Well doesn’t it sound like this guy has political views which would chime with most here? No wonder the BBC don’t have him on very often, or contain him on non political programs.
Interesting that the Guardian ‘outed’ his political views and the reaction of the Fascists when they did
Phone and online survey shows a 52-48 split in favour of leaving the EU as referendum campaign gathers steam
Previous polls have tended to show voters surveyed online to be more in favour of Britain leaving the EU. But in the latest ICM research, carried out for the Guardian, both methodologies yielded the same result – a majority in favour of leaving.
“Our poll rather unhinges a few accepted orthodoxies,” said ICM’s director, Martin Boon. “It is only one poll, but in a rather unexpected reverse of polling assumptions so far, both our phone poll and our online poll are consistent on both vote intentions and on the EU referendum.”
Half a dozen more polls like that and the EU great and good will be swarming over the Channel (probably not in inflatables though) to assure us of all the reforms they are going to undertake to make us change our mind.
The BBC news and current affairs department will probably have a collective mental breakdown as the last kitchen sinks have been thrown at it and those ignorant plebs have not taken any notice.
The Anti-British traitors have gone so balls out with ‘project fear’ that any genuine concern for negative impacts from leaving the EU has been lost. People are sick to death of being blackmailed to give away the right of sovereignty and self governance to continue a project they never wanted or voted for.
The argument for remain is like saying “your company has decided to change the paying arrangements. They are now going to take your full wages, give you a % to spend as you wish and then give you tokens to spend on products they have chosen for you. The company are looking to change the arrangement again to keep all the money in exchange for just tokens as they feel that they know best what a typical family requires.
You can of course take the money and use it to spend how you wish…. However if you do that then the company will begin to lose revenue and jobs will be lost..In fact taking your money out will mean that your colleagues will lose even more money as the system will have to cover the short fall”…
What the fuck!!! We never asked for the system to be set up. We never asked for any of this to happen! Our sovereignty was never yours to give away. It belongs to us! Our culture and heritage was never yours to systematically tear apart and abandon because it goes against what you want!! Traitors! Liars! Scumbags!!
My research (Google) shows that to be a nett contributor to our economy (i.e.. taking into account provision/proportioning of public services) requires private sector earnings of around £ 35k P.A. Any less than this is a nett cost to our economy. It’s about time we stopped merely referring to “pressure”on public services and started talking “cost”. This would then dismiss the “they pay in more in tax than they take in benefits” dogma, once and for all.
So, yes you can have too much of a good thing.
Just another little thought, how many of our million or so retirees in Spain are having their children educated in Spanish schools and are themselves living in Spanish social housing and/or receiving Spanish housing benefit ?
And another thing. I’d like to know the amount of benefits that British workers end up claiming from either being unemployed due to the influx of labour from Eastern Europe or being permanently stuck on low wages as a ready supply of cheap labour from abroad keeps wages low.
Thoughtful & ThomasR, if I recall correctly, its the Visa Limit set by the Government for the Home office to use when vetting non-EU migration into the UK. The candidate must have a job offer with pay of that level or above.
There are probably some sums to back it up done by somebody somewhere although if you do some scribbles of your own on the back of an envelope & work out the tax & NI/ENI payable on £35k and the likely spends on Rent/Utilities/Council Tax/VAT it seems to make some sense. The other snag at present is that we became so expensive & so impoverished as a country from 1992-2007 that 40% of the UK workforce is entitled to some Benefit support to meet the cost of living. I think if memory serves me well that a £35k earnings level is above the entitlement to Working Tax Credit. Not that an immigrant worker would be entitled now; seem to also recall that Cameron has tried to tighten up on that with a qualifying period, two years(?) comes to mind.
Amazingly 2 – 3 years ago the bBBC actually did this itself on some web pages and the ‘break even’ point was about £27k.
A little lower than you mention but still way above the minimum wage, which is what the bBBC keep telling us most immigrants earn, as they ‘do the jobs we don’t want to do.
Ergo most immigrants cannot possibly pay their way, and that’s based on the bBBC’s own figures!
But the bBBC students in the newsroom can’t be bothered to put 2 and 2 together
Yes, the Dalai Lama is a Nazi, along with Pegida, the French FN and the rest of the far right.
He doe not want Europe to be over run with migrants and wants repatriation.
Not reported on the BBC.
Today Cameron’s pals in the UAF planned to demonstrate to prevent Le Pen coming here. They called it off because she is not coming but will be ready if she changes her mind.
Now they will have to no platform the Dalai Lama who appears to agree with her – see how the BBC play this one. Silence at the moment.
Journalist and broadcaster Robert Peston reads from his 1974 diaries, and is interviewed by Rufus Hound about his formative years. We find out about his childhood in bohemian North London, his love for prog rock and loon pants, and the reason for the way he speaks.
Peston was 17 at the time and admits to us, his support for Marxism, and the ‘vote Labour’ badges he wore to school
Peston is the son of economist and Labour Peer Maurice Peston, Baron Peston of Mile End and Helen (Conroy). As the son of a baron he is entitled to the courtesy title “The Honourable” but does not use it.
Have posted on here a couple of times to compliment his pieces on ITV News at Ten for playing a straight bat on the referendum.
I would welcome others comments to agree / disagree to see if there is a consensus.
I have not seen his Sunday show, but does he disrupt the leave guests only?
Perhaps the upcoming referendum helped him make his mind up to leave Auntie where any “original” thought on the matter would be rather unwelcome, as evidenced by Paxo’s difficulties.
After showing his islamophilia, and complete denial of white child victims of gang rape … (1 million victims Ade)
whilst apologising to any muslim who might have to hear the truth about their sick ideology.
Talking of which, impressive roll call of erm … “notables” on here https://t.co/yq2e5XNvTu
Where were they protesting at the time
(link below)
BBCs very own Dotun Adebayo is at it again.
Yep! shovelling pc manure all over … the deceased raving “waycist” John Wayne, whilst implicating D Trump
The BBC must love him
I heard about this embarrassing interview on twitter, it’s just excrutiating, typical of the bbc. How can he say that the muzzer paedo scandal didn’t happen? Not a single apology from the powers though. Imagine the scandal if a white presenter had dismissed african slavery!!
The only things that I’d like to see ‘beneath’ this bigot is a trap door and a pool of alligators. One thing that was evident was the source of almost every problem in the world today..leftard ideology.
We’ve already done this. You began the last thread with it. Here’s the transcript I gave
Although it would have been great to tackle the Muslim cultural angle of the UK sex attack groups, the interviewer barged in ..and Dotun chose to cut him off rather than hit the pause button and get him to rephrase and continue with the delicate issue.
I sometimes despair of the Tory infighting de facto leadership campaign which the ‘Vote Leave’ campaign have become. With the Tories everything boils down to money – so why haven’t they brought this grossly unfair monetary snatching to the public attention, and asked for an explanation?
Luxembourg’s 700 million euro annual EU SURPLUS. The richest country in the EU per capita receives over a billion a year from the EU but only pays in 300 million in.
Aren’t the transfers supposed to be from the richer countries to the poorer ones?
Since the UK contributes 12% of the total EU budget, this implies that irrespective of what each country may or may not ultimately get out of it, the UK taxpayer is currently paying 100 million Euros annually to the good people of Luxembourg
People don’t like unfairness, and they don’t like to be taken for fools either. The fact that Jean Claude Junker was Prime Minister of Luxembourg from 1995 to 2013 surely need the asking or pertinent questions?
How could the remain camp explain this honestly? Why are we the British public paying so much into the EU and find it being given to the people of one of the wealthiest countries in the EU where its president just happens to be a citizen?
Luxembourg is an EU scandal waiting to happen that never seems to quite arrive when you think it might be on the way. Wonder if J-C Juncker’s appointment is helping to mask or forestall it? Find it hard to believe but that may be why Cameron was so opposed to his appointment. On the other hand, Dave flops around so much that anything is possible, especially as Steve Hilton had some influence back then and may have had a good idea of EU realities.
Whether UK Remains or Leaves, the EU desperately needs to reform itself. It is blindingly obvious to anyone who pays attention to the world around them.
Free movement of people? I wonder how easy it is to move to Luxembourg without a job and to find one. Free movement? If you do have a job offer, I wonder how easy it is to buy a property in Luxembourg if you are not a national and not extremely wealthy. Free movement? I wonder how easy it is to rent or buy a house in Luxembourg and what the minimum buy in is if you are, say retired – a UK pensioner?
Luxembourg is the conduit by which firms such as Vodafone syphon billions out of Britain in the form of bogus “transfer payments” to their EU head office, which is in reality just a brass plate. They pay a notional 1% tax on their Luxembourg “profits”, thanks to sweetheart deals which the Luxembourg tax office routinely rubber stamps.
Luxembourg gets money for nothing, the British treasury gets diddled out of billions of pounds of tax which should be due on business undertaken in Britain. Yet this is all legal under EU law, which guarantees freedom of movement of capital as well as workers. So Britain gets 600,000 unskilled workers a year, and in return sends out tens of billions of pounds to keep the Luxembourgois in the parasitic style to which they have become accustomed.
Remind me why anyone would vote to stay in this corrupt system?
This may give a clue as to why Jean Claude Juncker is a federalist and President of the European Commission. His government, when he was Premier, encouraged Luxembourg’s beggar-thy-neighbour corporate tax laws.This poxy nation of 200,000 has contributed nothing to Europe and just freeloads on the EU.
When scrolling down on this site, occasionally the text is blurred and then it clears. Is anyone else experiencing this ? No, its not my eyes (recently eye tested) – doesn’t happen anywhere else.
I have just had a look at this, and although I don’t get this effect myself, I think it may be something to do with the fact there are very few images on bBBC’s pages. The eye is cued differently by movement of these – it is very much easier for the involuntary ‘following’ of pictorial material than pure text.
There are at least three undergrad projects here – is blurring commonly experienced in the way you describe; is it troublesome to those who experience it; and is it mitigated by the insertion of pictorial page-‘furniture’? Perhaps bBBC should consider muted pictorial page-backgrounds – how about a sympathetic rogues’ gallery of all those eminences at the corporation we all admire!?
I should say, I took a degree in Experimental Psychology decades ago. At that time, in order to follow eye-gaze accurately involved the subject wearing haptic hard contact lenses (covering the entire front of the eye) with a mirror stuck on the end of a stick attached to the lens, the whole business being recorded and laboriously post-analysed. Talk about heroic..
I was tempted to say the usual things about current degrees, and undergrads. However, looking back, I clearly remember what a crowd of dumbos many of the students were then, even though they represented a far smaller section of the population, and the University was one of the top three for that subject at the time.
I should say, I hope you don’t think I’m doubting your own eye-test results! If this effect occurs, it may be caused by the psychophysics of vision itself, at least in some sections of the population, rather than any of the usual optical or retinal defects experienced by so many of us.. although I would be the last person to discourage anyone from seeking qualified advice and perhaps extended testing of, say, their visual field.
Could it also be refresh problems of your monitor and/or the RAM on your graphics card struggling to keep up with the latest content, especially with all sorts of cookies, etc., competing for attention of your machines SDRAM?
The BBC have had problems scanning or photographing the front pages of the UK newspapers for a long time. That may be down to sheer incompetence or poor set-up of the copy equipment. However, I have also noticed that when I click on the link after News Page after Home Page, that it appears unsharp these days either as I scroll down, or if I do not scroll, the first news front page on show takes a little time to settle to sharp.
I should point out that I have some doubts about the graphics card in my PC and it is an old machine with not a lot of RAM (main or graphics) for today’s heavily loaded content. It all seizes up on occasion. Bit like its owner.
That said, I haven’t noticed any problems on this w/s, nor any major, constant slowness problems. I suspect the Internet as a whole, together with all the ISPs, teeter continually on the edge of nearly full to completely full to on the point of overload & collapse for a good deal of the time.
‘When scrolling down on this site, occasionally the text is blurred and then it clears. Is anyone else experiencing this ?’
A doctor writes:
This is common problem for those viewing sites such as this. Mind numbing rage at what the BBC and the liberal left do, causes serve problems to the eyesight.
For example: The human brain is capable of understanding theoretical physics, defining evolution and DNA as the cause of the development of life. It can also appreciate why people like Trump, Sanders and Farage will seem attractive to a public jaded by deceitful politicians who make the sounds the liberal left wish to hear.
However, as mighty as the human brain is, it cannot assimilate why the worst atrocity seen in the UK since the second world war, ie the rape and torture of 1,400 girls in a single town, is not mentioned by the nation’s broadcaster.
Nor can it understand why science takes a back seat on Fracking or Climate, yet the BBC tumble over themselves to broadcast the ignorant views of actresses, dress designers and daughters of 1960’s pop stars.
The remedy is to open wide your window and scream to anyone listening: ‘I will not take it any more.’
Love it, ss, thanks for a good laugh at a time when the world could be falling around our ears. Again.
Do the BBC realise what humour & public benefit provision they are missing out on with the censorship limit on comments of 400 characters … er, sorry, correction .. I mean economy restriction on posts for reasons of space of 400 characters?
Gosh ! thank you all for the potential reasons for intermittent blurring – some techy, some easy, some funny and others downright complicated ! I think I’ll just keep looking away from the screen, its easier.
Nick Robinson: BBC made a `terrible mistake` over immigration debate The BBC`s political editor admits the corporation didn`t have a proper debate on immigration in the late 1990s and early 2000s
It seriously looks like nothing at all has changed.
So Nick Robinson seems to think that the BBC has promoted a meaningful and fair debate about immigration in the years since the late 200s. If so I never saw or heard it, did anyone? What I have seen are many one sided debates were those opposed to mass immigration are ridiculed and made to look like Nazis, were seeking to defend our country’s culture and heritage is equated with racism, were pro immigration lies are allowed to go unchallenged and often repeated as facts by the BBC themselves, and were unhelpful news is suppressed and events spun to suit the pro immigration lobby. I am sure that the BBC know full well that they continue to censor open and honest debate about immigration because they know we the British people are still opposed to opening our borders to all and sundry. Anyone in any doubt about how contemptuous the ruling liberal elite are about ordinary Brits views on this subject, should read Tom Bower’s book about Blair and his governments. But be warned it will make you very angry that the PM of our country should treat those who were duped into electing him and rest of his cronies in such a dismissive way.
