It has been brought to my attention that we have been wasting our time on this site. BBC bias? Nonsense! What bias? We have been cherry-picking selective examples of bias whilst ignoring the proliferation of good, unbiased journalism and programming that the BBC broadcasts so regularly. The most recent evidence for this is a controversial programme broadcast recently called ‘Last Whites of the East End’. This programme was Alf Garnet, Enoch Powell and Hitler-loving Boris Johnson all rolled into one large racist tract that polluted the airwaves with its toxic message of hate. The BBC should be ashamed of itself.
So the BBC has become the propaganda arm of the BNP…the proof of that? The outraged outpourings of demented Twitterati who have declared that the programme was racist…apparently it was “white supremacist propaganda”. Not sure how they came to that conclusion as the whites were fleeing London. Doesn’t seem like much of a plan for a budding empire builder does it? I have to think that it is not wise to confuse the frenzied zealotry of the Lefty Twitterati with reality and can only conclude that some people have not actually watched the programme before commenting, or haven’t actually understood what was going on, or are being disingenuous and trying a bit too hard to be clever.
If they had watched the programme, and I have, they would have seen that it is standard BBC fare, not dissimilar to the last programme that the BBC broadcast on the same subject when one of their own Asian reporters felt the need to condemn the BBC’s anti-White prejudice…
Sarah Mukherjee, the environment correspondent, who grew up on a predominantly white council estate in Essex, said that BBC2’s White season risked reinforcing the stereotype of the white working class as violent and racist alcoholics who live on benefits.
The reporter, who is Asian, made the comments after Richard Klein, the BBC’s commissioning editor for documentaries, said that the corporation had been “brave” to make a series of programmes about the “prejudices, alienation, fears and confusion” of the white working class….Mukherjee said “listening to the patronising conversations in some newsrooms you’d think white, working-class Britain is one step away from anarchy, drinking themselves senseless and pausing only to draw benefits and beat up a few Asian and black people.”
This recent programme was no different…it zoomed in on white people making ‘racist’ comments, it had a man who didn’t want his daughter to go to a predominantly Muslim school, but, married to a Romanian immigrant, he welcomed immigrants from the EU, and then we had a Muslim…proud to be British and hated the Islamic State.
The BBC ticked all the boxes for its concerns…..racist whites, a man who doesn’t like Islam (therefore proving that Muslims are ‘under siege’) but, a double bonus for the BBC, he supports immigration from Europe, and then we have the proud-to-be-a-Brit Muslim who hates ISIS and says they are not Muslims, thus proving Muslims are patriotic Brits and Islam has nothing to do with radicalisation and the Islamic State.
Far from being an example of BBC balance and right-wingery this was classic lefty messaging from the BBC….horrible racist whites who want to be with their ‘own kind of people’, Islamophobes and Europhiles, and loveable ‘cockney’ Muslims.
Yes the programme was racist…in that it targeted white people and a mixed race man who didn’t like Islam….where is the exploration of the Muslim community?…The beardless Muslim man they chose was hardly representative of the East London Muslim community that we know and have serious reservations about. Let’s hear some openly ‘conservative’ Muslims speaking about Whites and non-Muslims….perhaps not….the BBC doesn’t want to be accused of racism and have the police come round as they did to the Dispatches team. We heard that there was now no respect, no manners and Christian values had gone from the area….where was the BBC investigation of that claim? The programme was very one-sided and refused to open up the pandora’s box that was in front of them.
My reaction was the same as yours. The show was appalling and the more so as for once the propaganda was quite subtle.
What was really being talked about was the ethnic cleansing of the indigenous population of the East End. Now ethnic cleansing is not historically always carried out by force. There are other means of making an indigenous people leave.
That is what has happened in London.
As usual the BBC blames the indigenous.
The qusetions remain. Who in authority knew that the population mix was altering so rapidly.? How was housing ( vitial to a people) being allocated and by whom?
Who had control of education and publicservices?
Why is this ethnic cleansing not being talked about as the disaster that it undoubtedly is and what this portends for the future if current immigration continues? .
The short answer is that the BBC as the mouthpeice of a traiterous elite has no love or care for the indigenous people of England. The elites of England never have I know so what is new?.
What is new is that this time the elite really thinks it can dispense with us and get to control a people more to it’s liking.
All this elite cares about is wealth ,power and luxury. Just look at them and their antics. They are despicable.
Thought it was OK as a programme-certainly far better that any of us here could have a right to expect from the white-loathing BBC and their abiding hatred of us for our hideous refusal to submit before the liberals, the EU and the Muslims.
No it did NOT give us any pretext or background-no Sir Robin Wales, no New Labour ethnic policies in the east End as they ran Newham through the last forty years. no Livingsott and his Olympic sweeteners.
Just a few individual tame personal stories-sad, fated and probably unavoidable in the eyes of the commissioning editors.
But let`s not lose our humanity here-old ladies getting bundled out of houses where they`ve always lived, sisters getting split up from mums and grannies because they can no longer rely on a school that resembled anything that THEY would have gone to-and the desperate efforts of pubs, pie shops to earn a living as all they once knew is getting trashed and moved before their very eyes…THIS is living history, and a documentary for the ages-people will look back on this the way we do on 60s clips of the Caledonian Road or the Euston Arch.
Thought it a decent stab-and though they achingly tried to avoid the issues that cause this naqba-we know what they are, and those interviewed would agree, despite the coded wishes to avoid controversy.
Would encourage the BBC to do more of these-not great, but at least I can live with it…the alternatives like Citizen Khan really are too bad to endure.
I agree that it`s not what we`d have done lads above…but it was a good deal better than it could have been-and WE know what`s going on, so it`s a rare straw in the wind to encourage us surely?
Times reported programme as being built on white’s racism
And for once it was not the Guardian saying a BBC prog was not lefty enough. it reported that “The backlash” was only ONE MP’s tweet and 7 complaints
The Times runs a non-story about a non-existent BBC ‘backlash’
‘… some people have not actually watched the programme before commenting….’
1) Read Headline
2) Look at pictures
3) Read some comments
4) Make hugely misguided, outrageous contribution
5) Stick tongue out and run to the other side of the playground
It’s the future…..
This is my sarcastic view of the libtard social media addicts, not my fellow contributors here.
Just in case it came over all wrong, which upon reading it again, it may have.
Perhaps I should work for the Times….
Maybe they should try living in Newham like me!
Meanwhile in Luton those peaceful ethnic minorities display how they can only be victims of white British (But racist) people.
Four people were stabbed during “ugly” scenes of disorder after the end of Luton Carnival,
Might be wrong, but from the video footage that looks like blacks vs ‘Asians’.
But the BBC never report on that particular aspect of our cultural enrichment and I suspect a lot of the press avoid it too for the sake of ‘community cohesion’.
I saw the program last night and I have to say I think it was very good and quite moving in parts. I find nothing “racist” in the program at all. One very obvious question arises out of the plight of Newham. Why? Watching it was clear that most new arrivals were not from EU countries (whose numbers the UK cannot control), but from the rest of the world who in theory we can. Nor do I imagine that these people are needed doctors, engineers, etc. So why and why in such high numbers?
Whatever the answer the community that had lived there for generations has been betrayed.
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