Time for a new one of these….The BBC has given up all pretence of being impartial as it ‘reports’ on the EU referendum which gives us plenty to talk about….the floor is yours….
BBC – A panel should be set up to advise South Yorkshire Police on how to deal with far-right protest marches in Rotherham, a report has said.
The review said the panel would help … ahem “limit the negative impact” of demonstrations on the town.
It was commissioned by Police and Crime Commissioner Alan Billings after Muslim groups boycotted the force following a Britain First march in September 2015. The force said it hoped such a panel would be of “significant benefit”.
so to summarise … Still going on, still complicit, still trying to cover it up,
Yep, biggest case so far, 25 this time, bigger than Rotherham totally ignored by msm last month up in Leeds
About to be dwarfed oh yes, with an upcoming, staggering 261 suspects and 188 victims. up in Keighley.
Reliable info on the situation and its cover up?
most up to date https://t.co/JSi1fsq8ev
A counter protest to a silent walk for the victims, 1400 girls of Islamic gang rape? where s your
“concerned “coverage BBC?
Here s the letter from the rogues gallery to the police https://t.co/0AS02Mgzsa
and the groups erm … previous form https://t.co/9LuWJ3YyOX
Found the letter very interesting Nogginator. Very little diversity in the interesting list of signatories I see:
Suresh Grover, chair of The Monitoring Group/Rotherham 12 campaign coordinator
Imran Khan, partner of Imran Khan Solicitors and Partners
Muhbeen Hussain, founder of British Muslim Youth
Fiyaz Mughal, founder of Tell MAMA
Mohammed Shafiq, chief executive of the Ramadhan Foundation
Shakoor Adalat, chair of the Rotherham Muslim Community Forum
Councillor Taiba Yasseen, cabinet member (RMBC)
Councillor Rose M. McNeely
Councillor Tajamal Hussain
Saghir Alam, chair of Rotherham Council of Mosques (RCM)
Shaykh Sadaqa
t Hussain, head Imam of Medina Masjid (Wolseley Road, Sheffield)
Sabir Hussain, secretary of Jamia Masjid Abu Bakr (Russell Street, Eastwood)
Shakoor Adalat, secretary of Masjid-e-Uthman (Milton Road, Eastwood)
Mohammed Tanveer, secretary of Jamiah Masjid
Anwar-e-Mustafa (College Road, Masborough)
Haji Karamat Hussain, chair of Jamia Masjid Ahl-e-Sunnat al Jamaat Barelvi (Tooker Road,
Nizakat Sabir, secretary of Markaz-ul-Uloom Al-Islamia (Ridge Road, Eastwood)
Haji Mohammed Shafiq, secretary of
Faizan E Madinah (Maltkiln Street, Moorgate)
Shiraz Yousaf, secretary of Jamiat Ahl-e-Hadith (Moorgate Road, Moorgate)
Mr Najib, chair of Markazi Jamia Masjid (Chaple Walk, Rotherham)
Zlakha Ahmed MBE, founder of Apna Haq
Tariq Sadiq, chair of the Rotherham Hackney Association
Zulfiqar Ahmed, acting chair of the Rotherham Private Hire Driver’s Association
Zaheer Munir, chair of Rotherham Labour East Ward
Steve Rogers, chair of Open Minds Theatre Company
Jonathan Smith, Rotherham Friends of Palestine
Jackie Treanor
Professor Jawed Siddiqi
Azzizum Akhtar, CEO of Rotherham Ethnic Minority Alliance (REMA)
Thomas Donaldson, chair of Rotherham Against Cuts
Faheem Ali, partner of Alison Law Solicitors LLP
Shafaq Hussain Iqbal, CEO of King Medina Dates
Araf Fashi, director of Sensis
Shaukat Ali, director of RMAARI
Sirea Jabar, chair of Illuminate Youth Project
Anjum Abbasi, director of Rotherham Diversity Forum
Wajid Ghafoor, manager of Pak Supermarket
Mariam Shah, community Activist
Nazeer Hussain, proprietor of Behari Food Store
Sarbast Abs Mahamad, manager of the European Mini Market
Ambeer, proprietor of Ambeer Barber shop
Mohammad Hussain, manager of Fast and Fresh Takeaway
M. Yasin, proprietor of Kashmir Food Store
Mavculin, proprietor of Top Cuts Barber
Ajaz Khan, proprietor of Phone World
Ibrar Karim, proprietor of Fone Tec
Etsam Hussain, director of Montrose Carpets & Furnishings
Imran Javed, manager of Shahjahan
Shuaib Hussain, proprietor of Rajas
Abdullah Mohammad, proprietor at Al-Barakah
Ellie, proprietors of Ellie’s Pizzeria
Tanveer, manager of Zaika Kebab & Sweets
Zayne Zaman, proprietor of Shake Shack
Zubbair Hussain , director of Pharmacy Delivered 4 U
Ivelina Georg, director of Elite Body Clinic
Nacher Ahmed, proprietor of Bubbles Hand Car Wash
Frya Ahmed, proprietor of New York Barber Shop
Nadeem Ahmed, proprietor of Chilliz
Bakstiar, proprietor of Darren Naan Shop
Shakeel Tariq, proprietor of Spudway
Haroon Akram, proprietor of Wellgate Convenient Store
Husnain Ahmed, proprietor of A Rehman and Sons
Talal Choudhry, proprietor of Orient Express Restaurant
Rauf Khan, proprietor of Rahman Store
Adrees Sadiq, proprietor of Advertiser Shop, Masbrough
Linda Stewart, director of Archway Pharmacy
Mariyam Zaman, proprietor of M & H Newsagents
Munaf Awan, manager of Aaris Resturant
Matloob Hussain, managing director of Sofa UK
Talib Hussain, the proprietor of Hertz
I am still not sure whether this is because either
Most BBC staff are middle class, well paid and live in nice areas and are therefore completely disconnected to the lives of real people and their concerns.
Or the BBC is infested with what I can only refer to as a bunch of traitors who have formed unholy alliance to break our society by all means possible. Or something more complex is going on.
That arsehole presenter on Radio 5 was only a more obvious example of this. Aunty really does believe in death of society by a thousand cuts. In a sane world that presenter would at the very least have been disciplined, instead excuses are made for him says it all really. You could not have had a more blatent example of BBC presenter covering up a fact to suit a PC agenda.
