EU Referendum: David Cameron hails ‘proud Muslim’ Sadiq Khan
What a difference a month makes. From ‘terrorist’ to proud muslim. Cameron, you are a desperate, two-faced, clueless twat. If people fail to see through your brazen superficiality then I really do fear for what is left of our country.
I have flagged it up here over the last 2/3 months that there is not question in my mind that Dave is having some kind of breakdown/mental problems. He is way above his pay grade and not coping with the pressure. Certainly not fit to be PM.
Dave has demonstrated that, like all cowards, he is a bully. He is in fear of Islam, but runs a propaganda campaign on the Referendum , based on creating fear and bullying. He would be a perfect convert. Maybe he can go and join IS ! As a nappy-changer for their babies. Mind you , he would probably mess that up, so to speak !
The sad truth is that Cameron is just a typical old Etonian – pragmatism is the order of the day. They believe they are born to rule so they don’t need principles or convictions or, heaven forbid, actual ideas. He will say whatever he thinks will keep him in power, just as he said what he needed to say to get it in the first place. The concept of ‘falsehood’ is completely meaningless to someone like that.
It’s the modern day equivalent of the divine right of kings..
Yes, they are totally un-selfaware. For them , that behaviour is normal. They cannot understand that many people see the world a different way. They suffer from a narrow parochialism of the mind .
Don’t think I agree with that. To me, Cameron closely resembles Blair (Fettes), both of whom are extremely shallow but expert media conscious liars.
So long as people are content with simplistic reasoning through Twitter, dumbed down media organisations and tabloid journalism (wherever they find it), put feelings above facts, and have no historical perspective whatsoever, and MPs who have never had proper jobs, I fear that Blair and Cameron are the sort of PMs we will be getting from now on, regardless of where they were educated.
Remember that Blair was the first privately educated PM since Home, and few of those in between were up to much. We were lucky that Brown (Kirkcaldy High School), of questionable sanity, was not able to inflict more damage than he did. Then there was our esteemed Deputy PM, Prescott – the less said about him the better.
Corbyn went to Adams’ Grammar School. God knows how much mayhem he might be responsible for given the chance, but hey – he’s kinda cool!
I’m afraid I don’t agree. Cameron is an over-confidant, opportunistic, amoral liar. That’s quite common among men of his background. Blair, on the other hand., is a stone cold sociopath. ‘New Labour – New Danger’ – the poster with ‘the eyes’ – was chillingly accurate.
That’s quite a fine distinction. My understanding is that sociopaths’ identifying behaviour is that they act with complete objectivity on moral issues.
We’re not rid of Cameron yet. Who knows how he will finally turn out.
Blair is a complicated character, that much is for sure. He’s clearly a narcissist and a fantasist as well, but what makes me think he is a sociopath is his complete lack of a moral sense. He simply has no recognition that he did anything at all immoral during the campaign to start the Iraq war, nor that his actions on the EU, immigration, stuffing quangos with his CP chums, the millions he has made from dictatorships and on and on and on, were in any way immoral.
It’s arguable that many politicians do similar things, to which I would say many politicians are sociopaths. I simply believe that Blair is the worst we have yet suffered.
What I find interesting is the left’s view of Blair. There seems to be an attitude of ‘the less said about him the better’ nowadays, which is in contrast to the vocal attitude towards ‘Fatcher’. Blair seems to be a sort of suspicious uncle which the family tries not to talk about.
I feel that your anti Blair attitude was governed by the BBC bias against him at the time he was PM. In 2004 not one word of his standing ovation speech in Washington DC was heard on the BBC or in the British media for that matter. They didn’t want the public to hear him as they were so against his foreign policy and he was such a brilliant orator they were scared he would persuade the public he was right. Later his speech in 2006 in Las Angeles was summarised as “This is what the PM meant to say ” on the 10 o clock BBC News and what Blair said about the Palestinians was distorted and the rest of his important speech was ignored . .
Cameron is no “typical Old Etonian” and I’ve known quite a few. He is in fact an out-and-out lying blaggard who never ever could tell the difference between the truth and his own version of “What I mean to say, is this … ”
Old Etonians do *NOT* lie and scheme as Cameron has done throughout his whole political career.
David Cameron is an out-and-out liar, schemer, chancer and a most untrustworthy character who was never, *ever* accepted by most boys in his House at Eton. Every single time that Master Cameron prefaced his words with, “What I mean to say is … “, then his words, statements, arguments, or whatever were *always* met with sniggers of derision.
The Boy was a chancer at School and he is now a greater chancer on the World Stage.
It does look as if Cameron is out of it . We need limits to a PM.s tenure. Eight years maximium as in the USA. Blair suffered delusions of grandeur in the end. They all seem to go a bit odd.
But he is a proud Muslim. He’s proud of his death cult. He’s proud to suppress all women to be nothing more than subhuman punch bag, sex slaves. He’s proud that the cult he worships mandates death to apostates. He’s proud that his cult is allowed to rape and kill the infidel as Jihad is the way to paradise. He’s proud that he is now in a position where he can influence the Dhimmi’s to Islamise themselves. He is proud that he follows the life instructions of a pedophilic warlord whos goal was always world domination through fear, violence, conversion and death. He is proud to share platforms with those in his cult that say EVERYTHING I have just written and are spending their lives acting out the perfect Islamic lives in Jihad against the kafir
So yes Dangerous Dave Carmoron is at last right about one thing..
According to the BBC this lunchtime, the top news story is “Migrants ‘could die crossing Channel'”.
Really? So the prime concern of British people isn’t that 18 Albanians (Albanians note, not Syrians or Iraqis) tried to illegally enter the UK, might have been preceded by others and might be the harbingers of an invasion, but that some might get drowned in the attempt.
Somehow, I rather think the BBC has got the wrong end of the stick here and I keep thinking of headlines that might have been broadcast by the Quisling Corporation in 1943… ‘Fears grow over German losses in Channel storm’ is just one.
The website has this:
“More resources are needed to stop migrants trying to reach the UK on boats or lives will be lost, a former border force chief inspector has said.”
It’s not clear from that article what he means by “more resources” and I didn’t hear the interview the BBC refers to. I’d hope it’s not more resources like the Mediterranean where they patrol in order to rescue them and bring them to the EU, thus incentivising more, but I suspect that’s the sort of resources the BBC wishes to encourage.
What is needed in this particular case is that the 18 Albanians are very publicly sent back whence they came and the two Britons fast-tracked to trial on a charge of people-smuggling, but I suspect what will happen is that the story will be forgotten about by the media so we never know the outcome, but can guess – and so can others intent on invasion.
If you are an Albanian you dont need a visa for EU Schengen but you do for the UK. You could therefore argue that EU policy is encouraging illegal immigration into the UK.
Englands D – EU policy is definately encouraging illegal immigration into the UK.
They could stop,it tomorrow if they truly wanted to. Its called political will and at the moment the political will decrees that nothing should be done about this problem The migrants were allowed to run amok in Cologne – yet as far as I understand the efficient, well armed german police did not draw their guns and suppressed any debate about the abuse that resulted from the rampage.
I think it is all part of a sophisticated attempt to make people feel disempowered and hopleless.
If people feel overrun and helpless they look for any one in authority who can offer stability. If their national government is impotent and unable or unwilling to offer help ( who can we look to to keep law and order? – I know lets invite European forces to help instead). The fact that the EU created the problem in the first place is quickly forgotten in the general melee.
We have given up a shocking the amount of sovereignty. This makes it very difficult to govern effectively . And undoubtedly will result in a loss of law and order (especially with our inability to deport rabble rousers) I used to laugh at conspiracy theorists – but regarding the EU – not any more.
Going back to the immigrants crossing the channel this was hardly a surprise. Politicians must have known for years that this was likely to happen but had we put any more resources into the UK border force – No we just maintained it as it was – NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE! In fact May wants to reduce it even further.
In this age where human life is sacrosanct above anything else – I suppose politicians are more concerned about image and “saving lives” than solving the problem. Unfortunately until a few more drown (or at the very least are not rewarded by rescuing them and giving them asylum). The problem will not be solved. These people in the main are economic migrants and pretty much are the authors of their own misfortune. In a sane world they would not profit from this. However in the wibbly wobbly world of modern EU politics stupidity is always rewarded with profit- Except of course for the host population.
So tell me that I am paranoid – well maybe but not without good reason.
Not paranoid. I really do not know what the EU people are thinking. Do they really not know that the shit will come to their door ? And where will they go ? And maybe it will be too late for them ? But I do not care about them . But why drag the rest of us into their sewer . It is a perversion and I do not like it.
Grant -I think the political class of the EU do not give a flying f##K about the population as a whole. As for their own population I think mentally many of them are pretty depressed about things and are waiting for some leadership.
What form it will come in is anybodies guess – But I do see real problems in Europe with weak economies and populations that have had many hostile incomers foisted upon them – and Camoron still says we are safer in the EU.
We also see it here with our own leaders such as the Blair creature and the Moron. I think these bastards can see no further than governing to protect and extend their own privilege. We see it in the EU and their “mobile parliament” and huge salaries and benefits. Does not matter how much money is wasted because there is always more available to spend. Will the wheels come off all of this – quite likely – will those responsible for this mess ever suffer because of it – not likely!
Oak, I too am beginning to feel paranoid. I never believed any of the popular conspiracy theories; moon landing, JFK, 9/11 and so on, but now I feel that I need my very own tin foil hat. I have come to believe in Common Purpose with an Elite manipulating many aspects of our lives to get the result they want. LibLabCon are in it for the most part and seem identical, apparently rivals but sharing social diaries, dinner dates, Islington restaurants, schools, universities. Of course they go through the motions of believing in democracy (Corbyn is an irrelevance and deliberate distraction) and take turns in power but even when they lose, their clique ensure they are looked after – David Miliband anybody? Show me a politician in the club who is on his uppers, like many failed businessmen are, after losing their position of power. Now the Brexit/Leave thing doesn’t quite ring true to me either (tin foil hat alert). Despite almost everyone I know being a Brexiter (I have spoken to only one Leaver in 2 months and he gets his money from Europe) the polls show a different story. I am not convinced that some of the high profile Brexiters won’t suddenly moderate their stance closer to the day sabotaging the cause.
They’re all around us – local government executives, BBC Trustees, quango queens, NHS “top” management, politicians of course, even Police Chiefs. The worst that seem to happen to those that get caught out is an early retirement with a great pension as a reward for services rendered to the Club with the odd invite back on lucrative committees and enquiries.
The paranoia bit comes in with some oddities I’ve observed. We, on this site, have commented on how postal votes are open to abuse and yet despite personally mentioning it in various media I have never been pointed to an analysis of postal returns in the Mayoral elections. Have they been published but with low publicity (the Beeb are good at this, page 98 on their website) or not published at all? So why have the Conservatives not made a fuss of this apparently open goal? Is it Labour’s and Islam’s turn? Was this agreed at Bilderburg? Why was a poor Conservative candidate selected who didn’t even bother doing much canvassing? One would have thought that many eminently more suitable candidates would have had a better chance – but maybe that was why they weren’t selected
On Europe many of the elite can barely hide their contempt (Juncker?); is it because they know that the result is pre-ordained?
I really think that we are edging towards an International Oligarchy aided and abetted by the elite at the BBC who, while not quite at the top table, know where their next Tuscany Villa is coming from
Reaches for tin foil hat and glass of whisky, sighs.
I truly don’t think what you have said is ‘paranoid’ at all. I think it’s the reaction of someone quite rational, who is utterly bemused by what he sees going on around him and who is looking for a sensible, credible explanation.
We have always been governed by an elite of one kind or another. Despite the fact that today they play lip service to democratic nostrums (in which they don’t actually believe) doesn’t mean things have changed.
There definitely seems to be ‘something going on’.
Cameron & Sarkozy trying to outbid each other to see who could make the biggest mess in Libya. Five years of war in Syria with the international community & UN apparently sitting on its hands. The EU driving Russia to grab back Crimea and then to try to regain Ukraine. The oil price collapsing and then rebounding. Merkel suddenly making an outrageous invitation to risk life, at great cost at the hands of traffickers, to cross the Mediterranean to Germany. Seven years of zero interest rates in the developed world. New viruses becoming a serious problem.
Popeye – you could be right about a respected brexiter jumping ship just before the vote ooorr – some scandal will suddenly be released just before the vote in an attempt to smear the campaign. We saw it with Wittingdale. Aunty always glad to be of help in such situations.
It doesnt matter whether it is exaggerated or not. With the whole MSM baying for blood there would be little chance to put things right.
Good cover for explaining that huge swing in favour of remain. Probably get away with it too. Yet again the BBC more than willing to help justify why Luton has suddenly fielded 3 million postal votes in favour of remain.
Paranoia – something going on.
1400 children raped and tortured by Moslem gangs and the cops ignore the victims; social workers, Councillors and the media hush it up and the BBC deny it happened. Hundreds sexually assaulted in Cologne and the cops and the press sit on the story. Every journey you take there are security warnings about left luggage, security checks amidst a worldwide epidemic of terrorist activity claimed by Moslems and we are told they have nothing to do with Islam. Every day the main broadcaster runs stories about Moslems as the real victims.
Need I go on? Is this paranoia?
I’ve been called mad…bad….hair brained….stupid…and that’s just the nice stuff. All I can say to anyone is that they need to start thinking outside the box they’ve been trained to think within all their lives. And never, ever think that your social status or your current financial standing will protect you from what is being instigated. It won’t. Forget the 20th century political arguments of right versus left. There is no right or left any more. It’s globalism versus nation statehood.
Someone said to me the other day it’s like looking at one of those pictures in which there’s a hidden picture. Some can see it straight away, others can’t. But once you see it… can’t see the picture any other way. And. all of a sudeen, everything starts making sense.
And never, ever forget the Hegalian Dialectic.
It’s how the government controls every one of us. And the sheep just keep getting suckered every single time.
I’m surprised by how anti-police I’ve become. Things are happening that I would never have believed possible in the UK. I’m beginning to think about possible solutions that would have been beyond the pale a few decades ago.
I think a lot of us are in that position and being aided by knowing how many of us are similarly worried by what we see going on around us. In pre-Internet days that was almost impossible.
Isn’t it strange that Hungary has managed to secure its borders unilaterally without the need for a pan-EU border force? The EU is like the BBC in many regards – they see that the efforts of others work, so just muscle in themselves with their vast resources.
We already have the resources, they are commonly known as the Armed Forces. All we need now are politicians who realise that said forces are there to defend the nation, not help more criminals to cross open stretches of water.
I’m not remotely surprised that the BBC have given these illegal invaders a somewhat sympathetic propaganda piece on the news. Sadly, theses days, I don’t expect any better from them. I am, however, disgusted that it appears to be two native Brits who were assisting in this illegal trafficking. I don’t care how much they were offered this is one of those contemptible acts that is completely beyond understanding.
As far as I’m concerned it’s treason.
Blind fold and a last fag is far too good for ’em…
Think of the wider world and vote to stay in Europe … Faith is about integration and building bridges
Spouts BBC fave, Rowan “shariamour” Williams … eeeerr right!, don t come knockin!
Must be in the ejector seat for next weeks “thought for the day – R4”
You could log in to the Al BBCs EU Ref Reality Check to read – could Brexit affect the premier league
… perhaps that’s Camoron s line for tomorrow?
I think P Condell coins in beautifully
“Ivory tower dwelling arsehole who wanted sharia law in Britain says … we should stay in the #EU.”
These Sharia supporters are so dangerous to our nation its hard to imagine the implications.
The Tory f-ckwits are a prime example, after Camoron, here s May.
Here is something I ve been expecting sadly, (wish I could have been mistaken)
An Al BBC, “my pain” special looms on the horizon no doubt
… all this from a “quintessentially” British girl too.
“Nadiya Hussain is proud to wear her hijab despite the negative attention it sometimes attracts
The winner of The Great British Bake Off, has spoken out about the Islamophobic abuse she suffers in Britain after terrorist attacks carried out elsewhere in the world.”
The Times
Well well well. I suspect Theresa May is one of them “funny” blokes who think they’re wimmin. How about we find out by seeing what the mad Muzza does. either chucks “Her” off a Tower Block. or chops up Her Fanny. We won’t have to wait long I’m afraid.
This morning I watched an old Steptoe episode called ‘Men of Letters’. A really great watch with great writing.
But wait… some minutes in, Albert refers in terms to ‘ all these Muslims building mosques in Shepherd’s Bush’.
It was either 1972 or 1974.
How far has the bBBC fallen since then, comedically and politically.
I’ve watched all the Steptoes, I think. What’s clever about them is the way Albert is the outspoken racist, while Harold tries to be ‘progressive’ and supports immigration, but is usually revealed to have some thinly disguised bigotry as well. I can’t think of a contemporary BBC comedy that could address issues in this way.
I too am listening to Al Beeb emoting about these poor migrants taking the dangerous journey across the water by boat to escape the perilous ………errrr………..French !!!!!
You know. France. That country that we all know, many of us quite like and visit often, and is part of the very same EU that the bBBC is bending over backwards in bias to ensure we stay in, come referendum day.
You really cannot make it up, can you?
I’m not sure the students in the bBBC newsroom have even 1 GCSE between them, since they obviously cannot put 2 and 2 together.
Not a bad idea ! we could get it concreted over and see the fun of them all skateboarding across while the Border Patrol are running in all directions to catch ’em.
But that was the BBc line all the way along from when they secretly recorded Griffin and tried to get him prosecuted. When they had certain charities in denying it had happened. Oh and do I recall Keith Allen with his ukulele telling Griffin he didn’t believe it, was that BBc. Right down to my exchange of e-mails to north west when they tried to not report on the pedos going to trail in Liverpool. Then when the rat was really out of the bag it was Oh what a surprise who would have known.
New, Improved, Guardian approved Top gear, The Times review …
‘The old Top Gear was male, heterosexual, middle-aged, non-metropolitan and would probably vote Leave. Here we got a female German racing driver, an American actor, a bonnet piled with Indian chefs and two drag queens. Top Gear has gone metrosexual.’
Phew, wouldn’t it have been dreadful to have been non Guardian/BBC in tone? I mean who would watch that?
