“”On stage, recent major productions of Hamlet and King Lear featured predominantly black, Asian and ethnic minority (BAME) casts, but according to some in the industry, “you can walk onto a building site and see more diversity than in the average theatre””
(What? On the average building site, you will see about 1% BAME. There’s no prejudice or racism when it comes to making money for the Company. That’s Capitalism. According to some in he industry…).
The Financial Times says that if ‘Leave’ continues to gain momentum in the run-up to the EU vote later this month, David Cameron could make the pledge in a desperate bid to take the wind out of its sails.
In an official statement over twitter, the Hamas terror group praises the Tel Aviv shooting as “heroic” and suggests more attacks are likely to come over the month of Ramadan.
“The heroic operation that happened Wednesday evening is the first of the signs for the holy month, and the first of the surprises that await the Zionist enemy during the month of Ramadan,” the statement said.
Thanks for the clarification, Hamas. Just in case anyone was under any false illusions about the definition of the word “holy” in Islam.
What happened in Tel Aviv, and every killing and horrific act of violence towards all infidel, in every single country Muslims infest, is as religious and holy in Islam as rosemary beads and confession is in Catholicism.
To constantly lie and mislead the public with the make belief world narrative of “Islam is a peaceful religion, that can integrate” has not only given Islam the freedom to do what it was created to do and attack our way of life (instead of containing the warped death cult), it has also told Muslims all over the world “The West believes all the sick, death cult instructions, and your violence, and hatred towards everything that isn’t Islamic is justified”
Islam cannot integrate. It can only conform to its teachings. It’s teachings of “submit to Allah”, “Jihad” and “kill those who do not conform to Allahs will”
The killing of Jews and other infidels is regarded as a religious duty by millions of devotees of the Religion of Peace. Of course, we know that on this site, but the BBC does its best to obscure that fact.
And it will only ever mention the dreaded ‘terrorism’ word in connection with Palestinian terrorists when quoting the Israelis:
The BBC are, in effect, abetting Palestinian terrorism and Islamic terrorism generally. All Islamic terrorists will take comfort from BBC coverage. Unfortunately, I doubt if the BBC have broken any laws in the UK. They took exactly the same position with the IRA.
All above from Grant up to Mike Hunt,
Seem to recall I wittered on about this at length in one of my early posts on B-BBC.
Cameron, BBC & others appear oblivious to the fact that by constantly referring to Islam as the Religion of Peace they are effectively demonising every Muslim in the UK and around the world as well. As terrorist atrocities continue there will be a point at which a fuse blows and the non-Muslims start a war against Islam.
Perhaps that is what ‘they’ want. I do not. Islam is not a religion of peace but as the Hamas spokesman demonstrates in their statement it is more a religio-political force of vengeance.
The vast majority of Muslim individuals are the ones who are peaceful. Long may it stay that way. That is what our political leaders should be emphasising and our national Broadcaster covering in their news output.
In some cases it may be. I know many muslims in UK and Gambia where I live. My Gambian wife is a muslim, although what they call in Gambia, a ” plastic muslim”. President Jammeh of Gambia, although a lunatic, has often condemned the terrorists and all muslims I know there say they are appalled by them.
In UK, muslim friends express the same views privately. I would not assume that the silence of most is consent. It may be fear of being “punished” themselves in some way. I certainly hope that is the reason. However, the reported reaction of many muslims in Belgium to the Brussels bombing makes me wonder.
It is difficult to know because deceipt is part of Islam. If it is any consolation, they even cheat and deceive each other in many cases .
It’s because if they come out and truly condemn the actions of Jihadi warriors, carrying out Muhammads instructions, they are basically telling the Islamic world they do not believe that Muhammad was right!! Who the fuck is going to say that when they are Muslim?? To criticise Jihad is to basically disown the word of Allah and abandon Islam…. Thats the reason Muslims cannot condone the act of Jihad! All you hear are Muslims condone specific Jihadi acts, carried out in the name of Islam.. Though they are basically saying “everything Islam is truth. Those butchering the infidels didn’t need to do so because theres are other means to occupy the kafir… Israel on the other hand?.. Die! Die! Die!”
Thats the reason Muslims cannot condone the act of Jihad!
I think you meant to write condemn, not condone there.
I agree with your comment. To kill a Jew is like a really special achievement for a jihadi.
But it’s fair to say that they also show extreme brutality towards their fellow Muslims. Shia and Sunni slaughter each other with great relish in their mosques, markets and during their religious processions.
The West Bank-based Palestinian Authority has not yet commented on the incident.
“The Fatah movement, which is the leading party in the Palestinian Authority, said in a statement that the Tel Aviv shooting was an “individual and natural response” to Israeli state violence.
“Israel must realize the consequences of its persistence to push violence, house demolition policies, forced displacement of Palestinians, raids by Israeli settlers to the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, and the cold-blooded killing of Palestinians at checkpoints,” Fatah media committee head Munir al-Jaghoub said.
Al-Jaghoub added that the Israeli refusal to abide by international agreements regarding its illegal settlement policy turned the situation in the in occupied Palestinian territory into a desperate reality far from Palestinians’ hopes and dreams of freedom and independence.” Seems like a response to me, unless the BBC thinks Mahmud Abbas, head of Fatah and Mahmud Abbas, head of the Palestinian Authority are different people.
Superb article No 7 – a “must read”. I hadn’t realised the ECJ had blocked the sharing of electronic data with the US anti-terror authorities. So much for “safer in europe” 🙄
It made my skin creep reading how they’ve rolled over UK (and other nations) sovereignty. And who says the Magna Carta’s no longer relevant – it’s the basis of our free speech.
Mike, and our taxation, military & basic Parliamentary systems as well as free speech. It has taken a long time in the UK but the rolling out of Parliamentary democracy that lives hand-in-hand with a Monarchy has been a pioneering one. A long struggle, not perfect and causing much heartache and loss of life en route, and even now with faults but in a way, the rest of the world really owes the UK a debt of gratitude for undertaking that journey.
Newer nations, if they are so minded and/or wise, can adopt that blueprint and get to a modern functioning social & political democratic system in under half a century when it has taken us 800+ years.
God bless Queen Elizabeth II.
And thank you, your Majesty. Happy Birthday for Saturday!
I had a recent chat with an eastern European colleague at work. sound bloke.
He`s a trained lawyer and was explaining to me that one of the benefits of the EU was the legislation around the Deprivation of Liberties Standards and the “improvements” in the legal status and human rights of detained people.
His bright young face was a picture when I mentioned that English common law had the concept of Habeas corpus for centuries before the EU existed. I am not a trained lawyer and was taught this in history at school in the pre EU 1970s.
The w@nkerwhonevergetsoffthebus would be well advised to read that after his cretinous post on this site yesterday; about how the Magna Carta has no relevance to our modern world.
It turns out, from that article, that it is one of the pillars of Britain’s judicial armoury; which could protect our sovereignty from the increasing incursions into it by the European Court of Justice.
Al & taffman, that – I think – just encourages him in trolling. Let’s engage him with polite, respectful debate and win the day that way.
One of the turning points in the EU Referendum for me came at (even before) the outset when all the insults, name calling & disparaging remarks came from the Remain camp. It demonstrated two things; the weakness of their arguments or that their arguments were defective in some way and that they, pro-EU campaigners were really nasty individuals inside. Inside themselves and inside the EU!
Fascinating thank you. I knew about the European Arrest Warrant (EAW), but hadn’t quite appreciated it’s reach.
The video is very well presented and produced, with a measured tone that others would do very well to duplicate. Persuasive without being sensationalist.
It makes the point very clearly, that under the EAW any one of us could be arrested and taken to any other EU country without charge. In the UK we can be kept without charge for (I think) 24 hours, although extensions can be granted by a magistrate. So if they cannot charge you then they have to release you.
In other EU countries their citizens do not have the same protections, for example in Bulgaria you can be held for four years without charge – that is imprisonment with no possibility to question your accusers or be charged. An example in the video of two British men who were arrested in the UK, taken to Bulgaria and imprisoned for months without charge or even being able to have a visitor. Don’t even think about asking for a phone call or demanding Halal food!
Note the UK courts or police have no provision to question or refuse the effective extradition – vague accusations are enough to serve the warrant.
Naturally the Cameron government had the chance to opt out of these provisions, but chose to opt-in instead!
Membership of the EU is like allowing a bunch of ten year olds to devise a legal system and government, and then letting them get on with executing it. I’m sure it will work out simply lovely in the end!
John Nott, former defence secretary, has suspended his membership of the Conservative Party due to remarks made by Dave Cameron accusing Brexiteers of being “little Englanders”
“I won’t renew my membership until we have new prime minister,” Said Mr Nott.
About two weeks John…
I didn’t notice Farage being forced into the defensive. I do note the BBc fail to mention that Ms. Morgan was a plant which is strange as it’s all over social media. I did attempt to listen to Ms. Morgans’ shout out po cast (she is the CEO apparently) but found it un listenable and akin to some of the most amateur broadcasting I have encountered on the community radio scene.
Grant -Strange she should decide to change her mind now – She has had over 3 months to sort her shit out – Leading news item at 5.30. Aunty with very moist and exited knickers!
Guess it could be time for The Boy David to start calling in favours. Whos next my money is on Carswell!
Glad she is not my doctor. I would be a bit pissed off if that fungal toe nail suddenly was re-diagnosed as a brain tumour.
I am also glad she has got her 5 minutes of fame maybe now she can go back to being Dr Who?
I wonder if she will stay as an MP.
As she said herself “real people” are allowed to change their minds. Must be a bit difficult to decide which “real persons” salary to choose – Do I go for the real persons MPs salary or the real persons GP salary,
Dr. Who, LOL ! I just posted similar on the original thread. She is clearly not a person of principle and therefore of no consequence so should feel at home in the Remain camp. Maybe the BBC will give her a grilling about it !! Well they certainly would if someone moved in the other direction.
Oaknash – oh, she’ll stay as an MP alright, in fact, it would be a fool to bet against her getting a ministerial job before the year’s out. People need to understand that politicians who reach high office have often done so because they have underhandedly helped some cause along the way. This applies no more obviously than in the EU. I posted this yesterday, but it’s worth reminding people again:
What has happened in the 7 years since this Cameron video? He’s been offered top job in the EU, that’s what. In any other walk of life this is called bribery and is a serious criminal offence.
We don’t know how many cash bribes have been offered and paid. It is so easy to hide money these days and the authorities are quite lukewarm about pursuing some individuals.
I spent 5 days in deepest darkest Essex and standing next to the Romanian Big Ishoooo seller who was only there to keep her NI number so she got the child benefit to send back to Romania, people were still saying they were undecided!
I am bloody worried that Remain might win!
Me, too, A.Londoner. People are very shallow. Thinking only of their two weeks on the Costa Brava or their kids doing Chalet Host jobs or dishwashing their way round Europe before University. There was a Local Authority councillor on BBC R4 on Monday who was “voting Remain because the EU had built a facility (a Library, I think) in his area”.
No they had not!
It was our money that built it. The work was probably done by local firms. The EU has built only grandiose palaces for the politicians and bureaucrats in Brussels and Strasbourg. All the EU did was money laundering of our taxes and putting a plaque on the building to celebrate that fact.
Just loving how the BBC manages to “balance” Wollaston’s faux defection with two tiny paragraphs about Nott right at the bottom of the article, they couldn’t be any more obvious if they tried.
I am sorry but, as a result of this momentous decision by a towering figure, I have decided that I cannot continue to support Brexit and I am defecting to the Remain camp. I now realise that everything that I have said in the past in support of Brexit has been misguided and erroneous . In future as a matter of principle , I shall devote all my energies to supporting Remain, until I change my mind again, that is.
Like what, like literally tomorrow? Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s, that’s, that is so LIKE so cool, you know, to be literally that open minded. I think that’s like very brave of you.
(Sorry, just came over a bit strange there, like I was literally eighteen or nineteen years old again.
Wollaston says she has quit leave and will vote remain because of the ‘lie’ about the £350,000,000 each week.
Correct me if I’m wrong but the COST is £350,000,000 per week but we do get a rebate (which can go down) and we must spend any money ‘given’ by the eu as they instruct us.
When we leave we will have full control of that amount.
It seems it is a little misleading as some remainers say that we are giving the impression that a chap has £350,000,000 in a bag and trots off to the due every week to hand this sum over.
We don’t say that (although it doesn’t stop remainers saying we do say that). We just say that the £350,000,000 that is the cost of the DJ each week will no longer be a cost and so it is our decision what to spend it on.
If she is so upset about this ‘lie’ then I wonder how she feels about Comical Dave and his blathering so. WW3, total economic collapse worldwide, pensioners losing £32,000, every family losing £4,300 in 2030 and all the other apocalyptic predictions of the EUriners. She obviously believes them then otherwise she has no principles.
Was she a (supposed) leaver for the only reason of the NHS funding and her perceived misrepresentation of the cost of eu membership was the reason to change sides.
It’s so obvious she was either a plant or was not at all committed to leave.
Same here. If the defection had been the other way, the BBC would be grilling her on how she could suddenly change her mind on something so important and clear cut, on a matter of principle ! But no, she shall have her day in the sun and then disappear back where she came from, into obscurity.
Be funny if the Leave camp long ago had pondered the value of Trojan horses as things approach their conclusion. Probably this will then be deemed poor form.
Dr Sarah Wollaston has always been a bit of a loose cannon. I”m a bit surprised some of you haven’t heard of her as she is quite a promionent politician.
Do I believe her story about leaving because of the misleading comment of 350 million on the ‘battle bus’. Not really, as it must mean that she believes that every family will be 4,300 pounds better off. Nonsense.
No there is more to this.Maybe she has been promised the Health Secretaries job to replace Jeremy Hunt if she switches sides?
I’d be surprised Grant as she tripled her majority at the last election.
It must be quite handy having an MP who is a doctor, as appointments to see your MP for an ailment and a moan could be quicker than at a doctors surgery.
Two complaints solved for the price (visit) of one.
In the professional world, I believe competence can see even those of advanced years languish in title areas that carry such designations if inept. She may still qualify.
They are people who stand behind mic stands. Apparently. I have heard of one. She is young… well… Ish. Good enough for the Newsbeat end of the propaganda spectrum.
“Ellie Goulding has been active on Twitter, urging fans to have their say in the EU referendum.
She’s voting to remain, in case you wondered.
And when fans threatened to boycott her gigs because they didn’t agree with her views? She told them not to come.”
Boo, hiss.
Luckily, Stormzy is keeping mum. He could swing it. Serious.
Bombay Bicycle Club are a band that have been on oldie-Anderson’s prog on a Saturday tying up his shoelaces or some-such. I thought for something with the initials BBC they were really quite good but haven’t got around to tracking down more of their music.
(BTW, they are all ‘pop stars’ or serious musicians but it does just demonstrate how shallow the EU Referendum debate can get.)
