The BBC is in full-on Remain life support mode as the polls indicate Leave is ahead despite all the OTT alarmist scaremongering by the Eton toffs and friends, or perhaps because of it.
We’ve already looked at the BBC’s false claims that the economy is in freefall because of EU referendum uncertainty and today we bring you yet another example…..Manufacturing has picked up and not fallen as Remain predicts but apparently even if the economy has an upward trend this is still bad news according to the BBC…
UK manufacturing sector scrapes back to growth in May
UK manufacturing activity rose slightly in May, raising concerns over the economy’s strength in the run-up to the 23 June European Union referendum.
I’m sorry, what? Manufacturing activity rose and that is a cause for concern…due to the referendum?
Hang on, the BBC continues…
“The headline PMI index recovered from its three-year low in April, ticking up from an upwardly revised 49.4 to 50.1 in May, above the consensus expectation of 49.6,” she said.
Ms Miller said this was still far below the average since the economic recovery picked up at the start of 2013. However, she thought the situation would “improve for UK manufacturers later this year”.
Overall new orders rose in May.
So manufacturing rose above expectations and there were new orders in May….what’s the problem?
Seems like the BBC is making it up as it goes along….just feeding us Remain campaign propaganda. The US economy is showing exactly the same trends as ours and they are not having an EU referendum, manufacturing in the UK rose in May when it should have been plummeting fast if Remain are to be believed and the BBC paints a gloomy picture blaming it all on the referendum.
The BBC is a shameless propagandist for Remain and is treating its audience with contempt…contempt for their intelligence and contempt for their views and right to have impartial information…but what’s new?
I think one thing is becoming clearer by the day….Whether we vote to leave or remain, Cameron is finished as Tory leader….I wonder how the BBC will take that particular conundrum in the near future……
Bitter sweet would be my guess. They are so desperate to remain attached to Juncker’s totalitarian empire that they will tolerate even the hated Cameron. If he falls they’ll be delighted – but not if he falls and we regain our freedom and self-determination.
Cameron’s not a Tory, he’s a corporate politician, and thus, signing up to the UAF gives him kudos with his chattering class elite. As that’s all that matters to creatures like Cameron. HIS chattering class elite are the be all and end all, and the rest of us are highly expendable…
Just a few weeks ago, Cameron was pretending to ride into the central chambers of Brussels like King Arthur on a white steed, claiming to be standing up for the people of Britain threatening to leave his corporate gentlemans club if he didn’t get his way….He got next to nothing from them, and yet now he’s Junkers most ardent sycophant. It’s all a game – and if the public steer too close to the truth, then Cameron and his corporate cronies will willfully instruct other corporate cronies (Google – Facebook – Twitter) to come down hard on inquisitive public minds, citing “hate speech”, as they look to take yet another civil liberty away…
In the words of Johnny Rotten – “Have you ever had the feeling that you’re being used”?…….Our choice of leadership?……A corporate Eton toff…..A clueless Trot….Or an unaccountable cess pit that is situated in Brussels..
He will be looking forward to a juicy job in Brussels, good food and wine. Besides, the thought of meeting Trump must be galling, Better to be holed up in some EU labyrinth.
Richard North puts it short and simple
In the end, we either control our own destiny as a people, or others control it
for us. That is what we must decide on 23 June 2016.
I clicked your link, and was immediately reminded why I’d stopped visiting that site.
“I’m right, you’re all wrong and stupid.”
Agreed. Richard North spends more time attacking ‘leavers’ than the EU. In fact I think he has gone ‘native’ and would seek to re-invent the EU if we left it – with him as president of course.
He really believes that the SNP lost their referendum because they didn’t have a two-million page thesis to present to the people, (like wot he rote), rather than that Mel Gibson and Braveheart nearly won it for them.
The SNP lost the referendum because their economic plan was a fraud. They wanted to leave the UK, but stay in the EU. However, they could not admit that this would logically mean joining the Euro, so they insisted they could keep the Pound Sterling, even though the Bank of England told them they could not.
