The BBC’s coverage and reporting from the Middle East, and closer to home on the subject of Islam, terrorism, radicalisation and the ‘clash of civilisations’, has been dishonest, deliberately misleading and dangerous. The BBC has devoted its reporting to defending and supporting extremists, to hiding the truth of what Muslim intentions are in the West, hiding the true nature of Islam as an ideology, and hiding events across Europe that illustrate the nature of Islam and the incompatibility of Islam with a Western, secular, democratic and liberal society. The BBC in contrast uses its enormous resources and influence to vilify and demonise Israel and gives a positive voice almost solely to the Palestinian narrative. We know that the BBC has a report, the Balen Report, that supposedly investigated the BBC’s reporting of the Middle East, a report that the BBC spent over £300,000 to prevent being published. Why? Does it show ‘BBC News kills Jews’? It wasn’t so long ago that a BBC reporter suggested that Jews in Europe were a justifiable target because of what Israel does in Gaza or the West Bank.
In fact we don’t need to see the Balen Report to uncover the BBC’s approved line in reporting on Islam and Israel. We have our own eyes and ears which tell us all we need to know…but beyond that we have the words of one of the people who seems to have had a huge influence on, not just the BBC’s coverage, but perhaps coverage from journalists around the world, Roger Hardy, in an extraordinarily revealing expose of the mindset of the BBC and how it approaches certain important and controversial subjects.
The most damning revelation by Hardy is that the BBC’s reporting on Israel is not led by journalistic integrity, a search for truth, a principled mission to ‘speak truth to power’, it is in fact led by what it perceives as public opinion. The ‘independent’ BBC has allowed its reporting to be hijacked by the massive propaganda campaigns led by the pro-Palestinian Islamists in combination with the Hard Left that has altered public perceptions of Israel, and rather than maintain a neutral stance and report the facts, the BBC adopted that pro-Palestinian narrative and has been central to it’s coverage ever since.
Hardy also, in a second talk [videos below], reveals that he believes we must surrender Europe to Muslims…’they’ are here and so we must adapt our society to fit in with their demands else they become alienated, angry and radicalised.
‘One lesson well understood in both Stalin’s Russia and Nazi Germany was that propaganda is most effective when it is backed by terror’
By coincidence Sue at ‘Is the BBC biased? posted this video of Col. Richard Kemp talking about the Media’s portrayal of Israel and revealing the two most salient facts about the conflict between Israel and the Muslim/Left axis….That the Palestinian leadership has not, and never has had, any intention of agreeing to a two-state solution, they want to wipe Israel off the map, and secondly that there has been one of the most powerful smear campaigns in history directed against Israel …a campaign of course that the BBC has been central to.
In this talk Roger Hardy looks at the BBC’s role in reporting on politics and how it acts in the ‘national interest’. He touches on Israel and Islam and he reveals that he is more sympathetic towards the Palestinians than the Israelis and , though originally not enamoured with Islam, since joining the BBC he has come to view it more positively and believes the problem is that the Media just doesn’t understand Islam and ‘we are paying a high price for our failure to understand it’…..when he says ‘understand’ he means be more sympathetic and make allowances for Muslim beliefs, concerns and grievances….so….terrorism, radicalisation…it’s the West’s fault.
Speaking Truth to Power: The BBC and the Middle East
In the videos below Hardy expands on what he sees as the Media’s failure to understand as it reports on Islam and the Muslim world and its interaction with the West. He claims that ‘Palestinian issues are at the heart of global issues and Islamic radicalisation’. So Israel is the problem not ‘Islam’.
Journalists just don’t understand Islam, Muslims and the Muslim world, they don’t understand the massive diversity of the Muslim world preferring easy stereotypes. That from Hardy, a self-professed expert on Islam, is highly dishonest as he knows that the whole point of Islam is that it is one religion, one set of rules no matter what culture you live in, Islam is meant to be the same everywhere…and he ignores the close connection between Muslims worldwide….the ‘Ummah’.
He tells us we had better get this right [our understanding of Islam] for the sake of our own growing multi-cultural society with ever-increasing Muslim populations.