What originally drew me to this website was a blatent attempt on the World Service news to deny that there was any truth in the “Trojan Horse Scandal” You think it cant get worse but it does.
It is almost as if they have crated a parallel media world with its own upside down values. Makes me question my own sanity at times. Which I suppose is one of the intensions. Aunty must be right after all Ill just carry on and say nothing.
When I was younger we used to listen to eastern european broadcasts and pick up a copy of (I think) Moscow news for a laugh. – God how the world has changed.
I now definitely think that something infinitely nastier is going on behind our backs. It is almost as if they are trying to change societies attitudes for some reason. It started off fairly subtle but it now has become much cruder. Time is definitely running out. One thing is for sure it definately involves large amounts of inward migration.
I have touched on this before but it definitely is not paranoia – as the facts speak for themselves.
God help us – as most of the politicians and our media wont – thats for sure.
” parallel media world with upside down values “. Exactly . In the world of the BBC good is bad and bad is good. A total moral inversion. I am not sure if there is a reason or it is some kind of collective mental illness but I suspect that they really do believe their own bullshit. And that is both sad and dangerous.
I think that, like adolescents and perpetual students everywhere, they have some vague notion that overturning the existing order must be a Good Thing.
Adolescents and real students tend to believe naively that John Lennon’s “Imagine” is a viable lifestyle. Most of them come to their senses when they are presented with bills to pay. The difference is that the BBC’s perpetual student bills are paid by someone else. That’s the problem.
Grant – A moral inversion or maybe a moral perversion. Interesting when any sex crime is committed by a white male the BBC never wastes time in letting us know . However when the crime is committed by an enricher any details regarding their ethnicity is very slow to come out.
This is one of Cameron’s “trump cards” which I predicted a few days ago. Mind you, I was off about the timing – I thought he’d wait until about 3 days prior to the referendum. Perhaps they are getting desperate as the slide towards Leave continues.
So essentially they’re now saying a vote to leave would be a vote to join the EEA – so tough sh*t on immigration. I think Leave should counter that if they win, they’ll call for another referendum about re-joining the EEA – if that ever comes to pass – so tough shit on your EEA card Cameron.
Very poor of the BBC to have not mentioned that earlier in the campaign everyone was saying EEA membership was off the table, never mind that all the EU notables have already said an emphatic “non” to this idea – but of course they are they dumb mouthpiece of the Remainiacs
Are the Remaniacs are saying they’d have the nerve to take us back into the EEA without a referendum? If so they would be showing utter contempt to the electorate.
A few days ago I had a dig at the MSM by sarcastically referring to Cassius Clay as a “philosopher and poet”. Apparently one newspaper this morning (might have been that “i” thing) has in fact referred to him as a “philosopher”.
The likes of Peter Higgs and Stephen Hawking must be humbled by having shared this planet with such an intellectual titan.
I’ve nothing against Mr Clay. I’m sure he was a perfectly decent chap but, for God’s sake, he was a f***ing boxer!
Wait a sec: Wasn’t actually Clay/Ali the racist?
The irony of these accusations of “racism” is that Clay/Ali HIMSELF was a racist who was a External link, opens in new window…member of the Nation of Islam (NOI), a religious organization with teachings like
The original black race of man is superior, especially to the white man.
Yakub (a scientist from 6600 years ago) is responsible for creating the white race, a “race of devils”.
Allah who came in the person of External link, opens in new window…W. D. Fard Muhammad (founder of the Nation of Islam, pronounced Farad), and the 24 Black scientists that selected him to be God. The 24 Black scientists (or 24 Black elders) have the supernatural ability to write the history of the universe.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad told us of a giant Mother Plane that is made like the universe, spheres within spheres. White people call them UFOs… It took $15 billion in gold at that time to build it. It is made of the toughest steel… Because of its circular nature it can stop and travel in all directions at speeds of thousands of miles per hour.
External link, opens in new window…(Wikipedia) “Yakub”
External link, opens in new window…(Wikipedia) “Beliefs and theology of the Nation of Islam”
External link, opens in new window…(Wikipedia) “Nation of Islam”
And Clay/Ali himself was no different:
Muhammad Ali on integration:
“We who follow the teachings of Elijah Muhammad (leader of the Nation of Islam) don’t want to be forced to integrate. Integration is wrong. We don’t want to live with the white man”
Muhammad Ali on intermarriage:
“No intelligent black man or black woman in his or her right black mind wants white boys and white girls coming to their homes to marry their black sons and daughters.”
Muhammad Ali on the need for a separate black homeland:
“You got the white racists who believe in separation such as I believe: One day the black people of America must go to self, clean up self, help self, do for self. I recognize [the white racists].”
“Black and white are disagreeable in peace, they can’t get along together… Worked 400 years, 16 hours a day from sun up to sun down, without a payday, that we should now be repaid. Don’t give us nuttn and give us or repay us: You got 50 states and we make up 10% of the population then divide up 10% of the land… Now that we’re no longer slaves and we can’t get along just let me go and live by myself.”
Muhammad Ali on brotherhood:
“We’re not all brothers. You can say we’re brothers, but we’re not.”
Muhammad Ali on Al-Qaeda:
“I’ve opened up businesses across the country, selling products and I don’t want to say… the wrong thing and hurt my business”
“All Jews and gentiles are devils… Blacks are no devils… Everything black people doing wrong comes from [the white people]: Drinking, smoking, prostitution, homosexuality, stealing, gambling: It all comes from [the white people]”
Muhammad Ali on killing blacks for having relationships with whites:
In an interview with Playboy Ali said “A black man should be killed if he’s messing with a white woman.” When the interviewer asked about black women crossing the colour barrier, Ali responded: “Then she dies. Kill her, too.”
The Playboy journalist, who interviewed the boxer, was closer to the mark when he observed of his subject: “You’re beginning to sound like a carbon copy of a white racist.”
Martin Luther on Muhammad Ali:
“When Cassius Clay joined the Black Muslims he became a champion of the racial segregation and that is what we are fighting against.”
