Here you go, a new Open Thread. Anyone catch former Labour MP and good pal of Sinn Fein Chris Mullins on the Today programme this morning insisting that relatives of those killed by the IRA in the Birmingham Pub bombings needed to “move on”? Charming. And no pro IRA bias, no way….
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Trump is coming the day of the Referendum result.
Cameron’s street thugs in the UAF are planning a protest.
Unite Against Fascism shared Stand Up To Racism’s post.
Trump, the man that refused to condemn his KKK supporters and called for a blanket ban on Muslims to the US, is to visit Britain on 24 June. Protest event:
Trump announces visit to Britain on 24 June.
We can’t let him arrive without a protest – Invite your friends to the fbook event here:
I do hope the BBC send Mishail the biased Moslem to interview him
“Stand up to racism” is run by Weyman Bennett and Sabby Dhalu with help from Nick Lowles…It’s two Trot groups morphing into one, and “Stand up to racism” is yet another by-product of that…
Absolutely disgusting – And still the disgusting Eton Toff proudly has his name up in lights over at the UAF “Signatories” page..
From their own page and in Wikipedia. The last sentence is worth reading, especially when they are supported by a British Prime Minister.
Unite Against Fascism (UAF) is an anti-fascist[1] pressure group in the United Kingdom, with support from politicians of the three largest political parties in the House of Commons, including the current Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron and the late Labour politician Tony Benn.[2] It describes itself as a national campaign with the aim of alerting British society to a perceived threat of fascism and the far right — in particular the British National Party (BNP) — gaining a foothold at local, national and European elections, arguing that “there is a real danger that the BNP could get a significant platform in elected institutions.”[3]
As of 2014, its honorary presidents are Doreen Lawrence, Baroness Lawrence of Clarendon and Ken Livingstone. Its joint secretaries are Weyman Bennett of the Socialist Workers Party and the Anti-Nazi League, and Sabby Dhalu, formerly of the National Assembly Against Racism (NAAR).[4] One of the UAF vice-chairs is Azad Ali, who in 2009 was suspended as a civil servant in the Treasury after he wrote approvingly on his blog of an Islamic militant who said that as a Muslim he is religiously obliged to kill British soldiers in Iraq.[5]
One of the UAF vice-chairs is Azad Ali, who in 2009 was suspended as a civil servant in the Treasury after he wrote approvingly on his blog of an Islamic militant who said that as a Muslim he is religiously obliged to kill British soldiers in Iraq.[5]
How many thousands of Muslims are embedded in the armed forces, security services, civil service, who have the same view, but havn’t been stupid to make them known.
The bBC like their prefix “so called” then Bennet’s lot should be the “ironically named” UAF
way past time for counter-demos against this lot.
The so-called “British” Broadcasting corporation?
More truthfully – The British Islamic Broadcasting corporation.
The so-called BBC is stuffed full of Muslims.
Chris Mullin worked very hard to prove the Birmingham Six were innocent. As to finding the real criminals and bringing them to justice, not so much.
Perhaps they could explain moving on to the relatives of those killed on Bloody Sunday…..?No …….watch the tumbleweeds
The Birmingham Six and The Guildford Four…….two groups of people who are totally unfamiliar with the word innocent.
I would be as sure of the Birmingham six’s innocence as I am sure of the guilt of those charged with Saint Lawrence’s death!
I would be as sure of the Birmingham six’s innocence as I am sure of the guilt of those charged with Saint Lawrence’s death… not at all!
I would be as sure of the Birmingham six’s innocence as I am sure of the guilt of those charged with Saint Lawrence’s death… not at all!
Sorry for all the repetitions but my computer didn’t appear to be sending my post so I clicked on send again.
Should we, as hard working Tax payers, not have funded the £200m for the ‘Bloody Sunday Inquiry’?
As apparently the traitor, Mr Mullins suggests we ought to have all moved on and ‘got over it’ ie the Birmingham atrocities? ‘The bombings were all of 42 years ago’ …so bloody what!
No, we are all about apologising for stuff Britain has done 300 years ago instead!!
The Birmingham six were not guilty of the charges against them However, their neighbours could testify that they were frequent tin rattlers for ‘Irish orphans’ and had many ‘nephews’ popping over the Irish Sea to stop with them. Make of that what you wish.
It appears no-one so far, including David Vance, actually listened to the interview, because Mullins didn’t say that relatives of those killed by the IRA in the Birmingham Pub bombings needed to “move on”.
He also talked about those who were responsible. They are widely known to the police, having the evidence to convict them after 42 years is a different matter.
Besides Vance’s libel, he doesn’t actually substantiate his charge that this interview was biased in favour of the IRA. Nevermind, I realise facts are not important here.
You are Jerrod’s relief’ I presume ? Perhaps you can give us an opinion Al Beeb’s bias ?
It appears that Kikuchiyo, Jerrod and Scott must be having a ‘Team Meeting’, having failed to form a coherent reply to that poser within ten minutes ?
Indeed. I’m just back from an all-expenses paid holiday to the Caribbean, and back to work now. I have to justify my 80K a year to post comments on the BiasedBBC blog somehow. My work is never done!
Agreed QED .
£80kpa as Botney’s correspondence handler? That seems low for the BBC.
Somalia attack: Gunmen storm Mogadishu hotel after blast
“The al-Shabab militant group”
“Al-Shabab, which is battling the UN-backed government”
“The al-Qaeda-linked group”
“Al-Shabab militants”
Yet the devious, conniving, misleading, lying, islamophilic, British hating bastards at Al Mujahideen Beeb, do not once mention Islam of Muslims in its entire report….
Yet… Who are Al Shabab and why do they exist?…
Full name: Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen
Yes that’s right folks, mujahideen means “one engaged in Jihad”…clearly nothing to do with lslam Al Beed??
What did the Al Beed say about the militant group after the attacks in Kenya??
“The group describes itself as waging jihad against “enemies of Islam”
“It has imposed a strict version of Sharia in areas under its control, including stoning to death women accused of adultery and amputating the hands of thieves”
“the militants spared Muslims, while killing those unable to recite verses from the Koran”
So with that in mind, does today’s reporting on the attacks by Al Shabab look impartial?…or are they heavily sensored, misleading and are the Al Beed willingly withholding the most important information of all….
That Islam has created Al Shabab. Al Shabab are fighting alongside Al Qaeda because they both follow the same Islamic instruction. That Islam and not cultural aspects have created the death cult ideology that Muslims in Somalia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Islamic State, all follow?
The BBC. Letting the people know all the unmolested facts…..traitors!!