It was actually their Europhilia which did for them. If they had proposed true independence, leaving the EU and having their own Scottish Pound, backed by oil, they might have won. I find it a pleasing irony that the SNP lost because they are not really nationalists, they are England haters who don’t want real self-government, but just want to be part of the EU empire instead.
I agree with you. I left the site for that reason, as well his complete blindness to the Islamic threat. On the Islam issue I don’t blame him, as he lives in Bradford.
However, his succinct two liner is well phrased.
///The BBC is a shameless propagandist for Remain and is treating its audience with contempt…contempt for their intelligence ///
To be fair, Alan, that wouldn’t take a whole lot of contempt.
The Lord
This is worth repeating ……………
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
The BBC cannot abide positive news when it comes to the economy. They always throw in some kind of caveat to temper the upbeat mood of the issue.
It always (and I mean ALWAYS) happens when they repeatedly, but reluctantly, report falls in unemployment with ‘…but pay remains stagnant’ or ‘…but real terms pay remains low’ or ‘…but the cost of living means most will not benefit’.
If there’s anything that angers me most about the BBC it is its news output. They see it as a licence to present facts whilst only questioning the facts that contradict their own political position, when the BBC should question all of them!
It’s only fair to the British public that the BBC exposes the fact that pay remains low because of mass migration. Nothing to do with increased employment. But they, the BBC, won’t. They won’t treat that fact as a “fact” – they will treat it as something which needs further debate to determine whether it is a fact, or just fiction.
And so, on it goes to a live discussion on TV or radio with an impartial mix of guest speakers and representatives to discuss whether mass migration is lowering workers’ pay or if there are other forces influencing the job market. Of course, we never get to the truth because the truth is scattered to the wind by putting a fact up for debate amongst people who wish to supress the truth and question the fact.
This is where simple economics is destroyed by those with a political agenda. Simple economics tells us Britain will do just fine, or even better, outside of the political project of the EU.
Yes, some people will suffer. But it won’t be the workers. It will be those who rely on the taxpayer for their inflated salaries. It will be those who profit from the EU at the expense of those who see their businesses collapse. It will be those who gain unjustly from the ECHR.
We need to get OUT!
Here’s a link to an excellent YouTube video that by, sheer coincidence!, popped up on my YouTube homepage that goes a long way to explain what I was trying to say in my comment:
That is an excellent post
Of course Car-moron is finished. Though like Bliar, I don’t believe he gives a flying!
It’s the shit shovelling sell outs that should be more worried. I cannot see anyone who voted Tory at the last election doing it next time, and that must scare the hell out of those who are not self-serving, brown nose, shit-eaters in the party! I cannot see how the career junkies who sold out the true conservative values to back that lying, two-faced bastard, can recover the illusion of being a genuine Tory again.
Liebour on the other hand are already finished. They are full paid up members of the “vote for us if you are a fantasist, lunatic, delusional lefty or bedwetting, snot nosed imbecile student, who are so detached from reality, they make Crystal meth users look more in controll”
For as long as I can remember, the political elite have spoken about the disconnect between themselves and the voter’s… Like the person saying it is different. Like they know what the people want and they will carry out their public duties in the way they were voted in for. For the people, representing the people…..The first real opportunity for those self-serving traitors to be true to their words, and it’s 2 fingers up to the public!! It’s all about feathering their nests. Building a career. Making sure they are ok. They despise the voter’s. All voters. We are just cashcows to be manipulated to benefit themselves.
Great post.
Let read it again.
Radio 4 stuck in Remain mode this morning, with the two leading news headlines pro-Remain, and only the third headline pro-Leave. Eagerly promoting the message that Labour voters need to get out to defeat the Leave campaign, spearheaded by the leader of the GMB union. And the “improve our soil” campaign interview suddenly turning into a full on Remainiac rant, with support for Corbyn to boot! What a “surprise”… Only passing reference to the immigration angle which was described as “full front and centre” in the minds of his members by the head of GMB… funnily enough no interview with him and no investigation into why his members might be concerned, perhaps some interviews might have been warranted, but oh no. Highly selective reporting, all according to BBC diktat.