“A campaign memo from Britain Stronger In Europe leaked to the Guardian shows that only about half of Labour voters have realised their party is in favour of staying in the EU, with the rest thinking it is split or believing it is a party of Brexit.”
Dear Oh dear! The BBC have been failing the party!
On BBC2 tonight “Britain & Europe: For Richer or Poorer?” presented by Laura Kuenssberg.
Overall she tried to make it impartial but failed by asking the public “will you take a gamble and leave the EU?”. I didn’t hear her ask anyone “will you take a gamble and remain in the EU?”
Another way of describing the question is:
1. Do you want to keep your eyes open so you can choose your own directions to deal with any as-yet unforeseen problems if you vote leave? or
2. Do you want to be blindfolded and led by the hand by, already proven to be very unreliable, guides to a destination of their choice which they are keeping secret from you?
Or, do you want to be ruled by Britain or Brussels?
That is what the referendum is about
Ask any person who for ‘staying in’ if they can name their MEP ?
taffman, although I’m wanting out, to Leave, I fear that you are being a little hard on those who will vote Remain in the south-east. We have ten MEPs! Which one do you choose?
Learnt on the Jezza Vine Show (Tuesday) that HM Coastguard don’t have any boats; a caller who worked for HMC rang in and spoke to Fatty Feltz re the 18 Albanians who came ashore at Dymchurch on Sunday; he said that they rely on the RNLI to do the rescues.
I find that I’m just unsurprised by this s**t now it is almost to be expected; I don’t believe our governments are interested insuring our borders, it just isn’t seen as a priority.
Al Shubtill
The present government is neglecting its foremost duty, to defend our nation’s security and its borders.
Where are the Tory MPs ? Where is the the Labour opposition ?
We are being betrayed . http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-35906440
The UK Coastguard is, possibly somewhat illogically, a land based service. The UK Border Force has five small cutters, but I understand two are now patrolling the Med, leaving just three to “guard” our borders. The Royal Navy has too few ships left to make any contribution.
We are a laughing stock. An island nation which has left itself undefended, even while we send a net ten billion a year to the EU, and commit the largest proportion of our GDP of any nation to “foreign aid”. This last fact alone explains why Dave Cameron, the Green Tosser, is unfit for office. A small fraction of the money we waste each year on the EU and foreign aid could rebuild our maritime defences. The day will come when we need them. It may have come already.
As I understand it most coastal rescue is carried out by the RNLI, who are all volunteers (I think a lot of HM Coastguard are volunteers as well). If migrant boat crossings in the channel increase, with the now familiar tactic of scuppering the boat and sending out a distress signal, will such volunteers be willing to risk their lives to effect a rescue? As someone who is currently considering voluntary service with HM Coastguard I’m not sure I would want to.
It’s a good question. In the past, the volunteers of the RNLI have been happy to risk their own lives to save seafarers who have fallen foul of the cruel sea. It is a different matter if the “seafarers” in question are illegal immigrants who set out in dangerous or unsuitable boats, relying on the good will of better people than them to rescue them when their boats inevitably founder.
Do RNLI volunteers have any moral obligation to risk their lives to save criminals who have deliberately put themselves in harm’s way?
Rob wrote….Do RNLI volunteers have any moral obligation to risk their lives to save criminals who have deliberately put themselves in harm’s way?
Very good point. I have utter admiration for the RNLI crews: they go out in the most atrocious weather to save lives….and THEY MIGHT NOT COME BACK! I also think the RNLI survives on donations only. They do a superb job.
To supplement that, bring back the Observer Corps along the southern coast!!!
The UK Coastguard is, possibly somewhat illogically, a land based service.
So is the Navy ! Perhaps you’d prefer the first sea Lord Admiral Sir Philip Andrew Jones KCB, ADC to be permanently at sea?
Land based radar stations are needed and command and control is an absolute necessity as are ports and docks. It’s not illogical, in fact its quite the reverse.
We need more vessels to patrol the seas around Britain, but before they’re deployed we need to be clear on their task. If their orders are to pick up the illegal immigrants and bring them to the UK, then they will not be protecting our borders, they will be assisting the people smugglers. I can already see the BBC headlines when we try to send any of the “refugees” back to France.
Of course the Italians will be pleased if we redeploy our ship back from the Med – one less immigrant transport on the Libya-Italy run.
Many people might think the Coastguard has some sort of maritime presence. The US Coast Goard is a military force, well provided with cutters and aircraft. It is more powerful than most navies in the world. Our Coastguard is a land based organisation, which coordinates rescues by the RNLI and what is left of the Navy and Air Force, as well as the new commercial helicopter rescue service. Our wonderful government closed down many Coastguard stations, so vast lengths of coastline have no presence at all. The fact is our coast is virtually unguarded.
eg BIG LIE “green power is now the leading source of electricity, providing 44% of total EU capacity in 2015.”
CAPACITY is not PRODUCTION or source
..Solar/wind have rubbish capacity factors so a large capacity produces much less that conventionals.
5.03am ..Ah now Matt was doing his item on BBC WS news
.. #GreenDreamReligion …….#GreensCantDoMaths
Same old Trash : Same old place #CrookedBBC
Type Renewables REN21 into the Twitter search box and you’ll see that Matt McGrath is just parroting REN21 (LOBBY ORGANISATION of the biz) without challenging their assertions or mentioning #SUBSIDIES paid by poor to rich. (solarpanel/windfarm owners, electric car buyers etc)
BBC Eco Reporter = Eco-Activist giving free adverts to the subsidy mafia
Grateful thanks to those who liked my Winnie-the-Pooh in Londonistan fantasy – especially to GCooper, Roland, Soapbox and Deborah, who commented.
I live in Australia, so it wasn’t possible to reply at the time the comments first appeared.
Someone suggested we should have a special thread for comedy and soapbox submissions. I think this is a great idea. If the site owners are reading, I’d like to know whether this would be possible. As a retired sub-editor and writer, I’d be happy to offer any help I could with it. (I’m working on a satirical project I could submit.)
Ms Hand-Basket I enjoyed your satire and yes, we could do with a bit more humour as we all need a good laugh these days! Have you considered self-publishing a longer satire as an ebook? I doubt any mainstream publisher would touch it for political reasons, but there’s quite a market for non-PC writings in ebook format on Amazon.
Thank you , Cranmer (and G.W.F and Soapbox) for your kind comments.
I never thought of publishing an e-book. I’ll bear it (no Pooh jokes intended!) in mind. My current satirical project is very far from being of full book length, though. It is a mini-episode of a well known BBC sitcom (Blackadder). I have changed the characters’ names a bit, but am still concerned that publishing it could bring legal problems. I think I need to consult a lawyer before proceeding!
Also, I need to test it on Mr Hand-Basket. If it doesn’t raise a laugh, I’m not risking it!
German town of Darmstadt throws party for refugees
Although it does seem the BBC are very selective over what news they report from Darmstadt. It has to meet the needs of the leftist agenda. Can’t see this one anywhere for now, not even tucked away on the Europe page.
“Northern Ireland terror threat level raised in Great Britain”
Difficult to imagine a news piece which contains less information such as why now?
From friends of friends and people who do have some insight, the reason is EU meddling in Belfast – So much for the arseholes being a force for peace, and so much for the freedom of the press, and open government.
Today: 8:39 Ms G Stuart for LEAVE, Interview starts ‘you are now proposing a UKIP policy of a points system for immigration, you campaigned against this at the GE’. Do the bBC make it up on the spot. Ms Stuart was part of a party that wants to stay and therefore by definition will allow immigration. So she agrees with EVERYTHING labour stands for, by definition she would be in the STAY camp if this was the case. The aggression and bias of the bBC interviewer breathtaking.
The BBC cannot get its head round the fact that this is a referendum, not a general election. After the referendum, Vote Leave will not be the government. Vote Leave will not be able to put any policies into effect. Vote Leave will, in fact, cease to exist.
The referendum is the opportunity for the British people to give a direct order to their government. It is then up to the government to put that order into effect. That is all the referendum is about. The question on the ballot paper is whether we should stay in or leave the EU. The actual process of leaving is for the government to undertake. Neither Vote Leave nor Gisela Stuart will have anything to do with it.
General Election? I thought it was about who should lead the Conservative Party!
It has been like having a commission on animal cruelty and not taking evidence from the RSPCA! Wasn’t there a party whose whole purpose was to get us out of the EU, probably led by that chap Trump, or Chump, it all gets so confusing listening to the BBC!
When will the BBC report that staying in the EU (rather than leaving) is a high-risk strategy? The euro countries within the EU must move to a federal system or the euro will break up. Either of these eventualities presents huge risks for a UK in the EU. Cameron gave up the UK right of veto on further moves to federalism as part of his ‘renegotiations’. He got nothing tangible back in return. Many future EU laws to increase federalism will apply to a UK in the EU yet the UK can do nothing to stop them. If on the other hand, federalism does not occur and the euro collapses, there will be market volatility, probably a recession in euroland and some highly intrusive measures to combat this. Again, a UK in the EU would be dragged in, eg there would be even more migration into the UK than currently, as EU workers seek jobs in a relatively prosperous British economy. Outside the EU, the UK is far better placed to combat these unpleasantries.
None of this is being reported by the BBC, for example in the TV programme last night (9pm BBC2) about the economics of the debate. Leaving is consistently presented as a gamble. In effect its an insurance policy.
Wow. Fancy that. A country NOT in the EU easily justifying a large construction project. And bringing it in on budget.
Whoever would have thought it possible?
Surely Switzerland should be a deserted wasteland of impoverished unemployed?
What? It’s the richest major country in Europe? It’s currency has appreciated against the Euro by 10% in the last 2 years. It’s engineering and pharma industries are globally competitive?
Shurely shome mishtake.
Here’s a EU angle the thickos in the bBBC newsroom have never even thought of. Which I describe from my own experience.
We hear a lot about EU directives but I’ve never heard a dickie bird from the bBBC about the cost to companies of deciding whether a given EU directive ACTUALLY APPLIES to their products in the first place.
Lets take the Machinery Directive. Is your product a ‘component’? Or an ‘element’? Or is it ‘partly completed machinery’? Believe me, it matters.
Anyone know? The answer if you are lucky may be deep in hundreds of pages of guff.
Legislation designed, say , to protect workers in a saw mill (reasonable) extends to individual items in moving machinery, even if in totally enclosed situations. Or does it? Queue vast business costs, meetings, more meetings, lawyers. Having spent months/years/ £ tens of thousands you discover your product is not covered by the directive after all. Time and money totally wasted that could have been spent on growing the business. Bad enough for large companies. For SMEs it kills them. The EU mandarins of course love it. It creates work for them.
How about it bBBC? Got any ‘reporters’ available for this one? No, thought not. Too much like hard work.
Even if we leave the EU, this will not be enough to protect our borders if Cameron and Osborne remain in charge.
Obvious flaws that they are responsible for-
1. Incompetence in removing failed asylum seekers.
The Mail reports that “Up to 70 per cent of Albanians who claim asylum in Britain do not return home – even though their country is at peace – an analysis suggests.
The Migration Watch think-tank said Home Office data showed there were 4,653 asylum applications from Albanians between 2008 and 2014.
Of these, 1,449 received permission to stay. But of the rest, only 1,337 have been removed – meaning seven in ten applicants remained in total.”
You might ask why any Albanian can successfully claim asylum in the UK! Never mind, when Albania joins the EU they can all come in without question anyway!
2. Failure to enforce the Dublin Convention and deport all illegals who could have claimed asylum in the first safe EU country they entered. This means anyone crossing over from France has no right to claim asylum in the UK
3. Failure to supply HM Coastguard with enough boats despite warnings from the Belgian government and others that growing numbers of migrants would be crossing the Channel. Boats will not be fully ready until 2018.
4.Failure to purchase aircraft to provide 24/7 surveillance of the Channel. A contract with Chobham engineering was cancelled last January.
I’m sure that others will be able to add to this charge sheet.
Vote Leave and replace Cameron and Osborne with Johnson and Gove.
Replace them with Priti Patel , Adam Afriye and Kwange something who happen to be Leavers who don’t want more immigration and believe in this country .
The Dublin Convention is clearly not enforced – in fact it was Prime Minister Orban’s enforcement of this law that got him into trouble with the EU – one of the things that made me realise the EU will simply ignore its own laws if necessary.
Evan Davis, with obligatory ‘Trump-Smirk’ facial expression on ‘Newsnight’ last night interviewed Mr Trump’s foreign policy advisor Dr Walid Phares of Fox News. They played a montage of Mr Trump’s most outspoken quotes (‘bomb the sh*t out them’) etc and Davis challenged Phares to justify them. Dr Phares gave, I thought, a good defence (he is a lawyer, after all) by pointing out that the montage quotes were shown out of context without also showing later explanations by Mr Trump of what he really meant. Davis realised he’d been ‘Trumped’ and tried to bluster his way out by saying something like ‘you’re a policy advisor and haven’t managed to answer my question…incredible!’ Dr Phares just smiled politely.
I merely support you with the observation that Al Beeb have endlessly replayed Trump’s speech along the lines of ” we are going to ban all Muslims from entering the US……” and consistently and repeatedly cut it there and thereby edited out the end of the sentence which was ” ……….. until we figure out what’s going on”.
Desperate rubbish from Evan Davis at the BBC.
Trumps adviser swatted him off, but still he persisted-didn`t listen to a damn word that Phares said, just had his pre-chewed crap to hand and stuck to it like chewing gum on velcro…failing miserably.
That montage was the usual BBC lazy set up-could have predicted every one of them.
S`pose Hillary Clinton will get no similar “greatest hits” hatchet job to set up any interview with one of her baccy chewing tweed suits in DC is there?
But at least-with the BBC, their consistent 24/7 screeching on Trump and the EU only confirm the need to take a chainsaw to the lumbering liars.
As Delingpole says-the BBC is just the NHS for showbiz types.
Noted Suzy Klein on some music show on BBC4, where she celebrated The French Revolution and the fall from grace of Napoleon…typical…she looks and sounds like Emily Maitlis, albeit smaller and with dark hair.
Does the BBC clone their harpies?
Jonathan Meades on tonight-must watch!