Martin Luther King
Just watch Ali’s crazy-eye’d rants on the TV interview with Michael Parkinson. Aside from his arrogant discussion manners, Ali can hardly control his body and spews dangerous extremisms like
“You’re a white man and your knowledge is nuttin’ to a Muslim.”
“My leader is Elijah Muhammad who preaches the doom of America”
“You and this TV show is nuttin’ to Muhammad Ali. It ain’t no way you can tackle me. All of you are tricky… the white Englishmen tricked us out of Africa”
“I am not just a boxer. I am told by Elijah Mohammed I am educated”
“I could talk all week a million of subjects and you [fingerpointing and shouting at Michael Parkinson] do not have enough wisdom to call on me on television… You are too small mentally to tackle me on nottin’ that I represent”
“The Muslims are the most respected people in America, we are the cleanest”
Ali: “It’s a fact that white people hate black people”
Michael Parkinson: “That’s not true”
Ali (interrupting): “What you mean it’s not true? You’re the biggest hypocrite in the world”
“How you gonna get me on a TV and trap me? Ain’t no way. You can’t beat me physically nor mentally”
To Michael Parkinson: “You are really a joke!”
I remember I had a discusssion with a muslim once who claimed that the Koran predicted space travel , brain surgery, genetic engineering and , well, everything. I took two copies of the Koran from my brief case, one in arabic and one in english and asked him to show me. When he recovered from the shock , he said he would check with his Imam and get back to me. He never did. These people are crazy.
Yep folks, that’s right: the sun revolves around the earth, and the earth is flat. Science has got it all wrong. It’s all the the “most beautiful” of books, which cleverly figured out the truth 1200 years ago. We all owe Islam so, so much.
Just think, if a teacher in our multikultural schools lampooned these cretins she would be overwhelmed with protests about her Islamophobia.
Partly related, I recently covered some research on bioprospecting, collecting DNA from indigenous African populations for medical research. But the DNA history can clash with the political history of some communities. There were voices in the UN prepared to say that DNA research based on science impregnated with Western capitalist values could not overrule community beliefs.
No 6: To post a link to another website, you can just copy and paste it in eg http://www.noi.org/ – it will automatically be coloured blue and made into a live link after you post the comment.
Or if you want to get fancy you can type: <a href=http://www.noi.org/>Nation of Islam</a> and it will appear as a hyperlink to “Nation of Islam”, like this: Nation of Islam
Mohammed Ali was a member of the Nation of Islam, which is a heretical islamic sect. If he had ever found himself in IS territory, they would have sawn his head off without a second’s hesitation.
Maria, he was very sharp and witty with a great sense of humour. Think Ali put some of our current top academics that sweep over the BBC in waves into the shade.
The other thing that impressed me about Ali was – as others have already posted on here – an angry man. It was how he dealt with that anger that impressed me: he didn’t appear from what I learned through the media that he channelled that anger at the system rather than people. Whether that came from his ‘faith’, I know not but am prepared to guess that it may have had an influence. (As well as his Christian upbringing.)
Maybe there was another side or sides to him that were unattractive, less outstanding, less to his credit, that the media did not reveal. I do not know.
BBC Breakfast busy fretting about the effect of fireworks on pets – lending their platform for the something must be done tendency – perhaps a ban on fireworks (outside of ‘official’ celebrations such as New Year, ‘Bonfire Night’ and ‘Divali’….)
Meanwhile BBC London quickly gloss over Today’s Murder (happily for the lad involved at present this is only an attempted murder)
I know what you mean about mood swings. Some days I’m really down in the dumps about remaniacs winning; then next day I’m buoyed up by something else I’ve heard or read and think…yes, we really DO have a chance.
Compulsory silence 6am – 9am sounds an excellent idea!! By the way, did you notice we had 3, if not 4 NHS/medical stories this morning.
Bugger the pets, what about the wildlife ? I guess this has come up because muslims tend not to use fireworks in celebrations. With the BBC , you have to look at the hidden agenda and, with them , all roads lead to Islam.
On the 3rd Jun (Friday) there was a huge spike in voter registrations, many were from under 35s who are most likely to vote remain. Could it be that Neil Kinnock has had an effect on them way above his usual repulsiveness, or could it be he revolted them so much they all want to vote the opposite?
From Daniel Hannan’s Twitter page –
“Note the vocabulary on @BBCRadio4. Leave “claimed” that we’d pay more; Remain “pointed out” that we wouldn’t.”
I heard this too with my own ears on this morning’s on news briefings. Nice to wake up to the sound of my own teeth gnashing.
Roll out Steve Hilton and Kate Hoey, too. They speak from different ‘Parties’ but with government experience.
Am astonished that people can be rolled out on BBC R4 for vox pops saying “We want facts, not silly claims by each side.” I think Hilton & Hoey are effective providers of those facts for the Leave Campaign.
Fact 1: the EU is a supra-Governmental organisation that is sporadic & subvertable (eg. Merkel opening German & EU borders last year without EU agreement) but is heading toward becoming an European based super-state.
Fact 2: all layers of government cost their subjects and/or citizens money.
Fact 3: government budgets generally only ever go in one direction – upward. There are occasional exceptions to the rule.
Fact 4: The EU already trumps the say of Government (to a lesser or greater extent in different countries) of member States.
Fact 5: On just the above facts, each registered voter in the UK & elsewhere can decide whether they wish the UK to remain part of the layer of government, formerly known as EU.
BBC conveniently forgets to mention that EU leaders have recently said that members will have to be “flexible” with their contributions to cover the migrant crisis – can’t find that link now – can anyone help?
Also the BBC has a convenient “Fact Checker” to debunk the idea that we won’t pay towards any more EU bailouts.
Where’s their “Fact Checker” for “who’s paying for the migrant crisis”!!
Mike today I did one of Beebs Reality Checks for the first time on Fishing after reading the piece on Boris and Country File.
Only looked as it seemed such a clear issue and not much to muddy the waters. Here is the summary Q&A
The question: Rosemary asks BBC Radio 4’s PM programme “Would the UK have its fishing waters returned to the pre-EU status if we vote to leave?”
Reality Check verdict: It depends on what kind of agreements the UK makes with the EU and whether it would allow foreign vessels to access its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
What! Surely the answer is YES. Why would the UK after reclaiming this right, the whole point of Brexit, then give it up again?