That collective of brave, forward thinking intellectuals, the NUS, have just voted to abolish prisons as they are ‘racist.’ The reasoning behind this surprising view? Answer: The ‘high proportion of African, Caribbean’ men held in prison for murders and robberies.
And they are right. 1 in 6 men in prison for murder is afro-carribean.
These students have their fingers on the button. How long before the BBC employs them to help educate those of us who don’t want to be murdered, robbed and violently assaulted?
Am I right in thinking that this Government (or possibly the previous coalition lot) presented a bill to Parliament) which was passed to the effect that if any further powers from the UK were demanded by the EU, there would be a referendum?
If that is the case and if the remaniacs win on 24 June, would there not be a second referendum close on its heels considering the reports of all the new proposals that the EU has up its sleeve ready to throw at us in revenge for staying in?
Soapbox, I seem to recall that that was a provision that John Major obtained for a British Parliament’s agreement to the Maastricht Treaty without a Referendum agreement. Thus, had Blair & Brown been able to bludgen the Treasury into agreeing to apply to join the Euro, a Referendum would have had to be held then. (I guess Major doubted that he could win a Referendum, especially against strong Labour opposition, and asking the Brits to vote twice would still result in the same answer – unlike Denmark & Ireland – so he took that route and successfully faced down calls for a Referendum on the Maastricht Treaty.)
The answer to your second paragraph is, I think, no.
I have serious doubts as to whether David Cameron’s ‘renegotiation of reforms’ do not trump that Maastricht proviso, and if we did vote Remain on 23 June that vote might automatically be taken – in London, Strasbourg & Brussels – as effectively a future British Prime Minister having the right to take the UK on into full membership and integration without a further Referendum.
I have a question for you all . I am confused . Can you tell me the difference between David Cameron and Horatio Nelson ? ( By the way, I have great respect for Nelson. Must have been some Scottish blood in him !!! )
On the one hand it doesn’t say much for the educational quality of Eton, but then ,on the other hand, the ruling elite only need to understand their own reality so I suppose Eton does actually do the job it was always cut out for. Add that to a population whose appetite for being dumped on all over day after day seems insatiable and you’ve got what we have now, ie
a slide towards chaos that only the very rich can escape.
I’m not sure Eton College deserves such opprobrium; Jacob Rees Mogg is an Old Etonian and I’d take him as PM over most of the rest of them in the Parliamentary Conservative Party any day.
Camerfool is what he is: a shallow, Progressive, ex-PR man in possession of no principles whatsoever; who says what he needs to depending on what suits at the time. A complete tw@t in other words.
I think most people with any intelligence would agree with you and prefer Rees-Mogg and of course not every old-Etonian is as amoral as Cameron. But a high proportion do. They have inculcated in them a sense of entitlement that other public schoolboys do not have and Cameron epitomises the worst of it.
A feature on the BBC News website at the moment tells us that Erdogan of Turkey has made a speech today urging all Muslim women to forget all about birth control and have more babies. He must think he’s on a bit of a roll having walked all over the EU recently. I’m a bit surprised this has got past the BBC sensor so catch it while you can before it gets the chop.
I have no doubt Erdogan dreams of Turkey conquering Western Europe. The second Golden Apple is Rome after Constantinople. How and why Turkey is still in Nato is beyond my comprehension. The Turkish government is hostile to Europe and is using the migrant crisis to undermine us.
Europe’s natural frontier is the frontier of Greece and that is where we need heavy security and a total ban on anything but the most basic cross border contact. A naval blockade of the Turkish coast would help prevent the people smuggler’s trade.
The one thing holding back Turkish adventurism is fear of Russia. Our tame idiot Cameron wants Turkey in the EU. That alone should tell us that the man is a fool. As for Merkel I am of the opinion that she thinks that Germany can control Turkish territorial ambitions.In that she is as foolish as Cameron and much more dangerous.
Last time there was a general election in Turkey, Erdoğan toured German as part of his campaign. Millions of Turks in Germany show where their true Heimat is. Camerloon seems to think Turkey joining the EU is a remote possibility, yet I have just heard the CDU chairman of the German Foreign Affaires committe say they were negotiating Turkey’s entry to the EU. Like those who though Hitler was making it up when he said he wanted more Lebensraum, British politicians always deny the clearly stated strategic aim of the EU.
Erdogan is not even a real Turk. He is Laz from Rize. No disrespect to the Laz people. Merkel, Cameron , Juncker and all the EU idiots need to study the history of the Ottoman Empire and the Turks. But they don’t . Ignorant. Why the hell do they think the Turks left China in the first place ? It was not about Islam ! Why did they not stay in Central Asia ? Come on Mad Merkel, tell me what you think ?
Sometimes you read Wikipedia, and your heart sinks at the things the BBC isn’t telling us.
Erstwhile prince of darkness and EU Commissioner Peter Mandelson :
Mandelson worked as a television producer at London Weekend Television on Weekend World, where he formed a friendship with his superior John (now Lord) Birt.
In May 2011 it was revealed that there was speculation that Mandelson had been approached by China to be a candidate for the leadership of the International Monetary Fund, even though Mandelson is not eligible to stand since he has not been a finance minister or headed a central bank. However, it was then speculated that Mandelson would stand to succeed Pascal Lamy as Director-General of the World Trade Organization, backed by David Cameron.
In 2006 Mandelson bought a house near Regent’s Park, North London,[91] and in 2011 moved into another house near Regent’s Park bought for £7.6 million (On an EU Commissioners salary ?? And no one stops to question where the money came from ? Seriously?).
In 2010, Lord Mandelson and Benjamin Wegg-Prosser founded Global Counsel, a strategic advisory firm based in London. The firm provides advice for corporate strategists and senior management worldwide.
Global Counsel have many controversial clients including BP, Betfair, Glencore and Asia Pulp & Paper, as well as having connections with many high-net-worth Russian individuals associated with Vladimir Putin and MPs like Dr the Hon. Tristram Hunt and The Hon. Ed Vaizey, as well as former British Cabinet Ministers such as Ed Balls and Douglas Alexander.[94]
Lord Mandelson has also been criticised for so far not disclosing his clients.
(well there’s a surprise !)
And our current EU Commissioner who you’ve probably never heard of.
Jonathan Hopkin Hill, Baron Hill of Oareford
a former political lobbyist and PR consultant, was special adviser to Cabinet Minister Kenneth Clarke and an adviser to the Conservative Prime Minister John Major before being appointed a Government Minister in 2010.
Not a great history then!
Jonathan Hill was born in Highgate, London – wonder if it was as liberal Leftie then as it is now?
Hill worked in the Conservative Research Department (1985–86), before becoming a Special Adviser to Kenneth Clarke at the Department of Employment, Department of Trade and Industry and Department of Health until 1989
he joined the Number 10 Policy Unit (1991–92) and served as Political Secretary to PM John Major and Head of the Prime Minister’s Political Office (1992–94) during the Maastricht Treaty negotiations
Errr so not exactly a Sceptic then?
In July 2014, Prime Minister David Cameron nominated Lord Hill to be UK European Commissioner under Jean-Claude Juncker, President-elect of the European Commission, aiming for a “top economic portfolio”. Cameron’s nomination, rather than that of a better-known British politician, was regarded as controversial at that time since Hill had allegedly expressed initial reluctance to serve in Brussels; two former Conservative Party leaders, Michael Howard and William Hague, had both reportedly turned down this opportunity and it appeared David Cameron was keen to avoid triggering a potentially difficult by-election by nominating any other sitting Conservative MP. Juncker stated after his election that female and high-profile candidates would be among his preferred choices, prompting speculation by some that Cameron’s nomination – of a virtually unknown male in European political circles, despite his competence – to be a protest against Juncker whose election he had opposed.
Geez, it’s bad enough when the political views of “celebrities” are given such undeserved prominence, but to guess the views of fictional characters? From Yougov as well?
No wonder the whole nation is so dumbed-down and shallow. Of course, our illustrious tax-funded state broadcaster has played its part in this process.
I can’t see any purpose for that survey other than to provide Remain propaganda. All the remainers are ‘goodies’ in the public eye and all the leavers are ‘baddies’ or at least uncool/untrendy/odd/boring etc. The only exception is Sherlock Holmes. I bet Benderdick Cumbersnatch is not too keen about that!
These migrants crossing the Channel are smart because unless they drown they are in Britain the moment they push away from the beach in France. If picked up by a British coastguard they will be brought to England. The French will not bother, I’m sure all they will do is just pass information of unidentified small craft to us here for us to intercept & sort out, As far as the law, i.e. returning illegal migrants to the safe place they left, there is no hope the French would allow a British coastguard ship to return these people back where they set off from. So we are stuck with them.
Forget repatriation to their individual countries, all illegal migrants ought to be sent back via military transport planes to the deserts of Libya or Syria, even if they come from relatively safe countries such as Albania. A major disencouragement drive should be put in place to stop this influx. We have got to get nasty!
Unfortunately, although I will vote for leaving the EU, I cannot see how Brexit will affect this situation.
Presumably it may just give us some some chance of resisting the internal transfer of Mrs Merkel’s hordes of highly skilled when they are given their right to roam pass.
I believe a goodly number of our Somali origin people were former residents of Amsterdam, but thought it would be nice to gather with their brethren here.
I understand that Thailand operates a “no-papers” detention system to discourage those losing their papers on the way.
I think it might. If we can get out of the EU we will certainly be rid of Cameron and the unholy cabal of faux-Tories around him. If we can get an adult government running things, not pandering to the noisy baboons of the BBC/Guardian/Twitter axis, then things could change a lot.
I am in absolutely no doubt that the vast majority of people in this country are very seriously worried about this invasion. All they need is a set of politicians ready to deliver what they want. Naturally, that doesn’t include Boris.
It won’t stop migrants either being ferried across the Channel by people-smugglers or foolishly trying it on their own. In or out of the EU that will just go on. Neither will the daft situation of pick-up rescue boats bringing the migrants to England alter. However the resolve to repatriate might improve as we will not be bounded by EU human rights laws.
Sorry GC I misread your reply. I was just referring to the illegal cross-Channel attempts at getting into Britain when I said I didn’t think Brexit would have much affect.
Yes of course leaving the EU would halt the influx of EU citizen migrants, but I have to be careful as I appreciate free movement back & forth to France where I own property. However when I lived in Spain & Italy in both countries before I could get residence (not even citizenship) I had to provide proof of external income to show I would be no financial burden to each country. I am happy to do that & cannot understand why Britain doesn’t do the same.
I honestly can’t see any significant restrictions on free passage. We have never needed visas to visit mainland Europe and however petty Juncker, Hollande and Co are, I can’t see them being instigated now. Stricter passport control being reintroduced would be, I suggest, a very good thing.
Just watched a recording of the bBBC2 documentary about the 1916 Battle of Jutland.
It may be a key moment in WW1 and British Naval History but the Al Beeb multi culti narrative MUST be maintained at ALL times.
So naturally we just HAVE to have……….a female Asian presenter !!!,
It’s what our forefathers fought for.
Errrrrrrr…….no Al Beeb it damn well is not!
She is an engineer you know, she told us twice. As I posted elsewhere complete rubbish filled with inaccuracies the presenters seemed more interested playing with models and explosives than presenting an historical review.
Driving up the M1, saw a fabulous poster in a field. So blindingly simple but have not seen such a clear enunciation anywhere else.
It reads:
Europe yes, EU no.
A 50-year-old man has been charged with a public order offence after a pub-goer was seen wearing a T-shirt mocking the Hillsborough tragedy.
West Mercia Police said the charge against Paul Grange, from Worcester, relates to the display of abusive or insulting writing likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress.
Disgusting and totally unacceptable to mock the dead. Just wondering though why those same police think it’s alright to wear t-shirts laughing about the death of Maggie Thatcher?
I find it offensive that the bBBC has turned Radio Mersyside into a non-stop whingeathon for dead Scousers. This weekend they had a 2-hour programme about the WWII bombing of Liverpool, repeated three times (!), followed by yet another weepie ‘special’ on Hillsborough.
With June just around the corner and summer officially starting on June 1st, some of us in the U.K. be best prepared for an arctic blast from about the 5th of June with frosts and snow, mainly in the North of England and Scotland. With the Atlantic shedding heat and now much cooler than for a long time, there is no energy to drive the Jetstream and we have now had a substantial decline in low pressure areas off the western Atlantic here in the U.K. In other words, not much wind to drive those turbines. The weather has been influenced by a very high count of High pressure areas which has given us benign weather for quite a few months now, but there is a sting in that tail in that we haven’t been getting our fair share of rain. If this pattern continues. and I see no reason for it not to, watch out for water shortages by the end of summer.
Interestingly, I found this article from 6 years ago and the reference made to “Climate Change” (last paragraph) and the changes to snow fall in Scotland i.e. less of it, has proved somewhat false, in fact the exact opposite has been appearing to happen over the 6 years since the report was made. There are reports saying that a further 10cm of snow could fall in the Ski resorts in Scotland around about the 7th June. Mind you, it could all be so wrong of a forecast, just like “Global Warming”, aka “Climate Change”. What say you Mr Harrabin? (And I guess Mr Trump is now off your Christmas Card list)
PS; Only three weeks to go and the nights start drawing in and the sun has no sun-spots at the moment. Hmm.
Looks like posts are going out of sequence Maria, but I get your thinking concerning the Great White sharks in the English Channel what with all this Global Warming.
Something the bbc does well (so far) – spring watch – I love it, although I am biased, as its my field. It is about Britain and cares about it, so far largely untouched by the bbcs pc culture. Should be essential viewing for many, especially those who wish to make Britain their home. Nature and drama are the bbcs forte – they should concentrate on that.
Hello Loobyloo
Or perhaps I should post ‘Loopy-loo’?
Please don’t take that ‘dig’ to heart as the rest of Al Beeb Trolls do, but as you say, you are “biased, as its my field”. Al Beeb is biased for its pro Global Warming Industry. Well Loopy-loo make the most of your ‘field’ as “those who wish to make Britain their home” will demand more homes, hospitals, schools, jails, roads etc all over your ‘England’s (and Wales’) Green and Pleasant Land’.
End of your field – simples.
Oh mi god. Taffman has declared Loobyloo a troll! Who will be next! Our Trollfinder General has done his job so efficiently he has run out of victims so now he is turning on his own. Run everybody!
Oh dear! I clicked ‘Report’ at first instead of ‘Reply’. I didn’t mean to do that. Sorry Taffman I didn’t mean to turn you in. David! Alan! I didn’t mean it. I didn’t have me glasses on straight.
No, I’m not a troll, but the BBC and current government might have sent me loopy. I was just trying to put in a positive about the BBC! I do enough moaning. And I do like Chris Packham, even though he has irritating qualities, he really is into nature. Yes, I’m aware that the incoming population are causing destruction of our green land and I am not for that at all – it pains me. I live in a rural town and there is building going on all around the extremities. The government helps this though, and it’s nothing to do with Springwatch. If they could, I’m sure they would bemoan the destruction of habitats through building, but they wouldn’t be allowed to do that. Reminds me of an interesting incident that happened not far from here – a woman left her estate, quite a bit of land, to the RSPB (I think it was them), and they decided to sell it for building to raise funds! Unbelievable, for a charity that aims to preserve bird species. Makes me sick. My point was, that there should be some citizenship requirements for immigrants so that they can learn language, way of life, customs, attitudes of the British in an effort to attempt better integration. And yes Brissles, I’m pretty sure there are immigrants all over pilfering wildlife.
Over and out.
As soon as I hear the awful Kwis Packham (which is usually possible at several hundred yards range), I have to drop whatever it is that I’m doing, wrest the remote control from Mme Goat (who is probably not really watching it, anyway), and either turn the telly off, or change channels.
Old Goat – I agwee that Kwis can be more than a little iwwitating over many issues. However At least In some ways he is his own man wegarding his views on overpopulation and the fwet that uncontwolled humanity bwings to many wild aweas.
He does not hide these views it is just that the BBC currently has chosen to ignore them as I guess his general greeny persona currently fits their narrative at this time. He is also in favour partially because he is a bit of a “flawed character”/outsider and Aunty loves to demonstrate her inclusive side.
Unfortunately the BEEB (as we know ) is a master at having their cake and eating it.
Yes lets have more migrants in the country, Oh look they have all given birth to babies – how sweet! Oh no we have not got enough houses! – Uncaring Goverment for the babies sake more houses now!
Nasty uncaring goverment building houses in Ten acre wood! – Unbelievable!
The problem is where do we put these houses if the population continues to expand at its current rate? Generally the land of lowest economic value is also the best areas for wildlife. I guess Packham may well have to consider his viewpoint further when more of these areas get swallowed up for housing developments.
I would certainly be more impressed with Chris if he was even more vocal on these issues however I certainly do not consider him a BBC patsy. Think of it this way BBC could certainly employ worse presenters at least the bloke has passion about what he preaches and I am afraid these days in the BEEB this is as rare as rockinghorse shit!
There’s an eerie silence at the BBC over the postal ballots sent out by several councils accompanied by instructions clearly showing a vote for remain.
Leaving aside the question of who is stupid enough to be influenced by such a thing (I wish I believed some weren’t) this is a significant story and now the Electoral Commission has ordered the recall of all such papers. Of course, for those who have already voted, the ‘damage’ has been done. So what is the EC going to do about that? And, while they are at it, might I mention Thanet and the missing boxes of postal votes?
In both cases, the BBC does what it always does with stories that disturb the party line. It either pretends they never happened, or hides them away on page 3,896.
“The Electoral Commission has told Bristol council not to use it again. But with reports of similar leaflets dropping on doormats around the country it may be too late to do anything about it.”
Damage already done?
In my ignorance I thought it reasonably safe to watch ” Midsummer Night’s Dream on BBC TV.
After ten minutes I realised it was a typical director’s- hey you just look at me – production .An ego trip for those involved.
What is with these luvvies.? When they are not parading their ill thought out views on the issues of the day they are indulging themselves at our expense- we pay for it- in turning something straight forward into a luvviefest of inanity.
I switched off of course
A “look at me” production? Heaven forbid a TV play should be designed for people to watch it!
