They never learn, perhaps because they don’t have to:
BBC Today
On Thursday BBC News is having an EU Referendum “Question Day” and we on the Today programme are taking part. So if you are still making your mind up how to vote, send your question for the BBC’s finest minds on Europe, politics, business, economics and home affairs to answer.
Comments suggest a degree of doubt on BBC integrity in selection and the resulting calibre of mind that will ensue.
Another BBC News FB post whose comments honestly could be going better for the narrative:
In Norway, migrant men are offered a class on how to treat women. Our producer Erika Benke went along. She answered your questions below. You can also watch BBCJamesLongman report here:
Unbelievable, migrant men offered a class on how to treat women-if you hadn’t written this with back up, I would not have believed you. Why don’t they just throw the dam migrants out, Norway is not in the EU. The attitude of Sweden towards the most disgusting behaviour of Muslim men to their women, is beyond belief-now as the current magazine Radio Times shows a drawing by a Muslim girl to celebrate the Queen’s 90th and a picture of that Bake off Muslim woman also on the same page as well as a feature of her inside, says what to you and me? Christianity is dead? Are we now to consider ourselves alongside those that follow the teachings of the most despotic ideology on earth-enjoined with the a Muslim London Mayor-with many of the members of our Parliament assuming the mantle of Traitor to the cause of democracy, headed I am sad to say by their leader whose aim is to enslave us all within the evils of the European Union. Wo is us….
Even here in the deepest south west they went overboard on the start of Ramadan. Lots of people if asked would have no idea what it was ….. BBC now on a mission.
Norway might not be in the EU but it is ruled by the same fear ridden elites as the rest of us. Fear and more fear. That is all it really is. The governing elites are afraid of militant Islam.
How we came to be ruled by the fearful is a story for future historians.
The fearful will not and cannot defend our civilisation .
Maybe Western civilisation is dying maybe it’s day is done but Islam and sharia are no alternatives. Regressive and in denial of freedom such a route leads only to darkness.
Maybe around 3000AD a new world will come into being.
Blimey I can’t hold on that long !
Yes Deve there has been a purposely designed cloak of fear thrown across Europe for many years now-the controllers of the EU and that’s not those idiots sitting in Brussels but those that control the money of the world-the Rothschild’s the massively wealthy eltist bankers, whose plan is to ensure we all remain well in debt, where their cohorts ( our government for one) can inflict austerity upon us, with the gravest of all threats if we dare to question as to why- bring upon us a Stazi styled Riot Police force to quell any smell of civil unrest, prepare the way for a European Army under the control of Field Marshall Merkel, one those that hunts with the hounds of our enemies. Plenty of fun to look fowards to !!
The problem is neoliberalism .Get rid of that and you wont have to wait 3000 years.
Religion is no answer but unless we act soon war will be ,of sorts.
If you really want your country back the we have to undo the essence of neoliberalism.
First off I would suggest implementing credit controls so that fake money cant come into our jurisdiction. Second put the money supply under the control of Government to be regulated along with interest rates by the MPC.
Put key industries which have failed under privatisation eg Jails,immigration border control services back under state control.
Borrow on the bond market enough to invest in spade ready projects to restimulate building and manufacturing trades. Target areas of special need with investment.
Scrap energy subsidies for fossil fuels and encorage take up of green technolgies to be manufactured in Britain.
Reintroduce Keynesian economic policies.
Thats a start.
Hundreds of billions of Euros are to be spent on teaching just a language to these illiterates, who BTW, according to the BBC, are going provide for our pensions. How? Play cricket, which will of course have to subsidised by the German taxpayer.
No such thing as Muslim rape….yet Cologne, Rotherham and every European City the Jihadi warriors have conquered show us that’s the complete opposite.
The gimmigrants are not involved in the rape of our innocent women, and allowing the followers of the well known rape junkie, death cult does not increase the risks (look at how the MSN are going after Sir Farage)….yet there are classes to try and prevent the never happened rapes, and these classes have never been necessary before the death cult rapists came!!!
They are here to provide pensions for our old people… Yet abandoned their own to come here! They follow a death cult that mandates the destruction and submission of all infidels! They bring no skills or benefits whatever so will be nothing but parasites feeding off the state their entire time here!
Thanks for that link, I thought that was a good report (no…I’m not a troll….). Observations:
– The bbc tried hard to imply that this program might be construed as racist, but everyone they asked denied this, and being Norwegian, defended it in a reasonable, fair and justified manner. Strange that we can’t do that in this nation?? We can’t educate migrants in the ways of our culture, use our flag freely etc…cos that might offend others and be racist.
– There were no North African migrants
– asylum seekers must be given something useful to do in society, as we all know that the devil makes work for idle hands. And IMHO that’s why taking large numbers in fails.
β asylum seekers must be given something useful to do in society..
yes, they can take their iPhones, their doctorates and engineering degrees and their warped woman hating views, back to the shitholes they came from so that they enrich their own countries (haha yeah right!) instead of destroying ours!
And they are not asylum seekers, they are economic migrants, all looking to milk a warped system that looks after people who want to see us destroyed over the British people who are the ones who have made this country great!
Well although you think I don’t, I do agree with you. But we haven’t a hope in hell of getting the immigration to this country reversed. It was really an ‘in a perfect world’ comment – as we gleefully imagine economic migrants buggering off back to their own countries, more are entering illegally via the channel (and other seas).
But what is happening cannot continue. It will not continue.
The people of the West have all been born into a world that is so sheltered and fake, that we have all forgotten how cruel humanity and people can be…. Will always be.
For the entire history of mankind humans have lived with blood shed, death, and war. These skills have been fundamental to our survival and progression. Like the big cats of the savanna, humans have evolved to protect their own, hunt to kill and identify threats to their safety. Only after WW2, in its entire history, has the European continent being at some sort of peace. This peace is an illusion. It’s fake. This fake peace and tranquillity was only ever created by the deaths of millions of people. Do you really think we are different? Do you really believe that the human nature to survive and to fight has just disappeared in the last 60 odd years?
The only reason the spineless, traitorous, piss stain of an excuse human beings, infest our political bodies and establishment, is because of the world wars. Is because we have been so protected that we have allowed self-serving, weaklings to stand in front of us and show the illusion of strength. Eastern Europe is already changing. The rest of Europe will follow. The US is nearly there too.
We will not allow ourselves to roll over and die without a fight. War will always be natures way of bringing balance.
Like in every single war in the history of mankind the left will be the first to be wiped from the face of this earth. It’s always the same!…. And they have nobody to blame but themselves. They have tried to change nature. They have tried to mix what cannot be mixed. These sick delusional bastards have purposesly tried to destroy everything that creates freedom and peace, and only because it suit them. Just them. This craziness is already leading to death and horror, which leads to the creation of violence and utter hatred.
The times they are a changing. Why have we all let our beautiful home come to this?
I think Eastern European people will actually be the last to go because they unlike the people in the West still remember very well the suffering and death that war and invasions have brought to their lands.And they are not as crippled by pc as westerners.
I have never understood the thinking process through which supposedly sane people can be communists, knowing that this ideology has killed more people then any other, and in the shortest time. Hitler and Nazism do not come close to the sheer horror of the Gulag, and the slow death camps of the USSR and communist China.
There is insanity and death cultism, and there is communist self righteousness fanaticism, that kills hundreds of millions, and thinks that doing so will make a good omelette.
Really? So there were no wars before the advent of Capitalism? So if the world would only embrace socialism we would all live in peace for ever more? Hmm I think a Mr Orwell would have had an opinion on that.
Breakfast review the non debate on ITV last night . They concentrate on Imriel Morgan who went off on her own agenda driven rant which went on and on unchecked over the top of Farage. Of course all of us dumb assed members of the public were supposed to believe this was an unloaded audience. Yea right. Whilst commenting on call me Dave’s performance a much much shorter clip is shown.
Meanwhile day 2 of celebrations for the wonder that is the Harry Potter stage show. Hmmmm.
I’ve just watched the catch up programme, I’m just gob smacked, the only programme I’ve seen that compared to this was the question time edition in which a baying leftard mob absolutely destroyed Nick Griffin, the very man who warned of the paedo scandal long before it was exposed!
Farage was hung out to dry by a bunch of leftard gobshite scum in the usual ‘label, attack, don’t allow a come back’ lefty MO. Why didn’t they just sit and shout ‘wayyyciissssttt’ at him? It wouldn’t have come as a surprise.
Then came lying camoron with his tory party political broadcast for the remain party, barely an interruption, allowed to talk over his allotted time, allowed to put Farage down and plenty of fake applause.
Even now on the shITV news they are broadcasting another hatchet job on Farage and his ‘Cologne’ views. Once again the leftard scum utilize their selective memory by ignoring a huge paedo scandal that really did happen, well, unless you are a black, late night radio presenter that is.
We know what will happen if one woman is raped by an immigrant though “We’re sorry, we’ve learnt our lessons and have changed policy on rape so that this crime…blah, blah, blah” But no one will pay for the ‘collateral damage’ in the crazed pursuit of the brave new leftard world.
Led by Jeremy Corbyn ! But, to be fair, it seems the online registration website crashed. What is it with Government and the Civil Service ? They just don’t do technology. Another cock-up. I fear for the Referendum itself. Or is this a ploy to invalidate the results if Leavers win. Why should I be thinking like this ?
If gormless millenials leave it until the last minute to register to vote, then the system will crash. If voting mattered to them they had months to register. If thousands of them left it until the last couple of hours, then more fool them.
Accordingly there are around half a million that tried to register, and surprise surprise, apparently over 300,000 were under 35 !!! typical. The generation that all this could affect in the future, but cant be arsed to register until the media tell them to ‘get on with it’. Speaks volumes doesn’t it. They’ll be the ones to moan like hell if they’re called up in a few years time to serve in the European Army – the Nanny state won’t be able to save them then !
Can’t be arsed’ your dam right. Mostly that’s because of the way many have been taught not to explore, not examine, not to question & so on-I could not believe my ears the other day when I heard a couple of overly large females say that they didn’t even know whet the EU was-and we expect these blobs to be allowdd to vote on what is undoubtedly the most important chance for us all to claim our Feedoms back- I have spent years researching the early days of the European Project and the changes made and the effects of those changes which now show us a dictatorship, with a unification of the continent, politically, economically, legally and socially, brought into a single entity which will destroy TRUE FREEDOM, which our father’s and forefathers fought for-and yes at 74 I’m old enough to recall what was originally planned in 1974-but was as we now know utter lies.deciet. Now we have a generation that has been brainwashed with little enthusiasm to challenge the Status Quo-Very sad.
And , of course EU propaganda gets right into the schools. Many young people are so docile, they will vote whichever way they are told by their role models most of which are probably Luvvies. So if their music heroes tell them to vote Remain, they will probably do what they are told. This is all assuming that they understand the ballot paper !
Yep, bang on Grant-the evil cult called the EU has for years endeavoured to smash our once great education system into an arena where every kind of socialistic agenda is propogated through the sytem to, as you quote-produce young people so docile they can hardly think for themsleves with what hasn’t been smeared across Yahoo titletattle, celebrity so called, music heroes and absolute rubbish, and they’ll even shell out good money to buy Jeans that have been slashed at the knees ! Its all gone mad. I won’t take a bet, but I’m on my knees for a an OUT vote.
Most people do not know the issues because in a democracy the population elect governments to make sensible decisions on their behalf. This referendum was created to save the Tory party at he previous election. As for the 74 year old, Im afraid things have moved on. The UK will never ever be soveriegn simply because it has been largely bought by foriegn investors. The only thing we will get if we leave is isolation since we will essentially prohibited from the European market. Increases in tarrifs will induce inflation into the new economy and unemployment will grow and further price pressures will occur as sterling drops against the major currencies. This maybe someones idea of freedom but i would suggest it is a very odd one .
“The only thing we will get if we leave is isolation since we will essentially prohibited from the European market. ”
It works both ways, the EU sells more to us than we do in return . They will be the losers, no more VWs, Citrons, BMWs, Peugeots, etc, etc
A few years ago, maybe 3, I did some client work which involved an application for EU funding. Whilst successful, one of the conditions of funding was that a plan needed to be implemented in schools to educate children on the perils of climate change.
Pure indoctrination, and evidence of the “strings attached” approach to all EU funding, and just to re-enforce that there is no such thing as EU funding or EU subsidies. They just give our own money back (money we have donated as subscriptions) with strings attached..
Since moving to France myself and Mr Kitty have kept up to date with our register to vote, if 2 computer idiots can do it what took the IT savvy yunni lot so long to realise they needed to register to have a vote or did nobody tell them about voting rights and the history of democracy. Maybe they believed all they had to was cover their face ,throw things at the police and we’ll do what they want. Rant over, we received our votes 2 weeks ago and posted last week, yes we know corruption is rife but you never know our 2 might make all the difference.
I live in Gambia but am currently in UK. Not in my constituency so have applied for a postal vote,within the time limits. Haven’t got the paperwork yet but that makes 3 of us who may make a difference !
I cancelled my postal vote – was too worried that it would be meddled with. Have been told I will be on the list, but now I’m worried I’ll turn up and not be on it…
Is it too cynical to be suspicious that this was a deliberately induced system crash which will allow two things to happen. Firstly, it will bring even greater publicity to the push to register as many as possible , which of course is aimed at the under 35s who are more likely to vote Remain. Secondly, it gives them more time , because if it crashed sometime last night ie a few hours before it closed , but I expect that people will be given much longer than a few hours to register today.
After all the lies that have been told by Remain it would not surprise me if this isn’t just another ploy by them.
I’m expecting dirty tricks, like stunts a few days before the referendum before Brexit can respond, and manufactured problems that can be used to undermine the validity of the result if it goes the “wrong” way.
How about declaring the result “invalid” then need to have a second referendum at a later, unspecified date which never comes . I am sure they have their programme and it is all planned.
I think that many of us have realised that we are not going to be allowed to leave. it is so obvious. The result will be fixed if necessary. This is all about the Eu’s very survival and a great deal of money and power.
The banksters want the EU and us in it. That is what they expect Cameron to deliver and God help us if we ignore them.
As I have said before a No vote is just the start. There is much to do and talk about so that we can build a society that is fit for all of us not just a priveleged few .
There is a mistaken view amongst many that this implies a form of socialism. it does not but implies a real conservatism long absent from public affairs.
The EU is a corporate tyrrany in the making.
Just seen some whinging female yoof on the news complaining about the site crash and her loss of vote, nothing about the fact that the tech savvy yoof have had months to register yet couldn’t be bovvered!! Fear not though, the ‘fair and just’ liberals will change the rules just for you long as you vote remain.
There was an interesting piece on the BBC Parliamentary channel the other evening. It was a head to head debate, chaired by David Dimbleby in 1975 between Roy Jenkins and Tony Benn. What ever our views of these two men they were genuine political heavyweights. It was interesting to note that the points that Benn made about our sovereignty and democracy are almost identical to those made today by the Brexiteers.
There are differences, of course. I think there were only five or six members in the EEC. There was financial parity between these nations. In those long ago days there was no concern about mass immigration from poverty stricken countries with mass youth unemployment; these problems didn’t exist. The EU is expanding and importing poverty. There are no more wealthy nations waiting to join.
We were sold a lie by Tony Blair (well there’s a surprise) when the eastern European countries first joined. “There will only be a few thousand coming to Britain” our former pm assured us. Turned out to be a million plus. And our population increases by one million every three years! It is unsustainable and it’s dangerous. When do we say “enough is enough”?
Our present pm, David Cameron is carrying on where Blair left off. “Turkey won’t be joining, trust me…”
Believe that and you’ll believe anything.
I think that Sky is now as much, if not more, of a threat to balanced reporting than even the BBC. It may be my imagination but it seems that most of the Remain spokespeople over the past few weeks have been allowed to spout there nonsense in the early part of the morning, while the Brexiteers haven’t been able to respond until after 08:00 … when most people have already left for work. Even then, Brexiteers are interrupted in their slot to allow Sky to replay ‘key points’ from the earlier Remain interviews.
This mornings reports were an absolute travesty of honest reporting. First, the scare story about the so called flight of funds from the UK because of the fear of leaving the EU. Except that Eamon Holmes Sky scare scoop was totally destroyed by the brilliant Andrew Lilico. He pointed out that movement of money was perfectly normal and that if there was a crisis of sentiment about the UK then why was the pound steady, and that when the figures are published for April on June 30 he was absolutely confident that it would show a net inflow of funds to the UK. Why aren’t we seeing more of this guy. Ah think we know the answer to that … no economists support leave do they.
Then a vacuous airhead called Sam was sent to Panmure Gordon presumably to have their support for the story … only to be told that is was due to tactical movements by investors hoping to make a killing on exchange rate movements …. as a result of the Remain campaign talking down the currency. He also added that once they made their short term kill, conditions would return to normal unless some unknown external factor affected sentiment in the UK. Did these points affect Sky’s headline reporting afterwards … of course not, at 09:00 ‘ flight of money from the UK a sign of things to come if we leave’.
As for the reporting of Tamara Cohen ! After showing Cameron’s closing comment, then the planted racial blogger speaking over Farage, she stated that the Remainers would be pleased with the PM’s performance, and UKIPs only MP was distancing himself from Farage’s racist claims on the show. What claims ? ! Did she actually even watch the programme, or was she given the script by some junior researcher who copied lines from Google.
This was interspersed with a news item about military exercises in Poland where the US Commander stated we needed a Schengen style arrangement to get troops to any hot spots … as we weren’t ready to respond yet. Bet his bosses in the Pentagon and Mr Putin loved that. Of course the main inhibitor to getting American troops to any serious situation would be having to produce their passports at every EU country’s borders. In any case, why are Americans even involved, isn’t it the EU that has kept the peace in the last 70 years ?
As for the website collapsing … sorry it’s been up for weeks … if the ‘yoof’ of today are stupid enough to leave it until 15 minutes before the deadline .. then they are too stupid to vote anyway.
Maria …… “However, Iβm sure that electric lorries are feasible. You can get bulk packs of AA batteries on eBay quite reasonably.” DC has rabbited on about electric cars, so he’s got a couple of weeks left to say how we should all be using invalidity scooters – (the bain of our village life and seem to be multiplying on a weekly basis) to reduce our pollution even further.
Whilst forgetting, of course, that you need polluting power stations to produce all the electricity needed to run the bloody things. Oh, I forgot all the energy produced by solar panels at night and by wind farms when the wind isn’t blowing.
It’s a strange day in the UK when it’s neither windy nor sunny. (Don’t forget wave/tidal power too). Storage is an issue but solutions are improving – there’s a new hydro scheme in Scotland for example. Night usage is relatively low, hence Economy 7 tariffs to encourage people to use electricity at night, this was introduced because nuclear stations run 24/7 so there’s a surplus which otherwise simply goes to waste at night.
I would have said it is quite common for it to be neither windy or sunny in the UK.
The output of my solar panels is often below 10% of maximum when the sky is cloudy. In the winter we get little sun and often no wind at all, (and that can extend across Europe too).
Nuclear power stations have high thermal inertia so it is difficult to ‘turn them down’ when demand is low, indeed it is important that they have reliable connections to the grid so that their power can always be exported. They certainly don’t produce ‘surplus’ that ‘will go to waste’ – electricity generated must be used, even if that means pumping water up hill. Coal burning power stations certainly used to see it as a point of honour to be online continuously for a year or more. By regulating the amount of steam put into a turbo-alternator the electrical output can be varied and by regulating the amount of fuel burnt the amount of steam can be controlled. However ‘cycling’ a generation unit like this does not run it at its most efficient, yet that is what has to be done to balance the ‘now-you-see-it, now-you don’t’ low grade output from solar and wind.
Backup generation is used day-in, day-out to balance the system, to cover for power station breakdowns, forecasting errors and for unexpected events. In the past weβve seen periods when the level of electricity generated from wind within the UK, Ireland and parts of Northern Europe has been very low. This can coincide with days of peak electricity demand when itβs cold and still. The cost of using backup generation is part of the total cost of balancing the system.
Of course wind and solar are not constant sources, but then to be completely fair neither is Hinkley Point which has been up and down like a whore’s drawers these last few years for unplanned maintenance, and that must take one heck of a lot of backup generation to cover when it’s out of action.
Good point about the special connections to the grid required for nuclear power stations – this is one of the hidden subsidies to this well-established industry as they’re paid for by the national grid i.e. thee and me. Quite why we should be paying to make a consortium of international financiers a bit richer I don’t really know.