Somalia is Somalia because of a deadly combination of the African virus of lethargy, and Islam. The only cure that might help is that they abandon Islam and become Christian. It might help.
No no, it’s nothing to do with Islam, these people have perverted Islam, blah blah blah etc etc. Move along people, nothing to see here…
BBC’s Muslim Head Of Religion: ‘People Say ISIS Has Nothing To Do With Islam – Of Course It Has’
Only the BBC could be so anti-British as to appoint a Muslim as the Head of Religious broadcasting in a Christian country.
Would we be right in saying, so-called British Broadcasting organisation?
And why is this Muslim still in England. He must know that his religion is held in utter contempt in Britain. It is loathed and feared at the same time.
If he had any sense of shame or honour, he would have left long ago. But he and his fellow Muslims are still here, expanding rapidly with a huge birth rate, till they are a majority, and can impose Sharia.
Donald Trump was on the Mike Savage show. Mike Savage refers to the Dalai Lama stating that to Arabise Germany would be wrong.
The Dalai Lama thinks there are now “too many refugees in Europe”
Trump’s response is interesting. If he becomes POTUS, there will be a lot of changes in Europe.
I put Pat Condell’s video called “The Moment of Truth” up yesterday just a few minutes after Pat had uploaded it to You Tube. The upload has just short of 100,000 views in 24 hours. The video has been linked all over the Internet and of all the posts off all the links, I would suggest 99.9% are favouring a vote for “Leave”.
The Old Bloke………………….
Great Britain – the cradle of democracy for hundreds of years, we are Democracy , don’t throw it away .
Vote out .
The Old Bloke ……..
Yes, definitely worth a watch
Cant be. I posted in the “Muslims are under siege” on the 28th May.
Anyway. It could do with reposting.
This is the incisive, scathing Pat Condell at his best. Now on about 165 000 views, 10 000 likes, 200 dislikes and 3 000 comments.
Tonight BBC Bristol ran a program called Living in ’66 about the closure of the Somerset and Dorset Railway, something I have an interest in as our garden backed on to the line and a very very vague recollection of seeing the last steam train pass by.
With minutes of it starting the BBC had managed to shoehorn some ‘diverse’ stock 1960’s film that had absolutely nothing to do with the Somerset and Dorset Railway. This begs the question just who are they trying to appease as such would have zero interest in the subject and being a betting man no such types would have ever worked on the line.
I can say from personal experience growing up in the area featured no such diversity existed in the 1960’s or 70’s for that matter, completely unnecessary PC BBC rewriting of history, souring an otherwise good program.
Why do you pay for it ?
Good question, I guess like most I really can’t be arsed with the aggro!
No aggro at all.
Cancel the DD.
I even got a refund.
To stay legal, one simply does not watch live to as it is broadcast. IPlayer soon off the menu, but almost nothing worth watching there now.
One can cope. And the extra money is nice.
Guest Who
So easy – I have just passed 11 years TV and TV Licence-free. I don’t even watch any catch-up which does not require a TV Licence.
Just watched the paxman programme on the eu….interesting how un bbc it was in terms of lack of diversity
Reality Check: Is immigration hopelessly out of control?
Erm , yes . and what about your pledge Mr Car Moron ? We are being invaded .
You mean Qamoran, the PM, who hopes for a Muslim PM of Britain.
It was a good programme was Paxmans.
If taken as part of a balanced diet-along with Brexit-the Movie…and Pat Condells recent piece-it will give you the panopticon to see the whole rotten edifice for the EU for what it is.
Now we have the TUC telling us to give up democracy and vote to stay in the United States of Europe ……
“But Mr Cash – whose union represents people in the transport industry – said the EU was no “workers’ paradise”, pointing to industrial unrest in France and high unemployment rates in other countries.”
Nice one Mr Cash.
Again the shifting allegiances and falling outs between tradionally reliable FOBs must be pebble dashing W1A ceilings with… air, mainly.
Wouldn’t surprise me if there’s some connection between that and all the ‘funding’ the TUC accept from the EU.
Regarding the TUC I can imagine Orwell grimly shaking his head on this one. All as predicted in animal farm. What a crazy world this has turned into. We have a cabal of Tory MPs standing up for workers rights and democracy and the TUC want to give it all away for twenty pieces of silver.
EU definitely rattled a bit now.
We have the pleasure of witnessing the “good cop/bad cop tactic in full flow.
On the one hand we have Spain and Holland threatening consequences to ex pats and Gibraltar if we vote Leave, Then On the other hand we have the “Reasonable Face of Europe” Tusk using his honeyed tongue to try and suggest that maybe the EU has gone a bit far after all and I am sure this sort of thing can all be sorted out reasonably.
Maybe he could sort us out our very own “Big Deal” .
For Gods sake why are people so blind to these to faced W#####S!
But then again there are non so blind as those who wont see.
Anyone watch Versailles tonight?
Of course the BBC cannot resist an opportunity to introduce a black person so it presents the myth of the ‘Black nun of Moret’ being the Queens illegitimate daughter by a black dwarf.
The evidence is exceedingly thin:
The Queen was never alone. So when is Mare-Therese supposed to have had a fling with this dwarf? And doesn’t this overlook the minor detail that she was in love with her husband? Not to mention the matter that it sounds like a piece of slander of the sort courtiers loved throwing around. Surely it would have been considered disgusting for a noblewoman, let alone a Queen, to be having sex with a man who was both a dwarf and black?
“The Queen’s illegitimate daughter by a black dwarf”
Fantastic – I’m going to watch it
Being the illegitimate daughter of a black dwarf must, surely, elevate one to the highest seat in the Pantheon of Diversity – much higher than a mere Queen!
Ticks all the boxes. Or is it Ticks in all the boxes?
The series was made by French and Canadian broadcasters, not the BBC.
And in anticipation of an argument that the BBC only broadcast it because of the little, black baby…it’s been shown by broadcasters all over Europe . I don’t think the black character would be the prime concern in buying a major series either.
It seems there’s actually some decent evidence that the ‘Black nun of Moret’ was the Queen’s illegitimate daughter, but regardless, given the rumours, seems an irresistible element for a drama about Louis XIV’s court:
Aren’t double standards great,
“Old white men are the problem for the Remain campaign, says Labour’s shadow Europe minister”
Substitute ‘Old white men’ for ‘Old black women’ and I bet your feet wouldn’t touch the floor on the way to the Gulag for
But don’t worry about what was said because,
“It was a light-hearted comment and it was received in that way by the audience.” Apart from the horrible racists of course.