If you abandoned it after 10 minutes you’d presumably only have seen some of the Athenian world of Act I, which framed the Theseus-Hippolyta relationship rather more believably than many a production and in ways which paid off by the end. You’d also have missed Kate Kennedy’s brilliant turn as Helena, a great group of Mechanicals, and a final act which tied in the world of the forest fairies and of Athens more effectively than any stage production I’ve seen.
If you can I stick your head from your “I instinctively dismiss actors as luvvies so I can tell myself I’m intellectually superior” backside, you should catch up on iPlayer. Or if this production’s a little too rich for you to digest, there’s a CBeebies version available which you may prefer.
Jerrod, What sounded like a good contribution to an argument was ruined by your insults. I did not see the play, so I cannot comment but a statement supporting the production would have made your point well without the obligatory leftish resort to insult.
But you don’t have any issue with “What is with these luvvies.? When they are not parading their ill thought out views on the issues of the day they are indulging themselves at our expense”.
One standard for everybody else, no standards for Biased BBC. Got you. Can’t have the likes of Dave S playing by the rules you want to inflict on everybody else, can we? Wouldn’t be Biased BBC without the usual levels of hypocrisy from the usual suspects, and the flatulent self-regard that comes with it.
if you want people to think of you as not deserving insults, stop flinging them about. Really quite straightforward. Apologies if it’s beyond your comprehension level, though.
Jerrod, a judgement, a response, piece of criticism, can be shown in your argument and does not have to be added to it. Ever heard of Wittgenstein’s distinction between ‘showing’ and ‘saying’?
That was my point.
You are so stupid and thick. See.
> Ever heard of Wittgenstein’s distinction between ‘showing’ and ‘saying’? That was my point.
Your actual point was to hold me (and anyone who’s not part of your little stunted adolescents’ club) to a different standard to that which you and your insulting colleagues hold yourselves. Apologies once again that you seem to be unable to allow that concept to penetrate the fog of self-righteous hypocrisy that passes for thought in your mind.
12 Apr 2013 – In British use, luvvie is a humorously depreciative term for an actor, especially one regarded as effusive or affected. … When the OED revised its entry for lovey in 2008, this sense, which had by then become established in the variant spelling luvvie, was made a separate entry.
(Google: Luvvie)
“Acting in a proper grown-up play, being a lovie, doing the West End, ‘shouting in the evenings’, as the late Patrick Troughton had it.”
1988 Stephen Fry in Guardian 2 Apr., p. 17
I can’t see how this humourously depricative term (indeed, a term sometimes used by actors themselves) could be deemed to fall into the realm of being offensive or abusive.
Mike Hunt, Ha ha. So I can’t be arrested for waaycism or dragged out of bed in the early hours by the plod for using the term ‘luvvie’.
This is giving me ideas on how to avoid the Twitter Stasi: eg. Deport all luvvies who disrupt Remembrance services, burn poppies and call for the decapitation of infidels’.
I always thought that the ‘luvvie’ term came about with Dickie Attenborough (and types) who could never remember names so called everyone daaaarling or luvvie ! – hardly offensive; even I do it when I remember the face but not the name.
> I can’t see how this humourously depricative term (indeed, a term sometimes used by actors themselves) could be deemed to fall into the realm of being offensive or abusive.
So because a word can sometimes be used inoffensively, it’s never offensive?
Wow. With “logic” like that, you make GWF look like a genius instead of an uptight, dense, patronising jackass.
Which of course can’t be insulting, since all those words can be used non-offensively, by what you laughably seem to think worth of considering as a coherent argument.
Congrats, though: I think GWF has found a mental equal. Just make sure to get the timeshare agreement for your collective braincell in writing. Wouldn’t want you to squabble over whose turn it is to be slightly less stupid than usual, would we?
Well, I thought I’d stick with one you could comprehend. Seeing as you mistook “one definition of a word” for “every possible meaning and context in which that word could be used”, forgive me for assuming you find more than the most simple of concepts tough to cope with.
Now, did you watch A Midsummer Night’s Dream and can therefore refute Dave S’s inaccurate summation (gleaned from a mere ten minutes of it, if he is to be believed, which I’ll grant you is a stretch) or are you just butting in so that you can demonstrate your inability to understand the rudimentaries of the English language?
I quoted the OED’s definition as evidence for my assertion that the term “luvvie” is merely “humorously depreciative” rather than derogatory.
So far you have not posted any evidence or thought processes to the contrary, so we are simply at best at the “contradiction” stage, although still with some ad-hominem/name-calling thrown in for good measure.
Again, this is not a very strong argument, and there’s nothing for me to argue against.
In the (admittedly relatively short) time I’ve been here I’ve not seen you post before so can’t comment. I’m not a moderator here but I think all posters deserve respect. Name-calling clearly isn’t part of that, and I think we should all work together to ensure that everyone gets the respect they deserve. (Please note that I don’t think ideas deserve respect, but people most definitely do.
If people have called you those kinds of names, I agree that they shouldn’t have done so, and you would be well within your rights to bring this to the attention of the moderators via the contact form on this website.
I should probably add in all fairness that I haven’t seen any of the sort of remark you are talking about posted here so am a bit surprised/puzzled.
Thank you for insulting me. You have no idea how enjoyable it has been. A day in the rain with recalcitrant machinery and then to come back to such witticisms,. My cup overflows. I resolve to try harder to appreciate just how wonderful the BBC is. How it’s executives work tirelessly for a pittance. How it’s talent is so poorly rewarded. How incisive and intelligent it’s commentators. All these bounties just for us poor deluded tax payers.
Only a small point. A ‘hey look at me production ‘ is when the director takes a certain self regarding view of his or hers importance. Very prevalent in these rather decadent times.
Way too highbrow for me Dave, but I admire your optimism in giving it a go, went out for a walk during the day and what with all the dragging and scraping most of my evening was taken up putting plasters on my knuckles.
I’ve also inadevertently reported your post, sorry, these tablets aren’t designed for neanderthals, could do with a larger gap between reply and report for those afflicted with sausage fingers.
OK chaps. It is time to come clean with Jerrod aka Zero.
The reason we pick on the poor wee people’s BBC is because we are all handsomely paid by the far right. neo liberal and neo fascist billionaire press barons to prevent the objective and well researched truths of the BBC from informing the masses. If only the gullible and gormless masses would reject the right wing lies and hate mongering of the billionaire press they would gladly donate their earnings for people’s agit prop theatre, stand on the beaches waving EU flags to welcome migrants, keep their working class mouths shut when rape gangs assault their daughters, and stuff their faces with Royal Lemon Drizzle Cake. Our job as the agents of hate mongerers is to rubbish BBC attempts to empower the people.
Loobyloo…………. (Springwatch) “Should be essential viewing for many, especially those who wish to make Britain their home. ”
Realistically and sadly, a lot of those arriving here only see wildlife as their next meal. I don’t say this lightly, – I live near a small river, and shortly after the influx of Poles a few years ago, several swans disappeared. Investigations proved that these were taken by Polish immigrants, so a Swan Watch was set up by locals. Equally I was told by an Asian doctor that household pets are an unknown entity to that race. I had never given that much thought, but on reflection its a rare occurrence to see an Asian family walking out with a dog, but am willing to be contradicted on this.
Anyone who really lives in the country will agree with you . Taffman agrees .
Swans, carp etc are fair game to them also the illegal netting across rivers for salmon.
Does Loobyloo live in the country ?
Add to that plants & berries which seem to disappear on an industrial scale. When blackberries come into season whole bushes are picked bare in the blink of an eye.
The BBC’s website recently featured an item that amused me. To celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday and the 90th anniversary of the A.A. Milne Pooh books, someone has written a new Pooh adventure in which Christopher Robin, Pooh etc. visit London to give the Queen a birthday gift. It is available as an audio-video download (narrated by Jim Broadbent). The story didn’t specify whether the BBC has any financial input into this project, though it may have for all I know.
Anyway, I found the idea of the innocent creatures from the Hundred Acre Wood visiting politically correct multicultural Londonistan so funny I couldn’t resist writing my own Milne-style version of the adventure. (Let’s just say Piglet falls foul of the RoP, the police the BBC.) I’ll post it up if anyone’s interested. I don’t like to post it otherwise, since it’s: (a) very silly and tasteless; (b) largely off-topic; (c) at least 600 words.
Good idea for a separate thread. But call it something else, please, otherwise I’ll have to think up a different “name” for myself!
HHH – I too adore Winnie the Pooh and grew up with those books. Share with us oldies, please…..sounds as if your version might have strains of the Ambridge Observer?? Now, THAT is funny!
Today’s Murders – one in a continuing series of posts highlighting the trend in violent attacks in London about which the BBC appears oddly shy of reporting
Our very pretty Arthur Patel fronting BBC London News glosses over the ‘mass brawl’ at the Luton Carnival with a smile and quickly moves on to some news items more amenable to the BBC news treatment.
‘Luton carnival: ‘Ugly’ scenes and arrests after event’
Police: “It is disappointing… we have seen a small minority of people causing ugly scenes across the town centre.”
An isolated incident, perhaps? How about these reports indicating something far more systemic…. Our Arthur and her news editors neglected to mention any of these reports of violence this weekend:
Can’t wait for the BBC report, and their specialist in such matters Mishal Husain digging out her moral equivalence-o-meter and showing the eager audience what constitutes acceptably light, beating-wise, and what is not enough.
No, no. The Iraqi was entitled to self-identify as gay when he claimed asylum. He just wasn’t feeling particularly gay when he assaulted the girl, possibly as a result of not being allowed to use the ladies’ toilet.
Here s the BBC latest on Tory f-ckwit T May s Sharia stitch up … oops I mean Inquiry
Listening to this pair jumping through hoops … makes one thing perfectly clear.
Sharia cannot be trusted, more importantly neither can the participants in this inquiry.
The very terms of this erm “inquiry” ? are a total set up … all aspects of Sharia in public life MUST be banned in the UK, absolutely essential.
It is discriminatory, racist, subversive and incompatible, there s nothing to enquire about … no discussion to have.
There will be calls to re-establish it in the future as demographics change, a total ban, the reason for said ban is our baseline, our political line to consistently refer back to as a protection in our law … another shocking example of these Tory f-ckwits selling off and selling out our nation.
BBC – “The review will seek best practice among councils. It will be led by Professor Mona Siddiqui, an expert in Islamic and inter-religious studies from the University of Edinburgh.
What is Sharia and how is it applied?
They will be advised by two religious and theological experts – Imam Sayed Ali Abbas Razawi and Imam Qari Asim. (hmmm)
The panel will begin work immediately and is expected to complete its review in … wait for it
2017, the Home Office announced.”
Report not expected until 2017
Hopefully by 2017 May will be gone – a victim of an arranged marriage following FGM and wearing the full burka instead of revealing her cleavage in the House.
Today’s piece in favour of Remain comes from the BBC’s print outlet, The Guardian, where the renowned cosmologist and Israeli hater, Stephen Hawking, tells us we are better off remaining and that Americans should not vote for Trump. He also supports immigration, as do all academics who derive their politics from the Guardian.
Way to go old man. Isn’t it time you handed in your voice machine, with its chip made in Israel, which according to you should be boycotted.
And for their next trick, presumably they will ask a professional footballer his opinion of Hawking’s theories on space/time? He would be equally qualified to pass an opinion, after all… .
Prof Hawking shot himself in the foot (metaphorically speaking) by saying he doesn’t understand why people support Trump. A little reading around the subject, with a little empathy, would have told him why, I would have thought. Maybe the time and effort to do so is too much for him. But I suspect even if he were not trapped in his own body (a cruel fate and one which he has admirably risen above), he would still be mentally trapped in the ivory towers of the leftist academic establishment.
‘For practical reasons related to his disability, Hawking increasingly travelled by private jet, and by 2011 that had become his only mode of international travel’
Quicker than most, too.
I wonder if the BBC has steered clear, and why?
“In March 1968, Hawking marched alongside Tariq Ali and Vanessa Redgrave to protest against the Vietnam War.[289] He is a longstanding Labour Party supporter.[290][291] He recorded a tribute for the 2000 Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore,[292] called the 2003 invasion of Iraq a “war crime”,[291][293] was part of an academic boycott of a conference in Israel because of concerns about Israel’s policies towards Palestinians,[294][295][296] campaigned for nuclear disarmament,[290][297][291] and has supported stem cell research,[291][298] universal health care,[299] and action to prevent climate change.[297] In August 2014, Hawking was one of 200 signatories to a letter opposing Scottish independence in the run-up to September’s referendum on that issue.[300] Hawking believes a United Kingdom withdrawal from the European Union (Brexit) would damage the UK’s contribution to science as modern research needs international collaboration. He believes free movement of people in Europe encourages the spread of ideas. Hawking also opposes Donald Trump.[301]’
Perhaps it’s time to switch him off. It would reduce the load on the national grid, if anyone asked we could say we were trying to alleviate global warming, a cause that would not be lost on the great professor himself.
I was an undecided on Brexit (heart versus head) but the BBC is so positive that in is good that I have decided that out must be the way to vote. Driving this morning the car radio was originally switched to Radio 2 – but Chris Evans is as shouty as usual and started telling me how wonderful Top Gear was that within seconds of his voice being heard I switched. Tried Radio 4 – Webb interviewing two people – one who would like to do more business with Europe but says that regulations in the countries (France) he wants to trade with are stopping him and a woman whose business was something to do with bagging things up and posting them to Europe says trade with EU countries is so easy. Well I lasted about 30 seconds. These sort of interviews tell me nothing. Perhaps the chap who is having problems with there not being a level playing field could tell us a lot – I can only guess whether he was allowed to speak; but comparing his experience with a woman for whom it is all very easy doesn’t inform at all. If she knew whether she could carry on trading after Brexit or not would provide information – but of course nobody knows. I switched on to Classic FM – it was after 8am so I didn’t even have to hear their news. Bliss. Radio 4 and the Today programme, as usual, has to take things down to the most trivial level.
Ah, that would be the lady who said EU regulations never affect her. Well, if she’s trading with EU countries and doesn’t think she’s affected by the regulations, it’s a fair bet she’s doing something wrong. I’d love to be a fly on the wall at her next VAT inspection.
With the BBC’s fevered support for Feminism, no doubt they will be concerned at the appointment of one Waseem Zaffar onto Birmingham Council’s cabinet for Transparency, Openness and Equality.
Most of his views will delight the BBC, after all, he says he is all for equality and calls Israel a terrorist state. However, his liberal credentials are marred by the slight problem of him being married to two women. Not a problem under sharia law you might think, but there again Mister Zaffar has said ‘I have never and will never support sharia law in this country.’ (Note ‘in this country’ so Sharia is ok elsewhere I guess.)
Ah, but there again he divorced his first wife with a Sharia Law divorce sent in the post without his wife’s prior knowledge. Very much the actions of a guy hell bent on promoting equality.
Just so you know, under Sharia law he can divorce his wife by reciting ‘talaq’ – meaning ‘I divorce thee’ – three times. So handy if the wife is constantly moaning about there being too much football on … unless of course you are Mister Zaffar, who will not accept Sharia law in the UK.
Oh dear I am confused, are we under sharia law in the UK or should this battler for women’s equality be brought before the courts for bigamy?
Just thinking about a few of the above contributions, what seems to be happening is that masses of people , even if not the majority, are gradually realising that for years they have been stitched up by the elite intelligentsia.
Trump and Brexit share the same core. In both cases supporters are doing their own version of Peter Finch’s famous speech in the film ‘Network’
I agree, and I think the same is happening across Europe, too. The recent Austrian election, the success of Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, Marine Le Pen in France – even the Germans are seeing a strong backlash against the smug, bien pensant elite.
The BBC will always tell us that it is not biased – but the fact of the BBC’s utter predictability across so many issues puts the lie to that self-assertion of balance
As a case in point let’s look at how the BBC is going to ‘balance’ medical concerns about Zika Virus and the up coming Rio Olympics
Corporate Self-interest. The Olympics represent an absolute bonanza of airtime filled for the BBC. Every inane unwatchable hobby sport can be scheduled for hours of broadcast on the back of some tenuous public interest in ‘Team GB’
The Payroll Vote. Book your hols around this one folks, the BBC staffers are due a whale of a time all expenses paid in Rio this summer. Not much chance of catching anything nasty from the airconditioned safety of the media village.
Diversity Box Ticking. Not sure the Brazilian public are 100% on board with the cost of the games anyway but judging by ticket sales we do already know they’re not much enthused with wheelchair racing. But the BBC sure are and will tell you off if you’re not.
Toward a World Without Borders. We hardly need ask where the BBC stands in relation to unaccountable supranational organisations – the BBC love them. The UN, the EU, the IOC…. you name it ‘international’ and the BBC take it as gospel.
So you see when scientists point out the dangers of millions of people from all around the world congregating at the Zika hotspot the BBC are going say ‘yeah… but no, of course the Olympics must go ahead’
Well, you asked for it! Here’s the story of Winnie-the-Pooh,’s visit to Londonistan.
‘Oh, look – the Houses of Parliament!’ exclaimed Christopher Robin. ‘But our way is blocked by lots of fierce-looking men – with the tops of their heads wrapped in bandages! Gosh, those beards must have taken years to grow!’
‘They are wearing nightshirts, so perhaps they are coming home from a hospital for people with hurt brains?’ Piglet squeaked in a very puzzled tone.
‘I expect they forgot to dress in the morning, Piglet,’ Pooh sighed. ‘I do it all the time. But then, I am a bear of very little brain.’
‘I’ve eaten dandelions with a higher I.Q.,’ Rabbit, muttered, rather unkindly. But luckily no one heard, for they were all too busy wondering how they were to get to Buckingham Palace, to deliver the book of Pooh’s poetic ‘hums’ he had written for the ninetieth birthday of Her Majesty the Queen. Gloomy Eeyore gave up hope.
Owl (who spelled his name ‘Wol’) peered solemnly at the writing on a banner carried by a bearded man.
‘It says, “Sunni”. But why would they look so cross because it is sunny?’ he asked. But then he noticed a distant wall had a big poster, worded: ‘London says no to Global Warming!’
