dumbed down. And of course much dwelling on the loss of life and reminiscent of the ‘lions led by donkeys’ theme dreamed up in the 60’s to belittle WW1 and now discredited.
What annoys me about these programmes is that they always have to “discover” something. In this case, it was that the British ignored safety procedures so as to get a higher rate of fire from the guns, and thus exposed the powder magazines, with catastrophic results. Well, that is true. It was also known almost as soon as the battle ended, so it’s hardly news.
I have no problem with a factual programme presenting the facts, but there is no need for them to give the impression they have just made a discovery which was known 100 years ago.
I agree with what you post .
But forgive me for using the analogy of ‘lions led by donkeys’ to our Car Moron and his Tory cabinet with us, true patriotic Britons – ‘lions led by donkeys’ .
We are definitely ‘lions’ led by the worst PM since Chamberlain.
Chamberlain was having to deal with Hitler. He tried to do the best for Britain, even though it turned out that he was wrong. But at least he was a patriot who wanted to preserve British independence. Cameron hasn’t got that excuse, he’s only got Merkel to deal with, and he’s giving our freedom away.
Good point. I think the ridicule often aimed at Chamberlain is a little unfair. And memories of WW1 must have been quite fresh.
Churchill is reported to have said “It is ‘better to jaw-jaw than to war-war’” (not in relation to WW2) and, in any case, Britain needed to buy time.
BH this morning mentioned some racist advert earlier this week in their Press section.
“Well done Madame” I thought-at last SOMEONE is going to mention that extremely nasty little Pro-EU poster for Operation Black Vote-as racist and prejudiced a campaign poster as I`ve seen for years.
Silly me-for this, after all is the BBC.
So no, it was NOT the OBV poster that drew her scorn for racist stereotyping-instead she fussed and worried about a Chinese advert for detergent where a black man swallows one and comes out of the wash as a Chinese bloke.
Not my problem, lady-no skin in the game, mere global badge kissing and wristband wank .
But portraying me and my kind in my own country as being ex-Millwall thugs and yelling at an Indian lady-now THAT is racist, and something that the BBC ought to be calling out when they see it.
But no-bloody white trash-racist populists and Hindu haters to a man.
Sod Off BBC.
I’ve voted out.
Gone postal so expect my vote to be deliberately lost or corrected but the hours of relentless lies have had no effect.
At least in years to come I can say I didn’t contribute the the downfall of England.
A country my own relatives were forced to fight to defend in the 1st & 2nd world wars but that is now given away.
Banana boat
“At least in years to come I can say I didn’t contribute the the downfall of England”.
And Wales !
So Mr Car Maron, staying in the EU does not stop Illegal immigrants either ?- Lets get out! ………..
It would help if we had some leaders who actually did something instead of the PR crap of being seen to be “doing something” to get votes.