England is not windy enough to justify building any more onshore wind turbines, the chief executive of wind industry trade body has admitted.
Hugh McNeal, who joined RenewableUK two months ago from the Department of Energy and Climate Change, insisted the industry could make the case for more onshore turbines in some parts of the UK, despite the withdrawal of subsidies.
But he said this would βalmost certainlyβ not be in England, as the wind speeds were not high enough to make the projects economically viable without subsidy…
So when will the BBC make a programing examining the theft of millions (if not billions) of pounds from consumers and frittered away on the existing subsidy farms? Will it be calling for Mr McNeal’s head for his role both as a civil servant and on behalf of the scammers’ trade body? Will the politicians complicit in this wholesale fraud be called to account?
And media pundits wonder why we no longer trust the ‘elite’.
Reminds me of the (Irish) guy from Siemens Hull Wind turbine blade factory on BBC R4 Today this morning (8th June0 waffling on about how important it is to stay in the EU as his blades are so fragile they can only handle a maximum 20 hour ship ride (to Germany) so there’s no way they can be sold elsewhere in the world…LOL! Utterly pathetic plonker towing his company line and totally unchallenged by the impartial BBC. Yet another foreigner rolled out in the morning for our edification.
It continues to astonish me that despite the richness of our English language we neglect to use the correct term when discussing important issues. What’s got on my goat today, and indeed for some time now, is the persistent misusage of the R-word. Racism, and its sibling, racist!
I’m sick and tired of being labelled, by proxy, a racist just because I like being British and have no wish for my tail to be tied to a range of cultures over which I have no control of choice.
I’ll be voting out as many others will be and , although I can’t speak for anyone other than myself, that does not make me a racist, a ‘Little Englander’, an uber-nationalist or any other of the sneeringly contemptuous bile-loaded slogans that fill the status quo establishment invective.
I’m a culturist, not a racist, and I like the culture and the culturism into which I was born. That does not mean I dislike or hate other cultures, it just means that I prefer my own and wish to see its survival. If that makes me loyal to this country then I see that as no bad thing and, once upon a time, loyalty to ones fellows was seen as a very good thing.
Let’s take back the conversation and utilise the language that properly describes my, and many others, sentiments.
When others use the R-words, hit back with our own family-friendly C-words but not the ones that the BBC allows to be sprinkled into our homes.
NoLiveTV. I agree with what you say. The most important thing about any culture is that it is different to others, and different cultures are interesting. Although I prefer to live in my own culture, I like seeing others in their own natural environment, i.e. they don’t need to be imported here to dilute ours.
I saw on Sky this morning a whole section about Ramedan. Why? They didn’t devote much time (if anything) to Lent. What about Diwali, Yom Kippur etc?
Agree with both of you. I really do not understand why the BBC, Sky and others are so obsessed with a minority religion in the UK. And why have they chosen the most unattractive religion ?
( to put it politely ).
I do not know how many muslims there are in the UK ,but it cannot justify the constant daily coverage. Does it derive from fear and the consequent appeasement ? Do they think we should all become muslims ? It is a real mystery to me. If it is simply a question of the Left trying to destroy everything British, don’t they understand that it will destroy them too ? I wish I knew the answer.
Grant, the left’s love affair with Islam is the subject of many articles. Nobody really knows what causes it but it seems to be a toxic combination of fear/appeasement and a desire to destroy or at least dilute western Christian civilization; the latter desire is probably a hangover from Marxism. I also sometimes get the sense that the left think they can form a sort of hybrid culture where the values of the Enlightenment co-exist alongside those of 7th century desert nomads. This, I suspect, comes from the postmodern belief that all cultures are equally valid and can be mixed and matched at will.
They are obsessed for one simple reason Grant – money.
For a long time I have been watching Saudi foreign policy regarding the promotion of Islam, in particular Wahabist Islam and intolerant backwards and violent interpretation of an intolerant backwards & violent religion.
It is behind the legitimate funding of many pro Islamic groups, including the Deobandis, and has financed at least in part around 80% of the Mosques in the UK.
What is not often spoken about is the less than legitimate promises of financial enrichment made to Western politicians to promote Islam, and this comes from Sunni countries all over the Middle East.
If you want to know why the BBC is promoting this, then just follow the money !
Agree 100%. Well said. Last week we had two 12 year relatives to stay, both boys. I was appalled to find that the only Nelson they knew of was Mandela! Napoleonic wars- eh, what? The project to obliterate Britishness is well on the way to success. If this project does succeed then leaving the EU will count for little in the struggle against the liberal left’s insane policies eg mass migration and multiculturalism. Despite Gove’s best efforts the leftist ‘blob’ still controls education. The BBC is still a 24/7 fog horn for the left. Young people are being brainwashed into believing the perverse doctrines of the liberal left. If this continues then, if today’s referendum was instead being held in 2026, there would no prospect of a Leave vote. If Leave win then the Tories must get rid of Cameron et al and then use remainder of the parliament to deal with the BBC and education. Even if we do vote Leave I am not optimistic but at least it offers a slim chance of reversing the insanity of the left.
Oh and by the way they both knew that Donald Trump was a bad man because he doesn’t like Muslims.
One of the things wrong with immigrants is that so few of them are experienced teachers.
The reception received by a few old-school disciplinarians from SE Asia and elsewhere (India perhaps) would be very interesting indeed. Even better if the accusation of “racist” could be turned against the inarticulate, innumerate, PC, know nothing home grown clowns infecting some of our classrooms.
Ms Brewin, I suspect there are a lot of teachers in Africa and Asia who would love to come to the UK to teach, but they realise pretty sharpish that standards are so lax that they go off the idea. I certainly have heard this has happened to some Russian and eastern European teachers in the UK. Eastern europeans and new-commonwealth teachers tend to use the ‘Prussian’ style of education which is ‘teacher talks, pupils listen’. I suspect also that British teachers, for all their puff about ‘diversity’ would be pretty unhappy if such teachers arrived in numbers, possibly for closed-shop reasons.
My little girl, age 9 , goes to a Lower Basic ( Primary ) state school in Gambia . The school has very few resources. Blackboard and chalk etc. Average class size 40. No computers. Traditional teaching methods . Committed teachers. All teaching in english. The last class I sat in on was about the history of the Roman Empire. No corporal punishment. Discipline first class. I don’t think I need to say any more !
It’s a long time since when I was at school. In those days if we saw the headmaster within 200 feet of us we made ourselves scarce, which is some indication of the discipline regime at the time.
When I went into the sixth-form the school began teaching Latin for the first time and to do so it took on an Indian ex-headmaster to run the classes. It was quite sad to see that his expectations of class discipline were far greater than what we were used to.
No doubt Indian standards have relaxed over the years, as have ours, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the differential still exists.
Their jobs and their careers depend upon both tropes being strictly adhered to.
These are all Blairs bladderwrecks…the good and independent teachers have long left the state to a large extent, and are cowed by OFSTED, capricious management and the usual Guardian and Times agendas.
Have yet to see any science department ever try to teach the facts, let alone try to investigate with some simple experiments over a time period.
And recycling your litter is normally a detention duty or a department sanctions for the Geography Department…or an alternative to studying RE.
Most teachers are good suckups for State diktat-and are no better than Harrabin re scientific or mathematical methods to assess a view…let alone one that would be the domain of the fascist Daily Mail. Donald Trump or Katie Hopkins.
Thick dullards these pliable parrots-self selecting ciphers for the Guardians latest op-ed.
Think Laurie Taylor…
How long until a statue of the Great Mandela sits atop the column in Trafalgar Square? I’d be tempted to start a petition, but I fear it may be taken seriously and implemented.
After all what relevance does The Battle of Trafalgar have today and we don’t to upset our EU partners the French and the Spanish do we ? I somehow can’t imagine them even contemplating removing statues of their heroes. The idea seems to be a purely British Leftie one, for some reason.
Agree totally NLT. It’s a term used to stifle any rational debate on the subject of immigration because proponents know they have no rational coherent arguments. In the same way as the term ‘Litte Englander’ is used to demonize Brexiteers whilst ‘Global’ is misused to describe a 28 country trading block that raises tariffs against all of the other 170 countries …. including some of the poorest on the planet. So much for the caring left.
Unfortunately, as has been mentioned in other posts, the teaching establishment has been almost totally subverted. I had the misfortune of listening to a discussion between a relative by marriage teacher, and a bunch of his idiot colleagues. It revolved around this country being responsible for raping the planet and other countries for the last 300 years. By default we were responsible for all of the worlds ills from slavery, to racism, to poverty and even the rise of ISIS. Their analogy of the EU had to be heard to be believed. It went something like ‘If you decide that you are in a sh*t club and leave, then find once you have left there is nowhere to go, you won’t be allowed back in to the sh*t club. Therefore it’s obvious we should stay in.’ I kid you not and these were teachers.
Teachers. At what point in the last 40 years has it all gone so wrong ? Ok, my schooling years were between 1953 and 1965, and yes, just like in the black and white films, the girls had plaits and the boys wore short trousers and long socks. Unlike today, the word respect wasn’t in our vocabulary because it was behaviour that came naturally to us, and teachers looked like our Mums and Dads so we did as we were told, or got slapped legs if we misbehaved. History ranged from the Pharaohs to the 2nd world war, English included how to correctly compose a letter to learning about Dickens, Geography was just that – knowing where places were in the world, – yes most had different names like Ceylon, Persia and the African countries had exotic names like Abyssinia, Bechuanaland, Belgian Congo, Rhodesia and wonderful Timbukto ! We all left school with a good grounding of general knowledge, even though it included feet and inches and temperatures in Fahrenheit. The majority never went to Yuni, but learned about life because of our work ethic – being out of work was never an option (yes jobs were aplenty then). Sadly I don’t think the upward marking of A level results over the last 30 years have done the two generations – parents and their kids, any favours. Also information if needed can be found at the push of a button, but does it brain register ? We had to look and read , encyclopaedias were out of date as soon as they were printed, but reading generally stuck. My lovely niece is a Deputy Head, but I sometimes hold my tongue at some of the inane comments she comes out with, and I thank God I had the education I did back in the 50/60s.
I am afraid the EU find that term unacceptable. And internet censorship is already part of the plan. The European Commission (the executive branch of the EU) reached an agreement on the 31st May with some of the worldβs biggest social media firms including Facebook, Twitter and Youtube on how to tackle βillegal online hate speechβ.
In short, the EU, in conjunction with several social media giants, will engage in the business of active censorship of βhate speechβ. Exactly what kind of speech is permitted and what is not is apparently determined by the arbitrary fiat of the European Commission.
Certain corners of the press are already arguing that βhate speechβ should cover gender and sexual orientation. And we have no reason to believe that they will stop there.
The upshot of all this is that if you hold conservative or minority political or social views, about immigration for example, you could be guilty of βhate speechβ and find yourself censored online.
No governmental institution, let alone one which is largely unaccountable to the people it governs, should have this kind of power.
I signed up against it Petition here but the EU ignores all protests. That is how the EU operates. It will of course have to be mandatory for us all to be ‘politik-korrect’ or be censured for stating an opinion or bald statement of fact that some things are explicitly ‘dangerous’ ideologies (Marxist or Islamic), sexual (BBC) devients and declaring that ‘families’ are best suitable to raise children will be banned as ‘offensive’ to LGBFTXX crowd in the EU.
Sample : EU Post moderation for a custodial sentence not exceeding 6 months and a fine of up to β¬2000
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I believe that, in modern parlance, that means oh my god. It’s now 10:46 on Wednesday 8th June, ramadan is well underway and I do believe I have just witnessed Sky News, in the form of Colin Brazier, bigging up muslims by actively suggesting that fasting is good for the human body. If that’s not bad enough it was followed by a comment to the effect of Lent and the interest in it was dwindling.
I’m at a complete loss. I think I might call the Samaritans.
Not one to talk much about dietary advice, but going without food or water during the heat of the day and then pigging out at night just before bed sounds less than optimal. It’s not fasting, but virtue signal postponement at best. IIRC Lent did/does involve actually giving stuff up during that period.
Using the phrase “pigging out”, during the month of Ramadan, could very easily be deemed offensive by a certain overly sensitive religion. These are delicate issues and need to be handled with the utmost care in the interests of inter cultural awareness. I only have your best interests at heart.
You could say I’m trying to save your bacon… (sorry… π
They’re not “hogging the limelight” at all. This is a religion of peace that wishes to live quietly and in harmony with its neighbours.
I will thank you to stop telling porkies…
I think I’ll be seeing you all in prison at this rate.
On second thoughts, probably not, unless you are female or provisionally male and like shopping at Dorothy Perkins. Very high probability, according to the BBC.
Yep, pigging out just before bed……. totally NOT what any doctor recommends, so expect an assault on the A & E departments as ‘foreign bodies’ turn up believing they’re having heart attacks, when its really indigestion – which is what happens when you sleep on a full stomach. If they want to believe the fairy tale that is their religion, along with all the virgins they can deal with in Paradise, then so be it, but don’t clog up our A & E departments with a self inflicted religious ideology.
(on another tack – I see that many lady Muslim clinicians wear the headscarf whilst going about their duty on the wards. Male clinicians no longer wear the white coat for hygienic reasons (although Persil white ones are worn on sur la Continent), so whats the difference hygiene wise between reams of fabric around the head and the white coat ? )
I wonder if the BBC will pay any attention to The Taxpayers’ Alliance email all their members received yesterday stating;
“In reviewing our analysis over the past eight years, there is no doubt that the EU has wasted British taxpayers’ money over time, whether it be the burdens imposed by Common Agricultural Policy, the burgeoning EU quangocracy or the grants we exposed going to TV production companies.”
Yes Edward and I can link to that. ‘In reviewing our analysis over the past eight years, there is no doubt that the EU has wasted British taxpayers’ money over time, whether it be the burdens imposed by Common Agricultural Policy, the burgeoning EU quangocracy or the grants we exposed going to TV production companies.
The question we now have to answer as a nation is whether the costs of EU membership are outweighed by the benefits. There is a huge amount of information here, but a quick scan does not link the funds (millions) already in receipt by the BBC for ‘services’ to further EU integration.
David, Alan. Can we have a new sticky thread devoted to TV referendum debates please. Just for the duration of the referendum period and its immediate aftermath. Comments on the previous ones are lost inside other threads but would be interesting for a comparison as the time passes. thank you
Excellent idea. I shall second that but I am not sure that David and Alan read every post here . Neither do I and who could expect anyone to. Is there any way of sending a direct message ?
Late last night I posted about a comment from ITV’s Chris Ship, claiming the Cameron/Farage stitch-up had been conducted in exactly the same way as the BBC’s Question Time.
It has now emerged that the shouty race-baiter and HuffPo blogger Imriel Morgan, who made such a fool of herself with Nigel Farage on last night’s faux debate, did not simply wander in off the streets, nor was she randomly chosen. She was, she has since revealed in an interview, invited to appear by ITV.
So now we know for sure that ITV packed its audience with selected activists like the barking mad Ms Morgan. It also claims that it uses the same techniques as the BBC.
I read your post but didn’t comment yesterday. So the evidence is solid. It was stupid, because I imagine that, since she came over as some kind of nutcase and Nigel handled it well , it has worked in his favour. But how many people who watched will know about this ? Will ITV come clean and publicise it ? You would really think they could have chosen someone more credible. Chris Ship always was a crap reporter so none of this surprises me.
I think planting people like last night’s race hustler in the audience actually harms the cause these leftie loons are attempting to promote. Whenever I listen to Any Questions the audience appears to be choc full of intolerant, bigoted UAF nutters…very similar to her. Usually the phone calls on Any Answers is a refreshing balance as relatively sane and “normal people” respond to what’s been said.
The embittered girl last night was just an irritant, made far worse by the hopeless hostess.
We’re not the only ones who see through this media charade.
Jeff, I agree wholeheartedly. Her argument (rants) when applied in such a self serving self aggrandizing way are more likely to turn people against rather than for her viewpoint.
If you have not done so already, please do listen to Jon Gaunts interview with Imriel Morgan where she loses the plot in so many ways to be almost beyond satire. I actually started to feel sorry for her as she clearly isn’t used to the shovel.
The negress in the audience for ITV’s “debate” last night was making a statement not asking a question; that’s why she wasn’t interested in listening to Farage’s response nor even in allowing him to make one.
Julie Etchingham was a terrible, weak moderator (IMHO); perhaps (knowing that) Camertw@t’s people may have demanded for her to be in that role.
I suspect by her appearance and name she is what they would call in W. Africa an “Ekow”, that is of mixed “black and white ” ancestry. Assuming that is her real name . If she is, that might explain her attitude as they tend to think themselves superior to pure blacks, in my experience !
You can bet your life that when faced by Andrew Neil this evening, Gideon will make much of the ‘fact’ that Β£65b has ‘flooded out’ from the UK over the past few months, indicating the blind panic in financial markets as sterling is dumped in favour of sounder currencies.
Strange then that, as of mid-day, sterling was up against 36 of the world’s currencies and down against 14, all of the fluctuations being minor. Not more scaremongering, surely?
Gideon’s problem is that Andrew Neil knows far more about these matters than he does ! Anything to do with finance, economics , markets, tax etc etc. Gideon will be in trouble !
The bBC and its silence over the death of a Muslim in Bradford: Man shot dead in Bradford in ‘targeted attack’ A man has been shot dead in Bradford in what police are calling a “targeted attack”. The 30-year-old was wounded during a disturbance in Round Street about 20:00 hours on Monday, said West Yorkshire detectives. He was taken to hospital with serious head injuries but later died. A post mortem examination is yet to take place, the force said. Two men, aged 21 and 22, are in custody on suspicion of murder. Officers urged anyone with information to come forward.
And here is what the bBC doesn’t want you to know:
30 year old Imran Khan was shot dead outside his home in Bradford on Monday. 3 Men in their early 20s have been arrested . Mr Khan was jailed for six years in September 2007 for his role in a kidnap gang. He admitted kidnapping a man, robbing him of Β£350 and possessing an imitation firearm with intent to rob
You’d think if somebody used the bBCs ‘Children in need’ as part of a scam to steal Β£186,000, the bBC would report when these crooks had their day in court. Apparently not: 2 Men guilty off Β£186,000 fraud, fined…Β£1
Were they jailed? Couldn’t tell from this link. Otherwise, disgusting. And yep, at the moment here in good old Blighty, crime does pay, as all the migrants being picked up in the Channel will agree with.
Let’s pause for a moment to ponder some of the great mysteries of our time….
Glasto tickets sell out within moments of going on sale six months before the show – and yet the yoof leave it to the eleventh hour to crash the Government Electoral Register website. Really? Do we smell a rat? Was it crashed deliberately so give an excuse to extend the deadline?
Leaving aside the bought and sold liberals Dave and Gideon, can’t quite get my head around the concept of the progressive pro-EU Left. What a message: ‘Vote for the status quo, boys and girls – the alternative is just too scary to contemplate, all the big money corporations say so! And, by the way, vote Corbyn next time round, millennials!’
‘David Cameron has urged people to continue to register to vote after an online glitch ahead of the EU referendum registration deadline’
Well, there’s a surprise. How very convenient.
‘The glitch, blamed on record demand…’ Any specific and verifiable figures (FOI anyone?) coming with that bit of news I wonder? Must have been all those tens of thousands who only found their NI number just before bedtime.
They are softening us up for the extension to the referendum voting, starting June 24th, so students who are busy with exams can still vote and keep it going for as long as needed until the Remain wins.
Usual slurry of fiddling from the “bricking its” in the BSE Camp then?
As a hack in the Telegraph said-the website crashing last night is very convenient-would like proof of that.
Like getting shirty once the shops close on Christmas Eve-and then the State forcing them all to re-open to let the last minute morons get off with having no plans, no preparation and no care to register in time.
Typical BBC/Cameron efforts to drag in the feckless and the stupid-preferably under 30.
Still-don`t think it`ll save them-unless they can take out barrels full of postal votes from Glastonbury and ensure that the weary grumpy Ramadan voters of Newham get an extra few days due to not being able to life a pencil to the ballot paper…or find a cane to thrash the wife lightly.
Typical BBC crap this-hope we`re all resolved to vote out, and that no amount of dredging Hammersmith Tec for comatose students will save the Innards.
‘Weary grumpy Ramadan voters of Newham get an extra few days due to not being able to lift a pencil to the ballot paperβ¦or find a cane to thrash the wife lightly.’
‘no amount of dredging Hammersmith Tec for comatose students will save the Innards.’
More please….