Heard Will Straw “debating” with Stephen Parkinson under the referee Nick Robinson on Toady this morning.
Reminded me of an Ali fight, only with the referee in the stripes aiming below the challengers belt as well as Ali himself.AND rushing over to the corner to check Ali is OK, to aid and abet him to get out for the next round.
Utterly shameless bias 24/7.
Use of language..interruptions…non sequiteurs and personal attacks…typical BBC.
Don`t blame Will Straw and his plea for experts…what else would Jack Straws boy say?
My problem is the “oh, give us the facts” crap-when Brexit-the Movie gave us them, and they“ll never engage with THOSE facts…and the “Tory division” crap-when all the personal abuse is from the gummy old bloodhounds like Major, Heseltine and Patten.
The media narrative is set-personal attacks, 95% skewering for Cameron-Corbyns team, telling us all “it`s about the undecided”,just so they can slop the slurry and abuse around for the next few weeks-and call it “providing analysis”.
Minds are made up-only the BBC and the Remainiacs insist on hurling lies, abuse and shit sticks to stir it up…because they`ve lost…and they are now scared, unless they can get the postal votes, charity sectors and public sector ciphers out like ducks in a row…
This was linked from yesterday’s top story in the Telegraph, which was all but totally ignored by Al Beeb (who instead focused entirely on John Major’s vacuous drivel):
Britain will face demands to pay billions more into the EU budget following a vote to Remain in Europe on June 23 as Brussels looks to set to ask for more cash from national governments to pay for the unfolding migrant crisis.
The European Parliament has passed a resolution demanding greater spending which – if followed through- would tear a hole in David Cameron’s historic cut to the seven-year EU budget, which was capped at £847bn until 2020.
And in moves that could see Britain asked to increase its current net contributions of £10.4bn a year, the EU vice president for budgets issued ominous warnings last week on the sidelines of an European conference that member states should be “making room for new commitments”.
The unguarded remarks by Kristalina Georgieva to the Chinese state news agency Xinhua have raised fresh fears that Mr Cameron will face calls for big budget increases, particulary when the current settlement comes up for its mid-term review this autumn.
“We have to make sure that our budget for next year absorbs all the commitments made so far to deal with the migration crisis, while at the same time making room for new commitments,” said Ms Georgieva.
“We have exhausted to a great extent flexibilities offered within the budget. Member states and the European Parliament need to allow more room for flexibilities.”
Rachel Riley AONB @Countdown_Filth · 25m
@Nigel_Farage £350m/week..no one mentions all the money going out of Britain when migrants send cash/benefits home, or foreign shareholders.
If she is for Brexit. Wow.
I don’t make a habit of posting other peoples posting from other threads, but I thought that this one deserves a wider audience. Hope the writer doesn’t mind.
Sound just come on. Norman Stone BBC political editor: ;Focusing on immigration appears to be paying off for Leave. Polls and momentum moving their way’. Is this why Cameron has linked hands with the open door immigration policy of Natalie Bennett and HH ? Bold strategy. ‘I have given up on immigration. Let them all come’. Bold strategy. Let us see if polls back him up later in the week.
Cameron did say when Bojo announced on the famous Sunday that he would now be linking arms with Jeremy Corbyn and Nigel Farage. Bojo said he would not. It appears that Cameron is only not linking arms with Corbyn because Corbyn refused. I assume it would be disaster for both Brand Corbyn and Brand Cameron. It seems Cameron is having a leaders united (minus Farage) of course show of force (with non leader HH making up the numbers). Remain look like they are deluded this will help or just trying to lose or maybe have the thrill of the political version of Russian Roulette: flirting with disaster. All this brought about by one or two polls with a small move to Leave ? What happens if they get a poll with a big swing to leave ? Cameron and Ed Miliband and Kinnock and Russell Brand and Jordan ? My theory is regardless of the election that Owen Jones is a vote loser. His switch to Remain may explain the polls switch to Leave.
Guest WhoMar 20, 08:27 Midweek 19th March 2025 Reading any BBC x thread would be funny if not blatant and tragic. https://x.com/bbcpolitics/status/1902347426536845564?s=61 “At home we are watching Adolescence…
MarkyMarkMar 20, 08:27 Midweek 19th March 2025 “Don’t you think the time for putting people in camps is over.” @2:33 This German has not seen a real…
JohnCMar 20, 08:26 Midweek 19th March 2025 Quite true moggie. They are such shallow, self-centred creatures, they cannot relate to what other people are thinking about them.…
MarkyMarkMar 20, 08:23 Midweek 19th March 2025 [img]https://cdn.britannica.com/81/6681-050-64B227C8/Bobby-Seale-Huey-Newton-Black-Panther-Party.jpg?w=300[/img] https://www.britannica.com/topic/Black-Panther-Party The party’s original purpose was to patrol African American neighborhoods to protect residents from acts of police brutality.…
MarkyMarkMar 20, 08:18 Midweek 19th March 2025 Cost of living – UK could reduce VAT to 10% today – done! Climate Change – UK could invade France…
MarkyMarkMar 20, 08:16 Midweek 19th March 2025 Save the planet! Buy a Tesla and burn it! HA HA HAH HAAHAH HA HA H AH AH H AHHAAH…
Guest WhoMar 20, 08:14 Midweek 19th March 2025 Getty pulls out every stop. https://x.com/bbcnews/status/1902612374063874231?s=61 Strangers twice as kind as we think, study suggests #ccbgb
MarkyMarkMar 20, 08:11 Midweek 19th March 2025 Saudi ban bibles? Iran enforce Hijabs? China re-educate you? “While many European countries have made strides in LGBTQ+ rights, some…
MarkyMarkMar 20, 08:08 Midweek 19th March 2025 Strange – the creators of 3 girls did not want that shown in Parliament? “Adolescence creators want show aired in…
MarkyMarkMar 20, 08:06 Midweek 19th March 2025 “When the migrants pass through the Strait of Gibraltar, the French president orders troops to the south and addresses the…
Religion of Peace has been at it again ……
Al Beeb covered this yet ?
It comes to something when Russia Today are mocking the BBC for their ridiculous subservience to Muslim rapists in Rotherham..
BBC – A panel should be set up to advise South Yorkshire Police on how to deal with far-right protest marches in Rotherham, a report has said.