If Cameron got deconstructed by young Faisil the other night then Osborne got positively vaporized last night by Andrew Neil. Did I dream it because I see no reference to it today – it’s as if it didn’t happen. How strange, he is, after all, a potential future PM? – not any more methinks.
Seismicboy said “If Cameron got deconstructed by young Faisil the other night then Osborne got positively vaporized last night by Andrew Neil.” Can’t wait.
Wonder why there’s nothing about this on the BBC news website?
Oh yes, now I remember. They’ve had the woolaston pulled over their eyes.
Uhr – I detest that nonsense start to a politician’s reply to a question: “Let me be clear”. Why don’t you just make that your default position rather that assume the fake mantle of clarity for specific answers? It’s bollocks. If I said that when I was responding to señora Camino she’d slap me for being a tosser.
Whilst I agree that “Boy” George got a mauling, I don’t think Andrew was on his A game last night. It may have been that he didn’t think he could be as strong as usual with the Chancellor. Hate to say it but I thought Faisal showed more cojones.
He let him get away with the household and pensioner claims. The figures given are not those of today, they are figures as at 2030. It may have been that he had other ground to cover but it was a disappointment.
It has to be said though, he did put his size 10 hobnails into Hillary Benn’s tender portions on Monday.
Dr Woollaston was given a free ride by BBC Today at 8.45 to vent about the EU and the NHS. This woman seems to be a single issue politician if ever there was one. The referendum is not about the effect of the EU on a nationalised industry. The issues are far more wide ranging. Can this MP be so blinkered as to be unaware of that?
Yes, you might have expected a fairly rigorous examination into her reasoning. But no, just gentle questions basically asking her to give speeches. Nothing about TTIP, which seems to be the dog that hasn’t barked in this campaign and was an obvious question for someone who has made the NHS such a prominent part of everything she does.
Here is the enormous elephant in the middle of the Brexit/Remain debating chamber:
Muslims are a large and quickly-growing minority in Belgium, with ‘Sharia for Belgium’ making a great deal of noise. They must surely be looking at the EU with keen interest. After all, an unaccountable and unelected bunch of dictators who guzzle at a massive public trough, cannot be democratically removed from power and whose ‘laws’ cannot be repealed, is an ideal structure for the imposition of Sharia and the Caliphate on the people of Europe and beyond.
The Remainians would of course never dream of acknowledging the existence of this elephant and Brexit is obliged to ignore it out of political correctness and the awareness that even to mention it would be extremely damaging to the Leave campaign.
I only hope that enough sensible people in Britain understand that a Remain win will almost certainly mean that in time a directive will come from Brussels to the effect that Sharia ‘law’ has superseded EU ‘law’ and that Britons better get speedily acquainted with all its niceties as the Caliphate tightens its grip on the country.
Perhaps Teresa May and her team of Islamists heading a sharia is good for Britain inquiry will lay the foundations.
For God’s sake don’t let her replace Dave.
Sweepstake on how long the traitor Wollaston will be top headline news, despite not really being news at all. (a) 12 noon (b) 2pm (c) 4pm (d) 6pm (e) 8pm. Winner gets a signed copy of “Greatest Truths Ever Told by the BBC” (sorry, have to admit it’s a vanishingly slim volume)
Wollaston has principles commiserate with the millions I have in my bank account – totally non existent. This whole campaign from the remainers has stank from day one with slow release toxic predictions and legions of ‘supporters’ wheeled out at regular intervals to pledge their support to the cause (payback in most cases and naked self interest in the rest ). Nothing here happens by accident – all is carefully orchestrated – (Mandys loathsome digits are all over this). A more deceitful debate/campaign etc I have not seen before and Wollastons defection marks a new low. How can we expect the British public to vote ‘with their conscience’ along lines of honest interpretation when clearly many of our political class lack even the smallest iota of principle. The poll is running approximately 50/50. That is an awful lot of ordinary joe’s leaning toward exit. Many of these will be Tory voters who are being treated with absolute contempt by this unrepresentative rabble we call government whom they put in power. Is Campers even aware of the potential turn off the support he squanders so arrogantly?
There are two weeks to go and the dirty tricks brigade are in the ascendancy. We will truly deserve what we vote for – God help us.
I’m not a fully paid up conspiracy theorist – although surely one day Global Warming will be up there with Piltdown Man
Anyway, when I hear the phrase Bildeberg Group I don’t habitually reach for the tin foil stetson or the extra terrestial lizard repellant.
Mind you, when BBC Business show on the News Channel hosted by lanky no-mark Ben Thompson and some dolly daydream invite on a female FT journo who woman-splains:
“The Elites need a ‘Safe Space’ they can talk freely….” (the poor dears).
And when streaky Thompson on our behalf raises not an eyebrow. So much for democracy. You see us plebs just can’t be trusted.
On the agenda (we are told): ‘China’ – well it’s a big country
I assume Bilderbegers are 100% in favour of us staying in the EU and will do anything to keep us in. Quite simply we go it is over . Hence the panic defections and the lies and the rest of it. The BBC is ,to be blunt, bought and paid for . Maybe the odd individual is still unbodysnatched but the corporate view is clear. Keep the scum in their place and keep them paying the bills for the banksters, the Ceos of the scamming corporate elite and the usless politicians of the EU.
That democracy itself is in peril in England and the EU is no concern of theirs. It is a bus that has reached it’s stop and they all want off and welcome to their brave new world of we tell you how to live, how to think and soon when to die.
Our only hope is that event they cannot control like a total economic meltdown. This could happen if the angels are on the side of the free.
There is such contempt for the old freedoms in the voices of our elites. It sickens me and I hope you.
It sickens me too. I never thought I would live to see this day. I miss my dear old dad but, in some ways, I am glad he is not here to see the shit that is going down.
I had a look at the website. It takes no stand on the referendum but offers a comprehensive analysis of all the ins and outs (pun intended) of the issue. So it’s fair to say that the website itself does not seek to influence voters one way or another.
Over the four weeks that I’ve been looking at this poll, the results have varied at most by 1%. And that was in the period that the votes increased from about 40 000 to 114 000. I’m baffled by the fact that 74 000 votes have barely shifted the results.
Can it be that this poll accurately represents the attitudes of the British public? Or is it rather that those who access the poll are mostly people with something between their ears and a genuine regard for Britain?
TT, I don’t know.
The BBC are now showing a Poll of Polls. I think this may be the one that I was visiting at the web-site, National Centre for Social Research, that Professor John Curtice comments on. He is a BBC regular but has been strangely low profile in the EU Referendum, at least in my hearing on Radio 4.
I haven’t read any of his comments for over a week.
To me, it seems that Remain have been winning, are winning, and will probably win. 🙁
The Poll of Polls was wrong, however, at the General Election 2015 but not by that much if I remember things correctly. It was the individual polling that was off and the BBC’s interpretation of the same. Together with the constant battering from Labour’s spin machine. Well, maybe that’s a glimmer of hope for Leave for the 23rd June.
Dose of reality time: Remain have tended to bounce constantly into a clear lead although the regular gap has narrowed. The Undecideds, as ever, will be important and it seems to me (I could be wrong – I am a beginner at this lark although I called GE’15 right) that the Leave campaign, to be certain of a clear, indisputable victory will need to win over 3 out of 4 Undecideds. That is out of those who are registered and will vote. That is a massive task.
Another glimmer of hope. On the BBC Blogs & HYSs that open for comment, it appears that there is a steady 4 or 5 to 1 in favour of Leave which at times swings to as much as 10 to 1 in favour of Leave. I would caution that the people posting and rating comments are self selecting. There is evidence the rating system is ‘unreliable’. The rating system can also be trolled/spammed/influenced by determined groups. I do not think it wise to set great store by observing those opinions, just bear them in mind.
The BBC’s ‘vox pops’ from around the country on R4 seem to me to be presenting a large consistent number of undecideds with a couple of notable exceptions, most lamely wanting more information and complaining about the negative campaigning. On the one hand, the caution is that those contributions have been selected by the BBC Editors & Producers, but on the other hand, it could just be that the negativity of the Remain campaign will be THE thing that is remembered by voters in the booth, with the pencil in their hands, on 23rd June.
It could just be that some voters, quite a lot of voters or many, many voters are hiding behind ” I’m undecided. ” but really want to Leave and may vote accordingly or, perhaps, more on instinct or just wishing to be rid of the whole fractious issue. Take your choice of quantity and also bear it in mind.
What is more important is the lacklustre Leave campaign over the last two or three weeks and BoJo’s and Nigel Farage’s (apparent) own goals. I hope they really sort themselves out and get going for the last two weeks. That, in the end, may decide it.
Up2snuff, is this the BBC poll tracker (poll of polls) you’re talking about? I can’t see any overall average on there.
Strangely, the actual polls quoted on the BBC differ from the ones listed on the FT poll of polls, and one of there results of the same poll is even different between the two websites. Journalists 🙄
Stranger too, if you add up the Remains, Leaves, and Undecideds, shouldn’t you get to 100 in each case and not 96?!?
Anyhow, even though the FT is still showing an overall Remain lead of 45 to 43, there’s it looks like the actual figure should be a Leave lead of 44 to 43 (weighting the most recent poll as 5, next as 4, etc). They don’t quote their exact weighting method but their overall total hasn’t made sense for ages – on a day when the only pro-remain poll in the top 5 was the third-most-recent, and even that one only gave them a slender lead, they still had Remain in the lead! Go figure. I think they are simply cheating.
Hmm, I wonder who they select for these polls. Do they go into political science classes taught by lefty lecturers for their samples and even then cannot get a huge majority for Remain?
TT, I recall the BBC revealed recently via a video programme on polling on the BBC web-site that the polling companies are finding it hard to recruit regular and, more importantly, reliable polling candidates. Think the extent of the problem varies between telephone, interview & on-line polls.
Now that is interesting. Separating out the online and the phone polls, it turns out the phone polls give Remain a lead of 8 points, while the online polls give Leave a 2 point lead*. Wonder why there is such a discrepancy?
(* Figures calculated using the FT’s “poll of polls” methodology, so more recent polls count more than older ones.)
Maybe those with access to the internet are more informed!
That is very interesting probability. But since virtually everyone in the UK has Internet access perhaps it should be narrowed down to those who have access and a keen interest in the outcome of the referendum.
I think I have a part answer on this one: the three most recent telephone surveys all had relatively small samples sizes, around 800 to 1000 voters.
This gives an error margin of 3% to 4%. which is significant when compared to the online surveys which typically have around 2000 respondents, and error margins around the 2% mark.
Self-selecting surveys like YouGov are going to influence results (you have to be the kind of person who actively wants to be polled). Quite how this might play out in the polls, or be accounted for by the pollsters, I just don’t know.
“who do these companies contact for the phone-in polls. Do they go for areas that reflect their bias?”
I wouldn’t have thought so as it would make it more likely their predictions would be wrong, and unless their polls are as accurate as possible they are risking their business. But I suppose that doesn’t rule it out if people are sneaky and ruthless. I prefer to think it’s the people at the next level – media, politicians – who then spin out the facts in biased ways to con the people.
I am a YouGov polling candidate, having joined as part of the UKIP General Election effort last year, when a number of us were encouraged to join, to redress the lefty bias in YouGov.
Interestingly, having previously coughed my political allegiances and answered numerous questions over the last year and more (which must by now have indicated to YouGov that my politics are an itsy-bitsy tad right-of-centre), YouGov have not seen fit to “select” me for ANY questions relating to Brexit or the referendum in the last 12 months. Not one. Sodall.
I tell a lie. They asked me my preferred method of pronouncing Nigel Farage’s surname the other day. Does it rhyme with garage, barrage, or Harwich? Which obviously has to be one of the most pressing topics in the fortnight before a life-changing (we hope) referendum. It MUST be a pretty hot topic, they’ve asked me three times now. But nothing else EU or Brexit related.
Perhaps there is a bit of deliberate pre-screening of known candidates, to give the preferred result.
Welcome to the club. I have had an identical experience, as I’ve posted here before.
Now, I do understand YouGov must weight its polling but I am very deeply suspicious. I’ve received not a single request about anything more pressing that chocolate bars or toothpaste for many months.
The fact that its boss, Peter Kellner, is married to that professional sponger, Kathy Ashton (former head of washing-up for the EU, or whatever unelected, massively overpaid sinecure she held) and is a noted Lefty Europhile cannot possibly be connected.
Thirty seconds on YouGov’s opinion forums will tell you all you need to know about the calibre of its self-selecting users.
No, please, not that chinless wonder. I watched her smiling coyly like a bashful schoolgirl at the Iranian thugs around the ‘negotiating’ table that smoothed Iran’s path to the Bomb.
She is also a typical leftie lover of the Palestinians and critical of Israel.
The woman makes me sick.
Re the polling, nobody should believe a poll that comes from the left, especially one that claims the two sides are about equal. According to my research Brexit is going to win in a landslide, getting between 80% and 90% of the vote.
I could not think of a more repulsive couple than Peter Kellner and Kathy Ashton . And yes, Ashton is one of these Leftie bitches who is secretly in love with Islamic terrorists and mass murderers. A disgusting and pointless creature.
All that and she has never held an elected position in her life. Instead she rose by being a Labour sycophant, moved from one position of parasitical luxury to the next. I can think of few more useless and unworthy people.
Mike, draw your own line for averaging. It’s a bit like doing the chartist thing for share prices & investment decisions. Think on both the NCSR and BBC polls you can remove the Undecideds which also is interesting to view.
I have heard about the FT PoPs but haven’t seen it & do not know who is included. As to 100%, these polls are sometimes a bit wonky in the maths department. Think it was the FT one that was flagged up on the BBC w/s and the BBC Ed & journo hadn’t bothered to check the math, because the total worked out at 101%!
Cannot remember what the FT view on the Referendum is. If you are a regular reader, have they given any indication? Think Martin Wolf, one of their heavyweights, is for Remain. The newspapers have their own angles and, if I recall correctly, they commission their own polls from specific companies.
As to cheating, I don’t think the Polling Companies would do it. If caught out, it would destroy their business. Mere unreliability, like last year’s GE, hurts and tends to hit their profits.
Up2snuff, thanks for that, removing undecideds is an interesting idea – or allocating them 60/40 to remain as per Lord Ashcroft’s poll.
I am drawing my own lines, I just want to keep the FT honest… it’s not the polling companies I’m saying are cheating, but rather the FT who is cheating in what they are publishing as their “poll of polls” figure. (I think they favour Remain but am not sure.)
Totals of 99 or 101 pct can be due to rounding error, but 96?!? What happened to the other 4%?
Up2snuff. Interesting. Thanks for that. I know that recommends can be fiddled on these HYS articles on the referendum, but I doubt they have been since the number of comments favouring Brexit is also about ten to one, consistent with the recommends. And this is on the BBC’s own website, which one would expect to attract a large crew of lefty remainers to strenuously comment and recommend comments.