Oh-and it`s eleven years to the day when France the The Dutch refused the EU Constitutions in their referenda…fat lot of good that did us-we got Lisbon four years later-but worth a hat tip to the French and Dutch today anyway!
I agree, Davis’ reply to Phares was wildly feeble. The problem is that the BBC started out by treating Trump as a political version of Eddie the Eagle Edwards and have now had to confront the possibility that he might actually become President. I suspect it’s causing an awful lot of confusion about how to respond to him.
This site is getting very clunky. A comment for Cranmer has completely disappeared.
Lets try again.
In support, I remind readers that the biased BBC have consistently, wantonly, and repeatedly replayed Trump’s speech along the lines of ” we need a total ban on all Muslims coming into the USA…” and consistently, wantonly, and repeatedly cut it there and so edited out the last part of the sentence which was “………until we can figure out what’s going on”.
1 June and I’m cold and am about to put on an extra layer of clothing. Something I have mused on recently: it is a long time since I heard a Met Office presenter on BBC R4 Weather Forecasts mention seasonal averages.
They used to do this regularly “temperatures today a little below the seasonal average for this time of year” or “likely to be a glorious sunny day, temperatures for all of us will be above average for the season”. Haven’t heard that for quite some while.
Is there a good reason for this? A bad reason? Have I not been paying attention, have I missed it and there is no change? Am I being overly sharp? Suspicious, even?
Not BBC but its bastard little brother Channel four. The last leg is returning friday week june 10th with very special guest Jezza Corbyn. Will they discuss the antisemitism issue or will it be all high fives and buckets of hypocrisy from uber lefties hills, widdecombe and brooker. Maybe bring on nigel dodds for a chat with jezza
I have to laugh when they are wailing about Katie hopkins hatred when there is enough hatred and bile spewed out by these three cretins to power a nuclear power station.
Stupid, stupid me. I was drawn to a BBC feature half-way down their news homepage titled “England in 1966”. I was expecting a review of those heady days of summer culminating in England winning the football World Cup. An event certainly fresh in my memory.
I know. I’m a racist, my parents were racists, and no doubt so were my grand-parents. Because in those intervening 50 years it seems not much has changed for the people of Birmingham.
“Echoes of the terrible racial tensions that tore many communities apart in the 1960s are still around today.”
“Mossman’s use of undercover recordings to capture examples of racism was “groundbreaking”, said Jenny Phillamore, professor of migration and superdiversity at University of Birmingham.
“I have not heard of anything like that happening before and even today that would be quite groundbreaking and controversial,” she said.
Fifty years on, Prof Phillamore says the West Midlands has made huge leaps forward – but the same undercover exercise could bring similar results.
“Back in the 60s, racism would have been an everyday experience for migrants,” she said.”
“But Shirley Cooper says she still lives with prejudice five decades after arriving.
“A lot of what they were saying [in the documentary] is still being said now,” she said.
“I’ve been going round trying to use a contactless card for the last month. They’re not saying ‘we’re not going to accept your card because you’re black’ – they’re giving me conversations about fraud.
“Or ‘the machine doesn’t work’ and yet it worked for the person before me and after.”
As part of the BBC All Whites are Racist Season. “Living in ’66, presented by Adrian Chiles, is on BBC One West Midlands on Wednesday, 1 June at 19:30 BST”.
Did any of the white working class racists in 1960s Birmingham predict that they would be wiped out, ethnically cleansed from their own city? That within 50 years Birmingham would become, in effect, a muslim enclave? If they did not foresee that, they weren’t very good racists were they?
Even the most embittered, pessimistic racist in the 1960s would never have foreseen what has happened to Britain in the last 50 years. And it has not happened by accident, it has been the deliberate policy of our government, regardless of the party in nominal power.
Had the pleasure of watching 10 mins of this drivel….living quite close I have been able to see how wonderful these super diverse neighbourhoods are first hand. It really is amazing how they can recreate a third world ambiance so quickly…..and I bet the enlightened Prof Philamore lives well away from superdiversity…..
Could mobile roaming charges increase if the UK left the EU?
Is it me or are the biased bbc clutching at straws here. Do they really expect people to think that the subject of cellphone roaming charges is in any way relevant to the referendum? We are talking about our country here for heaven’s sake.
Sadly (though ‘tragically’ might be better) some of the vox pops I’ve seen and read suggest this is precisely the level of ‘debate’ among the young and stupid. It’s a sentiment often closely followed with the irrational fear that they won’t be able to go on holiday to Spain or wherever, when we quit.
Britain has an entire underclass who are the products of socialist educational policies and the BBC panders to it.
GC…I wish I could have upticked this ten times more!
And seismicboy’s comment too.
Roaming charges and cheap flights was ALL the youngsters could say was making them vote remain! And they were mostly all Uni students – what does that say about our educational institutions?
The Remain campaign (including the BBC) will continue to bring up propaganda like this right to the last minute, so yes, clutching at straws.
And this is probably just the tip of the iceberg: I wonder what the Remainiacs have up their sleeve to convince the floaters at the last minute?
Remember the Scottish referendum, and how “Devo Max” was pulled out of the bag 3 days before the vote because the polls were slightly in favour of “leave”? It was carefully not announced by any of the national leaders though, only via leading lights in the “Better Together” campaign, Alastair Darling and Gordon Brown, those trusty “stalwarts” (and I use the term advisedly).
It swung the vote.
Then, after having won, they backtracked as if they’d never promised Devo Max, and had a Royal Commission to decide the new powers to be transferred. Very clever, very devious, very damaging to the Westminster parties after the dust settled when everyone north of the border realised they’d been done.
Expect more of the same.
But if we could try to predict their ideas here perhaps it would help defuse them when they actually arrive…
What could they promise us that would give us almost what we want, but they could then backtrack on?
Secure borders (impossible but they could promise anyway)?
National sovereignty over brussels (wouldn’t stand up in court but they could pretend)?
Probably these two IMO as these are the two biggest factors against remaining, I think…
Mike…I think I heard a couple of weeks ago that there is some big IMF analysis due out on the day before the vote. George has got his chum all on his payroll then?
Good point – the IMF will probably come out and say that without EU membership
(a) the UK economy will be a basket case
(b) they will immediately downgrade our bonds to junk and
(c) that they will no longer lend to us or support anyone who does
Mr Hunt, this is a very good point. But I can’t see how there can be a ‘Devomax’ option with the EU. If the EU cuts some kind of deal with the UK it will have to do it with all the other countries. It would be far simpler for them just to fiddle the election, as a lot of people are expecting! It’s possible that Mr Cameron may ‘do a Chamberlain’ and hand the EU a ‘final note’ with a list of demands, but then again he’s already tried that.
Eureka! The equivalent of the “Devo Max” option is EEA Membership!! That’s what they’ll offer us to bribe us to vote Remain. Because it’s the best of both worlds.
We all know that the EU has already said this is impossible, and ruled it completely off the table, but if a couple of leading Remainiacs promised it, and it was backed by say Merkel or Tusk or Juncker, it could persuade a LOT of voters to vote Remain. Because then we’d get our own economy, plus borders, PLUS economic security (ie a perceived known vs an unknown, rightly or wrongly).
Then the government and the EU could backtrack by saying oh well, we didn’t really say that (as they did with Devo Max) and in any case the other EU countries won’t let us, what a shame.
Cranmer, big thanks! You know, I was struggling with exactly the same conundrum, but as I was mulling over your post the answer popped into my head 🙂
The BBC won’t tell how much mobile phone charges are in other countries inside and outside the EU . Or other charges such as satellite television costs . Many of these Polish migrants buy their satellite subscriptions back home for a quarter of the cost and use it here in the UK . And who can blame them .
In fact this whole “single market” meme is a bit of a con . It works only so far and mainly for corporations .
A real single market would be where governments would be in competition and you could tax your car ,say , in the lowest States tax .
I should have mentioned that it will have taken 10 years of EU bureaucracy to arrive at the abolition of roaming charges and, arguably, should have been a gimme in the first place if the EU did what it said on the tin.
However, despite individual member states objecting to the abolition of roaming charges on behalf of their national operators, the EU railroaded it through. Not mentioned by the bbc.
Orders vill be obeyed at all times.
What about those who don’t have much call to use their mobile phones in other EU countries? On the basis that the mobile companies will need to recoup this lost revenue from somewhere, what extra hidden costs have been added to their bills to allow other people to roam more cheaply in the EU?
A Referendum debate (in Scotland) with an audience of mainly teens and 20’s had the roaming charges as a topic of discussion. The questioner decided to ‘remain’ after realising they might be raised, and also for needing a ‘bit of paper’ to get into Spain. Another audience member assumed that Europe and European Union were the same – thinking they were an interchangeable description. Its a farce that such a monumental decision such as this vote is, in part, being decided by ‘kids’ who probably cannot even spell the word Europe, and the height of their concern is that they don’t want a slip of paper to visit Spain. With intelligence such as this of future generations, I cant help feeling as to why we’re bothering about what happens to this country, – as this lot are too stupid to care and only worry about being parted from their sodding phones.
Brissles, twas ever thus. The people must have bread and circuses. The only good thing is that dimbos like the one you mentioned are likely to be distracted from voting by the latest youtube video/twitter storm/Facebook social justice campaign so may not get round to voting Remain.
A similar ‘fear’ will be our ‘cheap’ air fares to Europe.
Cheap, of course, is relative. I would suggest that the baseline is the fare across the Atlantic. It has taken the EU most of its existence to bring European air fares to anywhere near comparability with the trans-Atlantic route.
A quick ‘cheapest’ on Google Travel gives £390 for LHR to JFK and £97 for LHR to BRU. That works out as 11.3p/mile versus 44.5p/mile. In other words the free market can deliver flights between countries not in a political union at a quarter of the rate than our beloved ‘union’ can.
I expect that as the sun rises in the East, (a present from Brussels), we won’t be seeing much of that post-BREXIT!
Breitbart and other sources are running a story suggesting that polling cards have been sent to people ineligible to vote in the forthcoming referendum (EU nationals and so on).
If this is true, and I have no reason to believe it is not, it is yet another disturbing sign that the UK’s election process is at best dangerously flawed and, at worst, crooked.
Am I mistaken, or has the BBC chosen to more or less ignore this story? And if so, why?
I am going on Holiday on Friday week, and applied ages ago for a postal vote for myself and my Husband. It still hasn’t arrived. I will be most displeased if I don’t get to vote in the most important referendum in my lifetime.
I have collected the postal votes from my daughters and three of my wives who have all voted as I advised. The fourth wife insists on making her own mind up, so I am consulting Teresa May’s forthcoming advice on how hard I should hit her under sharia guidelines I think it is acceptable to loosen her teach but not knock them out as the Koran insists that women should not be beaten too severely.
Is there a BBC HYS on this topic?
Caught a short feature this morning on BBC tv news which was so typical that one could write a dissertation on it.
I was reminded of Basil Fawlty’s paranoia when he learns a hotel guest is a psychiatrist. Basil is so jumpy and goes to such lengths to display his sanity that at the comic climax of the show the doctor shakes his head at Fawlty’s antics and sighs “There’s enough material there for a conference”.
So we’re up to Lancaster with the BBC for a report on archeology at a Roma fort. What could go wrong, you wonder. What biases could spout forth?
It is a bad start dumbing down-wise. Our dolly dimwit reporter insists three times over that she “knows nothing” and has “the wrong shoes” for reporting from the dig.
Lancaster is, so we are informed, famous for several historic reasons including “Religious Persecution”. We take from this bold statement a reference to the Lancashire Witches since the voice over coincides with a shot of a witch on a broomstick in the form of a weather vane. The BBC seem to be apologising to the historically repressed Wicken community here???
We usher in a CofE vicar who no doubt delights the BBC box tickers with his apparently unprompted declaration: “We’ve had a diversity of people here on the dig – we had a couple of Syrian refugees – the Romans were in Syria as well as here, you know. This fort was built to keep immigrants out – but we’re inviting them in!”
Errr….yes…I only hopped channels at the very end if that piece where the bloke announced with a flourish they even had refugees helping on the dig, and followed up with another pro refugee comment.
Then it ended, with me wondering WTF . .?
There must be some sort of Pavlov’s dogs conditioning here. An automatic, “Oh, I’m on the BBC, so I’d better say something in favour of immigrants” without needing to be asked.
I suspect that is exactly right. Liberals are famous for their flocking behaviour (hence the wonderfully accurate ‘virtue signalling’ tag) and the BBC shows signs of it all the time.
Direct link to that facebook post
(How I got the link : I put mouse over top left where the post time is and right clicked to copy URL)
First comment
BBC you have got your information mixed up. It was the interviewer David Greig whose only exercise was walking to the shop to get cigs, the 401 marathon runner, Ben Smith had depression and a mini stroke. Get your facts right please!
Context BBC staff especially senior management don’t actually listen to their own network, as they are too busy twattering around on Twitter
This really is worth a read, but why was it never reported on the BBC ?
Tusk blames ‘utopian’ EU elites for Eurosceptic revolt and Brexit crisis
European Council president Donald Tusk has warned EU leaders in the bluntest terms that their “utopian” illusions are tearing Europe apart, and that any attempt to seize on Brexit to force through yet more integration would be a grave mistake.
“It is us who today are responsible,” he said, speaking at a conclave of Christian-Democrat and centre-right leaders in Luxembourg. “Obsessed with the idea of instant and total integration, we failed to notice that ordinary people, the citizens of Europe, do not share our Euro-enthusiasm.”
There are mounting signs that the Dutch, Scandinavians, and many Eastern European states may not be willing to back any push by Brussels for a ‘Plan B’ of deeper political union – with an ‘EU army’, and joint foreign, security, and border policies – once the British are out of the way.
Disturbing reading about the plans of the EU in the event of the UK voting to leave, and it seems the countries might well not support the commission who have their heads in the clouds.
It’s in the piece I linked to, the does Britain need Europe. Rather self selecting though.
The biggest factor in the referendum is likely to be whether the remain group can actually mobilise their voters to actually get out & vote. Seeing as they are the current status quo, the inertia is much more likely to affect them rather than leave, who are more motivated.