The review said the panel would help … ahem “limit the negative impact” of demonstrations on the town.
It was commissioned by Police and Crime Commissioner Alan Billings after Muslim groups boycotted the force following a Britain First march in September 2015. The force said it hoped such a panel would be of “significant benefit”.
so to summarise … Still going on, still complicit, still trying to cover it up,
Yep, biggest case so far, 25 this time, bigger than Rotherham totally ignored by msm last month up in Leeds
About to be dwarfed oh yes, with an upcoming, staggering 261 suspects and 188 victims. up in Keighley.
Reliable info on the situation and its cover up?
most up to date
A counter protest to a silent walk for the victims, 1400 girls of Islamic gang rape? where s your
“concerned “coverage BBC?
Here s the letter from the rogues gallery to the police
and the groups erm … previous form
Found the letter very interesting Nogginator. Very little diversity in the interesting list of signatories I see:
Suresh Grover, chair of The Monitoring Group/Rotherham 12 campaign coordinator
Imran Khan, partner of Imran Khan Solicitors and Partners
Muhbeen Hussain, founder of British Muslim Youth
Fiyaz Mughal, founder of Tell MAMA
Mohammed Shafiq, chief executive of the Ramadhan Foundation
Shakoor Adalat, chair of the Rotherham Muslim Community Forum
Councillor Taiba Yasseen, cabinet member (RMBC)
Councillor Rose M. McNeely
Councillor Tajamal Hussain
Saghir Alam, chair of Rotherham Council of Mosques (RCM)
Shaykh Sadaqa
t Hussain, head Imam of Medina Masjid (Wolseley Road, Sheffield)
Sabir Hussain, secretary of Jamia Masjid Abu Bakr (Russell Street, Eastwood)
Shakoor Adalat, secretary of Masjid-e-Uthman (Milton Road, Eastwood)
Mohammed Tanveer, secretary of Jamiah Masjid
Anwar-e-Mustafa (College Road, Masborough)
Haji Karamat Hussain, chair of Jamia Masjid Ahl-e-Sunnat al Jamaat Barelvi (Tooker Road,
Nizakat Sabir, secretary of Markaz-ul-Uloom Al-Islamia (Ridge Road, Eastwood)
Haji Mohammed Shafiq, secretary of
Faizan E Madinah (Maltkiln Street, Moorgate)
Shiraz Yousaf, secretary of Jamiat Ahl-e-Hadith (Moorgate Road, Moorgate)
Mr Najib, chair of Markazi Jamia Masjid (Chaple Walk, Rotherham)
Zlakha Ahmed MBE, founder of Apna Haq
Tariq Sadiq, chair of the Rotherham Hackney Association
Zulfiqar Ahmed, acting chair of the Rotherham Private Hire Driver’s Association
Zaheer Munir, chair of Rotherham Labour East Ward
Steve Rogers, chair of Open Minds Theatre Company
Jonathan Smith, Rotherham Friends of Palestine
Jackie Treanor
Professor Jawed Siddiqi
Azzizum Akhtar, CEO of Rotherham Ethnic Minority Alliance (REMA)
Thomas Donaldson, chair of Rotherham Against Cuts
Faheem Ali, partner of Alison Law Solicitors LLP
Shafaq Hussain Iqbal, CEO of King Medina Dates
Araf Fashi, director of Sensis
Shaukat Ali, director of RMAARI
Sirea Jabar, chair of Illuminate Youth Project
Anjum Abbasi, director of Rotherham Diversity Forum
Wajid Ghafoor, manager of Pak Supermarket
Mariam Shah, community Activist
Nazeer Hussain, proprietor of Behari Food Store
Sarbast Abs Mahamad, manager of the European Mini Market
Ambeer, proprietor of Ambeer Barber shop
Mohammad Hussain, manager of Fast and Fresh Takeaway
M. Yasin, proprietor of Kashmir Food Store
Mavculin, proprietor of Top Cuts Barber
Ajaz Khan, proprietor of Phone World
Ibrar Karim, proprietor of Fone Tec
Etsam Hussain, director of Montrose Carpets & Furnishings
Imran Javed, manager of Shahjahan
Shuaib Hussain, proprietor of Rajas
Abdullah Mohammad, proprietor at Al-Barakah
Ellie, proprietors of Ellie’s Pizzeria
Tanveer, manager of Zaika Kebab & Sweets
Zayne Zaman, proprietor of Shake Shack
Zubbair Hussain , director of Pharmacy Delivered 4 U
Ivelina Georg, director of Elite Body Clinic
Nacher Ahmed, proprietor of Bubbles Hand Car Wash
Frya Ahmed, proprietor of New York Barber Shop
Nadeem Ahmed, proprietor of Chilliz
Bakstiar, proprietor of Darren Naan Shop
Shakeel Tariq, proprietor of Spudway
Haroon Akram, proprietor of Wellgate Convenient Store
Husnain Ahmed, proprietor of A Rehman and Sons
Talal Choudhry, proprietor of Orient Express Restaurant
Rauf Khan, proprietor of Rahman Store
Adrees Sadiq, proprietor of Advertiser Shop, Masbrough
Linda Stewart, director of Archway Pharmacy
Mariyam Zaman, proprietor of M & H Newsagents
Munaf Awan, manager of Aaris Resturant
Matloob Hussain, managing director of Sofa UK
Talib Hussain, the proprietor of Hertz
And ………… “Pak Supermarket” !!!!!!!
I am still not sure whether this is because either
Most BBC staff are middle class, well paid and live in nice areas and are therefore completely disconnected to the lives of real people and their concerns.
Or the BBC is infested with what I can only refer to as a bunch of traitors who have formed unholy alliance to break our society by all means possible. Or something more complex is going on.
That arsehole presenter on Radio 5 was only a more obvious example of this. Aunty really does believe in death of society by a thousand cuts. In a sane world that presenter would at the very least have been disciplined, instead excuses are made for him says it all really. You could not have had a more blatent example of BBC presenter covering up a fact to suit a PC agenda.
What originally drew me to this website was a blatent attempt on the World Service news to deny that there was any truth in the “Trojan Horse Scandal” You think it cant get worse but it does.