This, together with the stats I keep mentioning from Brexit the Movie and Pollstation, makes me conclude that the polls indicating a very close race between In and Out are inaccurate at best and deliberately fiddled at worst.
I can understand the bubbling, tearful, ovation the BBC is handing out to Sarah Wollanston. She flipped from being a passionate, campaigning Brexiteer to join the BBC’s Remain campaign on the basis that what she had been saying was untrue.
No doubt an Halaal fatted calf is being forcibly fed to her even as we speak.
However, search as I might, I cannot find any reference to John Nott leaving the Tory party because of what the Remainers are saying is untrue.
Perhaps they haven’t quite gotten round to it yet.
The brain-damaged lefties who work for the BBC have no concept of impartiality, balance and fair play in their ‘reporting.’ I find this odd, since I’ve always regarded Britons as devoted to these principles and keenly aware when they are not being upheld. “That’s just not cricket, old chap,” would surely still be uttered by the majority of Britons when confronted by BBC propaganda, provided of course that they could recognise it as propaganda.
Well, I guess most, if not all, of these BBC hacks don’t regard themselves as British.
I suspect that she’s the first of many. Carefully planned and orchestrated before the campaign started to make it look as if the Outers campaign is falling apart and that they are really as dishonest as the Innards dishonestly claim they are. It will end up in the last week with a big name, possibly Boris Johnson, to go weak on Exit. I was not surprised that an unknown MP was doing this (and Sky claiming that she is a big name!!).
Demon you could well be right – Though I still think Carswell is also quite likely. And Boris was flip flopping for weeks before he “came out” for Leave. Same “Old boys club” I am afraid. However I do think Gove and IDS are both pretty genuine and I would be gutted if they switched.
Quite frankly I think most members of Vote Leave are fairly suspect – I knew that Grass Roots would never have been allowed to get the official lead on the campaign as they would have been most likely to be successful. Couldnt have that could we!
It is interesting that opinion polls didnt start becoming closer until people started to realise the true realities of the incoming flood of migrants that could well change our society for ever. And despite this Vote Leave still pretend that they dont want to be seen as negative and still keep on trying to play the money game rather than focus on immigration. And until recently had pretty much succesfully sidelined Farrage. And stood idly by as all the lefty arseholes were having a field day screaming abuse at him.
Campaigning on the finance side of things is very risky. As we all know you can prove or disprove many things with numbers – it just depends on your viewpoint.
And yet—- and yet we have solid evidence of the blatant abuse of the immigration system. Solid evidence of how many of these “refugees” behave when they get here. Violent crime. sexual assaults. Solid evidence of an immigration system willfully run down. Solid evidence of a deliberate policy to open the floodgates to rub the rights nose in diversity -which also includes the rest of us. And reliable evidence of a huge projected population increase (with all its negative effects)
And yet Vote Leave still pretend that they find focusing on immigration distasteful.
Funny anyone might have thought they dont really want to leave!!!!!
Maybe they should rename themselves as Vote Leave but not Really!
And to cap it all we have a Prime Minister who now has pretty much admitted he only has an aspirational immigration target and who obviously has no idea how to achieve any real control.
He has also constantly rubbished our economy if we leave.
And in addition he has pretty encouraged other nations who have territorial disputes with us such as Spain and Argentina to rekindle their territorial claims (and suggesting and encouraging them to start pushing further if we leave the EU) In my book that is acting as a traitor.
Its a bit like someone in a divorce case if he doesnt get what he wants he demolishes his house so no-one can get it. Trouble is its our house too not just his – W####R!
Are we as a nation really that weak. Clearly Dave hopes we are ! I guess when your main motivation in life is preserving your personal fortune and privilege, patriotism does not really count for much.
Anyway it is obvious now that the dirty tricks and corruption department are working in full swing – so I predict a narrow win for Remain. With the aid of our faithfull and honest state broadcaster I am sure we will be given all the necessary FACTS to make an informed choice.
I am afraid the sheep will soon forget all about. Open a tinny and get back to the footy. After all that is what really matters.
Brilliant but depressing post. Sadly, I suspect you are right. The number of people putting personal gain above principle and patriotism has astounded me . Maybe it shouldn’t .
I don’t think Boris will switch before the referendum. His role will be to switch if the result in favour is close and he will emerge as a responsible future party leader and suggest we postpone Brexit as we are in a strong position to get a better deal than Cameron’s no deal.
I totally agree with that Grant. Apart from his trashing our economy twice I also have a personal grudge against him. Mrs Demon and I used to often holiday on Scilly (beautiful) but the last time we went it was a bit damp. One day we went for a walk and it started to rain so we popped into the nearby churchyard where we knew the two-faced tw*t was buried. The rain eased so we found his grave but as we left the heavens opened and we got absolutely drenched. I’m sure the old criminal was laughing in his grave about that one. Grrrr.
Anybody see the Andrew Neil interview of the Chancellor last night? As always Andrew was not afraid to ask the difficult questions that haven’t been previously answered, as he does on the Daily Politics and Sunday Politics programmes. A good interview, slicing open the false claims of the Remain campaign and leaving George Osborne on the ropes.
Cut to the BBC Nine O’ Clock News and the debate was reviewed. Biased? In spades! Every hit on the Remain side and the PM was expunged and the limited coverage was entirely cobbled together from the few sections where Osborne stated the Remain’s ‘aims’.
This was chutzpah bias at its best. A story where the Remain claims were exposed as false and BBC News chose to produce a pro-Remain whitewash.
If you get the chance watch both again. Breathtaking!
I think after the Government fudges a Remain win Andrew Neil will be getting his cards….
Agree about the shipwreck interview. But note that Osborne made several uninterrupted speeches, even though they were shot down. Skillful editing of the interview, focusing on his speeches, might save him, especially as the BBC are willing to distort their own material for the cause.
I have just watched and I have to say wow! Osborne got a monumental kicking and he and Dave were shown to be grade A liars. AN does his home work and goes for the Achilles heal. So when the Outers face him they have better have a decent reply about how life will look post Brexit and which economists/businesses back Leave. Both can be answered without the need to resort to fantasy (as per IN), JCBs stance today for example.
Shelly, Mike,
Guido described it as Khan’s Clegg moment. There is a difference; Clegg lied to students, the Emir of London is allowed to lie to further the interests of Islam. It’s called Taqiya. And falsely promising infidels that he won’t raise fares as an election strategy is OK.
Ooo look. It’s BBC “EU Referendum Question Day”. A chance for them to answer questions “impartially” about the referendum, and the EU. Oh goody, I can’t wait. Perhaps they could answer why they are pro remain? And why they are qualified to answer any questions themselves – shouldn’t they be asking a panel of equally balanced numbers from each side?
Another dirty trick… what else have they got up their sleve? They must be desperate – all guns blazing at the moment.
Blair choosing Northern Ireland to scaremonger about Brexit seems a bit self-defeating.
Eire liberating itself from the British Empire the greatest ecomonic and military power in the world at the time must have been the worst mistake made by any nation in history.
OMG… pull-the-woolaston is off the front page. Did she even make it to 12 noon? Now they have to be content with the (almost) wall-to-wall pro-Remain “BBC Question Day”.
I knew there was something fishy about the BBCs repeated formulation, “Hilary Clinton is the first woman candidate “for a major party with a realistic chance of winning the presidency”.
Hilary herself has been posing beneath a banner proclaiming “HISTORY”.
Can the BBC clarify whether Hilarys “HISTORY” is the repeat as tragedy or as farce? cos it sure ain`t “unprecedented”….. now, is it?
The BBC don`t seem too happy that Bernie Sanders is still hanging around at Hillarys coronation like a fart in a spacesuit.
The Beeb are stuffed-they love the edgy pensioner vibe of a failed lefty sticking it to Wall St…but they want him to fall on his letter opener, so Hillary can bring in the feminazis of Womans Hour and the transgender portaloo community.
Hope Bernie hangs around long enough to see Hillary get an indictment.
….Bernie Sanders is still hanging around at Hillarys coronation like a fart in a spacesuit.
Now that’s not a nice thing to say about Bernie, chrisH!
But in a way it is appropriate. Bernie is grimly hanging in there to embarrass her as much as he possibly can, while hoping they shove her in jail and throw the key away.
Saw a post elsewhere and it made such glaring sense, that I make no apology in plagiarizing it here.
(Accepting and allowing for the short term upheaval leaving the EU would doubtless cause).
If we were not within the EU and the terms and conditions to join were the same ones that we are currently subject to, would you vote to join – or not to join.
If you would join – then vote Remain.
If you would not join, then vote Leave.
This is the question all punters should be asked if they deign to preach unto others. You know it makes sense.
Video proves pull-the-woolaston is lying. Asked point blank if she’d been planning to do this all along, she says “no, no, that’s clearly nonsense” – but she blinks each time she says “no”, and “clearly nonsense”. She is lying, pure and simple.
Then he asks her when she changed her mind exactly, and she waffles on into some dreary political speech. How about “9pm last night”? Lies, lies, and more lies.
Interesting that Neil calls it a “conspiracy theory” to try and disparage it. All it would have taken is a simple political conversation between eg her and Dodgy Dave, what’s so hard to imagine about that?
Watch: U-turn MP asked about EU change of mind
Sarah Wollaston with Andrew Neil on the Daily Politics
Posted at 12:27
“You weren’t planning to do this all along?” @afneil asks @sarahwollaston
Adding: “When did you make your mind up?”
12:20 PM – 9 Jun 2016
On Daily Politics today, Sarah Wollaston looked sheepish. Her performance was one of undisguised embarrassment. Well at least she did what her Daddy asked her to do, that is to vote Remain. ‘My Dad is in hospital and not very well’ she plaintively stated, searching for sympathy. ‘He pleaded with me to vote Remain’. Is he having brain surgery? This isn’t about your Daddy Sarah. It’s about your reasons for changing your mind and you did not provide one.
Therefore one can only assume as I stated in an earlier post this morning, that Sarah Wollaston is our next Health Minister..
If so Sarah, I hope you have that in writing because I wouldn’t trust a word Dodgy Dave says.
Body language is 80% of communication, or something like that? It was interesting to watch her performance on the Daily Politics. And of course in life, timing is everything. Project Fear was Phase 1 of the strategy, I think we are now into Phase 2 which comprises the defections as Leave MP’s are either offered cabinet posts in any re-shuffle after the Referendum or are put under so much pressure by the Whips that they cave in.
Sheepish… embarassed… (thanks wronged), and spot on Fred, 80% it is.
So… what do people say: blinking when saying no = obvious giveaway, or not? (eg “Look me in the eye when you say that”)
Asked point blank if she’d been planning to do this all along, she says “no, no, that’s clearly nonsense” – but she blinks each time she says “no”, and “clearly nonsense”. She is lying, pure and simple.
Then he asks her when she changed her mind exactly, and she waffles on into some dreary political speech. How about “9pm last night”? Lies, lies, and more lies.
Interesting that Neil calls it a “conspiracy theory” to try and disparage it. All it would have taken is a simple political conversation between eg her and Dodgy Dave, what’s so hard to imagine about that?
Watch: U-turn MP asked about EU change of mind
Sarah Wollaston with Andrew Neil on the Daily Politics
Posted at 12:27
“You weren’t planning to do this all along?” @afneil asks @sarahwollaston
Adding: “When did you make your mind up?”
12:20 PM – 9 Jun 2016
Mike Hunt
The standard of our MPs across the political spectrum is abysmal to say the least .
In fact its embarrassing that the rest of the world looks on and sees it .
Time for a change
Step 1 Get out of the EU.
Step 2 Abolish the ‘Telly Poll Tax’
Step 3 Etc etc etc ……..
I REALLY hope that the BBC has not sent out Rita Chakrabatti to South Africa just to ask that knighthood chasing David Beckham a couple of questions !! Giving her the benefit of doubt, perhaps she’s on holiday and got the call to do the gig, but if not, then its bloody disgraceful to fly someone out there for less than 2 minutes air time. If Beckham wants to ‘do good’ (at the behest of his agent Simon Fuller) and raise money and awareness for Aids inflicted children, then put your hand in your pocket Dave and ditch the cameras !!!!! Call my cynical but there was a vacancy when Princess Diana died, so step up to the plate Posh Spice, and to our cost it worked.
Appears to be a clamp down so far today on the BBC web-site on HYSs with the exception of Sport and Technology a.k.a. Apple at the BBC. I wonder if they are going to restrict free speech via the BBC web-site for the last two weeks of the campaign?
taffman, I did wonder something along those lines. :-p
BTW, did you hear the son of a miner (from Durham?) and a life-long Labour voter having a go at Alan Johnson on WatO, BBC R4 1-1.45pm today. Deserves a medal! No, not Johnson. The son of the miner!
I have long felt the bar for that was set by one John Prescott, but wherever he is propped up against it, it has yet to be located, even with the best efforts in combination of James Cameron and Harry Stamper.
The other day I tried out one of my arguments for Leave on a pro-remain, leftist acquaintance who thinks the EU will safeguard ‘workers’ rights’ etc. I said that was all very well for now, but that it was quite possible the EU could be taken over by extremist national governments who would impose ‘far right’ (the horror!) rules on Britain, and we would have no way of getting out of them. I expected to be laughed at but he said it was an interesting argument – I don’t expect to ‘convert’ anyone but it’s a way of getting across the concept of national sovereignty to those who would otherwise baulk at the idea.
Prattling on about neo-liberal economics. So by voting Leave there was a chance of him getting that arch righter of right wing wrongs St Jezza into power in the U.K. and at least sorting out global capitalism in the U.K., because as sure as eggs are eggs it will never come from the EU.
Unfortunately I expect we would end up like Venezuala though.
Headline here in Scotland ( can’t remember which newspaper ) ” Osborne says Brexit will cost 43000 Scottish jobs “. The Remainers have become a parody of themselves. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t about such a serious matter.
There were 4 people in the newsagent, 2 of whom I know ( I am in Perthshire, SNP land ) and I read out the headline. Everyone smiled and one chap said ” They really think we are stupid don’t they ? “.
Meanwhile, John Major & Tony Blair have, according to the BBC, “suggested a Leave vote may re-open Scotland’s independence issue”.
To paraphrase Monty Python – what a pair of silly bunts. They’ve just given the go ahead to Nicola Sturgeon to agitate for another referendum if the vote is Brexit.
Although I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. There will be no second Scottish referendum unless and until the SNP are confident of winning it. At which point they will seize on any excuse, whether there’s a Brexit or not.
OT, but just opened an email from yesterday sent by 38 degrees, who appear to think people on their list count as supporters:
UPDATE: In the space of a few hours, 38 Degrees members have had a huge impact on democracy. Together, we created a wave of pressure to force the government to extend the deadline to register to vote – after their website crashed last night
Pretty sure ‘the government’ needed no nudging at all, despite the members of 38 degrees.