The big corporations will stay even if we vote to leave. Which world are you actually living in. The UK isnt owned by the British. There is no Soveriegnty. If you seriously think there is then your thinking is seriously flawed.
Had a nice restaurant lunch yesterday.
Got chatting to the chap on the next table. He felt a European body was needed strategically to counteract China, Russia, USA, etc.
But he defined the problem with the EU as one of very bad execution. It had become a feeding ground for the Brussels elite with their guaranteed jobs and pensions. There was a disconnect with the people. He seemed to encourage a vote for leave.
Oh, did I not mention? I was in the Netherlands, and the chap was actually a Dutch lawyer but living in Paris !!!!
He would not vote for Le Pen or Wilders but saw the seismic gap that there was no mainstream political representation for – lets call them Eurosceptics. The democratic deficit writ large.
A rather heart warming conversation in one of our friendly and pleasant European neighbour countries.
Yes. We are not alone. We world looks on. Its obvious (to us) but the BBC like to hide the facts. From New York traders they offer this little EU poem…
‘ Brexit Poem; (courtesy of one of the poll participants on this Financial Traders)…
βWonβt you join our Common Market?β said the spider to the fly,
βIt really is a winner and the cost is not too highβ
βI know De Gaulle said ββ Nonββ, but he hadnβt got a clue,
βWe want you in, my friends and I, for we have plans for you.
βYouβll have to pay a little more than we do, just for now,
βAs Herr Kohl said, and I agree, we need a new milch cow,
βItβs just a continental term, believe me , mon ami,
βLike ββVive la Franceββ or ββMad Anglaisββ or even ββE.E.C.ββ.
βAs to the rules, donβt worry friend, thereβs really but a few
βYouβll find that we ignore them – but they all apply to you.
βGive and share between us, thatβs what itβs all about,
βYou do all the giving, and we all share it out.
βItβs very British, is it not, to help a friend in need?
βYouβve done it twice in two World Wars, a fact we must concede,
βSo climb aboard the Market Train, donβt sit there on the side,
βYour continental cousins want to take you for a rideβ
Brexit Poll Feedback
As part of our Brexit tracking poll we ask for feedback from our survey participants. Many of the comments we receive, such as those below, are quite revealing about sentiment ahead of the historic June 23 EU referendum as they come from the “man/woman on the street.”
Being of an age, this is all reminiscent of the seventies where just about everyone I knew – work, college, friends and family, casual acquaintances et al – all voted against joining Europe. Of course, virtually all these people were working class and it seems that history is repeating itself, despite living in Suffolk now, rather than in Greater London previously. It once again seems to be working class people who have the strongest objection to this giant con-trick. This would be the EU con-trick of course, rather than the ‘We’re all middle class con-trick’. I strongly suspect the same result will accrue as the one in the seventies. However, while the great and the good and the Beeb may rejoice at this outcome, I believe that this time the legacy of bitterness left amongst the voiceless may be far, far greater than people might care to imagine.
Forget about the IMF/BoE/Euro pension hoarders and US fee-stealing (they weren’t earned!) bankers, this guy puts his, and his investors’, money where his mouth is!
Peter. Here’s another UK based invester who thinks we are better off out..
‘Mr Mellon, one of the richest men in Britain, has compared the EU to a fire and believes we are set to burn along with our neighbours if we do not vote to leave on June 23.
The investor correctly predicted the last recession in his 2006 book βWake-Up: Survive and Prosper in the Coming Economic Turmoilβ…’
He blamed Alistair Darling, Gordon Brown and George Osborne to reacting to events rather than anticipating that they would happen.
The fund manager said: βIf we stay in the European Union, we will be bound to an organisation whose principal motives β federalism and monetary union-will drag us into poverty.β
Not exactly BBC bias but, have others seen this? Re Austrian presidential election: It looks like the anti Islamic candidate had the election stolen from him in Austria.
Apparently, voter turnout was just over 140% in one region.
The postal vote tripled from the previous election to 700,000 votes.
He lost by 31,000 votes in a country of 8.5 million.
The electorate is smaller than the whole population and I have not worked out what that number is.
One thing this video misses is that the Czech republic has an anti Islamic president so the tide turning he is talking about has already happened. The second biggest party in Holland is similar.
The whole continent is clearly already tipping and only the two party phenomenon has held back further change.
In the UK a big part of the UKIP vote had to vote Conservative to keep Labour out which is why UKIP only got 12.5% of the vote (12.5% only yielded 1 seat out of 650 – Yes what a bitch).
Slandering the guy by pretending he is like Hitler when his policies all seem to be the opposite is unfair.
Just to add insult to injury, his left wing opponent actually believes in big government and agrees with the policies of Hitler on just about every point.
The biggest block vote in all Western countries is the idiot vote.
Its Postal fraud. There will have to be a new count, but the EU has got what it wants. Who cares about democracy if not us? But it happens here too. London’s Tower Hamlet is famous for it in its local elections. As for the Conservative being involved in electioneering fraud by ‘overspending’ (fighting UKIP) and not declaring that to the Electoral Commission is also fraud. Not that anyone is going to be prosecute Cameron. He is only doing what BLAIR would have done. It corrupts the whole electoral process. Postal votes should, be banned without an NI number and Passport (and should all be replaced by secure web server online for those retired or working outside the UK). It’s not rocket science, but the EU don’t want that development. Strewth they could loose!
D-Day β the day that Allied Armies launched the largest seaborne invasion in history, to free Europe from Naziism. The United States, the UK and Canada stormed ashore in Normandy, France. 150,000 soldiers, more than 4,000 died, but it was a decisive win, a turning point in history, the beginning of the liberation of Europe.
That was a significant moment when allied lives were lost ridding Europe of the political control of the German Workers National Socialist Party. You know, the one that the BBC and the Socialist Workers Party compare with Farage, Trump and anyone who attempts a discussion of immigration.
I looked out for a brief BBC mention of the D,Day Normandy landings 72nd anniversary, maybe an interview with an old hero from that time. Nothing.
Somewhere there must be a Moslem who took part in the landings and is eager to recall with pride how he leapt out of the landing craft and headed towards the enemy shouting allah akibar.
June 6th-D Day 1944
June 8th 1913-Emily Davison falls in front of the Kings horse at Epsom.
Guess which one gets a name check and a cluck of MPs approving the anniversary.
Need we ask?
And how typical to get Jeremy Corbyn to blather a tribute to Ali in Parliament today…as if he was a constituent in Islington.
Truly these clowns have lost the plot-but there again, Alis Black Supremacist stuff, his views on women and intermarriage between good black Muslim girls and white devils like us..and (being a Muslim) his take on Jews would doubtless put him firmly in Labours camp…and with no counterblasts from the liberal elite, who`d accept every hypocrisy, every double standard as being “culturally appropriate” for the Great God Sport, the over arching God , Allah.
June 8th 1982.
Bombing of Sir Galahad and Sir Tristram 56 dead with over 100 seriously wounded, BBC reaction zero, zilch , nothing. I even tried looking under the Latin American section.Sorry welling up now I lost friends and knew wounded.
Good point but not too many religion of peace types on our side (I think thery’d struggle to find one). Most were down in Yugoslavia in the Bosnian (Muslim) 13th Waffen SS Mountain Division fighting Tito and his Commies.
Now THAT is something you will never hear on the BBC. (Just like anything about the good old Grand Mufti of Jerusalem).
Support rising in Denmark for their own Danexit referendum:
The new poll found 42 per cent of Danes now want a public vote on the question of their nationβs membership to be held, compared to 37 per cent in February.
It also uncovered that support for the red-tape obsessed officials is plummeting as only 44 per cent of voters would choose to remain if a referendum was held tomorrow, compared to 56 per cent in November last year.
Another 15 per cent of voters remained undecided, meaning Denmark could follow in Britain’s footsteps if it votes to leave the union on June 23.
And we do 15% of our inward and outward trade in the EU with tiny Netherlands.
Only because of Rotterdam and its entrepot trade, but if the figure helps make our EU trade look bigger than it is, it must also be used when the boot is on the other foot.
Elmar Brok, German member of the European Parliament Committee, said it will simply be βdivorce proceedingsβ and warned that the migrant crisis will only get worse for the UK if we quit the 28-nation bloc.
He said there will be no βre-negotiations about a new deal.
βWe don’t want to have a precedence for other countries, that shows it is worth-while to be against it in the first instance, only to get more out of it later.β
It is the latest bout of scaremongering to come from the European powerhouse after Angela Merkel waded into the debate headfirst by warning Britain it βwonβt get a good dealβ if it backs Brexit.
Whoops! Better not publish this one, BBC. Vote leave to protect pensions, says former chairman of the London Pension Fund Authority.
Edi Truell, former chairman of the London Pension Fund Authority and founder of the Pension Insurance Corporation, has said that he is backing a Brexit to protect British pensions.
His stark warning over the terrible cost of staying in the EU comes amid further revelations that Brussels wants to take control of the British tax system with a European tax code imposed across the 28 member states.
Mr Truell, now chief executive of Disruptive Capital Finance but who was in charge of one of Britainβs biggest public sector pension pots covering 130,000 people and with Β£18 billion worth of assets, said that Brussels will demand β15 times the entire British defence budgetβ from the UK when it takes control.
Mr Truell was referring to the plans first outlined by the EUβs European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) in 2010 – under the title Solvency 2 – to force companies to adopt a massive amount of extra, expensive red tape to protect pension funds if companies go bust.
Despite condemnation from a wide range of interest groups including the Confederation of British Industry, Trade Unions Congress, National Association of Pension Funds and Chartered Accountants of England and Wales, commissioners have pushed on with the plans which would suck in Britain as well as euro zone countries.
Even pro-EU Lib Dem former pensions minister Steve Webb has damned the plans as βpointless and onerousβ.
The plan had been to impose the new rules by 2018 but they have been delayed.
Mr Truell told the Daily Express that it will cost the corporate pension schemes a βstaggering Β£150 billionβ just to pay for the red tape, which he described as βan unconscionable amount of moneyβ.
His stance will add strength to the Vote Leave campaign ahead of the EU referendum on June 23.
He pointed out that the EU has already imposed the same rules on British and European insurers which has reportedly cost Legal and General alone Β£3 billion in just filling out extra paperwork.
To make matters worse, EIOPA wants to force insurers and pension funds to mostly invest in government bonds in what some see as a bid to prop up βworthlessβ Greek and Italian bonds to help prevent the euro zone collapsing.
To add to the concerns, the Daily Express in April revealed EU plans to create a βsocial unionβ which will see Brussels grab control of pensions and benefits, including the state pension allowing commissioners to impose even more unnecessary regulation.
Mr Truell said: βI am extremely concerned about the impact the European Commission is going to have on Britain pension funds.
βMy father, an old soldier, was horrified at the thought that the European Commission is going to force us to spend 15 times our entire annual defence budget to satisfy the EUβs pension desires.β
The current budget for defending Britain is Β£35 billion.
He went on: βAll that money is going to have to be found. It is going to have to be found by Britainβs companies and by Britainβs public sector.
βThatβs going to impact their ability to employ people and provide those front line services on which we so vitally depend.β
He added: βWhat concerns me also is that we will hamstring our ability to pay out way.β
He said the future Britain could have outside the EU was like βgreat countriesβ such as Canada and Singapore which βcan pay their way and provide for the pensions of the future unshackled from the EU.β
So what was all that pigswill about us not having to contribute to any future bailouts of the Eurozone then, Dodgy Dave?
Tube knife attacker report sanitised by BBC. Earlier reports stated that his “mental health” problem were that he’d been to see his GP complaining that Allah was talking to him, telling him to kill Kaffirs. Now this has been carefully edited out. Instead we get the quote from the victim that he thought he was being attacked by a mentally unwell person. Of course, in this person’s case it maybe true, but if so why would you need to sanitise the report – and it’s funny how this excuse is always trotted out, isn’t it?
On PM this evening we discovered that the man with Allah whispering in his head was “vulnerable”. Put “vulnerable” in your lexicon of code words from the MSM for some protected, niche, minority community that needs to be sanitised in its reporting or otherwise awarded special status for liberal reasons.
Following the surprise report about Look East visiting a college in Wisbech and the answer being “leave”, Radio Norfolk reported on a visit to Norwich today by the Labour “in” bus, which included Hillary Benn and our own overgrown schoolboy Corbyn sycophant M.P. – the only blight in a sea of blue in Norfolk and Suffolk.
To say that it did not seem to go their way is an understatement. They left after 20 minutes.
It’s the first (visible) sign of the stitch-up that we’ve been expecting.
In the past, judges would have been rigorous in upholding the law in this matter but the legal trade has been sufficiently infiltrated that this is almost certainly not going to happen when the fixed result comes in.
Looks like it will have to be pitch forks and piano wire after all.
More “rescued” immigrants heading this way. The Italians may as well send a cruise liner to Lybia and bring the lot over.
Meanwhile Italy add another one to their list. This chap will be spending some time in ‘Hotel Italy’ .
Much better than a mud hut in Africa.
Time to get out .
After waking from my afternoon nap, I read on the computer, that Dodgy Dave is extending the time permissible for voter registration. I asked my wife to slap me on the face. She seemed a bit too keen on this idea as she ran towards me, I only asked as I thought I had woken up in Angola or Zimbabwe.
So let me get this right, last night despite having over TWO months to register, a number were unable to register after 10pm.
That’s just 2 hours before the deadline, after having 70 DAYS (1680 HOURS) to do it! Dave knows that most of the lazy voters are the last minute, and generally young, Remainers. Ah poor things thinks Dave, I’ll give them another two days as they are generally Remainers.
Dodgy Dave is fixing the vote with the help of the not ‘fit for purpose’ Electoral Commission. I wonder just how many votes went to EU citizens. What other dirty deeds has Dave got planned.More to come I feel.
Does anyone trust the Electoral Commission? We’re a bent country with a bent leader.
I hate being lied too, and I’ve just heard Brendan Barber on a campaign broadcast for ‘stronger in Europe’ tell us that paid holidays are an EU benefit and that if we leave they will be at risk.
I cannot believe that a man who is a former general secretary of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) is unaware of the struggle for workers rights nor that this particular right is nearly 100 years old !
the Holidays with Pay Act 1938 gave workers the right to a weeks holiday with pay, and it lasted until 2004 when the EU legislation superseded it.
It is an insult to everyone’s intelligence to use such blatant scaremongering which is so easily dismissed as false. If this is the best remain can do then I think they deserve to lose !
This came up when Brillo interviewed Hilary Benn and pointed out that the EU legislation was a minimum and British employees get more than the minimum. Brillo asked Benn if UK Leaves does he think UK employers will reduce holiday entitlement ? I think he asked the same question at least twice . Benn was all over the place , didn’t answer and Brillo moved on.
Good post, Thoughtful. Thanks for useful legislative reference.
I was bridling at Steffie (Flanders) popping up on the R4 Remain campaign message with “leaving the EU would create uncertainty and economists do not like uncertainty”. What?!
Since when? Economists thrive on uncertainty, they make their money out of uncertainty as do currency and commodity hedge funds. If there was no uncertainty in the world, there would be slim pickings for economists.
Grant, I reckon she knows twice or three times as much as Dave and Ed Balls (also PPE) put together. I used to hold Oxbridge grads in high regard and worked with several some years back. One, who was the cleverest, put me straight on how much work had to be done to get a First and the overall quality of the people there. Remember David ‘Two Brains’ Willettts? English at Cambridge has also been known as the easiest doss at any UK Uni.
The whole economy is run by Business Entrepreneurs and Stock Traders gambling in the Stock Exchange. Nothing to do with ‘economists’. If economists were that good they would retire young with ‘loads of Money’.
Instead we have this ………….
Yes, but no but. You mean like Dominic Chappell? Oh, yes? Really?
Really smart entrepreneurs listen to economists and make their own minds up. They listen to other people, too and then make their minds up. And, yes, they engage with debt because debt floats business & has always done so. That means they listen to traders & analysts and make up their own minds. They may also listen to futurologists, take note of what they say, and with their minds clear on what they want to do they set out to do it.
Once upon a time in the UK, two-thirds of them failed within about six months. That figure, more recently (if I recall correctly since 2007-2009 there have been a record number of SMEs created) that failure rate has dropped to under half failing within six months.
Well there we have it, if Hitler had offered our dads and grand-dads ‘paid holidays’ he would have won the War.
They always said he was mad.
Adverse? There is a ‘Sharp drop in global temperatures in May’ (June 2016), no doubt tied up with the cool weather and rain we had today and yesterday as being ‘unsettled’ but bit worrying for the BBC globalists who thought it was all ‘settled’… I am sure global cooling will balance it out, the next ‘crisis’ for the BBC despots.
I do detect a sea change.
Kids at school-who before half term would have prided themselves on being “pro-staying in”-are now deciding that the only way is out.
Brighter kids than most, reckon its their parents and wall-to-wall scare tactics that have irked them so.
They now know that there is nothing to be scared of if we leave-and lots to be generally terrified of if we stay.
Imagine what the EU will do to us if we`re craven enough to lick their lederhosen…they KNOW their project is close to collapse and Britain will get the blame when it goes under.
We really need to unshackle ourselves from the EU corpse NOW, whilst time remains-otherwise we`ll drown along with them.
The Remainiacs have shot all their bolts-nothing left to scare us with, and none of it was scary either…only hope we`ll hold our nerve and slap these creeps across the chops on the 23rd.
To see Kinnock, Prescott, Cameron and all the BBC monkeys raging at us without being able to do so openly will hopefull induce a few strokes, ulcers and hospital helicopters, a la Heseltine in Venice 1997.
Would be able to look my grandkids in the eye and say “We did that”…and they`d thank us forever.
In any event, we`ll look out for all who wanted us to leave-Mick Cash, Gisela, Frank, Tony, Bob, Enoch-and Michael, Boris, Priti, Dominic, IDS, Chris, Jacob,Peters, Nigels, Normans, and indeed ALL patriots from both sides of the political fence….and not one of the quisling traitors who voted to stay in will be forgiven.
The Euro is to go.
Migration will bring us Molenbeeck and Cologne this summer if not soon after.
The EU will slaughter us as a nation state for daring to rise up-and then bottle it.
These EU scum are powerless failures politically-which is why they need the EU to use as their own bucking bronco…time to screw them before they so it to us.
Is it my imagination or are the bbc actually becoming disenchanted with Sadiq Khan in just the same way as they were with one J. Corbyn.
The new mayor of our great capital started off his tenure by taking huge swipes at his predecessor in regard to the night tube (the new mayor will take credit of course for the night tube after the delay caused by Boris being unwilling to have his trousers pulled down by the unions, the new mayor will pull them down himself as a labour person)
Air pollution is another topic that he will be judged on as he has taken the same swipe at Boris
Affordable housing is another hot potato that he has yet to realise should not be held for too long. What are you – a newby? .
I just watched bbc London news and see that he’s now embroiled in a bun fight over TFL fares, hahahahahahaha, welcome to the real world says morpheous.
By my calculation the hole you are digging for yourself is already 3 feet deep, hahahahahahah, keep digging you flake.
Ramadan-so Sadiq will surely be frustrated, hungry and thirsty.
And I`d not be leaving my Oyster card anywhere near and exposed in my project if he walked by-crime goes up at such times for him.
Imagine we`ll not hear too much from him until July…and the minibar at City Hall will get emptied at Eid, hope that the East London Posse aren`t in contact with any women when they call in to swap presents with Khan.
May be completely wrong-but most of the Muslim world would accept most of the above as risk factors at Ramadan, surely.
I need my mood lightening: the continual and blatantly unfair battering from the Remain camp leaves me feeling that most voters will vote their way. The Voter Registration deadline delay has not enhanced my EU Referendum mood. I am resolved, however, and will plough on.
Not watched it yet, but it seems that Osborne just got owned by Brillo π Even Twitter in the last couple of days has seemingly gone through a polar reversal. Maybe things are looking up…
Sure did neilw.
Osborne is finished-was thoroughly shown up for a vacuous arts graduate who finds himself by privilege and accident in a job he is clearly unsuited for.
Neill chewed him up and didn`t even bother to spit him out.
My memory goes back to Anthony Barber and the Tories…he`s about the only Chancellor who`s been so exposed as a clueless charlatan and way out of his depth.
His rant at Farage at the end was loopy-I was worrying about his mental well-being at that stage.
Healey was a giant as was Lawson-hell, even Lamont and Brown compared well compared to Osborne.
A public hammering-and Osborne will neither be forgiven or forgotten for being so clueless and so far off beam with even the simplest questions from Neill-who did a great job.
