I don’t think I have heard a single thing critical of Clinton on the BBC. I’m sure there must be the odd piece here and there that takes a serious look at her and yet that’s not the thrust of the BBC coverage which I suspect, if you were counting, would be found to think Trump was the only candidate for President. Trump has been treated with a massive contempt (not least by Cameron who has done a flip-flop and now loves Trump as well as the Islamist loving Sadiq Khan) and all we have heard is derision, scorn and mocking from the BBC’s finest. Which makes the following BBC analysis of the presidential campaign something of a condemnation of their own prejudiced coverage and approach that has been so stridently based upon attacking Trump so far…..and yet Clinton is as controversial a figure as the BBC believes Trump is……but that is by no means reflected in their reporting on her and the way presenters, and the usual comedians, make comments in passing during their programmes…..
I spoke to a large number of the bikers before we set out on the ride. And something struck me – yes, there were Trump diehards who think he will prove to be the saviour of a fallen nation that has lost its way.
But many others were much more nuanced. Many people said to us that he would be the lesser of two evils, the clear implication being that Hillary Clinton was the bigger evil.
One person, when I asked what he thought of Secretary Clinton, said: “She’s trash, she should be in prison.”
Another man told me that his views were simply unbroadcastable on television.
The polls say that both Trump and Clinton suffer big negatives and low approval ratings.
This election might come down to a question of who voters loathe the least.
My totally unscientific, random, non-adjusted focus group at Rolling Thunder suggests that might well be the case.
In a country of 320 million people, how did it come down to such an unappetising menu choice?
Do you want the dish with the listeria or the salmonella?
That was written by Jon Sopel who seems to have reverted to type in his latest report in which he seems very affronted that Trump dares to criticise the sainted Media...this seems as much a defence of Sopel than anything else…
Spoiler alert – before you read this you should understand that I am almost certainly disgusting, invariably dishonest and an inveterate liar. Well, that seems to be the considered view of Donald Trump on journalists.
From the way the BBC has treated Trump maybe he has a point.
Sopel whinges on….
There’s the famous HL Mencken quote from decades ago when he said that the relationship between a journalist and a politician ought to be the same as a dog and a lamp post – and I have always hated it.
The presumption is that we are pure, and all politicians are venal and deserve the crap kicked out of them. Nearly all the politicians whom I have come to know have been motivated by a commitment to making the world a better place – yes, they may be ambitious, self-important people – but tell me one walk of life where you don’t find people like that.
It is our job to test our elected officials, to subject them to scrutiny, to ask the questions the public want answering and hopefully to be fearless in our pursuit of those questions. And to do so respectfully.
That is our job, and a free press able to do that is one of the cornerstones of a liberal democracy.
To rework the Mencken quote, Mr Trump seems to think that we are the lamp post.
Note this especially…’It is our job to test our elected officials, to subject them to scrutiny, to ask the questions the public want answering and hopefully to be fearless in our pursuit of those questions. And to do so respectfully.’ If that is the job description then Sopel and Co have failed miserably. Funny how thin skinned these journos are….they dish it out but can’t take it.
There are so many important things an impartial news outlet could raise about Hilary Clinton. The most serious issue is the extraordinary amount of dead people around the Clintons, many of them personal bodyguards. Not one of my friends, business associates or political associates has died in mysterious circumstances. Not one. I suspect this is true of 99.9% of normal people.
But there are 48 dead people around the Clintons. Some were giving evidence against them, others were bodyguards who simply saw or heard too much. Here is a list of names: http://beforeitsnews.com/politics/2015/11/former-clinton-hitman-confesses-to-murdering-people-for-money-video-2756624.html
Now, I don’t know if this is all true or not, but if the BBC was genuinely impartial it would investigate this with intense scrutiny. They won’t of course, just in case they find out it is true. They will protect the Clintons no matter that they may well be mass murderers, just as they protected the mass rapists employed by the BBC.
The BBC really is the most obscene and disgusting organisation.
There is no issue that shows the BBC’s left-wing bias more starkly than its turning a blind eye to Hillary’s misdeeds. She is a serial offender of prodigious proportions. If you care about women’s issues, you’ll no doubt be put off by her despicable intimidation of Bill’s sexual assault victims. If you hate corruption, then you’ll get excited about Whitewater or the collosal corruption in the Clinton Foundation. If you hate malicious cruelty, there’s the Travel Office scandal in which Hillary had a loyal civil servant she knew to be innocent indicted for corruption. If you’re a patriot then Hillary’s Benghazi lies will no doubt grate a bit. And for law and order types the terrorist pardons that Hillary arranged for Bill’s last day in office to help her Senate campaign will no doubt rankle. And finally if you’re a cat lover you might not look at her in the same light after finding out what she had done to Kathleen Willey’s furry friend. At HillMart there is truly a scandal for every budget and taste.
My personal favourite is the Hillary Tapes scandal where she laughs about getting the 40 something rapist of a 12-year-old girl off with time served. That’s on YouTube or http://bit.ly/1YyKGqF
Sopel is just another self-interested BBC apparatchik who goes around trying to kid himself and others that he’s somehow a serious journalist. He’s just a paid propagandist, like every other paid propagandist filling their pockets at the BBC. Concepts of integrity, truth, honesty… at the BBC (and CH4) these are vague, nebulous ideas at best, complete mysteries at worst.