Shades of Gordon Brown, staggering lack of judgement and massively out of touch.
Intrigued by the racist and ageist Labour MP Pat Glass I dug a little further and was astounded to discover she is in favour of tighter border control in order to reduce the risk of disease spreading and to help identify the incomers country of origin.
But was dismayed at this piece of box ticking,
“On International Women’s Day it is important to note the EU’s positive contribution towards promoting women’s rights. The EU promotes gender equality for women in terms of equal pay, maternity leave and women’s rights both in the workplace and elsewhere. The EU also promotes having more women in boardroom positions, where currently there is not parity between men and women in the boardrooms of our businesses.”
It’s nice that Pat regards womens rights, the EU and border control so highly, kind of makes up for the racist ageist side of her.
“It was a light-hearted comment and it was received in that way by the audience.” I’m sure they’d say the same about Bernard Manning’s jokes as well…wouldn’t they…?
And Bernard Manning had the advantage of actually being funny. He was also a patriot who loved his white working class background. He never left Manchester for a mansion in the Home Counties. No wonder right on Labour puritans hated him.
Bernard was a hero.
Well loved for his Embassy Club in Manchester-and a generous bloke to Jewish causes up near his home as well.
Well remember just before he died, a pub in rougher Surrey sending a busload of white redneck locals up to watch him perform up there.
I was surprised, me being a northerner-but the customers loved him because he spoke for them, albeit in my accents and not theirs.
And getting the piss ripped out of you by a genius who said things that only he could and would was worth the weekend away.
Learned a lot-a true hero of the English working class-and a good Friend of Israel-so, the BBC will hate him.
So let`s love him all the more shall we?…maybe a Comedy Prize in his name at an independent college.
“My enemies enemy is my friend”…God Bless you Bernard.
On The Comedians in the 1970s, some of the jokes The Guardian and Al Beeb would now describe as most racist were delivered by Charlie Williams and Mr Sammy Thomas.
Meanwhile Frank Carson was telling Irish jokes. And Bernard was telling Jewish ones, like the Jewish suicide pilot that crashed into his brother’s scrapyard.
A different era but how refreshing for people to be able to laugh at themselves. The equality industry would be having apoplexy if it happened today.
I wasn’t keen on Manning, too nasty for me a lot of the time. But I laughed out loud at the Jewish suicide pilot joke.
I don’t believe in banning anybody unless they’re hypocrites who want everyone else banned. For instance many of the lefties want anyone banned who they perceive, in their tiny minds, as racist. A good proportion of them want the elimination of Israel so I believe they should be banned themselves.
Just listened to a three way interview between Nick Robinson, Alistair Darling and Patrick Minford on Toady; quite incredible bias from Robinson: allowing Darling to monopolize the majority of the air time for the interview; allowing D to speak at length with no interruption; not giving Minford equal time to speak and the occasions he did get to Robinson interrupted him constantly virtually answering his own questions.
It was absolutely terrible and the Leave Campaign should feel much aggrieved by it; much worse than usual perhaps because Robinson knew how effective Patrick Minford is at getting his point across and so was determined to not let him hit his stride. B@sta@rds!
I agree, Al.
Two glimmers of hope:
– Got from Darling a real sense of panic & desperation and, possibly, a hint that he is not fully signed up to the EU but has to be because he’s allowed himself to be dragged to that side of the divide, and
– Nick Robinson, at the end, hinted that Prof. Minford might be invited back. Hope that Nick & the Beeb honour that and do allow him to talk at length about trade & tariffs. On that latter point, Caroline Lucas (BBC R4 AQ Fri/Sat) and another MP (cannot remember who now) speaking on Monday, and both from the Remain camp, demonstrated that they obviously do not know how tariffs work in international trade.
A really switched on national broadcaster, alive to the important topics of the day, might do a programme about Tariff Imposition. Relevant to the steel industry as well as EU membership.
Inform, educate and entertain and all that.
Its years now since I needed it but back in the 1990s I was regularly reading up in the massive tomb of a book that gave the tariffs on products. Some were amazingly low – a tariff of 1.4 % on ‘chemical products not otherwise mentioned’. Hardly worth the paperwork. And that is the hidden cost – the admin.
But it does not have to be a showstopper. Over in India they have tariffs of 200%, 300% on goods. That IS a showstopper.
We can cope. It would be a pain, but we can cope.
The bBBC newsroom students’ understanding of these real issues is, of course, nil.
Remember the BBCs devastation at the death of the left wing messiah OOooooogo shaveZzzzzz from Venezuala?
Well now the country is on the verge of a humanitarian crisis caused by left wing idiocy. The Lefties are trying to claim its a result of low oil prices (It’s not as if this is a banana republic for Gods sake !) however the real reason is Chavez nationalisation of industry, and then inserting incompetent managers who were of course very ‘on message’.
This was so bad it even crippled the oil industry, which can no longer produce the quantities it once did. Worse still the medical industries have been utterly crippled by Socialism and they also no longer function in any meaningful way.
Then there’s the corruption, which was also allowed to flourish.
Strange then that the BBC should be so silent, given the coverage they gave when things did appear to be going well, could it be that they can’t face the truth that their socialist workers paradise is just another country added to the ever growing list of socialist failure?
Just take a look at their piece on why it went wrong, and inevitably, right at the top they blame it all on the fall in oil prices !
As you might
The phrase ‘neglecting to fix the roof while the sun was shining’ came to mind. Now, where have I heard that before?
The Beeb neglected to mention that the oil price has near doubled in just over three months.
I think the wholesale destruction of the Venezuelan infrastructure and economy in the name of ‘Socialism’ goes way beyond neglecting to fix the roof !
If we can continue the metaphor, it’s more like taking a wrecking ball to a perfectly good house !
Poor Humph found himself in the same old bind.
You must do a story about the Bataclan-but you can`t mention Islam.
You must do a story about Venezuela-but you can`t mention Socialism.
Imagine the poor lambs tiptoeing through the poppy fields, having to bemoan the tragedy of Venezuela without recourse to Livingston, London Mayor oil buying, Owen, Dianne and all the other useful lefty oafs who liked ,and even worshipped at Chavez espadrilles a few years back with a busload of Guardian pills to photograph the triumph of the Willies.
Oh dear-radio silence from Humph, a coy mention at best from our Venezuelan expat on the show.
Venezuela is as much a shop window of Corbyns vision, as Kim Jong Uns is of Camerons or Junckers.
I myself would suggest a reality “Jungle Guerrilla” show to be held there-Charlotte Church, Russell Brand, Seamus Milne, Owen ,Dianne etc…we know who`d have to be Che eh?