My favourite bit was the Airbus wings-Osborne was destroyed, and never recovered.
Car crash telly at its best.
Earlier in the day our noble broadcaster put together a little play, featuring an intrepid reporter and a thoroughly principled producer, designed to illustrate just how studiously impartial they are when it comes to giving full and unbiased coverage to all things referendal.
Sadly, the impartiality only lasted until the 10 o’clock news when, through clever editing, Andrew Neil was made to look hesitant, inept and amateurish, compared to the majestic performance from Gideon, the man with his finger on the pulse and one in whom to put our wholehearted trust. Reifenstahl could have done no better – but quite how Andrew might react could be interesting.
As I expected the personal animosity was palpable. Osborne didn’t answer most of the questions and waffled a lot. He came over as a really nasty piece of work. He got completely caught out on old age pensions and a few other things. But couldn’t help getting a dig in about Nigel Farage. Most of what he said was really just a speech and Brillo pointed that out at one point. I think I dislike him even more than Cameron !
Discussion about airbus. Osborne said that we would not be able to sell wings and Rolls Royce engines. Brillo pointed out that there is nowhere else they buy them ! Osborne, total plonker .
Airbus will continue to be built in Britain and this document clearly states why that is.
AIRBUS 380 manufacture report: The A380 is powered by four British-manufactured Rolls-Royce Trent engines, or by US-manufactured Engine Alliance (GE-Pratt & Whitney) engines. Rolls-Royce engines for the A380 are probably outselling those of Engine Alliance. Each Rolls-Royce Trent engine has 38,000 highly-engineered components (involving a separate highly-complex global supply chain).
A380’s in service:
As of June 2015, 162 A380s are in service worldwide; the full order-book (including those in service) is currently 317. The primary operators are Emirates, Singapore Airlines, Lufthansa & Qantas. Each aircraft costs some US $ 4 30 million. Its βpayloadβ is up to 853 passengers, depending on how the operator configures the aircraft.
Its worth reading why the EU (and Airbus industries) has really no other place to go. If the French (in the EU want to fly), they need us for the engines and wings. And I am sure all Global Airlines are insured by Lloyds of London as well. The report explained the complexity of building an international Airliner. Its a good factual read.
Another point where Osborne got caught was Turkey. Dave has flip-flopped on this so many times that Osborne obviously didn’t know what the current party line was . I half expected him to take out his mobile phone and call his master. Idiot !
On the Start the Week Thread there was reference to the BBC Push to get people to register to vote and there was a comment that young people in particular were put off by the requirement to provide their National Insurance Number.
You know, the more I think about this the more uncomfortable I am that the DWP (part of the Home Office) should control the Identity Checks. As far as I am aware you cannot register without having first attempted through the government portal and having disclosed your NI number.
I know there are people who say if you’ve done nothing wrong you have nothing to be afraid of but there are people who have done wrong and are afraid and is it right that we should deny them the right to vote because the DWP will and HAVE previously used other agencies ID requests to their own aims?
This stinks of a third world dictatorship and there have been no assurances that the DWP will not use the NI number supplied over and above voter registration.
Strange thing is, in the referendum of 1975, a majority of the people that I spoke to then expressed a wish to come OUT of the Common Market (about 90%). But strangely, the result was to remain ‘IN’ ?
Now, once again a majority of the people I speak to, express a wish to come OUT .
UK Bookmakers may be polling ‘odds’ by street poll or telephone (and hence the remain camp claim advantage) but many other independent (from government) polls show the complete opposite. This explains why the LEAVE camp is much higher than the media projections…
Hi guys. A little off topic but I’ve put together some thoughts on the EU I wish to share with friends and family. Do you think I’ve got the tone right. Any feedback appreciated.
I just read it. Very good ! I won’t comment in detail because we all have our different styles. I think it is about the right length. Much longer and some people would start groaning. Trade, maybe worth saying that we have a trade deficit with EU so in any “Trade War” they would lose. And trade with the rest of the world is growing much more quickly.
Speaking with friends and family, I am amazed at how little they know about the issues. And these are mainly educated people . So a useful guide and argument for leaving. Can I borrow it ? !
I’m not normally one for commenting but I’ve got that fed up recently with the way ‘brexiteers’ are being represented in the media, especially on the BBC, I felt I had to write something. I just wanted to present a reasoned, factual, non aggressive argument for leaving the EU.
I’ll take your comments on board for the final draft. Cheers!
You could look into the UNECE. This a body that often sets the policies that the EU follows, so it is a higher ‘top table’ than the one that Cameron is allowed to serve the bottled water at.
Norway, as a sovereign nation, gets a seat on the UNECE committees so it can help set the policies that the EU later gets to ‘fax’ back to it.
The UK, having ‘pooled’ its sovereignty, relies on the EU, (taking into consideration the other 27 members’ views), to make our case at the UNECE. Lucky Norway! Poor UK!
A very well reasoned dispassionate consideration of the situation.
I think if you showed that to your family they would think that you had actually thought about it and made your own mind up.
And you don’t even get as far as sovereignty / self determination.
A cracker you could add is that when you vote in the national elections if enough people agree with you the removal vans could be on the way to No. 10 the next day and government policies being changed (or at least those that we are still allowed to by the EU!)
How and when can you vote to achieve the same control over those at the top of the EU, virtually all failed politicians in their own country to a man (literally), and their policies? Without the threat of removal they can do much as they like.
As for the European Parliament, it has about the same talking shop powers as the House of Lords, but at huge cost. You cannot vote for individuals, only a party list, so a lot of donkeys with the right rosette get “elected” all around Europe.
Hi 60022Mallard, appreciate you taking the time to give some feedback.
I tried to limit myself to certain topics that people could relate to. I don’t think people realise just how unaccountable the EU is. Once you get in to a position of power in the EU you are set for life, no matter what you do or how well you do it!
I would add a clear link to BREXIT the movie which clearly states the case for those who watch far too much BBC news (and hence get confused about whats right and wrong). The economics of the EU are non-existant, its all made up nonsense. One other thing not much talked about is the EU fishing policy which is a disaster for the UK. Farmers are only happy as they get paid to ‘lay fallow’ productive land that we then have to ‘import’. And then there are the Somerset FLOODS (2014) by then ‘gay pants’ Labour ‘remain’ minister (former head of NRA) over seeing EU policy of ‘managing rivers’ by flooding arable farm land by not dredging rivers (set aside and managed by UK since Roman Times). But even if that fails to impress this will… ‘the end of our Magna Carta’ heritage, our judical system may seem unfair but every mans right to be innocent until proven guilty will be replace with Napoleons law (which is how the EU legal system operates). The end of British Justice and the end of our Commonwealth that still relies on it i.e. India, Australia and even the American bill of Rights are based upon the Magna Carta. That is the most frightening, it is the end of English cultural heritage and judical system that has kept us all safe from tyranny and imperialism. That is about to be abolished on June 23rd along with everything we hold dear in England, Wales and Scotland. Our national identity gone. The end of democracy as we know it.
Make sure that you compare the UK democracy with the ‘democracy’ of the EU. For me, sovereignty & democracy are the issues that trump all, the economy & immigration are just sideshows for the unwashed. Make sure that you point out the following to your friends:
1. Before UK general elections, each prospective party publishes a manifesto outlining their plan for government should they be elected. The EU does not have a manifesto, and the people of Europe have no idea what legislation is in the pipeline, and we do not know what we are voting for in European elections – ever.
2. In the UK parliament, we have the elected government and an official opposition to hold that government to account. The EU is a single party system and does not have an opposition.
3. In the UK parliament, our MP’s have the power to propose, draft, modify and repeal legislation. MEP have no such power, they cannot propose or repeal legislation. The power to propose, modify and repeal legislation is held by the unelected commission, and MEP’s can only vote on legislation that the commission decides to put before them.
4. In UK law, no government can bind its successor. In other words, a subsequent government, given a parliamentary majority, can immediately repeal any previous legislation. In the EU, the power to repeal legislation rests entirely with the unelected commission. If the commission, which is effectively the executive, wishes to maintain legislation forever, there is absolutely nothing the elected MEP’s can do about it. Once the commission grab power, nothing can be done to wrestle it back. This is how dictatorships are formed!
5. The highest court in the UK is the supreme court. It is supreme in name only. The actual supreme court which has the absolute power to overrule all UK courts that rule on matters of EU law is the European Court of Justice. In effect foreign judges have the final say on most UK law.
Having read and digested the above, I fail to see how any reasonable open-minded person could possibly want to remain part of this system.
That was Cameron’s view just 7 years ago. His view is slightly different these days. I wonder what’s changed? I wonder how much it cost the EU to buy him? Well, actually, we bought him ourselves because it’s OUR money the EU is spending. In fact, it’s OUR money the EU is using to buy each and every opinion for remaining. As is always the case, if you want the truth, follow the money.
Some might argue that I’m suggesting Cameron has been bribed – too effing right I am!
Spot on ! My late father had a saying in a different context about politicians who, as a class together with journalists, he loathed ” They are bribing us with our own money “.
Just read it Anonjoebloggs & it is a good scenario of the EU situation.
However I doubt that we would need to get a visa to visit countries in Europe post-brexit, we never did back in the 50s & 60s, all we did was show passports at each border crossing, a thing we still have to do when leaving & entering Britain.
I own property in France & I spend a lot of my time there, I am not concerned by Brexit, & would vote leave if I could. I think it important that ex-pats in France or Spain should not be worried about Britain leaving as I am sure things will not change re property rights abroad. Remember there are lots of Europeans living in Britain now; countries would be crazy to take it out on Brits abroad.
Radio 4 Wednesday lunch time and Winifred Robinson reporting that adult children, whose parents were not married, cannot get government help to pay for a mother’s funeral and so are crowd funding the funeral costs. The item, unless I mentally switched off, never explained why parents need to be married for the children to get State Aid but apparently that is the case. (I am assuming help for Dad’s could be more complicated). But Winifred had someone to interview whose mother had died and was laying in a private funeral home and quite unreasonably in Winifred’s view, the funeral directors were unwilling to bury the lady until they knew they would be paid. Perhaps Winifred when she buys her clothes thinks that she will take them home and wear them and pay for them at a much later date when she has some money available from her over bloated salary. Trust a BBC employee not to understand that businesses are not charities.
The Co-op funerals have recently been sold to Dignity. This is due to a slight loss of financial acuman since old Bob Flowers sat in his hot tub on the Salford Quay’s of Manchester. I guess the BBC are far to modest to mention the hardship that brings with it. We are all victims (says the BBC).
We had a couple locally who took objection to the level of the social fund grant as they wanted Mr Taxpayer to stump up for a hearse drawn by four black horses. They even set up a petition that they should continue to get paid benefit for the deceased until they had financially adjusted to it being withdrawn.
Finally caught the ITV EU debate on YouTube. I found a good way to watch the Cameron half was to mute him whenever he began to answer a question. But I did unmute him long enough to see him slither away from a couple of questions like the one about the EU making 55% of Britain’s laws, asked by a determined and evidently angry young guy. Cameron ‘answered’ it by talking about economics.
If the ITV presenter knew her job she would have insisted on him dealing with the question.
I wonder which “adviser” told Gideon that producing that prop from his pocket mid-interview: “made by a man on a production line in a factory in Keighley” was a good idea?
I’m sure it sounded wonderful in the strategy meeting; not so great in real life though.
Good point ! It looked so daft. Brillo’s face looked like ” what the hell is this ? “. It was that stunt which led Gideon straight into his Airbus car crash, so to speak !
I think I can guess which component you are referring to but I doubt if he would know where to find it, unless there are are some guidelines in a Treasury report.
Which reminds me, Brillo quoted from the Treasury Report about the effect of Leaving and Gideon, like a schoolboy said ” I have read it “. Brillo passed over the chance of replying ” Well I bloody well hope so ! “.
BBC getting its knickers in a knot about Wollaston quitting vote Leave because of the Β£350m figure, which she has already criticised on numerous occasions before, so itβs strange she is suddenly upset about it. It’s on their website front page – they just couldn’t wait to bring all of that bad news to our door, could they. Smells to high heaven of a dirty trick…
And of course they are completely ignoring Sir John Nott’s lambasting of Cameron and Osborne, suspending his conservative party membership in a fit of pique at their poisonous EU campaign.
I think this woman must have been promised something by the Remainers . Or she simply has no principles. I would have said ” I don’t agree with the Β£350m figure but I still believe in Brexit”.
If she claims there won’t be Β£350m a week for the NHS because of the rebate then that isn’t a reason to change from Leave to Remain especially as there would be something like Β£180m a week for the NHS if we leave.
That comment right there goes to the core of what sovereignty is about – freedom to choose. We elect a government every few years through a democratic process on the basis of a manifesto that candidates present to us, the electorate. So if a large proportion of the electorate likes the idea of more money in the NHS, for example, then they will tend to view a manifesto with large NHS budget commitments favourably. It’s not rocket science.
You seem to have some misplaced faith in an unelected, unaccountable group outside of this country making decisions that are unconnected with what is right for us. Why do you want decisions on how our money is to be spent made this way? It’s nonsense.
Conservative coup on the conspiracy list eh. Think back to the last General Election. Who won it? So why plot a coup when you already are the government?
A reminder ………………..
March 15, 2015 at 1:09 pm
I contribute here because I am highly critical of BBC news.However,I am quite surprised by the lack of objectivity and reasoning. Instead of BBC bias all this site appears to be about is a number of individuals reinforcing their own extremely uninformed political outlook.”
Well, I aint seen any criticism of Al Beeb from you yet ?
So, why do you really post on here then ?
At least one of her constituents has called her “flakey”. As the EU is a strategic politicsl issue about which anyone involved professionally in poltics has had literally decades to come to a settled opinion, this sudden “seeing of the light” does seem to be highly suspicious. But no explicit deals need to have been made. The opportunistic Wollaston instinctively knows what the Master of Opportunism, Camerloon would like to hear as his panic increases. If she was very thick, certain things may have been hinted at through the usual channels. She then has the gall to present herself in the media as a defender of truth and honesty in public life.
Very unfair criticisms of the Doctor … as a strong, independent, skilled woman she followed her instincts and did what she thought was best after carefully evaluating all the facts … she asked her Daddy what she should do.
Manonaclappedoutbus should take note and ask his Mummy … might wean him off the state teat ! Then again many infants can’t bear the thought of not being breast fed.
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They never learn, perhaps because they don’t have to:
BBC Today
On Thursday BBC News is having an EU Referendum “Question Day” and we on the Today programme are taking part. So if you are still making your mind up how to vote, send your question for the BBC’s finest minds on Europe, politics, business, economics and home affairs to answer.
Comments suggest a degree of doubt on BBC integrity in selection and the resulting calibre of mind that will ensue.
“BBC’s finest minds ” ? LOL !
The BBC producer booking iPhone has a SIM card with a 1/500 k memory for all the candidates.
Another BBC News FB post whose comments honestly could be going better for the narrative:
In Norway, migrant men are offered a class on how to treat women. Our producer Erika Benke went along. She answered your questions below. You can also watch BBCJamesLongman report here:
Unbelievable, migrant men offered a class on how to treat women-if you hadn’t written this with back up, I would not have believed you. Why don’t they just throw the dam migrants out, Norway is not in the EU. The attitude of Sweden towards the most disgusting behaviour of Muslim men to their women, is beyond belief-now as the current magazine Radio Times shows a drawing by a Muslim girl to celebrate the Queen’s 90th and a picture of that Bake off Muslim woman also on the same page as well as a feature of her inside, says what to you and me? Christianity is dead? Are we now to consider ourselves alongside those that follow the teachings of the most despotic ideology on earth-enjoined with the a Muslim London Mayor-with many of the members of our Parliament assuming the mantle of Traitor to the cause of democracy, headed I am sad to say by their leader whose aim is to enslave us all within the evils of the European Union. Wo is us….
Here it is
Is that the best Britain could produce? Or is it the best from a Muslim female?
We have the BBC denying the rapes of thousand of young Infidel girls by Pakistani Muslims.
The BBC , along with Cameron, is hell bent in making Britain into an Islamic country.
Even here in the deepest south west they went overboard on the start of Ramadan. Lots of people if asked would have no idea what it was ….. BBC now on a mission.
Norway might not be in the EU but it is ruled by the same fear ridden elites as the rest of us. Fear and more fear. That is all it really is. The governing elites are afraid of militant Islam.
How we came to be ruled by the fearful is a story for future historians.
The fearful will not and cannot defend our civilisation .
Maybe Western civilisation is dying maybe it’s day is done but Islam and sharia are no alternatives. Regressive and in denial of freedom such a route leads only to darkness.
Maybe around 3000AD a new world will come into being.
Blimey I can’t hold on that long !
Yes Deve there has been a purposely designed cloak of fear thrown across Europe for many years now-the controllers of the EU and that’s not those idiots sitting in Brussels but those that control the money of the world-the Rothschild’s the massively wealthy eltist bankers, whose plan is to ensure we all remain well in debt, where their cohorts ( our government for one) can inflict austerity upon us, with the gravest of all threats if we dare to question as to why- bring upon us a Stazi styled Riot Police force to quell any smell of civil unrest, prepare the way for a European Army under the control of Field Marshall Merkel, one those that hunts with the hounds of our enemies. Plenty of fun to look fowards to !!
The problem is neoliberalism .Get rid of that and you wont have to wait 3000 years.
Religion is no answer but unless we act soon war will be ,of sorts.
So what’s your answer? So easy to point out everyone else’s flaws, isn’t it: fish, barrel, shoot.
Mike Hunt
He has no answer .
Perhaps because in his own words, he really is ‘stupid’?
If you really want your country back the we have to undo the essence of neoliberalism.
First off I would suggest implementing credit controls so that fake money cant come into our jurisdiction. Second put the money supply under the control of Government to be regulated along with interest rates by the MPC.
Put key industries which have failed under privatisation eg Jails,immigration border control services back under state control.
Borrow on the bond market enough to invest in spade ready projects to restimulate building and manufacturing trades. Target areas of special need with investment.
Scrap energy subsidies for fossil fuels and encorage take up of green technolgies to be manufactured in Britain.
Reintroduce Keynesian economic policies.
Thats a start.
“Act soon”.
Brilliant…..what`s the plan? how will we know it has succeeded?
Muslims having done a Blitzkreig invasion of Germany, raping German girls, and setting fire to many refugee centres, are now ready to enrich Germany.
Cricket-loving Asian migrants take game to Germany
Hundreds of billions of Euros are to be spent on teaching just a language to these illiterates, who BTW, according to the BBC, are going provide for our pensions. How? Play cricket, which will of course have to subsidised by the German taxpayer.
Another great post NCBBC
No such thing as Muslim rape….yet Cologne, Rotherham and every European City the Jihadi warriors have conquered show us that’s the complete opposite.
The gimmigrants are not involved in the rape of our innocent women, and allowing the followers of the well known rape junkie, death cult does not increase the risks (look at how the MSN are going after Sir Farage)….yet there are classes to try and prevent the never happened rapes, and these classes have never been necessary before the death cult rapists came!!!
They are here to provide pensions for our old people… Yet abandoned their own to come here! They follow a death cult that mandates the destruction and submission of all infidels! They bring no skills or benefits whatever so will be nothing but parasites feeding off the state their entire time here!
Thanks for that link, I thought that was a good report (no…I’m not a troll….). Observations:
– The bbc tried hard to imply that this program might be construed as racist, but everyone they asked denied this, and being Norwegian, defended it in a reasonable, fair and justified manner. Strange that we can’t do that in this nation?? We can’t educate migrants in the ways of our culture, use our flag freely etc…cos that might offend others and be racist.
– There were no North African migrants
– asylum seekers must be given something useful to do in society, as we all know that the devil makes work for idle hands. And IMHO that’s why taking large numbers in fails.
– the reporter was very easy on the eye π
β asylum seekers must be given something useful to do in society..
yes, they can take their iPhones, their doctorates and engineering degrees and their warped woman hating views, back to the shitholes they came from so that they enrich their own countries (haha yeah right!) instead of destroying ours!
And they are not asylum seekers, they are economic migrants, all looking to milk a warped system that looks after people who want to see us destroyed over the British people who are the ones who have made this country great!
Well although you think I don’t, I do agree with you. But we haven’t a hope in hell of getting the immigration to this country reversed. It was really an ‘in a perfect world’ comment – as we gleefully imagine economic migrants buggering off back to their own countries, more are entering illegally via the channel (and other seas).