Revealingly, tellingly, and scarily, his attitude is that ‘there is no Islam and the rest…’they’ are here and we have to adapt our societies to fit in with Islam and the demands of that Muslim population’….in other words we must Islamise our society in order that Muslims feel they fit in and don’t feel alienated and hence go on to become radicalised…..which brings to mind the Mirror’s editorial about Muslim blackmail backed with threats of ‘terror’ by angry Muslim communities not allowed to create mini-Pakistans in the UK…
Hardy tells us that if we fail to understand Islam it is no wonder we don’t understand Islamism…hmmm…trouble is most people do understand Islam and don’t like it…it’s just the BBC that refuses to admit the truth and continues to peddle a dangerous lie about the compatibility, and the desire to integrate, of Islam and ‘Islamists’ with the West.
As millions of Muslims force their way into Europe to join the many millions already here it is evident that people like Hardy are ready to surrender their own culture, beliefs and values and that the BBC is applying its resources to aid and abet in that capitulation. Despite that it is clear that many others in Europe are actively opposed to this abandonment of European society and culture and are working to bring this Islamisation to an end.
It is fairly obvious that this can have only one result in the end as Europe ‘awakens’…a huge religious war across Europe with the inevitable endgame that Muslims are forced out of Europe but not before we have massive bloodletting and destruction visited upon us as was the result of Partition and the creation of Pakistan…the last time Muslims decided they needed to Islamise a land.
The BBC’s attempts to downplay the consequences of mass Muslim migration into Europe has the opposite effect to that intended. The BBC thinks that if it buries bad news this will keep the peace….but in the end it will result in far more savagery, death and destruction than may have happened had the mass migration been blocked originally and Islam ‘contained’.
The BBC’s utopian world is a dangerous and delusional dream.
Hardy starts at 5 mins 30secs in……and continues in part two….
The demonization of Israel has been on going consistently for well over a decade. A turning point in propaganda against Israel came in January 2004 when Broadcasting house told and acted out the most horrendous slanderous story purporting to illustrate the Israeli’s were cruel beyond belief towards a mother giving birth to twins resulting in their deaths. This was an emotional story that must have had a huge impact as presenter sounded close to tears.
Other accusations against Jews were that “they were the first modern terrorists of the 20th century” . This was a trail before a BBC2 documentary on the bombing of the King David Hotel.
See how BBC Today sponsored a terrorist supporter in 2004
Jeremy Bowen deep hatred for Israel was shown in a particularly nasty anti Semitic reading from the Lebenese Star as one of the newspapers of the day . A brave MP took up correspondence on my behalf with the BBC on this one (the correspondence is confidential for another few years) This complaint is included in What is interesting is that the BBC sent me a new recording where Jeremy’s voice sounded less aggressive.
Recently the BBC twisted the facts on a Science programme and totally omitted the saving of thousands of lives in the Phillipines was due to a new wheat the Israeli’s have introduced there and lied about its origins from Israel See . A programme on banned protest songs gave a Norwegian the opportunity to highlight ( 7.25am Radio 4 ) a protest song against the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 was told she would be shot if she went to Israel. He then added he despaired of the situation there Yet Israel is one of the only countries in the Middle East that you can speak out without fear.
Amazing post Alan.
Rodger Soft-as-shity is doing what all the lunatic lefts do and applying his warped, fascist, bigoted morals onto the rest of us and forcing the rest of us to live with what just those spineless, traitorous bastard want.
There can be no appeasement in Islam. There can only be Islam. Whether it’s through conversation or beheading the end game is the same. The world belongs to Allah and to be by his side in paradise the believer’s need to undertake Jihad to achieve a full Islamic world. There is no compromise. To fail is to accept an eternity in hellfire. To undertake Jihad is a guarantee place in paradise.