‘I’ve got it!’ he announced. ‘London’s got too hot, so they are complaining to the government!’
‘They do look a bit tanned for Pommies, now you mention it,’ Kanga observed.
Piglet said he would go and ask the men politely to move, but he soon ran back shaking with terror.
‘Run, everyone!’ he sobbed. ‘That man tried to chop my head off with a meat cleaver! He said I’m Haram or something!’
‘Never mind, Piglet!’ Pooh gasped, as the terrified friends ran to another street. ‘I heard the bearded man say something about Ali’s snackbar! I’m starving! Hummy, hummy, lots of honey, nice and runny, for my tummy!’
‘Nice!’ commented Rabbit acidly. ‘Piglet nearly gets turned into chipolatas, and all Fatso here can talk about is his stomach – and the worst poetry since the great McGonagall.’
‘I’m afraid the snackbar will have to wait, Pooh!’ Christopher Robin said gravely, as he walked towards a policeman.
‘Hello, kindly Mr Policeman!’ he said. ‘Piglet here asked those bearded men to move aside, but one tried to chop his head off!’
‘So you used a pig to intimidate them? That’s religious harassment!’ snapped the policeman.
‘B-but he tried to kill me!’ squealed Piglet.
‘Well, we’ve only your word for that, haven’t we, Mr Piglet?’ he said. ‘Got any security camera footage? Mobile phone pictures? You-tube postings?’
‘No – whatever those are – but I can describe him, kindly Mr Policeman. He was brown – from all the global warming – and he had a thick beard and talked ever such a funny language, and had bandages round his head and a long nightshirt and….’
Christopher Robin and his friends were a very, very long time at the police station. They were charged with something odd called ‘racism-based malicious false charges and Islamophobic harassment’. The British Broadcasting Corporation’s news that night led with: ‘Far right group provokes violence at peaceful demonstration for Sharia Law!’ (Some claimed the ‘Hundred Acre Wood Eight’ never got a fair trial because of biased reporting..)
Pooh’s book of hums was confiscated in a search of evidence of extremism. Kanga was deported to Brisbane because of a 90-year visa overstay, but Tigger was allowed to remain, on account of being Asian and an endangered species.
Luckily, the Milne family were ever so rich, and could afford very clever lawyers. They said Owl was dyslexic, Eeyore suffered from Bipolar Disorder, and Pooh and Piglet had extreme Learning Difficulties. Christopher Robin – with his girly, dress-like smock and long hair – was under stress because of being transgendered. Therefore they could plead something called ‘diminished responsibility’.
Freed after a fairly short sentence, they all rushed back to the peaceful Hundred Acre Wood, and vowed they would never, ever return to the horrid city of London. But a little while later, Owl looked out of his comfy home in the tree tops with great alarm.
‘I say, there are lots of bearded men on the edge of the wood! And they’re building something with a huge dome and a huge tower!’
thanks Helena, particularly liked the reasons why they all got off – and don’t forget that wol could spell Tuesday so you knew it wasn’t Wednesday (or something like).
I heard Stephen Kinnock, MP, son of the Welsh windbag with a huge financial self interest in Remaining in the EU, state the following on the radio, say what I think, he has given the Remainers game away as to what will happen on June 23 should Brexit win.
Kinnock states word for word that
‘it is a fact Article 50 which states very clearly,that if a country votes to leave the EU. They are immediately excluded from the Council of Ministers and the European Council so they are not even in the room to negotiate the terms of your own exit.’
So I read an article on what scenario our invoking article 50 would place upon us. It has all the hallmarks of a second referendum.
Although I find it hard top believe what Kinnock has said is in any way true. The EU however, will not give us an easy ride if we vote to leave the EU. There are genuine concerns emerging about the growth of right groups.
I have read a number of websites and listen to the radio a lot. I have repeatedly heard the comment, ‘we don’t know many of many people who want to stay in the EU’ or ‘everybody I know are voting to Brexit’. Contrarily, I have never heard this comment from the Remain supporters.
In my opinion if Brexit lose, it will a complete stitch up from the establishment against the people of Britain. Call it a conspiracy theory or whatever but when the people of Britain are asked the question
‘Who would you liked to be governed by, Brussels or Britain?’
Only a fool would say Brussels – or that is, someone with powerful self interests.
I am very interested in exactly who, is checking the voting process in order to ensure fair play.
My goodness me, I never, ever thought that I would have reason to mistrust Britain as a democratic country. Those who want to Remain are not interested in democracy. History will not judge the Remainers well.
Fair play in the voting process? What about the actual question on the ballot paper itself? (I have a postal vote so have early sight.) It asks if we should “remain a member of the EU”, or “leave the EU”? Why not ask if we should “remain a member”, or “stop being a member” – that would be equally weighted, would it not? Is the word “leave” somehow tainted?
If Britain votes to leave the EU, then we will remain a full member until the date we leave. However, we will obviously not be party to the EU side of the exit negotiation, as that would be ridiculous, since we are the party on the other side of the negotiation. Britain will certainly negotiate the terms of its exit from the EU, but it cannot sit on both sides of the table.
It is merely a statement of the obvious, but I suppose someone with Stephen Kinnock’s IQ finds it all very surprising, since he is used to having everything handed to him on a plate.
They just couldn’t wait to bring us such urgent breaking news, could they?
But of course, after there had been two successful disaffiliation votes in row, they somehow managed to hold on until they had a “fail” to bury it with:
Come off it Guest Who… don’t be so silly… What, a positive story? About Israel?!? On the BBC???? LMFAO!!!
They even managed to bury the Palestinians’ latest outrage deep down within its pages… Hamas just having executed three civilians in Gaza, while according to the Palestinian Authority attorney general “carrying out the executions represents a flagrant violation of the Palestinian basic law”, according to which the president must ratify death sentences.
Those who were involved in Tuesday’s executions were complicit in murder and would be held accountable, he said.
Also, According to Human Rights Watch, more than 40 people have been put to death in Gaza since 2007, including 23 suspected collaborators during the 2014 war with Israel.
Most of those executed were convicted in military courts or executed summarily, without a judicial ruling, it said.
Strangely, the BBC didn’t think fit to add the (rather obvious) fact that the latter would constitute both a war crime and a crime against humanity.
Mind you, at least credit to the BBC that they covered the story at all… even if low-profile, and missing some obvious commentary.
Looking forward to the inevitable wave of condemnation from the UN and the war crimes trial. NOT.
Cambridge students’ union voted on a turnout of 28% to stay with the racist NUS. The Cambridge president, Priscilla Mensah, said the high levels of engagement in the referendum meant the vote was “definitive”. 28% might be a high turnout in her native Nigeria but a narrow win – 51% to 47% – with most students not bothering to vote doesn’t look to me like a ‘high level of engagement’.
Indeed – far too close a result to call “definitive”. Interesting to note that individual Cambridge colleges are now voting to divest from the Cambridge University Students’ Union (CUSU) in protest over its handling (or rather failure to handle) the Antisemitism issue, I see Peterhouse and Queens have started the ball rolling.
If I were to ask you what this meant, you would most probably reply that it’s Petrol & diesel Fuel, but you’d be wrong! It actually refers to gas & electricity, which no one I know refers to as fuel, especially electricity !
When you read further you find this: “Tories Michael Gove and Boris Johnson and Labour’s Gisela Stuart wrote in the Sun that the tax on energy bills cannot be scrapped because of EU rules.”
“Vote Leave politicians said they would seek to spend some of the cash saved by quitting the EU on cutting VAT from household gas and electricity bills, a tax imposed by a Conservative government in 1993”
Ouch! Another dig at the Tories, which we know from the article were forced by the EU to impose the tax !
Another lesson in how to turn a positive good news story into a negative one !
I see it has comments; again not really going too well for the B-EU camp.
A top one noting that leave is about people and principle and sovereignty, and remain is about money, money and money (which they can’t and won’t guarantee). The appeal to the BBC is evident.
Hearing a discussion recently between a couple of lefties, I realise that having wrecked the countries finances they are still hell bent on finding other sources to squander on immigrants.
This is the gist of the discussion:
No matter how many people we bring into the country we are wealthy enough to afford it, everyone should have the right to a dry warm home, good education for their kids, and free health care.
The country has loads of money, we just have to find a way to free it up without disadvantaging those who own it too much.
This kind of thinking should scare any sane person witless, because it means depriving people of pension funds, savings, stocks & shares etc etc.
It illustrates the utter delusion these nutters are under as they attempt to spend more & more to make their unworkable nightmare work. It’s a kind of financial left wing fracking. When the gas reserves are empty, then attempt to get more by extreme measures. Don’t think about using less or looking for alternatives, just carry on towards the inevitable conclusion !
Thoughtful, I like your term ‘financial fracking’ – I will definitely be using that one! However it relies on the knowledge that money is a finite resource, which in my experience many people on the left don’t understand.
The left want to destroy capitalism and the market economy. So one way to do that is to discredit it. So you put it under a huge amount of pressure e.g. by mass open door immigration, in the hope that the system will break down, being unable to meet the needs of the population.
Out of the ensuing chaos will emerge the Nirvana of socialism.
That in a nutshell is what drives the left wing open door immigration narrative. And of course Al Beeb provide all the free publicity and many more ‘benefits’.
“Out of the ensuing chaos will emerge the Nirvana of socialism.”
Sluff, the last time that capitalism buckled in Europe it was in 1930’s Germany. They ended up with National Socialism. I don’t think the BBC will like that. They need to take more care in what they wish for.
Someone telling it like it is! Government making an inadequate response to the blatant illegal immigration over our border (channel). How are we as citizens supposed to feel about this? Not one ‘official’ commenting on the issue has mentioned what will happen to these illegal immigrants – except I think the BBC might have said they will be allowed to claim asylum. Hurrah.
I have no confidence in this govt, they are totally useless.
The illegal migrants will most likely be returned to Albania, unless they can show something which engages the refugee treaty (unlikely) alas they will probably come into the clutches of the greedy weasels which will make use of the very limited resources of legal aid. legal aid is only supposed to be granted if the applicant has a chance of winning the case, however I’ve never heard of a case of a judge asking for a claim to be looked into as a result.
Albanians claim that their lives are in danger in Albania due to “blood feuds”. It’s a standard trick they use, and is hard to disprove. I think we will have to put up with these 18 scroungers for quite some time.
Just one, last, wafer thin BBC bit of editorial integrity that DID make it to FaceBook, to add to the horrors of meat-product deployment so troubling the Met, TellMama and Ms. May:
BBC News
2 hrs · At least 12 men stormed the cafe, shouting and throwing meat at patrons.
Vegan cafe in Tbilisi stormed by meat-wielding ‘extremists’
Extreme meatists? I wonder if they were daring and audacious too?
The Beeb appears to be creating the latest fashion trend, um, can we call it – ‘Tramp chic’…… in the form of the two Dannys …… Danny Clarke the Instant Gardiner and Danny Sebastian, the ‘ahem’ latest antiques expert (who’s done time for robbery and violence, but I wont hold that against him). Words fail me.
This is utterly outrageous: over 1 million Armenian Christians mass-murdered by Muslim Turks in WWI and it still shall not be called genocide, or else. (Or else they will “unleash the refugees” on us, as previously threatened.)
And this from our dear friend and ally in NATO.
Of course, we mustn’t look too deeply into this lest we discover the underlying rationale, and it’s not just holocaust-denial a la Turk: what is being hidden in plain sight is that, in Islamic law, the murder of a disbeliever by a Muslim is not considered murder in any real sense, and the murderer should not be punished. (This is due to a precedent set in the Koran itself.)
So no, not on the BBC, no never, no more, the land where all religions are equal, and black is white.
And oh incidentally there are plenty of contemporary first-hand accounts of the Turkish Armenian Genocide, it isn’t just mean people making up nasty stories about the Turks for their own amusement, you know… And very upsetting it is to the Armenian people too, this continued denial…
The BBC’s love of immigration can, in part, be put down to its cod understanding of leftist economics.
Whereas capitalist economics requires an appreciation of factors such as capital, availability of land and entrepreneurship, the marxist dogma will accept only labour as being important.
Hence the leftist mindset equates labour – and lashings of it – as synonymous with economic growth. The fact that the BBC depends on income levied by a poll tax helps encourage their feeling for the more the merrier. Ratings. Key demographics. Bums on seats, darling.
Public sector workers see immigrants as paid clients. Teachers, social workers, NHS staff, council workers, civil servants … to them more people represent more hay to be bailed.
The tendency to wish for growth via head count is also apparent in crony capitalist firms such as supermarkets and energy suppliers. Low wages and an ever-growing consumer base are now key to many a corporation’s growth plans. Therefore we see less social mobility and increasing proletarianisation of the mass. The elite don’t particularly want lots of people bettering themselves. Of course the companies that like low wages do not pay the external costs of an expanding cheap labour pool such as health, policing, housing, pensions and education – these costs can be nationalised – or rather mortgaged as debt – since governments spend more than they take in as tax. That elite talk high taxes but the mass pays.
Understand this scenario and you can understand the BBC and their ilk think : what’s not to like about immigration.
I was wondering, since immigration is – apparently – always beneficial then why don’t we up the stakes. Let’s designate an area of say Somalia with a million people in it and bring them directly over to Britain this year. Immigration is always beneficial, right? David Blunket, for example, could see no upper limit. And then let’s take another 2 million next year. If not, why not?
Can you ever, really, have too much of a good thing?
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EU Referendum: David Cameron hails ‘proud Muslim’ Sadiq Khan
What a difference a month makes. From ‘terrorist’ to proud muslim. Cameron, you are a desperate, two-faced, clueless twat. If people fail to see through your brazen superficiality then I really do fear for what is left of our country.
I have flagged it up here over the last 2/3 months that there is not question in my mind that Dave is having some kind of breakdown/mental problems. He is way above his pay grade and not coping with the pressure. Certainly not fit to be PM.
Agree Grant. I would not be surprised if after he is removed he converts to Islam, which would indicate the severity of his mental problems
Dave has demonstrated that, like all cowards, he is a bully. He is in fear of Islam, but runs a propaganda campaign on the Referendum , based on creating fear and bullying. He would be a perfect convert. Maybe he can go and join IS ! As a nappy-changer for their babies. Mind you , he would probably mess that up, so to speak !
The sad truth is that Cameron is just a typical old Etonian – pragmatism is the order of the day. They believe they are born to rule so they don’t need principles or convictions or, heaven forbid, actual ideas. He will say whatever he thinks will keep him in power, just as he said what he needed to say to get it in the first place. The concept of ‘falsehood’ is completely meaningless to someone like that.
It’s the modern day equivalent of the divine right of kings..
Yes, they are totally un-selfaware. For them , that behaviour is normal. They cannot understand that many people see the world a different way. They suffer from a narrow parochialism of the mind .
He thinks he’ll be OK so long as he keeps tight hold of Nanny Merkel’s hand: and if it all goes wrong the other oligarchs will look after him.
Don’t think I agree with that. To me, Cameron closely resembles Blair (Fettes), both of whom are extremely shallow but expert media conscious liars.
So long as people are content with simplistic reasoning through Twitter, dumbed down media organisations and tabloid journalism (wherever they find it), put feelings above facts, and have no historical perspective whatsoever, and MPs who have never had proper jobs, I fear that Blair and Cameron are the sort of PMs we will be getting from now on, regardless of where they were educated.
Remember that Blair was the first privately educated PM since Home, and few of those in between were up to much. We were lucky that Brown (Kirkcaldy High School), of questionable sanity, was not able to inflict more damage than he did. Then there was our esteemed Deputy PM, Prescott – the less said about him the better.
Corbyn went to Adams’ Grammar School. God knows how much mayhem he might be responsible for given the chance, but hey – he’s kinda cool!
I’m afraid I don’t agree. Cameron is an over-confidant, opportunistic, amoral liar. That’s quite common among men of his background. Blair, on the other hand., is a stone cold sociopath. ‘New Labour – New Danger’ – the poster with ‘the eyes’ – was chillingly accurate.
And he has the nerve to say that we, who are going to vote for , Leave are ” Immoral “. Cameron is a lying wanker. Pure and simple . Odious creep .
amoral liar v stone cold sociopath
That’s quite a fine distinction. My understanding is that sociopaths’ identifying behaviour is that they act with complete objectivity on moral issues.
We’re not rid of Cameron yet. Who knows how he will finally turn out.
Blair is a complicated character, that much is for sure. He’s clearly a narcissist and a fantasist as well, but what makes me think he is a sociopath is his complete lack of a moral sense. He simply has no recognition that he did anything at all immoral during the campaign to start the Iraq war, nor that his actions on the EU, immigration, stuffing quangos with his CP chums, the millions he has made from dictatorships and on and on and on, were in any way immoral.
It’s arguable that many politicians do similar things, to which I would say many politicians are sociopaths. I simply believe that Blair is the worst we have yet suffered.
“I simply believe that Blair is the worst we have yet suffered.”
In terms of loss of life I think that’s undoubtedly true.
What I find interesting is the left’s view of Blair. There seems to be an attitude of ‘the less said about him the better’ nowadays, which is in contrast to the vocal attitude towards ‘Fatcher’. Blair seems to be a sort of suspicious uncle which the family tries not to talk about.
“Corbyn went to Adams’ Grammar School”
And came away with two “E” grades at A Level. Is this the best and the brightest?
I feel that your anti Blair attitude was governed by the BBC bias against him at the time he was PM. In 2004 not one word of his standing ovation speech in Washington DC was heard on the BBC or in the British media for that matter. They didn’t want the public to hear him as they were so against his foreign policy and he was such a brilliant orator they were scared he would persuade the public he was right. Later his speech in 2006 in Las Angeles was summarised as “This is what the PM meant to say ” on the 10 o clock BBC News and what Blair said about the Palestinians was distorted and the rest of his important speech was ignored . .
“I feel that your anti Blair attitude was governed by the BBC bias against him at the time he was PM.”
No, I don’t think so. And it’s not an attitude, it’s an opinion.
Blair ” Brilliant orator ” ?? Brilliant bullshitter more like it. A worthless creature, in my opinion !