But what is happening cannot continue. It will not continue.
The people of the West have all been born into a world that is so sheltered and fake, that we have all forgotten how cruel humanity and people can be…. Will always be.
For the entire history of mankind humans have lived with blood shed, death, and war. These skills have been fundamental to our survival and progression. Like the big cats of the savanna, humans have evolved to protect their own, hunt to kill and identify threats to their safety. Only after WW2, in its entire history, has the European continent being at some sort of peace. This peace is an illusion. It’s fake. This fake peace and tranquillity was only ever created by the deaths of millions of people. Do you really think we are different? Do you really believe that the human nature to survive and to fight has just disappeared in the last 60 odd years?
The only reason the spineless, traitorous, piss stain of an excuse human beings, infest our political bodies and establishment, is because of the world wars. Is because we have been so protected that we have allowed self-serving, weaklings to stand in front of us and show the illusion of strength. Eastern Europe is already changing. The rest of Europe will follow. The US is nearly there too.
We will not allow ourselves to roll over and die without a fight. War will always be natures way of bringing balance.
Like in every single war in the history of mankind the left will be the first to be wiped from the face of this earth. It’s always the same!…. And they have nobody to blame but themselves. They have tried to change nature. They have tried to mix what cannot be mixed. These sick delusional bastards have purposesly tried to destroy everything that creates freedom and peace, and only because it suit them. Just them. This craziness is already leading to death and horror, which leads to the creation of violence and utter hatred.
The times they are a changing. Why have we all let our beautiful home come to this?
I think Eastern European people will actually be the last to go because they unlike the people in the West still remember very well the suffering and death that war and invasions have brought to their lands.And they are not as crippled by pc as westerners.
the cycle goes War, Peace, luxury, decadence..repeat.
or for example… Great war, Versailles, League of Nations, Weimar…repeat
in Europe its recently been about a 100 year cycle since the Congress of Vienna in 1815 after the Napoleonic wars
Its called unconstrained capitalism.
Really? so where did the USSR and the Communist parties of the world fit in to the cycle?
oh yes…. a non aggression pact with Mr Hitler.
The USSR “constrained” its capitalists by bullets in necks and the Gulag in the interests of peace and the dictatorship of the proletariat of course.
Exactly. There has never been “unconstrained capitalism” in the history of the world.
They dont fit into the cycle is the answer.
Great posts.
I have never understood the thinking process through which supposedly sane people can be communists, knowing that this ideology has killed more people then any other, and in the shortest time. Hitler and Nazism do not come close to the sheer horror of the Gulag, and the slow death camps of the USSR and communist China.
There is insanity and death cultism, and there is communist self righteousness fanaticism, that kills hundreds of millions, and thinks that doing so will make a good omelette.
Really? So there were no wars before the advent of Capitalism? So if the world would only embrace socialism we would all live in peace for ever more? Hmm I think a Mr Orwell would have had an opinion on that.
Breakfast review the non debate on ITV last night . They concentrate on Imriel Morgan who went off on her own agenda driven rant which went on and on unchecked over the top of Farage. Of course all of us dumb assed members of the public were supposed to believe this was an unloaded audience. Yea right. Whilst commenting on call me Dave’s performance a much much shorter clip is shown.
Meanwhile day 2 of celebrations for the wonder that is the Harry Potter stage show. Hmmmm.
I’ve just watched the catch up programme, I’m just gob smacked, the only programme I’ve seen that compared to this was the question time edition in which a baying leftard mob absolutely destroyed Nick Griffin, the very man who warned of the paedo scandal long before it was exposed!
Farage was hung out to dry by a bunch of leftard gobshite scum in the usual ‘label, attack, don’t allow a come back’ lefty MO. Why didn’t they just sit and shout ‘wayyyciissssttt’ at him? It wouldn’t have come as a surprise.
Then came lying camoron with his tory party political broadcast for the remain party, barely an interruption, allowed to talk over his allotted time, allowed to put Farage down and plenty of fake applause.
Even now on the shITV news they are broadcasting another hatchet job on Farage and his ‘Cologne’ views. Once again the leftard scum utilize their selective memory by ignoring a huge paedo scandal that really did happen, well, unless you are a black, late night radio presenter that is.
We know what will happen if one woman is raped by an immigrant though “We’re sorry, we’ve learnt our lessons and have changed policy on rape so that this crime…blah, blah, blah” But no one will pay for the ‘collateral damage’ in the crazed pursuit of the brave new leftard world.
“MPs seek vote register extension” BBC Website. As predicted by me yesterday. You heard it first here !
This would be all 600+ MPs?
Or the usual BBC crowd?
Led by Jeremy Corbyn ! But, to be fair, it seems the online registration website crashed. What is it with Government and the Civil Service ? They just don’t do technology. Another cock-up. I fear for the Referendum itself. Or is this a ploy to invalidate the results if Leavers win. Why should I be thinking like this ?
If gormless millenials leave it until the last minute to register to vote, then the system will crash. If voting mattered to them they had months to register. If thousands of them left it until the last couple of hours, then more fool them.
Accordingly there are around half a million that tried to register, and surprise surprise, apparently over 300,000 were under 35 !!! typical. The generation that all this could affect in the future, but cant be arsed to register until the media tell them to ‘get on with it’. Speaks volumes doesn’t it. They’ll be the ones to moan like hell if they’re called up in a few years time to serve in the European Army – the Nanny state won’t be able to save them then !
Can’t be arsed’ your dam right. Mostly that’s because of the way many have been taught not to explore, not examine, not to question & so on-I could not believe my ears the other day when I heard a couple of overly large females say that they didn’t even know whet the EU was-and we expect these blobs to be allowdd to vote on what is undoubtedly the most important chance for us all to claim our Feedoms back- I have spent years researching the early days of the European Project and the changes made and the effects of those changes which now show us a dictatorship, with a unification of the continent, politically, economically, legally and socially, brought into a single entity which will destroy TRUE FREEDOM, which our father’s and forefathers fought for-and yes at 74 I’m old enough to recall what was originally planned in 1974-but was as we now know utter lies.deciet. Now we have a generation that has been brainwashed with little enthusiasm to challenge the Status Quo-Very sad.
And , of course EU propaganda gets right into the schools. Many young people are so docile, they will vote whichever way they are told by their role models most of which are probably Luvvies. So if their music heroes tell them to vote Remain, they will probably do what they are told. This is all assuming that they understand the ballot paper !
Yep, bang on Grant-the evil cult called the EU has for years endeavoured to smash our once great education system into an arena where every kind of socialistic agenda is propogated through the sytem to, as you quote-produce young people so docile they can hardly think for themsleves with what hasn’t been smeared across Yahoo titletattle, celebrity so called, music heroes and absolute rubbish, and they’ll even shell out good money to buy Jeans that have been slashed at the knees ! Its all gone mad. I won’t take a bet, but I’m on my knees for a an OUT vote.
Most people do not know the issues because in a democracy the population elect governments to make sensible decisions on their behalf. This referendum was created to save the Tory party at he previous election. As for the 74 year old, Im afraid things have moved on. The UK will never ever be soveriegn simply because it has been largely bought by foriegn investors. The only thing we will get if we leave is isolation since we will essentially prohibited from the European market. Increases in tarrifs will induce inflation into the new economy and unemployment will grow and further price pressures will occur as sterling drops against the major currencies. This maybe someones idea of freedom but i would suggest it is a very odd one .
“The only thing we will get if we leave is isolation since we will essentially prohibited from the European market. ”
It works both ways, the EU sells more to us than we do in return . They will be the losers, no more VWs, Citrons, BMWs, Peugeots, etc, etc
BTW, where is your Al Beeb bias ?
A few years ago, maybe 3, I did some client work which involved an application for EU funding. Whilst successful, one of the conditions of funding was that a plan needed to be implemented in schools to educate children on the perils of climate change.
Pure indoctrination, and evidence of the “strings attached” approach to all EU funding, and just to re-enforce that there is no such thing as EU funding or EU subsidies. They just give our own money back (money we have donated as subscriptions) with strings attached..
Since moving to France myself and Mr Kitty have kept up to date with our register to vote, if 2 computer idiots can do it what took the IT savvy yunni lot so long to realise they needed to register to have a vote or did nobody tell them about voting rights and the history of democracy. Maybe they believed all they had to was cover their face ,throw things at the police and we’ll do what they want. Rant over, we received our votes 2 weeks ago and posted last week, yes we know corruption is rife but you never know our 2 might make all the difference.
Mrs Kitty,
I live in Gambia but am currently in UK. Not in my constituency so have applied for a postal vote,within the time limits. Haven’t got the paperwork yet but that makes 3 of us who may make a difference !
I cancelled my postal vote – was too worried that it would be meddled with. Have been told I will be on the list, but now I’m worried I’ll turn up and not be on it…
Solid post Brissles.
Is it too cynical to be suspicious that this was a deliberately induced system crash which will allow two things to happen. Firstly, it will bring even greater publicity to the push to register as many as possible , which of course is aimed at the under 35s who are more likely to vote Remain. Secondly, it gives them more time , because if it crashed sometime last night ie a few hours before it closed , but I expect that people will be given much longer than a few hours to register today.
After all the lies that have been told by Remain it would not surprise me if this isn’t just another ploy by them.
I posted the same thing on the previous thread !
No, I don’t think it’s too cynical.
I’m expecting dirty tricks, like stunts a few days before the referendum before Brexit can respond, and manufactured problems that can be used to undermine the validity of the result if it goes the “wrong” way.
How about declaring the result “invalid” then need to have a second referendum at a later, unspecified date which never comes . I am sure they have their programme and it is all planned.
Cameron and his cronies in the EU will fight like cornered rats if we vote to leave.
It will be just the beginning, I’m sure.
I think that many of us have realised that we are not going to be allowed to leave. it is so obvious. The result will be fixed if necessary. This is all about the Eu’s very survival and a great deal of money and power.
The banksters want the EU and us in it. That is what they expect Cameron to deliver and God help us if we ignore them.
As I have said before a No vote is just the start. There is much to do and talk about so that we can build a society that is fit for all of us not just a priveleged few .
There is a mistaken view amongst many that this implies a form of socialism. it does not but implies a real conservatism long absent from public affairs.
The EU is a corporate tyrrany in the making.
How else would you expect rats like Boys Dave & George to behave?
What like someone leaving exit just before the vote. Was it someone on here predicted this happening.
True but why does everyone leave it to the last minute?
Remember the 6 Ps.
Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
Queue bBBC finding some woman to cry into her ipad about being denied a vote.
A shtoodent, probably put up to it by the LibDum ‘leader’ Farron.
No surprise there then!
Just seen some whinging female yoof on the news complaining about the site crash and her loss of vote, nothing about the fact that the tech savvy yoof have had months to register yet couldn’t be bovvered!! Fear not though, the ‘fair and just’ liberals will change the rules just for you long as you vote remain.
For Nigel:
Migrants Linked To 70,000 Crimes In First Quarter Of 2016
I hope the photograph was taken in Hamelin.
I guess they’re not including the crime of illegally crossing a national border in those statistics.
Which thanks to our ‘friends’ in the rest of the EU is shortly to become a non-crime.
(And I agree, I am not Grimer!)
coming to a town near you soon!
There was an interesting piece on the BBC Parliamentary channel the other evening. It was a head to head debate, chaired by David Dimbleby in 1975 between Roy Jenkins and Tony Benn. What ever our views of these two men they were genuine political heavyweights. It was interesting to note that the points that Benn made about our sovereignty and democracy are almost identical to those made today by the Brexiteers.
There are differences, of course. I think there were only five or six members in the EEC. There was financial parity between these nations. In those long ago days there was no concern about mass immigration from poverty stricken countries with mass youth unemployment; these problems didn’t exist. The EU is expanding and importing poverty. There are no more wealthy nations waiting to join.
We were sold a lie by Tony Blair (well there’s a surprise) when the eastern European countries first joined. “There will only be a few thousand coming to Britain” our former pm assured us. Turned out to be a million plus. And our population increases by one million every three years! It is unsustainable and it’s dangerous. When do we say “enough is enough”?
Our present pm, David Cameron is carrying on where Blair left off. “Turkey won’t be joining, trust me…”
Believe that and you’ll believe anything.
I wouldn’t believe Cameron if he said he was a total wanker. Oh, on second thoughts …….
LOL ! You just made my day so far !!
I believe he subcontracts the function to a Peppa, somebody or other?
I think that Sky is now as much, if not more, of a threat to balanced reporting than even the BBC. It may be my imagination but it seems that most of the Remain spokespeople over the past few weeks have been allowed to spout there nonsense in the early part of the morning, while the Brexiteers haven’t been able to respond until after 08:00 … when most people have already left for work. Even then, Brexiteers are interrupted in their slot to allow Sky to replay ‘key points’ from the earlier Remain interviews.
This mornings reports were an absolute travesty of honest reporting. First, the scare story about the so called flight of funds from the UK because of the fear of leaving the EU. Except that Eamon Holmes Sky scare scoop was totally destroyed by the brilliant Andrew Lilico. He pointed out that movement of money was perfectly normal and that if there was a crisis of sentiment about the UK then why was the pound steady, and that when the figures are published for April on June 30 he was absolutely confident that it would show a net inflow of funds to the UK. Why aren’t we seeing more of this guy. Ah think we know the answer to that … no economists support leave do they.
Then a vacuous airhead called Sam was sent to Panmure Gordon presumably to have their support for the story … only to be told that is was due to tactical movements by investors hoping to make a killing on exchange rate movements …. as a result of the Remain campaign talking down the currency. He also added that once they made their short term kill, conditions would return to normal unless some unknown external factor affected sentiment in the UK. Did these points affect Sky’s headline reporting afterwards … of course not, at 09:00 ‘ flight of money from the UK a sign of things to come if we leave’.
As for the reporting of Tamara Cohen ! After showing Cameron’s closing comment, then the planted racial blogger speaking over Farage, she stated that the Remainers would be pleased with the PM’s performance, and UKIPs only MP was distancing himself from Farage’s racist claims on the show. What claims ? ! Did she actually even watch the programme, or was she given the script by some junior researcher who copied lines from Google.
This was interspersed with a news item about military exercises in Poland where the US Commander stated we needed a Schengen style arrangement to get troops to any hot spots … as we weren’t ready to respond yet. Bet his bosses in the Pentagon and Mr Putin loved that. Of course the main inhibitor to getting American troops to any serious situation would be having to produce their passports at every EU country’s borders. In any case, why are Americans even involved, isn’t it the EU that has kept the peace in the last 70 years ?
As for the website collapsing … sorry it’s been up for weeks … if the ‘yoof’ of today are stupid enough to leave it until 15 minutes before the deadline .. then they are too stupid to vote anyway.
Agree. I think that raising the voting age to 30 is a sound idea.
Spot on AFP !
Maria …… “However, Iβm sure that electric lorries are feasible. You can get bulk packs of AA batteries on eBay quite reasonably.” DC has rabbited on about electric cars, so he’s got a couple of weeks left to say how we should all be using invalidity scooters – (the bain of our village life and seem to be multiplying on a weekly basis) to reduce our pollution even further.
Whilst forgetting, of course, that you need polluting power stations to produce all the electricity needed to run the bloody things. Oh, I forgot all the energy produced by solar panels at night and by wind farms when the wind isn’t blowing.
It’s a strange day in the UK when it’s neither windy nor sunny. (Don’t forget wave/tidal power too). Storage is an issue but solutions are improving – there’s a new hydro scheme in Scotland for example. Night usage is relatively low, hence Economy 7 tariffs to encourage people to use electricity at night, this was introduced because nuclear stations run 24/7 so there’s a surplus which otherwise simply goes to waste at night.
I would have said it is quite common for it to be neither windy or sunny in the UK.
The output of my solar panels is often below 10% of maximum when the sky is cloudy. In the winter we get little sun and often no wind at all, (and that can extend across Europe too).
Nuclear power stations have high thermal inertia so it is difficult to ‘turn them down’ when demand is low, indeed it is important that they have reliable connections to the grid so that their power can always be exported. They certainly don’t produce ‘surplus’ that ‘will go to waste’ – electricity generated must be used, even if that means pumping water up hill. Coal burning power stations certainly used to see it as a point of honour to be online continuously for a year or more. By regulating the amount of steam put into a turbo-alternator the electrical output can be varied and by regulating the amount of fuel burnt the amount of steam can be controlled. However ‘cycling’ a generation unit like this does not run it at its most efficient, yet that is what has to be done to balance the ‘now-you-see-it, now-you don’t’ low grade output from solar and wind.
Backup generation is used day-in, day-out to balance the system, to cover for power station breakdowns, forecasting errors and for unexpected events. In the past weβve seen periods when the level of electricity generated from wind within the UK, Ireland and parts of Northern Europe has been very low. This can coincide with days of peak electricity demand when itβs cold and still. The cost of using backup generation is part of the total cost of balancing the system.
Of course wind and solar are not constant sources, but then to be completely fair neither is Hinkley Point which has been up and down like a whore’s drawers these last few years for unplanned maintenance, and that must take one heck of a lot of backup generation to cover when it’s out of action.
Good point about the special connections to the grid required for nuclear power stations – this is one of the hidden subsidies to this well-established industry as they’re paid for by the national grid i.e. thee and me. Quite why we should be paying to make a consortium of international financiers a bit richer I don’t really know.
The UK is not WINDY enough! (From the Telegraph):
England is not windy enough to justify building any more onshore wind turbines, the chief executive of wind industry trade body has admitted.
Hugh McNeal, who joined RenewableUK two months ago from the Department of Energy and Climate Change, insisted the industry could make the case for more onshore turbines in some parts of the UK, despite the withdrawal of subsidies.
But he said this would βalmost certainlyβ not be in England, as the wind speeds were not high enough to make the projects economically viable without subsidy…
So when will the BBC make a programing examining the theft of millions (if not billions) of pounds from consumers and frittered away on the existing subsidy farms? Will it be calling for Mr McNeal’s head for his role both as a civil servant and on behalf of the scammers’ trade body? Will the politicians complicit in this wholesale fraud be called to account?
And media pundits wonder why we no longer trust the ‘elite’.
Reminds me of the (Irish) guy from Siemens Hull Wind turbine blade factory on BBC R4 Today this morning (8th June0 waffling on about how important it is to stay in the EU as his blades are so fragile they can only handle a maximum 20 hour ship ride (to Germany) so there’s no way they can be sold elsewhere in the world…LOL! Utterly pathetic plonker towing his company line and totally unchallenged by the impartial BBC. Yet another foreigner rolled out in the morning for our edification.
It continues to astonish me that despite the richness of our English language we neglect to use the correct term when discussing important issues. What’s got on my goat today, and indeed for some time now, is the persistent misusage of the R-word. Racism, and its sibling, racist!
I’m sick and tired of being labelled, by proxy, a racist just because I like being British and have no wish for my tail to be tied to a range of cultures over which I have no control of choice.
I’ll be voting out as many others will be and , although I can’t speak for anyone other than myself, that does not make me a racist, a ‘Little Englander’, an uber-nationalist or any other of the sneeringly contemptuous bile-loaded slogans that fill the status quo establishment invective.
I’m a culturist, not a racist, and I like the culture and the culturism into which I was born. That does not mean I dislike or hate other cultures, it just means that I prefer my own and wish to see its survival. If that makes me loyal to this country then I see that as no bad thing and, once upon a time, loyalty to ones fellows was seen as a very good thing.
Let’s take back the conversation and utilise the language that properly describes my, and many others, sentiments.
When others use the R-words, hit back with our own family-friendly C-words but not the ones that the BBC allows to be sprinkled into our homes.
NoLiveTV. I agree with what you say. The most important thing about any culture is that it is different to others, and different cultures are interesting. Although I prefer to live in my own culture, I like seeing others in their own natural environment, i.e. they don’t need to be imported here to dilute ours.
I saw on Sky this morning a whole section about Ramedan. Why? They didn’t devote much time (if anything) to Lent. What about Diwali, Yom Kippur etc?
NoLiveTV and Demon,
Agree with both of you. I really do not understand why the BBC, Sky and others are so obsessed with a minority religion in the UK. And why have they chosen the most unattractive religion ?
( to put it politely ).
I do not know how many muslims there are in the UK ,but it cannot justify the constant daily coverage. Does it derive from fear and the consequent appeasement ? Do they think we should all become muslims ? It is a real mystery to me. If it is simply a question of the Left trying to destroy everything British, don’t they understand that it will destroy them too ? I wish I knew the answer.