Might help too if those useless Lefties who got the freebies to Caracas in better times would now cough up for the wasted air miles, pay back the price of the cheap oil they screwed out of Venezuela-and then do a charity concert or three to reimburse the poor Venezuelans for screwing over their country with their lefty freebaggings and pilferings in better times.
Lefty hypocrites…even defrauding their OWN pet countries-but was it ever other?
Here is proof that socialism can take a country with some of the biggest oil reserves in the world, and run it into the ground in a few short years. I wonder why the BBC would have a problem reporting this?
Airlines are pulling out of Venezuela. Soon, the people will have no other option but to take to the boats, in shark infested waters, to flee socialism. Vietnam was the same. Millions left, and millions drowned in the shark infested waters. This is what happens when one has socialism. This is where the Obama train wreck was taking America.
This is what the left does not like about Trump – Truth bluntly told. Never popular.
And America looks like they still just might have one of these very hard-line socialist parasites as their Democratic candidate for President. Bernie Saunders is very much America’s version of Jeremy Corbyn.
Socialism, as a great lady once said, ALWAYS runs out of other people’s money. It has never, ever worked in the medium or long term. Sure a transition towards socialism, for a very small period of time, can re-distribute wealth temporarily in a way that feels nice. But medium and long term it destroys entire economies.
From the BBC article
When a sought-after staple such as cornflour arrives at a supermarket, the word will spread quickly over social media and hundreds of people will queue to get it.
etc etc to this at the end.
Some Venezuelans are even reporting going hungry because they struggle to get the food they need.
The litany is the same in every socialist country as it heads to disaster. The leaders blame everything under the sun except socialism,
Totally agree about the Robinson interview with Darling and Minford. Darling was allowed to monopolise the discussion. I thought that when Robinson moved to Today, a bit of balance would be restored but alas, no. He’s as bad as the other presenters.
The BBC will be getting increasingly desperate as the clock ticks down to 23 June. The Leave campaign is scoring some telling points now that Cameron-Osborne can no longer use the Government machine to produce and peddle their lies. They are now having to rely on fat cats like Stephen Hester (professional greasy pole climber in banking and now insurance) and smooth quasi-business PR apparatchiks like Caroline Fairbairn (CBI) to do their work for them. The British people find such folk a turn-off, because their self-interest and lack of patriotism is palpable and my guess is that each media appearance by them loses votes for Remain.
EE, Prof Minford, in comparison to Hester & Fairbairn, comes across a bit as a favourite smiley Uncle.
Richard North puts it short and simple
In the end, we either control our own destiny as a people, or others control it
for us. That is what we must decide on 23 June 2016.
This is a succinct phrase to post. But I agree with responses by Roland, Jim and Rob. The critique too, is succinct. Thanks guys for reminding me.
Imagine that the liberal left will soon be putting the Birmingham bombings into the long grass.
Evan Davis surely had hope of opening up another front on the police-this time West Midlands, as opposed to South Yorkshire-as his show led with the IRA in 1974.(well. likely to have been them-but hey, might have been UKIP?)
Certainly the guests were all staged-ex copper, ex IRA bloke and the obligatory common person who was a victim of events.
Evan and his editors must SURELY have thought that we`d all be marching on Birmingham today, to offer garlands to Adams and McGuinness and to brick the police up there.
But no-all said that they KNEW who did the bombings-ALL were IRA, ALL would be well known to todays “men of peace” who run Ulster/N.Ireland today-and not ONE of them wanted Evans hoped for £Truth and Reconciliation” crap, where the bombers show up, and get off with a hug and a peace prize later in the year.
No-all three spoke as one-put the buggers on trial, throw the book at them if you KNOW who did it…and Davis was not ready for this.
Abort-rewind, scrub the tapes, let it go cold and then let`s get Paddy Hill to meet Phil Shiner sometime soon.
Well done guests-sorry Beeb, bake another turd eh?
Jess Philips appalling lying Labour misandrist racist MP appears on wimmins hour (when do they ever have a Tory MP on?), complaining that she is being trolled on Twitter.
The reality is that she invites this trolling, and from the comments at the bottom of the article there are very very few of the violent nature, and that she is as ever lying by blowing it out of all proportion.
Why do the BBC think it is acceptable to have such an extremist proven liar on air, to spout even more lies?
In the US, they are at risk of doing something a touch more serious: electing a corrupt, proven liar known as Hilary Clinton as President.
Brexit The Movie has now had close to 840 000 views, 17 000 likes, 2 000 dislikes and 10 000 comments since May 12th:
I liked this comment:
A vote to remain ‘in’ will mean German ‘rule’ – through the EU. But this will be short-lived. It is now a mathematical certainty that Islam will achieve political pre-eminence throughout Western Europe within the next fifty or so years. Brexit means we have a chance to avoid the potentially awful consequences of this. Its important to remember two things. Firstly, under a Muslim majority government, life in the UK will become unrecognisable. Secondly, the politicians, members of the establishment and global business leaders will be financially insulated – for generations to come – from the ghettos they are creating for the rest of us to live in. For the man on the street the question is simple. First world or Third World?
And the EU poll has now had 83 589 votes with 83% for Brexit, 14% for remain and 3% undecided:
At the risk of repeating myself once too often, I reiterate that I’m greatly encouraged by these results.
If the Leave side wins the referendum I hope that they remember how the supposedly impartial state funded BBC has behaved during the campaign and before it. The new government will be a position of strength during the EU negotiations and will know that the BBC will do everything possible to agitate against an independent UK and undermine the government’s position. It should therefore move to reduce the size and scope of the BBC. This does not necessarily mean that it should attack the BBC head on, but the position of the BBC could be undermined by denying the BBC a platform in the digital world, whilst boosting companies who wish to create digital offerings. We could then sit back and watch the hated corporation wither on the vine. Within ten years , perhaps as little as 5 years, the BBC would be moribund saddled only with access to yesterdays technology that no one used and therefore virtually no LF income.
In that case a Johnson/Gove government is going to have to sack Whippingbum and withdraw from the commitments in the BBC White Paper when it renews the BBC Charter.
I think that the White Paper only guarantees the BBC television set LF rises in line with inflation and that they can charge for I Player usage, which will become a subscription service. If the government promote other digital suppliers and open up the whole market whilst keeping the BBC out, then the LF income will rapidly dwindle leaving the BBC with what is in effect a subscription income for a commercial product in a commercial industry. This can be accomplished without using up much political capital in a long drawn out battle with the corporation over cuts to the LF etc.
