The News Quiz…not really much to do with news it seems, more a front for the Labour Party, EU collaborators and taking the mick out of the usual suspects that the BBC luvvies don’t like or approve of.
Jeremy Corbyn has at least one fan, Jeremy Hardy, who can find nothing critical to say about him or Labour, ever….every appearance is just a blatant Labour party political broadcast.
The Leave campaign got roundly panned and generally called racists for wanting to control immigration and who apparently are completely unaware of the amusing irony that as they whinge about the EU they are drinking French wine and German beer served to them by a Polish waiter.
The real irony is that the no borders, pro-mass immigration, anti-Britain, pro-EU superstate (as is ironically all his mates in the Scottish National Party)….. Frankie Boyle references ‘French’ wine, ‘German’ beer and a ‘Polish’ waiter…..all such nomenclature and identification with a state must surely be prohibited in the new ‘Greater Europe’ where nation states no longer exist and are now mere regions of the EU empire. So much for diversity and multiculturalism in the new Deutschland Über Alles ruled EU. No doubt Boyle has an EU tartan Kilt on order for the 24th.
EU wine, EU beer and EU waiters anyone?
The sad thing is that both Jeremy Hardy and Frankie Boyle have chosen to follow satan’s path and they probably don’t even know that’s the choice they’ve made.
The look of fearful panic on their faces when reality finally dawns will be sweet indeed.
Didn’t we drink French wine before we joined the Common Market ? Frankie Boyle’s racism is typical of the SNP. It is what drives them. Imagine if he had said the same thing about black people or muslims ? He is a disgrace and much hated by me and most Scots I know.
Mr. Boyle should know that most people in Scotland live in Glasgow and Edinburgh, 131 and 216 feet above msl respectively, and wouldn’t know a mountain if Allah had planted it there to stop earthquakes.
I don’t understand these ‘no borders’ remain types and their ‘internationalist’ outlook. Don’t they realise that we could be drinking Californian wines and eating New Zealand cheeses, all served by Patagonian waiters. If only we didn’t have those ‘single market’ tariff barriers to world trade! There is none so insular as a Little European.
I boycotted EU wines years ago. Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Chile is good enough for me. As for cheeses , British is as good as anything.
Boyle is a Little Glaswegian, so won’t know much about the rest of Scotland.
Boyle was also lamenting the death of Jihadi John.
Funnily enough, Alan, I was thinking the same thing today whilst I was getting myself all nicely sunburnt in my girlfriend’s garden.
Why is it that Europe – the continent with the most diverse mix of indigenous cultures, languages and identities – is being forced into cultural whitewash whilst enforcing the protection of cultures from outside? I remember, as a kid, going to Spain for the first time (1973 I think) and just being in awe at how different it was! Different cars, busses and lorries. Different food. Different smells everywhere. Different sweets and chocolate (nowhere near as good as British confection, though). Different ice cream. Everything was different!
But when I go to Spain now it’s like going to any other place in Europe – or even the world! If we’re not careful, we’re going to lose the mutual respect we have for each other BECAUSE we’re different. NOT because we’re all the same!
And what is it about these TV ads in which the voices are dubbed, obviously filmed in a non-English speaking country?
Oh, of course! Why not produce an advertisement that can be broadcast in ALL EU countries – THAT WILL SAVE THE BIG COMPANIES MONEY AND INCREASE THEIR PROFITS!!!
If we leave the EU the largest companies are going to suffer the most because they will have to spend some of their profits on repatriating British jobs that were out-sourced to cheaper parts of Europe. It is SO ironic that Corbyn is pro-EU (supposedly). And I despair at the unions that have taken the pro-EU side. They should be ashamed of themselves the lot of them!
Love Europe – Hate the EU.
Vote LEAVE!!!
I don’t always agree with you Edward but I couldn’t argue with any point you made on this one. When I was a kid going abroad was a big adventure, as you say everything was different. The majority of the Europeans couldn’t speak English but in Western Europe now, hardly anyone under 50 can’t. Less adventure, less interesting due to globalisation. As you say I love Europe but hate the EU (which is supported by US corporations).
Blue passports poring over Holiday brochures and getting your money changed up into Pesatas, Lira or Drachma…I’m getting misty eyed over the old days now…
Now its get to the airport two days in advance, remove your shoes, glasses, belt etc. Avoid the mobs of stag and hen parties and get completely ripped off in the “Duty Free”
Yes, Edward’s comment is exactly how I feel; because I love Europe so much is why I hate the EU. I spend half my time in France, where I am now, & will be voting to leave. If any of my French friends would criticise a successful Brexit I would just tell them, “bon, et maintenant le temps de liberté aussi pour la France,”
Vive le Frexit!
No Edward, those adverts are filmed in this country, its just that the ‘actors’ they choose do not speak English.
There has been a new state set up by Europeans , it’s the USA . Are the ones over here annoyed. Because they’ve missed the boat ?
Just listened to the radio show (with Frankie Boyle and Jeremy Hardy) and I can’t help thinking that Jeremy Hardy sounds how Laura Kuenssberg looks…maybe it’s me