These are facts. This isn’t someones interpretation. Islam cannot change so the kafir gave to. The mechanisms of Islam ensure perpetual submission, obedience, war, death and conversion. There is no other way to be a Muslim
@Tothepoint In principle I agree absolutely with your sentiments. The only “but” I have is knowledge of my UK 2nd generation Muslim friend who is Westernised and doesn’t believe in following the Koran 100% but instead relies on his inner moral compass, and will use that to override the written texts where he feels they go wrong. His family is from Turkey (which modernised in the 20th century) but he grew up here and went though mainstream non-faith schools in the UK. A “reformed” Muslim if you like. I can quite happily see us living alongside people like that, no problem. The problem is people for whom the book comes first, and moral compass 2nd. There’s an ever growing number of Muslims calling for this kind of reform, I think they need to have grown up and been schooled in the West to have this kind of viewpoint, but we need to encourage them all we can. See eg this video “Countering Radical Islam – A Reformist Muslim Speaks Out” [how do you embed a video?]
I welcome your point of view Mike, however the issue is with the death cult ideology that is Islam, and not the people who are brainwashed by it.
People have never been the problem. It’s the delusional left who keep trying to mislead and misdirect the debate to the fallacy that this is about race. It’s just Islam. It’s Islam everywhere it exists all over the world. Whatever race, people, culture it attacks it destroys it and turns it violent and utterly relentless in it’s pursuit of Islamic domination
Islam does not differentiate between races of people or recognise borders. It doesn’t allow for democracy or the lefts favourite buzzword ‘diversity’. The laws of Islam were set by Muhammad and can never be changed. Muslims can try and ignore them, but that just means they are being bad Muslims.
Human instinct or nurture can never be offered as an argument against the unchangeable brutality of Islam. Islam cannot be changed and your friends are just trying to integrate with our society. Make no mistake about it, in the eyes of Islam they are bad Muslims and will be amongst the first to feel the peaceful enrichment of purest Islam…which will always win through. There is no debating Islam and is why the true nature of Islam is spreading so horrifically around the globe. What will happen to your friends is they will have to choose between accepting purest Islam in all is horrific and deadly entirety.. Or face death like the rest of us.
Revealingly, tellingly, and scarily, his attitude is that ‘there is no Islam and the rest…’they’ are here and we have to adapt our societies to fit in with Islam and the demands of that Muslim population’…
Can we just take stock of what they’ve already been given:
– Gender segregation
– Gender-based abortions
– Arranged marriages
– Closed shop mosques
– BBC Asian Network
– Sharia Courts
– Freedom to hold extremist meetings and voice hatred of the West, Israel, gays etc etc without fear of prosecution
– Wearing of burka in public, including our courts
– No-go Muslim-only areas
– Freedom to live their lives as if still inrural Pakistan, Bangladesh, Somalia or wherever but with all the benefits our liberal, civilised (for now) society has to offer such as education and healthcare
Add in an Islamophile public broadcaster, a rabidly supportive political Left, police and social services reluctant to investigate or prosecute for fear of appearing racist and both general public and mainstream press cowed into silence by political correctness and you have to ask the question….WHAT MORE IS THERE TO EFFING WELL GIVE??
“The most damning revelation by Hardy is that the BBC’s reporting on Israel is not led by journalistic integrity, a search for truth, a principled mission to ‘speak truth to power’, it is in fact led by what it perceives as public opinion.”
That is a complete inversion of what Hardy said about media coverage of Israel/Palestine. What he actually said was that BBC coverage had been Pro-Israel, until the 1980’s when the public became more willing to criticise Israel when it was right to do so.
Not being “Pro-Israeli” is not the same as being “Pro-Palestinian”. This is a false dichotomy. Something you seem mentally unable or unwilling to recognise.
“He touches on Israel and Islam and he reveals that he is more sympathetic towards the Palestinians than the Israelis…”
That’s just an outright lie.
Why do you feel the need to lie quite so often, Alan?
Do you think that Al Beeb is biased ?
When was the last time the BBC scrutinised the repeated failure of the ‘Palestinians’ to agree to a two-state solution?
When was the last time the BBC made any mention of repeated attempts by the Arab nations to wipe Israel off the face of the map?
Is there any chance they would ever give airtime to Colonel Kemp (video above) so these historical facts could be broadcast?
And do you not think the public might take a slightly different view of the ‘conflict’ if the nation’s broadcaster, with 70% coverage of news and current affairs, painted a more balanced picture?
It would also be nice if you backed up your accusation of lying with your own critical analysis of what Hardy said.