News at Ten last night showed some sort of agricultural processing plant. The owner was complaining that a points based immigration system would mean he would not be able to get workers. Since most agricultural work is seasonal, why should it be difficult? In the 70s and 80s many young British people travelled to France to harvest grapes, for example. Similarly in the Channel Islands, which are outside the EU, summer season hotel work is still carried out by EU labour from eastern Europe. Yet none of these points were raised.
I keep telling people. We already have a points based visa system.
EU citizen: score 100, Non-EU citizen: score 0.
Pass mark: 50.
We can do better than that.
Woke up at 8.30-and drifted in and out as a series or EUriners came on to warn me off from voting “LEAVE”.
Just a series of whiners like Darling, Trade Union Labour suckups and SNP splinter groups.
Sheer crap-wall to wall bias. One way, unipolar BS.
But after voting Leave brings in WW3 according to Cameron-there really is nowhere else to go.
Hysterical, reminding me of the black woman up on the chair in a Tom and Jerry cartoon…screaming queens all of `em…yet the people have decided.
If there is ANYONE out there, yet to make up their mind-just show them Brexit-the Movie, Paxman or Condell.
A no-brainer-and all the BBC rely on is those no-brainers staying in the shit.
Mind you-am listening to “In Our Time” as I write…if only the BBC would stick to letting me think for myself, using programmes like this…then we`d not be wanting its guts for the plywood violin.
‘In Our Time’ is one of the few truly great BBC programmes. One of the reasons is, I think, that the topics are discussed in such depth that the usual mob of Guardianistas are not able to cope, so only very intelligent and reasonable academics can take part. Imagine Polly Toynbee or Yasmin Alibai-Brown trying!
I agree, it is good to see a programme that is intellectually tough. And it is chaired by that old Labour peer but to his credit he seems to keep his own politics out of the discussions. Unlike Evan Davis who had a ‘balanced’ discussion on the EU on The Bottom line at the weekend but Davis blatantly showed his own bias & contempt for the views of the leave representatives.
If the referendum result is REMAIN, my prediction is that UKIP will ‘do an SNP’ at the next European elections and rocket up close to 50%.
I mean, who else could Brexiteers vote for? And we’ll have had another 2 years of weasel words, democratic illegitimacy, Greek bailouts, and Euro babble by then……………
Sluff, this is my hope. It might just be the best thing for the country. I think we will vote ‘Remain’, if we vote Leave, assuming there is no outright fraudulent counting, there will still be endless obfuscation and delays from the government; the result has no legal standing anyway. The Remainers hope we can all just go back to sleeping the deep, deep sleep of England, but the systemic problems of the EU are only going to get worse and the British people will eventually have enough of it. Cometh the hour, cometh the man.
Dave Cameron is like a very dodgy estate agent trying to sell us a house at top money in a very dubious area. The estate is bankrupt . One of the main areas is nightly witnessing rioting. The biggest part of the estate is like the area bully and itself getting unstable. The southern outlying districts are descending into poverty and anarchy. Other outlying districts on the east side are getting really cheesed off with the estate bully.
But our Dave is getting us to pay top money for this dubious pleasure of living with this lot. Just shows what advertising can do if the punters are that stupid.
Can I suggest that you consider using the term “EU sheeple” when referring to the remainers.
The dictionary definition is
“The term is used to describe those who voluntarily acquiesce to a suggestion without critical analysis or research in large part because the majority of others possess a similar mindset. Word Spy defines it as “people who are meek, easily persuaded, and tend to follow the crowd (sheep + people).”
I cannot lay claim to the description, but I think it sums up a large number in the remain camp perfectly
Yes Mallard Sheeple certainly works well as a description of these morons,
Like many ovine animals sheeples like to stay in a herd and and only like to think about where the next lager or plasma telly is coming from. They dont like to think too deeply about anything and will always play safe as thinking disturbing thoughts spoils their self satisfied, vapid lives.
Unfortunately what they dont realise is that voting Remain is not the safe, unchanging option that they have been told it is and certainly in the long term remaining in the EU will bring dramatic, negative changes to their moronic lifestyles that they will not be able to grasp at until it is too late.
I take some pleasure in this thought – unfortunately the rest of us will also be dragged down by these brain dead imbeciles. Still cant have it all I suppose.