Grant, the left’s love affair with Islam is the subject of many articles. Nobody really knows what causes it but it seems to be a toxic combination of fear/appeasement and a desire to destroy or at least dilute western Christian civilization; the latter desire is probably a hangover from Marxism. I also sometimes get the sense that the left think they can form a sort of hybrid culture where the values of the Enlightenment co-exist alongside those of 7th century desert nomads. This, I suspect, comes from the postmodern belief that all cultures are equally valid and can be mixed and matched at will.
Your guess is as good as mine ! It just seems like a mental aberration to me whatever the reason.
They think that ‘bigotry’ and ‘hatred’ are caused by ignorance. By ‘educating’ you about Islam, they are curing you of your irrational fears…
They are obsessed for one simple reason Grant – money.
For a long time I have been watching Saudi foreign policy regarding the promotion of Islam, in particular Wahabist Islam and intolerant backwards and violent interpretation of an intolerant backwards & violent religion.
It is behind the legitimate funding of many pro Islamic groups, including the Deobandis, and has financed at least in part around 80% of the Mosques in the UK.
What is not often spoken about is the less than legitimate promises of financial enrichment made to Western politicians to promote Islam, and this comes from Sunni countries all over the Middle East.
If you want to know why the BBC is promoting this, then just follow the money !
Agree 100%. Well said. Last week we had two 12 year relatives to stay, both boys. I was appalled to find that the only Nelson they knew of was Mandela! Napoleonic wars- eh, what? The project to obliterate Britishness is well on the way to success. If this project does succeed then leaving the EU will count for little in the struggle against the liberal left’s insane policies eg mass migration and multiculturalism. Despite Gove’s best efforts the leftist ‘blob’ still controls education. The BBC is still a 24/7 fog horn for the left. Young people are being brainwashed into believing the perverse doctrines of the liberal left. If this continues then, if today’s referendum was instead being held in 2026, there would no prospect of a Leave vote. If Leave win then the Tories must get rid of Cameron et al and then use remainder of the parliament to deal with the BBC and education. Even if we do vote Leave I am not optimistic but at least it offers a slim chance of reversing the insanity of the left.
Oh and by the way they both knew that Donald Trump was a bad man because he doesn’t like Muslims.
Most of their teachers probably think the only Nelson was Mandela.
Strangely the teachers that I know are fully support man made climate change and big on forced recycling.
One of the things wrong with immigrants is that so few of them are experienced teachers.
The reception received by a few old-school disciplinarians from SE Asia and elsewhere (India perhaps) would be very interesting indeed. Even better if the accusation of “racist” could be turned against the inarticulate, innumerate, PC, know nothing home grown clowns infecting some of our classrooms.
Ms Brewin, I suspect there are a lot of teachers in Africa and Asia who would love to come to the UK to teach, but they realise pretty sharpish that standards are so lax that they go off the idea. I certainly have heard this has happened to some Russian and eastern European teachers in the UK. Eastern europeans and new-commonwealth teachers tend to use the ‘Prussian’ style of education which is ‘teacher talks, pupils listen’. I suspect also that British teachers, for all their puff about ‘diversity’ would be pretty unhappy if such teachers arrived in numbers, possibly for closed-shop reasons.
“the βPrussianβ style of education which is βteacher talks, pupils listenβ”
That’s what I grew up with here, before the rot set in.
My little girl, age 9 , goes to a Lower Basic ( Primary ) state school in Gambia . The school has very few resources. Blackboard and chalk etc. Average class size 40. No computers. Traditional teaching methods . Committed teachers. All teaching in english. The last class I sat in on was about the history of the Roman Empire. No corporal punishment. Discipline first class. I don’t think I need to say any more !
It’s a long time since when I was at school. In those days if we saw the headmaster within 200 feet of us we made ourselves scarce, which is some indication of the discipline regime at the time.
When I went into the sixth-form the school began teaching Latin for the first time and to do so it took on an Indian ex-headmaster to run the classes. It was quite sad to see that his expectations of class discipline were far greater than what we were used to.
No doubt Indian standards have relaxed over the years, as have ours, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the differential still exists.
Their jobs and their careers depend upon both tropes being strictly adhered to.
These are all Blairs bladderwrecks…the good and independent teachers have long left the state to a large extent, and are cowed by OFSTED, capricious management and the usual Guardian and Times agendas.
Have yet to see any science department ever try to teach the facts, let alone try to investigate with some simple experiments over a time period.
And recycling your litter is normally a detention duty or a department sanctions for the Geography Department…or an alternative to studying RE.
Most teachers are good suckups for State diktat-and are no better than Harrabin re scientific or mathematical methods to assess a view…let alone one that would be the domain of the fascist Daily Mail. Donald Trump or Katie Hopkins.
Thick dullards these pliable parrots-self selecting ciphers for the Guardians latest op-ed.
Think Laurie Taylor…
How long until a statue of the Great Mandela sits atop the column in Trafalgar Square? I’d be tempted to start a petition, but I fear it may be taken seriously and implemented.
After all what relevance does The Battle of Trafalgar have today and we don’t to upset our EU partners the French and the Spanish do we ? I somehow can’t imagine them even contemplating removing statues of their heroes. The idea seems to be a purely British Leftie one, for some reason.
Agree totally NLT. It’s a term used to stifle any rational debate on the subject of immigration because proponents know they have no rational coherent arguments. In the same way as the term ‘Litte Englander’ is used to demonize Brexiteers whilst ‘Global’ is misused to describe a 28 country trading block that raises tariffs against all of the other 170 countries …. including some of the poorest on the planet. So much for the caring left.
Unfortunately, as has been mentioned in other posts, the teaching establishment has been almost totally subverted. I had the misfortune of listening to a discussion between a relative by marriage teacher, and a bunch of his idiot colleagues. It revolved around this country being responsible for raping the planet and other countries for the last 300 years. By default we were responsible for all of the worlds ills from slavery, to racism, to poverty and even the rise of ISIS. Their analogy of the EU had to be heard to be believed. It went something like ‘If you decide that you are in a sh*t club and leave, then find once you have left there is nowhere to go, you won’t be allowed back in to the sh*t club. Therefore it’s obvious we should stay in.’ I kid you not and these were teachers.
God help our kids and the future of our country.
Teachers. At what point in the last 40 years has it all gone so wrong ? Ok, my schooling years were between 1953 and 1965, and yes, just like in the black and white films, the girls had plaits and the boys wore short trousers and long socks. Unlike today, the word respect wasn’t in our vocabulary because it was behaviour that came naturally to us, and teachers looked like our Mums and Dads so we did as we were told, or got slapped legs if we misbehaved. History ranged from the Pharaohs to the 2nd world war, English included how to correctly compose a letter to learning about Dickens, Geography was just that – knowing where places were in the world, – yes most had different names like Ceylon, Persia and the African countries had exotic names like Abyssinia, Bechuanaland, Belgian Congo, Rhodesia and wonderful Timbukto ! We all left school with a good grounding of general knowledge, even though it included feet and inches and temperatures in Fahrenheit. The majority never went to Yuni, but learned about life because of our work ethic – being out of work was never an option (yes jobs were aplenty then). Sadly I don’t think the upward marking of A level results over the last 30 years have done the two generations – parents and their kids, any favours. Also information if needed can be found at the push of a button, but does it brain register ? We had to look and read , encyclopaedias were out of date as soon as they were printed, but reading generally stuck. My lovely niece is a Deputy Head, but I sometimes hold my tongue at some of the inane comments she comes out with, and I thank God I had the education I did back in the 50/60s.
I am afraid the EU find that term unacceptable. And internet censorship is already part of the plan.
The European Commission (the executive branch of the EU) reached an agreement on the 31st May with some of the worldβs biggest social media firms including Facebook, Twitter and Youtube on how to tackle βillegal online hate speechβ.
In short, the EU, in conjunction with several social media giants, will engage in the business of active censorship of βhate speechβ. Exactly what kind of speech is permitted and what is not is apparently determined by the arbitrary fiat of the European Commission.
Certain corners of the press are already arguing that βhate speechβ should cover gender and sexual orientation. And we have no reason to believe that they will stop there.
The upshot of all this is that if you hold conservative or minority political or social views, about immigration for example, you could be guilty of βhate speechβ and find yourself censored online.
No governmental institution, let alone one which is largely unaccountable to the people it governs, should have this kind of power.
I signed up against it Petition here but the EU ignores all protests. That is how the EU operates. It will of course have to be mandatory for us all to be ‘politik-korrect’ or be censured for stating an opinion or bald statement of fact that some things are explicitly ‘dangerous’ ideologies (Marxist or Islamic), sexual (BBC) devients and declaring that ‘families’ are best suitable to raise children will be banned as ‘offensive’ to LGBFTXX crowd in the EU.
Sample : EU Post moderation for a custodial sentence not exceeding 6 months and a fine of up to β¬2000
– This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our community standards. Replies may also be deleted. For more detail see our FAQs.
I believe that, in modern parlance, that means oh my god. It’s now 10:46 on Wednesday 8th June, ramadan is well underway and I do believe I have just witnessed Sky News, in the form of Colin Brazier, bigging up muslims by actively suggesting that fasting is good for the human body. If that’s not bad enough it was followed by a comment to the effect of Lent and the interest in it was dwindling.
I’m at a complete loss. I think I might call the Samaritans.
Not one to talk much about dietary advice, but going without food or water during the heat of the day and then pigging out at night just before bed sounds less than optimal. It’s not fasting, but virtue signal postponement at best. IIRC Lent did/does involve actually giving stuff up during that period.
Using the phrase “pigging out”, during the month of Ramadan, could very easily be deemed offensive by a certain overly sensitive religion. These are delicate issues and need to be handled with the utmost care in the interests of inter cultural awareness. I only have your best interests at heart.
You could say I’m trying to save your bacon… (sorry… π
“…could very easily be deemed offensive by a certain overly sensitive religion. ”
You mean the one that keeps hogging the limelight?
They’re not “hogging the limelight” at all. This is a religion of peace that wishes to live quietly and in harmony with its neighbours.
I will thank you to stop telling porkies…
S’nout to worry about then?
(It’s a Yorkshire thing, sort of.)
Well they’ve made a pigs ear of it .
I think you are a bunch of piggists and it should be illegal, sow I say.
What’s all thi swhining?
I think I’ll be seeing you all in prison at this rate.
On second thoughts, probably not, unless you are female or provisionally male and like shopping at Dorothy Perkins. Very high probability, according to the BBC.
Holloway, thought crimes wing.
Yep, pigging out just before bed……. totally NOT what any doctor recommends, so expect an assault on the A & E departments as ‘foreign bodies’ turn up believing they’re having heart attacks, when its really indigestion – which is what happens when you sleep on a full stomach. If they want to believe the fairy tale that is their religion, along with all the virgins they can deal with in Paradise, then so be it, but don’t clog up our A & E departments with a self inflicted religious ideology.
(on another tack – I see that many lady Muslim clinicians wear the headscarf whilst going about their duty on the wards. Male clinicians no longer wear the white coat for hygienic reasons (although Persil white ones are worn on sur la Continent), so whats the difference hygiene wise between reams of fabric around the head and the white coat ? )
Might stop hairs from dropping in your wounds, but then men should wear them too.
Do M and S still sell ‘Percy Pigs’ or did they stop after being reported to the EHRC?
I wonder if the BBC will pay any attention to The Taxpayers’ Alliance email all their members received yesterday stating;
“In reviewing our analysis over the past eight years, there is no doubt that the EU has wasted British taxpayers’ money over time, whether it be the burdens imposed by Common Agricultural Policy, the burgeoning EU quangocracy or the grants we exposed going to TV production companies.”
Yes Edward and I can link to that.
‘In reviewing our analysis over the past eight years, there is no doubt that the EU has wasted British taxpayers’ money over time, whether it be the burdens imposed by Common Agricultural Policy, the burgeoning EU quangocracy or the grants we exposed going to TV production companies.
Click here to read our compendium of EU-related research
The question we now have to answer as a nation is whether the costs of EU membership are outweighed by the benefits. There is a huge amount of information here, but a quick scan does not link the funds (millions) already in receipt by the BBC for ‘services’ to further EU integration.
David, Alan. Can we have a new sticky thread devoted to TV referendum debates please. Just for the duration of the referendum period and its immediate aftermath. Comments on the previous ones are lost inside other threads but would be interesting for a comparison as the time passes. thank you
Excellent idea. I shall second that but I am not sure that David and Alan read every post here . Neither do I and who could expect anyone to. Is there any way of sending a direct message ?
If I reported my own comment, would that work?
Edit: In fact I have now reported it. I hope they realise why.
No idea, maybe it would be deleted . LOL ! I am sure someone here will know .
Top right ” contact us ” !
Thanks Grant. I missed that – I’ll now try it.
Late last night I posted about a comment from ITV’s Chris Ship, claiming the Cameron/Farage stitch-up had been conducted in exactly the same way as the BBC’s Question Time.
It has now emerged that the shouty race-baiter and HuffPo blogger Imriel Morgan, who made such a fool of herself with Nigel Farage on last night’s faux debate, did not simply wander in off the streets, nor was she randomly chosen. She was, she has since revealed in an interview, invited to appear by ITV.
So now we know for sure that ITV packed its audience with selected activists like the barking mad Ms Morgan. It also claims that it uses the same techniques as the BBC.
No further questions, m’lud.
I read your post but didn’t comment yesterday. So the evidence is solid. It was stupid, because I imagine that, since she came over as some kind of nutcase and Nigel handled it well , it has worked in his favour. But how many people who watched will know about this ? Will ITV come clean and publicise it ? You would really think they could have chosen someone more credible. Chris Ship always was a crap reporter so none of this surprises me.
Maybe Jasmine Lawrence was moonlighting after the Amy Rutland triumph whilst backroom girling as she worked out her ‘views my own’ off radar penance?
Have you got a link for that? I wonder if any of Cameron’s questioners were invited in? I hope UKIP make a fuss.
Assuming that was in response to my comment, here it is. And yes, I hope so too.
Ah, found it. It was an interview with Jon Gaunt, reported here by Breitbart.
Edit: yes, it was! My reply to myself overlapped with yours.
I believe the phrase is ‘bang to rights’.
Resignations at ITV? I very much doubt it.
I think planting people like last night’s race hustler in the audience actually harms the cause these leftie loons are attempting to promote. Whenever I listen to Any Questions the audience appears to be choc full of intolerant, bigoted UAF nutters…very similar to her. Usually the phone calls on Any Answers is a refreshing balance as relatively sane and “normal people” respond to what’s been said.
The embittered girl last night was just an irritant, made far worse by the hopeless hostess.
We’re not the only ones who see through this media charade.
Jeff, I agree wholeheartedly. Her argument (rants) when applied in such a self serving self aggrandizing way are more likely to turn people against rather than for her viewpoint.
If you have not done so already, please do listen to Jon Gaunts interview with Imriel Morgan where she loses the plot in so many ways to be almost beyond satire. I actually started to feel sorry for her as she clearly isn’t used to the shovel.
The negress in the audience for ITV’s “debate” last night was making a statement not asking a question; that’s why she wasn’t interested in listening to Farage’s response nor even in allowing him to make one.
Julie Etchingham was a terrible, weak moderator (IMHO); perhaps (knowing that) Camertw@t’s people may have demanded for her to be in that role.
I suspect by her appearance and name she is what they would call in W. Africa an “Ekow”, that is of mixed “black and white ” ancestry. Assuming that is her real name . If she is, that might explain her attitude as they tend to think themselves superior to pure blacks, in my experience !
You can bet your life that when faced by Andrew Neil this evening, Gideon will make much of the ‘fact’ that Β£65b has ‘flooded out’ from the UK over the past few months, indicating the blind panic in financial markets as sterling is dumped in favour of sounder currencies.
Strange then that, as of mid-day, sterling was up against 36 of the world’s currencies and down against 14, all of the fluctuations being minor. Not more scaremongering, surely?
Gideon’s problem is that Andrew Neil knows far more about these matters than he does ! Anything to do with finance, economics , markets, tax etc etc. Gideon will be in trouble !
I am sure that Andrew will point out that GBP has been rising against USD in the last few months and FT100 holding up, leaving Gideon to explain !
The bBC and its silence over the death of a Muslim in Bradford:
Man shot dead in Bradford in ‘targeted attack’
A man has been shot dead in Bradford in what police are calling a “targeted attack”. The 30-year-old was wounded during a disturbance in Round Street about 20:00 hours on Monday, said West Yorkshire detectives. He was taken to hospital with serious head injuries but later died. A post mortem examination is yet to take place, the force said. Two men, aged 21 and 22, are in custody on suspicion of murder. Officers urged anyone with information to come forward.
And here is what the bBC doesn’t want you to know:
30 year old Imran Khan was shot dead outside his home in Bradford on Monday. 3 Men in their early 20s have been arrested . Mr Khan was jailed for six years in September 2007 for his role in a kidnap gang. He admitted kidnapping a man, robbing him of Β£350 and possessing an imitation firearm with intent to rob
Mr. Whippy (sorry, that’s Evan’s fluffer) really seems to have got a great grasp on this.
Oh, you mean this man, Whittingdale, who defended BBC’ s pursuit of independent entertainment.
You’d think if somebody used the bBCs ‘Children in need’ as part of a scam to steal Β£186,000, the bBC would report when these crooks had their day in court. Apparently not:
2 Men guilty off Β£186,000 fraud, fined…Β£1
Gee, I wonder why?
Were they jailed? Couldn’t tell from this link. Otherwise, disgusting. And yep, at the moment here in good old Blighty, crime does pay, as all the migrants being picked up in the Channel will agree with.
4 month suspended sentence valid for. For. 2 years
Let’s pause for a moment to ponder some of the great mysteries of our time….
Glasto tickets sell out within moments of going on sale six months before the show – and yet the yoof leave it to the eleventh hour to crash the Government Electoral Register website. Really? Do we smell a rat? Was it crashed deliberately so give an excuse to extend the deadline?
Leaving aside the bought and sold liberals Dave and Gideon, can’t quite get my head around the concept of the progressive pro-EU Left. What a message: ‘Vote for the status quo, boys and girls – the alternative is just too scary to contemplate, all the big money corporations say so! And, by the way, vote Corbyn next time round, millennials!’
‘David Cameron has urged people to continue to register to vote after an online glitch ahead of the EU referendum registration deadline’
Well, there’s a surprise. How very convenient.
‘The glitch, blamed on record demand…’ Any specific and verifiable figures (FOI anyone?) coming with that bit of news I wonder? Must have been all those tens of thousands who only found their NI number just before bedtime.
They are softening us up for the extension to the referendum voting, starting June 24th, so students who are busy with exams can still vote and keep it going for as long as needed until the Remain wins.
I hadn’t thought about that. Presumebly they will extend the registration period until then. The whole Referendum is a farce anyway .
Usual slurry of fiddling from the “bricking its” in the BSE Camp then?
As a hack in the Telegraph said-the website crashing last night is very convenient-would like proof of that.
Like getting shirty once the shops close on Christmas Eve-and then the State forcing them all to re-open to let the last minute morons get off with having no plans, no preparation and no care to register in time.
Typical BBC/Cameron efforts to drag in the feckless and the stupid-preferably under 30.
Still-don`t think it`ll save them-unless they can take out barrels full of postal votes from Glastonbury and ensure that the weary grumpy Ramadan voters of Newham get an extra few days due to not being able to life a pencil to the ballot paper…or find a cane to thrash the wife lightly.
Typical BBC crap this-hope we`re all resolved to vote out, and that no amount of dredging Hammersmith Tec for comatose students will save the Innards.
ChrisH, brilliant post!
‘Weary grumpy Ramadan voters of Newham get an extra few days due to not being able to lift a pencil to the ballot paperβ¦or find a cane to thrash the wife lightly.’
‘no amount of dredging Hammersmith Tec for comatose students will save the Innards.’
More please….
chrisH is unique !
The big corporations will stay even if we vote to leave. Which world are you actually living in. The UK isnt owned by the British. There is no Soveriegnty. If you seriously think there is then your thinking is seriously flawed.
Not strictly bBBC but not totally unrelated.
Had a nice restaurant lunch yesterday.
Got chatting to the chap on the next table. He felt a European body was needed strategically to counteract China, Russia, USA, etc.
But he defined the problem with the EU as one of very bad execution. It had become a feeding ground for the Brussels elite with their guaranteed jobs and pensions. There was a disconnect with the people. He seemed to encourage a vote for leave.