I also have irritating rubbish sent to me by the revolutionary children of 38 Degrees.
Oddly, I thought it was a panicking government that extended the deadline for voting in order to squeeze every last remain vote out of the system, but there again the children of 38 degrees do make a lot of noise.
What next? Extending the referendum vote at the last minute to 14 and 15 year olds, to provide the Remain campaign’s equivalent of the Hitler Youth defending Berlin in April 1945?
there have been many times in elections when too many people have turned up at the last moment and been left unable to vote. That is a concern but democracy is not so elastic that it can be stretched for every occurrence of people not being able to vote.
is there truly anyone in the country who didn’t know there was a vote for Brexit taking place? So why hadn’t they sorted themselves out sooner?
And bear in mind, this is the generation that is physically welded to its mobile phones so didn’t even need to leave the couch to register.
Somehow this flood of wanabe democrats decided to rush to the barricades in the final moments. Frankly, if they had to wait until some babbling ape of a BBC DJ told them to register, then I cant say I value their opinions based, as they will be, on myths about such vital issues as cheap holidays and roaming charges.
I have had a growing suspicion that this referendum would be fixed and that suspicion is now turning into a conviction. Pitchforks and piano wire might well be needed.
Brexit could mean benefit cuts for poor families, say economists
but then again they also say The NIESR study suggested that net migration from the EU into the UK would fall by two-thirds in the event of a UK exit.
But you have to get to the penultimate paragraph of the BBC report before that “fact” emerges
I too was spitting feathers at the Remains desperate efforts to get more postal votes in by putting back the so-called “deadline for registering voters” for the referendum.
Biased lying flexible fakes who`ll do anything to extend the vote to more welfare junkies, more dopeheads and more migrants.
No doubt Harriet Harmans bus will be brought into play to take the poor lambs to the polling booths, and there`ll be no count until they`ve all been taken to vote.
But then I thought.
|In my lifetime, I`ve never seen a Government fiddle its voting methods, put in “emergency legislation” to cover its incompetence and show how desperate the Remainiacs are-and roll this all in against all opposition and common sense.
So this tells me that they are absolutely DESPERATE-and they`ll cheat fiddle and do whatever it takes to bend us to their will.
`Fraid not…this climbdown and double dealing only shows how bankrupt and threadbare the whole political elite are turning out to be before our very eyes.
And no amount of grubbing for votes, fiddled figures and blustering bats up the nightie will change our minds. We`re voting out-and the more the Beeb big up the “conversion” of a lady GP Tory in Totnes, the clearer and more desperate the whole EU racket is.
Yes, I take it as a good sign that every day they get more desperate. It is wonderful to watch the panic. But, “blustering bats up the nightie ” may be going a bit far, if I knew what it meant. Please elucidate .
Sorry grant.
The phrase is from Fawlty Towers-where Basil threatens to come back up to Mrs Richards room to put a bat up her nightie…and frighten her unduly, given the grief she`s put him through.
The Remain camp try to do this to us-but it`s an empty blustering threat…mere Haka.
Meanwhile they themselves don`t like it up `em…and feel we`ll shaft them good in two weeks time.
If the BBC’s Radio 4 report on the 6pm News of Major and Blair and what they said in Northern Ireland today was accurate, then I agree with the First Minister there. It was shameful. Pure thuggish bullying and an invitation and encouragement to terrorism almost certainly. Is that not illegal under current legislation?
We are up against a massive threat. I hope the good people of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales really sense that and come to the rescue as they have done in the past and clearly vote Leave.
For Major and Blair to speak like that shows a total ignorance of and contempt for the good NI people. After what these people have suffered, these two muppets think that they will be bullied by two failed cowardly former PMs ? But good news , they have just gained more votes for Leave. Idiots !
And, while I am at it, if you come to Scotland and behave like that ,we shall send you home to think again. We can make our own minds up. And I am not SNP !
Looking on the bright side, only a Remaniac could possibly believe that the endorsement of Blair and Major would provoke anything other than utter contempt in all but the clinically insane.
Comedy gold standard now as then.
Really a pain when your comedy heroes like Coogan , Ianucchi, Morris and Cleese turn out to be SDP millionaires who turn out to be mere comedy actors as opposed to people who are patriotic with a mind of their own.
But the art stands…funnily enough I see the vote on June 23rd to be the chance to “kick Bishop Brennan up the arse”…from the peerless Father Ted.Not really sure whether Blair and Major are
a) Lennie and Gerry
b) Hope and Keen
c) Steve Logan and Mick Mc Manus
d) The Krankies.
Not sure whether (a) or (b) were the worst comedy double act of all time-and I grew up near Little and Large!
The worst double act I remember was Cannon and Ball, that would certainly fit Blair and Major. Whereas the Krankies are clearly Sturgeon and Salmond. Speaking of Little Jimmy Sturgeon, has anyone noticed that whenever she starts to answer a question her head starts to wobble uncontrollably? I kept hoping it would finally fall off completely.
The ……. Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens. A Pointless question today that could not be answered by a Yuni student studying English Literature. Even Richard Osman asked if she should have a guess, and she said ‘no’. Makes you proud to be British, and what a wonderful thing our education system is ! (so what EXACTLY in the way of literature are these kids being taught, if not at Yuni then at least at secondary school ?)
I was listening to a fascinating (obligatory adjective) documentary on 5 Live last night called ‘France: Fear, Faith and Football’ about the supposed multicultural utopia created by France winning the 1998 World Cup and how the dream had died since then. Interestingly enough, they had an interview with Lillian Thuram (the great right-back from the ’98 team) and he described the team as “multi-coloured” rather than “multicultural” (a difference that was noted by the presenter). One of the other contributors (an academic, I think) said that the French conception of multiculturalism was very different to the English/British one. The jist was that the French were suspicious of our version of multiculturalism. Thuram explained that anyone could be French (the ’98 team was full of players with different ethnic backgrounds) but that person had to start by subscribing to traditional French values of liberty, freedom, democracy etc. This was very different from our “free for all” which demands no subscription to British values (whatever they are these days). It was a very interesting point.
Mike, I think a good turnout for the referendum will be around 65%. I hope it is at least that. More than 70% would be good. Much more than 80% might be a tad worrying. I hope it is a clear result preferably for Leave. If the other side win, so be it. A good turnout and a definite result: that’s democracy.
As to fixes, what can we do about it? If we have evidence, then pass it to the police and both campaigns and local MPs. But supposition alone will not do. Can Referendum counts be witnessed by the public?
If the turnout is around 65% then that for me is a win for leave, or at least it should be barring fraud. The passion is with an out vote and I do not think the remainers have this, so if it happens to be a wet day or it clashes with Glastonbury, or if the polls the day before say a remain win, then the remainers will think that they have it in the bag and will not need to trouble themselves unduly. Personally I would crawl to the voting station with broken legs to vote out if need be (hopefully it doesn’t actually come to this but you know what I mean!)
That’s why I’d like a good turnout, Fred. The higher the turnout, up to, say the low/mid-80%s, I think gives the best opportunity for Undecideds to vote Leave especially after two failed PMs have tried to bully the Northern Irish (and the rest of us) into voting Remain.
Once it goes higher than that, I think suspicions will start to emerge (without evidence) that it was a fix if the Remain campaign win. And the Remain camp have been the nastier mob, in my estimation, so if there is a Leave vote with an overly high turnout, I can imagine all sorts of subtle measures to create some pain for a country determined to be free.
Post referendum I’ll be interested to see the analysis of the postal votes. In theory they shouldn’t be very different from the personal votes, but we saw something very different in Austria. I wonder how many constituencies will have a turnout of over 100%? I think the highest turnout in Austria was 140%.
Major and Blair?
This is a nightmare, blood on the hands and a crashed ERM debacle on the other-from 1990 to 2017…seventeen years of utter slurry…wars under false pretexts, capitulation to the IRA, Maastrict and trying to massage us into the Euro-unfettered immigration.
Blair can`t even walk the streets of thic country nowadays, but is able to prance gaily over the River Kwai in Londonderry like Melvyn Hayes stunt double.
And the “Reamin knobjox ” like these two nadirs of British political life DARE to pontificate on how we need to vote on June 23rd.
Will have a picture of these two shits over my calendar as I vote as many times as I can to get TFO of the EU.
Yes, chris, two PMs who have brought the UK to ruin during their times in office. If Major cares so much, why did he not settle things when he had the power to do so over Maastricht? He could have let us have our say then. And if Blair cares so much, why did he not – as First Lord of The Treasury – overrule his Chancellor and the Civil Servants who advised against joining the Euro? That would have allowed the public to decide more recently and all this now would have been unnecessary.
Thuggish bullying aside, there is a whiff of several nasty things surrounding the pronouncements of those two today.
I nearly posted in reply to one of your recent posts that I have a suspicion some sort of spiritual struggle is going on. Today pretty much confirms that for me.
chrisH – I have always loved this quote about the grey man.
“John Major is what he is: a man from nowhere, going nowhere, heading for a well-merited obscurity as fast as his mediocre talents can carry him.” Paul Johnson.
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Up2snuffJan 22, 22:09 Midweek 22nd January 2025 davy, I have just written to my MP about the Climate & Nature Bill’s second reading on Friday: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/challenge-your-mp-over-this-mad-climate-bill/ You…
Ian Katz reaches for the Newsnight third party secret budget tin… again…?
The Graun seem impressed:
“Former BBC Newsnight journalist who says he was forced out over Jimmy Savile exposé moves to organisation that falsely accused Lord McAlpine”
Great people.
Sir John Nott has said he will not renew his party membership until the party has a new leader, as a direct result of the “poisonous EU campaign”
Is this the first shot being fired in realistic campaign to get rid of Cameron ?
Not sure when he wrote to his constituency, so I might have beaten him to it, but I think he is the public face on the tip of a large iceberg.
DCs duplicitousness means he cannot continue as leader of the party, no matter the result.
BBC Online News:
“”Theatre ‘needs to be more diverse’, say actors””
“”On stage, recent major productions of Hamlet and King Lear featured predominantly black, Asian and ethnic minority (BAME) casts, but according to some in the industry, “you can walk onto a building site and see more diversity than in the average theatre””
(What? On the average building site, you will see about 1% BAME. There’s no prejudice or racism when it comes to making money for the Company. That’s Capitalism. According to some in he industry…).
The Financial Times says that if ‘Leave’ continues to gain momentum in the run-up to the EU vote later this month, David Cameron could make the pledge in a desperate bid to take the wind out of its sails.
Wait – wasn’t this the same Turkey which Dodgy Dave said would only join the EU by the year 3000??
The BBC has U turns it sees as opportunities to undermine at every turn for weeks.
And those that are heroic, or best not mentioned.
Editorial integrity decides which.
In an official statement over twitter, the Hamas terror group praises the Tel Aviv shooting as “heroic” and suggests more attacks are likely to come over the month of Ramadan.
“The heroic operation that happened Wednesday evening is the first of the signs for the holy month, and the first of the surprises that await the Zionist enemy during the month of Ramadan,” the statement said.
Thanks for the clarification, Hamas. Just in case anyone was under any false illusions about the definition of the word “holy” in Islam.
What happened in Tel Aviv, and every killing and horrific act of violence towards all infidel, in every single country Muslims infest, is as religious and holy in Islam as rosemary beads and confession is in Catholicism.
To constantly lie and mislead the public with the make belief world narrative of “Islam is a peaceful religion, that can integrate” has not only given Islam the freedom to do what it was created to do and attack our way of life (instead of containing the warped death cult), it has also told Muslims all over the world “The West believes all the sick, death cult instructions, and your violence, and hatred towards everything that isn’t Islamic is justified”
Islam cannot integrate. It can only conform to its teachings. It’s teachings of “submit to Allah”, “Jihad” and “kill those who do not conform to Allahs will”
The killing of Jews and other infidels is regarded as a religious duty by millions of devotees of the Religion of Peace. Of course, we know that on this site, but the BBC does its best to obscure that fact.
And it will only ever mention the dreaded ‘terrorism’ word in connection with Palestinian terrorists when quoting the Israelis:
Never in its wildest nightmares would the BBC itself use the correct term to describe Palestinian terrorists.
The BBC are, in effect, abetting Palestinian terrorism and Islamic terrorism generally. All Islamic terrorists will take comfort from BBC coverage. Unfortunately, I doubt if the BBC have broken any laws in the UK. They took exactly the same position with the IRA.
All above from Grant up to Mike Hunt,
Seem to recall I wittered on about this at length in one of my early posts on B-BBC.
Cameron, BBC & others appear oblivious to the fact that by constantly referring to Islam as the Religion of Peace they are effectively demonising every Muslim in the UK and around the world as well. As terrorist atrocities continue there will be a point at which a fuse blows and the non-Muslims start a war against Islam.
Perhaps that is what ‘they’ want. I do not. Islam is not a religion of peace but as the Hamas spokesman demonstrates in their statement it is more a religio-political force of vengeance.
The vast majority of Muslim individuals are the ones who are peaceful. Long may it stay that way. That is what our political leaders should be emphasising and our national Broadcaster covering in their news output.
Well said !
Only problem I have with this vast majority of peaceful Muslims is that so few come out to condemn the terror committed in the name of their religion.
You can practically count them on the fingers of one hand.
Is this silence not, at least to some degree, consent?
In some cases it may be. I know many muslims in UK and Gambia where I live. My Gambian wife is a muslim, although what they call in Gambia, a ” plastic muslim”. President Jammeh of Gambia, although a lunatic, has often condemned the terrorists and all muslims I know there say they are appalled by them.
In UK, muslim friends express the same views privately. I would not assume that the silence of most is consent. It may be fear of being “punished” themselves in some way. I certainly hope that is the reason. However, the reported reaction of many muslims in Belgium to the Brussels bombing makes me wonder.
It is difficult to know because deceipt is part of Islam. If it is any consolation, they even cheat and deceive each other in many cases .
Interesting, Grant. thanks for that.
Just to say, that is only my personal impression.
It’s because if they come out and truly condemn the actions of Jihadi warriors, carrying out Muhammads instructions, they are basically telling the Islamic world they do not believe that Muhammad was right!! Who the fuck is going to say that when they are Muslim?? To criticise Jihad is to basically disown the word of Allah and abandon Islam…. Thats the reason Muslims cannot condone the act of Jihad! All you hear are Muslims condone specific Jihadi acts, carried out in the name of Islam.. Though they are basically saying “everything Islam is truth. Those butchering the infidels didn’t need to do so because theres are other means to occupy the kafir… Israel on the other hand?.. Die! Die! Die!”
Tothepoint <== what an appropriate name. You have nailed it.
Thats the reason Muslims cannot condone the act of Jihad!
I think you meant to write condemn, not condone there.
I agree with your comment. To kill a Jew is like a really special achievement for a jihadi.