Thanks for the link… interesting that 85% of Telegraph readers say we don’t need the EU, we got along quite well without it after all… but I suppose also that’s not the same thing as supporting Leave either…
Re the turnout, I started researching one of the pollsters included in the FT Poll of Polls, can’t remember which, and they said they only included people who said they were definitely or probably going to vote. I suppose then there might possibly be an adjustment due for a differential in the “probablies”, but I thought they’d got that one pretty much covered.
The thing which isn’t covered though is what about all those who are only “maybe” or “probably not” voting… and so are excluded from the survey. How many of them would actually vote, and for whom, and would it benefit one side or the other!?!
Unsurprisingly the BBC have trodden warily with this agenda-busting story. Don’t forget the BBC’s role in Britain is to protect and to promote the interests of certain cherished groups – not to inform the public of truth and reality warts and all. Infact I do recall this morning catching the tail end of an interview on the BBC with a social worker-type.
Although the BBC on-line report on the case omits the catchy headline both the Mail and myself recognise as key to an understanding of this cruel and selfish ‘couple’ the BBC appear to put the child’s death down to a sad case of….
‘A senior Fife social worker admitted to the court that at one point Liam “fell off their radar”.
Ouch, that can hurt. Still, as one part of the public sector nexus to another, forgive and forget and all that.
Yes, I also thought that this case had similarities to the Rotherham case where the crime was allowed to occur because the perpetrators were from a ‘protected’ minority. Social services and other public bodies (police, council etc) should hang their heads in shame and then the heads should roll. Is it the fear of litigation, or of bursting a bubble that these minorities are not perfect, or because they don’t want negative examples?
Loobyloo, this was my first thought too. In a world where people can say ‘black people can’t be racist’ with a straight face, I’m sure some people also believe butch lesbians can’t abuse children. Similar victim-group reasoning led in part to the death of Victoria Climbie, if I recall correctly. Also, abusers are often crafty people and are probably good at playing the victim group card to keep the authorities away.
I’ve just been reading articles about this case. Good grief, I thought I’d looked into the heart of darkness a few times, but it always goes deeper. What I find particularly depraved is the way they tried to pin the blame on another child. There’s also something odd about this case as two other boys living with the women were involved but no reports seem to say what their relationship was to the couple, just that they were ‘in their care’.
It amazes me how these days when there is a report on the news (such as this one) about some unbelievably evil crime; we are then shown footage of the accused walking into court every day as though they are appearing for some speeding offence rather than the torture and killing of a two year old boy.
When did that ever become acceptable? Why is there no uproar about it?
In a civilized society if someone is accused of a serious offence: murder; rape; child molestation; kidnapping etc then they should be held in custody awaiting trial and for the duration of the trial.
They should not be able to wander to court, as shown in this particular case, hand in hand with their accomplice with whom they tormented and murdered their own child. I expect they’ll both be let out in 10 – 12 years anyway.
“Lift and Shift” : The out of London Trick
The production company starts a regional sub company ..then filter the akready established programme counts as a regional prog even though most of it is done in London with some filming in the region, but they have made their “out of M25 production target”
On Ethnic speaker progs that Gaelic speakers are way down the list of groups in Scotland
with there being far more Polish people,,so in fat the progs made do not represent the minorities that make up modern Scotland.
There are more interesting things mentioned. Stuart Cosgrove is a knowledgable voice
BBC bumps pro-Leave immigration headline for pub bombings story http://www.bbc.co.uk/news – arguably more government dirty tricks than BBC bias, but this is the sort of thing we can expect… and the BBCs coverage of the immigration story was about as watered down as they could make it, compare and contrast to the Torygraph which quoted Leave as saying that immigrants would have to be skilled and speak English…
Nice comment on that website: “Dave should issue a statement that it is immoral to fiddle elections. Wait for the postal ballot influence on the Referendum result.” If anyone is tempted to think it might go against the grain for politicos to fiddle an election in an established democracy… When I was at college one or more of the leadership of the Conservative Association were found guilty of rigging an internal election(!) and were suspended. I remember that, at the time, I was completely shocked that they weren’t being banned for life for something so outrageously anti-democratic…
“Kent Police granted more time to investigate South Thanet election expenses”
Just to refresh your memories this was the by election which Nigel Farage was narrowly beaten by the Tory candidate.
The allegations concern whether spending limits had been breached in South Thanet and were not properly recorded by the Conservative party.
The ruling by district judge Justin Barron follows a hearing at Folkestone Magistrates court today.
In his conclusions, Mr Barron said: “The combination of circumstances before me is wholly exceptional and goes far beyond the usual circumstances that would exist in a typical case where election expenses are being investigated.”
“The consequences of a conviction would be of a local and national significance with the potential for election results being declared void.”
“We have here a circumstance that is exceptional in an election…we have an allegation of national funds being used – in what some might put it – to buy an election.”
“What could be more exceptional than one party defeated by another using national funds contrary to law?”
The efforts made by the Conservative party to beat Nigel Farage, the leader of UKIP, was itself “an exceptional circumstance, he said.
It looks like even if Lazy Davy does win his referendum he might be so tainted by these expenses scandals that the party will be forced to rid itself of him.
The trouble is that, if Guido is to be believed, all the other parties are in this sort of thing up to their necks. I can’t see them wanting to push this too hard.
You’d think there might be more about it on the unbiased BBC.
The stains on the ceilings at W1A and Salford as heads explode trying to reorder allegiances to keep up with the ebb and flow of who now likes who must be epic.
It’s like a typical week at a girls’ school… I am told.
Jez loves Ed. Ed loves Dave. Dave loves Saddo. Some Tory MP no longer loves the constituents who voted her in on an immigration-concerned Leave platform (that will play well with the ‘trust us not to say one thing to seduce you’ claims).
How is a BBC girlie to choose a BFF to be popular? Or the women?
Even locally, it is hilarious seeing a Limp councillor gritting teeth to now ‘support’ a Tory MEP he loathes.
No wonder the BBC is seeking a line to take still. They just dropped their sinker.
Dutch PM Mark Rutte told the BBC it would trigger “an inevitable, unavoidable race to the bottom”.
So introducing a points-based system would be part of a ‘race to the bottom’, I would have thought that it would be a race to ‘skim the cream’ as we picked the best, leaving the dross for our ‘friends’.
Are EU feathers being ruffled by the fear of Brexit? After all where we go I am sure others will follow.
I think this nonsensical statement, from a normally very sensible politician, alongside the speeches from Tusk and Junker blaming the EU for alienating the people of Europe, indicate that we (FINALLY!) have made the Over Lords sit up and take notice.
I am just waiting for Tusk and Junker to say ‘Actually, we ought to have been elected to these positions. We should have presented a manifesto of our aims and we ought to hold our discussions in the open. Moreover all our policies should be discussed and voted upon in the European parliament. Then we should resubmit ourselves to the electorate to judge us after 4 years.’
I am not holding my breath …. and anyway its all to late old son! (yay!)
Rutte is rattled because there is a growing anti-EU and immigrant sentiment in Holland, see how popular Gert Wilders is becoming, so he has to spout his desperate nonsense about “retaliation” against the U.K. and the other cr@p against perfectly sensible immigration controls; because if we vote out: the Dutch will want a Nexit referendum of their own and potentially his political career (like our own slimy Dave’s) would end.
Things are getting desperate at Al Beeb!
Just caught the six o’clock news, they are definitely turning up the ‘Anti Brexit Bias’. Are Brexit ‘getting closer to the target’ ?
Expect more flak.
There was a truly sublime piece of second-hand racism on the Six o’clock News. The effect of Boris Johnson’s Australian-style immigration points proposals was underlined by visiting an Indian restaurant, whose owner was said to be delighted with the likely prohibitions on immigrants from the EU, since the points system would allow in greater numbers of ‘skilled’ curry chefs from Bangladesh in place of unskilled Bulgarians and Latvians! Brilliant!!
Caught some of it Taffman – Dutch Prime Minister threatens “retaliation” if we introduce an Australian style system. There will be a race to the “bottom” whatever that is – is it something to do with Reg Dwight or Evan Davies? Aunty definitely huffing and puffing on this one and I am sure she will pull out all the stops to change the subject asap. Unfortunately I dont think the Person of Colour, Disabled, Transgender Football Cup Final isnt for a while so Aunty may have to try something else quick to change the subject away from migration. I suppose if visas are required the PCDTG Federation will also have difficulty effecting transfers from Europe.
Aunty tells us that there might have to be visas all round and then goes on about how inefficient it all is – Tell you what is inefficient – that is not knowing how many “illegals” are in the country, who you then have to house, treat and educate because EU legislation does not allow us to send the darlings back.
Also nice little touch earlier on pm when interviewing some “clever dick” about the Australian points system . Farage was quoted but in a tone that made him sound really conceited. Funny since Farage has been banging on about this since God was a boy you think that an interview with him might well have been relevant – Wander why they didnt?
Got to say things looking a lot more positive now “Leave” are concentrating on the main issue. Lets just hope they do not feel pressured into playing Aunties and Davey boys game and being “positive” There is nothing positive about overpopulation and filling your country full of people who do not respect you or your culture.
The penny may be starting to drop with people that survival of our culture and national integrity as a nation is at stake. And surely this is more important than mobile phone roaming charges and sharing chocolate sprinkles with Mark Rutte.
Did they mention that we already have a points system which works very well thank you, it’s for people outside the EU – and all we’d have to do is expand that system? It pays for itself by the way, through visa application fees. Could even be a nice little earner? What’s so “inefficient” about that.
I didn’t see the news but if I had to guess I’d say they didn’t mention it at all.
This is the full live speech of Cameron to the CBI less than 12 months ago (9th Nov). The interesting part (if that’s possible) is from 15:00 to 17:10 .
It’s been posted before but not in its entirety which is relevant, and cannot be criticised as being taken out of context.
It just confirms what anyone with any sense can discern about Camerscum; he’s just an empty shell devoid of any real substance or convictions – thanks for posting Thoughtful.
I think that you will find such politicians called pragmatists.
Anthony Charles Lynton Blair was the absolute master at it. Then one day he decided to nail his colours to a mast, and we know the result.
David William Donald Cameron has now done the same, and I expect the result to be the same.
My friend Peston on the ITV News at Ten when invited to discuss the drop in the £ that the two “leave” polls had produced totally ignored that and said it is all about Cameron now.
I suspect on the BBC he would have been in full Project Fear mode.
I have always thought of him as a windbag. Oops, sorry, windsock. Wherever it blows so goes his opinion as long as it gets votes. In fact the definition of a windsock has some sound bites that are a perfect match. (Yes I have taken them out of context but they fit so well).
“Windsocks typically are used ………………… where there is risk of gaseous leakage.”
“These windsocks are not particularly functional and are mostly for decoration.”
Jacob Rees-Mogg is an absolute gentleman. He states that whatever the result, we should respect it, accept and move on. Presumably this is to ensure that the Conservative government can continue to implement the laws and regulations passed across from the EU should the vote be for Remain.
No can do.
This issue is so important, so fundamental, it transcends party politics.
Cameron has either lied, or been so been so disingenuous he has as good as lied. We should expect an awful lot more from our elected ‘leaders’. Osbourne is protecting his rightful inheritance and removing a major opponent to boot.
If the vote goes against Leave, I for one will no longer lend my vote to this party of deceit.
BBC reverses headline within 12 hours, now reads “Dutch PM’s Brexit immigration warning”, reversed from the headline earlier in the day when it was about fairer immigration from the Leave campaign. Pretty quick turnaround. I remember pro-Remain headlines being up all day, eg Lord Weaseltine… 🙁
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Well doesn’t it sound like this guy has political views which would chime with most here? No wonder the BBC don’t have him on very often, or contain him on non political programs.
Interesting that the Guardian ‘outed’ his political views and the reaction of the Fascists when they did
Breaking news !
ICM Poll “UK voters leaning towards Brexit, Guardian poll reveals ”
Phone and online survey shows a 52-48 split in favour of leaving the EU as referendum campaign gathers steam
Previous polls have tended to show voters surveyed online to be more in favour of Britain leaving the EU. But in the latest ICM research, carried out for the Guardian, both methodologies yielded the same result – a majority in favour of leaving.
“Our poll rather unhinges a few accepted orthodoxies,” said ICM’s director, Martin Boon. “It is only one poll, but in a rather unexpected reverse of polling assumptions so far, both our phone poll and our online poll are consistent on both vote intentions and on the EU referendum.”
Half a dozen more polls like that and the EU great and good will be swarming over the Channel (probably not in inflatables though) to assure us of all the reforms they are going to undertake to make us change our mind.
The BBC news and current affairs department will probably have a collective mental breakdown as the last kitchen sinks have been thrown at it and those ignorant plebs have not taken any notice.
Great post Mallard
The Anti-British traitors have gone so balls out with ‘project fear’ that any genuine concern for negative impacts from leaving the EU has been lost. People are sick to death of being blackmailed to give away the right of sovereignty and self governance to continue a project they never wanted or voted for.
The argument for remain is like saying “your company has decided to change the paying arrangements. They are now going to take your full wages, give you a % to spend as you wish and then give you tokens to spend on products they have chosen for you. The company are looking to change the arrangement again to keep all the money in exchange for just tokens as they feel that they know best what a typical family requires.
You can of course take the money and use it to spend how you wish…. However if you do that then the company will begin to lose revenue and jobs will be lost..In fact taking your money out will mean that your colleagues will lose even more money as the system will have to cover the short fall”…
What the fuck!!! We never asked for the system to be set up. We never asked for any of this to happen! Our sovereignty was never yours to give away. It belongs to us! Our culture and heritage was never yours to systematically tear apart and abandon because it goes against what you want!! Traitors! Liars! Scumbags!!
Replying to AslSeelt
My research (Google) shows that to be a nett contributor to our economy (i.e.. taking into account provision/proportioning of public services) requires private sector earnings of around £ 35k P.A. Any less than this is a nett cost to our economy. It’s about time we stopped merely referring to “pressure”on public services and started talking “cost”. This would then dismiss the “they pay in more in tax than they take in benefits” dogma, once and for all.
So, yes you can have too much of a good thing.
Just another little thought, how many of our million or so retirees in Spain are having their children educated in Spanish schools and are themselves living in Spanish social housing and/or receiving Spanish housing benefit ?
