Here you go, a new Open Thread. Anyone catch former Labour MP and good pal of Sinn Fein Chris Mullins on the Today programme this morning insisting that relatives of those killed by the IRA in the Birmingham Pub bombings needed to “move on”? Charming. And no pro IRA bias, no way….
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Russia Today News Item “Muslims, up in Northern England Raping little white girls”
The phrase that caused Dotun Adebayo to end a discussion with a US Trump supporter on his Radio 5 show
is discussed in a slick RT News item 24 hours ago on YouTube
You just reminded me,
Thanks for getting in touch with us about Dotun Adebayo’s interview on the BBC Radio 5 Live “Up All Night” programme with Ryan James Girdusky broadcast on 27 May 2016.
This part of the interview had been focused on America’s fight against terrorism, and when the guest made a broad statement about sexual abuse by Muslims in the north of England, the presenter interrupted him as these comments did not feel appropriate or relevant to the wider interview.
Our presenter challenged this broad generalisation with the words “that’s not true”, and it is only after this challenge that the guest specifically made reference to Rotherham.
It was not the presenter’s intention to challenge the well-documented cases in Rotherham, and we are sorry if his choice of words gave this impression at this point.
Once it was clear that the guest did not want to bring the discussion back to US affairs, Dotun ended the interview, acknowledging “we have our own issues here and we leave that to one side”.
Thanks again for getting in touch and we hope our reply here fully clarifies matters and allays any concerns you may have had.
Kind Regards
BBC Complaints Team
If the BBC employed well informed presenters instead of tokens, this embarrassment and need to lie might not have happened. The interviewee was discussing the token’s accusation that Trump intended to ban all Muslims from the US permanently, which is the interpretation given as if it were intended as a permanent policy. That is the position held by the SWP and UAF, which the token had accepted. But the speaker forced the token to acknowledge that Trump’s policy was to ban Muslims until the problems with Isis had been sorted out. The token accepted this and then the interviewee mention Rotherham as an example of the problems in the UK – a valid extension of the argument – and the token went ballistic.
Paul Gambaccini blasts the BBC as worst employer of all time : MailOnline
Listen to the Actual (independent) Radio Today episode with open comments.
PG : “My accuser was .. a distressed individual … the police should have done due diligence at the start”
“He said he rang the doorbell to my flat, and a pop star answered…but how would he get into the building and to my flat ?”
“Witch-hunt” against other stars…”other people were kept on tenterhooks for years on accusations even more ludicrous stories”.
Very difficult Stew to feel any sympathy towards the labour supporting, BBC loving, license-fee dependent, pro-remain, gay DJ Paul Gambaccini.
Ex-Labour leaders try to rally pro-EU voters
Six former Labour leaders are trying to rally the party’s supporters to vote to remain in the EU. Well, what a right old motley crew we have here….
Neil Kinnock (failed prime minister, europarasite and lord, maried to a europarasite baroness. produced 2 children who quickly became apprentice parasites and went on to be fully qualified parasites)
Tony Blair (war criminal, such a good socialist that the socialists are still trying to undo the good work that he did to this day)
Gordon Brown (failed chancellor, couldn’t wait to be PM so he could fail at that too, master of the microphone blunder)
Ed Miliband (just a failure, although was quite good at eating burgers allegedly)
Harriet Harman and Margaret Beckett (wannabee failures)
have issued a statement saying: “If Labour stays at home, Britain leaves”.
I found the whole article amusing, the bbc seem as lost on Labour as Labour are on the EU. If I’m not mistaken there is a thinly veiled pi$$-take of Corbyn who, this week, rose above the parapet long enough to tell us EU membership is all about roaming charges, bees and beaches. No wonder he was told to get back down again.
Got to be good for the leave campaign if this lot get some airtime – even the Beeb trying to get them to exit stage left
Harriet Harman and Margaret Beckett as “Ex Labour Party Leaders”?
Only in the same way as Jodl, Reidel, Himmler and Goering were all “successors to Hitler as leaders of the German Nazi Party”.
i.e a lunchtime session in the sandpit, thinking you`re Lawrence of Arabia.
No doubt now, we`ll be told by the BBC that Beckett and Harman as “leaders” means that Labour has had twice as many women in charge of the Party as have the Tories…who only had Thatcher.
And-by the time the BBC have finished the Never Ending Story…the influence of Beckett and Harman will be written as being of more importance that Thatchers brief dalliance over the cream scones with Golda, Indira etc.
Fuck the fup off BBC!
Glenys Kinnock led the Labour Party more than Neil-these two were the Bill and Hillary of their day.
It was mentioned in the paper review this morning on Toady and the sentence I am sure I heard was….six living Labour ex-leaders have said…. It begged the addition of…six living Labour ex-leaders and 3 dead ones have said….
Their dead ones were all outers.
Foot-Benn-Crow…the Left had an honourable tradition of seeing the EU for what it is.
Corbyn has missed a trick here-nobody will ever take him to be “principled and trustworthy” ever again.
Everybody knows he`s Benns cycle clip, so hasn`t an original thought in his head unless its from Benns books 1978-83.
Of course Labour is now Roy Jenkins rattling ghost these days…maybe if they dug up Callaghan, they`d do better-could not be any worse than Uncle(Prince) Albert…
Absolutely no mention of the perps, so you can be 100% sure that they were the SJW’s in guido masks. Any they call themselves anti-fascists. You couldn’t make it up could you….