Cameron is no “typical Old Etonian” and I’ve known quite a few. He is in fact an out-and-out lying blaggard who never ever could tell the difference between the truth and his own version of “What I mean to say, is this … ”
Old Etonians do *NOT* lie and scheme as Cameron has done throughout his whole political career.
David Cameron is an out-and-out liar, schemer, chancer and a most untrustworthy character who was never, *ever* accepted by most boys in his House at Eton. Every single time that Master Cameron prefaced his words with, “What I mean to say is … “, then his words, statements, arguments, or whatever were *always* met with sniggers of derision.
The Boy was a chancer at School and he is now a greater chancer on the World Stage.
NEVER EVER believe a well-known Chancer!
It does look as if Cameron is out of it . We need limits to a PM.s tenure. Eight years maximium as in the USA. Blair suffered delusions of grandeur in the end. They all seem to go a bit odd.
Totally agree . These wankers need to be brought to heel !!!!
And get rid of the fixed term parliament act.
But he is a proud Muslim. He’s proud of his death cult. He’s proud to suppress all women to be nothing more than subhuman punch bag, sex slaves. He’s proud that the cult he worships mandates death to apostates. He’s proud that his cult is allowed to rape and kill the infidel as Jihad is the way to paradise. He’s proud that he is now in a position where he can influence the Dhimmi’s to Islamise themselves. He is proud that he follows the life instructions of a pedophilic warlord whos goal was always world domination through fear, violence, conversion and death. He is proud to share platforms with those in his cult that say EVERYTHING I have just written and are spending their lives acting out the perfect Islamic lives in Jihad against the kafir
So yes Dangerous Dave Carmoron is at last right about one thing..
Cameron knows he’s finished. He’s so far in with the lies that he will say anthing.
He’s betrayed his country for the certainty of a plum job in Brussels… with one condition. He must win the referendum.
At least it’s no longer possible for anyone to claim that Sadiq Khan has never appeared on a public platform with a dangerous nutter though.
According to the BBC this lunchtime, the top news story is “Migrants ‘could die crossing Channel'”.
Really? So the prime concern of British people isn’t that 18 Albanians (Albanians note, not Syrians or Iraqis) tried to illegally enter the UK, might have been preceded by others and might be the harbingers of an invasion, but that some might get drowned in the attempt.
Somehow, I rather think the BBC has got the wrong end of the stick here and I keep thinking of headlines that might have been broadcast by the Quisling Corporation in 1943… ‘Fears grow over German losses in Channel storm’ is just one.
The website has this:
“More resources are needed to stop migrants trying to reach the UK on boats or lives will be lost, a former border force chief inspector has said.”
It’s not clear from that article what he means by “more resources” and I didn’t hear the interview the BBC refers to. I’d hope it’s not more resources like the Mediterranean where they patrol in order to rescue them and bring them to the EU, thus incentivising more, but I suspect that’s the sort of resources the BBC wishes to encourage.
What is needed in this particular case is that the 18 Albanians are very publicly sent back whence they came and the two Britons fast-tracked to trial on a charge of people-smuggling, but I suspect what will happen is that the story will be forgotten about by the media so we never know the outcome, but can guess – and so can others intent on invasion.
If you are an Albanian you dont need a visa for EU Schengen but you do for the UK. You could therefore argue that EU policy is encouraging illegal immigration into the UK.
Surely all they need do is wait for a few years and get full admission.
Englands D – EU policy is definately encouraging illegal immigration into the UK.
They could stop,it tomorrow if they truly wanted to. Its called political will and at the moment the political will decrees that nothing should be done about this problem The migrants were allowed to run amok in Cologne – yet as far as I understand the efficient, well armed german police did not draw their guns and suppressed any debate about the abuse that resulted from the rampage.
I think it is all part of a sophisticated attempt to make people feel disempowered and hopleless.
If people feel overrun and helpless they look for any one in authority who can offer stability. If their national government is impotent and unable or unwilling to offer help ( who can we look to to keep law and order? – I know lets invite European forces to help instead). The fact that the EU created the problem in the first place is quickly forgotten in the general melee.
We have given up a shocking the amount of sovereignty. This makes it very difficult to govern effectively . And undoubtedly will result in a loss of law and order (especially with our inability to deport rabble rousers) I used to laugh at conspiracy theorists – but regarding the EU – not any more.
Going back to the immigrants crossing the channel this was hardly a surprise. Politicians must have known for years that this was likely to happen but had we put any more resources into the UK border force – No we just maintained it as it was – NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE! In fact May wants to reduce it even further.
In this age where human life is sacrosanct above anything else – I suppose politicians are more concerned about image and “saving lives” than solving the problem. Unfortunately until a few more drown (or at the very least are not rewarded by rescuing them and giving them asylum). The problem will not be solved. These people in the main are economic migrants and pretty much are the authors of their own misfortune. In a sane world they would not profit from this. However in the wibbly wobbly world of modern EU politics stupidity is always rewarded with profit- Except of course for the host population.
So tell me that I am paranoid – well maybe but not without good reason.
Not paranoid. I really do not know what the EU people are thinking. Do they really not know that the shit will come to their door ? And where will they go ? And maybe it will be too late for them ? But I do not care about them . But why drag the rest of us into their sewer . It is a perversion and I do not like it.
Grant -I think the political class of the EU do not give a flying f##K about the population as a whole. As for their own population I think mentally many of them are pretty depressed about things and are waiting for some leadership.
What form it will come in is anybodies guess – But I do see real problems in Europe with weak economies and populations that have had many hostile incomers foisted upon them – and Camoron still says we are safer in the EU.
We also see it here with our own leaders such as the Blair creature and the Moron. I think these bastards can see no further than governing to protect and extend their own privilege. We see it in the EU and their “mobile parliament” and huge salaries and benefits. Does not matter how much money is wasted because there is always more available to spend. Will the wheels come off all of this – quite likely – will those responsible for this mess ever suffer because of it – not likely!
” Bastards” sums them up. They are clinging to the wreckage . And maybe aware of that.
Oak, I too am beginning to feel paranoid. I never believed any of the popular conspiracy theories; moon landing, JFK, 9/11 and so on, but now I feel that I need my very own tin foil hat. I have come to believe in Common Purpose with an Elite manipulating many aspects of our lives to get the result they want. LibLabCon are in it for the most part and seem identical, apparently rivals but sharing social diaries, dinner dates, Islington restaurants, schools, universities. Of course they go through the motions of believing in democracy (Corbyn is an irrelevance and deliberate distraction) and take turns in power but even when they lose, their clique ensure they are looked after – David Miliband anybody? Show me a politician in the club who is on his uppers, like many failed businessmen are, after losing their position of power. Now the Brexit/Leave thing doesn’t quite ring true to me either (tin foil hat alert). Despite almost everyone I know being a Brexiter (I have spoken to only one Leaver in 2 months and he gets his money from Europe) the polls show a different story. I am not convinced that some of the high profile Brexiters won’t suddenly moderate their stance closer to the day sabotaging the cause.
They’re all around us – local government executives, BBC Trustees, quango queens, NHS “top” management, politicians of course, even Police Chiefs. The worst that seem to happen to those that get caught out is an early retirement with a great pension as a reward for services rendered to the Club with the odd invite back on lucrative committees and enquiries.
The paranoia bit comes in with some oddities I’ve observed. We, on this site, have commented on how postal votes are open to abuse and yet despite personally mentioning it in various media I have never been pointed to an analysis of postal returns in the Mayoral elections. Have they been published but with low publicity (the Beeb are good at this, page 98 on their website) or not published at all? So why have the Conservatives not made a fuss of this apparently open goal? Is it Labour’s and Islam’s turn? Was this agreed at Bilderburg? Why was a poor Conservative candidate selected who didn’t even bother doing much canvassing? One would have thought that many eminently more suitable candidates would have had a better chance – but maybe that was why they weren’t selected
On Europe many of the elite can barely hide their contempt (Juncker?); is it because they know that the result is pre-ordained?
I really think that we are edging towards an International Oligarchy aided and abetted by the elite at the BBC who, while not quite at the top table, know where their next Tuscany Villa is coming from
Reaches for tin foil hat and glass of whisky, sighs.
I truly don’t think what you have said is ‘paranoid’ at all. I think it’s the reaction of someone quite rational, who is utterly bemused by what he sees going on around him and who is looking for a sensible, credible explanation.
We have always been governed by an elite of one kind or another. Despite the fact that today they play lip service to democratic nostrums (in which they don’t actually believe) doesn’t mean things have changed.
popeye & G.C.
There definitely seems to be ‘something going on’.
Cameron & Sarkozy trying to outbid each other to see who could make the biggest mess in Libya. Five years of war in Syria with the international community & UN apparently sitting on its hands. The EU driving Russia to grab back Crimea and then to try to regain Ukraine. The oil price collapsing and then rebounding. Merkel suddenly making an outrageous invitation to risk life, at great cost at the hands of traffickers, to cross the Mediterranean to Germany. Seven years of zero interest rates in the developed world. New viruses becoming a serious problem.
We live in interesting times.
Popeye – you could be right about a respected brexiter jumping ship just before the vote ooorr – some scandal will suddenly be released just before the vote in an attempt to smear the campaign. We saw it with Wittingdale. Aunty always glad to be of help in such situations.
It doesnt matter whether it is exaggerated or not. With the whole MSM baying for blood there would be little chance to put things right.
Good cover for explaining that huge swing in favour of remain. Probably get away with it too. Yet again the BBC more than willing to help justify why Luton has suddenly fielded 3 million postal votes in favour of remain.
PS Betrayal video well worth a watch.
Paranoia – something going on.
1400 children raped and tortured by Moslem gangs and the cops ignore the victims; social workers, Councillors and the media hush it up and the BBC deny it happened. Hundreds sexually assaulted in Cologne and the cops and the press sit on the story. Every journey you take there are security warnings about left luggage, security checks amidst a worldwide epidemic of terrorist activity claimed by Moslems and we are told they have nothing to do with Islam. Every day the main broadcaster runs stories about Moslems as the real victims.
Need I go on? Is this paranoia?
Clinically, no but once the Left gets hold of a word and Chomskyises it, you know what happens.
Welcome to my world for the last decade, popeye.
I’ve been called mad…bad….hair brained….stupid…and that’s just the nice stuff. All I can say to anyone is that they need to start thinking outside the box they’ve been trained to think within all their lives. And never, ever think that your social status or your current financial standing will protect you from what is being instigated. It won’t. Forget the 20th century political arguments of right versus left. There is no right or left any more. It’s globalism versus nation statehood.
Someone said to me the other day it’s like looking at one of those pictures in which there’s a hidden picture. Some can see it straight away, others can’t. But once you see it… can’t see the picture any other way. And. all of a sudeen, everything starts making sense.
And never, ever forget the Hegalian Dialectic.
It’s how the government controls every one of us. And the sheep just keep getting suckered every single time.
I think your fears are entirely justified.
I’m surprised by how anti-police I’ve become. Things are happening that I would never have believed possible in the UK. I’m beginning to think about possible solutions that would have been beyond the pale a few decades ago.
I think a lot of us are in that position and being aided by knowing how many of us are similarly worried by what we see going on around us. In pre-Internet days that was almost impossible.
Well you’ll be pleased the EU is promoting a pan-European border control and coast guard.
So goodbye Trinity House
As you can see here
Arthurp – Our border agency hasnt got any money and isnt very good.
– who do you think could help us—————-?
Popeye – can you lend me one of your tinfoil hats please?
Isn’t it strange that Hungary has managed to secure its borders unilaterally without the need for a pan-EU border force? The EU is like the BBC in many regards – they see that the efforts of others work, so just muscle in themselves with their vast resources.
We already have the resources, they are commonly known as the Armed Forces. All we need now are politicians who realise that said forces are there to defend the nation, not help more criminals to cross open stretches of water.
I’m not remotely surprised that the BBC have given these illegal invaders a somewhat sympathetic propaganda piece on the news. Sadly, theses days, I don’t expect any better from them. I am, however, disgusted that it appears to be two native Brits who were assisting in this illegal trafficking. I don’t care how much they were offered this is one of those contemptible acts that is completely beyond understanding.
As far as I’m concerned it’s treason.
Blind fold and a last fag is far too good for ’em…
“Two Brits” – will that be the Beeb’s definition of Brits?
Well I have heard “Abdullah Muhammad Khan” and “Iqbal Ulhaq Faqir” being called ‘Brits’ by the Al mujahideen Beeb, so yes!
Think of the wider world and vote to stay in Europe … Faith is about integration and building bridges
Spouts BBC fave, Rowan “shariamour” Williams … eeeerr right!, don t come knockin!
Must be in the ejector seat for next weeks “thought for the day – R4”
You could log in to the Al BBCs EU Ref Reality Check to read – could Brexit affect the premier league
… perhaps that’s Camoron s line for tomorrow?
I think P Condell coins in beautifully
“Ivory tower dwelling arsehole who wanted sharia law in Britain says … we should stay in the #EU.”
These Sharia supporters are so dangerous to our nation its hard to imagine the implications.
The Tory f-ckwits are a prime example, after Camoron, here s May.
Here is something I ve been expecting sadly, (wish I could have been mistaken)
An Al BBC, “my pain” special looms on the horizon no doubt
… all this from a “quintessentially” British girl too.
“Nadiya Hussain is proud to wear her hijab despite the negative attention it sometimes attracts
The winner of The Great British Bake Off, has spoken out about the Islamophobic abuse she suffers in Britain after terrorist attacks carried out elsewhere in the world.”
The Times
Well well well. I suspect Theresa May is one of them “funny” blokes who think they’re wimmin. How about we find out by seeing what the mad Muzza does. either chucks “Her” off a Tower Block. or chops up Her Fanny. We won’t have to wait long I’m afraid.
Has the Appeaser joined the RoP?
This morning I watched an old Steptoe episode called ‘Men of Letters’. A really great watch with great writing.
But wait… some minutes in, Albert refers in terms to ‘ all these Muslims building mosques in Shepherd’s Bush’.
It was either 1972 or 1974.
How far has the bBBC fallen since then, comedically and politically.
I’ve watched all the Steptoes, I think. What’s clever about them is the way Albert is the outspoken racist, while Harold tries to be ‘progressive’ and supports immigration, but is usually revealed to have some thinly disguised bigotry as well. I can’t think of a contemporary BBC comedy that could address issues in this way.
I too am listening to Al Beeb emoting about these poor migrants taking the dangerous journey across the water by boat to escape the perilous ………errrr………..French !!!!!
You know. France. That country that we all know, many of us quite like and visit often, and is part of the very same EU that the bBBC is bending over backwards in bias to ensure we stay in, come referendum day.
You really cannot make it up, can you?
I’m not sure the students in the bBBC newsroom have even 1 GCSE between them, since they obviously cannot put 2 and 2 together.
“According to the BBC this lunchtime, the top news story is “Migrants ‘could die crossing Channel’”.
My response would be…….. ‘and ?’
Brissles, how heartless! Could you not start an immediate campaign to have the English Channel drained or filled in or something?
Not a bad idea ! we could get it concreted over and see the fun of them all skateboarding across while the Border Patrol are running in all directions to catch ’em.
Look on the bright side. If global warming predictions are correct, great whites will be patrolling it any time soon.
“immediate campaign to have the English Channel drained or filled in or something?
Oh PLEASE see the Mac cartoon in the D/Mail today ! (he must read this site) – just what we were all thinking, the parting of the English Channel.
Did everyone know that According to BBC host Dotun Adebayo, the Rotherham mass rape scandal never happened and bringing it up is “offensive.”?
But that was the BBc line all the way along from when they secretly recorded Griffin and tried to get him prosecuted. When they had certain charities in denying it had happened. Oh and do I recall Keith Allen with his ukulele telling Griffin he didn’t believe it, was that BBc. Right down to my exchange of e-mails to north west when they tried to not report on the pedos going to trail in Liverpool. Then when the rat was really out of the bag it was Oh what a surprise who would have known.
In fact that is just so offensive I’ve made a complaint asking why they haven’t sacked the “presenter”.
New, Improved, Guardian approved Top gear, The Times review …
‘The old Top Gear was male, heterosexual, middle-aged, non-metropolitan and would probably vote Leave. Here we got a female German racing driver, an American actor, a bonnet piled with Indian chefs and two drag queens. Top Gear has gone metrosexual.’
Phew, wouldn’t it have been dreadful to have been non Guardian/BBC in tone? I mean who would watch that?
That collective of brave, forward thinking intellectuals, the NUS, have just voted to abolish prisons as they are ‘racist.’ The reasoning behind this surprising view? Answer: The ‘high proportion of African, Caribbean’ men held in prison for murders and robberies.
And they are right. 1 in 6 men in prison for murder is afro-carribean.
These students have their fingers on the button. How long before the BBC employs them to help educate those of us who don’t want to be murdered, robbed and violently assaulted?
The world is going bonkers. Once this would have been a piss take from Private Eye from Dave Spart now it is actually happening.
Am I right in thinking that this Government (or possibly the previous coalition lot) presented a bill to Parliament) which was passed to the effect that if any further powers from the UK were demanded by the EU, there would be a referendum?
If that is the case and if the remaniacs win on 24 June, would there not be a second referendum close on its heels considering the reports of all the new proposals that the EU has up its sleeve ready to throw at us in revenge for staying in?
Soapbox, I seem to recall that that was a provision that John Major obtained for a British Parliament’s agreement to the Maastricht Treaty without a Referendum agreement. Thus, had Blair & Brown been able to bludgen the Treasury into agreeing to apply to join the Euro, a Referendum would have had to be held then. (I guess Major doubted that he could win a Referendum, especially against strong Labour opposition, and asking the Brits to vote twice would still result in the same answer – unlike Denmark & Ireland – so he took that route and successfully faced down calls for a Referendum on the Maastricht Treaty.)
The answer to your second paragraph is, I think, no.
I have serious doubts as to whether David Cameron’s ‘renegotiation of reforms’ do not trump that Maastricht proviso, and if we did vote Remain on 23 June that vote might automatically be taken – in London, Strasbourg & Brussels – as effectively a future British Prime Minister having the right to take the UK on into full membership and integration without a further Referendum.