It is almost as if they have crated a parallel media world with its own upside down values. Makes me question my own sanity at times. Which I suppose is one of the intensions. Aunty must be right after all Ill just carry on and say nothing.
When I was younger we used to listen to eastern european broadcasts and pick up a copy of (I think) Moscow news for a laugh. – God how the world has changed.
I now definitely think that something infinitely nastier is going on behind our backs. It is almost as if they are trying to change societies attitudes for some reason. It started off fairly subtle but it now has become much cruder. Time is definitely running out. One thing is for sure it definately involves large amounts of inward migration.
I have touched on this before but it definitely is not paranoia – as the facts speak for themselves.
God help us – as most of the politicians and our media wont – thats for sure.
” parallel media world with upside down values “. Exactly . In the world of the BBC good is bad and bad is good. A total moral inversion. I am not sure if there is a reason or it is some kind of collective mental illness but I suspect that they really do believe their own bullshit. And that is both sad and dangerous.
I think that, like adolescents and perpetual students everywhere, they have some vague notion that overturning the existing order must be a Good Thing.
Adolescents and real students tend to believe naively that John Lennon’s “Imagine” is a viable lifestyle. Most of them come to their senses when they are presented with bills to pay. The difference is that the BBC’s perpetual student bills are paid by someone else. That’s the problem.
I must say that on the few occasions I watch the BBC it seems to have been produced by teenagers for teenagers .
Very much so. I think the scourge of “cool” is partly to blame as well. Far too many immature dipsticks.
Grant – A moral inversion or maybe a moral perversion. Interesting when any sex crime is committed by a white male the BBC never wastes time in letting us know . However when the crime is committed by an enricher any details regarding their ethnicity is very slow to come out.
As Morpheus said, welcome to the real world.
Only one word to say – BASTARDS!
Democracy died in the UK years ago.
Bastards – absolutely!! Thanks for the link Neil.
This is one of Cameron’s “trump cards” which I predicted a few days ago. Mind you, I was off about the timing – I thought he’d wait until about 3 days prior to the referendum. Perhaps they are getting desperate as the slide towards Leave continues.
So essentially they’re now saying a vote to leave would be a vote to join the EEA – so tough sh*t on immigration. I think Leave should counter that if they win, they’ll call for another referendum about re-joining the EEA – if that ever comes to pass – so tough shit on your EEA card Cameron.
Very poor of the BBC to have not mentioned that earlier in the campaign everyone was saying EEA membership was off the table, never mind that all the EU notables have already said an emphatic “non” to this idea – but of course they are they dumb mouthpiece of the Remainiacs
And John Major accuses the ” Leavers ” of deceipt !
Oh the biter irony.
Are the Remaniacs are saying they’d have the nerve to take us back into the EEA without a referendum? If so they would be showing utter contempt to the electorate.
Depressing but not surprising – However I think that any goverment proposing this may well be playing with fire. We shall see.
A few days ago I had a dig at the MSM by sarcastically referring to Cassius Clay as a “philosopher and poet”. Apparently one newspaper this morning (might have been that “i” thing) has in fact referred to him as a “philosopher”.
The likes of Peter Higgs and Stephen Hawking must be humbled by having shared this planet with such an intellectual titan.
I’ve nothing against Mr Clay. I’m sure he was a perfectly decent chap but, for God’s sake, he was a f***ing boxer!
But he was a black muslim, keep up with the programme
Wait a sec: Wasn’t actually Clay/Ali the racist?
The irony of these accusations of “racism” is that Clay/Ali HIMSELF was a racist who was a External link, opens in new window…member of the Nation of Islam (NOI), a religious organization with teachings like
The original black race of man is superior, especially to the white man.
Yakub (a scientist from 6600 years ago) is responsible for creating the white race, a “race of devils”.
Allah who came in the person of External link, opens in new window…W. D. Fard Muhammad (founder of the Nation of Islam, pronounced Farad), and the 24 Black scientists that selected him to be God. The 24 Black scientists (or 24 Black elders) have the supernatural ability to write the history of the universe.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad told us of a giant Mother Plane that is made like the universe, spheres within spheres. White people call them UFOs… It took $15 billion in gold at that time to build it. It is made of the toughest steel… Because of its circular nature it can stop and travel in all directions at speeds of thousands of miles per hour.
External link, opens in new window…(Wikipedia) “Yakub”
External link, opens in new window…(Wikipedia) “Beliefs and theology of the Nation of Islam”
External link, opens in new window…(Wikipedia) “Nation of Islam”
And Clay/Ali himself was no different:
Muhammad Ali on integration:
“We who follow the teachings of Elijah Muhammad (leader of the Nation of Islam) don’t want to be forced to integrate. Integration is wrong. We don’t want to live with the white man”
Muhammad Ali on intermarriage:
“No intelligent black man or black woman in his or her right black mind wants white boys and white girls coming to their homes to marry their black sons and daughters.”
Muhammad Ali on the need for a separate black homeland:
“You got the white racists who believe in separation such as I believe: One day the black people of America must go to self, clean up self, help self, do for self. I recognize [the white racists].”
“Black and white are disagreeable in peace, they can’t get along together… Worked 400 years, 16 hours a day from sun up to sun down, without a payday, that we should now be repaid. Don’t give us nuttn and give us or repay us: You got 50 states and we make up 10% of the population then divide up 10% of the land… Now that we’re no longer slaves and we can’t get along just let me go and live by myself.”
Muhammad Ali on brotherhood:
“We’re not all brothers. You can say we’re brothers, but we’re not.”
Muhammad Ali on Al-Qaeda:
“I’ve opened up businesses across the country, selling products and I don’t want to say… the wrong thing and hurt my business”
“All Jews and gentiles are devils… Blacks are no devils… Everything black people doing wrong comes from [the white people]: Drinking, smoking, prostitution, homosexuality, stealing, gambling: It all comes from [the white people]”
Muhammad Ali on killing blacks for having relationships with whites:
In an interview with Playboy Ali said “A black man should be killed if he’s messing with a white woman.” When the interviewer asked about black women crossing the colour barrier, Ali responded: “Then she dies. Kill her, too.”
The Playboy journalist, who interviewed the boxer, was closer to the mark when he observed of his subject: “You’re beginning to sound like a carbon copy of a white racist.”