But it’s fair to say that they also show extreme brutality towards their fellow Muslims. Shia and Sunni slaughter each other with great relish in their mosques, markets and during their religious processions.
Religion of Peace? Right!
Grant 8:13 am: Yes, it really does seem that BBC silence in these matters is consent.
Could not have chosen a more ambiguous headline Tel Aviv shooting: Four killed in shopping centre attack Lovers’ quarrel? Disgruntled customer?
Anyway the first report has dropped out and is now Tel Aviv shooting: Israel suspends Palestinian permits
Islamist group Hamas praised what it called an “heroic attack” but did not say it was behind it. The BBC does not report the statement by Hamas that the shooters were members of that organisation, either.
The West Bank-based Palestinian Authority has not yet commented on the incident.
“The Fatah movement, which is the leading party in the Palestinian Authority, said in a statement that the Tel Aviv shooting was an “individual and natural response” to Israeli state violence.
“Israel must realize the consequences of its persistence to push violence, house demolition policies, forced displacement of Palestinians, raids by Israeli settlers to the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, and the cold-blooded killing of Palestinians at checkpoints,” Fatah media committee head Munir al-Jaghoub said.
Al-Jaghoub added that the Israeli refusal to abide by international agreements regarding its illegal settlement policy turned the situation in the in occupied Palestinian territory into a desperate reality far from Palestinians’ hopes and dreams of freedom and independence.” Seems like a response to me, unless the BBC thinks Mahmud Abbas, head of Fatah and Mahmud Abbas, head of the Palestinian Authority are different people.
Risible, but so predictable.
They are getting slaughtered for it on FaceBook, though.
I wonder, will the BBC go with ‘daring’ or ‘audacious’. ‘Heroic’ may be a bit too much.
Nothing like a holy month to ramp up the sneak murder of civilians to get that BBC Editorial Guideline booked well thumbed. With integrity, of course.
Yes, I believe they will stop short at ‘heroic.’
Is the worm (Judiciary) turning?
“Britain’s defiant judges fight back against Europe’s imperial court”.
Superb article No 7 – a “must read”. I hadn’t realised the ECJ had blocked the sharing of electronic data with the US anti-terror authorities. So much for “safer in europe” 🙄
It made my skin creep reading how they’ve rolled over UK (and other nations) sovereignty. And who says the Magna Carta’s no longer relevant – it’s the basis of our free speech.
Mike, and our taxation, military & basic Parliamentary systems as well as free speech. It has taken a long time in the UK but the rolling out of Parliamentary democracy that lives hand-in-hand with a Monarchy has been a pioneering one. A long struggle, not perfect and causing much heartache and loss of life en route, and even now with faults but in a way, the rest of the world really owes the UK a debt of gratitude for undertaking that journey.
Newer nations, if they are so minded and/or wise, can adopt that blueprint and get to a modern functioning social & political democratic system in under half a century when it has taken us 800+ years.
God bless Queen Elizabeth II.
And thank you, your Majesty. Happy Birthday for Saturday!
I had a recent chat with an eastern European colleague at work. sound bloke.
He`s a trained lawyer and was explaining to me that one of the benefits of the EU was the legislation around the Deprivation of Liberties Standards and the “improvements” in the legal status and human rights of detained people.
His bright young face was a picture when I mentioned that English common law had the concept of Habeas corpus for centuries before the EU existed. I am not a trained lawyer and was taught this in history at school in the pre EU 1970s.
Great article No7, Bravo!
The w@nkerwhonevergetsoffthebus would be well advised to read that after his cretinous post on this site yesterday; about how the Magna Carta has no relevance to our modern world.
It turns out, from that article, that it is one of the pillars of Britain’s judicial armoury; which could protect our sovereignty from the increasing incursions into it by the European Court of Justice.
Al Shubtill
Ha ! His, and all his mate’s wheels have come off .
Al & taffman, that – I think – just encourages him in trolling. Let’s engage him with polite, respectful debate and win the day that way.
One of the turning points in the EU Referendum for me came at (even before) the outset when all the insults, name calling & disparaging remarks came from the Remain camp. It demonstrated two things; the weakness of their arguments or that their arguments were defective in some way and that they, pro-EU campaigners were really nasty individuals inside. Inside themselves and inside the EU!
That helped to make me want out.
Their whole campaign has been a disgrace but it sums up the EU as a whole perfectly.
Rhif Saith
ardderchog !
Diolch yn fawr dyncwmraeg.
Number 7
” Europe’s imperial court”, some interesting info on this site …………………..
Fascinating thank you. I knew about the European Arrest Warrant (EAW), but hadn’t quite appreciated it’s reach.
The video is very well presented and produced, with a measured tone that others would do very well to duplicate. Persuasive without being sensationalist.
It makes the point very clearly, that under the EAW any one of us could be arrested and taken to any other EU country without charge. In the UK we can be kept without charge for (I think) 24 hours, although extensions can be granted by a magistrate. So if they cannot charge you then they have to release you.
In other EU countries their citizens do not have the same protections, for example in Bulgaria you can be held for four years without charge – that is imprisonment with no possibility to question your accusers or be charged. An example in the video of two British men who were arrested in the UK, taken to Bulgaria and imprisoned for months without charge or even being able to have a visitor. Don’t even think about asking for a phone call or demanding Halal food!
Note the UK courts or police have no provision to question or refuse the effective extradition – vague accusations are enough to serve the warrant.
Naturally the Cameron government had the chance to opt out of these provisions, but chose to opt-in instead!
Membership of the EU is like allowing a bunch of ten year olds to devise a legal system and government, and then letting them get on with executing it. I’m sure it will work out simply lovely in the end!
Not on the BBC: Palestinians celebrate Ramadan murders with fireworks
http://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-june-8-2016/ (23:14, 23:15)
Were the BBC not anti firework celebrations recently? Maybe they didn’t hear or see these? Either.
Not on the BBC: Muslim Migrant Burns Five British Teenagers With Acid, One Victim May Be Permanently Blinded.
John Nott, former defence secretary, has suspended his membership of the Conservative Party due to remarks made by Dave Cameron accusing Brexiteers of being “little Englanders”
“I won’t renew my membership until we have new prime minister,” Said Mr Nott.
About two weeks John…
Its about time that this nation brought back the offence that was known as ‘High Treason’.
Would that be the High Treason which Blair was so keen to abolish the moment he became Prime Minister! Wonder why 😛
I didn’t notice Farage being forced into the defensive. I do note the BBc fail to mention that Ms. Morgan was a plant which is strange as it’s all over social media. I did attempt to listen to Ms. Morgans’ shout out po cast (she is the CEO apparently) but found it un listenable and akin to some of the most amateur broadcasting I have encountered on the community radio scene.
Grant -Strange she should decide to change her mind now – She has had over 3 months to sort her shit out – Leading news item at 5.30. Aunty with very moist and exited knickers!
Guess it could be time for The Boy David to start calling in favours. Whos next my money is on Carswell!
Glad she is not my doctor. I would be a bit pissed off if that fungal toe nail suddenly was re-diagnosed as a brain tumour.
I am also glad she has got her 5 minutes of fame maybe now she can go back to being Dr Who?
I wonder if she will stay as an MP.
As she said herself “real people” are allowed to change their minds. Must be a bit difficult to decide which “real persons” salary to choose – Do I go for the real persons MPs salary or the real persons GP salary,
Dr. Who, LOL ! I just posted similar on the original thread. She is clearly not a person of principle and therefore of no consequence so should feel at home in the Remain camp. Maybe the BBC will give her a grilling about it !! Well they certainly would if someone moved in the other direction.
Oaknash – oh, she’ll stay as an MP alright, in fact, it would be a fool to bet against her getting a ministerial job before the year’s out. People need to understand that politicians who reach high office have often done so because they have underhandedly helped some cause along the way. This applies no more obviously than in the EU. I posted this yesterday, but it’s worth reminding people again:
What has happened in the 7 years since this Cameron video? He’s been offered top job in the EU, that’s what. In any other walk of life this is called bribery and is a serious criminal offence.
We don’t know how many cash bribes have been offered and paid. It is so easy to hide money these days and the authorities are quite lukewarm about pursuing some individuals.
I spent 5 days in deepest darkest Essex and standing next to the Romanian Big Ishoooo seller who was only there to keep her NI number so she got the child benefit to send back to Romania, people were still saying they were undecided!
I am bloody worried that Remain might win!
Me, too, A.Londoner. People are very shallow. Thinking only of their two weeks on the Costa Brava or their kids doing Chalet Host jobs or dishwashing their way round Europe before University. There was a Local Authority councillor on BBC R4 on Monday who was “voting Remain because the EU had built a facility (a Library, I think) in his area”.
No they had not!
It was our money that built it. The work was probably done by local firms. The EU has built only grandiose palaces for the politicians and bureaucrats in Brussels and Strasbourg. All the EU did was money laundering of our taxes and putting a plaque on the building to celebrate that fact.
And so the gloves really come off, Sarah Wollaston has detonated the first suicide bomb having “changed her mind” on leave NHS figures.
If anyone thinks this wasn’t planned all along you haven’t been paying attention. Expect many more “converts” over the next few weeks.
Beeb sofabots beside themselves with glee this morning.
Sadly, you are probably right.
Just loving how the BBC manages to “balance” Wollaston’s faux defection with two tiny paragraphs about Nott right at the bottom of the article, they couldn’t be any more obvious if they tried.
British Bullshit Corporation at its Finest™
I am sorry but, as a result of this momentous decision by a towering figure, I have decided that I cannot continue to support Brexit and I am defecting to the Remain camp. I now realise that everything that I have said in the past in support of Brexit has been misguided and erroneous . In future as a matter of principle , I shall devote all my energies to supporting Remain, until I change my mind again, that is.
Like what, like literally tomorrow? Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s, that’s, that is so LIKE so cool, you know, to be literally that open minded. I think that’s like very brave of you.
(Sorry, just came over a bit strange there, like I was literally eighteen or nineteen years old again.
[Please like me. Do, do, DO. Bye. bye. BYE!]
OK, I’ve gone now. 🙂
“If anyone thinks this wasn’t planned all along you haven’t been paying attention.”
Yes, I’ve been predicting precisely this for a while.
I do hope grassroots Conservatives start some deselection procedures after the referendum.
If there still is a Conservative Party !
Wollaston says she has quit leave and will vote remain because of the ‘lie’ about the £350,000,000 each week.
Correct me if I’m wrong but the COST is £350,000,000 per week but we do get a rebate (which can go down) and we must spend any money ‘given’ by the eu as they instruct us.
When we leave we will have full control of that amount.
It seems it is a little misleading as some remainers say that we are giving the impression that a chap has £350,000,000 in a bag and trots off to the due every week to hand this sum over.
We don’t say that (although it doesn’t stop remainers saying we do say that). We just say that the £350,000,000 that is the cost of the DJ each week will no longer be a cost and so it is our decision what to spend it on.
If she is so upset about this ‘lie’ then I wonder how she feels about Comical Dave and his blathering so. WW3, total economic collapse worldwide, pensioners losing £32,000, every family losing £4,300 in 2030 and all the other apocalyptic predictions of the EUriners. She obviously believes them then otherwise she has no principles.
Was she a (supposed) leaver for the only reason of the NHS funding and her perceived misrepresentation of the cost of eu membership was the reason to change sides.
It’s so obvious she was either a plant or was not at all committed to leave.
“It’s so obvious she was either a plant or was not at all committed to leave.”
Plant, pure and simple. The BBC pandering is pathetic.
British Blethering Corporation at its Finest™
Bloody auto fill.
Didn’t spot anything wrong Emmanuel – good post IMO 🙂
Breakfast lead story…No surprise Wollaston. I’d never heard of her until yesterday
Same here. If the defection had been the other way, the BBC would be grilling her on how she could suddenly change her mind on something so important and clear cut, on a matter of principle ! But no, she shall have her day in the sun and then disappear back where she came from, into obscurity.
Be funny if the Leave camp long ago had pondered the value of Trojan horses as things approach their conclusion. Probably this will then be deemed poor form.
Dr Sarah Wollaston has always been a bit of a loose cannon. I”m a bit surprised some of you haven’t heard of her as she is quite a promionent politician.
Do I believe her story about leaving because of the misleading comment of 350 million on the ‘battle bus’. Not really, as it must mean that she believes that every family will be 4,300 pounds better off. Nonsense.
No there is more to this.Maybe she has been promised the Health Secretaries job to replace Jeremy Hunt if she switches sides?
If she doesn’t get deselected, that is !
I’d be surprised Grant as she tripled her majority at the last election.
It must be quite handy having an MP who is a doctor, as appointments to see your MP for an ailment and a moan could be quicker than at a doctors surgery.
Two complaints solved for the price (visit) of one.
That was before recent events ! I am afraid that I am one of those who had never heard of her before !
Well, I guess she saves on rent. She just needs one premises called ” Surgery “.
Is she a junior?
The extra MP dosh must come in handy to help cope with the patient-endangering long hours holding down two full time roles.
A Junior ? It looks to me as though she should be retiring from both jobs on two grounds, age and lack of judgement.
In the professional world, I believe competence can see even those of advanced years languish in title areas that carry such designations if inept. She may still qualify.
BBC Newsbeat
Ellie Goulding, Bombay Bicycle Club’s Jamie MacColl, Yannis Philippakis from Foals and Stormzy give us their opinions on the vote.
They are all ‘stars’ in the eyes of the BBC. Apparently. Guesses as to why?
No idea, never heard of them. Let me guess, some kind of Luvvies or sportspeople ? Please put me out of my misery.
They are people who stand behind mic stands. Apparently. I have heard of one. She is young… well… Ish. Good enough for the Newsbeat end of the propaganda spectrum.
But you still haven’t told which way they will be voting ? LOL !
Well, amazingly… the one I have heard of:
“Ellie Goulding has been active on Twitter, urging fans to have their say in the EU referendum.
She’s voting to remain, in case you wondered.
And when fans threatened to boycott her gigs because they didn’t agree with her views? She told them not to come.”
Boo, hiss.
Luckily, Stormzy is keeping mum. He could swing it. Serious.
Bombay Bicycle Club are a band that have been on oldie-Anderson’s prog on a Saturday tying up his shoelaces or some-such. I thought for something with the initials BBC they were really quite good but haven’t got around to tracking down more of their music.
(BTW, they are all ‘pop stars’ or serious musicians but it does just demonstrate how shallow the EU Referendum debate can get.)
If Cameron got deconstructed by young Faisil the other night then Osborne got positively vaporized last night by Andrew Neil. Did I dream it because I see no reference to it today – it’s as if it didn’t happen. How strange, he is, after all, a potential future PM? – not any more methinks.
Yes, it was a demolition job, so will not be reported by the BBC. Gideon is toast !
Seismicboy I havent watch it yet, but the clip the Beeb puts with the article I suspect is about the best Osborne managed.
Where again IN are not so subtly painting OUT and in particular Nigel F as racists.