Can you please provide a link for the net contribution figure being £35K ?
And another thing. I’d like to know the amount of benefits that British workers end up claiming from either being unemployed due to the influx of labour from Eastern Europe or being permanently stuck on low wages as a ready supply of cheap labour from abroad keeps wages low.
Thoughtful & ThomasR, if I recall correctly, its the Visa Limit set by the Government for the Home office to use when vetting non-EU migration into the UK. The candidate must have a job offer with pay of that level or above.
There are probably some sums to back it up done by somebody somewhere although if you do some scribbles of your own on the back of an envelope & work out the tax & NI/ENI payable on £35k and the likely spends on Rent/Utilities/Council Tax/VAT it seems to make some sense. The other snag at present is that we became so expensive & so impoverished as a country from 1992-2007 that 40% of the UK workforce is entitled to some Benefit support to meet the cost of living. I think if memory serves me well that a £35k earnings level is above the entitlement to Working Tax Credit. Not that an immigrant worker would be entitled now; seem to also recall that Cameron has tried to tighten up on that with a qualifying period, two years(?) comes to mind.
Amazingly 2 – 3 years ago the bBBC actually did this itself on some web pages and the ‘break even’ point was about £27k.
A little lower than you mention but still way above the minimum wage, which is what the bBBC keep telling us most immigrants earn, as they ‘do the jobs we don’t want to do.
Ergo most immigrants cannot possibly pay their way, and that’s based on the bBBC’s own figures!
But the bBBC students in the newsroom can’t be bothered to put 2 and 2 together
Yes, the Dalai Lama is a Nazi, along with Pegida, the French FN and the rest of the far right.
He doe not want Europe to be over run with migrants and wants repatriation.
Not reported on the BBC.
Today Cameron’s pals in the UAF planned to demonstrate to prevent Le Pen coming here. They called it off because she is not coming but will be ready if she changes her mind.
Now they will have to no platform the Dalai Lama who appears to agree with her – see how the BBC play this one. Silence at the moment.
My Teenage Diary
Journalist and broadcaster Robert Peston reads from his 1974 diaries, and is interviewed by Rufus Hound about his formative years. We find out about his childhood in bohemian North London, his love for prog rock and loon pants, and the reason for the way he speaks.
Peston was 17 at the time and admits to us, his support for Marxism, and the ‘vote Labour’ badges he wore to school
Peston is the son of economist and Labour Peer Maurice Peston, Baron Peston of Mile End and Helen (Conroy). As the son of a baron he is entitled to the courtesy title “The Honourable” but does not use it.
Have posted on here a couple of times to compliment his pieces on ITV News at Ten for playing a straight bat on the referendum.
I would welcome others comments to agree / disagree to see if there is a consensus.
I have not seen his Sunday show, but does he disrupt the leave guests only?
Perhaps the upcoming referendum helped him make his mind up to leave Auntie where any “original” thought on the matter would be rather unwelcome, as evidenced by Paxo’s difficulties.
After showing his islamophilia, and complete denial of white child victims of gang rape … (1 million victims Ade)
whilst apologising to any muslim who might have to hear the truth about their sick ideology.
Talking of which, impressive roll call of erm … “notables” on here
Where were they protesting at the time
(link below)
BBCs very own Dotun Adebayo is at it again.
Yep! shovelling pc manure all over … the deceased raving “waycist” John Wayne, whilst implicating D Trump
The BBC must love him
I heard about this embarrassing interview on twitter, it’s just excrutiating, typical of the bbc. How can he say that the muzzer paedo scandal didn’t happen? Not a single apology from the powers though. Imagine the scandal if a white presenter had dismissed african slavery!!
The only things that I’d like to see ‘beneath’ this bigot is a trap door and a pool of alligators. One thing that was evident was the source of almost every problem in the world today..leftard ideology.
We’ve already done this. You began the last thread with it.
Here’s the transcript I gave
Although it would have been great to tackle the Muslim cultural angle of the UK sex attack groups, the interviewer barged in ..and Dotun chose to cut him off rather than hit the pause button and get him to rephrase and continue with the delicate issue.
I sometimes despair of the Tory infighting de facto leadership campaign which the ‘Vote Leave’ campaign have become. With the Tories everything boils down to money – so why haven’t they brought this grossly unfair monetary snatching to the public attention, and asked for an explanation?
Luxembourg’s 700 million euro annual EU SURPLUS. The richest country in the EU per capita receives over a billion a year from the EU but only pays in 300 million in.
Aren’t the transfers supposed to be from the richer countries to the poorer ones?
Since the UK contributes 12% of the total EU budget, this implies that irrespective of what each country may or may not ultimately get out of it, the UK taxpayer is currently paying 100 million Euros annually to the good people of Luxembourg
People don’t like unfairness, and they don’t like to be taken for fools either. The fact that Jean Claude Junker was Prime Minister of Luxembourg from 1995 to 2013 surely need the asking or pertinent questions?
How could the remain camp explain this honestly? Why are we the British public paying so much into the EU and find it being given to the people of one of the wealthiest countries in the EU where its president just happens to be a citizen?
Well spotted, Thoughtful.
Luxembourg is an EU scandal waiting to happen that never seems to quite arrive when you think it might be on the way. Wonder if J-C Juncker’s appointment is helping to mask or forestall it? Find it hard to believe but that may be why Cameron was so opposed to his appointment. On the other hand, Dave flops around so much that anything is possible, especially as Steve Hilton had some influence back then and may have had a good idea of EU realities.
Whether UK Remains or Leaves, the EU desperately needs to reform itself. It is blindingly obvious to anyone who pays attention to the world around them.
Free movement of people? I wonder how easy it is to move to Luxembourg without a job and to find one. Free movement? If you do have a job offer, I wonder how easy it is to buy a property in Luxembourg if you are not a national and not extremely wealthy. Free movement? I wonder how easy it is to rent or buy a house in Luxembourg and what the minimum buy in is if you are, say retired – a UK pensioner?
At the foot of this overview, “Jeff” the Nigerian,
” hoped to build a new life for himself in London but got stranded in Luxembourg.”
I’d say , lucky Jeff.
Luxembourg is the conduit by which firms such as Vodafone syphon billions out of Britain in the form of bogus “transfer payments” to their EU head office, which is in reality just a brass plate. They pay a notional 1% tax on their Luxembourg “profits”, thanks to sweetheart deals which the Luxembourg tax office routinely rubber stamps.
Luxembourg gets money for nothing, the British treasury gets diddled out of billions of pounds of tax which should be due on business undertaken in Britain. Yet this is all legal under EU law, which guarantees freedom of movement of capital as well as workers. So Britain gets 600,000 unskilled workers a year, and in return sends out tens of billions of pounds to keep the Luxembourgois in the parasitic style to which they have become accustomed.
Remind me why anyone would vote to stay in this corrupt system?
In that case Rob, I wish them many more Jeff’s.
This may give a clue as to why Jean Claude Juncker is a federalist and President of the European Commission. His government, when he was Premier, encouraged Luxembourg’s beggar-thy-neighbour corporate tax laws.This poxy nation of 200,000 has contributed nothing to Europe and just freeloads on the EU.
When scrolling down on this site, occasionally the text is blurred and then it clears. Is anyone else experiencing this ? No, its not my eyes (recently eye tested) – doesn’t happen anywhere else.
I have just had a look at this, and although I don’t get this effect myself, I think it may be something to do with the fact there are very few images on bBBC’s pages. The eye is cued differently by movement of these – it is very much easier for the involuntary ‘following’ of pictorial material than pure text.
There are at least three undergrad projects here – is blurring commonly experienced in the way you describe; is it troublesome to those who experience it; and is it mitigated by the insertion of pictorial page-‘furniture’? Perhaps bBBC should consider muted pictorial page-backgrounds – how about a sympathetic rogues’ gallery of all those eminences at the corporation we all admire!?
I should say, I took a degree in Experimental Psychology decades ago. At that time, in order to follow eye-gaze accurately involved the subject wearing haptic hard contact lenses (covering the entire front of the eye) with a mirror stuck on the end of a stick attached to the lens, the whole business being recorded and laboriously post-analysed. Talk about heroic..
I was tempted to say the usual things about current degrees, and undergrads. However, looking back, I clearly remember what a crowd of dumbos many of the students were then, even though they represented a far smaller section of the population, and the University was one of the top three for that subject at the time.
That experiment sounds like something out of “A Clockwork Orange”.
I should say, I hope you don’t think I’m doubting your own eye-test results! If this effect occurs, it may be caused by the psychophysics of vision itself, at least in some sections of the population, rather than any of the usual optical or retinal defects experienced by so many of us.. although I would be the last person to discourage anyone from seeking qualified advice and perhaps extended testing of, say, their visual field.
Could it also be refresh problems of your monitor and/or the RAM on your graphics card struggling to keep up with the latest content, especially with all sorts of cookies, etc., competing for attention of your machines SDRAM?
The BBC have had problems scanning or photographing the front pages of the UK newspapers for a long time. That may be down to sheer incompetence or poor set-up of the copy equipment. However, I have also noticed that when I click on the link after News Page after Home Page, that it appears unsharp these days either as I scroll down, or if I do not scroll, the first news front page on show takes a little time to settle to sharp.
I should point out that I have some doubts about the graphics card in my PC and it is an old machine with not a lot of RAM (main or graphics) for today’s heavily loaded content. It all seizes up on occasion. Bit like its owner.
That said, I haven’t noticed any problems on this w/s, nor any major, constant slowness problems. I suspect the Internet as a whole, together with all the ISPs, teeter continually on the edge of nearly full to completely full to on the point of overload & collapse for a good deal of the time.
‘When scrolling down on this site, occasionally the text is blurred and then it clears. Is anyone else experiencing this ?’
A doctor writes:
This is common problem for those viewing sites such as this. Mind numbing rage at what the BBC and the liberal left do, causes serve problems to the eyesight.
For example: The human brain is capable of understanding theoretical physics, defining evolution and DNA as the cause of the development of life. It can also appreciate why people like Trump, Sanders and Farage will seem attractive to a public jaded by deceitful politicians who make the sounds the liberal left wish to hear.
However, as mighty as the human brain is, it cannot assimilate why the worst atrocity seen in the UK since the second world war, ie the rape and torture of 1,400 girls in a single town, is not mentioned by the nation’s broadcaster.
Nor can it understand why science takes a back seat on Fracking or Climate, yet the BBC tumble over themselves to broadcast the ignorant views of actresses, dress designers and daughters of 1960’s pop stars.
The remedy is to open wide your window and scream to anyone listening: ‘I will not take it any more.’
Brissles, we are fortunate we can see at all.
Love it, ss, thanks for a good laugh at a time when the world could be falling around our ears. Again.
Do the BBC realise what humour & public benefit provision they are missing out on with the censorship limit on comments of 400 characters … er, sorry, correction .. I mean economy restriction on posts for reasons of space of 400 characters?
Gosh ! thank you all for the potential reasons for intermittent blurring – some techy, some easy, some funny and others downright complicated ! I think I’ll just keep looking away from the screen, its easier.
Todays Ipsos Mori report on peoples concerns have Immigration as number one concern, followed by the NHS, and I would suggest the two are linked.
Even Labour voters put it second behind the NHS, so what are the BBC doing to cover peoples concerns?
I could go on!
Nick Robinson: BBC made a `terrible mistake` over immigration debate The BBC`s political editor admits the corporation didn`t have a proper debate on immigration in the late 1990s and early 2000s
It seriously looks like nothing at all has changed.
So Nick Robinson seems to think that the BBC has promoted a meaningful and fair debate about immigration in the years since the late 200s. If so I never saw or heard it, did anyone? What I have seen are many one sided debates were those opposed to mass immigration are ridiculed and made to look like Nazis, were seeking to defend our country’s culture and heritage is equated with racism, were pro immigration lies are allowed to go unchallenged and often repeated as facts by the BBC themselves, and were unhelpful news is suppressed and events spun to suit the pro immigration lobby. I am sure that the BBC know full well that they continue to censor open and honest debate about immigration because they know we the British people are still opposed to opening our borders to all and sundry. Anyone in any doubt about how contemptuous the ruling liberal elite are about ordinary Brits views on this subject, should read Tom Bower’s book about Blair and his governments. But be warned it will make you very angry that the PM of our country should treat those who were duped into electing him and rest of his cronies in such a dismissive way.
“A campaign memo from Britain Stronger In Europe leaked to the Guardian shows that only about half of Labour voters have realised their party is in favour of staying in the EU, with the rest thinking it is split or believing it is a party of Brexit.”
Dear Oh dear! The BBC have been failing the party!
On BBC2 tonight “Britain & Europe: For Richer or Poorer?” presented by Laura Kuenssberg.
Overall she tried to make it impartial but failed by asking the public “will you take a gamble and leave the EU?”. I didn’t hear her ask anyone “will you take a gamble and remain in the EU?”
Another way of describing the question is:
1. Do you want to keep your eyes open so you can choose your own directions to deal with any as-yet unforeseen problems if you vote leave? or
2. Do you want to be blindfolded and led by the hand by, already proven to be very unreliable, guides to a destination of their choice which they are keeping secret from you?
Or, do you want to be ruled by Britain or Brussels?
That is what the referendum is about
Ask any person who for ‘staying in’ if they can name their MEP ?
taffman, although I’m wanting out, to Leave, I fear that you are being a little hard on those who will vote Remain in the south-east. We have ten MEPs! Which one do you choose?
So ‘economists’ want us to remain in . But how good are ‘economists’ and ‘Are economics degrees fit for purpose?’
Learnt on the Jezza Vine Show (Tuesday) that HM Coastguard don’t have any boats; a caller who worked for HMC rang in and spoke to Fatty Feltz re the 18 Albanians who came ashore at Dymchurch on Sunday; he said that they rely on the RNLI to do the rescues.
I find that I’m just unsurprised by this s**t now it is almost to be expected; I don’t believe our governments are interested insuring our borders, it just isn’t seen as a priority.
Al Shubtill
The present government is neglecting its foremost duty, to defend our nation’s security and its borders.
Where are the Tory MPs ? Where is the the Labour opposition ?
We are being betrayed .