Martin Luther on Muhammad Ali:
“When Cassius Clay joined the Black Muslims he became a champion of the racial segregation and that is what we are fighting against.”
Martin Luther King
Just watch Ali’s crazy-eye’d rants on the TV interview with Michael Parkinson. Aside from his arrogant discussion manners, Ali can hardly control his body and spews dangerous extremisms like
“You’re a white man and your knowledge is nuttin’ to a Muslim.”
“My leader is Elijah Muhammad who preaches the doom of America”
“You and this TV show is nuttin’ to Muhammad Ali. It ain’t no way you can tackle me. All of you are tricky… the white Englishmen tricked us out of Africa”
“I am not just a boxer. I am told by Elijah Mohammed I am educated”
“I could talk all week a million of subjects and you [fingerpointing and shouting at Michael Parkinson] do not have enough wisdom to call on me on television… You are too small mentally to tackle me on nottin’ that I represent”
“The Muslims are the most respected people in America, we are the cleanest”
Ali: “It’s a fact that white people hate black people”
Michael Parkinson: “That’s not true”
Ali (interrupting): “What you mean it’s not true? You’re the biggest hypocrite in the world”
“How you gonna get me on a TV and trap me? Ain’t no way. You can’t beat me physically nor mentally”
To Michael Parkinson: “You are really a joke!”
To be honest, Number 6, I don’t really care what he was. I could never take him seriously.
We are living in the Age of Stupid.
Black people can’t be racist.
I remember I had a discusssion with a muslim once who claimed that the Koran predicted space travel , brain surgery, genetic engineering and , well, everything. I took two copies of the Koran from my brief case, one in arabic and one in english and asked him to show me. When he recovered from the shock , he said he would check with his Imam and get back to me. He never did. These people are crazy.
Yep folks, that’s right: the sun revolves around the earth, and the earth is flat. Science has got it all wrong. It’s all the the “most beautiful” of books, which cleverly figured out the truth 1200 years ago. We all owe Islam so, so much.
Just think, if a teacher in our multikultural schools lampooned these cretins she would be overwhelmed with protests about her Islamophobia.
Partly related, I recently covered some research on bioprospecting, collecting DNA from indigenous African populations for medical research. But the DNA history can clash with the political history of some communities. There were voices in the UN prepared to say that DNA research based on science impregnated with Western capitalist values could not overrule community beliefs.
It’s all relative innit?
No 6: To post a link to another website, you can just copy and paste it in eg http://www.noi.org/ – it will automatically be coloured blue and made into a live link after you post the comment.
Or if you want to get fancy you can type: <a href=http://www.noi.org/>Nation of Islam</a> and it will appear as a hyperlink to “Nation of Islam”, like this: Nation of Islam
Mohammed Ali was a member of the Nation of Islam, which is a heretical islamic sect. If he had ever found himself in IS territory, they would have sawn his head off without a second’s hesitation.
Maria, he was very sharp and witty with a great sense of humour. Think Ali put some of our current top academics that sweep over the BBC in waves into the shade.
The other thing that impressed me about Ali was – as others have already posted on here – an angry man. It was how he dealt with that anger that impressed me: he didn’t appear from what I learned through the media that he channelled that anger at the system rather than people. Whether that came from his ‘faith’, I know not but am prepared to guess that it may have had an influence. (As well as his Christian upbringing.)
Maybe there was another side or sides to him that were unattractive, less outstanding, less to his credit, that the media did not reveal. I do not know.
“Maria, he was very sharp and witty with a great sense of humour.”
In your opinion. In my opinion, he was loud and overrated. Bar room philosophy given attention it didn’t deserve because of his race. Not uncommon.
BBC Breakfast busy fretting about the effect of fireworks on pets – lending their platform for the something must be done tendency – perhaps a ban on fireworks (outside of ‘official’ celebrations such as New Year, ‘Bonfire Night’ and ‘Divali’….)
Meanwhile BBC London quickly gloss over Today’s Murder (happily for the lad involved at present this is only an attempted murder)
Something must be done????
AISI, Is that because there may be a huge celebration on 24th June and again,perhaps, on 25th and 26th June? I hope so.
I’m getting fed up with my mood swings!
I’m back to gloom again and Thoughtful hasn’t exactly cheered me in the right direction with his post below.
Mind you, I have been listening to the TOADY programme, so that may have had an effect.
Now a ‘scientist’ has discovered that silence is beneficial. Think I must try it more often between 6am and 9am, Monday to Saturday.
I know what you mean about mood swings. Some days I’m really down in the dumps about remaniacs winning; then next day I’m buoyed up by something else I’ve heard or read and think…yes, we really DO have a chance.
Compulsory silence 6am – 9am sounds an excellent idea!! By the way, did you notice we had 3, if not 4 NHS/medical stories this morning.
Where’s the off switch?
Bugger the pets, what about the wildlife ? I guess this has come up because muslims tend not to use fireworks in celebrations. With the BBC , you have to look at the hidden agenda and, with them , all roads lead to Islam.
On the 3rd Jun (Friday) there was a huge spike in voter registrations, many were from under 35s who are most likely to vote remain. Could it be that Neil Kinnock has had an effect on them way above his usual repulsiveness, or could it be he revolted them so much they all want to vote the opposite?
From Daniel Hannan’s Twitter page –
“Note the vocabulary on @BBCRadio4. Leave “claimed” that we’d pay more; Remain “pointed out” that we wouldn’t.”
I heard this too with my own ears on this morning’s on news briefings. Nice to wake up to the sound of my own teeth gnashing.
And why is Dan Hannan not on the BBC more. He is the most intelligent and knowledgeable politician in both camps. And where is David Davis ?
Roll out Steve Hilton and Kate Hoey, too. They speak from different ‘Parties’ but with government experience.
Am astonished that people can be rolled out on BBC R4 for vox pops saying “We want facts, not silly claims by each side.” I think Hilton & Hoey are effective providers of those facts for the Leave Campaign.
Fact 1: the EU is a supra-Governmental organisation that is sporadic & subvertable (eg. Merkel opening German & EU borders last year without EU agreement) but is heading toward becoming an European based super-state.
Fact 2: all layers of government cost their subjects and/or citizens money.
Fact 3: government budgets generally only ever go in one direction – upward. There are occasional exceptions to the rule.