Top story today on bBBC and right up their street.
“Black and ethnic minority staff working in the NHS are more likely to report being bullied or harassed than their white colleagues, the first national review by NHS England has suggested.”
The presumption of course by Al Beeb is endemic racism in the NHS.
But could it also be that after years of being force fed about their rights and grievances by the bBBC, the BAME staff are simply more likely to complain these days. Whereas the white majority just sit there and take it, because they know they will not be listened to by the multi-culti left wing intelligensia?
And a £2m payment to find the report.
1. Does that mean 100 nurses are made redundant to pay for this?
2. Surely those exemplary Junior Doctors and medical staff we saw protesting for more money and the BBC actively promoted, couldn’t possibly be racist could they?
So true .The grievance industry in the public sector is in full swing .To survive as a “non minority” you have to keep your head down and get on without complaint.
Yes yes yes. As is shown by the disgusting way in which whistleblowers are treated – especially by the NHS, and even after they are totally vindicated by subsequent investigations.
Jeremy Corbyn speech today – just watched it on Sky News. Apparently he was not visible enough on the EU issues. But he used the opportunity to deliver a predictable Socialist rant.
> He attacked the Tories and Cameron (probably not a bad thing actually)
> The EU is the guardian of workers rights but unscrupulous employers abuse workers rights even though we are in the EU (hmm, not sure I get that one)
> We need to put more money into public services to cope with more immigration (which we will have after we have extended the hand of humanity)
I bet there are more than a few bremainers that are now wishing he had kept your head well and truly below the parapet.
“Alabama teacher suspended for handing out racist math quiz featuring drugs, violence and prostitution to 8th graders”
Can’t see the problem
This is reality maths. The kind that kids of that area can actually use. It might even lead them to straight and narrow.
Only the BBC could hold “The World At One” from the Hay Festival.
Then lead the Ipm news with Corbyn telling us that we must stay in the EU.
Then follow up with a GMB critic who says-Corbyns nowhere near as pro-EU as the union…and (of course) the BBC would like him to be.
This, of course follows on from three hours of Todays pro-EU crap where they give failed politico zombie Darling as much rope as he needs to hang himself in supporting staying in the EU, whilst restricting Minford to mini-soundbites noises off.
S`pose nobody at the BBC is curious enough to ask when and where Corbyn turned from Benns bag-carrier to Pro-EU lickspittle without any intellectual effort required.
Benn-Shore-Foot…and Enoch of course were true patriots and of the Left (in the first three cases).
When DID Labour becoem the lime green pinko proto-socialismus scum and lightweights that we see today?
Do I blame Kinnock or Mandelson…or both?
Wall to wall pro-EU crap-let`s hope we slap their fat faces on the 23rd-for a few days last May, we did the same…but didn`t last near enough…shameless buggers were rewriting it all within 72 hours
The problem is that a variety of mathematical concepts are mixed and matched in a way that is unclear to the teacher who wants to assess computational facility.
The illustrative uses of suitably ethnic names in the questions shows a liberating and pleasing willingness to embrace diversity…and from a beleaguered former racially charged hell hole like Alabama, this shows commendable grasp of the new inclusive narrative.
Some of the figures would appear to be convenient as opposed to truthfully reflecting current prices, and he seems to leave no room to show relevant working out of answers obtained.
But the situational narratives seem relevant and designed to raise the necessary cross-curricular opportunities and issues that might arise , in a compelling way.
So-on the whole, with a few caveats-this is an excellent and appropriate-indeed a challenging-homework sheet…assuming that the kids who live with these conditions actually have a home to do the work-as opposed to the latest uncle daddys lap under the bridge,
I`d do the moaning liberal fuckwit of a parent who complained, for being prejudiced and judgemental-there are surely NO wrong answers any more anyway….
Well we keep hearing from our dangerously inept teacher unions that we should stop trying to improve our childrens education and replace it with mentalist forms of “express themselves freely” ‘classes’! At least this test is actually going to assist our multicultural friends of the future in their chosen profession’s!
Absolutely hilarious!
The bBBC has quickly buried the story about the two ugly fat lesbo chavs who murdered their young child.
Cincinatti Zoo would have known how to deal with them.
That little boy would probably have had a better life with that gorilla.
Not making light of the above comment and the heinous crime committed, but, have we ever seen photos of two ugly fat gay men ? just wondered.
Does a picture of Stephen Fry reflected in a mirror, count ?
Are we allowed to mention Sir Elton Hercules John?
Yes, but don’t mention Olive Oil….
That’s an odd way to describe Lady John, I wonder what you could possibly mean?
Lol ! good one, I’ll accept that !
That’s it. My mind’s made up.
The biased BBC is prominently reporting Jezza Corbyn’s ‘pro remain’ speech today in which he has congratulated the EU for ……………protecting bees.
THE pressing issue which has been at the forefront of so many people’s thoughts for the last several years.
(It was of course EU policies which engendered them in the first place – for readers failing to spot the irony in this post)
That’s it. My mind’s made up.
The biased BBC is prominently reporting Jezza Corbyn’s ‘pro remain’ speech today in which he has congratulated the EU for ……………protecting bees.
THE pressing issue which has been at the forefront of so many peoples’ thoughts for the last several years.
(It was of course EU policies which engendered them in the first place – for any readers failing to spot the irony in this post)
The Left are beyond parody.
All their reasons for staying in the corrupt fetid boss class club that is the EU reduce to
a) so we don`t scapegoat the immigrants
b) so we can get at the bosses who exploit the immigrants. and make them pay more-provide better fake passports and semtex maybe?
c) Because Mother Nature requires an EU directive to protect the turbine.
d) So we can have influence from the ducking stool, dunces chair or the whispering gallery where we`re made to stand by until the French and Germans have decided what to do with us.
The Lefty International stuff just means that they no longer have a clue, a vision or a purpose-just a hope to share the crumbs from Schultz` croissant platter…`cos he`s a socialist too, so they`re all in this together.
Clueless ciphers of air guitarist orchestra of Europe….as Islam laughs and real people need to find the armoury and ammo.
Only the BBC could hold “The World At One” from the Hay Festival.
Then lead the Ipm news with Corbyn telling us that he must stay in the EU.
Then follow up with a GMB critic who says-Corbyns nowhere near as pro-EU as the union…and (of course) the BBC would like him to be.
This, of course follows on from three hours of Todays pro-EU crap where they give failed politico zombie Darling as much rope as he needs to hang himself in supporting staying in the EU, whilst restricting Minford to mini-soundbites noises off.