“Let me be clear. This is a battle for the soul of the country. I do not want Nigel Farage’s vision of Britain.”
Well George I certainly dont want your “vision” if you have one, Nigel’s is fine by me.
I watched it live. The BBC website report is a total travesty. Unbelievably biased. Please watch the interview and you will see.
Which channel, what programme? Will catch up on iplayer.
BBC1 yesterday 7.30 pm
Thanks Grant – will have a watch later. Here’s the link in case anyone else is interested
The Andrew Neil Interviews: Leave or Remain?
Seismicboy said “If Cameron got deconstructed by young Faisil the other night then Osborne got positively vaporized last night by Andrew Neil.” Can’t wait.
Wonder why there’s nothing about this on the BBC news website?
Oh yes, now I remember. They’ve had the woolaston pulled over their eyes.
Blatantly Biased Corporation at their Finest ™
Uhr – I detest that nonsense start to a politician’s reply to a question: “Let me be clear”. Why don’t you just make that your default position rather that assume the fake mantle of clarity for specific answers? It’s bollocks. If I said that when I was responding to señora Camino she’d slap me for being a tosser.
Whilst I agree that “Boy” George got a mauling, I don’t think Andrew was on his A game last night. It may have been that he didn’t think he could be as strong as usual with the Chancellor. Hate to say it but I thought Faisal showed more cojones.
He let him get away with the household and pensioner claims. The figures given are not those of today, they are figures as at 2030. It may have been that he had other ground to cover but it was a disappointment.
It has to be said though, he did put his size 10 hobnails into Hillary Benn’s tender portions on Monday.
Dr Woollaston was given a free ride by BBC Today at 8.45 to vent about the EU and the NHS. This woman seems to be a single issue politician if ever there was one. The referendum is not about the effect of the EU on a nationalised industry. The issues are far more wide ranging. Can this MP be so blinkered as to be unaware of that?
In a word, yes.
Yes, you might have expected a fairly rigorous examination into her reasoning. But no, just gentle questions basically asking her to give speeches. Nothing about TTIP, which seems to be the dog that hasn’t barked in this campaign and was an obvious question for someone who has made the NHS such a prominent part of everything she does.
No time. Or space. Or something.
BBC Ediorial Integrity, see.
Guido is saying that there is likely to be another defection today, a long-term Eurosceptic. I wonder who?
I think we have to assume they have been bribed.
William Hague?
Here is the enormous elephant in the middle of the Brexit/Remain debating chamber:
Muslims are a large and quickly-growing minority in Belgium, with ‘Sharia for Belgium’ making a great deal of noise. They must surely be looking at the EU with keen interest. After all, an unaccountable and unelected bunch of dictators who guzzle at a massive public trough, cannot be democratically removed from power and whose ‘laws’ cannot be repealed, is an ideal structure for the imposition of Sharia and the Caliphate on the people of Europe and beyond.
The Remainians would of course never dream of acknowledging the existence of this elephant and Brexit is obliged to ignore it out of political correctness and the awareness that even to mention it would be extremely damaging to the Leave campaign.
I only hope that enough sensible people in Britain understand that a Remain win will almost certainly mean that in time a directive will come from Brussels to the effect that Sharia ‘law’ has superseded EU ‘law’ and that Britons better get speedily acquainted with all its niceties as the Caliphate tightens its grip on the country.
Perhaps Teresa May and her team of Islamists heading a sharia is good for Britain inquiry will lay the foundations.
For God’s sake don’t let her replace Dave.
Theresa May. Isn’t she the dhimmi who refused to allow Geert Wilders entry to Britain to address the House of Lords?
Did you mean ” Dimmy ” ?
You mean she’s a dimmy as well as a dhimmi?
Sweepstake on how long the traitor Wollaston will be top headline news, despite not really being news at all. (a) 12 noon (b) 2pm (c) 4pm (d) 6pm (e) 8pm. Winner gets a signed copy of “Greatest Truths Ever Told by the BBC” (sorry, have to admit it’s a vanishingly slim volume)
Brit(ish) Brainwashing Corporation at its Finest™
(f) Until the next plant “defects”
I expect a big planned defection closer to June 23rd and an even bigger defecation at No 10 before the results are announced.
Goodbye Cameron ….. I hope.
“Defecation at No 10”
8 pm, subject to Roland’s comment
No, I am defecting to 10 am tomorrow, subject to Roland’s comment
Wollaston has principles commiserate with the millions I have in my bank account – totally non existent. This whole campaign from the remainers has stank from day one with slow release toxic predictions and legions of ‘supporters’ wheeled out at regular intervals to pledge their support to the cause (payback in most cases and naked self interest in the rest ). Nothing here happens by accident – all is carefully orchestrated – (Mandys loathsome digits are all over this). A more deceitful debate/campaign etc I have not seen before and Wollastons defection marks a new low. How can we expect the British public to vote ‘with their conscience’ along lines of honest interpretation when clearly many of our political class lack even the smallest iota of principle. The poll is running approximately 50/50. That is an awful lot of ordinary joe’s leaning toward exit. Many of these will be Tory voters who are being treated with absolute contempt by this unrepresentative rabble we call government whom they put in power. Is Campers even aware of the potential turn off the support he squanders so arrogantly?
There are two weeks to go and the dirty tricks brigade are in the ascendancy. We will truly deserve what we vote for – God help us.
Well said !
Upvote for “loathsome digits” 🙂
I’m not a fully paid up conspiracy theorist – although surely one day Global Warming will be up there with Piltdown Man
Anyway, when I hear the phrase Bildeberg Group I don’t habitually reach for the tin foil stetson or the extra terrestial lizard repellant.
Mind you, when BBC Business show on the News Channel hosted by lanky no-mark Ben Thompson and some dolly daydream invite on a female FT journo who woman-splains:
“The Elites need a ‘Safe Space’ they can talk freely….” (the poor dears).
And when streaky Thompson on our behalf raises not an eyebrow. So much for democracy. You see us plebs just can’t be trusted.
On the agenda (we are told): ‘China’ – well it’s a big country
‘Politics in the USA’ – over to you Hillary….
‘Migration’ – no doubt, the more the merrier
I assume Bilderbegers are 100% in favour of us staying in the EU and will do anything to keep us in. Quite simply we go it is over . Hence the panic defections and the lies and the rest of it. The BBC is ,to be blunt, bought and paid for . Maybe the odd individual is still unbodysnatched but the corporate view is clear. Keep the scum in their place and keep them paying the bills for the banksters, the Ceos of the scamming corporate elite and the usless politicians of the EU.
That democracy itself is in peril in England and the EU is no concern of theirs. It is a bus that has reached it’s stop and they all want off and welcome to their brave new world of we tell you how to live, how to think and soon when to die.
Our only hope is that event they cannot control like a total economic meltdown. This could happen if the angels are on the side of the free.
There is such contempt for the old freedoms in the voices of our elites. It sickens me and I hope you.
It sickens me too. I never thought I would live to see this day. I miss my dear old dad but, in some ways, I am glad he is not here to see the shit that is going down.
Brexit the Movie on YouTube has now had well over a millions views in four weeks, 20 000 likes, 2 000 dislikes (if that’s a noun) and 14 000 comments.
And the poll I keep on harping on (sorry about that) now has 114 000 votes with 82% for Leave, 15% for Remain and 3% undecided:
I had a look at the website. It takes no stand on the referendum but offers a comprehensive analysis of all the ins and outs (pun intended) of the issue. So it’s fair to say that the website itself does not seek to influence voters one way or another.
Over the four weeks that I’ve been looking at this poll, the results have varied at most by 1%. And that was in the period that the votes increased from about 40 000 to 114 000. I’m baffled by the fact that 74 000 votes have barely shifted the results.
Can it be that this poll accurately represents the attitudes of the British public? Or is it rather that those who access the poll are mostly people with something between their ears and a genuine regard for Britain?
TT, I don’t know.
The BBC are now showing a Poll of Polls. I think this may be the one that I was visiting at the web-site, National Centre for Social Research, that Professor John Curtice comments on. He is a BBC regular but has been strangely low profile in the EU Referendum, at least in my hearing on Radio 4.
I haven’t read any of his comments for over a week.
To me, it seems that Remain have been winning, are winning, and will probably win. 🙁
The Poll of Polls was wrong, however, at the General Election 2015 but not by that much if I remember things correctly. It was the individual polling that was off and the BBC’s interpretation of the same. Together with the constant battering from Labour’s spin machine. Well, maybe that’s a glimmer of hope for Leave for the 23rd June.
Dose of reality time: Remain have tended to bounce constantly into a clear lead although the regular gap has narrowed. The Undecideds, as ever, will be important and it seems to me (I could be wrong – I am a beginner at this lark although I called GE’15 right) that the Leave campaign, to be certain of a clear, indisputable victory will need to win over 3 out of 4 Undecideds. That is out of those who are registered and will vote. That is a massive task.
Another glimmer of hope. On the BBC Blogs & HYSs that open for comment, it appears that there is a steady 4 or 5 to 1 in favour of Leave which at times swings to as much as 10 to 1 in favour of Leave. I would caution that the people posting and rating comments are self selecting. There is evidence the rating system is ‘unreliable’. The rating system can also be trolled/spammed/influenced by determined groups. I do not think it wise to set great store by observing those opinions, just bear them in mind.
The BBC’s ‘vox pops’ from around the country on R4 seem to me to be presenting a large consistent number of undecideds with a couple of notable exceptions, most lamely wanting more information and complaining about the negative campaigning. On the one hand, the caution is that those contributions have been selected by the BBC Editors & Producers, but on the other hand, it could just be that the negativity of the Remain campaign will be THE thing that is remembered by voters in the booth, with the pencil in their hands, on 23rd June.
It could just be that some voters, quite a lot of voters or many, many voters are hiding behind ” I’m undecided. ” but really want to Leave and may vote accordingly or, perhaps, more on instinct or just wishing to be rid of the whole fractious issue. Take your choice of quantity and also bear it in mind.
What is more important is the lacklustre Leave campaign over the last two or three weeks and BoJo’s and Nigel Farage’s (apparent) own goals. I hope they really sort themselves out and get going for the last two weeks. That, in the end, may decide it.
Up2snuff, is this the BBC poll tracker (poll of polls) you’re talking about? I can’t see any overall average on there.
Strangely, the actual polls quoted on the BBC differ from the ones listed on the FT poll of polls, and one of there results of the same poll is even different between the two websites. Journalists 🙄
Stranger too, if you add up the Remains, Leaves, and Undecideds, shouldn’t you get to 100 in each case and not 96?!?
Anyhow, even though the FT is still showing an overall Remain lead of 45 to 43, there’s it looks like the actual figure should be a Leave lead of 44 to 43 (weighting the most recent poll as 5, next as 4, etc). They don’t quote their exact weighting method but their overall total hasn’t made sense for ages – on a day when the only pro-remain poll in the top 5 was the third-most-recent, and even that one only gave them a slender lead, they still had Remain in the lead! Go figure. I think they are simply cheating.
Hmm, I wonder who they select for these polls. Do they go into political science classes taught by lefty lecturers for their samples and even then cannot get a huge majority for Remain?
TT, I recall the BBC revealed recently via a video programme on polling on the BBC web-site that the polling companies are finding it hard to recruit regular and, more importantly, reliable polling candidates. Think the extent of the problem varies between telephone, interview & on-line polls.
Now that is interesting. Separating out the online and the phone polls, it turns out the phone polls give Remain a lead of 8 points, while the online polls give Leave a 2 point lead*. Wonder why there is such a discrepancy?
(* Figures calculated using the FT’s “poll of polls” methodology, so more recent polls count more than older ones.)
Maybe those with access to the internet are more informed!
Maybe those with access to the internet are more informed!
That is very interesting probability. But since virtually everyone in the UK has Internet access perhaps it should be narrowed down to those who have access and a keen interest in the outcome of the referendum.
I think I have a part answer on this one: the three most recent telephone surveys all had relatively small samples sizes, around 800 to 1000 voters.
This gives an error margin of 3% to 4%. which is significant when compared to the online surveys which typically have around 2000 respondents, and error margins around the 2% mark.
Self-selecting surveys like YouGov are going to influence results (you have to be the kind of person who actively wants to be polled). Quite how this might play out in the polls, or be accounted for by the pollsters, I just don’t know.
Question is, who do these companies contact for the phone-in polls. Do they go for areas that reflect their bias?
“who do these companies contact for the phone-in polls. Do they go for areas that reflect their bias?”
I wouldn’t have thought so as it would make it more likely their predictions would be wrong, and unless their polls are as accurate as possible they are risking their business. But I suppose that doesn’t rule it out if people are sneaky and ruthless. I prefer to think it’s the people at the next level – media, politicians – who then spin out the facts in biased ways to con the people.
Are these polls asking people with just landlines or do they also ask mobile users ?
I am a YouGov polling candidate, having joined as part of the UKIP General Election effort last year, when a number of us were encouraged to join, to redress the lefty bias in YouGov.
Interestingly, having previously coughed my political allegiances and answered numerous questions over the last year and more (which must by now have indicated to YouGov that my politics are an itsy-bitsy tad right-of-centre), YouGov have not seen fit to “select” me for ANY questions relating to Brexit or the referendum in the last 12 months. Not one. Sodall.
I tell a lie. They asked me my preferred method of pronouncing Nigel Farage’s surname the other day. Does it rhyme with garage, barrage, or Harwich? Which obviously has to be one of the most pressing topics in the fortnight before a life-changing (we hope) referendum. It MUST be a pretty hot topic, they’ve asked me three times now. But nothing else EU or Brexit related.
Perhaps there is a bit of deliberate pre-screening of known candidates, to give the preferred result.
Welcome to the club. I have had an identical experience, as I’ve posted here before.
Now, I do understand YouGov must weight its polling but I am very deeply suspicious. I’ve received not a single request about anything more pressing that chocolate bars or toothpaste for many months.
The fact that its boss, Peter Kellner, is married to that professional sponger, Kathy Ashton (former head of washing-up for the EU, or whatever unelected, massively overpaid sinecure she held) and is a noted Lefty Europhile cannot possibly be connected.
Thirty seconds on YouGov’s opinion forums will tell you all you need to know about the calibre of its self-selecting users.
…..that professional sponger, Kathy Ashton…
No, please, not that chinless wonder. I watched her smiling coyly like a bashful schoolgirl at the Iranian thugs around the ‘negotiating’ table that smoothed Iran’s path to the Bomb.
She is also a typical leftie lover of the Palestinians and critical of Israel.
The woman makes me sick.
Re the polling, nobody should believe a poll that comes from the left, especially one that claims the two sides are about equal. According to my research Brexit is going to win in a landslide, getting between 80% and 90% of the vote.
Well, we live in hope.