Dear BBBC posters,
I have a question for you all . I am confused . Can you tell me the difference between David Cameron and Horatio Nelson ? ( By the way, I have great respect for Nelson. Must have been some Scottish blood in him !!! )
ermmm Nelson shot the invaders to pieces, Cameron welcomes them with open arms?
So true. Dave is not fit to lick Nelson’s fundamental ! But then, Nelson did not go to Eton or university !
Not sure what you’re looking for. Please expand.
One is a maggot infested shell of a man who died long ago…the other is Horatio Nelson
Tothepoint ,
Spot on !! Nelson would be turning in his grave !
On the one hand it doesn’t say much for the educational quality of Eton, but then ,on the other hand, the ruling elite only need to understand their own reality so I suppose Eton does actually do the job it was always cut out for. Add that to a population whose appetite for being dumped on all over day after day seems insatiable and you’ve got what we have now, ie
a slide towards chaos that only the very rich can escape.
Top post . Spot on . How long are the mushrooms going to be fed shit in the dark ?
I’m not sure Eton College deserves such opprobrium; Jacob Rees Mogg is an Old Etonian and I’d take him as PM over most of the rest of them in the Parliamentary Conservative Party any day.
Camerfool is what he is: a shallow, Progressive, ex-PR man in possession of no principles whatsoever; who says what he needs to depending on what suits at the time. A complete tw@t in other words.
Al, ok , there are exceptions !
I think most people with any intelligence would agree with you and prefer Rees-Mogg and of course not every old-Etonian is as amoral as Cameron. But a high proportion do. They have inculcated in them a sense of entitlement that other public schoolboys do not have and Cameron epitomises the worst of it.
True, and he is not the sharpest tool in the box !
‘A high proportion are’ not ‘do’. Must check more….. apologies.
A feature on the BBC News website at the moment tells us that Erdogan of Turkey has made a speech today urging all Muslim women to forget all about birth control and have more babies. He must think he’s on a bit of a roll having walked all over the EU recently. I’m a bit surprised this has got past the BBC sensor so catch it while you can before it gets the chop.
I have no doubt Erdogan dreams of Turkey conquering Western Europe. The second Golden Apple is Rome after Constantinople. How and why Turkey is still in Nato is beyond my comprehension. The Turkish government is hostile to Europe and is using the migrant crisis to undermine us.
Europe’s natural frontier is the frontier of Greece and that is where we need heavy security and a total ban on anything but the most basic cross border contact. A naval blockade of the Turkish coast would help prevent the people smuggler’s trade.
The one thing holding back Turkish adventurism is fear of Russia. Our tame idiot Cameron wants Turkey in the EU. That alone should tell us that the man is a fool. As for Merkel I am of the opinion that she thinks that Germany can control Turkish territorial ambitions.In that she is as foolish as Cameron and much more dangerous.
By the end of this century there will be more Turks in Germany than Germans; if the demographic status quo of that country remains unchanged.
Last time there was a general election in Turkey, Erdoğan toured German as part of his campaign. Millions of Turks in Germany show where their true Heimat is. Camerloon seems to think Turkey joining the EU is a remote possibility, yet I have just heard the CDU chairman of the German Foreign Affaires committe say they were negotiating Turkey’s entry to the EU. Like those who though Hitler was making it up when he said he wanted more Lebensraum, British politicians always deny the clearly stated strategic aim of the EU.
Erdogan is not even a real Turk. He is Laz from Rize. No disrespect to the Laz people. Merkel, Cameron , Juncker and all the EU idiots need to study the history of the Ottoman Empire and the Turks. But they don’t . Ignorant. Why the hell do they think the Turks left China in the first place ? It was not about Islam ! Why did they not stay in Central Asia ? Come on Mad Merkel, tell me what you think ?
Not too sure Erdo needs to do much on the encouragement front when it comes to popping ’em out.
Sometimes you read Wikipedia, and your heart sinks at the things the BBC isn’t telling us.
Erstwhile prince of darkness and EU Commissioner Peter Mandelson :
Mandelson worked as a television producer at London Weekend Television on Weekend World, where he formed a friendship with his superior John (now Lord) Birt.
In May 2011 it was revealed that there was speculation that Mandelson had been approached by China to be a candidate for the leadership of the International Monetary Fund, even though Mandelson is not eligible to stand since he has not been a finance minister or headed a central bank. However, it was then speculated that Mandelson would stand to succeed Pascal Lamy as Director-General of the World Trade Organization, backed by David Cameron.
In 2006 Mandelson bought a house near Regent’s Park, North London,[91] and in 2011 moved into another house near Regent’s Park bought for £7.6 million (On an EU Commissioners salary ?? And no one stops to question where the money came from ? Seriously?).
In 2010, Lord Mandelson and Benjamin Wegg-Prosser founded Global Counsel, a strategic advisory firm based in London. The firm provides advice for corporate strategists and senior management worldwide.
Global Counsel have many controversial clients including BP, Betfair, Glencore and Asia Pulp & Paper, as well as having connections with many high-net-worth Russian individuals associated with Vladimir Putin and MPs like Dr the Hon. Tristram Hunt and The Hon. Ed Vaizey, as well as former British Cabinet Ministers such as Ed Balls and Douglas Alexander.[94]
Lord Mandelson has also been criticised for so far not disclosing his clients.
(well there’s a surprise !)
And our current EU Commissioner who you’ve probably never heard of.
Jonathan Hopkin Hill, Baron Hill of Oareford
a former political lobbyist and PR consultant, was special adviser to Cabinet Minister Kenneth Clarke and an adviser to the Conservative Prime Minister John Major before being appointed a Government Minister in 2010.
Not a great history then!
Jonathan Hill was born in Highgate, London – wonder if it was as liberal Leftie then as it is now?
Hill worked in the Conservative Research Department (1985–86), before becoming a Special Adviser to Kenneth Clarke at the Department of Employment, Department of Trade and Industry and Department of Health until 1989
he joined the Number 10 Policy Unit (1991–92) and served as Political Secretary to PM John Major and Head of the Prime Minister’s Political Office (1992–94) during the Maastricht Treaty negotiations
Errr so not exactly a Sceptic then?
In July 2014, Prime Minister David Cameron nominated Lord Hill to be UK European Commissioner under Jean-Claude Juncker, President-elect of the European Commission, aiming for a “top economic portfolio”. Cameron’s nomination, rather than that of a better-known British politician, was regarded as controversial at that time since Hill had allegedly expressed initial reluctance to serve in Brussels; two former Conservative Party leaders, Michael Howard and William Hague, had both reportedly turned down this opportunity and it appeared David Cameron was keen to avoid triggering a potentially difficult by-election by nominating any other sitting Conservative MP. Juncker stated after his election that female and high-profile candidates would be among his preferred choices, prompting speculation by some that Cameron’s nomination – of a virtually unknown male in European political circles, despite his competence – to be a protest against Juncker whose election he had opposed.
That’s an excellent comment, Thoughtful. And people wonder why so many say there is a conspiratorial ‘elite’ running things…
BBC Top Gear. New Series.
Alan Partridge would have done a better job.
Basil fawlty would vote leave Geraldine Grainger (Vicar of Dibley) would vote remain.
Geez, it’s bad enough when the political views of “celebrities” are given such undeserved prominence, but to guess the views of fictional characters? From Yougov as well?
No wonder the whole nation is so dumbed-down and shallow. Of course, our illustrious tax-funded state broadcaster has played its part in this process.
I despair.
Are all the Islingtonians who love their luvvies the same people who want an unelected second chamber abolished?
I can’t see any purpose for that survey other than to provide Remain propaganda. All the remainers are ‘goodies’ in the public eye and all the leavers are ‘baddies’ or at least uncool/untrendy/odd/boring etc. The only exception is Sherlock Holmes. I bet Benderdick Cumbersnatch is not too keen about that!
These migrants crossing the Channel are smart because unless they drown they are in Britain the moment they push away from the beach in France. If picked up by a British coastguard they will be brought to England. The French will not bother, I’m sure all they will do is just pass information of unidentified small craft to us here for us to intercept & sort out, As far as the law, i.e. returning illegal migrants to the safe place they left, there is no hope the French would allow a British coastguard ship to return these people back where they set off from. So we are stuck with them.
Forget repatriation to their individual countries, all illegal migrants ought to be sent back via military transport planes to the deserts of Libya or Syria, even if they come from relatively safe countries such as Albania. A major disencouragement drive should be put in place to stop this influx. We have got to get nasty!
Unfortunately, although I will vote for leaving the EU, I cannot see how Brexit will affect this situation.
Presumably it may just give us some some chance of resisting the internal transfer of Mrs Merkel’s hordes of highly skilled when they are given their right to roam pass.
I believe a goodly number of our Somali origin people were former residents of Amsterdam, but thought it would be nice to gather with their brethren here.
I understand that Thailand operates a “no-papers” detention system to discourage those losing their papers on the way.
I think it might. If we can get out of the EU we will certainly be rid of Cameron and the unholy cabal of faux-Tories around him. If we can get an adult government running things, not pandering to the noisy baboons of the BBC/Guardian/Twitter axis, then things could change a lot.
I am in absolutely no doubt that the vast majority of people in this country are very seriously worried about this invasion. All they need is a set of politicians ready to deliver what they want. Naturally, that doesn’t include Boris.
It won’t stop migrants either being ferried across the Channel by people-smugglers or foolishly trying it on their own. In or out of the EU that will just go on. Neither will the daft situation of pick-up rescue boats bringing the migrants to England alter. However the resolve to repatriate might improve as we will not be bounded by EU human rights laws.
What would stop them would be the knowledge that even if they got here, they would receive a very cool welcome indeed.
Sorry GC I misread your reply. I was just referring to the illegal cross-Channel attempts at getting into Britain when I said I didn’t think Brexit would have much affect.
Yes of course leaving the EU would halt the influx of EU citizen migrants, but I have to be careful as I appreciate free movement back & forth to France where I own property. However when I lived in Spain & Italy in both countries before I could get residence (not even citizenship) I had to provide proof of external income to show I would be no financial burden to each country. I am happy to do that & cannot understand why Britain doesn’t do the same.
I honestly can’t see any significant restrictions on free passage. We have never needed visas to visit mainland Europe and however petty Juncker, Hollande and Co are, I can’t see them being instigated now. Stricter passport control being reintroduced would be, I suggest, a very good thing.
Why has the Bbc suddenly changed the name of FALLUJAH to FALLUJA?
Is there some cunning plan – again – that we don’t know about?
Just watched a recording of the bBBC2 documentary about the 1916 Battle of Jutland.
It may be a key moment in WW1 and British Naval History but the Al Beeb multi culti narrative MUST be maintained at ALL times.
So naturally we just HAVE to have……….a female Asian presenter !!!,
It’s what our forefathers fought for.
Errrrrrrr…….no Al Beeb it damn well is not!
She is an engineer you know, she told us twice. As I posted elsewhere complete rubbish filled with inaccuracies the presenters seemed more interested playing with models and explosives than presenting an historical review.
Driving up the M1, saw a fabulous poster in a field. So blindingly simple but have not seen such a clear enunciation anywhere else.
It reads:
Europe yes, EU no.
A 50-year-old man has been charged with a public order offence after a pub-goer was seen wearing a T-shirt mocking the Hillsborough tragedy.
West Mercia Police said the charge against Paul Grange, from Worcester, relates to the display of abusive or insulting writing likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress.
Disgusting and totally unacceptable to mock the dead. Just wondering though why those same police think it’s alright to wear t-shirts laughing about the death of Maggie Thatcher?
Or for Muslims to burn poppies on Remembrance Day with no fear of arrest?
“Just wondering though why those same police think it’s alright to wear t-shirts laughing about the death of Maggie Thatcher?”
I’m just wondering why the police think that a T shirt is any of their business in the first place.
So rude comments are within their bailiwick now?
This sort of thing isn’t, apparently:
People in uniforms need to be kept under control; it tends to go to their heads if left unchecked.
I find it offensive that the bBBC has turned Radio Mersyside into a non-stop whingeathon for dead Scousers. This weekend they had a 2-hour programme about the WWII bombing of Liverpool, repeated three times (!), followed by yet another weepie ‘special’ on Hillsborough.
With June just around the corner and summer officially starting on June 1st, some of us in the U.K. be best prepared for an arctic blast from about the 5th of June with frosts and snow, mainly in the North of England and Scotland. With the Atlantic shedding heat and now much cooler than for a long time, there is no energy to drive the Jetstream and we have now had a substantial decline in low pressure areas off the western Atlantic here in the U.K. In other words, not much wind to drive those turbines. The weather has been influenced by a very high count of High pressure areas which has given us benign weather for quite a few months now, but there is a sting in that tail in that we haven’t been getting our fair share of rain. If this pattern continues. and I see no reason for it not to, watch out for water shortages by the end of summer.
Interestingly, I found this article from 6 years ago and the reference made to “Climate Change” (last paragraph) and the changes to snow fall in Scotland i.e. less of it, has proved somewhat false, in fact the exact opposite has been appearing to happen over the 6 years since the report was made. There are reports saying that a further 10cm of snow could fall in the Ski resorts in Scotland around about the 7th June. Mind you, it could all be so wrong of a forecast, just like “Global Warming”, aka “Climate Change”. What say you Mr Harrabin? (And I guess Mr Trump is now off your Christmas Card list)
PS; Only three weeks to go and the nights start drawing in and the sun has no sun-spots at the moment. Hmm.
Looks like posts are going out of sequence Maria, but I get your thinking concerning the Great White sharks in the English Channel what with all this Global Warming.
Something the bbc does well (so far) – spring watch – I love it, although I am biased, as its my field. It is about Britain and cares about it, so far largely untouched by the bbcs pc culture. Should be essential viewing for many, especially those who wish to make Britain their home. Nature and drama are the bbcs forte – they should concentrate on that.
Are they still ensuring a free ad for the Global Waming industry in every series?
I stopped watching BBC ‘wildlife’ or ‘country’ programmes when the propaganda outweighed the entertainment.
Hello Loobyloo
Or perhaps I should post ‘Loopy-loo’?
Please don’t take that ‘dig’ to heart as the rest of Al Beeb Trolls do, but as you say, you are “biased, as its my field”. Al Beeb is biased for its pro Global Warming Industry. Well Loopy-loo make the most of your ‘field’ as “those who wish to make Britain their home” will demand more homes, hospitals, schools, jails, roads etc all over your ‘England’s (and Wales’) Green and Pleasant Land’.
End of your field – simples.
Oh mi god. Taffman has declared Loobyloo a troll! Who will be next! Our Trollfinder General has done his job so efficiently he has run out of victims so now he is turning on his own. Run everybody!
Oh dear! I clicked ‘Report’ at first instead of ‘Reply’. I didn’t mean to do that. Sorry Taffman I didn’t mean to turn you in. David! Alan! I didn’t mean it. I didn’t have me glasses on straight.
Yasser Dasmibehbi
😉 !
No, I’m not a troll, but the BBC and current government might have sent me loopy. I was just trying to put in a positive about the BBC! I do enough moaning. And I do like Chris Packham, even though he has irritating qualities, he really is into nature. Yes, I’m aware that the incoming population are causing destruction of our green land and I am not for that at all – it pains me. I live in a rural town and there is building going on all around the extremities. The government helps this though, and it’s nothing to do with Springwatch. If they could, I’m sure they would bemoan the destruction of habitats through building, but they wouldn’t be allowed to do that. Reminds me of an interesting incident that happened not far from here – a woman left her estate, quite a bit of land, to the RSPB (I think it was them), and they decided to sell it for building to raise funds! Unbelievable, for a charity that aims to preserve bird species. Makes me sick. My point was, that there should be some citizenship requirements for immigrants so that they can learn language, way of life, customs, attitudes of the British in an effort to attempt better integration. And yes Brissles, I’m pretty sure there are immigrants all over pilfering wildlife.
Over and out.
Spring Watch? Oh, no, no, NO!
As soon as I hear the awful Kwis Packham (which is usually possible at several hundred yards range), I have to drop whatever it is that I’m doing, wrest the remote control from Mme Goat (who is probably not really watching it, anyway), and either turn the telly off, or change channels.
Old Goat – I agwee that Kwis can be more than a little iwwitating over many issues. However At least In some ways he is his own man wegarding his views on overpopulation and the fwet that uncontwolled humanity bwings to many wild aweas.
He does not hide these views it is just that the BBC currently has chosen to ignore them as I guess his general greeny persona currently fits their narrative at this time. He is also in favour partially because he is a bit of a “flawed character”/outsider and Aunty loves to demonstrate her inclusive side.
Unfortunately the BEEB (as we know ) is a master at having their cake and eating it.
Yes lets have more migrants in the country, Oh look they have all given birth to babies – how sweet! Oh no we have not got enough houses! – Uncaring Goverment for the babies sake more houses now!
Nasty uncaring goverment building houses in Ten acre wood! – Unbelievable!
The problem is where do we put these houses if the population continues to expand at its current rate? Generally the land of lowest economic value is also the best areas for wildlife. I guess Packham may well have to consider his viewpoint further when more of these areas get swallowed up for housing developments.
I would certainly be more impressed with Chris if he was even more vocal on these issues however I certainly do not consider him a BBC patsy. Think of it this way BBC could certainly employ worse presenters at least the bloke has passion about what he preaches and I am afraid these days in the BEEB this is as rare as rockinghorse shit!
Chris Packham was on Room 101 and revealed himself to be a humanity hating eco-tw@t of the highest order.
There’s an eerie silence at the BBC over the postal ballots sent out by several councils accompanied by instructions clearly showing a vote for remain.
Leaving aside the question of who is stupid enough to be influenced by such a thing (I wish I believed some weren’t) this is a significant story and now the Electoral Commission has ordered the recall of all such papers. Of course, for those who have already voted, the ‘damage’ has been done. So what is the EC going to do about that? And, while they are at it, might I mention Thanet and the missing boxes of postal votes?
In both cases, the BBC does what it always does with stories that disturb the party line. It either pretends they never happened, or hides them away on page 3,896.
No, it’s on the website, amazingly!
“The Electoral Commission has told Bristol council not to use it again. But with reports of similar leaflets dropping on doormats around the country it may be too late to do anything about it.”