It’s interesting that the BBC report describes them as “anti-fascists” – so presumably anyone who takes the opposite view to them is by default a “fascist”. It says it all really, doesn’t it?
Just a warning to the contributors on here residing in sunnier climes in the EU.
The Mirror picked up on Gove knowing somebody living in France, which apparently makes him a member of the elite.
I hope you have told your families of their new status.
Just a little factlet the largest number of people living in an EU country in receipt of a UK pension are in Ireland. Spain and France are only second and third.
A good afternoon of sport on BBC 1 & 2. Women’s boxing and women’s football.
Women’s boxing ????? WTF ????? Are they wearing hijabs as well?
Talking of boxing, have you seen this:
They just can’t help themselves can they. I mean, WTF has Clinton got to do with it?
When is this sort of crap going to end? We all know where it’s going to end – a backlash, and a big one at that.
Spending our money well again, it would be ridiculous no matter who was involved, but here’s a man who thought it appropriate to approach a shotgun wielding killer with a fishing rod and a chicken drumstick during an armed police stand off, stroll on. I’m sure the fully rational Gascoigne appreciates the magnitude of the heinous vicious genocidal hate crime he’s alleged to have committed, best defence in this case, start cross dressing use the ladies and convert to you know what. Should throw the witch finder general off the scent for a bit.
And if they hounded Gazza to his death over spurious crap like this…they be the FIRST ones to say that we need more drug and alcohol support services for the Gateshead estates.
Utter hypocrites…Gazza`s just an idiot, and no security guard I`ve met would give a damn.
Cue Jerrod….clapping his coconuts, on a pantomine horse unsure which end to unzip from.
But an answer to a question that nobody asked him…hang on, maybe Matrons Slumberlin has put him in the arms of Morph…
Muhammad Ali: What made ‘The Greatest’ so great?
Although the headline has changed from this morning, when I intended to post, from “is he the greatest?” (paraphrased) to this afternoon’s “he is the greatest” (also paraphrased) what a difference a few hours makes. He was a great boxer, let’s not be unkind or inaccurate. However I couldn’t help noticing that the author of one of these pieces was Ben Dirs. By my calculation he wasn’t even alive when Ali had his first professional fight. So how exactly does that give him license to be some kind of authority on Muhammed Ali? This is not without precedent in the bbc where hot from the cot presenters are given license (not to mention our money) to pose as an authority on various subjects. Given that they are still warm from the university campus and befuddled with lefty ideas (sign here says the bbc recruiter) its not surprising that the average age of a bbc presenter/reporter or whatever requires them to deal with matters that are essentially history and present them as if they are current affairs.
‘hot from the cot’ – brilliant, I will be using that one Sir – not heard it before
Too true siesmicboy.
I too get tired of kids who weren`t there , who presume to tell me what was going on when I myself WAS there.
All they do is read a highlighted script that was written by the usual lefty massage boys who see race, gender, drugs and pro-EU/antiFatch in anything they are allowed to write the “appropriate narrative” for.
I was there-compost menses-throughout the 70s and 80s…and baled out at Spike Island.
Since then, they`ve been on drugs and educated by Major or Blair…so, they`ll either not know, or not remember anyway.
Ali was a genuine iconic great…but ended up like Joe Louis…much as Prince ended up like Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse ended up like Janis Joplin.
All good copy for the third rate critics and nomarks at the BBC to project their fetid fantasies upon…all personal tragedies, only wish their friends would mock the BBC and the liberal fantasists who can`t see a bodybag without sticking a Fairtrade sticker on it.
George Foreman put Nick Robinson in his box earlier, hope others will refuse to let the Beeb stitch their dreamcatchers from the dead.
I heard The Greatests last words were – ” Tell them Goddam Limeys to vote Remain” – He whispered it so quietly that only a BBC political editor could pick it up ! Apparently he had been concerned for a long time about our hostility towards Europe and especially to all the poor “asylum seekers” that are crossing the Channel.
Maybe Aunty will let the Boy David release this important news as he needs to quickly reestablish himself and show he still has a sense of reality. He really is becoming like General Melchett in Black Adder Goes Forth.
Interesting point in the Mail – Theresa May has gone very quiet about this migration crisis could it be “Cometh the hour goeth the woman” or is she in a Whitehall bunker with Dave with two pencils in her ear and saying wibble.
I think this , duplicitous woman, maybe is trying to distance herself from the Moron as she senses the game may well be up
I like that one too !
Well, I thought I would log off but this just popped up…………..
Arrests at Brighton anti-immigration demo
If you ever needed a better example of how the biased bbc use our beautiful English language to distort and mislead, this is it.
These 2 quotes from the report point the finger without any evidence or factual reporting, it’s a disgusting abuse of privilege.
Police said officers had enforced Section 60AA of the Public Order Act, which gives them the right to remove people’s face masks if they are felt likely to be involved in criminal activity or violence and to be concealing their identity.
BBC South East correspondent Mark Norman later tweeted that the pro-refugee march ended back at the station, where all was calm.
So the implication is that the anti-immigration crowd were sinister and wore black masks and the pro-refugee crowd were calm.
This is what we’re up against folks.
Marr Show
Major is telling us the ‘leavers’ are ‘deceitful’. Well he liked his ‘Curry’ hot . So would you trust him and his pro Euro comments ?
They all lied to us about the Common Market and they are lying now.