Oh, did I not mention? I was in the Netherlands, and the chap was actually a Dutch lawyer but living in Paris !!!!
He would not vote for Le Pen or Wilders but saw the seismic gap that there was no mainstream political representation for – lets call them Eurosceptics. The democratic deficit writ large.
A rather heart warming conversation in one of our friendly and pleasant European neighbour countries.
Yes. We are not alone. We world looks on. Its obvious (to us) but the BBC like to hide the facts. From New York traders they offer this little EU poem…
‘ Brexit Poem; (courtesy of one of the poll participants on this Financial Traders)…
βWonβt you join our Common Market?β said the spider to the fly,
βIt really is a winner and the cost is not too highβ
βI know De Gaulle said ββ Nonββ, but he hadnβt got a clue,
βWe want you in, my friends and I, for we have plans for you.
βYouβll have to pay a little more than we do, just for now,
βAs Herr Kohl said, and I agree, we need a new milch cow,
βItβs just a continental term, believe me , mon ami,
βLike ββVive la Franceββ or ββMad Anglaisββ or even ββE.E.C.ββ.
βAs to the rules, donβt worry friend, thereβs really but a few
βYouβll find that we ignore them – but they all apply to you.
βGive and share between us, thatβs what itβs all about,
βYou do all the giving, and we all share it out.
βItβs very British, is it not, to help a friend in need?
βYouβve done it twice in two World Wars, a fact we must concede,
βSo climb aboard the Market Train, donβt sit there on the side,
βYour continental cousins want to take you for a rideβ
Brexit Poll Feedback
As part of our Brexit tracking poll we ask for feedback from our survey participants. Many of the comments we receive, such as those below, are quite revealing about sentiment ahead of the historic June 23 EU referendum as they come from the “man/woman on the street.”
No “M” word here…. move along please.
Pakistan: Mother ‘burnt her daughter to death’ over marriage
Islam is mentioned near the bottom but only in relation to a new law passed.
Being of an age, this is all reminiscent of the seventies where just about everyone I knew – work, college, friends and family, casual acquaintances et al – all voted against joining Europe. Of course, virtually all these people were working class and it seems that history is repeating itself, despite living in Suffolk now, rather than in Greater London previously. It once again seems to be working class people who have the strongest objection to this giant con-trick. This would be the EU con-trick of course, rather than the ‘We’re all middle class con-trick’. I strongly suspect the same result will accrue as the one in the seventies. However, while the great and the good and the Beeb may rejoice at this outcome, I believe that this time the legacy of bitterness left amongst the voiceless may be far, far greater than people might care to imagine.
Apologies if already mentioned, but a must watch for me, even if it is the BBC.
Yes. Andrew Neil knows far more about what a Chancellor of the Exchequer should know than Osborne. He should slaughter him. No mercy !
Glasgow Grammar School boy versus posh toff !
Sorry, I meant Paisley. I can never set foot there again if they knew I had said Glasgow !
Let’s hope Brillo is on the ball (he usually is) and pops this one to Boy George –
Forget about the IMF/BoE/Euro pension hoarders and US fee-stealing (they weren’t earned!) bankers, this guy puts his, and his investors’, money where his mouth is!
And that is without Ashoka Mody, ex-IMF economist.
Good links !
Excellent links – thanks Peter!
Peter. Here’s another UK based invester who thinks we are better off out..
‘Mr Mellon, one of the richest men in Britain, has compared the EU to a fire and believes we are set to burn along with our neighbours if we do not vote to leave on June 23.
The investor correctly predicted the last recession in his 2006 book βWake-Up: Survive and Prosper in the Coming Economic Turmoilβ…’
He blamed Alistair Darling, Gordon Brown and George Osborne to reacting to events rather than anticipating that they would happen.
The fund manager said: βIf we stay in the European Union, we will be bound to an organisation whose principal motives β federalism and monetary union-will drag us into poverty.β
Not exactly BBC bias but, have others seen this? Re Austrian presidential election: It looks like the anti Islamic candidate had the election stolen from him in Austria.
Apparently, voter turnout was just over 140% in one region.
The postal vote tripled from the previous election to 700,000 votes.
He lost by 31,000 votes in a country of 8.5 million.
The electorate is smaller than the whole population and I have not worked out what that number is.
One thing this video misses is that the Czech republic has an anti Islamic president so the tide turning he is talking about has already happened. The second biggest party in Holland is similar.
The whole continent is clearly already tipping and only the two party phenomenon has held back further change.
In the UK a big part of the UKIP vote had to vote Conservative to keep Labour out which is why UKIP only got 12.5% of the vote (12.5% only yielded 1 seat out of 650 – Yes what a bitch).
Slandering the guy by pretending he is like Hitler when his policies all seem to be the opposite is unfair.
Just to add insult to injury, his left wing opponent actually believes in big government and agrees with the policies of Hitler on just about every point.
The biggest block vote in all Western countries is the idiot vote.
Its Postal fraud. There will have to be a new count, but the EU has got what it wants. Who cares about democracy if not us? But it happens here too. London’s Tower Hamlet is famous for it in its local elections. As for the Conservative being involved in electioneering fraud by ‘overspending’ (fighting UKIP) and not declaring that to the Electoral Commission is also fraud. Not that anyone is going to be prosecute Cameron. He is only doing what BLAIR would have done. It corrupts the whole electoral process. Postal votes should, be banned without an NI number and Passport (and should all be replaced by secure web server online for those retired or working outside the UK). It’s not rocket science, but the EU don’t want that development. Strewth they could loose!
D-Day β the day that Allied Armies launched the largest seaborne invasion in history, to free Europe from Naziism. The United States, the UK and Canada stormed ashore in Normandy, France. 150,000 soldiers, more than 4,000 died, but it was a decisive win, a turning point in history, the beginning of the liberation of Europe.
That was a significant moment when allied lives were lost ridding Europe of the political control of the German Workers National Socialist Party. You know, the one that the BBC and the Socialist Workers Party compare with Farage, Trump and anyone who attempts a discussion of immigration.
I looked out for a brief BBC mention of the D,Day Normandy landings 72nd anniversary, maybe an interview with an old hero from that time. Nothing.
Somewhere there must be a Moslem who took part in the landings and is eager to recall with pride how he leapt out of the landing craft and headed towards the enemy shouting allah akibar.
June 6th-D Day 1944
June 8th 1913-Emily Davison falls in front of the Kings horse at Epsom.
Guess which one gets a name check and a cluck of MPs approving the anniversary.
Need we ask?
And how typical to get Jeremy Corbyn to blather a tribute to Ali in Parliament today…as if he was a constituent in Islington.
Truly these clowns have lost the plot-but there again, Alis Black Supremacist stuff, his views on women and intermarriage between good black Muslim girls and white devils like us..and (being a Muslim) his take on Jews would doubtless put him firmly in Labours camp…and with no counterblasts from the liberal elite, who`d accept every hypocrisy, every double standard as being “culturally appropriate” for the Great God Sport, the over arching God , Allah.
Well said , chrisH
June 8th 1982.
Bombing of Sir Galahad and Sir Tristram 56 dead with over 100 seriously wounded, BBC reaction zero, zilch , nothing. I even tried looking under the Latin American section.Sorry welling up now I lost friends and knew wounded.
BBC Bastards !
Good point but not too many religion of peace types on our side (I think thery’d struggle to find one). Most were down in Yugoslavia in the Bosnian (Muslim) 13th Waffen SS Mountain Division fighting Tito and his Commies.
Now THAT is something you will never hear on the BBC. (Just like anything about the good old Grand Mufti of Jerusalem).
Support rising in Denmark for their own Danexit referendum:
The new poll found 42 per cent of Danes now want a public vote on the question of their nationβs membership to be held, compared to 37 per cent in February.
It also uncovered that support for the red-tape obsessed officials is plummeting as only 44 per cent of voters would choose to remain if a referendum was held tomorrow, compared to 56 per cent in November last year.
Another 15 per cent of voters remained undecided, meaning Denmark could follow in Britain’s footsteps if it votes to leave the union on June 23.
Polls reveal Nigel won ITV debate hands down:
Mr Farage had an average Pulse rating of 94 per cent from Leavers, 15 per cent from Remainers and 63 per cent from the undecideds.
Cameron compared poorly with 86 per cent from his own supporters, 29 per cent from the undecided group and just four percent from Leavers.
Uh oh… now the brown stuff’s really hitting the fan: what’s next – Nexit?
A whopping 88 per cent of people polled by a top Dutch newspaper said they would be in favour of an in/out vote along British lines.
They have been inspired by possibility of Britain quitting the bloc on June 23 β and hope ‘Nexit’ will follow Brexit.
The survey, carried out by De Telegraaf, will spark fears among Brussels chiefs that the bloc is on the verge of falling apart.
And we do 15% of our inward and outward trade in the EU with tiny Netherlands.
Only because of Rotterdam and its entrepot trade, but if the figure helps make our EU trade look bigger than it is, it must also be used when the boot is on the other foot.
More threats from Germany:
Elmar Brok, German member of the European Parliament Committee, said it will simply be βdivorce proceedingsβ and warned that the migrant crisis will only get worse for the UK if we quit the 28-nation bloc.
He said there will be no βre-negotiations about a new deal.
βWe don’t want to have a precedence for other countries, that shows it is worth-while to be against it in the first instance, only to get more out of it later.β
It is the latest bout of scaremongering to come from the European powerhouse after Angela Merkel waded into the debate headfirst by warning Britain it βwonβt get a good dealβ if it backs Brexit.
Whoops! Better not publish this one, BBC. Vote leave to protect pensions, says former chairman of the London Pension Fund Authority.
Edi Truell, former chairman of the London Pension Fund Authority and founder of the Pension Insurance Corporation, has said that he is backing a Brexit to protect British pensions.
His stark warning over the terrible cost of staying in the EU comes amid further revelations that Brussels wants to take control of the British tax system with a European tax code imposed across the 28 member states.
Mr Truell, now chief executive of Disruptive Capital Finance but who was in charge of one of Britainβs biggest public sector pension pots covering 130,000 people and with Β£18 billion worth of assets, said that Brussels will demand β15 times the entire British defence budgetβ from the UK when it takes control.
Mr Truell was referring to the plans first outlined by the EUβs European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) in 2010 – under the title Solvency 2 – to force companies to adopt a massive amount of extra, expensive red tape to protect pension funds if companies go bust.
Despite condemnation from a wide range of interest groups including the Confederation of British Industry, Trade Unions Congress, National Association of Pension Funds and Chartered Accountants of England and Wales, commissioners have pushed on with the plans which would suck in Britain as well as euro zone countries.
Even pro-EU Lib Dem former pensions minister Steve Webb has damned the plans as βpointless and onerousβ.
The plan had been to impose the new rules by 2018 but they have been delayed.
Mr Truell told the Daily Express that it will cost the corporate pension schemes a βstaggering Β£150 billionβ just to pay for the red tape, which he described as βan unconscionable amount of moneyβ.
His stance will add strength to the Vote Leave campaign ahead of the EU referendum on June 23.
He pointed out that the EU has already imposed the same rules on British and European insurers which has reportedly cost Legal and General alone Β£3 billion in just filling out extra paperwork.
To make matters worse, EIOPA wants to force insurers and pension funds to mostly invest in government bonds in what some see as a bid to prop up βworthlessβ Greek and Italian bonds to help prevent the euro zone collapsing.
To add to the concerns, the Daily Express in April revealed EU plans to create a βsocial unionβ which will see Brussels grab control of pensions and benefits, including the state pension allowing commissioners to impose even more unnecessary regulation.
Mr Truell said: βI am extremely concerned about the impact the European Commission is going to have on Britain pension funds.
βMy father, an old soldier, was horrified at the thought that the European Commission is going to force us to spend 15 times our entire annual defence budget to satisfy the EUβs pension desires.β
The current budget for defending Britain is Β£35 billion.
He went on: βAll that money is going to have to be found. It is going to have to be found by Britainβs companies and by Britainβs public sector.
βThatβs going to impact their ability to employ people and provide those front line services on which we so vitally depend.β
He added: βWhat concerns me also is that we will hamstring our ability to pay out way.β
He said the future Britain could have outside the EU was like βgreat countriesβ such as Canada and Singapore which βcan pay their way and provide for the pensions of the future unshackled from the EU.β
So what was all that pigswill about us not having to contribute to any future bailouts of the Eurozone then, Dodgy Dave?
The BBC will pay an initial Β£110 million this year as part of a recovery plan to plug a pension deficit of Β£1.6 billion. (2011). I wonder where they get the money from?
Alan Yentob has a personal Pension wealth of 6 million pounds and rising. I wonder where he got all that money from?
Will they (BBC) pay the EU Pension supertax? No because they all have offshore bank accounts, – this is common amongst Europe’s political elite – to NOT pay tax in their home country! They know how bankrupt the system is and they know how to avoid EU taxes.
Tube knife attacker report sanitised by BBC. Earlier reports stated that his “mental health” problem were that he’d been to see his GP complaining that Allah was talking to him, telling him to kill Kaffirs. Now this has been carefully edited out. Instead we get the quote from the victim that he thought he was being attacked by a mentally unwell person. Of course, in this person’s case it maybe true, but if so why would you need to sanitise the report – and it’s funny how this excuse is always trotted out, isn’t it?
On PM this evening we discovered that the man with Allah whispering in his head was “vulnerable”. Put “vulnerable” in your lexicon of code words from the MSM for some protected, niche, minority community that needs to be sanitised in its reporting or otherwise awarded special status for liberal reasons.
Following the surprise report about Look East visiting a college in Wisbech and the answer being “leave”, Radio Norfolk reported on a visit to Norwich today by the Labour “in” bus, which included Hillary Benn and our own overgrown schoolboy Corbyn sycophant M.P. – the only blight in a sea of blue in Norfolk and Suffolk.
To say that it did not seem to go their way is an understatement. They left after 20 minutes.
In three words – I SMELL A RAT .
It’s the first (visible) sign of the stitch-up that we’ve been expecting.
In the past, judges would have been rigorous in upholding the law in this matter but the legal trade has been sufficiently infiltrated that this is almost certainly not going to happen when the fixed result comes in.
Looks like it will have to be pitch forks and piano wire after all.
And no chance of any independent international commission to scrutinise it. Not that that would probably work anyway.
More “rescued” immigrants heading this way. The Italians may as well send a cruise liner to Lybia and bring the lot over.
Meanwhile Italy add another one to their list. This chap will be spending some time in ‘Hotel Italy’ .
Much better than a mud hut in Africa.
Time to get out .
I doubt if he lived in a mud hut !
He probably did until he started up his ‘Italian Travel Agency’.
Funny , I was going to say he was probably born in one !
After waking from my afternoon nap, I read on the computer, that Dodgy Dave is extending the time permissible for voter registration. I asked my wife to slap me on the face. She seemed a bit too keen on this idea as she ran towards me, I only asked as I thought I had woken up in Angola or Zimbabwe.
So let me get this right, last night despite having over TWO months to register, a number were unable to register after 10pm.
That’s just 2 hours before the deadline, after having 70 DAYS (1680 HOURS) to do it! Dave knows that most of the lazy voters are the last minute, and generally young, Remainers. Ah poor things thinks Dave, I’ll give them another two days as they are generally Remainers.
Dodgy Dave is fixing the vote with the help of the not ‘fit for purpose’ Electoral Commission. I wonder just how many votes went to EU citizens. What other dirty deeds has Dave got planned.More to come I feel.
Does anyone trust the Electoral Commission? We’re a bent country with a bent leader.
I hate being lied too, and I’ve just heard Brendan Barber on a campaign broadcast for ‘stronger in Europe’ tell us that paid holidays are an EU benefit and that if we leave they will be at risk.
I cannot believe that a man who is a former general secretary of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) is unaware of the struggle for workers rights nor that this particular right is nearly 100 years old !
the Holidays with Pay Act 1938 gave workers the right to a weeks holiday with pay, and it lasted until 2004 when the EU legislation superseded it.
It is an insult to everyone’s intelligence to use such blatant scaremongering which is so easily dismissed as false. If this is the best remain can do then I think they deserve to lose !
This came up when Brillo interviewed Hilary Benn and pointed out that the EU legislation was a minimum and British employees get more than the minimum. Brillo asked Benn if UK Leaves does he think UK employers will reduce holiday entitlement ? I think he asked the same question at least twice . Benn was all over the place , didn’t answer and Brillo moved on.
Good post, Thoughtful. Thanks for useful legislative reference.
I was bridling at Steffie (Flanders) popping up on the R4 Remain campaign message with “leaving the EU would create uncertainty and economists do not like uncertainty”. What?!
Since when? Economists thrive on uncertainty, they make their money out of uncertainty as do currency and commodity hedge funds. If there was no uncertainty in the world, there would be slim pickings for economists.
Steph has the same degree as Dave , PPE and knows about the same as him about economics
Grant, I reckon she knows twice or three times as much as Dave and Ed Balls (also PPE) put together. I used to hold Oxbridge grads in high regard and worked with several some years back. One, who was the cleverest, put me straight on how much work had to be done to get a First and the overall quality of the people there. Remember David ‘Two Brains’ Willettts? English at Cambridge has also been known as the easiest doss at any UK Uni.
Ha ! Well I never really understood the thing about Willets !
The whole economy is run by Business Entrepreneurs and Stock Traders gambling in the Stock Exchange. Nothing to do with ‘economists’. If economists were that good they would retire young with ‘loads of Money’.
Instead we have this ………….
Yes, but no but. You mean like Dominic Chappell? Oh, yes? Really?
Really smart entrepreneurs listen to economists and make their own minds up. They listen to other people, too and then make their minds up. And, yes, they engage with debt because debt floats business & has always done so. That means they listen to traders & analysts and make up their own minds. They may also listen to futurologists, take note of what they say, and with their minds clear on what they want to do they set out to do it.
Once upon a time in the UK, two-thirds of them failed within about six months. That figure, more recently (if I recall correctly since 2007-2009 there have been a record number of SMEs created) that failure rate has dropped to under half failing within six months.
Merton and Scholes won the Nobel prize for economics but weren’t so good at business!
Why aren’t economists the wealthiest people in the world?
With all their knowledge they should be making an absolute killing with the bookies and on the markets!
Well there we have it, if Hitler had offered our dads and grand-dads ‘paid holidays’ he would have won the War.
They always said he was mad.
“adverse weather conditions” in April and May.
Anyone for Global Warming ?
Adverse? There is a ‘Sharp drop in global temperatures in May’ (June 2016), no doubt tied up with the cool weather and rain we had today and yesterday as being ‘unsettled’ but bit worrying for the BBC globalists who thought it was all ‘settled’… I am sure global cooling will balance it out, the next ‘crisis’ for the BBC despots.
I do detect a sea change.
Kids at school-who before half term would have prided themselves on being “pro-staying in”-are now deciding that the only way is out.
Brighter kids than most, reckon its their parents and wall-to-wall scare tactics that have irked them so.
They now know that there is nothing to be scared of if we leave-and lots to be generally terrified of if we stay.
Imagine what the EU will do to us if we`re craven enough to lick their lederhosen…they KNOW their project is close to collapse and Britain will get the blame when it goes under.
We really need to unshackle ourselves from the EU corpse NOW, whilst time remains-otherwise we`ll drown along with them.
The Remainiacs have shot all their bolts-nothing left to scare us with, and none of it was scary either…only hope we`ll hold our nerve and slap these creeps across the chops on the 23rd.
To see Kinnock, Prescott, Cameron and all the BBC monkeys raging at us without being able to do so openly will hopefull induce a few strokes, ulcers and hospital helicopters, a la Heseltine in Venice 1997.
Would be able to look my grandkids in the eye and say “We did that”…and they`d thank us forever.
In any event, we`ll look out for all who wanted us to leave-Mick Cash, Gisela, Frank, Tony, Bob, Enoch-and Michael, Boris, Priti, Dominic, IDS, Chris, Jacob,Peters, Nigels, Normans, and indeed ALL patriots from both sides of the political fence….and not one of the quisling traitors who voted to stay in will be forgiven.
The Euro is to go.
Migration will bring us Molenbeeck and Cologne this summer if not soon after.
The EU will slaughter us as a nation state for daring to rise up-and then bottle it.
These EU scum are powerless failures politically-which is why they need the EU to use as their own bucking bronco…time to screw them before they so it to us.
Oh the poor people who work for the BBC!
Just been listening to Victoria Coren bleating about Russian billionaires and their London houses.
Do they have any idea how much money most of the BBC’s listeners/viewers have?