Fact 4: The EU already trumps the say of Government (to a lesser or greater extent in different countries) of member States.
Fact 5: On just the above facts, each registered voter in the UK & elsewhere can decide whether they wish the UK to remain part of the layer of government, formerly known as EU.
Not on the BBC: Fact Checker: Who’s Paying for the Migrant Crisis?
Boris Johnson claims UK faces bigger bill if stays in EU
BBC conveniently forgets to mention that EU leaders have recently said that members will have to be “flexible” with their contributions to cover the migrant crisis – can’t find that link now – can anyone help?
Also the BBC has a convenient “Fact Checker” to debunk the idea that we won’t pay towards any more EU bailouts.
Where’s their “Fact Checker” for “who’s paying for the migrant crisis”!!
Mike today I did one of Beebs Reality Checks for the first time on Fishing after reading the piece on Boris and Country File.
Only looked as it seemed such a clear issue and not much to muddy the waters. Here is the summary Q&A
The question: Rosemary asks BBC Radio 4’s PM programme “Would the UK have its fishing waters returned to the pre-EU status if we vote to leave?”
Reality Check verdict: It depends on what kind of agreements the UK makes with the EU and whether it would allow foreign vessels to access its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
What! Surely the answer is YES. Why would the UK after reclaiming this right, the whole point of Brexit, then give it up again?
The concluding sentence at the bottom of the full article seems intent on deliberately muddying the waters:
On the other hand, the UK could decide to exclude foreign vessels and assume full responsibility for fisheries in its EEZ.
In that case, the House of Commons Library says, “there would be a number of implications for the UK and the management of fisheries in the area”.
The implication seems to me that we could once again have a fishing industry!
It’s utterly shameless, isn’t it.
Heard Will Straw “debating” with Stephen Parkinson under the referee Nick Robinson on Toady this morning.
Reminded me of an Ali fight, only with the referee in the stripes aiming below the challengers belt as well as Ali himself.AND rushing over to the corner to check Ali is OK, to aid and abet him to get out for the next round.
Utterly shameless bias 24/7.
Use of language..interruptions…non sequiteurs and personal attacks…typical BBC.
Don`t blame Will Straw and his plea for experts…what else would Jack Straws boy say?
My problem is the “oh, give us the facts” crap-when Brexit-the Movie gave us them, and they“ll never engage with THOSE facts…and the “Tory division” crap-when all the personal abuse is from the gummy old bloodhounds like Major, Heseltine and Patten.
The media narrative is set-personal attacks, 95% skewering for Cameron-Corbyns team, telling us all “it`s about the undecided”,just so they can slop the slurry and abuse around for the next few weeks-and call it “providing analysis”.
Minds are made up-only the BBC and the Remainiacs insist on hurling lies, abuse and shit sticks to stir it up…because they`ve lost…and they are now scared, unless they can get the postal votes, charity sectors and public sector ciphers out like ducks in a row…
Is this what you mean MH?
Would you trust this man to walk your dog, let alone rule your country?
This is the (ugly) face of EU rule. How did we ever get to this?
No – that seems to be about migrant quotas, not about flexible contributions to the EU budget…
Ah – found it!
Britain asked for more cash as migrant crisis strains EU budget
This was linked from yesterday’s top story in the Telegraph, which was all but totally ignored by Al Beeb (who instead focused entirely on John Major’s vacuous drivel):
Michael Gove and Boris Johnson tell David Cameron: You’ve deceived public on economy*
Britain will face demands to pay billions more into the EU budget following a vote to Remain in Europe on June 23 as Brussels looks to set to ask for more cash from national governments to pay for the unfolding migrant crisis.
The European Parliament has passed a resolution demanding greater spending which – if followed through- would tear a hole in David Cameron’s historic cut to the seven-year EU budget, which was capped at £847bn until 2020.
And in moves that could see Britain asked to increase its current net contributions of £10.4bn a year, the EU vice president for budgets issued ominous warnings last week on the sidelines of an European conference that member states should be “making room for new commitments”.
The unguarded remarks by Kristalina Georgieva to the Chinese state news agency Xinhua have raised fresh fears that Mr Cameron will face calls for big budget increases, particulary when the current settlement comes up for its mid-term review this autumn.
“We have to make sure that our budget for next year absorbs all the commitments made so far to deal with the migration crisis, while at the same time making room for new commitments,” said Ms Georgieva.
“We have exhausted to a great extent flexibilities offered within the budget. Member states and the European Parliament need to allow more room for flexibilities.”
So… why doesn’t the BBC quote this revelation from the EU vice president for budgets?
The Blatantly Biased Corporation at its finest.
Rachel Riley AONB @Countdown_Filth · 25m
@Nigel_Farage £350m/week..no one mentions all the money going out of Britain when migrants send cash/benefits home, or foreign shareholders.
If she is for Brexit. Wow.
Wanted to add why don’t they let her do the sums for leave . I’m sure more people would pay attention when compared to John Major!
I don’t make a habit of posting other peoples posting from other threads, but I thought that this one deserves a wider audience. Hope the writer doesn’t mind.
Sound just come on. Norman Stone BBC political editor: ;Focusing on immigration appears to be paying off for Leave. Polls and momentum moving their way’. Is this why Cameron has linked hands with the open door immigration policy of Natalie Bennett and HH ? Bold strategy. ‘I have given up on immigration. Let them all come’. Bold strategy. Let us see if polls back him up later in the week.
Cameron did say when Bojo announced on the famous Sunday that he would now be linking arms with Jeremy Corbyn and Nigel Farage. Bojo said he would not. It appears that Cameron is only not linking arms with Corbyn because Corbyn refused. I assume it would be disaster for both Brand Corbyn and Brand Cameron. It seems Cameron is having a leaders united (minus Farage) of course show of force (with non leader HH making up the numbers). Remain look like they are deluded this will help or just trying to lose or maybe have the thrill of the political version of Russian Roulette: flirting with disaster. All this brought about by one or two polls with a small move to Leave ? What happens if they get a poll with a big swing to leave ? Cameron and Ed Miliband and Kinnock and Russell Brand and Jordan ? My theory is regardless of the election that Owen Jones is a vote loser. His switch to Remain may explain the polls switch to Leave.