S`pose nobody at the BBC is curious enough to ask when and where Corbyn turned from Benns bag-carrier to Pro-EU lickspittle without any intellectual effort required.
Benn-Shore-Foot…and Enoch of course were true patriots and of the Left (in the first three cases).
When DID Labour becoem the lime green pinko proto-socialismus scum and lightweights that we see today?
Do I blame Kinnock or Mandelson…or both?
sorry for duplication. it neither registered the post has been posted nor transmitted the duplication warning.
Only the BBC could hold “The World At One” from the Hay Festival.
Then lead the Ipm news with Corbyn telling us that we must stay in the EU.
Then follow up with a GMB critic who says-Corbyns nowhere near as pro-EU as the union…and (of course) the BBC would like him to be.
This, of course follows on from three hours of Todays pro-EU crap where they give failed politico zombie Darling as much rope as he needs to hang himself in supporting staying in the EU, whilst restricting Minford to mini-soundbites noises off.
S`pose nobody at the BBC is curious enough to ask when and where Corbyn turned from Benns bag-carrier to Pro-EU lickspittle without any intellectual effort required.
Benn-Shore-Foot…and Enoch of course were true patriots and of the Left (in the first three cases).
When DID Labour becoem the lime green pinko proto-socialismus scum and lightweights that we see today?
Do I blame Kinnock or Mandelson…or both?
Wall to wall pro-EU crap-let`s hope we slap their fat faces on the 23rd-for a few days last May, we did the same…but didn`t last near enough…shameless buggers were rewriting it all within 72 hours
There’s a Victorian novel, I’m not sure by whom – Thackeray perhaps – which takes place at the time of the death of William IV in 1837. There are comic scenes as the high ups in society and politics desperately hob-nob and manoeuvre to get preferments and placements in the new regime under Victoria and Lord Melbourne. Expect something similar if we vote ‘Leave’!
The hideously white Hay Festival.Youve got to laugh.
Bit by bit with a nod and a wink to the police and the courts opposition to immigration, islamifiction and the multikulture is being removed. Maybe the man said unpleasant things, but he will be taught not to put out petitions opposing immigration. No chance of an MP defending him
Will be interesting how the Beeb report this one, assuming they report the story. Obviously we are safer in the EU.
Isis terror plot in Germany: Four Syrian men arrested for allegedly planning suicide bombings in Düsseldorf
Ahh.. Wailing Bennet of .. they make lampshades out of Jew’s skin and mattresses out of Jew’s hair.
The fact that human skin would burn and smell horrible and human hair could not make a mattress as it is to fine ( hence horse hair traditionally ) doesn’t seem to register with him. The other point with this repeated rubbish is that would you want a mattress and a bedside lampshade made out of body parts of a creature you loathe?
Good old leftism, never let logicality get in the way of a bit of regurgitated drivel.
If the police are investigated for the bombings it will be a travesty as it is the IRA scum that should be investigated, this is pure scapegoating.
Poor Wayman he can barely string a sentence together at the best of times
He dribbles too!
The Real enemy
Thanks to
Conservativetreehouse is a great American site. They are so enthusiastic about Trump especially his non PC speak. I learned so much about the corporates and special interests who run things.
Fascists in action again.
Thanks for the link, Dave666!
Here’s one of the readers’ responses:
“”I’m 45, white, male, British and non religious, I AM THE MINORITY, Can I claim asylum in my own country?””
Read more:
I hope the BBC gets sued for breaching race laws.
I made the mistake last night of recording the Jonathon Meade programme on fascist Italy at the 2am repeat showing. I now find that Meades’ presentation is shrunk to allow part of the screen to be occupied by a sign language performer. I am sure that the wealth of Meades’ vocabulary would defy sign presentation, so whats wrong with just supplementing the original programme with subtitles? Can deaf people sign but not read?
Totally agree. I find the ‘signer’ extremely distracting and I am sure that sub titles would be just as good for the hard of hearing and if you didn’t want them you could use the appropriate setting to delete them. So distracting do I find the ‘signers’ that I have made a cardboard ‘mask’ to use to blot them out whenever they appear , but this has disadvantage of covering up almost a third of the screen. Don’t suppose I can get a 30% refund on the LF?
‘So was the usually victim-charged BBC celebrating this ‘win’ for justice?
No. The mood in the studio was unenthusiastic. In fact they set out to put a damper on it.’
Seems the old editorial integrity equivalence swing-o-meter was handed to Mishal in the booth. Again.
The article also makes the point of the different reception there would have been in the BBC studio if the inquest was about St Lawrence or Bloody Sunday or Hillsborough or Orgreave. The BBC hate white Britain and white England most of all plus anyone who doesn’t toe their liberal left, multiculty, pro EU line. Why do we put up with their contempt ?
As the trend is for ‘balance’, of sorts, how about this?:
Labour is testing the BBC adoration to the limit.
This OT comment was interesting:
Jannerman • 2 hours ago
Do Merkel, Hollande and whoever the Dutch PM is not appreciate that the last thing Brits will do is succumb to threats. It’s a strange way of making their club sound appealing.
This applies also to most BBC output. Their cunning plan seems… interesting.
Interestingly, after Corbyn’s speech this morning, it was time for Q & A…….. as soon as Laura Kuenssberg mentioned her name, there were more than a few boos from impassioned Labourites before she asked her question. Not the most popular journo in the world is she.
If she can start to generate similar hisses and boos from the ‘moderate’ liberal left then she will go up enormously in my esteem. Of course the BBC will seize on this as evidence that they are not biased to the left.
May be worth checking crowd footage to see if any defenders of BBC honour from here were there to protect our Laura from the nasty reds.
Then again, they seem to prefer the less aggressive ambience of these genteel pages.
Yes, Laura is beginning to remind me of the worst sort of football referees, the ones whose performance is so inept that they are booed off the pitch by both sets of supporters.
Lauras question got onto the 6pm news.
The previous unpleasantness as she was announced to Corbyn Ladens brownshirts was-of course-edited out.
Poor show to show us what Labour were like in their own fetid dens eh?
Poor Laura-now if only she abused kids as Savile did-THEN the BBC would have backed her and made a story out of Labours “attack on independent BBC journalism”.
Kuennsberg now knows what BBC “staff protection and loyalty” means to her political paymasters…zippo.
Already gone down the Venezuela Valley of imagined stories we`ll never see develop…
‘…was-of course-edited out’
Likely no time. Or space. One of the two.
Happens a lot.