Damage already done?
It wasn’t when I wrote that – I checked.
The postal voters were not influenced by those instructions; for most of them the husbands and fathers took the opportunity to vote on their behalf.
In my ignorance I thought it reasonably safe to watch ” Midsummer Night’s Dream on BBC TV.
After ten minutes I realised it was a typical director’s- hey you just look at me – production .An ego trip for those involved.
What is with these luvvies.? When they are not parading their ill thought out views on the issues of the day they are indulging themselves at our expense- we pay for it- in turning something straight forward into a luvviefest of inanity.
I switched off of course
A “look at me” production? Heaven forbid a TV play should be designed for people to watch it!
If you abandoned it after 10 minutes you’d presumably only have seen some of the Athenian world of Act I, which framed the Theseus-Hippolyta relationship rather more believably than many a production and in ways which paid off by the end. You’d also have missed Kate Kennedy’s brilliant turn as Helena, a great group of Mechanicals, and a final act which tied in the world of the forest fairies and of Athens more effectively than any stage production I’ve seen.
If you can I stick your head from your “I instinctively dismiss actors as luvvies so I can tell myself I’m intellectually superior” backside, you should catch up on iPlayer. Or if this production’s a little too rich for you to digest, there’s a CBeebies version available which you may prefer.
Jerrod, What sounded like a good contribution to an argument was ruined by your insults. I did not see the play, so I cannot comment but a statement supporting the production would have made your point well without the obligatory leftish resort to insult.
But you don’t have any issue with “What is with these luvvies.? When they are not parading their ill thought out views on the issues of the day they are indulging themselves at our expense”.
One standard for everybody else, no standards for Biased BBC. Got you. Can’t have the likes of Dave S playing by the rules you want to inflict on everybody else, can we? Wouldn’t be Biased BBC without the usual levels of hypocrisy from the usual suspects, and the flatulent self-regard that comes with it.
if you want people to think of you as not deserving insults, stop flinging them about. Really quite straightforward. Apologies if it’s beyond your comprehension level, though.
Jerrod, a judgement, a response, piece of criticism, can be shown in your argument and does not have to be added to it. Ever heard of Wittgenstein’s distinction between ‘showing’ and ‘saying’?
That was my point.
You are so stupid and thick. See.
> Ever heard of Wittgenstein’s distinction between ‘showing’ and ‘saying’? That was my point.
Your actual point was to hold me (and anyone who’s not part of your little stunted adolescents’ club) to a different standard to that which you and your insulting colleagues hold yourselves. Apologies once again that you seem to be unable to allow that concept to penetrate the fog of self-righteous hypocrisy that passes for thought in your mind.
Appeals: luvvie | Oxford English Dictionary › Appeals
12 Apr 2013 – In British use, luvvie is a humorously depreciative term for an actor, especially one regarded as effusive or affected. … When the OED revised its entry for lovey in 2008, this sense, which had by then become established in the variant spelling luvvie, was made a separate entry.
(Google: Luvvie)
“Acting in a proper grown-up play, being a lovie, doing the West End, ‘shouting in the evenings’, as the late Patrick Troughton had it.”
1988 Stephen Fry in Guardian 2 Apr., p. 17
I can’t see how this humourously depricative term (indeed, a term sometimes used by actors themselves) could be deemed to fall into the realm of being offensive or abusive.
Mike Hunt, Ha ha. So I can’t be arrested for waaycism or dragged out of bed in the early hours by the plod for using the term ‘luvvie’.
This is giving me ideas on how to avoid the Twitter Stasi: eg. Deport all luvvies who disrupt Remembrance services, burn poppies and call for the decapitation of infidels’.
I always thought that the ‘luvvie’ term came about with Dickie Attenborough (and types) who could never remember names so called everyone daaaarling or luvvie ! – hardly offensive; even I do it when I remember the face but not the name.
> I can’t see how this humourously depricative term (indeed, a term sometimes used by actors themselves) could be deemed to fall into the realm of being offensive or abusive.
So because a word can sometimes be used inoffensively, it’s never offensive?
Wow. With “logic” like that, you make GWF look like a genius instead of an uptight, dense, patronising jackass.
Which of course can’t be insulting, since all those words can be used non-offensively, by what you laughably seem to think worth of considering as a coherent argument.
Congrats, though: I think GWF has found a mental equal. Just make sure to get the timeshare agreement for your collective braincell in writing. Wouldn’t want you to squabble over whose turn it is to be slightly less stupid than usual, would we?
Calling people stupid isn’t a very strong argument
Well, I thought I’d stick with one you could comprehend. Seeing as you mistook “one definition of a word” for “every possible meaning and context in which that word could be used”, forgive me for assuming you find more than the most simple of concepts tough to cope with.
Now, did you watch A Midsummer Night’s Dream and can therefore refute Dave S’s inaccurate summation (gleaned from a mere ten minutes of it, if he is to be believed, which I’ll grant you is a stretch) or are you just butting in so that you can demonstrate your inability to understand the rudimentaries of the English language?
To be honest, I mostly get responses from the pink pyramid base from some of the regulars here at BiasedBBC. “Twat” – “troll” – “idiot” – “stupid” …
Jerrod has a point.
I quoted the OED’s definition as evidence for my assertion that the term “luvvie” is merely “humorously depreciative” rather than derogatory.
So far you have not posted any evidence or thought processes to the contrary, so we are simply at best at the “contradiction” stage, although still with some ad-hominem/name-calling thrown in for good measure.
Again, this is not a very strong argument, and there’s nothing for me to argue against.
In the (admittedly relatively short) time I’ve been here I’ve not seen you post before so can’t comment. I’m not a moderator here but I think all posters deserve respect. Name-calling clearly isn’t part of that, and I think we should all work together to ensure that everyone gets the respect they deserve. (Please note that I don’t think ideas deserve respect, but people most definitely do.
If people have called you those kinds of names, I agree that they shouldn’t have done so, and you would be well within your rights to bring this to the attention of the moderators via the contact form on this website.
I should probably add in all fairness that I haven’t seen any of the sort of remark you are talking about posted here so am a bit surprised/puzzled.
Being dishonest would be bad. Valuable input.
I am avoiding the risk of calling you a ‘TROLL’, but where is your contribution to the this site with regards to Al Beeb’s ‘Bias’?
Jerrod knows Wittgenstein inside out. He’s a great fan of Mary Shelley.
Thank you for insulting me. You have no idea how enjoyable it has been. A day in the rain with recalcitrant machinery and then to come back to such witticisms,. My cup overflows. I resolve to try harder to appreciate just how wonderful the BBC is. How it’s executives work tirelessly for a pittance. How it’s talent is so poorly rewarded. How incisive and intelligent it’s commentators. All these bounties just for us poor deluded tax payers.
Only a small point. A ‘hey look at me production ‘ is when the director takes a certain self regarding view of his or hers importance. Very prevalent in these rather decadent times.
> A ‘hey look at me production ‘ is when the director takes a certain self regarding view of his or hers importance.
well done you for rejecting other people’s deluded sense of their own importance. I’m guessing you don’t own any mirrors or read your own prose?
There’s even a name for it in German – Regietheater.
Way too highbrow for me Dave, but I admire your optimism in giving it a go, went out for a walk during the day and what with all the dragging and scraping most of my evening was taken up putting plasters on my knuckles.
I’ve also inadevertently reported your post, sorry, these tablets aren’t designed for neanderthals, could do with a larger gap between reply and report for those afflicted with sausage fingers.
I’ve heard that it was Russell T Davies’ Bottom which first brought him to the attention of the BBC.
Russell T Davies a reason I no longer watch the crap fest that is Dr. Who.
OK chaps. It is time to come clean with Jerrod aka Zero.
The reason we pick on the poor wee people’s BBC is because we are all handsomely paid by the far right. neo liberal and neo fascist billionaire press barons to prevent the objective and well researched truths of the BBC from informing the masses. If only the gullible and gormless masses would reject the right wing lies and hate mongering of the billionaire press they would gladly donate their earnings for people’s agit prop theatre, stand on the beaches waving EU flags to welcome migrants, keep their working class mouths shut when rape gangs assault their daughters, and stuff their faces with Royal Lemon Drizzle Cake. Our job as the agents of hate mongerers is to rubbish BBC attempts to empower the people.
Loobyloo…………. (Springwatch) “Should be essential viewing for many, especially those who wish to make Britain their home. ”
Realistically and sadly, a lot of those arriving here only see wildlife as their next meal. I don’t say this lightly, – I live near a small river, and shortly after the influx of Poles a few years ago, several swans disappeared. Investigations proved that these were taken by Polish immigrants, so a Swan Watch was set up by locals. Equally I was told by an Asian doctor that household pets are an unknown entity to that race. I had never given that much thought, but on reflection its a rare occurrence to see an Asian family walking out with a dog, but am willing to be contradicted on this.
Anyone who really lives in the country will agree with you . Taffman agrees .
Swans, carp etc are fair game to them also the illegal netting across rivers for salmon.
Does Loobyloo live in the country ?
“carp etc are fair game to them”
They like their bottom feeders
Add to that plants & berries which seem to disappear on an industrial scale. When blackberries come into season whole bushes are picked bare in the blink of an eye.
The BBC’s website recently featured an item that amused me. To celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday and the 90th anniversary of the A.A. Milne Pooh books, someone has written a new Pooh adventure in which Christopher Robin, Pooh etc. visit London to give the Queen a birthday gift. It is available as an audio-video download (narrated by Jim Broadbent). The story didn’t specify whether the BBC has any financial input into this project, though it may have for all I know.
Anyway, I found the idea of the innocent creatures from the Hundred Acre Wood visiting politically correct multicultural Londonistan so funny I couldn’t resist writing my own Milne-style version of the adventure. (Let’s just say Piglet falls foul of the RoP, the police the BBC.) I’ll post it up if anyone’s interested. I don’t like to post it otherwise, since it’s: (a) very silly and tasteless; (b) largely off-topic; (c) at least 600 words.
Seems a great candidate for its own Thread, H H-B.
Perhaps in a permanent ‘Soapbox’ section on this web-site?
Just a suggestion.
Good idea for a separate thread. But call it something else, please, otherwise I’ll have to think up a different “name” for myself!
HHH – I too adore Winnie the Pooh and grew up with those books. Share with us oldies, please…..sounds as if your version might have strains of the Ambridge Observer?? Now, THAT is funny!
Look forward to reading it, Helena HB.
This could be the greatest scandal in children’s literature since Christopher Robin went down with Alice.
Today’s Murders – one in a continuing series of posts highlighting the trend in violent attacks in London about which the BBC appears oddly shy of reporting
Our very pretty Arthur Patel fronting BBC London News glosses over the ‘mass brawl’ at the Luton Carnival with a smile and quickly moves on to some news items more amenable to the BBC news treatment.
‘Luton carnival: ‘Ugly’ scenes and arrests after event’
Police: “It is disappointing… we have seen a small minority of people causing ugly scenes across the town centre.”
An isolated incident, perhaps? How about these reports indicating something far more systemic…. Our Arthur and her news editors neglected to mention any of these reports of violence this weekend:
‘Three stabbed in London as Met reveals 9,000 incidents a year’
‘A 16-year-old boy has been stabbed and seriously injured in an attack by up to six people carrying knives in Deptford.’
‘One man has been arrested after an 18-year-old man was stabbed in Homerton High Street on Sunday afternoon.’
‘Police said the fatal stabbing of a 30-year-old man in Camden on Sunday now meant three people were attacked with knives over the weekend.’
And it’s not only censorship of domestic news,
“18 women are sexually assaulted at German concert, with victims surrounded by mobs of migrant men and groped in copycat attacks like those in Cologne”
“Iraqi immigrant, 36, who said he was gay to claim asylum in Austria is jailed for sexually assaulting an 11-year-old girl at a swimming pool”
Anticipate a strident feminist backlash over this. Not.
No feminist comment (or BBC, from what I could see) over the Islamic ruling in Pakistan that men could ‘lightly beat’ their wives. Hmmm.
Can’t wait for the BBC report, and their specialist in such matters Mishal Husain digging out her moral equivalence-o-meter and showing the eager audience what constitutes acceptably light, beating-wise, and what is not enough.
No, no. The Iraqi was entitled to self-identify as gay when he claimed asylum. He just wasn’t feeling particularly gay when he assaulted the girl, possibly as a result of not being allowed to use the ladies’ toilet.
Maybe if he entered an Israeli beauty pageant dressed as Frau Merkel?
Here s the BBC latest on Tory f-ckwit T May s Sharia stitch up … oops I mean Inquiry
Listening to this pair jumping through hoops … makes one thing perfectly clear.
Sharia cannot be trusted, more importantly neither can the participants in this inquiry.
The very terms of this erm “inquiry” ? are a total set up … all aspects of Sharia in public life MUST be banned in the UK, absolutely essential.
It is discriminatory, racist, subversive and incompatible, there s nothing to enquire about … no discussion to have.
There will be calls to re-establish it in the future as demographics change, a total ban, the reason for said ban is our baseline, our political line to consistently refer back to as a protection in our law … another shocking example of these Tory f-ckwits selling off and selling out our nation.
BBC – “The review will seek best practice among councils. It will be led by Professor Mona Siddiqui, an expert in Islamic and inter-religious studies from the University of Edinburgh.
What is Sharia and how is it applied?
They will be advised by two religious and theological experts – Imam Sayed Ali Abbas Razawi and Imam Qari Asim. (hmmm)
The panel will begin work immediately and is expected to complete its review in … wait for it
2017, the Home Office announced.”
Report not expected until 2017
Hopefully by 2017 May will be gone – a victim of an arranged marriage following FGM and wearing the full burka instead of revealing her cleavage in the House.
Today’s piece in favour of Remain comes from the BBC’s print outlet, The Guardian, where the renowned cosmologist and Israeli hater, Stephen Hawking, tells us we are better off remaining and that Americans should not vote for Trump. He also supports immigration, as do all academics who derive their politics from the Guardian.
Way to go old man. Isn’t it time you handed in your voice machine, with its chip made in Israel, which according to you should be boycotted.
And for their next trick, presumably they will ask a professional footballer his opinion of Hawking’s theories on space/time? He would be equally qualified to pass an opinion, after all… .
Prof Hawking shot himself in the foot (metaphorically speaking) by saying he doesn’t understand why people support Trump. A little reading around the subject, with a little empathy, would have told him why, I would have thought. Maybe the time and effort to do so is too much for him. But I suspect even if he were not trapped in his own body (a cruel fate and one which he has admirably risen above), he would still be mentally trapped in the ivory towers of the leftist academic establishment.
But, he drives a Jag. Well, sells ’em. And they are British. Well, sort of.
And he offers this view from America. Where he lives, with Mo (not neighbours, obvs). Apparently.
Bet he’s here a lot, though.
I wonder if the BBC has steered, clear, and why?
‘For practical reasons related to his disability, Hawking increasingly travelled by private jet, and by 2011 that had become his only mode of international travel’
Quicker than most, too.
I wonder if the BBC has steered clear, and why?
“In March 1968, Hawking marched alongside Tariq Ali and Vanessa Redgrave to protest against the Vietnam War.[289] He is a longstanding Labour Party supporter.[290][291] He recorded a tribute for the 2000 Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore,[292] called the 2003 invasion of Iraq a “war crime”,[291][293] was part of an academic boycott of a conference in Israel because of concerns about Israel’s policies towards Palestinians,[294][295][296] campaigned for nuclear disarmament,[290][297][291] and has supported stem cell research,[291][298] universal health care,[299] and action to prevent climate change.[297] In August 2014, Hawking was one of 200 signatories to a letter opposing Scottish independence in the run-up to September’s referendum on that issue.[300] Hawking believes a United Kingdom withdrawal from the European Union (Brexit) would damage the UK’s contribution to science as modern research needs international collaboration. He believes free movement of people in Europe encourages the spread of ideas. Hawking also opposes Donald Trump.[301]’
Looks like Harrabin prevailed over Mardell.
Now, when is Leo dC going to chip in, post-POTUS?
Perhaps it’s time to switch him off. It would reduce the load on the national grid, if anyone asked we could say we were trying to alleviate global warming, a cause that would not be lost on the great professor himself.
I was an undecided on Brexit (heart versus head) but the BBC is so positive that in is good that I have decided that out must be the way to vote. Driving this morning the car radio was originally switched to Radio 2 – but Chris Evans is as shouty as usual and started telling me how wonderful Top Gear was that within seconds of his voice being heard I switched. Tried Radio 4 – Webb interviewing two people – one who would like to do more business with Europe but says that regulations in the countries (France) he wants to trade with are stopping him and a woman whose business was something to do with bagging things up and posting them to Europe says trade with EU countries is so easy. Well I lasted about 30 seconds. These sort of interviews tell me nothing. Perhaps the chap who is having problems with there not being a level playing field could tell us a lot – I can only guess whether he was allowed to speak; but comparing his experience with a woman for whom it is all very easy doesn’t inform at all. If she knew whether she could carry on trading after Brexit or not would provide information – but of course nobody knows. I switched on to Classic FM – it was after 8am so I didn’t even have to hear their news. Bliss. Radio 4 and the Today programme, as usual, has to take things down to the most trivial level.
Ah, that would be the lady who said EU regulations never affect her. Well, if she’s trading with EU countries and doesn’t think she’s affected by the regulations, it’s a fair bet she’s doing something wrong. I’d love to be a fly on the wall at her next VAT inspection.
With the BBC’s fevered support for Feminism, no doubt they will be concerned at the appointment of one Waseem Zaffar onto Birmingham Council’s cabinet for Transparency, Openness and Equality.
Most of his views will delight the BBC, after all, he says he is all for equality and calls Israel a terrorist state. However, his liberal credentials are marred by the slight problem of him being married to two women. Not a problem under sharia law you might think, but there again Mister Zaffar has said ‘I have never and will never support sharia law in this country.’ (Note ‘in this country’ so Sharia is ok elsewhere I guess.)
Ah, but there again he divorced his first wife with a Sharia Law divorce sent in the post without his wife’s prior knowledge. Very much the actions of a guy hell bent on promoting equality.