The UK Coastguard is, possibly somewhat illogically, a land based service. The UK Border Force has five small cutters, but I understand two are now patrolling the Med, leaving just three to “guard” our borders. The Royal Navy has too few ships left to make any contribution.
We are a laughing stock. An island nation which has left itself undefended, even while we send a net ten billion a year to the EU, and commit the largest proportion of our GDP of any nation to “foreign aid”. This last fact alone explains why Dave Cameron, the Green Tosser, is unfit for office. A small fraction of the money we waste each year on the EU and foreign aid could rebuild our maritime defences. The day will come when we need them. It may have come already.
As I understand it most coastal rescue is carried out by the RNLI, who are all volunteers (I think a lot of HM Coastguard are volunteers as well). If migrant boat crossings in the channel increase, with the now familiar tactic of scuppering the boat and sending out a distress signal, will such volunteers be willing to risk their lives to effect a rescue? As someone who is currently considering voluntary service with HM Coastguard I’m not sure I would want to.
It’s a good question. In the past, the volunteers of the RNLI have been happy to risk their own lives to save seafarers who have fallen foul of the cruel sea. It is a different matter if the “seafarers” in question are illegal immigrants who set out in dangerous or unsuitable boats, relying on the good will of better people than them to rescue them when their boats inevitably founder.
Do RNLI volunteers have any moral obligation to risk their lives to save criminals who have deliberately put themselves in harm’s way?
Rob wrote….Do RNLI volunteers have any moral obligation to risk their lives to save criminals who have deliberately put themselves in harm’s way?
Very good point. I have utter admiration for the RNLI crews: they go out in the most atrocious weather to save lives….and THEY MIGHT NOT COME BACK! I also think the RNLI survives on donations only. They do a superb job.
To supplement that, bring back the Observer Corps along the southern coast!!!
The UK Coastguard is, possibly somewhat illogically, a land based service.
So is the Navy ! Perhaps you’d prefer the first sea Lord Admiral Sir Philip Andrew Jones KCB, ADC to be permanently at sea?
Land based radar stations are needed and command and control is an absolute necessity as are ports and docks. It’s not illogical, in fact its quite the reverse.
We need more vessels to patrol the seas around Britain, but before they’re deployed we need to be clear on their task. If their orders are to pick up the illegal immigrants and bring them to the UK, then they will not be protecting our borders, they will be assisting the people smugglers. I can already see the BBC headlines when we try to send any of the “refugees” back to France.
Of course the Italians will be pleased if we redeploy our ship back from the Med – one less immigrant transport on the Libya-Italy run.
Many people might think the Coastguard has some sort of maritime presence. The US Coast Goard is a military force, well provided with cutters and aircraft. It is more powerful than most navies in the world. Our Coastguard is a land based organisation, which coordinates rescues by the RNLI and what is left of the Navy and Air Force, as well as the new commercial helicopter rescue service. Our wonderful government closed down many Coastguard stations, so vast lengths of coastline have no presence at all. The fact is our coast is virtually unguarded.
Matt McGrath lionising renewables Renewable energy surges to record levels around the world
eg BIG LIE “green power is now the leading source of electricity, providing 44% of total EU capacity in 2015.”
CAPACITY is not PRODUCTION or source
..Solar/wind have rubbish capacity factors so a large capacity produces much less that conventionals.
5.03am ..Ah now Matt was doing his item on BBC WS news
.. #GreenDreamReligion …….#GreensCantDoMaths
Same old Trash : Same old place #CrookedBBC
Type Renewables REN21 into the Twitter search box and you’ll see that Matt McGrath is just parroting REN21 (LOBBY ORGANISATION of the biz) without challenging their assertions or mentioning #SUBSIDIES paid by poor to rich. (solarpanel/windfarm owners, electric car buyers etc)
BBC Eco Reporter = Eco-Activist giving free adverts to the subsidy mafia
The BBC and big lies? Surely not?
It is like expecting to get the journalistic power of 20,000 out of an organisation that hires arts grads via diversity quotas.
Just because they walk in the door does not mean they produce anything of value.
But do cost the public an ugly penny. By tax. A metaphor?
Grateful thanks to those who liked my Winnie-the-Pooh in Londonistan fantasy – especially to GCooper, Roland, Soapbox and Deborah, who commented.
I live in Australia, so it wasn’t possible to reply at the time the comments first appeared.
Someone suggested we should have a special thread for comedy and soapbox submissions. I think this is a great idea. If the site owners are reading, I’d like to know whether this would be possible. As a retired sub-editor and writer, I’d be happy to offer any help I could with it. (I’m working on a satirical project I could submit.)
Ms Hand-Basket I enjoyed your satire and yes, we could do with a bit more humour as we all need a good laugh these days! Have you considered self-publishing a longer satire as an ebook? I doubt any mainstream publisher would touch it for political reasons, but there’s quite a market for non-PC writings in ebook format on Amazon.
Ms Hand Basket, Excellent satire – we need more of this.
Agree totally with Cranmer and GWF. Go for it, Mrs HB. You are a tonic to us all.
Thank you , Cranmer (and G.W.F and Soapbox) for your kind comments.
I never thought of publishing an e-book. I’ll bear it (no Pooh jokes intended!) in mind. My current satirical project is very far from being of full book length, though. It is a mini-episode of a well known BBC sitcom (Blackadder). I have changed the characters’ names a bit, but am still concerned that publishing it could bring legal problems. I think I need to consult a lawyer before proceeding!
Also, I need to test it on Mr Hand-Basket. If it doesn’t raise a laugh, I’m not risking it!
It was all going so well in Darmstadt:
German town of Darmstadt throws party for refugees
Although it does seem the BBC are very selective over what news they report from Darmstadt. It has to meet the needs of the leftist agenda. Can’t see this one anywhere for now, not even tucked away on the Europe page.
A link on the bottom of that DW page to a story May 17th
Police seek men Re Young women sexually harassed, robbed at Berlin street festival 15/15/2016
The BBC seems to have acquired the role of abused wife. No matter how they try to please, they get slapped in return:
Still, so long as the beating is ”light’ (on the Mishal scale, presumably), all good?
“Northern Ireland terror threat level raised in Great Britain”
Difficult to imagine a news piece which contains less information such as why now?
From friends of friends and people who do have some insight, the reason is EU meddling in Belfast – So much for the arseholes being a force for peace, and so much for the freedom of the press, and open government.
I thought it was so terrorist attack simulations weren’t obviously directed toward the RoP!
Today: 8:39 Ms G Stuart for LEAVE, Interview starts ‘you are now proposing a UKIP policy of a points system for immigration, you campaigned against this at the GE’. Do the bBC make it up on the spot. Ms Stuart was part of a party that wants to stay and therefore by definition will allow immigration. So she agrees with EVERYTHING labour stands for, by definition she would be in the STAY camp if this was the case. The aggression and bias of the bBC interviewer breathtaking.
The BBC cannot get its head round the fact that this is a referendum, not a general election. After the referendum, Vote Leave will not be the government. Vote Leave will not be able to put any policies into effect. Vote Leave will, in fact, cease to exist.
The referendum is the opportunity for the British people to give a direct order to their government. It is then up to the government to put that order into effect. That is all the referendum is about. The question on the ballot paper is whether we should stay in or leave the EU. The actual process of leaving is for the government to undertake. Neither Vote Leave nor Gisela Stuart will have anything to do with it.
General Election? I thought it was about who should lead the Conservative Party!
It has been like having a commission on animal cruelty and not taking evidence from the RSPCA! Wasn’t there a party whose whole purpose was to get us out of the EU, probably led by that chap Trump, or Chump, it all gets so confusing listening to the BBC!
Could it be part of the plan?
When will the BBC report that staying in the EU (rather than leaving) is a high-risk strategy? The euro countries within the EU must move to a federal system or the euro will break up. Either of these eventualities presents huge risks for a UK in the EU. Cameron gave up the UK right of veto on further moves to federalism as part of his ‘renegotiations’. He got nothing tangible back in return. Many future EU laws to increase federalism will apply to a UK in the EU yet the UK can do nothing to stop them. If on the other hand, federalism does not occur and the euro collapses, there will be market volatility, probably a recession in euroland and some highly intrusive measures to combat this. Again, a UK in the EU would be dragged in, eg there would be even more migration into the UK than currently, as EU workers seek jobs in a relatively prosperous British economy. Outside the EU, the UK is far better placed to combat these unpleasantries.
None of this is being reported by the BBC, for example in the TV programme last night (9pm BBC2) about the economics of the debate. Leaving is consistently presented as a gamble. In effect its an insurance policy.
The bbc, who fact checks all you need to know abut such as the EU Ref, tells you all you need about a massive black hole…
Looking at comments, could have gone better.
Wow. Fancy that. A country NOT in the EU easily justifying a large construction project. And bringing it in on budget.
Whoever would have thought it possible?
Surely Switzerland should be a deserted wasteland of impoverished unemployed?
What? It’s the richest major country in Europe? It’s currency has appreciated against the Euro by 10% in the last 2 years. It’s engineering and pharma industries are globally competitive?
Shurely shome mishtake.
Here’s a EU angle the thickos in the bBBC newsroom have never even thought of. Which I describe from my own experience.
We hear a lot about EU directives but I’ve never heard a dickie bird from the bBBC about the cost to companies of deciding whether a given EU directive ACTUALLY APPLIES to their products in the first place.
Lets take the Machinery Directive. Is your product a ‘component’? Or an ‘element’? Or is it ‘partly completed machinery’? Believe me, it matters.
Anyone know? The answer if you are lucky may be deep in hundreds of pages of guff.
Legislation designed, say , to protect workers in a saw mill (reasonable) extends to individual items in moving machinery, even if in totally enclosed situations. Or does it? Queue vast business costs, meetings, more meetings, lawyers. Having spent months/years/ £ tens of thousands you discover your product is not covered by the directive after all. Time and money totally wasted that could have been spent on growing the business. Bad enough for large companies. For SMEs it kills them. The EU mandarins of course love it. It creates work for them.
How about it bBBC? Got any ‘reporters’ available for this one? No, thought not. Too much like hard work.
Even if we leave the EU, this will not be enough to protect our borders if Cameron and Osborne remain in charge.
Obvious flaws that they are responsible for-
1. Incompetence in removing failed asylum seekers.
The Mail reports that “Up to 70 per cent of Albanians who claim asylum in Britain do not return home – even though their country is at peace – an analysis suggests.
The Migration Watch think-tank said Home Office data showed there were 4,653 asylum applications from Albanians between 2008 and 2014.
Of these, 1,449 received permission to stay. But of the rest, only 1,337 have been removed – meaning seven in ten applicants remained in total.”
You might ask why any Albanian can successfully claim asylum in the UK! Never mind, when Albania joins the EU they can all come in without question anyway!
2. Failure to enforce the Dublin Convention and deport all illegals who could have claimed asylum in the first safe EU country they entered. This means anyone crossing over from France has no right to claim asylum in the UK
3. Failure to supply HM Coastguard with enough boats despite warnings from the Belgian government and others that growing numbers of migrants would be crossing the Channel. Boats will not be fully ready until 2018.
4.Failure to purchase aircraft to provide 24/7 surveillance of the Channel. A contract with Chobham engineering was cancelled last January.
I’m sure that others will be able to add to this charge sheet.
Vote Leave and replace Cameron and Osborne with Johnson and Gove.
Replace them with Priti Patel , Adam Afriye and Kwange something who happen to be Leavers who don’t want more immigration and believe in this country .
Replace them with Rees Mogg and Farage. Then we will not only be able to stop illegal immigration but take a chainsaw to the BBC, too!
The Dublin Convention is clearly not enforced – in fact it was Prime Minister Orban’s enforcement of this law that got him into trouble with the EU – one of the things that made me realise the EU will simply ignore its own laws if necessary.
“one of the things that made me realise the EU will simply ignore its own laws if necessary.”
“one of the things that made me realise the EU will simply ignore its own laws if Merkel doesn’t like them.”
Cramner, your edit button will have timed out, so I fixed it for you.
Evan Davis, with obligatory ‘Trump-Smirk’ facial expression on ‘Newsnight’ last night interviewed Mr Trump’s foreign policy advisor Dr Walid Phares of Fox News. They played a montage of Mr Trump’s most outspoken quotes (‘bomb the sh*t out them’) etc and Davis challenged Phares to justify them. Dr Phares gave, I thought, a good defence (he is a lawyer, after all) by pointing out that the montage quotes were shown out of context without also showing later explanations by Mr Trump of what he really meant. Davis realised he’d been ‘Trumped’ and tried to bluster his way out by saying something like ‘you’re a policy advisor and haven’t managed to answer my question…incredible!’ Dr Phares just smiled politely.
I merely support you with the observation that Al Beeb have endlessly replayed Trump’s speech along the lines of ” we are going to ban all Muslims from entering the US……” and consistently and repeatedly cut it there and thereby edited out the end of the sentence which was ” ……….. until we figure out what’s going on”.
Desperate rubbish from Evan Davis at the BBC.
Trumps adviser swatted him off, but still he persisted-didn`t listen to a damn word that Phares said, just had his pre-chewed crap to hand and stuck to it like chewing gum on velcro…failing miserably.
That montage was the usual BBC lazy set up-could have predicted every one of them.
S`pose Hillary Clinton will get no similar “greatest hits” hatchet job to set up any interview with one of her baccy chewing tweed suits in DC is there?
But at least-with the BBC, their consistent 24/7 screeching on Trump and the EU only confirm the need to take a chainsaw to the lumbering liars.
As Delingpole says-the BBC is just the NHS for showbiz types.
Noted Suzy Klein on some music show on BBC4, where she celebrated The French Revolution and the fall from grace of Napoleon…typical…she looks and sounds like Emily Maitlis, albeit smaller and with dark hair.
Does the BBC clone their harpies?
Jonathan Meades on tonight-must watch!
Oh-and it`s eleven years to the day when France the The Dutch refused the EU Constitutions in their referenda…fat lot of good that did us-we got Lisbon four years later-but worth a hat tip to the French and Dutch today anyway!
I agree, Davis’ reply to Phares was wildly feeble. The problem is that the BBC started out by treating Trump as a political version of Eddie the Eagle Edwards and have now had to confront the possibility that he might actually become President. I suspect it’s causing an awful lot of confusion about how to respond to him.