BBC leftie luvvie, award winning director of cutting edge leftie films turns on the right wing BBC
BBC leftie luvvie, award winning director of cutting edge leftie films turns on the right wing BBC
Not that genteel. Mr Vance has to rattle the bars every once in a while to keep the patients in line:
So Kikuchiyo, what’s you view on Al Beebs Bias .
Do you have any ?
So, taffman, do you really not have anything better to do than hang around here until 2am waiting for someone to talk to?
Just a smidgen of irony there…… 😉
It would be if I didn’t finish my shift at 2am. Some of us work stupid shifts.
As job titles go, refreshingly honest.
It really is amazing how little the leader of Her Majesties opposition knows about Europe, unless of course he’s sending subliminal messages !
Corbyn today tells us he is going to veto TTIP is he is PM, but he doesn’t appear to realise that the only way he could do this would be id the UK were outside the EU !
A trading treaty such as this is known as “Supra National Legislation”, and the UK is simply not able to veto it.
Makes you wonder why the BBC haven’t picked up on this though.
One is sure they will be all over such a fundamental political leadership point, unless of course editorial integrity again intrudes and precludes, given the real issues at play:
The BBC Home Page: Messi tax fraud trial: ‘I knew nothing’ Barcelona star says.
Yes, isn’t it? Perhaps Kikuchiyo or Zero could tell us?
Have the BBC reported this, I wonder?
Editorial integrity precludes… again?
For those who can’t link through:
From a Tory MEP, about Nigel Farage on walkabout. Yes, a Tory MEP. In name, anyway.
Breitbart explains that, in fact, he is a defector from the absurd Lib-Dumbs, moreover, if anything, he appears to be the MEP for Karachi North. Another two reasons why he won’t be receiving the full glare of the BBC’s attention.
More evidence, if evidence were needed, that my country is being changed into something totally different to the one I was born into. Things that I assumed were permanent features of this country, like freedom of speech, are being ridiculed or suppressed, and organisations that were supposed to prevent this sort of thing happening, like the Conservative Party for instance, appear to be complicit.
Threats, arrests for voicing the wrong opinions, wearing the wrong T shirt or quoting past PMs, voter fraud, discrimination against people whose families have lived here for centuries, mass rape, abuse of our culture – or at least those bits of our culture that the Left admits actually exist, abuse of our history. The list goes on.
All unopposed by a Conservative government that conserves nothing.
And now our stupid PM wants employers to judge job applicants according to their parents’ income and social standing (and my background is nothing special so I’m not trying to pull up the ladder). As dishonest CVs seem to be relatively commonplace, I’ve no idea how that is supposed to work.
Sick and tired.
Quoting Churchill from “The River Wars” is a hate crime.
More bullshit from the lying, anti white racists at the BBc.
Thanks for getting in touch with us about Dotun Adebayo’s interview on the BBC Radio 5 Live “Up All Night” programme with Ryan James Girdusky broadcast on 27 May 2016.
This part of the interview had been focused on America’s fight against terrorism, and when the guest made a broad statement about sexual abuse by Muslims in the north of England, the presenter interrupted him as these comments did not feel appropriate or relevant to the wider interview.
Our presenter challenged this broad generalisation with the words “that’s not true”, and it is only after this challenge that the guest specifically made reference to Rotherham.
It was not the presenter’s intention to challenge the well-documented cases in Rotherham, and we are sorry if his choice of words gave this impression at this point.
Once it was clear that the guest did not want to bring the discussion back to US affairs, Dotun ended the interview, acknowledging “we have our own issues here and we leave that to one side”.
Thanks again for getting in touch and we hope our reply here fully clarifies matters and allays any concerns you may have had.
Kind Regards
BBC Complaints Team
I’ll review the broadcast and see if I can be bothered to take it further. However as far as I’m concerned the mass rape of children in society is an act of terrorism. I note the BBc did not comment on the specific questions I asked about the BBcs stance on these atrocities and why the presenter hasn’t been sacked Shame OFCOM haven’t taken over the complaints yet it would have been an ideal complaint to see if anything had changed.
This was my complain Full Complaint: I Have just come across a frankly astounding Interview where your presenter denies the well documented child abuse of around 1,400 children. Is this the BBCs official line on these events? In the past I have had to complain about a lack of reporting when some of these criminals were tried in Liverpool, the BBc then showed a marked resistance to covering the story? Has this “presenter” been sacked yet? If not you may like to explain why.
As the BBC is so committed to Islam and lies to protect it from criticism on the scope of the Rotherham rapes it should be clear that a responsible government should relieve the BBC of its duty to inform and educate without bias and simply allow it to flourish within its Islamic and left constituency whose subscription will pay for appropriate news and programmes. I am sure there would be scores of takers for contracts to provide an unbiased and responsible service.
Oh and in case the BBc think it was only confined to Rotherham perhaps they have forgotten about all the other incidents.
The mass rape of children by Pakistani Muslims was not just in Rotherham, but nationwide. The estimates are around 30,000. As this situation was well known by the authorities – police, social services, Chief constables, then it must have been known at the cabinet level.
The scale and its longevity means that this is a War Crime. But with a difference. War crimes are generally committed by a conquering army on the defeated enemy, particularly on women and girls. But in Britain, it was the governing authority that turned a blind eye to what the invaders were doing. For such a war crime, there is no parallel in history.
That estimate of 30,000 strikes me as being very low. Rotherham is just one small town (pop 110,000) and that has an estimated 1,400 girls raped and abused by mainly Pakistani Muslims.
I’m sure the same thing has been going on in all towns with a significant Muslim population – and that is a lot of towns. In numbers, over 1% of the population of Rotherham were raped!
Even if we assume that the population of towns with a significant Muslim population is 10 million and take 1% of that we can postulate that maybe 100,000 girls have been raped and abused by Muslim paedophile gangs over the last 30 years or so.
I accept, of course, that this is a wild guess but I don’t know if any better estimates are available – I haven’t heard any total numbers for towns other than the 1,400 Rotherham example.
So much enrichment.
Think I am having an out of body experience followed by a super massive heart attack, and the shutting down of every single organ in my body, after reading the most mind fu(k headline on the Al mujahideen Beeb webshite.
“US media’s Donald Trumps addiction”
This can’t be real??! Surely I am dreaming this headline??
Like a crystal meth, smack head telling someone who smokes a few fags, that the smoker has an addiction – the Al Beed are hilariously telling others that someone else are addicted to King Donald.
Pure and utter scumbags
US campus shooting, professor killed. BBC says no details are available of the killer who then committed suicide
US friends inform me that the liberal media were hoping it was a fair skinned Trump
supporter. I wonder if the BBC are holding back in the hope that this is the case.