The BBC’s lack of serious analysis of Shillary and her shady dealings is laughable. We can all see that the BBC has no intention – just like the vast majority of the massed-ranks of the liberal regressive msm – of ever casting an even vaguely critical eye in her direction. She is the Anointed One. The Washington Throne has been predestined to her; her crowning is but a mere formality – all of this was worked out long ago. Liberal regressives are all in on it. They don’t want Trump and they don’t want Bernie – they want Shillary, who promises to be the bestest friend of regressive crony corporates the White House has ever seen (and that takes some doing).
But don’t ever expect the BBC to have a single honest word to say on any of this. Misdirection and obfuscation is the name of the game – all the way to Shillary’s assumptive coronation.
Every time I turn on R4 they seem to have Bernie Sanders’ brother, Larry, on there (82 year-old adolescent, lives in UK, health spokesperson for the Raving Monster Green Party) but all I’ve heard is them giving him the cue to praise Bernie, never scrutinising his insane tax and spend plans, as Steven crowder does here –
Unless the election is rigged( and that is very possible) Trump will win. That means misery for the liberals ( including our CINOs) of Europe. Not only because they cannot abide him but also because he will give them the treatment they have long deserved.
Why should Trump even give Cameron or May or any of them a phone call? They have made their distaste for him clear and he needs to return it tenfold. These liberals need cutting down to size and who better than Trump.
If Trump wins, we have been promised ,that there will be a major exodus of worthy Hollywood actors and actresses who will leave America.
Yet another good reason for Americans to vote for Trump.
As long as they don’t come here. We’ve enough of our own, homegrown thicko left-wing actors and actresses.
Not giving Cameron a phone call is the least of our worries.
What if he told Argentina that he would look the other way.
Or went along with the idea that Britain no longer had an empire, was a medium sized country on the periphery of Europe. Its permanent seat in the UNSC needed to be looked at. Germany would love to have that seat.
And this happened after we had left the EU.
NBC News reported last week that Nearly six in 10 Americans said they either “dislike” or “hate” Clinton, while slightly more — 63 percent — expressed negative opinions about Trump.
The only way that she is going to get elected is by continuing to play the race card, promising welfare payments, to get blacks and Hispanics to support her.
Whatever the BBC thinks of Trump, there is one thing that is not in doubt. Trump is unreservedly a patriotic American. Further, he is very much part of Western civilisation. When he sees the sheer stupidity of inviting tens of millions of unassimilable Muslims into the West, he quite rightly sees a great and mortal danger. So too would Winston Churchill.
The BBC supports Islam, it favours Muslims everywhere. It supports an ideology that has tried for 1400 years to destroy Christendom. It supports a death cult whose members, even as they suck at the teat of Welfare, are plotting to bomb and kill.
The so-called British BC is not just biassed, it is broadcasting for the enemy.
’It is our job to test our elected officials, to subject them to scrutiny, to ask the questions the public want answering and hopefully to be fearless in our pursuit of those questions. And to do so respectfully.’
I’ve only just got back up off the floor having been rolling with laughter so much I thought my sides would split!
Drat. Just realised that because Trump hasn’t been elected yet that edict does not apply!
Can the site owners / moderators put that statement as part of the header for the site to remind everyone who may visit of what the BBC are supposed to do.
A yardstick to measure their constant failure to do most of that most of the time!
Holding power to account.
Certain powers. Others not so much.
Especially internally.
Hillary Clinton and the Democrats have moved very far to the left on immigration; if she wins there is a very real possibility of a Mekelesque scale immigration surge into the U.S. this, combined with the Democratic Party’s opposition to immigration enforcement of any kind, means that Trump can use her immigration extremism against her and win.
There are still six times more White voters than Hispanics despite the best efforts of various Democrat administrations; though it is arguable that Trump will need a landslide to provide him the mandate with which to force the Republican controlled congress to do what he proposes re illegal immigrants and the wall along the Southern border.
It is worth remembering that there are many cucks and RINOs in congress who are anti-Trump; a landslide for him would make it much more difficult for them to circumvent what he seeks to do as POTUS.
The beauty of being a Christian-who studies the Old Testament prophets in an effort to be balanced-is that I can see Trump as Gods chosen instrument…rather like Cyrus was in the book of Isaiah.
Trump is a venal blowhard who knows fuckall about anything that matters-but he hates what the likes of Kennedy and Clinton have done to his country in their amoral evil arc of self-righteous virtue-as paid for by the flyover families that they despise, when not piggybacking off them.
America-and indeed the West-deserve Trump,he`s cost the US nothing as yet; he creates jobs ,he can build things and he sounds like most real Americans who love their country.
And he backs us leaving the EU-for no other reason that this, we need to treasure the man before the Left attempt to assassinate him.
He`s thick and a joke to any society-but he`s not got blood on his hands like Clinton, he doesn`t back rapists like Clinton-and let him be a watchword for any culture where the liberal left have been allowed to atrophy and fester for too long without scrutiny or mockery.
As I say-Gods chosen instrument-blunt with a grotesque meringue for a toupee-but he`s the clown that `ll save America for a few more years. please God.
Hoping to God that He spares us the EU tribulations should we not vote to leave-see Acts 17.26, tell your eejit church mice that God wants borders, not breached -and he`s given you a vote for these times as a last offer before the deluge from Cologne and Van.