Just so you know, under Sharia law he can divorce his wife by reciting ‘talaq’ – meaning ‘I divorce thee’ – three times. So handy if the wife is constantly moaning about there being too much football on … unless of course you are Mister Zaffar, who will not accept Sharia law in the UK.
Oh dear I am confused, are we under sharia law in the UK or should this battler for women’s equality be brought before the courts for bigamy?
Let’s hope the BBC can help us understand.
Just thinking about a few of the above contributions, what seems to be happening is that masses of people , even if not the majority, are gradually realising that for years they have been stitched up by the elite intelligentsia.
Trump and Brexit share the same core. In both cases supporters are doing their own version of Peter Finch’s famous speech in the film ‘Network’
“We’re just not going to take it any more”
I agree, and I think the same is happening across Europe, too. The recent Austrian election, the success of Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, Marine Le Pen in France – even the Germans are seeing a strong backlash against the smug, bien pensant elite.
The BBC will always tell us that it is not biased – but the fact of the BBC’s utter predictability across so many issues puts the lie to that self-assertion of balance
As a case in point let’s look at how the BBC is going to ‘balance’ medical concerns about Zika Virus and the up coming Rio Olympics
Corporate Self-interest. The Olympics represent an absolute bonanza of airtime filled for the BBC. Every inane unwatchable hobby sport can be scheduled for hours of broadcast on the back of some tenuous public interest in ‘Team GB’
The Payroll Vote. Book your hols around this one folks, the BBC staffers are due a whale of a time all expenses paid in Rio this summer. Not much chance of catching anything nasty from the airconditioned safety of the media village.
Diversity Box Ticking. Not sure the Brazilian public are 100% on board with the cost of the games anyway but judging by ticket sales we do already know they’re not much enthused with wheelchair racing. But the BBC sure are and will tell you off if you’re not.
Toward a World Without Borders. We hardly need ask where the BBC stands in relation to unaccountable supranational organisations – the BBC love them. The UN, the EU, the IOC…. you name it ‘international’ and the BBC take it as gospel.
So you see when scientists point out the dangers of millions of people from all around the world congregating at the Zika hotspot the BBC are going say ‘yeah… but no, of course the Olympics must go ahead’
Predictable – because they’re biased
Well, you asked for it! Here’s the story of Winnie-the-Pooh,’s visit to Londonistan.
‘Oh, look – the Houses of Parliament!’ exclaimed Christopher Robin. ‘But our way is blocked by lots of fierce-looking men – with the tops of their heads wrapped in bandages! Gosh, those beards must have taken years to grow!’
‘They are wearing nightshirts, so perhaps they are coming home from a hospital for people with hurt brains?’ Piglet squeaked in a very puzzled tone.
‘I expect they forgot to dress in the morning, Piglet,’ Pooh sighed. ‘I do it all the time. But then, I am a bear of very little brain.’
‘I’ve eaten dandelions with a higher I.Q.,’ Rabbit, muttered, rather unkindly. But luckily no one heard, for they were all too busy wondering how they were to get to Buckingham Palace, to deliver the book of Pooh’s poetic ‘hums’ he had written for the ninetieth birthday of Her Majesty the Queen. Gloomy Eeyore gave up hope.
Owl (who spelled his name ‘Wol’) peered solemnly at the writing on a banner carried by a bearded man.
‘It says, “Sunni”. But why would they look so cross because it is sunny?’ he asked. But then he noticed a distant wall had a big poster, worded: ‘London says no to Global Warming!’
‘I’ve got it!’ he announced. ‘London’s got too hot, so they are complaining to the government!’
‘They do look a bit tanned for Pommies, now you mention it,’ Kanga observed.
Piglet said he would go and ask the men politely to move, but he soon ran back shaking with terror.
‘Run, everyone!’ he sobbed. ‘That man tried to chop my head off with a meat cleaver! He said I’m Haram or something!’
‘Never mind, Piglet!’ Pooh gasped, as the terrified friends ran to another street. ‘I heard the bearded man say something about Ali’s snackbar! I’m starving! Hummy, hummy, lots of honey, nice and runny, for my tummy!’
‘Nice!’ commented Rabbit acidly. ‘Piglet nearly gets turned into chipolatas, and all Fatso here can talk about is his stomach – and the worst poetry since the great McGonagall.’
‘I’m afraid the snackbar will have to wait, Pooh!’ Christopher Robin said gravely, as he walked towards a policeman.
‘Hello, kindly Mr Policeman!’ he said. ‘Piglet here asked those bearded men to move aside, but one tried to chop his head off!’
‘So you used a pig to intimidate them? That’s religious harassment!’ snapped the policeman.
‘B-but he tried to kill me!’ squealed Piglet.
‘Well, we’ve only your word for that, haven’t we, Mr Piglet?’ he said. ‘Got any security camera footage? Mobile phone pictures? You-tube postings?’
‘No – whatever those are – but I can describe him, kindly Mr Policeman. He was brown – from all the global warming – and he had a thick beard and talked ever such a funny language, and had bandages round his head and a long nightshirt and….’
Christopher Robin and his friends were a very, very long time at the police station. They were charged with something odd called ‘racism-based malicious false charges and Islamophobic harassment’. The British Broadcasting Corporation’s news that night led with: ‘Far right group provokes violence at peaceful demonstration for Sharia Law!’ (Some claimed the ‘Hundred Acre Wood Eight’ never got a fair trial because of biased reporting..)
Pooh’s book of hums was confiscated in a search of evidence of extremism. Kanga was deported to Brisbane because of a 90-year visa overstay, but Tigger was allowed to remain, on account of being Asian and an endangered species.
Luckily, the Milne family were ever so rich, and could afford very clever lawyers. They said Owl was dyslexic, Eeyore suffered from Bipolar Disorder, and Pooh and Piglet had extreme Learning Difficulties. Christopher Robin – with his girly, dress-like smock and long hair – was under stress because of being transgendered. Therefore they could plead something called ‘diminished responsibility’.
Freed after a fairly short sentence, they all rushed back to the peaceful Hundred Acre Wood, and vowed they would never, ever return to the horrid city of London. But a little while later, Owl looked out of his comfy home in the tree tops with great alarm.
‘I say, there are lots of bearded men on the edge of the wood! And they’re building something with a huge dome and a huge tower!’
An uplifting tale! Thank you.
Ten out of ten. Excellent stuff.
Helena…just brilliant! You have a new career on the horizon. Well done – a fillip to us all.
thanks Helena, particularly liked the reasons why they all got off – and don’t forget that wol could spell Tuesday so you knew it wasn’t Wednesday (or something like).
I heard Stephen Kinnock, MP, son of the Welsh windbag with a huge financial self interest in Remaining in the EU, state the following on the radio, say what I think, he has given the Remainers game away as to what will happen on June 23 should Brexit win.
Kinnock states word for word that
‘it is a fact Article 50 which states very clearly,that if a country votes to leave the EU. They are immediately excluded from the Council of Ministers and the European Council so they are not even in the room to negotiate the terms of your own exit.’
So I read an article on what scenario our invoking article 50 would place upon us. It has all the hallmarks of a second referendum.
Although I find it hard top believe what Kinnock has said is in any way true. The EU however, will not give us an easy ride if we vote to leave the EU. There are genuine concerns emerging about the growth of right groups.
I have read a number of websites and listen to the radio a lot. I have repeatedly heard the comment, ‘we don’t know many of many people who want to stay in the EU’ or ‘everybody I know are voting to Brexit’. Contrarily, I have never heard this comment from the Remain supporters.
In my opinion if Brexit lose, it will a complete stitch up from the establishment against the people of Britain. Call it a conspiracy theory or whatever but when the people of Britain are asked the question
‘Who would you liked to be governed by, Brussels or Britain?’
Only a fool would say Brussels – or that is, someone with powerful self interests.
I am very interested in exactly who, is checking the voting process in order to ensure fair play.
My goodness me, I never, ever thought that I would have reason to mistrust Britain as a democratic country. Those who want to Remain are not interested in democracy. History will not judge the Remainers well.
Well put. Are we really part of a club which would deliberately punish a member who decided to leave? What kind of a club is that?!?
Fair play in the voting process? What about the actual question on the ballot paper itself? (I have a postal vote so have early sight.) It asks if we should “remain a member of the EU”, or “leave the EU”? Why not ask if we should “remain a member”, or “stop being a member” – that would be equally weighted, would it not? Is the word “leave” somehow tainted?
If Britain votes to leave the EU, then we will remain a full member until the date we leave. However, we will obviously not be party to the EU side of the exit negotiation, as that would be ridiculous, since we are the party on the other side of the negotiation. Britain will certainly negotiate the terms of its exit from the EU, but it cannot sit on both sides of the table.
It is merely a statement of the obvious, but I suppose someone with Stephen Kinnock’s IQ finds it all very surprising, since he is used to having everything handed to him on a plate.
Not on the BBC: Former Miss Turkey gets suspended sentence for insulting Erdogan. Turkey sentenced a former beauty queen to 14 months in prison on Tuesday, deepening concerns that the country is swaying toward an increasingly authoritarian form of rule.
Definitely ON the BBC: Cambridge University to remain with NUS – BBC News
They just couldn’t wait to bring us such urgent breaking news, could they?
But of course, after there had been two successful disaffiliation votes in row, they somehow managed to hold on until they had a “fail” to bury it with:
Student unions split on leaving NUS in row over president
Watch and learn, people, watch and learn…
It is indeed odd what BBC editorial seems keen on, less keen on… or simply has no time or space for. As yet. Apparently.
Well, here, anyway. As the author notes, it seems something the BBC normally goes large on, no matter what the country.
“Don’t like cricketers, oh no; I love them”
Come off it Guest Who… don’t be so silly… What, a positive story? About Israel?!? On the BBC???? LMFAO!!!
They even managed to bury the Palestinians’ latest outrage deep down within its pages… Hamas just having executed three civilians in Gaza, while according to the Palestinian Authority attorney general “carrying out the executions represents a flagrant violation of the Palestinian basic law”, according to which the president must ratify death sentences.
Those who were involved in Tuesday’s executions were complicit in murder and would be held accountable, he said.
Also, According to Human Rights Watch, more than 40 people have been put to death in Gaza since 2007, including 23 suspected collaborators during the 2014 war with Israel.
Most of those executed were convicted in military courts or executed summarily, without a judicial ruling, it said.
Strangely, the BBC didn’t think fit to add the (rather obvious) fact that the latter would constitute both a war crime and a crime against humanity.
Mind you, at least credit to the BBC that they covered the story at all… even if low-profile, and missing some obvious commentary.
Looking forward to the inevitable wave of condemnation from the UN and the war crimes trial. NOT.
Cambridge students’ union voted on a turnout of 28% to stay with the racist NUS. The Cambridge president, Priscilla Mensah, said the high levels of engagement in the referendum meant the vote was “definitive”. 28% might be a high turnout in her native Nigeria but a narrow win – 51% to 47% – with most students not bothering to vote doesn’t look to me like a ‘high level of engagement’.
Indeed – far too close a result to call “definitive”. Interesting to note that individual Cambridge colleges are now voting to divest from the Cambridge University Students’ Union (CUSU) in protest over its handling (or rather failure to handle) the Antisemitism issue, I see Peterhouse and Queens have started the ball rolling.
Headline “EU Referendum: Vote Leave wants power to axe fuel VAT”
If I were to ask you what this meant, you would most probably reply that it’s Petrol & diesel Fuel, but you’d be wrong! It actually refers to gas & electricity, which no one I know refers to as fuel, especially electricity !
When you read further you find this: “Tories Michael Gove and Boris Johnson and Labour’s Gisela Stuart wrote in the Sun that the tax on energy bills cannot be scrapped because of EU rules.”
“Vote Leave politicians said they would seek to spend some of the cash saved by quitting the EU on cutting VAT from household gas and electricity bills, a tax imposed by a Conservative government in 1993”
Ouch! Another dig at the Tories, which we know from the article were forced by the EU to impose the tax !
Another lesson in how to turn a positive good news story into a negative one !
I see it has comments; again not really going too well for the B-EU camp.
A top one noting that leave is about people and principle and sovereignty, and remain is about money, money and money (which they can’t and won’t guarantee). The appeal to the BBC is evident.
Hearing a discussion recently between a couple of lefties, I realise that having wrecked the countries finances they are still hell bent on finding other sources to squander on immigrants.
This is the gist of the discussion:
No matter how many people we bring into the country we are wealthy enough to afford it, everyone should have the right to a dry warm home, good education for their kids, and free health care.
The country has loads of money, we just have to find a way to free it up without disadvantaging those who own it too much.
This kind of thinking should scare any sane person witless, because it means depriving people of pension funds, savings, stocks & shares etc etc.
It illustrates the utter delusion these nutters are under as they attempt to spend more & more to make their unworkable nightmare work. It’s a kind of financial left wing fracking. When the gas reserves are empty, then attempt to get more by extreme measures. Don’t think about using less or looking for alternatives, just carry on towards the inevitable conclusion !
Thoughtful, I like your term ‘financial fracking’ – I will definitely be using that one! However it relies on the knowledge that money is a finite resource, which in my experience many people on the left don’t understand.
The left want to destroy capitalism and the market economy. So one way to do that is to discredit it. So you put it under a huge amount of pressure e.g. by mass open door immigration, in the hope that the system will break down, being unable to meet the needs of the population.
Out of the ensuing chaos will emerge the Nirvana of socialism.
That in a nutshell is what drives the left wing open door immigration narrative. And of course Al Beeb provide all the free publicity and many more ‘benefits’.
“Out of the ensuing chaos will emerge the Nirvana of socialism.”
Sluff, the last time that capitalism buckled in Europe it was in 1930’s Germany. They ended up with National Socialism. I don’t think the BBC will like that. They need to take more care in what they wish for.
On Sky, can’t see it on the BBC
Someone telling it like it is! Government making an inadequate response to the blatant illegal immigration over our border (channel). How are we as citizens supposed to feel about this? Not one ‘official’ commenting on the issue has mentioned what will happen to these illegal immigrants – except I think the BBC might have said they will be allowed to claim asylum. Hurrah.
I have no confidence in this govt, they are totally useless.
The illegal migrants will most likely be returned to Albania, unless they can show something which engages the refugee treaty (unlikely) alas they will probably come into the clutches of the greedy weasels which will make use of the very limited resources of legal aid. legal aid is only supposed to be granted if the applicant has a chance of winning the case, however I’ve never heard of a case of a judge asking for a claim to be looked into as a result.
Albanians claim that their lives are in danger in Albania due to “blood feuds”. It’s a standard trick they use, and is hard to disprove. I think we will have to put up with these 18 scroungers for quite some time.
Pat doing what Pat does best, telling it like it is. Please get this video out there to as many people as possible:
Outstanding from Mr Condell, again.
Back to work…
Just one, last, wafer thin BBC bit of editorial integrity that DID make it to FaceBook, to add to the horrors of meat-product deployment so troubling the Met, TellMama and Ms. May:
BBC News
2 hrs ·
At least 12 men stormed the cafe, shouting and throwing meat at patrons.
Vegan cafe in Tbilisi stormed by meat-wielding ‘extremists’
Extreme meatists? I wonder if they were daring and audacious too?
The Beeb appears to be creating the latest fashion trend, um, can we call it – ‘Tramp chic’…… in the form of the two Dannys …… Danny Clarke the Instant Gardiner and Danny Sebastian, the ‘ahem’ latest antiques expert (who’s done time for robbery and violence, but I wont hold that against him). Words fail me.
Think of the children when you vote!
Not on the BBC: Germany risks jeopardising EU-Turkey migrant deal by branding Armenian mass-murders as “genocide”.
This is utterly outrageous: over 1 million Armenian Christians mass-murdered by Muslim Turks in WWI and it still shall not be called genocide, or else. (Or else they will “unleash the refugees” on us, as previously threatened.)
And this from our dear friend and ally in NATO.
Of course, we mustn’t look too deeply into this lest we discover the underlying rationale, and it’s not just holocaust-denial a la Turk: what is being hidden in plain sight is that, in Islamic law, the murder of a disbeliever by a Muslim is not considered murder in any real sense, and the murderer should not be punished. (This is due to a precedent set in the Koran itself.)
So no, not on the BBC, no never, no more, the land where all religions are equal, and black is white.
And oh incidentally there are plenty of contemporary first-hand accounts of the Turkish Armenian Genocide, it isn’t just mean people making up nasty stories about the Turks for their own amusement, you know… And very upsetting it is to the Armenian people too, this continued denial…
The BBC’s love of immigration can, in part, be put down to its cod understanding of leftist economics.
Whereas capitalist economics requires an appreciation of factors such as capital, availability of land and entrepreneurship, the marxist dogma will accept only labour as being important.
Hence the leftist mindset equates labour – and lashings of it – as synonymous with economic growth. The fact that the BBC depends on income levied by a poll tax helps encourage their feeling for the more the merrier. Ratings. Key demographics. Bums on seats, darling.
Public sector workers see immigrants as paid clients. Teachers, social workers, NHS staff, council workers, civil servants … to them more people represent more hay to be bailed.
The tendency to wish for growth via head count is also apparent in crony capitalist firms such as supermarkets and energy suppliers. Low wages and an ever-growing consumer base are now key to many a corporation’s growth plans. Therefore we see less social mobility and increasing proletarianisation of the mass. The elite don’t particularly want lots of people bettering themselves. Of course the companies that like low wages do not pay the external costs of an expanding cheap labour pool such as health, policing, housing, pensions and education – these costs can be nationalised – or rather mortgaged as debt – since governments spend more than they take in as tax. That elite talk high taxes but the mass pays.
Understand this scenario and you can understand the BBC and their ilk think : what’s not to like about immigration.
I was wondering, since immigration is – apparently – always beneficial then why don’t we up the stakes. Let’s designate an area of say Somalia with a million people in it and bring them directly over to Britain this year. Immigration is always beneficial, right? David Blunket, for example, could see no upper limit. And then let’s take another 2 million next year. If not, why not?
Can you ever, really, have too much of a good thing?
Only if they’re distributed 50,000 to every constituency whose MP is in the cabinet – with 100,000 for Witney.