This site is getting very clunky. A comment for Cranmer has completely disappeared.
Lets try again.
In support, I remind readers that the biased BBC have consistently, wantonly, and repeatedly replayed Trump’s speech along the lines of ” we need a total ban on all Muslims coming into the USA…” and consistently, wantonly, and repeatedly cut it there and so edited out the last part of the sentence which was “………until we can figure out what’s going on”.
1 June and I’m cold and am about to put on an extra layer of clothing. Something I have mused on recently: it is a long time since I heard a Met Office presenter on BBC R4 Weather Forecasts mention seasonal averages.
They used to do this regularly “temperatures today a little below the seasonal average for this time of year” or “likely to be a glorious sunny day, temperatures for all of us will be above average for the season”. Haven’t heard that for quite some while.
Is there a good reason for this? A bad reason? Have I not been paying attention, have I missed it and there is no change? Am I being overly sharp? Suspicious, even?
Not BBC but its bastard little brother Channel four. The last leg is returning friday week june 10th with very special guest Jezza Corbyn. Will they discuss the antisemitism issue or will it be all high fives and buckets of hypocrisy from uber lefties hills, widdecombe and brooker. Maybe bring on nigel dodds for a chat with jezza
I have to laugh when they are wailing about Katie hopkins hatred when there is enough hatred and bile spewed out by these three cretins to power a nuclear power station.
Stupid, stupid me. I was drawn to a BBC feature half-way down their news homepage titled “England in 1966”. I was expecting a review of those heady days of summer culminating in England winning the football World Cup. An event certainly fresh in my memory.
But no. Clicking on the article reveals the full title: “England in 1966: Racism and ignorance in the Midlands” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-36388761
I know. I’m a racist, my parents were racists, and no doubt so were my grand-parents. Because in those intervening 50 years it seems not much has changed for the people of Birmingham.
“Echoes of the terrible racial tensions that tore many communities apart in the 1960s are still around today.”
“Mossman’s use of undercover recordings to capture examples of racism was “groundbreaking”, said Jenny Phillamore, professor of migration and superdiversity at University of Birmingham.
“I have not heard of anything like that happening before and even today that would be quite groundbreaking and controversial,” she said.
Fifty years on, Prof Phillamore says the West Midlands has made huge leaps forward – but the same undercover exercise could bring similar results.
“Back in the 60s, racism would have been an everyday experience for migrants,” she said.”
“But Shirley Cooper says she still lives with prejudice five decades after arriving.
“A lot of what they were saying [in the documentary] is still being said now,” she said.
“I’ve been going round trying to use a contactless card for the last month. They’re not saying ‘we’re not going to accept your card because you’re black’ – they’re giving me conversations about fraud.
“Or ‘the machine doesn’t work’ and yet it worked for the person before me and after.”
As part of the BBC All Whites are Racist Season. “Living in ’66, presented by Adrian Chiles, is on BBC One West Midlands on Wednesday, 1 June at 19:30 BST”.
I really can’t wait.
Did any of the white working class racists in 1960s Birmingham predict that they would be wiped out, ethnically cleansed from their own city? That within 50 years Birmingham would become, in effect, a muslim enclave? If they did not foresee that, they weren’t very good racists were they?
Even the most embittered, pessimistic racist in the 1960s would never have foreseen what has happened to Britain in the last 50 years. And it has not happened by accident, it has been the deliberate policy of our government, regardless of the party in nominal power.
I’m surprised at the bbc for this. His facial features seem quite porcine and that could be construed as offensive to muslims.
Had the pleasure of watching 10 mins of this drivel….living quite close I have been able to see how wonderful these super diverse neighbourhoods are first hand. It really is amazing how they can recreate a third world ambiance so quickly…..and I bet the enlightened Prof Philamore lives well away from superdiversity…..
“As part of the BBC All Whites are Racist Season. “Living in ’66, presented by Adrian Chiles”
Adrian Chiles (groan!) interesting choice – he’s white, blokey, challenging accent, of Croatian extract, and born in 67, so what does he know ?
He knows which side his bread is buttered on.
Could mobile roaming charges increase if the UK left the EU?
Is it me or are the biased bbc clutching at straws here. Do they really expect people to think that the subject of cellphone roaming charges is in any way relevant to the referendum? We are talking about our country here for heaven’s sake.
Sadly (though ‘tragically’ might be better) some of the vox pops I’ve seen and read suggest this is precisely the level of ‘debate’ among the young and stupid. It’s a sentiment often closely followed with the irrational fear that they won’t be able to go on holiday to Spain or wherever, when we quit.
Britain has an entire underclass who are the products of socialist educational policies and the BBC panders to it.
GC…I wish I could have upticked this ten times more!
And seismicboy’s comment too.
Roaming charges and cheap flights was ALL the youngsters could say was making them vote remain! And they were mostly all Uni students – what does that say about our educational institutions?
The Remain campaign (including the BBC) will continue to bring up propaganda like this right to the last minute, so yes, clutching at straws.
And this is probably just the tip of the iceberg: I wonder what the Remainiacs have up their sleeve to convince the floaters at the last minute?
Remember the Scottish referendum, and how “Devo Max” was pulled out of the bag 3 days before the vote because the polls were slightly in favour of “leave”? It was carefully not announced by any of the national leaders though, only via leading lights in the “Better Together” campaign, Alastair Darling and Gordon Brown, those trusty “stalwarts” (and I use the term advisedly).
It swung the vote.
Then, after having won, they backtracked as if they’d never promised Devo Max, and had a Royal Commission to decide the new powers to be transferred. Very clever, very devious, very damaging to the Westminster parties after the dust settled when everyone north of the border realised they’d been done.
Expect more of the same.
But if we could try to predict their ideas here perhaps it would help defuse them when they actually arrive…
What could they promise us that would give us almost what we want, but they could then backtrack on?
Secure borders (impossible but they could promise anyway)?
National sovereignty over brussels (wouldn’t stand up in court but they could pretend)?
Probably these two IMO as these are the two biggest factors against remaining, I think…
Would be interested to hear others views…
A couple of weeks ago someone here leaked Cameron’s key message for the last day of campaigning:
“For every leave vote God will kill a kitten”.
Osborne’s message will be:
“When He runs out of kittens it will be Labrador puppies next”.
Mike…I think I heard a couple of weeks ago that there is some big IMF analysis due out on the day before the vote. George has got his chum all on his payroll then?
Good point – the IMF will probably come out and say that without EU membership
(a) the UK economy will be a basket case
(b) they will immediately downgrade our bonds to junk and
(c) that they will no longer lend to us or support anyone who does
That should just about do it
Oh wait, they already did… “Brexit would set off global chain reaction, OECD warns” – more doom-saying by some international body about Brexit ::rolleyes:: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2016/06/01/brexit-would-set-off-global-chain-reaction-oecd-warns/
Mr Hunt, this is a very good point. But I can’t see how there can be a ‘Devomax’ option with the EU. If the EU cuts some kind of deal with the UK it will have to do it with all the other countries. It would be far simpler for them just to fiddle the election, as a lot of people are expecting! It’s possible that Mr Cameron may ‘do a Chamberlain’ and hand the EU a ‘final note’ with a list of demands, but then again he’s already tried that.
Eureka! The equivalent of the “Devo Max” option is EEA Membership!! That’s what they’ll offer us to bribe us to vote Remain. Because it’s the best of both worlds.
We all know that the EU has already said this is impossible, and ruled it completely off the table, but if a couple of leading Remainiacs promised it, and it was backed by say Merkel or Tusk or Juncker, it could persuade a LOT of voters to vote Remain. Because then we’d get our own economy, plus borders, PLUS economic security (ie a perceived known vs an unknown, rightly or wrongly).
Then the government and the EU could backtrack by saying oh well, we didn’t really say that (as they did with Devo Max) and in any case the other EU countries won’t let us, what a shame.
Cranmer, big thanks! You know, I was struggling with exactly the same conundrum, but as I was mulling over your post the answer popped into my head 🙂
If anyone can improve on it, be my guest…
The BBC won’t tell how much mobile phone charges are in other countries inside and outside the EU . Or other charges such as satellite television costs . Many of these Polish migrants buy their satellite subscriptions back home for a quarter of the cost and use it here in the UK . And who can blame them .
In fact this whole “single market” meme is a bit of a con . It works only so far and mainly for corporations .
A real single market would be where governments would be in competition and you could tax your car ,say , in the lowest States tax .
I should have mentioned that it will have taken 10 years of EU bureaucracy to arrive at the abolition of roaming charges and, arguably, should have been a gimme in the first place if the EU did what it said on the tin.
However, despite individual member states objecting to the abolition of roaming charges on behalf of their national operators, the EU railroaded it through. Not mentioned by the bbc.
Orders vill be obeyed at all times.
What about those who don’t have much call to use their mobile phones in other EU countries? On the basis that the mobile companies will need to recoup this lost revenue from somewhere, what extra hidden costs have been added to their bills to allow other people to roam more cheaply in the EU?
A Referendum debate (in Scotland) with an audience of mainly teens and 20’s had the roaming charges as a topic of discussion. The questioner decided to ‘remain’ after realising they might be raised, and also for needing a ‘bit of paper’ to get into Spain. Another audience member assumed that Europe and European Union were the same – thinking they were an interchangeable description. Its a farce that such a monumental decision such as this vote is, in part, being decided by ‘kids’ who probably cannot even spell the word Europe, and the height of their concern is that they don’t want a slip of paper to visit Spain. With intelligence such as this of future generations, I cant help feeling as to why we’re bothering about what happens to this country, – as this lot are too stupid to care and only worry about being parted from their sodding phones.
Brissles, twas ever thus. The people must have bread and circuses. The only good thing is that dimbos like the one you mentioned are likely to be distracted from voting by the latest youtube video/twitter storm/Facebook social justice campaign so may not get round to voting Remain.
A similar ‘fear’ will be our ‘cheap’ air fares to Europe.
Cheap, of course, is relative. I would suggest that the baseline is the fare across the Atlantic. It has taken the EU most of its existence to bring European air fares to anywhere near comparability with the trans-Atlantic route.
A quick ‘cheapest’ on Google Travel gives £390 for LHR to JFK and £97 for LHR to BRU. That works out as 11.3p/mile versus 44.5p/mile. In other words the free market can deliver flights between countries not in a political union at a quarter of the rate than our beloved ‘union’ can.
I expect that as the sun rises in the East, (a present from Brussels), we won’t be seeing much of that post-BREXIT!
Breitbart and other sources are running a story suggesting that polling cards have been sent to people ineligible to vote in the forthcoming referendum (EU nationals and so on).
If this is true, and I have no reason to believe it is not, it is yet another disturbing sign that the UK’s election process is at best dangerously flawed and, at worst, crooked.
Am I mistaken, or has the BBC chosen to more or less ignore this story? And if so, why?
And yes, that last was a rhetorical question.
I am going on Holiday on Friday week, and applied ages ago for a postal vote for myself and my Husband. It still hasn’t arrived. I will be most displeased if I don’t get to vote in the most important referendum in my lifetime.
I have collected the postal votes from my daughters and three of my wives who have all voted as I advised. The fourth wife insists on making her own mind up, so I am consulting Teresa May’s forthcoming advice on how hard I should hit her under sharia guidelines I think it is acceptable to loosen her teach but not knock them out as the Koran insists that women should not be beaten too severely.
Is there a BBC HYS on this topic?
This should be mandatory viewing:
Caught a short feature this morning on BBC tv news which was so typical that one could write a dissertation on it.
I was reminded of Basil Fawlty’s paranoia when he learns a hotel guest is a psychiatrist. Basil is so jumpy and goes to such lengths to display his sanity that at the comic climax of the show the doctor shakes his head at Fawlty’s antics and sighs “There’s enough material there for a conference”.
So we’re up to Lancaster with the BBC for a report on archeology at a Roma fort. What could go wrong, you wonder. What biases could spout forth?
It is a bad start dumbing down-wise. Our dolly dimwit reporter insists three times over that she “knows nothing” and has “the wrong shoes” for reporting from the dig.
Lancaster is, so we are informed, famous for several historic reasons including “Religious Persecution”. We take from this bold statement a reference to the Lancashire Witches since the voice over coincides with a shot of a witch on a broomstick in the form of a weather vane. The BBC seem to be apologising to the historically repressed Wicken community here???
We usher in a CofE vicar who no doubt delights the BBC box tickers with his apparently unprompted declaration: “We’ve had a diversity of people here on the dig – we had a couple of Syrian refugees – the Romans were in Syria as well as here, you know. This fort was built to keep immigrants out – but we’re inviting them in!”
As I say, enough there for a dissertation.
I don’t think the Romans saw the Pictish tribes as “immigrants”, and would certainly not have offered them asylum.
Errr….yes…I only hopped channels at the very end if that piece where the bloke announced with a flourish they even had refugees helping on the dig, and followed up with another pro refugee comment.
Then it ended, with me wondering WTF . .?
Cue Mary Beard who will rescue the programme with a comparison between Julius Ceaser and Bob Geldof on the welcome they gave to Islamic migrants.
There must be some sort of Pavlov’s dogs conditioning here. An automatic, “Oh, I’m on the BBC, so I’d better say something in favour of immigrants” without needing to be asked.
I suspect that is exactly right. Liberals are famous for their flocking behaviour (hence the wonderfully accurate ‘virtue signalling’ tag) and the BBC shows signs of it all the time.
The BBC posted this on FaceBook:
BBC Radio 4
His only exercise was walking to the shop for cigarettes.
Now he’s an ultra-marathon runner
Worth finding it for the comments, given they are a £4Bpa trusted broadcaster of education and information.
Direct link to that facebook post
(How I got the link : I put mouse over top left where the post time is and right clicked to copy URL)
First comment
Context BBC staff especially senior management don’t actually listen to their own network, as they are too busy twattering around on Twitter
Tx for the browser tip. Be funny if they ‘react’ more to what they read here versus what happens on their own pages.
Speaking of which, this phrase sounds familiar:
This really is worth a read, but why was it never reported on the BBC ?
Tusk blames ‘utopian’ EU elites for Eurosceptic revolt and Brexit crisis
European Council president Donald Tusk has warned EU leaders in the bluntest terms that their “utopian” illusions are tearing Europe apart, and that any attempt to seize on Brexit to force through yet more integration would be a grave mistake.