I could not think of a more repulsive couple than Peter Kellner and Kathy Ashton . And yes, Ashton is one of these Leftie bitches who is secretly in love with Islamic terrorists and mass murderers. A disgusting and pointless creature.
All that and she has never held an elected position in her life. Instead she rose by being a Labour sycophant, moved from one position of parasitical luxury to the next. I can think of few more useless and unworthy people.
Please don’t be mean about Cathy Hashtag , she can’t help having a face like a bag of scanners .
Mike, draw your own line for averaging. It’s a bit like doing the chartist thing for share prices & investment decisions. Think on both the NCSR and BBC polls you can remove the Undecideds which also is interesting to view.
I have heard about the FT PoPs but haven’t seen it & do not know who is included. As to 100%, these polls are sometimes a bit wonky in the maths department. Think it was the FT one that was flagged up on the BBC w/s and the BBC Ed & journo hadn’t bothered to check the math, because the total worked out at 101%!
Cannot remember what the FT view on the Referendum is. If you are a regular reader, have they given any indication? Think Martin Wolf, one of their heavyweights, is for Remain. The newspapers have their own angles and, if I recall correctly, they commission their own polls from specific companies.
As to cheating, I don’t think the Polling Companies would do it. If caught out, it would destroy their business. Mere unreliability, like last year’s GE, hurts and tends to hit their profits.
Up2snuff, thanks for that, removing undecideds is an interesting idea – or allocating them 60/40 to remain as per Lord Ashcroft’s poll.
I am drawing my own lines, I just want to keep the FT honest… it’s not the polling companies I’m saying are cheating, but rather the FT who is cheating in what they are publishing as their “poll of polls” figure. (I think they favour Remain but am not sure.)
Totals of 99 or 101 pct can be due to rounding error, but 96?!? What happened to the other 4%?
Up2snuff. Interesting. Thanks for that. I know that recommends can be fiddled on these HYS articles on the referendum, but I doubt they have been since the number of comments favouring Brexit is also about ten to one, consistent with the recommends. And this is on the BBC’s own website, which one would expect to attract a large crew of lefty remainers to strenuously comment and recommend comments.
This, together with the stats I keep mentioning from Brexit the Movie and Pollstation, makes me conclude that the polls indicating a very close race between In and Out are inaccurate at best and deliberately fiddled at worst.
Roll on the 23rd!
BBC now stands for the Brussels Brainwashing Club,the trouble is so many idiots cant see it for what it is.
I can understand the bubbling, tearful, ovation the BBC is handing out to Sarah Wollanston. She flipped from being a passionate, campaigning Brexiteer to join the BBC’s Remain campaign on the basis that what she had been saying was untrue.
No doubt an Halaal fatted calf is being forcibly fed to her even as we speak.
However, search as I might, I cannot find any reference to John Nott leaving the Tory party because of what the Remainers are saying is untrue.
Perhaps they haven’t quite gotten round to it yet.
The brain-damaged lefties who work for the BBC have no concept of impartiality, balance and fair play in their ‘reporting.’ I find this odd, since I’ve always regarded Britons as devoted to these principles and keenly aware when they are not being upheld. “That’s just not cricket, old chap,” would surely still be uttered by the majority of Britons when confronted by BBC propaganda, provided of course that they could recognise it as propaganda.
Well, I guess most, if not all, of these BBC hacks don’t regard themselves as British.
Perhaps like Whippingbumdale Sarah Wallanston has a secret that the BBC are sitting on.
I suspect that she’s the first of many. Carefully planned and orchestrated before the campaign started to make it look as if the Outers campaign is falling apart and that they are really as dishonest as the Innards dishonestly claim they are. It will end up in the last week with a big name, possibly Boris Johnson, to go weak on Exit. I was not surprised that an unknown MP was doing this (and Sky claiming that she is a big name!!).
Upvote for “Innards”! LOL so hard I almost spat my lunch 🙂
Demon you could well be right – Though I still think Carswell is also quite likely. And Boris was flip flopping for weeks before he “came out” for Leave. Same “Old boys club” I am afraid. However I do think Gove and IDS are both pretty genuine and I would be gutted if they switched.
Quite frankly I think most members of Vote Leave are fairly suspect – I knew that Grass Roots would never have been allowed to get the official lead on the campaign as they would have been most likely to be successful. Couldnt have that could we!
It is interesting that opinion polls didnt start becoming closer until people started to realise the true realities of the incoming flood of migrants that could well change our society for ever. And despite this Vote Leave still pretend that they dont want to be seen as negative and still keep on trying to play the money game rather than focus on immigration. And until recently had pretty much succesfully sidelined Farrage. And stood idly by as all the lefty arseholes were having a field day screaming abuse at him.
Campaigning on the finance side of things is very risky. As we all know you can prove or disprove many things with numbers – it just depends on your viewpoint.
And yet—- and yet we have solid evidence of the blatant abuse of the immigration system. Solid evidence of how many of these “refugees” behave when they get here. Violent crime. sexual assaults. Solid evidence of an immigration system willfully run down. Solid evidence of a deliberate policy to open the floodgates to rub the rights nose in diversity -which also includes the rest of us. And reliable evidence of a huge projected population increase (with all its negative effects)
And yet Vote Leave still pretend that they find focusing on immigration distasteful.
Funny anyone might have thought they dont really want to leave!!!!!
Maybe they should rename themselves as Vote Leave but not Really!
And to cap it all we have a Prime Minister who now has pretty much admitted he only has an aspirational immigration target and who obviously has no idea how to achieve any real control.
He has also constantly rubbished our economy if we leave.
And in addition he has pretty encouraged other nations who have territorial disputes with us such as Spain and Argentina to rekindle their territorial claims (and suggesting and encouraging them to start pushing further if we leave the EU) In my book that is acting as a traitor.
Its a bit like someone in a divorce case if he doesnt get what he wants he demolishes his house so no-one can get it. Trouble is its our house too not just his – W####R!
Are we as a nation really that weak. Clearly Dave hopes we are ! I guess when your main motivation in life is preserving your personal fortune and privilege, patriotism does not really count for much.
Anyway it is obvious now that the dirty tricks and corruption department are working in full swing – so I predict a narrow win for Remain. With the aid of our faithfull and honest state broadcaster I am sure we will be given all the necessary FACTS to make an informed choice.
I am afraid the sheep will soon forget all about. Open a tinny and get back to the footy. After all that is what really matters.
Brilliant but depressing post. Sadly, I suspect you are right. The number of people putting personal gain above principle and patriotism has astounded me . Maybe it shouldn’t .
I don’t think Boris will switch before the referendum. His role will be to switch if the result in favour is close and he will emerge as a responsible future party leader and suggest we postpone Brexit as we are in a strong position to get a better deal than Cameron’s no deal.
You have to remember who John Nott worked for, the evil demoness herself so he’s haram and only mentioned in brief sentences.
Mrs Kitty,
And walked out on that pompous, puffed up, self-important twat Robin Day. That was a great moment and I saw it live. I think it is still on youtube.
Harold Wilson started the “Storming out of an interview” trend,
In Wilson’s case I wish he had never stormed in.
I totally agree with that Grant. Apart from his trashing our economy twice I also have a personal grudge against him. Mrs Demon and I used to often holiday on Scilly (beautiful) but the last time we went it was a bit damp. One day we went for a walk and it started to rain so we popped into the nearby churchyard where we knew the two-faced tw*t was buried. The rain eased so we found his grave but as we left the heavens opened and we got absolutely drenched. I’m sure the old criminal was laughing in his grave about that one. Grrrr.
Anybody see the Andrew Neil interview of the Chancellor last night? As always Andrew was not afraid to ask the difficult questions that haven’t been previously answered, as he does on the Daily Politics and Sunday Politics programmes. A good interview, slicing open the false claims of the Remain campaign and leaving George Osborne on the ropes.
Cut to the BBC Nine O’ Clock News and the debate was reviewed. Biased? In spades! Every hit on the Remain side and the PM was expunged and the limited coverage was entirely cobbled together from the few sections where Osborne stated the Remain’s ‘aims’.
This was chutzpah bias at its best. A story where the Remain claims were exposed as false and BBC News chose to produce a pro-Remain whitewash.
If you get the chance watch both again. Breathtaking!
I think after the Government fudges a Remain win Andrew Neil will be getting his cards….
Well said ! Yes there are many posts here about the interview.
Agree about the shipwreck interview. But note that Osborne made several uninterrupted speeches, even though they were shot down. Skillful editing of the interview, focusing on his speeches, might save him, especially as the BBC are willing to distort their own material for the cause.
I have just watched and I have to say wow! Osborne got a monumental kicking and he and Dave were shown to be grade A liars. AN does his home work and goes for the Achilles heal. So when the Outers face him they have better have a decent reply about how life will look post Brexit and which economists/businesses back Leave. Both can be answered without the need to resort to fantasy (as per IN), JCBs stance today for example.
You can bet your life if the Outers give a good account of themselves, it will be edited selectively.
So Sadiq Khan has gone back on his pledge to cap travel fares, pretty good going after only being in office for a Month.
Having trouble finding it on the bbc website though.
“Having trouble finding it on the bbc website though.”
Now there’s a surprise 🙄
Shelly, Mike,
Guido described it as Khan’s Clegg moment. There is a difference; Clegg lied to students, the Emir of London is allowed to lie to further the interests of Islam. It’s called Taqiya. And falsely promising infidels that he won’t raise fares as an election strategy is OK.
In the BBC’s eyes he has done nothing wrong.
post this link in your browser.
Ooo look. It’s BBC “EU Referendum Question Day”. A chance for them to answer questions “impartially” about the referendum, and the EU. Oh goody, I can’t wait. Perhaps they could answer why they are pro remain? And why they are qualified to answer any questions themselves – shouldn’t they be asking a panel of equally balanced numbers from each side?
Another dirty trick… what else have they got up their sleve? They must be desperate – all guns blazing at the moment.
British Brainwashing Corp at its Finest™
Mike ,
It will be the best comedy show on the BBC so far this year !
This little impartial Q&A ‘day’ not doing too well where there is actual unmoved interactivity, either.
Come again?
Blair choosing Northern Ireland to scaremonger about Brexit seems a bit self-defeating.
Eire liberating itself from the British Empire the greatest ecomonic and military power in the world at the time must have been the worst mistake made by any nation in history.
OMG… pull-the-woolaston is off the front page. Did she even make it to 12 noon? Now they have to be content with the (almost) wall-to-wall pro-Remain “BBC Question Day”.
BBC batting for Hillary. Where no woman has gone before.
Now turn to the facts.
First US Woman Presidential candidate was Victoria Woodhall in 1972
See the long list of women candidates.
Apologies, I should have said 1872 was the year the first woman stood for the US Presidency.
I knew there was something fishy about the BBCs repeated formulation, “Hilary Clinton is the first woman candidate “for a major party with a realistic chance of winning the presidency”.
Hilary herself has been posing beneath a banner proclaiming “HISTORY”.
Can the BBC clarify whether Hilarys “HISTORY” is the repeat as tragedy or as farce? cos it sure ain`t “unprecedented”….. now, is it?
Hillary is making history
I cannot understand the strong following she has. The woman is a habitual liar and a corrupt crook. Even more serious, she is a traitor to the US.
I guess her followers either don’t know about this or they know but don’t care.
The BBC don`t seem too happy that Bernie Sanders is still hanging around at Hillarys coronation like a fart in a spacesuit.
The Beeb are stuffed-they love the edgy pensioner vibe of a failed lefty sticking it to Wall St…but they want him to fall on his letter opener, so Hillary can bring in the feminazis of Womans Hour and the transgender portaloo community.
Hope Bernie hangs around long enough to see Hillary get an indictment.
….Bernie Sanders is still hanging around at Hillarys coronation like a fart in a spacesuit.
Now that’s not a nice thing to say about Bernie, chrisH!
But in a way it is appropriate. Bernie is grimly hanging in there to embarrass her as much as he possibly can, while hoping they shove her in jail and throw the key away.
Saw a post elsewhere and it made such glaring sense, that I make no apology in plagiarizing it here.
(Accepting and allowing for the short term upheaval leaving the EU would doubtless cause).
If we were not within the EU and the terms and conditions to join were the same ones that we are currently subject to, would you vote to join – or not to join.
If you would join – then vote Remain.
If you would not join, then vote Leave.
This is the question all punters should be asked if they deign to preach unto others. You know it makes sense.
Video proves pull-the-woolaston is lying. Asked point blank if she’d been planning to do this all along, she says “no, no, that’s clearly nonsense” – but she blinks each time she says “no”, and “clearly nonsense”. She is lying, pure and simple.
Then he asks her when she changed her mind exactly, and she waffles on into some dreary political speech. How about “9pm last night”? Lies, lies, and more lies.
Interesting that Neil calls it a “conspiracy theory” to try and disparage it. All it would have taken is a simple political conversation between eg her and Dodgy Dave, what’s so hard to imagine about that?
Watch: U-turn MP asked about EU change of mind
Sarah Wollaston with Andrew Neil on the Daily Politics
Posted at 12:27
“You weren’t planning to do this all along?” @afneil asks @sarahwollaston
Adding: “When did you make your mind up?”
12:20 PM – 9 Jun 2016
On Daily Politics today, Sarah Wollaston looked sheepish. Her performance was one of undisguised embarrassment. Well at least she did what her Daddy asked her to do, that is to vote Remain. ‘My Dad is in hospital and not very well’ she plaintively stated, searching for sympathy. ‘He pleaded with me to vote Remain’. Is he having brain surgery? This isn’t about your Daddy Sarah. It’s about your reasons for changing your mind and you did not provide one.
Therefore one can only assume as I stated in an earlier post this morning, that Sarah Wollaston is our next Health Minister..
If so Sarah, I hope you have that in writing because I wouldn’t trust a word Dodgy Dave says.
Body language is 80% of communication, or something like that? It was interesting to watch her performance on the Daily Politics. And of course in life, timing is everything. Project Fear was Phase 1 of the strategy, I think we are now into Phase 2 which comprises the defections as Leave MP’s are either offered cabinet posts in any re-shuffle after the Referendum or are put under so much pressure by the Whips that they cave in.
Re: Video proves pull-the-woolaston is lying.
Sheepish… embarassed… (thanks wronged), and spot on Fred, 80% it is.
So… what do people say: blinking when saying no = obvious giveaway, or not? (eg “Look me in the eye when you say that”)
Asked point blank if she’d been planning to do this all along, she says “no, no, that’s clearly nonsense” – but she blinks each time she says “no”, and “clearly nonsense”. She is lying, pure and simple.
Then he asks her when she changed her mind exactly, and she waffles on into some dreary political speech. How about “9pm last night”? Lies, lies, and more lies.
Interesting that Neil calls it a “conspiracy theory” to try and disparage it. All it would have taken is a simple political conversation between eg her and Dodgy Dave, what’s so hard to imagine about that?
