Remarkable…after all the BBC has done for him this is how Jeremy Corbyn responds (29 mins)….
“There is not one story on any election anywhere in the UK that the BBC will not spin into a problem for me. It’s obsessive beyond belief. They are obsessed with trying to damage the Labour Party, and unfortunately there are people in the Labour Party who play into that.”
It’s that right-wing BBC at work again.
This is the BBC that played down the anti-Semitism accusations, the BBC that has consistently seemed like the real opposition party when Labour was clearly failing to make headway under Miliband and as continued to provide that support as it pushes Labouresque arguments about the NHS or the economy, this is the BBC that seems reluctant to mention Corbyn’s huge U-turn on getting out of the EU…Tom Watson interviewed today…no challenge on Corbyn’s flip-flop despite the subject of Labour’s EU stance coming up, and this is the BBC that has failed to really challenge Corbyn on his core beliefs, his hard-left Marxist beliefs and the rabble of Trots and Marxists that he has gathered around him to run the Labour Party.
Nick Robinson warned BBC journos not to criticise Corbyn and they haven’t in any way that is effective or rigorous. It was only when the Asian, Muslim, Sadiq Khan came on the scene as newly elected Mayor of London and started positioning himself as potential Labour leader that the BBC’s reporting took on a negative tone. Whilst a Labour victory under any leader would have been good enough for the BBC an Asian Muslim would have been their wildest dreams coming true….the slow-witted Corbyn was always going to be merely the stand-in until someone better came along and for the BBC that man is Sadiq Khan…they hope.
Jeremy Corbyn claimed he got divorced because of a dispute with his wife over which school his child should go to but a bloke in in the pub told me the real reason:-
Apparently, she found pictures of him rubbing beards with Diane Abbott and was totally shocked and confronted him –
“I can for put up with all your anti-Semitism, your sympathies for Islamic terrorists, even your friendship with Ken Livingstone, but kissing the pink with Diane Abbott – that really is unacceptable”
Jeremy immediately countered with – “but it wasn’t pink”
Unfortunately the damage was already done, the wife was resigned to a lifetime of therapy and the marriage was over.
Haven’t seen that reported on the BBC.
It’s not really surprising that Corbyn thinks the BBC is too far to the Right. After all, as far as he is concerned Stalin, Trotsky and Chairman Mao were too far to the Right for his liking and should have been more extreme in their policies.
Corbyn’s complaint against the BBC, will be used by the BBC to prove that they are unbiassed.
Whenever the subject of bias in the BBC comes up with my lefty friends they declare it to be an anti Labour one. I just gape at them with incredulity for being so dense. But I now reach the conclusion that to be on the left one has to be dense, the whole package of leftism is to swallow populist maxims without really thinking them through.
But then after I have been thinking things through, it is true the BBC do not like Corbyn, this is not a dislike of Labour, quite the contrary, the Beeb see Corbyn as a negative, he is never going to lead Labour into power – & that is something they just don’t like.
CP: “But then after I have been thinking things through, it is true the BBC do not like Corbyn, this is not a dislike of Labour, quite the contrary, the Beeb see Corbyn as a negative, he is never going to lead Labour into power – & that is something they just don’t like.”
Quite right. They liked Corbyn for 30 seconds because he shook up a moribund Labour Party and was newsworthy for that. But then they also discovered his economic plans.
Remember the recently released details of top BBC pay? The love affair ended with Corbyn so quickly, I think, when the Directors, Senior Managers, presenters & top Editors discovered that Corbyn was planning to take a fifth of their income above £150,000 instead of letting them take it home to shop with in Waitrose, have several overseas holidays a year and build small retirement property portfolios.
Think they had become accustomed to an easy ride under Blair & Brown and expected similar treatment from Corbyn & McDonnell. New New Labour will be dour stuff and slimmer pickings for the bosses.
Oh, no! It’s grow your own at the allotment under Labour and no taking the taxi or the Range Rover there and back. It’s bike or walk!
When Corbyn was challenged as to why he didn’t sing the national anthem he should have said, “I don’t feel the slightest loyalty to Britain as it is currently constituted; when the country is transformed into a socialist paradise where everyone is equal and money grows on trees and with a new flag and anthem I will happily sing it.”
And when he changed his position from Brexit to remainian he should have explained that he saw the value in remote, corrupt and unaccountable government as a step towards a greater socialist paradise with money growing on entire orchards throughout the EU and with half a billion people all equal.
And when Cameron challenged him on his support for his Islamic terrorists friends whose main goal in life is to kill Jews and other infidels he should have admitted that they are his friends.
That would have been honest.
Instead, he tried to wriggle out of the anthem business with “the dog ate my homework” excuses and played semantics with the word “friends.”
And he seems to be keeping a low profile re the EU debate.
Corbyn is a miserable follower of fashion and certainly not a leader. If he ever gets to be PM, then God, if there is a God, help the country.
Has anyone heard anything about all those people who were apparently suspended from Labour for anti-Semitism?
Perhaps some of them have been quietly re-admitted and are keeping a low profile in the hope that someday soon anti-Semitism will become mainstream in Britain as Muslims gain more power.