“It is us who today are responsible,” he said, speaking at a conclave of Christian-Democrat and centre-right leaders in Luxembourg. “Obsessed with the idea of instant and total integration, we failed to notice that ordinary people, the citizens of Europe, do not share our Euro-enthusiasm.”
There are mounting signs that the Dutch, Scandinavians, and many Eastern European states may not be willing to back any push by Brussels for a ‘Plan B’ of deeper political union – with an ‘EU army’, and joint foreign, security, and border policies – once the British are out of the way.
Disturbing reading about the plans of the EU in the event of the UK voting to leave, and it seems the countries might well not support the commission who have their heads in the clouds.
The poll is interesting. Over 16,000 voted, so not a small sample.
85% ‘Leave’.
Not sure where this ‘neck & neck’ thing comes from.
It’s in the piece I linked to, the does Britain need Europe. Rather self selecting though.
The biggest factor in the referendum is likely to be whether the remain group can actually mobilise their voters to actually get out & vote. Seeing as they are the current status quo, the inertia is much more likely to affect them rather than leave, who are more motivated.
No poll can measure this likely hood.
Thanks for the link… interesting that 85% of Telegraph readers say we don’t need the EU, we got along quite well without it after all… but I suppose also that’s not the same thing as supporting Leave either…
Re the turnout, I started researching one of the pollsters included in the FT Poll of Polls, can’t remember which, and they said they only included people who said they were definitely or probably going to vote. I suppose then there might possibly be an adjustment due for a differential in the “probablies”, but I thought they’d got that one pretty much covered.
The thing which isn’t covered though is what about all those who are only “maybe” or “probably not” voting… and so are excluded from the survey. How many of them would actually vote, and for whom, and would it benefit one side or the other!?!
‘Can wives be in prison together?’
I only understood the details of this news story from today’s newspapers.
Unsurprisingly the BBC have trodden warily with this agenda-busting story. Don’t forget the BBC’s role in Britain is to protect and to promote the interests of certain cherished groups – not to inform the public of truth and reality warts and all. Infact I do recall this morning catching the tail end of an interview on the BBC with a social worker-type.
Although the BBC on-line report on the case omits the catchy headline both the Mail and myself recognise as key to an understanding of this cruel and selfish ‘couple’ the BBC appear to put the child’s death down to a sad case of….
‘A senior Fife social worker admitted to the court that at one point Liam “fell off their radar”.
Ouch, that can hurt. Still, as one part of the public sector nexus to another, forgive and forget and all that.
Yes, I also thought that this case had similarities to the Rotherham case where the crime was allowed to occur because the perpetrators were from a ‘protected’ minority. Social services and other public bodies (police, council etc) should hang their heads in shame and then the heads should roll. Is it the fear of litigation, or of bursting a bubble that these minorities are not perfect, or because they don’t want negative examples?
Loobyloo, this was my first thought too. In a world where people can say ‘black people can’t be racist’ with a straight face, I’m sure some people also believe butch lesbians can’t abuse children. Similar victim-group reasoning led in part to the death of Victoria Climbie, if I recall correctly. Also, abusers are often crafty people and are probably good at playing the victim group card to keep the authorities away.
I’ve just been reading articles about this case. Good grief, I thought I’d looked into the heart of darkness a few times, but it always goes deeper. What I find particularly depraved is the way they tried to pin the blame on another child. There’s also something odd about this case as two other boys living with the women were involved but no reports seem to say what their relationship was to the couple, just that they were ‘in their care’.
It amazes me how these days when there is a report on the news (such as this one) about some unbelievably evil crime; we are then shown footage of the accused walking into court every day as though they are appearing for some speeding offence rather than the torture and killing of a two year old boy.
When did that ever become acceptable? Why is there no uproar about it?
In a civilized society if someone is accused of a serious offence: murder; rape; child molestation; kidnapping etc then they should be held in custody awaiting trial and for the duration of the trial.
They should not be able to wander to court, as shown in this particular case, hand in hand with their accomplice with whom they tormented and murdered their own child. I expect they’ll both be let out in 10 – 12 years anyway.
For those interested in some of the secret tricks the BBC Management has got itself into
then spend an hour of your time listening to the Radio Scotland : Media Review show from 2 weeks ago 19th May podcast
“Lift and Shift” : The out of London Trick
The production company starts a regional sub company ..then filter the akready established programme counts as a regional prog even though most of it is done in London with some filming in the region, but they have made their “out of M25 production target”
On Ethnic speaker progs that Gaelic speakers are way down the list of groups in Scotland
with there being far more Polish people,,so in fat the progs made do not represent the minorities that make up modern Scotland.
There are more interesting things mentioned. Stuart Cosgrove is a knowledgable voice
BBC bumps pro-Leave immigration headline for pub bombings story http://www.bbc.co.uk/news – arguably more government dirty tricks than BBC bias, but this is the sort of thing we can expect… and the BBCs coverage of the immigration story was about as watered down as they could make it, compare and contrast to the Torygraph which quoted Leave as saying that immigrants would have to be skilled and speak English…
Have the BBC covered this, yet?
Nice comment on that website: “Dave should issue a statement that it is immoral to fiddle elections. Wait for the postal ballot influence on the Referendum result.” If anyone is tempted to think it might go against the grain for politicos to fiddle an election in an established democracy… When I was at college one or more of the leadership of the Conservative Association were found guilty of rigging an internal election(!) and were suspended. I remember that, at the time, I was completely shocked that they weren’t being banned for life for something so outrageously anti-democratic…
Why is this effin’ site so SLOW !!
“Kent Police granted more time to investigate South Thanet election expenses”
Just to refresh your memories this was the by election which Nigel Farage was narrowly beaten by the Tory candidate.
The allegations concern whether spending limits had been breached in South Thanet and were not properly recorded by the Conservative party.
The ruling by district judge Justin Barron follows a hearing at Folkestone Magistrates court today.
In his conclusions, Mr Barron said: “The combination of circumstances before me is wholly exceptional and goes far beyond the usual circumstances that would exist in a typical case where election expenses are being investigated.”
“The consequences of a conviction would be of a local and national significance with the potential for election results being declared void.”
“We have here a circumstance that is exceptional in an election…we have an allegation of national funds being used – in what some might put it – to buy an election.”
“What could be more exceptional than one party defeated by another using national funds contrary to law?”
The efforts made by the Conservative party to beat Nigel Farage, the leader of UKIP, was itself “an exceptional circumstance, he said.
And then there’s this:
It looks like even if Lazy Davy does win his referendum he might be so tainted by these expenses scandals that the party will be forced to rid itself of him.
The trouble is that, if Guido is to be believed, all the other parties are in this sort of thing up to their necks. I can’t see them wanting to push this too hard.
You’d think there might be more about it on the unbiased BBC.
You’d think.
The stains on the ceilings at W1A and Salford as heads explode trying to reorder allegiances to keep up with the ebb and flow of who now likes who must be epic.
It’s like a typical week at a girls’ school… I am told.
Jez loves Ed. Ed loves Dave. Dave loves Saddo. Some Tory MP no longer loves the constituents who voted her in on an immigration-concerned Leave platform (that will play well with the ‘trust us not to say one thing to seduce you’ claims).
How is a BBC girlie to choose a BFF to be popular? Or the women?
Even locally, it is hilarious seeing a Limp councillor gritting teeth to now ‘support’ a Tory MEP he loathes.
No wonder the BBC is seeking a line to take still. They just dropped their sinker.
Is this what is meant by ‘double-dutch’?
Dutch PM Mark Rutte told the BBC it would trigger “an inevitable, unavoidable race to the bottom”.
So introducing a points-based system would be part of a ‘race to the bottom’, I would have thought that it would be a race to ‘skim the cream’ as we picked the best, leaving the dross for our ‘friends’.
Are EU feathers being ruffled by the fear of Brexit? After all where we go I am sure others will follow.
I think this nonsensical statement, from a normally very sensible politician, alongside the speeches from Tusk and Junker blaming the EU for alienating the people of Europe, indicate that we (FINALLY!) have made the Over Lords sit up and take notice.
I am just waiting for Tusk and Junker to say ‘Actually, we ought to have been elected to these positions. We should have presented a manifesto of our aims and we ought to hold our discussions in the open. Moreover all our policies should be discussed and voted upon in the European parliament. Then we should resubmit ourselves to the electorate to judge us after 4 years.’
I am not holding my breath …. and anyway its all to late old son! (yay!)
Rutte is rattled because there is a growing anti-EU and immigrant sentiment in Holland, see how popular Gert Wilders is becoming, so he has to spout his desperate nonsense about “retaliation” against the U.K. and the other cr@p against perfectly sensible immigration controls; because if we vote out: the Dutch will want a Nexit referendum of their own and potentially his political career (like our own slimy Dave’s) would end.
Things are getting desperate at Al Beeb!
Just caught the six o’clock news, they are definitely turning up the ‘Anti Brexit Bias’. Are Brexit ‘getting closer to the target’ ?
Expect more flak.
There was a truly sublime piece of second-hand racism on the Six o’clock News. The effect of Boris Johnson’s Australian-style immigration points proposals was underlined by visiting an Indian restaurant, whose owner was said to be delighted with the likely prohibitions on immigrants from the EU, since the points system would allow in greater numbers of ‘skilled’ curry chefs from Bangladesh in place of unskilled Bulgarians and Latvians! Brilliant!!
Caught some of it Taffman – Dutch Prime Minister threatens “retaliation” if we introduce an Australian style system. There will be a race to the “bottom” whatever that is – is it something to do with Reg Dwight or Evan Davies? Aunty definitely huffing and puffing on this one and I am sure she will pull out all the stops to change the subject asap. Unfortunately I dont think the Person of Colour, Disabled, Transgender Football Cup Final isnt for a while so Aunty may have to try something else quick to change the subject away from migration. I suppose if visas are required the PCDTG Federation will also have difficulty effecting transfers from Europe.
Aunty tells us that there might have to be visas all round and then goes on about how inefficient it all is – Tell you what is inefficient – that is not knowing how many “illegals” are in the country, who you then have to house, treat and educate because EU legislation does not allow us to send the darlings back.
Also nice little touch earlier on pm when interviewing some “clever dick” about the Australian points system . Farage was quoted but in a tone that made him sound really conceited. Funny since Farage has been banging on about this since God was a boy you think that an interview with him might well have been relevant – Wander why they didnt?
Got to say things looking a lot more positive now “Leave” are concentrating on the main issue. Lets just hope they do not feel pressured into playing Aunties and Davey boys game and being “positive” There is nothing positive about overpopulation and filling your country full of people who do not respect you or your culture.
The penny may be starting to drop with people that survival of our culture and national integrity as a nation is at stake. And surely this is more important than mobile phone roaming charges and sharing chocolate sprinkles with Mark Rutte.
Did they mention that we already have a points system which works very well thank you, it’s for people outside the EU – and all we’d have to do is expand that system? It pays for itself by the way, through visa application fees. Could even be a nice little earner? What’s so “inefficient” about that.
I didn’t see the news but if I had to guess I’d say they didn’t mention it at all.
Funny that.
IMHO If we leave the EU the Dutch will swiftly follow…………………………………….
This is the full live speech of Cameron to the CBI less than 12 months ago (9th Nov). The interesting part (if that’s possible) is from 15:00 to 17:10 .
It’s been posted before but not in its entirety which is relevant, and cannot be criticised as being taken out of context.
It just confirms what anyone with any sense can discern about Camerscum; he’s just an empty shell devoid of any real substance or convictions – thanks for posting Thoughtful.
I think that you will find such politicians called pragmatists.
Anthony Charles Lynton Blair was the absolute master at it. Then one day he decided to nail his colours to a mast, and we know the result.
David William Donald Cameron has now done the same, and I expect the result to be the same.
My friend Peston on the ITV News at Ten when invited to discuss the drop in the £ that the two “leave” polls had produced totally ignored that and said it is all about Cameron now.
I suspect on the BBC he would have been in full Project Fear mode.
I have always thought of him as a windbag. Oops, sorry, windsock. Wherever it blows so goes his opinion as long as it gets votes. In fact the definition of a windsock has some sound bites that are a perfect match. (Yes I have taken them out of context but they fit so well).
“Windsocks typically are used ………………… where there is risk of gaseous leakage.”
“These windsocks are not particularly functional and are mostly for decoration.”
Labour showing their true colours again. The comments at the end would indicate that people are a tad unimpressed …….
The readers comments are worth a look.
It seems not just old white men are not impressed with this foot in gob job.
Please BBC get her on as often as you can in the rest of your Remain campaign.
Jacob Rees-Mogg is an absolute gentleman. He states that whatever the result, we should respect it, accept and move on. Presumably this is to ensure that the Conservative government can continue to implement the laws and regulations passed across from the EU should the vote be for Remain.
No can do.
This issue is so important, so fundamental, it transcends party politics.
Cameron has either lied, or been so been so disingenuous he has as good as lied. We should expect an awful lot more from our elected ‘leaders’. Osbourne is protecting his rightful inheritance and removing a major opponent to boot.
If the vote goes against Leave, I for one will no longer lend my vote to this party of deceit.
BBC reverses headline within 12 hours, now reads “Dutch PM’s Brexit immigration warning”, reversed from the headline earlier in the day when it was about fairer immigration from the Leave campaign. Pretty quick turnaround. I remember pro-Remain headlines being up all day, eg Lord Weaseltine… 🙁
Definitely not on the BBC: Dramatic moment police taser Islamic extremist after he slit random victim’s throat at Leytonstone Tube station http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/01/leytonstone-tube-station-attack-victim-says-he-is-lucky-to-be-al/
Definitely not on the BBC #2: 26 women report ‘Cologne style’ organised sex attacks at German music festival http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/01/police-investigating-reports-of-sexual-assaults-at-german-music/
BBC all over this story: a non Muslim British man involved with child sexual abuse in Malaysia.
See, the heat is off Rotherham – whitey’s are also child abusers.
Jerrod is opening his bottle of fizz to celebrate.
The BBC can be relied on to report abusers without fear or favour…er can’t they?
Jerrod is probably on the next flight to Malaysia.