Forget her in Mamma Mia, The Iron Lady and The Devil Wears Prada – this is Meryl Streep’s finest moment
Wild guess what topic has inspired the kids at Newsbeat to deem this her ‘finest’.
Is it my imagination or are the bbc actually becoming disenchanted with Sadiq Khan in just the same way as they were with one J. Corbyn.
The new mayor of our great capital started off his tenure by taking huge swipes at his predecessor in regard to the night tube (the new mayor will take credit of course for the night tube after the delay caused by Boris being unwilling to have his trousers pulled down by the unions, the new mayor will pull them down himself as a labour person)
Air pollution is another topic that he will be judged on as he has taken the same swipe at Boris
Affordable housing is another hot potato that he has yet to realise should not be held for too long. What are you – a newby? .
I just watched bbc London news and see that he’s now embroiled in a bun fight over TFL fares, hahahahahahaha, welcome to the real world says morpheous.
By my calculation the hole you are digging for yourself is already 3 feet deep, hahahahahahah, keep digging you flake.
Ramadan-so Sadiq will surely be frustrated, hungry and thirsty.
And I`d not be leaving my Oyster card anywhere near and exposed in my project if he walked by-crime goes up at such times for him.
Imagine we`ll not hear too much from him until July…and the minibar at City Hall will get emptied at Eid, hope that the East London Posse aren`t in contact with any women when they call in to swap presents with Khan.
May be completely wrong-but most of the Muslim world would accept most of the above as risk factors at Ramadan, surely.
Sadiq Khan’s “Nick Clegg” moment. It didn’t take long!
Hope this lightens the mood
I need my mood lightening: the continual and blatantly unfair battering from the Remain camp leaves me feeling that most voters will vote their way. The Voter Registration deadline delay has not enhanced my EU Referendum mood. I am resolved, however, and will plough on.
And one way to plough on would be to spread that letter – because you know the BBC wont report on it
Going back to the Farage v Cameron debate last night on ITV.
An unsung momentary star was the Jill Dando look alike host (well… almost look alike).
She asked Cameron if immigration from the EU would fall if the Remain won the referendum. And by how much.
Cameron was thrown. He hesitated and then said it was impossible to forecast.
He was obviously exposed. There were jeers from the audience.
Not watched it yet, but it seems that Osborne just got owned by Brillo π Even Twitter in the last couple of days has seemingly gone through a polar reversal. Maybe things are looking up…
Sure did neilw.
Osborne is finished-was thoroughly shown up for a vacuous arts graduate who finds himself by privilege and accident in a job he is clearly unsuited for.
Neill chewed him up and didn`t even bother to spit him out.
My memory goes back to Anthony Barber and the Tories…he`s about the only Chancellor who`s been so exposed as a clueless charlatan and way out of his depth.
His rant at Farage at the end was loopy-I was worrying about his mental well-being at that stage.
Healey was a giant as was Lawson-hell, even Lamont and Brown compared well compared to Osborne.
A public hammering-and Osborne will neither be forgiven or forgotten for being so clueless and so far off beam with even the simplest questions from Neill-who did a great job.
My favourite bit was the Airbus wings-Osborne was destroyed, and never recovered.
Car crash telly at its best.
Totally agree. Osborne even said that leaving the EU would not give us any more control over immigration. Idiot !
They cant control it now despite the pre election promise of our leader…………
Osborne even made the point that they had cut down on non-EU people who want to come as if that was a good thing ! Idiot !
Earlier in the day our noble broadcaster put together a little play, featuring an intrepid reporter and a thoroughly principled producer, designed to illustrate just how studiously impartial they are when it comes to giving full and unbiased coverage to all things referendal.
Sadly, the impartiality only lasted until the 10 o’clock news when, through clever editing, Andrew Neil was made to look hesitant, inept and amateurish, compared to the majestic performance from Gideon, the man with his finger on the pulse and one in whom to put our wholehearted trust. Reifenstahl could have done no better – but quite how Andrew might react could be interesting.
As I expected the personal animosity was palpable. Osborne didn’t answer most of the questions and waffled a lot. He came over as a really nasty piece of work. He got completely caught out on old age pensions and a few other things. But couldn’t help getting a dig in about Nigel Farage. Most of what he said was really just a speech and Brillo pointed that out at one point. I think I dislike him even more than Cameron !
Discussion about airbus. Osborne said that we would not be able to sell wings and Rolls Royce engines. Brillo pointed out that there is nowhere else they buy them ! Osborne, total plonker .
Airbus will continue to be built in Britain and this document clearly states why that is.
AIRBUS 380 manufacture report:
The A380 is powered by four British-manufactured Rolls-Royce Trent engines, or by US-manufactured Engine Alliance (GE-Pratt & Whitney) engines. Rolls-Royce engines for the A380 are probably outselling those of Engine Alliance. Each Rolls-Royce Trent engine has 38,000 highly-engineered components (involving a separate highly-complex global supply chain).
A380’s in service:
As of June 2015, 162 A380s are in service worldwide; the full order-book (including those in service) is currently 317. The primary operators are Emirates, Singapore Airlines, Lufthansa & Qantas. Each aircraft costs some US $ 4 30 million. Its βpayloadβ is up to 853 passengers, depending on how the operator configures the aircraft.
Its worth reading why the EU (and Airbus industries) has really no other place to go. If the French (in the EU want to fly), they need us for the engines and wings. And I am sure all Global Airlines are insured by Lloyds of London as well. The report explained the complexity of building an international Airliner. Its a good factual read.
Download report (No 104) pdf.
Click to access BN104Airbus380%282%29pdf.pdf
GLOBAL BRITAIN: (on other topics for UK industry in BREXIT camp).
Another point where Osborne got caught was Turkey. Dave has flip-flopped on this so many times that Osborne obviously didn’t know what the current party line was . I half expected him to take out his mobile phone and call his master. Idiot !
” I think I dislike him even more than Cameron ! ”
A close contest in my case, an EX Tory canvasser.
On the Start the Week Thread there was reference to the BBC Push to get people to register to vote and there was a comment that young people in particular were put off by the requirement to provide their National Insurance Number.
You know, the more I think about this the more uncomfortable I am that the DWP (part of the Home Office) should control the Identity Checks. As far as I am aware you cannot register without having first attempted through the government portal and having disclosed your NI number.
I know there are people who say if you’ve done nothing wrong you have nothing to be afraid of but there are people who have done wrong and are afraid and is it right that we should deny them the right to vote because the DWP will and HAVE previously used other agencies ID requests to their own aims?
This stinks of a third world dictatorship and there have been no assurances that the DWP will not use the NI number supplied over and above voter registration.
Strange thing is, in the referendum of 1975, a majority of the people that I spoke to then expressed a wish to come OUT of the Common Market (about 90%). But strangely, the result was to remain ‘IN’ ?
Now, once again a majority of the people I speak to, express a wish to come OUT .
UK Bookmakers may be polling ‘odds’ by street poll or telephone (and hence the remain camp claim advantage) but many other independent (from government) polls show the complete opposite. This explains why the LEAVE camp is much higher than the media projections…
Hi guys. A little off topic but I’ve put together some thoughts on the EU I wish to share with friends and family. Do you think I’ve got the tone right. Any feedback appreciated.
Every vote counts in this referendum!
I just read it. Very good ! I won’t comment in detail because we all have our different styles. I think it is about the right length. Much longer and some people would start groaning. Trade, maybe worth saying that we have a trade deficit with EU so in any “Trade War” they would lose. And trade with the rest of the world is growing much more quickly.
Speaking with friends and family, I am amazed at how little they know about the issues. And these are mainly educated people . So a useful guide and argument for leaving. Can I borrow it ? !
Of course you can Grant.
I’m not normally one for commenting but I’ve got that fed up recently with the way ‘brexiteers’ are being represented in the media, especially on the BBC, I felt I had to write something. I just wanted to present a reasoned, factual, non aggressive argument for leaving the EU.
I’ll take your comments on board for the final draft. Cheers!
A well argued list.
You could look into the UNECE. This a body that often sets the policies that the EU follows, so it is a higher ‘top table’ than the one that Cameron is allowed to serve the bottled water at.
Norway, as a sovereign nation, gets a seat on the UNECE committees so it can help set the policies that the EU later gets to ‘fax’ back to it.
The UK, having ‘pooled’ its sovereignty, relies on the EU, (taking into consideration the other 27 members’ views), to make our case at the UNECE. Lucky Norway! Poor UK!
Good point Jim S and Brillo could have made it with Osborne but it was only 30 minutes. Should be one hour !
Thanks JimS, I never knew this! Another useful addition to the final draft.
You could add a link to Brexit: The Animated Movie. it’s only 3 min 20 long.
Love it ! Had me laughing as well !
A very well reasoned dispassionate consideration of the situation.
I think if you showed that to your family they would think that you had actually thought about it and made your own mind up.
And you don’t even get as far as sovereignty / self determination.
A cracker you could add is that when you vote in the national elections if enough people agree with you the removal vans could be on the way to No. 10 the next day and government policies being changed (or at least those that we are still allowed to by the EU!)
How and when can you vote to achieve the same control over those at the top of the EU, virtually all failed politicians in their own country to a man (literally), and their policies? Without the threat of removal they can do much as they like.
As for the European Parliament, it has about the same talking shop powers as the House of Lords, but at huge cost. You cannot vote for individuals, only a party list, so a lot of donkeys with the right rosette get “elected” all around Europe.
Hi 60022Mallard, appreciate you taking the time to give some feedback.
I tried to limit myself to certain topics that people could relate to. I don’t think people realise just how unaccountable the EU is. Once you get in to a position of power in the EU you are set for life, no matter what you do or how well you do it!
I would add a clear link to BREXIT the movie which clearly states the case for those who watch far too much BBC news (and hence get confused about whats right and wrong). The economics of the EU are non-existant, its all made up nonsense. One other thing not much talked about is the EU fishing policy which is a disaster for the UK. Farmers are only happy as they get paid to ‘lay fallow’ productive land that we then have to ‘import’. And then there are the Somerset FLOODS (2014) by then ‘gay pants’ Labour ‘remain’ minister (former head of NRA) over seeing EU policy of ‘managing rivers’ by flooding arable farm land by not dredging rivers (set aside and managed by UK since Roman Times). But even if that fails to impress this will… ‘the end of our Magna Carta’ heritage, our judical system may seem unfair but every mans right to be innocent until proven guilty will be replace with Napoleons law (which is how the EU legal system operates). The end of British Justice and the end of our Commonwealth that still relies on it i.e. India, Australia and even the American bill of Rights are based upon the Magna Carta. That is the most frightening, it is the end of English cultural heritage and judical system that has kept us all safe from tyranny and imperialism. That is about to be abolished on June 23rd along with everything we hold dear in England, Wales and Scotland. Our national identity gone. The end of democracy as we know it.
I’ve been handing out DVDs to less technology savvy people.
Typical response – “Thanks, that was great”.
Make sure that you compare the UK democracy with the ‘democracy’ of the EU. For me, sovereignty & democracy are the issues that trump all, the economy & immigration are just sideshows for the unwashed. Make sure that you point out the following to your friends:
1. Before UK general elections, each prospective party publishes a manifesto outlining their plan for government should they be elected. The EU does not have a manifesto, and the people of Europe have no idea what legislation is in the pipeline, and we do not know what we are voting for in European elections – ever.
2. In the UK parliament, we have the elected government and an official opposition to hold that government to account. The EU is a single party system and does not have an opposition.
3. In the UK parliament, our MP’s have the power to propose, draft, modify and repeal legislation. MEP have no such power, they cannot propose or repeal legislation. The power to propose, modify and repeal legislation is held by the unelected commission, and MEP’s can only vote on legislation that the commission decides to put before them.
4. In UK law, no government can bind its successor. In other words, a subsequent government, given a parliamentary majority, can immediately repeal any previous legislation. In the EU, the power to repeal legislation rests entirely with the unelected commission. If the commission, which is effectively the executive, wishes to maintain legislation forever, there is absolutely nothing the elected MEP’s can do about it. Once the commission grab power, nothing can be done to wrestle it back. This is how dictatorships are formed!
5. The highest court in the UK is the supreme court. It is supreme in name only. The actual supreme court which has the absolute power to overrule all UK courts that rule on matters of EU law is the European Court of Justice. In effect foreign judges have the final say on most UK law.
Having read and digested the above, I fail to see how any reasonable open-minded person could possibly want to remain part of this system.
Show them this as well:
That was Cameron’s view just 7 years ago. His view is slightly different these days. I wonder what’s changed? I wonder how much it cost the EU to buy him? Well, actually, we bought him ourselves because it’s OUR money the EU is spending. In fact, it’s OUR money the EU is using to buy each and every opinion for remaining. As is always the case, if you want the truth, follow the money.
Some might argue that I’m suggesting Cameron has been bribed – too effing right I am!
Top post neilw! He is a slimy toad, isn’t he.
Spot on ! My late father had a saying in a different context about politicians who, as a class together with journalists, he loathed ” They are bribing us with our own money “.
neilw – amazing. He was sounding back then like Farage sounds now re criticism of the transfer of UK powers to the EU.
No wonder so many conservative-minded people hold Cameron in contempt.
Just read it Anonjoebloggs & it is a good scenario of the EU situation.
However I doubt that we would need to get a visa to visit countries in Europe post-brexit, we never did back in the 50s & 60s, all we did was show passports at each border crossing, a thing we still have to do when leaving & entering Britain.
I own property in France & I spend a lot of my time there, I am not concerned by Brexit, & would vote leave if I could. I think it important that ex-pats in France or Spain should not be worried about Britain leaving as I am sure things will not change re property rights abroad. Remember there are lots of Europeans living in Britain now; countries would be crazy to take it out on Brits abroad.
If the deadline for registration is put back a few days (which is possible), there will still be a crash on the last day.
Dover Sentry
I know, Its embarrassing isn’t it .
Anybody know what a “denial of service attack” looks like?
Number 7
Not getting served in the pub after 11 o’clock ?
Radio 4 Wednesday lunch time and Winifred Robinson reporting that adult children, whose parents were not married, cannot get government help to pay for a mother’s funeral and so are crowd funding the funeral costs. The item, unless I mentally switched off, never explained why parents need to be married for the children to get State Aid but apparently that is the case. (I am assuming help for Dad’s could be more complicated). But Winifred had someone to interview whose mother had died and was laying in a private funeral home and quite unreasonably in Winifred’s view, the funeral directors were unwilling to bury the lady until they knew they would be paid. Perhaps Winifred when she buys her clothes thinks that she will take them home and wear them and pay for them at a much later date when she has some money available from her over bloated salary. Trust a BBC employee not to understand that businesses are not charities.
The Co-op funerals have recently been sold to Dignity. This is due to a slight loss of financial acuman since old Bob Flowers sat in his hot tub on the Salford Quay’s of Manchester. I guess the BBC are far to modest to mention the hardship that brings with it. We are all victims (says the BBC).
We had a couple locally who took objection to the level of the social fund grant as they wanted Mr Taxpayer to stump up for a hearse drawn by four black horses. They even set up a petition that they should continue to get paid benefit for the deceased until they had financially adjusted to it being withdrawn.
One man “nailed his scrotum to a cobblestone on Moscow’s Red Square.”……………….
Another man runs about lunging at people with a knife ………..
Which one has a mental illness and which one is “not a terrorist” ?
His mental illness apparently was hearing voices from allah telling him to go and kill infidels
Finally caught the ITV EU debate on YouTube. I found a good way to watch the Cameron half was to mute him whenever he began to answer a question. But I did unmute him long enough to see him slither away from a couple of questions like the one about the EU making 55% of Britain’s laws, asked by a determined and evidently angry young guy. Cameron ‘answered’ it by talking about economics.
If the ITV presenter knew her job she would have insisted on him dealing with the question.
Except that the 55% figure is made up.
To quote you “looser cruiser of Clapham”.
And why did Cameron not deny it ?
Julie Etchingham knows her job alright, and probably which side her bread is buttered. But for how long?
I wonder which “adviser” told Gideon that producing that prop from his pocket mid-interview: “made by a man on a production line in a factory in Keighley” was a good idea?
I’m sure it sounded wonderful in the strategy meeting; not so great in real life though.
Good point ! It looked so daft. Brillo’s face looked like ” what the hell is this ? “. It was that stunt which led Gideon straight into his Airbus car crash, so to speak !
Do the Management, Police and HMRC know about the removal of an expensive component for personal gain?
Number 7,
Give the boy a break. That is the first metal component he has handled since his Meccano set . At first I thought he was offering Brillo a chocolate.
My description of the only “component” he has regularly handled would attract the attention of the “mods”.
What a Merchant! (cockney rhyming slang referring to the finance industry, for those of a more delicate nature).
Number 7
I think I can guess which component you are referring to but I doubt if he would know where to find it, unless there are are some guidelines in a Treasury report.
Which reminds me, Brillo quoted from the Treasury Report about the effect of Leaving and Gideon, like a schoolboy said ” I have read it “. Brillo passed over the chance of replying ” Well I bloody well hope so ! “.
BBC getting its knickers in a knot about Wollaston quitting vote Leave because of the Β£350m figure, which she has already criticised on numerous occasions before, so itβs strange she is suddenly upset about it. It’s on their website front page – they just couldn’t wait to bring all of that bad news to our door, could they. Smells to high heaven of a dirty trick…
And of course they are completely ignoring Sir John Nott’s lambasting of Cameron and Osborne, suspending his conservative party membership in a fit of pique at their poisonous EU campaign.
Good going lads n lasses, good going.
The British Brainwashing Corporation at its Finest™
Strange reason to quit ?
John Nott. I still remember he walked out of that interview with Robin Day and I don’t blame him !
I think this woman must have been promised something by the Remainers . Or she simply has no principles. I would have said ” I don’t agree with the Β£350m figure but I still believe in Brexit”.
Wollaston is talking utter bull here
If she claims there won’t be Β£350m a week for the NHS because of the rebate then that isn’t a reason to change from Leave to Remain especially as there would be something like Β£180m a week for the NHS if we leave.
Cameron has promised her a Cabinet position
So you seriously think that if we Leave the boris Bunter will put any extra in. How unbelievably naive.
Manon…this isn`t about Boris or any other personality…its about the liberation of our country and possibly the other member states from the EU.
bear in mind that the EU imposes market economies on all its members….it is a “neo liberal” entity.
That comment right there goes to the core of what sovereignty is about – freedom to choose. We elect a government every few years through a democratic process on the basis of a manifesto that candidates present to us, the electorate. So if a large proportion of the electorate likes the idea of more money in the NHS, for example, then they will tend to view a manifesto with large NHS budget commitments favourably. It’s not rocket science.
You seem to have some misplaced faith in an unelected, unaccountable group outside of this country making decisions that are unconnected with what is right for us. Why do you want decisions on how our money is to be spent made this way? It’s nonsense.
embolden, soyel,
That is what it is all about !
I think shes just twigged that they are a bunch of liars who wish to use the dummies in this country to stage a conservative coup.
Mike, I agree. You are really stupid !
That was to the man on the clapped out old bus who keeps calling everyone here stupid.
I know !
Conservative coup on the conspiracy list eh. Think back to the last General Election. Who won it? So why plot a coup when you already are the government?
Maybe this is better
A reminder ………………..
March 15, 2015 at 1:09 pm
I contribute here because I am highly critical of BBC news.However,I am quite surprised by the lack of objectivity and reasoning. Instead of BBC bias all this site appears to be about is a number of individuals reinforcing their own extremely uninformed political outlook.”
Well, I aint seen any criticism of Al Beeb from you yet ?
So, why do you really post on here then ?
At least one of her constituents has called her “flakey”. As the EU is a strategic politicsl issue about which anyone involved professionally in poltics has had literally decades to come to a settled opinion, this sudden “seeing of the light” does seem to be highly suspicious. But no explicit deals need to have been made. The opportunistic Wollaston instinctively knows what the Master of Opportunism, Camerloon would like to hear as his panic increases. If she was very thick, certain things may have been hinted at through the usual channels. She then has the gall to present herself in the media as a defender of truth and honesty in public life.
Very unfair criticisms of the Doctor … as a strong, independent, skilled woman she followed her instincts and did what she thought was best after carefully evaluating all the facts … she asked her Daddy what she should do.
Manonaclappedoutbus should take note and ask his Mummy … might wean him off the state teat ! Then again many infants can’t bear the thought of not being breast fed.
LOL !!!
Clapped out bus man is getting to sound more and more like ‘Scott’ each day .