It appeared to be out of a personal feud between professor and student.
Can’t find the link now (sure it was here) but loved this quote from a BBC reporter:
‘Angela Merkel has been reluctant to intervene in the referendum debate’
As have so many others, love.
Tell it often enough, it has lederhosen on.
Interesting that the Daily Mail reports otherwise…
Cologne sexual assaults.
Over a thousand women reported to have been assaulted.
Not one conviction. EU justice.
BBC quiet again. – Ssshhh. Don’t tell anyone and people won’t think it happened1
Still, at least they keep us informed about the ‘important’ celebrities!
Having been a bus driver in Birmingham a few years ago, I would say, ginger haired males are a bit of a rarity. So, doing a bit of research as to who it might be that harassed Mr Nigel Farage in Birmingham, came across this:
Stop this video at 0.04 and hey presto:
What was that about the BBC reporter thinking that he might have something to do with the Labour Party?
Ticks all the boxes doesn’t it. Must have been a BBC stooge and plant.
Excellent detective work, The Old Bloke. UKIP should be made aware of this.
If a UKIP activist had approached Sadiq Khan (the Mayor of London) with such aggressive hostility on a walkabout, the BBC would be reporting it for weeks or more.
So this gay young blade quit Labour because of “homophobia”. I wonder where that can have come from? Can he point to any of the massed ranks of immigrants who “made Birmingham” who might have a problem with gays, up to and including throwing them off roof tops and crushing them under walls?
As to Mayor Khan, has he worn a tie since he was elected, or is he still avoiding that so-called Christian symbol?
The immigrants who made Birmingham (my home town) include my ancestors who migrated in the 19th and early 20th centuries from errr.. rural Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Norfolk and Lanarkshire.
A bargain basement Owen Jones.
Maybe he could body double Chris Evans? The BBC has the budget and there is a clear need to further boost staff titles and numbers further.
So there you go sense of perspective he thinks Birmingham is like living in N. Korea.
Islam being taught in Prisons.- Apparently promotes jihadism
Message to government. This religion has caused this country no end of problems.
Show some guts and just ban it. Repeat, ban it. Problem gone.
Anyone who objects build more prisons, put them in there and then we will happily read the BBC headline
Christianity being taught to ex Muslims in Prisons.
Job Done.
Oh its all getting so boring now. Every journo is asking the same questions, and the same old same old replies are being given. Harman is spouting the same speech as Corbyn did this morning about most of the migrants coming from outside the EU (well why the f…k is THAT happening?), and not to blame migrants for the state of the housing, NHS and jobs, but its the Government who should be sorting it out. For God’s sake these idiots KNOW that the more migrants allowed to come in the more workers are needed in the NHS – Jeez, we didn’t have a huge migrant problem in the 60’s/70’s and there was never a problem then, AND 95% of the clinicians were Smith & Jones, not Patel & Khan ! Oh, and of course not forgetting that Australia has a bigger migrant problem that we do, despite having a points system – they don’t say that Australia is 3 times the size of the UK with only a 28 million population. No, we just have to sit back and rescue all the Albanian thugs from the Channel that are going to pollute this country further. Sorry, but if they drown they drown, end of.
There was a young lady on PM tonight who has just qualified by age to vote.
She acknowledged that the large number of recent immigrants had led to a housing crisis but we needed to let the immigrants in so that they would build the houses! I can only hope that her parents won’t let her out on 23rd.
As it happens a ‘brown field’ site is being developed for housing near me. It has been interesting to see the work being done to assess the capacity of the drainage systems and the work needed to beef up electricity and gas mains in the area. Lots of new houses needs more than just a spare bit of land, (and immigrant builders).
An interesting statistic was accidentally revealed on the evening news a little earlier. The dear old Beeb don’t like hi-lighting stats like this, so you have to pick up on any information a bit sharpish.
Prisons in Britain are having difficulty in accommodating Muslims for their Friday prayers. Quite properly prisoners have the right to follow their faith and every prisoner has to be searched thoroughly before being allowed into an area to pray. It’s quite a task for an under staffed, stretched and beleaguered service; but here’s the interesting part. Muslims make up (only) 5% of the UK population, but a substantial 1 in 7 of the prison population. That’s over 14 %!
You have to ask the question, why so many members of this peace loving religion find themselves on the wrong side of the law.
Silly boy Jeff.
It is obviously discrimination. Those intelligent students told us so the other day I believe when voting to close prisons.
Sorry Jeff. Slipped into BBC think there for a few moments.
Hopefully back to normal now.
Because the Muslim nutters run the wings.
Pussies like G4S and the gender fluid women who they employ are terrified of the Muslims-and they recruit converts to make up the gangs, allocate turf, run protection rackets-and, of course you get Fridays off, better food that no-one will put washing up liquid into…halal. you see.
Simply a matter of survival for the newbie, a flag of convenience to sail under if you`re a long term con…better conditions and it winds up the liberal governors and ship loads of counsellors and medics who provide the therapeutic massages.
But no Bibles, no Prison Fellowship, no Christians able to get in.
But the Tarby Idiot Course for Jihad gets you a stiff`kt and a pleasing way of decapitation, for practice in the kitchen …for the meanwhile.
No news -no analysis-no explanations from even Mr Gove….until it blows up in Feltham or Long Lartin sometime soon.
I do hope the tide begins to turn on the 23rd.
Today’s main news on bBBC Radio
HillsboroughMerseyside is that the “revenge for the 96” campaigners want a new law to compel public officials to tell the truth, whilst Scousers can carry on lying.And Adams and Co. from the IRA?
A friend of mine informed me that the recent wave (no pun intended) of illegal immigrants crossing the Channel were carried half way across the Channel by French fishing boats. Is this true?
I heard nothing from the pro EU BBC so it might be.
I have seen that somewhere too that they were transferred onto the small boats mid Channel.
Would make it less obvious over there to slip them on to local boats that side.
And what exactly is the role of the UK Border Agency/Royal Navy ships if they spot a vessel heading towards the UK full of illegal immigrants?
1. Take the illegal vessel in tow and return it to France?
2. Advise the occupants of the vessel that they must not do this sort of thing as it’s just not on really?
3. Take them on board and bring them to a UK port?
I suggest 3. Just as it always has been in the Med.
A pointless exercise in aiding illegal immigration.
4. Defend our borders!
Can’t do that, it’s racist.
5. Blow it up.
6. ask how many can swim,then drop them off a mile off the french coast.