Watch: U-turn MP asked about EU change of mind
Sarah Wollaston with Andrew Neil on the Daily Politics
Posted at 12:27
“You weren’t planning to do this all along?” @afneil asks @sarahwollaston
Adding: “When did you make your mind up?”
12:20 PM – 9 Jun 2016
Of course they will be offering the same cabinet post to more than one MP. Buffoons !
Mike Hunt
The standard of our MPs across the political spectrum is abysmal to say the least .
In fact its embarrassing that the rest of the world looks on and sees it .
Time for a change
Step 1 Get out of the EU.
Step 2 Abolish the ‘Telly Poll Tax’
Step 3 Etc etc etc ……..
I REALLY hope that the BBC has not sent out Rita Chakrabatti to South Africa just to ask that knighthood chasing David Beckham a couple of questions !! Giving her the benefit of doubt, perhaps she’s on holiday and got the call to do the gig, but if not, then its bloody disgraceful to fly someone out there for less than 2 minutes air time. If Beckham wants to ‘do good’ (at the behest of his agent Simon Fuller) and raise money and awareness for Aids inflicted children, then put your hand in your pocket Dave and ditch the cameras !!!!! Call my cynical but there was a vacancy when Princess Diana died, so step up to the plate Posh Spice, and to our cost it worked.
Appears to be a clamp down so far today on the BBC web-site on HYSs with the exception of Sport and Technology a.k.a. Apple at the BBC. I wonder if they are going to restrict free speech via the BBC web-site for the last two weeks of the campaign?
“They don’t like it up em !” *
* Jones, Cpl (LDV) 1942
taffman, I did wonder something along those lines. :-p
BTW, did you hear the son of a miner (from Durham?) and a life-long Labour voter having a go at Alan Johnson on WatO, BBC R4 1-1.45pm today. Deserves a medal! No, not Johnson. The son of the miner!
Johnson was all vapid waffle. He could not answer a straight question.
There can’t be many politicians that have had the free ride that Alan Johnson has received, especially by the BBC.
He is, what was formerly referred to, as thick.
I have long felt the bar for that was set by one John Prescott, but wherever he is propped up against it, it has yet to be located, even with the best efforts in combination of James Cameron and Harry Stamper.
The other day I tried out one of my arguments for Leave on a pro-remain, leftist acquaintance who thinks the EU will safeguard ‘workers’ rights’ etc. I said that was all very well for now, but that it was quite possible the EU could be taken over by extremist national governments who would impose ‘far right’ (the horror!) rules on Britain, and we would have no way of getting out of them. I expected to be laughed at but he said it was an interesting argument – I don’t expect to ‘convert’ anyone but it’s a way of getting across the concept of national sovereignty to those who would otherwise baulk at the idea.
I think I got Manon yesterday similarly.
Prattling on about neo-liberal economics. So by voting Leave there was a chance of him getting that arch righter of right wing wrongs St Jezza into power in the U.K. and at least sorting out global capitalism in the U.K., because as sure as eggs are eggs it will never come from the EU.
Unfortunately I expect we would end up like Venezuala though.
You can do a course i Neoliberalism and its impact on the media at the LSE.
Manon probably read the prospectus.
Headline here in Scotland ( can’t remember which newspaper ) ” Osborne says Brexit will cost 43000 Scottish jobs “. The Remainers have become a parody of themselves. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t about such a serious matter.
There were 4 people in the newsagent, 2 of whom I know ( I am in Perthshire, SNP land ) and I read out the headline. Everyone smiled and one chap said ” They really think we are stupid don’t they ? “.
Meanwhile, John Major & Tony Blair have, according to the BBC, “suggested a Leave vote may re-open Scotland’s independence issue”.
To paraphrase Monty Python – what a pair of silly bunts. They’ve just given the go ahead to Nicola Sturgeon to agitate for another referendum if the vote is Brexit.
Although I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. There will be no second Scottish referendum unless and until the SNP are confident of winning it. At which point they will seize on any excuse, whether there’s a Brexit or not.
And as if whether Scotland becomes independent or not is anything either than trivial in the context of the EU vote !
And with Brent Crude still under $50 a barrel, no time soon.
Guido suggests the next one will be Grant Shapps.
Guido also gives a list of MPs who “have not declared”. Unbelievable !
“Refugee camp in Dusseldorf is burned down by migrants who were furious they had not received a wake-up for Ramadan breakfast”
Thank goodness all these people they want to let in are so reasonable.
And Remainers want to stay in the EU ? Crazy !
Hasn’t anyone told them that fires of this magnitude contribute to global warming?
OT, but just opened an email from yesterday sent by 38 degrees, who appear to think people on their list count as supporters:
UPDATE: In the space of a few hours, 38 Degrees members have had a huge impact on democracy. Together, we created a wave of pressure to force the government to extend the deadline to register to vote – after their website crashed last night
Pretty sure ‘the government’ needed no nudging at all, despite the members of 38 degrees.
I also have irritating rubbish sent to me by the revolutionary children of 38 Degrees.
Oddly, I thought it was a panicking government that extended the deadline for voting in order to squeeze every last remain vote out of the system, but there again the children of 38 degrees do make a lot of noise.
What next? Extending the referendum vote at the last minute to 14 and 15 year olds, to provide the Remain campaign’s equivalent of the Hitler Youth defending Berlin in April 1945?
there have been many times in elections when too many people have turned up at the last moment and been left unable to vote. That is a concern but democracy is not so elastic that it can be stretched for every occurrence of people not being able to vote.
is there truly anyone in the country who didn’t know there was a vote for Brexit taking place? So why hadn’t they sorted themselves out sooner?
And bear in mind, this is the generation that is physically welded to its mobile phones so didn’t even need to leave the couch to register.
Somehow this flood of wanabe democrats decided to rush to the barricades in the final moments. Frankly, if they had to wait until some babbling ape of a BBC DJ told them to register, then I cant say I value their opinions based, as they will be, on myths about such vital issues as cheap holidays and roaming charges.
I have had a growing suspicion that this referendum would be fixed and that suspicion is now turning into a conviction. Pitchforks and piano wire might well be needed.
Brexit could mean benefit cuts for poor families, say economists
but then again they also say
The NIESR study suggested that net migration from the EU into the UK would fall by two-thirds in the event of a UK exit.
But you have to get to the penultimate paragraph of the BBC report before that “fact” emerges
Looks like some Labour Voters want to Leave ?………………………..
“The EU is not good for working people”
Notice how the BBC do not report splits in the Labour party and supporters .
Is it just a coincidence that you can’t buy piano wire in the shops and that lamp posts no longer have crossbars?
Surely our quislings haven’t thought that far ahead?
Well, there are plenty of sturdy horizontal tree branches around and rope from the hardware shops.
I too was spitting feathers at the Remains desperate efforts to get more postal votes in by putting back the so-called “deadline for registering voters” for the referendum.
Biased lying flexible fakes who`ll do anything to extend the vote to more welfare junkies, more dopeheads and more migrants.
No doubt Harriet Harmans bus will be brought into play to take the poor lambs to the polling booths, and there`ll be no count until they`ve all been taken to vote.
But then I thought.
|In my lifetime, I`ve never seen a Government fiddle its voting methods, put in “emergency legislation” to cover its incompetence and show how desperate the Remainiacs are-and roll this all in against all opposition and common sense.
So this tells me that they are absolutely DESPERATE-and they`ll cheat fiddle and do whatever it takes to bend us to their will.
`Fraid not…this climbdown and double dealing only shows how bankrupt and threadbare the whole political elite are turning out to be before our very eyes.
And no amount of grubbing for votes, fiddled figures and blustering bats up the nightie will change our minds. We`re voting out-and the more the Beeb big up the “conversion” of a lady GP Tory in Totnes, the clearer and more desperate the whole EU racket is.
Yes, I take it as a good sign that every day they get more desperate. It is wonderful to watch the panic. But, “blustering bats up the nightie ” may be going a bit far, if I knew what it meant. Please elucidate .
Sorry grant.
The phrase is from Fawlty Towers-where Basil threatens to come back up to Mrs Richards room to put a bat up her nightie…and frighten her unduly, given the grief she`s put him through.
The Remain camp try to do this to us-but it`s an empty blustering threat…mere Haka.
Meanwhile they themselves don`t like it up `em…and feel we`ll shaft them good in two weeks time.
To my eternal shame I have the complete set of the DVDs and had forgotten that one ! Yes, the threats are really bullying, the refuge of the coward.
We have another two weeks of it!
If the BBC’s Radio 4 report on the 6pm News of Major and Blair and what they said in Northern Ireland today was accurate, then I agree with the First Minister there. It was shameful. Pure thuggish bullying and an invitation and encouragement to terrorism almost certainly. Is that not illegal under current legislation?
We are up against a massive threat. I hope the good people of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales really sense that and come to the rescue as they have done in the past and clearly vote Leave.
For Major and Blair to speak like that shows a total ignorance of and contempt for the good NI people. After what these people have suffered, these two muppets think that they will be bullied by two failed cowardly former PMs ? But good news , they have just gained more votes for Leave. Idiots !
And, while I am at it, if you come to Scotland and behave like that ,we shall send you home to think again. We can make our own minds up. And I am not SNP !
Looking on the bright side, only a Remaniac could possibly believe that the endorsement of Blair and Major would provoke anything other than utter contempt in all but the clinically insane.
Comedy gold standard now as then.
Really a pain when your comedy heroes like Coogan , Ianucchi, Morris and Cleese turn out to be SDP millionaires who turn out to be mere comedy actors as opposed to people who are patriotic with a mind of their own.
But the art stands…funnily enough I see the vote on June 23rd to be the chance to “kick Bishop Brennan up the arse”…from the peerless Father Ted.Not really sure whether Blair and Major are
a) Lennie and Gerry
b) Hope and Keen
c) Steve Logan and Mick Mc Manus
d) The Krankies.
Not sure whether (a) or (b) were the worst comedy double act of all time-and I grew up near Little and Large!
The worst double act I remember was Cannon and Ball, that would certainly fit Blair and Major. Whereas the Krankies are clearly Sturgeon and Salmond. Speaking of Little Jimmy Sturgeon, has anyone noticed that whenever she starts to answer a question her head starts to wobble uncontrollably? I kept hoping it would finally fall off completely.
It’s the instinct to head butt someone when she is spouting her filth………..clearly trained to restrain her animal instinct.
The ……. Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens. A Pointless question today that could not be answered by a Yuni student studying English Literature. Even Richard Osman asked if she should have a guess, and she said ‘no’. Makes you proud to be British, and what a wonderful thing our education system is ! (so what EXACTLY in the way of literature are these kids being taught, if not at Yuni then at least at secondary school ?)
I was listening to a fascinating (obligatory adjective) documentary on 5 Live last night called ‘France: Fear, Faith and Football’ about the supposed multicultural utopia created by France winning the 1998 World Cup and how the dream had died since then. Interestingly enough, they had an interview with Lillian Thuram (the great right-back from the ’98 team) and he described the team as “multi-coloured” rather than “multicultural” (a difference that was noted by the presenter). One of the other contributors (an academic, I think) said that the French conception of multiculturalism was very different to the English/British one. The jist was that the French were suspicious of our version of multiculturalism. Thuram explained that anyone could be French (the ’98 team was full of players with different ethnic backgrounds) but that person had to start by subscribing to traditional French values of liberty, freedom, democracy etc. This was very different from our “free for all” which demands no subscription to British values (whatever they are these days). It was a very interesting point.
The turnout in the Scottish referendum was 84.6%.
Does anyone think it will be higher in the EU referendum?
Currently the poll of polls says around 10% “don’t know”.
But to expect 90% to vote seems awfully high.
I wonder what % of “don’t knows” will actually vote?
And how many (and from which sides) who previously said they were certain or highly likely to vote, will end up not actually voting?
Mike, I think a good turnout for the referendum will be around 65%. I hope it is at least that. More than 70% would be good. Much more than 80% might be a tad worrying. I hope it is a clear result preferably for Leave. If the other side win, so be it. A good turnout and a definite result: that’s democracy.
As to fixes, what can we do about it? If we have evidence, then pass it to the police and both campaigns and local MPs. But supposition alone will not do. Can Referendum counts be witnessed by the public?
If the turnout is around 65% then that for me is a win for leave, or at least it should be barring fraud. The passion is with an out vote and I do not think the remainers have this, so if it happens to be a wet day or it clashes with Glastonbury, or if the polls the day before say a remain win, then the remainers will think that they have it in the bag and will not need to trouble themselves unduly. Personally I would crawl to the voting station with broken legs to vote out if need be (hopefully it doesn’t actually come to this but you know what I mean!)
That’s why I’d like a good turnout, Fred. The higher the turnout, up to, say the low/mid-80%s, I think gives the best opportunity for Undecideds to vote Leave especially after two failed PMs have tried to bully the Northern Irish (and the rest of us) into voting Remain.
Once it goes higher than that, I think suspicions will start to emerge (without evidence) that it was a fix if the Remain campaign win. And the Remain camp have been the nastier mob, in my estimation, so if there is a Leave vote with an overly high turnout, I can imagine all sorts of subtle measures to create some pain for a country determined to be free.
Watch the oil price and tax on diesel road fuels.
Post referendum I’ll be interested to see the analysis of the postal votes. In theory they shouldn’t be very different from the personal votes, but we saw something very different in Austria. I wonder how many constituencies will have a turnout of over 100%? I think the highest turnout in Austria was 140%.
And yet the Austrians haven’t yet risen up against the ‘elite’.
Will we when they do it to us?
Major and Blair?
This is a nightmare, blood on the hands and a crashed ERM debacle on the other-from 1990 to 2017…seventeen years of utter slurry…wars under false pretexts, capitulation to the IRA, Maastrict and trying to massage us into the Euro-unfettered immigration.
Blair can`t even walk the streets of thic country nowadays, but is able to prance gaily over the River Kwai in Londonderry like Melvyn Hayes stunt double.
And the “Reamin knobjox ” like these two nadirs of British political life DARE to pontificate on how we need to vote on June 23rd.
Will have a picture of these two shits over my calendar as I vote as many times as I can to get TFO of the EU.
Yes, chris, two PMs who have brought the UK to ruin during their times in office. If Major cares so much, why did he not settle things when he had the power to do so over Maastricht? He could have let us have our say then. And if Blair cares so much, why did he not – as First Lord of The Treasury – overrule his Chancellor and the Civil Servants who advised against joining the Euro? That would have allowed the public to decide more recently and all this now would have been unnecessary.
Thuggish bullying aside, there is a whiff of several nasty things surrounding the pronouncements of those two today.
I nearly posted in reply to one of your recent posts that I have a suspicion some sort of spiritual struggle is going on. Today pretty much confirms that for me.
chrisH – I have always loved this quote about the grey man.
“John Major is what he is: a man from nowhere, going nowhere, heading for a well-merited obscurity as fast as his mediocre talents can carry him.” Paul Johnson.